#xun feizhan
nemainofthewater · 2 months
Best Character surnamed: Xun
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgotten anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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fishylife · 17 days
spoilers up to nirvana in fire 2, episode 46
as a warning, i don't love this show, so please don't read this if you don't want to see negative opinions about the show
i've been watching nirvana in fire 2 and i haven't been saying much about it because i haven't found it as engaging as nirvana in fire. while nirvana in fire was a court political thriller, i'd say that nirvana in fire 2 is more of a character journey. which wouldn't be a problem if i liked the main character more, but i don't 🙃 more on this later
the court politics side of the story has mostly been pretty straightforward. i also felt like the story was relying on tropes and fanservice from nirvana in fire so the characters felt more shallow.
one of my bigger complaints about the show is the villains. in nirvana in fire, the emphasis was that everybody in the court and the palace were just trying to survive in the cutthroat environment. while there were protagonists and antagonists, it was still easy to sympathize with the antagonists because i understood that they had lived tough lives. in contrast, nirvana in fire 2 has mostly pushed all of the villainy onto two characters, puyang ying and xiao yuanqi. all bad things happen because of them, and i think it's a little too simple for a sequel to nirvana in fire.
the show is ok, but i haven't been crazy about it. but things have really picked up in the last 10 episodes. now it feels more like a court thriller. it isn't as meticulous and detailed as nirvana in fire, and the final arc is pretty straightforward. but in this moment of high tension, we're finally seeing all of the characters pushed to be their strongest and truest selves. it's a pity that it's only come out in the last story arc.
what's also a pity is that in this final arc, xiao pingjing (who i deem to be the main character) is barely in the story. i've always had a bit of a problem with xiao pingjing. i think he isn't as tight of a character as one might hope for a main character. the writers flip-flop on whether he's a smart character or not. he's smart, he notices things about people and he solves mysteries. but there are times where he shows astounding cluelessness (like his inability to see when he steps on the toes of empress xun). i realize that his character journey involves him maturing, but even now, i feel like his values and morals aren't as organized and strong as i would like from a hero/protagonist.
anyway, i've been having way more fun watching xun feizhan and xun baishui and yue yinchuan and xun anru and pei'er trying to take down xiao yuanqi. xiao pingjing is still in the process of coming down the mountain 🙃 shouldn't the hero be closer to the action? maybe i'm missing something 😬
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viva-la-whump · 4 years
Okay, who DIDN’T fall in love with Feizhan and Yue Yinchuan in NIF2? I mean, they’re just so AMAZING!! And while we got some FANTASTIC Feizhan whump at the end of the show, I figured it was time for Yinchuan to have some fun ;)
I DID IT!!!!!! 31 fics are DONE!!!! WOOT!!!
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cerinamroths · 4 years
Nirvana in Fire 2 Thoughts
The strongest quality of NIF2 is the emotional resonance it gives to the audience as it focuses more on the characters/family and less about the intricacies of the schemes and politics. Whereas I didn’t feel as much in NIF until its ending, I felt and cried so much throughout NIF2. Also “The Wind Blows in Changlin”?? More like a fucking tornado storms through Changlin!!!
Let’s start with how the one sentence google summary of NIF2 is a terrible spoiler! The description basically summarizes eps. 1-37! It states “Xiao Pingjing finally succumbs to the grief caused by the death of his brother and his father, and he leaves the capital to return to Langya Pavilion.” 
This kind of ruined it for me, bc I expected their deaths from the first few episodes & then I just waited for them to die... and then every happy scene of them just made me sadder knowing what’s to come... It’s like reading about Game of Thrones with a description “The remaining Stark family learns to play the game as the oldest son & father perishes...” LIKE WHAT EVEN
The OST is beautifully heartwrenching! My favorite one so far - I’ve been listening to it between watching and driving to/from work.
