#yagi's gonna beat up a man in a child's body
jp---v · 1 year
Toshinori's in a bad spot.
He's old, he doesn't have his weather-changing super strength, he doesn't even have a healthy body. He's out of tricks, no more support gear, no more shields. His only ally on the battlefield may have just been completely removed from the situation.
(And because of the various shots of blood after that last big attack and the framing of the panels, I think he may have lost an arm.)
But none of that matters. Because right now he's not just a shriveled husk of his former self. Just look at the heavy shadows and actions lines we've all come to associate with his buff form. Right now he's as much All Might as he's ever been.
And because he's not dead yet.
He has reason to live beyond being a workaholic hero, and that's why the shadows over his eyes are gone. For the first time in years there's light in his eyes. The first time we, the audience, have seen them like this outside of flashbacks.
He's here. He's fighting. He's willing to die for this, but he'll be damned if he goes down quietly.
This is what really made him the number one hero. This is what really made Yagi Toshinori into All Might.
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After all, the ones who smile are the strongest
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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13: Sports Festival
Oooohhh boy! It’s about time!!!!
Aizawa fell silent after the biggest fucking reveal since leaning All Might’s secret identity.
The said man rubbed the back of his head while looking down with a guilty look.
“...I’m the biological father of (L/n) (Y/n).”
The room was still silent until Aizawa stood up from the teacher’s lounge chair with a narrowed eyes.
“...do they know you are their father.” Aizawa demanded.
“Well... you see... no.” Toshinori admitted.
Aizawa’s tired eye twitched as his scowl grew more.
“So... you decided to tell me... before you told your own child???”
‘And Midoriya...’ All Might thought.
He could remember it like it was yesterday... because it was. Midoriya was shocked to say the least, even more so when he learned that you didn’t know.
“You’re (L/n)-san’s father... and you never told them...!?” Midoriya said that night.
“Are you kidding me, Yagi?”
All Might felt a shiver run up his spine as Aizawa glared daggers into him, more than he has ever before.
“You have a kid, yet you never told them of your identity???”
“It’s for their own protection.” All Might said.
Aizawa placed his hand on his forehead and pushed his tangled, long black hair back, processing everything he was told.
“I understand if you wanted to hide your relation with them from the world since villains would love to eat that shit up, but you never told them!?” Aizawa spat All Might’s logic back at him.
“You instead told me. Someone who isn’t family, nor related to this family drama of yours- oh my god.” Aizawa turned from the blonde, trying not to strangle him.
“Aizawa, listen-“ but before All Might could finish, Aizawa whipped back around with eyes redder than hell itself.
“There is no relationship between you two. Nothing. I have more chemistry with them than you, and I only met them in person for a few hours total.”
“I know...” Yagi said in a defeated tone.
“Hell. You have more of a relationship with Midoriya than you do with YOUR OWN CHILD.”
Yagi flinched at this. Aizawa was right, and there was no arguing against the scruffy man.
“You realize that by the time you tell them, they will hate you for the rest of their life.”
The tall man covered his face with his hands as he slouched over in his seat.
Aizawa’s red eyes dimmed a bit before closing them.
“It isn’t my place to tell you how to go about this, nor is it my place to tell them. But they will need to know.” Aizawa walked towards the door.
“Don’t you dare wait until your death.” Aizawa said.
And with that, he left.
What else was he supposed to say? In that moment, his mind was fogged up by the information dumped on him.
Today was the sports festival, the day where you would finally prove to him, to All Might, that his predecessor was a mistake.
Entering the field, you were met with a cheering crowd.
“And here we have Class 1B from the hero course!”
“Damn 1A, getting all the spotlight!” Monoma said through gritted teeth.
It was no secret that class 1A was favored over everyone else. Hell, the loud man, Present Mic, didn’t even mention the other classes with the exception of your class (though your introduction was nothing in comparison to 1A).
You didn’t blame class 1A, more so the pro heroes.
“Tch. They could have at least hid their blatant favoritism.” You muttered, earning some nods and sounds of agreement.
“What is he saying? He’s talking too fast.” Pony asked.
“He says class 1B is filled with capable students.” You lied.
The girl’s face lit up and she bounced with each step.
“Really? Thats really nice!” She exclaimed.
“Ahem-softy...” Kosei smirked.
Your head snapped to him, letting out a loud crack. He no longer spoke and chose to stare forward with sweat forming on his face.
You all finally stood in front of the stadium where a woman stood. She was... wearing something, though you could barely call it clothes.
“Yo, check out the assets on her!” A student with grapes for hair said to his blonde companion with a lightening bolt.
Your eyebrow twitched in annoyance as the two chuckled before the woman whipped her whip thing.
“Representing the students- BAKUGOU KATSUKI FROM CLASS 1A!”
Everyone turned to the blonde, who had his hands buried in his pockets. As the teen walked forward, the woman opened her mouth as if to say something.
And she did.
“And- (L/N) (Y/N) FROM CLASS 1B!”
You did not sign up for this.
Shock was evident on your face but slowly faded away. The same could not be said for your class, however. You could feel the pride radiate off of Monoma as you walked past him to the stage.
Once standing in front of a second microphone that was magically there, you looked down at your classmates to see Kendo giving you a thumbs up, Tetsutetsu pumping his fist up with a wide smile, and pony silently clapping in excitement. Everyone else in your class looked on in approval, which made you feel funny on the inside.
“I pledge...” the blonde began, locking eyes with you for a second before a smile grew on his face.
“...that I’ll be number 1.”
