#yahoo live chat person
olderthannetfic · 11 months
You've encountered site changes over time as a fan elder, what do you make of Tumblr potentially being put out to pasture? Tumblr was my coming of age fan site, and im looking for advice to transition to the next thing with grace and less bitterness than I feel now.
Ahaha. God, you should have heard the howling about LJ. "Fandom is over!" "Never again shall we dwell in fandom's True Home!" etc.
Hell, this endless "only LJ was good" crap turns up in replies here on posts where I as OP have very clearly laid out why that's rose colored glasses nonsense and you can so make friends on tumblr, have a conversation on tumblr, etc.
I had my crabby phase about this during the transition from Yahoo Groups to LJ. A lot of the real olds had it over paper zines and the transition to the internet.
I don't know if reading these hilariously samey old posts would help. It does give perspective, I think.
As for what you should do, do what I did with Tumblr:
Look around to identify the Next Thing fandom is going to camp out on.
It may take a few guesses and some time to figure this out. You will likely not be an early adopter. Fandom was well established here by the time I joined at the end of 2010. Of course, by now, all those 2009 and before accounts are long gone, but at the time, I was a n00b joining other people's space despite having been in fandom for ages.
Don't expect to enjoy it
I didn't join tumblr because I liked it. In fact, I despised it. I kept right on despising it until a brief stint in Sherlock fandom, a fandom that was so active here at the time that I was able to finally see the good aspects of the site's structure and features.
This is the mistake a lot of people make. They give things a cursory try, don't enjoy them, and go "not for me", forgetting that the last site also had a steep learning curve that was either difficult or that they didn't notice because they were in a different phase of their life.
Bitterness and grief are, frankly, an inherent part of the process. You can try not to be a debbie downer in your public comments, but you can't just not feel those things during the awkward part of the transition. Sometimes, acting positive and cutting off excessively negative thoughts can make you feel less negative overall, but it doesn't happen immediately.
Accept that feeling cranky and old is both a you problem and a state of mind, not a property of the new site
Relatedly, the way we remember fandom platform X feeling usually has more to do with us being in college with fandom friends down the hall or having discovered Our People for the first time or some other time when we had a lot of energy and positive emotions. Often, we were in the throes of a first or new fandom love too, probably for some megafandom that other people also cared about at the same time.
When fandom is leaving some site, there's a grieving process anyway, but we're also often in a worse part of our lives for starting new things. We're busy. We're tired. We're between fandoms. We feel like we already paid our dues to build up our community. Why should we have to start again?
But let me tell you, you always need to start again eventually. I go to a weekly vidders' zoom chat, and a lot of the people in there are old as balls, including Kandy, the person who invented vidding back in the 70s. She's a lot of decades and a few cancers in, and she had to relearn how to vid on a computer after transitioning from slideshows to VCR vidding back in the day. If bad health, platform changes, and dead friends were going to stop her, she'd be long gone.
It's like sharks: you stop swimming, you die.
This isn't just about fandom, obviously. It's about avoiding a midlife crisis and, later, about avoiding feeling emotionally geriatric even when your body is falling apart.
Change gets us all, but being mentally old is a choice. The real reason I gave tumblr such a try was that I had been so resistant to getting on LJ. I was 20. Even a year later, it was fucking embarrassing to have been a crotchety old hag as a college student. I promised myself I'd soldier through the next change instead of dragging my feet about it. And it totally worked in the end! But boy did it not make the transition any less unpleasant emotionally!
Find your joy
As is obvious from the above, the vast majority of the problem is just emotions. Fandom has been on a million broken sites with shitty features. We go where the people are, regardless of whether it has the technological aspects we liked at the last place. The actual shape of that platform is largely irrelevant.
What does matter is whether we as an individual fan are still excited and happy about something. I was between fandoms recently and went looking around for BL series I hadn't watched yet. People kept suggesting things set in the present day with too-cheesy production values and too many banal schoolboys in modern day settings without even anything spicy going on. I realized that the BL/danmei scene wasn't really cutting it for me and I should go for production values and genre and non-canon ships. You probably scrolled annoyedly past the picspams that resulted.
(Of course, hilariously, someone has now shown me the trailer of Red Peafowl, so someone may be making BL that feels like it's for me after all. Look at all that badwrong and very dark color grading.)
When you're in a good place emotionally, it's a hell of a lot easier to weather any change, and when you have a new fandom, it's a lot easier to connect with other fans.
A lot of people wait around for lightning to strike twice. They found their first fandom by accident, and they expect it to happen seamlessly again. For me, it's far more productive to brute force it: collect up a big list of what's popular or what's new and go through it till you find things you might like, then try them all.
And part of this, obviously, is not waiting for other fans to make the party happen. The more you need to join something other people are already doing, the less choice you'll have in fandoms or in platforms. If you aren't picky and just go where the tropey longfic is, that can work, but even then, favorite authors disappear or go to fandoms you hate and former megafandoms dry up. If you're the one bringing the party, it's a lot easier to find a new fandom or platform or community to have fun in.
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doomer-diva · 2 months
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1998 Yahoo! Internet Lift July X-Files Gillian Anderson Interview
X-LIFE: Scully seems to be in tune with her computer, e-mail, and the Net.  But you've admitted that's the show, not real life.  Has the role nudge you into exploring cyberspace a bit more?
GILLIAN: Well, I do own a laptop, but part of me is a little afraid I would shirk my real-life responsibilities if I actually went online a lot.
X-LIFE: So how do you look so convincing when you're using computers on the show?
GILLIAN: It's called acting.  I have a general idea of what's on the Net.  I don't have a deep understanding of all those chat rooms, or have down all of the terminology.  But I can definitely pretend like I do.
X-LIFE: No one has a deep understanding of those chat rooms.  How do you feel about online adulation?  Last we searched, there were 24,000 Web links listed in AltaVista such sites as the Gillian Anderson Estrogen Brigade (www.teatime.com/gaeb), the Gillian Anderson House of Worship (crunchie.simplenet.com/gahow.html), and the Gillian Anderson Picture Vault (www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theatre/2527).  Do you sometimes stop and think, "Who are all these people?"
GILLIAN: Honestly, if it makes people happy I don't care what they do with their free time, with their lives.  If that's the way they want to spend it, then it's their choice.  I don't consider them losers in any way.   Hey, they're doing that instead of hitting the bars, and that's fine by me.
X-LIFE: Yet the minute there's talk or even rumors about you in the press, it's on the Net in a matter of seconds.  Does that make you a little paranoid?
GILLIAN: Hmmm ... I hadn't really thought about it in terms of paranoia.
X-LIFE: All that "truth" showing up out there?
GILLIAN: Come to think of it, now you're making me paranoid.  [Laughs]  People make up stuff.  That's what the whole tabloid press is about.  But all that matters is the truth, and we know what the truth is.   Everything else is superfluous.
X-LIFE: So when you do log on, what do you log on for?
GILLIAN: It's mostly when I do some work with my local radio station.  Sometimes, after a radio session, I'll log on.  But most of the time we have to abort the process because so many people start coming on to ask questions that the entire system shuts down.
X-LIFE: When Scully goes home at night and logs on, where does she go?
GILLIAN: Most of the time she's looking for research, or trying to find information about people she's investigating.  Pathogens, diseases, and stuff like that.
X-LIFE: Would she ever consider going into a chat room with a nice, single pathologist?
GILLIAN: A nice, single pathologist?  [Laughs]   She might.  That's kind of interesting.  She might.
X-LIFE: I ask because online, one of the most debated X-Files questions is, "Who should Scully become romantically involved with?  The list runs the gamut from Mulder to Krycek to Skinner.  For the record, what kind of man is Scully attracted to?
