#yandere hado x reader
serxinns · 3 months
The Big 3 "educational" vist
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I wanted to make a part 2 of the aftermath of @lets-get-kraken-boys imagine when Big 3 found out about how Class 1a treats you cause it's so addicting and I wanna see justice!
DISCLAIMER: this concept isn't mine it goes to @lets-get-kraken-boys if you wanna read their 1st part go to here! Please go support them!
This little gift is for Kraken! I loved her fics for a long time I'm addicted to her Yandere purge and her other Yandere class 1a one-shots!
"What are you gonna do with them?"u said whipping away the rest of your tears, you looked at him with a nervous expression, he suddenly changed back into his gentle and warm demeanor and looked at you with a smile while patting your head "Oh just a new educational lesson about how heroes in training should treat each other! We'll have to talk to Mr. Aizawa with some few arrangements tomorrow" Mirio happily said while patting your head but you swore you heard a tint of aggression in his voice "Don't worry y/n well make sure they won't do this ever again" "After all we are your senpais! It's our job to protect you!" You softly smiled at your upper classmates' words, feeling much safer with them
"If it's no trouble. can you walk me to my dorms, I don't want to talk to them or even see them at the moment.." the 3 smiled at your suggestion always wanting to see your room, "Of course pumpkin! Anything for you!" Neijire took you by the hand and smiled cheerfully like a little kid eagerly waiting to get some ice cream, as the 2 of you skipped down the halls (it was mostly her skipping and you trying to match up her speed) mirio chasing the two of you down and Tamaki trying to catch up to you telling mirio and neijire to slow down worried that you might hurt yourself
When the 4 of you made it to the common room your body tensed when you heard some of your classmates like Bakugo, sero, Denki, and Kirishima all loudly yelling at their game you could even hear them roughly mashing the buttons on the controllers, Mina, hakagure, and ochako were chatting among each other and tokoyami was reading a book with headphones, Mirio noticed your tensed figure and grabbed your shoulder while giving you a reassuring smile you smiled a bit mentally preparing yourself
When the 4 of you were visible in the common room the whole room became silent, they were staring tokoyami even peak a glance but your 3 upper classmates could see the jealous glances and glares Cleary ignored them and still kept walking until Mina stopped the 4 of you with a fake smile her yellow eyes staring directly at you
"Y/n! There you are we've been looking everywhere for you cmon I have a new game we can play-" "No thanks Mina maybe another time? I have studying to do" you lied praying that she fall for it "Oh cmon the next test doesn't start until next month we got all the time ! Now let's go-" she tried reaching out for your Arm, but was stopped by Mirio with a stained smile
"Well it's never too late to study now, is it? The more early you study the better the grades!" She said grabbing your hand tightly the two had a staring battle for a bit until Mina cleared her throat moved out of the way and sat down in silence, the other classmates were chatting quietly among themselves
You quickly made it to your dorm relief washing over you "Thank you...I appreciated it im sorry about what happened back there with Mina whenever I tried to deny her request she would keep pushing it..." you look down in shame "There's no problem at all after our visit tomorrow she'll be able to back off the 1st time" Mirio joked winking at you "Now why don't you rest your little head sunshine you have school tomorrow!" You nodded before leaving Tamaki reached into his bag "Here..." he gifted you a cute plush of your favorite animal "It's for you just in case you feel scared at night" he quietly said hiding his face you thanked him by hugging him now Tamaki flinched a bit at the hug but it was enjoyable it made him feel warm and fuzzy, you said your goodnight and shut the door, you checked to see if anyone was in your room when the coast was clear you quickly change into your night clothes and slept hugging the plushie tightly feeling safe
Morning arrived and you woke up instead of feeling amazing that was 1st time in the past 2 months you slept soundly without any fear or discomfort that someone was watching you, you checked the halls to see that nobody was there you quickly ran into the bathroom brushing your teeth and ran back in the room quickly putting on your school uniform and ran to the classroom to avoid any of your classmates barging in and inviting you to walk with them
You sat down in your seat waiting for the others and the school to begin, after everyone was in their seat Aizawa soon got everyone's attention "Right class today we are having an important announcement with our 3rd year students please come right in" and there mirio, Tamaki, Neijire all walked in their expressions were usual mirio and neijire with their cheerful smile while Tamaki look a bit serious and confident today which surprised your classmates a bit
"Good morning class! It's a pleasure to meet you again!" Mirio said with a proud smile while the class looked at him blankly "Today we will be doing a special activity and a lesson called punishment for our actions" his kind voice darkened to a strict and scary tone which shooked the class while Tamaki and Neijire's expressions didn't change "Cause I've heard that someone has been playing unwilling games with them" Mirio said as he glared at the class 1a girls especially Mina and hakagure who looked away in fear and worry but Tamaki spoke up "and not keeping our hands to ourselves" Tamaki added while glaring at Kirishima, Denki, and Sero in disappointment the 3 boys looked down to their desk in shame and fear
"And pushing others around even when they tell them to be left alone," Neijire said glare piercing at Izuku, Bakugo, and Shoto's Soul The 3 boys felt a shiver up their spine and could barely even make a noise Bakugo couldn't even protest or say anything just avoided contact and tch "and we decided to start this week all of you will be having hero training with us to remind ourselves about What we are and what we are training for even the weekends! With only 30 minutes a break a day!"
