#y'all really want....wukong to be a dad
cloud-somersault · 7 months
why do people want little star to be a shadowpeach child so bad in constellations? they really REALLY want that, i've gotten like 10 comments about it
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crybaby-magic · 28 days
Our Past
sun wukong x daughter reader
based off of the song:The Horse and the Infant
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Traveling with Macaque,Mk,and the Monkeys was not doing you any good.You can feel the raging headache waiting to tear your skull apart while yall travel through the semi fixed scroll to find Wukong.From Wukongs memories to the tears that randomly forming throughout the place.You really just want to hurry this up so they can defeat the overgrown lion and you can get your much needed sleep.
Honestly you kinda curse at Mk for finding the damn stick that soon lead to all this but at the same time you know it destiny.At the same time it could be jealousy that he hangs out with your dad more than you and you been with him for centuries.Signing out once more you travel on with white monkeys hanging off of you. “ What's with all the sighing girly”Macaque asked while slowing down to walk beside you.
“Nothing, just the whole situation sucks.And I might be slightly worried about the old man.”You muttered the last part slightly embarrassed.Macaque gruffly laughed at your antics while shaking his head.
You soon felt Mk jump onto your back making you slightly stumble. “Hey don’t worry we'll find him in no time then we can leave then we can beat up Azure lion then we can…umm we can do something i don't know what but we'll find out later.”He said in a reassuring cheeky voice. “A good side is weeee-” grabbing Macaque,you,and the monkeys in a hug “Get to see how Sun Wukong was through his memories”
Macaque shook his head “I really don’t care for relieving some of the memories” while heading ahead of the group.Mk pouted a bit while still hanging off of you before facing you.”What about you,aren’t you a little interested?” he said in a pouting voice.Smirking you nodded your head that got an ecstatic reaction from him.He hopped off of you and headed ahead.With a slight distant look you looked around in Wukongs memories shaking it off you head towards the two that were near a crack that a tiny monkey kept pointing at.
“Hey look, this little guy is pointing us somewhere i think he knows where Sun Wukong is at” Mk said.Nodding your head you wander through the crack hoping not to fall into another memory.
That damn monkey is going to get it when you see it.It didn’t lead you to wukong but to a village at night.From observation nobody was out it looked like a ghost town almost.Through another problem was that nobody could figure out where y'all are.Mk surprisingly had no knowledge seeing as he knew everything about his past and Mac really couldn’t tell you anything.
The group was going to leave till you heard noise standing behind some trees yall peek out at the village.Then it happened chaos ensued In the far distance(the front of the village) fire started to arise.Then the scream,clashing of weapons,crying too where the hell were you guys and what the hell did Wukong do in his past.
Still peeking from the tree yall soon saw Wukong in his battle gear covered in blood.His staff dripping though something seems odd looking closer it seem that he was lead by his golden vision.All the while he holding someone's dead body by their head,from the looks of it the guy looked like the villages leader or something of the sort.He dropped the body and walked over him into the house.
You soon tuned everything out and headed to a window ignoring Macaque’s and Mk’s voice.Something felt familiar or strange you couldn’t- didn’t want to find out but…why.Macaque and Mk with some monkeys came to the opened window too.Observing the situation it seemed to be a plan room with a few hand sewn teddy bears on the floor.In the center of the dark room was a bassinet being lit up by the full moon.You felt your heart dropped a babies room.You had the thought of oh great jade empire he wouldn't,couldn’t it's a literal kid.Then again the other thought of yeah he probably would the amount of times he nearly killed you as a kid is embarrassingly high.
“Hey the door opened.”Mk pointed out snapping you out of your thoughts.Wukong entered the room eyes illuminated by the moon his eyes looked so empty that it actually scared you.Wind brushed past you forcing the door opened wider making it slam into the wall startling the baby making it start crying.
His eyes sharpened at the noise coming from the bassinet.He walked very slowly to it before staring down at the baby.He seemed to be having an eternal battle with himself before he lifted his staff in the motion that he was going to hit the baby.Everyone in the group looked disturbed your eyes widened with tears and let out a squeak that Macaque covered when you saw him swinging down.You closed your eyes hard tears falling at this soon to be gruesome scene.You knew he had a fucked up past at times but this honestly scared you.
Suddling you heard his staff falling then the sound of a child giggling.Looking up you saw Wukong’s gripping the edge of the bassinet.Slowly he reached in picking up the baby.The baby was in a long night dress that fell over there feet.The baby had the shortest hair but on the back of its neck you saw a serpent mark.A snake that was in a circle eating it own tail kinda.Subconsciously you rubbed the back of your neck realizing why this seemed so familiar, you’re the baby.
It’s hard to believe when he told you ‘he found you randomly one day and decided to pity your mortal existence’.(that you did hit him across the head for his ignorant tone in the end)You must have mumbled it out loud cause you heard Mk’s dramatic gasp and if Macaque had any reaction it was well hidden behind a scowl.
Observing the scene before you,you saw how he interacted with you, bouncing you and smiling while you giggled and pressed your tiny hands on his nose.Tears must have been falling from your eyes when you felt Macaque mess up your hair as he walked away gruffly saying “ let's go find your idiot dad.” Mk and the tiny monkeys soon followed after him.Turning around to follow them you heard wukong speak up so you turned your head to listen.
