#yandere dreamtale
yanderes-galore · 3 months
Oh yay! Undertale! Can you write a yan concept for Nightmare Sans? ^^
Poor you... He's going to be horrible....
Yandere! Nightmare Sans Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Stalking, Sadism, Poor mental health/Talk of mental issues (Implied depression), Toxic behavior, Violence, Blood, Murder, Social and physical isolation, Kidnapping, Dark themes, Slight gore/Grotesque descriptions, Forced companionship/relationship (It's vague).
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Nightmare would be difficult to deal with and get away from.
To you, he's the equivalent of an eldritch deity.
You can't kill him and your hate would only fuel him.
I mean, think about it.
Nightmare can traverse universes/timelines when he senses negative thoughts.
Cutting him doesn't kill him.
In fact, not much can hurt him.
The scariest example is probably an obsession who has little knowledge of the timelines and AUs.
That way you have no idea what Nightmare is... who he is... or what he wants from you.
You can get a similar result if you were aware of the multiverse, yet you might be more equipped.
Either way, Nightmare is drawn towards negative emotions.
As his obsession, perhaps you were going through a rough patch?
The good news about Nightmare is there's a low chance to get him as a yandere.
This is because in order to gain his attention, you have to have some pretty negative stuff brewing in you.
Nightmare would be the type of yandere to prey on weakness.
Nightmare would be more drawn to an obsession having poor mental health due to their environment.
The moment he's drawn to you?
Things only seem to get worse, unfortunately.
He'd be one of the more toxic yanderes.
Granted, they all are... but he's a special kind of evil.
When he senses weakness in his obsession, he pounces.
At first, he watches you.
He scouts you out, watching how you act, feeding off your negativity...
Then soon he starts meeting you, usually late at night where he blends in best.
I hope none of you were expecting him to be very... caring.
Nightmare would mess with your head, farming your negativity as though he's starving for it.
He acts as a manifestation of your poor mental health.
He isolates you socially by whispering bad thoughts.
He makes you think your friends hate you, that no one else cares.
All of it is lies, but those in a bad mental state are easy to manipulate for him.
His goal is to keep you to himself.
His "affection" is just a way to use you.
Considering what you have to go through to meet him, you're like a food source to him.
Nightmare is a monster in every sense of the word.
He watches you from afar, glowing blue eyes watching you with a certain hunger.
He loves your suffering... he feeds into it and off it.
Nightmare is good at manipulation, feigning care and compassion to lure you in closer.
As I said before, Nightmare would grow your negative thoughts.
Do you think everyone hates you? Well... he makes those thoughts louder.
They do, they always have... not one soul in your little world liked you or loved you....
But then he turns it around.
No one likes you but him.
Nightmare, as scary as he is, is your only friend and companion.
He plays the part, all a ploy to lure you in like an anglerfish.
He finds it cute when you believe every word he says.
You're in such a bad state you'd believe anything.
Who knows, you probably think he's some hallucination.
In reality, he's very real.
Nightmare would convince you to cut off all your friends and family.
He feeds you false promises of love, even sealing the deal with soft touches.
They aren't genuine, no, Nightmare views you possessively.
His feelings are more akin to a monster feasting on prey, or ownership.
His obsession isn't entirely out of pure love, if any love at all.
Every touch is calculated, every word planned.
You're going to be led into a sticky web of lies with him.
Nightmare plans to pull you deeper into the black inky thoughts you have.
If you think about it, he really is like a physical form of your current mental state.
He only ever seems to make things worse, too.
Nightmare would prevent any attempt to get better.
Therapy? Why even bother going?
You have him, don't you?
Please... he doesn't need you attracting his brother...
He's already taken claim to you, Dream would only ruin things.
Nightmare would keep isolating you and breaking you down until you're all alone.
Your negativity tastes wonderful to him.
By the time he feels you're all his... you can barely leave your bed.
You don't trust anyone, you don't know if you'll ever get better...
The only entity accompanying your thoughts is Nightmare, the ink black monster who never leaves you be.
Nightmare isolating you is important to him.
That way, even if you knew what he was doing, you can't leave.
Where else is there to go if all your bridges have been burned?
Exactly, nowhere.
Nowhere but back to him.
By the time you're ready to give up... he wraps you up in his arms, tentacle-like appendages dragging you tighter against him.
He promises to be merciful... to take you away from this place.
His words are more carefully placed lies.
This is the same monster who has definitely killed for you.
Any friends or family members who pry too much or get too close...?
Nightmare silently hunts them down, an appendage from his inky body impaling them in a bloody mess.
It brings him glee to know this will only make things worse for you.
The blood is quickly cleaned from himself whenever he "intervenes".
These acts have managed to give you the illusion of your friends and family really abandoning you.
Nightmare is a twisted individual, which is expected of his character.
His twisted behavior doesn't end when he lies to your face, saying he'll protect you if you just follow him.
He comments about you being unhappy in your life.
Don't you wish for something else?
