#yamamoto & reader
sunkeji · 1 year
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He's so delusional that he starts thinking about what you'd say about the outfit he's wearing today. He's a bit more dressed up today, not for any special reason other than trying to stand out to you today. He knows around this time you'll be passing by this area to head to your next class, so he heads there too. The two of you pass each other, and at first he's dejected that there's no reaction. But from his peripheral vision, he sees that you have turned around to look at him. He us elated, he is screaming and reminding himself that he has an image to uphold for you. So he silences his happy but very panicky thoughts and continues walking like normal. Later at home, when he's lying on his bed, he has his feet kicking and giggling while recounting the way you looked at him.
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heartsoji · 1 year
hq guys who say, "nah, its cool. you can talk to other guys," but the second any guy he doesn't know or doesn't like so much as glances in your direction for a second too long, he is standing in front of you, scaring everyone off with a nasty glare.
IWAIZUMI, OSAMU, suna, TSUKISHIMA, SAKUSA, tanaka, daichi, yahaba, yamamoto, MATSUKAWA, KUNIMI
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strawberry-hachi · 3 months
Nekoma falling head over heels for their manager? Yes.
It was just a coincidence that you were transferring to a different school in the Tokyo area. It was just a coincidence that you happened to like volleyball. It was just a coincidence that the school in question was Nekoma, which was closest to your guardian's work.
What wasn't a coincidence however, was getting kicked off the girl's volleyball team for retaliating against some girls who were picking on you for coming into the school year late.
So now your only way to really do anything volleyball related was to do it outside of school or become a manager for the other team.
Nekoma hasn't had a manager in who knows how long so of course they jump at the chance when you are somehow brought along as one of Kuroo's many friends.
He was able to convince you with the allure of skipping class for games as well as more help with homework and who would pass up good grades and the chance to play volleyball? Not you.
Kuroo has always had an eye for you, believe it or not. He is a logical person, even underneath all that mischief and wild flair. He had a way with words and an even better way with figuring people out. So it's no wonder he would attempt to talk to the new person who suddenly appeared at Nekoma one day. Even less surprising was him falling face first when talking to you.
All you did was help him when his school supplies got trashed from a particular nasty fall he took early in your time at Nekoma, and that was it for him. He was stuck to you like a parasite despite the different classes and year. He was hooked.
He was a logical person until he wasn't. Such as when Kenma oversleeps on purpose to avoid playing games, or when Yaku gets on his nerves for the nth time that day. He was logical with certain people, and perhaps a bit of a menace with others. He isn't really sure where you fit in his us vs them mentality and he isn't sure if he wants to find out. Not when you glance at him while walking through the hallway that sends a chill up his spine, or when your arms or legs brush together when you are studying together that has him shoving his head into his pillows at night, or even that one time when you had shoved him and you into a locker that was much too small for both of you so you could avoid the girls on the volleyball team. Yeah. Perhaps it's better if he doesn't figure you out just yet.
And it wasn't long till he began bringing up the idea of manager, even more so since you got kicked off the girl's volleyball team.
So now you are being introduced to the team as Kuroo practically vibrates with joy because his favorite people are coming together for something he loves.
And it's not long till Yamamoto tries to approach you. Despite his rather intimidating demeanor, he is a sweetheart and a bunch of nerves at heart. He could only keep his eyes off the ground when talking to you once and so you simply gave him the space he needed. He was obviously overwhelmed and somehow, this was all he needed to have confirmation with himself that he liked you.
Just like the Humpty Dumpty duo at Karasuno, he can be a bit overbearing at times. You can't seem to exactly shake him off even when he is practically dying on the floor.
You need to refill the water bottles? He can help if you let him! You need to help plan the team schedule? He has the entire night! You need to pick up some groceries? He's already got it!
You know who is just like Yamamoto but x10? Lev. He is such a sweetheart but goodness gracious sometimes he needs to take a step back otherwise he will take all your personal space.
He first approached you about a week after you joining the team and it was because he almost fell onto you while trying to get his water bottle. He had apologized, of course, but not without taking note of how nice it felt to hug you.
Lev, as you learn later, has always been the affectionate sort and it grew from his older sister, Alisa, who would constantly dote on him. You met her much later during nationals, which you had attempted Lev to try and set her up with you but it resulted in absolutely dreaded failure because Lev immediately passed out upon the request and Kuroo, upon hearing said request, attempted to take Alisa's place.
Lev, as he later learns, is that he developed much more than a stupid puppy crush. He isn't sure exactly when it started. Maybe when he first met you and how he almost crushed you under himself, or maybe a bit later on when you two accidentally got locked inside the gym because you were practicing late together, so you two talked until dawn. It could've even been the instance when you taught him how to do a floater serve and he clearly remembers how your hands held his and your body up against his back as you focused on the ball instead of his red face.
It was from then on you didn't escape practice without Lev trying to glomp you at least once, and you aren't entirely sure if you hate it or not.
Someone who does hate it would be Yaku, who can't seem to stop yelling at Lev each time he goes rushing to you for help with his spikes and receives.
The first time Yaku interacted with you was a little after Lev did, with Yaku scolding the boy for trying to "run you over" (you could probably tackle and eat Lev alive if you really wanted to but you didn't mention it).
Yaku has told you that you are too soft on the boy and he needs more discipline if he wants to be good, but you honestly don't have the heart to be as mean to him as you would be with actual teammates.
Yaku, quite frankly, finds it infuriating how soft you are with Lev, and the team in general, but he won't say anything about it if it means that he gets to call you in the middle of the night after a particularly rough practice to hangout. If it means he gets to see you look at him with such a soft smile on your face that he seldom sees during school, he is more than willing to let it slide.
And if you two accidentally get trapped in the storage room one day, it isn't exactly his fault if you two decide to use each other as warmth until they unlock the door. His face was red anyway, he's sure that you won't think twice about it.
Fukunaga on the other hand, is someone who probably over thinks every single little thing you do in relation to him.
It was around the time you met Inouka that you met him. You were helping Inouka with rounding up the stray balls when you had responded to one of Inouka's questions about your volleyball skills with a joke (as you often do because why go into detail about how often you had beef with your own teammates?!). It was then that Fukunaga had fired a quip back and turned the question once more onto you had you two finally learned of each other's existence.
Perhaps it's why you two are so aware of every little thing either of you say.
You said hi to him, does that mean anything? Oh you helped him with his serves, that must mean something right?
However, just because he is prone to overthinking (just as you are with him) doesn't mean it's his whole character. More often than not he is trying to come up with jokes for you and is probably the one you talk with the most if Kuroo wouldn't constantly stalk (he doesn't actually and he swears by this but Yaku and Kenma find it funny as it is something to hold over his head) you.
It's odd to say the least. He is usually the most detached of all the people in Nekoma's team and yet despite this, you find yourself absorbed in conversation after conversation with him. It was a matter of time till he started looking for you in every single room, unconsciously or not.
Liking someone is a foreign concept, especially in the way Fukunaga sees you and so you can't blame him when his jokes slowly turn to pick up lines every so often or he replies to your quips with compliments to throw you off. It's not like you can blame him either when he decides to try and plan your conversations ahead of time so he can catch you at every single front. Perhaps even get you flustered in the same way you do to him he so often finds.
Someone who doesn't show his emotions, however, is Kenma, who you've never really gotten a good read on.
He was perhaps one of the last ones that you had truly met before things kicked off with the team.
You'll admit, the way you met him wasn't the best. It was after practice and it was particularly stormy that night. You had an umbrella but a certain somebody didn't.
Kuroo, bless his heart, had left earlier before the storm came full blast to get something back home, and so Kenma was planning to walk through the rain until you offered him your umbrella.
You had more than once ran through the rain because of practice running late and so you thought nothing of it, but instead of him going with it, he simply took it and glued next to your side until you got home yourself.