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The OTP of this series IS Pingzhang and Qianxue. Sure, Lin Xi & Pingjing are fated and cute, but we didn’t get enough moments between them. You see PZ & QX teasing each other, supporting each other, respectively doing their duties, going to battle together, being intimate as much as one can be in a cdrama, etc. I’m sad they had to end but at least she did have a son and we got a happy ending through Lin Xi & Pingjing.
Speaking of that ending, I am so happy for Pingjing. When it comes to responsibilities, especially in that time period, one cannot be so lucky... but to have those military achievements and honor of defending His Majesty and then being free of responsibilities & duties to go live out the rest of your life with your love is the best gift one could ask for. It kind of makes you thankful that Minister Xun succeeded in dismantling the Changlin army...
In asian culture where one has to be successful, especially if there is a family legacy, I really admired Tingsheng for imparting that final advice to Pingjing - saying he doesn’t need to continue with Changlin or to be what PZ and TS was in the past... but to live his own life. 
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Maybe it makes for a better story, but I was utterly pissed off at Minister Xun & The Empress! I rather have someone with committed evil intentions (like Marquis Xie & Yuanqui) than someone with misguided intentions. The only reason why they dismantled the Changlin family was to thwart them from possible evil future crimes!!! URGH. I do understand though, and the show makes sure to highlight it throughout, especially at the end in the last conversation between General Yue and Pingjing.
I really hated Puyang Ying... but that just shows how much of a threat he was! If he had grander plans than just taking revenge for the plague, he could have been as calculating as Mei Changsu. I really feel bad for his disciples not knowing he stole his king’s seal & tricking everyone to commit evil actions. And Yuanqi... I clearly see why he did what he did, but those moments in the earlier episodes when you see Yuanqi contemplate his morals... URGH he could have been so good! Poor fucking Anru! ): I’m surprised Marquis Mozi didn’t make appear at the end but that’s most definitely a future problem.
I can’t believe they used the actress for Xia Dong in NIF to be Madam Qi from Donghai in NIF2!!! Also holy fucking shit when Yuanqi burned her alive!!!
Pingzhang was the best male character of the series - he was the embodiment of a powerful warrior, intelligent mind, responsible-but-can-have-fun personality... the love for his family especially finding out he was adopted & saving his brother’s life was just so amazing!!!! 
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Feizhan was the second best male character. He has such an unbreakable moral foundation. Now that is an example you can pit against Yuanqi... he will still make the right choices even if his family is in the wrong. Poor him for being in love with Qianxue! Bc in that life and in any other reincarnated life, it’s going to be PZ & QX buddy... unless AU OT3?! But anyways, how can you not admire his steadfast and resolute moral outlook!?
Pingjing grew on me throughout the drama. I understand that main characters must have flaws to overcome in a story, but he was really annoying in the beginning. Smart, but stupid with Lin Xi! He was so impulsive with court matters, that I wanted to facepalm & cringe so hard. But when he really had to grow up... man the change! ): 
My favorite moment is when the disbanded Changlin army reunites and is ready to go to battle for Pingjing to save His Majesty.
The battle at the Northern Border with the solar eclipse was also epic!!! I haven’t watched many Chinese Movies/Dramas, but it felt semi-reminiscent of Red Cliff and it made me yearn for more battle scenes.
From ep. 38 and on, I really like the plot they give to the side characters of Pei-er, General Yue, and his subordinate Tan Heng.
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Little Emperor - ngl, my favorite moment was when he ordered to kill Yuanqi! Like YES, DIE YUANQI. But also I really enjoyed his relationship with Pingjing. That ending quote though took my heart:
“Older brother Pingjing, no matter where you will be from now on, do not forget your old friend here in Jinling. You must frequently write him back." 
I love the callbacks to NIF and those scenes made me so emotional especially when Tingsheng reminisced about Mei Changsu & his father Jingyan! Also wtf happened to Fei Liu! I’m annoyed that Commander Meng didn’t spend as much time teaching Qianxue & focused on the boys instead... especially when fucking Princess Nihuang led the entire Mu army and protected the southern border. It was nice to have Pingjing & His Majesty escape through the tunnel between Changlin Manor (aka Prince Jing’s Manor) and Sir Su’s residence!!!