GILLIAN: Well, hey, that's not a very big pool you've got there.
X-LIFE: Fans will throw any character into the scenario.  Shoot, even Flukeman.
GILLIAN: What about, oh, what was his name?   Kresge.  I thought there might be some possibility there for Scully.   That was the one person I can see her being interested in.  The only valid prospect in the last couple of years.
X-LIFE: That's kind of depressing.
GILLIAN: Well, she doesn't have a lot of time for anything else.
X-LIFE: There's also some rough stuff out there on the Net.  As a mother, what are your impressions of the Net?
GILLIAN: I think that's it's valid to put some kind of block on some of the information that's out there, but otherwise, I think the way to deal with it is in education, and working with kids early on in their lives so they don't feel the need to have that kind of outlet.  If they're predisposed to finding that [pornographic] kind of information, there's something lacking in their lives.  It's not about getting the information, because they can get it anywhere they want.
X-LIFE: Well, what do you think about all of the manipulated photos of you that are on the net from facial distortions to superimposed nude bodies?   You and Alicia Silverstone are perhaps the favorite subjects of these enthusiasts.  Does this bother you at all?
GILLIAN: No.  It would bother me more if I thought they were real photos of me nude.  Knowing that they're not, it doesn't really bother me at all.
X-LIFE: Then you take a live-and-let live approach?
GILLIAN: Why should I be bothered?  As far as David [Duchovny, her costar] and I are concerned, our images are exploited left and right, and we have no control over it.  So it's just another aspect of that.
X-LIFE: Speaking of exploitation, there's been a lot of tension between Twentieth Century Fox and online fans over some X-Files fan sites and the posting of copyrighted materials.  At first, this was largely tolerated; now, Fox is going after them, and many fans feel it will backfire.  How do you feel?
GILLIAN: I'm not actually aware of that struggle.   Tell me more about it.
X-LIFE: Well, there are a lot of sites out there devoted to you and David.  Most are not posted for profit, although some fans do post copyrighted stills of the show.  So Fox lawyers have sent out cease-and-desist letters to some of the sites.  The online community gets unhappy when this happens, but Fox has a point as well.
GILLIAN: I'm not versed enough about the Internet to know what's being exploited and what's not.  But I believe in freedom of speech, and to a certain degree, freedom of the press.  My opinion right off the bat is that it's just people online having a good time.  As long as it's not for profit, Fox is making a tremendous profit on everything.  I don't think it would diminish the profit that they're making.  If it's not for profit, and it's just for fun, hey, it's par for the course.
X-LIFE: There's a lot of speculation on the Internet about the success of your upcoming movie. Entertainment Weekly rated the film one of the riskiest releases of the coming season.  Is that a concern of yours?
GILLIAN: No, it's not a concern at all.  I don't know why they would have rated it risky.  With all of the die-hard fans alone, the movie would end up being  a success, and that's not even taking into consideration new viewers or people who have never seen the show before.
X-LIFE: What does the success of the film mean for you?
GILLIAN: It would mean that in the future, we would revisit this situation every few years and do more features, which for me is an exciting prospect.
X-LIFE: Are you getting tired of the television series?
GILLIAN: It's not that I'm getting tired of it, it's just that it's incredibly grueling.  And if we're going to be doing features every few years, ya know, it seems that the more productive scenario to keep us alive and interested in doing the work would be to have the show flip over to features, and gradually let go of he TV series within the next one or two years.
X-LIFE: On the Net, fans rate Jose Chung's "From Outer Space" and Clyde Bruckman's "Final Repose" as the best episodes.   Which do you like most?
GILLIAN: I think that one of the more recent ones the vampire one, called "Bad Blood," is one of my favorites of all time now.
X-LIFE: Do you feel any of the episodes have gone too far?
GILLIAN: There are some I'm not too crazy about, but not because they went too far.  I wasn't that crazy in the end about the two-parter involving my daughter.  I liked aspects of them, but as a whole, they didn't turn out as well as I wanted them to.
X-LIFE: Does [X-Files creator] Chris Carter ever come on the set to show you things he find online, like what Net fans think about your performances?
GILLIAN: Chris will sometimes bring up things that perked his interest online.  But we don't actually see him that often.
X-LIFE: Final question: When it comes to believing in extraterrestrial life, are you more like Scully or Mulder?
GILLIAN: My take is that the universe is vast beyond our wildest dreams, that it's more likely than not that there is life out there.  In that respect, I'd have to say I'm more Mulder-oriented.
End interview
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2c75ff · 5 months
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NAME -- 'Miller' will do.
PRONOUNS -- he/him preferable; they/them acceptable.
PREFERRED COMMS -- Tumblr IMs to start, but I tend to prefer moving to Discord once it becomes apparent that we vibe nicely.
NAME OF MUSE -- Seventeen. (I may or may not have a short but running list of names that would feel fitting on him if indeed he ever arrives at a point of being willing to allow someone else to give him one, but that's a whole other thing for a whole other time.)
EXPERIENCE IN RP -- All the way back to the days of LJ, forums, and Yahoo Groups.
BEST EXPERIENCES -- I met somebody on here a handful of years ago who was a long-time fan of the character I was playing. At first they just sent questions to the inbox and tagged me in their art sometimes -- (which was supremely touching) -- but eventually they worked up the confidence in their English to try out an OC blog of their own, and we started doing IC interactions in addition to chatting OOC. It was nice to know that someone felt inspired enough by my silly little blog to go out of their way to befriend me specifically, and to know that they felt comfortable practicing things like art and English with me.
And that's the story of how I ultimately ended up drunk as hell at their wedding in Germany.
PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS -- Excessive passivity both IC and OOC. / Excessively lengthy RP replies in which very little of substance actually happens or is communicated. / People treating ships as mere smut/fluff wish fulfillment machines rather than as ongoing plots, or cooling off toward me the instant they realize that shipping with me is going to take actual time and work. / Constant mental health crises being essentially liveblogged OOC on a person's RP account.
MUSE PREFERENCE ( FLUFF, ANGST, SMUT ) -- Variety is good for you, and it's also good for your character. I'm up for just about any flavor as long as it's revealing or playing around with something interesting about our character(s), the dynamic between them, the setting, etc.
PLOT OR MEMES -- I like both. I do think, however, that it's incredibly useful to at least discuss a general, ballpark dynamic and get a vague feel for the overall, initial direction we both want. It's fine and natural if what we want flexes or changes with time, but I think even just a little bit of communication right up front eliminates a ton of guesswork. It also makes it easier to pick memes that could be interesting or useful in terms of advancing the goals/ideas we've already talked over with each other.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES -- I tend to write somewhere in the ballpark of 2 to 3 developed paragraphs per reply, but overall I ascribe to the principle of worrying less about the word count itself and more about simply taking whatever space is needed in order to get the point across.
BEST TIME TO WRITE -- If I knew that, I would be unstoppable.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? -- In terms of a passing flavor, perhaps; sure. I've run from the popo, I've had a concealed carry license, the underside of my car's bumper is held together with Gorilla Glue and my own shoelaces, I did Driverless Car Shit for a living for like five and a half years, and I live almost exclusively in men's flannels and Levi's. Anything 'deeper' than that is for y'all to judge as we get to know each other.
tagged by -- no. tagging -- also no. steal it. do whatever.
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smokymtnman · 19 days
They went swinging
As promised, here is my story of how the wife and I started swinging. In my previous stories (here and here) I wrote of our lack of sexual spark after 15 or so years of marriage. Life, kids, and everything just gets first priority as you grow older and more mature. Especially so for the women I believe. When this started happening, I escaped to internet chat rooms for female companionship, eventually meeting a few of these women for sex. All this time, I knew what I was doing was wrong but it seemed the only outlet for my still strong sexual drive.
