#yandere sayaka headcanons
midnightlee25 · 2 years
Yandere Team-ups: Kaede Akamatsu & Sayaka Maizono
Musical Madness
Both are sickly sweet to their darling and anyone on the outside can see who their favorite person is.
This being said they are always around their darling either following them or dragging them to places.
Both have ways to get close to their darling not only making themselves hard to get rid of but also to themselves more believable than others.
There are times when they try to one up each other but will quickly put it aside for the time being.
Both will make music for their darling with Sayaka writing and singing for them while Kaede will play the piano. (The only time they will play together is if their darling asked them to.)
Out of the two Sayaka is better at being manipulative than Kaede. The reason is because Sayaka can get not only people she knows but strangers as well to do as she wants while Kaede works better with people she knows but has a harder time with strangers or just people she’s not too familiar with.
Both always want their darling’s attention on them and get angry when they don’t have it.
This being said both get extremely jealous.
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Ooh, can I ask for some headcanons for Hiyoko Saionji, Ibuki Mioda, & Sayaka Maizono (/Sonia Nevermind) My lesbian heart just love love LOVES them ❤️❤️
Sayaka Maizona
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Sayaka loved her groupmates, but there was one specific groupmate that she loved a little bit differently than others. That groupmate was you. You were one of the new members, and you were brash, and childish, but that was part of your charm.
Many fans had dubbed you as a tsundere, and Sayaka couldn't agree more, often times teasing you lovingly about it. She just loved how flustered and puffy eyed you got whenever you were embarrassed or teary.
How did Sayaka's feelings develop? Well, it just happened naturally. Being friendly and determined to achieve her goals, when you joined her group, she did not give up on you even if you were rude and often times liked to isolate yourself.
Through her determination, she figured out that you put up that cold front because of personal fears. And soon enough, she learned to read you like a book.
Maybe it was the fact that she was the only one to understand you in such a way made her so obsessive over you. I mean, you had nobody but her, she had to give you all her time, no?
After she got kidnapped and brought in this insane game, she didn't want to hurt anyone, but seeing the video of you being touched by someone else, and kissed forcefully, made her realize that if she didn't get out and save you, you will be forever lost.
She would do anything for you, even kill.
Hiyoko Saionji
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Hiyoko always disliked men. She never felt comfortable around them, and hated when men would become her managers. But when you came into her life and started to manage all of her performances, and finances, stuff started to become a little bit better.
The two of you were a little apart in age, but that was alright for her. She'll be an adult in a few months! She didn't mind. But you did. It infuriated Hiyoko how you never reciprocated her advances, even if she made it very clear that she was serious about you.
It was because she looked so childish? She usually didn't hate her body, finding it a good tool to manipulate adults, but in this moment, she truly wished she was more mature to be able to attract you.
Hiyoko always had a spoiled nature and haughty attitude, so it was no surprise that whenever she noticed that you started to get along with someone that was not her, she would start harassing that person.
The only exception was any member of her family, but it didn't mean she wouldn't curse their name in that moment, before she would calm down.
How did the ultimate despair trick Hiyoko into despair? Of course, she promised Hiyoko you and complete ownership over you. Everything else is history, especially now that you are her perfect doll.
Sitting still, looking pretty, and without the ability to leave her anymore.
Ibuki Mioda
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Ibuki was a genius of a kind. But with most geniuses, it's hard to realize their beauty, for it's unique and different from what you are used to. But you were different.
You were a loner at her school, usually staying away from most on your own accord, only having one or two friends you occasionally spoke to, but primarily, you spent time alone.
On one of your travels through your old school, you heard music coming from a room and went to check it out.
The music you heard was experimental and not many could appreciate it in it's raw form, but you were in awe. You didn't shy away from telling her that you loved her music. You even asked how you could support her or hear more of her music.
Ibuki always knew that she was a great musician, but with this new adventure into finding a new style for her, it was hard when nobody could appreciate her. But finally, she found someone who did.
You were her first fan. Her first manager. Her first friend who understood her music. And most importantly, you were her first love.
Ibuki didn't hide her feelings for you, and you didn't hide your dislike for committed relationships, be it platonic or romantic. You didn't even consider her a friend on an official level. But that was okay, she was determined to make you a part of her journey.
She was nothing but persistent. Following you around, creating opportunities where you two could be together. And besides, even if she didn't do any of that, her music always brought you back in her arms.
She was content for now. But for how much longer would she be?
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Platonic Yandere Sayaka Miki
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→ Request: Hello! Can I request yandere platonic sayaka miki from madoka magica with who is nonmagical girl
You can ignore it if you want! It's okay! By @hellomyfriendsstuff
→ A/N: First time writing for Sayaka so she might be a bit OOC!