"WHAT!!!" the class soon screamed "But none of us did these things why are we getting punished!? sensei wouldn't approve of this!" Iida angrily said while chopping his hands "Actually I did since most of you were lacking a bit I think this should improve your quirk and abilities a lot consider this as a "wake up call" and no need to tell your parents they approved of this" Aizawa's smirk grew as the class was either speechless, uproar, or just looking down in shame while your senpais stood there consuming all the chaos
"Make sure you start preparing! Training starts tomorrow!" Mirio then exited the room alongside Tamaki and Niejire, not without a smirks and a petty wave from neijire
You stood there stunned your mouth was jaw opened you knew this was gonna be a long week for sure
On Tuesday and Wednesday everyone (except you) was awakened by a loud horn which was by Neijire yelling at them to wake up and get ready for hero training they got 5 hours of sleep and just had to do a few laps while their classmates were running until their legs left numb and if they did fell Tamaki would snatch them up with his eagle claw until pieces of their clothes fell of like buttons vest etc while you were gently picked up by Tamaki and asked if you were ok
From Thursday to Friday your classmates had to pull heavy objects (like a bus a car or anything very heavy) until their arms couldn't take it and if they stopped mirio would just ignore them and demand them to pick up the object and forcefully push them to pull the object harder saying "It's just an object right? You be fine" while you get to pull only a few objects of your choice and get hyped by Tamaki and Neijire while bakugo had to get a private "lesson" from Mirio
On Saturday and Sunday, there was no weekend for the class only you, and it was Neijire turn oh boy she wanted to get on your disgusting classmates, especially the males she forced them to write 12 essays full of apologies to you about how sorry they are none stop even if their hand started to cramp while you spend the weekend with Tamaki and Mario were busy training you and making sure you're not getting yourself hurt
The next day back at school you were looking better and more confident than ever while your classmates looked like they had been dragged around like dolls they all apologized to you (even Bakugo managed to mumble it) for how they treated you
Now whenever Momo and Iida ask you to have a study session with them they walk away defeated Iida sometimes makes some comments about studying but you ignore them and whenever you and Momo are hanging out she tries to guilt trip you into spending more time but you made some crappy excuse and she's reluctantly understands them
Dark Shadow didn't come to your room in the middle of the night heck he was kinda scarred about the hero training he gave you a sparkly card that said sorry and Tokoyami was a bit quieter for the next few days until he genuinely apologized as well
Bakugo would still tease you but not as much as he did he never degrades you for your skills or everything else just says a comment about you and just watches you he still tries to talk down to you but you would either just ignore or call off his bluff making him pissed
Shoto doesn't buy you as many gifts as he still does but it's very expensive if he does he tries to ask for cuddle time but you decline and he mumbles something under his breath and walks away it was awkward even he tried gaslighting you into spending more time in desperation
Mina and the girls don't do those games if you ever agreed to play with them it would be your favorite video/board games and Neijire is always invited (since they made a deal) so all the girls glared or even pouted at Neijire while she gets to cuddle up on you or make you be on her lap resting her head on top of yours with a smirk
Kirishima, Sero, Denki, don't pull your shirt to the point it rips but still touches your hair if you tell them to stop they'll immediately apologize now they just pat you on the back but immediately check if you are alright
Midoriya doesn't try to push you to talk with him if you have a conversation and decide to be left alone he'll completely understand and wave to you politely but deep inside he felt envy and also jealousy
You thanked the Big Three so much for their help Mirio and Neijire beamed at your smile while Tamakiface turned red hiding and his face you were just so cute! you invited them to go watch a movie as a token of your appearance which they happily accepted they were so glad they cheered their little sunshine up and they wanted it to stay that way so one day if they confess their love for you they hope to see that beautiful smile beamed up and accept their love!~
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fluff-n-cookies · 10 months
Shy Child.
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imagine Mirio having a little girl who's just so freaking shy, like she can barely say a word without stuttering.
and she constantly hides behind Mirio's cape and is clinging onto him.
I also headcanon that Mirio has 2 other sons, both older than her, both of which are tsundere-ass bitches, BUT THEY DO LOVE YOU I PROMISE.
like they will push you down and make you cry but if anyone else does it there WILL be blood on their hands. and they will give you cookies later but shhhhhh if uncle katsuki finds out he's gonna blow up in their face for not being responsible
and amajiki and his neice are the best duo out there I swear they cling onto eachother for dear LIFE. like he will grab his cape and shield you from the paparazzi like a boss, then proceeds to take you to a cat cafe for hot chocolate and fluff balls with eyes.
emphasis ( i spelled that wrong didn't i?)on YOU
HADO CAN DEAL WITH THEM. besides, mirio definitely doesn't want you to be tainted by them. (more on that later)
so mirio will drop you off at amajiki's and MY MAN HAS EVERYTHING.
cookies? check.
pillow fort materials to build one on the couch? check.
no. not check. he has to call fatgum to do that.
and it's just so cute.
he will also never force you to do anything you don't want to.
for example:
don't want to introduce yourself? it's fine, he'll do it for you.
feel bad for that squirell that broke it's leg? that's fine, he'll teach you how to nurture it back to health.
some bitch had the balls to call you a nerd, YOU, HIS DARLING LIL ' CINNAMON? no. he does not kill them. he has to keep his hands clean cause he has to cheer you up with chocolate cake and this cool lego set he found.
what about the bitch? well she's dying either way, either to your brothers, or to mirio's wrath.
i'd go with the brothers if i were her.
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GIF by yurikatsuki
I'll post everything i want to write later.
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thefiery-phoenix · 9 months
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Ight, so just imagine that you were there along with the Big 3 and Deku at the Eri mission, but you didn't go to the UA. After you saved Eri, she had taken a liking to you and pretty soon, you got an invite from All Might himself to join UA'S hero course and yeah, you became a part of the Big 3 pretty quick
During the mission when you didn't know anyone, Mirio saw you trying to protect Eri with you super fabulous quirk and the way you were so.... brave..... 
Tamaki and Nejire see you too and they stare at you in shock and wonder..... you were PERFECT for them and they HAD to rescue you from the horrors of the world no matter what 
So, when you got into the UA, they ALWAYS made sure that you stayed with them and yeah, they were kinda clingy to you. Like, KOALA BEAR kinda clingy, and that's when 3 delusional obsessed yanderes get added to the mix of your fan club 
Tamaki doesn't go insane so quickly, but he agrees that you're very cute and fragile and despite you being strong with a powerful quirk, you could get hurt and that's why Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki wanted to protect you at ANY cost and YES, that also includes kidnapping you but we'll get to that later. You're patient and friendly with him and you like his shy manner and his cute elf ears (lol, who doesn't?)  And as you grow closer and closer to them, Tamaki can't help but think and wonder how blissful and amazing life would be with JUST you, him, Nejire and Mirio and no other distractions in the way 
Nejire, on the other side, decides that you were MADE for each other after she sees you in action. She and the others CANT allow their darling to hurt themselves!! So, expect them being all fussy over you. She is the DEFINITION of clinginess; She'll either be holding your hand or hugging you like a koala or something else. You are of course, oblivious to her signs of actions and you think they're just friendly gestures from a friend, but she sees it as you liking her back and YES, I mean the romantic way. If you do something nice for her, she'll think that you're doing this for HER out of love (WHEEZE- OMG I CANT!!!! XD ) 
Compliment her dress? You must have a crush on her and love her. Invite her for a sleepover or to go out for a snack? She loves you as well. Going for a walk in the park with her? Are you planning on PROPOSING to her? She doesn't bring up whatever you do since she thinks that your gestures are really cute and adorable and you're just shy to cane in to your feelings. And THAT'S why Mirio, Tamaki and she are there to ''HELP'' you understand yourself better and take care of you. On the outside, she just thinks that you're shy but inside, she's BURSTING with her feelings of how cute and shy you are and she starts cooing and squealing all over the place till Mirio and Tamaki have to calm her the FRICK down
Mirio, on the other hand comes up with thousand and one nicknames for you and spends ALL his time thinking about you. Since Mirio is kinda muscular and strong, he'll just smile and stare creepily at the person you're talking to. If it's a girl, Nejire does the honors and if it's a guy... well... He'll make sure you stay away from him. Expect Mirio to be VERY VERY OVERPROTECTIVE of you and yeah, don't forget.... he likes hugging the HELL out of you so don't be shocked when this cuddly hug monster hugs you out of nowhere
Well, they pretty much team up together to keep you safe, but they HATE it when you smile with others. Tamaki is good at manipulating you since his shy personality can come into place (Oh, this boi KNOWS how to play dirty) whereas Mirio and Nejire prefer coaxing the hell out of you like some puppy. If you get hurt, they will by absolute means not leave your side like, AT ALL, and they'll get even MORE clingy than usual. And if it's because of someone, well.... they can kiss the world Sayonara~
But.... yes, every story DOES need some action and drama and kidnapping and all that, so *POOF* (Insert dramatic drumroll here please and cue the suspense music) The LOV KIDNAPS YOU!!!!!!!!!