Eventually these extra marital escapades were discovered by the wife and we almost divorced but somehow managed to stay together and actually resumed a fairly active sex life. She knew that I (like many men), had a fantasy of seeing her have sex with another woman and also knew I had an interest in swinging. Finally after a fairly torid sexual session she agreed to try swinging, with one stipulation. She also wanted to see me with another man. Hell, I had played around with a friend in my early years and did not find it disgusting, so I was game.
This led me/us back to my old hangout of Yahoo chat to try and find a suitable couple to begin our swinging experience with. Eventually we found the perfect couple. The only issue was they lived in Pennsylvania, and we of course were in Tennessee. Eventually the draw was too much and we agreed to meet them halfway (somewhere in NC if I recall correctly). The wife and I were both around forty at this time and the other couple consisted of a 35yo wife and a 50yo husband but our personalities clicked and off we went to North Carolina.
In North Carolina we rented adjoining rooms due to the fact they had a kid of around maybe ten years old who they had to bring with them. We first met for dinner for all to get more acquainted before returning to our rooms where the plan was for them to wait till the kid fell asleep before slipping into our room. Once he was sound asleep, they entered our room in their pajamas, she had on something kind of sexy if I recall.
The room had double beds, the men sat on one bed and the women on the other. Of course, no one knew how to start this night until finally the other man finally said "lets just start" as he leaned over to take out my cock and begin sucking. The women soon began kissing and exploring each other's bodies and from there the game was on! We spend the next six to eight hours (literally all night) hopping from bed to bed and partner to partner. Sometimes paired off in twos, sometimes threes, and some with all four intertwined in one position or another. The night was truly awesome and everything I had dreamed.
The next day, we went out to lunch after obviously sleeping through breakfast. The girls excused themselves to go to the restroom (why can't women go to the restroom alone?). They were gone for what seemed like 30 minutes and I wondered what was going on. Later I found out they were in there making out and other unmentionable things to each other. They obviously enjoyed this little escapade as much as I did.
We would end up meeting them several more times in NC with each time as good as the last. Unfortunately, it ended when my wife's health declined.
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undeadorion · 25 days
This is the first time I've gotten deep into a fandom thing and not had the urge to RP about it. I mean I'd RP Terzo in a heartbeat if given the chance, but the urge to seek an outlet for that hasn't happened. Which is just wild to me.
Where most people found their outlet in fanfiction, mine was always RP. I've been doing online RP since back when not only Yahoo chat existed, but you could make custom rooms. I was doing pseudo RP in random chat rooms before there were proper RP chatrooms on Yahoo. I also trolled the shit out of Christian chatrooms before trolling as a term even existed.
But the fact that I haven't even sought it out and just started making things tells me I've grown and improved so damn much.
I lived on Livejournal then Dreamwidth until just a few years ago, with a few years break to live in the Tumblr RP scene. Both of them suffered the same fate in the end, devolving into the appearance of RP with no actual substance. On tumblr it was about the aesthetics of what you posted, absurd amounts of text formatting and flourishes, while saying very little. On DW people talked (and complained) about RP a lot but you were lucky to get a reply once a week that was 2 sentences long.
LJ/DW was my home for a decade. So I held on to it for as long as I could. It's where I made some genuinely lifelong friends that I still talk to on a regular basis. It's where I developed my writing skills and built my OCs. But holy shit were they toxic. All anonymous, of course. Someone once ranted about hating to RP with me because they hated my writing was so casual and I sometimes used sentence fragments. It's not an fucking MLA formatted essay contest, gdi.
But the biggest issue over there was that it was impossible to get any serious action, the sort you could sink your teeth into, without joining a community (we called them games). But then you were stuck with a limited collection of people you had to play nice with. And if they decided they didn't like you, you were screwed. The final straw that made me finally leave was double layered. The first layer was that with one character I was getting too much attention. Or rather the character was. I was playing as Thor and everyone wanted a piece of him, but just their personal headcanon of him, often replying to me as if I was playing that version with no regard to anything that was different due to his time in that world and away from canon. And they most certainly didn't give two shits about me as a player. So I said fine. Here's my OC Crawford. If you play with him THEN you get to play with Thor. Thor is your reward. Mostly to prove how little they actually cared. They then took to the anonymous communities to rip me to shreds for it. Accusing me of shit like "soul bonding" and that he was a terrible character cause he said "fuck" too much. There was a third layer that was the final blow involving a really shitty friend's reaction to me being upset by it, but that's a story for another time.
I was completely and utterly devastated. I sat at my computer sobbing for like 3 days in a row. It wasn't even necessarily that they hated my character, I knew he was an acquired taste. It was that I couldn't trust anyone anymore. Not just in the game, but that I RPed with at all. Because different anonymous people kept weighing in. Some I could guess who they were but the rest I couldn't be sure. Was it people I trusted? Was it people I'd thought were my friends? I'd put so much time and energy of my life into RPing, what else was I going to do? It was my one outlet. The place I felt most comfortable. I'd been doing it for 20 years.
That was also the last time I was deeply involved in any fandom. And likely part of why I couldn't really dig my fingers into anything since then. Because I didn't know what to do. Because that instinct for wanting to RP as a character was still there. It was still where my brain went, thinking up how I'd approach it, what situations I'd want to throw them into. And part of that was just connecting with other people. It was a moment of immediate feedback. If they responded to me they didn't hate me. If they interacted with me I mattered. They were interested in what I had to say. It was quick and constant validation.
And I've realized...I don't need that anymore. Even if it was just me and my mutuals who also like the fandom in our little corner, sharing the same posts around and yammering headcanons at each other, that would be more than enough for me. A chunk of the fandom actively hates me and I keep finding I'm blocked by more people. If that happened 5 years ago, I would have been absolutely destroyed. Now I'm legitimately laughing about it. Then I go back to making my art. Art I'd be making even if I got zero notes, because I'm making it for me.
Back in 2018 when that shit happened, I'd lost a lot of ground on improving my mental health. It felt like I was trying to climb out of a mud pit with sheer walls and every time I made some progress I'd slide back down into the muck. I didn't know until later that it was a losing battle anyway, because I desperately needed meds to fix my head. But the meds were like someone dropping a ladder. I still had to climb it, I still had to pull myself up. I've made so much progress since then I can't even see that pit anymore. When I was down there, RP was that one source of warmth I could find. A way to escape if just for a moment. And I've only now become aware of not needing that anymore.
It's a serious relief. And I'm still so grateful for all of the wonderful people leaving comments on my stuff. Even when I don't respond, it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside when I see them.
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raevenlywrites · 5 months
Ramble incoming
I know I'm not the only one who looks back on their youth and sees the hypocrisy. But now with some distance I can see that all those "only here for an MRS degree" chickies, we were not so different you and I. On a surface level and even a motivational level yeah, we had wildly different goals. But I could not put an ounce of focus on classes my first freshman year (yes I had two) bc 100% of my attention to was on my love life.
I was just thinking today how different that year might have been if smart phones had come along just a hair sooner. I missed classes specifically bc I felt so isolated from my friends that I prioritized staying at home on the laptop and chatting with them over AIM or Yahoo if they were around. I don't know if I would have paid any attention in class if I'd had messengers I could take on the fucking bus with me (phone plans still charged by the text back then), but at least I would have been in attendance.
But like, more than that, I knew on some level I was just going to school bc that's what you did. I had no interest or motivation in my gen eds bc I didn't see any path between taking this class and making enough money to live. The economy was already starting to seriously crash.
