guillemets-conoide · 2 years
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三度目の「猿山修工作展」を開催しています。我々は伺えず残念ですが、展示風景の写真を送って頂いたのでこちらに公開致します。最新作を含む、多くの猿山デザインをご覧頂けますので、台湾にお住いの方は是非お出掛けください。 9月24日起,小器藝廊將呈現跨領域設計師猿山修企劃展。 以平面設計為原點,產品設計為核心,距離2019年來台展出, 身兼多重創作者身份的猿山修持續地與各界品牌及職人合作, 更多面向地嘗試如皮革、布品等媒材,以猿山修的設計思考呈現素材及機能之美。 這次在小器藝廊展出的作品,除了小器觀眾熟悉的器皿外、餐具以外, 還包括傢俱、包包、文具、飾品,甚至吊飾,當然更少不了設計靈感來源的古董選品。 歡迎大家到場欣賞猿山修與各界作家、品牌、職人等專業技術所共同創作。 - 參展合作作家及品牌: Guillemets Layout Studio(磁器、金工、玻璃、布織品、古董選品) 東屋(陶磁器、木工、金工、玻璃) TIME & STYLE(磁器、玻璃) 竹俣勇壱、田三金属(金工) 濱中史朗(陶磁器) 辻野剛 fresco(玻璃) 杉工場 (木工) 服部植物研究所(卡片) CLASKA (磁器) 首度展出: 猿竹工芸商會(陶磁器、玻璃、皮革布、紙品、木工) MABOROSHI(陶磁器) unefig.(銀飾) - 猿山修 Osamu Saruyama 1966 出生於埼玉縣 1991 開始營運設計工作室 Guillemets Layout Studio 1994 參與多部戲劇、電影及展覽作曲創作、演奏活動 1996 開設古董生活用品店「saruyama」 2001 於劇團「ARICA」擔任作曲及演奏 2018 於小器藝廊首度舉行「猿山修工作展」 2019 位於麻布十番的「saruyama」閉店。設計事務所機能移轉至台東區。 2019 於小器藝廊二度舉辦「猿山修工作展 II」 2022 於GALLERY CLASKA舉辦企画展「猿山修 / Guillemets Layout Studio 工作展」 - 【2022 猿山修工作展 III】 日期:2022.09.24(六)~10.09(日) 時間:12:00~20:00 地點:小器藝廊 xiaoqi+g 地址:台北市赤峰街17巷4號 FB : xiaoqiplusg @xiaoqiplusg #小器藝廊 #xiaoqi+g #MABOROSHI #猿竹工芸商會 #unefig. #東屋 #TIME&STYLE #竹俣勇壱 #田三金属 #濱中史朗 #fresco #杉工場 #服部植物研究所 #CLASKA #ギュメレイアウトスタジオ #猿山修 (小器藝廊 xiaoqi +g) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjHwPMqvOYF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lunar-bunn · 2 years
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I really love how tongue and cheek My Girlfriend is an Alien 2 is while also committing to being 100% horny on main (as much as censors allow anyway)
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lvcdrms · 9 months
"we'll live. we'll live, both of us will, please believe me!" - xiaoqi & yuemi
when it gets hard with @spaceny
yuemi exalou uma risada em meio à respiração entrecortada, mas o som escapou-lhe como um chiado. ela meneou a cabeça. como podia acreditar naquilo? yuemi havia treinado por boa parte da sua vida para se tornar tão forte, tão resistente, quanto podia. era difícil de levá-la ao limite.
mas aquilo não a tornava invencível.
quando sentira o veneno infiltrar-se em seu organismo e danificar seu núcleo dourado, yuemi soube que estava enganada o tempo todo. xiaoqi não era o alvo daquele ataque, mas a isca. e ela havia a mordido direitinho. e enquanto sentia o sangue empapar a túnica branca, desprovida do controle sobre seu qi, yuemi também sabia que não duraria muito com vida.
como podia aceitar as palavras de xiaoqi? por mais que quisesse.
em meio ao sorriso que se atenuava, sentiu os olhos se encherem de lágrimas. a pontada em seu peito definitivamente não era apenas um eco da lâmina que a perfurara. por tanto não entendera qual era o sentido de buscar pela imortalidade... para que sobreviver ao crepúsculo do mundo de novo e de novo, permanecer como uma árvore perene, fadada a amar e perder, amar e perder. até conhecer xiaoqi. agora, enfim entendia por que valeria viver tanto tempo, por que alguém faria valer cada shi a mais ao lado daquela pessoa.
e agora... não poderia ter nada daquilo.
mas tudo ainda valia a pena se significava que xiaoqi estava bem, em segurança. sem ferimentos. que ela viveria. ou qual era o ponto?