“It's hard to believe that something as cute as you could be dangerous in the future,so why don’t you come with me little on.Wanna go see a pretty mountain with pretty flowers.”A trail of giggling babbles followed.A small smile formed on your mouth though you’ll never reveal that.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
"I collar the beast." "Wukong's fangs have been pulled." I can't believe y'all fr. "I get all the punishment and you get to mope." He was moping because he cares and feels guilty, speaking of, THE BINDING SCENE IS SO MUCH MORE INTENSE HERE WUKONG'S SCREAM THE PANICKED STUMBLING ohoho yes. MK: "It's tense in here." Wukong, two seconds ago: yOU tHINK I wANtED tO bE trAPPED dOWN hErE wiTH yOU. Wukong's tail: *cute pokey pokey* "You got demoted!" Ha, also "Nezhy" Oh my gosh, I don't think I caught this last time but Wukong subtly looks over to Macaque who just nods at him ajksms they were feuding and glooming a second ago but now its all silent communication and understanding in a glance. I'm throwing them off a roof. I'm struggling to hear what Macky says here, but I'm going to subscribe to the subtitles with "he likes acting." It's funnier. Also MK's "best attorney monkeys can buy" gotta love thinking about monkeys needing attorneys and also having money and buying things lol. "A pain crab on Monkey King's head." 😭 "Why is it always like this when you come here." actually love this one more because he's so grumpy and I feel like it has a different, funnier implication than the subtitles. he isn't causing chaos AFTER coming here, it just IS. what does that say about the vibes you bring /j. crying at Macky's face at all times, he is the picture definition of a grumpy cat, and then when getting pushed and the absolutely DONE yell of "Wukoooong!" I can watch a whole netflix series of Macky being fed up with Wukong's antics but getting dragged into them. tricky plan demon huh, that's a quick way to silence them after just talking about someone pulling the strings, especially on you MK. also Macky is SO little creachure with his face hidden like a hermit in that cape. "I don't trust anyone who isn't standing here. Right. Now." SAME MACONDO what a shocking statement from your old buddy. more at 11 only on ShadowPeachNews. The writers KNEW what they were doing. Also AHHHHH *looks at you with my big brown eyes* Fluffy I SWEAR I told myself I wouldn't talk about this again until you were able to answer the asks on my last yapping about this, BUT THEY MADE IT SO MUCH WORSE. Firstly, Macky's *voice* for that line delivery is the most solemn dramatic thing I have seen. He lives and breathes the cinema. AND MK I'm really tossing him over a cliff because he just HAD TO GO "He'd get away, right? He always gets away...right?" UGH TFW YOU'RE SO KNOWN FOR BEING THAT GUY WHO FLEES FROM BATTLE that it's brought up this time not for the *dude really???* but as a plea, an attempt at faith, haha he's always doing that...he did it again right? NO BECAUSE THIS TIME HE STUCK AROUND TO FIGHT. and Wukong's constipated expression there bc ohoho some monkey is for sure thinking about the past.
i am, for one, with you on throwing shadowpeach off a cliff bc they make me so unwell in this episode 🫠
for another:
also i can’t help but think about why Nezha was even there in the first place. because the one the kings summoned was his dad. Nezha wasn’t supposed to be there and yet he comes along 👀 why? my thought is: to plead the monkeys’ case. he immediately tries to defend them to his father and it seems like it’s been an ongoing argument
like sure he rags on Wukong and hems & hahs at him because like have you met Wukong that cheeky lil shit??? his gremlin energy just shoots to 150% whenever Nezha is near. he can’t help it. it’s his DO NOT PUSH red button that he will absolutely push
and Macky’s “why is it always like this when you’re here” to Wukong has such a divorced energy i love it 😍 he knows Wukong so well and is just resigned to it. every time Macky has had to interact with Heaven, Wukong is always there making a scene (he’s not exempt to helping swk but his point still stands lmao)
Wukong’s pout, my beloved
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when your ex says the reason he’s mopey isn’t because you got hurt but because he is in jail with you for something you’ve been blamed for. echoing his “NOT THE GREAT SAGE! HE’S GOTTA DRAG EVERYONE INTO HIS MESS!” comment from the memory scroll 👀
what who said that lol that was weird
god they’re so— squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and
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py-dreamer · 1 year
Shadowalkers Au
Ok so I said I was gonna make this so here we go...
(I literally came up with this idea in the subway help) (I'm going to assume y'all have watched the movie)
Basically: Lmk cast in Wolfwalkers.
There is a little bit of different lore here
For starters, they're not wolves anymore. (it just didn't really make sense to me to make them into a different animal especially since both celestial primates can do the 72 transformations like it's no biggie) They're more like the enormous f*ck you smoke monster that Macaque introduced in his first episode. So you're a person when you're awake and a shadow when you're asleep.
Macaque takes the role of Mammy here and Bai He the role of Mebh Xiaotian plays Robyn and Wukong as Goodfellowe, ok? ok.
Bai He gets to be a little gremlin, Mk is big brother, Wukong is Good Dad TM and while not in here as much, Mac is also Good Dad TM
Now Mk and Wukong are regular stone monkeys from a far away mountain (SWK doesn't have all his OP taoist superpowers here). Their old home was burned down and they were forced to move. Wukong was already serving as a disciple under master Tripitaka when he took in a baby MK as his own. Tripitaka sadly perished in the fire.
The new town they move to is called the Diyu ruled under the 10th king in a long line of monarchs (why the background seemed so dark and a bit sinister in the last pic). Wukong serves as a hunter to get rid of all the shadow creatures in the nearby woods who seem to have a mind of their own.
But why get rid of them? Well you know how in the mythos, the Diyu was the land of the dead? Well in this au, Shadowalkers are known to be real but very rare and they have the power of healing and are said to be able to control the line between life and death. See what I'm getting at here?
Now because of Wukong's intense fear of death, and in this au he'd already been taught by the monk and now has a son of his own to worry about and without the layers of immortality to shield him, I figured, he'd be a lot more cautious and closer to Goodfellowe in this way. He'd still be more carefree and playful of course but he's still under the firm grip of the command of the king. (the circlet thingys on his gloves also signifies this)
The majority of the population here are humans since I wanted to single out Mk and SWK here and it just made sense so for the majority of the time, they wear cloaks so as to not frighten everyone.
