#yandere genocider syo
Yandere Byakuya Togami and Yandere Toko Fukawa
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They choose you 
Whether you seek one of them out or avoid them entirely 
They cage you in
One of them seeking you out enough to entice the other to gain interest as well
If its Toko its an immediate enticement
That she makes quite public 
So now she frequents between following you and Byakuya
And for the record Togami is not jealous 
He’s curious
Who could be so much more alluring than him to shift the crazy woman’s attention
“Don’t misunderstand me, this is mere curiosity.”
Suddenly his new case-study is keeping him awake at night with worry
Is this how it feels when Toko pulls at her braids and raves about you being too weak
It’s irritating
He can hardly focus on winning this game if he’s worried about you
“M-master c-c-can I take them now!? T-they k-keep wandering away!”
“Yes. Make sure they join us on our…morning reading.”
Toko is more likely to annoy you into doing what she wants
But if you have a high tolerance for her whining
Genocide Jill is more than happy to cop a feel step in
“AAAhhhh baby~ you turn me on honey~!”
This is the thing they seem to bond over because their idiotic dearest is far too friendly to survive the killing game without them:
“Uhm Toko did you need something?” 
Naegi spoke to the trembling girl in the cafeteria, the odd one out for the usual participants of the meeting. You didn’t look up from the breakfast you made not all that keen to interact with the nervous writer; leaving the others to deal with her. 
“Yeah! Did you finally come to hang out with us?” 
Asahina chimed flashing an amicable smile which only seemed to make Toko shiver and curl into herself. 
“A-a-all of you, back away! I-i don’t need you giving me your nasty germs while I’m on a mission for Master!”
“A mission? What mission has the progeny sent you on this time?”
Celestia pressed, ignoring Toko’s stuttering insult, as she continued to sip at her tea.
“N-not that its any of your business b-but I’m supposed t-t-to bring (Y-y/n) to M-master.”
You looked up in confusion at the girl, looking up to meet her eyes as they went from darting frantically to half-lidded and blushing deeply. Her shaken demeanor changed to something more…aroused. Hugging her body and shifting her thighs, a wide smile spread across her face.
“M-m-orning Master (Y/n)! Master Byakuya wants you to meet with him in the library!” 
You tiredly rubbed your hand against the back of your head letting it drag to rest on your neck. You didn’t bother hiding your expression of exhausted-bewilderment as you scrunched your nose. Naegi looked on with sympathy as you slowly began to finish up your food, all under the intense staring of Toko. 
You eventually stood up dutifully throwing away your garbage even as she eyed the utensil you mouth had graced moments before. Walking to the door with a shake of your head and shrug of your shoulders you tried to convine Naegi, Asahina, and Celestia all of which had a range of worried and curious faces. 
“Hey. Beside me Toko.”
“Y-yes Master!” 
Forced to spend as much time as you did with Toko of her own volition you had a pretty good grasp on what she aims when interacting with you. After enough of the ultimate moaning and loudly admiring your behind, you’ve found the best way to keep her in check. You could feel her fingers hover around your open hand. You didn’t pull away, you didn’t have to. She already pulled her hand away holding it up high as she enthusiastically mumbled to herself. Speeding up you made your way to the doors of the library.
“About time you arrive. I sent the rat to obtain you hours ago!” 
Byakuya Togami sitting in his claimed arm chair, sneered from behind his lowered book. Squinting your eyes in curiousity before turning to look at Toko who was twiddling the tips of her fingers nervously. 
“W-well I-I d-did take s-some time t-to s-search Master’s rooms…f-for murderers of course.” 
Togami  groaned holding two fingers to push his glasses up as he balanced the book in his lap.
“That’s fine,” he waved his hand at an arm chair deep within the library. “Put them in their place and return to your post.”
“Y-yes Master!” 
She didn’t hide her pleasure about getting to push you to the seat, letting her hands wander even as you swatted at her. Only stopping when you were sat in the swallowing warmth of the arm chair. 
“So? What is it you need from me? Its awfully suspicious that you’d specifically call me out like this.”
The progeny flashed a devious smile, bringing his book up once more. 
“On the contrare, my imbecile, I’ve formally decided to ensure your safety. By instilling the efforts and capabilities of someone who’s killed before.”
“Who better to thwart a killer than one of our own.”
You sat up, genuinely prepared to dart out of the classroom only for Byakuya to stand up, walking beside Toko who was nervously fidgeting. They both stood in the only path you could’ve taken but that wouldn’t stop you. For all the talk Byakuya was known for you knew he couldn’t actually do anything against your own physical prowess and Toko was hardly an obstacle. 
Seeing that you had no intention to stay he put his arm out not to stop you but to beckon Toko. 
“Alright bring her out.”
“N-n-now? B-but I w-want to spend time with (Y-”
Immediately Toko’s demeanor changed to one of physical insanity. Her tongue grew long, smile widened to accommodate and herstance was much more confident. You faltered watching her step forward to you.
