#y'all remember the yearning i mentioned last night? here it is!
gale-force-storm · 1 month
Just A Taste
Rating: T+ Pairing: Gale x named female Tav Additional tags: Yearning. Just so much yearning Word Count: 2.5k
Read it on AO3
“Can I at least get a kiss to see me off?” she asked. Gale’s facade of casual geniality slipped, and he returned her gaze with equal longing. “I can't,” he replied. Never before has Morrigan been so desperate for a single kiss.
“Do you like having your belly rubbed?”
Morrigan had thought that was blatant enough, but apparently not. She resisted the urge to groan as Gale launched into another story about Mystra. She understood, of course, but gods if she wouldn’t be happy to never hear the name again. Fortunately, Gale quickly caught up to what she’d been trying to imply.
“Wait. Are you saying...” He looked pensive, pausing for a moment before he continued. “You know what? I think I’ve clearly had far too much wine. And you’ve had nowhere near enough. I think this is a conversation best held back on. For now. With my condition as volatile as it is, I fear any undue, er, excitement, may tip it over the edge. So to speak.” He smiled at her warmly. “Go, indulge in the frivolities — they’re good for the heart. And mine will be all the lighter, to see you enjoying yourself.”
“It won’t be near as much fun without you,” she insisted.
“I have faith that you will be able to find plenty of fun with everyone else.”
She sighed and looked at him with bare longing. Regardless of his insistence that she indulge more, she knew the wine was getting to her. She'd never been shy, but usually she was able to moderate herself better than this. But at the moment, after so many days of playful flirting and dancing around each other, the tension slowly building, she found she couldn’t help her desire for him.
“Can I at least get a kiss to see me off?” she asked.
Gale’s facade of casual geniality slipped, and he returned her gaze with equal longing.
“I can't,” he replied. “I...” He hesitated for a moment, then reached a hand out, beckoning. She immediately gave him her own. He pulled it to his chest, though unlike a few days ago — gods, had it only been a few days? — he didn't place it over the orb. Instead he brought it lower and a bit to the side, right over his heart. It took her a moment to draw her mind away from the intimacy of the gesture to notice just how quickly that heart was beating.
“Just being this close to you,” he explained, “seeing the way you look at me... Do you have any idea what you do to me? Especially with the wine impairing my focus? The mere idea of kissing you, of holding you, of...” He cut himself off, and his heart pounded beneath her hand. “If I dwell on it for too long, it almost overwhelms me. I want to, please don’t doubt that, but I can't. Not yet. Not now. I'm sorry.”
Morrigan could feel her own heart racing, almost in sync with his. She slid the hand on his chest up slowly, giving him time to pull away if he wanted as it moved to his shoulder, up his neck, until it finally cupped his jaw, her thumb caressing his cheek.
“It's alright, dear heart. I understand. I can wait.” Her expression turned slightly heated. “As soon as we find a way to deal with the orb, however...”
Gale's own hand held hers in place as he nuzzled into the touch. He turned his head slightly and ran his lips over her palm in the ghost of a kiss. Morrigan's breath caught. Gale's did too, and his gaze was burning hot when he turned it back to her.
“As soon as we do,” he said lowly, “I assure you we will be more than making up for lost time.”
Morrigan nodded, her heart pounding, her mind racing with the possibilities. She couldn't remember the last time she'd felt this worked up, and all he’d done was hint at kissing her hand.
“I'll hold you to that,” she breathed.
“I hope it's not the only thing you'll be holding me to,” he said, a roguish smirk playing at the corner of his lips. “I'm looking forward to it.” His expression softened as he nuzzled into her hand one last time before letting it go. “For tonight, however, you really should go and enjoy yourself.”
“I believe I will,” she replied, her expression turning mischievous. “I'll enjoy myself quite a bit, thinking about what “making up for lost time” might entail.”
Gale's eyes widened briefly as he caught her meaning. He took a deep, shuddering breath. “I fear you'll be the death of me,” he muttered.
“Only a little death, I hope,” Morrigan replied teasingly. “Goodnight, Gale.”
“Goodnight.” He watched as she walked away and did her rounds, bidding everyone else a good night and offering well-wishes to their guests. She threw him one last look before entering her tent, and he swore he could feel the way her eyes trailed over his body. He reached for the bottle of wine he'd been nursing and took a large swig directly from it, and he very pointedly did not let his mind wander to just what she was doing in that tent.
“Perhaps it’s just the thrill of our near-undead experience talking, but standing at your side through such darkness and disrepair, it only makes me want you more.”
Morrigan could swear her heart skipped a beat. Now? He was doing this now?
“Unfortunately this is neither the time nor the place to indulge such feelings. So, we must be patient and push all such thoughts aside. For now.”
He turned and started down the pathway, leaving Morrigan standing for a moment in shock.
“What in the hells did I just witness?” Shadowheart said incredulously as she finished healing Lae’zel’s wounds nearby. This was enough to snap Morrigan out of it, and she jogged off down the trail after Gale.
“Wait! Gale, wait! You can’t say something like that and then just walk away!” She caught up with him and grabbed his arm, halting him. “You’re really going to say all that and then just go back to camp without another word?”
“I... What else would you have me do?” he asked, eyes wide, cheeks still flushed from his admission.
“I don’t know! At least kiss me or something!”
Gale’s eyes flicked rapidly around her face, over her shoulder to where the others were coming down the hill, off to the menacing shadows in the near distance, and back to her.
“As I said, this is truly neither the time nor the place. Though I assure you,” he added, seeing her disappointed expression, “that when the right time does come I will not leave you wanting.”
Morrigan’s breath caught at that, striking her speechless once more.
“Okay,” she finally agreed. “Later then.”
He gave her a small smile and a nod before continuing on down the path. She followed after, his words running through her head over and over. They would talk about this later.
Morrigan thought about it for the rest of the day, his words running through her head. She’d hoped that he might seek her out back at camp, or after dinner, but no such luck. By the time everyone started turning in for the night, she was thoroughly confused. Did he mean that the shadowlands in general weren’t the time or place? Was he really just going to keep acting like nothing had happened? She needed answers. She decided to pay a visit to his tent before she went to bed.
“Knock knock,” she called from outside.
Gale poked his head out, smiled when he saw her, and exited his tent entirely.
“Good evening. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Morrigan simply raised an eyebrow at him. Gale furrowed his brow. “You’re unhappy about something.”
“Not unhappy, just a bit confused. Can we talk?”
“Of course.” He held his tent open for her to enter and secured the flap behind them. A small magical light illuminated the interior with a soft glow. She sat on a large cushion that was on the floor, and he took a seat on his bedroll in front of her. He fiddled nervously with the cuff of one of his sleeves, and Morrigan’s expression gentled.
“I promise I’m not upset, Gale. I just... I’ve been thinking all day about what you said to me after that battle earlier. But tonight you’ve just been going about everything as usual, as though you didn’t tell me outright that you wanted me and then walked away without so much as a second glance. Thinking about what you said, the way you looked at me, I’ve been worked up ever since.”
Gale blushed, a lovely pink that crept from his cheeks down his neck, disappearing under his sleep shirt. What she wouldn’t give to see just how far down it went.
“My words really had that much of an effect on you?”
Morrigan couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Is that such a surprise, given the effect your mere presence normally has on me?”
“I suppose I didn’t realize the full extent of that, either.” Gale's small smile was an endearing mix of proud and bashful. “I do apologize for any confusion or... frustration.”
“It’s alright.” Morrigan’s soft smile shifted into a smirk. “I assume you’ll be making it up to me.”
“That is my intention.” The look he gave her was full of promise, enough to give her goosebumps.
“Can I ask when that might be?” she asked, not caring to hide her eagerness. “I was thinking, with the orb stabilized... I realize there’s a lot that’s come with that, but does that mean...?”
Gale nodded in confirmation. “Yes. All previous risk of the orb going off unexpectedly is gone, at least for the time being. However, I...” He looked off to the side and took a deep breath. “I’ve been thinking. Planning something. And I’m afraid I'll have to beg your patience for a bit longer.”
Morrigan frowned. “You know I don’t need anything fancy, Gale. I just want you.”
Gale paused at that, eyes wide and full of mingled disbelief and desire. “I appreciate you saying so,” he finally said. “But I want to do this right, as much as I can given our current circumstances. It’s important to me that I be able to do this for you. Please. I promise it won’t be too long.”
Morrigan ached at the pleading look in his eyes. Gods, she adored him. “Alright,” she said quietly. “Anything this important to you I’m happy to wait for.” Her smile turned playful. “I’ve waited this long, after all. I’m quite patient.”
“More than I could ever hope to deserve,” Gale breathed, fully earnest.
Morrigan's heart stuttered. She could be patient. She knew she could. But the warmth in his voice, the look in his eyes, it was all too much for her to resist.
“Can I make a small request?”
“Of course. Anything.”
“Can I please kiss you?” she pleaded. “Just one kiss. Something to hold me over.”
She could practically see the way his mind raced as his eyes flitted over her. After a long moment, he nodded.
“Alright,” he said softly.
They both leaned forward and he reached up with one hand, gently cupping her cheek. She leaned into the touch as she looked at him. She licked her lips and let her eyes flick down to his mouth before meeting his own once again. She leaned in further, placing a hand on his thigh for balance, and finally let her eyes close. Their foreheads and noses met and they paused for a moment that seemed to stretch out into an eternity, lips hovering just barely apart, breathing each other in.
She sighed when their lips finally met. It was just like she’d imagined all those nights ago, when he gave her that magic lesson. Soft and gentle at first. Tentative. A sweet and tender press of their lips. But it didn’t take long for it to grow more heated. Their mouths opened and she drew his lower lip in, lightly scraping it with her teeth before swiping over it with her tongue. He let out a quiet moan at that which set her aflame and spurred her on. She released his lip and started to chase it with her tongue, only to find his own tongue waiting for her. It slid into her mouth and they both let out soft sounds as they tasted each other. Her free hand moved up to his shoulder, and his firmly grasped her waist, holding her close. They pressed against each other as they kissed, chest to chest. She moved the hand on his shoulder up further, her fingers toying with the soft hair at the nape of his neck. She was well on her way to losing herself in his warmth, his taste, his scent, his sounds, the eager press of his mouth against hers. However, all too soon he pulled back, drawing a small, sad sound from her as they parted. He breathed heavily as he rested their foreheads together and took a moment before pulling back entirely.
