#yandere makoto hanamiya
tetsunabouquet · 11 months
Could you do some nsfw yandere headcanons for imayoshi, hanamiya, kiyoshi (he'd be interesting with his morals and all) and lastly akashi (presumably bokushi would come out and act on his feelings)?
A/N: Because of Tumblr's word limit, I do have to keep the headcanons a bit shorter then usual considering you requested multiple ones at once. (18+)
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-Imayoshi's ability to be able to do exactly what a person's hate, evolved once you caught his eye. He has almost some sort of magical ability to find you when you're all alone. -This also extends to making you love everything about him even though the depth of his obsession repulses you at first. -Not the type to force himself on you, but the one who will try to seduce you to get you as crazy as you make him. -He'll climb in your bed and whisper how much he wants to get dirty for a change when he sees you in your ear, caging you in his strong arms until his words start arousing you. Because his ability to do what you hate, allows him to always find the spare key you hide around your house. No matter how often you change its location. -Imayoshi always holds you after filling up your pussy, and sleeps with you. It's your sleeping face he holds most dear. You often feel like he should add teleporting in his skillset, because he always miraculously leaves about ten minutes before your parents wake up.
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-Sadistic enough to engage in sexual abuse. -Will fuck you raw to show you that you belong to him. -However he's patient and will spin a web around you before he acts. He will slowly isolate you from your friends, until you have no one to run to. -Once you're all alone, he'll slowly break you. From blackmail to rape, there is nothing Hanamiya isn't capable off. -Hanamiya's preference for stupid girls has to partially do with these being the type of girls who won't outsmart or win from him. They're easy prey to this spider. -The only thing you can do is moan and cum like a brainless slut as he chokes you and whispers in your ear how you belong to him.
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-Because of his personality, you don't detect his creepiness at all which makes him so dangerous. -He's intelligent enough to realize he has the element of surprise. His plan is to slowly worm his way into your life and heart until it's too late. -Your friends won't believe you at all if you notice a tiny red flag every once in a while, because they are as oblivious to Kiyoshi's dark side as you are most of the time. -Once Kiyoshi feels the time is right, he'll slowly start taking his steps to close in. Dark eyes flashing when you talk to other boys who mysteriously all end up having their lives sabotaged. A possessive hand at times groping you and playing it off as an accident all the while a unsettling smile plays on his lips. -When he finally gets into your pants, Kiyoshi has either two sets of behaviors. One is sweet and rewards you kindly when you've been a good girl. If you've ruffles his feathers by daring to speak up or talk with other boys, he'll fuck your brains our with no mercy until you remember you're his. -Whenever he calms down from these moods, he'll start pampering your bruises with kisses as you mentally tell yourself not to upset him next time.
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-He knows everything about you. Has secret cameras installed around your house everywhere, has your phonecalls traced and overheard, knows your parents work schedule. He knows every detail about you before he starts to operate. -Whilst you and your friends can see him coming from miles away, no one will help you. No one had enough power to protect you from Akashi. -Eventually has you kidnapped. -He'll breed you so he can use the children against you. Expect as much creampies from him as possible. -Can foresee your every escape attempt. -He'll pump you roughly but slowly, and as you look into those slitted demon-like eyes of his, it feels as if you might as well be taken by the devil himself and you hate how it turns you on.
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sophiria · 1 year
Shaken series
a soft yandere tale
main pairings: Matsukawa x fem!reader x Hanamaki, Sakusa x fem!reader x Atsumu, Suna x fem!reader, fem!reader x undisclosed
warnings: 18+, dubcon due to alcohol in the first chapter, explicit sexual content and explicit language, manipulation, angsty undertones, non-consensual photo-taking and sharing in the first and second chapter, moral ambiguity, mind games, power imbalance, more warnings and tags to be found on ao3
Highball (first chapter, ft. Matsukawa x you x Hanamaki)
Sour (second chapter, ft. past Sakusa x you x Atsumu and present Matsukawa x you x Hanamaki)
Mudslide (published only on ao3. It's the third chapter, ft. Suna x you, plus an 'unnamed' male character x you. Iwaizumi, Matsukawa and Hanamaki also appear.)
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How'd you think kiridai, haizaki, imayoshi, nash and jason would use insta? (I know it isn't popular in Japan but still)
Hanamiya Makoto
his account used to be public but he made it private after getting fed up of having to delete comments like “you scumbag you broke my friend’s ribs rot in hell” from his posts which were just cute pictures of the kiridai cat (yes i’m bringing this ancient headcanon back) 
so now he only allows follows from people he knows and trusts which means literally just the kiridai team, imayoshi, maybe a couple classmates, and his mum 
and then within that circle, he has the other kiridai boys on his close friends list and they’re the ones who see the stories that ‘reveal his true nature’ 
like hanamiya sees that someone who played against him has made a post about their journey going through shoulder rehab (no guessing who gave them their shoulder issues), so he reposts that post to his close friends story with the caption “time for a round two?”
meanwhile the posts his mum sees are just pictures of the kiridai cat or pages from some books he’s been reading recently
(n.b. hanamiya’s mum very rarely uses instagram. she only uses the account to keep up with family members, and only made it in the first place because hanamiya had just made his and she wanted to make sure he didn’t get cyberbullied. 
meanwhile her son is the one who has been repeatedly suspended from instagram for bullying.)
Hara Kazuya
has a lot of accounts and if not for the fact that he has basketball and other hobbies he would be chronically online
so there’s one main account which has just a couple photos that make him look cool (a photo of him dunking, or him drumming with good lighting) and occasionally he’ll post a picture on his stories of the city under a dawn sky and a note of the time so everyone knows he’s out grinding streetball at stupid o’clock. 
the main account is his only public account and he only really has it so that, if anyone (family friends, basketball players from other schools) search him up, those curated posts are all they’ll see. he only posts that occasional story in order to see if anyone’s been stalking him.
then there’s the finsta which is what he’s most active on. he posts several times a week on this account and the posts are all either 1) shitposts and memes that make little to no sense, 2) pictures of fellow kiridai members at very bad angles, or 3) photos from matches that he wants to mock, like a picture of kiyoshi’s face in agony as his knee got broken with the caption “tfw tanaka-sensei sets a pop quiz.”
and finally hara has his assortment of troll accounts, most of which he uses to pretend to be a high school girl living in the general Tokyo area so that he can catfish classmates when he’s bored. 
hara has so many of these accounts that he’s created a cinematic universe of his own with elaborate storylines about the tumultuous friendships between these non-existent girls. they’ve become kiridai’s answer to d&d whenever the boys are bored.
plus these catfish accounts have now become strategic. several of the ‘girls’ are in talking stages, and even online relationships with, basketball players from other schools. this means that a) hara can get intel from the players and b) as soon as any important match comes around, he breaks up with/ghosts the guy, in the hope that it’ll make them place worse.
it goes without saying that it was hanamiya who invented this innovative technique of psychological warfare but hara’s the one who puts the hours in - to the point where it would be a little suspicious how well he can pretend to be a teen girl in love if not for the shit-eating grin on his face whenever he goes through his collection of screenshots of messages begging “her” to take them back 
(sidenote - can you imagine how well okamura would fall for this?) 
(i’m thinking of a yandere!okamura x catfish!hara fic…)
Furuhashi Kojiro 
has two Instagram accounts
account number one is the one his teammates/family/friends follow. it’s a private account that he doesn’t use very much apart from liking friends’ posts. he has a few photos on there, but mostly photos of scenery from holidays
account number two is public, with around 10k followers. it’s completely anonymous and no one irl knows he has it. this account posts quite regularly and every post is an aesthetic picture either of his plants or what he’s baked recently. and when i say aesthetic, i mean aesthetic: the perfect warm lighting and usually some berries or something framing the centrepiece of the photo. 
the captions are usually quite short and wholesome: “making melonpan can be difficult but i find the challenge refreshing” “when the days become stressful, i turn to these larch bonsai to remind myself to stand tall” “i am trying a new macaroon recipe. may it bring great riches.”
he’s also started posting some reels on this account, mostly timelapses of bread rising or plants growing etc
furu uses very few hashtags but somehow still gets super high engagement. his followers adore him and have collectively assumed he’s a fem lesbian living in the countryside somewhere with her beloved girlfriend. (furuhashi naturally never corrects anyone because he wants to keep it anonymous.) the comments are all “cottagecore queen” “i owe all my mental health to you” “the only unproblematic account on Instagram” 
so yeah, on instagram, furu is considered an angel
Jason Silver
this man has not posted a single photo where he is not shirtless
and his stories are like 30% videos from streetball practice and 70% thirst traps which he pretends he’s posting to show his gains... but everyone knows he’s just posting them to try attract the three women who followed him back
his following is around 50% ‘baddies’, 45% nba players, and 5% friends and a few streetballers that he’s played against before
(he follows very few streetballers because he thinks it’s beneath him to follow losers and see how they’re improving. he’s so good at basketball he has no need for that, duh.)
(in reality he has no need to stalk prospective opponents because nash does it for him.)
also actually headcanon that most of jason’s posts are videos of him breaking the hoop while dunking or just generally basketball action shots, because jason can’t pose in front of a camera to save his life
you can’t blame him really - that’s a lot of man to fit in one small lens
Haizaki Shougo
no profile photo, no posts: 100% anonymous account. man just uses his Instagram account to get material to jerk off too - pretty much every single account he follows is of an onlyfans model. (he would still be following some female classmates and kise’s ex girlfriend if not for the fact that they’ve all blocked him.)
in the end, haizaki has no friends to interact with and no aesthetic life he can post about, so why would be bother having a more social instagram
added bonus of the anonymous account is that he can use it to stalk others - and he does like his stalking. 
sometimes he stalks the gom’s accounts, and he tells himself it’s just to make fun of them being desperate for likes or looking pretentious, but really he gets a “what could have been” feeling from scrolling through all the photos (and it hurts -- especially seeing videos of them playing together like back in middle school.)
and sometimes haizaki stalks his fukuda sogo teammates. again, he tells himself it’s just to mock them, and he’ll see photos of them hanging out together and be like “what fucking losers who would want to be seen with them.” but there’s a little pang of loneliness in his heart all the same.
