zu-is-here · 1 year
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Fluffynightkiller Week by @help-im-a-gay-fish
An Unhealthy Obsession AU by help-im-a-gay-fish
Ccino by black-nyanko
Nightmare by jokublog
Killer by rahafwabas / rahaf-wabas / rahofy-sketch
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 months
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Fluffynightkiller week 2024:
Day 3 Blind.
hehehe someone is in troubleeeeee. I Got reminded of zu's work from last yearrrrrr. Some dark romance is goooodd.
Original killer belongs to rahafwabas
Original ccino belongs to black-nyanko
Original nightmare by jokublog
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fearissorrowful · 7 months
you weren't usually the one for love... but it seems that is nothing but a lie now as you stare dreamily ahead of you. Clasping your hands together as you swoon and sway back and forth girlishly like a loser in love, except you weren't just a loser, you're a loser in a group of popular guys- your friends. must have been because you've never experienced attraction towards humans and instead monsters.
Finding it out- to be real was like a dream. still you smiled sheepishly as you hugged yourself swaying around humming softly, it was weird to onlookers yes but you didn't care not now while you were in your daze till someone snapped you out of it.
"Y/N...? you're doing that thing again..." a male dressed in a similar uniform tapped on your shoulder with a hesitant gaze in his eyes. "huh what?" you shake your head and stare back into his auburn eyes. "You're drooling over dreams BROTHER." He stated, tilting his head slightly as your arms dropped to your sides as a red hue filled the void of your face. "a-ah no I wasn't!" you tried to excuse your odd behavior sloppily as you gripped the ends of your skirt nervously knowing he wouldn't buy such an overused excuse.
He looked down at you skeptically, shaking his skull as your figure drooped crossing your arms as a pout spread across your face. "Com'on Y/N that's so overused. I know you were looking at him." The artsy male tried to reason with you as your eyes meant a soft sigh escaping your lips. "yeah- yeah. I get it, I just can't help it.." you whined. "you get a new crush every month, your basically crushing on the 'KING' himself and all of his gang, you know there no good." He scolded. "I know- I know Ink, this is my bad boy phase I'm sure I'll be over it by next year." you smiled sheepishly watching out of the corner of your eye as the 'KING; himself slithered out of your vision. The male besides you simply crossed his arms as yours came up to greet your own hands, joining them together as a dreamy sigh left your lips making the male besides you shake his head. "come on.. let's go... they are waiting for us."
He grabbed your arm causing you to squeak out a protest. "noooooo!!! Ink please!" you whine as Ink drags you away from your post, down the hall and around the corner, left- right- right- left..and finally to the parking lot. "Y/N you promised Swap, dream and I." Ink scolded again as you finally gave in head hanging low as ink literally dragged you out into the parking lot, concerning lookers and even dream himself. swap however ignored it and beamed tackling you into a rather tight hug. "Haha! Hello to you too, baby blue!"
You smiled patting his skull, he was rather tall- taller than you but you couldn't really be offended when he HAD to crouch down to your height to hug you properly, being picked up scared you when you weren't warned ahead of time, so you gave him props...though there was a few times he would forget and startle your poor soul. You smiled at him as he returned the gesture letting go of you beaming. He was nothing but a gentle giant not as tall as- horror... but still... he wasn't as short as ink..- Ink being the shortest out of all the monsters you've encountered he was just barely 3 inches taller than you... while dream was 7 inches taller and blue being the tallest of the trio. you had been there first human friend here- to your knowledge at least.
"are you okay Y/N?" dream asked placing his hands on both your shoulders gaining your attention as your gaze meant his, his aurora felt so relaxing compared to his brother's... you smiled at dream gently... your eyes softening. "I'm good-" "she was fawning over your idiotic brother again." Ink interrupted, blunt as usual. dream's smile twitched but went unnoticed by your gaze as you glanced at Ink, sticking out your tongue as he did the same. childish antics really. "Y/N-" dream caught your attention as your eyes briefly make contact with his finding it difficult to hold when he had pressed you against his chest as if he feared you'd disappear if he let go.
