readerviews · 5 months
"Salvation" by Kim C. Brooks, MD
A Guide to True Freedom #books #bookreview #reading #readerviews
Salvation     Kim C. Brooks, MDXulon Press (2023)ISBN: 978-1662864056Reviewed by Ashley Hooker for Reader Views (12/2023) Kim Brooks is a wife, mother, physician, and follower of Jesus Christ. She has written “Salvation: The Journey from Here to Eternity” to share with others what it means to be a Christian and how the valleys and mountaintops of life are all in the hands of the one who created…
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shadowybearfox · 6 days
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"The Audacity of Faith (Diva Pack Transformation) as written By W. T. Barlow ---Buy the Novel at Xulon Press, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble; On Amazon, you can also take a “PEEK INSIDE” Thank you.
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Brothers Divided by J.W. Worsham Book Reviews #motivation #review #order...
Jon and Jake grew up in a small town in Mississippi where everyone knows everyone. Most everyone in the town went to church on Sunday mornings while they were growing up. When the brothers got older and left town things in the small town began to change. Jon got married and moved back to the small town with his wife and young son. He came back to help out on the family farm. He was enjoying the life with his family. Jake made it big in Las Vegas by working as a casino floor manager. He was living the highlife. One day his boss offered him the chance of a lifetime, but he would have to move back to the small town. This move could be more costly than Jake ever imagined.
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biblenewsprophecy · 6 months
Pope Gelasius I was one who got people to consider that the pope was truly Antichrist
On November 21, Catholics of Rome honor their bishop and pontiff Gelasius I.
The Catholic Encyclopedia says the following about him:
Pope Gelasius I (died 19 November 496) was Pope from 1 March 492 to his death in 496…
Despite all the efforts of the otherwise orthodox patriarch, Euphemius of Constantinople, and the threats and wiles by which the Emperor Anastasius tried to obtain recognition from the Apostolic See, Gelasius, though hard-pressed by difficulties at home, would make no peace that compromised in the slightest degree the rights and honor of the Chair of Peter. The constancy with which he combated the pretensions, lay and ecclesiastical, of the New Rome; the resoluteness with which he refused to allow the civil or temporal pre-eminence of a city to determine its ecclesiastical rank; the unfailing courage with which he defended the rights of the “second” and the “third” sees, Alexandria and Antioch, are some of the most striking features of his pontificate. It has been well said that nowhere at this period can be found stronger arguments for the primacy of Peter’s See than in the works and writings of Gelasius…
As a writer Gelasius takes high rank for his period. His style is vigorous and elegant, though occasionally, obscure. Comparatively little of his literary work has come down to us, though he is said to have been the most prolific writer of all the pontiffs of the first five centuries. There are extant forty-two letters and fragments of forty-nine others, besides six treatises, of which three are concerned with the Acacian schism, one with the heresy of the Pelagians, another with the errors of Nestorius and Eutyches, while the sixth is directed against the senator Andromachus and the advocates of the Lupercalia. The best edition is that of Thiel.
The feast of St. Gelasius is kept on 21 Nov., the anniversary of his interment, though many writers give this as the day of his death. (Murphy, J.F.X. (1909). Pope St. Gelasius I. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved April 21, 2014 from New Advent: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06406a.htm)
The reason I reported about him is because he is believed to have been the first pontiff to be referred to as the “vicar of Christ” (Park H. The Roman Catholic Church – A Critical Appraisal. Xulon Press, 2008, pp. 37-38). not because someone with my last name wrote the best edition about some heresy. However, I personally did write about early catholism in a documented way others have not (see Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church: Could a remnant group have continuing apostolic succession?).
That said, the word vicar comes from a Latin term:
vicar (n.)
early 14c., from Anglo-French vicare, Old French vicaire “deputy, second in command,” also in the ecclesiastical sense (12c.), from Latin vicarius “a substitute, deputy, proxy,” noun use of adjective vicarius “substituted, delegated,” from vicis “change, interchange, succession; a place, position” (see vicarious). The original notion is of “earthly representative of God or Christ;” but also used in sense of “person acting as parish priest in place of a real parson” (early 14c.). (http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=vicar viewed 0421/14)
So “Vicar of Christ” means In Substitute of Christ or Instead of Christ.
So what does the expression “anti-Christ” mean?
In English, the word Anti-Christ clearly means one who is opposed or against Christ. And that is consistent with the meaning in the Greek.
But the Greek allows for another definition that seems to be applicable.
The Greek term translated as anti, such as in antichrist in 1 John 2:18, is Strong’s word 473.
