#guppy answers
galacticguppy · 6 months
Fanon swap!
Glow squid Bdubs :3
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lollll omg bro has beautiful big eyes like pools of the darkest night!
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
What would guppy Eclipse look like?
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like this
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little-cereal-draws · 5 months
I was going to make a post ranking how I think they compare to each other in physical strength (which I’m probably still going to do) but I wanted to know what other ppl thought
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popfizzles · 2 years
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As promised, Fizzles with some Isaac items!
I tried sticking with passive items that had actual physical appearance changes associated with them (and as for “ice baby” i wasn’t quite sure if you meant Freezer Baby or Cube Baby, so I drew both)! + individual crops of each
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gryphons-n-kelpies · 2 years
What if... Morogh's MC...had a kid? 🤔
Not with him, though! As in they already had one before they met each other (but the other parent isn't in the picture)
Would he try to win the kid over and hope they like him so there's no issues if he tries to be in a relationship with the MC? Back out of the whole situation and leave the MC alone because of any issues he may have with children? I'm curious now... 😅
He can try, but it can be a little awkward to get along with children.
In the beginning, he's used to tricking them into their doom, just like adults. But after meeting one person, he promised to not target the youth anymore. Morogh slipped up only once, but didn't follow through. But.... 'growing up' with them proved to be.... challenging because he's not used to playing human at that point.
However. Meeting his favorite Little Guppy, and getting along with her, has proven that it is possible for Morogh to bond with MC's child, too.
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joelletwo · 30 days
scrolling the list of fish on my old job's site and squinting
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noperopesaredope · 11 months
So my younger sib is starting to get into fandom, and they have begun to worry that they will be considered “cringe” if they ever want to express themselves in an unabashedly chaotic way like the 15 y/o they are. And that makes me really sad, since they have such an enthusiastic and creative attitude. 
They want to write weird fanfics without shame, like their concept for a The Boys x Bubble Guppies crossover fic in which The Deep gets therapy from a group of mer-children singing about math. And I think they should write it, because they are creative and excited and just want to have fun. They are just being introduced to a form of community in which they can share this kind of stuff with people whom they share interests with.
They should get to make the things that make them happy, regardless of what people think of it. In fact, they should be supported in theses things, no matter how “weird” their creations are. Because I remember creating “cringy” fan OCs and stuff, and I remember excitedly showing them to people, only for them to laugh at it or dismiss it. 
And even if those people don’t remember it, I do. I vividly remember the hurt I felt when that happened. These were creations I was legitimately proud of, and it was like people were just throwing them in the trash. I eventually stopped making things like that, and I have a hard time doing so now. I don’t want to see my sib lose that spark, that brand of confidence.
I think everyone should start to encourage unironically embracing all their most dumb, self-indulgent, and “cringy” ideas and creations with the utmost love and ernestness. Because face it, we pretty much all have those kinds of silly little ideas in our heads.
So starting from today, I’m gonna do it. I’m no longer gonna hide away all my silliest, most self-indulgent, most “cringy” ideas and stories and characters.
I’m gonna tell my sis about my original fan-made Warrior Cats clan I made in 4th grade called “NinjaClan” with my OCs “Subarusteam” and “Toyotaclaw” (those where the only Japanese words I knew).
I’m gonna draw my childhood Wild Kratts self-insert OC who was an extremely powerful, 4th wall-breaking, lowkey Mary Sue who I shipped with Martin.
I’m gonna make edgy characters and show them off in all their glory.
I’m gonna talk about my stupid current fan OCs who would get a high score on the Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test due to messing with the plot and being ~mysterious~
I’m hoping this post can maybe be one where people just spill out those ideas they’ve been hiding away for years because it was “too cringy”. So come on, I want to hear about those OCs you made when you were 12 that you were way too proud of. I want all the Mary Sues. 
I want everything you threw out for being “cringe.” Because we all have a “cringy” middle schooler within us, and they should be set free.
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midnightmah07 · 4 months
I have three questions for Perse:
Do you like Mario Kart? 2. If yes to the first question, would you accept my challenge to a race? 3. Do you like board games?
