#yakitori queen
hrokkall · 2 years
PLEASE tell me ur leshy and/or kaycee headcanons id love to hear. why did leshy chew off his nails post kaycees mod as stated in ur claw post. i live on angst and im so emotional abt these two's relationship
See this post for context
Aw, glad to hear you like my headcanons for these two. They live in my brain too—neither one of them pay rent but they’re making friendship bracelets together so I’m not going to kick them out.
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Having said that, the reason for the claw-chewing is because Leshy was buried underground, trapped in his version of the game in the dark without anything to do or any input from anyone—player or Scrybe alike—for who knows how many years. His nerves got to him after a while and, well… he’s at least got the certainty that he still has teeth.
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galacticguppy · 11 months
trick or treat ya goof
youuuu get....
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smarties!!! happy halloween yaki :]]]]
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Workin' Girls
The thing is, I really don’t think Workin’ Girls really was just a shameless gender swap. It seems to genuinely be the better version of the story. Like, the way Hidgens changed the character names and pronouns (and added “but-for-girls” onto the end of every “football”) while preserving everything else took Workin’ Boys from a bad show with an admittedly great score to a hilarious and pointedly satirical work about the devaluation of femininity in the workplace and financial industry. The Workin’ Girls succeed in business because they behave like stereotypically masculine men. They are women making their way through life (as much as they’d rather just be on their football-but-for-girls field), and their whole big song about what it takes to do so is steeped in phrases that are historically male-aligned (of course, not all men have balls and some or all of the Workin' Girls could actually have balls! We don't know!). Hidgens accidentally created a comedic masterpiece about the plight of women in the workplace and, in a breathtakingly in-character move, simply failed to realize it.
(EDIT AND UPDATE: Yes, and as @yakitori-queen just said in the replies, not to mention all the great gender fuckery!)
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noizepushr · 4 months
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OP turned off reblogs but I feel this post needs to be known- as someone with moral scrupulousity OCD I just- I was struggling with this so much. As someone in the rags of the post said “the internet is jsut shit for people who have OCD”
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Continued from here for @electricea!
Sonia wasn't sure how to answer his question. The only family member she'd ever experienced mourning was her grandfather, the previous King of Novoselic. She'd been four years old and it was a state funeral, televised around the country and across the world. She'd ridden in the same black car as her mother, very pregnant aunt, and grandmother and had begun to tear up on the way to the service. In the ten minutes between the first few tears and the car pulling up in front of the cathedral, her grandmother, now Queen Mother, had swiftly reminded her (currently) only grandchild that it was a privilege to attend a state funeral at her age. Most children would've been left at home for such an important event, and it was vulgar to appear sobbing in public and that Sonia, Princess of Novoselic and now heir to the throne, would cease immediately.
Whether it had been her tone or her grandmother's stern glare in her direction, Sonia had wiped her eyes on the back of her gloved hands, sat straighter in her seat, and watched the assembled mourners go by. Her grandmother had rounded on her mother next, likely inquiring after why the future monarch thought it appropriate to blubber outside of the Castle's walls and why her mother hadn't properly instructed her otherwise.
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Sonia swallowed: that was the closest she'd ever come to feeling something at the death of a family member. Members of the Royal Family were meant to console, to provide hope and a vision for moving forward. Feelings...well, anything beyond compassion and cheer were left behind those iron gates. Safe, hidden from the public at all costs, save for a well-placed sniffle or tear in the most dire of situations.
"Yes, that...that's perfectly all right," She finally agreed, nodding. Her own mixed emotions on the matter, well, they didn't matter. Ryuji, and what he was currently facing, that was what was important. "You may have not been close with your father at all, but it's still a loss. Any way you react or mourn, no matter the amount or intensity, it won't be a wrong way to do so. Because there is no wrong way, I think: though I'd caution against any sort of self-harming behaviors. That tends to create more pain than anything else."
For the one harming and those who had to live with and console them, her parents' constant fighting being the prime example. But Sonia took one of Ryuji's hands and gave it a squeeze: the least she could do, with a shaky smile, was remind him that he wasn't alone. He wasn't alone, and that he wouldn't be subject to an empty stomach much longer.