Ok so about the abilities of the shadowalkers, oh boy,
One, they can heal. Two, they have their smoke monster like forms. Three, they can travel through shadows themselves and mare most powerful at night. When they travel in the shadows, they're flat like the surfaces they travel on. And like in the movie, a bite from a shadowalker can turn you into a shadowalker too.
Also concentrated light can hurt them. So for example a flame-tipped arrow can hurt them but not a small ray of sunlight.
Mk sneaks out after his dad one day (idk who could play the role of merlin here) and somehow finds Bai He and gets bitten in the woods. They bond and it's just an adorable thing yada yada.
At night, Mk finds out he's become a shadowalker and finds Bai He. She teaches him their ways and he returns home only to be found by the town who freak out. Wukong himself tries to impale him with his staff but fails. Mk is able to escape and make his way into the palace.
He finds a humongous smoke monster in a cage (aka macaque) and deduces that this must be Bai He's missing dad. But when he tries to free him, Mac tells him to get Bai He and leave cause it's to dangerous and Mk gets found by the king himself.
He wakes up in his person body and tells whoever plays Merlin to find Bai He and leave. She doesn't believe this and runs into town to find MK who's working and reluctantly does what she's told but feels betrayed.
Then she hears word that they were going to execute a giant shadow creature that the king had caught and runs to find it as she realized that they were talking about her dad.
She finds him all caged up and to stop her from getting hurt, Mk calls over to the village kids that he's caught the monster and they put her in a wooden cage (noo...the babies...)
Bai He breaks out anyways, runs to her dad and Wukong is told to catch the girl but Mac ain't having that no no no.
He goes from 0 to 100 and bites Wukong in the arm, giving Bai He the chance to escape but being locked up again in the process. Bai He declares war on the town and runs off.
We have the whole confrontation scene between MK and his dad and Mk frees Mac and they run off to escape. And FINALLY Macaque can reunite with his daughter (see I can be nice...)
...before getting impaled by Wukong's magic staff (nevermind)
(how on brand)
Bai He flees with the shadow creatures and the dying spirit of her father while MK tries to follow after them with Wukong holding him back. Mk falls asleep and transforms in front of his dad before the army caught up.
We have the whole climax battle between the imperial forces of the Diyu and the shadows + WUKONG GETS TO TRANSFORM INTO HIS 3 HEADED KAIJU WAR FORM HERE WOOOOOOOOOOOOO
(if you couldn't tell, I have a soft spot for this gremlin)
Then we have my personal favourite scene where the kids heal Macaque and HE'S ALIVE AGAIN YAY
They welcome Wukong into their troupe and FINALLY are able to leave and find their new home...
flower fruit mountain
Gosh that was a mouthful! I'm gonna go to bed now before I get yelled at...
I'll see if I update this au much with like redrawn scenes from the film or headcanons and such but idk, but feel free to drop any ideas in the comments!
(come to think of it, I should also make one of these for shennanigans in space..)
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peachus-dous · 2 years
SO-!! I know I haven't posted in a while BUT that was because I was working on an AU i wantvto share with y'all!!
I introduce to you, Reflection-AU
Which is basically a swap AU with my own interpretation and touch! ((Basically I take characters who are either opposites OR very similar and shake it up a bit lol))
Starting off with~ Bai he/LBD host and MK swap
They have opposites roles since one barely had any lines outside of LBD and the other is literally the protagonist of the show-
I find them similar since we never got to see their backstories also monkey dads
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[[design rambles : it was a little tricky for me to make purple functional as a hero colour because if you didn't see it coming- macaque and sun wukong swapped here -- I'll get to them later on -- and let me tell I had TOO MUCH FUN designing possessed MK and I'm really proud of him, P.S i imagine MK to have a little more resistance against being possessed and we could see a bit of him sometimes SO the crown is used as a way to keep him obedient]]
[[changes : I made Bai he 17 because it felt more appropriate in my opinion, and mk is an unknown university student (P.S I will change/update once we get proper backstories))]
Moving on! We have:
Redson who's now the protagonist's best friend
And Mei! The totally not a villain who turns into a hero
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[[design ramble: I tried to have a mix of both royalty/elegance and modernity and common fashion with these two, I accidentally made Mei leaning more to royal and Redson more casual and it fits SO WELL with their story!!]]
[[changes: both Mei and Redson are very energetic people with Mei holding herself back a bit and putting that energy into work while Redson puts it into his hobbies like building vehicles and simply having fun and living the modern life
*both of the dragon family and the dbk family have a hard time adapting the modern life, since Redson and Mei are used to it, Redson is more open about that and tries to convince his parents into letting go of the past ((the sleepover episode could be about Redson learning to respect the past and for DBK and PIF to embrace change)) as for Mei however...is less rebellious than Redson, she respects her parents and wants to be useful to them and make them proud, so as a way to show them her love and respect she tries to cherish the family's tradition and stand up to her title
*instead of having robot servants ((like the OG Redson)) the dragon family has actual people working for them since they're rich and have a high status
*Redson is still a mechanic who likes to build tiny robots and different vehicles in his garage
*since I said that the dragon family are old styled- instead of using a high tech glove to lift the staff Mei used a spell to destroy the mountain surrounding it ((the spell took her YEARS to make and the ingredients are extraordinarily rare, so she can only use it one time which she did)), and Mei's mother used a similar spell to hold the staff and take it from Bai he
*Both Redson and Mei love racing and enter various competitions without their parents knowing, they end up in the same ones often and they act like when you see someone you know outside and you don't wanna talk to them lol
*the counterpart of the samadhi fire in this AU is "learning how to control your inner beast" in Redson's case, it's a fiery bull]]
And now we're done with first set of swaps! More are coming soon so look out for that!
Feel free to ask me about the AU and I'll be more than happy to answer you!
