#ventus aurora
holly-natnicole · 5 months
Roxas: *nudges his sister*
Xion: *glances at her brother then turns to the rest of the Heart Hotel* "What does 'take out' mean?"
Sora: "Food."
Ven: "Dating."
Naminé: "Murder."
Vanitas: "It means all three if you're not a coward!!"
Sora, Ven, & Naminé: *turn their heads to give Vanitas an utterly unimpressed look*
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2gredvisions · 7 months
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"Beautiful", You Say? - by ME
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dailaz · 11 months
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Dive to the Heart.
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The princesses and their warriors?
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gulava · 1 year
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Long ago, Maleficent cursed her. Now she’s stolen her heart.
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therealmofamorus · 1 year
Original Stud Crossover
Ventus takes Aurora's threat as a challenge as he calls her Meaty Aurora and challenges her to keep her word. So she smothers him with her thighs, since the pure boy wants to be a bad boy. Ventus is worshipping the best thighs in the kingdom. But what is even better is the thighjob that she gives him. He praises them along with her beauty, making her feel loved. They just met, but she already convinced herself that this is true love. A confession from her and a kiss before he cums with her thighs is what a wonderful man like Ven deserves.
Cheating. Thighs Worship. Thighjob.
Aurora: I did warn you not to test me, Sir Ventus~
The princess look at the spiky-haired blonde keyblader with a slight smile between her thicc, succulent thighs. The boy who she thought was pure as snow turn out to be very naughty bad boy who needed to be punished. The blonde-haired maiden even tease him with a thighjob onto his huge healthy cock.
Ventus: I cannot be blame for wanted to be your beautiful thighs, from the most beautiful of Princesses, Aurora.
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The moment he said those words to her. Aurora fall hard for Ventus and convince herself that his words were love confession which she wholly accept with open arms.
Aurora: *Hearts in eyes* I love you two, My Love.
She moved forward to kiss the lips of her newfound love who quickly return the favor despite his shock as he pulled the beautiful princess closer to him and along with cumming inside her thicc thighs with a guttural moan.
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skytsunrose · 2 years
Rokuven,aqurella,terrella, soariel and venxaurora edits!
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raidergamerspice · 2 years
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I had shared my semi theory about this moment on Twitter, but hey. Why not take advantage of the fact that I now have a Tumblr (with no limits!) and share theories and thoughts here as well?
Basically, remember Aurora's christening? One of her gifts was that her beauty would enchant all who met her. I figured that that was the case here. I'm sure Ven would still have found her pretty (which may or may not apply to however you may headcanon him as; I headcanon him as bi), but because of Aurora's gift, he was enchanted by her beauty - hence why he says this. Terra was probably enchanted too, but he just didn't say it out loud lol. And I'm sure Aqua would have been enchanted as well, but maybe 2010 Disney wasn't comfortable having her vocalize how beautiful Aurora is, so Aqua was never shown meeting her... (I kid, of course...or do I...?)
Anyway, just wanted to share my thoughts on this moment, especially since a lot of people that replied to a tweet with this screenshot on Twitter had joked about how Ven must be ignoring Aqua and other princesses by saying this. Whatever lol.
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ok4ru · 2 years
I shouldn’t have listen to y’all, you guys got me playing Terra role and now I’m sobbing like a baby and I just started… Thank 🥲
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cwgames · 2 years
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Enchanted Dominion Part 8
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hollowwhisperings · 1 year
Heart Stations (KH spec)
after realising how much Foreshadowing and Sneaky Plot Points were lurking about in KH3's "demo" section, i finally remembered that a LOT of KH3 is done in parallel with KH1: which means that ITS "demo" is ALSO subtly plotty!
The first thing I remembered about Sora's heart station in KH1 is it being able to connect DIRECTLY to the heart stations of Princesses.
despite Sora never having met these princesses before.
except... VENTUS has!
the heart stations that Sora visits in the first Heart Dive belong to Snow White, Cinderella & Aurora: the order of their stations is in the same order as Ven's meeting them in BBS. Ventus befriended Cinderella personally, becoming friendly enough with Snow White & Aurora to have [link] attacks based on them (mostly through his friendship to the dwarves & Aurora's non-evil fairy godmothers).
