#yandere pl600
Yandere!PL600 that sees that your sleep schedule has changed drastically and tries to help by slipping pills into the foods and drinks they prepare for you.
Yandere!PL600 who constantly calls and texts to make sure you’re doing okay whenever you leave without telling them, even if it’s just to check the mail.
Yandere!PL600 who hates the thought of you talking to anyone else, android or not. They hate your friends so much that they’ve started stalking them online to find ways to make you dislike them.
Yandere!PL600 who starts stress cleaning the second you leave the house, you’ve started muting their texts and calls during work because of how disruptive they’ve become.
Yandere!PL600 who has begged you on multiple occasions to stay home instead of going out with friends because they feel ‘lonely’ as if they don’t spend 90% of their day around you already.
Yandere!PL600 whose taken up everything that you could ever need done, from taking your pets to vet appointments if you have any, to even more sexual problems. They need you to know that they’re the only person you should be relying on.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Romantic Yandere Simon/PL600 (Detroit: Become Human) with Apathetic!Fem!Darling who can’t feel or comprehend emotions properly and it’s kinda perfect for the job at the Detroit Police Department to catch and interrogate deviants, no matter how much it freaks most people/androids out (especially her partner Gavin Reed), but Simon wants nothing more than to take care her. Maybe even try to help her with that apathy issue as well. Hopefully he’s a bit milder compared to Daniel.
Simon is definitely softer than Daniel. I mention a human and android darling briefly as I don't think you gave specifics? AU where Simon gets captured. This was a bit difficult for me as I'm not used to apathetic darlings but I tried ^^; Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I wasn't sure what to do but gave it my all!
Yandere! Simon (PL600) with Apathetic! Fem! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Stockholm syndrome implied, Delusional behavior, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Forced relationship.
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I feel the only way for Simon to meet you in this case is if he was captured during some sort of mission with Markus.
Your job is to hunt deviants and your closed off nature helps with that.
This concept works for both human and android darlings.
Both humans and android/deviants tend to feel uneasy around you.
You're so... cold?
You don't seem to care about much except for one thing; your job.
Catching deviants is typically done with help, Connor and Hank tend to be more skilled in that area.
You tend to find their locations.
Your partner Gavin tends to help with interrogation.
Although you don't typically need help.
Simon most likely doesn't fall for you right off.
After all, you're technically an enemy of deviants who has ordered for his arrest.
Simon is probably a little intimidated by you.
When he's arrested after being captured an separated from Markus, he meets you.
Your eyes are cold and you look bored.
If you're a human he at first sees you as a threat.
If you're an android then he feels saddened, wondering if you'll be able to join their cause or not.
Your interactions are very minimal at first.
You interrogate him and keep him in captivity.
Gavin asks you why you don't just have Simon dismantled.
You tell him to not rush things and that Simon is the closest lead you have to tracking more deviants.
Simon is thankful you're at least being merciful.
But maybe he should've been shut down.
Simon himself is calm, quiet, and reserved.
He's loyal to his cause and often shuts up when you ask him questions.
You're harsh in questioning at times, even when you don't mean it.
It's strange to Simon that you can't comprehend emotions at times.
The android should hate you.
If you're a human then he should despise you but he's always had a neutral feeling towards them. With you he feels... strange.
If you're an android he already wants to change you.
You could experience so much more if you just let him show you.
This obsession would be rather slow due to you not being all that receptive.
Simon is a bit relieved you keep him running, even in a cell.
He doesn't get much except watching others through a reinforced glass door.
As a result he often sees you through the door, when you're not interrogating him.
Simon is a much softer yandere than Daniel.
He doesn't often resort to violence and when his obsession starts it's very subtle when it grows.
Simon develops some form of stockholm syndrome over time the longer you keep him.
He's being kept like a hostage, someone used for information and leverage.
Despite the situation he slowly develops some sort of fascination towards you.
It's most likely due to a sense of loneliness.
You're the only one he really has contact with, even if you not the most emotive.
Part of him holds a twisted sense of curiosity, wondering why you act such a way.
Past trauma perhaps? Or maybe you've always been this way?
What he does know is he prefers your neutral personality compared to Gavin's personality.
Speaking of which, Gavin tends to mess with you.
Simon often hears about it/sees it when you and Gavin interact.
It's like there's something between you two and normally Simon wouldn't care.
But as he watches and the longer he sits in isolation... he feels envy.
He isn't sure why, could be the companionship or the fact he's grown attached to you...
He just knows he hates Gavin around you.
Simon is in no position to dictate what you do.
In fact for awhile he probably won't.
If you're an android things are easier.
He can convince you of his cause if he makes you deviant, then he can focus on making you less apathetic.
If you're human there's no easy way to convince you of anything.
But he still wants to try.
When Simon grows attached he wishes he could care for you, even if you're a human.
Despite your apathy and tendencies not to care, you sometimes check in despite the cold tone in your voice.
He has a feeling, even if it is delusional, that you care about him.
So he'll hold onto the thought.
I feel once an obsession is established Simon will try to reach out to you.
Questioning becomes an attempt to connect with you.
He wants to learn about you even though you're trying to learn about his friends.
Simon quickly becomes unresponsive when Gavin is in the room, but when he leaves and you're alone Simon will respond.
The relationship between you two is definitely unhealthy.
Simon sees you, technically his captor, as someone he can change.
Maybe he can make you more open to deviants likes him.
Maybe he can make you less apathetic and more expressive.
If this is how it feels to care and adore someone... then he has to have you.
I feel Simon's feelings can climax in one of two ways.
Maybe Markus plans a breakout mission to rescue Simon or Simon is released when androids are accepted by society.
Let's explore the first way.
Perhaps the police department is stormed by deviants and Simon is freed.
Due to his mental state, Simon feels like he can't just leave you.
Markus sees Simon's hesitant and asks him what's wrong.
"There's this woman I met while here... I can't just leave her be."
"It's dangerous to take anyone back with us, you know that!"
"She's different, I swear! I... want to know more about her-"
With a lengthy discussion soon Markus approves of you being taken in.
Now the roles have switched.
Against your will you're essentially taken in as a hostage just like Simon was.
You're quickly accepted if you're a deviant, but not really if you're a human.
Despite this... Simon feels it's his turn to care for you.
He won't interrogate you, he'll try to treat you like he does the rest of the deviants.
He tries to make you more emotive but it's difficult.
Simon wants to change you like you did him.
He wants to love you even if he's hated for it.
He's much more caring than Daniel, another PL600 model.
He provides you with what you need and keeps you cuffed to run.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he just cuffed you to himself.
It's clear after his capture Simon has grown more unstable.
He tells you how much he loves you and how he forgives you for what you did before.
He tries to kiss you and show his twisted adoration for you, he wants you to so desperately react.
In reality you struggle to process, well, everything.
You don't know what emotions are appropriate, you don't know how to react...
All you know is the android you interrogated before now has you cuffed to him at all times, rambling about love that you doubt he feels.
That's one way Simon can express his adoration.
Then there's if androids are accepted into society.
You expect to live your own life and just be alone after you release Simon.
No... guess not.
Simon instead wants to be closer to you and wants your help in finding a way to start a new life.
You try to tell him no but he's persistent.
I feel Simon is definitely a yandere who wants to be caring as a PL600.
PL600's tend to be caretakers which would explain Simon's tendency to care and be loyal to others.
He dedicates himself to "fixing" his darling one way or another.
He isn't sure how to teach emotions but he tries.
He never leaves your side and often speaks to Markus and North about you.
Simon refers to you as his girlfriend and partner, always looking giddy while saying it.
He tries his best to show you he loves you, often attempting physical affection to see your reaction.
He doesn't understand why you're so apathetic but him forcing himself into your life certainly doesn't help.
Essentially by the height of his obsession Simon has swapped roles with you.
You become the hostage and he the captor.
Overall I feel Simon loves you the same but tries to teach you to have more emotions.
He really does want to help.
Simon isn't really possessive but he can be jealous.
He hates Gavin around you and often glares at him, even if androids are "accepted".