→ Warnings: Yandere behaviour, Major Spoilers for the main series + Rebellion
→ Fandom: Puelle Magi Madoka Magica
→ Genre: Yandere + Platonic Headcanons
→ Pronouns: They/Them
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You started off as simply being friends
You were a lot like Hitomi, completely unaware of the world of witches and magical girls
But you weren’t stupid, you could tell she was going through something and you’d be damned if you just ignored it
She obviously didn't tell you everything but she still valued your attempts at helping her
You were there before she turned into a witch, you tried to comfort her
During rebellion is when her yandere behaviour would set in
In her eyes you’re one of the only people in her life that hasn't been tainted by her world
You’re one of the few normal people she still has
She’d do anything and everything in her power to make sure you never find out about magical girls
This includes making you avoid people like Mami and Madoka, as much as it pains her it’s a necessary precaution
She obviously does all of this as subtly as she can
One of her favourite things to do is sleepovers, it gives her an excuse to make sure you aren't at risk to any witches
She also tries her best to make sure your happy, one thing she’d never do is hurt anyone close to you
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moonsaver · 7 months
can i request for platonic dr ratio with reader who’s very clumsy and their like a magical girl like sayaka and madoka? (it can be yandere or not, i just dont want my request to make you uncomfortable so you choose if it’s going to be yandere or not) their goal is to stop witches and stop them corrupting the world (im sorry but i long forgot shout madoka magica) but
Dr ratio is just like worried seeing reader so clumsy and easily distracted in the battle field so he had to take matters into his own hands
(i want it you to make it a headcanon! im also not sure if the reader should be a child reader or not and im not sure if you allow child reader😭 IM SO SORRY SORRRRRRYYYYYY FOR WASTING UR TIME IM SORRY
Hello anon! Unfortunately despite Madoka Magica being on my watchlist, I have yet to actually watch the series and I'm not very familiar with the mechanics of the magical girl in that world specifically. I have read a small summary into the series and I think I've gotten a bit of a grasp, but this is more generally targeted to magical girls instead of madoka magica magical girls. And I do not write platonic yandere characters for who Im assuming is kind of a child, since it's a magical girl and not woman.
Anyways, this idea is kind of fun! This is more of a crack-fic then, i guess?
Dr Ratio strikes so many poses, I mean.. have you seen those statues of him? He's definitely suggesting you a few poses subtly during your magical girl transformation.
Claims himself as your mentor, telling you how to transition more smoothly in your magical girl transformation, making sure your wand is in excellent working condition, and if possible, makes the effort to increase it's efficiency.
Your clumsiness however is absolutely disdainful to him, he's always shouting in your ear how you're stupidly tripping up on the thousands of ribbons that were haphazardly placed on your frilly outfit, telling you to use your brain with the large bow on it.
He's pulling your ear, cheek, and smacking your head upside down whenever you trip up or miss an important shot at a witch or monster of any sort.
At some point i just imagine he borrows your wand, goes through his own magical girl transformation and fights in your stead. Gives you a thorough dressing down after the fight is over, telling you to learn some basic principles and– ugh, you know what? Just follow him and let him teach you.
If you're not exhausted from battling and trying to not kill yourself with your own wand, you will be after his class on magical girl properties and how to be the best one or something, bits of physics thrown here and there to help you with your fighting senses.
He will not tolerate you getting distracted too easily. If you so much as take your eyes off of your target for something stupid, you'll be conked by a large chalk piece aimed at you before your enemy even lays a hand on you.
Dr Ratio isn't someone who intends to step in frequently – he wants you to learn how to become better instead of relying on him.
At the end of the day, he sighs, and pats your head, giving you 5 points for your fortitude, and to follow him along for your next lesson.
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thequietkid-moonie · 6 months
Hello bro, I came to request again about yandere Puella Magi Madoka Magica platonically of course, with stoic reader yet gentle and mature who is always get hurt, it's either hurt badly or just a little so the reader need a bandage. And the reader was like "Oh this? It's fine." Its up to you if you want the reader became magical like them or not. Thank you for hearing my request. You can refuse it if you want.Oh and Thanks for making my day became good. Sorry if my English sound weird, it's not my first language. (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) take your time!
Stoic, gentle and mature darling doesn't mind getting hurt
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Mami, Madoka, Sayaka, Kyoko & Homura ]
[ Puella Magi Madoka Magica ]
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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This was quite interesting to write! Aaaand I finally stoped procrastinating haha
I don't think this is my best work but I still hope you like it!!
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Even when your relationship with them probably just started as a friendship the craving need to have you around at all times grow slowly in their hearts
Honestly, their live became a complete caotic mess after just getting to know Kubey, even before making a contracts just by knowing about the witches was enough to bring troubles to their lives. For everyone is dificult, all of them try to deal with it in their own diferent ways but when you came to their lifes, even if you were just friends with one of them, is going to be imposible to don't end up involved with the rest of them
While Mami and Madoka wanted to give you a warm welcome to their friends group Kyoko and Homura wanted you away from them, it was a quite rough start (specially for your more serious and stoic attitude), but at the moment you start to showing them your maturity and showering them with care and gentleness, all of them quickly become more dependent and needy of you
Once they got involved with Kubey they entire life become a mess, constantly having to fight against the witches and having to take care of their soul gem, making sure none of them get corrupted by the despair, there is too much stress in their lifes and Kubey's annoying insistance doesn't help, so when you came and treats them with gentleness and care, being aware enough to actually undestand the seriousness of the matter and trying to bring them comfort (directly or indirectly), recognizing their hard work and treating them as what they are, poor young girls that are forced to fight to death, and even so you never treat them with pity, truly caring for them, is just imposible to don't want you around all the time
It goes to the point where your presence alone is comforting enough, as if at your side were the safest and most comforting place in the entire world, as if at your side nothing else exist aside from just you and them, your arms are made to perfectly match them, holding them with the gentleness the world have forgotten and your voice is like a soft lullaby, even if your expression is stoic they can feel the warm and soft love you have for the in every word and actions of yours
That is why the panic take over them when they found out that you actually don't mind if you ever get hurt, small cut or a serious injury, it doesn't matter for you, insisting that you can just treat the wound later, the problem is that even if you don't mind they do
They live putting their lifes at risk everytime they go out fighting witches, they constantly get injured and have to suffer from the battles and all of that is worthy because they now have you, now they have a reason to continue fighting if that reason one day dissapear non of them will be able to continue, that is why even the smallest scratch makes them get alert, but if you don't mind getting hurt that just make their work of keeping you safe more difficult
Mami is the one who tries to have a calm talk with you about you actually shouldn't ignore this kind of things (but is obvious how her worry grows with each word), Madoka and Sayaka tries to convince you by telling you the risk you are putting yourself into, while Kyoko and Homura are more aggressive, almost willing to force you to promise to tell them whenever you get hurt, even when you only get the smallest scratch
Your safety is one of their top priorities, so you don't taking it seriously puts them at the edge; the more you insist on ignore your safety the more controling and possessive they become, not wanting to take the risk of something happening to you
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poisonousroxstar · 1 year
Platonic Yandere Madoka Kaname
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Plot Summery: Platonic headcanons for Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magia This Contains: ❣️ MAJOR SPOILERS FOR MADOKA MAGICA ❣️ Angst (character death), unhealthy themes & depictions of relationships (yandere stuff), not proofread. Note(s): so....I love Madoka and needed to pump this out. Thank you for your time!