NT:473 άντί
anti (an-tee’); a primary particle; opposite, i.e. instead or because of (rarely in addition to):
(Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)
The Greek word for Christ, Strong’s word 5547, Christos, means Christ or Messiah.
So, the term Antichrist can mean Opposite of Christ or Instead of Christ.
After Emperor Constantine issued his Edict Against Heretics in 331 A.D., it began to become clearer to those associated with the true Church that perhaps a church proclaiming Christianity and tied into the Roman Empire should be identified with antichrist.
Notice what the Roman Catholic Cardinal Newman wrote about it in the 19th century:
Now, one of the first questions which it is natural to ask on entering upon the subject is, whereas the Pope is said to be Antichrist, sometimes from the fourth, sometimes from the seventh century, when was he first detected and denounced, and by whom?
On this point Dr. Todd supplies us with much information, from which it appears that the belief that the Pope was Antichrist was the conclusion gradually formed and matured out of the belief that the Church of Rome was Babylon, by three heretical bodies, between the eleventh and sixteenth centuries, in consequence of their being submitted to persecution for their opinions:
“In the middle of the eleventh century, numerous emigrants from Thrace and the East had established themselves in the north of Italy, and especially in the neighbourhood of Milan; and some, despising a fixed habitation, or unable to obtain one, itinerated throughout various parts of France and Germany. The doctrines of these sects exhibit various shades of extravagance and error, and appear to have had a close affinity with the Oriental Manichees or Paulicians, from whom they are historically descended…they despised all external religion, ridiculed the office and powers of the priesthood, the efficacy of the Sacraments, and especially the use of baptism.”—Pp. 28-30.
These were the Albigenses, the first of the three independent families of heresy above mentioned…It would appear from these that the Albigenses founded their opposition to the Church on a Manichæan principle, viz., that, as there was an evil deity, and he the author of the visible world, so was he author also of the visible Church, which in consequence was “the devil’s basilica and synagogue of Satan,” and, in the language of the Apocalypse, “the mother of fornications.” (Newman JH. The Protestant Idea of Antichrist. [British Critic, Oct. 1840]. Newman Reader — Works of John Henry Newman. Copyright © 2004 by The National Institute for Newman Studies. http://www.newmanreader.org/works/essays/volume2/antichrist1.html viewed 12/03/07).
What the Cardinal seems to be teaching is that beginning in the fourth-seventh centuries one or two groups apparently began to feel that the Pontifex Maximus was an antichrist and that one who calls himself Pontifex Maximus may be the final antichrist. The Roman bishops did not refer to themselves by the pagan title of Pontifex Maximus (literally meaning the “greatest bridge-builder” between mortals and the gods) until the late 4th century.
It is likely no coincidence that after bishops of Rome took the title Pontifex Maximus in the late 4th century and “vicar of Christ” in the 5th century that more started to believe that the Bishop of Rome represented the final Antichrist.
Many Greco-Roman Catholic prophecies suggest that it will be a pope, or more precisely an antipope, that will arise and perhaps be the final Antichrist:
Oba Prophecy. “It will come when the Church authorities issue directives to support a new cult, when priests are forbidden to celebrate in any other, when the highest positions in the Church are given to perjurers and hypocrites, when only the renegades are admitted to occupy those positions (Dupont Yves. Catholic Prophecy: The Coming Chastisement. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), p. 115).
Anna-Katarina Emmerick (19th century). “I saw again a new and odd-looking Church which they were trying to build. There was nothing holy about it…(Dupont, p. 116).
Yves Dupont (writer interpreting A. Emmerick), “They wanted to make a new Church, a Church of human manufacture, but God had other designs…An anti-pope shall be set up in Rome” (Dupont, p. 116).
The Prophecy of Premol (5th century) “…And I see the King of Rome and his Cross and his tiara, shaking the dust off of his shoes, and hastening his flight to other shores. Thy Church, O Lord, is torn apart by her own children. One camp is faithful to the fleeing Pontiff, the other is subject to the new government of Rome which has broken the tiara. But Almighty God will, in His mercy, put an end to this confusion and a new age will begin. Then, said the Spirit, this is the beginning of the End of Time.”
Comment: From this prophecy, it is clear that the true Church will be faithful to the Pope in exile; whereas the new Pope in Rome will be, in fact, an anti-pope…a large number of Catholics will be misled into accepting the leadership of the anti-pope. (Dupont, pp. 72-73). {Note the comment is from Dupont personally}.
Jeanne le Royer (d. 1978) I see that when the Second Coming of Christ approaches a bad priest will do much harm to the Church (Culligan, E. The Last World War and the End of Time. The book was blessed by Pope Paul VI, 1966. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), p. 128).