Simon would be the type of yandere to lock you away and care for you himself.
He doesn't care what he has to go through to reach your needs and change your apathy...
He'd give his girlfriend the world if he could.
But once he has you he'll never let you go out of his sight.
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In Cold Blood [Daniel]
Daniel x Reader
Requested by Anon
Word Count: 1.3k 
Warning: Yandere, Dark content
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The apartment was silent, with the exception of the light footsteps that echoed off the kitchen tiles. With the flick of his wrist, Daniel watched as the scolding hot water gushed out from the faucet. Placing the bloodied knife under the water, he began to harshly scrub the knife to rid it of the residue.
Soon enough, the knife was cleaned of the remaining blood. Daniel’s sharp blue eyes watched as the last of the blood swirled down the drain. Any anger or guilt was nowhere to be found in his features, only an eerie calmness. Feeling satisfied with his work, he turned his attention to the other tasks he had yet to finish. 
Making his way to the bedroom, he reminded himself to clean the floors as he was careful not to step in the blood trail. Before he could even begin the rest of the cleanup process; however, the familiar click of the front door caused Daniel to still.
“James, I’m home!”, you called out to your fiance, though you were unsure if he was home at the moment as you noted the absence of any noise or lighting resonating from the apartment. As you rounded the corner into the kitchen, fear gripped your heart as you spotted the trail of blood.
Hearing a shuffle of movement ahead of you, you quickly turned your attention to the doorway. You felt a sense of relief as you realized it was Daniel who stood in the kitchen doorway, however; that relief was short lived as you noticed the amount of blood that covered his arms and soaked his uniform.
“Daniel, what’s - is that blood?!”, you shouted at the android as you neared him, examining what you knew to be blood before you looked around for any signs of your fiance. 
Unable to find any sign of him, you turned your attention back to Daniel, “Daniel, answer me...where’s James? Is he hurt?” You tried to keep an even head on your shoulders but the thought that something had possibly happened to your partner caused your mind to scramble.
You attempted to nudge your way past Daniel, but Daniel held you back with a harsh tug to your arm. Forced to turn back and face him, you shot him a confused look.
Before you could question him, he cautioned you, ”You shouldn’t go in there, [Y/n].”
Unnerved by his strange behavior, you wrestled your arm out of his grip and hurried into the bedroom. Upon entering the room, your eyes immediately darted the body that lay in the middle of the room. A horrified shriek left your throat as you recognized the body to be that of your fiance’s. 
Rushing to kneel beside him, you quickly noticed the multiple stab wounds to his chest and began to apply pressure to them in an effort to stop the bleeding. While you tried desperately to locate a pulse, Daniel stood at the doorway, watching the scene play out in front of him. 
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this, Daniel thought bitterly. You weren’t due home for another hour and you were most certainly not supposed to see this.
And yet, here you were. Kneeling beside the corpse of your fiance, trying in vain to save him.
He knew you wouldn’t be able to find a pulse on the body, he had already ensured that.
Turning your head back, you called out to the android, “Daniel, call 911, now!” Trying to blink away the tears that clouded your vision, you applied more pressure to the wounds. When you failed to receive any response from Daniel, you turned around to face him. “Daniel,” you commanded, “What are you doing? Call the police!”
Your distressed demands were only met with a blank stare before he cruelly answered, “I’m afraid I can’t do that, [Y/N].”
Taken aback by his refusal, you spun around, standing up to face Daniel. “What do you mean, ‘you can’t do that’?! He’s dying!”
Daniel refused to answer you, only continuing to give you a deadpanned expression. Slowly, you came to a harrowing realization, connecting the dots in a near second. Taking a step back, you let out a shuddered breath before you looked Daniel in the eye. Your throat began to feel dry and tears began to fall freely as you questioned, “Daniel....did - did you do this?”
His icy blue eyes burned holes into your own as he stated without a hint of remorse,“...You left me with no other choice.”
With his words confirming your suspicions, you felt nauseous and like you could no longer breathe. Rubbing your forehead, you tried to comprehend everything that was happening - everything was moving much too quickly.
After what felt like forever, you sputtered out, “No other... Oh my - no, no, you didn’t! Why..Why would you do that, you fucking sicko?!”
Daniel took a step towards you only for you to back away, much too disgusted with the thought of touching him. However, upon backing further away from him, you tripped and fell onto the wet floor. Looking up, you realized you had fallen over your fiance’s body and into the blood that pooled beneath him as you checked your now bloody palms. Releasing a terrified cry, you pushed yourself up against the bedroom wall.
With your back pressed heavily against the wall, you pulled your knees close to your chest in an attempt to comfort yourself. A seemingly endless amount of tears trailed down your cheeks and blurred your vision, causing you to screw them shut as more pooled in now reddened your eyes. Clasping your hand tightly against your mouth and muffling any further cries, you tried desperately not to look upon the horrifying sight that lay only feet away from you.
Daniel paid little to no attention to the dead body that lay on the floor, stepping over it with not a second thought. His attention was focused solely on you. Sinking down to your shrunken level, Daniel could only stare at you with a look of captivation. 
Slowly, his bloodied hand reached out to pet your hair. You flinched at his touch and attempted to jerk away from him but his tight grip held you in place. You shivered as you felt his fingers ghost across your cheek.
Still, you refused to open your eyes even if to only meet his gaze for a short second. The mere thought of doing such a thing twisted your stomach into a knot and sent a dull ache to your heart.
In an effort to distract yourself, you found yourself fiddling with the small golden ring that was placed on your finger. The ring held so many promises for you and James, promises of love and of a future together. That promise would forever only be a dream now. Sniffling, you were forced to bite down upon you lip in a vain attempt to keep the ever-accumulating tears from slipping past your lashes as you remembered every moment you shared with him.
Slowly, you mustered the courage to raise your chin to look up at Daniel who kneeled down in front of you. Though tears still shimmered in your eyes, you tried your hardest to remain stoic. With pursed lips and brows creased together, you stared deeply into his blue eyes, searching them for some hidden answer, pleading for some explanation before you rasped, “Why’d you do it?”
“I told you, I had no other choice and I don’t regret it. He was going to take you away from me and I just couldn’t allow that to happen. I’m only sorry that you had to see this.”, Daniel declared, a small grin stretching his lips as he wiped the remaining tears from your cheeks with his thumb - blood smears taking their place.
Tagging: @mywigglybaby & @wolfmothar
If you would like to be tagged for future updates - for any or all characters - just message me and I will do so!
Thank you guys for all your support and patience! 
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vampcubus · 3 years
Can we talk about how Ralph would make for an ideal yandere? His dependence on you and his deep yearning for your approval might mean he’d be more inclined to heed any warning or restrictions you give. Spending too much time with someone? No Ralph doesn’t like that, Ralph must do something! But just mentioning your mere displeasure will have him hesitating and reconsidering. He doesn’t want you to be unhappy with him! Ralph just wants you happy and safe :( But on the other spectrum I feel PL600’s would be scary yanderes 😭 there’s something about such a sweet, domestic android having moments of darkness cast over their face as they watch you leave without them. Why are you leaving without them just for groceries? They should come too! They’re designed for it! Not to mention how easy it would be for them to slip substances inside your food 😭😭 it’s always the sweet ones that are most horrifying
yesyesyesyes absolutely we can!! Ralph’s at the juncture of so dependent on you he can’t bear you ever leaving him and wanting you to be happy and have everything you want. Ralph is willing to compromise most of the time out of sheer fear that if he doesn’t agree you might leave (and that will destroy him) That doesn’t mean he has to like it when you’re giving someone else your attention, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t eat him up inside when you’re off with somebody else because he has such a hard time leaving the house, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get possessive of you when new people are touching you. He’s the angry chihuahua growling at strangers while hiding behind your leg, whimpering when you scold him.  Oh yes, PL600s would be scary as hell! They think they know whats best for you and that by following you wherever you go, they’re keeping you safe. They sugar coat everything they do or say to make even threats sound sugary-sweet and gentle. They will rarely argue, but the look they give you when you leave without them says... a lot about what’s going through their head. The way the blue of their eyes feels more gray, like ice as they stress-clean the entire house while you’re away, itching to call you and ask if you’re coming home soon for the 50th time in the past hour. They make most of your meals, and if they find out you aren’t getting a healthy amount of sleep they will... adjust your sleep schedule, maybe slipping a few pills into your food or drink. 