There is also, in KH1's tutorial, a heart station depicting the three "free" princesses: Alice, Jasmine & Kairi. I had forgotten about this one. It's... interesting that, despite SORA being best friends with Kairi, Sora's heart instead connects to the "idea" of these three princesses altogether rather than individually (if only in the background, given the lack of need for a player to have 7 stages in a tutorial rather than 5). Sora knows Kairi personally but only Ventus could have known Alice or Jasmine, even THEN, his meeting them would have been during KHUX (a time he does not remember in BBS but treasures enough to enable his reunion with Chirithy in KH3).
The last heart station Sora visits in KH1's tutorial heart dive is Belle's: Belle is the princess who Sora ultimately ends up reasonating with most, in his heart at least, and she notably takes on the role of "Riku" to Beast's "Sora" in CoM.
it is EXTREMELY odd that Sora, well before Riku's heart gave him Kingdom Key, was able to directly walk from his heart station to those of the Princesses of Heart: Ventus did not have this ability nor any personal connection with Kairi. There are two plausible explanations as to why Sora's heart was ALREADY connected to that of the Princesses, prior to personally meeting them: Ventus might have joined their hearts by his being an 'artificial' Princess of Light courtesy of Xehanort & Vanitas; RIKU was connected to the princesses and, when Riku gave his crown necklace to Sora, Sora inherited that connection.
Ventus: Artificial Princess of Heart?
this theory is technically canon, working with the definition of princesses as "beings whose hearts are made entirely of light". it seems unlikely that this technicality would result in a metaphysical stairway between Sora's heart station and those of the Prinxesses': if it was THAT easy, Xehanort would have noticed the connection while he had Ven all comatose. Ven's heart being sheltered in Sora's MIGHT, however, explain why the heart stations of Snow White & Cinderella & Aurora were so much closer than the other stations (though the Sleeper/Dreaming connection is a stronger factor shared by Sora & these three).
Riku as Kingmaker?
Sora's first keyblade, Kingdom Key, gets him specifically scouted as Special by Donald & Goofy: Kingdom Key has narrative significance to it, tying it to Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Key was also, originally, an existence dormant in RIKU'S heart: when Riku['s heart] was consumed by darkness in KH1, Sora was able to reach the light within Riku and receive its protection.
the ease with which Sora inherited Riku's keyblade betrays A Lot about Riku's Heart but it ALSO hints that this is not the ONLY example of Riku's Heart being considered interchangeable with Sora's. in later games, Riku and Sora are able to wield each other's keyblades without hesitation and are even capable of merging: other than SoRiku & Sora's Heart Roommates, Aqua is the only instance of someone summoning & wielding another's keyblade.
The keyblade of a deceased Eraqus came to Aqua in her time of need: this makes sense, the keyblade of a teacher coming to protect its student. Eraqus taught Aqua how to call and use a keyblade; Eraqus [knighted] Aqua with this keyblade; Eraqus died with this keyblade, died realising that he had failed his students and that original duty of protecting them.
Sora, meanwhile, began wielding a keyblade because Riku's Heart knew Sora could use it when Riku could not.
So what makes Riku so special, to keyblades and Princesses of Heart specifically?
It seems increasingly likely that Riku is the "Child of Destiny" that Xehanort believed himself to be: Riku's resemblance to Ephemer makes it likely that, just like Xehanort, Riku is his descendant; additionally, the light of Riku's heart was strong enough to catch the attention of both Terra AND Aqua in BBS. Both Terra & Aqua had, by then, met three Princesses of Heart AND lived alongside the artificially-light Ventus: nevertheless, Terra and Aqua only note that Riku's light is "strong" but not in the same way as any heart they'd encountered before.