Don't you want to leave?
Nightmare fakes the role of some guardian for you.
When you eventually agree, since you have nowhere to go, his grin turns sinister.
By the time you realize the true nature of Nightmare, he's already got you in his grip.
You can't tear yourself out of his grasp.
His grip is too sticky, forcing you to remain still as he teleports out of your world in a puddle.
Imagine if this was your first multiverse experience.
It's such a complex thing... and you only stumble upon it because Nightmare whisked you away.
No one's going to help you, you both know that.
His grip is unrelenting as he rambles about how much he supposedly "cares" about you.
He promises that you will have a new life... one different than your old one...
You'll live a new life by his side, forever...
But he never said your new life would be better than your old one.
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minthy · 6 months
The Star Sanses,
with the Map of the soul: 7 song that I think it fits with them, Because I miss 2019.
(forgot to post these doodles here, yay)
Persona: Swap.
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"Actually I’m real good but a little uncomfortable,
I'm still not so sure if I'm a dog or a pig or what else,
But then other people come out and put the pearl necklace on me"
(Truth to be told, I have no idea what "swap sans" really is, He's just... well.. A swap, He doesn't even have a personality the silly, He just is there to fit for the plot of your AUs, heheh, Relatable)
Ego: Dream.
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"I go back every day, To me of yesterday,
To the life of giving up, I let myself go away,
But in this world, you know, There are truths unchanged,
Time rushes ever forward, There's no ifs, buts, or maybes"
(I don't think he can get over what happened, his heart is big and his ego is bigger than to let him ask for guidance and support, man release us)
Shadow: Ink.
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"I wondered everyday how far I'd go,
I came to my senses and I find myself here,
Yeah, hmm, shadow at my feet,
Look down, it's gotten even bigger"
(No matter how great high and mighty he's getting, the more the shadows of his past and constant need for stimulation are driving him to a point of despair and unsatisfaction, get a grip)
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lover-of-skellies · 5 months
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Is it possible to have the yandere prompt "I'm madly in love with you!!" with Nightmare?
I just think it'd be interesting if he tried to deny that he had these "pure" feelings - said feelings are more corrupt than pure - for a human, and that he eventually just snaps and finally succumbs to what he actually wants; them. He is a King and a God of negative emotions, so of course he will take this human for his own. Why shouldn't he indulge himself and claim what he desires?
Here we go! I hope you like this ^^ I thought it turned out interesting.
Nightmare had a problem.
A thing that he would never want to admit, not even to himself. It was something that always appeared in the back of his mind, and he hated the fact that it did.
He had a crush on someone.
At first, he really had no idea what the feelings were. He thought that it was just interest! He really did but then his body started to feel weird whenever the person was around. It felt like he needed to be near them.
Nightmare really thought that they did something to him, did something to make his body feel the way that it did, and he thought about killing them so he wouldn't have to feel those weird feelings anymore but, for once, he decided to wait... wait and watch.
That was a while ago, and now he knew what the feelings he felt were.
He loved them.
He was in love with a human, a soft and squishy creature. He knew that most humans were dark creatures, they spread negativity and hated even their own kind for stupid reasons.
So many people hated each other for the people that they love, their skin color, or even where they were born! It was idiotic but it gave him a lot of negative feelings, so it was good for that at least.
Y/n was someone that lived in one of the AUs that Nightmare had been watching, one that he thought at first about stealing from and leaving for dead but then he saw them, and it was like his body wanted to be near them. The feeling startled him, and he closed the portal so he wouldn't have to see that and tried to calm down.
After that, he started to look at the world more often. He would lie and say that he was waiting for a good time for them to go but pick other places and just watch that one.
He was fairly sure that his underlings thought he just enjoyed watching that one, like how Error watched this one that was... Spanish, he thinks?
Whatever, he didn't care about that.
Nightmare tried his best to ignore the feelings. He tried to focus on other things but each and every day, he would look at Y/n, and fall harder and harder for them. He hated seeing them talk to other people, he hated seeing them with others. Those people didn't deserve to be even remotely close to them.
Y/n deserved so much, and he believed that he would be the only one to be able to do that for them! They would be so happy with him, right? He wouldn't allow them to feel any negative emotions, he would be able to take them away... and they'd be happy, right?
Finally, after almost... two years of watching them, he figured out what he should do. He took his boys to the AU, telling them to go crazy and to get everything that they needed and left to go get Y/n.
He was sure that the rest of his group would be able to handle this, it wasn't like they could fail, right? They better not fail. He would not be proud of them, if they did.
He could hear people shouting and running away, most likely one of his underlings attacked a random person... they often did whenever he told them to go crazy. Best to do in their mind, if he ever wanted to be sneaky, he would just take Error and Killer the other two aren't the best for being... sneaky.
As he was walking, the sounds around him were a little annoying... he looked around, humming softly under his breath, he knew that Y/n would be here. They always worked at this place around that time... he saw them peeking around a corner, making him smile and he moves his tentacles quickly, wrapping around them and lifting them off the ground.