“I admit I’m a bit out of practice, but I hope that will be sufficient to sate you for now.”
Morrigan could only nod for a moment, her voice stolen from her along with her breath. She swallowed, trying to compose herself.
“If that’s you out of practice, I fear for my ability to do anything other than kiss you once you refresh your skills,” she managed with a breathy laugh. She had to swallow again when she saw Gale’s pleased smile at the statement.
“Adequate then, I take it?”
“More than,” she confirmed. Her expression turned mischievous, then. “I believe this memory will keep me excellent company through the long nights of waiting for whatever you have planned.”
His eyes widened slightly at the implication, and he cleared his throat.
“Happy to be of help.”
She smiled at his reaction and let her hand fall to his own, catching it and giving it a squeeze. He squeezed back. She sighed.
“I suppose I should take my leave,” she finally said with reluctance. Gale hesitated a moment before nodding.
“Indeed. We both need our rest, after all.”
“Goodnight, goodnight. Parting is such sweet sorrow.”
“That I shall say goodnight till it be morrow,” he finished. He brought her hand up and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “Sleep well, Morrigan.”
“Sweet dreams,” she replied softly. It took more willpower than she expected to bring herself to leave his tent, but she managed, and she felt a lightness within her as she walked over to her own tent. She kept replaying the kiss in her mind as she laid down, lingering on every sensation. Yes, that memory would definitely keep her excellent company.
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simpingcowboy · 1 year
Pairing: Trans!Din x GN!Reader, established relationship, no use of Y/N
Word Count: 3.6k+
Warnings: SMUT (and lots of feelings) thigh riding, making out, heavy petting over clothes, a little nipple play, non- smut warnings, body insecurities, passing mention of top surgery, helmetless Din, yearning
Summary: Din wants more with you, but is overly unsure of what you'll think of his body. You're determined to help him see just how much you want him.
A/N: Whew! Thank y'all for your patience with this one <3 Din has so many feelings and is very touch starved!! We are getting a little spicy up in here! Enjoy!! Trans!Din Masterlist
***Cyar'ika darling, sweetheart
Ever since that first kiss, you'd wanted more. Slowly giving into the temptation of his lips, of his touch… Kisses started lasting a little longer. Touches lingering. Hands hovering over places they didn't belong. A growing tension between you two desperate to break.
Din had been away for a couple days tracking down a bounty. Leaving you alone on the Crest. It'd been a long few days. You spent them busying yourself with chores along the ship. Sweeping, dusting, finally tuning up some loose bolts here or there. Doing anything you could to get your mind off of Din.
Finally you hear the Crest door open, and Din's all too familiar footsteps enter upon the ramp. Another unknown set of footsteps approaching with his, the bounty warm. You head up to the cockpit, giving Din the room to deal with the bounty. After a few more moments, Din steps out from the lower level and calls for you.
"Cyar'ika. You can come out now."
Din's heart skips a beat when you peek down at him from the cockpit. Too long, he thinks far too long. He'd missed you while he was away. Late at night he felt himself unprepared for the flood of emotions he would have. All the thoughts of you. In the comfort of night he'd trace his lips with his fingers, remembering the way your lips felt against his. Wishing you were with him so he could kiss you again and again and again. Wishing he felt your warm arms wrapped around him in the frigid nights.
"Din!" You smile down at him, trying and failing to hide your excitement. You eagerly hop down the ladder, happy to finally be face to face with Din once more. "I missed you." You say softly.
"I missed you too-" Under his helmet, Din's eyes lovingly map out every inch of your face eventually locking in on your lips. "Cyar'ika," He reaches out for you, the tips of his gloves barely touching your waist. "Let me kiss you?" He asks, his other hand already reaching for his helmet.
"Please?" You nod, pulling his hand in on your waist. An invitation he eagerly accepts, gripping you tightly. You pull in closer, coming face to face with him. Eyes closed.
The now familiar hiss of his helmet releases. He leans in slowly not wanting to catch you by surprise. The first one is soft. You smile at the feeling of his grown out facial hair. Then more. Din catches your lips again in a heated passion. Something desperate bubbling under the surface. The way he closes in on you is harsh, but no less loving. A third, he steps even closer, your chests threatening to touch.
His hand at your waist digging into the textile of your clothing. Your breath catches in your throat as his warm tongue roughly pleads for entrance at your bottom lip. All too soon, Din stops, a breathless sigh escaping him as he settles his helmet back on his head.
"I-I'm sorry." He spits out quickly. "I shouldn't have done that." He felt embarrassed at his lack of control. At all the ways you so easily broke him down.
You slowly open your eyes, shyly looking at Din. He looks so unsure of himself. Tucking his body back into his frame tightly. "It's okay…Din I liked it."
He tilts his helmet at you. "Liked it?" He repeats after you.
"Yes…I-I like kissing you." You say bashfully, facing the floor, too shy to meet his gaze.
Din feels a bit of his resolve slip out from his grasp. You liked kissing him…he wonders maybe you'd even like doing more with him. The idea makes him go red under the helmet.
"I should um- go shower." Din gestures to his dirty clothing, a lame excuse for his need to calm himself down. "But maybe after we can…talk or kiss again?"
A soft smile grows across your face. "I'd like that."
He lowers his head in a nod. "I'll um go do that then." He choked out, stiffly shuffling away into the 'fresher.
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How did you do that?
Make him lose control so easily. He tries to tell himself it's because he's tired, because he missed you, because of the adrenaline still coursing through his veins from the hunt. But it's more than that. He's wanted you ever since that first touch, when your bare hands intertwined with his. Your touch awoke something in him.
He knew desire. Knew lust. You weren't the first to kiss him. Nor the first to feel the Mandalorian's hands on your body. But you were the first person he ever wanted more with. Maybe the only person he'd wanted to truly bare himself to. That's what scared him most of all. Knowing there'd be more…wanting there to be more. You accepted him as he was. That much was clear. But- would you be as eager to receive the rest of him? Would you like what you saw?
Din slid out of his clothes, happy to be free of the heavy weight of his flight suit. Looking over in the mirror to get a glimpse of himself. A light fog over the mirror from the hot shower. He leans in closer…his eyes tracing over the patchy stubble over his face, fixating on the places where none grows. Hands run over his chest, lingering over the two faded scars under his pecs. Almost twenty years…almost two decades have passed since he had his surgery. It's been so long he hardly remembers they were there at all. The scars blend in among his marred body, to most they'd just appear another battle scar. Din looks down at himself. His belly soft with age, comfortably rounded. His hips, squared off at his waist. He no longer feels at war with his body, the way he did so long ago. He likes himself. Enough- at least. But would you?
The hot water rains over Din's body, cleansing him of the built up grime of these past few days. It feels good, soothing to his aching muscles. He works to massage the spots that hurt the most; wishing he was bold enough to ask you to get the spots he can't reach. Maker- wishing to have your hands on him at all. Touching him. Teasing him. Anything…Maker he'd let you do most anything. Slow down Djarin, he chastises himself, one thing at a time. Kissing you nearly knocks him out. If you actually touched him in all the ways he thinks about- well he probably would pass out. So he'll go slow for now…
Eventually he steps out of the shower, quickly drying himself off. He tends to his overgrown moustache and facial hair, giving it a quick trim. He'd been much more mindful of the length of it since you'd begun kissing. He puts on just a hint of aftershave, a slightly pricey luxury he'd impulsively bought one day when he'd overheard you mention you liked men who smelt good. He goes to change. The feeling of fresh clothes against his skin makes him sigh out in relief. Reaching for his armor, he decides against it. The beloved beskar needed a proper cleaning, but there'd be time for that later. Din rests his helmet back onto his head and steps out of the 'fresher.
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The Crest is overly quiet. No sound of footsteps to be heard. Din silently creeps around the ship. Checking everywhere for you. It's not until he reaches your bunk, he finds you. A chuckle leaving his lips at the sight of you napping. Wrapped comfortably under the blanket, lips slightly parted. He thinks, for a moment, that he'll let you rest, knowing you never slept well when he was away. That is until you stir.
"Din" you murmur softly. Eyes fluttering open in the darkened room.
"Good morning." He teases in turn, running his bare hand over your head.
You take a deep inhale, catching the faint scent of his aftershave. "Mmm you smell nice."
He smirks. "I showered."
"Mhmm" you softly moan, still waking up. You shift closer to Din, nearly on the edge of the bunk. "Kiss me?" You ask in a sleepy haze.
"Eyes closed, Cyar'ika." Once he sees your eyes close, Din eagerly lifts his helmet up.
The kiss is insistent. The way Din closes in around you. His broad form cowering over you from above. He presses into you heavily. So much so even the tip of his helmet can even be felt digging your forehead. A large hand comes up to your check, running his thumb along it. His lips come crashing into yours again and again.
Under the thick woven cloth of his flight suit, his heart beats a million miles an hour. It's too much, having you like this. But he almost can't stop. Doesn't want to stop. You're too lovely. Each kiss is too soft, too perfect, too electrifying. It feels so right; having you in his grasp. If he didn't know better, he'd rip his helmet off and claim you as his. Enter a riddurk with you. Touch you. Feel you touch him. Finally play with you in all the ways he'd lik- Control Djarin, his internal monologue screams at him, you're losing control.
"Cyar'ika I-" the Mandalorian pulls away suddenly, leaving you with a breathless gasp. Quickly smashing his helmet back onto his face. Hiding the red flush over his neck and chest.
"Stay…" you cut him off with a quiet plea. "Din, I want you" hands slide up his waist, holding onto his hips, "to stay." You say as you pull him closer, urging him to come into the bunk with you. Eyes peering into the dark T of his helmet.
Din's face goes red at your words. Once again grateful you can't see the reaction you have on him. "Stay?" He repeats, his body completely still in your hands.
"I would like you to stay…if that is what you want too." You leave it open, giving him an out.
You were patient. You'd wait a thousand years if that's what it took. A million. You just wanted to see Din relax…let go. To give into his desires. To take whatever it was he needed most from you. Emotionally, physically, mentally. You'd give it all to him. As you knew you always would. It was obvious. Even under the hollow black gaze of his helmet…it was obvious what he wanted. The way his eyes trailed you. The ever increasingly tense kisses. Relief. You wanted to be the one to give it to him.
