#yandere mtmte nickel
yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could you PLEASE do something with a Yandere!Nickel with a human fem reader I would love you forever
And/or a human reader with a yandere soundwave and his also equally yandere cassettes would be nice
I am not far enough into MTMTE to properly meet Nickel (I'm trying I'm just slow) so I used the Wiki to help me if that's fine! So I apologize if something ends up wrong, I was also a bit vague with this. I swapped darling's gender since I could not fit it in to the plot, sorry :(
Yandere! Nickel with Human! Darling
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Internal conflict, Kidnapping briefly mentioned, Manipulation, She hates you at first, Obsession, Dubious relationship, Dehumanization, Violence, Trauma, Mentions of death, Threats.
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Nickel is a maintenance and medic bot that is a Mini-con.
She has a past with organics, witnessing them murder mechanical beings and her being the only survival brought in by the D.J.D
Safe to say she doesn't like organics and holds a hatred towards them.
This makes an obsession towards a human problematic for her.
She hates organics and expects them all to be vile pests.
That's why she sided with Tarn.
His group is anti-organic.
She's usually really kind and helpful, wanting to take care of those close to her due to her specialty.
She'd probably only like an organic if she saw them being helpful to mechanical beings.
Maybe you're the "human pet" of someone on the Lost Light or something.
That's what many Cybertronians, particularly Decepticons, call you.
You're a pet or a fleshling or whatever....
It's a bit demeaning but you grow used to it.
You most likely help people out on the Lost Light and in some way you end up encountering the D.J.D.
Which means you meet Nickel.
I'd imagine she dislikes you when you first meet.
She doesn't necessarily want to go out of her way to kill you but she just... has a thing against organics for a good reason.
If you gave her some kind of hope that an organic could be good then she relents.
Most of her obsession would take a long time.
She has to get used to this human before she can show any care towards you.
Plus it's all very problematic since D.J.D is one for organic genocide.
Even if Nickel did like you enough to abduct you somehow she'd have to hide you away.
She'd treat you like you're her own guilty pleasure.
Nickel would keep an eye on you if you caught her attention but it would be awhile before she made a move.
She's hesitant to befriending an organic.
It would be like betraying the D.J.D if she took you in so fast.
Part of her feels hypocritical.
Compared to most of the ruthless D.J.D, Nickel is the best to be around.
When you do manage to make her come around she can be caring like she is with the rest of D.J.D.
I feel even when she trusts you, an organic, she still treats you as a pet like other Cons.
She'll baby you and treat you like you can't take care of yourself.
It gives her a sense of power due to her traumatic past.
She's not really mean about it and acts like a caretaker most of the time.
If she did abduct you then she hides you from the rest.
You're a secret pet she cares for while she cares for the D.J.D.
Honestly if the others found out, there's a good chance you're dead.
That is unless Nickel can somehow have Tarn allow her to keep you as a pet, all other organics can go for all she cares.
Not this one... not you.
As OOC as this sounds Tarn may allow your existence because of how stubborn Nickel is with you.
They have a close connection so they can probably make a deal.
Nickel probably wouldn't always be nice towards you, sometimes there's a hint of superiority or an undertone of a threat with her.
You're the only organic that is an exception to her hate.
While she starts cold towards you, showing apathy and disinterest about an organic, it slowly becomes affection.
After watching you, stealing you from the Lost Light, and spending time around you...
She can accept you for what you are.
She knows you aren't capable of harming her or the D.J.D alone.
You won't cause danger if left alive and your life is in her hands anyways.
With lots of time Nickel can accept her adoration for you.
As a Mini-Con she's closer to human size which allows affection to be easier.
She's probably taller than you so she can baby you more.
She is a very mom-like Decepticon so despite her feelings she'd probably like to tease and care for you.
She drags you places, diagnoses you the best she can, she still knows you're fragile and tries not to be rough.
If she did manage to convince Tarn to let you live, escape is difficult.
She'd simply tell him you ran.
Which means you'll either be captured or killed on sight.
It's best you stay a behaved organic if you'd like to keep your life.
Overall, Nickel would take a long time to obsess over a human due to her past.
Yet when she does, she'll treat you as her little human to take care of.
You'll stay right where she wants you, unless you'd like to deal with the D.J.D without her help?
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Yandere Tarn from MTMTE pls?
MTMTE Yandere Tarn X Reader
Tarn detested humans- so for you to get his attention you’d have to have something helpful or interesting about you.
The DJD was visiting a bar after a day of refilling their supplies. They weren’t going to go, but Nickel said that they should cut loose once in a while. There, a human tackled Nickels’ bottom half with a hug. 
Tarn was instantly protective, but a surprising hello from Nickel to you had him backing off. You looked up with wide eyes to see Tarn.
“HOLY- Wow! Tarn, it’s an honor to meet you!” You grinned up at him. “I’m a huuuuge fan of your work!” All of the DJD was stumped by your excited behavior. 
Nickel face palmed and pushed you off. “DJD, (Y/N). (Y/N), DJD.” She looked up to Tarn. “We met on the colony forever ago. They were one of the only humans there- who for some reason was attached to me.” 
They looked confused and Vos spoke up in his language. You answered, surprising everyone yet again. “Yeah, there was a weird explosion thingy and now I’m kinda old. I think I’m like… a few hundred years now? I don’t know. I heal quickly now so it’s hard for things to kill me.” 
Vos asked you how you knew the language. “Uh, I dunno. I just learned it over time. I can’t speak it though, our voice boxes are different from each other's”
The DJD spent a longer amount of time there than they had expected so that you and Nickel could catch up. While Nickel pretended to be annoyed by you, she was actually really happy to see you. You were the only organic she ever tolerated. 
The rest of the DJD got along with you pretty well too, despite them being off put by your fleshiness. Tarn had a hard time however, as he hated organics a lot more than most of the others. 
When Nickel asked if you could travel with them, Tarn said no. After a glare from Nickel and a few convincing words from the others, you packed up what little belongings you had and made yourself at home on the Peaceful Tyranny. 
Tarn had avoided you for a hot minute, but everyone else learned that you were an amazing person. You helped Nickel patch them up after fights, and even upgraded some of their weapons. Vos loved your input on his experiments, even if he’d never admit it. You often put together what he failed to. 
Eventually, you and Tarn were in a room alone. He noticed you were reading ‘Towards Peace’. 
“Is this your first time reading that?” He asked you. 
You didn’t even look up from your book as you mumbled at him. “No, I’ve lost count how many times I’ve read it.”
Tarn grew a little respect for you then. “What do you think of it?” He sat up in his chair.
You finally looked up at him with a small frown on your face. He didn’t expect anything good from your expression. “I love it. Its words are weaved so intricately, and these are words everyone should live by. Megatron, though? He should die for betraying the Decepticon cause. He’s a traitor and should be treated as such.” 
Tarn’s eyes widened from behind his mask. While the DJD read the book, you seemed much more dedicated to it. From that moment on, you and Tarn would often have political discussions. You both would argue about small, odd wordings in the text. You were actually the only one who was ever allowed to disagree with him on wordings, because no matter what you still had the same general ideals. 
Tarn had realized that despite being organic, you were honorable. He looked up files on you in the Decepticons’ database only to find that you were a simple clerk for the Decepticon cause. You were an honorary Decepticon- though not technically one at all. Tarn began getting closer to you, often being seen carrying you on his shoulder.
One day, the Peaceful Tyranny docked on a Decepticon-Friendly planet. You were in awe the entire time at the pure beauty of it. The sun was similar to Earth’s, though the sky was a pale purple. The moss that coated the ground was a pale blue, and the animals were adorable. 
