#y'all are wonderful and ilu
araedi · 1 year
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// Do excuse me being an absolute boomer as I try and get back into the swing of things and work out this beta editor thing with how you trim posts and such 😂I’ll get the hang of it!
Either way I am here and gonna keep chipping away at drafts when I can! Feel free to come hmu to discuss kicking new things off or moots just invade my inbox. I’ve got one or two of you I’ll be reaching out to over the weekend to sort out threads across my blogs and then, all being well, I should be able to start finding time to get back into the whole rp thing more consistently! :D
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goldshadowsarchive · 2 years
not to be mushy on main but god i’m loving all the new connections i’m building for my muses and the relationships with each mun right now.
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ronwestbreeze · 1 year
Hi! I noticed you’re request are now open. I was wondering if you can write more for shallow waters? Maybe how things have been since tua has been born? If not I’d totally understand! And if so thank you in advance! :)
family of thieves
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pairing: jake sully x fem!na'vi!reader
warnings: family stuff! cuteness hehe
summary: in which the older sully kids like stealing tua from right under your nose
word count: 1.4k
author's note: this is a short and sweet little one shot and yes it is set in the shallow universe lol. i just thought i'd give y'all something sweet after that last one hehe...takes place after shallow waters
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Okay, you will admit it. You made a pretty adorable baby. The cutest little thing in the world and you loved her with all of your heart.
And so did the rest of the Sullys.
The first few months Tua was always at your side or with Jake. Oftentimes you felt Jake was always hogging the girl but he teased you and said he was just her favorite. He was totally wrong but that was beside the point.
Once Tua became a toddler, that’s when a lot of odd occurrences began to happen.
The first time it happened you were in absolute panic. You had come back to the family tent to find it empty. You guessed that everyone was out in the waters as usual. But it wasn’t supposed to be empty.
“Tua?” You called, heart dropping in your chest when you saw that the toddler you had left for only a few seconds wasn’t there anymore. “Tua!”
Dropping everything, you rushed around the village, heart practically ready to tear itself out of your chest. When you got to the beach, you spotted Jake and Neytiri riding on his ilu further out in the waters.
“Jake! Neytiri!” You called from the beach, eyes still searching your surroundings in a panic. The two hadn’t heard you, irritatingly you shouted louder, this time in Na’vi. “AAAH! I AM CALLING TO YOU, JAKE AND NEYTIRI!”
Neytiri turned her head first, brows furrowing together when she saw your anxious state, “Y/N? What is wrong?” She called back. That was when Jake looked over as well, frowning when he saw your worried face.
“Do you know where Tua is?” You called.
Before either of them could reply, Tsireya, who had been floating in the water nearby, suddenly perked up, “Oh! I just saw Neteyam with her! They should be that way.”
You gave her a quick thanks before rushing off in that direction with Jake and Neytiri still calling after you.
Further down the beach and near a bunch of rocks, you spotted Neteyam first. He was sitting on one of the taller rocks, talking to himself it seemed and pointing out toward the ocean. But when you got closer, Tua, your unbothered daughter, was sitting between his legs and giggling as if she were having the time of her life.
Neteyam spotted you as you got closer, He grinned and waved, “Sa’nok! I was just showing Tua the little fishies! Plus, I think she really wants to meet a Tulkun now after I told her a mighty stories about them.”
You placed your hand on your heart, feeling uttered relief and slight exasperation. “Neteyam, boy, you almost gave me—what is it your father says?—a heart attack! I thought I lost Tua!”
The boy looked confused for a few seconds before he realized what you had meant and started grinning sheepishly, “Oh right, sorry.  It was Tua’s fault anyway! She was looking at me with those big eyes! I couldn’t say no to that!”
Despite your previous freak out, you couldn’t find yourself staying mad at Neteyam. After all, he was practically your first baby too, even though you didn’t give birth to him yourself. Plus, Tua looked to be having a grand time with her older brother. The sight itself calms you down and allows you to smile gently.
Carefully you climbed up onto the rock with them. Tua reached for you and you took her in your arms, “Next time tell me you’re taking her for the day.” You poked his head, “I might as well have raged throughout the village to find her.”
Neteyam chuckled sheepishly, “Sorry, Sa’nok. I won’t scare you like that again. Promise.”
You smiled as Tua tugged gently at your hair before giving him a quick kiss on his forehead. Just as you slid off the rock, both Jake and Neytiri arrived on the ilu, both looking confused and worried.
“What happened? Why were you freaking out?” Jake was the first to ask, his eyes scanning you and Tua for any harm.
“Your son stole Tua while I wasn’t looking.” You sighed. “All is fine, crisis averted.”