Yves Dupont {reader and collector of Catholic prophecies} “prophecies are quite explicit about the election of an anti-pope…Many prophecies predict an anti-pope and a schism” (Dupont, pp. 34,60-61).
Catholic priest and writer R. Gerald Culleton: “A schism of short duration is destined to break out…An antipope, of German origin, is to be set up, and finally Rome itself will be destroyed” (Culleton, R. Gerald. The Prophets and Our Times. Nihil Obstat: L. Arvin. Imprimatur: Philip G. Scher, Bishop of Monterey-Fresno, November 15, 1941. Reprint 1974, TAN Books, Rockford (IL), p. 42).
Cardinal John Henry Newman (died 1890): The defenders of the Papal-Antichrist theory… cite St. Bernard as identifying the Beast of the Apocalypse with the Pope, though St. Bernard speaks in the passage of the Antipope; they appeal to the Abbot Joachim as believing that Antichrist will be elevated to the Apostolic See, while the Abbot really believes that Antichrist will overthrow the Pope and usurp his See … Antichrist must have some similarity to the Pope… (Cited in Mass A.J. Antichrist. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume I. Copyright © 1907 by Robert Appleton Company. Online Edition Copyright © 2003 by K. Knight. Nihil Obstat, March 1, 1907. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York).
Priest S. Berry (20th Century): Then the earth whence comes the second beast is a symbol of the Gentile nations in revolt against the Church. The two horns denote a twofold authority — spiritual and temporal….the prophet will probably set himself up in Rome as a sort of anti-pope…(From Interpretation of the Apocalypse, quoted in Culleton R. Gerald. The Reign of Antichrist, Reprint TAN Books, Rockford, IL, 1974, 199-200).
Frederick William Faber (died 1863)…Antichrist…Many believe in a demonical incarnation–this will not be so–but he will be utterly possessed…His doctrine as apparent contradiction of no religion, yet a new religion…He has an attending pontiff, so separating regal and prophetic office (Connor, Edward. Prophecy for Today. Imprimatur + A.J. Willinger, Bishop of Monterey-Fresno; Reprint: Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford (IL), 1984, p. 87).
Blessed Joachim (died 1202): “Towards the end of the world Antichrist will overthrow the Pope and usurp his See” (Connor, p. 76).
Merlin (7th century) “There will come a German Anti-Pope. Italy and Germany will be sorely troubled. A French King will restore the true Pope” (Culleton, p. 132).
St. Francis of Assisi (d. 1226) “There will be an uncanonically elected pope who will cause a great Schism, there will be divers thoughts preached which will cause many, even those in the different orders, to doubt, yea even agree with those heretics which will cause My order to divide, then will there be such universal dissentions and persecutions that if these days were not shortened even the elect would be lost” (Culleton, p. 130).
Catholic writer and priest P. Huchedé (19th century): “…the false prophet…will not be a king, nor a general of an army, but a clever apostate, fallen from episcopal dignity. From being an apostle of the Gospel he will become the first preacher of the false messiah…” (Huchedé, P. Translated by JBD. History of Antichrist. Imprimatur Edward Charles Fabre, Bishop of Montreal. English edition 1884, Reprint 1976. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), p. 24).
St. Gregory the Great, Pope (d. 604): In those days, near the end … an army of priest and two-thirds of the Christians will join the Schism (Culleton, R. Gerald. The Reign of Antichrist, p. 122)
Priest Herman Kramer This false prophet possibly at the behest of Antichrist usurps the papal supremacy…His assumed spiritual authority and supremacy over the Church would make him resemble the Bishop of Rome…He would be Pontifex Maximus, a title of pagan emperors, having spiritual and temporal authority. Assuming authority without having it makes him the False Prophet…Though he poses as a lamb, his doctrines betray him (Kramer H.B. L. The Book of Destiny. Nihil Obstat: J.S. Considine, O.P., Censor Deputatus. Imprimatur: +Joseph M. Mueller, Bishop of Sioux City, Iowa, January 26, 1956. Reprint TAN Books, Rockford (IL), p. 319).
Note: I want to make it clear that consistent with biblical and Greco-Roman Catholic prophecies, I believe that the final Antichrist will pretend to be a Roman Catholic and betray that church (cf. Revelation 17:15-18).
That being said, I do not believe that terms such as reverend (cf. Psalm 111:9, KJV), pontifex maximus (an old pagan title meaning bridge builder), or “vicar of Christ” should be used of leaders who claim to be Christian.