It was an awkward walk as you stood shoulder to shoulder, and even more awkward when you got home as he bid you goodnight like some boyfriend and walked home; umbrella still in hand.
It was a Friday and so you did not see him or your umbrella until Monday, and so when he gave it back during class it was quite the sight. Yet, he did not seem fazed from all the stares and whispers. Not a bit.
You don't think you'll ever be able to read his expressions.
Him on the other hand, finds you quite the enigma. You were known as some wild dog since you had attacked three of the members on the volleyball team at Nekoma your very first day, and yet had acted so kindly, if not reserved, as a manager.
Even more so when he saw the way some other members looked or spoke of you.
He caught on quickly with the other's feelings for you, and he wasn't sure you'd ever come to realize, but that's okay. It's perfectly fine if it means he can take you to the rooftop to hangout without any pressure of another. The moment he perhaps truly fell head over heels, however, was during their summer camp that Karasuno was invited to. You had met Shoyo and hit it off, and he, somehow, was able to convince you to teach him how to serve. Something perhaps all of Karasuno + Kenma knew how bad Shoyo was at it.
It was then he fell, he thinks. To see someone so straight laced and aggressive during school hours willingly help someone with a smile on their face? Yeah. He fell hard.
And he struggles to show this to you and not others, especially considering how Kuroo has attached himself at your hip and Lev at your arm. Especially considering how Yaku always tries to find time to hang out with you and Fukunaga talks to you all the time. It infuriates him to no end but yet you still have patience for him even after all that socializing. You still have time to watch as he beats a level you were stuck on. You still have time to get him that game he has been looking at and for once, he doesn't mind the company.
He really doesn't mind, even if the side effect comes with wanting to kiss you breathless and have you look at him the way he looks at you.
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hoejosatoru · 5 months
Roster Hopper - Nekoma edition
The Nekoma version of my original Karasuno roster hopper fic. That version can be found here
Pairings: Fem!Reader x Kuroo, Kenma, Yamamoto, Yaku, and Lev (all separately) I know this isn’t the entire roster like Karasuno, but I feel like I don’t know any of the other Nekoma players enough to write about them so we had to improvise adapt and overcome. Players named are bolded in their part of the story if you’d like to jump to a specific player.
Summary: You make a bet with you friend that you can sleep through the members of the college volleyball team you manage. Once again y/f/n = your friends name bc I didn’t feel like making one up<3
Word count: 5.4k
Warnings: sex with multiple characters (separately), fingering, raw sex, semi public sex, mask play, a little biting, (fake) blood mentioned, drinking, mirrors, face sitting, light ass slapping, finger in ass, squirting, scratching, a little over stimulation idk if I missed something lol also not proof read 
“How long has this volley been going?” you asked, as you watched the ball fly over the net again.
“I lost count after 15,” your friend replied, equally as mesmerized as you were. It was both of your second years managing Nekoma University’s mens volleyball team and you still weren’t used to how good they were. Especially when it came to defense. Whenever they played against themselves it went on forever because they were so good at keeping the ball from touching the floor.
Finally, though, the ball dropped with a definitive thump. Coach Nekomata declared that everyone had to drop and do 20 push ups for sloppy play, earning a chorus of groans and grumbles.
“They act like somebody’s died when they have to do push ups,” you friend commented, “Especially Kenma.” You both snickered lightly at the grumpy look on the blond’s face as he half-assed the push ups. Which, of course, the coach called him out on.
“To be fair, I’d act the same way if I had to do push up,” you replied. Your eyes flittered over the men as they worked out. You had to admit, it wasn’t a bad view.
Your friend stepped closer to you, her voice dropping. “Would it be wrong to say I wish I was under some of them right now?” 
You grinned. “You just read my mind.” You tried to be professional in your role as manager, but you couldn’t deny there were some very attractive players. You were too scared to hook up with any of them in your first year, thinking it could mess up your position. As a second year, you realize it was not that serious at all. You hoped this was the year you found out if anyone on the team was good at things, ahem, outside of volleyball. “I’d ask who you think is the cutest, but the way you’re staring at Kuroo I think I’ve got my answer.”
Your friend smacked your arm and hushed you even though you were not being loud at all. “Shut up. But yeah, can you blame me?”
You shook your head. “Not at all. Kenma’s cute, but you know how I feel about gamers.”
Your friend rolled her eyes at you. “Of course you’d think Kenma’s cute. I have to say, though, that first year Lev is hot. And he’s super tall.” 
After a bit of chatting, you both agreed that the 5 hottest players on the team, in no particular order, were Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Yamamoto, and Yaku. A very wide range of men, indeed, but all hot in their own way. 
When you guys were in the safety of the hallway filling up the water bottles, you couldn't help but take the conversation a step forward. “So who do we thinking is the best in bed?”
“Hmm,” your friend made a thinking face. “Kuroo. It’s gotta be. But I’m curious about Yamamoto. I mean he obviously is girl crazy, but does he know what to do when one is in front of him?”
You snorted with laughter. “I could see him being a minute man, but I want to have more faith in him. I’m interested in Kenma, I just get a vibe there could be a freak in there somewhere.”
Your friend snickered. “I bet he’d make you wear a maid outfit.” 
A voice silenced your laughter. “Um, are the water bottles ready?” You both colored, finding the subject of your laughter standing behind you. He gave you both a strange look, not understanding why you were both acting so weird.
“Oh! Yes sorry, Kenma. Here. We’ll take the rest in.” You shoved a bottle in his hand before yanking your friend back towards the gym to get out of that situation.
“Do you think he heard us?” y/f/n half whispered half laughed. 
“Don’t think so,” you replied, “But, hey, maybe we shoulda just asked him what he’s into. I’m curious.”
“I guess we’ll never know who's the best,” your friend sighed. You were about to agree when an idea hit you. A very stupid idea.
“Maybe we could,” you wiggled your eye brows.
Your friend frowned. “That look is never good. What do you mean?”
“I’ll hook up with the 5 of them and then I can rank ‘em so we’ll know for sure.” 
“Are you joking?” 
“I should be, but I’m not.” Your friend gave you a look. “Oh come on!! You said you were curious. It’s not that crazy.”
“It absolutely is that crazy,” your friend replied. “There's no way you could get through all five.”
“Is that a challenge I’m hearing?” 
“Yes, only because I am very curious and will get to laugh at you if it doesn’t work. It’s a win-win for me,” your friend teased.
You and your friend drew up the rules. You had to have sex with Kuroo, Kenma, Yaku, Lev, and Yamamoto without anyone on the team finding out. If anyone figures it out, game over. And to make things a little extra challenging, you agreed to do it before the semester ended. Given the school year just started, you figured it should be enough time. You put $300 on the line. And your pride, of course.
“Who are you gonna go for first?”
Your eyes flickered over to a certain mohawk-haired player with a smirk. “I’ve got an idea.”
There was one challenge you would have to deal with with almost all of the players on your list, save for Lev. The second and third years live in the team house, meaning you had to be strategic about where you hooked up with them. Going to them would be difficult, so you had to come up with ideas to inconspicuously get them to you. Luckily, Yamamoto gave you an in.
 “Ugh, I bombed that essay so bad,” he groaned after practice. “The professor said I could do corrections, but I wouldn’t even know where to start.”
Yaku gave him a pitiful look. “Well, I’m not gonna help you there.” The rest of the team filed out, not wanting to get stuck with that job.
“I could help you, Yamamoto,” you piped up from behind him. By the time he turned to face you, his cheeks were already tinted.
“R-really? You'd do that?” He asked. Though he was girl-crazy, he was still quite nervous around them. It was cute, though.
“Of course!” you replied. “Why don’t you come by my dorm tomorrow? My roommate will be out so we can work on it without distractions.”
Yamamoto couldn’t believe the manager he harbored a huge crush on was inviting him to her dorm room. He was suddenly very grateful for failing his essay. “That’s perfect, thank you so much!” You smiled. Too easy.
