#xion takirua
holly-natnicole · 5 months
Roxas: *nudges his sister*
Xion: *glances at her brother then turns to the rest of the Heart Hotel* "What does 'take out' mean?"
Sora: "Food."
Ven: "Dating."
Naminé: "Murder."
Vanitas: "It means all three if you're not a coward!!"
Sora, Ven, & Naminé: *turn their heads to give Vanitas an utterly unimpressed look*
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holly-natnicole · 4 months
I headcanon:
Sora as a genderfluid polyamorous biromantic asexual enbe;
Naminé as an agender monogamous biromantic bisexual enbe;
Xion as a transgender monogamous homoromantic homosexual gal;
Roxas as a cisgender monogamous homoromantic homosexual guy;
Ven as a cisgender polyamorous panromantic pansexual guy;
Vanitas as an agender aromantic asexual enbe.
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holly-natnicole · 4 months
Sora's Heart Hotel as DigiDestineds:
Sora Caelum has the Crests of Hope (coz he's good at giving people hope &, before Xehanort finally succeeds in shattering Sora, the enbe's good at hoping for a nice future) and Wrath (he loses themself in rage many times, but learns to channel it constructively). Her Digimon partner's nickname is Sky (in honour of Sora's biological mum Skye Caelum née Rangi). Sky's digivolution line consists of: Botamon; Wanyamon; Liollmon; Leomon or Rukamon/Dolphmon; ViciousMeicrackmon (when digivolving from Leomon) or Mermaimon (when digivolving from Rukamon/Dolphmon); ClavisAngemon (when matrix digivolving with Sora). Whenever Sky digivolves, the Crest of Hope or the Crest of Wrath (depending on which trait the duo emotionally connected over at the time) appears on the screen of Sora's digivice; whenever a digivolution fails due to the partners not being in sync with each other or having issues they haven't even tried to resolve, nothing happens.
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Naminé Caelum has the Crests of Knowledge (coz they is good at using their knowledge of others to their advantage and gladly shares their information on various things with other people) and Envy (coz their jealousy over others' friendships, fuelled by loneliness & being abused, prompts them to make some cruel decisions before they redeems themself). Naminé's Digimon partner's nickname is Kioku. Kioku's digivolution line consists of: Dokimon; Budmon; Diarimon; Sorcerimon/Sorcermon; Fantomon/Phantomon; Gokumon/Reapermon.
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Roxas Takirua has the Crests of Knowledge (coz he always wants to learn things, to understand both how stuff works and why other people make the decisions they do) and Wrath (coz he has a hot temper that bursts out whenever he's confused and especially when someone is being cruel to him or his friends). His Digimon partners' nicknames are Hikari & Yami. Hikari's digivolution line consists of: YukimiBotamon; Nyaromon; Plotmon/Salamon; Tailmon/Gatomon; Angewomon; Mastemon. Yami's consists of: Botamon; Nyaromon; Shalamon (which doesn't exist in canon); BlackTailmon/BlackGatomon; LadyDevimon; Mastemon. Hikari & Yami are twins who jogress digivolve (a.k.a. fusion of two Digimon, in this case done as Angewomon & LadyDevimon respectively) to reach their Mega form, neither of them matrix digivolving with Roxas; whereas all of the others' Digimon partners reach Mega by fusing with their respective human partners. Mastemon is the strongest of the six Mega Level Digimon, due to being the result of two Ultimates combining their power.
Shion Takirua (formerly Xion, originally No.i) has the Crests of Courage (coz she does what she believes is right despite feeling scared) and Pride (her tendency to make a decision on other people's behalf, although well-intentioned, is arrogant as she – before eventually growing out of it – believes her solution is best for everyone instead of asking others what they want to do). Her Digimon partner's nickname is Pūmahara. Pūmahara's digivolution line consists of: Botamon; Tsumemon; Copipemon; NoirSistermon (called Sistermon Noir in canon); ChoHakkaimon (called Cho-Hakkaimon in canon); Ofanimon/Ophanimon.
Vanitas Ducimus has the Crests of Sincerity (coz ze's always honest, though ze does sometimes say genuine things whilst knowing other people will accidentally misinterpret zir words as zir choice of words was specifically done to manipulate them) and Greed (ze wants a lot of things, willing to steal and even kill to get them). Zir Digimon partner's nickname is Dusk. Dusk's digivolution line consists of: Cocomon/Conomon; Chocomon/Kokomon; Lopmon; Wendimon; Baalmon; Murmukusmon. Dusk is Dawn's twin.
Ventus "Ven" Aurora has the Crests of Kindness (coz he's a nice person who wants to help other people – random strangers included – and is loyal to his friends along with learning eventually to be reliable) and Sloth (one of the things Ven learns during his adventures is that trying to avoid thinking 'bout bad things by slacking off with new acquintances & leaving responsibilities for other people to take care of is selfish). Ven's Digimon partner's nickname is Dawn. Dawn's digivolution line consists of: Zerimon; Gummymon; Terriermon; Darcmon; PriestHolyAngemon (called HolyAngemon Priest/MagnaAngemon Priest in canon); FatedDestinyRapidmon (called Golden Rapidmon X in canon). Dawn is Dusk's twin.
(This is all in a Digimon-Kingdom Hearts Crossover version of my Digimon Alternate Multiverse timelines and my Kingdom Hearts Alternate Multiverse timeline [Yes, Digimon has many timelines whereas K.H. only has one].)
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holly-natnicole · 9 months
Sora, Vanitas, Xion/Shion, Naminé, & Ven: playing 'Twister' (1966).
Roxas: walks into the room.
All 6 members of Sora's Heart Hotel: freeze where they are.
Roxas after unfreezing: "...I'm not even going to ask."
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holly-natnicole · 9 months
Is a cat person: Vanitas; Naminé.
Is a dog person: Ven; Xion; Kairi.
Is both: Sora.
Is neither: Roxas.
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