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theramseyloft · 3 years
After Ankhou died, I have had a very hard time keeping up with both manual loft maintenance and media work.
Manual loft maintenance is the higher priority of the two, so that's were the energy I have has been focused.
The birds are happy, but I have failed to advertise availability for two months.
The birds currently available do not meet the specifications of anyone on my wait list, and to prevent the loft from getting crowded, we've frozen rescue intake and implemented strict hatch control.
Breeding pairs on the roster are only permitted to hatch their first clutch with another bird also on the roster.
Every subsequent clutch will be swapped with fakes at least until all currently available cocks go home.
As I am not caught up on editing photos yet, I will have to make due with listing the name, parents, and temperament of available birds.
Please message me privately, email [email protected], or call/text 706-993-7452 for more information.
1. Raddish
Mia x Cara
Retired. ($20)
Was friendly as a young bird, but has not had the opportunity to express temperament in Qt.
Not to be bred under any circumstance due to one known and a second possible cancer in his blood line.
2. Wukong
Blue Check Chinese Owl cock
Loft Bird $30.
Wukong is an excellent father that will definitely benefit a breeding program.
He's very human shy, unless his mate isn't.
Chances of him bonding with a patient person that will let him make friends at his own pace are decent, but I can't guarantee it in good conscience.
3. Farthing
Pied Almond Blue T-pattern het for Toy Stencil mixed cock.
Betty x Hagrid
Comfortable ($50)
A bit of a himbo, Farthing is one of our better known cocks.
He likes people and often gets in my lap or on my shoulder, when not distracted by being the loft bi-cycle.
He's pretty and sweet, but Giant Homer and Frillback ancestry make him a big boy with long flights and tail feathers that will need a lot of room.
4. Leela
Khaki T-pattern mixed hen
Cody x Rigby
Comfortable ($50)
Leela is a mellow little sweety that likes my lap and shoulders.
She's a great pumper, but chain lays and starts a new clutch INCREDIBLY early! Leaving nestlings well fed, but largely unguarded.
5. Todoroki
Sooty Ash Red Bar cock
Rescue ($20)
Todoroki is an EXTREMELY high energy breed that will need a LOT of space to free fly most of the time.
He would be happier in a loft than as an indoor pet.
6. Amiga
Blue T-pattern mix hen
Pippin x Cookie
Retired ($20)
Amiga is going to be a pain.
She hates people to the point of trying to break herself to get away from them, and she cannot under any circumstance be allowed to hatch an egg.
She provides her own hatch control by nest cup dancing on her hatchlings. She has been given two chances to hatch clutches, and eviscerated all three peeps this way.
So she will need to be housed in a loft with minimal interaction other than obsessively switching her eggs with fakes.
7. Dolly
Blue Bar mixed hen
Pippin x Cookie
Loft Bird ($30)
Dolly is her sister Amiga's opposite in almost every way.
She's only retired from my program because she's the hen on the roster that likes people the least.
She is an amazing, devoted mother and would make a fantastic foster hen.
8. Wess
Blue tailmark mixed cock
Wukong x Suki
Curious ($40)
Wess is shy and dislikes being approached directly, but often chills nearby preening my clothing and occasionally hops up on my knee.
He is a TERRIBLE dad! It took him two weeks to start helping Dolly feed their nestlings and never sat on them when they were little enough to need it.
9. Arco
Pied Ash Red T-pattern mixed cock
Vito x Cookie
Loft Bird ($30)
Arco is uninterested in people, but not afraid of them.
He'd be a good partner for a nervous rescue bird, or an absolutely amazing foster dad!
He's devoted to his mate and her nest and doesn't start shit with flock mates once he's settled.
10. Bridget
Blue T-pattern feral cock
Rescue ($20)
This is the boy we found with a broken wing and foot on the sidewalk under an overpass.
He's healed entirely and though flighty and skittish, gets along very well with his flockmates.
Like Arco, he takes a mate, picks a nest, settles, and doesn't start shit.
He'd make an excellent foster or partner for a skittish rescue.
11. Scan
Pied ash red cock
Cherub x Tandy
Loft Bird ($30)
Scan is Cherub and Tandy's first hatch.
I was initially going to keep him, but his brother, Nimbus, has a better temperament.
Scan is a flamboyantly aggressive pain in the ass, constantly starting shit with established pairs to earn himself a spot in the hierarchy.
He'd likely mellow out with fewer birds, but isn't interested in being social with me, so I don't think he'd be the best house pet.
12. Acer
Ash Red T-pattern mixed cock
Pippin x Cookie
Loft Bird ($30)
Acer's classification as a loft bird is maintained by technicality.
He has to come in after repeatedly attacking nestlings.
If he does it again with different ones when he goes out on Thursday, his status will be changed to Retired foe unusually severe aggression.
This seems to be a pattern developing in the Pippin x Cookie line...
Which is going to make the birds afflicted hard to place.
13. Bell
Blue T-pattern mixed hen
Pippin x Cookie
Loft Bird ($30)
Bell is the same intense degree of skittish as the rest of her siblings, but gets along well with her flock mates.
She has the best chance of them of being ok as a house bird, but she'd honestly be happiest either in a loft or with a bird friend.
14. Rusty
Pied Ash Red T-pattern mixed cock
Ginger x Danica
Curious ($40)
Rusty is an energetic boy with places to be and stuff to explore!
He occasionally lands on my shoulder or head, or hops briefly up into my lap
He isn't afraid of people, but not liking to hold still makes him hard to interact with.
He's very fun to watch, though, and would be a good match for any one who wanted an independent bird.
15. Checkers
Pied blue check mixed cock
Ginger x Danica
Loft Bird ($30)
Checkers is less interested in people than his brother, Rusty.