Madoka is, without a doubt, one of the best yanderes to have out there, especially for a platonic darling. She's absolutely doting and caring, but also very clingy. And very delusional.
You're her world, the most amazing person she's ever met. She wants to always be around you, and never be apart. You just need to exist in the same space together, and she'll be content. Happy. And she wants you to be happy too.
She goes out of her way to do everything and anything she can for you. If you're hungry, she'll give you her lunch -- heck, she might even make extra just for you. If you're cold, she'll hold you close. If you're sad, she's determined to make you happy! Madoka is very self-sacrificial, to a dangerous degree. She throws herself into anything and everything for you, even if it'll hurt her in the end. As long as you're happy and safe, she's happy too.
Everyone can tell that you're special to Madoka. Her family and friends especially. I think some of them might get jealous, such as Sayaka, but seeing Madoka so joyful and happy around someone makes them all shut up about it. I think her family easily welcome you. Her mom thinks you're adorable, and her dad thinks the same. Tatsuya (her little brother) may end up adopting a similar clinginess to his sister, always wanting to be around you and thinking you're the coolest person ever. They think you're a good influence on Madoka, so they turn a blind eye to her abnormal behavior.
If you're a magical person yourself, then Madoka is even more protective, even if she isn't a magical girl yet. She wants to save everyone, but if left with an ultimatum, she'll always pick you above everyone else. You're her only real friend, above everyone else. As such, you'll always be her top priority. If Madoka is a magical girl, you definitely create a signature move together, it's a must!
She wants to see what you can do, and what you two can do together! If she's a magical girl, you both fight and work as an unstoppable duo, defeating witches and saving the innocent! Madoka lives in this sort of fairytale afterwards, where you and her fight for the greater good and defeat the foes of evil. Having you by her side makes her content and feel safe and strong. With you by her side, she feels like she can do anything.
If you ever died or become a witch, the grief and despair would be too much for Madoka to handle. If you've died, Madoka is staring silently at first. Then, she cradles your lifeless body and tries to wake you up, crying your name with increasing volume. She can't stop the years, and she can't stop her heart from breaking. And she can't accept this reality. If she hasn't made her wish yet, then she'll definitely use it to bring you back to live.
If not, the despair she feels makes her witch out, becoming Kriemhild Gretchen. As she feels the waves of regret and pain flow through her, Gretchen decides to destroy the world of any similar grievances. There is only brief happiness as she consumes the world for all its misfortune.
If you're becoming a witch, though still holding on. Madoka panics and does everything she can to try and safe you. Begging any of the girls something, anything to save you! If you asked her to mercy kill you before you become a witch, she outright refuses... at first. But the more you beg, the more you tell her just how much pain you're in and how you don't want to become a monster, she relents. As she shatters your Soul Gem, she does so through tears. And, again. She witches out, unable to bear the guilt.
Madoka also has a very high chance at dying by your own hand as you become a witch. It's not that she can't defeat you, it's that she doesn't want to. She can't, it's too much for her. She welcomes her doom as you kill her... maybe, when the other defeat you... you can both be reunited.
When Madoka does make her wish and becomes Madokami, she promises you that she'll always look out for you. She'll always be there for you, and whenever you feel alone, know that you never truly -- because she's there with you. If you're a witch, she takes away your Grief and replaces it with hope. And then, she takes you with her, joining you in her Law of Cycles.
Even when you forget who she is, Madokami never forgets you, her love for you too strong. Even as she becomes but a concept in the end, she holds true to her word, never letting you go.
In the end, she loves you too much for her own good. But as long as you live a long, fulfilling life, then Madokami can live all of existence knowing that you are and were happy. Even if she couldn't be in it anymore.
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jessamine-rose · 2 years
ʚ✿ Ubi amor, ibi dolor ✿ɞ
“Where there is love, there is pain.”
♡ Jessamine’s masterlist for Genshin Impact
♡ Italics for nsfw/ suggestive themes!!
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♡ How do the Yandere! Harbingers Comfort their Darlings?? - Pantalone, Dottore, Pierro
♡ Part of Your World - Capitano, Pantalone, Dottore, Pierro + notes
♡ Under the Sea - sequel + mermaid lore
♡ Orca! Mermaid! Pierro and aquatic diets
♡ A Lionfish! Mermaid for a darling??