You bumped Nickel a little bit. “I think this is where I get off, Nicks.” 
She smiled sadly at you. “I figured. You always were one for simple beauty. I’ll help you pack up to go.”
You packed your bags quickly, only having three to begin with. When you entered the main room you saw the rest of the DJD. You grinned up at them. “Well, thank you guys so much for your hospitality. I’ll hopefully see you guys again.” 
Everyone seemed a little sad to see you go. Right as you began your departure from the ship you were scooped up into a servo. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Tarn’s crimson optics looked down at you. “You have become part of this ship, and it would be so unfortunate if you were to leave so soon. 
“I’m sorry, Tarn. I never like to stay in one place for too long.” You frowned.
“My apologies. I didn’t mean to make it seem like you had a choice.” This caused the room to feel cold. You looked up at tarn with a nervous grin. 
“Th-that’s not funny, Tarn. Put me down please.” 
Nickel glared at the tall bot. “Tarn, put them down.”
Tarn glared back at Nickel and to you. “No. You will remain aboard this ship- it’s dangerous for Decepticons off board these days.”
Kaon tried to speak up for you, but a simple glare was enough to silence him. 
You tried to jump down but he tightened his grip on you. Everyone felt tense and some even left the room. You looked down at Nickel who only looked away. She could only do so much to help you. 
Tarn tilted your chin up to look at him. “It’s alright. I’ll treat you the same as any loyal Decepticon.”
“Then why don’t you let me go?” You felt tears building up in your eyes as the large bot petted your head gently.
Tarn hummed at you while beginning the trek to his berthroom. “While you are a loyal Decepticon, you are still an organic who doesn’t know what’s best for them. Don’t worry- you’ll be taken care of. Unless, of course, you’re a traitor?” His eyes left you paralyzed. All you could do was stutter a quiet ‘no’ out. “Good. You do know what we do to traitors, after all.”
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petitelepus · 1 year
Is it ok if I have a yandere nickel x human reader x yarn drabble?
Nickle cared, the Decepticon Justice Division knew it and you knew it. It just appeared like she cared a little too much when it came to you...
"Absolutely not!" Nickel shouted as she held you protectively in her arms. Tarn sighed, "I'm not saying we-!"
"I don't care! I am not going to let them out of my sight!"
"Nickel, I know you care about them, but I think-!"
"You're fragging right I care about them!" Nickel snapped, and wow, Tarn was getting no say in this. You almost felt bad about the situation you had caused with your little escape attempt.
Not that Nickel or Tarn knew. In their eyes or optics, you had just fallen from a high place and twisted your ankle and hurt your wrist while trying to soften the fall.
It hurt and your cry of pain had alerted the medic of the DJD. So here you were, being held by the small femme as she tried to protect you from Tarn who wanted to lock you in some cage like an animal.
Well, you kinda of were their little mascot, but the cage was maybe a little too much? That's what Nickel thought at least.
"Nickel, please-!"
"No, Tarn, I'm going to take them to the medbay where I will bandage them and then take them to my habsuite where they should stay at!"
If Tarn wanted to object he didn't. No, instead his shoulders slumped as he let Nickel carry you to medbay where she set you on a table to sit on while she performed a quick x-ray on you.
She hummed, pleased to see that you hadn't broken anything, but your wrist and ankle sure were sore.
"I can't understand how you managed to hurt both your wrist and ankle...!" She grumbled as she reached for a bandage.
Ah, she stole the words from your mouth.
You hummed quietly as she moved her servo and you got the hint. Slowly, you extended your arm and leg to her and she started to bandage them so they could heal properly.
"Thank you..." You thanked quietly.
"Yeah, you better thank me," Nickel grumbled stubbornly. You smiled, "Sorry that I scared you like that."
"I wasn't scared!" The stubborn little femme snapped, "I was just worried that you might break something!"
Ah, that is called being scared, but you didn't say anything to her, not wanting to get to her bad side.
Not like that was possible, she seemed to worship you and was willing to look past mistakes and such.
Maybe she knew that you had tried to escape but chose not to believe it. Maybe it was for the best for both her and your sake.
Either way, you wouldn't be trying again any time soon with a twisted ankle and wrist... Or if you were going to be locked in Nickle's room for the rest of your life.
It would be for your own good, she would no doubt say, but for now, she was quiet and you appreciated it.
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tinydefector · 5 months
Yandere Pharma Mtmte x cybertronian reader,there may be Breeding kink
Medical Malpractice
I had alot of fun writing this one, turns out I may have a thing for the medical bots ^///^
Pharma x cybertronian Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Warning: smut, breeding kink, medical malpractice, valveplug, workplace relationships, mention of a Corpse.
Request and ask open, read pinned post
Pharma Masterlist
They move around the medical bay, their optics linger on Pharma as they watch him work, the younger Decepticon medic hadn't anticipated what Pharma was like, he was an Autobot after all but he was nothing like an autobot. He scared them to a point with unethical means but if it meant they weren't in his firing line they couldn't careless. He was easy enough to work with, even polite at times when they were both working on patient's. He was a decent boss, that was their main reason for sticking around so long they kept telling themself. 
Pharma pauses in his work, delicately probing mechanisms within another patient's frame, to glance over at the young Decepticon observing him. His visor gleams with cool calculation as his sensors assess the them, noting every flaw and weakness surely embedded within that still-impressionable processor. 
"See something of interest, Decepticon?" he inquires smoothly, every syllable oiled with practised charm. A lesser medic may have snapped at them but he was all too aware of their lingering optics, concerned for battlefield adversaries within their precious medbay was not something he worried about, he knew how to play his assistant well. 
After all, gratitude can work wonders in ensuring willing participation in...certain experiments. And raw fear of him proves such a potent motivator, as well as arousal, as this one's rapid ventilations already begin to show.
His talonlike tools delve within the circuitry once more as he awaits the mech's response, optics glinting cold assessment behind the cordial visor. Few escape unscathed once they catch his notice, his assistant on the other hand was rather illusive and vexing. 
Their optics dart away as they move to the otherside of the medical room, they shift through different items taking notes of stock they would have to let Nickel know they needed, they try to ignore Pharma yet the lingering heat under their plating is beginning to get out of hand.  It makes their plating shutter slightly at the thought of having Pharma bending them over a surface.
They push the thought away before addressing the equipment they would be needing replacements for "Pharma we are going to need more Energon  infusers, welding rods and disk cutters" they call out while taking notes.
"Hmm, we are running through them quicker than I anticipated," replies Pharma smoothly. His helmeted head turns to track the scuttling Decepticon, digits never pausing in their work. "So dutiful of you to keep us well-supplied. I do insist upon only the finest tools for my...experiments."
Those cold optics watch keenly as the young mech shivers under the weight of his intense scrutiny. Fear truly is such a heady elixir for arousal, and one Pharma relishes cultivating with an artist's care.
"Do inform Nickel the list will need amending shortly," he murmurs softly. "Less we have more mishaps, for example..." A swift flick of his wrist, and the patient jerks upon the table, energon jetting from new seams as Pharma smiles behind his visor. He's quick at removing the T-cog. And spark before leaving the body to shut down. His burning gaze settles once more upon his skittish pet project who was twitching from need. "For now. But rest assured, Con,I believe you're in need of a check up" His tone whispers of rapture yet to be unveiled.
Their optics glance at him. "I have a name Doctor" they sneer lightly, they didn't appreciate Pharma's tone. They nearly gasp as one of Pharma's servos wrap around their waist. Whether  he was trying to unsettle them or arousal them, it had left their processor spinning.