“Whoooooo! Genocide Syo makin’ an entrance!”
“G-genocide Syo?”
Sticking his nose high Byakuya smugly explained. 
“Yes. Genocide Syo officially named the Ultimate Serial Killer has over 20 kills–”
“Hey don’t underestimate me?! I’ve got exactly 37 under the ground babes!” 
She darted towards you faster than you could dash, backing you into the chair. Letting her cage you against the plush cushion of the chair, you could barely register Byakuya’s gloating.
“We’ve decided to follow the plebian motto: strength in numbers,” He smugly stood there uncurling a chord and holding it taut as you met his gaze. “Stay still. This is just to ensure that you uphold this…motto.”
“So what?! You plan to–ack keep me here!? They’ll notice I’m gone, you have to realize that!”
You tried to reason, wiggling helplessly to evade the unafraid touches licks from Syo. Your struggling ceased when Toko or Syo pulled out a dagger-like scissor lovingly gliding it along your cheek. She nuzzled against your other cheek joyfully looking into your widened eyes.
“We can’t keep you here forever as much I’d looovvee to do that! Master says we just can’t ever leave you alone!”
“But then I can just tell-”
Narrowly grazing your ear Syo stabbed the scissors into the couch, making your heart beat in horror as you went limp to her menstruations. With you no longer inching away and her hand no longer occupied she squeezed you tight; holding your face against hers as she curled herself into your lap.
“I’d advise you don’t do that. You’d ruin the game that way and we’d rather you not get hurt while we have our fun.”
“Yeah~!And its just so much easier to get my rocks off if you’re not runnin’ away! Mmm! You’re so soft you just make me wanna~!”
“Yeah?! Are you getting lonely over there, Master! Want to join us? D’ya want to come over and hop on this–”
“Syo! The chord. Tie them.”
“Of course Master!!”
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midnightlee25 · 2 years
Random Yandere Headcanons: Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenburg, Genocider Syo & Sakura Ogami with an equally as obsessive darling
Sayaka Maizono:
She's over the moon learning this.
She does see it as that she doesn't have to hide her yandere side anymore.
Because they won't be afraid of seeing just how far she is willing to go for their love right?
Celestia Ludenburg:
Of course, they would be obsessed with her.
She is smug about it but she won't really feel inclined to share just how strong she feels for them
Then again, it's not really that had to figure out her yandere side but just how far she will go is another story.
Genocider Syo:
At first, she really doesn't care one way or another.
Funny enough she will give them notes about herself.
The more time goes on the more it grows on her and she ends up getting more excited that her darling is obsessed with her.
Sakura Ogami:
She really won’t think too much about it.
They are a couple and it's normal for couples to want to know things about their other half.
As long as they don't get too creepy with it, she won't mind what they do.
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theamityelf · 11 months
Okay, so this is the kind of thing that would normally go in my yandere sideblog, but all Danganronpa stuff historically goes in my main, so here we go:
The fact that Izuru Kamukura as a person has only been alive for a few years could easily turn into a yandere agere scenario.
What I mean by this is, I could see Makoto (or another character, but since this is very similar to a line I expect to appear in a later chapter of "Property Rights...", I'm saying Makoto) at some point saying something along the lines of, "But since you aren't the same person as...whoever lived in this body before, and you have only been alive since the Kamukura Project, doesn't that make you, like...three years old, or something?"
And Kamukura coming back the next day like, "Naegi, you have made me realize that I want to be nurtured. Now you have to take responsibility."
This could be a purely Kamuegi thing or a shared thing for all the survivors. (For the purposes of this post, let's assume we're operating in the universe of "Property Rights...", in that they're living in the school, the killing game is over, Kamukura isn't letting them leave, and the group doesn't know all that much about him.)
This could be played for horror or for fluff.
Makoto and Hina both actually have a younger sibling, so they're the best at indulging him on a "Sure, I'll brush your hair," and "Sure, you can sleep in my bed," level. Hina sings him lullabies, and every now and then he'll say something like "You're flat," but it's just an observation; he also asks her to keep going. She plays catch with him, too. Makoto is the one he most frequently cuddles with, and he sits on his lap. It is impossible to pry him from these cuddles. Once, Makoto found himself trapped in a lengthy cuddle while in some isolated room, and he tried to go spend time with the others by lying that he had to use the restroom, but Izuru just went, "The last time you drank water was during breakfast, and you used the restroom an hour ago." They both fell asleep there.
Hiro is wary of Izuru (and they call him Izuru instead of Kamukura when he's being little) but takes a "In a weird way, he's kind of cute," tone about the whole thing. He tries to "teach" Izuru stuff relating to his clairvoyance, and Izuru's just like "That is not true." He tells stories about paranormal experiences he's had, and Izuru says, "Had your home been inspected for carbon monoxide?" He still likes it; occasionally, he seeks out Hiro's company and sits beside him like, "Tell me a ridiculous story."
