#naminé caelum
holly-natnicole · 5 months
Roxas: *nudges his sister*
Xion: *glances at her brother then turns to the rest of the Heart Hotel* "What does 'take out' mean?"
Sora: "Food."
Ven: "Dating."
Naminé: "Murder."
Vanitas: "It means all three if you're not a coward!!"
Sora, Ven, & Naminé: *turn their heads to give Vanitas an utterly unimpressed look*
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sirathurheit · 1 year
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"The Heart resides within the Soul
Which is in turn guided by Fate
To it's rightful place."
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alphascorpiixx · 8 months
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[ID: Riku and Naminé in Scala ad Caelum. In the first image, they are facing each other and standing by a tables, chairs, and a cart of flowers. Riku is smiling at Naminé and her arms are clasped to her chest. In the second image, they are both standing on an overlook above the town, their back to the camera. End ID]
Have some Rikunami data greetings I found in my drafts 😅
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goldensunset · 11 months
What do you think of Kairi, Xion, Naminé, and Aqua? Just general feelings, nothing too detailed if you don't want to-
like as a team, or individually?
as a team: oh how i WISH we could see it in canon. even if it were to end up borderline tokenism-y like with marvel. i would love to see the girl power squad idc i think they should hype each other up their color schemes together would be so pretty
kairi: my dearly beloved. yes the writers need to treat her better but so do the fans. she does have clearly defined character motivations and it’s weird to act like she doesn’t just bc they’re not ones that people like. she just wants stability and a home after having lost her memories and crash-landed somewhere as a toddler. she’s afraid of change but will do anything to stay with her friends in the midst of a fast-moving world because she’s lost them too many times. she’s a bit out of touch with them and sometimes clearly doesn’t know the right thing to do or say. i hope kh4 treats her kindly and gently and gives her more agency without trying to flatten her into a hashtag strong independent woman. i have high hopes for my little strawberry and wild daydreams about what i would love to see as her precise role in coming games. wrote some stuff in the tags here. i swear i thought i had more pre-written essays to draw on than that i know there’s so much i’m leaving out but i think i got the main points
xion: truly i will never be able to get over her story and especially her theme. what an incredibly well composed piece of music. honestly she and her theme were like a major factor as to me getting into this series. i’m very happy she’s alive after all that. i said a lot about her here already recently so i won’t burn myself out going into detail again. even that i feel like is a minor weak attempt at fully conveying my emotions regarding her. oh and a few more thoughts here
naminé: tbh thinking about chain of memories reduces me to a puddle but like in a bittersweet way as opposed to the pure bitterness of days. like sora’s interactions with her… their relationship even if it was brief and based on an illusion…the writing and animation and voice acting was legit so good man. i’m a wreck. nami is so beautiful and strong and horribly horribly sad but she gets overlooked… the thing is that even if she has people who love her she’s still nobody’s first choice. she doesn’t have her own place to go. she’s still lonely…
aqua: MAN she’s so interesting.. the way she’s carrying on eraqus’ legacy in both good and bad ways… the way she was corrupted after wandering a distorted world alone for a decade… the way she’s headstrong and determined and fights so hard yet can hardly make a difference as her world falls down around her… the way she’s incredibly strong and proud yet you see her once-firm core begin to shake as time passes on… not entirely related but i hope we get to see her (and the other two) (and kairi as her student!) visit the ruins of scala ad caelum bc they’re the last ones carrying on that legacy
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oveliagirlhaditright · 11 months
Can I be honest?
I really do not care about Missing Link.
I'll admit that the most recent trailer probably made me more interested in it than I ever have been before, but even then I'm just kind of like... ehh.
And this is for a few reasons, I think.
A large one being that it's a mobile game. And I shouldn't have to explain why that's a huge reason as to why that's helping to kill my interest in this game, even though it looks like this game should be a lot better than KHUX and Dark Road, thankfully (but I'm also somewhat reserving judgement on all of that until we get it).
The fact that it's a game like Pokémon Go was also sort of ruining things for me, since I really can't walk well anymore. But according to the trailer and Nomura, it seems like that you don't really have to travel in order to do things in the game. So we'll see how that pans out.
But I guess I'm just getting to the place where some casuals were before, were--in some ways--if it's not about our main cast, I almost feel like I can't be bothered (and I do feel bad about that, in some ways).
I'm somewhat tired, I suppose, of having to play a million different games, in order to understand the next mainline installment. And I know this is just one between III and IV (if you don't count the Re:Mind DLC and Melody of Memory), but it does sort of feel a bit like "same old, same old" to me.