A low hum is heard from Din. His voice caught in his throat. You, you wanted him. Were asking for him by name. Oh you sweet thing he thinks. Eyes carefully reading your face, looking for signs of deception. Of fear. Of anything that would indicate a lie. His heart pounds even harder when all he can see is the desire in your eyes, the love you have for him, and the trust you put in him. I can give this to you Din decides.
"Close your eyes again for me. Don't open them until I say."
You answer with a nod, closing your eyes. You hear him shift around the room. The soft muted sound of his flight suit moving with him. Shortly he returns to you.
"Open your eyes."
Darkness is the first thing you register. Only a pale sliver of light leaks out from the main hull into the small room. Your eyes slowly adjust, barely making out the silhouette of your Mandalorian.
"I'm here." He answers, putting his hand over yours. "Can you see me?"
"No. Just a silhouette."
"Good." He retracts his hand off yours, going to his helmet.
A low hiss fills the quiet room. Din's silhouette changes, from the hard structured form of his helmet…to soft feathered edges curling up with no distinguishable pattern. Hair! Short curly hair…It feels nearly blasphemous to gaze upon him, even under the guise of darkness. You felt privy to a secret. What a beautiful secret it must be. Din had only taken his helmet off for meals, or showers. Even opting to sleep in it most nights during hunts. No one has seen him since he was a child. No one except, at least in part…you.
Din is quiet. Unsure of what to do with myself without the guard of his helmet, as he fiddles it in his hands nervously. There's an intensity to this kind of vulnerability. Something he hasn't experienced since he was a child. Though he can't fully find your eyes, to look into them unfiltered he can feel them on him. Looking at him. Taking in the newly revealed part of him. An itch of regret is scratching at his throat, aching to be eased.
"Do- do you still want me to stay?" The Mandalorian asks uncharacteristically shyly.
"Yes…" you let out in a breathy sigh. Still in awe at the glimpse of his hair. "Please stay."
Carefully, Din sits his helmet on the side table. He approaches you slowly, being extra cautious in the dark. His hands find yours and lovingly intertwine.
"Din, let me kiss you?" You ask in a hushed voice. "Please pretty boy?"
The nickname makes his heart flutter. Stars, is he nervous…being this vulnerable has him on edge but- with each gentle caress of your hands on his he regains a bit more strength. Each soft word of yours easing his stressed heart.
"Cyar'ika, you're sure you want me?"
You smile to yourself…it's a bit endearing to see the fearless Mandalorian be so helpless to his emotions. "Yes. I love you Din." You raise his left hand to your mouth, kissing the open palm. "I've wanted you for as long as I can remember."
With the feeling of your lips on his hand, he can no longer help himself. Fighting against the voice in his head, Din leans down to kiss you. A full tender kiss. Trying to be as gentle as he can be, like he's afraid to hurt you. You want to show him everything. That it's okay. That you want him. That your interest in him was genuine. Your hands move up his arms, moving to wrap around his neck. Holding his lips against yours. Guiding him closer.
Din nervously follows your lead. He might not trust himself with you…but he trusts you with himself. He knew you'd take care of him. Respect his boundaries. Go slow. His body relaxes above you as he shuffles into the bunk. A called sigh escapes Din as he settles over your thigh.
It's a tight fit. The large Mandalorian easily fills out the width of the bunk by himself, let alone with you joining him. But you make it work. Your chests are nearly touching. Din was only held up by his forearms. Legs are squished between one another, warmth radiating from where your body's touch. One of your hands goes to play with the unseen curls at the base of his neck, the other tracing over the bulge of his bicep above you. You pull away from the kiss, just briefly.
"More." Is all you say. And Din eagerly agrees.
More…he can give you more.
Closer. He gets so much closer. Letting more of his weight drop onto you. The thick padding of his flight suit pressing into your torso. Ungloved hands slide under your body, rubbing along your shoulders. His hips drop down lower, barely hovering over your thigh.
This time- you're the first to run your tongue against his lips. Asking for entrance that is quickly granted. Din parts his lips open, his tongue excitedly meeting yours. You trace along the inside of his mouth methodically. Pacing yourself. Setting the rhythm for you both. You whine at the way he purposefully scrapes his teeth on the tip of your tongue. You lock lips once more, bound in a tight harsh kiss. Din, as he did before, runs his tongue along your bottom lip begging for his turn. He explores your mouth with vigor. Like a young boy having his first kiss, but with the experience of a man who's taken many lovers. He just can't get enough. His hands move off your back up onto your sides, tracing your figure. Hands running from your ribs down to your hips. In his excitement, he drops his hips against your thighs and-
"Dank ferrick-" he moans out loudly, his whole body jumping at the contact. Din's body goes stiff and still above you.
A pause. For a few brief moments, there's nothing. Just the soft, heavy breathing of Din and the feeling of his hands anxiously squeezing your sides.
No response.
"I'm sorry." Is all he says. Still unmoving.
"Is something wrong?"
"No…" his voice lingers. "I just-"
You touched him. Not intentionally. But you touched him. Somewhere no one ever had before. Somewhere he'd been too shy to let anyone touch before. That space between his legs he'd reserved for himself. For moments alone. This is when he'd usually switch to giving his partner attention. Focus on them and their pleasure. But dank ferrick he liked the way you made him feel. The way you felt under him. You run your hand up through his hair, and he melts under your touch. Easing his body back down to yours.
"You feel good." He quietly murmurs into your neck. "Your thigh I mean it's -"
Quick to catch on, you slowly lift your leg up gently pressing it against him. "My thigh feels good?" You finish for him.
A whine escapes his lips as you press against him. His head drops against your chest. "Yes. S-so good." Even through the layers of clothes between you, that light pressure drives him crazy. Maker, is this what he's done for so many others?
You smile, softly chuckling at how cute he is. How needy. Melting so quickly at such a light touch. He deserves this. Pleasure. You bring a hand down on his hip, urging him along. "You can keep going, Din."
"It's okay." You reassure him. Flexing your thigh against him, earning you another groan. "I want you to."
Shyly, Din slowly grinds against your thigh. His breath quickens with each pass of his hips. Breathless moans and deep groans are delivered directly to your ear. Din messily kisses along your neck as he rides your thigh. In time getting rougher, working himself closer to the edge. He eats up your praise like a man starved.
"Good boy. Sound soo good. Go harder. I love having you on top of me. Love feeling you. My pretty boy."
His hands get greedy, groping over your upper body feeling over every inch he can reach. His fingers flick over the hard nipples he feels through your shirt. He smiles into your neck at the whine you let out.
"Tease." You huff at him.
"Only fair Cyar'ika. Now come here." His hands cup your face. His lips crash into yours, happy to be kissing you again.
There's so much love in his kisses. In the way he holds you. In the way he softly moans your name. Most of all in the way he trusts you. Hands himself over so easily. His body. His secrets. His love. It was yours. All yours. He surrendered himself to you completely. All that power was a heavy responsibility, but in return you'd give him all the things he needed and more.
Din's heart races in his chest. He wraps his arms around your body tightly. A shiver runs up his body. "Close." He moans, "S-so close."
You pull him close, stroking his hair. Kisses sprinkled over his face. "Cum for me Din." You plead in a heated breath.
With a few more rolls of his hips Din collapses on top of you. His full weight pressing you into the bunk mattress. Breathing heavily into your ear, just holding you tightly to him. Your hands work to soothe him. Running along his back. After a few minutes, Din lifts himself up, bringing his forehead to yours. Trying his best to look into your eyes in the dark room.
"Thank you." He whispers. "No one's ever…touched me before."
You bring a hand to his face, feeling over the light stubble. "No one's ever touched you before?" You ask softly. You knew he'd had some experience you just hadn't thought-
"Not like that at least." He says with a chuckle. "Never below my belt. I never…never wanted them to."
You feel your face get flushed at the indication of you being the first to have him like this. "Was that okay? You feel alright? Everything-"
"I'm good. Very good." Din assures you. "I'm happy it was with you." A butterfly kiss lands on the tip of your nose. "I love you…"
You smile up at him. "I love you too." You pull him into a soft kiss. He moans into your mouth, just enjoying being close to you. You whine as he pulls away.
"Cyar'ika. I'd love to keep kissing you, but I need to go change first..." He says bashfully.
You fail to suppress the small laugh that leaves your lips. "Go ahead, Din."
He shifts out from the tight bunk. Putting his helmet securely back on his head. The door to the bunk opens, light flooding the small room. For the first time in what feels like hours, you finally see Din again. His broad frame filling up the doorway. The light catching his helmet in a way that mesmerizes you. He's always so beautiful. A feeling of warmth fills you. What an honor it is to be allowed even a glimpse under that helmet.
"Don't be too long?" You ask with a small smile on your face.
He nods towards you. "Never."
Din turns on his heels, catching one last glimpse of you before making his way to his own bunk. Control he laughs at his own earlier thoughts. No…Din never had control. He'd given that to you long ago. He was yours. He'd follow wherever, whatever you wanted.
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pastelwitchling · 3 years
“It’s cloudy, cold and I have a sleeping love of my life in my arms, go find someone else to play your alien catcher games,” Michael whisper yelled and hung up.
When Michael had woken up to a sleeping Alex’s face inches away from his own, he’d been afraid he was dreaming. But as he traced Alex’s cheek with the back of his fingers now and Alex made a soft sound at the back of his throat like a disturbed kitten and burrowed deeper into the warmth of Michael’s chest, as the memory of what they’d done last night and how close they’d been and the time they’d taken to explore every inch of one another’s skin, for once in no hurry, a smile of awe tugged at Michael’s lips.
The wind howled outside, unable to touch them here under the heavy duvet Alex had brought over last night because he’d wanted to make sure Michael was staying warm, and Michael let his hand fall down Alex’s shoulder, his arm, silently reveling in the way Alex shuddered in his sleep and curled up even closer, leaving no room between them.
Alex must’ve been exhausted if even Michael’s quiet giggles into the crook of his neck as he hugged him unbearably close couldn’t wake him. Or maybe, Michael thought, he had worn him out last night. The thought made him bite his lower lip and press his face to Alex’s neck and inhale. He was tired himself, easily able to go back to sleep for several more hours, but he didn’t want to stop staring at Alex. He had neverseen Alex sleep before, never gotten the chance to watch him, to touch his body and watch the way he reacted even in his dreams.