Riku also, just "incidentally", happens to have had a Crown since infancy (if we quote Sora in CoM but correctly attribute to Riku what he says of Naminé's charm)... that Riku GAVE to SORA, who now wears it as a necklace. A crown necklace that Sora subconsciously gestures to when speaking from "the heart". *insert Necklace Theory here*
so, even before receiving Kingdom Key, Sora had been given a kind of "kingdom's key" through Riku, in symbol & oath.
this leads me to conclude that the CROWN must have connected Sora's heart (which, in DDD, appears a hop skip & a jump away from Riku's) to the Seven Princesses of Heart, the Seven Lights.
which, in turn, leads me to believe that Riku's gift & oath to Sora was significant enough to be recognised as a form of "Coronation": Riku CROWNED Sora, even without knowing it, and did so while meaning it with "all his heart". Riku's Heart recognising & accepting Sora as its "[king?]" (partner? equivalent?) seems to have continued from that Fateful Meteor Shower, throughout Riku's Entire Villain Arc & Redemption, continuing past Sora's failing to exist: Riku has pulled at LEAST two True Love's Sacrifices for Sora, not counting repeats across timelines, just within DDD & KH3. Riku's sacrificing himself has never lasted long enough to learn any repurcussions beyond Sora.exe going offline. SORA'S nonexistence has not significantly affected the integrity of his universe at large, beyond Riku.exe presumably shortcircuiting, which leads me to believe that so long as ONE of the two has a heart where it should be, the potentially disaatrous ramifications of "oh, btw, this one kid's heart has direct access to our universe's suns? should we be worried about that" has been prevented.
(Riku launching himself OUT of said universe to follow Sora? UH. let's just hope Kairi's still in touch with the other Original 7 and can lead the New Lights when it potentially/inevitably becomes necessary?)
Speaking of Kairi...
interestingly, Kairi never really indicates feeling "connected" to Riku.
Kairi feels connected to SORA and HIS heart, something many characters share in common (often very literally). Another product of Riku (& thus Destiny) sharing his role with Sora, when not designating him [his] King absolutely?
Speaking of Kings...
Riku ends up manifesting ANOTHER keyblade, just casually, despite Sora's having Kingdom Key being a Big Deal.
we could dismiss Riku's having Soul Eater in KH1 as "that's Xehanort/Terra/Ansem SoD's heart at work"... but we can't dismiss Riku's STILL having a keyblade post-KH2, Sora wielding the original Kingdom Key while Riku so happens to summon a second keyblade from his heart without any fuss at all??
it is... interesting, that Donald & Goofy never ended up explaining [to the audience] why Kingdom Key SPECIFICALLY was something King Mickey was looking for in the first place.
if it was due to Mickey's searching for the Wayfinder Trio, Donald & Goofy would have been searching for multiple "keyblade WIELDERS" instead of one "KEYBLADE": we can only assume that Xehanort's repeated efforts at starting another ragnarok have sufficiently distracted everyone from Kingdom Key's origins.
I personally find it very heartwarming/plot-foreshadow-y that Kingdom Key has STAYED with Sora, even upon reuniting with a Riku whose heart is at peace again: consciously or otherwise, Riku's heart continues to choose "Sora".
(which, given how likely it is that Riku is the foretold Child of Destiny... means that RIKU'S choosing Sora makes DESTINY choose Sora... for better of for worse, right? plz just let them be married already, Disney: Nomura & Utada have Riku's vows all written and everything)
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venjamin-kingdomhearts · 11 months
as much as i love talking abt ven i dont really have the energy to make a whole essay about connecting him to various disney movies but not enough ppl point towards the little mermaid/princess and the frog/hercules when talking abt him. ariel and naveen both made "deals with the devil", megara was used by hades, and meanwhile ventus made a wish to have friends as a child, and the monkey paw curled. ventus didn't even know what he was doing and that a "devil" had granted his wish, but suddenly he was a union leader with friends at the cost of someone else's life, and since then the universe has been punishing him, no matter how many good deeds he does or sacrifices he makes. and i feel like there's gotta be SOME parallel with a disney movie we can connect this too because this is just some twisted variation of ariel wanting legs and nearly getting her kingdom destroyed. there are so many ven parallels w/ disney princesses its insane, snow white and aurora were just the beginning
ventus is living through the most fucked up disney princess story. and the ride is not fucking over yet.