Jake visibly calmed down while Neytiri tsked at her son, “Neteyam.”
“Sorry, mother.” The boy raised his hands.
You thought that that would be the one and only time that would happen. But for some odd reason, it kept happening.
The second time, you had turned away for a few seconds to fix her food. Before then she had been sitting and playing with her tail. But when you turned back to feed her, she was gone. This time you didn’t freak out, you were just confused. She had been right there, how could she have crawled away that fast?
Neytiri was in the tent with you, cooking some of the fish they got for their meal for the night.
“Where’s Tua?”
Neytiri looked up from what she was doing, looking around as well. “Was she not just here?”
“Yes, she was!” You got up and left the tent, Neytiri not too far behind you. “Tua! Tua!” You tried not to be too loud as the night was settling in and you knew most of the villagers were going to bed soon. “Tua! Tua! Tua—Kiri?”
You had stumbled upon the teenage girl, not too far away from your tent, to find her in the water, holding Tua with her, surrounded by glowing fish.
Tua’s big eyes were fixated on the fishes as she tried reaching for them in Kiri’s grasp. Your shoulders sagged and relief flooded your chest.
Kiri looked up and smiled, “Hi, Y/N!”
Neytiri appeared next to you and chuckled when she saw Tua, “Kiri, dinner is almost ready. It’s time to get out of the water.”
“Aw, Mom, we were just about to have a little fun.” The girl grinned.
“Yes, and Tua was about to eat her own dinner just now.” You pointed out before grabbing Tua from Kiri as the latter hoisted herself out of the water. “I swear you children just want me to have a heart attack.”
“I was going to bring her back.” Kiri pouted as they began walking back to their shared tent. “But she really liked the fish.”
Tua giggled when Neytiri tickled her cheek. You smile gently at Kiri, “I understand you want to spend time with your new sister, but at least let her fill up her stomach first before you go taking her on your little adventures, please.”
Kiri nodded, resting her head on your shoulder, “Yes, Mom, I will. Promise.”
Apparently, you had to tell all of the children this.
It happened again a few days later. This time you had tried to put Tua down for a nap. Only as soon as you took your eyes off of her—really you should’ve learned by this point—Tua was gone.
You didn’t freak out this time, you only sighed. Jake entered and saw your face. He placed down his equipment and cupped your face to give you a kiss.
“What’s wrong, princess?”
“One of our kids took Tua again.”
The amusement was not missed on his face as he gave you another kiss, “Well, I did just see her with Lo’ak and Tsireya. Might wanna start there.”
You hug him close, burying your face into his neck. “Why do they keep doing this?”
Jake chuckled, gently squeezing the back of your neck, “You made her too adorable, baby. She takes after you.”
Just as you were about to pull away from the comfort of your husband’s arms, Lo’ak came into the tent with Tua sitting on his shoulders.
“She wanted you so I brought her back.” Lo’ak said, taking her off his shoulders.
“Where did you take her?” You asked when Tua reached for you.
Lo’ak glanced toward Jake and shrugged, “We were with Payakan—but we were careful, I promise!”
Jake sighed and you chuckled, “Don’t worry, I believe you. Just tell me before…” At this point, was it even worth telling him to remind you? Really, none of the children were doing any harm. Just spending time with their newest sister, which was really sweet when you got over the initial panic.
You pulled him into your side, “Just be sure not to take her with you on any of your shenanigans, like you do with Tuk.”
“As long as she doesn’t try to tattle on me.” Lo’ak muttered. Jake gave him a look.
“Penis face!”
The three of you froze and all turned to look at Tua in your arms. At first you thought you were hearing things, perhaps you had gone insane in the current heat. Perhaps you imagined the whole thing—
“Penis face!!” Tua giggled, clapping her hands together.
Your eyes widened as you stared at your daughter. There was a snort from your son.
You glared at your husband, “Jake!”
“What—Dad literally said it earlier!”
“Out! Both of you!”
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Unsteady: Dad!Jake Sully
Avatar Masterlist 
word count: 930
request:  Can you please do a Dad! Jake x female! Reader (platonic) where Y/n goes missing and Jake finds her fatally injured?
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Your dad was getting worried by the minute he didn't see you, you were supposed to be home by eclipse and every one of your siblings had returned except for you, which was unlike you because you were always home or near home by eclipse.
"Dad! Tsierya said that those girls who had been giving y/n a hard time took her to the middle of the reef and left her there without Ilu or any of her weapons." Lo'ak said immediately making Jake panic.
"I can show you where they took her." Tonowari said as they both headed into the waters and towards their skwimwings.