What I could see was how important figuring who my Person was would be. Whatever else time was gonna bring, I Needed the right person or persons by my side to make it through it. Not bc marriage was also just a thing you did, but bc I'd spent way too much time alone in my own head and I knew I needed an outside force to help balance the bullshit that is me
(in fact, one of my potential Persons breaking up with me included the phrase "you don't want to be in love you just want someone to help you with the burden of being you". Like yeah, I do. I want to help you with the burden of being you too, asshole, that's part of what love is)
I never have a tidy way to close these kinds of thoughts out (who does?) but I guess if I have a point it's that sometimes Queer is a verb. I queered the normative "went to college to find a husband" narrative even though on the surface it looked the same. And not just bc I wound up in same sex marriage (in fact we didn't even get married until we'd been together for over a decade) but bc the whole process was simply not the same. I wasn't checking off boxes, I wasn't looking for someone to complete me. I was putting my effort into the one area I felt could make a difference in my quality of life and wellbeing. School was the normative backdrop to a very queer metamorphosis going on inside me. On some level I knew I was arming myself with the people who would help support me on furthering my journey.
Without the support of my polyamorous triad, I wouldn't have had the strength and foundation and support to choose something other than the path that had been laid out before me. Without my mentor in kink, I wouldn't have developed the internal fortitude to be my own master. Without the unconditional love of my wife, I wouldn't have had the courage to explore my own gender and figure out how to shift the pieces around so I wasn't so miserable in my own skin. The people in my life have been so much more important to me than whatever education I missed out on by skipping class to hang out in AIM.
Could I be wildly successful and wealthy by now by that American Dream Bootstraps story by now if I buckled down and studied hard? Maybe, but most likely not. That dream is a lie and almost no one is actually a "self made man" - they all get help from networking. Well guess what? I was doing my own networking at the time, and Im rich in things money can't fucking buy.
Still wish I didn't have all that stupid student debt tho :/
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8um8le · 2 years
hii bee🐝 !!
sorry its been an awful while since i last sent an ask ^^; life sure has been busy in more ways than one haha. i hope life has been treating you well!! hopefully you’re able to enjoy yourself and the joys daily life brings us :D lately ive been trying to think of things that really make me happy even if its a small thing like “im glad i brushed my hair it looks lovely!” hopefully you can do the same if possible. i think its good to have that little light of joy with is especially when days are dreadful. even something like im glad i had a little chat with that person..it was nice :> (i often find myself having that as my daily answer for things that bring me joy especially when i talk to my discord friends ^^). ive said this probably more times than i can count in my asks but since its winter earth is in the right spot to have a better view of the stars and so they appear so much brighter; especially the milky way 💫 i hope that despite whatever daily challenges you may have that you are able to not let that stop you from enjoying your life :> make sure to drink and eat something if you can - our bodies are alive too so lets take care of them 😤💪 hopefully this can help you too but i find when days are hard i like to remind myself that stars can die any-day despite the regret that maybe they didn’t make the most of what they wanted in life so i like to think “oh wow if that’s the case im going to live my life in a way that makes me happy instead of appeasing others.” that most likely doesn’t make sense but that’s okay haha maybe one day it will ^^ life can be a bitch sometimes but as long as we have our jar of stars that are joy with us we can overcome anything. whether it be artblock or mental health, anything that it is you can make it through it 💪 loads of ppl love you and care for you so hopefully you’ll always know that <3 *gives u a hug and some of those cosmic brownies with peppermint hot chocolate* i hope life treats you right because you deserve every ounce of love, happiness, and peace there is. love you!/p
-mochi 💜🍡🌸
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Yahoo another letter from the beloved mochi!!!! Your words never fail to make me smile, I’m collecting all your letters and putting it in it’s very own fancy display!!! Wishing u all the best, you deserve the world! Also Love u too dawg /p 💕
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year
How did you meet one of your lifelong friends in a Yahoo! group?
Through fanfiction, naturally! The chats are long lost to the sands of time and old email inboxes, but we both wrote fanfic for a fairly popular anime ship back in the early 2000s. We absolutely gushed over each other's writing, and that eventually transitioned into a friendship over livejournal! She was the very first person I ever called when I got my first cell phone (this was back when they were a new technology oh god help me, I'm old), and eventually we got to meet in person when she had a class trip to the major city I lived right next to at the time. And we were 14? 15? at the time. Fast forward to college, and we got into the same one! Different programs, but still, we stayed friends through college, and into adulthood, and I watched her get married in 2019! We live far apart once again, but I love her to pieces and try to message her at least once every few months to catch up. She doesn't do fandom anymore, sadly, but she's still a nerd so we have plenty to chat about!
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12abm01group5 · 2 years
"Media Evolution and the Changing World: Its Implication to Communication and Education"
What’s the importance of communication in education?
Our personal lives, the study intended, and education. This is why it's important to develop good communication skills in students from an early age, and we all must practice effective communication between ourselves. Being a good educator involves excellent communication skills. In addition to providing information, communication also motivates effort, changes attitude, and inspires thoughts. These days there was changes in our communication. Others are using slang words when they communicate with others, and they may adopt it when they are in education. In the absence of it, attitudes develop, communications are misinterpreted, and learning is delayed. Facial expressions can be well known and understood while talking or discussing the issue or topic matter, and the significance of communication to developing body language of both participants can be evaluated in facial expression communication to allow communication.
Evolution of Media (Traditional Media to New Media)
Pre-Insutrial Age (Before 1700)
Period: 220 BC to 1700 BCE
People made paper from plants, discovered fire, and crafted tools and weapons out of stone, bronze, copper, and iron. Examples of Media Formats: 
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Mesopotamian clay tablets (2400 BC)
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Egypt's papyrus (2500 BC)
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Roman Acta Diurna (130 BC)
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in China, Dibao (2nd Century)
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Mayan Region COdex (5th Century)
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using wooden pieces as printing blocks (220 AD).
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Industrial Age (1700s to 1930s)
Period: 1700 to 1930s
People used the strength of teams, created machine tools, established iron protection, and produced a variety of goods (including books using the printing press).
Print shop for large-scale output (1900) 
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The London Gazette newspaper (1740)
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Typewriter (1800) (1800)
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Telephone (1876) (1876)
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projection and photography for motion pictures (1890)
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movie trailers for commercials (1913)
sound-accompanied motion film (1926)
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Cards Punch
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New/Information Age (1900s to 2000s)
Period: 1900 to 2000
The development of the social network and speedier communication were made possible by the internet in this era. With the development of personal computers, mobile devices, and wearable technology, people increased the usage of microelectronics. Also digitized are speech, image, and sound data. Our current era is the information age.
Examples of Media Formats:
Web browsers: Internet Explorer and Mosaic (1993). (1995)
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blogs: Wordpress and Blogspot (1999). (2003)
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Social media sites: Multiply (2002), Friendster (2003)
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Facebook (2004), Instagram, Twitter (2006), Tumblr, and microblogs (2007)
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YouTube (2005), Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
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Search engines: Google (2003), Skype for video chat (1996)
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Yahoo (1995), laptops and other portable computers (1980), and netbooks (2008)
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Wearable technologies, smartphones, and tablets (1993).
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Big Data and the Cloud
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Electronic Age (1930s to 1980s)
Period: 1930 to 1980
The electronic era began with the invention of the transistor. Transistors' power was harnessed by humans, which resulted in the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the first computers. Long-distance communication became more effective in this era. examples of media types.