Yamamoto was in your dorm the next day, right on time. He looked a little nervous, as if he’d never been in a girl’s dorm room before. You thought he was gonna faint when you asked him to sit on the bed with you.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course!” you replied sweetly. “It’ll be easier to look at the essay together if we can be next to each other.” He didn’t argue, hopping up next to you, thighs brushing. You reckoned you could go for it right now and he wouldn’t even care about his essay, but you still wanted to help him out.
You skimmed the essay, which wasn't as bad as you thought it was, but definitely rough around the edges. You pointed out corrections and Yamamoto dutifully made the edits. It had been just about hour when you were certain his essay was perfect.
“This great, y/n,” Yamamoto stated, giving the paper one last read. “You saved my grade. I don’t know how I could thank you.” 
You smiled. “I’ve got an idea.”
Your tone made his eyes flicker up. “What's that?”
Might as well just go for it. “Wanna hook up?”
Yamamoto looked dumbfounded. “Are- are you serious?”
“Yeah I’ve been thinking about it since you got here,” you laughed with faux embarrassment, “Sorry if that’s weird. I just think you’re cute. We definitely don’t have to though.”
“No, I would love to,” he corrected you quickly. His eagerness made you giggle. 
“Let’s get this out of the way then?” You moved his laptop off his thighs and climbed on to them. Yamamoto didn’t even pinch himself because if this was a dream, he didn’t want to wake up. 
You kissed like that for awhile, allowing him to feel you up as you rocked against his strong thighs. He was an eager, deep kisser, as if he couldn’t get enough. He seemed a little timid to move things forward so you did it for him, pulling off your shirt and bra. 
“Fuck,” he groaned under his breath upon seeing you. 
You smiled. “You can touch them, you know.” He wasted no time taking your boobs in his warm, rough hands. He squeezed them as he kissed you before work his mouth down. He flicked his tongue over your nipple before sucking on it lightly. You rolled your hips into him as he alternated between sucking and squeezing your boobs.
“Feels good,” you encouraged, getting antsy for some relief for the tension growing in your lower tummy. You pulled Yamamoto down so you were lying down on the bed. His hand slid down your body and into your leggings. He let out another low curse feeling your wetness. His finger found your clit, rubbing circles as he continued to suck at your tits. You pressed your body closer to him as your pleasure heightened. He responded to you by slipping a finger inside you, curling into your g spot.
“Yamamoto, fuck-” you gasped as you came. Yamamoto groaned against you, nearly dizzy with how your boy responded to him. 
“Shit,” Yamamoto panted when he finally pulled away. He was looking down at his boxers, which had a wet spot on the front. It took you a second to realize he came in his pants. His cheeks went bright red. “Shit, I’m so sorry. You must think I’m a fucking loser.”
You gave him a soft kiss to calm him. “Not at all. You were really good, I enjoyed myself. And I’m glad you did too.” You couldn’t help but tease him lightly, but he appreciated that you were laughing with him, not at him. “I was just thinking, though, we should keep this between us. I don’t want the team to be weird if they found out we hooked up.”
The thought of the team finding out he came in his pants in front of the hot manager was enough to make Yamamoto take a vow of silence forever. “Don’t worry, I won’t say a thing.” 
One down, four to go.
The last week of September meant two things. One, you really needed to get another hook up under your belt if you wanted to complete this bet. And two, you had to do an inventory of the team equipment room. Your friend usually helped you, but she picked up a nasty cold leaving the task to you. You thought the team had cleared out when Yaku popped his head in.
“Hey, y/n, would you like help?” he asked. That could solve both your problems. 
“That would be awesome, if you don’t mind,” you replied with a smile. Yaku joined you in the small room. Despite the long practice he smelt nice, like fresh mint. He took stock of the poles and nets, while you ensured there was the proper number of balls and jerseys. With the help and conversation, the task wasn’t so bad. However, as it started to wind down you realized you needed to make a move or you’d lose an opportunity.
“I was going to ask you something, but I realized it would be super weird,” you dropped the bait. 
Yaku’s eyes flickered with curiosity. You got him. “Oh yeah? What’s that?”
“Promise you won’t think I’m a weirdo?” Now he was really interested. 
“Of course not.”
“Have you ever wanted to... hook up in the storage closet?” you asked. 
Yaku laughed. “That's not weird at all. That’s every athlete’s dream.” 
“Really? So you've done it?”
Yaku frowned a little, “Well, no, I never had the opportunity.”
“You have the opportunity now,” you replied with a coy smile. 
“Seriously?” He replied. “This isn’t a joke the guys put you up to?”
You shook your head seriously. “Not at all. In fact, this can be our little secret. It would probably be better if they didn’t find out. You know how they can be.” Yaku knew exactly how annoying his teammates could be and didn’t want to put you through their nonsense,
“Of course, I won't tell anyone,” He promised. There was a beat of silence in the small storage closet before you were on each other. Yaku was strong, despite his smaller stature. He had you pressed up against the nearest wall, his hips pinning you in place. He kissed you confidently, squeezing at your thighs as he tongue slid into your mouth. 
You moaned into his mouth as you felt his cock hardening against you. You hooked your leg around his hips, pulling him closer. You weren’t sure if it was the potential of being caught, but you felt desperately worked up. By the way Yaku pulled at your leggings, you knew he felt the same.
He slid himself out of his boxers, giving his length a few strokes. “Please, need it,” you panted. He was bigger than you thought, but you knew you were more than turned on enough to take him. Yaku obliged your request, pressing up into you. Your head feel back against the wall as your body adjusted to him.
“Taking me so well,” He murmured into the crook of your neck. He was slow at first, letting you adjust as he kissed the sensitive skin. “Can you take more?”
“Please,” you breathed. Yaku gripped your hips, giving him leverage to thrust in you harder and faster. You gasped, his strong thrusts reverberating through your body. Your body felt like jelly, but Yaku held you perfectly. Your clit rubbed against him with each snap of his hips, pushing you over the edge. You buried your face into his shoulder to stifle your moans as you came. 
“Fuck,” Yaku groaned, as he released. He was louder than he probably should have been, but both of you were too fogged in pleasure to notice or care. Yaku set you back down, allowing you both to catch your breath. You both laughed a little in the aftermath of your desire, redressing quickly to avoid getting caught. 
“Thanks for that,” Yaku said as you got ready to leave. “Can finally check that off my bucket list.” 
You smiled. “No, thank you.” Two down, three to go.
It was Halloween and you were at Nekoma’s annual party. It was the biggest party they had all year, opening the team’s off campus house to people outside the team. Normally you wouldn’t try to hook up with someone at the team house because of the risk, but given it would be crowded and everyone would be in costume, you figured now was a good time to strike.
This year you went for something simple, but sexy: a vampire. You were in a deep red corset and a black mini skirt, some fake blood dripping down your neck and the side of your lip. You even opted for fake fangs, which were securely attached to your own incisors. You felt as hot as you looked.
You scanned the crowd, trying to figure out which if the men remaining would be the best next target. When you spotted Lev, you knew it would be him. He was in the kitchen, his ghost face mask propped up on his forehead as he poured himself a drink. You’d seen a few other ghost face masks at the party, which added another layer of protection if you were seen with him. 
“Y/n, nice costume,” Lev greeted as you approached him. You didn’t miss the way his eyes lingered on your chest. “Do you bite?” Out of all the players, Lev was one of the biggest flirts, which worked to your advantage. 
You flashed a sharp grin. “Only if you’re into that.”
Lev continued the flirtatious conversation you opened up. “And what if I am?” 
You grabbed his cup, taking a sip before passing it back. “Hmm,” you feigned contemplation, “I guess I’d say it’s a good thing I’ve always been into a man in a mask.” You took a step closer to him so you were practically flush against him., batting your eyes up at him.