Yamazaki Hiroshi
has had the same instagram account since he was 10 and he never deletes or archives any posts so if you scroll far down enough, you’ll find videos of pre-pubescent him and hara doing ‘parkour’ (literally just jumping over benches and off swings) or those chain posts like “share this with five friends or you’ll be haunted forever.)
zaki’s is a private account with a couple hundred followers - his teammates obviously but also family, cousins, some classmates, some of hara’s catfish accounts, and even a couple fellow high school basketballers from distant enough teams that they somehow haven’t realised that zaki is a member of the infamous kiridai. 
he posts semi-regularly and mostly just very normal, mundane posts - photos from family holidays, a tasty udon noodle bowl he had the other day and maybe the occasional streetball photo (typically with one of the kiridai boys in the frame instead of zaki – zaki’s not a huge fan of photos of himself)
zaki’s feed is mostly hara’s shitposts and also streaming clips from his various video games, and if you do ever see his account in the ‘wild’, it will be him backing up hara’s finsta after hara made a particularly outrageous comment somewhere
because a real friendship takes two people: Person 1 who just stirs shit up, and Person 2 who defends Person 2’s shit-stirring by cursing out every commenter who criticises them
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imagine-knb · 1 year
Yandere!Hanamiya with the zealot prompt "you are my religion" if possible please? I really missed this blog!
Happy Halloween!
My first Halloween ask and it's for my favorite asshole ♡ This prompt was a little difficult, but I had a lot of fun with it! Admin Neon
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Content Rating: Mature (violence; semi-religious themes)
It had begun as a joke — a teasing nickname — when Hanamiya began calling you 'angel'. Started by the fact you treated people so well, not a single ill word said against you. You were a good person, the complete opposite of him. Where most people would venture to claim you were born from the promised land, those same people would spit out his name as if it were synonymous with the devil himself.
Which is why it came as a surprise to everyone when the two of you started dating. The worried glances that were always tossed your way did not go unnoticed and more than once you had people questioning your sanity out loud. But Hanamiya was a good person — you were so sure of it — because, despite his reputation, the notorious bad boy treated you well.
It was as if you were made of the divine and his devotion ran deep. Everything was said as if perfectly practiced to please you. Every look, every touch, every praise was filled with adoration. The time you spent together was like your personal little slice of heaven on earth and you relished in the fact that you were proving the world wrong. Hanamiya was not the demon people made him out to be.
Eventually, you fell in love. It was right around that time that Hanamiya had stopped calling you 'angel' and started calling you 'your holiness'. You had laughed the first time, thinking it was a joke. A silly callback to an old nickname taken a step further. You thought it even sillier when he got others involved, growling about them being too close as if he worshiped the ground you walked on. It was funny how far he was willing to take a simple, joking nickname.
But, oh, how wrong you had been.
How were you supposed to know that Hanamiya took the title seriously?
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The sound of a fist meeting a jaw was honestly not that loud. Not as loud as that same jaw meeting pavement, skin scraping against uneven ground and teeth cracking against something more solid. Even louder than that was the scream that had ripped itself from your throat.
"Makoto, stop!"
But your screeched command fell upon deaf ears as Hanamiya proceeded to kick your neighbor while he was down, the toe of his shoe landing heavily against a ribcage. It made you want to puke when you heard bones snap.
"Maybe you'll think twice now before stepping this close to the divine," Hanamiya sneered as he knelt next to the beaten man.
With one hand curling into the fabric of your neighbor's shirt, yanking him off the ground by the collar, Hanamiya reeled back his other hand in a fist. You covered your eyes after knuckles met their target the first time, unable to bear witness to the scene before you. You could hear every second of the scuffle, from your neighbor's desperate attempt to flee to Hanamiya's sadistic laugh all the way down to the sound of flesh tearing as it was beaten over and over again.
It felt like ages for the sounds to finally die down. When you peered through your fingers to assess the damage, what you saw made your skin pale.
There was blood. A lot of it. None of it was Hanamiya's, you were sure, but a lot of it had found its way onto him. Spatters of copper scented fluid were on his fists, his clothes, his face — he was wearing it like a prize. Despite the fact he had stopped moving, Hanamiya's eyes remained fixated on his victim still held up by a single fist ensnared in a shirt. He looked paused in thought, as if he were debating if it'd be worth it to continue his punishments.
"My god, Makoto, what have you done?" Your meek question pulled him out of his silent reverie.
"God?" The cold stare he sported turned to you, piercing you with his gaze. They looked foreign, like a different entity entirely. Like Hanamiya was a man possessed. "I don't believe in god."
Hanamiya let go of your neighbor, letting the other man's body drop to the floor in a heavy thud. You tried to ignore the sound of your neighbor's struggling wheeze, eyes instead fixated on the slow pace at which Hanamiya was striding toward you. With slow, cautious steps, you walked backward away from him — you knew the action was futile. Your knees wanted to buckle underneath you as he crowded you against a corner. You looked up at his looming figure with newfound fear in your eyes. Every warning you'd ever heard uttered about Hanamiya, thrown out the window because you were too blindly in love, was suddenly coming back to your mind.
"Who needs a god when I have you."
You saw the glimmer in his eyes, like he was delighted when you visibly shuddered as one of his hands came up to stroke at your cheek. His knuckles smeared your neighbor's blood against your skin. The previously cold stare he harbored softened into that adoring expression you were used to, his tone saccharine as he spoke.
"You're the only thing I need. Now and forever. You are my religion."
When the kind light in his eyes dimmed and the pleasant smile on his face was replaced by a wicked smirk, curling the corners of his lips, you knew then that the Hanamiya you had fallen for had been a hoax. The demon that had been lying in the waits inside was finally ready to claw its way out. He had you cornered, tangled in a web of lies he'd woven so intricately, you'd never find your way out.
As Hanamiya shifted the caress he had on your cheek, grabbing onto your chin to pull you closer, his voice dripped with menacing venom. "And all these other infidels? They're going to burn in the crusades."
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
sup how have u been doing lately? our school year just started and we're already getting bombarded with a lot of activities and it sucks!!! 😭😭😭, Nyways, can I request for Bokuto, Shuu, Hanamiya, Aomine, Erza, and Yumeko where they're going out on a date with their oblivious and shy darling and someone kept pestering/sending unwanted remarks towards them? thank you so much! (Also don't forget to drink ur water for today)
I’m planning a little something in the near future since something special is almost around the corner😉. Also, school has been terrible so I’m trying my best to manage😣.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, clinginess, overprotectiveness, s/o being pestered, aggressive behavior, humiliation, death
Ruined date
Shuu Tsukiyama
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🍷His darling is literally too much for him to handle in the most positive way possible. Tsukiyama finds their shy behavior just beyond adorable and he can’t quite suppress the coo whenever they suddenly cling to his arm or hide behind him when confronted by too many people at once. Mostly trying to be gentle, sometimes this ghoul here becomes a bit more teasing though, embarrassing you with specifically much affection. That counts most likely only for servants since Tsukiyama gets especially protective over his darling because they’re shy and oblivious. We’ve talked about this before, he only really trusts the other servants in the household and his father with the darling. Having to consider that too many people might make you uncomfortable in the first place, he really only prefers having you in the mansion in the first place, trying to justify his isolation. Obliviously that won’t work on his father.
🍷He’s just extra with a lot of his dates so he definitely brought his darling to a very chic place even if he still made sure that it was a bit less crowded, a small yet pretty restaurant maybe. Even if his this date was forcefully planned due to his dad wanting him to take the s/o out and not keeping them constantly in the manor, Shuu was still looking forward to it since he wants to guarantee that his darling has a good time. So just try to imagine the wrath he felt as soon as he hears this damn bastard starting to send such impudent remarks to you and having the shamelessness to continue despite noticing your growing discomfort. He has a short temper and sees such behavior towards you as about unforgivable. Worst is yet that you might just try to ignore it despite getting uncomfortable with it, asking Shuu to do the same since it isn’t as dramatic. My dear, what are you even talking about?
🍷There’s only that one time he’ll hold back due to your plea, fists and jaw already clenched tightly together and teeth gritting harshly against each other. Yet that fool had to continue speaking such nasty things and that’s when he snaps, suddenly jumping up and nearly throwing the chair over in the process and slamming his fists on the table, making you flinch in the process. He’s really trying to hold back here, breathing deeply to calm himself and repeating over and over again in his head that he’s in public and would never do something bloody in front of you. He just grabs his darling with a tight grip by their hands after, quickly leading them out of there. There were only a few seconds he took to stare them down and the look he gave them was nothing but terrifying. Will lament to his father later on that this is exactly why he shouldn’t take you out. Regarding the person who dared to talk to you like that, they were found dead soon after, the whole jaw brutally ripped out with blood everywhere.