Radiator transistor
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television (1941) (1941)
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large-scale electronic devices
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main computers, i.e. IBM 704 (1960) (1960)
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LCD and OHP projectors
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To conclude, The media plays several fundamental roles in our society. The evolution of media has brought significant changes to our lives. For instance, it has brought changes to communication, in which the advancement of technologies made communication more efficient for the users.  Moreover, the media evolution is a great help for students since this makes their work more efficient. During the pandemic, we were not allowed to go out, hence the conducting of online classes. the use of online class discussions during the pandemic has all been made possible by technological advancements in education.  We are all aware of the many changes taking place in the society, specifically in the context of the current media evolution. It was challenging to interact with people in the pre-industrial period despite the fact that they made paper from plants, discovered fire, and made tools and weapons out of stone, bronze, copper, and iron. These day, although, communication with others is made simpler for us because to technology.
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leadmyntra · 17 days
WhatsApp Messaging Software
Learn about Whatsapp Messaging Software. Discover the power of WhatsApp Messaging Software, a secure and user-friendly platform that offers instant messaging, voice and video calls, and multimedia sharing.
WhatsApp Messenger has changed how people talk to each other through a simple, efficient, and safe way of exchanging text messages, voice calls, and videos.
This messaging app was founded in 2009 by two ex-Yahoo workers, Brian Acton, and Jan Koum; therefore, it became widely accepted mainly because of its ease of use as well as the high encryption level from one end to another that made it an ideal option for both crazy friends and serious business individuals alike.
WhatsApp Messaging Software
WhatsApp is a powerful and multifunctional communications application that has changed the way people communicate throughout the world. With more than two billion users, it has earned its place as an international messaging platform for individual and corporate purposes alike.
Here’s a comprehensive look at WhatsApp messaging software:
1. Instant Messaging
Seamless Communication: The instant messaging service offered by WhatsApp enables users to relay texts and receive them on the go. It does not matter whether it is a simple greeting or a long discussion; this platform will deliver messages without delay, and a response will be given right away.
Rich Text Options: Bold, italics, and strikethrough are known as text formatting options that users can employ to help them emphasize and clarify their messages.
2. Multimedia Sharing
Photos and Videos: Sending out media is just one step away. Photos and videos can be sent with ease by the users, making the chats more interesting.
Voice Messages: You can make use of an app that enables one to send voice messages and is great at conveying tones or moods that words might lack.
Document Sharing: For work and collaboration purposes, WhatsApp has become an essential tool since it allows the exchanging of different kinds of files, such as PDFs, Word files, and Excel documents.
3. Voice and Video Calls
High-Quality Calls: With WhatsApp, you can make top-notch audio or visual phone calls through Wi-Fi or cellular data service, so that you can talk to your buddies and kinfolk from any part of the globe without spending an extra dime on them.
Group Calls: You can make group calls with eight people or less, thus allowing for a more dynamic approach to communicating with several people at once.
4. Group Chats
Community Building: With as many as 1,024 individuals allowed in one single group chat, this serves as a great choice for family gatherings, team projects, or hobbyist networks.
Customizable Settings: It is administrators who are responsible for controlling the group settings, which include adding or removing members, setting group descriptions, and managing group info.
5. Status Updates
Share Moments: Like Facebook stories, you can add text, images, videos, and gifs to your WhatsApp status that will vanish after 24 hours. It provides a creative method for sharing personal life events with contacts.
6. End-to-End Encryption
Security: WhatsApp always emphasizes privacy and safety by using versatile end-to-end encryption techniques that secure all communications, such as instant messages, voice calls, and the media shared amongst users. This means that only those for whom it is intended can gain entry into its contents.
7. WhatsApp Web and Desktop
Cross-Platform Accessibility: WhatsApp Web and desktop adaptations smoothly function together with cell phones because they can render chats to personal computers. In this way, such ability enables users to perform their duties easily and effectively.
8. Location Sharing
Real-Time Location: Users are allowed to share their precise locations that are currently happening live with other people in a specified period to improve safety and coordination when they get together.
WhatsApp is a messaging platform that has established itself as a must-have for daily communication as it seamlessly merges simplicity with security and creativity. From personal to business applications, the features designed into WhatsApp suit different user requirements thus making it irreplaceable in this digital age. With time, WhatsApp keeps up with communications and constantly changes so that it can serve its worldwide clientele better.
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bishu31t-blog · 1 month
Top 5 Websites for Sports Information and News
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Keeping up with the latest sports news is crucial for any sports enthusiast. In this article, we review the top websites that offer comprehensive sports information and news, with a spotlight on Mt-Heal, a rising star in the sports media landscape.
1. Mt-Heal: Comprehensive Sports Coverage
Overview of Mt-Heal
Mt-Heal is emerging as a leading source for sports news, providing detailed coverage of various sports, real-time updates, and expert analysis. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy for fans to stay informed about their favorite sports.
Key Features
Extensive Sports Coverage: Covers major sports such as football, basketball, baseball, as well as niche sports.
Real-Time Updates: Stay updated with the latest scores, fixtures, and breaking news.
Expert Commentary: Insightful analysis and commentary from experienced sports journalists.
Why Choose Mt-Heal?
For fans seeking comprehensive coverage and real-time updates, Mt-Heal is a valuable resource that offers a seamless and reliable experience.
2. ESPN: The Benchmark in Sports Media
Overview of ESPN
ESPN is a household name in sports media, known for its extensive coverage and expert analysis. Offering live streaming, breaking news, and detailed reports, ESPN is a staple for sports fans worldwide.
Key Features
Live Streaming: Watch live sports events and games on the website.
In-Depth Analysis: Expert opinions and detailed breakdowns of sports events.
Wide Range of Coverage: Covers a broad range of sports, from football and basketball to less mainstream sports.
Why Choose ESPN?
For fans seeking extensive coverage and live streaming, ESPN provides a comprehensive and reliable source for sports news and analysis.
3. Bleacher Report: Engaging and Personalized
Overview of Bleacher Report
Bleacher Report is known for its fan-centric approach to sports journalism, offering a blend of breaking news, in-depth articles, and engaging multimedia content. This makes it a favorite among sports fans who appreciate personalized content.
Key Features
Customizable News Feed: Follow your favorite teams and sports for tailored updates.
Engaging Multimedia: Access videos, podcasts, and interactive articles.
Active Community: Engage with other fans through discussions and comments.
Why Choose Bleacher Report?
For personalized and engaging sports content, Bleacher Report offers a unique platform that caters to the interests of its users.
4. BBC Sport: Reliable and Comprehensive
Overview of BBC Sport
BBC Sport provides reliable and comprehensive sports coverage on a global scale. Known for its thorough reporting and in-depth analysis, BBC Sport is a trusted source for accurate sports information.
Key Features
Global Coverage: News and updates on sports events from around the world.
Expert Analysis: In-depth analysis and commentary from experienced journalists.
Live Updates: Real-time scores and breaking news.
Why Choose BBC Sport?
With its reputation for reliability and extensive global coverage, BBC Sport is an excellent resource for sports news and analysis.
5. Yahoo Sports: Interactive and Versatile
Overview of Yahoo Sports
Yahoo Sports offers a comprehensive sports news platform with a focus on interactivity. It provides news, scores, statistics, and a popular fantasy sports section, making it a versatile choice for sports fans.
Key Features
Fantasy Sports: Participate in fantasy leagues and manage your teams.
Customizable Experience: Tailor your homepage to display news and updates relevant to your interests.
Interactive Content: Engage with polls, quizzes, and live chats.
Why Choose Yahoo Sports?
For fans who enjoy interactive features and fantasy sports, Yahoo Sports offers a dynamic and engaging experience.