They start to shout so he moves his tentacle to cover their mouth "Ah ah, it would be best for you, if you did not scream. I don't like loud sounds, myself" He pulls them over looking up at them, studying them humming softly. "You're even more beautiful in person..." he mumbles to himself, mostly.
Against their best judgement, he noticed the fact that their cheeks flushed at that, causing him to laugh softly. Aww... isn't that cute?
He reaches up, touching their cheek then lets his fingers drift down to their chin. "I would hate to have to hurt you, you're so breath taking to me. I think you'd be happy to be mine, wouldn't you? It isn't like the others would be able to treat you as well as I can"
They try to say something around the tentacle over their mouth, kicking their legs at him so he rolls his eye and wraps the other tentacle around their legs and starts to walk. "I never thought I would ever feel this way for anyone... let alone a human." he pulls them closer to himself, looking at them with a relaxed smile, tracing his finger along their jaw, "I'm madly in love with you, it seems..." they shiver at his touch.
Once he and his underlings left that AU, and got back to his own world, he walked to one of the rooms and set Y/n in there. "There are clothes in the closet for you, I would love for you to wear them. Get comfortable, I tried to get everything I thought you would enjoy" and closed the door, locking it then he left to go and tell his underlings about Y/n.
They already saw them, of course, but they had no idea who this random human was. He, honestly, was quite happy to explain that Y/n was his datemate and the newest queen of the multiverse.
If they ever lash out at him, or tell him that they don't want to be in this world anymore, that they miss people back where they came from? He's going to get quite angry himself. Why would they even want to go back there?! He's been treating them so well! He will tell them that everything he's done for them, they should be happy he did it.
He could have easily killed them, break them.
If they ever try to run away, or leave his castle, he wouldn't really care. There's no way that they could leave the area around the castle, this world was empty other than his castle but, honestly, the idea of them running away fills him with rage and once he sends one of his underlings to get them back, he'll punish them. Either a few days without food, or something of that sort. Depending on how annoyed he is with them, is how bad the punishment will be and who he will send for them.
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yandere-toons · 2 years
I saw one of the anon ask if your write for underverse.
Do you think you could gives a scenario with yandere nightmar sans? Anything really. Just a small drabble is all I ask:)
Warnings: implied depression, blood, fantasy violence, grief.
Word Count: 3.125
The cloud cover had swallowed the sky in a veil of fog and torrential darkness, but on nights when the crickets sang no more and the frogs kept to the water, it parted under the patchwork of stars waiting to twinkle at the unconscious countryside.
The moon's eye skirted the ribbons of a tattered curtain and fluttered across the wooden frame set atop a bedside table, which bore the crumpled photograph of a family. Those rising curves of joy on their lips, the same assault of happiness his brother oozed like the sun bled heat, drew a low hiss from deep within Nightmare.
The thrashes of a tentacle or two whipping the air overhead punctuated the rumbling crackle rolling between his gritted teeth. Every second he brooded, the shadows of lamps, bedposts, and a chest of drawers thickened and stretched farther. The room grew dank and instinct with pressure until breathing was akin to having a pair of hands wrap around your neck and squeeze.
That facial atrocity had a name; smiles, he recalled, but even the word repulsed him like the acrid stink of vomit. It conjured up visions of two siblings reclining under the shade of a tree swaying with bountiful leaves, of promises made and then broken, of a schism between brother and brother, light and dark.
You played among the joyful souls in the photograph and shared in their touches and sandwiches, looking a far different person than the heap of sweat and nerves turning over in your bed. Nightmare allowed his gaze to linger for a bemused instant before the pull of that bitter edge lurking in his every thought called him back to the happy little fools and their sepia stares.
The willingness with which they shoved at him a sick buoyancy defied his power and mocked his work. The urge to tear that lightsomeness away from them and plunge them into misery began to burn within him, spurring his tentacles to writhe until one whacked the picture frame off the table.
It flew into a spinning collision course with the wall and caromed off it to crack the peace of a fitful sleep. The battered frame thudded against the hardwood floor, lying face down in a pool of glass shards.
You jumped into a scrambled consciousness at the clamour like a cannonade, and your eyes, encrusted with an awkward mix of bleary and vigilant, swept the room in anticipation of some calamity. Motionless and impregnable darkness, perfect camouflage for any terrors, met your search rather than the feared intruder charging through the door or the tremors of an earthquake.
Howling winds raged past your walls and produced a sustained groan approaching something human, a cruel and grotesque imitation of a lost soul calling out. Each gust tapped the windows like the fingers of someone asking to be invited in from the cold.
This shallow comfort allowed you a moment to peel back the sheets, wherein you noticed and floundered with how tangled about you they had become. With a streak of adrenaline pounding as drums in your head, you fumbled out of bed and made a beeline for the light switch protruding from the adjacent wall.