"yes...?" you answered hesitantly eyeing dream for his suspicious and off putting behavior. he was like nightmare in some aspects whether he chooses to believe it or not. "your too positive for them." he smiled down his eye no longer twitching in annoyance. You tilted your head. "am not." you pouted as ink and swap swooped in. swap picking you up causing you to squeak and jerk in his grasp. "I agree with Ink, you're a ball of joy!" swap grinned as ink nodded. "ALWAYS positive" Ink hummed as swap set your fidgeting form down. your sweat dropped as dream patted your shoulder smiling. "see Y/N, you're BETTER off with us. you don't need to get involved with what they do." dream seethed his smile betraying his tone as he clasped his hands together, slowly you nodded frowning before a beaming swap pushed you into Ink declaring a group hug to cheer up your frowning face.
"hahah- thanks guys...but we should get going, this parking lot is starting to look like a ghost town!" you piped jabbing a thumb towards the cars exiting the half empty parking lot, dream,swap and ink nodding along. "ah yes- i was thinking we visit a monster friendly cafe- maybe ccinos? a good friend of ours." dream smiled as ink grinned. "well- more my friend, i introduced these guys." ink boasted as swap groaned- a rare occurrence for his bubbly nature, however you notice he only seemed to dislike bad puns and jokes as of late- probably hearing them too much. reminding you of the first time you guys meant... smiling fondly at the decent memory.
~Flash back~
"Y/N! are you sure you want to go to that- school?" a male voice called out. "of course bro, I'll be fine." you smiled idly standing kicking around dust as a shy smile spread across your lips, you'd always had a taste for the un-normal. "I know Y/N...but them... that school is full of... full of-" your brother paused his eyes scanning your figure with concern afraid for your health and safety. "what...there what..? they have Monsters?" you sneered turning on your heels. your brother sighed shaking his head. "you know what i mean Y/N... i'm just looking out for you." you lower your head briefly in thought. "I'll be safe, promise!" you beam skipping out the door as your siblings gaze lingered on your vanishing figure before down to his own hands with a anxious look in his eyes as he sighed, closing the door after you.
You hummed a light hearted tune as you skipped and ran to the bus stop awaiting for your assigned bus. when you arrived to the stop you noticed a few monsters they looked like an odd mix, one wearily trying to talk to a human who looked rather angry and annoyed, the art-y one was dazing into space seeming to not realize he was holding the wearily golden one in a awkward side hug, while the larger of the tree looked oddly concerned as he attempted to try to a different human only to be ignored. your skip slowed into a jog- than a walk as you approached. side eyeing the monsters curiously bound to approach them till the bus pulled up. The monsters following behind the other humans slowly not seeming to notice your presence as they got aboard only to be stopped by the bus driver.
"Monsters sit in thy'a back." the bus driver spat pointing to the back of the bus- that everyone seemed to be avoiding. the skeleton tried to argue the point but quickly gave up after being shouted at. you smiled innocently as they shuffled into the back of the bus huddling close to each other as they struggled under the gaze of others. you perked up realizing it was your turn to find a seat. many humans whispered back and forth between each other as they watched wide eyed as you drew pass them into the back sitting besides the skeletons you flash them a toothy smile.
"Heya! I'm Y/N."
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glamoureddreamer · 2 years
My master list
Orange- Smut, porn, lemon, and any other type of consensual smut 
Purple- Triggers, this will be all of the dark content (besides smut) that requires a warning. Such as Abuse, Cannibalism, Death on page, Dysphoria, Eating disorders, Graphic medical descriptions(Abortion/Birth/Miscarriage), Graphic violence, Incest, Rape/non-con, Self-harm, Suicide/suicidal thoughts, Yandere themes, and more 
Blue- Content that’s not for everyone, stuff like angst, alcohol/drugs(minor drugs such as medication or weed), depression, swearing, violence, weapons 