He's energetic, gorgeous, and fun to watch, and would make a lovely addition to a pet loft.
He probably wouldn't enjoy being a house bird unless he had a hen to interact with.
He's very combative with other cocks, and has not yet learned the virtue of "Don't start none, won't be none."
16. Frieda
Khaki tailmark mixed hen
Wukong x Suki
Comfortable ($50)
Frieda, though not super outgoing, is friendly in spite of her shyness.
She often gets up in my lap to loaf, but doesn't like being reached for, even with treats.
If you just want warm, quiet company while you read, watch videos, or do desk work, she'll be an excellent match for you.
17. Berry
Pied blue bar hen
Cherub x Tandy
Loft Bird ($30)
Berry is not remotely interested in hanging out with me. She isn't even curious.
She's not afraid by any stretch, she just would rather do literally anything but interact with me.
With lots of enrichment or another bird, she could be ok inside, or she'd make a pretty loft bird.
18. Shinobi
Black pied mixed hen
Leonard x Elliot
Comfortable ($50)
Like most of her siblings, Shinobi is friendly and interested in people, but too energetic to really hold still for long.
She is sweet and polite about taking treats when she feels like it.
She'd be quite happy as a house bird with lots of flight time.
19. Mote
Blue check mixed hen
Wukong x Suki
Curious ($40)
Mote is shy and reserved, but mostly seems overwhelmed by how many of her older and younger flockmates want to be in my lap or on my shoulders at any given time.
When my lap is free, she will usually hop up unto it and loaf for a bit.
She has a good chance of coming out of her shell as a house pet.
20. Tye
Pied tiger grizzle ash red cock
Ginger x Danica
Loft Bird ($30)
Tye is a drop dead gorgeous little man, the spit'n image of his father, Ginger.
He's not afraid of people, but literally everything else is more interesting.
Being a roller and tumbler mix, he's a delightfully acrobatic flier who is a joy to watch.
He'd be a striking addition to a pet loft, or, with enough enrichment or a friend provided, a great addition to a household.
21. Slate
Dirty, smoky blue bar mixed hen.
Satin x Chiffon
Interactive ($60)
Slate's brother, Cotta, is my new therapy prospect.
Slate is mellow and sweet tempered, happily accepts treats, and occasionally tries to play with my fingers like she would a stick.
She's quite happy to loaf in my lap and occasionally lets me stroke her little neck with a fingertip.
22. Flint
Blue check mixed cock
Nobu x Leela
Comfortable ($50)
Flint is a sweet little man that has started jumping into my lap at every opportunity, and often flailing his way up to loaf on my chest.
He accepts treats politely when he feels like it, but doesn't try to play with me yet.
I told y'all there were a TON of birds available. XD
I'll do my best to update this post as there are updates to make, but 22 is WAY more birds ready for homes than I'm really ok with having, especially with winter on the way.
It's my own fault for failing to advertise that they were available as soon as they became available.
Now I'm just going to have to wait before I can do any more rescue work or hatch peeps out for the people on my wait list.
Back to playing catch up...
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vegalocity · 3 years
...I recommend MKsDadshipping for Wukong's subplot ship. With Tang as Tripitaka as a person who remembers what Xiaotian is to Wukong and Pigsy, as a reincarnation of Bajie who also doesn't remember who Wukong is, giving this an extra dose of angst.
Okay so literally JUSt after you sent this Stars, my Buddy Aimee hit me up with some Fun Takes of her own (using my Rarepair against me too) and while i'm down for the trio i'm also obligated to try and find some happy mediums
If we're going with Tang as Sanzang then He's DEFFO well aware of everything. Ironically he has the same coping mechanism to all of this as Wukong does, lie your ass off and let the others set the pace.
And here's the Aimee idea, adding a new layer to LBD's plan, since this is already an AU that fucks with backstories she came up with the idea of how much greater would her revenge to be so thorough... maybe she could erase a person from themself? Erasing the Monkey King from the rest of the world is all well and good, but how much greater would it be if, after it's complete, he begins to forget himself as well?
Well she'd need to have a test run on that as well, just as she tested out memory editing on Red Son, and she's going to need to be sure she can do it on someone just as long lived.
Where did that Pig end up settling down again?
Tang has been sticking by Pigsy since it became obvious what had happened, and Since Immortality baybeeeeyyy he was able to spend quite a lot of time trying to job his memory, but nothing seems to be working
oohhhh what if for this AU Wukong hadn't properly vanished and actually WAS in contact with the others, just still didn't really leave the mountain bc 'Y'all know how much i love you but i am just fully people-d out' so there was a lot of letter correspondance between the lot of them, and then eventually emails, and Tang was keeping him updated about the situation, which was probably partially why Xiaotian had decided to go to the city, since Dad didn't want to face his friend with his mind so thoroughly fucked with, no matter the appeal of seeing Master and Wujing again, he'd decided maybe HE could do something about it
and then... you know...
So maybe this starts out as mostly Peachtea/TangSun bc the trio always starts out as freenoodles and i wanna mix it up today
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darksaiyangoku · 4 years
Bloodlines AU: Apex Cosplays
Joethefriendlyponybro: I've got another skit for y'all. And this time, it's a skit based off of DarkSaiyan's cosplay stories but set in my next gen RWBY AU. Let's see what I can share what strange stuff me and DarkSaiyan came up with, shall we?
[Vale City Comic-Con, the Belladonna-Wukong family's planned vacation spot for quite some time was just down the street. At a nearby bus stop stood Sun and his and Blake's daughter, Alexandria. Alex for short.
Sun wore a mustard-yellow jumpsuit along with brown gloves and tinted orange goggles. His hair was scruffier than usual to reflect his cosplay getup as Mirage from Apex Legends.
To his side sat Alex wearing a mostly black but also purple getup, her long and scruffy black hair wrapped up in a ponytail as Wraith from the same game.]