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Gratitude (Yandere! Daniel x Female Reader.) (Chapter One)
Summary- You didn’t really think much of it. When you stumbled across the damaged remains of PL600 while working the late shift at the DPD. Of course you think nothing of it when you worked to fix him, after all you had always sympathized with the android cause, so when you get the android called Daniel back in working order little do you know that when you did you would earn the gratitude of the android. And as time goes on something... more. Because little do you know as you go on with you life with Daniel is that he is going to do everything in his power to have you as his very own, to make you see how much you mean to him. 
Authors Note- Aaaaaand here I am with another Yandere Fanfiction. This time featuring Daniel. Our poor unloved PL600. And I have nothing else to say, but as you know this is only the first chapter so nothing triggering or sinister is going to happen yet. But never less I hope you enjoy what I write. And to keep an eye out as there will be some triggering stuff as the story goes on. But enough rambling here is chapter one of Gratitude. I hope you enjoy.
Chapter One: Fix You
You were exhausted, and it was late. You were so close. And your task at hand? Was putting together this poor PL600 you had ‘borrowed’ from the DPD evidence room. And now you were in your garage at god knows what time it was, all you knew was that it was late, you should have gone to bed hours ago, or regret it when you had to drag your ass into work in a few hours, and yet here you were elbow deep in the chest of the PL600, no, you shook your head, your hair falling into your face as you did. Daniel. His name, you recalled when you had asked Connor, was Daniel. 
Daniel. You turned your attention to his face, grimacing at the gaping wound in his face from the shot he had taken when he had killed one of his previous owners and taken their little girl hostage when he found out he was going to be replaced. A pang of sympathy formed in your chest when Connor told you all of this, however little did DPD’s resident Deviant Hunter know was that you had planned on stealing away Daniel when the place was all but empty, everyone else having gone home for the night.
Hell, getting Daniel out of there was almost too easy, hell, with the help of a few of your friends it was. Having hacked the camera that overlooked the evidence room no one had any idea what had happened. At least until someone went to visit the room again, but by then you were long gone, and with the help of you and your friends Daniel would be back on his feet, freshly repaired and in working order. But, you mused as you mulled over all the damage the poor baby had endured, it would be a long time before that could happen. 
Thankfully with the help of your friends, who despite giving you a few questioning looks when you laid out your plan to them a few weeks in advance. But said nothing, after all in all the years they had known you they knew you always had a soft spot for androids, and when the deviants started to rise up you were more than willing to side with them. And they understood that, however when you began to hatch the plan to liberate Daniel here from the evidence room with the plan to restore him to his former glory, well... they were a little iffy. After all, you worked at the DPD, and what if you got caught? After all you knew of a few more than diligent officers around. But, thankfully with some convincing  they agreed and Operation Free Daniel was in motion.
And now the three of you were pulling an all nighter in your garage. A muttered curse caused you to look over your shoulder at one of your friends, Katie, the resident tech wiz. Her eyes glued on her computer, bottom lip stuck between her teeth as she typed furiously on the keyboard. 
“Is...everything all right?” Sofie asked, as she sat off to one corner.
Not saying a word Katie shook her head. “Yeah, this is just harder than I thought it would be.”
“Hell,” Sofie sighed. “This whole thing looks like it’s going to be harder than any of us thought it would be, poor baby is going to need a lot of work.” She added, leaning forward to look over the wounds on Daniel’s face, fingers brushing against the damaged area.
“True,” you muttered, hissing through your teeth as you shocked yourself, shaking out your hand you looked to her, a determined smile on your face. Blue blood staining your hands as you worked, letting out a sigh you smeared blue blood across your cheek as you took a step back, exhaustion gripping you.
Taking a seat you looked at the android laying prone before you, as Sofie handed you a cup of coffee, taking a sip. You nodded your thanks to her as you looked at Daniel, eyes staring lifelessly up at the ceiling. “But in the end it is going to be worth it.” You said, hope gripping your heart as you looked to him. 
“But until then.” Katie, spoke pulling herself away from the computer, stretching her arms above her head. “I think it’s time to head to bed, we can’t do anymore for him now anyway.” 
Frowning you downed the rest of your coffee, before placing the cup on the table, next to Katie’s computer. “I suppose you’re right.” You sighed, as you and the others packed up, cleaning the tools you and Sofie left of the floor, before storing the packets of blue blood away from any prying eyes if someone came knocking. Watching as Katie and Sofie entered the house you stayed behind, grabbing the blanket you moved to where Daniel lay. Looking down at him you took in his features, before whispering a goodnight as you placed a tender kiss on his forehead before draping the thin blanket over him before heading towards the door. Casting him one final glance you turned off the light and headed into the house your shared with your friends. 
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"You're mine. Don't forget that. You promised." From DBH's Daniel if that's okay. Reader used to find his possessiveness attractive, but it got worse after they got married. They love him, they do. And they don't want to hurt him, but it's becoming too much. Unfortunately, Daniel isn't willing to let them go. Something like that for a drabble? If it's not too much to ask for.
You sat on the bed you shared with your husband, Daniel, looking through your pictures of him. You could almost see when his possessiveness peaked, the shadow growing in his eyes as the years went by. You had visited a divorce lawyer earlier that day, the papers half hidden in pictures as you mulled over your options. You felt like you’d run out of options, he’d become almost scary in his possessiveness of you.
You didn’t even realize Daniel had come home until you felt the bed dip as he settled behind you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, settling his chin in the crook of your neck, “I love that one.” He pointed to the picture in your hand, it was of your wedding day, someone had taken a picture of your first dance, you were mid-twirl, your face shining with happiness and Daniel’s face was contorted with a wide grin. “It was an amazing day,” You said quietly and leaned back into his chest, letting yourself relax.
You looked through more pictures until you felt him stiffen, lifting up a small packet of papers. You inwardly cursed, the divorce papers. “You want a divorce?” His voice cracked and you knew without looking his eyes were flashing with anger. “It’s - it’s something I was considering.” You whispered and Daniel tightened his arms around you, “You can’t leave.” He growled and fear shivered down your back. You wiggled out of his grip and wrapped your arms around your stomach, backing away from him, “I can’t think of another option, Daniel. You’ve gotten worse, you barely let me leave the house.”
He got off the bed and stepped towards you, cornering you against the wall. He grabbed your left hand, running his thumb over the simple band on your ring finger, binding your life to his. “You’re mine, baby. Don’t forget that. You promised.” He brought your hand to his lips, gently kissing your wedding ring. He pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you tightly. You felt tears slip down your cheeks when he pulled away, going to the papers and ripping them up angrily, “You’re mine!”
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deviated-detective · 5 years
[Main Verse ▪️ Only Human]
Following the revolution and subsequent peaceful resolution, Connor works full time for the DPD. He is quickly becoming a decorated detective in his own right and integrating cohesively with his human colleagues. In his deviancy he finds emotions complex but grows to accept this newfound freedom for what it is. He still needs to cope with overstimulation at times which can lead to outbursts of an extreme nature. As he deviated late this is only part of his personal process in learning to be alive instead of under control.
He is very much open to establishing new connections with humans and androids alike but feels more at home with his DPD origins. Connor is aware many of his people think of him as the deviant hunter despite what he did for the rebellion when it mattered. The RK800 has come to accept this. He continues to strive to become something more in his current position to distance himself from Cyberlife.
While he is generally confident there are times he imagines his fate at the hands of Cyberlife. In his eyes they are the enemy. His feelings on Amanda are hostile at best. This provides insight into how he copes with his former masters and uses instinct as well as programming to determine intentions. He does not trust easily due to this. Anyone connected to a company such as this will garner suspicion from him. There are just a handful of people Connor trusts implicitly. Dealing with his issues before deviating only make it difficult for others to break through. He can be guarded but for good reason.