Toko and Izuru tolerate each other when they're both in the mood to sit in silence. Syo is naturally the first to make it weird, with liberal use of the words "mommy" and "baby boy".
Kyoko and Byakuya are the strict ones. Kyoko is strict in a way that doesn't particularly challenge the agere aspect but more focuses on behaviors, like "Izuru, get off his lap; you're bigger than him." Byakuya is the one going "This is absurd," about the whole thing, but he uses the situation where it benefits him. For instance, he'll say, "I think it's naptime," when he's irritated with Kamukura.
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madmanwonder · 6 months
With Toko stalking Hinata, Genocide Syo is bound to come out. However Toko isn't the only one with a second personality, as Hinata has one as well in Izuru. It is the meeting of two alternate personalities, both dangerous in their own ways.
"Finally. I finally got you where I wanted you to be."
Genocide Syo said in a depraved lovesick voice as she licked her lips as she stared at the man whom she had been stalking over two and half week, just waiting for the right moment to give this handsome hunk of a man her confession via death with her scissors.
"Got nothing to say to me, Darling~?" Genocide Syo cooed as she twirlinng her signature weapon of choice, lust and love filled her black heart. "Do this mean you are ready for my-"
"How boring." Spoken the deep monotone voice that was far from the shadow which he stepped out revealing...Izuru Kamukura was staring at her with an apathetic expression as he stared at her with boredom-filled red eyes. "How completely and utterly boring this is...." He said to the murderous yandere woman who blinked in surprise at the sudden change of physical appearance and tone of her love...
...but this made the deranged even more deranged as she let out an excited giggle and her pupils were replaced with bright luminous pink hearts.
"This...is going to be so much fun~!" Syo said as she speed toward the man with the murderous intent to express her twisted love toward the man who stared at her with a dead, apathetic expression.
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caramelgeddon · 1 year
Danganronpa Makoto,Sonia and Jill with an idiot yandere
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Hey there! Mod himiko here anyways I once said I’d never do a yandere write since they freak me out… but the idea of a really incompetent one is hilarious to me so exception!
Genocider Jill
Jill doesn’t mind like at all! I mean out of every Danganronpa character she’d be the most ok with a yandere!
They try and fail to kidnap her? She’ll find it sweet.
They get so angry at her when she connects with this “Wi-Fi” person… she’ll find it funny and explain what Wi-Fi is
She’s going to hunt someone down? Take me with you! I don’t want you to find anyone when you’re gone…!
(Because of course everyone finds there partner during murder)
She would love them
Oh boy…
This boy would mostly be ok with there jealousy and find how they misunderstand basic things really cute…
But if they ever threaten there friends they’d sit down immediately and talk to them and reassure them…
He’s there’s and they don’t need to worry
And remind them he’s not in a relationship with his friends he’s in a relationship with them
Of the three he’s the best at soothing any jealousy they may have
Sonia loves them! Already being fascinated by there boldness
She is the most protective out of the two due to her intelligence wanting to keep them safe
After all her s/o tried to fight a car once due to it carrying Sonia… only they get to carry Sonia in there arms!
She loves them completely and wouldn’t want anyone else to be her royal partner…
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kakusu-shipping · 9 months
Agere List
To me Carer/Regressor dynamics are different than your typical Romantic/Platonic/Familial type of realationships, so I've decided to make a separate list for F/Os who are my Caregivers, or who I Caregive for.
This is very different from a headcanon list of characters who I think are Caregivers/Regressors, this is characters I personally have this relationship with. I am also only a Caregiver in a Fictional space, and cannot CG a real regressor in the real world.
Thankyou for your attention, list below the cut.