Well, after the initial freaking the HELL out and after Tamaki crying and everything, they DO eventually manage to save you but they're convinced that their WORST fears of you not being safe anymore is confirmed so they do the only LOGICAL thing that your everyday yandere does: Kidnap you
But... on the bright side, you get to see Eri and WHAT A SHOCKER: SHE'S A PART OF IT TOO!!!!!!! She liked you ever since you saved her and yeah, she likes clinging on to you since she feels safe when she's with you and the Big 3
And yeah, so they kidnap you and assure you that it's for your own good and safety and they put a quirk cancelling cuff on your wrists and baby-proofed the entire house since they obviously don't want their precious little sweetheart (ie, YOU) to get hurt
''It's only a matter of time sunshine that you realize you aren't safe out there''
''Bunny, don't worry, everything's going to be all right''
''Oh sweetie, we'll ALWAYS protect you no matter WHAT and NO ONE is going to get in our way....''
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This one was wondering if you could write a Yandere mirko and Nejire with a shy darling, separate of course, but if you want it can be together. I just like the personality contrast
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Shy Reader | Yandere Boku No Hero Academia
Naturally, as someone who is shy, you’re forced to deal with extreme and outgoing personalities that tend to press your boundaries. It can be challenging when those most persistent don’t exactly understand or care for your introspective personality:
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Rumi Usagiyama “Mirko”
“Awww is the little bunny running to their hidey hole?!” 
Doesn’t respect your boundaries at all 
Especially if she’s going for a more bold approach
If you don’t articulate your distaste early on for her loud habits she’s not going to reel back anything
always touching you 
Joking about ‘how shy’ you are
Loudly talking about any and everything
She thinks this is bonding 
And unless you genuinely enjoy her company it's like a horror movie every time she tries to peacefully communicate
But if you don’t respond the way she likes she’ll no doubt just abduct you
You’re a scared bunny anyway 
so might as well just take you with her
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Nejire Hado 
“Hey, what are you doing sitting here all alone? Are you lonely? Hey, you’re really cute! Did you know that? So why are you sitting here all alone?”
She’s more inquisitive
And she might have a general understanding of how debilitating shyness can be (thanks Tamaki)
So she uses that to get close to
Because of this, it's more likely that she has her own tactics that give the illusion shows that she understands you 
Which makes it all that much easier for her to get what she wants from you
Wanting to keep you distracted? from the blood on her uniform giving your favorite food
Wanting to make herself seem the best for you by framing all your friends
So surely her questions won’t be all that bad
After all she’s all you have
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yanderelionwrites · 1 year
Hairstyling - (Yandere!Nejire Hado x Reader)
A little Nejire drabble cuz we need more content of her 💙
Content Warning: yandere, implied kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, broken-in Darling
Word Count: 739
Nejire Hado yawned as she approached her home’s front door. Still dressed in her hero costume, she was so ready to crash on the couch and demand cuddles from the precious Darling that so dutifully waited for her to return home every day. Her batteries needed to be recharged and they were perfect for the job, after all. She opened the door with vigor, but soon became slightly disappointed at the fact that her honey had not come up to greet her. They had been doing it everyday so far, so what gives?
Upon walking further into her house though, Nejire understood the problem. There, on the couch, was you sleeping soundly. The periwinkle-haired hero practically cooed at the sight as she crouched down next to your face, forgetting why she was even annoyed in the first place.
Nejire poked your cheek and said, “Hey, hey, why are you sleeping on the couch? We have a bed for a reason, silly!”
You slowly stirred awake, hugging the pillow you had been holding closer to your chest. You cracked an eye open, peering up at your captor girlfriend. Mumbling, you said, “Mm…Nejire…welcome home.”
The hero patted your head and smiled. “Hey there, sleepyhead! Have a nice nap?” You nodded, sitting up so you could lean against the arm rest. “Good, because I want cuddles!”
Nejire lunged forward, capturing you in a bear hug as she nuzzled her cheek against yours. You laughed and tried to gently push her away, exclaiming, “Hey, wait a minute! At least change out of your costume first!”
She pouted, but reluctantly released you from her hold. She did as she was told, however, and was soon resting against your chest as you stroked her hair.
“Geez, Nejire, your hair’s a mess,” You snickered. “Rough day at work, I presume?”
She shook her head up and down and pressed herself further into your body, inhaling your scent.
“Want me to brush it for you? I could style it too if you-” The minute you made the offer, Nejire perked up, eyes twinkling.
“I thought you’d never ask!” She blurted, dashing off to find a hairbrush. When she returned, she sat down in between your legs and patiently waited for you to begin.
You grinned at her enthusiasm and began to carefully brush through the strands, making sure to be gentle when coming across a tangle. Nejire hummed while you worked, closing her eyes and enjoying the moment. She was glad that you were openly being affectionate with her. She remembers how just a few months ago, you were begging her to let you go. You refused to touch or even talk to her. But now, you’re doing much better and have settled into this new life. You don’t even know why you ever hated the idea of being here with her. Nejire couldn’t be happier!
“All done!” You stated, finishing the pigtail hairstyle you had chosen for her by tying the second one off. Running your fingers over her hair to smooth it down, it was now back to its soft and silky glory. She turned around and gave you a peck on the cheek, a wide smile on her face. 
“Thanks so much, sweet pea! You’re the best!” Nejire vouched. Then clapping her hands together, she suggested, “Hey, I know! Why don’t I style your hair too? We can be matching! Isn’t that such a great idea?”
A smile grew on your face as well and you agreed. The two of you switched places, and you visibly relaxed when the brush scratched your scalp in just the right way. It was better like this; not having to fight and accepting Nejire’s love for what it is. Besides, this situation could be so much worse. You should be grateful for her.
You felt her tie your hair into place, tapping your shoulder to let you know she was done. Once you turned back to her, she gave you another kiss, this time on the nose. She dragged you over to a nearby mirror and squeezed you against her as the both of you looked into your reflections.
“We’re so cute together! Don’t you agree?” She asked, resting her head against your shoulder as she squeezed your hand just a little too tight.
You stared into the mirror, contemplatively. Her grin was infectious as it spread to your own expression. You nodded.
Yeah…it was better this way.