Sun: Whoo!!!! Haven’t been in cosplay gear in such a long time. I feel like I’m back at school again, hehe.
Alex: *removes eye contacts, revealing green eyes* Dad, when was the last time you dressed up?
Sun: Let’s see.......I think it was back when Team CFVY were visiting Vacuo. We all decided to cosplay as the MCU heroes. *chuckling* I called dibs on Star Lord. Neptune was piiiiiissed!
Alex: *jumps on top of bus stop* I think Elsa wanted to go as Sif this year. But, with tending to her folks' restaurant, I guess she had to work on filling out orders for con-goers.
Sun: Well, at least Ren and Nora are making some great cash with their kids this year. *muttering* Blake isn’t taking this as well as I thought she would...
Alex: Is mom taking it that bad? Sorry, cat ears. Couldn't help but pick it up.
Sun: Not really. She just hasn’t been in cosplay in long time. It’s kinda strange for her to be back in the den of the nerds. That.... and she’s getting looks from some thirsty boys.
Alex: You're both running Menagerie's own combat school. Not to mention ensuing Faunus relations across Remnant- -Wait. Who's ogling my mom? Who do I have to cast a hex on to remind them she's a married woman?
Sun: *points* That guy on the right at the bench on the end of the street.
[She turned to see a man thirsting over a photo of Blake on her Scroll. Alex immediately went into pack mode, shouting at the creep.]
Alex: *glares at creep, eyes glowing turquoise* HEY SHITHEAD! My mom is taken, so why don't you back off before I twist you into a pretzel, fondue you and feed you to an Ursa?! *bares teeth, resembling fangs*
Perv: *looks up* Oh my- -! *runs away*
Sun: *nods head* That’s my girl!
Alex: *grins at Sun, eyes no longer glowing* I aim to please! *looks around* Where is mom, anyway?
Sun: *smiling* Getting a smoothie. I might join her later. You're still meeting up with Rhiannon, right?
Alex: Yeah. Rhiannon and I are supposed to meet up at that smoothie joint. I wonder what's taking both of them so long?
Sun: Probably got sidetracked. You know what Remnant’s like.
[Before they continue, Alex gets ambushed from behind in a surprise embrace by a red-haired, ponytailed girl with green eyes and a blue tunic.]
Rhiannon: Sneak hug!
Alex: MREOW!
Sun: WOAH!!!! Rhiannon, hi!
Rhiannon: *sets Alex down, cackling* What's good, Mr. Wukong?
[Blake shortly followed. Dressed in black military-style gear as she noticed her daughter's friend being as sneaky as ever. She was panting as if she were out of breath and holding a drink.]
Alex: *stands down, blinking* Rhi? I thought you picked a costume.
Blake: *panting* Finally...got...that...smoothie.
Alex: *looks up* Uh, what was the hold up?
Blake: The thirsty boys, honey. They can be a handful.
Rhiannon: Mrs. B tried jogging in her Bangalore costume as well. Guess that thick padding got to her, first.
Blake: In my defense, I didn’t think it would be that heavy. I've definitely jogged in padding before.
Alex: Never said you didn't. So me and Rhi are headed to the park. Dad told me a bit about your cosplay funk. *lowers ears* Something wrong?
Blake: I haven’t done this in a while. I feel kinda rusty. But... *blushing* I needed a break from all the stress so we could be with you and Rhiannon. *looks down sadly*
Alex: *puts hand on Blake's shoulder* Mom, you look fine. That's why we dressed up for this con, right?
Rhiannon: *folds arms* She's got you there, Mrs. B. Not like I went for it. I just wanted to hang with you guys.
Blake: *smiles* True. You’re all right, I gotta loosen up.
Alex: *points up* I request as your daughter and aspiring Huntress to enjoy yourself since there's a lot on our plate once the school year starts back up again. Besides, *phases out torso, arms and lower legs* I can look the part as Wraith with my Semblance.
Blake: *laughs* Okay, I surrender!
Alex: *phases back in* Also, I'll be sure to smoke any thirsty boy who gives you bedroom eyes.
Rhiannon: I can tie 'em up with one of my rope bolts if it'll help.
Blake: I'll handle them myself, girls. But thank you.
Alex: Whatever you say, mom. *hugs Blake* And thanks for paying for this trip.
[Blake smiled, embracing her daughter back.]
Blake: Oh, honey. You deserve a treat for your hard work.
Sun: Did it have to come from my bank account though?
Alex: *releases Blake* Oh. Uh...Rhi?
Rhiannon: I 'unno. Some major bounty or escort mission he undertook? *checks Scroll* Come on, Alex. Let's get our photoshoot done.
Sun: Have fun, pumpkin. Try not to cloak in public.
Alex: Sure, dad. *walks off to the park with Rhiannon*
Sun: So, what mission was it last? The- -The one where I would split my paycheck with you to pay for this con trip?
Blake: I think it was the mission where I teamed up with the Red Flowers to stop a horde of Creeps.
Sun: *puts finger up to chin* Or, was it the trawler escort at Sockeye Junction? You know how pirates get around fishing villages.
Blake: Or maybe it was the one where Yang almost set a town on fire to kill some Arachnoids?
Sun: That's still a dumb name for spider Grimm. I don't know how Professort Port outvoted Oobleck on that but- -Nevermind. *half hugs Blake, wrapping tail around her waste and holding her like a dancer, barely spilling the smoothie* That's a good look for you, bee tee dubs. *grins*
Blake: *giggles* Sun, stop it! We’re in public.
Sun: 20 years of marriage. I think I've earned the chance to do stuff like this with you.
Blake: Gods. You’re so mischievous. *wraps her arms behind Sun’s neck* And that’s why I love you.
Sun: *picks up smoothie with tail* Love you too, babe. Shall I give you some sugar?