"Indeed you do," murmurs Pharma silkily, taloned digits caressing the curve of the smaller Bot's waist. His field washes over them, cold yet stirring, the electromagnetic buzz of a predator toying with doomed prey.
His helm dips close enough that the heat of his vents teases against plating. " I can practically see the Transfluid leaking through your panel darling. Let us simply say you ignite...a passions that science alone could never sate."
With a cruel twist of his grip, he spins the Decepticon to face the operating table once more, pulling them flush against his chassis. His free hand running down their frame to their interface panel, “open it” he states.   
A gasp escapes them as they are pressed against his chassis. Their optics linger on the Corpse on the table that Pharma had been removing parts from. "Sir you will have to try harder" they state,whining loudly as his servos dig into their hips.
Pharma throws back his helm and laughs, the harsh grating sound of grinding metal. His grip only tightens further, denting fine plating as his thumbs press cruel circles into joint lines.
Leaning down to hiss silica-laced words directly against an audial, he purrs "don't tempt me, or i'll rip that panel off myself." They whine even more, bot shuttering lightly 
His free hand caresses up the panel excruciating care. Pharma wrenches their helm back to force wide optics upon the corpse's agonised rictus. "You'll come to understand: you have always, only, ever belonged to me, my dear. You can't even go a full luna cycle without me" He smiles. Lips press against their neck cabling. 
Another cry comes from them as Pharma moves them towards one of the medical berths. "Pharma!" They state optics wide. "Sir if someone walks in!" They try to protest only for him to lean down. Pharma savours each movement against his servos. Their interface panel snaps open, spike pulsing as their valve clenches around nothing.
 their writhing frame an epitome of beauty in unravelling. His engine rumbles in primal triumph to see one so spirited brought to glorious pieces beneath his touch, his digits tease their spike with a few lazy strokes. 
Let them see” he states, not worried. He knew too well that others avoided his medical wing and for good purpose. He drags his digits down their valve pressing in with subtle thrust.  
"Such eager want. your coding sings for me, does it not?" His glossa flickers out, tracing the shell of an auditory sensor. "An apt pupil, to learn so quickly, and taking rather well to the new programming"
Those skilled digits curl within, massaging nodes to wring gasping cries from his trembling assistant. His free hand roams their shivering form with surgical precision, mapping every sensitive wire and line.  
talons messaging cables in their neck before gripping their face. "So needy, and only for me. With how aroused you are I bet I hold your very spark in my hand, and you'd still be a moaning mess for me." His field swells in heady triumph, and he claims their lips in a crushing kiss.
They gasp as his own interface panel snaps open pressing his spike against the plating of their thigh. Their body shutters in anticipation, optics shoot down between their body's as Pharma teases them open more. 
"Primus, Pharma" they call shutter at his words. “Anyone would think you plan on cutting me open” 
Pharma utters a mechanical chuckle at their words, field igniting with surging need at the glorious sight beneath him. Their willing frame laid spread underneath him.
"Tempting, my sweet, rather tempting but no" he purrs, Three of his talons tease their folds, massaging slick fluid as he presses digits deeper before pulling them away. He brings his mouth to their audio, glossa flickering against the shell. "No you belong on my spike, I would have your every sensor calibrated to receive only ecstasy."He shifts, lining himself up. 
Its cruel thrust that has them fluttering around him, desperate sounds spilling from vocalizers. In one slow, relentless glide, he joins with them, deep groans of satisfaction leave him. Optics go wide as their body ceases up at Pharma's thrust. Doors on their back shutter as they arch into the table. They clench tightly around him as he thrust eagerly into them, pleading moans and static whines fall from them. They bite down against neck cables as they cling to him. "Pharma slow down please" they call out.  He claims their lips in a kiss of domination, firmly cementing your place by his side. Praise be to science’s name. 
Pharma rumbles his engine at their mewling cries, though gentles the punishing pace of his thrusts in deference to the request. His field swells to the envelope of their quivering form. A taloned hand strokes their cheek plate with deceptive tenderness. His helm dips to nuzzle the joining of their neck, glossa flickering over new indentations left by his denta. 
"To think, what scientific discoveries we might forge together," he rasps against your audial. "You seem rather receptive to me after the reprogramming and implant" Overload laps at their consciousness like swelling tidewaters, dragging them deeper under his spell. 
Each roll of Pharma's hips has him pressing deeper into them. He lifts one of their legs angling into them at a better angle, They arch into him. The amount of thoughts that run through Pharma's processor, to fill them, watch them bulge, attempt to breed his assistant, test his theory over sparklings. 
Pharma feels the younger mech tremble helplessly beneath his ministrations, sweet cries spilling like sacred hymns from their lips. Their unrestrained pleasure threatens to ignite his coding beyond all reason; never before has one responded so beautifully to the raptures of the flesh.
He captures their lips in a bruising kiss, glossa mapping their mouth with possessive fervour. "My perfect specimen," he rasps against swollen dermas. "Such glorious fulfilment you grant my research… you'd look rather stunning, carrier coding taking you"  Overload laps their awareness in tidal euphoria until the overload in a flurry of moans and cries.
His spike pressed relentlessly within their port, pulsing transfluid flooding their gestational chamber in thick spurts. Pharma moans, Pulling the quivering mech flush against his heaving chassis, Pharma savours the aftershocks, rocking into them as he breeds them. His field washes over their modified form, his coding commending the first stage of modifications for carrying to fruition.  His field sparks triumph as your gestation chamber swells further with transfluid.
"Let's hope the upgrades take hold, sweetness," he purrs against an audio, talons massaging newly-swollen tanks in languid strokes. His free hand caresses the still-filling chamber in utter rapture. "We might just have this figured out soon." His smiles against trembling lips.
"Exquisite" he purrs, talons digging into narrow hips to meet with one last punishing thrust. "To think, the discoveries we shall unveil."
His spike pulses frantically within their clutching valve, engines roaring. Never before has anything reduced the great Pharma to such feral, worshipful frenzy. 
He pulls their limp frame against his heaving chassis as ecstasy's aftershocks continue rippling through their quivering form. 
He nuzzles their faceplate gently, crooning praises as his field washes comfort and adoration over flushed components. "Rest now." Pharma places a reverent kiss to his assistant's forehead, servos mapping new bulges within their abdomen.
He pulls them up off the medical berth as he carries them over to his chair, he sinks down into it as they rest atop of his body, servos trace their back struts as he hums in contentment. It seemed only time would tell if the new modifications would Yield success. 
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Yandere poly DJD with a human reader tho 💦💦💦 but only if you're okay with writing that
going for the hard shit I see
Poly DJD
- It was after your colony had been captured by Megatron that this nightmare happened. He was trying to decide just how to kill you all off when the infamous DJD showed up, presumably so Tarn could kiss Megatron’s aft some more. Megatron looked vaguely annoyed when Tarn started literally singing his praise, but when his optics rolled and happened to land on you, a wicked grin spread across his face. He plucked you from where you had been waiting for your execution and tossed you into Tarn’s servo, who looked confused by the action. Megatron explained that you were their gift for being such dutiful followers, and that they should love and take care of you. In reality, he was just hoping that taking care of a human would keep them too busy to pester him. You never thought you would be envious of people who were about to be slaughtered, but here you were.
- Kaon is your primary care taker on the Peaceful Tyranny. His smaller frame and interest in caring for smaller things makes this easy. He’s always cooing over how delicate and cute you are, especially in the outfits specially selected for you. Definitely the most forwardly affectionate one with you, and if you aren’t with one of the other members he’ll be holding you. His favorite activity is bathing you, even if you have a tendency to thrash about and make a mess. With enough training (a shock collar), he’s sure you’ll stop eventually. “This hurts me more than it hurts you,” he says every time he uses it. Bullshit. 
