#yandere herman carter
yanderes-galore · 1 year
DBD Herman Carter (The Doctor) with your prompts: 8 + 41, please?
Hm... I'll see what I can do as one of these doesn't fit him. I'll try to twist it so it does. As a result, may be OOC but you can be the judge of that. I tried to keep him as close to canon as possible though.
AU before the fog where you are Carter's patient and it, predictably, is horrible. It's short, unfortunately, but I hope it was horrific enough :)
Yandere! Herman Carter Concept I'm pulling from
Yandere! Herman Carter Prompts 8 + 41
"I could look into those eyes forever...."
"I made this mark on myself to show you how much I love you!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Sadism, Electroshock therapy, Violence, Torture, Obsession, Self-Mutilation (Doctor), Sadomasochism, Unhealthy power dynamic, Vague kidnapping implied, Twisted and forced relationship obviously, Brief blood mention.
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No more....
The thought echoes through your buzzed head like a fading message. Your mind tingles and melts, failing to make any other thought but a desperate plea. You couldn't even look at the man who put you through this.
You didn't want any more of this....
Your breathing is sharp and ragged. Your muscles still twitch from the last blast of electricity coursing through your flesh. Your restraints hurt when your skin brushes ever so slightly against them...
Is that burning flesh you smell?
Is it yours?
"What wonderful results..." The sound of praise buzzes in your ears. The supposed doctor operating on you walks into your blurry view. You grimace at his smile. "I expected such from my favorite patient."
You don't doubt your mind is fried by this point. You don't remember what compelled you to come here and for what. Did you even come here of your own volition?
All you know is what's here right now. All you know is electricity making you numb... while a doctor claims he's curing you. Of what, you want to ask, but he'd never answer.
"You look adorable when dazed." The doctor comments, chuckling in a pitch that screams supernatural. "You should know you're special to me."
You don't dare dwell on the idea of what happens to other patients of his. Are they all treated like this? Or... do others get it much worse-
The doctor's wide eyes scan over your scarred flesh. Your breathing is faint... tired. His patient looks so vulnerable... so vulnerable for him.
He likes this one...
He may even say this is what love feels like.
Love's meant to make one feel tingly, right? Or maybe that's just the electricity coursing through the both of you. He laughs to himself at the thought.
Herman Carter wasn't sure why he felt so attached to this patient. Was it those watery eyes? Was it the fact you lasted the longest?
You've even managed to cause lasting marks on him. In both his rapid beating heart and his charred flesh. He had surprised himself when he marked something into his flesh to remember you by in case you pass.
Ahh... love. If this is love, love feels wonderful. He likes this feeling... this feeling is what kept you around for so long! Maybe it's just delusions but he's never felt something so good.
He loved seeing you in restraints. He loved the power you gave him. He loved your screams and whimpers...
He loves you.
The doctor looks into your eyes for a moment. All of his attention is on your... it feels eerie. He shudders in what appears to be a sigh or quite laughter. You want to cry and scream when he shoots out an arm to hold your sensitive cheek.
"I could look into those eyes forever...." The doctor murmurs dreamily, a giggle slipping out soon after. He looks so lost in thought.... The doctor is simply admiring his work, he loves those eyes of yours.
Your tears... your cries... your flesh... your blood... the entirety of your being...
It's all his now.
He wonders if you understand the intensity of these feelings. Can you comprehend what he feels? Don't you feel it too?
Or do you doubt him?
"This is love..." You hear him giggle again. You grimace. Love... oh, he was more deranged than you thought. You'd scoff if it didn't feel like your skin was going numb with pins and needles. He then continues his ramblings.
"Oh... I know this must be what love is. The others didn't make me feel such a way. Dear... I hope you know I'm serious about what I say."
He then pulls back, turning around to unbutton his coat. You tense up, fearing the worse once he undoes the undershirt too. You clench your eyes shut when he turns back around.
"I made this..." He shudders, his tone depicting twisted excitement with every stuttered breath. "I made this mark on myself to show you how much I love you!"
You refuse to look at what he wanted to show you. That is until the doctor expresses his annoyance by grabbing your head. Your eyes shoot open to meet his.
"Look." He says bluntly, pulling away. Fearful of more treatment, you look. You immediately feel sick.
On his chest... his skin is blackened and scarred into the shape of a crude heart. It's all a sick portrayal of his 'love' for you. It wasn't even a depiction of a simple cartoon heart. It held detail... too much detail... and the smell of burning flesh makes you gag.
The doctor only giggles and laughs at your reaction, clearly enjoying the torment it brought to you. You don't know where to look. Do you keep staring at the burnt gash on his chest... or his face?
"Now you know how much I adore you..." The doctor continue, stepping closer as he buttons up his shirt and coat. "But what about you?"
Your heart stops... was it the shock from the 'therapy'? No... it most likely was the shock that the question sparked within you. Please, no...
The doctor pulls a scalpel and begins to cut your shirt open. You can't squirm, he restraints hold you taut. The doctor watches your reaction with glee.
"You must feel the same. You have to. That's why... I'll make the same mark on you."
You shake your head, the adrenaline kicking in as you try to flee. You can't. If there was a way... you would've been gone earlier. The doctor pulls the cloth of your now tattered clothes to the side and prepares the scalpel for flesh.
"This way... you'll know we're meant for each other... this will be our love..."
You cry out of panic and desperation when he angles the scalpel onto your abdomen with precision. The first cut you barely feel... but beads of blood still drip down your red skin. The doctor giggles one last time before glancing up to your eyes again.
"Now... do me a favor, dear... and hold. still."
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yanderedbdimagines · 2 years
Oh I saw the ask about the lock locker with the reader inside can you do it with the other killers The Doctor The Legion The Ghostface The Trickster of your choice ^^ like they got a chance to kidnap there darling but the entity lock the locker the darling is in to spite/punish them
I like writing about this request a bit too much to only chose one of them, so I chose them all. >:D For the Legion I chose Julie Kostenko.
WARNING: Mentions of torture! Blood, gore, cussing, etc. Very descriptive.
The Doctor
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‘Damn it,’ is all you could think in complete and utter frustration as you found yourself locked within the locker on the main floor of the Huntress’s cabin. Just as you swore that the Doctor’s ran past you, you tried to get out and sneak out the way he just came through from, but the doors just wouldn’t give in. 
What makes the matter worse is that you’re the only one left. Your heart pounds in your chest as you fully realize that you are completely at the mercy of one of the most sadistic killers in the realm.
As if sensing your fear, the Doctor's fluorescent eyes peer down through the slats in the locker's door. You can feel his gaze burning into you, and a shiver runs down your spine. You try to stay quiet, but the static in the air only grows stronger, indicating that he knows that you’re in there. As result, your skin’s being prickled by the crackling air that found its way inside of your little space. It’s highly uncomfortable as a continuous tingling sensation, which borderlines to a humming pain, is affecting nearly every patch of your skin.
Suddenly, the Doctor's twisted laughter fills the air, and you realize that he has been toying with you all along. Your stomach churns with fear and anger at the realization that you have played right into his hands.
You fall back against the wall with a defeated sob before sliding downward, your heart haven jumped up into a frenzy and with your lungs already gasping aloud since of a sudden shortage of air due to an ever larger amount of fear jolting through your veins- aware that he could open the doors at any second.
You’re getting sick and you feel like you’re about to puke all over yourself. You can already imagine various scenarios in which he’s already torturing you to death. Very slowly flaying off your skin and precisely trimming through the flesh underneath in order to pick apart your nerves, nails pulled off before traded in by electrodes, skin around your head skinned wide open for better access to your skull before that’s broken wide open… You’ve involuntarily seen short snippets of the videos in the Lery’s memorial institute during few of the trials you’ve ran so far, haven showed you what he’s capable of.
One other method springs out to you the most; how he’s about to fry your brains out in the most painful way possible. His way of how he prefers to kill nearly each and every survivor. Quick, but very, very painful. The survivors who died this way can only remember that it hurt like hell, but they can’t fully remember how hellish it was after they were resurrected by the Entity shortly after. Obviously, you don’t want to find this out yourself, but it seems like this is about to be your first time.
You proceed to close your eyes and cradle your own body as pure panic consumes you from the inside out… But…
“Oh?~” The killer hums.
You dare to open your eyes again, only to see him turn away from you.
You listen closely to the fading footsteps before slowly standing up as the prickle of the skin disappears along with it. Peering out through the roster, the Doctor is nowhere in sight.
You swallow. He must be trying to give you this false sense of security. For all you know, he may be staring at the locker right now and waiting for the moment where you may end up succeeding to leave the locker.