Cue the uproar. Students left and right yelled at the guy. Everyone was pissed.
Everyone except you.
You weren’t angry. No. You were... you were laughing.
Every single class quieted down when hearing loud, boisterous laughs coming from you. Your head was thrown back while your shoulders bounced up and down.
It was as if you were... a second All Might.
You immediately stopped and turned to look at Bakugou with a dangerous grin.
“You better not disappoint us then, Bakugou-san.” You said into the microphone.
“I want a good fight.”
Bakugou smirked at you, determination and sadism flashing in his eye.
“I’ll give you one...” he sneered.
‘They’re twins!’ Class 1A and class 1B thought in unison.
“Alright you two! Save it for the battle field.” Midnight said with amusement in her voice.
“...damn...” was all Toshinori could say.
In some ways, you were like him.
Watching you laugh his laugh... the similarities between some of your characteristics and his were beyond uncanny, especially since you are... more aggressive?
“I want a good fight.” Your voice echoed across the field, sending chills up and down his spine (and no doubt others)
Definitely more aggressive.
A race.
You were being pitted against each other... in a race.
You weren’t afraid to admit your disappointment in the wheel of fortune. But now isn’t the time.
You watched the students in front of you block the tunnel and chose to parkour the fuck out of the tunnel.
You hopped wall to wall over the heads of the students, leaving large cracks in the tunnel. You exited the tunnel before a bicolored boy shot out, leaving the entrance covered in ice.
Shouts of surprise were directed towards you and... that kid with the scar. The sled along side you, glancing at your form before focusing back on the race. The ice was creeping up quickly from behind you, almost touching your heels.
It was clear that he would freeze you if you slowed down even just a little. But there was one thing he didn’t have... your speed and strength.
You began outrunning Todoroki with ease, blood trailing and flying from your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth and onto his shirt and ice.
“Targets found... lots!” A robotic voice said.
Without warning, you shot up and barreled through the robot that appeared out of nowhere, tearing its head off. You continued on, swiftly dodging metallic limbs and tearing through any you couldn’t dodge.
“HOLY COW! Class 1B’s (L/n) (Y/n) is taking the lead while showing no mercy!!! They’re leaving chunks of metal in the path of the others!” Mic’s voice could be heard echoing through the arena.
“And LOOK AT THAT! Todoroki Shoto from class 1A made the area completely frozen over, keeping the rest from passing! How brutal!”
You turned your head to see Shoto following not far behind. He stared toward you with intent and pushed himself harder.
You kept this pace, staying in first place as Bakugou caught up to Todoroki.
You even created more and more distance between the three of you, using the minefield to deter them from speeding up.
A blast of light flashed behind you along with the screams of Present Mic before a body shot  past you.
You stopped in your tracks, unable to understand and comprehend what just happened... until you saw a mop of green hair.
Like a bull to the color red- or in your case, green, you charged the boy with gritted teeth.
Were you going to run past him or were you going to beat him once you caught up... that is up to you, dear reader...
The teen drew closer to the finish line, which fueled your rage and encouraged you to run faster.
Unfortunately, it was all in vain, as the greenette passed the finish before you. You shot past him after and dug the heels of your shoes into the dirt to stop you, leaving a trail dug behind you.
You panted, spitting blood and wiping the extra crimson liquid from your mouth.
“Oooooohhhhh! So close! Midoriya came in at number 1, making (L/n) come in at 2nd!”
You snapped your head back at a tired looking Midoriya, who went from tired to alert in a matter of seconds.
You were burning holes into the poor kid with your blood shot eyes. The said teen stood frozen, even as Todoroki and Bakugou passed him.
Not even Bakugou’s murderous aura could take Midoriya’s attention away from you.
Despite the crowd cheering loudly, it felt silent to Midoriya.
Up in the stands with the other heroes, All Might was watching all of this unfold.
If your dislike for Midoriya was not clear before, it was definitely clear now.
Even as the other students caught up to you and filled the field, you continued glaring at the greenette.
Shit’s gonna get gooooooood...
Just you wait.
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the-phoenix-heart · 4 years
Sorting Hat Chats - BNHA
For those of you who don’t know, @sortinghatchats​ has a system for sorting people based off of primary houses, and secondary houses. You can find a run down of that here. Today I’m gonna be sorting eight My Hero Academia characters! Probably gonna be a sequel or two to this post. This one got super long...
(Manga spoilers and like two minor movie spoilers which are marked by “in the movie” so if you wanna skip those you can)
(Also get used to Lions because Hero Society tends to reward Lions with places in hero courses)
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It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that IZUKU MIDORIYA is a true Lion. It also doesn’t take a genius to see that the guy who wants to do the All Might thing of saving people with a smile on his face seems to be very Badger-y. Izuku could be read as a Badger primary but I think that’s a model he took from All Might. Izuku has punched Bakugou in the face despite the fact that they were supposed to be working together because it felt like the right thing to do, he punched All Might later in that same episode because Bakugou’s inspiring words-well inspired him so much (Lion primaries are such suckers for passion filled words[Bakugou is the same way]), he is willing to break the law and fight a villain without permission or license to save Iida, he’s willing to break his fingers just so he can help Todoroki confront his issues with his father, even after he’s beaten down to the point of not being able to use his arms he can’t take a break he has to protect Bakugou in the Training campe, he’s willing to risk expulsion to save Bakugou after his kidnapping, etcetera etcetera.