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simp-nerd-16 · 2 years
I love this man so much,
Ahhhhhhh <3
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mango-bango-bby · 3 years
Could you write headcanon for Nejire? 🌈🦂📒
♡ Yandere Nejire Headcannons ♡
My lady 🥺💖
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♡ Nejire is a hopeless romantic. The moment she sees you, she’s fallen head over heels. You’re absolutely perfect! You’re like out of a fairytale!
♡ Nejire goes out of her way to talk to you and befriend you. How could she not? You’re so beautiful, and kind, and ugh- everything about you is perfect!
♡ Mirio and Tamaki obviously notice her ‘crush’ on you and (mainly) Mirio will try to set you two up.
♡ It starts off as an innocent crush on you. Slowly within a few weeks, Nejire is following you home. Making sure you’re safe! You’re so fragile and small, any villain or person could hurt you at any time!
♡ Nejire has an obsession with taking photos of you. Her bedside table is full of them. Sometimes you feel like you see the flash of a camera but when you turn around... there is nothing there.
♡ Nejire loves writing you love letters and poems that she’ll never send. She feels as though these poems don’t capture how much she truly loves you so she never sends them.
♡ Because she’s already very friendly and touchy, you won’t even realize her feelings for you. She hugs you, even kisses you on the cheek but you don’t suspect anything.
♡ Nejire will start leaving flowers outside your door sometimes with your favorite candy, once again she is a hopeless romantic. She wants to recreate some of her favorite romance senarios.
♡ Nejire tries to create a natural relationship with you but that sometimes fails because she gets so jealous of the people around you. She very good at guilt tripping you.
♡ She will probably snap at someone harassing you or hurting you.
♡ That’s when/if she would kidnap you
♡ Life with Nejire ♡
♡ Nejire is very delusional, in the sense that she believes this is the best for you and that this is the only way she can keep you safe. Don’t try to tell her otherwise, she won’t listen to your reasoning.
♡ Nejire loves dressing you up in cute little outfits and having you model them for her.
♡ Nejire even if delusional, is very soft. She will start crying if you start crying. She will probably have to leave the room. She can’t handle seeing you so upset.
♡ She’s very touchy-feely. She’s constantly touching you in one way or another. Holding your hand, kissing you, cuddling with you, hugging you, etc.
♡ Nejire also loves coming up with nicknames for you. Everyday there’s another pet name that she’s calling you.
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yanderefreak1213 · 4 years
Can I request headcanons of Mirio and Tamaki(seperately)pining after a quiet, shy, and distant crush?
Ofcorse! and just to complete it, ya’ll get Nejire headcannons to!
Warnings: Yandere themes, Non-Con mentions
Yandere! Nejire x Shy!G/N Reader
-She nicknamed you mouse. Like no arguing it.
-She’s generally fine with your quiet nature, she’ll do enough talking for the both of you.
-She’s clingy. I’m not gonna skirt around it, she’ll be constantly hanging off you in order to deter others.
-She’s a jealous/delusional type. Kinda a mix of Tamaki and Mirio in a way.
-Like she’d introduce you to her friends but she’ll mostly just want you to herself.
-Which is why I think she’d like you being shy, less likely to make friends in her mind.
-I can’t see her kidnapping you unless you start coming out of your shell more. 
-She does find you adorable and she’d take really good care of you if she does end kidnapping you.
-Unlike the others she’s more there, while she is delusional. She does understand kidnapping is wrong and how she’s looking at this is wrong but she also doesn’t care.
-In her mind she thinks her protecting you overrides this.You NEED her.
-She’d dress you up in the cutest outfits.I can’t see her not doing this.
-And if you have long hair she’d style it.
-You’re better off accepting her love because while she won’t hurt you. She will starve you and leave you uncared for, just for a bit. Just to show you how much you need her.
-Want a shower? Well maybe if you just gave her a kiss on the cheek she’ll allow you.
-Need food? A little cuddle session fixes everything you know!
Yandere!Mirio x Shy!G/NReader
-Honestly, save the poor person who gets this guy going after them.
-He just.Loves you. And wants to protect you.
-He’d kidnap you the moment you got hurt.
-He’s a delusional yandere to me.
-He’ll think the world is out to get you and he’s the only one who can protect you.
-He doesn’t get why you’re crying, he saved you.
-Struggling to get away from him when he cuddles you? Hope you don’t need air. Because he’ll squeeze tighter each time you try and get away.
-Honestly you being shy will increase his delusion that its only that. 
-He won’t allow you to do anything on your own then though. He’ll legit do everything for you. You’re just so shy and weak, you need your big strong boyfriend to help you out.
-Now. Heres where he differs a bit from the normal. He will not force you into anything. Worst he’ll do is force you to sit on his lap.
-He wants to gain your trust. and he knows forcing you into sex will not help you come out of your shell.
-but he’s not afraid to threaten your family or friends if you act up.
Yandere!Tamaki x Shy!G/N Reader
-He’s happy honestly.
-Like having a darling whose shy like him is an instant turn on for him I feel.
-But be warned this may bring out a more. Dominant nature. 
-Tamaki is a jealous and Protective type. So you being shy and quiet is honestly perfect for him. 
-Kidnapping will happen either way. Just depends on how you play it.
-If its a instant thing and he’s got you hooked right away then he will wait.
-But soon enough it won’t be enough to just have that. He wants your attention.He sees you talking to someone who isn’t him and it brings and ugly feeling to his chest.
-If you’re more distant and avoiding him, it’s just  an instant thing.
-He’ll feel bad either way. And will probably cry and hide in the corner at first. Ngl.
-But like I said seeing you so helpless will bring out a nature to him he didn’t even know he had. 
-He will hold you, whether you want to or not, like Mirio. You’re friends and family aren’t safe. He will NEVER hurt you though. 
-That’s his one rule. Worst punishment he’ll provide you is isolation. But thats only thing he’ll do to you, like I said he’ll threaten your family and friends. 
-Whether he acts on it or not you’ll never know
-Unlike the other two, he knows what he’s doing is bad, but he also can’t help it. He just can’t risk losing you. So he needs to make this sacrifice.You’re just to shy and helpless to be out in the world where villains could hurt you at any moment. 
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ofinkandpaper · 2 years
A Changed World
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Yandere!Villian!MHA x Reader
So, this was partially inspired by my wonderful friend ( @bakuhoes-dumbass​ ) and their story Aberration, which I honestly highly recommend! It is a multi-character x reader where the reader is unknowingly the center of obsessive attention to several well-known Pro-Heros, who are a bit on the corrupted side~
Note: The characters are aged up. As the story progresses, I will tag each chapter with respective trigger and content warnings, which may include mentions of murder, assault, cannibalism, stalking, torture, arson, terrorism, and other felonies, Yandere themes, Sexual assault, Mental illness, abuse. I do not own MHA nor do these personalities represent the writers, characters or VAs of the show. This is strictly fiction and for entertainment purposes only.