Decided, you stay put. And just as you started to question if you should make a mad dash for it after all after a few minutes has passed by, something dark twisted and swerved around your body.
From just outside of the room, the Doctor witnessed how the Entity took you, and he could already imagine where to.
He sighs deeply before chuckling to himself.
Herman had hoped for this to be the moment to bring you back to his territory and have you all to himself, but the moment he pulled at the handle of the locker, he already knew that he wasn’t even allowed to. This was confirmed just a few minutes after as he closely watched and waited of what would happen; also yearning for the moment if you did get out just so that he could catch you off guard and kidnap you by force.
Maybe he’s not allowed to have you right now, but the Doctor will do everything in his power to be allowed to have you in the near future.
The Ghostface
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You find yourself huddled in the cramped confines of the red locker, your heart pounding in your chest as you hear Ghostface’s raspy breathing just inches away. You had been separated from one of your teammates during the chase, and had to duck into the nearest hiding spot which you could find after you swore you’d lost him. But now, you’re trapped, with no way out and no one to help you- made evident by an intrusive thought that barged through your mind of how you somehow know that they've left through the gates.
The other survivor just went up and abandoned you.
Ghostface's voice suddenly crackles through the locker's vents, startling you out of your thoughts. "Hey there, little bird," he says in his signature distorted voice. "What are you doing hiding in there? Come out and talk to me."
You stay silent, hoping he'll give up and fuck off. “Shit. Now that’s just rude. Staying quiet like that.” But Ghostface is persistent, and he keeps talking; "You know you can't stay in there forever," he says. "Why not come out? I promise I won't ruffle your feathers too badly."
You can feel the panic rising in your chest as his words sink in. You know that if you stay in the locker too long, the Entity might jump in. But the thought of facing Ghostface, with his razor-sharp knife and twisted mind, is almost too much to bear as well.
As the minutes tick by, Ghostface grows increasingly agitated, his breathing becoming more erratic and his words more desperate. "Fuck! Come on, come on, come on," he mutters under his breath. "Why won't you come out? The clock's ticking, sweetheart."
You grip your head. And for a fleeting second, you start to think it actually may be better to face his blade than to feel a spider's leg puncture through your stomach. The killer senses this, and he tries to speak again- perhaps one last attempt to get you to come out.
A low groan suddenly rattles through the air and interrupts him, a sound similar to that of a sinking ship. Only one source is capable of making such a noise.
A thick black mist begins to seep into the locker, swirling around you in thick tendrils. He suddenly screams in anger, haven seen the occurrence the second he looked down. “NO! Don’t you fucking do this to me!” A loud bang follows- indicating that the killer’s rammed his body against the doors as a desperate attempt to get inside.
You suddenly find yourself back at the campfire not long after, surrounded by the other survivors. Jake is there, looking concerned, as he asks you what happened.
You try to explain what happened in the locker, but your words come out jumbled and incoherent. All you can remember is the feeling of being trapped, the sound of Ghostface's voice, and the overwhelming sense of relief when the mist swept you away.
As the other survivors comfort you, you can't help but wonder what would have happened if you had stayed in the locker a moment longer. Would Ghostface have managed to coax you out, or would the Entity have intervened regardless?
One thing is for certain: the horrors of the Fog are not to be underestimated. Including the unpredictable kind as the Ghostface’s just showed to you.
The Legion(Julie Kostenko)
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“I’m not here to kill you.” You hear from the other side of the wooden surface.
You take a deep breath and steady yourself, trying to push away the fear that threatens to consume you. You glance at Julie through the narrow slits in the locker door, trying to read her body language. She seems sincere, but you can't be sure for as long as she’s donning that signature mask of hers. “Listen; I know you’re very scared right now, but I mean it when I say that I don’t want to hurt you.”
She's saying that now because she can't get inside. Still...
You considering Julie's words carefully. It's true that she hasn't harmed you, but that doesn't necessarily mean you can trust her. The Legion is known for their cruelty and unpredictable behavior, after all.
“Please, know that I'm not like the others. I don't enjoy hurting people anymore. I just...I just want to be understood, you know? I mean, have I ever hurt you as of late?"
She’s right. To date, she’s basically the only killer who hasn’t, and there has to be a good reason why the Entity has locked you in here because of that.
But at the same time, this could also be a ruse. After all, it’s a stone-cold fact that she’s a killer, and you simply do not know what it is that she’s trying to pull here. For all you know, she’s been playing around with you all along and simply wants to kill you once you’d set a foot outside- mocking you in one of the most twisted of ways just so that she could tell it in full detail to the other Legion members later on.
"Why should I believe you?" you ask, your voice coming out in a shaky whisper.
Julie sighs, leaning against the locker from the other side. "I get it. You don't trust me. And I don't blame you. But you have to understand, we're not like the others. We're not just mindless killers. We have a code."
"A code?" you repeat, incredulous.
Julie nods. "Yeah. A code. We stick together. We don't hurt each other. And we don't kill for fun. Only when we have to. Only when the Entity forces us to."
You consider her words, weighing them against everything you've seen in the Fog. The Legion has always seemed different from the other killers. More... human, in a way. But that doesn't mean you're ready to let your guard down just yet. Not for as long as you remember how they killed any other survivor during a trial, especially the way Julie did.
"I appreciate that you're trying to reassure me," you say finally, your voice shaky, but obviously tainted by semi-sarcasm. "But I don't trust you. And I don’t think I’ll ever will."
There's a long moment of silence, and you can hear Julie pacing outside the locker as if she’s morphed into a starving animal. You hold your breath, waiting for what's next.
But suddenly, something cold swiftly crept up your legs, and you hear a surprised gasp, the sound of a knife falling to the ground before distinct clattering of someone repeatedly pulling against the doors infiltrates your sense of sound.
You feel the familiar sensation of being transported away by the Entity's power as everything shortly goes black.
You blink, disoriented, as you find yourself standing at the campfire.
Julie is obviously nowhere in sight, and you can't help but wonder what might have happened if you had trusted her and stepped out of the locker. But for now, all you can do is try to stay alive and hope that you'll eventually make it out of this seemingly never-ending nightmare.
The Trickster
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Yun-Jin Lee had told you and the other survivors everything she knew about the Trickster when she was the newest one to arrive in the Fog. A tradition held so that each and every survivor could make plans and mental preparations in case they’d face him for the very first time- making sure the chance would be as low as possible that they’d ever get caught off guard by one of the newest killers.
Yun-Jin had described each of the Trickster's inhumane killings, displaying his unique style of general torture method.
You had listened intently, taking in every word and committing each detail to memory. You didn't want to be caught off guard by the Trickster, not like the way some of the other survivors already had been.
In exchange, all of you filled her in about the other killers roaming the Fog.
Her words replay over and over again as you found yourself shivering underneath the yellow gaze of the killer in question, separated only by the locked doors of the infamous red locker, and all that preparation seemed to be for nothing.
Your breath catches in your throat as he starts to talk to you with a very thick Korean accent coating each and every word; “The things I’d do to have your undivided attention on me like this more often. The things I’d do now to have this moment last forever. The things I’d do for you. The things I’d do to you.” He chuckles dryly. “Sadly, the Entity has already decided that I’m only allowed to have so very little of you.”
He presses his forehead against the roster, his eyes never wavering from yours. It almost reminds you of a kid trying to be as close to their favorite zoo animal for as far as the fence would allow them. A creepy and downright murderous kid…
"Say my name," he demands suddenly, his tone firm and unwavering. “Say it. I know you’re aware of what my name is.”
You freeze, unsure of how to respond. A braggart laugh flees him- clearly crazy and psychotic in content. "Silence? Shame, but I'll find a way to get you to say my name once I've dragged you back to my place. Now that I think of it, when do you plan to get out of there?” He tilts his head as his almond-shaped eyes narrow in feigned amusement. “Soon, I hope?"
You try to push the fear down, but it's overwhelming. You are trapped, with no way out. You pray that the other survivors will come to your rescue, but deep down you know that it is unlikely. The Entity apparently has its own rules, and it wasn't always on your side.
You are quickly proven wrong as a sudden cold encircled your body, shadows soon overtaking most of your vision.
You feel something flutter on top of you the moment the darkness enveloped you in its cold embrace completely. At the campfire, you realized that it was a signed photograph of him that he has slid inside at the last possible second.
You couldn't help but shiver at the memory of the Trickster's twisted charm as you instantly chuck it into the fire. Yun-Jin Lee had warned you about him, but nothing could have prepared you for the sickening thrill that he brought to the Fog.