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Alder - Pokemon BW - Grandpa
Darmanitan - Pokemon BW - Babysitter
Whimsicott - Pokemon BW - Babysitter
Maractus - Pokemon BW - Big Sister
Molayne - Pokemon SuMo - Big Brother
Hassel - Pokemon SV - Daddy
Salvatore - Pokemon SV - Trainer
Stoutland - Pokemon BW2 - Companion
Chesnaught - Pokemon XY - Knight
Bloodmoon Ursaluna - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Mommy/Yandere
Beware - Pokemon Anime - Mommy
Doctor Mario - Super Mario Series - Doctor/Yandere
Craig Cuttlefish + Octavio - Splatoon - Grandpas
Callie + Marie - Splatoon - Big Sisters
Agent 7 (Eight) - Splatoon OC - Babysitter
C.Q. Cumber - Splatoon 2 - Boss/Yandere
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3 - Boss/Papa
Papyrus - Undertale - Babysitter
Chara - Undertale - Chaotic/Babysitter
Swatchlings - Deltarune - Butlers
Gaster - Deltarune - Father/Eldritch
Enderman - Minecraft - Companion
Winston - Overwatch - Teacher
Moira O'Deorain - Overwatch - Doctor/Babysitter
Siebren de Kuiper (Sigma) - Overwatch - Grandpa
Sombra - Overwatch - Big Sister
Maugaloa Malosi - Overwatch - Chaotic/Big Brother
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa 2 - Babysitter
Genocide Syo/Jack/Jill - Danganronpa UDG - Chaotic/Yandere
Shirokuma - Danganronpa UDG - Daddy/Yandere
Toy Freddy - Five Nights at Freddy's - Big Brother
Nightmare Fredbear - Five nights at Freddy's - Guardian
Huggy Wuggy - Poppy Playtime - Babysitter
Mommy Long Legs - Poppy Playtime - Mommy
Wally Darling - Welcome Home - Yandere/Neighbor
The Doctor - Little Nightmares - Doctor
Morgo - Little Misfortune - Eldritch/Yandere
Anna (The Huntress) - Dead by Daylight - Mommy/Yandere
Chzo - Chzo Mythos - Eldritch/Father
Kyle + Brett - Drive Time Radio - Chaotic/Eldritch
The Narrator - Stanley Parable - Eldritch/Guardian
Micheal Bleak - Wayward Children - Guardian (former)
Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children - Guardian
Aziraphale - Good Omens - Guardian/Knight
Crowley - Good Omens - Chaotic/Guardian
Edgar + Alan + Poe - Ruby Gloom - Babysitters
Scardy Bat - Ruby Gloom - Big Brother
Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice the Animated Series - Chaotic/Papa
Mashirao Ojiro - My Hero Academia - Babysitter
Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia - Chaotic/Big Sister
Pantherlily - Fairy Tail - Knight/Papa
Shiro Ashiya (Aciel) - The Devil is a Part-Timer - Stern/Papa
Watanuki + Domeki - xxxHolic - Daddies
Chieko - Princess Jellyfish - Mother
Mayaya - Princess Jellyfish - Chaotic/Big Sister
Muta - The Cat Returns - Companion
Baron Humbert Gon Gikkingen - The Cat Returns - Royal/Babysitter
The Beldam - Coraline - Yandere/Mother
Anger - Inside Out - Protective/Dada
Sadness - Inside Out - Mama
The Storyteller - OC - Eldritch/Guardian
Cyrus - Pokemon Platinum - Permaregressed
Arven - Pokemon SV - Kid
Giacomo - Pokemon SV - Involuntary/Toddler
Saguaro - Pokemon SV - Dreamer/Baby
Hydreigon - Pokemon BW2 - Trauma/New Born/Baby
Smeargle - Monster Mind - Dreamer/Puppy
Princess Peach - Super Mario Series - Baby/Princess
Genji Shimada - Overwatch - Dreamer/Kid
Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) - Overwatch - Trauma/Baby
Toko Fukawa - Danganronpa 1 - Involuntary/Baby
Celestia Ludenburg - Danganronpa 1 - Dreamer/Gothic/Kid
Kyle Klim (K) - Virtue's Last Reward - Kid
Kazuaki Nanaki - Hatoful Boyfriend - Dreamer/Baby
Hitori Uzune - Hatoful Boyfriend - Trauma/Involuntary/Toddler
The Little King - Hatoful Boyfriend - Baby/Toddler/Prince
P03 - Inscryption - Involuntary/Bratty/Baby
Lapis Lazuli - Steven Universe - Trauma/Ageless
Nezu - My Hero Academia - Trauma/Involuntary
Tomura Shigiraki - My Hero Academia - Newborn/Baby
Dabi - My Hero Academia - Involuntary/Bratty/Kid
Himiko Toga - My Hero Academia - Dreamer/Toddler
Jin Bubaigawa (Twice) - My Hero Academia - Trauma/Toddler/Kid
Erza Scarlet - Fairy Tail - Involuntary/Big Sister
Juvia Lockser - Fairy Tail - Permaregressed/Toddler/Kid
Gajeel Redfox - Fairy Tail - Involuntary/Big Brother
Toma E. Fiore - Fairy Tail - Involuntary/Prince
Tamaki Souh - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Involuntary/Prince
Takashi Morinozuka - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Baby
Makoto Katai - Komi Can't Communicate - Baby
Embarrassment - Inside Out - Baby/Toddler
Micheal Myers - Halloween - Permaregressed/Evil/Kid