Green- No warnings, this will be everything that has little to no warnings 
Idea 1- Cross and Nightmare
Idea 2- Killer x Dream
Idea 3- Cross, Dream and Nightmare
Idea 4- Cross and SwapDream
Idea 5- SwapDream x Nightmare
Idea 6- DS! Dream and DS! Nightmare
Idea 7- Ccino x Nightmare
Idea 8- Cross x Dream
Eddsworld, Tom x Tord Mine
Eddsworld, Eduardo x Reader, Help
Eddsworld, Tom x Tord, Losing you
Eddsworld, Future Tord x Reader, I’m sorry
Metal family, Glam x M!Reader, Lust
Metal family, Mary, Drinking
Good omens, Aziraphale and Crowley, Can’t be replaced
Resident evil 8, Mia and Dimitrescu’s daughters, Tasty Toy
Bendy and the Ink Machine, Sammy Lawrence x Reader, Memories
Camp camp, David and Max, Not okay
Hazbin Hotel, Alastor and Vox, The wonders of hell
Undertale, (Nightmare Gang and the Dream team), Stop
Undertale, (Bad Sans poly), A sick Cross
Undertale, (Lust and Bad sans), Lust joins the gang
Undertale, (Cross x Dream), Soulmates
Undertale, (Nightmare x Killer), Lazy day
Undertale, (Blue x Dream), Desperate
Undertale, (Cross x Nightmare), Sorry Mommy
Undertale, (Error x Nightmare), Bad Day
Undertale, (Cross x Dream), Soulmates 2
Undertale, (Geno x Reaper), Burning desire
Undertale, (Bad sans poly), I don’t deserve it
Undertale, (Bad sans poly), Pups
Undertale, (Dream and Nightmare), I deserve this
Undertale, (None), Toxic happiness
Undertale, (Cross x Dream), Comfortable
Undertale, (Bad Sans poly), Not done yet
Undertale, (Bad Sans poly), Phobia
Undertale, (Killer x Cross, BSP), Dusting
Undertale, (Killer x Cross), Husbands in crime
Undertale, (Bad Sans poly), Phobia 2
Undertale, (Blue x Dream), The past
Undertale, (Cross), This too shall pass
Undertale, (Nightmare x SD! Dream), Overworking
Undertale, (Killer x Cross), Stay
Undertale, (Fatal Error x Reaper), Don’t go
Spooky Month Oneshots
Under Editing!
Spooky month, (Streber x Kevin), Aftercare
Spooky month, (Kevin x Reader), Risky
Spooky month, (Streber x Reader), Cute
Spooky month, (John x Jack), Relaxing
Spooky month, (Kevin x Reader), Tired
Spooky month, (Kevin x Reader), Lucky
Spooky month, (Kevin x Streber), Halloween Nightmares
Spooky month, (Kevin x Reader), Feeling good
Spooky month, (Kevin), Passing the time
Spooky month, (Kevin x Streber), Nervous
Spooky month, (Kevin x Reader), Rules
Spooky month, (Kevin x Streber x Radford), The video
Spooky month, (Kevin x Streber x Radford), Long day
Spooky month, (Bob x Reader), Did you know
Spooky month, (John x Jack), Meltdown
Spooky month, (Jack x Reader) Join me
Spooky month, (Skid and teen sibling Reader), Protector
Spooky month, (Hatzgang x Reader), Here for you
Spooky month, (Bob), Release
Spooky month, (Radford x Reader), Lunch
Spooky month, (Vampire Streber x Reader), Hungry
Spooky month, (Yandere Bob x Reader), Creepy cannibal
Spooky month, (Radford x Kevin), Taking control
Spooky month, (Jack x Prisoner Reader), Flirting
Spooky month, (Bob x Reader), Owner
Spooky month, (Streber x M!Reader), No matter what
Spooky month, (Streber x Vampire Kevin), Inaccurate
Spooky month, (Radford x Vampire Kevin), Drunk
Spooky month, (John x Reader), Semi-Public
Spooky month, (John x Jack), Safeword
Spooky month, (Bob x Reader), Worried
Spooky month, (Genderbend Lila x Reader), Grown up things
Spooky month, (Streber), Thinking of you
Spooky month, (John x Jack), Happy anniversary
Spooky month, (Rick x Radford), Bundle of blankets
Spooky month, (Hatzgang x Reader), First date
Spooky month, (John x Jack), Easing stress
Spooky month, (John x Jack x Reader), Three is a party
Spooky month, (Kevin), Killer Kevin
Spooky month, (John x Prisoner Reader), See you around
Spooky month, (Jack x Reader), Waiting for you
Spooky month, (Genderbend Jaune x Reader), Multiple rounds
Spooky month, (Kevin x Trans! Reader), Great night
Spooky month, (Trans! Streber x Reader), No matter what
Spooky month, (Jack x Suicidal Reader), Helping you through it
Spooky month, (Radford x Kevin), Rest day
Spooky month, (Radford x M!Reader), Holding you
Spooky month their nicknames for you
Spooky month Kevin HC with s/o who teases him
Match ups
Eddsworld Match up part one
Spooky month Match up part two
Undertale match up
Stories (Anything more than one chapter)
Abandoned! Don’t Starve Wilson X Reader Prologue
last updated 4/4/2024
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sparklyfly · 2 years
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[I'm addicted endlessly]
Flickr post here!