I also just... I don't know. Really feel like we didn't need this part of the timeline filled in? And I would almost prefer if that wasn't happening, so it could be a mystery and we could imagine it for ourselves? I feel like the only reason it's being filled out now is because of the Scala ad Caelum stuff in KHIII. And probably because this next saga is partly going to be saving the people from the KHX saga. But if we didn't get Missing Link, that plot point could have been delivered in another game.
Now we're just going to get more characters introduced, and clutter up the roster even more, and gah!
I know this game is surely to partly tide us over until KHIV, which is definitely nice. But IDK. I, personally, would have rather had one of the plot lines they teased at the end of Re:Mind as a game (Kairi's training with Aqua, Mickey in Scala, the Wayfinder trio in the Realm of Darkness, or Naminé looking for clues about Sora's whereabouts in Roxas and Xion's memories). Or waited a bit more and just gotten KHIV and then the Verum Rex game (both as console games, of course), because you know they have to be making both of these games right now.
I really don't mean to complain. Because I know a lot of time and work has surely gone into this. And it's something. And I'd rather take something over nothing (for the most part. Don't start giving me KH NFTs, Square). But unless something changes, there's nothing about Missing Link so far that's really grabbed me, personally.
And maybe it will. I'm sure it will, eventually. It won't take much to do it. But the fact it's a mobile game will always hurt it. It's weird to say, but I kind of miss the days of the handheld KH games. At least they were better quality. Oy.
Edit: And back to my one point, I feel Missing Link is going to add even more to the KHIV stuff now, when there's already so much it needs to conquer that I have no idea how it's going to do it all. Like, I was thinking that maybe some of the point of Missing Link was to flesh out this new saga... but there's already so much going on here.
Edit 2: However, Missing Link, and all the stuff with the story of Scala ad Caelum, seems to be a story Nomura-san wants to tell. And that is most definitely his right.
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khpolyamships · 3 months
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[ID: Xion, Naminé, and Kairi in Scala ad Caelum. In the first image, they are looking at a flower shop display. In the second, Kairi is holding her arm out toward Naminé, and all three girls are smiling and have flowers in their hair. End ID]
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kitkat-the-muffin · 1 year
Ever think about how Ephemer and Naminé changed the Book of Prophecies?
Think about it: while X and X Back Cover imply the book ends with the Keyblade War, they never specify WHICH Keyblade War, simply that “darkness prevails and light expires.” Maleficent even implies in Re:Coded that the Book of Prophecies still has some use to her, meaning it’s predictions have not all been fulfilled yet
The Cloaked Figure from Dark Road implies that they’ve read the Book of Prophecies, which is why they try to raise Xehanort into the Child of Destiny. Ephemer was the last person to wield the book, and Ephemer becomes the founder of Scala Ad Caelum, where Brain is found by Sigurd who seems to have also read the book, meaning it’s still somewhere in Scala
I believe the Cloaked Figure, who happens to be the reincarnation of the Player from Union X, to also be the Player from Missing Link, which takes place in Scala Ad Caelum at the same time that Brain and Sigurd are there. This is how they could have found access to the book, as well as why they took Xehanort from Scala to raise him on Destiny Islands
I also believe Sora to be the Player’s third reincarnation, but that’s another post. My point is that Sora is the true Child of Destiny that the Book of Prophecies claimed had the power to win the Keyblade War, but Xehanort believes himself to be the Child of Destiny to win in his own favor. The thing is, he DOES win, darkness DOES prevail and light DOES expire
And then Sora finds Naminé in The Final World, and he asks her for help, and she does. She finds Lingering Will and she sends him their way. As Sora collects the hearts of his friends and takes them all back through time, Naminé, from within Kairi, joins him, and from the past she is able to connect to Terra and summon Lingering Will
Lingering Will’s presence is what stops Terranort, saving Ventus and Axel (and also Donald lol). Then, as the demon tide returns to take everyone out again, Ephemer suddenly appears and decides to send aid to the true Child of Destiny, his best friend the Player, and that’s freakin beautiful
This post got more wordy than I intended but my point is that the efforts of Ephemer and Naminé are what changed the course of history, and that’s so freakin cool
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magpiejay1234 · 7 months
I suppose we should go over the Limit Cut/Melody of Memory status of the cast.
**So Wayfinder Trio went to Realm of Darkness a year ago, almost immediately after the epilogue of KH3, and have been searching for Sora there, though obviously their actual objective is Vanitas.