Meanwhile, you were on some island unsure of what way to get home, trying to figure out what had attacked in the water. You were sitting against a tree clutching your side wondering if any of your family knew you were missing or not, praying to Eywa that someone finds you soon.
Jake felt his blood turn cold seeing fresh blood in the water as they reached the reef, he prayed that he wasn't too late and that by some miracle you were still alive and not floating at the bottom of the ocean. He started calling out your name in hopes that you would answer him back, and it was like his prayers were heard.
"Da-Da-Dad is that you?" You said over the comms.
"It's me where are you, angel?" He asked.
"There's an island about.....South of the reef....but hurry im bleeding." You said making Jake and Tonowari shared a look.
They arrived on the island and found you sitting there clutching your side, your dad slowly lifted your hand and saw a big gash near your ribs.
"She should be fine, one of the animals felt threatened probably from the girls coming out here and she got the receiving end of it." Tonowari said as Jake nodded.
"Dad is that you?" You asked tiredly.
"Yeah, it's me, angel." He said tying a makeshift bandage around your side.
"I knew you come." You said with a tired smile.
"You know I Always will. we're gonna get some help. I just need you to hang on okay?" He asked gently picking you up as you nodded your head.
You let out a whine of pain when got on his swimwing, making his heartbreak as they headed home. By the time you guys got home, you were out cold and Jake climbed off of his skwimwing and headed for the healer's tent.
"Y/n! my child!" Your mother yelled seeing all the blood walking alongside your father.
"What happened to her?" She asked concerned.
"One of the animals out in the reef attacked her, she should be fine." Tonowari said as you dad laid you down on the bed in Ronal's tent.
"He's right. She will make it, she probably passed out from the adrenaline from fighting." Ronal said as your parents let out a sigh of relief.
Your parents watched as Ronal healed you up and your dad noticed your mom was falling asleep, so he lightly nudged her.
"Go get some rest with the kids, I'll stay with her." Your dad said as your mom nodded her head before kissing him goodnight and heading to y'all's mauri.
"She needs to be on bed rest for the next two weeks, the bite was pretty deep and any unnecessary movement will rip the stitches out and she will need to take these to help with the pain." Ronal said handing your dad some medicine.
"Thank you. Thank you both for helping her." He said holding your hand.
"Your welcome and don't worry the girl's responsible for this will be held accountable." Tonowari said as Jake thanked him.
"Thank you, great mother." Your dad whispered quietly placing a kiss to your forehead.
A few hours later your dad felt your stirring around and slowly open your eyes. You were confused as to where you were for a minute because the last thing you remembered was your dad and Tonowari arriving at the island.
"Where am I?" You asked.
"You are in the healer's tent. How are you feeling angel?" Your dad asked.
"Alright. How bad was the bite?" You asked.
"Pretty bad, but you survived, just gotta stay on bed rest for the next two weeks until the stitches come out." He said as you nodded.
"Dad, do you think you can help me sit up please?" You asked as he nodded his head before helping you up.
"Sweetheart, what did you mean at the island when said you knew I would come?" He asked you.
"I was scared and thought no one would find me out there before it was too late. I thought I was gonna die out there daddy." You said quietly.
"I would never let that happen. I'm always gonna protect you sweetheart no matter what." He said hugging you and placing a kiss on your forehead.
He felt you hug him a little tighter as the sobs ripped through your body, so he quietly pulled you closer to him and rocked you back and forth trying to soothe you.
"I love you, daddy." You said quietly.
"I love you too sweetheart. Also just to warn you, your mom was a wreck is probably never gonna let you out of her sight." He said making you laugh.
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neteyamsoare · 11 months
My Sweet Tawtute.
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༉‧₊˚. Featuring. Tsireya x Fem! Human! Reader.
༉‧₊˚. Anonymous Request. hihi !!! I was wondering if you could write a fluffy fic of tsireya x human!fem!reader? it’d be cute to see her with someone smaller than her considering how short she is herself :).
༉‧₊˚. Summary. Ever since she saw you, she knew that you were the one.
༉‧₊˚. General Tags. Fluff.
༉‧₊˚. Content Warnings. Aged up! Tsireya, Ao'nung and his friends are jerks.
༉‧₊˚. Word Count. 622.
༉‧₊˚. Index. Vrrteps — [demons], Exopack — [lightweight atmosphere filtration system developed from civilian rebreather technology that allows humans to survive on Pandora with a minimum amount of equipment.], and Tawtute — [sky person/people].