Kōtarō Bokuto
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🦉His darling is the cutest and nothing in heaven and hell can ever change his mind about that. Just like Tsukiyama, Bokuto finds himself really only being able to dote on his s/o for their shy and oblivious behavior. Grows rather protective due to that fact as well, he isn’t completely brainless and does notice that they grow quickly uncomfortable and offers himself always as a shield to hide behind or a support to cling on, he partially really just loves that. If he wouldn’t be so worried about this as well. Being clingy in either case, he definitely grows to stick a lot more to his darling than he would already, the need to be there to protect them growing exceptionally strong whenever he witnesses someone cornering them due to their shy behavior. With that being said, Kōtarō is a number to deal with himself and he knows that as well so he always gets insecure about himself whenever he made them uncomfortable.
🦉Akaashi sometimes gives him advices, overall Bokuto still prefers to choose the date himself. Trying to be considerate of their personality and having a weakness for cuddling them in private anyways, not to mention that he’s prone to jealousy, Bokuto has his moments where he sometimes wants to show his darling a bit off. There will be some action involved in the date and he was more motivated than his darling was. Until this guy suddenly called his darling inappropriate nicknames and made unwanted remarks. Now, Bokuto could be described as foolish due to his infatuation so he’s a bit oblivious as well, not to mention he is not someone to be mad quickly. But there was literally nothing to mistake in their words and after a short look of shock and speechlessness crossed his face before he tried to replace it with a half-hearted smile, initially trying to ignore the person in hopes that they would stop and he could still enjoy his date.
🦉What a surprise that this didn’t happen, instead the person continued and when hearing the second uncalled thing for, the man just flinched before the smile faded from his face. Instead it was replaced by a blank expression as he turned around to look at the guy, shielding you protectively behind his back. Maybe there is still the tiniest hope in him that this guy will still apologize yet they don’t, successfully ignoring the tall man in front of you and continuing their harassment. Now that is where Bokuto’s forgiveness ends, anger boiling up inside of him with each disgusting word spit out. Feeling you suddenly clenching on to his shirt with growing discomfort was only the final straw before he stomped over to the person, towering over them with a look all too different from his usual cheerful one before he started yelling furiously at them, catching everyone’s attention nearby and at the end of it his face was slightly red from all the yelling and the anger. Blames himself that you had to endure this afterwards and he feels terrible.
Daiki Aomine
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💙His darling gives him sometimes literally just a heart attack whenever they suddenly get all shy and flustered, playing with their fingers or hurrying themself embarrassed in his chest. It’s laughable to see the big, though guy getting all flustered himself and Momoi kind of teases him about it. The cuteness all aside it has to end up being a scary experience for everyone to make his shy and oblivious s/o feel any sense of unease and have him towering with a dark look on his face over the counterpart. Actually shares similarities to Bokuto in regards of insecurities even if he wouldn’t want to admit it out loud. Daiki is labeled as a rather scary guy with his height and strength and having someone quite as shy and soft as you has him worrying that he’ll end up scaring you or pushing you into a situation of discomfort as well. He’d probably still rather break his bones than seeing you with other trash so his pride still leads him to seeing himself as the best choice.
💙The sane and average person will think probably about ten times about saying something offensive to his darling or dare to interact much with them anyways when they have Aomine sticking to them. The blue-haired man really just wanted to have a good time with you on the date, chances are that his friend helped since he still lacks some knowledge. So I have to give it to the person who dared to say something as repulsing at this to you, seeing clearly Aomine sitting right next to you, a man who can turn into a beast if needed. And my lord, he is all too trigger-happy when it comes to such matters since he is insanely protective. All that is needed is this one sentence or two of the other person for him to suddenly tense up all of a sudden, the sudden content and happy look on his face being replaced by something much more darker.
💙Asks his darling shortly to please stay where they are before he pushes the chair away, taking huge and swift steps to the other person who has by now probably gotten sober. Who wouldn’t when seeing someone like Daiki walking with a face twisted in ferocity over to them? One hand is harshly slammed on their table whilst the other one is placed on their shoulder, the tight grip that might just leave a bruise and feels like it’ll break a bone all done with full intention. It’s quite clear who is the predator in here, Aomine towering in a superior manner over the other person and watching them shivering. He won’t yell or anything and by all the desire in his blood to punch their teeth out, you’re watching and he’s in public. So all he can do for now is grabbing them by the collar and demanding in a very low voice to apologize. He leaves right after with you, in an exceptionally bad mood. The next time he sees that face again, he swears he’ll punch that guy right in the face to stop that nasty mouth.
Makoto Hanamiya
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❌He’s probably the worst of all to have due to his rather mean and slightly sadistic side. I think it was mentioned somewhere that his ideal type would be a dumb partner and that really is what he kind of views the s/o as. Their obliviousness to things around them has him thinking that they’re stupid. It annoys him as much as it kind of ends up attracting him. Loves screwing around with you and really testing your limits every once in a while, using your cluelessness successfully against you. The guy is quick to see his advantage in that stupidity of his darling and will have them like this in his palms. It’s angering as much as it is delightful to come to know that he can do quite a bit manipulative and rude stuff without you not realizing the fully obsessive and possessive intentions behind it all. For Makoto as angering and irritating as he finds it precious in his very own way.
❌Yet he would never let anyone else screw with you like this, less out of good will than his own possessiveness. You’re his, his to love, his to be rude to, his to treasure and his to play with. Hanamiya, despite being really just a quite spiteful person, is actually quite good in playing a good guy role so most people tend to not instantly notice that he’s quite the bully. On dates he’s probably either doing things he wants to do with his darling without giving them a choice or letting them for once decide. Was acting quite smug and an acceptable amount of teasing before they started opening their damn mouth, ruining about everything. There’s a difference in the way he acts though, turning around to take a look at whoever spoke like this before a really terrifying grin makes it’s way up his face, purposely letting it be seen by the harasser and it’s able to send chills down someone’s spine. His s/o didn’t notice just yet so he will continue the date for a bit yet with an additional goal in mind.
❌At the end of the date he probably ended up ruining the other person’s day quite a bit with all the small “accidents” that happened every once in a while and they were the only one who lost their cool at one point. He spilled his drink on them, let them trip over his legs and lots more that caused humiliation in public. And since they were the one yelling and screaming whilst he stayed perfectly calm with a mocking tone, acting like the innocent and rational person in here, this damn bastard was forced to leave the place. Merely a small smirk from Hanamiya was what they got in the end, the malicious and sadistic glint in his eyes being nothing else but scary. Remembering faces quite well, he will definitely continue where he left it he were ever to meet them again. Taunting others is a hobby of his after all. Between it all he managed to not slip up yet there is hidden frustration within him that you didn’t even fully realized what was going on. He won’t let you know now since it’s too late but there will be sharp snarky remarks from him later.
Jabami Yumeko
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♠️Probably ends up showing a bit more of a sadistic side of hers as well in regards of her shy and oblivious darling. Yumeko is a affectionate girl and she knows that her darling due to their bashful behavior tends to get easily flustered by it which is why she makes them sometimes uncomfortable on purpose. Having them squirming in her arms whilst she flaunts all of her love is something she finds herself enjoying. The oblivious and shy attitude is in the relationship appreciated yet for gambling it’s good for nothing as long as the darling doesn’t know how to use it in a gamble. In such areas Yumeko can be rather cruel since she won’t really interfere with a gamble where the stakes are against you since you have to take risks as well. Yet when it’s not about gambling she loves the shyness and isolates you due to it even a bit more than normally . Mary, Suzui and Sumeragi are probably the only ones she’d let you interact freely with.
♠️This little and cute date was decided from her after she successfully won in a gamble against her darling, getting to chose the location as the price. Being possessive herself and not the happiest person when having her darling under too many persons at once, she went for a cute small coffee shop somewhere near school. Such adorable dates are her favorites and she was basically pushing her darling the whole way. Initially she doesn’t even react as the person starts, seeing two extremely cute persons sitting there and currently trying to choose something from the card. Yumeko herself is a master in playing all innocent and naive which already led many people to shamelessly underestimating her. But her hands have tightened visibly around the menu and with the next wrong remark she closed it with slightly shaking hands before slowly raising from her seat and walking over to them, a smile decorating her face.
♠️Do remember that the devil is playing disguised as the angel in here. It all looks so incredibly normal as she starts asking the person politely what their name is and why they say such awful things to her darling. Her counterpart probably can’t take her seriously, instead snarling at her to leave them alone. That’s when it all starts, her starting to insult them still with a smile on her face yet her words aren’t matching that sweet smile of her. It only stays that long though before her face drops and she stares with a similarly degrading and disgusted look down on them as she did with Midari. She’ll definitely inform someone from the staff as well since other people are witnesses as well, leading to the other person being kicked out successfully. Doesn’t want them to ruin her date with you and as soon as she gets back, she’ll probably act like nothing happened. There are bad news if they person should attend school with her because when it comes to such things, Yumeko holds grudges.
Erza Scarlet
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🛡Putting Someone as tough as Erza together with someone as bashful and oblivious as her darling is a combination done perfectly for some troublesome fun. No doubt that Erza grows protective over her darling as soon as discovering their shy and more antisocial side which makes her grow more warning with her guild. Fairy Tail can be quite the bunch to deal with even if they’d never dare to do anything bad to you, not since Erza is watching and you’re like family to them. Erza herself can be quite chaotic herself every once in a while even if she tries to stay collected most of the time, even she gets flustered from her darling’s shy behavior. The red-haired woman finds herself quite simply melting and sometimes she happens to gush over you. It just slips from her tongue yet when it happens in public she finds herself getting slightly embarrassed herself. Her guild mates only give her a grin in return, they know that Erza only acts tough.