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holly-natnicole · 4 months
Sora's Heart Hotel as DigiDestineds:
Sora Caelum has the Crests of Hope (coz he's good at giving people hope &, before Xehanort finally succeeds in shattering Sora, the enbe's good at hoping for a nice future) and Wrath (he loses themself in rage many times, but learns to channel it constructively). Her Digimon partner's nickname is Sky (in honour of Sora's biological mum Skye Caelum née Rangi). Sky's digivolution line consists of: Botamon; Wanyamon; Liollmon; Leomon or Rukamon/Dolphmon; ViciousMeicrackmon (when digivolving from Leomon) or Mermaimon (when digivolving from Rukamon/Dolphmon); ClavisAngemon (when matrix digivolving with Sora). Whenever Sky digivolves, the Crest of Hope or the Crest of Wrath (depending on which trait the duo emotionally connected over at the time) appears on the screen of Sora's digivice; whenever a digivolution fails due to the partners not being in sync with each other or having issues they haven't even tried to resolve, nothing happens.
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Naminé Caelum has the Crests of Knowledge (coz they is good at using their knowledge of others to their advantage and gladly shares their information on various things with other people) and Envy (coz their jealousy over others' friendships, fuelled by loneliness & being abused, prompts them to make some cruel decisions before they redeems themself). Naminé's Digimon partner's nickname is Kioku. Kioku's digivolution line consists of: Dokimon; Budmon; Diarimon; Sorcerimon/Sorcermon; Fantomon/Phantomon; Gokumon/Reapermon.
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Roxas Takirua has the Crests of Knowledge (coz he always wants to learn things, to understand both how stuff works and why other people make the decisions they do) and Wrath (coz he has a hot temper that bursts out whenever he's confused and especially when someone is being cruel to him or his friends). His Digimon partners' nicknames are Hikari & Yami. Hikari's digivolution line consists of: YukimiBotamon; Nyaromon; Plotmon/Salamon; Tailmon/Gatomon; Angewomon; Mastemon. Yami's consists of: Botamon; Nyaromon; Shalamon (which doesn't exist in canon); BlackTailmon/BlackGatomon; LadyDevimon; Mastemon. Hikari & Yami are twins who jogress digivolve (a.k.a. fusion of two Digimon, in this case done as Angewomon & LadyDevimon respectively) to reach their Mega form, neither of them matrix digivolving with Roxas; whereas all of the others' Digimon partners reach Mega by fusing with their respective human partners. Mastemon is the strongest of the six Mega Level Digimon, due to being the result of two Ultimates combining their power.
Shion Takirua (formerly Xion, originally No.i) has the Crests of Courage (coz she does what she believes is right despite feeling scared) and Pride (her tendency to make a decision on other people's behalf, although well-intentioned, is arrogant as she – before eventually growing out of it – believes her solution is best for everyone instead of asking others what they want to do). Her Digimon partner's nickname is Pūmahara. Pūmahara's digivolution line consists of: Botamon; Tsumemon; Copipemon; NoirSistermon (called Sistermon Noir in canon); ChoHakkaimon (called Cho-Hakkaimon in canon); Ofanimon/Ophanimon.
Vanitas Ducimus has the Crests of Sincerity (coz ze's always honest, though ze does sometimes say genuine things whilst knowing other people will accidentally misinterpret zir words as zir choice of words was specifically done to manipulate them) and Greed (ze wants a lot of things, willing to steal and even kill to get them). Zir Digimon partner's nickname is Dusk. Dusk's digivolution line consists of: Cocomon/Conomon; Chocomon/Kokomon; Lopmon; Wendimon; Baalmon; Murmukusmon. Dusk is Dawn's twin.
Ventus "Ven" Aurora has the Crests of Kindness (coz he's a nice person who wants to help other people – random strangers included – and is loyal to his friends along with learning eventually to be reliable) and Sloth (one of the things Ven learns during his adventures is that trying to avoid thinking 'bout bad things by slacking off with new acquintances & leaving responsibilities for other people to take care of is selfish). Ven's Digimon partner's nickname is Dawn. Dawn's digivolution line consists of: Zerimon; Gummymon; Terriermon; Darcmon; PriestHolyAngemon (called HolyAngemon Priest/MagnaAngemon Priest in canon); FatedDestinyRapidmon (called Golden Rapidmon X in canon). Dawn is Dusk's twin.