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5eraphim · 2 years
dbd killers w/ somnophilia
Characters: The Clown, The Shape, The Mastermind, The Deathslinger, The Doctor
Rating: M
Content Warnings: Somnophilia, dubcon, toxic relationship dynamics
Word Count: 1.3k
(song inspo)
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The Clown
He is a dirty, dirty, dirty old man. The clown is easily one of the most perverted killers in the game. Somnophilia is just another kink among his long list of perversions. Likely even one of his personal favorites.
He loves to drug you with whatever heavy sedative he can concoct, something he knows you have no hope of actually resisting. Kenneth firmly believes the weak must fear the strong, even if it's not a fair fight. This is another way to control you and keep you under his command. The instant gratification here is immensely appealing.
Loves the feeling of using his own body weight to pin you down, especially if he can feel the way you try to fight back while still weakened and encumbered by sleep, totally oblivious to the gravity of the situation. Additionally, he loves to tie your hands down while he takes advantage of you like this, thinking about how terrified you'll be when you eventually wake up.
When you are awake, he reminds you of how he sees your sleeping body as "free to use." Your body is nothing more than a commodity to him or a vessel he can use for his own pleasure and gratification. To Kenneth, your free will, mind, and intellect are all second value to your body and the satisfaction you can bring him.
The Shape
This more direct perverted side started as a by-product of his fondness for watching you sleep. Slowly over time, growing more and more emboldened around your sleeping body. Always wanting to see how close, how he could touch, how he could manage to provoke you before you stirred or awoke. Though more often than not, Michael is sly enough to know how to have his fun without you waking up suspecting a thing.
Loves to leave kisses all over your body while you sleep, which turn into bruises and bitemarks when you awaken, especially on areas like your lower stomach or thighs. Likes to get as close as possible to the sensitive area between your legs, watching how they tremble and twitch in your sleep while you are oblivious to what is happening.
Michael is far more attracted to the dominance of the act and the helplessness on your end. Rather than the transgressive nature in and of itself.
The Mastermind
Orgasm alarm clock extraordinaire. As one of the most prominent doms in the game, Albert prefers subs to be obedient and well-behaved rather than bratty. Thus, Albert is drawn to the appeal of taking you when you have no choice but to follow his lead and are at his mercy.
He likes to choke you out while you're asleep, even though it almost always results in you waking up immediately. The power he feels in the moment, no matter how brief it may be, is unparalleled.
Albert loves to record you and take pictures of you in your sleep. Sometimes it's when your clothes are already torn off your body, or after you're in a compromising position or something lewd like that, but not always. There's something about how you look so unaware and corruptible that Albert can't get enough of! Of course, these photos are strictly for his eyes only, though he would certainly consider using these as leverage to keep you under his command. And if you ever were dumb enough to try and cheat on him or try to leave him, Albert would leak them in a heartbeat.
(In the Resident Evil games) Albert is used to working late into the night and returning home when you've fallen asleep hours beforehand. It was only a matter of time before he realized your effect on him while unconscious. If you really loved him, surely you wouldn't see anything wrong with him using you to relieve a little stress and tension after a long day, right?
The Artist
Carmina is not the type to wait until you've fallen asleep at all! Instead, she lives for the thrill of toying with you while you're on the edge of sleeping and awakening. Especially into the way, you look so vulnerable like this! How you can be so extra-sensitive to her touch and how she plays with your body, white looking so at peace and beautiful, is breathtaking.
Will be sure to tell you how beautiful your moans sound while you're still half-asleep. Carmina generally prefers partners who are a bit more vocal, so she's sure to treasure every sound you make like this.
Genuinely thinks it's super romantic when you fall asleep in her arms, with her fingers inside you.
Loves to leave long scratches along your back and torso while you're asleep for you to discover on your own the following day. Carmina is always so gentle and cautious around you when you're awake. It's moments like this that help her to alleviate a bit of light-hearted aggression and sadism.
Carmina almost always can satisfy herself using your body without rousing you from sleep. Still, if she were to slip us and accidentally awaken you, she'd be able to lull you back to sleep very quickly. Even in moments of high passion like this, Carmina can almost always maintain at least some level of self-control, keeping you calm and helping you fall back asleep without frightening you.
The Death Slinger
Unlike everyone else, Caleb prefers to take you when both of you are tired rather than when he's wide awake and you're not. Also, he prefers something a bit more low-key with you, like grinding or deep kissing, rather than full intercourse.
If he could keep you like this forever, he would. He despises the way life has been so cold and cruel to him, and having something soft and warm in his bed to return home is more than enough to satisfy his jaded loneliness. Because of this, Caleb finds himself more interested in cuddling your sleeping body, holding you close to his, while he knows you won't try to leave or move away than actually fucking you.
If he were feeling a bit more adventurous, he might consider binding your arms together or to the bed just to see how you'd look, motionless and ensnared like fresh prey. You looked like the perfect prey before your hunter.
Loves whenever you nod off while the two of you are spooning. Caleb loves to start off soft and gentle, only to slowly become more frenzied and heated. Seeing how much more he can get away with while you become less and less able to stop him.
The Doctor
There's this excellent post by @mara-xx217​ who suggests Herman would have a medical insertion fetish. Given the sheer magnitude of his sadism, it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine someone like him taking advantage of you while you're out to do something like that to your body.
He is only slightly less into somnophilia than the others because he generally prefers to torment you while you're awake, and he can really appreciate your reactions. Because of this, he may try to concoct something that would give you nightmares while you're in a deep sleep. He knows he won't be able to fully watch and savor your fear, but even though it's less fun for him, Herman knows that won't make it any less of a hell for you to go through.
When he can, Herman prefers to use injectables or gasses to try and get you to fall asleep the fastest. Rather than some of the others who would rather watch you fall asleep slowly or wouldn't try anything unless they knew you'd been out for some time now. Herman is too addicted to control and power to wait for you to be the one to drift off on your own.
Herman loves how powerful and intelligent he feels looming over your poor, dumb sleeping body. It makes him feel as though he has the power of a God while you can do nothing but sit back and watch.
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danishpastri · 2 years
Yandere!Doctor X Empath!Reader
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Oh, he’s pissed. He knows that you’re aware of his plans, and while he does love a fun game of cat and mouse, he does get quite frustrated when he can’t lay his hands on you.
He always thought himself as extremely charismatic, a great liar, but you see right through him, and that was the start of his obsession.
You, you’re different. You’re not like anyone else he’s ever spoken to before, and that’s why he must have you.
After a while, he finally figured out you’re an empath. That’s why he loves to stalk you from afar, taking notes of your facial expressions and slight movements. He must learn about you, your brain.
The first time he catches you, he ties you up to a hook and waits for your survivor friends to come around. Then, his plan will start to unfold. He starts to mercilessly torture them in front of you, watching you squirm where you sit.
He loves seeing your facial expressions change from agony to pure despair, or how you do that nervous fidget whenever you feel anxious. There’s simply nothing like it.
He eventually asks the entity for a favor. He asks if he can take you into his realm for permanent study.
With his natural charisma, the entity obliges. Stuck with him, he will torture you and happily touch you as much as he wants.
His hands roam all across every square inch of skin, loving your little reactions as his lips plant soft kisses against your skin.
At first, the signs of affection were all tests, to simply note how you’d react: with violence or despair.
But soon enough, he can’t stop touching you. He’s on top of you, marking your neck as he pins you to one of the hospital beds.
You’re all his to toy with, and he loves each and every single one of his experiments: you included.
Infatuated, he can’t stop staring at you. Your doe eyes and that small quiver in your lip when he gets near you.
He has never loved an experiment as much as he’s loved you.
You have successfully become his obsession.
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circusmania · 10 months
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⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧ ⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧ My yeses, maybes and nos: YES: - Platonic/Romantic - F/F & M/M - However, many of my fics will just be gender-neutral reader - Trans reader - Yandere - Angst - Fluff MAYBE: - Smut - Not that I'm uncomfortable with it, I just don't feel like I can write it well enough - F/M - Ehh... there are plenty of straight fanfics, and I'm better at writing F/M & M/M. However, it's not a complete no, so I will write it occasionally. - Sadist - I can write it, just not too intense… Like to the point it's r@p3. NO: - Child x Adult - R@p3 - SA - Weird kinks... (ex: piss kink, scat kink) - Abusive behaviour
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FANDOMS I WILL WRITE ABOUT: SCP FOUNDATION: - Scp Foundation in general - Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting - Dr Wondertainment - Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. (MC&D) - Sarkic Cults - Church of the Broken God - The Serpent's Hand ANALOG HORROR: - Mandela Catalogue - Vita Carnis - The Tangi Virus - The SMILE tapes - GEMINI HOME AND ENTERTAINMENT - The Walten Files - Monument Mythos (S: 1, 2 & NIXONVERSE) SLASHERS: - Ghostface (Billy Loomis & Stu Macher) - Norman Bates - Michael Myers - Jason Voorhees - Pennywise (2017) - Billy Lenz - Brahms Heelshire GREEK MYTHOLOGY: - Percy Jackson Fandom - Or Greek Myths in general GENERAL SCENARIOS (Ex: Mafia x Reader or Android x Reader)
Looking forward to writing your requests ♡ !!!