♡ Requiem for the Damned - Priest! Dottore x Demon! Darling
♡ Angel’s Tears - Guardian Angel! Capitano x Nonbeliever! Darling
♡ Red Sky at Night, Shepherd’s Delight - Priest! Arlecchino x Devotee! Darling
♡ Faustian Bargain - Demon! Pantalone x Contractee! Darling
♡ Annular Eclipse - Cartaphilus! Pierro x Guardian Angel! Darling
♡ Window to the Soul - Thank you for sharing the Captain’s eye color, Mika :’>
♡ Drunk s/o calls Capitano a stapler
♡ Happy New Year!! - a romantic start to 2024
♡ Capitano warms up his lover on a wintry day
♡ Ribbon Knots - a daily routine ft. corsets
♡ Yandere! Capitano imprisons his Fatuus! Darling - inspired by jymwahuwu
♡ Capitano’s lover takes the lead this time
♡ Ardor of a Lover - Yandere! Vampire AU
♡ Blessing of Aphrodite - Yandere! NSFW
♡ A small act of love from the Regrator
♡ Pantalone with a gun - inspired by zhongrin
♡ Happy Pocky Day!! - Pocky kisses with Webttore and Primettore
♡ An Experiment in Procreation - Yandere! Dottore’s thoughts on babytrapping
♡ The Golden Ratio - Akademiya romance
♡ Ladyttore - Introduction ๑ Dottore’s jealousy
♡ Happy Valentine’s Day!! - a special present
♡ Dottore’s lover mourns his Segments
♡ Coffee Break - a date with the Segments
♡ An Unlikely Fitness Consultant <3 - Dottore helps you with your physical exercises
✿ PIERRO ✿  
♡ Surgeon! Pierro comforts his patient
♡ Aoede - Yandere! Pierro x Singer! Reader (Modern AU) + EXTRA
♡ Smoke Break - a shared vice
♡ Ghost Heart - Yandere! Wanderer x Reader
♡ Scaramouche’s regional tea preferences
♡ A Candlelit Dinner - Yandere! La Signora’s darling copes with the death of their wife
♡ Mental image of Neuvillette wearing lingerie
♡ Househusband! Zhongli headcanons
♡ Kakegurui AU inspired by Kirari x Sayaka
♡ Faceless - Yandere! Faceless Ayato
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♡ I Love You, Darling - official masterlist for my Yandere! Harbinger longfic series. Click the link for more content  ꒰♡ˊ͈ ु꒳ ूˋ͈꒱。゚
♡ Darling Crossover - Part One ๑ Part Two
♡ Artifact Set: Beloved Darlings - lore + extras
♡ Herbarium - Il Capitano x f! reader
♡ Fairytale - side story, Capitano’s POV
♡ Forget-Me-Not - epilogue, Capitano’s POV
♡ Astilbe - epilogue, comfort from Capitano
♡ Laurestine - epilogue, Fatui report
♡ Viparyas - epilogue, ft. Aranara
♡ Housecat - Pantalone x f! Reader, pt 1
♡ Alea Iacta Est - part 2, Pantalone’s POV
♡ Happy - alternate ending written by Anon
♡ Chemistry - Il Dottore x f! Reader
♡ Magnum Opus - side story, Dottore’s POV
♡ About Time - epilogue, Dottore’s thoughts on marriage
♡ Disjecta Membra - Pierro x f! Reader
♡ Chess Piece - side story, Pierro’s POV
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♡ Il Capitano x Little Dove! Darling
♡ Herbarium - chibi doodles, my own design for Damsel (Capitano’s darling)
♡ Happy 1.4k followers!! - Capitano x Damsel
♡ Housecat - chibi doodles, my own design for Kitty (Pantalone’s darling) - OLD ๑ NEW
♡ Happy 1.5k followers!! - Pantalone x Kitty
♡ Chemistry - chibi doodles, my own design for Assistant (Dottore’s darling)
♡ Happy 1.6k followers!! - Dottore x Assistant
♡ Disjecta Membra - chibi doodles, my own design for Savior (Pierro’s darling)
♡ Happy 1.7k followers!! - Pierro and Savior
♡ Happy 2k followers!! - Wanderer x Doll
♡ Fan art for When the Cypress Tree Wilts
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let-them-eat-rakes · 8 months
danganronpa headcanon 10; Favorite Game Special
Makoto Naegi: Minecraft
Kyoko Kirigiri: Mystery Games
Toko Fukawa: Dating Sims
Genocider Syo: The gorier the better
Byakuya Togami: management games
Aoi Asahina: Wii Sports Resort
Yasuhiro Hagakure: Sonic Colors
Sayaka Maizono: DDR
Leon Kuwata: Rock Band
Chihiro Fujisaki: DDLC
Mondo Oowada: racing games
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Ace Attorney
Hifumi Yamada: anime games
Celestia Ludenburg: Microsoft Solitaire
Sakura Ogami: Street Fighter
Mukuro Ikusaba: realistic combat simulators
Junko Enoshima: Dark Souls
Hajime Hinata: Stardew Valley
Izuru Kamukura: Rogue likes
Kazuichi Souda: Tank Mechanic Simulator
Akane Owari: Wii Fit U
Sonia Nevermind: Yandere Sim
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: Yakuza 0
Ultimate Imposter: amogus, duh
Teruteru Hanamura: cooking mama
Mahiru Koizumi: Pokemon snap
Peko Pekoyama: Skyward Sword
Ibuki Mioda: Rock Band
Hiyoko Saionji: Taiko games
Mikan Tsumiki: Surgeon Simulator
Nekomaru Nidai: Wii Fit U
Gundham Tanaka: Nintendogs
Nagito Komaeda: Luck Based ganesy
Chiaki Nanami: every game ever made
Shuichi Saihara: Mystery games
Himiko Yumeno: Super Mario
Maki Harukawa: Hitman
Rantaro Amami: Uncharted
Kaede Akamatsu: piano.
Ryoma Hoshi: tennis.
Kirumi Tojo: House Flipper
Angie Yonaga: Passepartout(?)