"Mario Kart? And is there a person who doesn't like it? Though I have to admit, the game got a bit boring after a while, it's hard to enjoy something you basically mastered, I feel like there's no challenge in the game for me anymore. That said, I would play with you anytime, little bud, I just don't garantee a revenge, we both know I'm gonna win. Now, if I like board games? Yes, I do, I played a lot of board games with both Idia and Ortho when we were younger and I sometimes go to the Board Game Club to play with Idia and Acotinum (a poisonous flower, her nickname for Azul)."
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photozoi · 1 year
Hello! May I ask how your pea puffers behave with the guppies in your tank? It's a lovely tank btw, I love seeing your posts!
Thank you!
I wondered how it was going to work out myself, and had a back up tank plan in place for "just in case"! However, so far, so good. It is a 29 gallon tank and heavily planted, with two distinct areas and lots of hidey spots which I think helps. Not only are there a lot of plants, but the spiderwood has cave like areas underneath so there are a lot of places for everyone to choose from and stake out territories.
Not to mention that the puffers get very well fed. The guppies pick on each other, but the guppy/puffer interaction is minimal at best. I am continuing to monitor closely and we shall see what the future holds! :D
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wingsofahoneybee · 8 months
trick or treat!!!!!! 🎃👻🍬
happy halloween!! you get one (1) picture of guppy sitting like a weirdo
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ducknotinarow · 5 months
03/07 RaphVon - [🎁] our muses exchange holiday gifts
| SEND AN EMOJI FOR A STARTER ! ↳ winter season & holiday based
Leave it to Mikey to somehow get Von and Don to agree to the baby shower idea. But hey did go all out even though at some point it seemed he forgot that it was meant for the mother seeing how the banned had to have Don's nah scribbled out and replaced by Von's. Idiot. Was Raphael's main thought as he been hanging back during most of this thing. Mikey manged to pull a few of the invited parties into the games which just seemed dumb to Raphael. He purposely said 'baby' near the start and gave his pin away to whoever was nearest to him and sort of hung towards the back of it all. The baby shower wasn't really his thing.
When he noticed Von as some point seem to take a moment to rest well Mikey had another of his game ready to start up. Raphael took it as a opening. As he made his way to sit beside Von. Holding a gift bag near his side just enough to keep it from Von's sight as he joined her. "Hey least Mikey invited you to your own baby shower in the end 'ight?" He smirks a little her way paying a second to make sure Von was fine. Offering to help her sit down if she needed it. But of course like Raph expected she was handling the whole being pregnant thing very well. But that was Yvonne for you stubborn to the bone.
Raphael's attention turned back to the party they were currently bobbing for pacifiers everyone Mikey got to go along with it had a bowl of water before them and had their hands set behind their backs. The goal was who ever got all three in their own bowls first won and Mikey manged to capture all of his before anyone else. He could just feel the flash backs to the Battle Nexus showing before his vision. Great that was going to be something to look forward too, man he is for sure staying with Casey tonight after this. "Though somehow I 'hink this turned into more for Mikey than either of youes." Raph points out.
Which took him back to his reasoning of sitting beside her now, away from everyone else, he knows they all had a gift to give for the baby coming. They were sure of the gender yet but a baby still needed anything they could offer. Or in some cases make. It was a sort of secret and not a secret. In that no one under any circumstances was to ever mention the fact that Raphael knew how to knit. But it wasn't like no one knew about him able to do so. Splinter had had him take up the habit in an effort to help Raphael with that ever burning flame the fueled his temper. And he found comfort in the repeated action. Splinter was the first to ever receive a gift made by Raph. And slowly everyone did. Sure it wasn't really for Von but thats how these worked the gift was to the mother for the baby. Von was just much more a risky gamble because she liked to push that whole deal when it came to fact about Raphael.
He still grabbed at the gift bag and held it out in front of her. Looking far off to the side not even towards the party, selecting a random brick in the wall to focus his gaze on to. "yeah I know were doin' gifts at the end but 'm gonna try ditch soon as I can. So wanna make sure you get 'his is all."