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A How To Become The Authentic and Confident Parent Your Child Needs Guide @RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #12PositiveFWordsforParents #RyanNorris #nonfiction    How To Become The Authentic and Confident Parent Your Child Needs   Christian / Nonfiction / Self-Help / Parenting Date Published: July 29, 2023 Publisher: Xulon Press   12 Positive “F” Words for Parents is an amazing book that…
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William Steven Frank
Please welcome William Steven Frank to my blog. Shall we Get started? 1. Please introduce yourself to those reading this blog post. Hello! My name is William Steven Frank. I am grateful to have this opportunity. I am a middle school teacher, and an author when I can find time! I have self-published one book using Xulon Press. Its available in all of the usual places. I am married, with one son,…
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You Can Trust Him- Anchoring Your Hope in God During Difficult Times is an incredible book. The chapters take you through the stories of the bible that we all know so well. This book is beautifully written and intricately weaves together scriptures and some of the most popular people in the bible, as well as people in Joan’s life and ministry. 
The stories that I once  thought were only relevant in history I have learned that the same rules apply to the world we live in today. One thing that you learn from this book is that we are very similar to the people who lived throughout history. Most of us ( myself included) pray and worship daily, however we don’t truly reach out to God unless it's out of  complete and utter desperation. As I was reading this book one song came to my mind and played on repeat the whole time I was reading. “Praise You In The Storm” by Casting Crowns is the perfect song for this book. 
This book will open your heart to the compassion God has for His people in a whole new light.  I was able to understand  the passage in Isaiah in a way I never had before.
Isaiah 55:1 ESV
Come everyone who thirsts, come to the waters;and he who has no money, come , buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Another thing I have learned reading this book is that through my life I have let the world define my level of confidence instead of realizing that I am a child of the Most High God, and that is something that nobody can ever take away from me. 
Hebrews 10:35-38 ESV
Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. For, “ Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and not delay; but my righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him” 
I was truly convicted at one point reading this book. I came to a chapter where Joan was talking about praying and standing in faith for help to expand her ministry and acquire office space. Joan points out that she should have been taking a step of faith instead of standing and waiting for God to move and this really hit home. 
While I always take everything to God, I have a habit of sitting back and waiting instead of taking that first step of faith.  2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by Faith not by sight. 
I have been pondering over this part of the book for a few days and can’t help but wonder what all I have missed out on because God was waiting for me to take that step of faith. 
If you would like to have a deeper connection to the Lord and learn how to use the bible in a daily application in every aspect of your life, I highly recommend reading this book. As I said at the beginning of this review, I will be reading all of Joan E. Murray”s book and applying what I learn to my everyday life. I’m also sure I will be re-reading You Can Trust Him- Anchoring Your Hope in God During Difficult Times for years to come. 
 We all have some form of trust issues and this book has really taught me that even though I have been let down by people throughout my life, God will never let me down. He may not answer my prayers the way that I would like but I have learned that He will always be there by my side even through the trials and tribulations that He allows to take place in an effort to make me stronger and prepare me for the future. God will always be with me and I know That I Can Trust Him completely. 
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Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions
You Can Trust Him - Anchoring Your Hope in God During Difficult Times
Joan E. Murray
Xulon Press
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About the Book:
You Can Trust Him is an in-depth journey into inspirational, personal, and Biblical stories that will help you find trust truths in the midst of pain, difficulties, or hardships. You will discover that God is with you, and you trust Him in the storms. In the pages of this book, you will find answers to help you navigate through the painful seasons of life. Using these powerful stories, Joan reveals deep truths about God’s love, compassion, and care for each of His children. 
Through these inspirational, personal, and Biblical stories, Joan takes you deep into the lives of many people who were unsure they could survive their painful struggles. They Learned to trust God, and were victorious. You will be too. These stories will inspire and encourage you as you make the decision to trust God completely, because He can be Trusted.
About the Author:
Joan E. Murray is the Founder and CEO of Joan Murray Ministries and Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions. She is an International Bible Teacher, Pastor, Author, and Missionary. She has traveled extensively around the world to minister and serve those in need.
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Jon and Jake grew up in a small town in Mississippi where everyone knows everyone. Most everyone in the town went to church on Sunday mornings while they were growing up. When the brothers got older and left town things in the small town began to change. Jon got married and moved back to the small town with his wife and young son. He came back to help out on the family farm. He was enjoying the life with his family. Jake made it big in Las Vegas by working as a casino floor manager. He was living the highlife. One day his boss offered him the chance of a lifetime but he would have to move back to the small town. This move could be more costly than Jake ever imagined.
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