Jason Voorhees - Friday the 13th - Trauma/Baby
Brahms Heelshire - The Boy - Permaregressed/Toddler/Kid
Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice the Musical - Spooky/Horror/Baby
N - Pokemon BW - Permaregressed/Baby/Toddler
Jacq - Pokemon SV - Dreamer/Big Brother
Miriam - Pokemon SV - Dreamer/Nurse
Kieran - Pokemon SV - Evil/Pokemon
Gooigi - Super Mario Series - Big Sister
Kirby - Kirby series - Toddler/Big Brother
Flowey - Undertale - Trauma/Big Brother
Vulkin - Undertale - Pet
Ralsei - Deltarune - Prince/Big Brother
Viktor Humphries - Slime Rancher - Kid
Pheonix Wright - Ace Attorney - Involuntary/Teen
Monokuma - Danganronpa - Dreamer/Object
Kazuichi Soda - Danganronpa 2 - Involuntary/Toddler
Moon - FNaF Help Wanted 2 - Baby/Toddler (former)
Kissy Missy - Poppy Playtime - Trauma/Kid
Boxy Boo - Poppy Playtime - Permaregressed/Object
CatNap - Poppy Playtime - Trauma/Cat
Grendan Highforge - Drawtectives - Dreamer/Old Dog
Rosé - Drawtectives - Pre-Teen
York - Drawtectives - Dreamer/Little Brother
Muriel - Good Omens - New Born/Ageless
Frank + Len - Ruby Gloom - Teen/Toddler
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Toddler/Little Brother
Banba - Princess Jellyfish - Hyperfixation/Kid
Joy - Inside Out - Bratty/Big Sister/Kid
Fear - Inside Out - Protective/Big Brother
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let-them-eat-rakes · 8 months
danganronpa headcanon 10; Favorite Game Special
Makoto Naegi: Minecraft
Kyoko Kirigiri: Mystery Games
Toko Fukawa: Dating Sims
Genocider Syo: The gorier the better
Byakuya Togami: management games
Aoi Asahina: Wii Sports Resort
Yasuhiro Hagakure: Sonic Colors
Sayaka Maizono: DDR
Leon Kuwata: Rock Band
Chihiro Fujisaki: DDLC
Mondo Oowada: racing games
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Ace Attorney
Hifumi Yamada: anime games
Celestia Ludenburg: Microsoft Solitaire
Sakura Ogami: Street Fighter
Mukuro Ikusaba: realistic combat simulators
Junko Enoshima: Dark Souls
Hajime Hinata: Stardew Valley
Izuru Kamukura: Rogue likes
Kazuichi Souda: Tank Mechanic Simulator
Akane Owari: Wii Fit U
Sonia Nevermind: Yandere Sim
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: Yakuza 0
Ultimate Imposter: amogus, duh
Teruteru Hanamura: cooking mama
Mahiru Koizumi: Pokemon snap
Peko Pekoyama: Skyward Sword
Ibuki Mioda: Rock Band
Hiyoko Saionji: Taiko games
Mikan Tsumiki: Surgeon Simulator
Nekomaru Nidai: Wii Fit U
Gundham Tanaka: Nintendogs
Nagito Komaeda: Luck Based ganesy
Chiaki Nanami: every game ever made
Shuichi Saihara: Mystery games
Himiko Yumeno: Super Mario
Maki Harukawa: Hitman
Rantaro Amami: Uncharted
Kaede Akamatsu: piano.
Ryoma Hoshi: tennis.
Kirumi Tojo: House Flipper
Angie Yonaga: Passepartout(?)
Tenko Chabashira: Any game with a lesbian MC
Korekiyo Shinguji: Assassin's Creed games
Miu Iruma: Sandbox games
Gonta Gokuhara: Pokemon Snap
Kokichi Ouma: BOTW/TOTK
Kaito Momota: Universe Sandbox
Tsumigi Shirogane: Yandere Sim
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monokumafightclub · 2 months
Genocide Jack for ask game
How I feel about this character: instant favorite from the moment she appeared in the first game. obviously could be handled LEAGUES better in consideration to her and toko being DID rep, but i'm not a system so i can't really weigh in on that beyond "even for 2010 the whole "serial killer alter" kinda thing is kinda oof". a fun character in spite of that, and she makes for some interesting interactions between the rest of the cast, both in her debut game and beyond. also crass funny girls are my weakness.
hopefully i'm not repeating shit from the last ask i made about her jhsgsdg there's a lot i could say but i just came home from a long drive
All the people I ship romantically with this character: komaru (of course), makoto, lowkey kyoko (and i fully blame you for this, it's an appealing duo), and. would it be self-wankery to say i do ship my own dangan chara with her. honestly i should draw that.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: non-romantic? okay as much as i don't want her to be in a relationship with byakuya at all (double for toko), i wanna see her bother the shit out of him. beyond that, i think syo and hifumi would make for an interesting duo! please, i wanna know if they'd either argue about yaoi opinions or if syo would absolutely hit him up for lewd commissions.