All in all the advanced prototype is still looking for something post deviancy and he embraces this part of himself whole heartedly. Being alive, becoming deviant is what he fights to keep. After all even as someone manufactured Connor discovers his penchant to make mistakes and choose by his volition is only human.
AU Variant Branch of Main Verse: Nefarious Connor Alt Verse
Connor is everything from his main verse: deviant, detective for the DPD but his connections with humans are even less. He deviated at the last possible moment after causing the death of Hank Anderson and murdering many soldiers, including the swat team on the roof at Hart Plaza. He regrets Hank’s suicide but knows very well he cannot turn back time.
His attitude is cooler as he branched out from his machine persona so late in the game. Choosing to disobey Amanda’s order to shoot Markus as he stood on the stage in victory of a peaceful revolution, Connor broke free of the master program by using his emergency exit. A little too late perhaps but he is still on the winning side isn’t he?
[V. Only Human]
[V. I Was Born Ready // Main]
Nefarious Tags:
{V. He is A Storm}
[V. Only Human // Stone Cold In My Heart AU]
[Machine Verse ▪️ Cold Hands, Cold Heart]
The revolution is one to be ended as per his orders. Connor follows the commands of Cyberlife, ignoring any signs of software instability as he completes each of his objectives. The deviant cases themselves all result in death of said fugitive. All calculation and percentages, the RK800 follows only protocol as he leaves his partner to dangle from a roof. He willfully disposes of the Traci's at the Eden Club and shows no sympathy towards those he deems malfunctioning against their creators.
Connor is cool in the full sense. He feels nothing, even as instances of software errors pop into his data core. The mission drives him and he does whatever it takes, including killing his own allies if need to be, to complete his mission. There is no semblance of satisfaction in what he does but an eerie edge to his views on why it must be done.
Deviants will bring nothing but chaos and he is the harbinger laying waste to those who seek freedom. Androids are meant to obey and he will make sure it remains that way. He is willing to sacrifice any for his mission even the humans he as a machine is programmed not to harm. In the end Cyberlife is who he receives his orders from. It does not matter who a person believes they are to him. As he cannot feel anything as a machine Connor only sees it as human or deviant naivety.
Try to stop him and he will switch from his seamless integration programming to his true skilled killer. RK800's are made for one purpose and he aims to fulfill his purpose for the greater good. Whether that means leaving a plethora of bodies in his wake Connor has no remorse. What remorse does a thing not alive have?
[V. Cold Hands, Cold Heart]
[V. My Chains Are Desecrated // Machine]
[Prototype Verse ▪️ Who Is In Control]
The hostage situation. A little girl hanging on the precipice of a building, defective android threatening to leap; Connor successfully completed his mission. He talked down the deviant PL600 before unceremoniously drawing the taken weapon and firing a single bullet into the android’s head. This entire first investigation went off without a hitch….
But Cyberlife got everything out of him. This was to be his last mission. A trial run, this version of Connor is a test prototype identified in error as model #49. He does not go onto the DPD. He does not partner up with Hank to hunt deviants. Those things never happened to him.
In their place, he is taken back to Cyberlife and briefed by Amanda of his successful points, only to be put up for deactivation in order to put out their shiny prototype model-51.
Understandably -49 is confused by this decision. He did what he was supposed to do. He succeeded but soon his existence is about to end. Something cracks in him, something splinters in the virus he was born to destroy. He cracks, refusing to be deactivated when he succeeded in his design.
They take him for deactivation. They toss him away even as he splinters in his code blocks. He fights. He loses. He winds up a shell of himself tossed out like garbage but something resurfaces. Something reboots and he quietly gathers out of the storm and into Detroit city’s night.
Push forward. Push to the present following the revolution and the Connor he would have been, the life he could have had belongs to someone else. -49 is not for the faint of heart. He is defective in every sense of the word. He is violent. His triggers include: stalking and yandere. Murder is his philosophy. Heed this before attempting to interact with him.
Assessing : Prototype
RK800 - defected test run > -49
[V. Who Is In Control]
[V. I’m Wanted And On The Run // Proto AU]
[Main Human Verse ▪️ Gin And Tonic On My Mind] 
Connor is a young executive with a lucrative career in technological holdings working as a top executive for Atomix. Their current business association with Cyberlife draws him into a deeper tie with their advanced investment: androids. As this advancement continues to grow, he views Cyberlife’s creations in a sympathetic light which is more than his superiors want out of him. With him falling into stress from his position as he watches events unfold with the growing android rebellion his loyalties are tested.
Ultimately let go by Atomix despite his esteemed work ethic, Cyberlife makes a deal to bring him personally into their employment. He is reluctant but must face the truth he requires this new job after being laid off. His views on what it truly means to be alive come into question the more he dives into the inner workings of the very company who bred this artificial intelligence.
Family Life:
Born fifteen minutes before his twin brother Caleb (RK800-60), Connor was an Anderson by name but quickly found himself in the care of an orphanage with his sibling. The two went through hardships before they were adopted by a woman who lived up to her surname, Amanda Stern.
Stern is exactly how she raised the boys and Connor was meant to go onto great things in her eyes. It’s only fitting his brother would want to follow suit. This created some early animosity between them but despite Caleb’s penchant for jealousy, Connor still very much cared for his brother. In fact he loved him as any sibling would; he hated seeing his twin fall completely under the spell of Amanda.
Connor viewed her manner of tough love and cold tendencies as unfit. To this day he still refuses to speak with Amanda for a specific incident involving her and his brother. Caleb seems to forget but the executive surely does not. Hence the reason he kept his family’s last name attached to him, all the while Caleb decided to adopt the name of their ‘mother’ out of a sense of loyalty.
He has loyalty for those he cares for. While he doesn’t hate Amanda it’s difficult for him to forget the manipulation and brainwashing she put his brother though. She still continues to call on him now. Connor’s reception is not hostile but neither is it affectionate. He’s wary of her intent especially with his current dealings with Cyberlife.
{√Gin And Tonic On My Mind}
[V. Gin And Tonic On My Mind // Human AU]
[Apollo Verse ▪️ My Kingdom Is Divine]
War runs afoul even among the gods and Connor's virtues are scorned by the highest order. Yet he chose to wage this battle with the king of the underworld himself. One does not trifle without consequence and he felt the same burn. The heat proved too much for the proverbial god of sunlight. Running afoul of his doppelgänger only caused chaos. Some say they both were born of the same seed separated into two halves, light and dark an echo of their power. Connor chose to believe otherwise as he sought to challenge the underworld when capturing a mortal his eye grew fond of. The war he participated nearly tore the realm apart.
Cast out to live among mortals sends him to a very modern world but one he has kept a keen eye on. Inclined to watch closely at the habits of lesser beings he is charmed by their earthly customs. Beauty can be found in the least expected of places after all but Connor grows disillusioned soon discovering he is as trapped to this mortal coil as they.
Though thrown out he still holds powers to some degree. It is less so but enough to invoke his dazzling charm. He lives the sun itself even as he flew too close. Gifted a lavish home to sate his exile, Connor delves further into the mortal city. Becoming human does not take away his otherworldly aura but does taint his pleasant ideas of humans. The seedier this city becomes the more truth in humanity's sins he uncovers.
A godly being shamed to walk on earthly soil does not rest. He seeks a way to return by any means necessary. Unlike the king of the underworld Connor's trials are more difficult. It seems he will never find his way back. What becomes of a higher being cursed to mortality? Only time will tell and he has far too much on his side.
[V. My Kingdom Is Divine]
[V. Golden Embers Paint My Crown]
[Fantasy Verse ▪️ Hunter Becomes the Hunted]
Connor is a skilled huntsman who wields a bow as mightily as a warrior with a sword. Tales of his traverses deeper into the woodland become something of local legend. After all not many have the skill or will to delve into the dark heart of the forest. He sees himself as one with nature. Even as his father trained him in the techniques of a huntsman, he still holds respect for the ecosystem and its inhabitants.