Trigger Warnings: Being Watched/Stalked
Word Count: 2,398
Taglist: @lolawassad @letskidaddle @youngbeansprout
Quirks; a mysterious phenomenon that began to occur throughout the world population years ago with the first being a glowing baby. Since then, more and more people have come forward with unique quirks of their own; more than 80 percent globally as of the current year. As years progressed, the world became a superhuman society. The federal job of 'Hero' started popping up in different countries as some quirk users - Villains, as many began to call them - began to use their powers for nefarious reasons; a lot of which the regular police forces were unable to deal with. However… something went terribly wrong. No one is certain where the transition really began, but the newest generation of heroes began to fall from the path forged by heroes before - most prominently All Might.
Now, heroes were - are - still around, fighting the valiant fight just as they had before, though there were just a few more villains to take care of than before. They were seemingly petty villains for the most part, thankfully, but still villains, nonetheless.
You sigh softly as you close the door to your apartment, leaning back against it and relishing in the soft click of the lock. Your eyes shut and hands came up to rub over your face; it was getting harder to get home safely with the new gang territory in place. It had been a week since they established themselves, allowing the hero agencies in the area to continue their work so long as they agreed not to interfere with gang business - even if that included innocent lives being left on the line. The thought had a wave of soft anger warming your chest and cheeks, but you know there's nothing anyone can really do about it without putting a death sentence on their heads. Even though it's a hero's job to save innocence… they still have families - they're still trying to survive this messed up world themselves. Could you really blame them? You push away from the door and head further inside, setting your bag on the couch as you pass towards the kitchen. Last you had heard about this new gang, a lot of members were said to be a lot more powerful than the local heroes could handle on their own. It made you curious just who these people were; gang members who could force heroes who'd sworn to protect the public, willing to sacrifice their lives to save others every day, to turn their backs on those who were in need of their aid most.
You shake your head to empty the thoughts, forcing yourself to focus on the task at hand: making a cup of tea and fishing out some snacks from the pantry. With a song softly hummed, you fill the kettle and place it on the stove to heat before diving for the snacks. You just barely open the pantry door when your cell phone rings; a tired groan leaves you as you toss the package onto the counter and trot back into the living room, digging through your bag to pull the blasted thing out.
Did you make it home safe? A smile immediately fills your face upon hearing the soft voice of Tamaki. You both worked at the same agency, though him being a pro-hero, and you, his PA.
"Yeah, safe and sound. Didn't notice too many thugs on the way." With the phone at your ear, you head back to the kitchen to continue your snack hunt - you were feeling more peckish than usual. Your smile turned into a subtle smirk when you heard him sigh, only imagining that he was running a hand over his own face.
I don’t understand something though... why can’t you move closer to the agency? The question caused your smirk to fade as you stared at your gathered snacks, almost numbly just pushing them around each other to hear the crinkle of their packaging. It definitely wasn’t as though you hadn’t thought of moving, and it would be so much nicer to live closer to the agency, but…
“I can’t afford to, the apartments in that area are way out of my budget range for a living situation.” You smacked one of the snacks against the counter a few times before abandoning it to go in search of a mug, “And I don’t know this new gang well enough to know if a move would be a safe bet or not.”
You could hear the creaking of his office chair through the phone line as you assumed he sat back fully. There was a moment of silence before he took a breath - however, you held up a finger, as though you were standing right in front of him, and spoke ahead of him to keep his suggestion from coming out.
“And, no, I won’t be accepting your help in the matter, money or otherwise.” There was another moment of silence before you were able to pick up his soft muttering about how he was only trying to help; it was all you could do to keep from giggling. At that moment, you really did wish you were standing in front of him just so you could pat his head. For being a pro-hero, he still hadn’t lost some of his shyness from his UA days, “I really appreciate it, I do and you know it. I just don’t think it’s necessary at the moment, and I don’t want to take advantage of you or your generosity.”
Well, if you’re certain…
“I am, and don’t worry too much alright? It’s not like I’m completely defenseless!” You grin as you shift to hold the phone with your shoulder, preparing your tea while thinking on your own quirk. It wasn’t anything special - especially compared to his - but it was yours; an animal quirk that gave you the same capabilities and physical features as a great horned owl and having a pair of wings to get around wasn’t bad either.
"Oh, by the way, how long do you plan on staying at the agency? It's getting pretty late." You glance at the clock, setting the kettle down and glancing at your snacks; you hadn't realized the time… perhaps it was best to make dinner instead? As he began to respond, a knock came from your front door, "Hey, give me a second…"
Stay on the line, just to be safe.
You smile and hum your acknowledgment, abandoning your cup to head to the door. After having both called through the door and looked out the peephole, you decided it was safe enough to open the door a crack and take a gander around. There wasn't a single soul that you could see in either direction on the landing; curiosity getting the better of you, you open the door a little wider and look to see if there was a note left on it. You were a little surprised that there was!
"Would ya look at that…" You hum and peel the tape and letter off, stepping back inside to close and lock the door. You could hear Tamaki's voice anxiously asking for an update as you step back inside the apartment proper, holding the phone once more with your shoulder as you use both hands to open it carefully. You start to tell him it's probably a letter from the landlord when you really start to read it.
Is… is everything alright?
"Oh, um… I think so? It's a greeting letter from the new gang." Even though your tone sounded and felt comfortable and reasonably confident, you couldn't help the small, nagging worry in your chest.
It didn't help whoever wrote the letter knew your name.
Hello sweetheart~
As you are no doubt aware, this territory is under new management! Just so happens that you are our lucky little star, as some associates of ours really seem to like you ♡
Just so you know, we’ll be keeping a close eye on you - just to make sure you stay safe and sound; wouldn’t want our dear associates getting angry with us, now do we?
Be good and stay out of trouble, alright [Y/n]?
You softly read the letter over the phone to Tamaki, frowning as you sit on the couch. It was hard to really decipher how you felt about this; on one hand, it was relieving since you wouldn’t have to worry too much about getting mugged on the way home from work, but on the other hand, it was disconcerting that they were gonna keep that close of an eye on you.
Once you finished, you let your arm that held the letter flop into your lap as you looked up, waiting for his response. A few moments of silence pass before you start to get a touch worried,
“Tamaki? You there?”
Oh! I’m sorry… I was just… thinking.
You hum and nod, looking down at the letter again and sigh, balancing your phone with your shoulder as you fold it back up carefully and stand.
“Well, at least I don’t have to worry about the walk home being too dangerous anymore - at least from gang members.” You toss the letter onto the coffee table and, once again, head into the kitchen. With this new revelation to think about, you weren’t sure if you were going to be able to focus on making dinner. Maybe delivery? Then you could have your snacks to tide you over until your food arrived, yeah, that sounded like a good plan.
As true as that might be, I still don’t like it. Though I don’t know what I can say or do to make you change your mind about taking up my offer.