At one point, Alex started twitching slightly, his brows pinched. He made a quiet whimpering sound, turning his head left and right. Nightmares. Michael remembered Alex talking about this once before he seemed to realized he’d mentioned them at all and dismissed Michael’s concerns. Because that was Alex, wasn’t it? Nothing ever hurt him. He couldn’t affordto let anything hurt him.
Michael wouldn’t have that. He pressed his lips to Alex’s ear and softly shushed him, his other finger tracing a line from Alex’s brow down to the tip of his nose and back up again.
“Shh,” he whispered as softly as he could. “You’re okay, Alex. You’re safe here. You’re with me.”
“My Michael,” Alex murmured in a breath barely quieter than a whisper, as if every part of his mind yearned for Michael to be closer, before he pushed his face into Michael’s chest hair and his breaths settled again.
“Yeah, baby,” Michael murmured against Alex’s lips. “Your Michael.”
He opened his mouth against Alex’s, leaning in to kiss him, when his phone buzzed on the counter behind their heads. Alex flinched at the sudden sound, whimpering ever so slightly, before Michael levitated the phone right into his hand and answered his sister through grit teeth.
“What?” he hissed.
“I need you at the Crashdown,” Isobel said. “Max and Liz might have a trail on Jones and Rosa’s working on hearing frequencies.”
Michael shook his head. “Great, sounds like you’ve got everything taken care of. I’ll see you in five hours.” He looked down at Alex, his naked torso, his strong arms, his rosy cheeks and lips. His mouth watered at the thought of what they would do when he woke up. “Make that seven.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Isobel said sarcastically, “did you forget that there’s an evil alien with our brother’s face going around killing people?”
“Alex has a radar set up to find him,” Michael said, unable to help the smugness in his voice. “Tuned in to his frequency and his particular signature. He’s also got an alert system set up so if it finds anything, we’ll know. That said, good night.”
“It’s seven in the morning!”
“Not for us,” he argued.
“Listen, it’s cloudy, cold, and I have the love of my life sleeping in my arms,” he whisper-yelled. “Go find someone else to play your little alien catcher games,” and he hung up.
Letting his phone float back to the counter, Michael snuggled back down until he was comfortably curled up with Alex again. He was just starting to heave a long breath when heavy knocks came at the door.
“MICHAEL!” Isobel’s voice sounded. “You are not sleeping in when Rosa needs your help, OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!”
Alex flinched, his eyes flying open this time as he sat upright.
“No no no,” Michael murmured, taking Alex’s groggy face in his hands and pulling him in.
“What’s happening?” Alex mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“It’s okay, go back to sleep, everything’s –”
Alex turned in the direction of the door, brows furrowed. “Is that Isobel?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Open up!”
“What’s wrong with her?” Alex started to get out of bed.
“Do not get out of bed!”
“Guerin,” he said, more awake now, “she could need help.”
“Who cares?!”
Alex pulled on a pair of briefs, Michael’s pair of briefs, which made Michael die all over again, and opened the door to Isobel’s knocking.
Isobel’s fist was up mid-knock, and her eyes widened at the sight of Alex, half-naked, in front of her.
“Oh my god,” she muttered, “you really are here. Oh my god,” she repeated, her wide eyes raking Alex’s body up and down. Michael felt a possessiveness force him out of bed in one step. Isobel reached out as if to touch his pecs. “You – uh – sure you’re completelygay?”
Michael came in between them at the last second, keeping Alex behind him, his grip on his arm tight. “Yes,” he said through grit teeth. “Don’t touch him. Nobody touches him but me.”
Isobel raised a brow, unimpressed, and Alex sighed, a half-amused, half-exasperated smile tugging at his lips.
“Oh,” he said. “It’s one of those mornings. I’ll get dressed.”
“What?” Michael whipped around. “No, you’re not going anywhere.”
“Actually, if Alex comes, then you could stay in bed,” Isobel told Michael with a self-satisfied grin. “Isn’t that what you want?”
“I want to stay in bed with Alex,” Michael growled. “Alex, you don’t have to go anywhere, you’ve worked hard enough this week!” He stepped closer to Alex to keep Isobel from listening in, and lowered his voice. “After what happened with the Lockhart Machine –”
“Don’t do that,” Alex said, though everything about him was fond. He cupped Michael’s cheek. “I’m not made of glass, I can handle this.”
“I don’t want you to handle this,” Michael argued, gripping Alex’s waist to keep him here. “Please, Alex, I . . . just not yet. Just give us today. For me, please.”
And as always, Alex seemed able to see into his thoughts. I’m not ready to see you risk your life again, not so soon. You may be tough enough to handle it, but I’m not.
For a moment, Michael worried Alex would dismiss his concerns, tell him he was worrying for nothing. But then Alex’s shoulders fell, he gave a half, soft smile, and leaned in, kissing Michael’s lips. When he pulled back, he spoke to Isobel over Michael’s shoulder.
“Sorry, Isobel,” he said. “We can’t today.”
Isobel, who’d been watching the exchange, had her eyes narrowed, her brows furrowed in concern. She seemed to realize something horrible had happened recently, even if Michael was unwilling to talk about it. She nodded.
“Okay,” she said, then took a deep breath and repeated, “Okay. I’ll – uh – let everyone know it’s your day off. Sorry to wake you guys.” She turned, then stopped, and looked back at Alex. “So definitely gay then?”
“Get out!” Michael snapped as Alex burst into laughter behind him, clutching Michael’s shoulders to steady himself.
Isobel looked more put out that Alex was off limits than for anything else, and as soon as she had driven away, Michael shut the trailer door with his mind and picked Alex off the ground. He tossed him onto the bed and hovered above him. Alex’s eyes darkened as he gripped his arms, urging him closer.
Michael leaned in, pressing their foreheads together, taking just a few short seconds to reassure himself that Alex wasn’t on a ledge, but here, safe and sound in bed with him, before he bit Alex’s lower lip and grinded his hips down.
Alex’s lips parted in a moan and Michael took the opportunity to slot their mouths together. When he pulled back, Alex’s eyes were dazed and his cheeks were flushed.
“Guess I’m just gonna have to wear you out again,” he breathed, and kissed Alex’s eager grin.
I deviated just a little bit, hope that's okay. Prompt requests have been permanently opened, y'all, but no promises on how quickly I will deliver them.
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True Beauty | Little by Little | Han Seojun x Kang Soojin fanfic series/one shot? Idk
Part 2 , Part 3
This is the first time, I'm posting something on Tumblr, so bear with me haha, I don't know why but I kinda would've loved to see Soojin with Han Seojun after the time leap and her redemption. It's my opinion and I'll feel absolutely grateful if y'all respect it, thank you, I hope y'all will like it.
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Warnings: Slight panic attack trigger mention (not edited)
It was late in the evening and it had been an hour since Seojun left the studio for the day, he now sat on one of the stools staring at the empty glass in front of him. He didn't know why he was here but there he was, he remembered coming to this place for the first time, the night he let Jugyeong go back to Suho and after that night, he found himself coming back to this place often, whenever he needed a break or to get away from everything for a while.
He rubbed his face a little too harshly to check if he was sober enough to move and to his luck, he was just tipsy. He paid for his order and bought himself a simple soda before leaving the place. He put his mask and beanie on and kept walking as the cool wind hit him. He kept looking around to see if anyone recognised him but much to his pleasure no one did. His eyes stopped and soon did his feet when his eyes fell on a familiar figure. He blinked twice to make sure if he wasn't hallucinating.
What was she doing here?
He felt bold and decided to walk up to her. He kept walking till he stood a feet away from her. She had pamphlets in her hands and struggled as she tried to hold them steady and approached people to help people in need. She took out another pamphlet out as she felt a figure walk near her and looked up only to freeze in her place. Her words stopped in her mouth as she looked at those eyes. She was not blind to not recognize who was standing in front of her.
He expected his face to lift in a scowl as usual but it didn't. He was surprised, indeed and definitely had no words to speak. He knew that she met Jugyeong and reconciled with her but he never really bothered to know about her whereabouts. But after what he saw in front of him, he definitely didn't want to be that person who would laugh on her face and blame karma and he obviously didn't want to ack like a jerk and rub salt on her open wounds. So he didn't speak a word and just observed her as she stared right back at him.
She changed so much, he observed. Something about her was different, it wasn't like she was not the Kang Soojin he knew in his teen days, she was still her, but she looked so much better, somewhat relaxed and for some reason it felt like whatever that ate her then was not there around her now and it was very visible on her face. He shook his head wordlessly and turned around.
"Ya, Han Seojun." She called out as he stopped in his place. There was silence for a while as she took a deep breath and walked closer to him.
"I owe you an apology." She said as he blinked while his back faced her.
"Can we go somewhere where we can talk alone?" She continued hesitantly expecting him to walk away as soon as those words left her mouth but to her surprise he turned around and looked at her.
"Okay." He said and followed her.
"Thank you." Soojin said and bowed a little to the helper and sat in her chair as Seojun studied her.
He leaned forward and took a bite of the food in front of him and she gulped as she faced him finally.
"What I did back then was very foolish of me. I despise myself for stepping down to that level." She said as he listened to her.
"And I don't expect you to forgive me because I am asking you to. I know I'll always carry the guilt of hurting people who trusted me. I owe you an apology, even if what I did wasn't directed towards you." She said as she looked down and placed her palm on the table.
"I'm sorry." She finally said as he slurped his drink.
"It's alright." He said and she looked up with slightly wide eyes.
"What?" He asked as she opened her mouth to say something but closed it again.
"I didn't expect you to forgive me so easily." She said as he placed his drink on the table.
"Like you said, what you did wasn't directed towards me. If Jugyeong gave you another chance, I can do it too. Anyways, We weren't really friends in the first place, so yeah." He said as she nodded and then there was a wave of silence that surrounded them.
She felt grateful that he forgave her.
"You didn't come to Heegyeong unni's wedding?" She asked.
"Yeah, I was busy with my debut and all of that." He replied with a shrug.
"Oh." She replied as he nodded.
"So, you are an idol, now." She said as he looked and rolled his eyes slightly.