He does however share All Might’s roaring Lion secondary. The first thing we see him doing in the series is standing up for a little kid who got beat up. He is also however modeling Bird, after his Lion Secondary was burned both literally and figuratively by Bakugou. When his trust in his instinctive charging head first into situations left he fell back on something that’ll help him, notebooking, studying, and absorbing as much information as he can. He’s good at it and uses it to bolster his Lion, but then you put Bakugou in danger and suddenly “My body just moved.” I think a lot about the Mid Term Exam Deku had with Bakugou. At the end he decides not to keep running despite how risky it is and punch his mentor and idol to save Bakugou. Also, I named numerous times he kept charging in and breaking his body in the previous section. All Might has said it before and he’ll probably say it again, when someone (usually Bakugou) is in trouble nothing can stop him from saving them.
Y’know he sorta had the shape of a Bird primary, he sorta takes in information and makes conclusions out of it. Everyone is saying I have an awesome powerful quirk, therefore I’m just better than everyone else. Deku is quirkless, there for he is useless. And he followed these beliefs so hard that when they were proven wrong he was heartbroken, literally having a panic attack, he falls before he picks himself back up at the end of the day. That’s very Bird, and also very Ravendor. And we even see later that Bakugou still takes in information like that. He remembers Todoroki’s backstory when Todoroki says there are other ways to get through to kids and he let’s him take the lead. 
(I might end up talking myself back into Bird primary)
But...It pains me to say it, I was wrong. 
Bakugou’s whole thing is that he isn’t in heroism for saving people or making the world a better place, he wants to be a hero to prove he’s the best and strongest there is (in fact I argue that that is the only reason he wants to be a hero, if this world had professional Quirkastics where you show off your strength and quirk Bakugou wouldn’t want to be a hero). He goes after Deku in the first training session because he couldn’t think of doing anything else. He didn’t decide that, he felt it so strongly he had to act on it. He destroys part of the building in that exam because he’s feeling everything at like a thousand percent and he can’t think despite the fact that it’s a bad idea especially for him as the villain. He has to be talked into calming down and not going after the villains because they were after him and going after them would make him more of a target. The idea that in the Sports Festival his win wasn’t an actual win crushes him. He’s willing to lose the whole damn midterm because he doesn’t want to have to rely on Deku all based off feelings. Bakugou sometimes tries to act before he thinks and figure things out, but he usually doesn’t. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the boy feels everything at 1,000,000% and tends to have some serious tunnel vision. And then there’s the movie, where he listens to Deku, not because he’s doing the Bird thing of taking in information, but because Deku’s words are so passionate and he’s so caught up in what Deku is saying.
And on why Bakugou is not a Snake primary. When you look at where primaries overlap, Bakugou’s primary is very intuitive, which means Lion or Badger (and he’s definitely not Badger), but it’s also very internal because he does not give a fuuuck about what people think, so Lion or Snake. But he’s not a Snake because throw fanon and out tell me, who is Bakugou actually loyal to? Deku? A lot of that seems to be because of One for All and not actually liking Deku. Kirishima? Maybe, but we don’t ever see him choose Kirishima over something else. Kirishima is his friend, but any house can have friends. All Might? Yeah he’s loyal to him, but he loves All Might, not Yagi Toshinori. He’s loyal to the symbol he saw as a child, a very Lion thing. Is he loyal to himself? He’d rather lose a tournament or a midterm than win any other way than what he wants. 
I could go on about his primary. About how he doesn’t think critically about the situation when they’re ‘Saving the World With Love’ and just assumes that they’re all bad guys and need to be thrown in jail. But I won’t because this is long enough and I still have to talk about his damn secondary. Except I’m just gonna copy paste what I originally had written. 
I got confused when I was looking at his secondary because he’s really smart and really good at strategy. He thinks at 10 million miles a minute. In Deku vs Kacchan 2 he literally does a double bluff, he knows that Deku will see him swinging with his right arm and think it’s a feint so he does a double bluff and just hits him. Stuff like that, him wearing down Kirishima and Tokoyami in to figure out their weaknesses he can exploit in the sports festival arc, finding out everything he can on Todoroki before his matches in the sports festival so he can get him to use his fire, amassing an array of special moves, and amassing more gadgets taking into account his own weaknesses to make himself stronger (and if we include the art from the fifth popularity poll where he is dressed head to toe in guns and looks more tank than man then that means even more weapons and gadgets). Even going as far back as the first episode/chapter he says that he took and aced the mock exams before the actual exam. That is shockingly prepared for someone who’s main trait at the beginning of the story is thinking he’s hot shit.
This evidence was enough to convince me that he was Bird Secondary who was modeling All Might’s Lion Secondary. I think it’s far more likely however, that he saw a Bird Secondary, maybe even Deku’s specific one. He does say in Deku v Kacchan 2 that he can absorb information to, and said “I can do that but better.” His real secondary is Lion however. 
His first instinct when he finds out that Deku has a quirk now is to charge at him and demand he tell him what’s going on, he blasts off all the time literally into battles, he flat out refuses to lie even to save his ass, when he finds out that the villains are looking to kidnap him he just keeps fighting and fighting, he yells and lets you know exactly what he thinks about everything, and you can get him to do anything by saying he can’t do something. In terms of what is debatably canon, he sees Deku in the first movie and immediately blasts over to him to yell at him and question him, he doesn’t even question the fact that there are villains in the tower and jumps immediately into attacking them like it’s the most natural thing ever, in the second movie he jumps at the opportunity to attack something and is uninterested with everything else. My favorite example is the “Save the World With Love” special episode where Bakugou has the chance to not immediately charge and pull a more strategic move and straight up gets bored with it and bursts in to find a dead fake villain and doesn’t care about finding out who killed him because the villain is dead. The boy has a good Bird model but like hell he’s gonna let you forget that he is a Lion secondary first and foremost. He’ll straight up throw it away if that gets to boring for him. 