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Dead By Daylight Masterlist
Yandere David King (platonic) [coming soon]
Yandere Doctor/Herman Carter (platonic) [coming soon]
Yandere Dwight Fairfield (general) [coming soon]
Yandere Executioner/Pyramid Head (general) [coming soon]
Yandere Ghostface/Danny Johnson (platonic-friendly) [coming soon]
Yandere Ghostface/Danny Johnson w/ Innocent!Reader [coming soon]
Yandere Hillbilly/Max Thompson Jr. (general) [coming soon]
Yandere The Huntress/Anna w/ Baby!Reader (platonic) [coming soon]
Yandere Jake Park (general) [coming soon]
Yandere Legion/Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey (platonic) [coming soon]
Yandere Nurse/Sally Smithson (platonic) [coming soon]
Yandere Oni/Kazan Yamaoka (general) [coming soon]
Yandere Onryō/Sadako Yamamura (general) [coming soon]
Yandere Pyramid Head/Ghostface/Quentin Smith w/ the same Darling [coming soon]
Yandere Quentin Smith (platonic) [coming soon]
Yandere Shape/Michael Myers (platonic) [coming soon]
Yandere Oni/Kazan and Spirit/Rin Yamaoka (platonic) [coming soon]
Yandere Survivors vs Killers (platonic) [coming soon]
Yandere The Trapper/Evan MacMillian (general) [coming soon]
Yandere Trickster/Ji-Woon Hak (general) [coming soon]
Yandere Yun-Jin Lee (general) [coming soon]
Her Darling One [Anna/The Huntress] (platonic)
The Pig’s Anguish [Amanda Young/The Pig]
💕Love Letters💕
Yandere Ghostface/Danny Johnson
Yandere Hillbilly/Max Thompson Jr. [coming soon]
Yandere the Huntress/Anna (platonic) [coming soon]
Yandere the Legion/Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey (platonic)
Yandere Trickster/Ji-Woon Hak [coming soon]
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g0blintears · 4 months
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Request Rules
Salutations my little night horrors! I am Captain, and I am here to introduce to all of you to my oneshot requests! Now before we go into the requests, I would like to address a couple of rules and notes:
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♡ I only write reader inserts
♡ Please specify if you want a oneshot, headcanon, or an imagine
♡ Please be specific on which characters you want me to write for (I have a list at the bottom) and if you see a character is not on the list, please don’t take it personally. I most likely have the character not on the list because I don’t think I can do them justice ;-; that’s really it lol
♡ I do write NSFW but nothing too hardcore (check list below)
♡ Most of my stories the reader is gender neutral, however, I can still write for either a f!reader or m!reader. This also includes fxf pairings and mxm pairings. Also, if a character is canonically LGBTQ+ Then I’m writing them as so 
♡ All romantic plotted characters will always be 18+ 
♡ I mostly write in second person P.O.V (you/your) but sometimes I will do third person P.O.V (she/her/him/he/they/them/etc) however, I will not write in first person (I/me/my/etc) because that just isn’t my usual style lmao
♡ I do take plot requests, however, I may tweak it a bit depending on how specific you are with the details so if you want something specific, please, be specific 😭
♡ AU's are also accepted. So fantasy AU, Soulmate AU, modern day AU, etc are fine by me
♡ I will possibly take only 10 requests at a time, but I can't promise I'll write them all since I do have other stories I’m working on :’) Writing oneshots is honestly just more for practice and to satisfy any story idea I probably can’t turn into a full chapter book lmao 
♡ When it comes to my yandere stories, I want to be clear that I am extremely against the romanticization of toxic relationship and mental health. So please remember not to seek out these kind of relationships in real life or show some of these ‘yandere’ tendencies to your significant other. The stories I write are just that: stories. Fiction. These relationships are toxic and not healthy. If you do find yourself in these kind of relationships, please seek out a domestic abuse hotline near you
♡ I also don’t just write yandere stories. I am down for a normal healthy relationship and platonic friendships/found family and fluff
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I Will Write
Yandere (stalking, pervy, obsessive, possessive, the whole sha-bang)
Pegging | femdom
BDSM: Knife play | wax play | bondage | marking (scratching, biting)
I Won’t Write
Watersports | vomit | scat
Mental illnesses
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Fandoms/Characters I Write For:
₊˚⊹ Dead By Daylight
Killers: Trapper/Evan MacMillan | Hillbilly/Max Thompson Jr. | Wraith/Philip Ojomo | Doctor/Herman Carter | Shape/Michael Myers | Huntress/Anna | Cannibal/Bubba Sawyer | Pig/Amanda Young | Legion/Susie,Julie,Frank,Joey | Plague/Adiris | Ghostface/Danny Johnson | Oni/Kazan Yamaoka | Deathslinger/Caleb Quinn | Executioner/Pyramid Head | Trickster/Ji-Woon Hak | Artist/Carmina Mora |
Survivors: Dwight Fairfield | Meg Thomas | Claudette Morel | David King | Jake Park | Feng Min | Nea Karlsson | Laurie Strode | Ace Visconti | Quentin Smith | Kate Denson | Adam Francis | Jeff Johansen | Jane Romero | Steve Harrington | Yui Kimura | Zarina Kassir | Felix Richter | Élodie Rakoto | Yun-Jin Lee | Jill Valentine | Leon Kennedy | Mikaela Reid | Yoichi Asakawa | Haddie Kaur | Vittorio Toscano | Thalita Lyra | Renato Lyra | Gabriel Soma | Sable Ward
₊˚⊹ Mortal Kombat
Kung Lao | Sub-Zero | Raiden | Liu Kang | Johnny Cage | Mileena | Reptile | Smoke | Kenshi | Scorpion |
₊˚⊹ Slashers
Scream: Ghostface [Stu, Billy] | Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Leatherface | Child’s Play [Charles Lee Ray] |
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With all of that said, I hope you enjoy my stories :)
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me and a friend were talking about how bad i am at DBD, and I would be screwed if the Fog took me, and then I made a small joke about just trying to flirt my way out and being the distraction, and we went off on a ten minute discussion about that. So, how would a few killers of your choice (Yandere, of course) react to a new Survivor who is quite flirtatious and uses it to try to get themselves and the other, more skilled Survivors off the Hook for maybe a few more minutes..? (Apologies if I did request something like this already and forgot, my memory was never my strong suit)
I never did get an ask like this, so!
Yandere!Killers with a new Survivor!Reader flirting with them
Caleb Quinn | Deathslinger
Caleb is immediately suspicious; anyone that's acted like this in the past usually used him immediately for personal gain.
On the other hand, though, being alone for so long after having a posse to rely on for years does things to a man.
Your distraction is a success, at least for a little while, but once it sits in that you're serious...
...he begins teaching you how to use the Redeemer, using your fellow survivors as target practice.
Caleb towers over you as he corrects your posture, strong hands helping you aim at your fellow survivors, his voice quiet and raspy as he offers praise when you hit someone.
You wind up helping him in the end, after which he praises you for a job well done and offers you to come drink with him at some point in the future. He lets you go, though you're on your own in finding the hatch.
Herman Carter | Doctor
You're definitely taking a risk by talking to Herman in a flirtatious manner. You know it-- he knows it, too. Herman finds you utterly fascinating in this regard.
He returns your flirting in kind, often with morbid promises of experimentation of the pleasurable kind... though with him, that could turn nasty in a heartbeat.
Herman offers you a taste of what's to come, a jolt of electricity dancing from his fingertips to your cheek as he caresses it, the sensation, quite literally, maddening.
You hear the last of the generators come online, the exit gates blaring their alarms. Shit.
You flee, but it's no use-- you see the Doctor everywhere, that singular jolt enough to induce horrible madness.
He catches up with you fast, hauling you over his shoulder. "You're not going to get away from me that easily," he says with a giggle, before lugging you away from the exit, deeper into the Realm.
Anna | Huntress
She has no idea what you're on about, but you're acting cute in her eyes.
Midway through a sentence, she hugs you tight, muttering something in Russian.
If the Realm you encounter her in has a bed, she carries you to one, mentioning for you to stay there.
One by one, though, you hear the others scream. Mission failed.
Anna returns to you just as you leave the bed that she put you in, tilting her head, curious.