As your next step pressed down upon a sleek and scattered surface, a crunch popped the silence as a needle would a balloon. Sharp pain sliced the sole of your foot, and in the excruciating jolt up your leg, the skin seemed to catch fire.
You clamped your teeth on your lower lip and sucked in a puff of air, withholding the yelp that had leapt to the roof of your mouth. Opening your eyes from a tight squint, you peered down into the shadows and reached out to something by your foot.
The rigid ends and cool, smooth sides of a wooden rectangle slid against your fingertips. The silvery gleaming of crimson droplets on the clear sheen of fragmented glass was reflected in the coarse surface of a wrinkled photograph, its image spotty and worn away around the edges.
Those who helped form some of your happiest memories looked back at you, and this reminder took the pang from your foot and redirected it to an ache in your heart. A wave of dizzying exhaustion and the urge to slump into bed again washed over you, no matter how much you had slept the previous days away.
Time had faded many of their features into obscurity, but the twist of that old contentment they left with you was a wound forever open. You rubbed your thumb across the bumpy, sandpapery face of someone no longer around, and just for a moment, the distant peal of their laughter echoed from a room you had not touched in months.
How sweet to drink from the bottle of grief until you found it had no bottom. The tower of dirty dishes by the kitchen sink rose higher, and each time you chose a third nap over chores, Nightmare got stronger. He fed on your lethargy and silent aches like a flea on a dog's back, every bite taking a little more out of you.
Sleep, once a beloved respite from the agony of an empty house, now plagued you with hair-raising visions of inhuman faces hovering outside your windows, looking in while you had no voice to deter the eyes moving over your body. As you fought against your sheets as if they were a beast at your throat, something insidious whispered for you to fall into that comfortable trap and let the idea of escaping it, the burden of hope, slip away.
In the centre of the bedroom, a sphere of brilliant starlight glimmered in the image of the heavens. Its rays upon you were like the sun on your skin after a bleak and drizzly winter. This beacon promised a better future as it dimmed into the shape of a golden-eyed face, which chased away the darkling tendrils coiling around your bed.
The nips of biting air, once thick enough to drown in, lifted, and you grew weightless, seeming to float between silk sheets instead of your mangy bundle of loose threads, a mattress of clouds rather than your glorified boulder, and a velvet pillow instead of your flat-as-a-board, handmade one.
Dream walked among the dark and the cold and filled it with your fondest smell from childhood. He had no flesh or muscle, a being of pure bone cloaked in the greens of seafoam, the pinks of twilight, and the yellows of gold.
An eternal warmth flowed from him, calming the shakiest voice and stilling the throbs of your pulse to a steady and relaxed rhythm. He glided to your bedside in golden boots and cast one sympathetic look at the draggled sheets before pulling them back to their rightful place, careful not to disturb you as he did so.
Dream hummed a soft melody with the earnest compassion of a parent soothing their child. It was quiet to keep you asleep but distinct enough to spread the snug blanket of security over your thoughts.
The taut lines of veins bulging along your neck and forehead, the ball of pain swelling in your jaw, and the shaky curls of your fingers bunching handfuls of the sheets all started to wane. When you were sinking into your first minute of genuine rest in ages, the mood in the room dove faster than a flightless bird over the side of a cliff.
It was a plunge so steep and abyssal that you cried out at some ghastly vision while Dream staggered as if one wrong footfall away from falling. He recovered in a moment of resigned understanding of what lay behind him, but many more seconds passed before he found the strength to turn and confront the corrupted shell of his brother.
Dream saw the thrill of malice rush onto Nightmare's face as your sounds of distress rang and tilted his head down, hardening his frown. In the privacy of the gloom, Nightmare glowered at Dream with an eye that blazed against the black sludge streaming o'er him.
“Well, always here to spoil my fun, aren't you, brother?” Temptation and menace intertwined in his voice, honeyed and gravelly at once. It snaked through the crisp air and commanded awe with the booming richness of a king, and it burrowed into the back of the mind as whispers beguiling lost souls into letting loose all vices.
The visceral rage with which he spat the word “brother” so contorted his face that all sleeping mortals who looked upon it would have awoken screaming. Around his pupil expanded a vast sea of black, aglow with a fervour that dulled when Dream marched to the end of the bed and stood between him and you.
Nightmare collapsed his exaggerated snarl into a more subdued look of amusement, as though the idea that Dream could block his path was the peak of wishful thinking.
Dream, his eyes never wavering lest a moment's hesitation allowed Nightmare to slink near, swung his hand to the side and swished his lustrous cape. The threat of a golden bow sparked in his open palm, a sight that twisted the corners of Nightmare's mouth like a gulp of sour milk.
“You poisoned their grief, Nightmare. They need to heal.” Dream uttered this sentiment with unflinching certainty and gave to it a sublime voice meant to lighten the spirit of all who heard it; however, to the blackened soul residing in Nightmare, it only starved him.