"xiao huli...," yuemi começou enquanto tentava encontrar ar, a voz falha. mais lágrimas inundaram seus olhos. "está tudo bem... eu. eu não vou viver," um soluço. meneou a cabeça. não podia fechar os olhos... não ainda. forçou-se a encarar a raposa. "você vai continuar sem mim, sim? me prometa...," levou uma mão trêmula a seu rosto, acariciando-lhe a bochecha. uma parte sua se arrependia de sujar a face alva da outra com seu próprio sangue, mas... se aquela fosse a última oportunidade que tivesse de fazê-lo... "me prometa que vai viver bem. e em segurança. você tem que viver... tem que viver por nós. a'qi.." o som se esvaía mais a cada palavra. o rosto alheio se tornava cada vez mais turvo. "cuide de você por mim... não se culpe por isso, ah?" escorreu um dedo por um fio de cabelo dela. "a'qi... eu amo você. você fez minha vida mais feliz enquanto pude te conhecer."
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arc-angel-o · 2 years
When the alien = autistic metaphor is done on purpose (which i don't think is the case here, but i could be wrong), usually it relies on the alien not understanding the human characters. And while My Girlfriend Is An Alien does employ jokes about alien vs human cultures, especially in the earlier episodes, Xiaoqi's whole thing is that she actually relates to humans more than aliens.
Think of one of my favorite scenes, the stargazing scene. She's with Fang Leng, sitting by the pool and they're looking at the stars together. She's talking about how at home she had no status or money or family. But on this new planet, she likes her job, she has friends, and a new mother figure. And since Fang Leng doesn't know she's alien, he thinks she's talking in hypothetical, like she's wishing she had those things, but she already did change planets and find these things.
I think this storyline is more comforting. The series ends with Xiaoqi staying on Earth and becoming a diplomat for her home planet, and she marries someone who understands her unlike those on her home planet, who has faced similar alienation (his amnesia being exposed and him risking his job by admitting he has it).
I haven't been thinking about this for long, only a few minutes, so i may flesh this out later, but it's late as i write this and i just wanted to get the idea out there. Feel free to add on.
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spaceny · 8 months
rainy's chars tag dump !
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unyversc · 9 months
𓂅⭒ ♡ hai xiaoqi 𓏲 ִֶָ
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idade: cento e oitenta e seis (fisicamente: vinte e três). raça: huli jing. sexualidade: homossexual. FC: sun zhenni | F/F
about ✩ character tag ✩ couple tag .
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me for once actually shipping the het couple and the show going on and on like this
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
Any plans or spoilers on how Reborn!SWK meets his LEM?
Can Qi Energy be involved somehow? Like they were reborn as a Shadow spirit LEM met in the Shadow realm and just drag him to meet them or something? Sorry QE was my favorite in the movie, still sad what happened to them. 😅😅🥲
Hehehehe, I drafted this out immediately after watching the film :3
Reborn!SWK is a menace to society/his sworn pilgrims and I love him.
Reborn!Xuanzang/Tripitaka trying so hard to be the cool one. In hindsight he had no idea wtf the manfruit was, and he didn't even get a moment to be like; "Oh sweet Buddha this is a Texas Chainsaw Massacre-temple. Imma faint." so he could reject it. Man gets the "captured princess" treatment for the film.
Ao Lie/Bai Longma absolutely stealing the role as the most beautiful horse.
I adore Reborn!Sha Wujing in all his nerdy Abe Sapien-esque glory.
Reborn!Pigsy to Xuanzang; "No matter what your tear is for, I will wipe it." sounding a bit fruiter than expected with knowledge of lmk freenoodles :👀:
I've only had Qi Energy/"Fruitie" and hour and a half and something happened to him :(
Pure Wind and Bright Moon are the meanest femboys I've encountered thus far in my Journey to the West media tour. I will summon my Reborn!LEM for express purposes of karma.