🛡Alright, I think it was seen very often in the Anime that Erza can turn girlish and giddy when she wants to do things she has never tried before and that counts for dates especially much. When planning dates, Erza always grows excited and she looked nothing like her usual self as she walked with her darling to the spot she had chosen to do a small picnic. There were almost stars sparkling in her eyes and she was really only in the best mood. But ruining Erza something she was genuinely looking forward too is always a stupid idea so the person was kind of doomed the moment they started catcalling and harassing her darling with unacceptable remarks. At first Erza looks more dumbfounded and speechless then she looks angry, she didn’t really expect anyone to ever dare to say something like this to you directly. Her darling, whilst noticing too, probably has yet to grasp the full situation and is more confused than anything.
🛡A sensitive nerve is critically struck though, she doesn’t tolerate someone ruining her date like this nor does she tolerate disrespectful jerks and that’s what drives Erza finally over the edge. A vein or two are probably appearing on her head as she walks with a dark aura surrounding her and her falling hair casting shadows over her eyes over to the jerk. The moment she lifts her head, the look on her face says it all. She would have taken this all lighter if it wouldn’t have been for that jackass catcalling and harassing you with their words. I guess they’ll realize at that moment that they have fucked up, though Erza still knows not to grow violent in front of you nor does she want to end the date. That’s maybe the only reason she won’t do any physical damage, though the slap they received from her was far worse than any punch from the average person.
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Kirisaki Daiichi High Masterlist - Kuroko no Basuke
Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
Also, If you want a commission for a one-shot or a series, you can click this link:
Hello Everyone. I’m starting a commission. If you want a request, you can message me in here, Wattpad and Quotev.  I'm going to make a com
Hanamiya Makoto
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Their Reaction Hearing a Rumour of Their S/O Cheating🥀🗡️
Having S/O Who are A Horror and Crime Fiction Author😐🧐❤️
S/O is Visiting Them and The Team Didn't Know About Them Dating (Part 2) ❤️🍭😂
Getting Jealous Headcannons🍭❤️
Dating Headcannons❤️🍭
Hara Kazuya
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Seto Kentarō
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Furuhashi Kōjirō
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Yamazaki Hiroshi
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aomine-ryo · 4 years
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—other character masterlist
☆- fluff | ☾- nsfw | ♢- crack | ⨳- angst
» kiyoshi teppei falling in love with his physical therapist’s daughter ☆
» getting lost at a camping trip with himuro tatsuya ☆ ♢
» aida riko introducing her fem!s/o to the team ♢
» himuro moving away ⨳
» harasawa katsunori getting with fem! sports reporter! reader ☾
» making out with takao ☆ ☾
» himuro tatsuya meeting his s/o’s overprotective siblings ☆
» hanamiya makoto with an s/o that likes to snowboard in the winter and dive with sharks in the summer ♢
» rakuzan with a female manager at training camp ♢
» izuki shun being overprotective of his s/o ☆
» imayoshi shoichi with a similar s/o that the team is terrified of ♢
» neck kisses with takao and himuro ☆
» kasamatsu yukio with an s/o who loves video games ☆
» takao, momoi and himuro’s love languages ☆
» takao, himuro and imayoshi as yanderes
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60 notes · View notes
KNB Masterlist
N/Y = Nothing Yet
(*) = Quick Fic
(♥) = NSFW
(💔) = Yandere
(💝) = Soft Themes
(📌) = Headcanons
(💕) = Scenario
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Tetsuya Kuroko:
- w/ Shared Darling feat. Taiga Kagami  (📌 & 💔)
- Yandere Headcanons ( 💔 & 📌 )
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Taiga Kagami:
- Ruin feat. Daiki Aomine (♥, *, & 💔)
- w/ Shared Darling feat.Daiki Aomine (📌 & 💔)
- w/ Shared Darling feat. Tetsuya Kuroko  (📌 & 💔)
-  What Goes Bump In The Night| Day 10: The Ghoul  (♥)
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Teppei Kiyoshi:
- Kind (* & ♥)
- Yandere Headcanons ( 📌 & 💔 )
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Hyuga Junpei:
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Izuki Shun:
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Ryouta Kise:
- w/ Shared Darling feat. Yukio Kasamatsu  (📌 & 💔)
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Yukio Kasamatsu:
- w/ Shared Darling feat. Ryouta Kise  (📌 & 💔)
- What Goes Bump In The Night| Day 2: The Werewolf  (♥)
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Shintaro Midormia:
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Kazunari Takao: 
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Daiki Aomine:
- Cornered (*&💔)
- Ruin feat. Taiga Kagami (♥, *, &💔)
- w/ Shared Darling feat. Taiga Kagami (📌&💔)
- N/S/F/W! Headcanons (♥ &📌)
- Yandere Headcanons (📌&💔)
-  What Goes Bump In The Night| Day 15: The Incubus
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Shoichi Imayoshi:
- Gut Feeling (* &💔)
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Kosuke Wakamatsu:
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Ryo Sakurai:
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Atushi Murasakibara
- Yandere Headcanons (💔 & 📌)
- N/S/F/W! Headcanons (♥ &📌)
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Tatsuya Himuro: 
- Bewitched Week [Event]
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Seijuro Akashi:
- Dull Walls (* &💔)
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Kotaro Hayama:
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Chihiro Mayuzumi:
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Shuzo Nijimura:
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Shogo Haizaki:
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Makoto Hanamiya:
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Kazuya Hara:
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Kentaro Seto:
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Kojiro Furuhashi:
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Hiroshi Yamazaki:
118 notes · View notes
forever-valentine14 · 4 years
📌 [Staff Table]
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Age: 19
Gender: Girl
Pronouns: She/Them
Orientation: Aromantic but Pansexual
Status: Single
“Flirt with me! No one thinks Im cute! 🥺”
Type: She likes very cold characters that bully them into crying. Intimidation and Fear is a big factor on who she wants to sleep with. They also think that cold characters understand how her being Aromantic means better than emotional characters with soft feelings.
Favourite Characters: Eiji Okumura, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Atsumu Miya, Belphegor, Barbatos, Kiyoko Shimizu, Aone Takanobu, Kiyoya Otori, Takashi Morinozuka, Haruhi Fujioka, Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Sir nighteye, Enji Todoroki, Miyuki Kazuya, Aomine Daiki, Makoto Hanamiya, and Huntara.
Age: 19
Gender: Demon Girl
Pronouns: They/Them
Orientation: Aromantic but Pansexual
Status: Taken
“Twinsect is the best thing that has happened in this world.”
Type: They like more sweet boys that are a bit more crazy and cheeky. They also have a preference for twins that are overprotective. Yanderes are always a yes and obsessive/posessive types make her go crazy.
Favourite Characters: Shorter wong, Ash Lynx, Osamu Miya, Emira Blight, Edric Blight, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Nishinoya Yuu, Yachi Hitoka, Kaoru Hitachiin, Hikaru Hitachiin, Midoriya Izuku, Tomura Shigaraki, Neito Monoma, Kirishima Eijiro, Takigawa Chris Yu, Atsushi Murasakibara, Himuro Tatsuya, and Entrapta.
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Yandere headcanons for kasamatsu, okamura, nebuya, imayoshi, and hanamiya please!
Hi! Sorry this took so long! Honestly, I was stuck on like THREE of them, (Meaning the first three) because I can’t see them being a yandere? But I hope this is good anyway?
Hanamiya is the type to be extremely possessive and will make EVERYONE he crosses paths know it.
If someone doesn’t know you’re taken, he’ll make sure the point is driven, even if it means he has to beat that person to near death. 
He’s not the type to show sweet, fluffy affection to you, but he’ll definitely be less violent when you’re alone - the moment it’s sexual, he’s completely dominant/almost on the border of psychotic, in that he takes great pleasure in your pain.
Imayoshi is the type of yandere who enjoys talking about what he’ll do to others before he does it.
Of course his feral/sinister grin is the most fearful thing, because people don’t know if he’s actually being serious or joking.
He takes pleasure in mentally tormenting others, though he’s dead serious when he talks about wanting to hurt any person who so much looks at you the wrong way. 
Kasamatsu is the type of yandere who would watch his s/o from afar, but make sure no one else gets close.
If he feels someone is getting too close, he’ll do everything he can to make them see they’ve crossed boundaries.
Which includes passionate - and very breathless - kisses in public, accompanied by a smirk/glare towards the person watching.
Nebuya wouldn’t let any single person get anywhere close to you. 
If he feels someone has touched you in anyway, which includes a simple hug or pat on the shoulder, he’ll go crazy.
He won’t hesitate to punish anyone in his way, a simple task for his strong muscles.
Okamura never leaves your side - with the exception of public washrooms.
If he feels anyone has come even remotely close, he’ll  immediately grab his s/o’s hand, giving them a smile before directing a hateful gaze at someone else.
He doesn’t have to do much in terms  of hurting people because people already steer clear of him due to his muscles and very loud voice.
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the loving older brother, and the big bad wolf | kiyoshi teppei + hanamiya makoto
tags; yandere!older brother!kiyoshi (who’s trying very hard to take care of everyone) x fem!reader (make up your own mind about her) x hanamiya makoto (he’s just vibing)
tw: a little gore, also inc/st (nothing remotely explicit though)
It was your first year of middle school, during his last year, that you started acting up.
Of course, Kiyoshi doesn’t blame you for it. After what happened to your biological parents, having to start living with your grandparents was difficult. Kiyoshi knew them well, but, by the time his mother had you, the familial relationship was in trouble - you probably only met your grandparents once until the two of you moved in to live with them.