༉‧₊˚. Notes. Anon, I hope I did your request justice!! I hope you don't mind that I did it in hcs format. This is my first na'vi x human fic so I'm excited, I have a couple more reqs that have the dynamic, one for Tsu'tey and a few for Neteyam so I hope to get them out soon. Let me know what y'all think of this by either commenting or sending an anonymous ask!!
༉‧₊˚. Extra. Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured. 🤍
༉‧₊˚. Starred Links. Navigation + Masterlist + Prompts + Taglist
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𝜗𝜚 — When Tsireya first saw you when the Sullys' sought uturu in her home, she was intrigued by you, it was the first she saw a tawtute in person. Only she heard of them was that they were vrrteps and how they were bad people but as she looked at you admiring her home with a round thing on your face that she learned later that it’s an exopack that helps you breathe, she couldn’t help the feelings start brewing inside of her, to her you weren’t bad. 
𝜗𝜚 — It took some time for Jake to convince her parents to let you stay but the moment she heard them finally give in, she smiled knowing the fact that she’d be the one to teach you the way of the water.
𝜗𝜚 — One thing she absolutely loves is how short you are, you only went up to her chest but she loves that she can tower over you since she was short herself, and basically anyone towered over her so she was glad of the change. 
𝜗𝜚 — She loved how eager you were to learn the way of the water, sure it was harder for you but you never gave up, you kept trying. 
“Breathe from down here,” Tsireya says softly as she places one hand on your lower abdomen and the other on your chest after gaining permission to do so. “Breathe in,” you do as she says, breathing deeply. “And breathe out,” you exhale as you turn to look at her “[Name], your heartbeat is fast,” she looks into your eyes as your cheeks heat up. “Sorry.” “Try to focus.” you slightly nod and she smiles at how cute you were. 
𝜗𝜚 — One thing she learned about you is how fragile you were so she swore to protect you, always carried an extra exopack if the one you were wearing ever crack on the walks you and her took, a thing y’all pick up on doing to get to know each other. She’d protect you from her brother and his friends' bullying, making sure to let their father know of how Ao’nung was acting and always making sure he and his friends apologized to you. 
“You know you didn’t have to do that?” you voiced as you looked up at her earning a frown from her. “Do what, protect you?” you silently nod. “[Name], I won’t let people step all over you just because you’re different than them, I love my brother but he should know better.” You leaned more into her touch whispering a small ‘thank you’ and she smiles. “Now come on we have a date?... with an ilu.” you let out a chuckle as she leads you to the ocean. 
𝜗𝜚 — Of course, Ronal was not happy with you dating her daughter, all the Metkayinan women and she chose a tawtute for a girlfriend, she would never understand it but as she watches the two of you more, she sees what Tsireya sees in you and slowly accepts you in her family. 
𝜗𝜚 — Tonowari was more accepting of you cause he knew you had a strong heart and you didn’t look like you could hurt his daughter, hell you couldn’t hurt a bug. A smile would form on his face whenever he saw you two talking to each other with huge smiles on your faces, as long as Tsireya was happy, he was happy with your relationship. 
𝜗𝜚 — Tsireya knew you were the right one for her and why not seal the deal, sure you can’t mate like na’vis’ can but the two of you bonded in a different way, something so passionate that the two of you would treasure for the rest of your lives together.
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🔖 @zanabelle99, @moonchildxoxx, @jakescumdump, @btsiguess-kpop, @sweetdayme4427, @ronalsskimwing, @shit-i-say-shit-i-think, @23victoria, @tsireqas, @kittenw, @violilaqrs, @valentinqee, @kiriswifejayden, @neteyamyawne, @glimmering-darling-dolly, @ducks118, @lilmackiee, @kasai-https, and @neo-novaa.
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© neteyamsoare 2023. | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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blindmagdalena · 12 days
You know who this is but it appears someone needs to be Fridge'd.
Thank you so much for blessing the world with your amazing writing and for your fantastic presence. You're honestly one of the greatest people I've ever had the pleasure of sharing a space with.
Because of you, I've met some of the best individuals that this world has to offer. You've created a community of friendship and mutual understanding in the cosiest of corners where we can all be feral in peace.
Just know that you are very loved and cared for.
Fridge Anon <3
i wish i had words enough to convey how very wonderful and special you are to not just me, but our entire community!!! i cannot accept full credit for said community when so much of it is how wonderful YOU and the other members of it are. every lovely thing you've said is a reflection on all of us and i'm so, so grateful to be among y'all. ilu. 🖤
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spxnglr · 9 months
Idk my beloveds but, it's on the mind so imma ramble about it. Possible hot take about the RPC under the cut.