“Into it enough to go upstairs with me?” Lev tried. 
“You lead the way.” You pulled his mask down in what would look like flirting to him, but was an attempt to cover his identity. Lev was a first year, meaning he didn’t live at the house. Luckily, though, there was a bathroom on the third floor that nobody really used during this parties, which is exactly where he led you.
Lev hoisted you on to the counter, slotting himself between your tight. He pulled the mask up again so he could kiss you. He was a little buzzed, so his kiss was sloppy, but not unpleasant. In fact, you liked the way he kissed you deeply while his hands roamed your scantily clad body. You nipped at his soft lips, making him groan.
“Told you I bite,” you said. Lev’s eyes larked with desire, but you pulled back as he tried to kiss you again. 
“Something wrong?” 
“I just wanna make sure you can keep a secret. I don’t want the guys finding out about this and you sorta have a big mouth,” you replied. You knew with Lev, the best way to get him to do something is to insinuate he couldn’t do it. 
His brow furrowed, just as you expected. “I absolutely won’t tell,” he said seriously. You smiled approvingly going in to kiss him again, but this time he pulled back. In a flash you were flipped around and bent over the counter. He leaned his body over yours, whispering in your ear. “But I might make you scream my name so loud they find out anyways.” 
You let out a little whimper as he pushed your skirt up, rubbing your slit through your underwear. He kissed your shoulder, your neck, this time giving you a little bite. Lev’s lanky body was deceptive; was much stronger than he looked. You squirmed under him, desperate for some relief in your aching core. Lev read your body language, pulling back to slip himself out of his boxers. His eyes connected with yours in the mirror, smiling wickedly before he pulled his mask back down. 
One hand gripped his cock, pressing teasingly at your hole, the other gripped your neck. “Ready?” You nodded eagerly and pressed into you. You let out a low moan as he stretched you out, easily the biggest you’ve been with so far. 
“Fuck, Lev,” you gasped, gripping the counter top as he rolled his hips into you. Your head dropped down as his tip hit your g spot, panting breathlessly. 
“Nope,” Lev yanked your head back up by your hair so you had to look in the mirror. “You gotta watch.” His voice was a little muffled by the mask, but you could still hear the smirk you were certain he was wearing in his words. Lev continued his fast, deep thrusts into you, not giving you a chance to catch your breath. 
The image you saw in the mirror was sinful. Your lipstick was smudged, your pupils wide with desire. A small hickey was blooming on your neck from wear he nipped at you. Something about him being in the mask made the sight of him fucking you even hotter. It was long before your orgasm hit you, squeezing his lengthy cock as you came. 
“Lev,” you cried out. Maybe not quite loud enough for the whole house to hear, but certainly loud enough to make Lev lose his composure. His hips stuttered, a groan seeping out from behind his mask as he emptied himself inside you.
It was a tournament in November when you made your move on Kenma. He was sitting in a quiet corner of the gymnasium playing on his switch between matches. Normally you didn’t bother him during his down time, but you needed to get to him while he was alone. 
“Hey Kenma.”
“Hey,” he mumbled, not looking up from his screen. 
“Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could help me with a game?”
Kenma’s eyes flickered to you with curiosity. “A game?” 
“Yeah, I’ve been playing this game on my switch, but I can’t beat this level. I was wondering if you could come over and help me beat it next time your free?”
Kenma considered your words, wondering for a second if you were teasing him. But the look on your face told him you were sincerely inviting him over to your room to play video games. It was an offer he couldn’t resist. Even though he didn’t join in on his teammates annoying chatter about how hot you are, he absolutely thought you were attractive. 
“Sure,” he agreed. You made plans on what day to meet and that was that.
“Wow Kenma, you’re really good at this,” you complimented. Your excuse to get him over wasn’t fabricated, you really were struggling with this stupid level. Kenma, however, played it with ease. You observed him as he played, the light from the screen illuminating his face in a flattering glow. His fingers moved deftly over the controller, which you couldn’t deny was turning you on. 
“There you go,” Kenma stated, “Cleared it for you.” He passed the switch back to you, the screen flashing with success.
“You made it look so easy,” you complimented, smiling brightly. 
Kenma turned his head, hoping you wouldn’t see him blush. He doesn’t often meet girls that are into his specific set of skills. “I’ve just played that game before, that’s all.” 
“Well you certainly did it faster than I thought,” you replied, leaning closer to him. “Maybe we could fill our time another way?” You rested a hand on Kenma’s thigh. You knew you were laying it on a little thick, but you were a woman on a mission. 
Kenma was surprised by your blatant flirting, but then it clicked. “Did you invite me over just to hook up?”
You blushed. “That obvious, huh?” 
Kenma smirked, happy to have figure out the real game you were playing. Well, at least what he thought was real, you still had your secret. “You coulda just asked,” Kenma replied, “I wouldn't have said no.”
You took that as an invitation to crawl into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Yeah, but then I’d still be stuck on that level. You really did help me, so I owe you one. Is there something in particular you’d like?” You played with he hair at the pack of Kenma’s neck, making him shiver. 
He knew what he wanted instantly. “Sit on my face.”
Your lower stomach flipped with arousal. You easily agreed, shedding the lower half of your clothes while Kenma laid down on the bed. He gripped your hips and pulled you on to him, setting your pussy on his mouth.
“Mmm feels good,” you sighed as Kenma’s tongue flicked over your core. He your thighs tightly, loving how they felt against his face. He teased your entrance with tip of his tongue, making you ache with need, before switching to your clit. His tongue swirled deliciously, making your hips buck. Kenma groaned under you, loving the feel of your fucking his face.
Fuck he was good, really good. You wouldn’t have guess Kenma would give you the best head you ever had, but he worked up more than you ever had. Your fingers knotted through his hair, pulling at the roots as he sucked your clit. 
“Fuck Kenma,” you cried out as your orgasm washed over you, making your body shaking. Kenma flicked his tongue over you, drinking up your release. When you finally pulled off him, he wore a smug grin that shone with your wetness. 
“You also made that look easy,” you panted, still a bit in shock at how good that was. Your eyes flicked down to the tent in his sweats, feeling a jolt of desire again. “Can I help you with that?”
“Only if you ride me,” Kenma replied, propping himself up comfortably on the pillows. Kenma was incredibly skilled at pleasuring while also exerting the least effort. That’s why he loved when girls were on top. 
“That can be arranged.” You slid his sweats and boxers off, greeted by his flushed and leaking cock. You went to position yourself on him, but Kenma tutted, twirling his finger.
“Other way,” he instructed. Somehow Kenma had become the one calling the shots, but you were complaining. You turned yourself around so you were facing away from him then slowly sank on to his cock. You let out a little gasp as you bottomed out. You began rocking your hips, slowly at first, but then faster as you found your rhythm. 
Kenma slapped your ass lightly, kneading the soft skin. He pulled you apart slightly, allowing him to watch himself disappear inside your dripping hole. Kenma wasn’t super vocal, but he did let out a few low groans and pants as you gripped his cock like a vice. 
“Do you trust me?” he asked. You nodded vigorously, not trusting your words as your second orgasm was rapidly approaching. You vaguely her the sound of spitting behind you before feeling Kenma’s saliva slide down your ass. His thumb was at your hole then, rubbing it slightly before pushing into your ass.
“Fuck!” you cried, the added digit multiplying your pleasure. You only lasted a few more moments before your body succumbed to another wave of pleasure. The sensation of your pussy pulsing around his cock made Kenma cum, cursing under his breath. 
You slid off Kenma, catching your breath. Kenma looked thoroughly pleased with himself, as if this was his win. Little did he know that you were internally celebrating being one away from completing your game.