And, on top of that, you had just started puberty. There was no one to guide you through that. Your old friends stopped talking to you when you moved away (Kiyoshi’s not sure why, but he always knew you deserved better), and your grandparents were old fashioned.
Kiyoshi can still remember how your grandmother scolded you that talking about periods in front of men was shameful, how she raised her hand as if to hit you, and he was the one who stood in front of you, protecting you.
He was the one who bought you pads and all your favourite snacks afterwards. He was the one who held you as you cried, yelling at the world for having killed your parents. He was the one who tucked you in, who stayed with you the whole night, because you’d fallen asleep against his chest.
Kiyoshi’s always been such a caring big brother - a guardian, a protector. And, after the death of his and your parents, he’s been the only one devoted to looking after you.
That’s why it hurts so much - when you start changing, towards the end of middle school.
It’s a constant war at home. You come back in the evenings stinking of weed and cigarettes. He tries to speak to you - because talking with him is bound to help you, you can trust him. But then the grandparents get involved, and they never listen to you, they just get angry. So you get defensive and violent.
One time, when you slip into the kitchen for a snack and get a lecture instead, you throw a cup at your grandfather’s face. Luckily, Kiyoshi’s got quick reflexes from basketball, but the event leaves glass shards down his forearm.
Grandmother starts panicking and wrapping a bandage around his cut artery. Grandfather is too shocked to be furious.
And you’re staring at Kiyoshi like he’s betrayed you. That’s what hurts most of all.
In your first year of high school, you’re even worse. Again, it’s a combination of factors, led by (he’d like to think) your concern for him. After his knee injury, it’s a struggle keeping himself positive all the time, especially when he thinks that his present condition makes it difficult to protect you from the men that he knows must be eyeing you up (if only you’d stop rolling up your skirt; he understands that all your friends do it, but they don’t have big brothers as caring as he is). In the end, you’re just an insecure teenage girl. You lose confidence if your big brother seems off.
That’s why - in some strange, twisted way - you start hanging out with the wrong crowd. In the evenings, on the rare occasions you do come home, your knuckles are always red. Often, there are bruises down your forearms and shins. Twice, you’ve come home with a broken nose. Once, someone had knifed you along your jawbone.
“Who’s been hurting you?” Kiyoshi asked, holding back your hair, as you washed the blood off. “I can’t let this keep happening to you.”
Smothering a laugh, you replied, “you should have seen the other guy.”
“You can talk to me. Maybe they’ve told you that they’ll do something if you tell anyone but-“
“Teppei.” You turned, wrapped one arm around him - in the first hug that you had given him in years - and pulled up an image off your phone. It depicts a man so bruised and bloody that who can tell where his face ends, and where the swelling from bruises begins. There’s blood smeared across his face, and the tears down his cheeks gleam against the camera’s light. In the background of the picture, just visible, is the foot of a man’s shoe on top of his head. “I mean it.
Your little sister is a bad, bad girl.”
It’s not your fault.
The next morning, when you’re still in bed and asleep (with your arm curled around the teddy bear that he gave you when you were five, the one you hide in his room in the rare occasions you bring friends home), Kiyoshi has a little glance through your phone. It confirms some of his suspicions (that you’re the one injuring, not being injured - there’s more photos of similar victims than he can count), relieves some of his worries (that you’re at least not hanging out with strange men, or getting into hard drugs), and raises a major issue.
Because, when Kiyoshi sees Hanamiya Makoto as the most recent contact, and when he sees the texts (“I’ve got a guy I want you to take care of for me”, “Hara says can Kiyo-chan please bring back some gum if she’s gone to get cigarettes”, “you did good today. See you tomorrow for some fun,”), his heart thumps so loudly in his chest that he has to rush to the bathroom to throw up.
Of course, it’s Hanamiya’s fault. The bastard’s been manipulating you all this time, making this monster out of Kiyoshi’s precious little sister, who never harmed anyone or anything as a child. Sure, you used to roll slugs in salt when you were little - but you were just curious, you’re a natural born scientist! And the time you stepped on the neighbour’s puppy’s paw, crushing all its bones, so it was in a cast for months - that was an accident, you were just a little clumsy as a kid!
Kiyoshi knows you better than anyone else. He knows you wouldn’t have become like this without the influence of the cunning captain of the Kirisaki Daichi.
Hanamiya’s been controlling you since middle school at least. Why else would you have chosen to go to Kirisaki Daiichi (though, when Kiyoshi had seen how hard you would study once or twice a week, how could he have said stopped you on the path to your dreams? You had said you wanted to make him proud)? Hanamiya was probably the fucker pulling the strings. Doubtless, you wouldn’t have gotten the scholarship if it wasn’t for him. And, maybe it’s his reputation that explains why Kiyoshi’s yet to hear about you facing any consequences for missing school, despite your not showing up for morning lessons most days.
Hanamiya’s messing with you. He’s a hateful, horrific villain, and he thinks that Kiyoshi can’t protect you when you’re in your school campus.
But he’s wrong.
Only a few weeks later, it’s time for the parent-teacher meeting. This year, like all your middle school meetings, Kiyoshi attends. He tells your grandparents that he doesn’t want them to worry; they tell him that he’s too good a child, and that his sister was born a devil. He has to be very careful not to lose his temper at their callous tone towards you. Everyone in this world, they’ve just misunderstood you. You do bad things, sometimes, but only because you’ve had such a rough childhood, and because your older brother wasn’t quite good enough at taking care of you.
“She’s a very good student,” says your teacher, confirming Kiyoshi’s opinion. He disregards how her leg’s been shaking throughout the meeting, and how her eyes widened when they met his - how quietly she commented on how similar in appearance he was to his sister. “She gets good grades. If she only applied herself a little more…”
“My sister’s a hard worker,” Kiyoshi’s voice grows stern.
The teacher shrinks back in her seat. “Of course, of course. And she’s not disliked by anyone in the class, no one ever has harassed her…”
“Is there something you want to say, teach?”
He leans closer. She flinches. The parent-teacher meeting is over.
Which leads Kiyoshi on to his next matter of business, now that he’s finally gotten onto the gated Kirisaki Daiichi campus.
He barely glances at the map, before storming across the grounds to the basketball courts. When he sees the indoor gym, he can barely stop himself from running in there and slamming his fist into Hanamiya’s face. He restrains himself though. It may be what the fucker deserves, but Kiyoshi can’t risk you having any negative feelings towards him. He can’t let you see him angry either. It’ll ruin your precious brother-sister bond, where you only know him as the one who kissed your plasters when you were four, and told you to go run home. Where you don’t know him as the one who threatened to snap the arms of the boys who had been messing with you in the sandpit, as they screamed that you were the one that had started it.
No, you need to know him as your role model. Your benevolent guardian. 
 Kiyoshi slams the door open.
Hanamiya’s there, grinning at him, like he’d already predicted that this would happen. To his left is Furuhashi, looking around with little emotion. By his feet is a man with a blindfold wrapped around his eyes, on his knees, with blood trickling from his forehead onto the gym floor.
As he hears the door open, he calls out, “save me! Someone, save me!”
 “Shut your mouth.” You’re the one holding the chin of the man bleeding. You’re the one who swings your knee right into his throat, before glimpsing your older brother. “Teppei. Why are you here?”
There’s upset in your eyes, not much but some. Mostly there’s some kind of sick pride, like you’re glad Kiyoshi’s caught you in the act - but that could just mean that you’re glad to see your older brother in general.
“What have you done?” Kiyoshi’s voice is hoarse, as he stares at Hanamiya. The longer he speaks, the angrier it gets. “What have you done to my sister? How dare you use her as just your toy!”
“Toy?” Hanamiya starts to chuckle. “Teppei dearest, you’ve got it all wrong. Your sister was the one to approach me. If anything, I’m her entertainment.“
You snigger at that. Kiyoshi starts to feel dizzy with rage.

“Come here,” he pleads instead to you, “you don’t have to do this. I don’t care what Hanamiya’s said to you. Your brother’s here now; I’ll look after you-“
“What makes you think I need looking after?”
Someone in the distance laughs. The man on the floor starts wriggling; your heel comes down right onto his head, knocking his face against the ground, as you let your foot rest on the back of his neck.
“You’re young,” Kiyoshi says, slowly, hopefully, desperately, “you don’t know what you’re doing. But that’s okay-“
You roll your eyes at Hanamiya, then groan, “you’re embarrassing me, Teppei! Can’t you leave the stupid pacifist bullshit for fucking pleasing the grandparents? No one else actually believes your bullshit.”
“Enough. I understand. You’re angry,” he’s fucking angry; don’t you know not to make scenes in front of strangers? Why can’t you just talk to him at home? Why get Hanamiya involved? Was it all just to spite your brother? How long will he have to deal with this rebellious stage, where you’ll refuse to appreciate just how much he’s done for you?
“Oh, shut up,” you yawn, sticking out your tongue, “what do you know about anything? You say you understand, is that why you’re in my room at 2am, going through my phone, thinking I’m still asleep? Is that why you’re always telling me that just exactly what men think when they see the way I dress - in explicit detail? Is that why I found my bra under your bed the other day? You’re a creep, Teppei. You’re a fucking creep.”
You look like the spitting image of Hanamiya.
A little voice tells Kiyoshi that fighting can get people banned from playing in basketball for the rest of his high school career.
But, if that’s the sacrifice he has to make to get you back on the right track, then so be it.
Nothing matters more than taking care of you.