Tenko Chabashira: Any game with a lesbian MC
Korekiyo Shinguji: Assassin's Creed games
Miu Iruma: Sandbox games
Gonta Gokuhara: Pokemon Snap
Kokichi Ouma: BOTW/TOTK
Kaito Momota: Universe Sandbox
Tsumigi Shirogane: Yandere Sim
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frickingnerd · 2 years
Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair Masterlist
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Hajime Hinata
dating hajime hinata - headcanons
fake dating hajime hinata - headcanons
hajime with an affectionate s/o - headcanons
being in a love triangle with hajime and nagito - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with hajime and kazuichi - headcanons
Nagito Komaeda
clinging onto bad luck - oneshot
yandere nagito komaeda - headcanons
nagito dating a member of the future foundation - headcanons
nagito with a plus sized s/o - headcanons
nagito's s/o being killed - headcanons
nagito dating the ultimate empath - headcanons
being in a love triangle with hajime and nagito - headcanons
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
don't even look at the door! - drabble
dating fuyuhiko kuzuryu - headcanons
fuyuhiko falling for the rival gang leader's daughter - headcanons
fuyuhiko dating a reader with insomnia - headcanons
fuyuhiko breaking up with his s/o - headcanons
fuyuhiko's crush dating hajime - headcanons
Kazuichi Soda
being in a poly relationship with peko and fuyuhiko - headcanons
poly relationship with fuyuhiko & kazuichi - headcanons
dating kazuichi soda - headcanons
kazuichi breaking up with you - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with hajime and kazuichi - headcanons
poly relationship with kazuichi souda & gundham tanaka - headcanons
Gundham Tanaka
kazuichi & gundham crushing on a future foundation member - headcanons
poly relationship with fuyuhiko & kazuichi - headcanons
under your spell - oneshot
dating gundham tanaka - headcanons
gundham breaking up with his s/o - headcanons
poly relationship with kazuichi souda & gundham tanaka - headcanons
kazuichi & gundham crushing on a future foundation member - headcanons
Nekomaru Nidai
dating nekomaru nidai - headcanons
Teruteru Hanamura
better than to be alone - drabble
cooking with teruteru hanamura - headcanons
Ultimate Imposter
imposter comforting you after your pet passed away - headcanons
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Chiaki Nanami
things you weren't meant to hear - oneshot
chiaki announcing your relationship on a gaming stream - headcanons
chiaki with a s/o who always takes care of her - headcanons
Sonia Nevermind
i wanna ruin our friendship (we should be lovers instead) - oneshot
dating sonia nevermind - headcanons
sonia dating the ultimate occultist - headcanons
Akane Owari
dating akane owari - headcanons
akane dating a reserve course student - headcanons
akane owari with a shy s/o - headcanons
Mikan Tsumiki
dating mikan tsumiki - headcanons
caught making out with mikan - headcanons
bullying yandere mikan - headcanons
yandere mikan's s/o being flirted with - headcanons
Peko Pekoyama
birthday presents from peko - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with peko and fuyuhiko - headcanons
Ibuki Mioda
ibuki mioda with a caring s/o - headcanons
ibuki mioda cheering you up - headcanons
sayaka, ibuki and kaede performing together for you - drabble
Mahiru Koizumi
us is all we'll ever need - oneshot
you're the one that i want - oneshot
mahiru dating the ultimate occultist - headcanons
mahiru with a s/o who loves when she gets stern - headcanons
poly relationship with mahiru & hiyoko - headcanons
Hiyoko Saionji
poly relationship with mahiru & hiyoko - headcanons
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yukinarinn · 2 years
Trigger Happy Havoc
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The names that have a cut on them means I won’t write anything with the characters!!
Makoto Naegi
Makoto Naegi x Childhood friend!Short!Fem!reader that had chronic pain and uses a cane (SFW + NSFW)
Byakuya Togami
“Pleasurable Vulnerability” Dom!Byakuya Togami x Sub!Myumu (NSFW)
Toko Fukawa
Aoi Asahina
Kyoko Kirigiri
Yasuhiro Hakagure
Chihiro Fujisaki
Celestia Ludenberg
Hifumi Yamada
Junko Enoshima
Mukuro Ikusaba
Mukuro Ikusaba nsfw headcanons (NSFW)
Mukuro Ikusaba nsfw alphabet (NSFW)
Leon Kuwata
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Mondo Owada
Sayaka Maizono
Sakura Ogami
Goodbye Despair
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Hajime Hinata
Nagito Komaeda
“I’ll comfort you!” Nagito Komaeda x Depressed!Fem!Reader (ANGST)
“My pleasure, Our pleasure~!” Yandere!Dom!Nagito Komaeda x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Yandere!Rantaro & Nagito with a reader who has trouble forming attachment to people
Izuru Kamukura
Peko Pekoyama
“Kissing Under the Fireworks” Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Peko Pekoyama (FLUFF)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
“Kissing Under the Fireworks” Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Peko Pekoyama (FLUFF)
Kazuichi Soda
Gundham Tanaka
Nekomaru Nidai
Tsumiki Mikan
Sonia Nevermind
Chiaki Nanami
Ibuki Mioda
Teruteru Hanamura
Hiyoko Saionji
Mahiru Koizumi
Akane Owari
Ultimate Imposter
Ultra Despair Girls
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Komaru Naegi
Toko Fukawa
Servant Nagito Komaeda
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
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Shuichi Saihara
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro Amami x Sub!Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Rantaro Amami x Brave & Savage!Fem!Reader (Canon AU)
Yandere!Rantaro & Nagito with a reader who has trouble forming attachment to people
Kaede Akamatsu
Miu Iruma
Ryoma Hoshi
Gonta Gokuhara
Kirumi Tojo
Tenko Chabashira
Kokichi Oma
Korekiyo Shinguji
Kaito Momota
Angie Yonaga
Himiko Yumeno
Maki Harukawa
Tsumugi Shirogane
I’ll also not write anyone from the anime series, excepting for..
Ryota Mitarai
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Hey, can you do a headcanon with Kirari Monobami, Kaede Manyuda, Yumeko Jabami, and Itsuki Sumeragi in which s/o is a bookworm in which she hates gambling finding it a big waste of time, and inconvenience? She was a transferee from England. She was often seen reading a book alone almost all the time. What are there reactions regarding their s/o’s behavior?