It was the last week before the semester ended and you were panicking just a little. Not just because you had a bunch of finals, but because you were running out of time to get with Kuroo. When you found out that he, like you, had a final on the absolute last day of the semester, you felt you had a chance. All the other guys staying at the house were finished up early and would be home for the break, leaving the house empty save for Kuroo. And when Kurro invited you to study? You knew you had it in the bag. 
You enjoyed study with Kuroo, who was always one of your favorites on the team. Not only was he incredibly good looking, but he was also funny and easy to talk to. You helped each other cram for your final tests, agreeing to celebrate together after. Neither of you stated what that would be, but you had a very good feeling about it.
“Thank god that is over,” Kuroo huffed as he collapsed on the couch next to you. You finished up your final in the morning and waited at the house for him to return from his late afternoon exam.
“Think you passed?”
“God I better have,” he replied, “But I don’t even want to think about that now.”
“Just like I don’t wanna think how everyone’s already on break having fun and we got stuck here till the last day,” you said.
“Maybe we should have our own fun,” Kuroo suggested flirtatiously. He has been flirting with you since you came over yesterday and you had been waiting for you opening.
“Oh yeah? How might we do that?” you replied, playing coy.
Kuroo smirked. “I prefer show over tell.” His hand drifted closer to your thigh, looking at you for permission. 
“Go ahead and show me then.” Kuroo pulled you into him instantly, you lips connecting with a jolt of satisfaction. He had your straddling his lap, hands very comfortable exploring your body as he kissed you. It was a little surreal, not just because you were about to win your bet, but because you’d always fantasized about kissing Kuroo. It was better than you’d imagined.
Kuroo stood up, holding your body up with ease. He walked you to his room, barely having to break the kiss as he went. He dropped your gently on the bed, climbing on top of you. His body weight pressed against you pleasingly as he stripped clothing off. 
“Pretty,” he complimented your tits. He sucked on them while you played with his hair, scraping at his scalp. Kuroo’s free hand slid down between your legs and teased your through your leggings. You moaned in response, your body filled with need.
“Don’t tease,” you breathed.
“Whaddya want?” Kuroo asked with a lopsided grin. His finger was hooked in your leggings already.
“You,” you replied.
He was sliding your bottoms off. “Need you to be a little more specific.”
“Fuck me, Kuroo, I want you to fuck me.” You were exasperated, desperate for some relief from the ache between your thighs.
“Didn't know you had such a filthy mouth,” he half chuckled as he stripped himself. He was big and thick, making your thighs clench. Despite his size, he slid into you easily, on account of desire for him. “Feels fucking heavenly.”
Kuroo thrust into confidently, easily find a long, deep stroke. He propped himself up on his forearm, keeping him close enough to kiss you. You ran your fingers down his back, feeling the muscles flexing beneath his skin. With each passing moment, he increased his speed.
“Fuck don’t stop,” you gasped, feeling yourself teeter close to the edge. Kuroo didn’t miss a beat, fucking into you until your orgasm finally hit, making you whine his name. You expected him to slow, but he didn’t stop.
“Not done with you yet,” he stated, “Want you to cum on my cock one more time.” His hips snapped faster into you, making you squirm with sensitivity. Kuroo slid a hand between the two of you, rubbing circles over your clit.
You gasped, fingernails digging into his back. The pleasure you felt was so intense, building with a strange pressure. “Fuck I’m going to- oh,” you broke off into a sinful moan as your release gushed out of you, covering Kuroo’s cock and thighs.
“Fuck that’s hot,” He groaned, his hips finally stuttering as he came at the sight of you. You were still sensitive as he slipped out of you, making you wriggle.
“I’m so sorry about... the mess,” you said awkwardly. 
Kuroo waved you off. “Are you kidding? That was hot. I’m just glad you enjoyed yourself.”
You smiled, relieved, “Oh I definitely did.”
“Before I hand over the money, I need to know where everyone ranks,” your friend said. Despite losing, she was very excited for an update.
You told her that Yamamoto was last, just because of the whole summing in his pants thing. “Don’t tell anyone I told you that, I don’t want to embarrass him.”
“Of course not. Can’t say I’m surprised though.”
“He was still good with his hands, so I can’t complain.”
Next was Yaku, who you were still surprised about the size of him.
“Shit in the storage closet? You better have sanitized it after,” your friend teased. You rolled your eyes and continued to tell her that Lev was in the middle.
“He could have been higher if there was more foreplay, but still super good. The mask thing was fucking hot, I can’t lie.” Your friend nodded, agreeing he looked really good last night.
Next was Kenma, who was honest the biggest surprise for you. Not that you thought he would be bad necessarily, you just hadn't expected it to be that good.
“I’m kinda disappointed there was no maid costume involved,” your friend sighed. 
You laughed, “Honestly, same. Woulda been number one if there was.”
“Let me just say I am not surprised at all you’re putting Kuroo on top.”
“I know it sounds biased, but fuck it was so good. Better than I ever imagined,” you told her. “And there you have it, Nekoma’s hottest players ranked.” You grinned, both proud and incredibly satisfied with your accomplishment.
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leti666bigboss · 1 year
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part 1
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featuring: kuroo tetsuro, kozume kenma, yamamoto taketora, yaku morisuke, haiba lev, suna rintaro, the miya twins, terushima yuuji
genre: crack
warnings: terushima's might be just a liiiiiitle bit suggestive
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haddonfieldwhore · 6 months
like crazy - vince dunn
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vince dunn x gn!reader
summary: after a much needed win, vince is in a good mood while you spend some time enjoying LA
warnings: none i think, just fluff 🩵
word count: 1.3k vibe playlist 🎧✨🌴
you breathed a sigh of relief as you starfished onto your back onto the soft hotel bed. you felt a weight on top of you as vince’s arms circled your waist, his head resting on your stomach as he used you as a pillow. you giggled as his hands tickled up your back, rolling the two of you over to lay side by side, facing eachother. it seemed like the smile hadn’t left his face since the kraken won their game, a rematch of their loss last week against the kings.
“what are our plans for your day off tomorrow?” you asked, and he intertwined his fingers with yours, holding your hands up in the air as he laughed. you loved him like this; a carefree mood that came to him only after a win, or when he was with you.
“i don’t know. probably enjoying the nice weather and doing some shopping? what do you think?” he asked.
“sure, that sounds good to me. maybe we could go to the pool tomorrow, too?” you suggested, remembering how pretty the pool you had seen earlier on the roof had looked. a mischievous grin tugged at the corner of his mouth, and there was a playful sparkle in his eyes. “uh oh, what is that look?” you asked, knowing he had an idea in his head.
“we could go to the pool now,” he suggested.
“it closed at 10,” you sighed, looking at the clock that told you it was already after midnight.
“so?” he smiled, and you gave him a look as if to say ‘absolutely not’.
“do you know how much trouble we would get in if-“
“if we get caught. which we won’t,” he promised, and you couldn’t say no.
“okay, fine,” you agreed, and he nearly tackled you in a hug as he rolled on top of you, the two of you a pile of tangled limbs and giggles.
the two of you walked hand in hand down the hallway, your bathing suits hidden by normal clothes, and you silently hoped there would be towels by the pool. the elevator surprisingly took you straight up to the rooftop with no issue, despite the pool supposedly being closed. even more surprising was the fact that there was no lock on the gate, and no security. you half wondered if vince had paid the hotel to leave it unattended, but you decided you would ask him about it later; or maybe you wouldn’t bother.
vince kicked off his flip flops and pulled his t-shirt over his head, tossing it onto one of many empty lounge chairs surrounding the turquoise water. you walked over to a little counter area and grabbed a few towels, relieved that you wouldn’t have to drip dry all the way back to your room. getting undressed down to your bathing suit, you felt vince’s hand wrap around your wrist. a squeal left you lips as he jumped into the deep end of the pool, pulling you in after him.
you surfaced from under the warm water, wiping your eyes as you stared at him, a huge grin on his face as he brushed his curls off his forehead. you splashed him, and he laughed as you continued to throw water at him.
