#yandere teruko
iloveyanderes · 1 year
Yandere hunting dogs analysis, I'm doin it. Doing it for my fellow hunting dogs lovers.
This will not include the captain and the fifth member because one there names are two hard and I hate the captain (don't tell teruko) also teruko will be platonic.
First analyzations:
Tecchou: he's a rather odd guy, very questionable food tastes, but he seems like a very kind and loyal dude, he also drinks respect woman juice, be like him. He has complete and utter respect for justice and those that show respect to others. He's good-natured to the bone and an absolute idiot, he seems attached to jouno in some way despite how jouno tells him he wishes he were dead like every other five minutes, in the manga he lost jouno for like 15 minutes and then threw away justice and beat up a 14 year old child. I think he was kinda having a panic attack. This actions prove that he would put his love ones above justice, his usual number one thing, we don't know much about his backstory so I can't analyze that too.
Jouno:I haven't seen his backstory in the manga so what I'm about to analyze might not be true so talk it with a grain of salt, I heard from third party information that he was originally a criminal who got reformed and joined the hunting dogs. He's also a sadist with exceptional senses other then his sight, because you know he's blind. Despite the fact that he's a sadist he loves saving people and in the end will put people over his own pleasures.
Teruko: personally I believe she is a lot older then she appears, she is a bit more sadistic then jouno but a lot better at hiding it, with her relationship with the commander if she truly loves an admires someone she just end up doing whatever they want, but I did see a theory that she's being brainwashed of some sort and I have to admit I believe it so that character point is debunked for me but I'll still use it because there's a probable chance the theory is not true, her most scary side is when she goes along with what others say with a smile, shown in the manga when she fights sigma, absolutely loves getting piggy back rides from litterly anyone, not to mention she cried when she finally got this one evil guy whose name I don't remember to confess. So very fun character.
Type of yandere:
Tecchou: harmless, protective, out of the three I'd probably want him as a yandere, he's so weird in general that you probably wouldn't even notice that he's a yandere at all, very protective, like I said earlier he's willing to put his loved ones above justice and your on the top, he doesn't care if the person that hurt you was a normal civilian or even a hero like him, he will make them pay. If you were a normal civilian he probably would be like that one guy you have complete trust in, visits your home and buys you a bunch of food, if you were a hunting dog he would be right next to you like glue, never leaving you alone, think tecchou and jouno but 3×, might take a lot of your missions to protect you so just bonk him on the head and he'll back down. If you were a villain it be a very very different story, a lot more rough but would definitely believe he could reform you.
Jouno:manipulative and sadistic, at first glance he'd look like he would be an easy yandere to escape because of his blindness but it's the complete opposite, his heightened senses and the fact he's in a worldwide military unit makes him a very hard yandere to escape, if you were a civilian he absolutely will kidnap you and keep you in some bunker, if you were apart of the hunting dogs he would volunteer to be your partner all the time and then nitpick you for every little mistake you make, his sadistic tendencies would go through the roof if you were a villain, physically torturing you simply because he can. Don't get him wrong, he genuinely cares for you but has a very hard time expressing it.
Teruko(platonic): clingy and sadistic, she is sometimes super nice and sometimes super mean, is not protective but would not hesitate to beat the shit out of someone and torture them for giving you the slightest of bad looks, regardless of what you are she will demand you carry her over her shoulders. if you were a civilian she's gonna be more of a stalker type of yandere, most of the time you don't even know she's in your house until you wake up at three a.m. to your tv going off and she's right next to you on your bed, smiling at you as if you'd invited her to have a sleepover at your house, if you were a hunting dog think how she is with the captain but a lot worse never leaving you alone kinda like tecchou but through physical contact, if your a villain I'd suggest pulling a Xie lian and staying in a coffin for a 100 years, because damn this girl is terrifying, the type to enjoy terrorizing the terrorists and she thinks of you as the toy she can never break, the longer you last through her torture the more she likes you, so I'd suggest dying quickly.
Bonus: tecchou and jouno: having tecchou and jouno as a yandere would be better then having them as separate yandere's, mainly because there too busy talking to each other to talk to you, bickering ×10 jouno can't be sadistic with you because tecchou will stab him in the butt and tecchou can't let you be free because jouno absolutely refuses to let you go. To be honest you might end up laughing a bunch of the time because of there bickering and it being ridiculous, though you do have to be nice to jouno or else he'll like tecchou feed you his weird food combinations, overall this wouldn't really be that bad of a duo.
Bonus bonus: same as before but add teruko to the mix, this is absolutely wild jouno and teruko's sadistic nature combining with each other and more of suegiku bickering= wildness, imagine just you and teruko sitting in the corner and suegiku argue about the move random things, teruko really likes to tease you and depending on your reactions it'll either turn sadistic or gentle.
I don't have ideas for individual but I do have one for the three of them together.