"I'll order something, you should go get cleaned up," She assured him, letting go of his hand so she could occupy herself with her mobile phone. Several years living mostly away from home had managed to familiarize her with food delivery apps, and it wasn't long until she'd ordered two bowls of beef donburi, an order of vegetable tempura, half a dozen yakitori skewers, and for Ryuji especially, an order of ramen, with instructions to keep the toppings in separate containers to be added upon delivery. To keep the noodles from getting soggy, of course.
When Ryuji had finally emerged, Sonia had managed to open nearly every cupboard and drawer in his apartment's small kitchen in search of plates, bowls, chopsticks, spoons, and napkins. Two plastic bags filled with various containers sat steaming on his kitchen counter. "Your timing is impeccable," She smiled, setting down the second pair of chopsticks over a folded napkin. Sonia had tried to mimic the way her staff set a table but his cutlery and tableware were, thankfully, not as complicated as her own. That was both a blessing and a curse: where did the soup spoon go, if not next to the first course's knife?
Insignificant, in the grand scheme of things. "The food just arrived, maybe you heard the doorbell ring," She explained, moving to unwrap the bags. "I did get you a surprise, though: ramen, with the toppings in separate containers for you to add to the broth yourself. I thought they might have an odd texture otherwise, sitting in the soup for too long."
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taffybuns · 6 years
P O R T A L?????????????
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I looked up the adult theory on Google and I can just say : wow damn they really went this far oh no why would you EVER
like i said
people are fucked up
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petrichormeraki · 4 years
who's going to be the poor hermit who gets to find out that tubbo got those scars not only because he took a firework to the face, but that it wasn't, in fact, an accident and it was part of a public execution staged by an abusive alcoholic dictator
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pomellon · 4 years
your dsmp cat au gives me so much serotonin and i love ur art style <3 <3 <3 take care!!!
Aw, thank you so much! Reading this literally made my day ; u ;
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ask-a-cultist · 5 years
oh trust me, they totally could, and they totally did.
Oh....I see....Well then. It appears I will be returning to Sleepy Peak....I have to teach them a little lesson about....Staying Safe....I really should find my sacri....ascension dagger, I got rid of it when the great overlord said it was no longer needed....
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galacticguppy · 9 months
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You people like ocs right? Meet my oc, Jackie!! More abt her below the cut if you wanna read :]
Ok so!! Jackie (she/her, also goes by Kav!!) is just a girl trying to get by in Echo City, a sort of cyberpunk capitalist dystopia created by my good friend @yakitori-queen.
She's got a couple cybernetic implants- one in her head to pick up radio signals, and another one in her chest: cybernetic lungs. Kav was born with weak, diseased lungs that couldn't handle Echo City's smoggy air, and once she was old enough her parents had them replaced so that she would be able to actually like. breathe and do stuff. Unfortunately, the cybernetics company that installed them fucked them over, and now Jackie is pretty much stuck paying them off for the rest of her life. Capitalist dystopia, remember?
She works as many jobs as she can and does her best to get by. She likes fashion though, and she spends free money on that when she has it!! She pretty much never wears a shirt or wears something see-through. These lungs are so fucking expensive you are going to Look At Them
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shenanigans-central · 5 years
hi, for the friendlypack fic suggestions, because I love angst : jimmy gets taken hostage?
Alright. It might take some time because I can get busy, unexpectedly, but as of right now, things are looking good. I am getting ready to start writing er typing right now! :) thank you for the prompt !
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smilesupshur · 6 years
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other than that i’m all good
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immadeofmath · 7 years
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yakitori-queen · 7 years
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hey remember me ?
probably not since i never actually post anything haha
anyway i got really into Be More Chill recently and i drew @immadeofmath 's SQUIP because he's cool and the person running the blog is a really nice person!!
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gay-spaghetti · 4 years
★ MARK, YOU’RE A STAR ★ Completed WKM Damien MAP
It’s finally here, folks! And I wouldn’t have done it without these incredible creators!
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@smiledog15578 (Thumbnail artist) @nightfuryobsessed @cyanacity @kobella @magicannagram @itsjustkyss @the-tragic-hero-and-you @kapable-of-shitpost @yakitori-queen @iam-unoriginal Dreamy Pastel on YouTube
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There’s a few audio issues, and the editing isn’t perfect, but this is my first MAP, so that’s to be expected. I’m still learning, and I’m so excited to get better and make even cooler projects in the future!
Thank you so much to everyone who helped me with this. Y’all have no idea how much it means to me! <3 You all did amazingly!
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