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Lol I actually finished this, well as promised... a little late tho haha
Yamazaki Sousuke
realizing his s/o is his sibling
his crush confessing to him before leaving japan
Matsuoka Rin
comforting his s/o during a panic attack
his s/o rejecting his proposal
Giving his s/o a bj (NSFW)
Tachibana Makoto
scratch marks on his back (NSFW)
asking his friends to teach him how to cook
Mikoshiba Seijirou
Random fluff
Shower sex (NSFW)
Akaashi Keiji
First bj (NSFW)
Kuroo Tetsurou
seeing his s/o flirting with Oikawa (NSFW)
Kageyama Tobio
soulmate as Oikawa’s cousin 
Iwaizumi Hajime
Soulmate AU (Butterfly)
Hinata Shouyou
As a nekoma student
Inu!Hinata (NSFW)
Oikawa Tooru
Prince! Oikawa with a penpal
having a thigh-high kink
Birthday sex (NSFW)
his s/o modeling lingerie (NSFW)
Jealous! Oikawa
Shimizu Kiyoko
Soulmate AU (tattoo)
Sugawara Koushi
his s/o kissing his beauty marks (NSFW)
Sawamura Daichi
daddy kink (NSFW)
Shower sex (NSFW)
Yamaguchi Tadashi
getting a date as a dare
Azumane Asahi
Acidentally going rough (NSFW)
Tsukishima Kei
having a playlist for sex (NSFW)
being a tease (NSFW)
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Sharing lunch with his s/o
Kyountani Kentarou
his crush liking foreign music
Aone Takanobu
sex with smaller s/o (NSFW)
Karasuno 3rd years at the beach Iwaizumi x Reader x Oikawa Aone and Ushiwaka Soulmate AU  Karasuno comforting their male s/o  Kageyama and Kyoutani first kiss  Kuroo, Oikawa, Kageyama and Tsukishima with their s/o random angst Kuroo, Oikawa, Kageyama and Tsukishima with their shorter s/o in the shower (NSFW) Iwaizumi, akaashi and suga breaking up with their s/o because of an arranged marriage  Karasuno with their s/o accidentally hitting a serve at the back of their head 
Kuroko no basket
Takao Kazunari
winter fluff
confessing to his crush
Aomine Daiki
Bubble bath with pregnant wife 
giving advice to his son
Werewolf!Aomine (NSFW)
Prom AU (NSFW)
Cheating on his pregnant s/o 
Soulmate Au (sharing physical pain)
comforting his s/o afraid of the dark and storms
falling for a tsundere and them trying to get him to class
being insecure about not being romantic enough
Affectionate Aomine (NSFW)
Akashi Seijurou
his s/o having a club
Parent AU
Arranged marriage with his s/o
King!Akashi and Bodyguard!Reader (pt.1, pt. 2, pt. 3)
S/o similar to his mom
Helping his s/o sleep
Circus Date
Kuroko Tetsuya
having an s/o with less presence
Soulmate AU with momoi’s best friend
his s/o wearing his jersey (NSFW)
confessing to his crush
Meeting his s/o at the park with nigou
Kuroshitsuji Au (NSFW)
Hara Kazuya
having a vocalist s/o
Kise Ryouta
Arguing with his s/o
Quoting from movies
trying to cuddle with his s/o
liking the tsundere kaijou team manager
meeting his singer idol
his crush liking kasamatsu
Mibuchi Reo
Body worship (NSFW)
Kagami Taiga
having a sensitive chest (NSFW)
Rough sex (NSFW)
Gentle sex with rape victim!s/o (NSFW)
Midorima Shintarou
using his lucky item to shut up Takao
his crush liking his eyes
Kasamatsu Yukio
his first kiss being interrupted
his small s/o beating someone up
Kiyoshi Teppei
Casual sex (NSFW)
his s/o giving him a lap dance (NSFW)
his s/o giving him a massage
Izuki Shun
liking someone who likes his puns
casual fluff
Murasakibara Atsushi
Bakery Au
having a smaller s/o
Hanamiya Makoto
confessing to his crush
Hayama Koutarou
Dry humping his s/o (NSFW)
GoM x Reader KiriDai x Reader Seirin reacting to their manager liking Riko’s cooking Kagami x Reader x Aomine (pt. 1,pt. 2) Akakise Parent AU Gom and Kagami with their s/o having affectionate friends Imayoshi, Aomine and Kiyoshi with stressed s/o Kasamatsu and Kagami liking the same girl Kiyoshi and Kasamatsu asking their team for advice to ask out someone Akashi, Hanamiya and Murasakibara finding their chubby crush being bullied Akaashi, Kuroo and Hinata with Dom s/o (NSFW) Iwaizumi and Akaashi realizing they are in love Someone being interested Akashi’s (Bokushi and Oreshi) skills GoM with their foulmouthed s/o being catcalled GoM, Kiyoshi, Izuki and Hanamiya and their sweet s/o having a darker personality/side UK, Kagami and Kasamatsu with their s/o being buried in snow GoM, Kagami and Imayoshi and their s/o beating up someone during their date GoM (- Midorima), Kagami, Kiyoshi with their cuddlebug s/o Kagami, Nebuya and reader having an eating contest  Aomine, Imayoshi, Akashi, Midorima, Takao, Kise and Hayama with their s/o pulling the cheating prank GoM, Kagami and Himuro with a yandere gf  (pt. 1,pt. 2) GoM and Kagami and their s/o using their gift to kill a bug
pillow talk
Kasamatsu, Takao and Izuki
Gom, Kagami
GoM, Kagami and Himuro finding something their crush lost Gom and Kagami deciding with their s/o to adopt a baby  GoM (-Murasakibara), Kagami and Kiyoshi inviting their s/o to their house UK and Akashi trying to get the attention of a shy foreign student GoM jealous of their s/o befriending (Haikyuu!! Guys) Makoto, Sousuke and Mikoshiba Seijirou underwater kiss Midorima, Kiyoshi, Himuro, Aomine,Oikawa, Daichi, Sousuke and Mikoshiba Seijirou with their insecure s/o GoM and Nijimura, being attracted to a girl’s smell in the train  GoM, Izuki and Kagami with their s/o pushing them down then cuddling them GoM and Kagami climaxing before their s/o (NSFW) GoM reacting to their crush actually dating Nijimura  Aomine, Kise, Kagami and Akashi with their s/o in a onesie
Victor Nikiforov
skating with his clumsy s/o
cuddling (NSFW)
liking a skater who practices before Yuuri
teaching his s/o how to skate
meeting his s/o in hasetsu
Yuri Plisetsky
pet shopping with his intimidating-looking s/o
jealous yurio and drunk s/o
30 day writing challenge (1.1, 1.2, 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 5.2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21/23, 22/24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30) *NSFW for day 5 and 25*
Oikawa and Kise finding out their crush has a long-distance relationship with the other
Haru and Kuroko, Midorima and Rei, Makoto and Suga, Nagisa and Hinata, Rin and Aomine liking the same girl
Sousuke, Bokuto and Kageyama being teased (NSFW)
Hayama, Akaashi and Kise Yakuza AU
Mikoshiba Sei, Kagami and Kiyoshi College AU
Haru, Momo, Kisumi, Kageyama, Kenma, Kuroko, Murasakibara, Himuro, Hanamiya and Mibuchi and their s/o jokes about breaking up
Kasamatsu and Iwaizumi’s crush confesses to them
Suga, Kageyama, Kiyoshi and Makoto with their sickly childhood friend
Makoto, Kiyoshi and Suga comforting their s/o after a conflict with their parents about college true
Oikawa, akaashi, kuroo, aomine, kise, Akashi and nijimura found cheating by their fiance
Makoto, Sousuke, Mikoshiba Seijirou, Midorima, Himuro, Mibuchi, Kiyoshi, Oikawa and Daichi cuddling with their s/o in the shower/bath
Tokyo ghoul AU
Kuroo, Tsukishima and Rei
Oikawa, Kise and Rin
Sousuke and Kiyoshi with chubby reader
Haru, Momo, Kisumi, Kageyama, Kenma, Kuroko, Murasakibara, Himuro, Hanamiya and Mibuchi confessing to their crush
Oikawa, Daichi and Mikoshiba Seijirou random fluff true
Makoto and Suga liking someone boyish and intimidating
Akashi and akaashi breaking up with their s/o because of an arranged marriage meeting them years later
Rin, Oikawa and Aomine finding out their s/o’s passion but is shy to show to others
Otter ask(s)
Mitobe, Izuki, Kogane, Kasamatsu, Sakurai and Imayoshi
Mibuchi, Hanamiya, Hayama, Nebuya and KnB girls
Midorima, Karasuno 3rd yrs and 1st yrs (-Hinata)
Bokuto, Kiyoko, Nijimura, Kiyoshi, Nitori and Gou
Aomine, Murasakibara, Nagisa and Kenma
Mikoshiba seijirou, Sousuke, ennoshita and Oikawa
Tanaka, Kuroo, Kagami, Akashi, Rin and Momo
Kuroko, Kise, Hinata, Noya, Makoto and Haru
Midorima, Kiyoshi, Himuro, Aomine, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Daichi, Mikoshiba Seijirou and Sousuke with their s/o falling asleep on their chest
Himuro, Aomine, Midorima, Kiyoshi, Makoto, Sousuke, Daichi and Iwaizumi reacting to their s/o asking for cuddles
Makoto, Sousuke, Mikoshiba Seijirou, Oikawa, Daichi, Midorima, Kiyoshi and Aomine modeling for their artist s/o
Sousuke, Akashi, Himuro, Nijimura, Tsukishima and Kageyama react to being rejected
Oikawa, Daichi, Sousuke, Mikoshiba Seijirou, Makoto, Aomine, Kiyoshi and Midorima with their s/o modeling lingerie for them
Haru, Nagisa, Nitori, Kageyama, Hinata, Kuroko, Imayoshi and Aomine reacting to their gf not wearing underwear 
Kuroo, Aomine and Sousuke with their s/o falling asleep in the middle of kissing
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Hello, I saw that the requests are open so I uhh decided to send mine! What if Hanamiya, Seijuro, Murasakibara, and Aomine have a crush who's already taken? Also I frequently visit ur blog bc ur writing always makes my day whenever I'm stressed ❤️❤️❤️
I’m glad that I finally get more requests for this fandom. Also🥰, I’m glad that my blog helps you relaxing. These are great reasons to continue this blog for as long as possible.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, manipulation, blackmailing, bribing, gaslighting, bullying, vicious behavior, controlling behavior, violence
Crush is already taken
Daiki Aomine (Aged Up)
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💙He somewhat thinks highly of himself, though in comparison to Kise and Akashi he is still standing with both feet on the ground. He’s feeling a lot of emotions when he finds out about this and it is overwhelming him a bit since he isn’t used to feeling so...down. He’s angry with the guy who took you, though he knows that they just happened to know you earlier and confess to you earlier, but most of all he is just hurt whenever he sees you and your partner being together, laughing together and being affectionate. He just can’t bring himself to look at this and either looks somewhere else or just walks away to try to sort his feelings out.