"Yes, that I am." He said.
"How does it feel to be one?" She asked.
"Stressful. But, I feel happy that I get to live my dream." He said with a small smile on his face. She smiled back and nodded.
"I thought you didn't come because of well...nevermind." She said as he looked at her and she ignored his gaze and went back to eating her food.
"Honestly, I didn't come because Jugyeong told me that she invited you." He said as she looked up.
"Well, of course, you hate me." She mumbled and to her surprise he heard it.
"I did. But, I don't think quite the same now." He said.
"Does it mean you hate me less now?" She asked as he chuckled to her surprise.
"Weren't you the one who despised me?" He asked as he raised one of his eyebrows and she rolled her eyes.
"Maybe, I was and it was because of obvious reasons." She said in a light humourous tone.
"Is that so? Can I know the obvious reasons please?" He asked as she cleared her throat and lifted her fingers to start counting and he could not help but notice how her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as she revisited those years.
"Soojin-ah" Soo ah called out as she held her friend's hand and pulled her along and made her sit on the table where all her friends were seated on. She looked around and found Cho rong eating as Hye min tried her best to control her laughter while looking at her partner and eating her food in silence, Tae hoon was asking Soo ah to eat first and take selfies later because the food might cool down and not taste the same, Jugyeong was explaining something on her phone to Suho as he fed her and then there was Seojun who looked appalled at the sight of the couples that surrounded him. He was seated right in front of her at the corner of the table and sulked as he leaned his head on the pillar next to him and waited for his food. His eyes were closed and disgust was clear on his face. It had been two months since she first ran into him on the road while distributing pamphlets for a charity event and now they were friends and dare she say best friends because it haunted her how comfortable she felt around him and how she actually liked spending time with a guy who once so full of himself. She pushed her leg forward and tapped his shoe. He got startled and opened his eyes to look around and then looked at Soojin who smiled innocently at him. He lips lifted in a scowl as he murmured something and went back to sleep as Soojin chuckled, ofcourse sleep was important.
He jolted up again and looked at her as she was looking at the menu.
"Ya Kang Soojin. When did you come?" He asked.
"A few minutes back." She replied as her eyes checked the menu out and he looked at her and couldn't help but smile as she observed the prices of the food items.
He missed her, it had been a week since they last saw each other because he was busy with recording his new album and couldn't find time to catch up with her as she was busy arranging and hosting charity events.
He cleared his throat as he saw Suho look at him and then at Soojin and went back to feeding Jugyeong as she opened her mouth wide. Seojun rolled his eyes at Suho and scrunched his nose up, he sighed as he relaxed his face and then looked at his phone and scrolled through his social media to find something interesting, his order appeared in front of him when he sat his phone aside. He thanked the waiter and dug in. Soojin just stared at with disgust as he finished the entire plate by the time her food arrived and he shrugged as he looked at her.
A smile appeared on her face before she could stop herself, she shook her head and looked at her plate, neither of them knew what was happening but the entire table looked at them start a new chapter in their own books.
Soojin sighed as she sat on her table and removed the hand that covered her forehead as she completed her work. Today was a very stressful day for her with so many events to plan but she was happy that she got to relax later as Seojun promised her a meal at her favourite restaurant and then a game night.
She switched the lights off, picked her belongings, locked the room and walked out. She smiled as she remembered how many times Seojun apologised to her for not attending the event which was arranged by her and promised to make it up to her. She didn't know how both of them got there but they did. Her younger self would've laughed on her face if she said that she would be one of Seojun's close friends one day.
To be honest, they were nothing alike, she was smart and he was well kinda dumb, she came from a very different household where she yearned for love from family and he came from a family who absolutely loved him and provided him with as much comfort as possible, she was terrible at singing and his voice was absolutely beautiful, but maybe the difference was something that made them different than the others out there, it made them unique.
She bumped into someone and her smile faltered as she looked at the person. Her heart raced in her chest and she felt terrible memories flood her head and she froze in her place. Tears blurred her vision as she looked at the person in front of her.
"Soojin?" The figure, her father asked and she heard footsteps approach them but she didn't turn around to look at who it was as her eyes were fixed on the person in front of her.
"Ya, Kang Soojin. See, I'm early..." Seojun trailed off as he noticed the presence of another figure around her.
"Get out." She said with anger in her voice as it broke in the end.
"Soojin..." Her father asked again.
"GET OUT." She screamed as both the figures around her remained still in their place, while one was in shock and the other was worried. She waited for a while for her father to leave and when she noticed that her father wasn't leaving anytime soon, she turned the other way and walked past him as Seojun looked at her and followed her outside.
"Soojin?" He called out as she kept walking.
"Soojin?" He called louder but she still didn't stop, her vision was blurry with the tears that kept running down her cheek and she kept wiping them off aggressively. He ran towards her and held her hand to stop her and she turned around to snap at the person who did that but she couldn't when she looked at who it was.
"Come with me." He said softly as he took her to his car and both of them sat inside in silence, he started the car and drove to her apartment. When they reached, she got out without saying a word to him and walked towards the elevator. He locked his car and ran behind to stop her. He was surprised how she managed to get into the elevator in the time he locked his car.
"Soo jin?" He called as he finally caught up with her in front of her apartment and she stopped in her tracks.
She didn't turn around and sniffled quietly.
"Are you alright?" He asked hesitantly. He heard no response, tears didn't stop flowing down her cheeks. His heart dropped at the sight in front of him, he didn't like watching her cry, it hurt him and he didn't understand why it did, but it did. He hesitantly walked closer to her and placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Say something." He said and at that moment she turned around, wrapped her arms around him and broke down in his arms. He was taken aback but he caressed her back slowly to calm her down. She hicupped as he stayed still and let her let it all out.
After a very long time, she finally stopped and let her hiccupping self dettach from him feeling a little embarrassed but he didn't care about it. He held her face and brushed the remaining tears off from her face and gave her a small smile.
"I don't know who that was and what happened. But, all I'll tell is, our past never defines us, it's behind us, it's like a closed book, you are not what you were years ago and I know that after getting to know you in the time we spent together in past few months. Don't let it bother you too much. Okay? Take care." He said as she looked into his warm brown eyes wordlessly and nodded, while she did that, a warm feeling spread all over her body at the closeness of his face and the softness of the tone of his voice and her heart fluttered in her chest.
"Call me if you need anything, but for now, go rest, when you feel better give me a call and no, I didn't forget that meal, we will go grab it when you feel better. Alright?" He asked as she nodded in his palms.
"Good night." He said and smiled at her before letting her go.
"Good night." She managed to croak out as she walked towards her apartment.
She walked in and waved at him and he waved back at her and walked away. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as she closed the door and leaned her back against it.
It was ironic how someone who once called her a piece of trash and despised her so much comforted her and said that what she did in the past doesn't define who she is now.
A sudden realization hit her like a truck. How was she so oblivious to it? She wondered.
She never felt comfortable around anyone in her life but in Seojun's arms, it felt as if she belonged there. The way he caressed her calmed her wrecking nerves, it just made her feel safe there and as much as she didn't want to accept it and as much she was afraid of being heartbroken again, she knew at the moment that much to her dismay she developed feelings for someone who will look at her the way a friend does, again.
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . “please just kiss me already” with sakusa 🥺🥺 hcs or scenario is up to u!!
❝ ― submitted by @akaashit-baeji <33 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ sakusa kiyoomi <3
⇣ please read the RULES before requesting.
[ ♡ ] i love the ending but in the middle i was kinda a bit of in a lost, so hope y'all don't mind that part tehee🙈✨ i have rewritten it SO MANY TIMES AHH. i just gave up so please enjoy this huhu
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➜ atsumu was a good guy, but right now all you wanted to do was strangle him tehee <3
➜ okay well, this was also probably, KIND OF, your fault for agreeing on this but curiousity got the best of you and now you're plotting on how the fuck do you ACTUALLY get yourself to ignore your boyfriend, sakusa for a day.
➜ sitting beside him, your head leaning against the headboard while you plan on how to ignore your boyfriend AS IF HE WASN'T RIGHT NEXT TO YOU REWATCHING THEIR MATCH HIS HAND BRUSHING AGAINST YOURS
➜ and so here you are now, trying to avoid your boyfriend early in the morning, slipping away from his grasp on your waist, rushing out of the door before sakusa realizes your absence
➜ you came to practice earlier than usual, though THAT wasn't the part why some were looking at you in curiousity buzzing their minds
➜ it was because your mans wasnt with you
➜ like bruh mind your own bussiness damn😤😪👊
➜ but then i remembered im also like that 👁👄👁
➜ sakusa came in earlier too but he was all by himself with an irritated look, he hated mornings, especially ones that he doesn't wake up to you by his side.
➜ his usual routine has incorporated you into it, there wasn't a day that you didn't exist in his schedule.
➜ he discreetly watched you play a two vs. two with bokuto, hinata & adriah, watching you laugh as you setted to hinata ─ the ball bouncing to the wall with his spike, rolling over to sakusa.
➜ you were about to get the ball until you saw who it rolled up to ─ your eyes widening as your froze when he maintained eye contact with you.
➜ you were like : pANIK
➜ until hinata being the innocent babie he is, didn't notice the growing weird tension between you and your boyfriend, taking the ball from the ground
➜ timeskip hinata. periodt.
➜ the power he has tho
➜ n e ways, that's where kiyoomi lowkey started freaking out
➜ and by lowkey, i mean his BURNING EYES never leaving you
➜ like you could F E E L his eyes on you
➜ like 👁👁
➜ he was also kinda scared ngl
➜ did he hurt you?
➜ did he do something that could hurt you?
➜ did you not love him anymore?
➜ sir how tf did u come into that conclusion i
➜ while sūgo in the back be like : oh wow, tea.
➜ # sūgo is a chismosa 2k20
➜ AND WHEN YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE DOING FINE, homeboy hits you up with a text
➜ the last straw was when you LOOKED at the notification pop up at your lockscreen but decided to ignore it
➜ like HIS MESSAGE, igNORED, by YOU, which did i mention was ONLY A FEW FEET AWAY FROM HIM??