“I know you don’t, but I’ll be fine. I promise.” There was a small twinge of guilt for feeling like a broken record in what you said to him, but you let it slide out of your mind. He himself was a little bit like a broken record too, with how often he had previously extended his more than generous offer that you continued to decline. An equivalent exchange, you suppose, “I have to go now though, gotta order dinner. Don’t stay at the agency too long, alright?”
There was another sigh from him before he muttered a soft ‘alright’. You both said your good nights and hung up; your breath left you in a long exhale. As much as you cared for him, it was a little difficult to keep up with how protective he was. It confused you a little, in a ‘why you’ way, but you never really put much thought into hit beyond that you knew him personally the longest out of everyone else at the agency, having joined his agency practically the same day that he had opened it up for hire and service.
Standing, you begin to scroll through your apps for one of your restaurant apps as you once again head into the kitchen, this time to put away the left out snack packs and to finally pour your cup. It felt like a miracle that it was still warm. As you took a sip, you frown as you begin to notice none of the apps that you had were offering delivery to your area when they had once before. Another mark against this gang in your book. Not to mention it made Tamaki's unspoken offer to help you move into a better area all the more tempting.
✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩  ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩
The moment the call disconnected, Tamaki placed his phone on the desk in front of him and simply stared at it, elbows on either arm of his chair while his fingers were steepled just under his nose. Though, the position didn't last long as his mind played through the conversation again. His lips pressed into a line and his cheeks flushed; he reached up to pull his hood further over his head to hide his face. The flutter in his heart was almost painful… They were so caring! And just thinking about going on patrols with them, seeing them so confident in talking with other heros and civilians; taking down villians in such spectacular fashions! Oh, how he wished he had their confidence; he thought it would come to him when he had graduated six years ago, but he had never felt a change in himself… not until they came around. Granted, it wasn't exactly the change he had expected in himself, but it was a nice change. One he certainly welcomed.
Tamaki jumped with a yelp when his phone started ringing again. With a grumble he picked it up, part of him hoping it was them, however the name on the screen made him both parts just as happy, and equal parts annoyed.
Amajiki~! How's it going? It feels like it's been forever since we spoke, how are you?
"Nejire, we just spoke this morning." He heard her giggle, and couldn't stop the small smile on his lips when he heard it; it was almost a nostalgic sound of their UA days, "But, I'm fine. Just about to leave the office."
You're still there?! Are you addicted to work or something? Granted, you're an amazing hero, I can only imagine the paperwork you have to do on top of just regular street work.
"It's not too bad, I have help so it doesn't get to be too much.” There was a gasp on the other end of the line before an absolutely horribly concealed squeal, followed by a giggle.
Are you talking about that assistant that you’ve had for a while now? You still haven’t told me much about them! Are they cute? Kind? Funny? I need details!
Tamaki sighed and sank a little further into his chair before looking out the window. His mind still swam with anxieties over the safety of his friend - his crush - but with them constantly rejecting his aid, what could he really do? Well, he could think of quite a few different things that he could do to help keep them safe, but those were if things went from bad to worse. So, for now, he stood and started to gather his things as he began to discuss them with Nejire. Maybe she could help him with convincing them to move closer to him.
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yandereaffections · 3 years
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Nejire wouldn't even consider herself anything more than a protective love interest, dedicated to you and your future relationship together, yandere behavior never becoming apparent to her even if you were to scream at her how toxic she's coming off as when she sparks multiple arguments with your friends that seem to be too friendly, Nejire just doesn't see what you mean by calling her yandere
She's the very definition of the stereotypical flirty best friend, constantly making suggestive remarks and jokes any actual flirts of hers usually get passed off as a joke alongside any actual attempt to ask you out or make you flustered, it isn't until Mirio eventually teases you about gaining Nejires love will it dawn on you that she has a fat crush
Don't get her wrong she would never make you uncomfortable, if you clearly have no interest in her and aren't just unbelievably oblivious she won't press herself onto you anymore than she already has, Nejires more than content with being you very best friend but if you dare hold her any lower than that best believe you'll have to deal with being taken in her arms in the dead of night, the last sign of you two before disappearing was the bright swirls of her quirk fading into the air
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Nejire Hado Masterlist
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A work in progress... :)
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elisemb123 · 4 years
Oh my gooooooooosh, they are b-e-a-utiful. Girl, do you have it in you to bless us with just a little more? I have a disease and the only cure is more Yandere Mirio❤️❤️❤️
I got a couple more doodles I wasn’t planning on posting but I suppose I could hehe 
also based on @hearteyes-candyskies fanfic
Here you go you slut
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cuntypyramidhead · 2 years
Characters I’ll write for
My hero academia
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki 
Ochaco Uraraka
Momo Yaoyorozu
Denki Kaminari
Ejiro Kirishima
All Might
Present Mic
The big 3
Tamaki Amajiki
Nejire Hado
Mirio Togato
Himiko Toga
All for one
Tomura Shigaraki
Deadman Wonderland
Ganta Igarashi
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Fnaf 1
Fnaf 2
Toy bonnie
Toy Chica
Toy Freddy
Withered Foxy
Withered Freddy
Withered Bonnie
Security Breach
Glamrock Freddy
Glamrock Chica
Daycare attendant (Sun, Moon)
Springtrap (Fnaf 3 or sb)
Michael Afton
William Afton
Attack on titan
Hange Zoe
Death Note
Seven deadly sins
Angels of death
Isaac Foster
Abraham Gray
Scott Pilgrim 
Ramona Flowers
The Riddler (Gotham)
Zsasz (Gotham)
Harley Quinn (DC)
Scarecrow (DC)
John Doe (MortisFox)
What I don’t write:
Smut (Maybe one day)
Character x Characters
What I will write:
X reader
Somewhat specific stuff
Tw: Self harm, eating disorders and mental illnesses. (It won’t be pro anything, just comfort and how the characters will react. I will always put a trigger warning.)
Headcannons, one-shots, possibly a series
Other important things to mention
All characters I write for will be over 18, which means I might have to change the story of certain characters. (For example; Students in 1A will be pro heroes.)
Feel free to dm me if you would like to discuss anything, or to send in a more specific request.
It may take me a while to write some things as I can be quite busy and lazy. 
I have the right to not accept requests if they make me uncomfortable or if I don’t feel like it.
I plan on adding more characters eventually, so you can give me ideas if you want.
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 3 years
☆ Ongoing
★ Finished
♦ One Shot/Drabble
★ ❣ Familiar Cerulean Eyes - Alpha Dabi X Omega Reader (Omegaverse) 
Reader was bought by Todoroki family to be the future mate of Touya Todoroki, but upon his death she was given instead to promising younger brother Shoto. Several years later Reader is kidnapped by non-other than Japan’s number 2 villain Dabi. 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10 , Part 11 , Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15 , Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23-Finale
☆ Distant Scarlet Eyes -  Alpha Tomura Shigaraki x Omega Nejire Hado (Omegaverse)
Spinoff from FCE following the relationship of Tomura x Nejire and how it all started and how it’s going. Plan for this to have like 3 ‘books’.  