“i’m sorry! come here,” he said, and you shook your head stubbornly as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight so you could splash him anymore. “still love me?” he teased, and you rolled your eyes, unable to stay mad at him when he was being so cute.
“fine, only if you give me a kiss,” you pouted, and he pulled you against him until you wrapped your legs around his waist. your mouths met in a kiss filled with laughter, your fingers tangled in his hair as the water lapped at your skin.
“the stars are really pretty,” he said, his head tilted back as he stared up at the night sky above you. you however, were too busy staring at him; the small dusting of freckles across his nose, the slightly upturned corner of his lips, the crinkles by his eyes. you admired the water droplets stuck to his long eyelashes, and of course, that one damn curl that always fell perfectly on his forehead.
“you’re pretty,” you countered, and he lowered his head to meet your eyes. “i love you.”
“i love you too,” he smiled.
“i mean it though, you’re like really pretty. it’s kind of unfair-“ he interrupted you with a kiss, and you smiled against his lips, his hands sliding up your back, caressing every inch of your bare skin.
“yeah, well you’re not so bad yourself, he grinned, bumping his nose against yours gently. “all the stars and lights of the city and i’d look at you instead everytime.”
you stared back at him in awe, so hopelessly in love as you tried to find someway to respond to something as sweet as that.
“you’re gonna make me cry,” you pushed his shoulder softly, and he smiled again, and you decided it was your favourite sight in the world.
“put your head under the water and no one will know-“ you cut him off with a splash as the two of you fell into a fit of laughter, and he dropped down under the water, dragging you beneath the surface with him. you coughed slightly as you got your head back above water, your stomach beginning to ache from giggling so much.
“should we call the guys to come hang out with us?” you suggested, knowing that they’d probably enjoy a swim in the pool after a winning game.
“sure, i’ll text the group,” he swam over to the edge, and you watched his muscles flex beneath his damp skin as he climbed out of the pool. “you’re drooling,” he teased, and you flipped him the middle finger as he sat on the lounge chair and pulled out his phone, typing a quick invite to the guys. he looked up to see you had turned away from him, looking out at los angeles as the lights reflected off the water. he snapped a picture with his phone to capture the beauty of the scene, setting it as his lockscreen before reading the few replies he had gotten from the group chat.
it wasn’t long before a few of the kraken players found their way up to the pool area, some of the others having already gone to bed, and some of them deciding not to risk getting caught. it was mostly the younger players that had decided to join you, including tye, kailer, ryker, and brandon.
vince followed the guys into the pool, and you covered your face to protect from the splash as tye canon balled into the water next to you.
“dude, we’re supposed to be sneaky, remember?” vince laughed as he splashed water in his direction, tye pushing you in front of him to use your body as a shield.
“we can just hide under the water if someone comes up here,” kailer suggested, and you all failed to contain your laughter, definitely being way too loud.
“we’ll just say it was the rookies idea,” tanev teased, playfully headlocking ryker, who looked a little nervous that he was being serious.
“it’d be way more believable to say it was your idea, turbo,” you argued, and the others agreed, tanev holding his hands up in surrender.
“alright, alright, make the guy who scored a goal take the blame, i see how it is.”
the splashing and giggling continued into the early hours of the morning, until all of your fingers and toes began to turn wrinkly from the water, and the air started to get colder. but it didn’t matter, right now you were surrounded by the people you loved, and up so high above the city, you felt like you were on top of the world.
yeah, you definitely loved when the kraken won, you decided.
disclaimer: all screenshots, events, and/or interactions depicted in this are a work of fiction. i have no association with any parties mentioned
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atarathegreat · 10 months
I absolutely loved your Tokyo Revengers sibling hcs! Are you planning on a part 2 soon? 👀
When is a better time than now?
He can't stand not sleeping in the same room as you
Can you blame him? It was mostly him that raised you!
Ken would literally kill you if you ever thought about working at the brothel, you're too pure for that!
Likes taking you to Toman meetings
Threatens anyone who looks at you in any sort of way
For sure has a whole photo album on his phone of nothing but pictures of you, baby to recent
Is the only person allowed to give you rides anywhere
Always says he loves you before leaving, even if you're mad at him, because what if he doesn't come back?
Taiju, Yuzuha, and Hakkai Shiba
Taiju is Taiju and no I will not elaborate
You and Yuzuha tried to keep Hakkai safe as much as you could
You felt like a failure when you couldn't keep Hakkai from the beatings
Hakkai never blamed you, just wished he could do more for you
Yuzuha and you never really got along, but were close in the sense that you had the same goal
Hakkai usually got into fights because someone was talking shit about you
Hakkai wants you and Mitsuya to meet. How wonderful would it be if his two favorite people were friends?
Hanma Shuji
Don't even try getting into his business, he'll molly whop your ass
You can join a gang, just not his. No special reason except he can bring you and your guys in to help his gang
You've tried to get him to stop smoking but he's too stubborn
Will randomly pick you up and haul you around simply because he can
You're trying to relax at home? now you're perched in your brothers lap because he wanted you there. Don't fight back, it'll be an actual fight
Despite him being Hanma, you both do love each other dearly
You came home from school one day and he was all cut up from a fight, of course you had to patch him up
he trusts no one else with his injuries
Makato Suzuki
Do NOT go into his room without knocking
Just keep the tv volume up at all times, no one wants to hear that
He does love you, but leave him alone for real
After the fight with the third years he came home and collapsed on the couch next to you
"What the hell happened to you?" "Would you shut up?"
Everyday he comes home after that you were ready to patch him up and make him food
Takuya Yamamoto
Please, you're this sweet babies whole world
Talks non stop about you
if you pick him up from school he's the happiest person ever
Takuya doesn't care that he can't fight, he will still hit his friends if they try anything with you. Fighting? Flirting? He's punching them.
His phone background is you and him on his birthday, it changes every year
Naps are king when he's home from school
Make plans with him, please, he loves you
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sassycheesecake · 1 year
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The Replier #6
- TŌRU OIKAWA, ATSUMU MIYA, Tetsurō Kuroo, YŪJI TERUSHIMA, Kenji Futakuchi, TAKETORA YAMAMOTO, Suguru Daishō, RINTARŌ SUNA, Kōrai Hoshiumi
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buccini555 · 9 months
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𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐘𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
Headcanons of what it would be like to date Takuya Yamamoto
H e a d c a n o n s!
𝑭𝒕.Takuya Yamamoto
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Takuya was always extremely shy around you, precisely because he liked you a lot and didn't know exactly how to express himself, for this reason, he took some time to declare himself, also fearing your rejection.
He is definitely really very affectionate, he is the type of boyfriend full of clichés, Yamamoto spent hours studying or at least reading articles on how to be a good companion or something, he is sensitive and romantic at the same time, always valuing the your relationship.
Sometimes he is a little insecure, for that reason words of affirmation are always not received by him, Takuya likes to spend a lot of time with you, but his main love language is acts of service.
He dedicates songs to you, he always shows you the songs that remind him of you, secretly he made a playlist that he listens to every time he misses you.
Yamamoto definitely loves physical contact, hugs, cuddles and kisses, he could spend hours cuddling with you if he could. He also likes to give you kisses on the forehead and caress your cheeks.
He feels jealous, but not because of a lack of trust in you, on the contrary, Takuya trusts you more than anyone, precisely because he is insecure, he fears being exchanged for someone else..
Yamamoto loves holding hands, even though when he feels a little nervous his hands get a little shaky, at the beginning of your relationship he did everything he could to hide how shy he was and always asked for permission to hold your hand.
He likes to give you gifts, he often tries to make the gifts himself but they end up not working out very well, so whenever he can, he buys them.
Takuya likes to draw you, but he keeps it a secret, hiding his drawings in one of his scribbled school notebooks.