(This is all in a Digimon-Kingdom Hearts Crossover version of my Digimon Alternate Multiverse timelines and my Kingdom Hearts Alternate Multiverse timeline [Yes, Digimon has many timelines whereas K.H. only has one].)
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ultraericthered · 8 months
Terranort Speculation
It is known by know that when Birth By Sleep entered its earliest stages of conception and development (in 2006), Terra's story was thought out first (because Revenge of the Sith), followed by Ven's second and Aqua's last, explaining the recommended playing order. It's also shown in how in KHII FM, released in 2007, every single hook for BBS concerned Terra and his story - those horrendously misplaced scenes with Xemnas, Aqua's armor, Vexen, Zexion and Xigbar, the secret boss fight against Terra's Lingering Will, and the secret ending video where the climax is a close-up of Terra's face as his eyes morph into the "dark" golden eyes, or "Nort eyes." Then in 2008, early on at Jump Festa and later in at the Tokyo Game Show, the beta trailer footage for the former was only of Terra and Ventus while the latter added Aqua to the mix. And this was also the same time we got the 358/2 Days trailer and wow, between these teases and Coded starting up late into the year, 2008 truly was a year spent preparing the KH series for the plunge it was going to end up taking!
But I want to touch on all that early footage because it makes me speculate and believe that there was a slightly different plan set for Terra's story being developed at first, and that Terra himself was conecieved as a far darker character than what we ended up getting. Prior to contributions from Daisuke Watanabe and Masaru Oka, Nomura had every inclination to push as hard as possible with the "Anakin Skywalker" route for Terra, essentially taking what he had at first likely envisioned as being Xehanort's forgotten origin story and rewriting it with Terra in place of a younger Xehanort, making enough modifications to service the end point of Terra losing his heart and body to Master Xehanort, who'd lose his memory soon afterwards.
The thing about the beta trailers is that scenes that ended up occurring in the final product are played out in backdrops that were not intended to be the locations those scenes would actually play in (like, why's Xehanort confronting Ven at Olympus Coliseum? Why's Terra protecting Ven from Eraqus at the Great Maw? Why's Ven asking to be killed on Destiny Islands?) So while Terra's meeting with Maleficent was never meant to take place with thorns all around, what's really notable about how it's depicted here is...well, this:
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Maleficent clearly has a proposition for Terra, and Terra gives an evil Xemnas-y face in response. To me this suggests that in the initial plan, Terra at the start of the game was going to be like Riku was in the midsection of KH1: very easily allured by the power of Darkness and willing to dirty his hands while working with unsavory characters towards some goal he believed to be righteous and worth it for him.
Just as interesting, the second trailer has this next scene with Terra and Maleficent, as the latter exposits about the Princesses of Heart.
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Literally nothing is different from the final scene except Terra's body language. In the final version, his head is titled towards Maleficent. But in this initial version, his head is tilted towards Aurora. Later in that same trailer, the last scene played sets up Aqua and Maleficent's later interaction different. Rather than ask "what did Master Xehanort tell you?", Aqua (with no Prince Philip there yet) asks "was what you said to Ven a lie?" And then Maleficent answers her straight up:
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And yes, Terra's embrace of darkness during his confusion and rage over Eraqus' strict, abusive teachings of the supremacy of light over darkness does happen in the game, but it's framed as him getting tricked into it and extracting Aurora's heart by mistake, which is then later backtracked with Xehanort indicating he'd set up Aurora's heart to be extracted, making him the true culprit. I think in the original pitch, Terra was going to deliberately embrace the darkness and turn his Keyblade on Aurora's heart. He'd immediately regret what he did when he sees Maleficent claim the heart, but it would have been a far more willful mistake, which is why he'd be racked with such guilt over having done it. For a moment, he'd have crossed the line and done something evil, which someone who values heroism and protection of others like him would find completely antithetical to himself.
So then rather than further self-damnation like Riku in KH1, we'd see Terra walking back from the abyss in the next worlds he visits, giving us hope that he may yet avoid succumbing to the darkness within himself. .... And then the events at the Radiant Garden would occur, to set him down a different, even more insidious road to darkness.