Book 1 - Nejire and Tomura were instantly drawn to each other, though Tomura tries to stay away. What happens when they keep bumping into each other, and what happens when Nejire finds out his secret?
Part 1 
☆ ❣ The Death of A Demon - OC X Dabi, Shigaraki, and Compress (seperately) 
Feral is on the run from her past due to her quirk, working as a bounty hunter/mercenary and keeping to the shadows of Japan, she’s doing a good job of being invisible. Until one fateful night when she decides to be a good guy for once and ends up kind of saving a reporter who gets her on the news. Thus we start the downwards spiral that is her life, getting the league to help her out when an old foe shows up on Japan’s front door.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
♦ ❣ Watch This - Aged up Denki Kaminari x Female Reader
Denki shares his special videos with you after a party. 
☆ ❣  Sweet Poison - Alpha Yandere Tamaki Amajiki X Oblivious Omega Reader (Omegaverse)  
You and Tamaki have been courting for some time now and fully plan to bond once you graduate, however the sweet and shy alpha might have something a little darker hidden inside. 
Part 1 , Part 2
 ♦ ❣ The Artist and The Dancer - Through Ink and Quill Collab - Degas inspired Shinso Hitoshi x Ballerina Reader 
You love dancing the way that Shinso loves art, but you both start to have problems doing the things that you love. In which you are Shinso’s muse, and a love blooms between the two of you. 
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Everything I will write
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This will just be going through what I will/won't write, the fandoms I will write for, and characters from said fandoms I will write for. This will be changed as I become more comfortable with things, get better at writing, watch new shows, and finish the ones I'm on. Please respect what makes me uncomfortable. If something isn't on the list feel free to ask if I will write it. If anything makes no sense feel free to ask.
What I will write:
💜 Fluff
💜 Angst With Happy Ending
💜 Mentions of Abuse, Depression, And Anxiety (trigger warnings will be placed)
💜 Character X Reader
💜 Headcanons
💜 Imagines
💜 LGBTQ+ Content (These requests will take longer for research purposes)
💜 GIF Imagines
💜 Matchups
💜 Cross-Overs
What I won't write:
💔 Angst Without Happy Ending
💔 Heavy Abuse, Depression, Anxiety, And Bullying.
💔 NSFW (Don't Request It. I am a minor)
💔 Character X Character
💔 OC X Character
💔 Mentions of Non-Con
💔 Suicide and Self-Harm
💔 Mental Illnesses (I can't portray them properly)
💔 Oneshots
💔 Anything involving religion
💔 Yandere Things
💔 Pregnancy, Children
💔 Polyamory
My Fandoms + Character I will/won't write for:
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✅ Hanako-kun, Yashiro Nene, Minamoto Kou, Nanamine Sakura, Mitsuba Sousuke
❎ Yugi Tsukasa, Akane Aoi, Aoi Akane, Tsuchigomori, Minamoto Teru, Hyuuga Natsuhiko
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✅ Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijiro, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Uraraka Ochaco, Jiro Kyoko, Yaoyorozu Momo, Tamaki Amajiki, Nejire Hado, Mirio Togata, Toga Himiko
❎ Aoyama Yuga, Ojiro Mashiro, Sato Rikido, Koda Koji, Shoji Mezo, Sero Hanata, Tokoyami Fumikage, Hagakure Toru, Mineta Minoru
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✅ Fujioka Haruhi, Suoh Tamaki, Ootori Kyoya, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Honey, Mori
❎ Basically Anyone Else
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✅ Miia, Papi, Centorea Shianus, Meroune "Mero" Lorelei, Suu, Rachnera Arachnera, Zombina, Dopple, Manako, Tionishia
❎ Kimihito Kurusu, Lala, Ms. Smith, Polt
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✅ Makoto Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, Toko Fukawa, Genocider Syo, Aoi Asahina, Sayaka Maizono, Leon Kuwata, Chihiro Fujisaki, Mondo Owada, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Celestia Ludenburg, Sakura Oogami, Mukuro Ikusaba, Hajime Hinata, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Akane Owari, Sonia Nevermind, Kazuichi Souda, Mahiru Koizumi, Peko Pekoyama, Ibuki Mioda, Mikan Tsumiki, Gundham Tanaka, Nagito Komaeda, Chiaki Nanami, Shuichi Saihara, Himiko Yumeno, Maki Harukawa, Rantaro Amami, Kaede Akamatsu, Kirumi Tojo, Angie Yonaga, Tenko Chabashira, Miu Iruma, Gonta Gokuhara, Kokichi Ouma, Kaito Momota, Kiibo
❎ Byakuya Togami, Hifumi Yamada, Yasuhiro Hagakure Junko Enoshima, Byakuya Twogami, Teruteru Hanamura, Hiyoko Saionji, Nekomaru Nedai, Tsumugi Shirogane
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✅ Yumeko Jabami, Mary Saotome, Midari Ikishima, Yumemi Yumemite, Itsuki Sumeragi
❎ Runa Yomozuki, Kirari Momobami, Ririka Momobami
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✅ Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Nezuko Kamado, Mitsuri Kanroji, Muichiro Tokito, Shinobu Kocho
❎ Muzan Kibutsuji, Tamayo, Yushiro, Giyu Tomioka, Obanai Iguro, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Gyomei Himejima, Tengen Uzui, Kyojuro Rengoku
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✅ Meliodas, Diane, Ban, King, Gowther, Merlin, Elizabeth, Derieri, Gloxinia, Melascula, Zeldris
❎ Escanor, Drole, Estarossa, Fraudrin, Galand, Grayroad, Monspeet
⭐ A limit of 5 characters (If they are part of a group, I may make an exception)
⭐ By cross-over I do not mean two characters from different worlds meeting (ex: Yumeko Jabami meeting Celestia Ludenberg) I mean concepts from one universe crossing over to another (ex: Y/N transfers from Hyakkaou Private Academy to Ouran High School, and struggles with the shift between environments)
⭐ I will mostly be writing gender nuetral readers so it's open for people of all genders, but upon request I may do specific genders.
⭐ Keep everything political and religious off my account. I don't want people getting into fights on my account so please keep your religion and political opinions to yourself.
⭐ I do not tolerate racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia or anything like that. I want everyone to feel at home on my account so I will not tolerate slander upon any minority.
⭐ If you make a request be patient. It will take me a while to write something, so please wait I'll try to get something out in at max a week. So please don't bombard me with DM's about how long I'm taking.
⭐ Chances are there will be spoilers for every fandom mentioned so just be aware.
⭐ Please request in English. I don't speak any other language.
Needed Links
Match-Up Requirements 
And that's it. Feel free to ask questions and make requests. Please respect me and my pronouns. I hope you all have a great day/night. Bye
(GIFs used aren't mine. They belong to their rightful owners.)