If Yuandi had ID'd Xuanzang as not remembering his past as GC, then it could have been a hilarious moment of Yunadi not understanding why Xuanzang sees good in him.
How this SWK meets his LEM is very much tied to the rift caused by Yuandi and Qi Energy/Fruitie I did say that Reborn!SWK's *MK* had "already lived it's first life".
Spoilers under Read More
QE/"Fruitie"' = Reborn!MK/Qi Xiaotian >:3
He takes on a new form after his and Yuandi's deaths in the film. After all Energy cannout be destroyed, only transferred. A form resembling the species of creature he most adored in his short life; a monkey demon. However, the effort expended by sealing/merging with Yuandi leaves the newly formed soul neither living nor dead. A little shadowy shade in the shape of an infant.
Luckily as the newly formed creature cries out for a parent that it's never had; a kind figure guiding lost souls with their lantern hears them.
Reborn!Six Earred Macaque: "Oh dear... what horrible being would abandon such a defenseless creature?" Reincarnated QE: *delighted baby monkey chirping!* Reborn!LEM: *picks up QE and holds them tight* "Don't worry little one. I'll take care of you." Reincarnated QE: *tries nomming on LEM's glowing ears*
The shadow wielder dubs the baby; "Xiaoqi/Xiao Qi/效气" for their boundless energy even as a hungry newborn. And so Reborn!LEM continues on their own journey with a little stowaway in tow.
Both the pilgrims and the shadow wielder cross paths in the Slow-Cart Kingdom. Where a monk is captured, a pair of monkeys bond over unwanted suitors and an unexpected addition to their party, and a primordial energy spirit tries their best to tell the pilgrims that they're all better now!
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theparrotkids · 1 year
Two baby Caiques meeting for the first time. Gizmo (less black on the head) is our new little man and the other one, Xiaoqi is only staying with us for a couple months. This is the first time they were out together. They are now best friends lol
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accio-victuuri · 8 months
xiao zhan - iqiyi weibo update
It’s lunch time! What are you having for lunch today? Xiaoqi provides you with a few reference options.
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guillemets-conoide · 2 years
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三度目の「猿山修工作展」を開催しています。我々は伺えず残念ですが、展示風景の写真を送って頂いたのでこちらに公開致します。最新作を含む、多くの猿山デザインをご覧頂けますので、台湾にお住いの方は是非お出掛けください。 9月24日起,小器藝廊將呈現跨領域設計師猿山修企劃展。 以平面設計為原點,產品設計為核心,距離2019年來台展出, 身兼多重創作者身份的猿山修持續地與各界品牌及職人合作, 更多面向地嘗試如皮革、布品等媒材,以猿山修的設計思考呈現素材及機能之美。 這次在小器藝廊展出的作品,除了小器觀眾熟悉的器皿外、餐具以外, 還包括傢俱、包包、文具、飾品,甚至吊飾,當然更少不了設計靈感來源的古董選品。 歡迎大家到場欣賞猿山修與各界作家、品牌、職人等專業技術所共同創作。 - 參展合作作家及品牌: Guillemets Layout Studio(磁器、金工、玻璃、布織品、古董選品) 東屋(陶磁器、木工、金工、玻璃) TIME & STYLE(磁器、玻璃) 竹俣勇壱、田三金属(金工) 濱中史朗(陶磁器) 辻野剛 fresco(玻璃) 杉工場 (木工) 服部植物研究所(卡片) CLASKA (磁器) 首度展出: 猿竹工芸商會(陶磁器、玻璃、皮革布、紙品、木工) MABOROSHI(陶磁器) unefig.(銀飾) - 猿山修 Osamu Saruyama 1966 出生於埼玉縣 1991 開始營運設計工作室 Guillemets Layout Studio 1994 參與多部戲劇、電影及展覽作曲創作、演奏活動 1996 開設古董生活用品店「saruyama」 2001 於劇團「ARICA」擔任作曲及演奏 2018 於小器藝廊首度舉行「猿山修工作展」 2019 位於麻布十番的「saruyama」閉店。設計事務所機能移轉至台東區。 2019 於小器藝廊二度舉辦「猿山修工作展 II」 2022 於GALLERY CLASKA舉辦企画展「猿山修 / Guillemets Layout Studio 工作展」 - 【2022 猿山修工作展 III】 日期:2022.09.24(六)~10.09(日) 時間:12:00~20:00 地點:小器藝廊 xiaoqi+g 地址:台北市赤峰街17巷4號 FB : xiaoqiplusg @xiaoqiplusg #小器藝廊 #xiaoqi+g #MABOROSHI #猿竹工芸商會 #unefig. #東屋 #TIME&STYLE #竹俣勇壱 #田三金属 #濱中史朗 #fresco #杉工場 #服部植物研究所 #CLASKA #ギュメレイアウトスタジオ #猿山修 (小器藝廊 xiaoqi +g) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjHvIlUPOVv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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silviakundera · 3 months
Ok I'm trying Legend of Fuyao again. This time perhaps I will triumph! I left off like 2 years ago on ep 26 or so.