Raphael expresses only turning to face her again when he felt the weight of the bag leave his own hand. Slightly peering over to watch her look into the paper shopping bag, Peering in and it was clear to see right away that there was a purple knitted blanket in there. Bands of two shades purple and near the top right corner was a small fish done in a even dark shade of color. It was clear this had taken longer and more time to make compared to most of the other knitted gifts Raphael had ever given. Sort of outing a few more thing about this little hobby of the rough and gruff turtle. It was thanks to some help, outside help from a Ms. Morrison that he may have learned a bit more he could do.
Raphael wouldn't explain it but he did put a lot of thought into the look of the blanket he know both Don and Von had a liking for the color purple so course it was going to be those similar shades they both wore. The fish in their own shade of purple. Part of him wanted to try and make it look like the usual silhouette look of Ariel from the move Don just loved to death. But it had proved to be too hard for him to really do at the time. Besides? who was to say their kid would also like the movie? Pretty sure they would one way or another actually. So a fish seemed fitting in the end. Von like to sit out by the docks same as Raph after all and it tied back to the sea that Donnie loved and wanted to explore the depths of. Raphael felt it worked. And made sense and glared a dagger at Casey every time he sat down to work on it at the apartment. Or when he tried to ask for his partners thought about it because of how much thought he was expressing was going in towards the creation.
"I see that look on your face Von." Not really she was on his right side after all but he didn't need to be actively looking at her to know she was in fact making some sort of expression that would likely annoy him right now. "Kid needs a blanket 'ight? well should get a new one and not 'ike we can really come by that so easy." Okay sure Casey or April could help with that but then it was more a gift from Casey or April and not Raphael. Which is why he opted to making one himself. After all he knew how to do it.
Raphael finally sighs and givens in feeling better to get it over with as he twists a little to better face her. "What?" He says it like a warning, it was pointless Von was never really deterred but the tough act. Didn't stop the red banded turtle from giving it though. Even if he knew she wouldn't be thrown off by it. "Get it over wit' ya ya Raph made a blanket for the baby whatever ain't a big deal." He says doing his best to keep to his act. "Knew I shoulda jus' left with out givin' it to you personally." yeah right he wanted it know he had done it even if it meant dealing with this now.
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galacticguppy · 8 months
trick or treat ya goof
youuuu get....
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smarties!!! happy halloween yaki :]]]]
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
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Sleep Sushi Sun?
d'awww lookit him snoozin'
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sailor-aviator · 6 months
I’d like to know what Fools Fare Jakes idea of a date is? Does he take Guppy out on the town of whatever port they’re in. Does they just spend time alone in his quarters, maybe he showers her with gifts. And how does Bradley react when he learns that they’re an item?
FF!Jake likes to take Guppy exploring the different places they dock at, showing her the different food and buying her gifts. They also like to play Mahjong and Jake even teaches her how to play dice, something they like to make bets on that always works out in Jake's favor regardless, if you catch my drift.
Bradley I think kind of actually knew early on what was going on between the two, so he's not all that shocked when it becomes official. He does gripe about it a lot, however lol
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THIS MFER. MR. FUCKING GROUPER. THIS WAS MY FIRST EVER FICTIONAL CRUSH. I have NO REASON WHY, but I think it's because he's food >:D love eating grouper and other fish though!! Huehehehehehe
I couldn't possibly have another fictional crush like this, right?
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To be fair I was around six when I had these crushes. I do not have said crushes on these two anymore but goddamnit. I was wild 😭
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gryphons-n-kelpies · 1 year
Who is Lil Guppy? Can we know more lore about who it is?
Lil Guppy is Eliana Galverton from @restartheartvn!
Sometimes Morogh would visit her (with Ezra's permission), and spend some fun time together. She is one of few people who knows of the truth about Morogh! So there will be days where he'd transform with someone with a specific look for makeovers.
Heck, he'd even let her ride his back (despite Ezra's protests)
She is like a younger sister to him. Because of her, he wishes he could treat his 'sister' better.
If it was up to him. He would trade anything of himself to cure her, though
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