If you've made it this far, hi ilu - but yes, sometimes it bugs me about how serious the community can be sometimes??? Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about content, triggers, anything that might affect a person's comfort in any way - that's all valid af, absolutely. But, like, the way folk feel like they have to present themselves, the fact that folk can be unfollowed after a short period of time if they haven't reached out or have become inactive (I'm not even talking about months either, but I've read on some blogs that I can be as little as a week), any rules punishing OCs (y'all know that really gets me irked), the sheer emphasis placed on graphics and formatting, and a few other things that have escaped my mind but chances are I'll remember later. Maybe I'm just showcasing the amount of time I've spent writing on and off on this site, but I don't remember things always being this way, and every now and then I wonder if this community is as inclusive and relaxed as it used to be. After all, many of us do what we do here as a form of escapism from real life, or as a way to channel our passion for a fandom and/or character, or for any number of reasons, and while I do agree that a certain etiquette has to be in place, I sometimes have to contemplate if it's been taken too far in one or two ways.
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electrosquash · 2 years
I'm wondering if my recent relapse has been contributed to by tumblr's algorithm recently picking up posts of mine and throwing them at people ... seeing so many blogs i don't know in my notes and ilu all but i'm seeing my mooties less because of it? And the dumber neurons in my brain say it's because y'all can't stand me anymore ...
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daechwitatamic · 1 year
You left us with so much angst at the end there, but I think this was my favorite chapter yet! What an emotional rollercoaster. When she realized about the life and death themes in her poetry, I literally clutched my heart. I spent this entire chapter alternating between gasping and squealing.
You have some questions to answer for:
1. Can you stop always writing these beautiful scenes and metaphors about romantic thunderstorms and wintertime? Because it makes me really sad to live in LA.
2. It makes me sick to my stomach how breathtakingly sweet Joon was in this chapter. Where are all of these emotionally available men that you write, and where are they hiding? Asking for a friend.
3. Would you ever consider writing POVs for Namjoon or Taehyung once the series is finished? It would be so interesting to see both of their inner thoughts during the events of this chapter.
4. Part X teaser: "Who says I don't love her?" HOW DARE YOU!!??!?
Ok, that is all. I love you, but please answer for your crimes above.
hiiiiiiiiii :) this is EASILY my favorite chapter of the series. those of you who have been around know my favorite parts of the story are when i get to make the mess, before i have to fix it lololol
i'm so glad her poetry realization hit!!!! i wondered if i took some of the shock out of that by doing poetry analyses for you all. but while WE knew... oc didn't. and she had to face the fact that something in her subconscious knew things with taehyung were never going to make it.
okay time to answer for my crimes. i have my defense attorney present. defense attorney might be a cat.
No I cannot because :) :) :) i fucking love weather symbolism. Namjoon is darkness and winter - snow on their first date, them coming together for the first time during a total blackout and a rainstorm... I'm afraid I plead guilty for this one. Come to the east coast for a little, you'll get tired of the weather real quick! (Currently it's snowing but it's not sticking because it's JUST a touch too warm)
All of these emotionally available men live um inside my head. Which is why I have to write them. They don't exist in the real world. Alas.
ok ok ok i'm CURIOUS. I feel like I did a lot of Joon's pov in this fic. What additional moments from JOON would you be interested in? And I am........ very heavily considering just a one-shot from Tae's pov in the future so I probably won't open requests to which moments y'all want, I'll just do one long one-shot that covers various points in their lives?
hehehehehe that was one of the first lines i wrote, it's been living in the outline for a looooooooooooong time :) the fun isn't over yet, my friends!!!!
ilu i hope you're doing well!!!!!!!!
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shezoomer · 2 years
hello ilu all so much. you guys are so wonderful and so talented and every day i just sit in awe of y'alls incredible writing or hilarious ooc comments, or well-thought out headcanons. bc like? how are u all so creative, uh! and i just think to myself?? wow,,,, these people are beyond lovely 🥺🥺
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tagged by @teyvat-writer, thanks mate! :3c
Rules: Write the latest line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don't reblog.
ok so the problem with that is that a) i don't follow rules b) sry no GOOMT spoilers 😔 and c) my gift to u is DEFINITELY more than one sentence from my roboblorbo au, pls enjoy :)
“You are NOT throwing it away,” hissed a harsh whisper that was only heard thanks to the animatronic’s microphone connection to the monitoring room. “You brat. It’s FINE. Stop fucking touching my THINGS!”
“I didn’t know he could say ‘fuck’,” remarked a surprised guard. “You sure he’s allowed to do that?”
“The A.I. learned it,” replied one of the Attendant’s techs, his eyes glued to observing Moony stalk determinedly for the controversial cup. “We haven’t been able to erase it from their system.”
