#y’all be the judge
thisismisogynoir · 2 years
Listen y’all I love Tiana and Charlotte’s relationship as much as the next person BUT if the Tiana series is gonna be a thing then it BETTER give Tiana a Black female friend. Like—it can’t be that hard. Give Tiana a Black girl friend to chat with and do hair with and just hang out. Because interracial friendships are awesome but Tiana needs Black friends that are significant(those people in the restaurant don’t count). Maybe she’s a princess from a fictional African/Caribbean/LatAm-inspired country where racism doesn’t exist(which means texturism doesn’t exist, which means that she gets to have her glorious natural hair!). Maybe she’s a resident of Maldonia. Maybe she’s an ordinary common girl from New Orleans. It doesn’t matter. Just give Tiana a Black girl to be best friends with instead of just a white girl. The girl can be friends with Charlotte too, of course, but what really matters to me is the potential for Black female friendship. And no undermining it with competition over a guy or jealousy over looks or some sexist, stereotypical, male-written crap. Just a sweet, genuine friendship, which will of course have its ups and downs like every other friendship, but is true nonetheless. I really need that to happen in this upcoming series in order to have any faith in it.
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justirina · 10 months
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Colored version ⬇️
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I drew him in THAT pose >:)
aaaand a lil extra, since you seem to like him a lot
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the-darkestminds · 3 months
Say what you want about ACOFAS but do not sleep on this scene…☝️😩😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨🥵
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little-pondhead · 2 months
Rick Astley Is Haunting You
Someone bets Tucker he can’t hack into a hero’s patrol playlist and sneak a Rick Roll in there. He does, easily, and finds that said hero has horrible music taste.
So he sets out to hijack every hero’s music playlist he can find and rate their music tastes on a chart, sometimes adding in his own music or joke songs he thinks they’d like. It only gets back to the heroes when Tucker posts a video with his rankings. Up until then, they thought it was another hero or new villain messing with them. Not a civilian??
(Nightwing’s playlist is sixth on the list, and he’s furious about it.)
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bass-alien · 11 months
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 5 months
I wasn’t going to say anything, and I still don’t want to. But seeing the rampant discourse freely shitting on Succession by people who admit to not having even watched it, and some actually equating liking the show to being racist/complicit in some Hollywood conspiracy, has tipped me over the edge.
You can love and support Pedro and TLOU without bringing another show down.
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ursie · 7 months
We as a people need to start being mean about fanon Dick again. Y’all fought the sunshine boy fanon..with more fanon like. No he’s not a girl failure, no he’s not a complete mess, no he’s not a bad brother, no he’s not a bad friend, no his friends don’t hate him, he’s not even actively an asshole. Yes the sunshine boy stuff wasn’t rooted in canon but taking a handful of incidents that were highly situational at best (and purposefully ooc in many cases) out of context isn’t any better. There is a middle ground here y’all 😭 and if y’all would actually read comics I bet y’all can find it 🙏🫡
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daistea · 18 days
i need your thoughts on touching mithrun's butt. yes, im being straightforward even if im embarrassed right now. something shined upon me when you mentioned him having a perky butt like i need to know your thoughts on it and that i cannot be the only one who has thoughts on this after everything
hi I just woke up. I’m not a butt gal honestly, but I will become all things to all people, that I might save some (1 Corinthians 9:22)
digs into my collection of Mithrun photos now let’s see what we’ve got…
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here we see a glimpse, almost. God I love his thigh high boots, they make me insane.
Also side thought: but I like it when his hair is all flowy and shaded dark underneath… tickles my fancy
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ohoho what do we have here????? ??? Is that…………..
Very perky milord! toned. They are like two mountains with a lovely valley between, the perfect place to build a cabin and raise a family.
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less of a clear glimpse here, but we see the outline and general shape.
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I think it is a small butt. His crack may not be the longest, so he has no bragging rights, but it’s still nice. We can appreciate the aristocratic elegance of the small cheeked elf, of course.