You try to throw any and all excuses at her as to why you're getting out of bed, why you're trying to leave, to no avail. Anna backs you into the room, seeming frustrated at your attempt to escape.
She leads you back into the bed, almost throwing you down, before joining you, holding you tight and not letting go.
Michael Myers
You're first met with dead silence.
Then, a slow head-tilt as you continue to flirt with Michael.
He walks away, before bringing you a survivor that he had downed earlier. Michael nudges your hand, mentioning for you to follow.
You do so, following Michael to a hook. He drops the survivor at your feet, standing in silence as he looks from them... to you... and back.
The message is clear: you are to hook them.
You try to lift them, but the dead weight is too much. You collapse under the other survivor, struggling to push them off.
Michael is generous enough to pick the survivor up off of you, but immediately dumps them at your feet when you get back up.
You try again, with more success. You hook the survivor by the scruff of their neck, their scream sounding rather strangled.
Michael is proud of you, though he doesn't verbally express it-- you can still feel him beaming with pride as he seemingly stares at your work in silence.
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petitelepus · 3 years
Greetings and salutations, hope I don’t bother you to much. May I please have a romantic yandere matchup for dbd? Preferably killers, but whoever works tbh. Please ignore if you don’t do them.
I use they/it pronouns and I’m pansexual. My Myers Briggs type is INFJ and Enneagram type is 4. My star sign is Taurus, moon sign is Gemini.
Im about 4’11..not to happy about it. I’m rather introverted, and can be considered not a people person. I find life a little nihilistic. I’m into dressing in all black and taking a liking to gruesome and morbid things like slashers, Tim Burton, death games, true crime documentaries, poetry, necromancy and anatomy. I typically consider myself a Gorehound. I also like to visit abandoned hospitals and houses just for fun, along with playing quite a few escape rooms. I just have a genuine comfort in the uncomfortable.
I get a lot of monikers from friends and family like "discount vomitboyx", "doomer boy kinnie", and "Remake of Daria" before. I’ve come to the conclusion I just scare people off. In reality, I’m intimidated by everyone around me and find it hard to start conversing, which may or may not come off as rude to people.
When I finally become comfortable with someone I start to become really sarcastic and joke around with them with witty banter. Most of my humor comes off really insulting, but I’ll apologize and say it’s a joke if it becomes a problem. Even though I do have a hard time understanding physical social cues.
Lots of people don’t like me or stay away from me because of my rude behavior. I’m not good with overly sensitive or overly annoying people at all because of that, and I can’t stand kids. Idiocy can get on my nerves too sometimes. I’m a huge animal person though. I have my moments where I can get really feisty, or very quiet and closed off. I’ve been told I’m also a laidback person.
I’m the type of person that has lots of opinions on things but I keep them to myself and bottle them up. If pushed far enough I’ll become unforgiving, and aggressive. Especially with the types mentioned above.
I find the most comfort in just being in my room drawing, reading and or listening to music ( Motionless in White, Deftones, System of a Down, Slipknot, Rob Zombie,,, sometimes Will Wood, The Front Bottoms, Jazmin Bean or Mother Mother, etc. ), or even occasionally playing video games or reading and talking about Greek mythology or some random documentary I read. My interests tend to be very restricted, and I shut down easily getting into new things.
I’m a plushie maniac and when I fall asleep you can always see me cuddled up to one of them. I find it because I’m really touch starved. I’m guilty of being very submissive and maybe even masochistic- and a bit of a pyromaniac. I dissociate or daydream a lot, so you can often catch me starring.
I suffer from autism, GERD, arthritis, depression and anxiety. I have stims where I bite the inside of my cheek, pull my hair, punch walls or pillows, crack or pop my bones, pick at scabs, fidget with my fingers or toy and bounce my leg. I even hiss or squeal when I’m upset. I’ve also been developing a eating disorder.
If you do get to this, thanks for your time. - zaire
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Sally Smithson and Herman Carter, aka Nurse and Doctor are Yandere for you!
You may appear scary at first and you are stubborn as an ox, but inside you are also genuine and dependable. Your jokes can be a little cruel, but you don't necessarily mean anything bad with them.
Your darkness and attraction towards grotesque things others avoid with their lives are things for Herman and Sally to love more in you. The two of them make a team so scary that it had been a common horror story told around the campfire.
You had laughed at the idea of them teaming since it wasn't possible to have two Killers in one match, but this didn't stop the good Doctor from killing your teammates and sending an electric shock that immobilized you through your body.
Once on the ground and twitching in pain, Herman hoisted you over his shoulder as he ventured into the Fog where Sally was waiting for the two of you.
Did you use to like abandoned houses and hospitals? How marvelous, you're going to love your new home in Léry's Memorial Institute. Herman has a very own room prepared for you where you are locked in if both Killers are out on a Trial or if you have been misbehaving.
You are so small, Sally and Herman love how easy it is to handle you. You stand no chance against the Doctor and thanks to that, your chances of ever escaping are almost nonexistent. But why would you try to leave? Doesn't he and Sally take such good care of you?
Aww, you're hissing at them? You remind them of a little pissed-off kitten.
Sally is good with her hands, always has been, so she will make you your very own little plushie to hug when she and Herman aren't there to pay you attention. She swears, she will return to you as soonest as possible. She just has to go and kill your friends really quickly.
Autistic, depressed, anxious, and more? Herman is the master of minds and Sally has more than enough training to treat physical pains. They can get their hands on many things and medicine is one of those.
Herman doesn't mind medicating you, but if you start getting byproducts from medications he put you on, then he sees if there is a better way to treat you. Perhaps you would like some shock therapy? He has seen and knows how effective that can be.
An eating disorder? Not on their watch. Sally and Herman aren't afraid to force-feed you if you refuse your meals. If you try to vomit what you have eaten then they will scold you and put you in tubes and you do not want to be in tubes.
Why are you crying? Don't you see? They do this because they love and care about you!
Once you learn to behave, you turn much more mellow and submissive to them. Herman and Sally loved your feisty fights back at them, but they also love how submissive you can be.
For example, you don't fight against Sally when she lowers your head to rest on her thighs and plays with your hair so you can daydream peacefully.
If you have been good for Sally then Herman will go out his way to get you some sort of gaming console with some games.
The console is small with a huge screen and there are bloody fingerprints on it, but after spending a good time in the Fog without any games, it's the best thing you have ever gotten. Besides the good Nurse's and Doctor's undying love.
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Hello there!
Welcome to my blog! Requests are open! Read blog desc. to see what I am open for doing! Thank you!!
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere DBD Doctor headcanons?
I do find The Doctor one of my favorites. He is also one of the first killers in DBD who is willingly just... evil.
Yandere! Herman Carter (The Doctor) Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Torture, Shock therapy, Electricity used for malicious purposes, Vague relationship, Sadomasochism, Sadism, Implied death/murder, Possessive behavior implied, Slight jealousy.
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Herman Carter, also known as The Doctor by survivors, is a ruthless sadist parading the role of doctor.
He is a dangerous man who killed many even before he entered the realm of the Entity.
Shock therapy is his main method of torture and he is nowhere close to sane.
Unlike the killers who preceded him (Trapper, Hillbilly, Wraith) his path of evil was not forced upon him.
The Doctor chose this path.
This means that he's going to cause his darling pain.
The Doctor, or Herman as he will now be called, does not have much of a soft spot for you, but you are better off than others.
He sees his darling as a patient or lab rat.
What makes him want to take on a darling is someone who impresses him.
If you can show you're equipped for survival and keep him entertained, that's how he deems you his darling.
The closer to canon yandere would be that Herman would subject you to cruel experiments as his darling.
His form of "care" is to harvest your screams.
That would primarily be how he interacts with his darling.
If we want a less canon approach, Herman may show slight attempts of affection.
You have no idea if he's faking or if he's genuine when his burned hands lightly touch you and your newly inflicted burns.
Herman is certainly not one for much affection.
It's more treated as a reward than anything.
Herman also doesn't talk much, if the apparatus on his face tells you anything.
The most you get is eager laughter, heavy breathing, and pained huffs when he's harmed by some sort of means.
It also wouldn't be too surprising if Herman was a sadomasochist with his darling.
He seems to enjoy shocking himself and loves to do the same to you.
Now... does Herman get jealous?
That's hard to tell.
Herman does hunt other survivors around you but you can't read him.
You may be able to tell if you watch his ruthless attacks towards others.
There may be something off.
Herman isn't all that merciful even though you are his darling.
There may be times he goes easier on you if he feels you deserve it.
A rat will not comply to experiments unless rewarded, of course.
Unlike other killers who have more tragic backstories, he isn't touchstarved.