“It’s not your business anyway, Sunny!” continued the argument through the hazy audio. “I really don’t care if you think it’s gross!” Snatching it up with his star-lit fingertips, Moony spun around and began to stride quickly for a nearby silken drape to escape on. Unfortunately for him, his daytime alter-ego was going to have none of it. The pretty Northern Lights simulation flowing through his glowing body jerked, staggered, and swung about-face; he was being manipulated back to the light switch. 
“Ngh— STOP! STOP!” Moony’s hushed tone growled the entire haphazard way, the cup jostling about in his hand this time (and so worrying the techs). “You’re going to SPILL IT!”
The daycare saw light, as well as the robot now donned in summer colors and an unchangeable expression that strongly contrasted with his present mood. “SPILL IT?! SPILL WHAT, MOONY??!” Sunny’s static and toothy grin shrieked, clutching it by its capped brim with the least amount of fingertips he could safely get away with and jutting his arm at full length, though the distance barely long enough for his circuit’s sanity. “It feels HEAVY!! Like it’s FULL to the BRIM!! What’s IN ther—“
A pause. He was listening to a response coming from within that the humans weren’t privy to; but all of a sudden, the Daycare Attendant jerked into action, stamping his feet and flailing his unoccupied fix arm about in an agitated dance. “EWWWW!! EW EW EW, MOOONY, EW!! WHY are you LIIIIKE THIIISS?!” Sunny cried, stomping circles in place. “NO! NO, I DON’T wanna hear more!! MOONY, NO! DON’T TELL ME MORE—“
Too late. Whatever Moony said must’ve been pretty serious, cuz it seemed to have been the catalyst that turned Sunny’s animated mourning dance saga into a sort of rather violent version of the Hokey-Pokey. Four out of the five humans watching really tried not to laugh while Sunny’s worst day ever continued without their sympathy. “MOON-EEEE, YOU CAN’T DOOOO THAAAAT!! You’re gonna get us in TROUB-BLE and— NO! NO, WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME MORE?! STOP, you’re— MOO-HOO-HOO-HOOOON-EEEEEEEEE-EEUUHHH, GRROOOOOSSSSS!!”
One of the guards chuckled. “Oh, man. I wonder what’s in it?”
“Slushy from three months ago,” dryly answered a tech’s mumble. “Moony’s been keeping it for Monty.”
“For Monty? Why?!”
wouldn't YOU like to know, weather boy ;)
tagging if y'all feel like it: @lfthinker @canadian-riddler @acapelladitty @twinvictim @baronvonriktenstein @amandabe11man @dinoswordsb @magnolian-gold @georgiespapers and hrgghg it's 2a and i RLY need to sleep i'm sos orry for forgetting people dlkdflgflk ilu NIGHT
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officerjennie · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara Characters: Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Yôkai Series: Part 3 of Raffle Stories Summary:
Madara goes hunting, but it isn't prey that he finds and brings home with him.
The final raffle story - requested by @gilglirthemaia :D
Ko-Fi || Commissions
The rains were late.
Madara ran a hand over the tree at his side, feeling the deep grooves in the bark. Little water meant less food for all the animals of the woods, and it meant less game for him as well. He sniffed the claw markings, hoping they weren’t too fresh. Large predators weren’t exactly brand new to his territory but he didn’t want to deal with them either way. Getting a good whiff would help him avoid whatever had wandered through in search of food, and with any luck it would be on its way before long - assuming it wasn’t interested in moving in.
Taking extra care to listen to his surroundings, Madara picked his way through the woods, checking here and there for any potential tracks or berries. When nothing but a squirrel or two happened across his path, both of which were too far up in the trees to get to quick enough, he changed course towards the riverbed.
Briars grew thick around the tree line, reaching and grabbing at his tail. He couldn’t help but growl at them, not for the first time tempted to take a fire to the lot of it and be done. Better to see it all up in smoke than to deal with the damned things stuck in his fur.
An empty threat, of course. Especially given how dry the grass was. Torching his land might be a bit cathartic for the first few minutes but seeing the whole forest go up in flames wouldn’t exactly be ideal.
With the rains late, and no runoff from leftover ice or snow to fill it, the river was dangerously low. Fresh tracks crisscrossed all about its banks, difficult to pinpoint which led where, but that was to be expected. It was the only real source of water left within a couple of miles; this had been the deepest portion of the river, at least of what ran through his territory.
His nose was thankfully up to the task of tracking. Catching the freshest scent, at least a few deer had been through the area not too long ago, and had headed off somewhere north. It meant crossing the river, which took a bit of a detour upstream, but soon he was on their trail, jogging as quickly as he dared without making too much noise.