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I almost missed this picture! Haha ignore the fact that hes injured he’s fiiiiine
I think if you got a handful of it, you’d earn this kinda face:
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Or this:
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In conclusion: yeah
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
lestappen + beach day
The whistle blows. The spike was solid. There was no way it was out. It was simply impossible. He’d worked perfectly with Pierre on it. Pierre going low on the dig, Lando shouting when Charles leapt and smashed it down the court, right in the gap where two bodies stood.
It was good. And Charles is good at a lot of things. But the problem was, the other person standing on the other side of the net, looking shockingly muscular while topless, of course had to be one Max Verstappen.
(It’s very hard not to stare at the gleam of his boobs while Charles stalks up to the net. He adjusts his sunglasses. That is what they did in the films. So he can channel being cool for now, too.)
“It was not over the line. Absolutely not.”
“Mate.” Max replies. “You can clearly see there is a dent there.”
“The edge of the ball did not touch that line.”
“Are you blind?”
“The way your chest is shining? Yes, perhaps.”
Somewhere off court, Alex makes an ooh noise. Somewhere off court is the sound of George slapping Alex’s shoulder, ostensibly to make him shut up.
On the back of Max’s court, Oscar adjusts his cap. “Listen, it’s a friendly—”, but the noise dies in his throat as Charles shoots him a look.
“It’s not my problem if you’re so easily distracted.” Max continues. He steps closer to the net, and rests his hands on his hips.
“And it’s not my fault if you’re blind and can’t see that the ball was clearly out.”
As if sensing that this is going to take a while, Oscar rolls his eyes and goes to open the cooler with the popsicles. Lando follows in quick succession, and Pierre mutters a few choice words in French that Charles chooses to ignore.
Charles feels like his mother’s carefully taught decorum is the only thing keeping him from smacking Max or escalating the situation to something even worse to contemplate, and certainly against FIA parental guidance rules.
“Why are you always being so difficult, Max?”
Max shoves up his sunglasses higher on his head. Charles realises with a start that Max’s nose is sun-flushed, and he’s got the start of some freckles just below his eyes.
(Charles will spend too much time staring at the ceiling fan later in bed, trying not to remember the exact placement of these very freckles.)
“Because, Charlie.” Max says, carefully, clear enough for the whole court to hear, “I think you like it quite a bit when I do.”
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justgleekout · 5 months
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Your fave is judging you.
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o-wild-west-wind · 9 months
thinking about this post on how Ed’s impossible bird alludes to the albatross and now all I can think about is how these past 3 episodes feel like a play on the Rime of the Ancient Mariner…he’s crashing weddings to make sure everyone knows that he’s the mariner who shot the albatross, who cursed his luck and life; but what’s interesting is he also seems to be his own albatross. it’s his own weight hanging around his neck. and the act curses his crew—he kills the part of himself that guides sailors safely—and they are now forced to turn on him, their souls sucked away by his curse. and he’s ready to reconcile the guilt of it all via his own death, he wants to do so, but he just cannot seem to die:
“Alone, alone, all, all alone, / Alone on a wide wide sea! / And never a saint took pity on / My soul in agony.
The many men, so beautiful! / And they all dead did lie: / And a thousand thousand slimy things / Lived on; and so did I.”
but then finally, in the darkest night of the greatest carnage, he’s suddenly reminded that he’s not alone like he thought—there’s life in the sea, and it’s beautiful and fiery-warm. and it’s the moment he feels love again that the albatross finally frees itself from his neck and falls into the water. it’s the feeling of love that breaks the curse.
…is this something? can’t tell if this is a thing or if i’m charlie day meme-ing myself this show has broken me
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dimsilver · 4 months
btw re: the homeschooling debate and related things - this site has been absolutely wonderful for getting to appreciate people who aren’t automatically My Sort of Person. it’s actually opened my eyes to look for and enjoy all sorts of things about in-person people that I don’t automatically connect with. I’m not even sure how to express this but basically this site of such a good outlet for people’s inner selves that I am constantly confronted with the richness and complexity and honesty and quality and beauty of people who aren’t super similar to me and I think that’s awesome.