➜ knowing by the end of the day he'll have his way with you🙈✨
➜ no but really, you were scared that you probably took it too far and made him upset with you
➜ and atsumu pretending he was jena marshall while YOU freak out for the whole day
➜ acting as if he wasn't a main contributer to this chaos
➜ the day ended and you were now forced to go back home WITH sakusa
➜ you were nervous
➜ bruh who wouldn't??
➜ this is sakusa kiyoomi we are talking about
➜ we don't know what's going on behind that mask of his
➜ and it has been driving you INSANE while you two sat in silence on the way home
➜ #prayfory/n2k20
➜ unbeknownst to him also in the brink of going insane because HOW. THE. FUCK. DOES. HE. CONFRONT. YOU. LATER.
➜ and the SECOND you two stepped inside your house PHEWWW
“ why have you been ignoring me? ” his voice muffled by his mask, cornering you into the wall as your back was against it, your eyes averted somewhere else while you're just the embodiment of 👉👈😔
➜ don't be suspicious, no don't be suspicious.
➜ realizing that you still weren't talking to him, he moves away from your face, backing away, a lowkey heartbroken expression evident in his face as he dragged his mask down.
“ i'm sorry. ” he apologizes, his eyes looking at the ground
➜ you were caught off guard by his apology since it seemed so sincere and GOD DID YOU FEEL LIKE A HORRIBLE PERSON
➜ the guilt luv, THE GUILT
➜ you said fuck it to the challenge, while you tugged on his jacket while he looks back at you with a snap
“ i'm sorry, ” you started off, making his jerk an eyebrow at you. “ i never meant it to go this far. ”
“ what do you mean 'this far ' ? ”
➜ after you told him that it was a prank 💆✨😻🔫 he didn't know how to react
➜ sakusa.exe has stopped
➜ basically that microsoft shut down audio right then and there
➜ he was irritated to say the least, he didn't get ANY sort of conversation and contact with you the whole day and FOR THIS?
➜ sakusa : you did this,,, FOR WHAT ?
➜ but his emotions didn't cloud his judgement just yet, the fatigue from practice and just everything that happened today was getting to him.
➜ he stays silent to collect his thoughts and wow did it frighten you.
“ okay, i know you're mad at me ─ and i won't force you to forgive me, because wow i would have hated myself too ─ no, that's not the point uh, i just wanna say sorry, god i'm a mess ─ ”
➜ sakusa wanted you to shut up.
➜ and he did, his hand covering your mouth while you looked at him with surprised
“ can you please just kiss me already? ” again, caught off guard by the one and only sakusa kiyoomi.
➜ and not gonna lie, he also caught HIMSELF off guard.
➜ this sakusa was desperate, this side of him that no one but you could see. the vulnerable and weak sakusa that put his pride away to ask for your touch.
➜ kiyoomi doesn't like skin contact, but with you, he wouldn't mind it.
➜ of course you obeyed his request, you already feel guilty enough for depriving him of your affections for almost a day.
➜ the kiss was passionate and longing in a way, it was a long and drawn out one that left the your legs jelly as it was only sakusa holding onto you that gave you support to stand up ─ needy and greedy, the pent up flustration and yearn for you was too much that he had to pour it all in not just one kiss.
➜ oh no, the night was still young.
“ don't you know how worried i was? ” his hot breath and pants fanning your face, an uncharacteristic flush across his face.
➜ challenge : failed.
➜ but hey, atleast you had a long night ahead of you.
➜ and sakusa made sure your attention was only at him.
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rogerina-yee-haw · 5 years
Joe Mazzello - NSFW Alphabet
a/n: I'm dedicating it to @starfleet-wannabe💓 babes, you make my days better!!! ily!!!(also I promise you that those imagines abt Joe x Reader will see the light once...I promise you, Erin)
I can't insert the "Keep reading" link from the tumblr mobile app, cause I'm really dumb, so if you don't want to read it - just scroll down k thx
this was requested many times and I'm sorry, my dudes....this is really bad....
warnings: obviously smut lmao, typos (sorry I've read it too many times just to check on errors and I can't look at this text right now, and there are obviously still bunch of mistakes, sorry, fellas)
Joe if you ever see this I'm sorry I hope it never happens
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A = Aftercare (What they���re like after sex)
Joe is the softest human being ever (well, mostly). It doesn't matter whether the sex was romantic and tender or rough and passionate, the aftercare is always the same: he helps clean you up and then make you both tea, while you lie in bed, talking and just spending time with each other.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of their partners)
As it was considered on this website, Joe is an ass man. You can count the times his hands were off your bum; he always keeps his hand on your lower back, and then, if he's in the mood (and he's always in the mood) he starts caressing your butt through your clothes, grabbing and tapping it when he can. It's not like the ass is the only thing he admires - Joe loves all of you, every part of your body and soul. But your ass is just so squishy and soft, and he can't get enough of it.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
If the sex is unprotected, he cums on your ass. Period.
D = Dirty Secret
Joe doesn't have dirty secrets. If he wants to try something, he'll tell you about it; there isn't something you two can't discuss.
E = Experience (How experienced are they?)
Joe is very experienced. He knows exactly what to do to make you scream his name in the bedroom.
F = Favourite Position
Doggy (unbelievable, right?). He also loves reverse cowgirl for obvious reasons. But it doesn't mean that you don't change positions while having sex. He loves seeing you on top, riding both of you into orgasm; he enjoys missionary and every other sex position, simply because he gets to try them all with you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
Come on, it's Joe we're talking about here. Sex is sometimes filled with him telling you stupid jokes, and always it turns out to be just like he's having a stand up show, while you lie down naked under him. He may crack up some dad jokes during the most tense moments, like when you're on top of him, and you're gasping and moaning, "I'm cumming", he'd say breathlessly, "Hi, cumming, I'm Joe", and you'll just burst into crazy laugh, even though the joke is stupid and not funny.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He doesn't like to be completely bare down there, so he just keeps it trimmed.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Joe is very romantic (we been knew). He just loves you so much that, even if the sex rough, he still wants and needs you to feel loved and comfortable. The man is so in love with you that he can't stop kissing and touching you, whispering how much he adores you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
It's a must, if he's away filming. You two like to get yourselves off while talking on the phone, breathing and moaning messily while telling each other the filthiest things. Joe is actually an expert in dirty talk.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Joe's got hella lots of kinks. He's most preferable ones are:
Daddy kink. Do you really think this man doesn't like to be called daddy? If you do, you're wrong. Seeing you twirling in ecstasy when "daddy" is the only thing you can weakly whimper makes him bust a nut right then and there.
Edging. He's an asshole sometimes, alright? Joe enjoys it when you desperately beg him to fuck you. He loves when you're being restrained all day, and you walk around frustrated and horny. Not to mention that the thought of fucking you hard later turns him on immediately. (You love all of it too, even though you don't admit it sometimes; you're also fond of the idea teasing Joe like this later).
Slight voyeurism, but he likes to watch himself fuck you. He's bought a huge mirror for the bedroom, so that you two could have sex in front of it. He loves to pound into you from behind, holding your hair, slapping your ass and saying the dirtiest shit, like, "Watch yourself being wrecked by my cock" or "Look how pretty you look, look at your pretty tits boucing like this cause I'm fucking you so hard"
Dirty talk (it's considered as a kink, right?). Come on, Joe is a master at this. He'd spill the filth at random places; like you two are doing grocery shopping and he comes to you holding a watermelon, leans in and whispers in your ear, "I wish I could bend you over this shopping cart and fuck you till you can't move". And you just stand there bewildered, while he continues his routine. Or when you're on some fancy event, he'd put his hand on your waist and say to you quietly, "You look so sexy like this with this red lipstick. Can't wait when these pretty lips are wrapped around my cock". And your eyes go wide as you choke on your drink, while everyone looks at you weirdly.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Um, anywhere? Joe's just turned on by you 24/7 (as well as you are by him), so he doesn't mind having sex with you in restrooms, closets, empty hallways, in his trailer, your childhood bedrooms... Once you were at the party and caught your friends having sex; no wonder that fifteen minutes later you and Joe were doing the same thing in the bathroom, of course, in front of the mirror. Sex in his car is a must too, especially when you're driving - he thinks you look really hot while doing so. One time you were almost caught doing it in the car by the police, and since then you can't stop giggling like two teenagers while remembering about it.
But Joe loves sex in your bedroom. He just feels like this is the most intimate place on the Earth, where you two can be sincere and sensitive.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Anything. He's got the crazy sex energy, and literally anything can make him go. Once, when you were brushing your teeth, and wearing one of his old tee-shirts and baggy pajama pants, he decided it was a good idea to start teasing you, by leaving wet, mouth-opened kisses on your neck and by fingering you slowly. You evidently couldn't brush you teeth normally at that moment.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Joe wouldn't do something that'll harm and hurt both of you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He's a pro in giving. You'll be screaming and grabbing his hair tightly, even though he barely touched you. And as you love giving too, he wouldn't ever be against it.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
You can experience every pace during the time you have sex. He may start roughly, pounding into you harshly, and then go slower, stretching you gently and whispering sweet nothings against your skin.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Joe loves quickies. Once when he was on set and had to leave for shooting in five minutes, he pinned you against the wall of his trailer and fucked the soul outta you. "It's just a preview of what you're getting at night", he winked at you while leaving and you just gasped. This man is something, y'all.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
You both love taking risks. Joe enjoys having sex when the guests you invited to your party may come at any moment; he once decided to start fingering you while you were at dinner with your family. "Such a good girl, taking me so well", he whispered in your ear when you struggled not to moan loudly in front of your parents. "I'm gonna fuck you so good when we get into the car. I'm gonna reward you for being such a good girl and not cumming here".
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
If he and you are feeling alright, 2 and more rounds. But if one of you is not okay, and the sex is just full of love and reassurance, there'd be just one round.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
You own toys. And Joe's using them on you. Especially when he's being a little shit - means when he's edging you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Once you were having an unplanned and sloppy sex in the secluded bathroom at one after-party of the awards, and he pulled out right when you were about to cum. He initiated the sex and denied you both. That's how much of a "tease" he is.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's loud when he's in the mood. He can moan loudly, and sometimes when you feel incredibly good he comes while screaming your name.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Joe's got a breeding kink. (It's not really surprising, though, this man radiates dad energy). He gets hard just thinking about you being pregnant with his child. Man wants to have a family with you, and that's why he can barely keep it in his pants when you're around (always).