(I think I’m gonna make a separate post for how Bakugou and Deku house sharing affects their relationship, also because this post is so long and tangenty already)
ALL MIGHT said he wanted to be the symbol of peace because the people needed one. All Might shoulders the burden and is willing to destroy himself so that the people can have peace of mind. His heartfelt loyal Badger primary mixed with his charging bursting Lion causes him to sacrifice himself time after time.
And he’s a Lion secondary, but that was obvious. United States of Smash. 
TODOROKI SHOUTO is a healing ex-petrified Snake primary. His primary was burned at a very young age so he could possibly be an extremely burnt Badger primary but I doubt that. He does things because his friends are in trouble and he always goes off on his own to do things for himself. He’s the one who let’s a petty grudge get the better of him, and Deku has to yell at him to fucking get his head out of his ass (ah, Lion communication, don’t you love it?[oh yeah and Deku already told him to get his head out of his ass in the sports festival arc, because Todoroki still needs a lot of help]). After Deku’s speech to him he begins his healing process and it’s clear that he’s building himself a Snake community. As of now he’s got Deku, Bakugou, Iida, Momo, his mom, Fuyumi, Natsuo, and (possibly) Endeavor (ugh) in his community which seems like more than it is.
Todoroki is a Lion secondary, and a powerful one as well which means he can totally get away with charging into battle with boring attacks. Todoroki has met very few problems that he couldn’t just throw a wall of ice or fire at and call it a day. And even then the plan ends up being, I’m gonna stick my hand down this dudes throat and flash freeze/absolute zero him to the point where there’s six feet of ice shooting out of his mouth and HOW IS HE NOT DEAD?!
URARAKA OCHAKO is a Badger primary, who makes friends like it’s no trouble. I thought about putting her as a Snake primary because of her love for her parents and wanting to provide for them, but honestly I think that was too much of a reach. She’s a Badger, she does hero work because she wants to provide for her parents, but also because she wants to see people happy afterwards.
We have our first Badger and not Lion secondary with her as well. She almost always uses teams to win, combo moves on the fly are her bread (her first special move was a combo) and butter. When she’s alone she turns to using hardwork and pushing herself to her limits. Although during her fight with Bakugou she does show some Lion charging, which I think is a sign of the hero society enforcing its ideals on people (and also her copying Deku). “I’ll win and be just like Deku!” (Which I hate, way to take her battle away from herself) Still, she’s a Badger secondary first.
IIDA TENYA is feral, the boy is good at playing a Bird primary (it’s his model), but the boy is a strong Lion primary. Either that or he is a very stubborn Bird and vigilantism was totally justified in his truth, but I’m sticking with my guns on the Lion primary. His brother died and he feels that justice is deserved, so he goes to enact some vigilante justice, but then he gets schooled and also in trouble for doing the vigilante justice and he tells himself he can’t do that anymore. His Bird model was probably built to help him reign in his slightly unhinged Lion primary, and I suspect he might’ve gotten it from Tensei who seems to be Bird primary from what little we’ve seen of him. Tenya later also struggles with his Bird model when the gang wants to save Bakugou and he eventually goes with his gut.
(I suppose Iida could be read as Snake primary, but he seems like too much of an idealist to be a Snake)
Iida’s secondary is obviously Bird. He studies, he analyzes what he’s done wrong, he learns skills to help himself as a hero, he’s really good at it to. When planning his revenge on Stain he researches him and singles out his patterns, he finds the skills for heroism in the smallest things like learning how to cook, and he finds out Uraraka’s quirk and how it works so he can prepare against her. Boy is a strong Bird primary.
(The only time I would say maybe he’s not is that scene where he immediately punches Deku, but I think that’s just frustration, and if you wanna talk about the times he kicks at stuff-that’s hero society forcing people to preform Lion)
KIRISHIMA EIJIROU’S got a Lion primary almost as strong as Deku’s. He wants to rescue Bakugou no matter what during the kidnapping arc, when a Badger primary would probably be more content to let the pros handle it. When he was a kid he tried jumping in to fight a villain because he felt it was the right thing to do, he just didn’t because he was scared (he knew he should jump it because he felt that was the thing to do, but he was to scared to). He does things based on feelings, and saving Bakugou is the biggest example.
He’s also sporting a Lion secondary to boot which I don’t feel I really need to explain. He doesn’t plan, he mostly just attacks and takes hits, and he almost always jumps to help or save people (and if he doesn’t it’s because it’s in the past).
AIZAWA SHOUTA is a lovely double Bird and is the only character in this series that I’ve seen thus far without a hint of Lion. Aizawa decides whats right based on logic and as such his ideas are usually really outlandish, especially considering hero society. Who knew that things that are logical could be so out there. He only keeps the kids in class after the kidnapping incident only because All Might retired and he acknowledges they need more good heroes. Most of his other students he expelled he re-enrolled, as he logicked out that it would help them grow as heroes and give them a wake up call. It would also weed out the students who weren’t willing to put anymore work in after the setback of expulsion. Even as a kid we see he was much more cautious and didn’t just do things based off feelings. Now does that mean his logic is always sound? Well let’s just say that the most recent arc is not fun for me. 