{Body} ♥ Head: LeLUTKA Ceylon Head 3.1 ♥ Body: [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) ♥ Eyes: CINO - Caramel Eyes - FATPACK  @Planet29 ♥ Skin: [ODIO] BINU SKIN - COLD TONE (ADD ME) ♥ Hair: DALGONA - ayu hair
{Clothes} ♥ " BADA " Kulu Top F&B BOX @Planet29
{Others} ♥ { Red Blossom } Yandere Decora FATPACK @Planet29 ♥ Nyoko - UwU-CCINO drinks [FATPACK] @Harajuku
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carelesscreativity · 4 years
Ccino x Nightmare? Ccino could be yandere? Who knows. I only know one fanfic in existence that has made a yandere Ccino.
I haven’t actually written FluffyNight on here yet.
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makiivvee · 4 years
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Heres the lil boy,
Anyways, original nightmare belongs to JokuBlog
Lets continue shall we?
His name is Nightmare, he prefers to be called Pachi but you can call him any!
He has a yellow crown with a pachimari on it.
He has a sugar pink armless jacket with a orangish yellow and green stripe on it
He has some sort of school tie
He has a white shirt underneath
He has long white gloves with pink stripes
I didnt draw the bottom part so ill tell you,
He wears bunny stockings that are pastel green,pastel yellow and pastel pink stripes
He wears white shorts
He has a bubbly personality, he is sweet and cheerful
Darkside: He is a yandere for (your choice)
Other things about him:
He is bisexual and a tsundere
He is pretty short, a few inches shorter than blue and dream
He doesn't know how to use his tentacles, he sometimes finds them heavy
He is 114 years old in town, normally 14 years old.
Questions you may wonder:
What about his "brother?" In this au, dream and nightmare will not be brothers, it will be a canon ship. I will give dreams designs later.
The canon ships with Dream and Nightmare that might happen in this au:
Dream ships:
Dream x Nightmare (Definitely)
Dream x Cross (definitely)
Dream x Killer (definitely)
Dream x Error (Maybe)
Dream x Ink (No)
Dream x Dust (No)
Dream x Ccino (Maybe)
Dream x Frisk (No)
Dream x Chara (No)
Dream x Blue (Yes)
Nightmare Ships:
Nightmare x Dream (Definitely)
Nightmare x Cross (No)
Nightmare x Killer (Probably not)
Nightmare x Error (Sure)
Nightmare x Ink (Yes)
Nightmare x Dust (Definitely)
Nightmare x Ccino (No)
Nightmare x Frisk (Yes)
Nightmare x Chara (No)
Nightmare x Blue (No)
But you can ship any and make art etc just be nice about the ships ♡
You can make them as humans. But please credit me,
Dream and nightmare belongs to jokublog
Cross belongs to jael penazolation (:>)
Windows vista belongs to crayonqueen
Squid boi belongs to myebi
Chara and frisk belongs to tobyfox
The others i dont know sorry.