💙People will realize that something is wrong with him since he suddenly gets terrible mood swings so that some people ask him if he’s perhaps on his period or something like this. He’s somewhat emotional now and it happens very often that he is in one moment acting all rough and mean and in the next becoming somewhat silent and looking hurt, though he will instantly turn hostile the moment someone points it out to him. He lets his frustration and confusion out in form of basketball and it leads him into playing pretty aggressively.
💙The only person he ever tells about this is Momoi since she’s his childhood friend. And in all honesty, Momoi might have already suspected this to be the reason Daiki appears to be so moody these days. It’s shocking nevertheless since she knows that you’re happily in a relationship and she ends up somewhat scolding her friend for falling in love with a taken person to which Daiki just ends up protesting weakly that she doesn’t have to rub even more salt into his wounded heart.
💙He doesn’t know what to do. In all other scenarios he would end up scaring your boyfriend/girlfriend, but he is just afraid that they’ll tell you and you’ll end up just seeing him as the aggressive and mean man he’s already pictured as. He’s reckless, but not an idiot and just ends up being extremely hostile and rude to your lover whenever he crosses paths with them. And at one point Momoi just agrees to help, not bearing to endure this pitiful self-wailing of him any longer. She just ends up befriending you and bringing you naturally closer to Aomine in the process for which Aomine thanks the pink-haired girl greatly later on. And once he is close enough to you he starts manipulating you. Not in a bad way, but he just starts pointing out things that don’t seem to work out between you and your partner, things you both disagree on and just every negative aspect he might have found out whilst also trying to convince you with his acting that he’s the better one, the more suited one for you.
💙Momoi only agrees to go that far and thinks that her job is already done with befriending Aomine with you and unless she knows that you started taking a liking to him too or suspects that your current lover treats you not rightfully, she will leave the rest up to Daiki. If it does come out that you took a liking to the man or aren’t happy anymore with your current relationship and just try to hold on, she as well will start pointing things out that are better on her friend than the other guy and this would also boost Aomine’s confidence a lot. So the moment you do break up with that person, they’re out of their safety zone, meaning now Daiki can and will start scaring them away. He’s honestly just glad that now he can make you his darling after all the pain and irritation he had to go through.
Atsushi Murasakibara (Aged Up)
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🍭He starts complaining the moment he finds out about this, he’s more annoyed than he is angry at first though that will follow quickly afterwards. It isn’t like he thinks like he is better than that person you happen to be in a relationship with, but he doesn’t think he’s the worst either and since he’s childishly possessive over you, he isn’t exactly ready to let you be with someone else and since he’s more apathetic he doesn’t really care how you and especially your lover might feel about this.
🍭His poor teammates have to endure something. Murasakibara is already quite the handful to deal with, but now he brought the word “exhausting” to a whole new level. He’s just unwilling to listen and do anything, not seeing the use in it since you won’t pay attention to him anyways and constantly nags to everyone about your relationship. He makes it pretty clear to everyone that he doesn’t approve of this at all. Whoever person’s lover you are isn’t exactly safe either because different from Aomine he approaches them and just straightforward scares them given his height. He somewhat judged them and afterwards just mumbled something about them being nothing special and why you’re even together with them.
🍭The whole team starts fuming at one point because Murasakibara is one of the most essential players on the team and whilst he never was passionate to start with, now he just doesn’t do anything anymore. And whilst Aomine has Momoi, Murasakibara has Himuro who already knows what’s going on since the boy is too obvious for his own good. Himuro ends up trying to talk it out with his friend, trying to explain to him that you’re already taken which won’t have any effect on Murasakibara. He’s just too stubborn and dense and delusional as well, meaning if you happened to be friendly to him before, he just believes you like him too.
🍭So it’s either Himuro somewhat assisting him because otherwise Murasakibara will just continue scaring your partner and wasting all his talent or him helping the purple-haired male with all of this. Of course Himuro won’t do much more besides starting to give the make tips and bringing you and him closer to each other unless, similar to Momoi, he senses you like Murasakibara too or you don’t like the relationship you’re in anymore, but don’t know how to get out. Murasakibara appreciates it in his own way. He is pretty open about his dislike for the other person which he makes just as clear to you as to everyone else. He just continuously points out that they aren’t all that great and compares them to him, mentioning things he can do, but they can’t. It can be offending, but he does it in such a childishly jealous manner that his darling ends up not being completely angry with him.He’s clingy and just starts following you around even when you want some time alone with your partner. It isn’t like Murasakibara lets that happen and he is just so incredibly open with his feelings by now despite coming over as apathetic.
🍭He just straightforward tells your girlfriend/boyfriend that he doesn’t understand why someone like you is together with them and that he is sure he could do better. It’s stunning to hear for you and your lover and knowing that Murasakibara is in love with you makes a lot of things more awkward which he won’t notice unless it harms his relationship with you. Next to that he’s affectionate, no matter if he’s still friend or not and does thinks with you, you probably never did with your partner before and if they witness something like this they start getting jealous and insecure. Murasakibara just carries you around or feeds you and even if you protest he ends up doing it one way or another with you. It might just lead them to thinking that the basketball player can make you more happy and that you seem to like him more anyways since you do such things with him which would lead to a breakup. And after you’re single Himuro is ready to help again as well, even though Murasakibara isn’t that dumb to let that chance slip either. It’s better to not talk about your ex because not only sulks he afterwards, but he also has afterwards a talk with your ex to remind him to stay away since you still talk about them.
Seijūrō Akashi (Aged Up)
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🏆He keeps composure on the outside, though he isn’t fine at all. Akashi possesses a silent and poisonous rage. He doesn’t throw tantrums or is loud even when he becomes violent with someone. It makes him really dangerous because even when he is blazing with anger, he can still think clearly and has no mercy with those he crushes under his shoes. Now Akashi definitely sees himself more suited for his darling than whoever pathetic insect currently think they can. He knows he isn’t sane anymore, but he doesn’t care and a future with him shines so much brighter than with anyone else.
🏆He’s definitely mad about this situation, but he doesn’t wail at all or starts feeling desperate. Akashi knows that his darling will end up one way or another with him, he has his ways and can just try all out of he feels like it. The moment he has his eyes on you, he just gives the whole school a signal to stay away which is incredibly effective since no one dares to mess with him. So in all honesty, just the knowledge that no other than Seijūrō Akashi is interested in you could be enough to lead your lover to break up with him because they might just be too much of a coward to challenge Akashi who’s rage is blazing like fire and is yet at the same time cold as ice.
🏆He doesn’t even have to threaten them to break up with you, he could just stare at them with a look that gives an ultimatum demand which everyone has to follow or just have a normal talk where he will indirectly threaten them to better end things here before things become more ugly. It might just save that person’s life from being completely executed, though Akashi will do something nevertheless since it’s still your ex and he wouldn’t want his sweet darling to be distracted by having to see them constantly and think about them whilst he is now their rightful boyfriend. So changing the school will be the least your ex should do, next to the fact that Akashi demands that the guy never calls or texts you again because he will find out if they do so and then they won’t be safe anymore.
🏆If they have balls and decide to challenge him, they’ll lose. Akashi is just too powerful and whilst everyone knows that he is at fault when someone gets kicked out of school or suddenly has debts drowning them, they can’t prove it since Akashi comes from a rich family and can also act all too much like an admirable and respectful man which makes it hard to accuse him which might end in someone else being ruined. So it’s only natural for Akashi to make sure that your soon to be ex will crawl on their knees and beg him for forgiveness which he won’t grant. He is absolute and defying him is downright a sin and he might become violent with the person as well. Be that setting up terrifying rumors, ruin all social life and even getting friends and family involved. He does the full dosage and the cherry on top is definitely for him making you believe all the rumors of him cheating and sleeping with others which leads you to turn your back on them as well and he’ll be sadistic enough to make that person watch how he starts being there for you and wooing you.
🏆Akashi has all intentions to make you forget about the guy as quick as possible since he doesn’t want you to think of anyone else except him. He got rid of the trash for a reason and now that you have him, there’s really no need to think back and miss someone else since he wants you to believe he is all you need. He just hopes you’ll be fine with dancing after his melody since he has a pretty tight leash on you and the faster you learn to listen and trust only him, the better. Being unaware of his cruel side and his obsession over you is probably the best because it saves you from a lot of troubles. Life can be so seemingly sweet with him since he can appear to be so perfect. It doesn’t mean that he won’t hesitate to show you his other side if he realizes that you’re straying away from him.