He fixed a spiteful grin on Dream and widened his eye until it resembled a pit. “They don't want to heal. They're tired.” The venomous spiel rolled from him as it would a demonic salesman, and had you been awake to listen, you would have believed him. “They want to be told it's okay to give up.”
Dream glanced over his shoulder at your tussle with imaginary tormentors, his narrowed eyes pierced with a gleam of pity. He could have implored his brother to make an exception, but asking Nightmare to leave a cry for help untroubled was like the gazelle begging the lion for mercy.
Instead, he was readying another point of argument when an instinctive sweep of his arm deflected the sharp tip of a slender tentacle hurtling towards his skull.
Nightmare retracted the tentacle through a strip of moonlight, allowing it to glisten and weave before disappearing. The faraway ticktock of a clock stressed the passing of each second, baiting an attack from either brother and counting down to the moment when noise so bloodcurdling would rip the air asunder and forever banish peace from the area.
All at once, you sprung to an upright position and wailed as if you might never have the chance again. Your eyes, open wide but seeing nothing, held a glassiness that contrasted with your mindless thrashing at a hidden assailant. You began to hyperventilate between shouts for someone to get out of your house, and the guardian in Dream took hold as he hurried over to stop you from tumbling out of bed.
Before he could land one final step to reach you, a tentacle swooped down and knocked him into the chest of drawers across the room. It clattered and overturned a lamp atop it, which smacked the wood and threatened to roll off the edge. Dream cracked open one eye before the other and unhooked himself from the metallic handles.
Under the wan cover of night, Nightmare appeared to slide over the floorboards like some amorphous blob of black and blue. He eclipsed the moon on your weeping face, his tentacles bobbing on invisible waters and casting writhing shadows upon the wall behind you.
His head snapped towards Dream's weakened but defiant stance, and as flecks of silver silhouetted much of his body, his teeth were distorted into fangs that shone through the ooze cascading down him. A twinge of fear skittered the length of Dream's spine; the creature before him was his brother in name only, having become drunk on your anguish and consumed by a sort of eldritch savagery.
With each shriek rocketing out of you, Nightmare dispersed further into the darkness and outpoured his evil into every crevice. He propelled himself onto a tentacled throne and towered above Dream, who sensed the cold and aching drain of his presence in all directions and scoured for even a fleeting whiff of positive emotion.
The air stood still when Dream glimpsed the needle-like tentacles poised around him in the dark. They awaited a silent order to volley forward and gore him, an order made imminent by the resonant chime of the clock striking a new hour. Against his collarbone sat the round clasp of his cape, which he clutched with one hand overlaying the other.
Dream shut his eyes, tucked his chin into the back of his hand, and visualised a portal to the nearest spark of happiness. A blinding surge of starlight enveloped him, then vanished moments before a tentacle speared the chest of drawers in a shot that would have run through his rib cage.
Nightmare deflated a bit, disappointment gnawing at him that he did not get to see his brother's golden blood splatter the hardwood floor. He yanked his tentacle free of the unlucky drawer, paying no mind to the sizeable hole it had created, and resumed basking in your sorrow like a lizard in the sun.
* * *
A hulking weight sat on your chest, and with every swell of breath you forced down, it sucked half of it back out of your lungs. You might as well have been a pair of eyes without a body, with the absolute numbness coursing through your limbs begging the question of whether they were still attached.
The darkness crept a little closer, bottomless and braver with each sweep of your eye. Waves of black and splotches of silver melded into a gaunt face dripping wet. Malevolence seeped from the monstrous entity pouring out of the unknown depths of that corner, the kind that threw babies into crying fits and ripped frantic barks from every dog in a neighbourhood.
The snowy radiance of a moon free to dominate the sky glinted across teeth whiter than any dentist could hope. They filled out a lipless mouth as the entity, a living nightmare, engulfed the floor and ceiling in an ever-growing current of blackness. His jaw unhinged far beyond the limits of nature to yield a gaping hole lined with vertical strips of muck, each as dark and slippery as a jagged rock hanging in a damp cavern.
A dozen tentacles snaked out his back and pulsated outward, their slender lengths draped in inky slime. He loomed over your paralyzed state and dredged up all memories of fear and pain until your heart thundered with the desire to burst out of you. The sheets tucked in tighter to the point of constriction, and tears brimmed for the silent scream wrenching around your mind.
The place where his right eye should have been was overflowing with tar, and his left eye glowed like the beam of a lighthouse. Turquoise with a tinge of midnight blue watched your struggle and revelled in it with the passion of a vindictive god.
To peer into his eye was to lose yourself down a tunnel that winded through every facet of despair, hatred and horror, to behold a creature who embodied it all and realise you could do nothing but wait. Such a gaze crushed you, and it never even had to touch you.
Periodic buzzes, beginning as a foghorn but then rising to a metallic trill, came and went every few seconds. They invaded the room with an unquenchable urgency that your brain raced to identify, shrilling louder and louder until your body jolted forward in an abrupt return of control.