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lubay-nue · 5 years
Te consideraría mi hermana pérdida de otra madre (? Si no fuese por qué le tome una manía muy mala a blueberry... Pero así como dices con classic uke me da curiosidad xD (tampoco me gusta el soriel, incluso tengo el tag bloqueado) danos una lista de cinco ships sanscest que te gusten y las que no (incluso si quieres divagar de otros fandoms también) 0u0
¿Divagar en otroa fandoms?.... Esa no me queda claro pero, si a ships vamos... Ha si, puras sancest... Ok... (seme x uke) Red x Classic Blue x Classic Murder x Classic (hay un artista de Twitter que los dibuja asi todo shhh *q*) Horror x Classic (de esta apenas comienzo a interesarme) Horror x Lust (otp) Error x Ink (otp) Reaper x Geno (otp) FellHorror x Classic (esta es yandere gore genial aunque algo sadico) Killer x Color Killer x Outer Nightmare x Dream Cross x Dream Nightmare x Cross / Cross x Nightmare (depende de la historia presentada) Nightmare x Classic (por el fic pecados y por otro que aun no publico) Nightmare x Ccino (otp por mi hermana) Fresh x Classic (me llama la atencion la ship pero no he visto buenos fics bien escritos de la pareja) Fresh x Geno (este por un fic que... No.. Mms.. *q*) Raspberry x Classic (el sans fellswap, el dorado y rojo y eso por una peticion que me hicieron xp) Epic x Cross Creo.. Creo que por ahora esas son todad las que me gustan... Clarp que hay mas pero en estos momentos no lo recuerdo hahaha ni se nota que Classic es para mi la puta del fandom xD Ahora... Las ships que no me gustan... (el 90% de las ships que tengan que ver con blueberry, lo que nos diria que no me gustan/odio las que son MurderxBlue, KillerxBlue, HorrorxBlue, RedxBlue (esta y la de Murder las odio especialmente) ReaperxBlue "¿que rayos les pasa a esta???, ok, no soy quien para juzgar" amm diria que Blue ya sea con Ink o con Dream pero esas las aguanto bien... Me agrada mas ver a Blue con Dream xD... Pero bueno, hablamos de ships odiadas... Sigo) Murder x Killer (no la odio, simplemente no me gusta, solo los veo como amigos) Nightmare x killer (no tenía nada contra esta ship hasta que vi que uno de sus hijos nacio sin amor y a consta de violación... Desde ahi deje la ship... Mas que nada por la forma en que nightmare trata a killer) Reaper x Dream Error x Dream Killer x Dream Killer x Ink (wtf?) Error x Cross Error x Nightmare (mas que nada no me gusta como los muestran los fanfics.. O muy puta o muy pendejos cualquiera de los dos) Murder x Horror Horror x Killer Red x Raspberry Error x Fresh (esta la dejo en un intermedio... Depende del autor si me gusta o no) Creo que una vez vi uno de nightmare x Outer debido al ultimo capitulo de underverse y fue tipo... Que mierda? Cience x Red (no me gusta para nada aun cuando en teoria es el classic sans solo que mas joven.. No me gusta) Red x Geno (una vez lo vi y no me gustó tampoco) Por ahora, creo que son todas... Aun me faltan muchas mas pero por ahora son las que mas me acuerdo... Ademas, si pusiera todad uff no acabaria pronto xp y se supone ando de incognita a estas horas xD
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 2 years
Tw stalkers and yandere behaviour
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You just don't know it yet but you love me and I love you the same~
*sigh* @zu-is-here you just are to much inspiration!! Stop it! I couldn't resist!!!!
I wanted yandere ccino and Killer is that to much to ask!?!? Hmm???
It's a thing nowww
An unhealthy obsession is such a catchy song though guysss
Also this probably doesn't need to be said, but I'm not condoning this kind of behaviour, it's mostly based off inspiration from the song!
Original killer belongs to rahafwabas
Original nightmare by jokublog
Original ccino belongs to black-nyanko
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zu-is-here · 2 years
Ахаха, яндере Чино. Так забавно.
Яндере Чино: ты знаешь, как убить кого-то чайной ложкой? Я знаю. Хочешь, покажу? :))))))))))
> Haha, yandere!Ccino. So funny. "Do you know how to kill someone with a teaspoon? I know. Wanna see? :))))))))))"
Killer: What do you even see in that coffee boy, boss?
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(original from John Wick, 2014)
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Hi zu! How are you doing?
Hii Gayfish! Really good, thanks <3 The work is finally over and here comesss the weekend! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)♪
What about you? ♡ How's your day been??
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Ah yep! Tomorrow afternoon I'm visiting my parents' house to spend some time with my family, and in the evening gonna meet my friends at a cafe to celebrate my birthday (finally! XD We haven't been able to meet since last week heh) When does your shift starts? *^*
Thank youuu! Hope you're having a good rest too (úwù)
Not so bad luckily! XD Milady didn't honor me with her tactile services today but she wasn't averse to posing ;3
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Which artwork are you finishing now if it's not a secret? *^*
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear it (ó3ò) How did it happen?? Don't worry, things break for luck! (ùwú)☆
OMG the new AU! \(//∇//)\ What is this one about?? Aww can't wait to learn more about it! ♪
For realll (๑>◡<๑)☆ Fluffynight with yandere!Ccino tho! (°▽°) I didn't even know about this, gotta see—
Gonna get some rest... before a sleepless night ;D Maybe streaming? *w* Not sure yet but def gonna draw! ♪ What about you? (゚∀゚)
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