- Tarn adores you. You’re a gift from Megatron, why wouldn’t he. Sure, he loathed organics before this, but now his optics have been opened to all the potential your species has. With the right clothing, you can be quite endearing. You’re also smarter than he’d ever given you credit for, which means that he must educate you all of Megatron’s ideologies and teachings. Of course you want to learn about the person you enslaved you and murdered your family! He likes to keep in his lap and run his servos all along your body while telling you about Megatron. If you don’t sit still and listen, he uses his voice to cause you pain rather than the collar.
- Vos is and odd one. At first you assumed he hated you since you almost never saw him, which was fine with because four psychopaths was more than enough to deal with. Turns out he was just avoiding you while you were awake. It was one night when the sedatives wore off a little too early that you discovered his love for watching you sleep. You woke to him holding and prodding at you, muttering things to himself that you couldn’t understand. Instead of the twisted adoration you’ve come to expect to see in everyone else’s eyes, you felt like he was looking at you more like a test subject. An accurate assumption you realize when he started trying to get new reactions out of you now that you were awake.
- Tesarus is probably the lesser of the evils here. Your relationship with him feels platonic more than romantic most of the time. Generally he’ll want to do fun things with you because he’s bored, and you’ve learned how to play a ton of cybertronian games because of him. He also tends to gossip with you about the other crew members when they aren’t around, and that includes some of the embarrassing details they wouldn’t want you to know. Of course, this information comes with a price, he wants to know everything about you as well. You can’t leave until he’s satisfied. There’s no dodging the questions either, if he asks, you must answer.
- Helex loves messing with you. You’ve lost track of how many times he’s threatened to eat you for breaking one of the rules, even going far enough to actually put you in his mouth. Sometimes he’ll just throw you into his heating chamber and start to turn on the heat for no other reason than to scare you, claiming that your scared face is to die for. One of the others will usually get you out and scold him if they’re around if they think you didn’t deserve it.. He’s not always mean though, he can be decent once in a while. Sometimes he likes to prank the other members and will let you in on it. He also likes telling you all about their missions in gruesome detail and showing any souvenirs he acquired in the process. 
- Bonus Nickel: You had a feeling she hated you considering her past, and you honestly didn’t blame her. Hell, you had similar feelings regarding her kind. Your appointments with her are strictly professional at first, only really seeing her if one of the members took one of your punishments too far. At first, she kind of enjoys seeing you like this. That’s what you get for destroying her home. After a while, seeing those injuries doesn’t feel as good. That broken look in your eyes isn’t as satisfying. She starts actually talking to you a little more. You don’t realize how much you’ve grown on her until she quietly tells you you can come into the medbay anytime you need to.
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DJD as Yandere parents maybe a scenario or as headcannons? Tarn calm you tits your scaring your child.
*You didn’t specify if the “child” was human or not but since I a while ago wrote about the DJD taking care of a sparkling I will write this one as a sparkling too. If you want them taking care of a human then please feel free to request once the askbox is open again!*
The DJD is a… dysfunctional family and even more so when they are yandere and should not be allowed to be with children. Since they are yandere they devote their entire lives to the sparkling. All the devotion they felt for Megatron is now turned towards the child. They are incredibly protective of them and anyone who dares to threaten the child, or even stands a potential threat to it, will be promptly eliminated. They are all different as yanderes and show their obsession and unhealthy love in different ways.
Tarn aims to turn them into the new Megatron and he’s determined to turn his dreams into reality. He starts by changing the sparklings frame frame into a perfect miniature copy of Megatron’s, even changing the color of their optics if they are anything else than red. Then starts the training. It’s cruel and harsh as Tarn won’t take anything less than perfection from them. After all, if they want to lead the decepticons you have to be flawless. He is just as harsh when disciplining them and teaches them everything he knows. Makes them read all of Megatron’s works and memorize them, word for word. Don’t worry if they don’t get it at first, Tarn will get make them get it. He’s got all the time in the world after all.
Kaon is suffocating. He wants to constantly hold the sparkling and spend time with them to the point where being separated from the child causes him immense distress. When they are in his arms he holds them tight, sometimes enough to cause the sparkling minor pain. He always apologizes when the sparkling beeps in distress but he never stops doing it. Constantly gives them tiny smooches on their cheeks, forehead and hands and Kaon loves to hear them laugh. He will do anything, and I mean anything, to keep them happy. If anyone ever causes them to cry or become sad he will not hesitate to either fry them into a crisp or have the pet tear them apart, slowly.
Vos is… odd, to say the least. He loves the sparkling, that’s clear, but he’s so strange when around them. One second he’s hugging them, playing with their tiny fingers, the next he’s holding his claws dangerously close to one of their vital energon veins. He would never hurt him but it fascinates him how easy it would be for him to do it. Just one swipe of his claws, one strong punch or kick, and he could kill them. Just like that. The sparkling is so fragile and he both hates and loves it. He obviously hates it because that makes them an easier target but the way he holds their life in his servos? It makes him feel powerful. In control. And that’s how he likes it.
Helex is usually not that dangerous to be around, even as a yandere. Most of the time he’s actually good company to the sparkling and pretty safe. He is calm and very good at keeping the sparkling happy. But sometimes his true colors show. He is fiercely protective of the sparkling and while everyone in the DJD is, Helex takes it to a new level. He won’t tolerate anyone else than the DJD close to the sparkling and if you look at them for too long he will automatically assume you wish to harm or take them and he will not hesitate to END you. Also spoils the sparkling to no end. Anything they want to have he gives them, even if he’s got to kill a couple of bots to get it. They deserve it after all.
Tesarus have bad influence on the sparkling. He gets easily bored and when he gets bored he takes the sparkling with him to alleviate it. He usually teaches the sparkling how to best torture and kill a bot, showing them how to do it with a live test subject. He always makes sure that the bots vocalizer is ripped out so they can’t scream and accidentally scare the sparkling, that would be no good after all. Then he slowly start to take them apart and when they are just on the brink of death he shows them into the grinding blades in his chest. He makes sure that the sparkling sees every part of it and he hopes they will participate in torture with him in the future. That would be so much fun.
Nickel is the safest of them all. Even though she is yandere she would still treat the sparkling like… well, a sparkling. That means no rust sticks before they have had their energon, scolding them when they do something wrong and strict bedtimes, no buts! She is very strict when it comes to their health and safety though. She gives them weekly medical check ups, more if they have been exposed to anything remotely “dangerous”. The sparkling is only allowed to consume the healthiest energon and she tries to keep their intake of sweets to a minimum. Nickel is very doting and would like to have the sparkling on the ship at all times. The outside world is so dangerous after all.
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zenxenophilia · 7 years
How bout the DJD as Yandere parents. Like they kidnap this teenager off the Lost Light with the intent to kill and torture. Then Nickel somehow becomes strangely attached. Then bam it's now their kid in this strange family. Overload​ becomes creepy distant uncle in the​ family dynamic. Headcannons!
Oh boy!  XD  The only ones that have really any idea of what they’re doing (and that’s an exaggeration at best) are Nickel and Kaon.
Nickel is like the tough but fair mom/grandma.  She makes sure you’re always in tip top health, even if she’ll call you out on all your boneheaded behaviors.
Kaon is caring, yes, but he’s used to talking care of the pet, not people.  You might need to remind him that humans don’t actually eat out of dog bowls smh.