Refreshing my memory by skating thru ep 16
oh look, it's sidekick bro I never cared about. Pretty sure his role in the narrative is to be a drag on FL. And fighter guy! He's much more useful.
This period is where I previously began losing my patience with the show. A lot of story time and 16 episodes had passed and I wanted to see FL taking center stage, being a powerful threat. I wanted her to be saving her love interest approx as much as he was saving her. The opening in ep 16 is right back to a situation where I want to see FL beating ass and not Wuji to show up to save the day. Scram, future boyfriend! Ladies are FIGHTING. 🙅
(past me may not have known exactly what I wanted but the answer was A Journey to Love)
It was the whiplash - Oh cool, she's fighting alongside him! ...and then he's knocking her out to be his pawn again :/
But rewatching now, I think I was in the wrong mood. I am older & wiser! I can be patient. I have been promised a battle couple and Fuyao being awesome. I can wait. 😇
Watching the prime minister character be manipulated is entertaining. Fuyao is handling situation pretty well, actually. "The Earth Abdorbing Bell is back to its rightful owner. I've also found Xiaoqi. Why do I need to stay here?" THANK YOU for asking this very pertinent question, protagonist! Her rationale to stay.... doesn't make much sense, unfortunately. Because the narrative (er, the servants) requires it!
"Rest assured? I have been in this office for thirty seven years and I've never had a restful day." idk Mr Prime Minister, maybe u need a new job.
Ok, sneak out and leaving a fake corpse. Not a terrible plan. I especially like the part where u set the mansion on fire.
Prime Minister's foster son is so good looking he's making everyone else in this drama look bad. I like his sullen murder son vibes. Very Hao Du of Long Ballad. MDL says he's basically done nothing since. He was the ML in a 2020 drama that never aired. 💀
I really don't get Wuji. Why is he even involving Fuyao in things. I don't believe he has any romantic feelings at this point. If u can control this nation but can't control her, then... why? I suppose we have to go with ✨fate✨.
Dragon scale armor! Makes me think of the dark tale behind such garb in c-novel Heart Protection.
Why was the doctor randomly lurking around the PM mansion in this dark with a face mask? eh, a man's gotta have hobbies.
Ep 17
So Doctor had a secret mission, ran into Fuyao burning shit down out of happenstance. and now he's dragging her along. I vaguely recall this.
So. Many. Robes. Curtains. Twirling. the twirling I caaaaaaaan't AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Hope I wasn't expected to find any of that sexy. It was extra and hilarious as hell, though. I 100% understand why FL is so done with this dude and ready to go home.
Actually, one moment had real dramatic tension and sexual tension for me. The scene where the prime minister shows up with his soliders and ML is sitting on the bed, acting unbothered, and she's hiding under the blanket. Then slides her hand out and sighs to complete the act. 👌 👌
Then things get INTERESTING as they embark on misc mission things in secret tunnels.
She's like holy shit exploitative royals are trash.
And he's all.... well if I'm Like That would you still be hanging here with me. She sidesteps the question (as she should, since he has all the power). But then, could YOU give me what I want? And he seems intrigued, I presume because then he has something over her.. It feels like a TEMPTATION MOMENT.