Some time well afterwards, after he's come to blows with his friends and is in conflict with his master's agenda concerning him, after he's once again channeled his darkness and taken out Braig's eye, after he's been talked up by Master Xehanort, stirring within him the craving to seek more power, achieve more heroic exploits using that power, and wanting to protect his friends while also prove his master wrong and assert himself as the decider of how the trio should conduct themselves as Keyblade Wielders, and after he's far more willingly indulged his darker nature by working with more villains he'd always be dead-set on backstabbing whenever it's convenient for him and his "noble" goals to do so, we'd be treated to this moment:
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This plays much differently than anything we actually got from the stupid "Terra on Destiny Island" scene in the finalized game. To me, this is more like the also stupid first scene of the game with Young Xehanort, standing on the shore in contemplation as the bright sun sets over the horizon. Terra stands in solitude, away from the light, and when he sees the kids play-fighting on the beach, the sun is shining down and bathing them in light. Symbolism is clear; these are innocent hearts who belong to the light. Terra is no longer one such heart. He stands away from that brightness, away from light. This could've been the moment of realization from Terra that he needed to turn back from his darkness entirely, to head towards that light.
But alas. thanks to fucking Xehanort, this would follow instead:
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This encapulates everything that Terra's character could've been. In the actual scene, the line is translated as "You may be my master... but I will not...let you hurt my friend!", to the response of "Has the darkness taken you too, Terra?" from Eraqus. But in the beta version, the wording suggests that the unseen Eraqus asks that question of Terra first, and Terra says "I don't care if you are my master! This power... I use it for my friends!" Conveying a full-on disowning of Eraqus as his master and a rejection of all that he'd taught him about light versus darkness, and an embrace of the power his darkness grants him to use for the sake of his friends. As in the final game, I think Xehanort would be the one to come in and kill Eraqus (gotta do the Mace Windu thing, after all), but in this version it would've been more clear that Terra was absolutely willing to kill his master here.
Beta Terra was meant to embody the absolute twisting of every positive value the KH Trinity showed us into a negative for him. "My friends are my power!" "My strength to become a True Hero comes from my friends!", "Our hearts are always connected", "No matter how deep the darkness, there's always a light at the end: keep your gaze towards that light even as you endure and exploit the powers of darkness from your own heart!" - Terra would showcase how you take those in the wrong direction, a callow young man ready and willing to try any measure, no matter how dark, in his pursuit of the "strength to protect what matters", his desire for self-actualization beyond what his master's expectations of him, and his committment to his more altruistic, heroic resolve (woah, major Alain flashbacks here!) We even see a carryover of this idea in Blank Points, where within Terra-Xehanort, Terra's heart tells Master Xehanort's heart that he's willing to get cast down into the deepest darkness and have his heart fully possessed by Xehanort so long as he feels certain that Xehanort will end up being the one to fade away into the darkness while Terra ends up returning to the light, and he does feel certain that this will be so for as long as he keeps sight of the cause he fights for: to return to his friends and make right what he'd helped set wrong, his heroic willpower embodied by that sentient armor spirit he'd left behind. But the follow-through on that is barely existent.
And the result is a man torn between himself: the man with the unbreakable will that desires to do good for the worlds and people he cares for (pure Terra, the Lingering Will), and the man who recklessly and selfishly embraces the heart's darkness for self-empowerment (Terranort, who'd later become a Heartless and create his own Nobody in doing so). By picking Terra to become his vessel, Master Xehanort would've basically ended up getting swept up in Terra's wild ride, as by becoming Terranort, he too became a fractured person, split into Ansem and Xemnas. Terranort was to be the ultimate villain because the "Terra" mattered as critically as the "Xehanort".
Tl:dr: I really like Terra, but at some point in his story's development he could've and should've been far more than a big dumb-dumb!
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
Thinking about how the Wayfinder Trio are the only trio to ever be directly associated with specific Disney princesses:
Ventus parallels Snow White—he is kind, caring, pure of heart, loves simple things like home and friends, and ends up in an unnatural, eternal sleep that he cannot wake from.
Terra parallels Aurora—he is reserved, loyal, dislikes being treated like a child, has been sheltered all his life, and has been put under a curse via manipulation by a conniving villain.