You inhaled as if having swum from the deep of a lake, but instead of bouncing your forehead off the warped skull, you passed through nothing but clear space. The instant before your eyes began darting, the flicker of a figure dissolved into a patch of darkness in your peripheral vision.
The first rays of dawn shimmered across the hardwood floor and dappled the shadows with all the colours of fire. A clash of pinkish and gilt swirls subsumed much of the dark, delivering you from the trenches of a receding night to the peach-tinted embrace of a day starting anew.
The jarring call of a telephone poked your ears and vibrated on a round table in the corridor.
Following you to the bedroom doorway was the impulse to ignore that plea for your attention and continue languishing beneath the same old sheets. The ease with which you could lay back down and slip away from everything tapped you on the shoulder and beckoned you to sleep.
Dust bunnies wafted after your feet, which you heaved and then slammed down again a mite closer to the ringing as if wading through the reeds of a billabong. A slew of thoughts on the taxing demands of holding a conversation, on the dreadful risk of exposing how badly you were drowning, tugged at you like an impatient child.
When you picked up the cooling metal of that telephone, the voice of a dear friend hit you as a refreshing breeze on a hot day. They talked to you and listened even if you let out a sombre remark or stumbled over familiar words, a nearly forgotten sound, like a song unheard for years.
Eventually, they said, “How about lunch at your favourite place today? My treat.”
You hugged the cord with each finger of one hand, and with the other hand, you pressed the cradle to your abdomen. A dab of moisture started to blur your vision, enabling you to take a breath without the air of heartsickness that had milled around the home for so long.
Watching you lean into the handset, into that faint voice daring to help, and allow yourself the ghost of a smile was like acid on Nightmare's eye. The frenzy of hunger stabbed him as the intoxicating taste of misery, a minute ago so bountiful, was evaporating.
What rapture it would be, twining one of his tentacles around that interloper's neck and squeezing until they never spoke another word. The vision of their bulgy eyes reddening as they clawed at the tentacle in vain, forced to look him squarely in the face and give every detail of their agony, to entreat his mercy only to be denied, flashed to him.
It kept him in the shadows and replayed before his mind's eye, each time seeming nearer to reality, to soothe the roaring emptiness in his stomach.
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ycewa · 7 months
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*places down silly Dream!tale au and proceeds to info dump*
OK- so
The main thing that’s changed in this AU is that Nightmares bully’s go missing after a while and Dream is completely dismissive about it even though they were his ‘friends’
After a while Nightmare is bullied again by some other kids because they think Nightmare had something to do with the other kid’s disappearance, anyways those kids go missing too and then a loop of new bullies that go missing happens until the Village is like ‘ok bro, we’re gonna have to get rid of the problem here’ and go mob mode on Nightmare (causing the apple incident)
During the apple incident Dream is gobsmacked that all those kids going missing would cause this to happen (aka he was killing the kids-) and realizes that he might have messed up by keeping the village alive
(then he turns into a statue for 500yrs and Nightmare forms the Bad Sanses or whatever they’re called)
Dream breaks out of the statue and goes to hunt Nightmare down but finds Ink instead, which causes them to form the Star Sanses (and recruit Swap)
When Dream finds out Nightmare is the ‘bad guy’ he is fighting he almost immediately becomes a traitor to the Stars and feeds Nightmare important info when they fight one on one (which greatly confuses Nightmare into thinking his brother is an idiot)
and that’s mostly it for now
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mrpotguy · 1 year
Idk how to explain this one
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lostfollower · 7 months
Can u draw Yandere passive nightmare? ;o
And Question for u who would you go Yandere for out of all the sans’s/aus👉👈
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Here’s the boy
once again I’m truly not a love-obsessive person but if I was…
maybe Swap??? I dunno
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korybunbun12300 · 1 year
I keep forgetting to give Tumblr some love-
Anyways, have Dust, Yanberry, and Nightmare.
Bright Colors
Blood implication
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As well as the minor edits I made for posts in Amino ♡
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Anyways, Hope you guys like them ^^
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Hello, may I request a Nightmare Sans vs Dream Sans with a human darling concept, please ? Thank you !
The most I know about them is through Underverse so I apologize if this isn't quite what you wanted! Sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoy!
Yandere! Nightmare Sans vs Dream Sans with Human! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Sadism, Possessive behavior, Violence, Mentions of death, Forced companionship/relationship.
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If I am correct, Dream is drawn to positive emotions, while Nightmare is drawn to negative emotions.
Which gives me this idea...
I think it would be interesting to play around with the idea of them appearing on your highs and lows.
So let's say you meet Dream first, due to an overflowing amount of positive energy coming from you and your universe.
When you meet Dream he's quirky, talkative, and overdramatic.
Just being around him seems to make you happy.
Dream no doubt wishes to act like a protector/guardian around you.
He's drawn to your positive energy and wants to preserve that.
But maybe something devastating happens to you.
An event happens to you and your universe and that manages to catch Nightmare's attention.