“It was a logical ruse~” I wouldn’t say this is a Snake manipulation but a Bird deciding yes that makes sense. Either way he collected skills in fighting and knowledge because of his quirk and it works well. I’d definitely say the becoming an underground hero is also another notch in his Bird secondary belt. He’s got a knife, caltrops apparently, a scarf he can control and grab people with, and cool ass goggles with eye drops in his pocket. He’s smart. I love him.
In Conclusion:
Izuku Midoriya - Lion primary who models All Might’s Badger primary/Lion secondary who models a Bird secondary to bolster his actual secondary
Katsuki Bakugou - Lion primary who feels everything at 1,000,000%/Lion secondary who models a Bird secondary to bolster his actual secondary
All Might - Badger primary/Lion secondary
Shouto Todoroki - previously petrified but healing Snake primary/Lion secondary
Ochako Uraraka - Badger primary/Badger secondary who models Deku’s specific Lion secondary
Tenya Iida - Lion primary who models a Bird primary/Bird secondary with slight Lion preformance 
Eijirou Kirishima - Lion primary/Lion secondary
Shouta Aizawa - Bird primary/Bird secondary
(me throwing this out into the world, except I’m way less confident)
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dialava · 4 years
Ideas I’m too lazy to write || a thread (๑╹ω╹๑ )
Feel free to use! (Just send me a link if you decide to write some of these because I would love to read them!)
Dad AfO + AfO!Izuku + BAMF!Inko
Izuku has a mutated version of AfO, where he can take and give back quirks, it appeard at the regular age of 4 after taking some kids quirk after they were making fun of someone, Izuku felt bad and gave it back. But he still had the copy of it. He told Inko who was shocked because she though Hisashi had a fire breathing quirk but they couldn’t ask him because Hisashi, AfO had dipped a while ago to go “overseas” but was actually manipulating a traumatized Tenko.
Inko of course was intrigued in why her son got that quirk and while many suspect that Izuku got his intelligence from his father, they had never met his mother when she was on a mission. Couple of shady searches on a browser that wasn’t government tracked, she found out all about AfO and her first thought was “Holy shit I married a pedo!”
And Inko knows that if he found out Izuku had his quirk it would be very bad so she lies to the government and says he has her quirk, which was true because she let him copy her quirk. The feeling was odd but who cares. So anyways Izuku grows up with a secret quirk in disguise if his mother’s quirk, Katsuki called it weak but quickly changed his mind when Izuku told him he could break all his bones and vital organs without lifting a finger. So yada yada things continue like in canon but with different aspect, like Katsuki not being a POS and Inko trying to track down AfO to kill him , going to gym and being able to outlift All Might himself (which turns the man on okay, Yagi apperantly has a thing for women being able to beat his ass without no sweat)
That’s p much all I got for that au.
Izuku is a reincarnated Itachi, also dad AfO because I’m a slut for those
After Sasuke, you know, fucking kills him in that really depressing Naruto episode, Itachi meets death, has a nice cup of tea with her, before his soul is shoved into a newborn Midoriya Izuku
He’s not happy with it but oh well, what can he do? So he might as well enjoy it. He’s surprised when he finds out about quirks and that people don’t use chakra anymore, like what the fuck why not? But now that they’re no ninjas and clan wars, he decides to be a happy go lucky child, pulling a Naruto because why the hell not
He’s 3 (technically 25 now but you know, new body and all that) when he tries to see if he still has the sharingan, news flash, he does, and apperantly his life long trauma passed with him because he still has mangekyo sharingan, so yay for that?
He doesn’t tell his mother because he doesn’t want to go through all that mess of explaining to her why his “quirk” is so different from hers and his fathers
I mean, he could blame his father because a quick analysis (he was a prodigy and ANBU captain, he picks up on things and Midoriya Hisashi was like supper bad mojo) but then he would open a Pandora’s box, so he just decides to stay silent
One of his friends in daycare in Bakugou Katsuki, and to be honest, he just decided to hang out with the boy because he reminded him of Deidara, especially once he got his quirk. He just hoped Kacchan wouldn’t follow the “art is an explosion!” path
He’s 4 when he’s diagnosed quirkless, and like technically, they’re not wrong per say, the sharingan isn’t a quirk, it’s a dojutusu that’s passed through blood, not a genetic mutation (all though after learning about Asura and Indra, he’s not so sure...) his mother starts worrying about him, thinking he’s gonna have a mental breakdown, but he doesn’t, because quirks aren’t everything and hell, he hates being stuck in a world that doesn’t use chakra so he’ll just use that
And with that out of the way, Inko doesn’t have to worry so much and doesn’t start to stress eat and continues her work in her law firm, because while Hisashi might send them money (so much actually, Izuku’s not sure how his mother doesn’t realize it’s fishy) she still wants to use her hard earned degree okay!