As soon as you agreed to date him, Yamamoto presented you with a promise ring in order to impress you. (He's a baby)
He actually seems to be somewhat innocent, despite this, Takuya likes to have more intimate moments with you whenever he can, but of course, always being extremely respectful, he is a little embarrassed to ask you directly for something, so he just starts to look at you "differently".
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satantica · 1 year
haikyu boys meeting your family pt.2
he tells you that this is okay but actually freaking out as his whole life depends on this. he will never admit it but he desperately wants your family to like him. therefore he keeps mouth shut so he wouldn’t embarrass himself. also will buy something outstanding for each member cause he thinks that’s a sign of a good tone. in spite of him being too silent and shy, he listens to your younger siblings very interested in what they want to tell him. he nods and asks them several questions to completely understand the topic. he’s not sure how to act at the table so he’s a bit afraid to touch you but then thinks of your thighs as a safe space and a moment later tells himself that he should wait till you two get home.
kenma kozume, KAGEYAMA TOBIO, kita shinsuke, GOSHIKI TSUTOMU, kentaro kyotani
compliments each member of your family and just keeps being such a sweetheart. really gets along with children so your younger siblings get more attention than you. but that happens because he thinks about having children of your own. at the table will lean over to give you a kiss on your cheek moving his hands from your waist to thigh while your family doesn’t see it. when someone asks him about how serious he is about you, he chokes and then starts nervously telling EVERYTHING about your relationship and how perfect and wonderful you are. he starts off smoothly and then ends up saying the most random, awkward and embarrassing shit. after realizing he will talk louder thinking that it will make everyone forget. mentally curses himself panicking that he is no longer allowed to date you.
nishinoya yuu, ATSUMU MIYA, matsukawa issei, BOKUTO KOUTAROU, yamamoto taketora, OIKAWA TOORU
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suplicyy · 5 days
haiii ^_^
can u do a various hq x reader where the reader is a very sleepy bb and the hq boy just absolutely worships them ?
sorry if thats cringe lel…
My Dear Sleepyhead
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Summary — You are a very sleeper person and he loves how cute you look.
Characters — Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, Sugawara, Taketora, Yaku, Aone.
— Fluff
— Gn!Reader (the image is merely illustrative, it does not mean that it's a fem reader!!)
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If you could list the things you like to do most, the first would definitely be "sleeping". You think it's just so amazing to sleep, imagine sleeping through a boring class and waking up feeling completely refreshed! There's nothing better than this in the world!!! (at least that's what you think)
You always have a sleepy expression on your face, no matter how much you say that most of the time you don't feel like sleeping.
And your boyfriend is grateful every day that you enjoy it, as he loves to see how adorable you look in your sleep.
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Okay, this boy loves you SO MUCH.
If you could see the sparkle in his eyes as he watches you take a nap, you would have no doubt that he likes you.
He would shyly play with the strands of your hair, while looking at you with a smile on his face.
But if you were sleeping more than usual, he would be worried about you.
"Is they overworking themself too much? Has something happened and they doesn't want to tell me? My God, what do I do..." Please make sure you have a healthy routine, or Yamaguchi is going to have a heart attack from worry.
He will always make sure you are eating well and having a regular sleep schedule, and of course, he will always spoil you with some sweets and kisses!
Listen to me, this boy is also a big sleeper like you.
When you are at each other's houses, after a good meal you would take the longest nap of your lives, waking up almost at dinner time (and consequently staying up late because you both are no longer sleepy)
But he would also make sure you are not sleeping too much.
After all, who else would help him with his homework if you were asleep in class and didn't hear the teacher's explanation?
Nishinoya would definitely wake you up with the biggest smile in the world, telling you to walk with him around the school during break time, with the aim of trying to keep you awake.
Upon seeing that you are sleeping, he would initially laugh at the small string of drool that was dripping from your mouth while you slept, but then he would watch you with a kind expression on his face.
He would stroke your head, gently kiss your hand, expect lots of caresses from him!
But make no mistake, he wouldn't let you take a nap all the time while you were in class (he would only make exceptions when he sees that you're too tired), because he would be worried about your school performance.
When you were home, he would let you sleep on top of him while he hugged you. And who knows, maybe he'll take a nap with you, even though he doesn't usually sleep as much as you do, but your presence is so comforting that he can't take it and ends up sleeping with you.
If you ever ended up sleeping on his shoulder, he would freak out.
He just loves you SO much, I swear to you that no matter how you are, he will always think you are the most beautiful thing in this world.
He has lots of photos of you sleeping on his phone, from the cutest to the weirdest (and he begs you to not delete them)
And sometimes he would give you so many kisses and caresses that it would end up waking you up, and then he would begs you to forgive him for "interrupting his queen's sleep"
And if you ended up sleeping in places other than your home, he would be over protective of you, since he saw in a video that the way people are most vulnerable is when they are sleeping. (it was a video about jungle survival...💀)
If you like sleeping in class, I'm sorry but Yaku wouldn't let you do that...
He understands that sometimes you may be more tired than usual and sleeping through a boring class, but he doesn't want your grades to drop drastically because you're not paying attention. (but either way he will always help you study)
But don't worry, he can be a little strict sometimes, but he takes great care of you!!
When you wake up from a nap he always has some water and your favorite snack, assuming you would be hungry after sleeping all afternoon.
He sometimes takes some photos of you while you're asleep, you have such a peaceful expression on your face that he can't stand it because of how cute it is!!
And if any teammates found out and made fun of him (Kuroo and Lev more specifically), they would immediately shut up when they saw the scary expression on his face.
He is definitely the most adorable among all the others above. He cares so much about you and would consequently take very good care of you.
Whenever he notices that you are sleepy, he offers his shoulder so you can rest your head and take a little nap, depending on where you are.
And I can say for sure that he is someone very comfortable to sleep together, he's practically a heater with legs. Just getting close to this boy makes you feel a comforting warmth.
He stares at you a lot while you sleep, and some people who see it from afar might find it scary (especially because of his intimidating appearance) but you know that those eyes always shine with love for you.
Aone definitely has a photo of you sleeping and made it his wallpaper on his cell phone.
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A/N — Tysm for your request!! And I'm sorry if there were any characters you didn't like, but I assumed it was okay since you didn't specify who you like😭😭
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sunkeji · 1 year
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Types of boyfriends; haikyuu edition
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a/n: This was all my fatigued mind could think of so hmu if you think there's more
The constant need for attention gang: the clingy boyfriends that crave for constant attention and validation from you. They will may become upset when you don't respond to them immediately. Either chaos erupts or it's just them sulking.
— Oikawa, Bokuto, Hinata, Terushima, kunimi, Goshiki, Lev, Yamamoto, Atsumu, Nishinoya
The constant need for physical contact: They really enjoy constant physical affection, such as holding hands, hugging, or cuddling. Some part of their body will always be in contact with yours. Be it face, arms, legs or whatever else his itchy hands can grab hold of.
— Oikawa, Bokuto, Tendou, Kenma, Suga, Osamu, Suna, Nishinoya
The emotionally constipated: His face is probably the last thing from being expressive, but his heart and mind has hundreds of things he wants to say to you. You're the love of his life, and he wants you to always be happy. He may not be a man of many words, but the way he stares at you holds a thousand.
— Ushijima, Kyotani, Tsukishima, Kageyama, Iwaizumi
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bakugokemkatsuki · 7 months
Opposites Really Do Attract
Kenma Kozume (Haikyu) x (GN) Reader
**Genre: Fluff **Word Count: 401
Nekoma’s setter wasn’t known for being the most outgoing person. Honestly when it came to interacting with people outside his teammates (and Hinata), he pretty much avoided it. Even with them, he still tended to be pretty reserved not talking much more than necessary. Knowing this, it was definitely quite the shock to the team when Kenma announced that he was seeing someone. It was even more of a shock when he brought you to practice one day.