There are barely any fics for NIF2!!! I really with for a time travel fic where maybe the NIF2 characters meet NIF1... or NIF1 characters come to the future and help Changlin Manor and let the world know what’s up (imagine Mei Changsu scoffing at Minister Xun & The Empress). Or even PJ going back to the start of the drama, showing how much he’s grown to his father and elder brother. Some fluff between PZ & QX and PJ & LX. 
Also with both NIF & NIF2, thank goodness Langya Court isn’t evil lol... because they are certainly biased!
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Ending with a shot of Ce’er waving goodbye (so cute!). Hoping to start The Legend of Fuyao or The Rise of Phoenixes next. 
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natstarbuck · 6 years
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Ep. 49-50
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ennobaka · 4 years
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Xun Feizhan are you married? Wouldn’t you rather be married to Tuoba Yu from Beiyan instead?
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movielosophy · 5 years
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Young Master of Snow Tower, Xiao Yi Qing
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silver-grasp · 3 years
Anyway there’s like no fic for NiF2, there isn’t even a separate fandom tag for it, but I have to say I’m a tiiiny bit disappointed there isn’t even a single Xiao Pingzhang/Meng Qianxue/Xun Feizhan fic out there. I just think they’re neat.
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swordsandparasols · 6 years
Xun Feizhan wandering around Gossip Central and trying to bond with his crush’s kid and getting sassed by the babysitter is a treasure and I could watch hours of it.
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sionnac · 6 years
大嫂’s reaction to Xun 大人’s news...I mean, let’s be honnnesstt, she ain’t all that broken up about it.
Anru, let me help you make some choices.  Take sharp thing, find soft back, stab.  AWW YISS.  I TAKE IT BACK.  TAKE HAND, FIND SOFT FACE, SLAP.
Tells Anru that this isn’t her domain, is man stuff.
 --> Having a secret meeting with a woman.  Okay, YuanQi.  Very convincing, YuanQi. :D
HAhaha.   TanHeng has a little grass in his mouth.
Uh...thanks...dearest husband, I guess this makes me feel better????? -  Anru
That slope is extra slippery, ain’t it, YuanQi.
X: YuanShi.  It ain’t your fault.  Technically, this all started way back when SOMMMEEONNEE put a water buffalo on the throne, having been given the choice between a spoiled brat, a conniving snake and a water buffalo.
Sigh, Prince Qi, if only it had been you.  You’d know how to balance out the powers.
YuanQi, I know your stabber face.  That’s your stabber face.  YuanQi, trolling himself.  HAHAHA.  YOU DIDN’T EXPECT HER TO MOVE LIKE THAT, DID YOU.  That awkward moment when you’ve got nothing in the way of your coup, but you still come up against all sorts of problems.
Well, this is awkward.  The guy chilling up on a mountain somehow figures out YuanQi’s master plan before anyone in the city just from meeting him for all of 10 minutes.
“大嫂 only hopes you won’t make a choice you regret.”
“ 大嫂”
“What are you still hesitating over?”
The reason I haven’t left all this time is because father on his deathbed told me that 大嫂 and Ce’er were now my greatest responsibility.  No matter what I do, I have to consider my family’s wellbeing.”
“A family member’s greatest comfort comes from sharing burdens.  That year, what  I could do for your brother was to accompany and go with him.  Now, I can do so much more for Ce’er.  Don’t be worried about us.”
OTL TingSheng tells you not to let anything bind you anymore.  ROLLS IN THEM CHAINS AND BINDS ‘EM TIGHTER.  You stupid son, never listen carefully to a thing anyone says.
“In the end, I am a son of ChangLin.”