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one of you acts like an edgy nine year old whenever we try to be nice and it's somewhat annoying
Bitch it’s tumblr don’t like don’t read I’m allowed to be an “edgy nine year old” when I want to be lol??? I could say you sound like a pretentious 17 year old tiktoker who came across from that weird ass platform and still probably censors their words as they’re a delicate little flower who can’t here kill without crying…. But that would be mean now wouldn’t it
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ghost-proofbaby · 8 months
a man said the most eddie-coded thing about me that i genuinely cannot stop thinking about it days later but he doesn’t know that i know he said what he did
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uhohdad · 8 days
Reader is turned on by cocky and mean men you say?
*the dormant Titan/Reader shipper in me awakens*
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“Konig! Konig!”
“Oh no, it’s too late for that, Funny Girl.”
Titan’s fingers ruthlessly indent the flesh of your cheeks to keep you from squirming, his other hand restraining both of your uncomfortably twisted wrists to the dirt with little effort. You can feel it, just how strong he is, bruises blooming at his fingertips and a cruel ache under his grip.
“Say my name,” he growls.
“Konig! Help!”
The hand restraining your face releases you, only to return to your cheek in a harsh open-palm strike. He’s didn’t use nearly his full strength, but it’s still powerful enough to make you see blinding white, thoughts forced to a grinding halt.
Heat immediately rushes to the impact, a rough outline of his handprint raising on your flesh and tears welling in your eyes.
“What did I say?!”
Titan’s voice is no longer a purr, now a hiss through clenched teeth.
He’s stunned you, wide, tear-brimmed eyes and shallow, sniveling breaths out of parted lips.
“Please-” Your voice could hardly be considered a whisper, more a squeak lost to the wind.
Titan’s fingers curl around your chin, digging his nails into your sore jaw and forcing you to look at him.
When you close your eyes to try and pretend he’s not there - pretend this isn’t happening, pretend he doesn’t haven’t you restrained in a straddle on the forest floor and is about to do unspeakable things to you - he gives your head a rattle, shaking you until you open your eyes to be met with a blurry world and Titan’s wicked smile.
“It’s too bad, Funny Girl.”
He leans in close to you, your wrists crying under his body weight. His eyes widen on a flare before narrowing - his voice has adopted a soothing tone, but his words are nothing less than gut-wrenching.
“You can be the smartest girl in the world, but it’s nothing compared to strength.”
By the end of his sentence, his cheeks are dimpled into a sickening grin, razor sharp canines salivating over his next meal.
Your wrists are dancing under his hold, but his grip is ruthless. Your eyes are truly pathetic, your squeaky pleads adorned with sloped brows and tearful eyes.
“Titan - please, please don’t do this. Just kill me, please.”
He laughs, that sickenly sweet sardonic laugh that slices through you harder than a knife in the stomach.
“Oh no, Nine. We’re well past that.”
He practically sings the last sentence, drawing out syllables in teasing purrs.
“You like to play dirty.”
He’s unarmed, but his sneering tongue and brute restraint is worlds more threatening than a deadly weapon.
He leans in, inches from you, the heat of his breath on your face bringing your hairs to attention.
“So we’re going to play dirty, Funny Girl.”
He throws his head back in another wicked laugh. When he returns, he jerks your head to the side and buries his razor sharp canines into the sensitive flesh of your neck, drawing a harrowing cry from you. Titan’s tongue roughly laps up the fresh blood pouring from his punctures, laughing into the taste, his lips and breath violating your skin.
It’s getting harder to think, the instinctual panic of an animal has all of your limbs squirming in his hold, but it’s useless.
He’s right.
There is nothing that can compare to brute strength.
He will get his way.
Because he is bigger.
Because he is stronger.
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waambles · 2 years
He’s judging you
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