Tarn is the Irresponsible Dad™.  The kind that lets his kids watch hard core gore fest movies because he didn’t read the ratings first.  (Although, in Tarn’s case, he doesn’t need a movie…)
Vos is like the weird emo cousin that everyone has in their family that no one understands half the time.
Tesarus is the awkward dad who tries to relate to his kids Way too hard.
Helex is the dad that teaches you all the useful life skills you’ll need (like how to melt a bot into scrap metal using your chest)  
Overlord is that one creepy family member that no one really knows how’s he related and only shows up during major reunions and then appears on the news years later for shooting up a Walmart. 
Bonus: Pharma is like the disgruntled child services worker who busts them all for being complete and utter failures at parenting.
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I would like a mash-up please for any verse! I'm 4'9" ft, half Hispanic and White, legally blind without my glasses, either I'm ISTP or INFJ I can't remember, I'm up for anything but I can't handle a crowd for too long, like to cook/bake or just hang out. I'm feisty af. Libra. I'm a bit chubby, I want my life to be like Dance Macabre by Ghost. I can be a lady and a freak, from Nicki Minaj to Marilyn Manson on the romance but hood on the ride or die scale cuz no one be trippin' on my mans.
I Match You With…
Tarn (MTMTE)
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(You don’t need to be able to sing to be with this boy, as many blogs I’ve seen asume, its a plus but not necessary)
You are both a little crazy (in the best way possible) which is how things work so well, yet look very... interesting from an outsider's perspective. You both bounce around jokes and jabs at each other, laughing it away. 
Things are a little yandere, but honestly you both just love eachother so much and just very protective. You trust each other, but sometimes either of you will get worried (just don’t want to be left behind.. again). 
Anyone on the list better beware and be nice and polite, might get a quick and painless death if they are careful. If they aren’t well, many of the crew will make sure it drawn out and painful as all hell (usually the bots are rude af, but the team never minds).
Speaking of the team, they were very skeptical at first, but you’ve found yourself in a small part of each of their sparks (somehow). You are a dangerous person now, having some of the most feared bots wrapped around your finger.
Tarn actually has Nickel looking into ways to improve your vision, its too dangerous of the business to be involved in if your legally blind without your glasses. (He may have her looking into other smaller projects concerning you as well)
Most private time with Tarn is spend relaxing in the private quarters you share. It’s some well deserved rest him and the team deserve. (which in turn has made there progress on the list rather slow, to the relief of many bots around the universe)
What do you think? I’m really nervous about this one cause I don’t wanna offend you at all!
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Do you know any members of the Djd at all? I have been craving some yandere Nickel content but if not that more Yandere Ratchet or even Knockout would be great!
Or even better, both at the same time
Ayo, I did Ratchet/Knockout at the same time, might write a part two for it!
TFP Yandere Knockout and Ratchet
You were first friends with the Autobots. You were very close to Ratchet in particular due to your recklessness. You often street raced and fought Decepticons. Ratchet was always scolding you while bandaging your wounds. 
He was so tired of seeing you getting hurt- he wanted to force you to stay at base at all means necessary. Optimus assured his friend that he would talk to you in an attempt to get you to make safer choices. You agreed to ease up on the dangerous situations- but you would never stop street racing.
A few towns over, a street race was being held. The cash prize was great as usual- but you didn’t care either way. You lived for the thrill of the race. You loved the adrenaline that would flow through your veins when you went over 100 miles per hour. 
You got in your muscle car and made your way to that track. Next to you a beautiful cherry red Aston Martin sat. Your car window was rolled down so the other car could see you gaping. 
“Do I know you from somewhere?” a voice from the car chimed. 
“I think I’d remember a gorgeous car like that. You must have one great job to afford a beauty like that.” 
Knockout allowed his ego to be inflated. Flattery is the quickest way to his heart. He kept staring at you through his mirror, trying to put his digit on where he had seen you from when it clicked. You were the Autobot’s pet! You always picked fights with the Vehicons that you almost never won. The fact that you won any was impressive, though.
You ducked your head back into your car and smiled brightly at him, “Well, best of luck! You’re going to need it!”
Knockout revved his engine as he chuckled. Him? Need luck? Preposterous. 
A woman stepped out onto the track with a flag raised up. All of the cars revving their engines in anticipation of the race. Knockout, however, revved his engine in anticipation to beat you so he could drag you back to the Nemesis.
The race began, and you quickly made your way to the front lines. You had to swerve a little to the right as the red car tried to bump you. 
After a game of cat and mouse, neck in neck, you pulled out in first place. As you slowed to a stop the red car stopped right behind you. You looked in the mirror in confusion until you saw a gun emerge from the side. 
“Shit! A con’.” You muttered as the red car shot at you. Quickly, you put it into gear and used your Bluetooth to call the base.
“Who is this?” Ratchet’s grumpy voice came from the base.
“Ratch! It’s me, I’m being chased by some con’ with a hot car!” You yelled into the car.
“A ho- what? Where are you?” 
“Uhhh, at the Montgomery Dam?” You winced as you told him. He knew about this race because you asked him ahead of time to bridge you there when it was time. He refused, so you had to drive. 
“Y-I- I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO!” He yelled. You felt actual fear. Ratchet had never yelled at you like that before. 
While you were distracted Knockout had managed to bump you, causing you to spin out. You screamed in fear as the back of your car went into a ditch. Your head slammed into the steering wheel making you see stars for a moment. You couldn’t hear anything except the ringing in your ears.
Knockout transformed in front of your car, pulling it towards him. He ripped off the door and began to pull you out.
“Hello there, doll.” he grinned.
“W-what do you want?” You struggled in his tight hold.
“You see, I like winning. I don’t like to lose- so this time I think I’ll take a win anyway.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“You can never lose when you have a new pet!” He grinned at you. “I think I’ll keep yo-AGH!”
You were thrown into the air as Knockout was kicked in the back. A cool hand caught you and pulled you into a chest- it was Ratchet. 
“R-ratchet, I’m sorry- I j-” 
“Shh. It’s okay. We’ll talk later.” He transformed and secured you into his alt-mode, going back through the groundbridge he came from. 
Knockout stood up with a scowl on his face. He’d been looking for a pet for a long while, and he’ll be damned if he lets the perfect one slip through his fingers. He’ll get you, just you wait. 
When you got back to base, Ratchet transformed and placed you on a cot. You looked up at him with those big doe eyes he fell in love with. He gave you a quick checkup as you sat silently. You were scared of the scolding you’ll get.
“So? I’m waiting?” He said. He noticed the confusion on your face, “For the apology. I told you not to go, and you went anyway. “ 
While you did feel bad at first, you couldn’t help but be angry at him. “I’m my own person, Ratchet! You aren’t my keeper.”
A dark look flashed across his face as he leaned down closely to your face. “I am your keeper. In case you forgot, I’m your guardian. I will make the calls for you. You will listen to me, or there will be consequences. Do you understand?” 
You glared up at him. “Maybe I should get a different guardian th-” 
A fist slammed down beside you making you shake with fear. His eyes looked crazed as he scowled at you. “Don’t,” he vented, “Don’t even joke about that. You are my charge. The quicker you learn that I’m just doing what’s best for you, the better- because no one else wants a reckless brat like you as a charge.” 
You both sat in a tense silence as he finished patching you up, tears falling down your face. 
In Ratchet’s eyes, you needed to hear that- maybe now you’ll listen to him. Next time he may just have to make you have an accident, so you can’t endanger yourself again.