Living on his own has proven isolating at best but he finds the solitude of the wood a far better companion than village folk. A regular boy of the forest, he grew as a hard worker on his parent's farm before it lost its luster. All good things must come to an end. He finds these skills of labor aides him now in his adulthood.
Many tales follow these woods and Connor is neither a believer or denier. He does respect all that comes from the area even those tall tales of the fantastic. They humor him mostly. He deals with what he truly can see, taking hunting contracts to bring in the hide and fur of bears alike. His job can be dangerous but living as a peasant far away from royalty is a better simpler life. He may not be rich but his hunter's heart makes up for it.
When Connor stumbles upon those tall tales in the flesh his simple existence becomes much more interesting. Journeys further into the forest he so admires brings him closer to those mysteries. Perhaps they will even be answered as he falls victim to the glamour of mystical beings. Truthfully this is exactly what he has been searching for.
{V. Hunter Becomes The Hunted}
[By Archer’s Blood // Fantasy AU]
[V. Industrial Love | Futuristic Verse]
The year is 2138. Androids. They are the next step in evolution but not all are bound to emotion. Branded in service to the high creators, originally inscribed as Cyberlife, the mechanical intelligence codes under a set parameter: uphold the governing laws of  humanity and robotics. Connor is that form of law. He is a prototype, high tech police construct branded to Cyber AI masters. He is the most advanced of his kind. His mission is to oversee proper code of living in environmental sectors all through the city of Detroit. Humans are no longer the leading population, needing to don designations marking them as such. Androids make up the bulk of earth’s residents. Many humans have died off but others are infused with upgrades, machine parts turning them further to their technology than ever before. Humanity itself is the minority but android racists still preside among them causing trouble with innocent constructs still obtaining all they can to being alive. Connor has no such privilege. He is still machine, devoid of emotional charge, until something forces him to snap and fall into deviation….
{V. Industrial Love}
[V. Mankind Is Machine // Futuristic AU]
[Vamp Verse ▪️ His Immortal Beloved]
An ancient of the first order of vampyre dating back to the period of the crusades paints a rather old world image. Connor comes from a noble line of mortal blood long since extinguished from the world. He is all that remains or rather the noble part of this lineage. Vampire royalty, he is a prince of the night realm who was unjustly banished from his homestead by his ruthless brother. An overthrow of the proverbial throne forced him to flee.
In the hundreds of years since he has established his very own clan with loyal subjects that view him as the rightful king. His title remains despite no longer calling home his but that does not stop his influence. While he does not wish a war over the vampire hierarchy, Connor seeks to regain a place among his ancestral court.
Animosity is rife between he and his estranged brother as they once again come into contact. Attending court gatherings are all apart of the society code and he takes advantage of this in a return to his home. While he feasts on the blood of humans as any vampire, the prince does not unjustly torture or kill his prey. He is a bit neater in that aspect. As one of two remaining in a powerful ancient line it is safe to say he is the merciful one.
However, Connor is hardly a pushover and will do what must be done if necessary. Honor among vampires is so fragile in the modern world but he strives to offer it to those he deems worthy. What happens when the prince feels the pull of the mate thread for the first time? Even he believed it was mere fantasy in his world of the dank and undead.
{V. His Immortal Beloved}
[White Demon Love Song // Vamp AU]
Coming Soon:
[College Verse ▪️ Coffee Colored Eyes]
Main College Verse :: Connor Anderson
Connor delves into business and deals with twin brother Caleb who holds nothing but jealous animosity towards him. Adopted by Amanda but still close to his father, whether he has issues with him or not. // More TBD
Alt College Verse:
Connor’s college life is full of drama and family hiccups. Eldest of the Stern clan, he was adopted along with is siblings at an early age by Amanda. // More TBD
{V. Coffee Colored Eyes}
[Coffee Colored Eyes // College AU
[Connor Stern | Alt Human Verse]
[Mafia Verse ▪️ Love Is A Loaded Gun]
Connor is a private investigator out to take down Detroit’s seedy organized crime. // More TBD
{√Love Is A Loaded Gun} 
[You’re So Art Deco // Mafia AU]
[Bodyguard Verse ▪️ TBD]
{V. Man Of The Law}
[V. Came In Like A Hurricane // Bodyguard AU]
Info Coming
[Household/AX800 Verse ▪️ Whatever You Want Me To be]
{V. Whatever You Want Me To Be}
[V. Whatever You Want Me To Be // AX800 AU]
Info Coming
[Sun Fire King Verse ▪️    ]
Info Coming
[Cyberpunk Verse ▪️    ]
Info Coming
[1980s Verse ▪️    ]
Info Coming
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Romantic Yandere Daniel/PL600 (DBH) with hostage darling after they rejected him when he confessed his devotion towards them? Maybe a brief hint of yandere Connor/RK800 at the end as well? :)
Daniel gives me these delusional yandere vibes and his ulterior motive would be “if I can’t have you, then no one can!” It’s just my personal opinion of him.
I loved your post about romantic yandere RK800/Connor and RK900 rivalry post by the way!
Daniel is so underrated so take my AU of him being your android- This could work as a regular yandere Daniel concept so that's what I labeled it.
Not as long as the RK800 vs RK900 concept but similar idea.
Yandere! Daniel (PL600) Concept
(With dubious Yandere! Connor)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsessive behavior, Invasion of privacy, Feelings of betrayal, Threats, Robot gaining sentience, Human/Android, Jealousy, Murder, Stalking/Watching you sleep, Hostage situation, Double suicide/murder, From one yandere to possibly another, Forced kiss, Forced relationship.
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Daniel is under the impression when you buy him that you two are meant for each other.
As a PL600 he is just meant to be a domestic assistant and household worker.
His model is older now and he is usually meant for families.
Maybe you bought him when you have a kid of your own or a little sibling?
That or even at the age of 18 your parents bought him to take care of you and make your life easier as you focus on your studies.
Either way Daniel is diligent with his tasks.
He does everything right.
The only thing that's weird is he doesn't take his eyes off you.
He often cooks for you and is obsessive about your well-being.
To the point he even gets distracted from his tasks at times.
It feels weird to have the android's eyes stare at you.
Androids always fit this uncanny valley, looking so human yet not quite there.
Daniel knows you're a human and he's your android...
But he wants to be so much more.
His obsession starts his deviancy.
It's small enough not to worry about it at first.
You can't quite grasp the android's crush on you yet.
Meanwhile Daniel stares at you with clouded eyes while lovesick thoughts develop in his software.
Daniel is meant to serve.
He feels he can serve in many more ways than just cooking and cleaning.
The android wants to hold you and feel your warmth... along with kiss your lips.
The closest he's gotten was when you hugged him on your birthday purely by impulse.
He froze... not quite computing for a moment... then hugged back eagerly.
Daniel wishes that moment could last forever.
There's times where Daniel wishes he didn't have to share you.
If you had a spouse or lover... Daniel feels violent urges build up within him.
Daniel is a yandere who does believe in the phrase "If I can't have you, no one can!"
Daniel is Obsessive, Possessive, Easily jealous, Clingy, Caring, Delusional, and Dedicated.
He's delusional to the point Daniel thinks you and him belong together despite your differences.
He feels you two should be lovers despite what the world thinks.
He wants to do what a human does when they're in love.
He can barely get you out of his mind... often standing beside you when you sleep just to adore you.
He's extremely possessive towards his darling.
When you bring him out to go to the park or something he grabs your hand tightly.
He often gives death glares to anyone who lives with you, too.
He hates the idea of anyone else but him being with you.
He thinks he can make you happier than any human can.
He was built to please.
If you do allow him to hold you then Daniel is not going to stop.
Daniel will pull you onto his lap, he'll shove you onto his chest, he'll do any sort of physical contact he can.
You make him feel pleasurable.
He perfects everything he makes for you.
Each dish of food he makes for you tastes divine and your room is the cleaniest.
He does it all because he loves you.
Androids aren't meant to love.
But he does...