He'd hold you at times but he isn't desperate for it.
It's an extremely disturbing experience.
Oh... him holding you...
You can smell burned flesh and hear electricity crackle around him.
His laughter feels neverending.
While he is mostly a sadistic beast, perhaps there was/will be a time he is more gentle.
Maybe before he had given into insanity he would've cared even more for you in his heart?
Herman may also get a little bored of the constant shock therapy towards you.
Soon he's going to know your mind inside and out if you're his darling.
When he chooses to be more gentle he may use electricity to create little buzzes along your skin.
Even during this he takes sadistic pleasure in your vulnerability.
Herman Carter loves his darling in his own twisted way.
He'd strap you down if he could to keep you with him forever.
He loves your screams... both pain and pleasure.
Herman is unable to kiss you, yet his hold feels tight and possessive.
Herman feels you, as his darling, are superior to these other imbeciles.
The obsession he feels towards you is dangerous and burning...
Like the electricity he courses through your skin.
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mara-xx217 · 3 years
Figured it's a good idea to start putting everything together since I've done a lot lol
Dead by Daylight
Monsters' Favorite
The Hillbilly
The Clown
The Doctor
The Trapper
The Wraith
The Trickster
Freddy Krueger
The Oni
The Knight
The Artist
Dwight Fairfield
Chess Wizard Reader VS Herman Carter
Various 2
Michael Myers
House of Wax
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
The Sinclair Brothers
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head
Friday the 13th
Jason Voorhees
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Remake
Thomas Hewitt
Resident Evil
Albert Wesker
God of War
Dark Souls 3
Irina x Yandere!Ashen One
Shadow of War
Elden Ring
Fear & Hunger (Original and Termina)
Original Work
Dreamstalker: Sweet Dream
Kinktober 2022
Karin's Adventure 1
House of the Dragon
Daemon and Rhaenyra/Niece/Sister!Reader P.1
Amnesia Games
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yanderedbdimagines · 2 years
I would like a scenario in the real world with the zappy doctor and his future obsession in the hospital! I am sw fine with anything but if you want an idea. How about his obsession being his future survivor instead of Feng? And that they are just as luckyy as Ace?
Zappy doc! Hahahaha! x’D
Ooohhh I think I see what you’re getting at and I like the idea! A thing or two may go in against the lore, but I may as well give in. xD I like this idea too much to listen to the rulez.
The Doctor
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You voice out your concerns to your friends as you lock eyes onto the gigantic and mysterious crème-colored building. "I don't think this is a good idea," you say. Your eyes swivel to one of the many glass panes that have been partly shattered due to the ordeal of weather and time. You could have sworn that you just saw something, or perhaps even someone lurking behind it.
But your friends are not convinced. "Don't be such a wuss, [Y/N]," one of your male friends says, rolling his eyes at you. "This is just like any other abandoned building. You'll see, even with these wacky stories going around."
Another friend chimes in, "I agree. Besides, there has to be a good explanation of why this hospital facility can't be found anywhere on the map and why most of the surrounding buildings seem to have been demolished. It has to be something juicy since we're on US Military soil right now."
You scoff, "Which is exactly why I don't like being here. One wrong move and they'll know that we're trespassing. And who knows what kind of penalty we'll face if they capture us here."
"Well then, that makes it all the more reason to move about more carefully, don't you?" your friend says. "Yeah, so relax. We'll be in and out in a jiffy."
As you enter the building, the heavy smell of rust, mold, and wet flaking plaster fills the chilly air. You lift your nose even further up into the air to avoid breathing in the noxious fumes of the place. You realize that you should have brought a half respirator mask with you. The sight alone is already giving you the feeling as if something is about to clog up your lungs.
“Let’s split up. We can explore the institute a bit faster this way,” one proposes. The rest went along almost instantly. Despite your own reservations, you decide to go along with the group, splitting up to explore the different parts of the abandoned hospital. One friend decided he’d like to stick with you.
After splitting up, you follow the young man into the study, shaking off the anxiety from your shoulders. The tall shelves are stacked with endless rows of books, file folders, patient documents, and old video cassettes.
“Wow, look at this place [Y/N]! Who knew this hospital would have an unique room like this hidden here! There’s even still some cool-looking stuff on the desk and there’s nothing littering the floor,” your friend points out, pointing the lens of his camera towards the Persian carpet in order to capture some footage of it before facing it towards the large desk and the brown leather chair standing behind it. 
Circling around the desk, you curiously open up one of the worn binders, noticing that the paper itself is cleaner than what you expected it to be, too. Still, you decide to read the texts and examine the drawn pictures displayed within. The beautiful writings and drawings are in a surprisingly pristine condition, save for a tiny smudge here and there.
“Very impressive,” you can’t help but muse as you read through the procedure itself, only to scowl in disgust after another minute, your friend now looking over your shoulder as well. “And impressively inhumane,” you murmur after. “This procedure must have been a hell for the person involved. The fact that this was allowed here is something I cannot wrap my head around.” 
“I don’t get it at all… What is this about? And what does ECT mean?”
“Short for electroconvulsive therapy. This research is a detailed comprehensive study of the results of one of several electroshock therapies that seem to have taken pla-” you cut yourself off, confusing your friend greatly. Your eyes widen, your hair seems to stand on end and your hands impulsively grab for the binder.
“The date… T-This happened a month ago…” you say, your voice trailing off.
As you both stand there, staring at the binder filled with valuable data about the inhumane procedures that took place in the hospital, a voice suddenly interrupts your thoughts. "This impressively inhumane procedure surely has taken place quite a while ago, I sadly have to say. And I do advise you to put that down in the same state as it was there previously. That data is very valuable to me. As you may have noticed, patients are very hard to come by these days. Today is nothing more than a pleasant exception."
You both whip around in shock and stare at the towering man now filling the doorway. His illuminating eyes are fixated only on you as he speaks. A strange metallic contraption keeps his eyes and mouth pried wide open, and his overall skin texture is mostly scarred and even cracked around his hands. Metal wiring snakes through the flesh of his surprisingly muscular arms before protruding out of it, sparking in their wake.
As you both realize the strange situation you find yourselves in, you waste no time to give your friend a hard shove with the binder before the two of you stumble out of the office room and down the long hallway. You can hear the man in the torn lab coat chasing after you.
You quickly zip open your backpack and stuff the binder inside of it, knowing that this data is priceless and could serve as proof that this hospital isn't quite as abandoned as the locals currently believe it to be. Perhaps the horrors within these documents may even stir the American government to do something about this place if it ever goes public in any shape or form.
You doubt that the man would let you go now as you've just stolen his valuable data. So, you decide to take a high risk, high reward approach and try to outrun him, knowing very well that you may as well be angering him because of this. A sudden jolt of static electricity hits both you and your friend, and you scream sharply in unison as a joyful and mocking laughter responds from behind. An indescribable tingling sensation settles in between your ears, swinging between a mild ache and a burning sensation.
You yell out to your friend to go left and warn the others as you turn right on the hallway's junction. With a quick look over your shoulder, your expectation that he'd decide to chase you actually came true. You've become too big of a priority with that binder now in your possession, so you decide to pick up the pace even further than you already did.
As you rush through the concrete hive of narrow hallways and tiny rooms, a sense of claustrophobia, fear, and utmost confusion about the layout completely throws you off your memory to remember on where you and your friends came in through and where you even currently are. Heavy footfalls are hot on your heel now, so you vault over a brick wall and rush up a flight of stairs, passing a medical procedure cart at the very top of it.
Suddenly, you whirl around, managing to surprise the Doctor, before you push the cart off its place and straight towards the man who is halfway up. As you decide to keep on running, you hear it make contact with him before a loud crash and a pained yelp reaches your ears, followed by loud and amused laughter bordering on a laugh of utmost insanity.
Breathless and terrified, you bolt through the dark hospital hallways, heart racing as you try to put as much distance between yourself and the madman behind you. You find and burst through the exit doors and race into the forest beyond, the dense trees and underbrush slowing you down but providing much-needed cover.
You run for what feels like hours, your feet aching and your lungs burning, but you can't stop. You don't dare look back, afraid that he'll catch up to you, and you don't even know where you're going. But you can't stay there, not with that maniac on your tail.
Just when you feel like you can't run anymore, you stumble onto a deserted road. You pause for a moment, trying to catch your breath and figure out which way to go, when you hear the sound of a car approaching. Without thinking, you step out into the middle of the road and wave your arms frantically, hoping the driver will see you.
The car screeches to a halt just in front of you, and the driver- a woman, rolls down the window to ask if you're okay. You're about to answer when you catch a glimpse of movement within the deeper parts of the forest. You gasp loudly and dive into the backseat of the car, urging the driver to take off as fast as possible.