I only have one week of holidays left...
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, manipulation, controlling behavior, delusion
English transferee bookworm s/o who hates gambling
Jabami Yumeko
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♠️You have the worst match with your attitude since Yumeko has absolutely no consideration for what you think. She's pretty much outraged that her s/o sees gambling as a big waste of time. She came to the school for the reason that gambling is all that matters here so you being a transferee doesn't have meaning in this place, no matter how good your grades are. Despite her love for her s/o, Yumeko's words tend to be a little bit sharper due to her insensibility for your own feelings, she can't help but think that you're a bit boring. She tries to tear you away from your beloved books and introduce you to the world of excitement and pleasure via sweet-talking. If that doesn't work, Yumeko ends up being a bit more forceful with her s/o. She'll search for opportunities to push you into starting a gamble, even if that is for now only with her. Worst is that she'll never stop, convinced that she's doing you a favor.
Momobami Kirari
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♣️ Honestly, whether you gamble or not isn't any of Kirari's concern. She has built her own little aquarium with this school and she has control over everything but rarely uses her influence. It's more interesting to observe everything after all. You're a more fascinating fish in here though, a transferee from England who is rather sheltered and spends most of her time alone reading some books. You still find the woman entering your life somehow. Sayaka sometimes follows you around and spies on your activities and it happens that the head of the council herself approaches you sometimes to observe you closely and chat a bit with you. You should pray though that Kirari doesn't get a bit boring with your quiet attitude. Because if she does, she's sure to toy a bit around with you to see what you'll do when you're thrown into the world she created.
Sumeragi Itsuki
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 💅 It depends on whether she's still in the student council or not. Let's just say that Itsuki in the council would be quite arrogant and also sort of cocky towards you. She's delusional and thinks that you should be glad that she loves you since she's skilled and has the money. She's still gullible enough to let you not gamble if you manipulate her the right way but she also demands from you to spend time with her instead of only reading books. Otherwise she will end up forcing a gamble upon you and she'll cheat too if it means winning your attention. After Yumeko's defeat she'd be more mellow and understanding towards your dislike for gambling. She'll even protect you and defend you if someone sneers at you for never gambling. Your lonely attitude with reading books still upsets her so she clings to you and pesters you to tag at least a few times along and spend some time with her and her friends. Sure, maybe it is hard for you since you're in a foreign country but it's sad for her to see you always alone.
Manyuda Kaede
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 💴 His reaction also depends on whether we're talking before or after Yumeko's defeat. During his time in the student council he's more displeased with your dislike towards gambling. Whilst he doesn't mind you being a bookworm since it means that he can monitor you better and doesn't have to worry about you mingling with lower students, gambling is important in this school. It defines the status and power of someone here and Kaede has expectations on his darling. He wants you to achieve a high reputation in here and possibly even gamble your way into the council. After Yumeko's defeat, he has a change of heart too. He decides to respect your decision to not gamble after he has witnessed the fatal consequences and for a certain time he probably even thinks that it would have been better if he would have just done the same. After regaining his confidence in another gamble against Yumeko, he stops regretting and instead focuses on living his life and spending time with you.
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midnightlee25 · 2 years
Random Yandere Headcanons: Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenburg, Genocider Syo & Sakura Ogami with an equally as obsessive darling
Sayaka Maizono:
She's over the moon learning this.
She does see it as that she doesn't have to hide her yandere side anymore.
Because they won't be afraid of seeing just how far she is willing to go for their love right?
Celestia Ludenburg:
Of course, they would be obsessed with her.
She is smug about it but she won't really feel inclined to share just how strong she feels for them
Then again, it's not really that had to figure out her yandere side but just how far she will go is another story.
Genocider Syo:
At first, she really doesn't care one way or another.
Funny enough she will give them notes about herself.
The more time goes on the more it grows on her and she ends up getting more excited that her darling is obsessed with her.
Sakura Ogami:
She really won’t think too much about it.
They are a couple and it's normal for couples to want to know things about their other half.
As long as they don't get too creepy with it, she won't mind what they do.
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wattpadscapcons · 2 years
Danganronpa 1&2 Masterlist
Because I am more than angry having to scroll down to get to this.
Nagito Komeada
Nagito Dating Headcanons
Nagito Fluff Headcanons
Nagito w/ Ultimate Reptile Tamer S/O
Nagito w/ Very Affectionate S/O
Nervous Habit (Nagito)
Yandere! Nagito w/ Naïve! Fem! Reader
Cuddling Headcanons w/ Chiaki, Nagito, and Mikan
Nagito w/ Extremely Unlucky S/O
Gundham Tanaka
Personality Change (Gundham)
Gundham x Theater Kid S/O
Gundham's New Year Event
Gundham Cuddling Headcanons
Sayaka Maizono
Sayaka w/ Forgetting S/O's Birthday
Sayaka w/ Beginner Musician Reader
= Mikan Tsumiki
Mikan w/ Fem! Ultimate Hairdresser S/O
Cuddling Headcanons w/ Chiaki, Nagito, and Mikan
Mikan & Chiaki w/ S/O Coming Home From Working Overseas
Hajime Hinata
Hajime w/ Ultimate Singer S/O in a band w/ Ibuki
Hajime & Kazuichi Cuddling Headcanons
Chiaki Nanami
Chiaki w/ S/O Who Finds Loopholes
Cuddling Headcanons w/ Chiaki, Nagito, and Mikan
Mikan & Chiaki w/ S/O Coming Home From Working Overseas
Toko Fukawa
Toko w/ S/O Who Finds Loopholes
Toko w/ S/O Defending Them
Toko w/ S/O Who Draws Things They Like
Toko Receiving A Lover Letter
Makoto Naegi
Makoto w/ Extremely Unlucky S/O
Mukuro Ikusaba
Mukuro w/ S/O Defending Them
Mukuro w/ Natural Sniper S/O
Mukuro w/ S/O General Headcanons
Mukuro w/ Fluff Prompt #4 ("Can I play with your hair?")