With numerous websites dedicated to sports news and information, fans can easily stay updated on their favorite sports and teams. Whether you prefer the extensive coverage of ESPN and BBC Sport, the personalized content of Bleacher Report, or the interactive features of Yahoo Sports, there is something for everyone. Mt-Heal, in particular, stands out for its comprehensive coverage and real-time updates, making it a valuable resource for sports enthusiasts. Visit mt-heal.com for more information and to stay updated with the latest sports news.
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marketingprofitmedia · 3 months
SEOBuddy AI Review – Rank Any Website On Google 1st Page Instantly!
Welcome to my SEOBuddy AI Review Post, This is a genuine user-based SEOBuddy AI review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how SEOBuddy AI can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. The World’s First AI App Powered by ChatGPT 4o creates and ranks any website on Google’s first page in less than 60 seconds and drives 100,000 free traffic.
Are you prepared to take control of Google and generate significant traffic to your website within a matter of minutes? Your opportunity to skyrocket your search engine rankings and attract more customers is here! Your website will be ranked on Google’s first page in 60 seconds. Imagine seeing your website climb to the top of Google’s search results, attracting thousands of visitors who are eager to engage with your content and offerings. No more struggling with complex SEO strategies or waiting months to see results. Don’t let your competitors outshine you. It’s time to control your online presence and dominate Google.
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SEOBuddy AI Review: What Is SEOBuddy AI?
SEOBuddy AI is an AI-powered SEO platform designed to assist businesses and individuals in optimizing their websites and content for better search engine ranking. It goes beyond the typical SEO toolkit, offering a comprehensive suite of features that leverage the power of AI.
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Imagine a platform that can generate SEO-friendly content tailored to your niche, analyze your competitors’ strategies to identify opportunities, and even unearth high-quality backlinks to boost your website’s authority. That’s the magic of SEOBuddy AI. It automates tedious tasks, empowers data-driven decision-making, and arms you with the tools you need to dominate the ever-competitive planet of search engine optimization.
SEOBuddy AI Review: Overview
Creator: Uddhab Pramanik
Product: SEOBuddy AI
Date Of Launch: 2024-Jun-10
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Niche: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Code: “SEOBUDDY3” To Get $3 OFF Instantly!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
>> Click Here To Get SEOBuddy AI Now — Limited Time OFFER
SEOBuddy AI Review: Features
Create & Rank Stunning Websites On the First Page Of Google, Yahoo & Bing Just Using Your Voice Command Prompts.
Make Your Site Appear On 1st Page Of Search Engines.
Generate, Analyze & Add Unlimited Backlinks For 10x More Traffic & Sales.
Built-In Keyword Research Feature Lets You Analyze Unlimited Keywords.
Effortlessly Check The World-Wide Rankings Of Any Keywords.
Write & Post SEO Friendly AI Articles & Blogs With Built-In AI Writer.
Get Real-Time Advanced SERP Data Of Google, Yahoo & Bing.
Built-In SEO Competitor Analysis Feature.
Built-In 20+ Web Tools Enhance Your Site Anonymity, Security & Ranking.
Few Clicks SEO Content Generation.
Track Daily Website Rankings & Reports With Few Clicks.
Secure Your Websites From Frauds With Our Built-In Plagiarism Checker.
Secure Your Sites Against Hackers, Malware & Viruses.
Host Unlimited Websites On Our Ultra-Blazing Fast Servers.
Built-in meta-tag Generator & Site Audit Reports & Site Speed Checker.
Built-In AI Client Finder Tech Lets You Find Potential Clients That Need Website & Threat Protection Services,
AI-Driven Live Chat Support For Real-Time Assistance.
Built-In Analytics Tool Lets You Track The Website Performance.
Easy Integrate The Website With Social Media Platforms For Easy Sharing And Promotion.
Built-In “Site-Security” Features Gives Rock-Solid Site Protection From Hackers & Secure Data Transmission.
SEOBuddy AI Review: How Does It Work?
Simple 3-Step Site Creation and Ranking! Build Dream Websites on Google, Yahoo, and Bing’s First Page in 3 Hours!
STEP #1: Give Voice Prompt Command
Just Tell AI What You Want, And It Will Start Creating The Stunning Websites As Per Your Style & Demand
STEP #2: Rank On The 1 st Page
Effortlessly Rank Your Website On The First Page Of Google, Yahoo, Or Bing By Harnessing The Power Of This Brand 1st Page Ranker AI Tech
STEP #3: Sell & Profit
Start Profiting By Selling These “High-In-Demand” SEO Ranked Websites On Fiverr, Upwork & Flippa While Earning $500-1000 Per Website On Complete Autopilot
>> Click Here To Get SEOBuddy AI Now — Limited Time OFFER
SEOBuddy AI Review: Can Do For You
Create & Rank Stunning Websites On the First Page Of Google, Yahoo & Bing.
Make Your Site Appear On 1st Page Of Search Engines In Just 3 Hours Flat!
Generate, Analyze & Add Unlimited Backlinks For 10x More Traffic & Sales.
Built-In Keyword Research Feature Lets You Analyze Unlimited Keywords & Gets You Top SERP Results Within Seconds.
Effortlessly Check The World-Wide Keyword Rankings & Clone On Your Site For Better Rankings.
Write & Post SEO Friendly AI Articles & Blog Posts With Few Clicks.
Get Real-Time Advanced SERP Data Of Google, Yahoo & Bing.
Built-In SEO Competitor Analysis Feature, Keeps An Eye Check On Your Competitors & Notifies You of Possible Actions.
Built-In 20+ Web Tools Enhance Your Site Anonymity, Security & Ranking With Dns Lookups, Domain IP Lookups, Qr Generator, Ssl Checker & More.
Built-In SEO Content Generation: Instantly Create & Add Jaw-Dropping AI Images, Arts, Videos & More To Your Websites!
Track & Export Daily Website Rankings & Analytical Reports With Few Clicks.
Secure Your Websites From Frauds With Our Built-In Plagiarism Checker.
Secure Your Site Against Hackers, Malware & Viruses With Our Built-In “Anti-Threat Cybersecurity Protection Tech”
Host Unlimited Websites On Our Ultra-Blazing Fast Servers With 100% Uptime Guarantee.
Built-In AI Client Finder Tech Lets You Find Potential Clients That Need Site’s SEO Optimisation While Filling Up Your Pockets
Ai-Driven Live Chat Support For Real-Time Assistance.
Fire All Your Expensive Tools & Services.
Say Goodbye To Monthly Fees.
Commercial License Included — Create & Sell as Many Assets As You Like To Your Clients.
Newbie Friendly, Easy-To-Use Dashboard.
Iron-clad 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.
SEOBuddy AI Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
Product Creators
Video Marketers
Content Creators
Website Owners
Agency Owners
And Many Others
SEOBuddy AI Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Add My Bundle Coupon Code “SEOBUDDY5″ — For $5 Off Any Funnel
Front End Price: SEOBuddy ($17)
OTO1: SEOBuddy PRO ($39)
OTO2: SEOBuddy Unlimited ($49)
OTO3: SEOBuddy Speed Ranking ($39)
OTO4: SEOBuddy SiteSpy ($39)
OTO5: Unlimited Hosting ($49)
OTO6: SEOBuddy Content Creation ($69)
OTO7: SEOBuddy WebSite Builder ($39)
OTO8: SEOBuddy Agency ($39)
OTO9: Reseller ($197)
>> Click Here To Get SEOBuddy AI Now — Limited Time OFFER
SEOBuddy AI Review: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle
My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest SEOBuddy AI Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
SEOBuddy AI Review: Free Bonuses
Bonus #1: Prime Funnel Builder
Creates Mind Blowing Sales Funnels, Membership Portals, Websites, Course Sites, Store Funnels, Workflows, Landing Pages & Much More
Bonus #2: VRStudio AI
New Ai Software Create & Sell Engaging Virtual Video in Just 3 Clicks from A Single Dashboard!