It was a good few miles before he caught the scent of blood. He slowed his pace, resisting the urge to run faster after the wounded prey in favor of caution. Being downwind was in his favor, and he’d seen no signs of the predator he’d smelled earlier, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t be at fault for the wounded animal ahead.
The trees thinned out quickly, Madara coming up on one of the many clearings that dotted his forest. Blood hung thicker in the air here but he found he couldn’t place the smell, cursing when he realized it wasn’t a wounded deer he was tracking. Something else was injured, and no matter how hungry he might be it was extremely dangerous to head into a situation like this when he had little to no information.
Before he could fully commit to turning back, he spotted a splash of grey amidst the sea of green, ducking behind the nearest tree an instant later. He hadn’t gotten a good look at it but it didn’t seem large enough to leave whatever grooves had been clawed into his trees - but any injured animal could summon enough panic-induced strength and fury to do significant damage to his person.
A peek around the tree had his lip curling, fur bristling when he realized it wasn’t a wounded animal but a wounded intruder sitting in the middle of one of his fields.
The grey-silver fur and hair was a bit odd, but Madara knew an intelligent species when he saw one. Whatever it wanted in his territory couldn’t be good. Hesitation fell to the wayside of rightful indignation at the intrusion, Madara slipping out from his hiding place to approach it with his teeth bared.
Later, if he was ever asked why he didn’t instantly tear the other’s throat out, Madara would insist he’d merely taken pity on him after spotting the nasty wound that had him bleeding all over the place. Never in the rest of his years would he admit something as idiotic as the other man’s scent had ground him to a halt only a few feet away, ignoring the startled whip of his head in favor of blinking at him like a dumbstruck idiot.
To his credit, the intruder instantly displayed non-threatening body language. Despite being injured and no doubt concerned for his safety he showed no signs of wanting to fight, making himself look smaller instead of larger, not even bothering to show his teeth.
“I had hoped to cross your territory faster than this.”
Madara cocked his head at the admission, brought back from his dumbstruck state. Certainly not what he would’ve done, admitting to knowing he was trespassing. Only idiots trespassed in the first place, and truthful idiots were just asking for trouble. Still, he didn’t move to defend his territory, a little too thrown off to attack the other just yet.
“What injured you?” Since the idiot seemed willing to talk anyway, might as well get some information out of him. Especially since it might have been whatever had been marking up his trees.
“Territorial dispute.” At Madara’s snarl, the other’s ears flattened. “Over my territory, not someone else’s. The wound reopened.”
“What are you doing here then?”
That earned him a rather bland look. “Oh, I don’t know. Injured, crossing territory, all after a territorial dispute. Use your brain, idiot.”
“ Idiot ? Who’s the one bleed in someone else’s territory right now?”
“That has nothing to do with intelligence.” The man noticeably deflated all the same, looking near pitiful with his slump paired with his wound and rather ragged clothing. It didn’t sit well with Madara, seeing him like that - no matter that he had no reason to feel anything besides rage at the trespasser.
But the scent of blood was heavy in the air, and the markings on his trees had been far too deep to be anything but bad news.
“You can’t stay here.”
“...I can’t walk. My leg won’t support my weight.”
“No, I meant here - in this field, out in the open.” Madara crouched down in front of him, eyeing his wound. “Something big moved in recently, and chances are it’s a predator. You’ll be shit by tomorrow if you just sit here.”
The man’s ears flattened against his head, red eyes flickering up to meet Madara’s. “I still can’t walk.”
Madara considered him for a few moments, then flashed his teeth in warning. “Bite me and I’ll save whatever it is the trouble of killing you.” Without any further warning he grabbed his arm, standing up and dragging the other man up with him.
It was awkward, to say the least, having someone whose name he didn’t even know pressed so closely to his side. And with the man’s injury they made slow progress, not reaching Madara’s dens until dusk had nearly fallen around them.
The entrance was as far as he took him. There were a few furs there for him to get comfortable on while Madara went further into the cave system that he’d made his den, coming back with some spare cloths to use as bandages. On a whim he dressed the other’s wounds himself, taking care to wash and wrap them up properly.
“If you don’t give me a name, I’m going to keep thinking of you as just ‘that idiot’.”
“Tobirama the idiot it is.” He tossed the bloodied cloths to the side to burn later, taking a moment to look around. It wasn’t the best part of his den. Wasn’t meant to be, since those were meant only for him and a potential future mate. But it felt a little wrong how bare it was, with only his oldest furs and nothing else to show for himself.