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
His dick is a perfect size to make you scream. That's it.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Joe's sex drive is immeasurable. You have no idea how this man can always be horny and ready to fuck.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He falls asleep as soon as you two cuddle; when you start breathing in unison, he nods off pretty quickly, still holding you tightly.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things 2 Fanfic
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Chapter Six: The Spy
"Where am I," Phina groans as she slowly wakes up.
A woman in nurses clothes next to her turns to Phina, "you're awake?"
"Where am I," Phina asks again, her eyes traveling along the semi-familiar room, "where am I?"
"You're in Hawkin's lab, miss," the nurse says, "you hit your head pretty hard down there, Hopper said you've been out for almost an entire day."
Phina's heart stops dead in her chest, "what did you just say?"
"You've been out for a day," the woman says.
Phina shakes her head painfully, "before that, where did you say I was?"
"Hawkins Lab," the nurse says slowly.
Memories flash through Phina's mind, experiments, pain, doctors, "I need to get out of here."
She pushes herself up, throwing her legs off the bed. Pain washes through her, trying to keep her down, but the fear of this place keeps her going.
"Miss, please lay back down," the woman says, "I'll go get the doctor."
Phina doesn't listen to her, she just rips the catheter out of her arm and stumbles to her feet. The nurse rushes to keep her sitting but something trips her, a vine that retracts back into the ground as fast as it had come.
"I need to get out of here," Phina repeats.
She stumbles towards the doors, closing it behind her and shoves a waiting chair beneath it so the nurse couldn't stop her. Phina was vaguely aware that her clothes had been changed and that she had been washed of the slime that had covered her from the tunnels. She remembered what happened now. The vines had thrown her into the wall, her head, it had hit the wall hard.
She reaches up to touch her forehead to find it covered in a bandage. Her head pounds behind the wound. The nurse said she had been out for almost a day, how hard had she hit that wall?
Phina uses the wall to balance her as she walks through the building, fighting the painful memories away. In the distance, she hears yelling and movement, she goes the opposite direction. There had to be an exit somewhere nearby. Phina stumbles around a corner and laughs, an exit sign hung over a doorway down this hallway. She fastens her pace, yearning to get out of this place, to escape the memories. One memory surfaces, the last time she was in the place, hobbling to an exit as she tried to escape her tormentors, she was only five then.
Phina groans as she stumbles through the woods, she had no idea where she was, and with the injury to her head, she could barely even feel the trees around her. Not to mention, she was freezing, the clothes they had put her in was just a thin, black, cotton t-shirt and a pair of blue cotton shorts, and no shoes or socks.
Her arms were crossed over her chest, desperately trying to salvage any warmth she could. Her eyes were starting to close every so often, exhaustion setting in on her. If she was near anything, she didn't know.
"Who's there," a familiar voice shouts at her as she steps on a twig, snapping it in half.
She trips forward on a branch as they shine a light on her, "oh, my god, Phina?"
Two people rush towards her and warm hands grab her shoulders, helping her to her knees. Weakly, she opens her eyes.
"Steve," she whispers, her voice cracking.
He frantically searches her face, "oh, my god, Phina are you ok?"
Her eyes fall closed again and she fights to open them, "Dustin?"
Steve tries to help her stand but she falls into his chest, he wraps his arms around her, "oh! It's ok, I got you. I got you."
Dustin watches her worriedly, "Steve? Is she ok?"
"I'm fine, Dusty," Phina mumbles, her teeth chattering.
"We need to get you home," Steve says.
Phina frantically shakes her head, "no, no, no, my parents can't see me like this. There are way too many questions that I won't be able to answer."
"She can stay here," Dustin says.
Phina's head feels heavy on her shoulders as she shakes it, "your mom."
Steve sighs, "my parents are out of town, you can stay at my house, but I want answers."
"Ok," Phina mumbles, her head laying on Steve's chest.
The warmth radiating of Steve is so inviting to Phina who is shivering out of control. Steve looks down at her and sighs.
"Can you walk," he asks.
"Yeah," she says, trying to stand on her own, falling back into his arms in less than a second.
"Ok," Steve says, reaching down to put his arm under her knees.
He picks her up, cradling her to his chest, he looks at Dustin, "you go inside, we can deal with your problems tomorrow."
Dustin nods, watching Phina, "promise me she'll be ok."
Steve looks down at her, her face tucked into his shoulder as she tries to take in as much warmth from him as she possibly could, "I'll take care of her, I promise."
Again, Phina woke up and she wasn't quite sure where she was, or what had happened. She was in a bedroom, not her own, but definitely a guy's considering the amount of clothing strewn across the floor. This room was familiar, like the last one she woke up in.
Her memories were blurry, all hidden behind a haze that she couldn't shake off. She remembered being cold after she had left Hawkins Lab, walking through the forest. Then she remembers falling, being held by warm arms, and a low voice.
The door to the room opens and Steve Harrington steps through it. He looks like he's trying to sneak in, he probably thinks she's still asleep. When he quietly shuts the door behind him he looks at the bed, at Phina. His eyes widen in shock.
"I'm sorry," he says, "I, uh, didn't mean to wake you."
Phina shakes her head slowly, "no, no, you're fine, I was already awake."
He sighs, walking further into the room, "good, I was hoping that you would be so I didn't have to wake you."
Phina awkwardly rubs the back of her neck, "this may seem like a weird question but, how did I get here?"
Steve raises his brows, "you don't remember."
She shakes her head, wincing a little as she does, "my mind's a bit hazy, I remember waking up in Hawkins Lab and then escaping and being cold after that is a blur."
Steve chuckles, "yeah well, when Dustin and I found you, you were pretty gone. You mumbled some stuff about not wanting your parents to see you and that you couldn't answer their questions and stuff like that."
Phina sighs, "yeah, that seems familiar."
Steve moves away from the door to lean on his dresser, "I had some questions of my own last night but you fell asleep as soon as I put you in the car."
Phina remembers warm arms holding her, her face goes warm when she realizes that it was Steve who had held her, "sorry about that."
Steve shakes his head, "it's fine. What I care about is why there is a huge cut on your head and why you were stumbling around the forest in the middle of the night."
Phina tucks her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around them, "I was with Hopper, he found this tunnel underneath a pumpkin farm, it was like a version of the upside down. We went in to investigate. There was this thing on the ceiling and it released some sort of toxin, Hopper passed out but I wasn't affected by it. Whatever these vine things in the tunnel are, they attacked me, all I remember was getting thrown into the wall and everything going black."
Steve watched her closely, he hadn't ever been to the upside down but he remembered when she had been taken there. He remembered the feeling of pure panic when he realized she was gone. When she came back to school the next week her entire leg had been covered in thick bandages and Nancy had told him that thing they had fought had done that to her. Steve also remembers the anger he felt, at that thing, at the fact that he hadn't protected her. He could see the scars on her right leg, the four jagged lines of raised skin that came out from beneath her short and all the way down to her calf.
"When I woke up," Phina continues on, "I was in Hawkins Lab and a nurse told me I had been out for almost a day. I... I couldn't stay there."
Steve hears the strain in her voice, "I had to get out."
She hugs her knees, her nails digging into her skin, Steve pushes off the dresser, "hey."
He sits down on the bed in front of her, gently prying her hands away. Her nails had left small red lines on her knees. They hadn't pierced the skin but it was close.
"You're alright, Phina," Steve whispers, "you're alright."
She nods slowly, "sorry I... I have a lot of bad memories of that place, a lot of them."
"It's ok," he says, "I understand."
She breathes through her nose, "after I got out, I got cold and tired, I remembering falling and then being held and that's it."
"That's when Dustin and I found you," he smiles, "you scared the crap out of us, shuffling through the woods like you were about to come and kill us."
She chuckles, "you and Dustin? Why were you two together?"
Steve shakes his head, "Dustin got himself into a bit of trouble. Apparently, he found this little lizard thing in his garbage and decided to keep it as a pet. Then it started to rapidly grow and it ate his cat."
"Mews?" Phina's lip sticks out in a pout. "I loved that cat."
"Yeah," Steve chuckles, glancing down at her pouting lips, "he locked it in the basement and found me as a last resort to help him. When I went into the basement, I found a bunch of gooey shed skin and a hole dug through the wall."
Phina sighs, "sounds like an upside-down thing."
Steve nods his head, "and the problem is, this thing escaped and is who the hell knows where eating cats and possibly toddlers."
Phina smacks his arm, "why would you say toddlers?"
He laughs, "that's not the point, the point is that this thing is out there and unfortunately, you, Dustin, and I are the ones that have to go look for it."
"Why do I have to," Phina asks.
Steve smiles, "well, unless you want to tell your parents what happened to your head now, Dustin and I are willing to let you help us."
"Let me," Phina scoffs, "like you two could do this on your own."
-1834 words-
To make up for Phina being unconscious for almost all of the last chapter here is some OC stuff, and some Steve and Phina stuff ;) Hope Y'all liked this chapter and are ready for the next one!
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smuttyfairy · 7 years
When I Wake [ch.1]
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ch.1 | ch.2 |
Genre: Angst / Fluff 
Summary: The day you were proposed to by Kim Taehyung was absolutely unforgettable, but not in a magical, fairy tale type of way. Instead of ending the night with celebratory congratulations, you and Taehyung find yourselves in a car accident that leaves you in a coma. When you wake three years later, you receives news that Taehyung passed away as a result of his injuries. 
After getting over the initial shock of Taehyung’s death, you peacefully carry on with your life, until one day you hear word that Taehyung might not be dead after all. 
You try to find Taehyung to pick up your relationship where it left off, so everything could go back to the way it was. Only life’s not that simple. While trying to rekindle your love with the supposedly dead Taehyung, you have to deal with your arranged fiance and your newly acquainted (and dangerously hot) friend Park Jimin. 
Your life becomes a whole lot more interesting when you wake. 
Word count: ~2.3k 
Written by: Admin Jifairy
A/N: So this is my first time writing a kpop ff, and it’s my first time writing a reader insert, AND it’s my first time writing angst so please bear with me~ (it’ll get interesting soon I promise) Also jimin & yoongi are tagged in addition to tae bc they will be part of the story later on!