Blake: *pulls him in* Do it, honey.
[Sun pulled Blake in for a kiss. They practically glowed like bioluminescent mushrooms as their auras glowed with their embrace. They let go upon hearing a sloshy splat hit the pavement.]
Sun: *notices spilled smoothie* Uh, whoops.
Blake: Oh no! *teary-eyed* Damn you gravity!
Sun: Uh...I think there are milkshakes at the local Beetroot's we can get instead. Plus, their new salmon burger looks pretty good. *pulls out debit card* And I got membership there! Huah! *tosses debit card into smoothie pile* ...Man, how did the shopkeep do it back then?!
Blake: ...I like salmon.
Sun: See? Win-win! And I'll pay for the milkshakes.
Blake: *small smile* I’d like that.
Sun: Good husband powers no jutsu! *roundhouse kicks, tripping and landing ass-first into the smoothie pile, crushing cup* Ah, crap. These jeans were a rental.
Blake: *laughing* I guess now we’re even!
Sun: Yay. Anyway, onto the burgers! *wraps arm and tail around Blake* I'll let you wear my cosplay goggles for sex tonight~! *winks*
Blake: *purring* Mmm, I like sound of that.
Joethefriendlyponybro: Well, that was certainly something. Hopefully your viewers enjoy it as much as I enjoyed doing this skit with you. This was fun, thanks.
DarkSaiyanGoku: Don’t mention it bro, always happy to help out. I might do more of these RPs more often with anyone else, if they ask.
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abhisheksingh098 · 4 years
SAIYAN RAP CYPHER | FabvL ft. RUSTAGE, Daddyphatsnaps, Dan Bull, NerdOut & More [Dragon Ball] 
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Joey Nato:- Ayo, you know what's crazy? I learned that me and that dude Gohan got a lot in common Nato, all the haters that tried me will be first to tell You that you won't get buy me with a perfect sell 'Cause I'm married to my goals like my goals Videl My father taught me how to win, but I learned to fail And pick a low in my life, any low I've had Was in the pickle low key, but the key was fight back Even when I was a teen, I would know I'm bad The way I killed a 16 would make Gohan snap Look, legend in the making, can't stop my story And if a Sensu bein' a little hostile towards mе I'm a power up quick and deliver that fast pain Thеy Saiyaman only as good as his last game I heard you pack a punch, but I guess none landed Dummy, you should know I'll beat you one handed And if you mess with family, take a guess what we'll do We won't wanna fight you, nah, we'll wanna kill you, Nato Dreaded Yasuke:- See me walking in the public Sporting the green and black armor on Bandana with the blood drip I was considered low budget Look at me now, fighting the crowd, take you all by the dozen Judging my exterior, I'm raising my thermals Thinking I'm inferior, making ya soul furlough Beat you down thorough Hoping you can manage my final spirit cannon and make ya blood curdle This the time to panic When you see the golden hair, even battle damaged I give you a thousanf-yard stare Not gonna be fair when I start feeling my rhythm You should be scared, ya blood staining your denim Standing there thinking how did I get my momentum? And will be passing down, cause of nepotism Super Saiyan ain't nothing to playing with Enemies don't gotta chance, even when I show them the tip Dan Bull:- Ay, what you bringing? What you saying? I'm the king of the Saiyans Someone from the southern U.S.A., would say I'm advanced Solving the toughest puzzles There must be tuffles living in my brain Still ruling my people, I don't really care what Frieza claims King Vegeta's staying, like a Fajita stain Firing execution beams and heaps of Ki in waves I've seen regimes and seasons change, how could it be the same? You keep on feeding the flames, you're going to free this ape Vegeta's ancestors stand the test of time I guess it's down to diet, genes and some exercise Best alive 'till my son took the crown Now I rest in the sky up above trunks looking down There's a bright future ahead of him, like every parent's hoping for I might have met my descendents if I never had that broken jaw There's so much lore that I could go through more Than even Goku could hope to when he grows new balls Shwabadi:- Yo, I see you thought it was over But then the fusion tango boosted power roasting opponents The coldest foes that I'm owning, the Ki is flowing an ocean You had the nuts to step to one of us, but now you're facing Bofa These thugs People that keep the beam tucked Lethal when thinking you'd of dreamed to beat us Fetal position, you can clear the tear ducts Crying to yourself 'cus you're weak and we're peerless I got twice the will in me, a Gemini man Don't need a smith, come with quickness when I jeopardise plans Double vision, they can't seem him, 'cus I'm fast with the hands Punisher drive, push 'em aside, now I'm sending 'em back This dual personality, you woulda thought'd be a mismatch Two beefy dudes sandwiched together, that's a Big Mac One man think tank, never skipped gym class Think fast, Kamehameha with a Big Bang Gameboy Jones:- Coming to you live, it's the man from the planet of the apes You don't want the smoke and I ain't talking 'bout a vape Tide pod ship, yeah my whip so clean I've been taking planets way before I even hit my teens Raditz stacking cabbage, I'm banking on being savage Heart is full of malice, unleash it by causing havoc You don't want the beef that's unfortunate, there's no salad If I see my brother, I'm snapping that little carrot No app, but I'm bringing in the discord I'm pedal to the metal, that's how opposition gets floored Microsoft, I'm about to give you one note Facing me is suicide, us Saiyans are to cutthroat Pride of a lion, check the mane But I go ape shit, me and you are not the same Compared to me, you ain't even looking half as nice If you wanna beat me, you'll sacrifice your life! None Like Joshua:- This is for Gohan, so long you robots Krillin's own thot, isn't even the most hot or that nice Like I am when it comes to tough fights Goku taking 20 episodes, I'm taking one slice More humble than any Saiyan here on the track 'Cause I know when to attack and when to hold it back Coming from the future, man, it's all out of whack 'Cause Goku's got to live, so don't shoot, he's not Goku Black Or Zamasu, what I've seen will haunt you Travel to the past seems