**Mickey, Donald, and Goofy have been searching for all past worlds, but Donald, and Goofy are reassigned to Scala ad Caelum, then Underworld in Olympus Coliseum. Their second objective isn't about Sora, but learning about the Keyblade Order, so they can wield their own.
**Twilight Town gang are studying Roxas, and Xion's memories, but outside of Lea, and Isa, none of them know how to use Ansem DiZ's machines (Pence somewhat knows), so their real objective is presumably Subject X.
**Kairi's objective for being asleep for a year ends up being largely useless, outside of the clue of The Final World. Its Riku's dreams about Quadratum is the one that actually matters, and even then only somewhat.
Kairi's final resolve about training under Aqua also confirms Wayfinder Trio didn't find anything, which for the audiences at home is probably meant to be a tease that prime time Vanitas is inside Sora (shocking I know), but it is also a way of keeping Kairi off KH4 until its near end, because that's how people remember KH1 went, and Riku will presumably only appear around mid-game, because again, that's how people remember KH1 went.
The only mysterious situation is with King Mickey I guess, but because of Coded (and its various iterations), your assumption should be that he is also searching for either:
**The recompleted Dandelions, Elrena, and Lauriam. Possibly other NPC ones if they became Nobodies.
**Braig, the only Ansem apprentice that didn't return.
**Vanitas, again.
**The Book of Prophecies (the real one, owned by MoM)
**The black box.
**Pete, and Maleficent, who are seeking those two things.
I guess the only one not mentioned is Naminé, but I sort of joke about her becoming a Keyblade wielder, though the real reason might be that the theory of her being somehow related to Ava is true, and that is her big twist in Lost Masters saga. Ehh.
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heartsconnectedrp · 4 years
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Ventus' Worm on a String Saga part 2
And the Traitor:
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❤ Part 1 ❤
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sorazine · 4 years
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One with the Sky: a Sora Fanzine features a story by Strawberi 💙 Check out their preview on Twitter too!
Preorders are open until  September 13th.
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What would the chocobros be like as Nobodies?
Awww don’t to this to my poor Prom T_T
Our dear prince already really likes napping as a Somebody, and it’s amplified when he loses his Heart
After all, there’s… Honestly not much else to do
He used to love fishing, but now it’s just… Nothing special. He doesn’t get excited by the thought of catching a big one, and while he doesn’t care that it’d be boring, he doesn’t enjoy it more than simply doing nothing
And playing games, well… It keeps him busy, sure, but that’s also not really much better than simply doing nothing
So, napping it is, if none of the others drag him out of bed
As his Heart slowly regrows, the first thing that causes any emotion is hanging out with the other Bros
So he tries to do that more often. Playing King’s Knight together, pretty much the same stuff they did before losing their Hearts
He doesn’t show it much, but once he regains enough of his feelings, thinking back to the time without them is lowkey terrifying
He tends to focus his emotions inward, so the change wasn’t nearly as noticeable to others as it was for him, but he knows
While he can be selfish at times (Like everyone), Noct cares about others a lot
And suddenly not caring about literally anything or anyone? That’s a big change
Nobody!Ignis is…. Kind of similar to Saix, actually
He still has his duty to Noctis, and he will fulfill it
And he doesn’t care who might get hurt. If they get in the way, well, that’s on them. Preferably the other Chocobros remain safe, too, but priority #1 is Noctis
Of course that doesn’t mean he goes completely off the rails!
He’s always leaned more towards logic than letting himself be guided by emotions, anyway. It’s just more pronounced now.
His main priority is Noctis, then come the other Chocobros. And then the other stuff he cared about as a Somebody, like other people
He just prioritizes more now. As a Somebody, if the choice had been, say, sacrificing Noctis or sacrificing someone else, he’d first try to find a third option. As a Nobody, if there was no immediately obvious third option available, he’d sacrifice the other person without second thought
If he actually ends up doing it, he’s in for a shock when he regains his Heart
Cause, sure. Noctis is still a priority. But he was never that callous
Could he have found a different option if he’d tried?
Could he have prevented those people’s deaths?
What do the other Chocobros think of his actions? Do they still trust him?
At first, he thinks it would’ve been great if that had happened earlier. He doesn’t feel insecure anymore, it’s like all his self-doubt just got erased (And, well, that’s kinda what literally happened)
But not even a second later, he also notices that he isn’t happy anymore either. He remembers the times he was happy, sure, but there’s no warm and fuzzy feeling when he thinks about them
And it’s just weird. Because he knows it should scare him, but it doesn’t
He’s just… Not used to not relying on his feelings. As a Somebody, he judged most situations by how they felt, and acted accordingly
Now, he can’t do that anymore.