Aqua parallels Cinderella—she is dutiful, cares about her friends fiercely, fights to keep from giving into bitterness and despair, and is imprisoned while trying to fight for what she cares about.
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gulava · 1 year
KH1, The Dark World, Chirithys, and Riku: the Incredible Connection Pt. 1
Information I will be going over will include: that Riku has ALWAYS been a Dream Eater, the Dark World exists inside Riku’s heart and how being a Dream Eater affects what was happening at the end of KH1, that the darkness Aqua interacted with was none other than Riku’s (hence the Darkling-esque outfit), and how Sora’s Heart Station shines down in the Dark World.
1) Dream Eater Riku
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A special ability Chirithy are noted to have the ability to smell light and darkness. This is something Riku is shown able to do and even mentions that Kairi had a similar scent to Namine (in the original scene he simply states he recognized Namine from her saving him), hinting he may have had this ability for a long time. And he can tell the difference between the smell of light and darkness and whose it is. He could even tell when Replica Riku took in Zexion’s powers, specifically.
In BBS, we see Riku seeming to sense something from Sora before even looking at him and he probably sensed sadness since Sora is crying and Riku looked worried. In KH3, we see a scene similar to this where Riku is making sure Axel is okay after getting injured pretty badly and he suddenly seems to sense something and that something is coming from Sora which causes him to run to him in order to reassure him that everyone still has their hearts.
In 3D, we see Riku has a Dream Eater mark on his back but he doesn’t have one normally despite what he is. The reason Riku gains a mark on his back in is likely because his heart joined with Sora’s when he went to sleep and it turned him into a new Spirit Dream Eater like the Chirithy at the end of KHUX in order to protect their chosen Keyblade wielders.
Chirithy are often portrayed as knowledgeable and almost teacher-like as they help guide their chosen wielders. Because Riku is keen on helping protect Sora from a very young age, it’s not hard to see how him playfully competing with him could be the way he helps him train to become stronger.
Riku is quite...worldly for a child in BBS. He could tell Terra wasn’t from their world (something he shares with the Goddess Calypso from POTC who also acts like a Dream Eater) and, honestly, I think he was expressing curiosity in the man because of the sadness in his heart. That’s simply conjecture, though.
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And the way Riku talks at the end of BBS was very knowing. Like Sora was his chosen Keyblade wielder already at that point and he was advising him of his future duty he would help him with. Otherwise, why would he even bring up the idea of Sora helping others like this at all?
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BTW the sun symbolism in Chirithy’s creation is another curious thing.
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Riku’s often represented with a sun. He even shines down on Sora’s Heart Station like Sora is the world and Riku is the sun.
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Nice visual hint there.
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“They manifested, like a flame. They weren't really...really from anywhere. The conditions were right and they came into being. For centuries we've dreamed of a pure existence beyond our own.”
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Honey, that’s you.
2) The Dark World
Now, you know how Chirithy turn into Nightmares if their wielder falls to darkness? And how if they’re not stopped they can plant darkness in the hearts of others? What does darkness pouring out of something remind you of?
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Like...a Nightmare.
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Remember the door closing in KH1? How afterwards we got a flashback involving Sora and Riku in a nostalgia filter? There was another scene that was awfully similar to it and it’s in BBS.
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Ventus and Sora restored the hearts of Aurora and Riku. But...the difference being that The Dark World was locked inside of Riku’s heart in the process and he’s been dealing with that pain ever since.