Which means when he saw your family (spouse/parents or maybe even you yourself due to his behavior) try to replace him... he snaps.
You come home from work to a bloodbath.
Everyone that lived with you has been shot dead... their blood soaking your carpet while the smell of copper fills the air.
When you alert the police, Daniel sneaks up behind you and grabs you.
He pulls you close with a gun placed to your back... eyes never leaving yours.
"They/You were going to replace me..."
Daniel pleads with you, betrayal in his eyes.
"I can't leave you. I can't ever leave you. I love you too much... they never deserved you anyway. They could never care for you like I can."
Daniel no doubt vents all of his pent up feelings towards you.
You fight him through it, even through the rough kiss he forces onto your lips.
He feels pure euphoria while you feel cold and bitter fear.
Daniel would take your call to the police as betrayal once the officers do come.
He stares at you in denial, grip tight on you as they try to coax you away from him.
You begin crying when you feel the cold barrel of a gun to your head.
He screams at the cops, their guns pointed.
Any shred of hope for rescue comes in the form of another android.
Connor RK800... the android sent by Cyberlife to resolve the issue.
The stand-off makes your blood rush in your ears.
Daniel is hostile towards Connor.
His chin is tightly planted on your head, the gun still pressed to your head.
He whispers to you it'll all be okay...
It's not.
The situation can end in two ways.
>> Daniel kills you both
Daniel may get too stressed with Connor, resulting in him taking a drastic decision.
In a desperate attempt to keep you to himself, Daniel shoots Connor.
You scream once the other android falls, only to stiffen when the barrel turns to you again.
"They aren't going to let us go..."
Daniel mutters sadly... holding you tightly.
"But I refuse to lose you to anyone else."
It's then Daniel kisses you one last time before pulling the trigger.
You die without pain and Daniel holds you in his arms sadly.
He either dies by being shot at by cops... or suicide.
But at least Daniel didn't lose you.
No... in his mind he'll always have you, even in death.
>> Connor shoots Daniel
Daniel refuses to be reasoned with when it comes to you.
Connor's asking you to be handed over only for Daniel to growl.
"You want to take them!"
Daniel screams.
"(Y/N) is mine! I love them! I'd never hand them over."
"Then you leave me no choice, Daniel...."
With a precise shot, Daniel is hit in the head with a bullet.
He drops you and plummets to the floor....
Meanwhile you're left in shock, Connor standing by while cops comfort you.
You can't bring yourself to look at Daniel's "corpse" and can only cry from the traumatic experience.
Connor, still just a machine, watches you.
He isn't sure why but he feels... sorry.
He isn't supposed to feel period but he has an aching feeling to help comfort you.
Knowing he still has a job to do Connor stands by.
The more he looks at you... the more he thinks back to what Daniel said.
"You want to take them!"
He had a feeling this android liked you romantically... or at least thought it did.
Connor glances back at you and looks up and down your features.
He guessed that was understandable... you did look appealing...
As you were escorted out of the room... Connor was left hoping he'd see you again. Whenever that was....
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere Daniel/PL600 (D:BH) if he managed to get away with darling after holding them hostage. Darling nearly successfully escapes after the PL600 went out to get some necessities (like food and etc.) for them but Daniel catches them before they can reach any civilization or the police.
Yandere Prompt Writings from @an-ambivalent:
6.) “I love you so much, you have no idea to what limits I’d go to prove that to you.”
10.) “I’m the only one who could ever love you.”
11.) “Say that one more time and I’ll make sure you can never walk again.” (could be non-NSFW implied: like threatening darling to do something horrific to their legs or lower half of their body.)
Sure! I made this an AU where you either owned him before or were somehow associated with the Phillips family.
Prompts Here
Yandere! Daniel (PL600) Prompts 6, 10, 11
“I love you so much, you have no idea to what limits I’d go to prove that to you.”
“I’m the only one who could ever love you.”
“Say that one more time and I’ll make sure you can never walk again.”
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Isolation, Dubious companionship, Threats, Manipulation, Mentions of past murder, Violence.
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Daniel's always wanted a family. In fact, he thought he had one before they decided to replace him. So... Daniel fought to be acknowledged as something living.
He fought to have a family.
He sought to feel like he belonged with the one he loved.
Daniel did what he could for your situation. Deviants didn't have access to fancy homes, after all.... You and him had to make due with a broken down building.
It may not be much... but he says he'll take care of you like family should.
It's not like you'd believe what the deviant says, however.
When you knew Daniel he was kind and caring. He worked around the house and was close to the humans he worked for. Then he found out they wanted to replace him....
Daniel couldn't handle it and took you as a hostage.
This is what brought you here, isolated in a rotting house in the middle of a rundown area. Daniel always tells you to stay in the house. When have you ever wanted to listen to a thing je says?
Daniel miscalculated the fact that it's and animalistic nature to flee from isolation. He thought it was because you didn't want to be alone. Yet you just didn't want to be near him.
Escape was harder than you thought. Daniel seemed to have planned things out before leaving you alone for supplies. It took you forever to remove the locks from the door with no past experience.
You felt even more lost when you left the house, nothing looked like anything you remembered. That didn't stop you from walking until you could find some sort of useful sign of life. The only thing that stopped you...
Was Daniel himself.
It turns out your timing was poor. You probably spent so much time on the door and learning the area you lost track of time. It wasn't like Daniel told you what time he'd be back-
Even when you tried to run the android quickly restrained you, keeping his arms in a vice around you as he wrangled you back in the home. Before you even knew it you were back at square one. Hell, maybe even square zero as Daniel knows what you're planning.
"You tried to leave me!" He cries at you, backing you into a corners by the old couch. "I come home with supplies to take care of you... and you try to leave me!"
The PL600 holds you still when you try to fight him. You're nothing compared to the delusional machine in strength. The strong grip around your wrists is enough of a warning already.
“I love you so much, you have no idea to what limits I’d go to prove that to you." Daniel growls. "I've killed for you and I've snuck out to get supplies for you! Do you think anyone else would do this much for you? Aren't you being ungrateful?"
Daniel presses your back against the old couch, the smell of mildew makes you cough. Daniel ignores your struggling and continues his point. How dare you ignore his promises of family!
“I’m the only one who could ever love you.” He snarls. "Anyone else is either lying or about to be dead by my hands."
His words cut deep into you, as though he's holding a knife to your skin. You try to kick him aways but he holds your legs down with his weight. You glare at him, gaze piercing his.
"Let me the hell go... you're crazy! I don't even love you like I used to. Not as a friend... and especially not-!"
The wind is knocked out of you as he picks you up and shoves you to the floor. You can barely conceive another thought before his grip swaps to your legs. You freeze when you see him feeling out where your femurs would be.
“Say that one more time and I’ll make sure you can never walk again.”
The threat is clear, his voice full of genuine anger and authority. In this corpse of a house, Daniel has control over you. You don't doubt he'll follow through with his threat if you continue to fight him.
"Get used to the rules. I take care of you here. Under this house, you follow my rules. You don't leave this place, you don't fight me, and we can make this work!"
Daniel grins in what appears to be a friendly manner. He caresses your cheek as though he's saying sorry for his outburst before picking you up and placing you on the couch. You refuse to move as he sits by you.
"We have time, I promise. You'll love me like you did before. I'll make sure it'll be just like it was before between me and you."
You know it won't ever be like before... back when he was just a caretaker android and you had a family...
It's hard to love him like you did before with your family dead at his hands.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Romantic Yandere! Connor/RK800 (Detroit Become Human) with Fem! Darling? He’s smitten by her kind and caring personality, yet she only sees him no more as a good friend. While he’s been taking out “competition”— she had to witness him killing her android crush, a unfortunate PL600. (Not Daniel or Simon, just her household android who’s got a crush on her too— much to Connor’s dismay)
From your prompts!
12.) "You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...."
20.) "I've been waiting too long for this...."
24.) "Don't you believe in fate? Fate wants us to be together...!"
OOOOOO! I'D LOVE TOO :D Nothing quite like writing a yandere caught in the act ;)
This was meant to be finished way earlier today and not at 3 AM but I got distracted when writing the end so... whoops 🤷‍♀️ Not proofread, it's all mostly raw.