Taehyung placed his lips on yours; it was the only warmth you’d felt in this winter wonderland. As he pulled away, you could feel every cell in your body yearn for his embrace but reluctantly settled for his hand in yours. You stood in the middle of the icy Bow Bridge in Central Park. It was where you two first met, three years ago.
Three years ago you were attending one of your father’s yearly charity events when you wandered off for some fresh air, away from the phony friendships and the nauseating smell of cologne and brandy that every male seemed to extrude.
Your father was a very rich and successful business man, so it became common for your father to hold these charity events. Anyway, as you were crossing the Bow bridge, a biker nearly ran into you, causing you to stumble backwards on your heels. Taehyung was crossing the bridge at the time, and being the gentleman that he was, he swooped in and prevented you from falling. You landed in his arms with such ease; your body conformed so perfectly to every inch of his, just like a missing puzzle piece. The moment was so picturesque that all you needed was a camera crew, and it could have been a scene from a cliché romance. When you looked up at your unnamed hero, you found yourself drowning in a pair of beautiful brown eyes. “Whoa,” he chuckled as he helped you regain your balance. “Are you okay?” You weren’t listening to a word he was saying, though. Your mind was filled with the color brown and how he seemed to make it the most romantic and desirable color God ever gifted the world with. “Are you alright?” He asked again when you failed to respond. His voice was so perfectly deep, it almost knocked you off your feet again. He stood nearly six feet tall with light brown hair that hung just above his eyebrows and a chiseled chin that led to perfection. He had a face that belonged on a Greek statue. You answered with a nearly inaudible, “Yeah, I’m…” your voice trailed off, left to hang in the silence. Your eyes were fixated so deeply on his that you were unable to finish your sentence. You had always been a ditz when it came to boys, and this one was no exception. But Taehyung smiled anyway, ignoring the idiotic look on your face. He was too busy admiring the way your adorable slender nose and full lips complimented your doey eyes. “I’m Kim Taehyung, and you are?” Taehyung introduced himself and began walking towards an empty bench at the end of the bridge, hoping you would follow. “Uh - I’m Y/N.” You choked out. After your encounter, you ended up getting to know a lot about him. He was born in Buffalo, New York and then moved to New York City when he was five. Apparently, Taehyung’s mother, Kim JangMi, was a mistress, and Taehyung is the product of an unfaithful husband and his behind-the-scenes lover. When Taehyung’s father, Kim YongSoo, found out JangMi was pregnant with him, his father cut off all ties with her and sent her to the states in order to keep people from finding out about his affair. After all, YongSoo was a well-known political figure who was also the CEO of a huge finance company. Every month, Taehyung’s father sends them living expenses and pays for everything they need. Taehyung’s mother never wants to use the money because she thinks it’s “dirty”, and she resents Taehyung’s father for sending her to the states without a second thought despite telling her he loved her. She hated having to rely on him after everything he’s put her through. But, reluctantly, she always accepts the money for the sake of providing Taehyung with the best. Soon, you became so captivated by the handsome seventeen year old boy who seemed to have taken a harmless interest in you. And that was the beginning of your innocent romance, completely unaware of its tragic fate. ••• Currently, you and Taehyung were gazing at the lake that had frozen over and now served as an ice skating rink. The air was crisp and cold as snowflakes kissed your bare skin. “Three years ago I met this strikingly beautiful girl with skin so porcelain and eyes so enchanting,” said Taehyung. “It was like looking at a glass doll; she was the epitome of perfection.” Taehyung stopped for a brief moment and turned to face you. He gazed into your beautiful eyes, adoring the effect they had on him. The way they could turn him into a babbling, love struck idiot. “Y/N, I can’t imagine life without you, and I don’t want to.” You smiled, “Trust me, you won’t have to. You’re stuck with me.” You’ve given three years of your life to Taehyung so far, and you don’t plan on remembering those three years as a waste of time. Taehyung smiled sweetly and retracted his hand from yours, taking away every bit of warmth with it. The cold nipped at your fingertips, sending your hand fleeing for your coat pocket. Taehyung reached into the pocket of his favorite Burberry coat and pulled out a small, black suede box before kneeling down onto the blanket of snow. Your hands flew to your mouth. You’d envisioned this moment at least a million times since you were a little girl, but to actually be able to put a face to the man of your proposal fantasy felt surreal.
Taehyung reached for your left hand and held it lightly in his.
“I know your parents are against us being together, and I know I don’t have much money of my own to support us,” Taehyung exhaled slowly, “but Y/N, will you marry me?” With you turning eighteen and becoming a legal adult, Taehyung decided it was time to finally pop the question. A smile stretched across your face. “Of course!” You exclaimed and opened your arms wide for his embrace. Taehyung jumped to his feet and held you so tightly, that if you really were like the fragile, glass doll he’d depicted you as, you’d shatter into a million pieces. Tears brimmed your eyes as you said, “God, I love you!” You smiled through your words. Then, you planted a passionate kiss on his lips before nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck, indulging yourself in his intoxicating smell. “I love you, too,” he whispered in your ear. Then he released you from his grasp and placed the ring on the hand that would soon belong only to him. The ring was a small, white diamond on a thin, plain band. It was simple yet elegant, and you couldn’t ask for anything better. You and Taehyung continued on your walk through the park. You were still on cloud nine thinking about the fact that you two were officially going to be together forever. Y'all were talking about eloping and leaving your families and fortune behind for love and happiness when you came across an area, secluded from other civilians, where the snow remained untouched; it was so beautiful, you were almost reluctant to touch it. But Taehyung had already taken a step into the virgin snow, imprinting his existence into the world. You made your way to a nearby bench. After you pushed off all the snow from the bench, you sat down. You leaned into Taehyung as he wrapped his arm around your waist. You two began reminiscing over all the memories you had together, both good and bad. You couldn’t help but think about all the arguments you thought you’d never recover from. And yet here you were, with his arm around your shoulder and a ring on your finger. You’d always hoped Taehyung would be the one you married, but you’d never imagined your dream would actually come true.
While reminiscing, you noticed three intimidatingly tall men in black suit pants and black overcoats briskly walking your way. “Oh, my God!” You exclaimed under your breath. “Tae, those three guys over there work for my family. They were probably sent to take me back home!” Up until last month, yours and Taehyung’s relationship was a secret. Only a select few knew you were dating. Taehyung’s mom knew about your relationship and adored you, but your parents didn’t know a thing. You knew your parents, your dad especially, would never accept an illegitimate child as their potential son-in-law. When your father finally found out, he continuously screamed that he would never allow you to date a bastard and that you are never allowed to see him again. Not to mention you already have a fiancé that your parents chose for you. He’s of wealthy background and is currently studying to be a doctor. You two have met very briefly a couple of times, but you weren’t supposed to marry him until you turned twenty. You didn’t want to marry someone you don’t love, however, and so you ignored his entire existence until you forgot about him all together. “Shit!” Taehyung responded. Without a second thought, he grabbed your hand and ran through the snow. It was a struggle for you to keep up with Taehyung, because he was five foot ten with long legs and you weren’t nearly as tall as him. You stumbled multiple times, but Taehyung always caught you before you fell. The men began running after y'all at full speed, closing the space between you by half. All you could think about was what would happen if you were separated from Taehyung, and why you couldn’t just be together peacefully.
“Why can’t they just leave us alone?” Taehyung shouted, wishing the men would turn into an unconcerned pile of snow. As you ran the familiar path back to the parking lot, Taehyung was careful not slip on ice. You finally made it to the car at last and slid in with ease thanks to Taehyung’s unhealthy habit of leaving the car doors unlocked. Taehyung revved up the engine and reversed out of the parking spot and onto the main road. The road lead to a more hill-y, rural area that was surrounded by trees. The men in black jumped into their nearby car and sped towards the exit in pursuit of you. The little mission of bringing you back home soon turned into a full-on car chase. With Taehyung pushing almost eighty miles per hour, he was in the lead, but not for long. Eighty doesn’t sound that fast, but when there is snow all over the road, and you can spin out of control at any given moment, it feels a helluva lot faster. Not to mention the sun was beginning to set, making it harder for Taehyung to see. The street lights began to illuminate the road that was being engulfed in impending darkness. “Tae!” You cried. You gripped the handle bar above your head tightly as your hands began to turn white from lack of blood flow. “Maybe you should slow down!” With a grunt Taehyung said, “If I do that, they’ll be able to stop us, and they’ll take you away from me. I can’t lose you!” There was genuine fear in Taehyung’s eyes. Fear of the unknown … fear of losing the most precious thing in the entire world to him. Suddenly, there was a sharp left turn in the road that Taehyung didn’t notice due to the lack of light. He turned his steering wheel almost 360 degrees; the wheels of the car slid across a sheet of ice, sending their car tumbling down a hill, hitting bushes and trees along the way. Taehyung tried to take control of the car by pressing the brakes and turning the steering wheel, but the acts were futile in a rolling car. You tried to scream with sheer terror, but the sound never made it past your lips; coarse puffs of air escaped instead. The sound of branches scraping against the car’s exterior filled your ears. The windows were being punctured by the branches, shattering them. You shut your eyes tightly, not wanting to see what was going to happen next. As the car continued to roll, your bodies were being thrown around like rag dolls. Everything was happening so fast, neither of you had time to process what was going on. The car took one last toll when it crashed head-on into a tree. For some reason, the airbags didn’t deploy, so Taehyung slammed into the steering wheel, earning a blast from the horn, and your face made excruciating contact with the dashboard. The force of the impact was so strong that it propelled you through the window, despite your constricting seat belt. Broken glass tore into your colorless skin. You were no longer a porcelain doll but a blood-stained rose. A searing pain shot through your right leg; it was like it’d caught on fire. You laid flat against the frigid ground, about fifteen feet from the car. Your limbs were haphazardly positioned and your face was buried into a pile of bloodied leaves and wreckage debris. Every inch of your body ached. You tried to sit up, but to no avail. The pain was so intense that you nearly blacked out. The most you could do was position your head so you could see the car out of your peripheral vision. Then suddenly, light filled the sky and the smell of burning metal filled your nostrils. The car had caught on fire. You weren’t sure if Taehyung had gotten out of the car or if he was still in there. Is he trapped? Unconscious? …Dead? “Taehyung,” you tried to scream, but once again the sound never reached your lips. The smoke from the fire blurred your vision and before you could attempt to call out his name once more, everything went black.
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