MTMTE Yandere Nickel
Not too familiar with Nickel, but I did give it a shot! :)
You had been snatched right off of the Lost Light as a hostage. Tarn had intended to kill you after you’d lost your usefulness, but he discovered that you had similar ideals. While you didn’t agree with killing, you agreed that something had to be done against the council and the functionalists. Tarn decided to keep you as a sort of ‘pet’. 
Of course, with having a pet on board, someone has to be responsible for your care. Tarn doesn’t trust Kaon to look after someone so fragile, so Nickel was tasked to your care when he was busy.
She hated you at first. She hated you being on the ship, she hated your fleshiness, and she hated everything about you. Or so she thought. 
She soon began to learn just why you were on the Lost Light to begin with when Vos had been brought in unconscious and leaking energon. You immediately began assessing his wounds (much to everyone’s surprise). You ordered Tarn to get you the required medical equipment so that you could help him. Tarn just looked to Nickel who nodded slowly in confirmation.
You and Nickel began to work together seamlessly to heal Vos. She never thought that she could work with an organic so well.
As soon as Vos’ injuries were taken care of, Nickel questioned you on how you knew what to do. You tell her the truth: You were taught by the best medic Cybertron’s ever seen: Ratchet. 
Nickel grew a little more respect for you as a fellow medical professional, and sometimes got you to assist her patching up the others, or to clean her tools. 
One day, the ship came under attack while the rest of the DJD were out on a mission. You and Nickel worked together to hold off the vicious attack from the scavengers that were looking for a quick buck. 
Without her knowing, a scavenger had a blaster trained on the back of Nickel’s head- which you took the shot of.
Nickel realized what you had done when she turned around, and could only gape in shock at you. You saved her life? After how cruel she was to you?
The rest of the DJD came in not a moment sooner, slaughtering the scavengers in a matter of minutes.
Nickel quickly took you to the medbay where she quickly assessed the damage. Your arm was burnt and obviously broken. She couldn’t help the guilt that flooded her when she had to patch you up. 
While you were resting, she sat by your bedside holding your hand. Tarn approached her and asked “Are you alright, Nickel?”
The frown on her face deepened. “I never thought that an organic could be so… caring. They must be the exception.” 
Tarn saw the sadness clear on the minibot’s face. The way she held your hand tight and sat by your side. “If you want to keep this human… I’ll allow it. They seem to make you very happy.”
Nickel looked up at Tarn with awe, “Thank you, Tarn. Thank you.”
A few weeks later you were still bedridden on Nickel’s orders. “You need to stay in bed. I’m just going to step out for some supplies you need.” She gently patted your head. 
When you were certain that she was gone, you jumped out of bed. Just because you were injured didn’t mean you’d stay in bed. You needed to escape. While you did care for the DJD a little, they also kidnapped you from your friends and your home. 
You were careful as you made your ways through the halls, making sure to not be loud in the event one of the cons’ stayed on the ship. 
Soon, you made your way off to see that you were in a docking bay. This was clearly a Decepticon friendly planet, because there were no Autobot symbols to be seen. 
You began to quickly maneuver through the crowds of large robots, trying to avoid being stepped on. You opened a door that was closer to your size and grinned as you felt the warmth of a sun on your skin. The sun that you hadn’t felt in a long time. 
You ignored the pain in your arm as you jogged outside.  You just had to find a communication device to get a message to your friends. You saw a shop that was large compared to you, but not nearly as big as a Cybertronian shop. You quickly entered and looked around for a shop owner. 
An orange, human looking alien stood behind a counter. You ran up to them and asked to use their communication, and they agreed. You grabbed the comm, beginning to dial in Ultra Magnus’ number when a hand grabbed your arm. 
You froze in fear as your eyes followed the servo to its owner, to see Nickel standing there with a glare on her face. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
You tried to make up a lie on the spot, but could only get out stutters. Your eyes fluttered around the store when you got an idea. You looked behind her, and stuttered out “T-tarn?” 
 Nickel’s grip loosened on you and you darted away out of the store. 
Nickel was furious. She had trusted you alone, and this is what you do? She’ll make sure it never happens again. She commed the rest of the DJD immediately. “Tarn! They got away, somewhere near my position.” 
A verbal sigh came from the other end of the comm, “Alright, everyone. Find them but don’t hurt them- that’s up to Nickel later.” 
Now, the entire DJD was hunting for you on the small planet. You were trying to find another place with a comm, but no one else seemed to speak English. 
You were running to go to another store only a few feet in front of you when a pede slammed down on the ground in front of you. You looked up in fear to see Tarn’s crimson optics staring down at you. He glared at you as he snatched you up. “Nickel, I have them.”
As soon as you were back to the Peaceful Tyranny, Nickel dragged you back to the medbay. She forced you into a human-sized chair and used several layers of gauze to secure you there.
“Did you really think you would get away?” She scolded. “Now look at what you made me do. Your arm is probably worse off from that now- and it’s all your fault. I won’t punish you this time- but let me tell you something.” Nickel grabbed your chin with force and made you look at her. 
“If you ever run again, I will break your legs. You. Are. Mine.”
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rowiewritesstuff · 8 months
Transformers Masterlist:
Color Coding:
Show/Continuity Yandere Fic Romantic Fic Platonic Fic Fic Name Colored in Red mean Trigger Warning Read at your own risk.
Transformers Prime:
Yandere Optimus Prime- The Soft Yandere Part 1
Yandere Optimus Prime- The Soft Yandere Part 2
Yandere Ratchet - The Protective Yandere
Yandere Bumblebee- The Devoted Yandere
Yandere Arcee- The Protective Yandere
Yandere Knockout and Ratchet Part 1
Yandere Ratchet & Knockout Part 2
Yandere Smokescreen - The Delusional Yandere
Yandere Wheeljack - The Possessive Yandere
Yandere Knockout and Breakdown
Yandere Soundwave X Reader
Yandere Shockwave X Reader
Yandere Poly Shockwave and Soundwave X Reader
Yandere Soundwave X S*lfh*rm Reader TW
Yandere Megatron X Reader X Implied Optimus Prime
Yandere Soundwave SERVERE TW
Yandere Starscream X Aircraft Maintenance Technician
Yandere TFP Megatron Matchup
Yandere Hardshell
Optimus Prime X Flirty! Reader
Shockwave X Cybertronian! Scientist! Reader
Soundwave X Reader Soulmate AU Part 1
Soundwave X Reader Soulmate AU Part 2
Optimus Prime Matchup
Smokescreen X Cybertronian Reader
Soundwave X Assassin Cybertronian Reader
Soulmate Megatron AU
Platonic Starscream X Sibling Reader
Transformers Earthspark
Yandere Megatron - The Protective Yandere
Yandere Tarantulas- The Possessive/Manipulative Yandere
Frenzy X Reader
Yandere Deathsaurus
Yandere Nickel
Yandere Tarn
Rodimus X Reader
Bayverse Poly! Yandere Optimus Prime X Reader X Megatron
Bayverse Optimus Prime Fluff X Shy! Sweet! F! Reader
RID 2015:
Yandere Soundwave SERVERE TW
Sideswipe Fluff (platonic)
Gen 1 Transformers:
Yandere Soundwave X Autobot Femme Reader
Yandere Soundwave and Cassettes 
Transformers Multiverse:
Various! Optimus Primes X Reader TMV Pt. 1
Bayverse Optimus X Bayverse! Reader TMV Pt. 2
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere Transformers Masterlist
- Yandere! Optimus Prime vs Megatron - Human Darling - No Particular Version (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Transformers: Prime
Multiple Characters
- Yandere! TFP! Knock Out + TFP! Breakdown with Human! Darling (Romantic - Sharing) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TFP! Arcee vs Yandere! TFP! Airachnid (Romantic/Platonic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Starscream vs Yandere! Megatron (Transformers: Prime - Human! Darling) (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Optimus Prime