Fuyao: nah j/k I'll get whatever I need myself
@dangermousie mentioned to me that Fuyao is very complete in herself. That's really intriguing to me, considering how so many of the characters seem tormented & controlled/restrained by a need to live up to a legacy or another person's expectations.
that CGI magic hamster tho
Totally forgot the reveal of them being ~fated enemies is this early. So she is supposed to break the seals and go to five kingdoms to do it. But he has a mission to STOP the girl w the 5 colored stone. Now he has a character & plot reason to keep tabs on her! ✔ (actually he has those reasons to simply KILL her lmao but protagonist halo, sorry my friend)
Love that she's not a sucker and won't agree to a bet where she has to be an obedient servant if she loses. Just take reasonable requests. But I wish she didn't just take him at his word that he's the one who can help her break her seal. He's a lying liar who lies!
I like that he's a bit uncertain/dubious about the legend that this girl will Bring About The End. Because that certainly sounds wild. Especially since he met her and she seems pretty normal.
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padmawrites · 2 months
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You are my annunciator in this world. When I lost everything, you opened the way to my happiness.
Wherever you stay is my home. 
But you stay in my heart. 
Etched so strongly, which I dare not forget in this lifetime. 
I will be your xiaoqi, protecting you from all evil and negativity.
Will you be my fangleng?
Who only knows to love her, care for her, and think about her all the time? And will you love me even if I'm an alien? 
I have so many memories of us, and I have shared every moment with you. We have cried together, laughed together, and shared all the lovely moments together. Can we spend a lifetime together? 
I promise you a life with smiles, happiness, and lots of memories.
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the-monkey-ruler · 6 months
11 Degrees of Youth - Journey East and West 11 (2010) 度青春之《东奔西游》
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Director: Li Feng Screenwriter: Li Feng Starring: Xu Haipeng / Zhou Yuming / Ge Chang / Wu Peng / Chang He / Li Yunpeng Genre: Short film Official website: http://event.youku.com/eleven/work/works.php#bodyContent Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2010-09-09 Duration: 8 minutes Also known as: Running and Escaping / The bright eleven - Running and Escaping / 东奔西游 Type: Crossover
Two years ago, a young unsuccessful cartoonist fell in love with the beautiful girl Huang Xiaoqi (played by Xu Haipeng) who suffers repeated setbacks in the company. When Xiao Qi was frustrated in life, he created a comic "Journey to the West" and sent it to the girl's mailbox every day to encourage her. However, a car accident caused the cartoonist to fall into a coma, and the comic works were interrupted. The four monks and apprentices created by him unexpectedly came to the real world, where Tang Seng (played by Ge Chang), Sun Wukong (played by Zhou Yuming), Zhu Bajie (played by Wu Peng) and Sha Seng (played by Chang He) all lost their magic and became the most ordinary people. The four master and disciples of Tang Seng came to the company of the girl to work there. Starting from the application process, the female boss in the company had a soft spot for Tang Seng, but Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujingwere suspected of having character and intelligence problems. After several efforts, all four of them entered the company, facing the complex environment, the four master and apprentices worked hard to adapt to modern society and began to achieve results. However, they were alienated in a society full of temptations: Tang Seng became obsessed with famous brands; Sun Wukong was unable to release stress and had a bad temper; Zhu Bajie was unwilling to succumb to his master and wanted to move out and rent a house to live by himself; Monk Sha secretly saved his private money. They work at the lowest level and are beaten by their enemies from time to time. They don’t know when they will be able to return to their own world...
Huang Xiaoqi encountered a crisis as a part-time photographer in the company who was ordered by his female boss to be a paparazzi and accidentally photographed a celebrity's child, who had autism. Huang Xiaoqi agreed to help retrieve the photos from the company, which would result in her being fired. On Halloween night, the four masters and apprentices took advantage of people's masquerade party to restore their original shapes, broke into the female boss's office, and got the photos. The female boss and everyone came over, and Huang Xiaoqi came forward and said that she did it alone, and told Tang Seng and his apprentices that finding a job is not easy and let them work hard. Tang Seng and others were very sad. Instead of slaying the demon, they were saved by this ordinary girl! A year later, the cartoonist appeared. It was the part-time photographer who created the "New Journey to the West" cartoon that was very successful. In reality, he won Huang Xiaoqi's love.
This film is part of the micro-film series "Eleven Degrees of Youth" jointly produced by China Film Group and Youku.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/5289355/
Link: N/A
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arc-angel-o · 2 years
Me and my mutuals
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spaceny · 8 months
rainy's dynamics tag dump !
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