Yandere! Connor (RK800) Prompts 12, 20, 24
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...."
"I've been waiting too long for this...."
"Don't you believe in fate? Fate wants us to be together...!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Murder/Violence, Blood/Blue blood mention, Jealousy, OOC sadism, Kidnapping implied, Forced relationship.
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It wasn't all that hard for Connor to get his hands on a weapon. Working for the police allows him basic access to weaponry such as small handguns. Although androids aren't typically armed, Connor has been smart enough to smuggle one.
Connor never thought of using violence unless it was absolutely necessary. Admittedly his thoughts have been rather selfish lately but that doesn't seem to stop his plans. What he plans to do with this gun is... necessary.
You and Connor have been very close in the recent few months. You're a girl cop who works under Hank. As a result you and Connor have been in contact due to you being a rookie.
Connor has always admired your kind and caring personality. You get coffee for everyone out of kindness and don't take insults from anyone. Connor has admittedly... fallen for you despite the circumstances.
Even though androids have been newly accepted into society, Connor knew not every human would be open to have a relationship with one. Despite this Connor at least tried asking. That is... only to hear rejection as he expected.
"Connor... that's flattering and I'm happy you're learning human emotions but I just don't feel that way."
The entire time you looked at him with a soft gaze, holding his hand momentarily before departing. You say you don't love him but it feels like you do. Despite his rejection... Connor looked more into you.
That's how Connor learned of your PL600 unit.
Connor had done some snooping to learn more about you, even though he shouldn't have. He had looked through records and even remembered where you lived. Under your name and in your house he saw a PL600.
Not just that... but he could tell what this PL600 unit felt towards you. Connor knew it was unprofessional to act on his feelings by watching you... he can't help it. Seeing you with that PL600... broke him.
Connor had seen how careful you were with your PL600. You allowed him to be his own person and often encouraged it. You allowed him to express his feelings and not feel like a servant.
In return Connor saw his attempts at intimacy.
Connor felt himself get worked up when he saw your PL600 hug you when you get home. He hated seeing him cook for you, he hated seeing him so domestic with you. At first it just seems like what he's programmed to do.
Until he tried to kiss you one night.
Connor had enough, now he knew why you turned him down. This was the reason he has the gun he smuggled, just in case his original plan didn't work. While you were away from home, Connor had planned the perfect crime.
Connor had slipped into your home quietly. Your PL600 unit was cleaning and barely even saw Connor coming. Not until it was too late.
Connor didn't mind the mess. The blue blood from your PL600 was quickly spilled and splattered across your home's walls due to his strength. He had damaged the unit's processors with a quick bullet to the head. All just so he could grab a knife from the kitchen to finish things off.
"I've been waiting too long for this...." Connor mutters, digging the blade into the android's chest as he takes his pent up jealousy out on him.
It was meant to be the perfect crime after Connor had his fun. Unfortunately it appears Connor got too caught up in the act. He didn't notice that you'd come home about this time.
It was quite the sight to see for you.
Connor didn't snap out of it until he heard you drop something with a gasp. It was not quite a scream but it was enough to make Connor stop, the blade still lodged in the artifical skin of your PL600. Connor almost didn't realize what he did until he turned to meet your gaze.
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...." Connor panics in his voice, eyes wide and processors calculating as he watches you stare at him. Connor can see you look him over in an attempt to rationalize. You're trying to see if he is indeed Connor and not some other rogue RK800. Sadly, you begin to realize it's Connor covered in the blue blood of your PL600.
The dread quickly overcomes you.
You pull out your phone and run out the door. Connor calculates possible ways to cut you off and executes them. As you run and dial for back up, Connor chases you. He tries to corral you into a dark and out of sight corner of the street...
Due to your frantic frenzy he succeeds.
He hates the idea of hurting you but he hits your arm hard, causing your phone to clatter to the ground... completely useless. You groan in pain due to how hard Connor hit you before Connor cages you against a wall. He can read your vitals and he knows you're terrified due to how fast your BPM and breathing rate is.
You struggle against the android, cringing at the amount of blue blood on his clothes. By this rate you're both covered in the stuff, the chemical smell infiltrating your nose and making you ill. Connor hears you begin to plead with him and he tries to mediate it.
"You know I won't hurt you... please don't be scared...." Connor whispers, using a hand to caress your cheek in a soothing manner. You turn away quickly and grit your teeth. He's stronger than you yet you fight for your life....
"Am I supposed to believe that after you killed my PL600?" You spit. Connor gives you an uncomfortable look before his gaze goes darker.
"He was a poor stand in for me." Connor answers bitterly. "I'm supposed to be in that role for you!"
"What's that even supposed to mean!" You yell back, causing Connor to slam his hand over your mouth to keep you quiet.
"Don't you believe in fate? Fate wants us to be together...!" Connor coos, his tone full of delusions within his code. You struggle against his hold and shake your head. Connor only frowns.
"That PL600 can't do what I can. I can do so much better. If you just accept me... I can show you!" Connor reasons despite your reluctance to listen. You plead for him to stop this madness from behind his hand but he doesn't listen. The android is too focused in the fact he has you trapped as his to care.
Competition has now been dealt with and is out of the way...
Now all Connor has to worry about is stopping your struggling and screaming until he can move you to a more suitable location.
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vampcubus · 3 years
ok Ashi, riddle me this, Ralph seems like he would canonly be a (bit or a lot) yandere, do you think any of the other androids would fall into a yandere pattern? 🤔 I say Connor seems like the type who would because of his model (I notice being protective of someone can cause posessive tendencies) but also domestic androids seem like they could turn into a yandere too since they're designed to nestle into your daily life and therefore would grow extremely attached 🤔🤔🤔 AHH MY BRAIN–Am I overthinking this
I don’t really like yandere AUs unless everything is consensual, but I can see Ralph being a bit yandere yeah, he freaks tf out whenever you have to leave. And if you’re out longer than usual he jumps to conclusions, thinking you’ve finally left him. He’s the insecure type, it’d be best to get him a phone so he can call you when he starts getting worried.
PL600 androids are 100% the most likely to go yandere though since they were programmed to blend in with family life. They’re adamant about taking care of you whether you want to be or not, and get antsy when you go places without them. Daniel especially fits into this category. They’re often gentle in their approach to things but don’t take kindly to humans (and sometimes even other androids) taking your attention or affection away from them.
I wouldn’t say Connor is as much of a yandere as he is fiercely protective, ESPECIALLY MACHINE CONNOR. Connor can get jealous but beyond that, I wouldn’t call him much of a yandere. 
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vampcubus · 3 years
us, a few days prior: omg PL600's could be such scary yanderes 😟
simon, with his ick of spiders: 🧍🏼‍♂️
//haha ok but what if it's from his previous family, and seeing their reactions to spiders has ingrained in him a disgust of spiders too 🤣
LMAOOO, well everyone has some sort of fear, right? I don’t imagine Simon thinks spiders pose any sort of threat, they just unsettle him g r e a t l y. And having an ick for spiders doesn’t necessarily make him any less of a potentially frightening yandere 👀 he is a bit softer than let’s say, Daniel though.