At first, he pretty much tries out everything he can think of that made him feel before. Taking pictures, petting cute dogs, hanging out with the others, …
It’s hard for him to understand why not having emotions doesn’t bother him. Obviously it should. But it doesn’t.
He’s probably one of the first ones to get his Heart back, or at least one of the first whose Heart starts regrowing
And once something makes him feel, he pretty much doubles his efforts
He’s... Not happy when all of his self-doubt returns, and he starts feeling like maybe he doesn’t belong with the others again
But if the price for losing that is also losing happiness, it’s not worth it to him. Sure, it sucks, but now that he can feel again, the thought of being unable to be happy - even if it also means never being sad or worried - is much worse than stuff being the way it is
Having no Heart is a strange experience
Gladio is used to having quite the temper at times. Sure, that’s got him into trouble before, but he also knows how to use it to his advantage
But the fire is kind of... Gone.
He still goes through the motions. He gets up early to train, for example, but he doesn’t really enjoy it anymore
He still remembers how he used to love being up around sunrise, before anyone else is awake. How fresh the air felt, how hard his heart was pounding afterwards, all of it
And objectively, everything is still the same, but to him, it just... Isn’t.
He barely spends any time reading now. He used to love it as a Somebody, but now? Eh.
He trains more instead. Sure, his body often hurts afterwards, but so what?
He also doesn’t flirt with anyone anymore. As a Somebody he enjoyed it, even if nothing came out of it, it was just fun. Now, he might do it to reach a goal, but not for anything else
But, well. He does still have a job to do: Protect the prince, and the other Bros
When he still had a Heart, the thought of losing them was somewhat terrifying; it isn’t now, but he still remembers that bit
And if they currently have a mission of sorts (Say, get the weapons from all Royal Tombs, or get the blessings of all the Astrals), he puts all his focus on that
If push comes to shove, the mission might even be more important than any one bro. He does try his best to get everyone through safely, but if the choice was between just one bro and the mission...?
However, they’d need to be in serious trouble for Gladio to make that choice. Protecting the others is still very high on his list of priorities, and even if it wasn’t, more group members also means higher chance of success for future missions
Random civilians may not be as lucky
Gladio still makes an effort to not, well, have any innocents killed. But if it happens, it happens.
Naturally, that idea horrifies him once he regains his Heart
He might be one of the Crownsguard, and that means Noct is supposed to be his main priority, but that doesn’t mean he’s ever stopped caring about others
If it were a life-or-death situation, maybe then would Gladio sooner make sure Noctis got out alive than try to save others. But only then.
And Ignis and Prompto are his comrades. His brothers in arms. Even if Noct is supposed to be his main priority, the other bros are, too.
If he ended up causing the death of one of them - or even if there’s just a slight chance he might’ve been able to save them, but didn’t - he’d never forgive himself
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holly-natnicole · 4 months
Naminé: "Here's some advice."
Sora: "I didn't ask for any."
Naminé: "Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me."
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eventide-falls · 6 years
Rated: General Audiences Fandom(s): Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy XV Summary: Running a Chocobo ranch isn't all it's cracked up to be, but the daytrips aren't bad. Roxas sets off to take two feathery friends to the city, only to lose something far more important along the way.
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alphascorpiixx · 1 year
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[ID: Repliku and Naminé in Scala ad Caelum. In the first image, they are standing in a plaza by the water. Repliku is holding out one hand. Naminé has her hands clasped to her chest. The other island towns are visible in the distance. In the second image, they are standing beside a tree in a grassy area. Naminé is in the same pose as the first, and Repliku is reaching up to touch the leaves of a tree. End ID]
Some RepliNami in Scala ad Caelum
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rokunamixi · 2 years
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More data greeting! I made so many I had to keep it to two pics for each.