Everyone was eager to get to know the person who stole their setter’s heart. They quickly rushed over to you only to be greeted by a small squeak. You end up hiding behind Kenma at first. Slowly coming out as they introduced themselves. After introductions they carried on practice. When first meeting people you were shy until you were comfortable, then you would become very outgoing.
This became a new routine for you two. You would go with Kenma to practice and then go do homework and game until you had to leave for dinner. The longer this went on the more you got to know the team. Though you were still fairly shy around them, you did open up some. Lev and Yamamoto always seemed to make you laugh. You wouldn’t say it, but these boys were really starting to grow on you.
One day while the boys were packing up and cleaning the gym. They had a practice match with Fukurodani, who you had met a couple times now, but were still very shy around. Some of the boys from both teams were talking, when they spotted you over with Kenma. Akasshi pointed out how it was kinda funny Kenma ended up with such an introverted person seeing as usually opposites attract. He meant no harm by the statement but it made you feel sad. Questioning if you were good enough for Kenma. When you noticed your boyfriend smiling.
Kenma was smiling at the comment, because if only they all knew the truth. You were only shy and introverted around them because they intimidated you. Once you opened up though, you were just like Hinata. Loud, passionate, and never stopped talking. You were a whole different person when it was just the two of you. And he loved that about you. He couldn’t help but smile at Akasshi’s statement because how wrong yet how right he was. Opposites really do attract.
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missuga · 2 years
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“Love you.” 
It took everything within him to not whip around and look at you immediately once those words processed in his head. He froze in his seat at the table instead, taking a couple slow breathes to try and settle his heart threatening to beat out of his chest. 
“Hm?” Was all he managed, still not really able to look up at you. “I missed what you said.” 
“You did?” You mused, leaning against the counter as you sipped on the coffee he’d made for you already. “That’s a bummer, I can’t quite recall what I said.” 
It was hard to keep the slightly serious composure at the way his eyes widened, mouth hanging open just barely as he stared at you, obviously at a loss for words. 
“You’re getting better at making coffee,” You started, eyes flicking to the cup in your hand, then to the mess of a french press that sat in the sink. “There’s barely any grounds in this one.” 
“Oh, that’s good.” He mumbled, his gaze shifting back to what had his attention before even though his mind was still stuck on what you said when you walked into the kitchen. He was so distracted, it was honestly adorable. 
For a long moment, he was starting to wonder if you really said that you loved him, maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. 
“So, uh, what do you have to do today?” He asked, tone wavering slightly as he tried to clear his head. 
“I’ve got to go grocery shopping if you want to come with me? Then after that, I don’t have anything major planned.” Smiling once more at the troubled look on his face. 
You’ve been living together for months now and you still found that you could catch him off guard with this, the faint rosy dusting on his cheeks was worth it the bit. 
“Wait, I need to back up.” He finally looked up at you fully, face flushed slightly and his fingers were fumbling with the cup in front of him nervously, it was like this was taking every bit of him to say. “I.. love you too.” 
You stood against the counter in silence for a moment, and it felt like an eternity to him. 
“God, I was waitin-”
“You can’t just say that out of nowhere.” He interrupted you, pouting as you walked towards him, hand cupping his cheeks to make him look up at you. 
“We’ve been dating for almost two years.”
“So, it’s too early for that.” He mumbled, leaning into your touch. 
“So then it’s too early to kiss you then?”
“What, no I didn’t say that-”
BOKUTO, hinata, OIKAWA, nishinoya, yamamoto, yaku, kageyama, tendou, KENMA
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kawataslvr · 3 months
hii i recently read your shinichiro story and i loved it. i wanna try and request a takuya x m!reader kinda similar to your shinichiro fic (if you want ofc), also if you wanna, make it nsfw at the end to just piss off the reader's brother (which would be one in the mizo mid 5)
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Summary: Fluff / Smut ,, cursing ,, your yamagishi’s younger brother , takuya manhandles you a lil (only a lil if you kinda squint and shut your eyes completely), in this fic your also only two years younger than your older brother,
A/N : i actually like the whole prompt of reader x brothers friend,, its just so funny to write to me snd i uslally rlly like the plt (ignore the grammar my cat stepped on my face)
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Yamagishi and Takuya were talking normally, just hanging out at Yamagishi’s apartment.
Everything was fine, until you walked over and grabbed something from the shelf under the tv.
Having to bend over, normally everything would be fine. If Yamagishi didn't catch Takuya catching glances of you as you were bending down.
Giving Takuya a small warning kick to the ankle as a little “Stop” without saying it verbally, Takuya tried his hardest to not look.
Even as you walked back to your room Takuya had to fight the urge to stare, not like it wasn’t something he did often. Giving how you two are dating.
But Yamagishi didn't know, and even if he did, he'd still be furious.
Ever since Takuya told you about his feelings for you, you both promised to never tell Yamagishi.
Who you two could already see the blood boiling once he found out.
Sneaking in time to see each other when Takuya came over, or asking Yamagishi if you could come with him when he went to Takuya’s place or when he hung out with him.
However, after the small incident Takuya made sure to be more weary not leaving much alone time between you and your boyfriend.
Which means you didn’t get to see Takuya for long periods of time.
———— (timeskip, I'm a lil lazy.)
Yamagishi was working, you and Takuya were hanging out with you in the house you and your older brother shared.
Cuddling each other closely in bed, without a worry in the world.
Takuya pulled you in close and slid his hand down “I haven’t seen you in a long time, Y/N.” you let out a breathy gasp.
“Gishi gets back today, he could be here soon.” you told Takuya to leave earlier, but you had fallen asleep and he was just too comfortable to move away.
“Please.. Y/N.” Takuya gave your ass a light squeeze, whispering into your ear.
“f..fine.” With that Takuya quickly undressed you and himself, the two of you quickly intertwined lips together and broke into a heated makeout session.
Takuya broke the kiss and started to leave hickeys over your neck and shoulder grabbing onto your hips and enjoying the sweet moans leaving your mouth.
He moved his hand down and squished the soft plush of your ass making you moan loudly.
Takuya turned you around and made you face ass up, grabbing a bottle of lube from your night stand drawer.
“Oh wow, this is half empty. You’ve been enjoying yourself while I was gone haven't you?” he laughed to himself seeing how embarrassed you got.
Covering his fingers in the half used up lube, Takuya started prepping your hole and shoved his fingers in. Moving them quickly, making you let out the most porn worthy moans before hitting your prostate.
“T..takuyaaa~!” your dick was leaking precum at the sensation, Takuya added another finger.
“Calm down, we might be alone but if Yamagishi comes home he's going to hear you sweet thing..”
You nodded your head and tried to cover your mouth but with the way he was moving around you, he could feel how close you were to cumming.
Feeling how you were tightening around his fingers , he pulled out. “hnghh!” you whined loudly and tears welled up in your eyes at your restricted release.
He put lube on his cock and slowly shoved it in, spreading you apart and enjoying the sweet sounds coming out of your mouth.
He didn’t care if Yamagishi came in the house and heard this, the feeling of your tight hole and the sounds of your sweet moans.. he was so close to cumming.
Hitting your prostate over and over again until both of you came, Takuya getting so lost he came inside you “ah.. shit.. sorry baby, I didn’t mean to..”
“It's fine..” you were out of breath, the sticky sensation inside you feeling a bit weird.
Takuya grabbed both of your clothes which he practically ripped off earlier, he handed you a towel to clean yourself and the sheets.
You and Takuya were mid dressed when you heard the door open and a gasp, followed by angry yelling.
Even if he hadn’t seen anything, seeing his worn out little brother with hickeys all over the place and a shirtless Takuya. Yamagishi already figured out what happened.
To say your older brother was BEYOND furios that day was an understatement, he ignored you and BANNED Takuya from your home.
Only accepting you and Takuya dating after you begged him crying to him.
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