After telling Katsuki he’s quirkless the next day, he witnesses the boys personality do a whole 180 and he just sighs, using all his years of wisdom (and remembering that he was Sasuke’s brother, and Sasuke was a,,, really brash child like Katsuki actually, maybe that was why he was drawn to the boy) he knocks some sense into Katsuki
Which you know, in turns calms the boy’s superiority complex but not by much
Years go by and suddenly he finds himself reaching middle school, and he finds it quite boring because they’re learning math and at this age he was doing his first kill on enemy shinobi, but oh well, in this world he’s atleast not sick and also doesn’t has to use his sharingan that often, so that’s a win
His new classmates wanted to start beef with him after finding out he was quirkless but a little bit of KI stopped them from messing with him, small mercies, he could’ve used more to make them piss their pants
One day he’s trying to walk home when a sludge dude tries hijacking his body, which like gross, so he reluctantly uses the sharingan and shows the guy his worst nightmare, he would’ve done some basic hand to hand combat or a simple jutsu but he was cranky okay, he wanted some dango
Which is how All Might finds him, and yada yada make up you’re own impertertion because I’m to lazy to finish this
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darksushimoon-moved · 5 years
Hurricane (The World (Stops))
Here’s my piece for @bnhaflashbang! You can also read it on AO3, under my name, tr_ash_tin :)
SUMMARY:  Izuku gets hurt, his self-esteem is in the gutter, and Shouto is there to help. What’s new? Maybe it’s that the whole world is watching. Maybe it’s because it’s worse than they ever thought. RATING: Teen and Up Audiences SHIP: Tododeku WARNINGS: Major Character injury, mental breakdowns.
My artist for this is @viraseii! Thank you for all your hard work!!! <3
Hero News Live! @RealHeroNews Pro Hero Deku (@ProDekuPHA) Maimed?!?! Read more on our website!
icythot, uravit.y, and ing.official liked this tweet.
Broccoli @breakyourarmsbroccoliman @RealHeroNews Woah WHAT??? Is he okay? you know ;) @icythot @RealHeroNews @breakyourarmsbroccoliman He’s fine, or he will be when I get my hands on him Broccoli @breakyourarmsbroccoliman @RealHeroNews @icythot ??? Cryptic but go off i guess
icythot liked this tweet.
Uravity @uravit.y I hope you feel better soon, Deku! <3
Ingenium II @ing.official I heard @ProDekuPHA was injured in the Kakegawa Incident. We await your return!
Ground Zero @kingofexplodokillsYA Get better, @ProDekuPHA, before I have to beat your ass in.
you know ;) @icythot @kingofexplodokillsYA @ProDekuPHA That isn’t really Plus Ultra of you :(
Ground Zero @kingofexplodokillsYA @icythot @ProDekuPHA Shut up, I’ll kill you.
Red Riot! @riottingredYA @kingofexplodokillsYA @icythot @ProDekuPHA Be nice, now!
Izuku winced as the light entered his retinas, aching as his consciousness returned to him. His head pounded and his body was sore, especially around his arms. Although, to be fair, his arms tended to hurt, near all the time, so whatever.
“Welcome back to the land of the living, Izuku.” He heard from beside him and turned his head despite its soreness. In the chair beside the bed sat his fianceé, Todoroki Shouto. Hidden worry was etched into his features, and his left hand was in Izuku’s right. Izuku smiled awkwardly.
“What’s up?”
“My blood pressure, because of you,” Shouto sighed, with a small, relieved grin on his face.
Suddenly, Shouto was swept away by a flurry of doctors and nurses checking his vitals. Izuku finally was able to more closely examine the shape he was in. Frankly, it wasn’t the worst state he had ever been in, but his left arm was in a cast, and the staff shined lights into his eyes, so he could only assume he had some sort of concussion, which aligned with the searing headache. Finally, the nurses fled and only one doctor was left.
The doctor sighed disapprovingly. “All you hero types are the same,” he sighed as he began to read off a chart to further prove his point. “You managed to give yourself a concussion and fracture your left arm in three different places.” Izuku winced but attempted to immediately hide his pain. Izuku, however, was not the one in the relationship with that talent.
“Your concussion should go away, but the prognosis of your arm...” Izuku waited with bated breath for the doctor to continue. “On its own, it wouldn’t have been bad, however, with your past breaks,” Izuku looked down to his left arm.
“Midoriya-kun, can you move your arm?”
*blows kiss to hospital* for deku
tagged: #okay but seriously #that fight looked sort of bad? #hope he’s alright #pro hero deku #midoriya izuku
pure bean… too good for this world……
okay but WHY did this fool decide to punch a whole ass statue ??? like what was he expecting?
HE’S TRYING HIS BEST SWEETIE…. i mean fr i guess that he was trying to stop that guy from hurting anyone else? i mean there was no back up
garbageboystinkman reblogged:
He’s been in this business for what now? 10 years? He’s gonna be fine.
icythot liked and reblogged this post.
Izuku was released later that day, with the promise he’d return next week for a checkup. The doctor and he found that the damage was not as extensive as they thought, though Izuku couldn’t move his last three digits in that hand and there was little locomotion to his index finger and thumb. He sat in silence beside Shouto as they rode the train back to their apartment.
Izuku continued to stare at his hand, moving it ever so slightly. It burned with pain since Recovery Lady had long since retired, and the healing quirk users in the hospital would have further damaged his tendons. So, it was unhealed, and Izuku wondered if he had ever been this hurt since before high school.
Great, Izuku thought as he stepped off the train, Just one more way to be useless . Even now, he still had to rely on others to help him just to be good enough. He doubted Toshinori would be happy when he heard about this. By now, he surely thought he was mistaken in his choice to pass down his power to Izuku, with how he broke himself so often. And neglected to rescue others. And, oh god, what was Mom going to think? How was he-
“Izuku,” He snapped out of his reverie to the calming darkness of their apartment, and the uneven temperature of the hands on his face. They had apparently made it home without Izuku even noticing. Shouto had reached up slightly to reach Izuku’s face, being a few centimeters shorter at this point. Shouto continued on, not letting go of his face. “What’s going on in that brain of yours?” He asked gently, allowing Izuku to back away if he wanted.