Bonus #3: WebinarX
The Ultimate Solution to Connect & Collaborate for Live Video Chat | Meeting | Conference | Live Class, Online Training | Webinar | Podcast | P2P Chat Messaging | Group Chat | Screen Sharing | Real Time File Sharing
Bonus #4: BookmakerPro
Children Story eBooks, Subjective eBooks, Fiction eBooks, Mystery eBooks, Business Related eBooks, Novels, Poems, Legal Documents, Project Report Presentations in 2500+ Niches
Bonus #5: WebCreator 2.0
Futuristic Google TM Deep Mind A.I. Technology Creates Automated High-Converting Websites In Just 30 Seconds That You Can Sell For The Top Dollar In HOTTEST Niches
Bonus #5: Plexityai
New Chat GPT Killer — Perplexity Powered Ai App Automate Your Daily Tasks Like Smartly Creating Attention-Grabbing Marketing Content, Images, Visuals & Much Much More. Just Sit Back & Watch Your Profits Grow.
>> Click Here To Get SEOBuddy AI Now — Limited Time OFFER
SEOBuddy AI Review: Money Back Guarantee
You’re In Safe Hands With Our 100% Risk-FREE, Iron-Clad 30 Days Money Back Guarantee!
The idea is that if you buy SEOBuddy AI and don’t think you’re receiving what you paid for, we don’t want your money. We’re on a quest to produce a high-quality product with ZERO unsatisfied consumers. And if we fail in any manner, we do not deserve your money. Well, if we don’t fulfill your expectations, just let us know within 30 days for a complete refund. Heck, as a kind gesture, we’ll even offer you some additional software to help you grow your company and sales like never before. So, either way, you win.
SEOBuddy AI Review: Pros and Cons
Saves time with AI-powered automation.
Improves content quality with SEO optimization.
Gains valuable insights from competitor analysis and rank tracking.
Beginner-friendly interface for easy navigation.
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
In fact, I haven’t yet discovered any other problems with SEOBuddy AI.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. What exactly is SEOBuddy AI?
World’s First AI App Fully Powered by Latest ChatGPT-4o That Creates & Ranks World-Class Websites in Any Niche on The First Page of Google, Yahoo & Bing In 3 Hours Flat!
Q, Do I need some prior skills or experience to get started?
SEOBuddy AI is 100% newbie-friendly with an easy-to-use dashboard.
Q. What happens if I don’t see results?
We’ve got you covered. If you are still waiting to see your desired results with SEOBuddy AI just let us know within the next 30 days and we’ll refund you every penny.
Q. What if I need clarification along the way?
Don’t worry we have exclusive detailed video training for you that shows all the required steps.
Q. What if I get confused along the way?
Don’t worry we have exclusive detailed video training for you that shows all the required steps.
Q. Is This Compatible on Both PC, Mac, Android And iOS?
It works on any device.
Q. How Do I Lock-In My Discount?
Click the button below to get the SEOBuddy at the lowest price.
SEOBuddy AI Review: My Recommendation
SEOBuddy AI isn’t a magic bullet, but it’s a powerful weapon in your SEO arsenal. It streamlines tasks, generates content, and offers valuable insights. However, AI-generated content needs refinement, and backlink building requires manual effort. Ultimately, SEOBuddy AI shines for those seeking an AI-powered companion to simplify SEO and propel their website towards search engine glory. Consider your needs and budget to determine if SEOBuddy AI can unlock your website’s true SEO potential.
>> Click Here To Get SEOBuddy AI Now — Limited Time OFFER
Check Out My Previous Reviews: MediaGuardAI Review, AI MarketingHub Review, AITravelSite Review, TubeGorilla Review, AI Pilot Review, LernX Review, AI Partner & Profit Review, WP Emails Review, & GamPAL Review.
Thank for reading my SEOBuddy AI Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This SEOBuddy AI review is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Before making a purchase decision, we recommend conducting your own research and exploring the software.
Note: Yes, this is a paid software, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime.
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elhoimleafar · 4 months
A real conversation this morning.
And before any narcissist jumps into my DMS assuming this is about themselves to insult me, cuz narcissists always want to pretend everything bad is about themselves, that's how mentally unstable they are, if you are on FB this is literally not about you.
My bestie just was asking me why there is so much drama in the Witchy groups and how many people even in formal covens are always trashing other people and convincing you to avoid people they dislike.
My answer is in all honesty and I always say the same:
I'm an immigrant here, I don't know if before was different, I'm older than what many people assume cause we live in a society in which people add you on FB cause you have friends in common and they don't take the time to ask you how old you are 🙄 they just wanna be "friends".
I mention I'm older cause I come from the times of Yahoo Groups and MSN chats, and I was in Venezuela in that time so everything was managed via email, not was so much drama, and people didn't have so many options so they actually meet and practice together, maybe because I come from a place with less privilege so we just don't give people for granted and we learn to tolerate each other for the good of the group or the Coven, and I have been in many covens.
I don't know how was the metaphysical community before my arrival, but what I see the past eight years is not just drama, is a lot of very good people out there trying to do their absolute best to create magic and teach others, people who are actually really focused practitioners who are busy doing the work of their pantheon, not slandering other people, not trashing people, not dragging others via DM, not engaging with drama, not even asking about other people's lives, they are just focused in doing the work.
Sadly, just as I mentioned to many people in the past,. nobody screenshots your best moments to defend you, they just screenshot your worst moments and your mistakes to use them against you over and over. Imagine how sad and mentally ill and also isolated and unsafe should feel a person that they need to keep entire folders full of screenshots about other people who are literally out of their lives just to use them against them as many times as possible.
That's a really sick situation.
I just reached a year ago the point in which if you show me an screenshot of someone else to make your point, whatever is the situation, whoever is the person, I just disengage of the conversation immediately.
I mean, how stupid you can be to engage in a conversation with someone using screenshots? How do you expect your answer validating whatever is happening not gonna be used against you in the future?, I mean, even stupidity have certain levels, but that goes beyond.
I rather to honestly have everybody talking shit about me and my "arrogant attitude" publicly than pretending I care about this conversation. You're literally engaging with a mentality I'll toxic person, and you are really engaging with that?.
The worst about this situations is, y'all engage with this people in the same way. These people friend you, you friend all their friends, then they make you feel part of their craziness, they involve you in all the fights, and when they get mad at someone, they reach you back just to trash the same people, the same people you friend cause 'they are so cool' now turned into some kinda mortal enemies 🙄 and you people just follow the orders as little minions, friending and unfriending the same people without even taking the time of thinking for yourself 🙄
With all lack of respect but, are you stupid? And how much stupid you can be? Why do you need to engage on that?.
A month ago I friend back - this is another similar situation happening - a person from years ago, a bunch of her friends unfriended me cause "we were mad at each other". I was like "Okay you unfriended me anyway we never talked so... Not really my concern", but I refriend this old friend, and now the same people who friend me and unfriend me, are sending me friendship requests again 🙄 like... Yes, if you unfriended me for a situation that didn't concern you and you're friending me again, you are just a little minion without a mind of your own, please get a life.
And that's the thing, many people out there don't have anything else to do with their lives so they just go around trying to hang from any drama that don't concern to them just to have something to talk about it, cause they feel "I'm part of this" and they really believe they are part of something bigger just because they engage in some virtual drama of which they know nothing about people they don't even know either 🙄🤦🏼‍♂️ oh the stupidity.