My unpopular opinion about this character: obviously repeating from the last ask i did about her but the yandere shit is overplayed. i'm not against it ofc, but i'd like more fanworks of syo as the hyperenergetic best friend who just so happens to kill guys sometimes and gets off on it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: honestly i wish she got more story screentime in UDG, coz most of the time she's just used as an instant win button for combat encounters. is it just me or does she stop appearing in the story after chapter 4, i know you and i can't be the only people who noticed this.
also i think she should've smashed haiji's head in with a rock. as a treat.
also sorta tangentally related to both syo and UDG, i like how according to the UDG relationship charts, masaru is absolutely unafraid of the prospect of throwing hands with a serial killer
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Ember. adult. they/them & it/its.
queer. neurodivergent. disabled.
this blog is a fantasy & vent blog of
cluster b personality disorder feels
dark content; kidnapping, stalking, violence, cnc, drugging, etc
yandere core
tsundere core
kuudere core
menhera core
yami kawaii core
clinically bpd since 2006 & pro-informed-self-dx. ( meaning if you've done the research and/or identify with cluster b disorders and the contents and themes herein you are always welcome to interact. )
sideblog to @momentsofamber; follows will come from there.
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WIP cluster b comfort characters
fin spec:
Willow Rosenberg (et al.) from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Ayano / Ayeka from Crush Crush
Ashley Graves from The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
Touko Fukawa from Danganronpa
Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club
Christina Wendall from Hemlock Grove
Kikyou from InuYasha
Knives Chau from Scott Pilgrim
Jill Roberts, Sam Carpenter, & Amber Freeman from Scream
Lambadelta & Bernkastel from Umineko no naku Koro ni
Annabelle Zhu / Anna Johnson from The Vampire Diaries
Ayano Aishi from Yandere Simulator ( anti-Yandev )
unaligned or fluid enby:
Emori from The 100
Alois Trancy from Black Butler
Genocider Syo from Danganronpa
Nagito Komaeda from Danganronpa
Wrath from Fullmetal Alchemist 2003
Riley Blue from Sense8
Kish from Tokyo Mew Mew
min spec:
John Murphy from The 100
Cole from Blush Blush
Warren Meers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Nick Miller from New Girl
Mickey Altieri & Roman Bridger from Scream
Wolfgang Bogdanow from Sense8
Karasu from Yu Yu Hakusho
this post is still a WIP and these lists may be added to at any time.
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack/Togami Byakuya, Fukawa Toko/Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack/Togami Byakuya
Characters: Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack, Togami Byakuya
Additional Tags: Omorashi, Desperation Play, Desperation, Urination, Wetting, Bad BDSM Etiquette, Non-Consensual Touching, Non-Consensual Bondage, Chair Bondage, Bondage, Femdom, Hostage Situations, Held Down, Dubcon Kissing, Kissing, Yandere, Threats of Violence, Denial of Feelings, Feelings Realization, Humiliation, Situational Humiliation, Embarrassment, Locked In, Choking, Dangan Ronpa Spoilers, POV Togami Byakuya, Togami Byakuya-Centric, Togami Byakuya is Bad at Feelings, Light Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Implied Sexual Content, One Shot, Internal Conflict, Tsunderes
Summary: Byakuya thought their time studying in the library was finished. That mangy wretch had other ideas...
What happens when the Master becomes the leashed mongrel?
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((Finally, a fic I had mostly written back in 2020 is finished!!! I had so much fun torturing this pretty little bitch boy 💛😈💛 ))
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An Obsession To Me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LgfxcXo
by DrewtheDrew
A story of an Ultimate Hope and his friends taking down the Ultimate Despair. But before that story could even take place, an outsider has been brought into the lives of classes 77-B and 78th. And he couldn't imagine that him being there changed their lives. The outsider coming from another world realizes this is the world of Danganronpa. But what he doesn't realize is that being here has changed everything and everyone.
"T-They all Yanderes...!?!?"
Words: 1130, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Kuwata Leon, Ikusaba Mukuro, Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Fukawa Touko, Togami Byakuya, Asahina Aoi, Fujisaki Chihiro, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Yamada Hifumi, Ogami Sakura, Maizono Sayaka, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Celestia Ludenberg, Oowada Mondo, Original Male Character(s), Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack
Additional Tags: Yandere, Blood and Gore, Romance, Death, Angst, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LgfxcXo
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Hi! Can I request Yandere Byakuya with a gender neutral reader(if you do those) who is the ultimate delinquent and they are very aggressive and hot headed, stubborn and just overall not a pushover at all. They care but they will absolutely beat the absolute shit out of someone?
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Yandere Byakuya Togami x Ultimate Delinquent Reader
He’s not inherently fond of you
You’re supposed attitude, your dress, and your ultimate title
all point to a character he does not know or is fond of 
The absolute opposite of an Ultimate Affluent Progeny 
No money, no prospects, nothing to your name but your reputation for delinquency
And after all that you couldn’t even become the ultimate highschool level gang leader 
That role was manly taken
It's his mistake for taking you for a complete idiot
Losing his cool during the trial as you reveal his trickery and outside intentions with the investigation
“What?! Did you think I was an absolute dolt?!”