You swivel around in the leather backseat, throwing a panicked glance over your shivering shoulder. Your wide eyes meet fluorescent white ones which can only belong to the deranged man currently basking in the darkness of the night. Only the faint sparks of electricity jumping from the wiring sticking out of his bulky arms further indicate that it’s him as his large form quickly grows smaller and smaller by the second.
You look away, a silent sigh of relieve escaping you. You got away from him… You could only thank whichever higher power there might be for having this car drive on that particular road the moment you needed an actual escape the most. More so that it’s a nice lady that responded to your waiving arms and let you inside with perplexity and slight suspicion decorating her face.
As you try to calm your breathing, you couldn’t help but to let your mind wander to your friends. You hope that the rest have been warned, and somehow could escape alright. Another sigh escapes you. You have the feeling they’ll be fine if they don’t stick around for too long. For now, the most important thing is that you’re safe.
But… You spoke much, much too soon.
“What is that?” The woman questions out loud from her spot behind the wheel after five minutes’ worth of driving in silence, her gaze set on the dark mist protruding from the canopy above further up ahead.
Nothing more could be said as they turned into spider-like appendages and picked up the car as if it was just a toy, the two of you screaming in unison as the car door at your side got ripped off its hinges before one of these things hooked around your legs and dragged you outside in one swift motion.
The vehicle falls towards the ground with a crash as you’re fully suspended in the air. The lady doesn’t seem to be able to crawl out of the car for some reason, the smell of gasoline penetrating your crinkling nose a second after it had hit the worn concrete.
With horror, you watch as the vehicle suddenly catches fire as you’re hoisted higher and higher up into the cold atmosphere, immense heat soon rushing past as the car quickly got engulfed into a ball of roaring flames as a contradictory icy scream pierces through the air.   
You fall limp, the anxiety with everything that has happened to you so far finally catching up to you, the final drop being the terrifying wails of a dying person.
Sadly, this would only be the beginning of an experience that’s even darker and more twisted in volume…
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5eraphim · 2 years
Hiya!! Could i request a hc abt a yandere reader killing another survivor after they blinded/ threw a pallet on the readers crush?(killer)
With maybe ghostface the trapper and doctor?
Alright gonna be honest here, yandere readers really aren't my thing, so I apologize how short this is. But, I've been wanting to write more for dead by daylight for ages now, so thank you for the request anon!
Characters: The Trapper The Ghostface, and The Doctor
Rating: T
Content Warnings: Yandere behavior, violence
Song Inspo
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The Trapper
Trapper decided to single out Mikaela, who stunned him immediately at the start of the match. Though, due to the nature of his traps, he had to take a detour to prepare his snares before he could adequately start a chase.
He was usually so methodical and collected, even when things got personal, and he signed a survivor out due to personal reasons like this. He was instantly distracted from this when he caught you, pinning Mikaela up against a hook directly across from where he stood as you used a decisive strike to slit her throat. Evan could merely stare in utter shock as he watched the young woman's lifeless body fall to the ground below as you watched her suffering with chilling apathy.
Before he knew what to do next, he watched you dash away. Sparing just a moment to give him a knowing smile, the very last he saw of you before the end of the trial.
Would have an instant "What in the name of God?" reaction.
No matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find you, despite a successful match, downing the other survivors with relative ease. It wasn't until after the trial that he realized you must've been stalking him throughout the trial, only risking being seen once to kill one of your own kind before slipping away once again.
Something about one of the survivors, the beings who were meant to be his prey stalking him. With such careful attention to detail, you'd managed to evade every trap he laid, felt bizarrely compelling. Indeed, it was a feeling like nothing he'd experienced in the Entity's realm before now.
He'd never in a million years assume this act of violence came from your love for him, nor could he really guess why you'd done it in any such capacity. Likewise, he couldn't understand you or why you were acting so differently from the others. Needless to say, Evan was more than interested in learning more about you.
The Ghostface
To say a situation like this was unfamiliar territory for someone like Jeb would be an understatement.
He was always so used to staying 3 steps ahead of his prey, keeping his eye on winning the endgame, but the moment he felt that pallet smashing against his face, he knew it was time for payback. So he dipped out of sight right away, focusing all his energy on dissolving into darkness.
He wasn't anticipating Feng's distant screaming from right around the corner to break his concentration. So, Jeb took this as his sign to cut to the chase and swiftly track her down. But he wasn't prepared for what he would see when he did catch up to her.
Rather than finding his victim fleeing in the other direction, he found nothing more than Feng's severed head in the center of the killer shack in a puddle of blood, separated from the rest of her body, which was slumped over and pushed up against a wall. The sight stunned him completely, momentarily freezing him in place. Then, as he drew closer to the corpse of the now decapitated Feng, he saw a message inscribed in the girl's blood written on the walls behind her.
"You've got me head over heels for you, love <3"
For a moment, Jeb hardly knew what to make of what he was looking at. There was a sinking feeling in Jeb's gut he might not have been as alone in the shadows as he predicted, and the idea there was another keeping just out of sight felt admirably thrilling.
Finally, a worthy opponent! Jeb felt you might've been watching him now, or at least he hoped so! It had been too long since he'd felt a real challenge in this realm, and he was all too excited to track you down and prove no one knew stealth and lethality like the Ghostface.
The Doctor
As easily the most sadistic of the three, he would likely be the most "charmed" by such a brutal display.
Herman's mind is a horrific mix of utterly deranged and eerily analytical. Yet, he is the type to instantly take note and feel a kinship with you upon learning about your more violent inclinations. Though he wouldn't assume you were motivated by love, but through more time spent observing you, he would detect something odd about your behavior around him you never displayed when around others.
He knew the instant he set eyes on the beaten and brutalized corpse of Meg, the survivor who tried to pallet stun him at the start of the match. You must've been the one behind this. Herman always knew you were a tougher fighter than the others, but he never would've assumed you had something like this in you! If he was captivated with you before, he is all the more so now.
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danishpastri · 2 years
(Requested Headcannons)
The Doctor
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He immediately notices those weird shapes in your pocket.
He knows that’s your insulin. Having experience as a real doctor was finally becoming some sort of use.
His beloved is diabetic, and he plans to abuse that fact to his own will. Every time you’re in a trial together, he’ll take away your insulin and snacks just so you come crawling back to him, begging and crying.
His heart flutters at the sight. Nothing could ever be more beautiful than his beloved on their knees begging. All for him.
When he notices that your snacks are missing one day, he immediately goes feral trying to look for snacks with sugar to keep you alive and sane.
He may be sadistic, but he deeply cares about you. He’ll always leave you for last, sometimes even letting you leave through the hatch.
He wants you to know that he cares about you, and that’s exactly why he must torture you until you lose your mind~
The Hillbilly
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He’s absolutely confused.
He has no idea what “insoolin” and “snaks” are
All he knows is that he loves you and will do anything to protect you, so when he sees you munching down on some gummies in the middle of a trial to raise your sugar, he leaves you be.
When he finally knocks you down, he takes some of the gummies and snacks on them too.
He quickly looks forward to trying out your snacks every time you’re in a trial togethe
Soon enough, he’s happy to see you in every trial. Not just cause of your snacks, but because you’re you!
He wants to spend time with you, even if it means tying you up in chairs while your teammates have already been sacrificed. He’s smiling the entire time he “talks” to you, even if all he’s really doing is making senseless babbles
He hugs you and smiles, nuzzling up against your cheek.
He’s terribly terrified of the needles though. He throws a tantrum every time he sees them, eventually leading to him smashing the needles one time, causing your death soon after.
Good thing you come back with them restored. You just know now not to inject yourself in front of him
The Cannibal
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Very similar to Hillbilly. He has no idea what insulin is, but he is very familiar to snacking down.
He likes to tie you down while eating your snacks, smiling and giggling to let you know he enjoys them
If another survivor accidentally leads him to you while you’re injecting yourself with needles or having a small snack, he makes sure that other survivor is dead and stays dead.
He beats them to the ground before placing them on the hook, only beating them more and more from there
You can’t help but feel terrified… yet also quite intrigued.
He still sacrifices you from time to time, like doctor, but it’s quite less frequent. He sees you as something small and fragile.
He finally has something he needs to protect agin, and he couldn’t be happier
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angelharness · 4 years
DBD Killers as Yandere Archetypes 
WARNINGS: yandere content 
Not a request, but more so a graph I made while stuck in a bad mix of boredom and curiosity. Wanted to delve into the Killers as they’d fit in the ‘yandere’ trope, specifically what subsets they’d be (or archetypes, more accurately). 