Not that he had any reason to show off to Tobirama. He shook himself before standing up, refusing to look over at his guest. “You can stay while you heal, but don’t expect me to feed you or anything.” Without waiting for any type of response Madara stormed off further into his den, putting the mess behind him to deal with later.
He fed him, of course. Despite what many might believe he had been taught manners, and he was hardly going to let someone starve under his roof. On top of keeping him fed Madara made sure to treat some new furs, ones that weren’t patchy and worn from age, for him to use as a bed. By the time Tobirama’s wound had fully healed the entrance had practically become his room - though despite how comfortable it was Madara still felt something off about it.
“It gets drafty in here at night, doesn’t it?”
Tobirama glanced up at him from where he sat on his bed, quirking a single eyebrow. “Not really, no.”
“What about when it rains? Does the wind blow that in here?”
“No, your entrance covering does a good job of preventing that.”
Madara scowled as he paced the room, certain that there had to be something he was missing. Because it just felt wrong leaving Tobirama in this room, making him stay there without…
Well, he was still trying to figure that bit out. He had no idea what the room was without.
“Do you like staying here?”
Tobirama shifted a bit, his gaze focused just past Madara’s head. “It’s perfectly acceptable. I’m very grateful for being allowed to stay in your territory, and I wouldn’t-”
“Not talking about that, talking about here. In this room.”
Tobirama’s ears twitched as he blinked over at him. “...where else would I stay?”
“I’m sure I’ve got somewhere better.” It was mostly grumbled to himself, Madara stopping to run a hand through the hanging furs that separated the entrance from the rest of his den. The rest of his rooms were all in use of course, but he could probably move stuff around to find something better for Tobirama.
“...in your actual den…?”
Madara grunted, still in thought and speaking absently. “Don’t have anywhere else.”
“You...you do know what you’re suggesting, right?”
The question was enough to pull Madara out of his own head. He turned as Tobirama stood up, watching as he shifted his weight back and forth, staring at the space between them.
“Your offering for me to stay in your den, Madara. That...does that mean the same for your species as it does mine?”
“Species? We don’t look that different.”
Tobirama waved his hand in gesture. “We’re close, but that’s not important. Madara, what would it typically mean for you to let someone into your den?”
“I wouldn’t,” Madara said simply. Though he knew instantly it wasn’t the full answer; he frowned, his tail swishing behind him, fur hissing against the cave floor. “Well, I would with a mate of course, and with anyone I planned to court.”
“And you’re inviting me in, so what...what does that mean?”
Madara stated at him for a minute. Watched as Tobirama grew oddly still, as if he were holding his breath - as Madara let his own mind wrap around the question and come to the only natural conclusion it could.
“Huh. I guess I want to court you.”
“You guess?” Tobirama’s eyes shot up, pinching at the corners.
“If you’d let me.” He shrugged, his nonchalance belied by the off rhythm beating in his chest.
“That would be acceptable.”
The answer came a little too fast, pink spreading out from the red markings on Tobirama’s cheeks. They were both left fidgeting awkwardly, staring off at the walls as if they weren’t trying to gauge each other’s reactions.
But Madara had never been one to deal with either awkward or emotional situations, and planned to get this one over with as quickly as possible so as to not have to deal with it anymore.
“Well, come on then.” He grabbed Tobirama’s wrist without any warning, dragging him off past the hanging furs and into his den before either of them could have any second thoughts over how horrifically embarrassing this all was. And since it was already well into the evening he pulled him right into his personal room, settling them both down into his bed.
Once they both managed to move past the awkwardness and relaxed, Tobirama tentatively nuzzling into his new courter, Madara decided almost immediately that he liked this plan of his. He had to throw a leg over his own tail to keep it from giving his excitement away, sneakily taking inhales of their scents and being quite pleased with how well they mingled.
He remembered hesitating at Tobirama’s when they met, staring instead of tearing into him as he should have; and as he drifted off to sleep pressed against the other he found himself shamelessly glad that someone had thrown Tobirama out of his original territory - though there would most certainly be hell to pay if he ever got hands on them.
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ilkkawhat · 3 years
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1.04 Pledging Mr. Johnson
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variantia · 3 years
how my mutuals develop their muses: *beautiful prose, incredible worldbuilding and lore, carefully thought out concepts, posts, and headcanons*
how I develop my muses: yo wouldn't it be dope as fuck if *some random nonsense that popped into my head*
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kyoupann · 3 years
I was looking through some of my old posts and I realised that 1)damn, I really used this blog as a fucking diary and 2)damn, I've really, vaguely overshared in this website.
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lcgcndarywarricrs · 4 years
{{  Me:  I should look into community discords  }}
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