- Yandere! TFP! Optimus Prime Concept (Ft. a small part about Orion Pax) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - TF:P! Ratchet (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TFP! Ratchet Prompt 53 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TFP! Ratchet Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TFP! Bumblebee with Human! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TFP! Bumblebee with Mute! Darling (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere Alphabet - TF:P! Wheeljack (Human Darling) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet A, B, C, D, F, G, H, K, N, T, W, Z - TF:P! Starscream (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Power Trip - Yandere! TFP! Starscream with Human! Darling Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Echoes of Cybertron - Yandere! TF:P! Megatron with Autobot! Darling Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TFP! Megatron Prompts 2, 11, 44 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TF:P! Megatron with Human! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TFP! Megatron Prompt 57 (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TF:P! Soundwave Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Clouded Judgment - Yandere! TF:P! Breakdown Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Knock Out
- Midnight Drive - Yandere! TF:P! Knock Out with Human Darling Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Midnight Drive Part 2 - Yandere! TFP! Knock Out with Human! Darling Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TF:P! Dreadwing Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TFP! Airachnid with Human! Darling Prompts 9 + 30 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Transformers: Animated
Multiple Characters
- Deception and Loyalty - Yandere! TF:A! Megatron vs Yandere! TF:A! Starscream Scenario (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Deception and Loyalty Part 2 - Yandere! TFA! Megatron vs Yandere! TFA! Starscream Scenario (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Ratchet Concept (Platonic -> Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TF:A! Swindle with Human! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TFA! Swindle with Human! Mechanic! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Out of Gas - Yandere! TFA! Swindle with Human! Darling Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TFA! Swindle Prompts 36 + 21 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TF:A! Blitzwing Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TFA! Blitzwing Prompts 15, 56, 17 (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TF:A! Megatron with Human! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TFA! Megatron Prompts 43 and 59 (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TF:A! Starscream with Autobot! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! TFA! Starscream Prompts 14 + 55 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
IDW Comics
- Yandere Alphabet - Pharma (MTMTE) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Pharma with a Human! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Tarn (MTMTE) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Tarn Prompts 2, 30, 46 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Nickel with Human! Darling (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Generation One
Multiple Characters
- Yandere! Soundwave + Rumble and Frenzy with Human! Darling (Romantic/Platonic - Sharing) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! ES! Megatron Concept - Darling that keeps trying to escape him (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! ES! Platonic! Bumblebee with Terran! Darling who can't transform (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Multiple Characters
- Yandere! TFCV! Shockwave vs TFCV! Soundwave with Cybertronian! Darling (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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petitelepus · 3 years
The long waited Yandere Decepticon Justice Division Quiz is here!
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petitelepus · 3 years
Hi, I know you have a ton of requests already, but when you're done with them, would you consider writing a follow-up to that yandere reader x Tarn fic? I really loved that one and I'm curious about what could happen next. Regardless, I love your writing and I'll enjoy anything you end up posting because your writing style is so nice and pleasant to read. Take care and goodnight!
Tarn snapped his helm up as sirens went off in Peaceful Tyranny. There was an intruder in their ship and his thoughts immediately went to you.
You and Tarn hadn't ended your last call exactly in friendly terms, but the feared Decepticon wasn't afraid. Did you honestly believe you could take on the whole Decepticon Justice Division?
As Tarn and others rallied they looked around, realizing that one of them was missing.
"Where is Nickel?!" Tarn asked and the rest of the DJD looked at each other like expecting someone else to know.
Suddenly Tarn's and others' commlinks clicked open and they answered.
"T- Tarn...!" It was Nickel! "S- Someone is here and-!"
Suddenly the line went dead and Tarn rushed to the medbay where Nickel spent most of her time... But the place was empty, save for long energon marks, as if someone had been bleeding and dragged down the floor.
Tarn and others immediately followed the trails, all the way to the Great Hall where the statues of their leader's, Megatron's, stood... And before those statues stood you.
"You-!" Tarn cursed under his breath.
"Oh, why it isn't Tarn!" You chirped as you turned around and the Decepticon group froze. You had Nickel trapped and pinned against your chassis. "I was afraid you wouldn't see the energon I smeared for you. It would have made getting your attention even harder."
"Nickel!" Helex and others cried out, but when they tried to approach you, you raised Nickel and held your energon tainted claws against her intake.
"Ah ah ah!" You tutted with a wicked smile, "One wrong move and your medic will bleed to death!"
"You coward-!" Tesaurus growled, but they all stepped back. You smiled like a cat with milk. "Good Decepticons."
"I'm giving you one chance," Tarn said and you could feel the hatred in his voice. The voice he couldn't use against you. Tarn growled, "Let. Her. Go."
"You're awfully attached to this cutie." You chuckled as you leaned down as you raised Nickel to meet you midway and you licked the side of her face. You chuckled as you could taste her fear...
"She tastes absolutely divine. What would you do if I took a bite out of her? Like I did with my own medic...?"
"Do that and you lose me forever," Tarn warned and you raised an optical ridge in a questioning manner. "Oh? What are you planning?"
"You have no use in me if I'm dead," Tarn said and those simple words were enough to drain your smile. "What are you-?"
"If you don't let Nickel go, I will offline myself and then you have no reason to do this."
"You wouldn't...!" You hissed and Tarn returned your glare with his own. "Are you willing to test me? You only get one chance in this."
The two of your glares would have been enough to offline any mech weaker than you two...! But finally, you nodded and the tension in the room almost deflated like a balloon.
"Alright. You win. I'll let her go...." You smirked, "On one condition."
"What is it?"
"You take me with you." You said and before Tarn or anyone else could object, you smiled, "Think about it! You and I, we can bring any traitor on their knees and have fun with them...! I can be an asset to you!"
"...Very well..." Tarn finally nodded and you absolutely beamed like a ray of sunshine. "Oh, marvelous, just marvelous!" You cheered as you put the small femme down. As soon as your captive was free, she made a quick dash to her comrades.
"Tarn!" Helex shouted, "They don't have Nickel anymore! We can kill them!"
"No!" Tarn called and everyone froze. Tarn walked up to you and you held his stare as he did yours. The maniac killers up against one another.
"I feel like we are starting something...!" Tarn said and you beamed. "Beautiful, I hope?"
"Something." He nodded but you were happier than ever before. It was obvious that you weren't exactly welcome to the Decepticon Justice Division... But they could learn to accept you.
After all, you were there to stay by your obsession's- No, lover's side.
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Six months. Six. Fucking. Months. That’s have long they had been captured and held at the Peaceful Tyranny. Six months of the torture that Tarn called his love. It had felt like an eternity.
They had given up multiple times, thinking that they would never be able to escape and that they should just let Tarn do whatever they want to them. But every time they gave up they remembered their friends onboard the Lost Light and they knew they had to continue. They had to see their smiling faces again. They had to laugh with them one more time. So they never gave up. They just had to wait for the right opportunity to escape.
One day it finally happened. Someone had forgotten to lock the habsuite door. They didn’t know who it was and at that moment they didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was that the door was unlocked. Quietly the sneaked out and looked around. Tarn had told them that he and the rest of the DJD was leaving to take care of a traitor so you knew that the only one left on the ship were them and Nickel. Nickel never approached them on her own so there was no risk that she was going to go check up on them. Their heart skipped a beat. Was this really happening? Were they finally going to escape from this hell?