Kyoko Kirigiri
Kyoko Kirigiri w/ An S/O Who Seems To Know Everything
Kyoko w/ S/O Who's Jokes "Called it!" For Character Deaths
Kyoko Christmas Fluff Headcanons
Aoi Asahina
Aoi w/ S/O Who's Jokes "Called it!" For Character Deaths
Aoi w/ Forgetting S/O's Birthday
Kazuichi Soda
Hajime & Kazuichi Cuddling Headcanons
Kazuichi's New Years Event
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu & Ultimate Fantasy Novelist S/O
Fuyuhiko w/ Ultimate Reptile Tamer S/O
Nervous Habit (Fuyuhiko)
Ibuki Mioda
Ibuki w/ S/O Who Finds Loopholes
Ibuki w/ Beginner Musician Reader
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ibuki-says · 2 years
Fanfic Masterlist
Just realized I have no masterlist to easily find my fanfics, so here it is lmao
Trigger Happy Havoc:
How to Compete for the Attention of  a Pop Sensation (Yandere!Kyoko x Sayaka)
General Romantic Headcanons (Mukuro x GN!Reader)
Goodbye Despair:
3AM Thoughts (Ibuki x Kazuichi)
Stunned Silence (Mikan x Fuyuhiko)
Color Coded Symphony (Sonia x Ibuki)
Dead Doubts & Black Clouds (Kazuichi x Ibuki)
Lips of an Angel (Fuyuhiko x Mikan)
Killing Harmony:
Unexpected Reassurance (Kaede x Kokichi)
Resurrection (Kaede x Shuichi)
Love Letter (Kaede x Kokichi)
Reevaluation (Platonic!Kaito x Maki)
Sleep Alone (Tenko x Himiko)
Stormy Nights (Kokichi x GN!Reader)
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dangan-yandere-blog · 2 years
Could I please request Sayaka Maizono punishing a gn!reader for trying to escape? Thanks, and have a good day!
Hey anon! You can definitely have that. Sayaka’s quite the interesting yandere to write for, so I hope you enjoy this! Thanks for requesting.
-Mod Mikan
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sayaka maizono punishing a reader who had tried to escape
•First things first, Sayaka has no problem resorting to physical measures when she punishes you. In her opinion, you’re hers, and hers alone, and if you try leaving her, she won’t let you off with a slap on the wrist.
•Sayaka wouldn’t be able to give you punishments relating to isolation, either. As effective as she knows they may be, she doesn’t think she could stay away from you that long, or long enough for the isolation to have an impact, anyways.
•She typically wouldn’t have done anything too excruciating— She couldn’t imagine doing that to someone she loved!
•...But you deserved it, and you needed to learn from your actions.
•She’ll make sure your ropes are tied tighter than necessary, digging into your wrists and calves. It’s to symbolize you’re never getting out of here, and any attempts at escaping in the future will be futile.
•And after that, she’ll stand there and press a knife close to your body, tracing it close along your skin. She’d make sure she made lasting marks— maybe nothing too awfully painful— but she’ll make sure that you remember what will happen when you try to escape.
•That’s why she’ll press it against you just enough to leave a small cut, or a visible marking. So that everytime you look at yourself for the next week or so, you’ll remember the consequences of trying to escape.
•Sayaka doesn’t mind your whimpers or tears, either. In fact, she wants you to be vocal! It’ll just prove to her how sorry you are.
•She’ll ask you to tell her what you did wrong, and how you’ll never do it again, how you’ll never try to escape again and how you’ll always stay here with her!
•She won’t stop punishing you until you verbally acknowledge your mistake, and promise to redeem yourself. And that’s that!
•You should want to stay here forever with her, and she’ll make sure that happens.
•However, after you apologize and promise to her you’ll never do it again...
•She’ll stop punishing you. She’ll set the knife down and murmur about how she forgave you and that she knew you could be good for her.
•Of course, Sayaka is not naïve. She doesn’t yet trust you completely— but she can’t stand to see you in pain and upset— even if she was the reason for it. All her instincts after she punishes you are to comfort you and take care of you.
•Because you understand what you did wrong, right? So she forgives you! That’s what you’re supposed to do when someone makes a mistake in a relationship, right?
•Sayaka would reach out and wrap her arms around you, resting her head on your shoulder and gently stroking your hair.
•“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” She’d coo to you, “I forgive you, darling. You didn’t really want to leave me, I understand. You were just confused, weren’t you?”
•Despite her manipulative tendencies, despite all that she had done to you...
•You much preferred her sweet words and warm affection rather than her cold voice and painful punishments.
•...So maybe you could learn to live like this.
•You won’t be escaping again anytime soon, anyways. Sayaka’s going to make sure of that.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Hello! I found your post about puella magi madoka magica and i loved it! I actually want to request something. How about yandere puella magi madoka magica with reader, where reader getting bullied. (Platonic)
You can ignore my request if you want! And i'm sorry if my request burden you.