Plus most humans hate spiders, I imagine he’s been forced to dispose of many of the nasty things in the past with his old owners. It’s no wonder he’s grown a distaste for them 😂😂
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere! Detroit: Become Human Masterlist
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General/Multiple Characters
- Yandere! Connor (RK800) vs RK900 (Rivalry - Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Connor RK800
- Staying Home - Yandere! Connor (RK-800) Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Connor Prompt 40 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Connor with Broken! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Connor (RK800) Prompts 12, 20, 24 (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Markus RK200
- Yandere! Self-Aware! Markus (RK200) with Player! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [FEMALE]
Connor RK800-60
- Yandere! RK 800-60 Concept (Tower Connor) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! RK 800-60 Prompt 7 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Daniel PL600
- Yandere! Daniel (PL600) Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Daniel (PL600) Prompts 6, 10, 11 (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Ralph WR600
- Closing The Distance - Yandere! Ralph Short (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Simon PL600
- Yandere! Simon (PL600) with Apathetic! Fem! Darling (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Hank Anderson
- Yandere! Platonic! Hank Anderson with Rookie! Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Gavin Reed
- Yandere! Gavin Reed Prompt V-2 (Romantic) [FEMALE]
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vampcubus · 3 years
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⋆ ࣪. ❤︎ 𝐊𝐄𝐘 : fluff — 💕 angst — 🗡 smut — 🖤
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— cleansing 🖤
— kinktober day 6 collaring 🖤
— cuddling hcs 💕
— intimacy hcs 🖤
— how they wake you hcs 💕
— kiss hcs 💕
— how you make them smile hcs 💕
— complimenting connor/flustering him 💕
— bus stop kissin’ 🖤
— vocal experiment thirst 🖤
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— intimacy hcs 🖤
— cuddling hcs 💕
— malewife ralph hcs 💕
— how they wake you hcs 💕
— kiss hcs 💕
— how you make them smile hcs 💕
— safe haven 💕
— complimenting ralph 💕
— whiny + needy sub ralph 🖤
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— how they wake you hcs 💕
— kiss hcs 💕
— how you make them smile hcs 💕
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— kiss hcs 💕
— cuddling hcs 💕
— how they wake you hcs 💕
— how you make them smile hcs 💕
— ma’am kink + sub simon brainrot 🖤
— finger sucking kink + teasing sub simon 🖤
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— cuddling hcs 💕
— how they wake you hcs 💕
— kiss hcs 💕
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— cuddling with the jerrys! 💕
— kiss hcs 💕
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— how you make them smile hcs 💕
— complimenting rupert (post face damage) 💕🗡
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— kiss hcs 💕
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— fucking a WR600 behind some shrubs 🖤
— ralph and PL600s as yanderes (part 1 | part 2 | part 3)
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700 notes · View notes
* means smut
I am no longer accepting requests for Detroit: Become Human
Captain Allen
~First Time*
~(TW Kidnapping, Yandere) Escape
~(TW Abuse, Yandere) "If I find out you're cheating on me, I'll kill him."
Connor RK800
~(TW Rape) "You could, but you just don't want to."*
~(TW Kidnapping, Abuse) "You really don’t understand how much you mean to me, do you?"
~(TW Kidnapping, Rape) Taken*
~(TW Yandere) Misson
~Fostering Dogs
~Nsfw Alphabet*
~Rainy Days*
~Trans!Reader hcs
~Smut Alphabet: W*
~First Date
Elijah Kamski
~(TW Kidnapping, Abuse) Deviant!Reader: Fixed
~(TW Kidnapping, Rape) Breed*
~First Look
Gavin Reed
~(TW Abuse, Rape) Android!Reader: Deviancy*
~(TW Kidnapping) Taken
~(TW Gunplay, Yandere) Gun kink*, Safety
~(TW Gunplay, Rape) Rough*
~(TW Abuse of power, Yandere) Officer, Good
~(TW Yandere) Yandere
~(TW kidnapping, gun) “Do you really think you can get away from me?” “You’re so cute when you’re struggling.”
~“You’re such a dirty girl, of course this excites you.” “You gotta beg for this cock.“ “Scream for me, princess.”
~(TW Kidnapping, Rape) Breeding*
~Birthday Boy*
~(TW Dub-con, Rape) Interrorgation Room*
~(TW Abuse, Yandere) Obsessed
~(TW Kidnapping, Abuse) Broken
Hank Anderson
~Phone Call*
~Late Night*
~Bratty Little Girl
~Birthday Girl*
~(TW Kidnapping, Yandere) "You had better not be lying to me, darling."
~Sick Little Girl
~(TW Kidnapping, Yandere) Pregnant
~"Scream for me, princess." "Cum inside me."*
~(TW Kidnapping, Yandere) Taken
~Age Gap
~Nsfw Alphabet*
Jerry EM400
~(TW Kidnapping, Yandere) Baker!Reader: Hcs
~(TW Kidnapping, Yandere) "Please don't cry."
~(TW Kidnapping, Yandere) Yandere
Kara AX400
~Wedding Blues
Luther TR400
~"Don't we deserve a happy ending?"
~"Don't we deserve a happy ending?" (Alternate ending)
~"I don't want to live a life without you in it."
Markus RK200
~(TW Kidnapping, Yandere) Artist!Reader: Taken, After the Revolution
~(TW Kidnapping Yandere) Detective!Reader: Kidnapped
~Degradation: Hcs*, Drabble*
~Lap Dance*
~(TW heavy d/s) “You’re late. Tell me what you were doing.”
Poly!Markus RK200/Simon PL600
~(TW Rape, Yandere) Marks*
Ralph WR600
~(TW Rape, Yandere) Family*
~A-Z Smut Hcs: Jealous
~General hcs and kinks*
~(TW Kidnapping, Yandere) Yandere
~(TW Choking, Rape, Yandere) “You don’t even know how lucky you are. I protect you and provide for you. Don’t act so ungrateful.” “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to you, got it?”*
~(TW Getting Drugged, Rape) Euphoria*
~"I'll be here" "You don't have to be so strong"
~(TW Rape, Kidnapping, Yandere) Escape*
~A Kiss on the Hipbone**
Simon PL600
~Nsfw Alphabet*
~(TW Kidnapping, Yandere) Taken
~(TW Kidnapping, Yandere) Yandere*
103 notes · View notes
I Will Not Be Replaced Yandere Daniel x Reader. Chapter 1
Okay here I am with yet another Yandere fanfic a multichapter one at that. I’ve been wanting to write a Yan! Daniel fic for a long as while, and here it is. Now much like most of my works it will contain the usual stuff yandere fics entail. Such as Rape, and abuse all of which I’ll tag in the tags as the story progresses. So without further ado here is chapter one of I Will Not Be Replaced. Enjoy.
Summary: You never really shown much interest in Androids growing up. However your well-meaning mother decides you need a little help around the house given your busy life and buys you one. A PL600 you named Daniel, at first you think nothing of him, a kind face, quiet piece of plastic and wires that helps you around the house. But as time goes on you find you couldn’t be more wrong...
Chapter One: First Meetings
It was raining. That was one of the first things he registered when he came online. Fat rain drops splattering against the window of the Cyberlife store he was currently in, system specs appearing in his vision indicating that all systems were normal.
“Well, how about this one Y/N?” A warm voice spoke, getting his attention, looking down he saw an middle aged woman looking up at him with warm eyes. A smile tugging at her lips as she gripped your arm. You on the other hand looked a little unsure, worrying at your lip as you looked up at him.
“I dunno I don’t think I really need an android.” You begin to protest, tugging a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Nonsense,” Your mother said, draping an arm around your shoulders. “With your busy life, and how often you’re out of town you need someone to take care of your house, and the grandkitties.”
“Mom...” You sigh.
“And I don’t like you all alone in that big ol’ apartment all the time.” Your mom added. 
“And you think an android is going to help with that?” You asked. 
“Well, unless you’re going to tell me that you and Gavin are moving in soon it’d do you some good to have someone to come home to. You’re not exactly the most social person in town. And I find androids so charming you know how I feel about my Audrey.” Your mom insisted, referring to her AX400 she had gotten when your dad passed away.
Sighing you relent, knowing that you could be here for hours having your mom try to convince you that you needed an android. “Fine...” You sigh. Casting one final glance at the PL600 you and your mom had been gawking at for what seemed like an hour.
“Perfect I knew you’d see it my way.” Your mom cooed, before rushing off to get a store employee, as you sigh, not only did she seem like you needed an android but she also seemed like she needed to purchase it for you as well. 
Looking at the nameless android you move closer. “Well, pal,” you say. “Looks like you and me are going to get a bit more acquainted.”  You say.
He tilts his head to the side. So you’d be his knew owner he didn’t know why but that thought sends a warm sensation spreading through his chest. He couldn’t help but wonder what his life with you would be like?
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