Why you touch him on the face, Lin Xi.  Do you know what kind of significance that gesture of affection has for him 8( 
I’M SORRY I’M THE LUKEWARM-EST TO JINXI.  I know everyone loves them, but I’m just neutral to them.  XDDD  Someone already translated this JinXi moment perfectly, complete with a youtube vid somewhere........Someone else help me out so I can link to it 8D.
“2nd Uncle is leaving.”  Why. is. he. so. adorable.  I’m sorry.  But Ce’Er is like a shadow of his dad already.  8DD He just said bye to FeiZhan and told him to 保重.  So proper.
“Really?  He has something?  And when should I be opening this?’
“What is this?”
“The old master said that the man who wore that has never lost a single battle throughout his entire life.  Entrusting it to you today represents his wishes for you.”
TANHENG RAN ALL THE WAY BACK.  General Yue figures out how capital politics work --- it doesn’t.  Itttt’sssss stabbbinnggg time.
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avenuex123 · 6 years
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Feizhan, nick name Miss King cause he just about misses everyting important in NIF2😂
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viva-la-whump · 4 years
Gotta love a good AU that gives you more whump! ;)
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natstarbuck · 6 years
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“Ce-er, come to Uncle.”
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bebraveandshineon · 6 years
NIF2 Ending Thoughts
I just binge-watched like the last 10 episodes of NIF2 in the last two days...
What a RANGE of emotions I went through. I was so conflicted on Xun Baishui’s death, because he really has enabled some awful things, but when I knew he was going to die (that morning when he was talking to Feizhan) I started bawling like a baby, and didn’t stop until well after his death.
With Anru, I was reminded of Princess Liyang in NIF, where at Jingrui’s birthday, Xie Yu tried to kill everyone and she stopped it by threatening to kill herself. It’s also very sad that for a lot of royal women at the time, that was their main leverage.
I couldn’t BEAR to watch the last few episodes when Pingjing and Feizhan went to save the emperor, because unlike NIF, where I generally was assured of all of the faves’ safety, CLEARLY NIF2 has no qualms about just killing everyone, and when I thought Feizhan was dying I also bawled uncontrollably because while most of the others had died in the company of those he cared about, he was utterly alone, in the palace that he had dutifully served for so many years. THANK GOODNESS he survived because I definitely would not have been ok otherwise. Also, I just realized that he is basically the only member of the Xun family left (since the emperor is part of the Xiao family) and that makes me very very sad.
Di Ming and Yuanqi: I really really felt for the first one, because I 100% understand the hate for the Empress. Like 1 0 0 %. But at the time when he found out the truth, there was no turning back. I’m glad he tried to save the lives of the soldiers under him and you could clearly see when he was ready to be done and just threw his sword out and charged into the spears. Yuanqi is a WHOLE other story. We saw him grow from the very beginning, and although there were always undercurrents of darkness, I truly thought he and Pingjing could develop a MCS/Jingyan-type friendship. I think the real turning point was when he killed Pu Yangying - at that point, he was free to go, but his insecurity and loneliness led him to the place where he thought it was ok to sacrifice thousands of lives for his own glory.
And, lastly Pingjing. I’m so proud of him and who he has become. Honestly, he could be his own post and probably will be, but he transformed from this young, carefree boy to a person who has had to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders, who had to lose his brother without closure. Although I wish the closing scenes were filmed a little differently, I am happy that Pingjing gets to roam the world and be free and have the ending that I wish Nihuang and MCS could’ve had.
I loved loved loved the callbacks to NIF: when Lin Chen gave Pingjing the Chiyan bracelet I cried, and when it saved him during his duel with Yuanqi I also cried; when Jingyan and MCS’s secret passageway saved them I cried - basically, I cried a lot. I love that MCS and Jingyan were able to help even in death, and I think that MCS would be glad that his bracelet was worn by a worthy soldier.
ANYWAYS lmk your thoughts please
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natstarbuck · 6 years
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Ep. 17, the first duel
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natstarbuck · 6 years
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