Yandere!Holy quintet helping bullied darling
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Mami, Madoka, Sayaka, Kyoko & Homura ]
[ Puella Magi Madoka Magica ]
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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Im not going to just ignore you dear, I really liked your idea so here it is!! 😄
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did while writing it ❤️
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Everything had started when they offer you their help, either Madoka or Mami both of them are always ready to help. Although, If they had found you while the bullies were attacking you is Mami who step in and tries to solve the problem without fighting, while Sayaka will be ready to throw her hands on it (at least enough to help you get away from them) and Madoka will try to help you with your things or any wounds you have
They were the first of the group that you get to know, even if you don't really trust them at first they understand (well Sayaka not too much since they were the ones who helped you), Mami reasure you that you don't have to worry they are happy to help you and after making sure you were alright they leave you (they can make you company on your way to your house if you ask them). Your firsts interactions weren't too relevant, just quickly helping you, mainly because they still have work to do, but the more occasions they found you being target of those bullies the more they were worried
Is probably Madoka who brings up the idea of trying to add you to the group in order to help you avoid all the bullying, and Mami and Sayaka totally agreed with it so the next time they found you (hopely alone and not being attacked) they tell you that all of you should be friends, they want to help you (even if you try to decline their offer they will insist, not letting you too much room to protest)
At first it was just a normal friendship, hanging out with you and protecting you, but after some time they start to see how truly special you were, how wonderful friend you truly are, it doesn't matter if you are more shy or even more goofy, you had made your way to their hearts and you weren't planing to leave any time soon, little by little you had become a really important person for them
Mami doesn't feel lonely anymore because now she had wonderful friends by her side, she knows you look up at her, you see her as the strong girl she is and you know you can always count with her and she loves it, you make her feel wanted and even need it, so she always gives her best for you, she wouldn't like to dissapoint her cute little friend, isn't she?
Madoka tend to feel insecure from time to time, not feeling enough and doubting herself but everytime she feels bad you are there to prove her wrong, you are always there to remember her how she is really stronge and caring, she was the one who saved you after all, you are always there to boost her confidence and give her motivation when she can't find it
Sayaka is always cheerful, always ready to fight for others, for the justice, but the people doesn't seem to really apreciate her, it isn't like she is trying to gain something by it but not even the person she loved appreciate it, the person for whom she had give her sould in exchange for him to be alright, but that wasn't the case with you, since the first moment, when she had helped you, you had been always grateful with her, even when you didn't knew her yet
You are like their little sunshine, their motivation to continue fighting because they can't let you fall into the trap of a witch, the mere thought of it make them fearful and desesperate, that is why they are always by your side, barely leaving you alone, is just that you are so special that you should be protected for everything and anything
And that is why they despise those bastards who had dare to mess with you, how the hell they dare to go against someone so beautiful and special like you, the were really just some idiots that deserve to suffer. The more they had affected you the more angry they get, like if they just make fun of you or mess with you sometimes they aren't so furious, even when they want to take revenge and teach them a lesson they will do it in a more smart way, but if they had dare to lay a hand on you, even if it was just once then they will merciless, they will be really harsh on them, I mean, no one will even notice if they diseapear, right? who will blame them if they came a little late to save them from a witch?
To meet Homura it would take some time, she will notice you when you started to hang out with them, and since Madoka seemed to like you a lot she start to keep a close eye on you, even stalking you for a while, this was probably the first time-line you had apeared so she will be wary with you for a while, not really knowing if you are dangerous
However, everything changed for her when she noticed how special you are, being so kind and lighting up the mood by just being there, now she understand why Madoka was atracted to you on the first place since both of you are really special, it got to the point that she can't just hide in the shadows anymore, she needs meet you directly, to be with you, so she will take advantage of one of those time where you were being bothered by the bullies to introduce herself
She tries to be kind to you and even make a good impresion while protecting you, but when the other girls came she get mad, honestly Homura wanted to monopolize your time for a while, but their presence ruin her plans. She was ready to fight them in order to be alone with you but she knows that they are important to you so she try to hold back herself
She will try to make an agreement with them (mainly Mami and Sayaka), they were really wary of Homura since she had never made a good impresion but now that she were so close to you it just make things worst, and Homura didn't like them too much neither, aside from you and Madoka she doesn't care for the rest, but for your sake they will be willing to give a try, Homura had saved you too after all (and even if they didn't accept Homura she was more than ready to fight them)
Homura started to hang out with all of you too, and for a while Mami and Sayaka were quietly threating her, but in the moment you start to trust in her and even call her your friend they start to warm up to her, if you liked her maybe she wasn't a really bad person, and Homura couldn't be happier since this was the first time things were going pacefuly, and it was all thanks to you you truly are special!
When Kyoko come they were pretty wary of her too, since she doesn't really think on anyone else aside from her they didn't really wanted for her to get close to you, but after some time she started to warm up to them. She start to be really curious over you for how caring and selfish they are over you, the fact that you had been bullied made her warm up with you quicker since it brings her a protective instinct, so she ended up joining everyone on the group (she would rather be able to monopolize you, but she won't complain about the others)
After you had met them you never have to face any bullied again, they will never let anyone get close to you anymore, you have them and they could provide you whatever you need, they are fully capable to protect you from anyone who tries to harm you, doesn't matter if it is a person or a witch
The more aggresive the bullies were to you or the more affected you are for what you had to go through the more wary they become with the rest of the world, may even start to get paranoid, to the point that you are never going to be alone again (even without you knowing it)
At least once someone had bring the idea of you becoming a Magical Girl so you will go with them on the fights (probably Mami or Madoka), but Homura and Kyoko are quickly to decline it (Homura is even mad at the only thought), both pretty much know that this is not a game and they don't want to put you into this curse (not like they will let you even really risk your life), you are perfectly fine just the way you are and they are perfectly capable to defend you
And when they get to know the truth behind being a Magical Girl you were the one who keep them sane (as sane as they can), not letting themselfs fall into despair because if something happen to them what will become of you? what would you do without them? what if people start attacking you again if they aren't by your side? They can't just throw themselfs like that when they still have to be there for you and protect you
After they had the bless to meet you non of them will let anything get you away from them, not even the Walpurgisnacht and since none has surrendered to despair they were be ready to fight the biggest witch, they fight for you, for a future with you, they doesn't need anything else than you just as you don't need anyone but them
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