Izuku did just that. Shouto didn’t chase him. “I… I just,” Izuku tried to swallow any tears away. Shouto looked on patiently, his face stoned in a caring, yet nonchalant expression, waiting for him to continue. Izuku just raised his left hand. “I really fucked up this time,” he mumbled.
Shouto simply grabbed onto his hand. “I already knew that,” he said, urging him to continue. Izuku swallowed again.
“I just,” And here comes the waterworks, just great, Izuku. “Mom’s going to be so mad, and, and when Toshinori-san finds out, he’s going to be disappointed, he’s going to regret that he gave his power to s-such, su-such a us-useless child, an-”
“Izu,” Shouto put their heads together for a brief moment before hugging him. Shouto wasn’t the greatest at hugs, but to Izuku, it was perfect. At least for now. Izuku sobbed into his arms, letting out his pent up emotions, his fear, his worry. Eventually, the wracking sobs left him, and they stood in silence. Izuku heard mumbling in his ear, and he cleared his throat.
“What w-was that?” Izuku’s voice cracked. Shouto decided to lead them to the couch and sat them down before speaking again.
“Yagi-san,” The dual colored man paused to search for his words, “He and I, we may not get… along sometimes,” And Izuku couldn’t blame him, Shouto was raised to oppose him, “But I know he could never be disappointed in you, not for this,” Shouto rubbed his hand. He slowly got quieter as he continued. “I know he doesn’t regret giving you One for All.”. Izuku bit his lip, and the tears came anew. Shouto looked panicked for a second, unsure what to do. “S-Should I not have said that?”
Izuku let out a tearful laugh, which only panicked Shouto more. Izuku never expected to be able to tell Shouto about One for All, much less Shouto actually believe him, but he remembered their third year of UA when Todoroki became Shouto, a friend became a boyfriend. When Izuku told Shouto, he had merely shrugged, and said something like, “Well, I guess that makes more sense than thinking he was your father or something.” Instead of ending the night in fear that Shouto would hate him, they ended it with ice cream. It was nice.
Izuku held onto Shouto for a moment, hugging him. Shouto looked frozen in his tracks. Izuku wiped his tears away after letting go. Izuku gave him a light peck. “How do you know just what to say, huh?”
Shouto gave a small smile. “I guess I just do.”
Pro Hero Deku Takes a Temporary Leave of Absence.
Deku(CN: Midoriya Izuku, no. 2 Hero) has publicly announced he plans to take a year of leave from active duty to prepare for his and Polarize(CN: Todoroki Shouto, no. 5 hero)’s wedding. He has stated he plans to continue civil work in Polarize Hero Agency, where he works alongside his fianceé...
“Is it really good to lie like that?” Izuku mumbled, signing off of Twitter to avoid rampant backlash. They walked down the road, keeping their heads down as they walked away from the outpatient wing of the hospital back to their conjoined agency. Shouto shrugged, continuing to hold his hand.
“I mean, it isn’t a lie, just omitting information,” Shouto grinned wolfishly at him, “It’s not like we haven’t been trying to get married for three years now, ” Izuku spluttered, before hitting him gently.
“It’s not like I plan to get busy!” Izuku smiled. “And if you don’t stop stalking my social media, you’re going to get found out, icythot. ” Shouto looked on faux-innocently, with a slight smirk.
“I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.”
Izuku already knew it was going to be a long year.
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myhero-myfanfic · 7 years
Hi! I’m in the mood for something angsty. So may I have a scenario with Toshinori Yagi and his fem!s/o with a happy ending based on this prompt - “
You become a writer and your series of novels become extremely popular, but what they don’t know is that you’re retelling your previous life where certain circumstances made it so you and your soulmate did not end up together but your soulmate promises to be with you the next lifetime. At a book signing you open the book cover of a fan’s copy to see something written on the front page: “I’m sorry I took so long.” 
Thank you <3
Sorry I had to send this through the submit box. The prompt was super long XD
For @todorokishochan!
This, uh… This got away from me. This is so much longer than it was supposed to be, but I honestly love this prompt. Hope you like it!
Italic parts are excerpts from the books (your past life) you wrote in this scenario!
The worst part about these signings had to be faking a smile the whole time. After this many books and this many meet-and-greets, you had all your cute and clever responses memorized. No question surprised you after years of doing this. It was the same repetitive conversation in same shabbily decorated book shops in the same small towns with the same hopeful, lovesick readers you had always had. Maybe you were cynical, but how could you not be? The books they fed on so greedily weren’t fiction- they were a reminder of your own loss. The soulmate you had known yet had to have.
Every day you searched online for others who remembered past lives with their soulmates, but you had yet to find a single other person. It seemed, for some reason, you had been cursed with knowing exactly what you had lost in your old life and had to know it alone.
When the men came to work on the west wing of the house, I made sure to keep mostly to my room. Mother had chastised me for trying to sneak a glance at the strangers as they began filtering in. She warned me that these men were ill-mannered, boorish, and undeserving of my time and attention. Considering their low status, it would be unbecoming for me to even speak to one of them. I did not believe a word of what she said, but I knew better than to fight against her.
It was an act of fate then, the day I ran into him. Even though I was taught to keep my eyes averted at all times, I couldn’t help but glance up at his face and the rest of the world just fell away. Mother’s prejudices were the last things on my mind when I looked into his blue, blue eyes and beheld his beautiful smile for the first time. I had finally found my soul mate, Toshinori Yagi.