Foreword that I doubt I’ll write something of this nature in the future (unless explicitly a commission) as I’m not entirely comfortable with the matter. It’s very important to recognize this characterization as unhealthy and to never enable such behavior in any real relationships. 
Will be sorting each killer into seven classes, including Isolating, Manipulative, Dependent, Possessive, Obsessive, Delusional, and Lucid
The definitions vary greatly depending on the Killer, while some may not fit an archetype listed, or could be a hybrid of any number of them. It’s also very possible for them to fit multiple subcategories. 
For reference, a general key would be
Isolating - (Usually gradually) cuts off s/o from their friends and family, secluding them and asserting themselves as their only social contact. Goal is perhaps to make s/o reliant on them.
Manipulative - Fairly straightforward, though the means of manipulation vary. Often emotionally controlling. Might resort to guilting the s/o or self-destructive tendencies to get them to stay. Goal is to assert control over s/o.
Dependent - Depends on s/o for stability or comfort. Might suffer from separation anxiety and as such is terribly clingy. Often ignores other social ties to focus on their s/o. No implicit goal, but usually wishes for reciprocation of feelings.
Possessive - Similar to Manipulative and often a package deal. Would under no circumstances share their s/o, likely frets over losing them (perhaps to romantic rivals or even misguidedly anyone they falsely deem a threat). Goal is to assert control over s/o. 
Obsessive - Not necessarily Possessive, though the two sometimes come together. An Obsessive might not outwardly act on their fixation, but silently pines intensely for their s/o. Fixates heavily on their s/o. Goal is to become closer to the person of interest, or wishes for reciprocation of feelings.
Delusional - Hard opposite of Lucid. They likely wrongly believe their feelings are reciprocated, believe them and their s/o are meant to be, or that their s/o is in denial of their feelings and it’s up to them to help them realize this. No implicit goal, but usually wishes for reciprocation of feelings.
Lucid - Hard opposite of Delusional. Well aware that their feelings are unhealthy and destructive, but usually represses these thoughts or simply doesn’t care. Might feel guilt, but it’s often overshadowed by longing. May have any of the formerly listed goals.
Lucid, Possessive
Right off the bat can tell there’s something harmful about his feelings. They’re too heavy, intense; he’s wary of scaring you off, but once you establish a relationship you’re pretty much trapped, and he’s sure to make this known. He’ll sever any means of escape and isn’t terribly against offing any other persons he perceives as a threat. This might be as minor of an offense as another survivor expression concern for your situation. 
Obsessive, Lucid
Will largely attempt to repress his feelings, sensing that it can’t quite be healthy. He considers himself too horrible of a person to ever be able to offer you a stable relationship, so he pines from afar. It aches endlessly, but he is unlikely to act on his emotions. This might come to be self-destructive, and you’ll find he lashes out at you in an attempt to distance the two of you. For your sake, he convinces himself.
Her time in the fog is washed intensely in delusion. She believes, though her method cruel and unforgiving, her intentions are good-natured. The same will apply for any romantic feelings. It’s impossible to reason with her mindset, soiled with delirium, and she’ll shut down any arguments with the accusation that you’re the delusional one; she only wants to help. You’re callous, pushing her away, she convinces herself. 
He’s hard to figure out. He keeps his intentions unknowable, preferring that power over you. Feeds from your unease, and thrives off of displays of fear. He wants a reaction, that much is obvious, and no means are excessive to get that out of you. It is unavoidable that he will eventually tire of you; when you spend so long jabbing at your food with a fork, it gets cold. When that time comes, he’ll rid of you lethally. 
Lucid, Manipulative
Well aware his feelings could quickly become dangerous, though doesn’t find himself caring an awful lot. He has way too much fun messing with you, making you doubt yourself, him, others. Might also be categorized as the type to isolate you, purposefully confining you, starving you of interaction beyond him. His end goal is to make you entirely and completely reliant on him, though finds the process more exciting than the desired objective. 
Possessive, Isolating
To a certain degree she is definitely delusional, but I wouldn’t consider it severe enough to categorize her as such. She recognizes your fear, though believes it’s something that can be overcome with a lot of pushing. In that regard, she's impatient, and is swift to become frustrated at an immediate lack of progress. Oblivious to why you would ever need anyone else beyond her; she supplies all you’d require.
Dependent, Possesive
Partly delusional, but knows you’re unwilling. Still, relies on you for a feeling of normalcy, that distant echo of a real, functional relationship. Couldn’t bear the thought of you with anyone else, so much he might resort to threats of violence to coerce you into staying. Whether these are empty or significant falls on you to figure out. Liable to tantrums when you’re away, though the severity of these outbursts is determined by his current stability. 
Lucid, Manipulative 
Fairly coherent regarding her emotions, though this regulation never translates into her actions, which are twisted by impulse and anxieties. Unintentionally incredibly manipulative, will very quickly turn to self-destructive exploits to gain your sympathy and convince you to stay. Eventually, she stops caring if you’re only sticking around out of a feeling of necessity. If you ever show intent to leave, though, she’d panic. Can’t conceive a life without you now that she’s met you. 
Dependent, Manipulative
Another case of unintentional manipulation. On the verge of lucidity, but blinded by the hunger for comfort and stability you offer her. If she feels you’re losing interest, may also fall back on harmful habits, though herself isn’t certain if it’s a cry for recognition or a method of escapism. Horrified of losing you, and it’s very clear that’s the case, however she tries to subdue such feelings. Becomes incredibly reliant on you very quickly. Fixates on any acts of kindness. 
Possessive through and through. I can’t really see him fall into any of the other categories much, but may also employ a bit of manipulation, usually in the field of threats against loved ones. It’s never clear if he’d follow through on these remarks, but given his impulsivity and history of spontaneous violence, you’d prefer not to risk it. Intensely against you socializing outside of the Legion, where he trusts them immensely and sometimes relies on them to keep you in check.
Possessive, Isolating
Can be likened to Frank, but will never entirely trust you around the rest of the Legion; she loves them so, but is dazed in her worries of losing you. Often lashes out at them, all in her desperation to confine you to her. Never above physical threats if it means you staying. Her capacity for guilt will gradually thin, though there are moments, glimpses of lucidity where she reflects inconsolably over her actions. It all falls into a cycle, though, and she traps herself in a descending spiral. 
Lucid, Possessive
His descent is a gradual, aching one. He watches passively as he careens into devastating obsession, worsening but with no will to stop it. Like Julie, he adores the family he’s established in the Legion, but can’t stand the possibility of losing you to one of them. It would be more personally crushing, so he figures he’d rather be safe than sorry. Calmer than Frank, but not entirely beyond threats of violence if he felt the situation called for it. 
Obsessive, Dependent
Lucid to a degree; she’s never been in a relationship herself, and the possibility of a stable one now is unfeasible in these circumstances, but she’s witnessed enough to understand there’s something profusely wrong with her feelings. Eventually, her mood will come to depend heavily on yours, and how you treat her. Praise and displays of affection make her day, though alternatively, something as simple as a drop in tone can ruin her entirely.  
Possessive, Delusional
Adiris is not delusional in the sense of wrongly believing you return her feelings, but instead, ignores the possibility entirely. She’s banished the notion from her mind, naively trusting that you love her wholly and unquestioningly. It will take time for her to view you as equal and acknowledge you have needs separate from her; she prefers the bliss of complete control over you. She finds comfort in her ignorance, and would never want to trade that for the much more bitter reality. 
Lucid, Possessive
Absolutely aware of the unhealthy nature of his emotions, though thrives off the high of it. As time goes on, he needs more and more to reach that pleasure again, until he’s wrung you dry, left you empty and disjointed, and no longer sees a use in you. Views you as a beloved item, and treats you as he pleases, which is dictated by his mood (which itself fluctuates sharply). Threats are abundant but sporadic; you could be having a nice dinner and he’d flip out a knife and direct it at your neck. 
Does not exactly view you as an object or possession as much as he views you as just his. Wants you to be reliant, and never expects you to stray far from his side. He’ll show you off to the other killers, boasting, going on about how obedient you are, no matter if you express discomfort; he laughs it off coldly. Quickly gets frustrated at any acts he might consider instances of disobedience or defiance. Relies heavily on threats, and he can get intense. 
He is an intriguing case. The only real category I could see him falling into is possessive, where in his head you belong to him and in return, he is to protect you. If he failed that task, the only reasonable response would be punishment. Similarly, if you exhibit a lack of faith, he’ll supply discipline as he sees fit. There’s no way out once you take that plunge; a beast that can’t perish and a realm that won’t let you die sets up an eternal commitment. 
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