Nightmare loves the opportunity to corrupt others, plus, he can just tell Dream likes you a lot.
As a result, Nightmare would pounce on the opportunity to corrupt and use you.
Instead of being greeted by the cheery golden skeleton to help your mood... you're greeted by a sadistic monster.
Nightmare would make it his goal to make you feel worse.
After all, the more pain he inflicts, the more he can control you.
Dream is no doubt going to notice his new favorite human is being influenced.
When Nightmare leaves and Dream returns, Dream is worried when he sees you in such a bad state.
Which leads into Dream cheering you up... and Nightmare coming back to corrupt once again.
A rivalry between these two feels like it would just be a big game of Keep Away or Tug of War.
Dream is protective of you, he hates it when Nightmare uses you.
Dream tells you Nightmare doesn't care for you... he wants to toy with you and use you.
So... you should only rely on Dream to protect you.
He'll try his best.
Meanwhile Nightmare manipulates you by saying Dream can't get rid of him.
Even if Dream protects you and deters Nightmare... he'll never leave you alone.
Nightmare will keep coming back... all to play with you.
You'll belong to no one else but Nightmare.
Eventually the two are going to fight over you when they arrive at the same time.
Dream is quick to protect you, annoying yet also amusing Nightmare.
The two will no doubt then continue their rivalry in a physical battle, much to your dismay.
The thing about this rivalry is I'm not sure if it would end.
They can't get rid of each other fully, always lingering and coming back to you later.
Unfortunately, I hate to say this, but until one of them relents or you die... it may just go on forever.
Dream wants you happy and protected... while Nightmare wants you miserable and controlled by him.
The ultimate battle between good and evil... and until someone intervenes (if they can)...
You're stuck in the middle of it.
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Hi! Hi! I saw your master list that your writing for undertale and Cookie run so I came and rush to request at you as fast as I could !
Okay, okay, okay- can i request yandere general dream!sans and yandere general pure vanilla cookie if your cool with it ??
If your not too aim for yanderes I'm sorry if this request come as disturbing , feel free to delete friend! ;)
bro I wanna kms, I wrote 2k words or something for this and my computer glitched and deleted it. I have to rewrite all of it...
ANYWAY, bc these are 2 different fandoms, I'll write another for Pure Vanilla
This took longer to find than necessary, hope this makes up for it!
warnings: yandere behavior (I don't support behavior like this this irl)
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✧ GENERAL HCS FOR Yan!Dream Sans ✧
✧ Dream is kind and caring
Even as a yandere, he is pretty level-headed
✧ he generally knows that his feelings are not healthy for both him and you
He understands that love and obsession are different, but he just can't get enough of you
✧ let's say you two were on a walk
Something or other happens and now Dream is trying to defuse the situation
stars help him if someone hurts you or your feelings...
It takes him every bit of self-control in him to not kill the person right on the spot
(He takes you to get nice cream or something after because he feels bad that you had be a part of that)
✧ he loves giving gifts 
He uses his ability to figure out your reactions to his gifts 
You like it? He’ll get more of a similar concept!
You don't like it? He makes a note to himself on his shrine of you and makes sure he doesn't mess up again
✧ likes watching you sleep / watching your dreams
It's something he just has fun doing (he also finds your dreams interesting)
Or if you have insomnia, he likes just doing something silently with you
For example, you two just sit on the couch reading a book except he can't focus on reading when you look so peaceful and unaware of the dangers that lurk like him
✧ he loves being able to just be in your presence
It's like his therapy
After a long day he wants nothing more than to bury his skull into you and have your arms wrapped around him
✧ he almost never leaves your side
When he isn't busy, he’ll accompany you anywhere you want to go! 
If he does happen to be busy, he’s already made a separate pile of important looking documents, and guilts you into helping him work
✧ both Ink and Blue are a little concerned with Dream’s behavior
But he’s the guardian of positivity, so it can't be that bad in their eyes 
They have no idea how wrong they are
✧ Dream asks Ink to make you a separate au, “for your safety” he often tells you
You don't entirely believe him, but you also have no proof he’s lying 
so, despite the churning of your stomach, and those obsessed-filled eyes of his, you comply to his wishes
the only way to fool him, is to fool yourself
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ANDDD ITS DONE!! I'm so sorry it got deleted and delayed but it's here now! there was more on it originally but regrettably couldn't remember what else was written so I'm very sorry for that
ill also be getting started on the Pure Vanilla part of this ask now too! I'm gonna try and figure something out so that deletion stuff doesn't happen again!
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ancentoo · 1 year
Yandere dream
one of my besties recommended ;)
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bonus ; no line ver.
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this really took so long ......😂
dream by @jokublog
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May I ask for some more yandere nightmare please?
Sure! Thanks for the ask, this was fun :)
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With Nightmare being your yandere, you would have had to have done something that caught his attention. Normally he doesn't feel that kind of attraction.
Maybe something about you was different? Maybe your negative feelings tasted better than everyone else's? Who knows, just something caught his attention and he knew that he wanted you.