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mbruben-stein · 3 years
list of things I write and take requests for.
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list of things I will write:
Headcanons / HC (I only do four to seven characters.)
Boyfriend Scenarios.
Girlfriend Scenarios.
Dating would Include.
Love stories
X Reader.
x pregnant character or reader.
Character X Character.
X They/Them reader.
X Male Reader
X Female Reader
Girl x Boy.
Boy x Boy.
Girl X Girl.
Yandere Alphabet
S/O Headcanons.
SFW Alphabet.
NSFW Alphabet 18+.
list of prompts writing request ideas and request:
Main Paige/list.
List of animes and characters that I write.
Snow White With Red Hair:
Zen Wisteria
Kiki Seiran
Mitsuhide Louen
Raji Shenazard
Black Butler:
Sebastian Michaelis
Ciel Phantomhive
Grell Sutcliff
Soma Asman Kadar
William T. Spears
Ronald Knox
Alois Trancy
Claude Faustus
Hannah Annafellows
My Hero Academia:
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Momo Yaoyorozu
Shoto Todoroki
Fumikage Tokoyami
Mezo Shoji
Denki Kaminari
Hanta Sero
Kyoka Jiro
Dabi / Touya Todoroki
Mashirao Ojiro
Eijiro Kirishima
Ochaco Uraraka
Tsuyu Asui
Mina Ashido
Himiko Toga
Tenya Ida
Toru Hagakure
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Amajiki
Nejire Hado
Hitoshi Shinso
Melissa Shield
Hawks / Keigo Takami
Eraser Head / Shota Aizawa
All Might / Toshinori Yagi
Midnight / Nemuri Kayama
Mr. Principal / Nezu
Ingenium / Tensei Ida
Tomura Shigaraki
One piece:
Monkey D. Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Nico Robin
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Portgas D. Ace
Dracule Mihawk
The sacrificial princess and the king of beasts:
Death Note:
l lawliet
Light Yagami
Touta Matsuda
Misa Amane
Vampire Knight:
Zero Kiryu
Hanabusa Aido
Yuki Cross
Kaname Kuran
Senri Shiki
Takuma Ichijo
Akatsuki Kain
Kaien Cross
Ruka Souen
Toga Yagari
Ichiru Kiryu
Rido Kuran
Attack On Titans:
Eren Yeager
Levi Ackerman
Mikasa Ackerman
Armin Arlert
Historia Reiss
Jean Kirschtein
Connie Springer
Hange zoe
Erwin Smith
Annie Leonhart
Sasha Braus
Moblit Berner
Reiner Braun
Marco Bodt
Bertolt Hoover
Yugi Muto
Seto Kaiba
Yami Yugi / Adam Moto
Téa Gardner
Joey Wheeler
Tristan Taylor
Mokuba Kaiba
Avatar the Last Airbender. (Yes, I count this as an anime. This is because I really like it and love it. Sorry for the people who don't think it's an anime, but you can't change my mind.):
Ty Lee
Diabolical lovers:
Yui Komori
Reiji Sakamaki
Ayato Sakamaki
Laito Sakamaki
Subaru Sakamaki
Shu Sakamaki
Yui Komori
Kou Mukami
Ouran High School Host Club:
Tamaki Suoh
Kyoya Ootori
Kaoru Hitachiin
Hitachiin Hikaru
Haruhi Fujioka
Ritsu Kasanoda
Takashi Morinozuka
Violet Evergarden:
Gilbert Bougainvillea
Benedict Blue
violet Evergarden
Cattleya Baudelaire
Claudia Hodgins
Iris Cannary 
 The Ancient Magus’ Bride:
Chise Hatori
Elias Ainsworth
Assassination Classroom:
Nagisa Shiota
Karma Akabane
Hinano Kurahashi
Hinata Okano
Tadaomi Karasuma
Yuri on ice:
Yuuri Katsuki
Yuri Plisetsky
Victor Nikiforov
Mila Babicheva
Otabek Altin
Phichit Chulanont
Ben 10:
Rook Blonko
Ruby Rose
Yang Xiao Long
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Pyrrha Nikos
Lie Ren
Jaune Arc
Oscar Pine
Sun Wukong
Crow / Qrow Branwen
Tokyo Revengers:
Takemichi Hanagaki
Mikey/Manjiro Sano
Draken/Ken Ryūgūji
Takashi Mitsuya
Keisuke Baji
Chifuyu Matsuno
Hinata Tachibana
Kazutora Hanemiya
Akkun/Atsushi Sendo
Smiley/Nahoya Kawata
Angry/souya kawata
Emma Sano
Ran Haitani
Rindo Haitani
Shuji Hanma
Izana Kurokawa
list of movies and characters that I write.
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Rubeus Hagrid
Neville Longbottom
Ginny Weasley
Remus Lupin
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Charlie Weasley
Sirius Black
Edward Cullen
Bella Swan
Jacob Black
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Carlisle Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Sam Uley
Embry Call
Hocus Pocus:
Thackery Binx
Max Dennison
Rise of the Guardians:
Jack Frost
Nicholas St. North
Tooth Fairy
Pitch Black
The Hobbit / The Lord of the Rings:
Bilbo Baggins
Thorin Oakenshield
Samwise Gamgee
Frodo Baggins
list of Marvel movies / comics and characters that I write.
The Avengers:
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Bruce Banner / Hulk
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Clint Barton
Steve Rogers / Captain America
T'Challa / Black Panther
Miles Morales / Spinn Spider-Man / Kid-Arachnid
Guardians of the Galaxy:
Peter Quill / Star-Lord
Rocket Raccoon
list of DC movie / Comics and characters that I write.
Bruce Wayne / Bat-Man
Clark Kent / Superman
Diana Prince / Wonder Woman
Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Jon Lane Kent
Selina Kyle / Catwoman
Zatanna Zatara
Tim Drake
Kara Zor-El / Supergirl
Suicide Squad:
Harley Quinn
Chato Santana
Tatsu Yamashiro
Teen Titans:
Damian Wayne / Robin
Koriand'r / Starfire
Victor Stone / Cyborg
Garfield Logan / Beast Boy
Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle
list of shows and characters that I write.
Secrets Of Unfortunate Events:
Violet Baudelaire
Klaus Baudelaire
Quigley Quagmire
Isadora Quagmire
Lemony Snicket
Fiona Widdershins
Duncan Quagmire
Gravity Falls:
The owl house:
Luz Noceda
Edalyn Clawthorne/ the owl lady
Willow Park
Lilith Clawthorne
Gus Porter
Amity Blight
Emira Blight
Edric Blight
Hunter/ the golden guard
Milo Murphy's Law:
Milo Murphy
Melissa Chase
Zack Underwood
Sara Murphy
Amanda Lopez 
Balthazar Cavendish
TMNT/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012:
Splinter/Hamato Yoshi
April O'nell
Cassey Jones
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