“Where do you get your inspiration? Your site doesn’t say anything about you having a soulmate, but you write about it so… I mean, it feels so real!”
The first person to ask a question is very young and a bit too blunt for your taste, but you had also heard this question plenty of times before. Your publishing company had chosen to use that as a gimmick years ago- “the woman who has never loved or been loved, yet writes as if love itself is her lover!” You give her a regurgitated response about how you think about all the loving mated couples you had ever met and how they were your inspiration.
Except no one else could ever inspire you like he did. Like he still does. You had loved more than anyone else ever had.
We knew it was an awful idea, but we continued meeting in secret whenever we got the chance. My parents had to come around eventually- a soulmate is a soulmate. I would never belong to anyone else but him.
“My love…” He murmurs, pressing the back of my hand against his face. Long blonde strands brush my knuckles and I can’t help but shiver at the sensation. He’s so overwhelmingly beautiful as he gazes at me with pure adoration in those blue, blue eyes, and for a moment I am overcome with emotion. I don’t have to say a word- he’s already there, pulling me into an embrace that is everything but appropriate and whispering sweet words that float through the air like petals in the wind.
This is where I belong. Right here, with this man, drowning in his love for the rest of eternity…
“Why did you choose the ending you did?” This fan is older, with a slightly annoyed expression. “It’s so sad… I feel like no one would actually keep soulmates apart like that.”
You can’t help the deep intake of air, even though you’ve heard this before too. People need the happy ending, no matter what.
“Actually, it wasn’t uncommon for soulmates to be ignored if the girl’s parents found a more fitting suitor.” You somehow manage to keep most of the bitterness out of your voice.
“Please don’t do this father…” My tears had long since dried up. All that remained was a dry, empty desperation that bled through my words.
“It’s already done child. It is time to stop this game.” He turned to the love of my life, who was covered in bruises and barely had the strength to stand up on his own anymore. His blue, blue eyes were swollen shut and hidden away from me. “Leave and do not come back. This is done. You’ve disgraced my daughter enough.”
I cried out as my father’s friends dragged him out. He managed a single hoarse cry of my name before one of the men kicked him in the stomach. I felt the bile rise to my throat as I looked up at father and saw the lack of hope or love or regret. My soul had been sold by this devil, and not to its proper partner.
“What’s your name?” You smiled up at the young boy before you. He looked no older than fifteen, and seemed incredibly embarrassed to be getting your signature.
“Izuku…” He practically mumbled, and you chuckled quietly before writing him a little note. You added a heart to hopefully soothe his nerves, but that seemed to just worsen his blush.
He thanked you several times and went to walk away, but turned back the last second.
“You’re gonna find your soulmate, you know!” You blinked up at him, surprised by his little outburst.
“You’ll find him, and fall in love, because anybody who writes like this deserves it!” He stares at you intensely for a moment before seeming to remember himself, practically falling over as he runs away. Staring after him, you can’t help but compare his attitude to Toshinori’s. They would get along beautifully…
The fever took me quickly. My new husband- oh, how I hate the word - had called many doctors but no one had been able to help. We both knew the end was coming, and fast. Word traveled fast around the town and just like that, Toshi was back for me.
“I need to see her.”
“No, you need to leave.”
I could barely hear their voices through the thick fog invading my mind. I wanted to cry out to him, beg for my husband to let him in, but I had no strength left in me to give.
Suddenly, I hear a yell and a few loud clatters that echo through the house before the door to my chambers is thrown open and shut again. Then his hands are on me, cupping my face and brushing away my hair, holding me just as desperately as he did that night we stowed away in the abandoned wagon.
“Please no, no no… I can’t lose you.” I can feel his tears dripping onto my cheeks, and I’m so happy and devastated when I manage to open my eyes just a fraction. I can see those blue, blue eyes once more- the same lovely shade as a cloudless summer day and just as clear. I know in my heart that this will be the last time I see them, and he must know it as well as he moves to my side to pull my limp form close to his body.
“I’ll fix this, you hear me? We’ll meet again next time, somehow, and nothing will be able to keep me from you, my love.”
My last smile belongs to him, because I believed him with all my heart and soul.
The signing is thankfully almost over, just one person left in your line. They’re tall, with a hood covering most of their face and a very worn out copy of your book in their hands. Their long fingers brush yours when he hands it to you, and you can’t help but tense up at the shock it sends up your spine.
“What’s your name?” Robotically, you flip it open to the first page and move to sign your name, but a small note stops you in your tracks. It’s written in familiar chicken scratch, slightly smeared as if the writer had been crying at the time.
I’m sorry I took so long, my love.
And when you look up, disbelieving because there’s just no way- you’re staring into blue, blue eyes as he removes his hood. You can’t help but stare at him and drink him in.
“I…” You can’t get a word out as tears begin to well up in your eyes. He whispers your name and tries to smile but then he’s crying too.
“I told you I’d fix it. I told you we would be together.”
And with that you’re choking on your sobs and scrambling over the table to launch yourself at him. Yanking you forward, Toshinori pulls you into him and bends down to press his lips against yours, lips that fit just perfectly over yours because this is meant to be.
Pressing your forehead against his, you stare into his eyes as you breathe each other in. Your hands come up to stroke his jaw- he seems so thin this time around- and you press a kiss against his nose.
“Is this real?” The question slips out before you can help it. As always, he knows what you need before you do. Taking your hand, he presses it against his chest so you can feel his heart beating. The same heart beat that had lulled you to sleep so many times before, long ago.
“It’s real, my love. And I promise we’ll never be apart again.”
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