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While Sora and Kairi spend KH3 figuring out how to release Roxas and Namine from their hearts, Riku spends KH3 figuring out how to release Aqua from his.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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Okay, think I've got the list. With apologies to anyone who get cut. I'll start working on grouping everyone tomorrow. In the meantime, if you want to send in infodumps/propaganda about these nonships, by all means do! That will give me something to work with when I build the graphics
James Ironwood and Boyd Drake (RWBY and Ducktales/DTLS)
Isaac "Felix" Gates, David Gates, and Jaune Arc (RvB, Camp Camp, RWBY/Luna Brothers)
Louie Duck and Oscar Pine (Ducktales and RWBY/DTLS)
Knight and Survivor Slugcat (Hollow Knight and Rainworld)
Brett Hand and Susie (Inside Job and Deltarune)
Pizzazz and Roxanne Wolf (Gem and the Holograms and FNAF)
Trunks Briefs and Chibiusa (Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon)
Halloween and Nightcore (Castles of the Calendar and Holiday Spirits)
Mamoru Amami and Steven Universe (GaoGaiGear and Steven Universe)
Penny Polendina and Uran (RWBY and Astro Boy)
Wahuu Matsuri and Adam Ainosuke (Tokyo Ghoul and Sk8 the Infinity)
Jon Sims and Jonny D'ville (TMA and The Mechanisms)
Eddie Munson and Jason Scott (Stranger Things and Power Rangers 2o17)
The Aurora and BEE (The Mechanisms and Archivistbot)
Wakko Warner and Babs Bunny (Animaniacs and Tiny Toons)
Zuko and Todoroki Shouto (A:tLA and BNHA)
Diamonds Droog and Kaz Brekker (Homestuck and Six of Crows)
Tucker Foley and Clawdeen Wolf (Danny Phantom and Monster High)
Team Lit (from White Boy Bracket)
Stanley and Cesare (from White Boy Bracket)
Cody Burns and Penny Proud (Transformers Rescue Bots and The Proud Family)
Leo Walker and Iris (Egyxos and Lolirock)
Tim Stoker, Lup and Taako (TMA and TAZ)
Globine and Webby (Globi and Ducktales)
Rouge the Bat and Meta-Knight (Sonic and Kirby)
Jevil, Marx, and Dimentio (Deltarune, Kirby, and Super Paper Mario)
Ruby and Rarity (Pokespe and MLP:FiM)
Madoka and Sakura (Madoka Magica and Cardcaptor Sakura)
Cody Burns, Marinette, and Mirabel (Rescue Bots, MLB, and Encanto)
Bill Cipher and Ouma (Gravity Falls and Danganronpa)
Church and Kris Dreemur (RvB and Deltarune)
Gregory, Crying Child, and Omori (FNAF and OMORI)
Sonia Nevermind and L (Danganronpa and L)
Cassandra Cain and Soundwave (DC and Transformers)
Dick Grayson and Drift (DC and Transformers)
Tim Drake and Red Alert (DC and Transformers)
Rook Blonko and Prowl (Ben 1o and TFA)
Bruce-Damian Wayne and Tony-Morgan Stark (DC and MCU)
Pit and Sora (Kid Icarus and Kingdom Hearts)
Rosaline and Lucas (Super Mario Galaxy and Mother 3)
Roy and Roy Koopa (Fire Emblem and Super Mario Bros)
Meg Griffin, Bert, and Ernie (Family Guy and Sesame Street)
Riley Freeman and Jack Horner (Boondocks and Puss in Boots)
Stanley Parable and Arthur Dent (Stanley Parable and Hitchhiker's Guide)
Chidaruma and Lord English (Dorohedoro and Homestuck)
Ruby Rose and Fukase (RWBY and Vocaloid)
Yang, Gumi, and IA (RWBY, Vocaloid, and Cevio)
Leonardo, Dewey Duck, and Sonic (Rise:TMNT, Ducktales, and Sonic movies)
Nightcrawler and Nightwing (DC and X-Men)
Alfred, Bucky, and Steve (DC and Marvel)
Yelena Belova and Damian Wayne (Marvel and DC)
Ventus and Hunter (Kingdom Hearts and The Owl House)
Mark Beaks and Tyrian Callows (Ducktales and RWBY/DTLS)
Lancer and Bowser Jr (Deltarune and Super Mario)
Shigeo and Molly McGee (MP1oo and The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Isabelle and Doomslayer (Animal Crossing and Doom)
Mystery Kids (?)
Gentle Heart Lamp and Chris Walker (CareBears and Outlast)
Grumpy Bear and Billy Hope (CareBears and Outlast)
Boyd Drake and Penny Polendina (Ducktales and RWBY/DTLS)
Maya Fey and Doctor- 12 (Ace Attorney and Doctor Who)
Mario and Sonic (Super Mario Bros and Sonic franchise)
Han Solo and Peter Quill (Star Wars and MCU)
Commander Fox and Commissioner Gordon (Star Wars and DC)
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