[ID: 1: Naminé and Xion smiling and standing close to each other on the Destiny Island beach. Naminé has her hands clasped to her chest. The papou tree island is visible in the top left corner. 2: Naminé and Xion smiling and standing close to each other with their foreheads touching on the Destiny Island beach. The papou tree island is visible in the top left corner. 3: Roxas and Naminé smiling and standing close to each other with their foreheads touching in park area in Scala ad Caelum. 4: Roxas and Naminé smiling and standing close to each other in park area in Scala ad Caelum. Naminé has her hands clasped to her chest. Roxas has his arms around Naminé. 5: Xion and Roxas smiling and standing close to each other with their foreheads touching in the Twilight Town forest. 6: Xion and Roxas smiling and standing close to each other in the Twilight Town forest. Roxas is kissing Xion’s forehead. End ID]
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nadziejastar · 2 years
I was going through Kingdom Hearts ii again and I realized that there's a LOT of unicorn/pegasi imagery in the Twilight Town mansion. I was wondering if this had a tie-in between the Foreteller Ira and Ansem and/or Isa in the theme of "wrath". Particularly with the individual histories of Ansem and Isa with the apprentices/experiments.
Someone also pointed out that it looked like a struggle or explosion took place in the mansion (between the smashed castle structure and the dining table on the first floor). I was suspicious afterwards if going off your Isa backstory theories, this was where Ansem kept Isa hidden after the experiments (lab in the basement and all), and when the apprentices found him, where Isa went into beserker mode resulting in that destruction. Not sure if it also matters, but the castle tower pieces on the floor were each topped with something. Couldn't make out some of them, but there was a crescent moon and two cup-shaped pieces. Looked like there were 3 other platforms for sculptures besides the main castle structure, too.
Also, was wondering if you had any theories of the white room Naminé was kept in. If it was already there before the events of KH2 or was a Naminé special.
I understand the Foreteller Arc and Isa's story didn't exist when KH2 originally came out, but was wondering if the original story here was retconned to make room for that.
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I was going through Kingdom Hearts ii again and I realized that there's a LOT of unicorn/pegasi imagery in the Twilight Town mansion. I was wondering if this had a tie-in between the Foreteller Ira and Ansem and/or Isa in the theme of "wrath". Particularly with the individual histories of Ansem and Isa with the apprentices/experiments. I understand the Foreteller Arc and Isa's story didn't exist when KH2 originally came out, but was wondering if the original story here was retconned to make room for that.
That's exactly what I think and I'm incorporating that idea into my current fic. In KH2, Nomura probably made the unicorn the symbol for the mansion because it symbolized anger, and Ansem was plotting his revenge there. Later on, he came up with the 13 Darknesses plot. The Foretellers were the original vessels for the seven deadliest ones.
I think the whole idea for the Dark Seeker Saga (originally, at least) was that Org. XIII were the new vessels for the 13 Darknesses. Ventus was the vessel for Invi/Envy, and when it was extracted, it became Vanitas. Braig was the vessel for Luxu/Lust. And Isa was the vessel for Ira/Wrath. So it would have been pretty symbolic that he was taken to that unicorn mansion by AtW after the experiments.
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Someone also pointed out that it looked like a struggle or explosion took place in the mansion (between the smashed castle structure and the dining table on the first floor). I was suspicious afterwards if going off your Isa backstory theories, this was where Ansem kept Isa hidden after the experiments (lab in the basement and all), and when the apprentices found him, where Isa went into beserker mode resulting in that destruction.
Yeah, that is a really good point. I think AtW would have experimented on his memories in the basement. Then afterwards, maybe they sat in this room. It makes a lot of sense that Isa went berserk there, explaining why it's all torn up. The moon is a symbol of darkness and the subconscious. If Ansem was experimenting on Isa's sleeping memories, like he did with Xehanort, it's also very possible it could trigger a berserk episode.
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Not sure if it also matters, but the castle tower pieces on the floor were each topped with something. Couldn't make out some of them, but there was a crescent moon and two cup-shaped pieces. Looked like there were 3 other platforms for sculptures besides the main castle structure, too.
Yeah, the castle tower pieces are interesting. Not quite sure what to make of them. Maybe Nomura will come up with a way to make them retroactively fit with Daybreak Town or Scala ad Caelum lore. Now that the Foretellers are back, I'm sure he'll eventually connect the mansion to Ira and the Unicornis union.
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---Was the Mansion in Twilight Town a property of the XIII Organization?
No, they have nothing to do with it. It's just a place DiZ used as his hideout. You saw a lot of pods like the one Sora was in but DiZ just transfered Sora and the others along with their pods from Castle Oblivion. In other words, DiZ just copied the pods that were created by the Organization and lined them up (in the Mansion). The reason there's a room in the Mansion that looks exactly like Castle Oblivion's was just prepared for Namine, not because that space is connected to Castle Oblivion.
As for the white room, according to what Nomura said in the KH2 Ultimania, it was prepared like that specifically for Namine. I guess that's just how she likes her room to look.
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