Are so many things happening in the world right now, Ukraine vs Russia, Israel/Palestine situation, abortion control, lack of equality on work places which not benefits women, so much institutionalized racism and transphobia, children are literally taking their own lives cause they feel isolated in such a complex world, migration is broken in the USA; we immigrants pay many times more taxes and especial fees than many American entrepreneurs and we still been the most insulted people in tv everyday... And there you are, probably without money to pay for your rent or your car repair or your insurance, getting sure to focus in virtual discussions with toxic people about people you dont even know and you before didn't even care 🙃
Drama is toxic, is poisoning, and I wish you have the strength to set up your boundaries and stay far away from situations that do not pair your energy while you have more important things to focus in your life.
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kallasilya22 · 7 months
Seeking nostalgia from fellow over-35s
Are you a tumblr millenial?
Do you remember the golden days of the internet, pre-Facebook?
Did you grow up on the early days of instant messaging, discussion forums, and personal blogging? (Was a website called Open Diary ever your secret anonymous internet home, like it was for me? Or maybe somewhere else - maybe even here?)
I'm asking because:
(a) I've had like five glasses of red wine
(b) it's me. hi. I'm this post, it's me.
(c) I am a writer, or at least if not in practice, someone with a writing degree from *coughcough* years ago who thinks about writing fiction more perhaps than the average person
(d) I've been a little bit of a Chronically Online person ever since I was naively answering a/s/l and learning how to draw roses with @ symbols on Yahoo chat forums as a 13 year old (fuck, basically a different geological era at this point)
(e) the shift in online culture, and more broadly in the world, over the course of my lifetime sort of fascinates me
(f), with belated relation to point (c), I'd one day like to write some sort of a novel about the online experience from 2000-2010, the anonymous friendships we made, how we found ourselves, how we poured our fucking souls out to each other with nothing but poorly-transcribed song lyrics, emoticons (yes, they were emoticons back then, not 'emojis', we were still named Generation Y, and none of us knew each others' real names or what we looked like or where we lived), and this sentence has run on for far too long and I've lost track of it, but I think what I'm trying to say is: I was forged by those years. They were so long ago but they still live in me and in the way that I write and I know, I KNOW that I'm not alone. It was brief and it was beautiful but we, my brief beautiful brethren, were there.
(g?) okay, let's get back on track here.
(h) what I'm trying to say is: I would love it so unbelievably much if you would message me, or comment, or re-blog with your thoughts (or re-blog for like uh, exposure?) if you are willing to share with me any core memories or nostalgia for what online life, or life in general, was like for you in that decade. If it's part of your personal history.
(i) ... Please tell me that I am not alone.
(... etc)
(z) There is a book here. I know it. I can smell it, I can feel it tingling in the tips of my fingers. And I am going to write it one day.
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ahopkins1965 · 7 months
Online Scamming has been going on since 1974. This is when a lot of people had started using Western Union and Money gram to send money. One of the scammers had the nerve to call my mother on February 27, 2010 requesting for money. My family members have been cussing them out because they already know that; they have brought me a whole lot of distress. Whenever a hacker or scammers call you on the telephone, it means that you have made an agreement to do something for them.
The computer hackers and scammers started calling me because I thought that I was going to get married to someone overseas. They used the pictures of women who were living in the United States as a cover. The women’s profiles provide a shield for each hacker and scammer to converse with men and women online. Another thing that a person can do is provide a password so that both of you can remember whenever you are online with each other. I had voluntary gave my information out to the scammers and computer hackers because at first, I thought I was talking to someone from the United States.
I thought I was talking to someone from the United States when it turned out to be a legitimate scam. I was set up from the very beginning. Whenever anyone is talking to a scammer or a computer hacker, always look out for words or phrases such as “I am cool!” and you. This means that you are talking to a scammer. Whenever you are talking to a female scammer or computer hacker, they always use the word love a whole lot. This is a clue!!! This means that you are talking to a computer hacker and scammer. Always keep your information from Western Union and Money gram. Whenever you receive a phone call from a computer hacker or scammer, it is always an unavailable phone number or private phone call.
The numbers themselves are impossible to trace. Always remember that whenever you are communication with a scammer or a computer hacker, always check the information at its entirety. Always thoroughly check and see how long the person remained online. If I would have known what I know right now, I would have kept my job at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and I would not have been evicted out of my apartments and rooming houses. I would have paid a whole lot of attention to the clues online; such as “My mother and father live overseas in Africa.” Another phrase to pay attention to is my mummy or daddy needs money. They always misspell a lot of words. This means that you are talking to a computer hacker.
Computer Hackers and Scammers always use profiles of people who have a lot of friends or who are extremely attractive. They prefer women to be wearing their underwear and short shorts. All computer hackers and scammers prefer women’s profiles. They use chat rooms a whole lot as well as instant messenger from Yahoo and Black planet as well as Face Book. It is always best to pay attention to all of the words and sentences that really do not make sense. If a person does not use proper grammar and too much short sentences, then you are talking to a computer hacker. Always tell your friends online to start using proper English. Tell them that you have been hacked before and all of this hmu complicates things. Tell your friends to spell it out. Please be perfectly careful and never give your personal information out to anyone.
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lifeafterthelayoff · 7 months
Part II, Day 23
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AI and the tools we used to use.
On a regular day back in college, I walked into the computer lab where we worked on all of our electronic media projects. I’m pretty sure it was my Multimedia Authoring class, a semester before they offered DVD Authoring. (I signed up for that, too, but they didn’t get enough interest; I was out of luck on that one.)
One of my classmates had a simple website up on his browser; I saw it over his shoulder: Google. I was nerdy enough to know that it was a number, 10100. But I also learned that it was a search engine that day. 
Before that, I was a Yahoo user. That homepage was so cluttered that Google seemed like a breath of fresh air. The tools I used were about to change forever.
In the photo, you’ll see two things that were changed forever by technology, too: a typewriter (obvious) and a corn husker (much less obvious).
The typewriter was my uncle’s, and the husker was a gift from my grandpa, who at one point used it to husk field corn by hand. I’ve used both of them at one point or another, though I personally have more use for the typewriter today.
This week, I spent some time using Chat GPT-4 in preparation for some of my upcoming interviews. It works great for that—collecting background information, parsing job descriptions, even becoming a practice partner for the deeper and more complex hypothetical questions. Keeps me on my toes.
I use it regularly, enough to make the subscription worth it. At one point, you could even find t-shirts I co-created with AI in my short-lived online t-shirt store. (I even registered a tax ID for it.)
I used Google to find out more info about the husker today, and came across a newspaper article from 1969. The journalist spoke with the business owner behind this scary-looking farm relic, Byron Raidt. He was a little salty, because by 1969, no one needed to husk corn by hand. Machines did it, and did it very well. And they had been doing it well for over 20 years.
Mr. Raidt said, "When a man husked corn by hand, he wore out everything from his shoes on up. Now he does it by machine. They call that progress."
He goes on to say, "Now the man that digs ditches wears a white shirt and pushes a button. It hurts business."
Why not bring these things together and ask Chat GPT-4 about the Raidt Make brand corn husker? The first paragraph was fine, giving some context. The next was a disaster, going into detail about a specific eBay auction. The third and final paragraph was okay, too.
We’ve all been chatting about where AI takes us next, especially those of us that work with words and language.
Personally, it’s my thesaurus, my Microsoft Clippy for formatting, my old-fashioned Google for high-level context gathering. It does fine. It’ll get better. And I plan on getting better right along with it.
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