And ONLY you.
He would send his boys to check you out, make sure that you were safe, spy on you to make sure nothing was happening and sometimes, even he would go out himself to check up on you.
It would take a while for him to decide that he wanted you to come to the house, in his own world, and he does it without warning. You would have felt like you've been watched for a long time then one day, either you just wake up in Nightmare's castle or you would have gotten pulled through a portal and wrapped in his tentacles.
It all really depends :)
But once he has you, there's no way you'd be able to get away. You're in his world, and unless you can open portals you aren't getting out and even if you can, good luck getting away from him.
He'll search for you until he finds you or dies. Once he latches on, it's like trying to wash out a stain. Never gonna happen.
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eclipse-not-found · 2 years
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first date
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that-sasha-bloggs · 2 years
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Yandere Nightmare, did actual Lineart this time, lol.
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savvyfandommoose · 2 years
My own yandere Writing!
(Contains OCs)
Nightmare's POV: I keep Eclipse wrapped in a tentacle as we both eat breakfast. Peace is still sleeping and he's always the cutest when he wakes up so I decided to let him sleep eclipse yawns abit. 
"PapaMare... can I play in-"
"No." I interrupt. 
She nods as we get up and go back to our room. Peace is still sleeping. 
I set Eclipse in her blanket pile and sit next to Peace who was sleeping soundly and peacefully. So beautiful... My precious Peace I kiss his head gently and went off to do my duties as king. 
"PapaMare... why can't I do things on my own anymore?" I hear Eclipse ask before I've closed the door and I look back “it’s to protect you now have a nice nap “ i say as a close the door. 
Then I lock it. I don't understand why she keeps fighting me although she is still young so it make sense why she keep asking. 
Eclipses POV: I curl up, with my eyes watering holding onto peaces arm who is passed out from what happened earlier…. Peace accidentally went outside without permission and...i whimper remembering what happened when nightmare found him…. I saw him dragging Peace inside... they were both covered in blood. Peaces blood...
"Hmmm..? Eclipse...that you?" I hear I look and see peace is awake!  
"What's happened? Are you okay?" He slightly sits up I hug him immediately he looks at himself he is covered in bandages. 
"Why was Nighty upset at me?" He asks i shrug but continue to hug him. 
"Did he go to work?" He asks. 
I nod, yawning he sighs and rubs my head. 
"I wish we could meet my friends..." He whispers. 
It sounds nice to get out of here for once...
I hug him, yawning.
He pats my head as I yawn again. 
Nightmare's POV: I walk back into my room and see Peace reading with Eclipse sleeping in his lap i smirk how adorable. He even wrapped her in her favorite blanket. 
I sit on the edge of the bed and Peace looks up at me. 
"Peace, why didn't you tell me you wanted to spend time in the garden last night? I would've come with you." I say as I reach for him he flinches and closes his eyes whimpering nervously. 
"There's no need to be scared. I just want you to be safe." I say. I sit next to him and take Eclipse from his lap.
"Nighty please don't hurt her! Please don't!" He begs, looking at me with tears in his eyes I gasp looking at him “d….did I actually scare you that badly? “ I said worryingly. 
He nods and I can see tears rolling down his cheeks. I gently set Eclipse down so I don't wake her and hug Peace, rubbing his back “I’m so sorry….I snapped and it was wrong for me to do when I realized what I did I felt so horrible..” I say sounding upset. 
He sniffs a little and I kiss his forehead.
"PapaMare..?" I hear her starting to wake up I look at her she looks at me and peace. 
Then I hear someone knocking on my door. 
Of course. I forgot about Errors brat i sigh. 
Eclipse perks up and answers the door before I can stop her “eclipse!! “ I hear discord yelled happily “discord!! “ she yelled back happily and hug him. When they let go, I grab Eclipse wirh a tentacle around her waist and slowly drag her back to me. I set her next to Peace and step out, closing the door “uh hi nightmare? “ discord said waving smiling nervously I roll my eyes and close the door completely eclipse frowns and looks down peace rubs her head. 
"Nightmare, it's not like he'll hurt her. I think she should have some time with her friend. It'll give us some time to vist the gardens." Peace says “I can’t trust him Error has betrayed me afew times and Discords father Is error “ i say and sits next to him he sighs and ignores and pets our daughters head. 
"Let's go to the garden as a family." I say peace nodded gentle and picks up eclipse who still seems sleepy. 
I teleport us there and sit on one of the benches Peace smiled and lean next to me. I notice some small tears on his shirt. Eclipse is crying I frown and sigh. 
"I wanna have my room back... I want alone time and personal space back.." She cries into Peace's shoulder “eclipse we talked about this…”i say gently. 
Eclipse was gonna say something but peace shakes his head. 
 “I think we should head back…” 
I nodded agreeing with peace. 
I teleport back and eclipse sits down hugging a blanket peace was holding onto eclipse trying to comfort her. 
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