He also doesn’t expect how quickly you put him in a headlock as you spit in his ear
“Don’t. Ever. Include me in your crackpot ideas again, got it?!”
“F-f-fine…b-but I can’t help you if you look like an idiot-"
You tighten your hold 
Having Sakura and the majority of the group forcing you to let go
It's a strong-standing rivalry between you two
That everyone’s aware of 
Even Genocider Syo expects this 
But as many know supposed hate can be just as close as love
And in Byakuya’s case, it's quite an extreme example of that:
Dear fiendish enemy of Mine,
You will be pleased to know that I wish to accept an apology from you. 
I will be in the library, waiting.
–The Ultimate Affluent Progeny, Togami Byakuya
That’s what it said. The letter slipped under your doorway in the heat of the night or the morning you typically slept in on. You scoffed crumpling the letter before tossing it into your trashcan; just to spite him you debated leaving your room at all. You were all for keeping everyone alive and whatnot but the meetings were early and you were never one for following rules anyway. As much as you hated being grouped up with the rich boy you weren’t going to go out of your way to be some other hero type; that’s what Makoto was for. With ease, you settled into your bed drifting into another deep sleep. You’d eat later.
When you awoke, you had no indicator for any time passing. With an audible growl from your stomach, you tiredly sat up, finally setting yourself on a mission to feed yourself. Considering Monokuma hadn’t woken you up obnoxiously you figured nobody had died yet. That was good. Best case scenario it was ‘nighttime’ and you could feast without anyone bothering you. Pushing the handle down you only gave it a nudge with your hip. 
“D-did I forget to lock it?”
You tried the handle again to find the door was still unmovable. Getting irritated quickly you went to kick the door open only for the door to stay in place with the weight of something on the other side. 
“But why would there be something against the door?”
You tried again but to no avail spiraling you into a fit of anger. Turning from the door in a huff you began to take your anger out on the few pieces of furniture. Kicking over the table, throwing out the drawers of the cabinet; you were about to slam off the objects resting on the bolted shelf. Stopping when you see a familiar letter next to a lunch box.
Dear idiot of Mine,
I knew you wouldn’t follow such a simple command and that’s what I counted on! 
Now who’s the victim of their own laziness?! Since you are so inclined to laze about it makes you a difficult target in the killing game. Nonetheless, I can not have your reckless discretion decide both our fates thus I am making the executive decision to keep you caged.
“Caged!? That brat who does he think he is!?”
See like a dog you have a master. I would have included you in this decision if I was sure you were competent enough to understand it. But you are not and I am tired of trying to change that. 
Therefore be pleased you are going to be taking a back seat to this game and if you’re lucky enough Monokums will let you watch as I win this game. 
Eat dear idiot. And if you can muster the brain power read. You might be interested in rotting your life away but I am not. The exact opposite actually, I fully intend to have you tamed when I am through with this game.
Enjoy your suspension (Y/n), Togami Byakuya
Throwing the letter out of sight you reached into the duffle to find a few full thermoses, multiple bottles of water, some books, and some canned foods. Resisting the urge to throw its contents all around the room you instead picked up the letter again rereading the words as you tried to make sense of your predicament. 
‘Was that even possible in a killing school game.’
Whether or not it was as the Ultimate Affluent Progeny: Togami Byakuya said so. And it would be your fate until the game officially ended.
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yanderanged · 2 years
♡❀˖⁺. About Me ⋆˙⊹❀♡
Hello. Please call me Void =) I am seventeen, nonbinary, and use they/them pronouns. I am pansexual and on the aromantic spectrum. I have used the term "yandere" to describe myself since I was fourteen. Currently, I am single and strictly monogamous. I have been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. My counselor says I show many traits of BPD, but does not want to diagnose me yet. I have been told by past psychiatrists and counselors that I have traits of OCD and PTSD. I like to draw, sing, journal, and write poetry. I also like to browse online forums and websites. I am very into webcore and retro social media platforms. My Kins: - John Doe They're quite literally me. ★ - Toko Fukawa - Genocider Syo - Yuri (DDLC) ★ - Lucy (Elfen Lied) - Susie (Deltarune) ★ - Sato Matsuzaka - Zim - Tomoko Kuroki anime version ★
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magicrabbiticons · 2 years
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Welcome to Magic Rabbit Icons!
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- This blog does icon and reply icon edits! Anything new will be announced over time. - Fictionkin and Comfort Characters are accepted, as well as icons for systems/alters. (DISCLAIMER: If you are an introject from a source on the blacklist and you would like to send a request, be sure to mention it! I make exceptions for introjects.) - If your source is not a canon source, we can discuss options such as fanart icons with proper credits given. - You may submit pictures you'd like to made into icons. For every request, if you'd like a specific look to it, please specify. - Only one request per ask. You may send multiple, but it just keeps it organized.