Slowly they made their way through the hallways of the Peaceful Tyranny, listening closely for any sound that could belong to one of the DJD. If they saw them they would immediately recapture them. But there was no one. They were all out hunting. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they made it to the hangar doors. They pushed the button and slowly the doors opened.
When the sunlight fell on their face tears started to fall. It had been so long since they last felt this familiar warmth since Tarn had refused to let them out during this entire time. But now was not the time to act sentimental, they had to get as far away from the Peaceful Tyranny as possible. So they started running. They didn’t know which way to go or where nearest colony was but they didn’t care, they could figure that out when they got away.
The uneven ground felt wonderful under their bare feet and the breeze filled them with newfound power and energy. They were free, they were finally free! Six months of being locked up in that room but now they never had to set foot in that wretched ship ever again! Tears were still flowing from their eyes as they smiled in pure joy, happy to finally have escaped.
“And where do you think you’re going?”
The sound of the sudden voice startled them and caused them to slip and fall on the ground. No, it couldn’t be, not here, not now! With wide eyes they looked up and they saw him. The monster that had captured them. Tarn. He looked composed as he stood before them but they knew better, they could feel the anger practically radiating of him in waves. It didn’t make it any better that he was practically drenched in energon, nothing of it belonging to him. Tarn continued to talk.
“Here I thought that we were finally getting somewhere and now you do this? I am so. Very. Disappointed” he said, his last words sounding like snarls. They started to shake, teeth clattering together in fear as they watched him reach out for them. Desperately they tried to scoot back but it was to no avail, Tarn simply snatched them up with ease and brought them up to his face, raising them to his eye level.
“I’m sorry, Tarn, please, I’m so sor-” they tried to say but Tarn simply squeezed them a bit before they quieted down.
“I don’t wanna hear your lies and your pathetic excuses. Seems like I was to lenient on you, I gave you too much freedom” he hissed before his voice suddenly went soft and became oh so gentle. “But don’t worry, while I have to punish you I will make sure that nothing like this will ever happen again”.
They started crying, desperately pleading with Tarn not to do it, telling him that they would never do it again. But their pleads fell for deaf ears for Tarn had only one thing in his mind and that was to make sure you would never leave him again. Ever. You thought six months in his habsuite was bad? To bad for you for you were about to spend the rest of your life there. Perhaps cutting of your legs would make you more obedient? Yes, that sounded like an excellent idea.
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About Tarn changing his obsession can we get a small scenario of what there like after. Are they pretty much the same but devoted to him and the cause? - Anon
You and Tarn are sitting in your shared habsuit, lights dimmed and classical music playing, one of his favorite tracks. He hums quietly into your audio as you sit in his lap. Gently he caresses your cheek and you lean into his touch, a content smile on your face. You’re so happy being with your most beloved like this. He always makes you feel so special and loved. What did you ever do to deserve someone as great as him? Primus, you sure are lucky.
Suddenly the door opens and in comes Nickel. She looks… angry? Sad? You don’t know, she doesn’t seem to like you and never talks with you unless necessary.
“Tarn” she says, “Kaon have found another one on the List. They are on a nearby planet but are getting ready to leave. If we want to get them we got to act fast”. Tarn sighs, waits for a few seconds before gently moving you away from his lap. You whine as he stands up, not wanting him to leave.
“It’s ok my love” he reassures you while patting your head, “I will finish this as fast as I can then I will be all yours again. Do you promise to be good while I’m gone?”
“Of course Tarn, I promise!” you exclaim. Tarn chuckles before turning around and leaving, Nickel following him soon after and the door locks after them with a click. Outside the habsuit Nickel can’t help but grimace. He always keeps you locked up in that room when he has to leave, even after the surgery. He says it’s “for your own good” but Nickel knows it’s only because he doesn’t want you to leave. The surgery was a success but you can never be to careful.
As they walk through the Peaceful Tyranny Nickel continues to think about you, about what happened. It was sick. Sure, you were an autobot but no one deserves to have their entire life and mind changed inside out, destroyed and rebuilt. That was just wrong. Most of the crew agreed with her. Tesarus and Helex both had confided in her that they didn’t particularly like what Tarn did to you. It made them feel uncomfortable knowing how far he took his obsession, how much he was willing to do. What if he one day turned on them because he thought they got in the way?
Vos hadn’t said anything about it but Nickel saw how he watched you. His optics was full with pity, something that she had never seen him give anyone before. Whenever you talk about your love for Tarn he has to excuse himself from the room, not being able to handle it. Of course Kaon thinks this is all ok. After all, after what he did to Dominus Ambus what can you expect. To him love is love and if you want it you take it, end of story. Besides, Tarn is kind to you and treats you well so it’s alright by him.
Nickel shudder as she thinks of you and hopes that this would all be over some day. She knows that once Tarn gets obsessed with something he won’t ever stop so your ever hope to get out of this is either death or if someone saves you. Luckily she’s been leaving some trails behind for other autobots to follow so hopefully they will soon find you and get you out of here. She prays to Primus that they do because she doesn’t know how much longer she can stay looking at you and your false reality.
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zenxenophilia · 7 years
Hey Zen we've pretty much done half of the lost light and all the DJD for Yandere but I have a Yandere that would be really interesting. Nickel. Shes hates organics for what they did to her planet but for some unknown reason she really likes you. She's happy she just loves you. Cuddling becomes her new fav and she has so much baggage to talk about so lots of forced serious pillow talk. And manipulative making you do what she wants because of what happened to her planet. Part One
Yandere Nickel Part Two. The DJD don’t touch her human, out of respect and slight fear. You end up becoming like a second mom figure to them and you’re the only organic they tolerate. Also Nickel won’t flat out hurt you, she loves you. But if you broke her spark then maybe just maybe the crew won’t like you anymore and she won’t be able to protect you from Tarns rath if he found out and you’re not aloud to go on missions Continued
Yandere Nickel Part three but the boys have brought back half dead bots and tortured them in front of you so you know if you hurt their first mom no matter how much they like you they will kill and torture you slowly but don’t worry you get warnings and punishments can be hard but that’s what you get for a cycopath falling in love with you. And Nickel patches you up after nice and gently she doesn’t want you suffering after all. Head cannons please and DJD treating you like second mom.
How could I have forgotten about Nickel?!?!?  DX DX DX  I have been a fool!  An Egregious Fool!!!
You didn’t exactly ask to become the DJD’s surrogate caregiver, but that doesn’t stop them from coming to you with all of their problems.  For a group of murderous psychos, they sure do have a lot of repressed emotions.  Tesarus is usually the most willing to open up around you.  He’s got a lot of doubts about Tarn’s methods and he likes that he can talk to you without getting a veritable tongue lashing like Nickel usual does.  (Not that you have any choice other than to be outwardly sympathetic if you don’t want to get turned into scrap.)
Vos and Kaon also find helpful to rant to you after a hard day (though with Vos all you can really do is nod occasionally and hope your facial expression matches the tone of what he’s saying.)  They know better than to touch you, of course, but if you ever offered to patch up a minor wound or gave them a sympathetic pat, they’re certainly not going to say no.
Tarn and Helex for the most part don’t interact with you much - Tarn out of a slight fear of what Nickel would do, and Helex because he just has trouble interacting with people in general.  They do hold a certain amount of respect for you though, as much as they can respect an organic a fraction of their size anyway.  You’re the only human they would ever let check inside their frames for hidden damages (your hands are just the right size to repair those tiny, fragile wires.)
They all know you’d never do anything to hurt them, because it you did, well, let’s just say your tolerance for pain is much, much lower than the average Cybertronian’s…
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