too paradoxical But I've got to killin' villains, saving my fam Now my sword is shaving off years from your lifespan Simpin for Mai chick, she's searching for my Dragon Balls I don't need to make a wish, I can hurt the baddest gods Immortals underestimate me 'cause my dad's a loser Thia Mai is too young, so it's back to the future Zach Boucher:- They don't hold a single hope if they're alone Find a sacrifice against this elitist, you will need it That's my last advice I'll be undefeated and I mean it though, I pack a fight Handing eveybody, one way tickets to the after life Now they're coming at me assuming they're quick Nah, practically practice, they're done with, I'm over this shit Getting so impatient, God I hate how it's over so quick So I'll let you die for nothing, like the Namek, Tien, and his buddy did Say he's Super Saiyan, but I'm saying that he sucked at it You just need to find the little strength that you've been mustering While I keep it deep inside my veins until it clutters You're like Gohan, how you stuttered Killed your friends and all your brothers I was sick of living deep inside the dark But that's when I met Vegeta, he would teach me where to start They don't realize I'm still alive to tear you all apart You call it destruction, I call that a pockmark Connor Quest:- Goten since I was below ten, I've been hard as stone henge Enemies they curve me like a road bend Broke them limits, making grown men fidget When you see me up in GT, I'm the golden ticket Need a scope lens just to even see the height I'm hitting Deny the physics, these guys are tripping If they think that I could give in Collide the digits, call it popping the Trunks Because I'm riding with him, feel the burn As you get offed by the son Flip round turn the tension high No, these clowns ain't friends of mine Kamehameha drop a body to the floor Get a strike to a vital just to end your life Step with a rush on your neck, bust collarbones This is how you make a hero's son, fuck Boruto Ki on lock, you can fight with us You'll be sweeping up the pieces of your teeth after you bite the dust DizzyEight:- Looking for a hero? Then it's us Had to double up to maneuver when it's clutch Give him big rounds, know for the dough I go nuts Fella, sit down, it's known I bring thunder when I punch Ya'll talk too much, enemies do the most What I speak leave 'em toast, when I spit they go ghost You're not the real thing, I'm in a game full of clones They copy what I'm on, then hope that they explode You can't copy me If you do, you do it sloppily They're just throwing shots at me But I promise you never stopping me So much potential You can check my credentials You don't know that you in for Greatness what I'm meant for FabvL:- Hold up, I see 'em wanting the prince Throw your best punch, guarantee I won't even flinch I got the drip that'll turn your number 1 to a bitch Shoot this Galick gun unload it, yeah I'm draining the clip So call me sensei I've been healing the game, better than Dende Type a hero that the villains and their friends say Is truly worthy of the crown, never dead weight Hyperbolic rent payed the best way I got the baddest chick in the whole galaxy Used to say that Super Saiyans were a fallacy Now I've learned that evil deeds are just cowardly Richest man on Earth, so fuck your whole salary Really think you could hang with all the best? No way, royal blood, got it running through my chest Don't play, stupid villains, I could kill without regret All day, listen up, you will do whatever that I say! NerdOut:- Y'all done screwed up I acquired the jewels and now I'm fused up You about to get bruised up Best of both worlds, I use superior stragedy You're not even half the man that used to be half of me You choosing defeat If I wave my arm, the wind will put holes in you Now that's shooting the breeze Go ask Majin Buu, oops it's too late I'm out for 60 minutes, but for you? I only use 8 Laughing while I'm waiting for this union to dissolve 'Cause I don't think the ladies are approving a ménage But if Chichi and Bulma wanna cuddle tonight They better watch out 'cause now I got double the pipe And Gogeta's no match, he stay losing He had to do choreographed Tik Tok dances to make a fusion So which Super Saiyan are you choosing? These dim-witted half-pints or pinnacle of evolution Rustage:- Hit that, Wukong with the staff breaking bodies like a Kit Kat Rip your team in half like I'm moses when I split that Whiplash punches like it's gift wrapped, spit facts Treat you all like Frieza with a bitch-slap Saiyan from the planet of the apes, I'm not playing Best be praying to this God I'm raising stakes I ain't waiting, I be saving every person, every race Passion blazing 'cus I'm facing any aliens in my way Say my name, call me Goku Hanuman, stand my ground, yeah I won't move Chris Chan, when I'm loud with a blown fuse Understand, hear the sound of your bones bruise Go through faster than my flows do A monkey but better than Luffy, I'm king of the planets Ain't needing no piracy I'm stunning, just look at my moves, I'm top of the charts And I'm needing no rivalry And finally, they're fighting me bust in beats like it's Chichi Easy your characters tough, but can they beat me? Daddyphatsnaps:- So you made this far, huh? Now you and me Hahahahaha Somebody hold me back, I'm going berserk And at the rate I'm going, bro I'm 'bout to blow up the Earth It's lunch time, eat your every punch, I'm knowing it hurts your pride Legendary Saiyan, I was chosen at birth, I'm the truth 'Cus I always been the hardest, I'm a bad bitch You had to work to get to where I started so savage Had the Super Saiyan gods saying "oh damnit" He's so made bitch, he breaking up the whole planet Well, if it's gonna go, then I got something I should get off my chest And I ain't talkin' 'bout the X, see you sipping the flex I got these little green bitches out here gripping my pecs I'm ill turn you green bitches then your hitting the deck I'm a god damn God, are you out of your mind? It's strange, millions of scenarios, you die every time Murder you without a trace and 'geta brought me the lime You'll get bodied out your body if you rowdy with mine
https://img.youtube.com/vi/VigYo7W10Ik/maxresdefault.jpg from Blogger https://bit.ly/343heDB
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