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DNI: - TERFs / Transmeds / Truscum - Anti neopronouns & xenogenders - DDLG / CGL / Yandere Blogs - Endogenic Systems - Factkins - MCYT / DSMP blogs - Proshippers - MSPEC Gay / Lesbian supporters
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Arknights Attack on Titan Beastars Camp Camp Doki Doki Literature Club DSMP / MCYT Friday Night Funkin Genshin Impact Happy Sugar Life Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Hetalia Higurashi Homestuck / Hiveswap Identity V Kill La Kill / Promare / Panty and Stocking Killing Stalking Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Lore Olympus Miraculous Ladybug Mystic Messenger Ouran High School Host Club Seven Deadly Sins She-Ra and the Princesses of Power South Park The Adventure Zone Urusei Yatsura Yandere Simulator Characters: Boku No Hero Academia: Endeavor, Bakugou Katsuki, Mineta Minoru, Toga Himiko (+ villain league) Ensemble Stars: Eichi Tenshouin, Ibara Saegusa, Mayoi Ayase, Rei/Ritsu Sakuma, Jin Sagami, Izumi Sena Danganronpa: Haiji Towa, Kokichi Ouma, Monaca Towa, Junko Enoshima, Hifumi Yamada, Genocider Syo, Mikan Tsumiki Cookie Run: Yogurt Cookie, Lilac Cookie, Tiger Lily Cookie, Purple Yam Cookie, Milk Cookie, Sorbet Shark Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Goblin Cookie, Timekeeper Cookie, Sea Fairy Cookie, Moonlight Cookie, Almond Cookie Pokemon: Ghetsis, Lusamine, Bede, Hex Maniac, Acerola, Faba, Wicke Land of the Lustrous: Aechmea, Moon/Princess Cairngorm, Lunarians/Lunarian Gems The idolm@ster: Riamu Yumemi, Mayu Sakuma, Sachiko Koshimizu, Anzu Futaba, Chitose Kurosaki, Ritsuko Akizuki, Matsuri Tokugawa, Atsumi Munakata, Kurumi Ohnuma, Shiki Ichinose, Yuriko Ohnishi, Nana Abe, Shizuku Oikawa, Reina Koseki
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dangan-yandere-blog · 2 years
Could I request Yandere toko/Jill x G/n reader who doesn't really care for her stalkerish tendencies and is just always nice and supportive. Headcanans pls
Hello, anon! I can do that for you. I decided to write both Toko and Genocider Syo’s reactions to this, if that’s okay. Thank you for sending this in and I do hope it’s to your liking!
-Mod Mikan
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yandere toko and genocider syo with a willing s/o!
•Toko’s quick to trust you when she realizes you don’t mind her obsessive tendencies— sure— she’s not too foolish, she still takes care to make sure that you’re not slipping away from her grasp...
•But she’s definitely more lenient with you, allowing you to have friends (though she may get clingy in front of them to prove a point) and even refrain from doing anything like kidnapping you
•You love her, don’t you? So... if you feel the same... and you willingly go to her house and visit her...?
•What’s the point? Don’t get her wrong, she’d love to have you all to herself! It’s just that... well, she’d hate to isolate you
•You’re so compliant, and sweet to her, so there’s no need for her to punish you! You two can just stay happy and safe together forever!
•Toko’s definitely a lot clingier and open with you when she’s aware you aren’t bothered by her stalkerish nature— clinging close onto your arm or telling you in extreme detail just how much she loves you, how perfect you are for her and how she’s so happy she has you all to herself.
•She adores you! And... while she was definitely surprised that you’re so willing... She’s not going to complain.
•Genocider Syo, on the other hand... she isn’t going to be so trusting of you.
•She’s sure you’re just acting unfazed so thst you can find her at her weak spot— and end up leaving her somewhere she’ll never ever find you!
•She can’t have that, of course, and quite honestly, it wouldn’t take much for her to kidnap you.
•She’d tie your binds tight in a secluded room of her house, warning you that if you try to escape, she might just punish you for it. Which— she has no problem doing that— do not be mistaken.
•Each time she ends up switching back to Toko, though... You’ll always have her frantically untying your binds while demanding an explanation.
•Over time, Genocider Syo did come to see that you were still here with Toko. You hadn’t left her and you were relatively kind to the both of them.
•...So, maybe she can start trusting you, if only a little.
•She’ll be by your side every moment that she’s fronting, though. Don’t expect anything else! It’s because she loves you, you know?
•As a whole, Toko’s very happy to see that you’re compliant, and fine with her obsessive behavior... She’d hate it if you weren’t.
•And, while Genocider Syo takes some time to trust you... she, too, adores the fact that you haven’t put up much of a fight.
•She may pull out her scissors every once in a while, though, just to see how willing you really are after she uses them on you!
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cammy-mcspammy · 3 years
Which would you pick? Toga or Syo?!
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Trick question, the only real answer is both! (Duh)
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