Makoto Hanamiya (Aged Up)
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❌I feel like crying when merely thinking about this. Hanamiya won't handle this well and together with Akashi he's the worst to react to this. Similar to Akashi he won't express his rage about this situation by lashing out, not initially at least. It's still safe to say that he's seething with hatred for the person who took you before he could whilst also being mad at his darling for really no reason at all. He blames them for being so greedy to just throw themselves at the first person who seemed to be willing to put up with them. It's somewhat pathetic in his eyes and it'll end with him letting his ire also out on his darling in one or another way.
❌He sees it more as a game than anything else and he plays dirty to win. Just run from him if you don't want to get caught by him. As said, he doesn't show his madness in a really violent way, not when he has so much more fun in ruining someone otherwise. He is a bully and that's no secret and similar to Akashi the whole school fears him. He's smart and ruthless and the darling as well as their partner are in for something. He literally can't choose where he wants to start since he has so many wonderful ideas on how to end this relationship. He just toys around with you and that annoying pest of yours and it'll be hell in it's most tormenting form.
❌It's clear for many students that he has some sort of interest in you, though at the beginning people think that he just sees you more as a new plaything to toy with instead of his future darling and they feel sorry for you. But the moment people start realizing that he actually has a romantic interest in you, they are terrified for you and just start to avoid you, not wanting to get on Hanamiya's bad side because he starts at one point to scare and bully everyone away from his darling and their girlfriend/boyfriend is no exception to this. Be that humiliating them in public or becoming more violent in private together with his whole team, he will push the person effectively away from his darling. He has by now spread nasty rumors and gathered some informations which he will shamelessly reveal in the school and constantly taunt and mock them.
❌And just like that he will also launch at his darling in more than one way. It isn't like you're safe from him either because you're the object of his desires since you'll be made a small scapegoat as well. First of all you're together with the person about whom countless rumors and pictures are flying around and the whole school by now is talking about them. And despite being innocent, you're being dragged into this mess as well, Hanamiya makes sure of it. Not only are you burning with embarrassment and shame due to all the news, making you doubt if you really ever could trust the person you thought you loved and some people just start asking how far you are involved in all of this and you can't trust that Hanamiya will point this out as well. Though not in a way where you'll realize he's attacking you because he wants to do so.
❌At the same time he starts shielding you somewhat to make you trust him a bit more, pretending to be a person who cares about you and trusts you. He somewhat ensures that he's your shoulder to cry on and will start instantly to gaslight and manipulate you. He just starts planting doubts in your mind and either you will break up with the guy, not wanting to have anything to do with him, or they will break up, not being able to stand Hanamiya's bullying anymore. And after that it can go either two ways with him. If the darling happens to fall willingly for him, he'll gaslight and isolate them whilst at least coming over as very sweet, morbidly much so. If you happen to not like him that way, he will just use whatever information he has on you, fake or real, and will blackmail you with it. Do not think he wouldn't ruin your life just because he happens to be obsessed with you.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Doing this one was seriously a bit hard since he has absolute potential for a terrible Yandere. Hope he isn’t too OC now. He still became a piece of trash though...
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, slightly sadistic behavior, mocking, manipulation, bullying, gaslighting, vicious behavior, violence, stalking
Yandere Makoto Hanamiya Hc’s
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❌With Hanamiya we have an aware and clingy yet stalker kind of Yandere. He is absolutely terrible to have due to being aware of his feelings, but not caring in the smallest bit. I do see him as someone who constantly sticks with his s/o because he is also possessive and overprotective over them. It’s hard to describe why he is exactly overprotective, his darling should be protected from him, but in a twisted way he cares about them a lot more than people might expect. It does not mean he’s friendly, he embarrasses his darling often in public by doing inappropriate things and if his darling points it out, he’ll just excuse it as a bit too much affection. Whilst he is clingy, he will absolutely also follow his darling home, trail behind them wherever they go and so much more. Feel like he’s pretty controlling over his darling as well.
❌He is obsessive, manipulative and slightly sadistic. He has a terrifying obsession with his s/o, it is not only intense, but he specifically searches for things with which he can bribe his darling if they should act up too much or try to leave him. Be that a dirty secret or him editing a few pictures, in the end he will have something to pressure them. Next to that he has a high IQ, is a good analyst and also good in fooling people due to knowing how to act. He will have his darling quickly figured out and due to that knows what to say to make them dance like he wants. He has potential for a terrible sadistic one, but I surprisingly feel like he wouldn’t be that way too often to his darling even though he can be if he’s pushed enough. Reason I think so is because I feel like Hanamiya would be also a lovestruck Yandere, he has a huge soft spot for his darling and I’m confident in saying that they’re the only person he really cares for. His darling is his weakness.
❌It will not end well for the darling nor will it for the other person. First of all, I don’t think students in Kirisaki Daiichi High really dare to talk to the darling since Hanamiya is feared in the school and a goddamn bully. His team listens to him and he will give everyone hell who does try to do as much as talk to his s/o. Next to that Hanamiya will let his ire indirectly out on his darling in the form of degrading and talking down. He is very indirectly in it, pointing out a lot of insecurities on his s/o, even under people, until they’re about to cry and just want to go home. He can and will force people away from his s/o, isolating them and then be there to cheer them up. He tends to give his darling the feeling that he is the only one who truly appreciates them and loves them which was planned by him. Next to that he also calls his darling over whilst pretending to have a nasty headache or by pretending to be in a depressed mood. He does about everything to successfully have them spend time with only him.
❌Hanamiya isn’t someone who likes the blood from filth on his hands which is why he does it indirectly. He has a whole team of sadistic people behind him and just like with his s/o, he can and will dig deeper and bully friends to get his hands on dirty secrets so he can publicly humiliate the person. It’s a very effective way to drag someone down without even having to become necessarily violent when a few edited pictures or made up rumors do the job. It has additionally the advantage that his darling will become more suspicious around people and search for him since all the other people always seem to be bad people. A win-win for him.
❌He is a controlling maniac to say the least, he has to have them or else he tends to get unhinged. Hanamiya always says his darling that he knows what’s best for them and that other people don’t know what’s good for them and that other people are just bad when in reality Hanamiya is the worst person the darling ever made contact with even though he will not show it unless he has too. There’s a possibility that he made his darling already a bit paranoid and develop the fear of people they like and trust leaving them due to constantly witnessing being left behind which might lead them to clinging onto Hanamiya, anxious that he might leave too. If that shouldn’t be the case Hanamiya has no problem in drugging them or revealing just how much he knows about them. I feel like if he had already sex before with his darling he would have taken secretly pictures of them like this which he uses for more than just one reason, threatening to publish them if they should try anything.
❌He is such a wolf in sheep clothes and has no shame in bullying, threatening and bribing people around him just to keep you. Whilst he definitely wouldn’t act anything like his usual self to you, he is brilliant in gaslighting and sly about it, making it dangerous because you will have no one to comfort you at some point anymore which leaves you with no choice, but spend time with him. There are still times where he tends to lose it a bit, most likely when things don’t go his way. He is sickenly sweet to you that it is in more than one way creepy and at one point you might end up swallowing that poison of his which will turn out to be your downfall.
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omg can you do yandere makoto towards manager y/n headcannons
he’s already interested in you, before you become manager - why else would he offer you the position, pinning you against your classroom wall at the end of school, not letting you leave until you agree to his proposal?
hanamiya’s no fool. as much as he wants to completely isolate you, he knows that acting too quickly will push you away, so he stays in the background - directing the others of the team to make you feel ‘welcome’, whilst also starting rumours across the school to start pushing your classmates away from you
and the others in the team know that hanamiya’s affection for you (if you can even call it affection) is a little excessive at best, so, although they’re friendly, they know not to overstep the boundaries
especially when hanamiya ‘jokingly’ twists hara’s ear, after he swung his arm around your shoulders, and tells the team, after practice, that “they don’t need to try so hard to make friends with the manager. a manager’s only purpose is to get along with the captain” 
what this means is that you’ll end up finding that the only person available for you to talk to, to be proper ‘friends’ with, is captain hanamiya makoto :)
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First yandere ask! Hanamiya cheats on his girl, she's done and wants to leave, he doesn't like that. How far would he go to keep her- stalk her, imprison her cause you know he loves her too much to let her go? Also happy halloween, danke!
gaslighting, so much gaslighting 
“no one else could ever be interested in you; leave me now and you’ll die alone” or “what would you be without me?” or “you think so-and-so cares for you? don’t you know the things they say behind your back?”
will try his very best to convince you that the cheating never happened, completely messing with your mind, trying to persuade you that you just imagined it, and that you’re the one ruining the relationship - and how dare you treat him like you can just get rid of him?
(yeah, he starts yelling. he’s still too immature to control his emotions in high intensity/emotion situations like this) 
but, if all that doesn’t work, then he won’t physically trap you
he’ll bid you farewell, but there’s something in this eyes that warns that this won’t be the last time you see him
from there, hanamiya works in the shadows to ruin any friendships, or support systems you might have had, to ostracise you from any classmates who might have supported you
he won’t stalk you, but he’ll use hara or someone (whoever is on the team, and shares some classes with you) to have updates on how you’re doing mentally
and then, when it appears that you’re absolutely broken and shattered from all the isolation, that’s when hanamiya will appear in front of you
with his arms open, and a cruel grin on his face, like
“did you miss me?”
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