1. I've been trying to write this on Wattpad but I haven't gone far or posted it, imagine previously being really close friends with the hunting dogs, like they visit you every opportunity they get at this point in time their not yandere but then you get kidnapped by some random evil man and get experimented on until you become some half human half bird thing, were you can turn into a bird but you forget everything, then get rescued by the arm detective agency and then you begin to work for them. When they get framed by the decay of angels your to busy trying to get atsushis foot out of the ground and don't appear on tv, but later when your helping your groupies out you get ambushed by tecchou and jouno who recognize you immediately but you have no idea who they are, immediately they jump to the conclusion that the ada brainwashed you and that your doing this against you will and meanwhile your like "who tf are you!?" Escaping with the help of chuuya they go to tell teruko and she is super pissed. "Not only are these guys terrorists but they freaking brainwashed my bestie!" Is what she thinks, oh boy, angry teruko is terrifying. Eventually they end up kidnapping you and keep you restrained for "your own safety" not to mention you keep fighting back simply because you have no idea who these weird people are and your more focused on helping the people that helped you.
2.your someone who joined the military at 12 years old, your entire life was dedicated to it, everything you are is to serve in the military, so anyone can imagine your happiness when you were told by your Superior that you were getting promoted. Becoming an assistant for the hunting dogs, or at least you were happy about it until you learned this meant all paperwork and no saving citizens whatsoever, that was there job. Regardless of that you still went to the job openheartingly, the moment you step into the place your immediately bombarded by the sight of a little girl crying, giving the girl a piece of candy you had she immediately stops, smiling you ask what's wrong and her answer confuses you to the max, she whined about finally getting a confession from some evil dude, complaining about how she thought she could torture him forever and he'd never break but he did, 'wtf?' You had thought, your confusion was answered when two very different looking males came into the room, one having dark spiky hair and the other white. You soon find out that these are the people your working for, quickly getting to know them you discover each of there personalities, let's just say they have really really strong personalities, tecchou is a dumbass with a strong sense of justice, jouno is very sadistic but you can still talk to him, teruko... Well she follows you everywhere but is the most scary human being you've ever met. Doing paperwork is the most boring job you've ever had, as much as you hate to admit it but the front lines are where you thrive, your duty is to die on the battlefield not be holded up in this place. The hunting dogs fought more then actual hunting dogs, a lot more powerful then you'll ever be, you felt awe watching them but also fear, hearing teruko and jouno torture people in the middle of the night when your trying to get paperwork done is not helping, tecchou really isn't that much of a help either his weird food choices in the middle of the night may or may not have made you throw up in the middle of the night. Eventually it becomes too much and you hand in a resignation letter thinking you can just join another military in Canada or the u.s. when the hunting dogs were told of this they were not happy, it wasn't until you heard someone breaking and entering into your house that you realized how much they were attached to you.
This is all I've got for you guys, hope you enjoyed and please give me your ideas.
Have a good day.
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Yan! Hunting Dogs + cursing them
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Ft. Jouno, Tecchuo, Teruko, Tachihara
Subordinate Reader: *Points at Jouno* Fuck you
Reader: *Points at Tachihara* Fuck you
Reader: *Points at Tecchuo* You're cool!
Tecchuo: *thumbs up*
Reader: *Points at Teruko* and fuck you! I'm out!
Reader: *Throws mic at Jouno's face*
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A/n: I know I'm supposed to be working on requests but I... I don't want to... yet. Side blog is @fedyaxz. Sorry if it's short, I got hungry on Teruko's part
Jouno Saigiku
To say that he is upset is an understatement. He is beyond furious, he was amused at first at the thought of that he was on your mind; not processing that you cursed him out. After realizing it, he tensed up with the usual smile that he had. He made a few snickers when he heard your opinion about Tachihara, so maybe you'll just say "fuck you" to the rest of the Hunting Dogs... Right? But he couldn't be more wrong your comment about Tecchuo? The so called strongest hunting dogs and Jouno's insufferable partner? Maybe you do need to be trained. And the fact that you even got a response on him infuriates him, how dare he lay eyes on you, and for you to do the same? He would be clenching his fist, ready to drag you out and punish you; maybe a week long trip with him shall be enough. But no, when you finished you threw the mic at him! He want to drag you out of there and chain you in his basement until you submit to him. You were sure you were fucked when you saw him down the hall with the usual smile he had and the mic you threw to his face. He couldn't have Tecchuo dating you now could he? You should only be his.
Tachihara Michizō
He could help but laugh a bit when you cursed Jouno, meaning that he may have a chance with you. But when you said that to him? He hated it. He was actually trying to make things a little more bearable to you, not like that masochist Jouno. He was actually trying to win your heart and you do that to him? And your comment about Tecchuo too! To think that he won a place somewhere in your heart? Absolutely ridiculous! What did Tecchuo have that he didn't? He already decided, he wanted to win you no matter how much it takes. He would protect you from anything including Teruko because of what you've done because she'll march where you are then fight you, but he has to stop her while Jouno went to you. Despite Tachihara's jealousy of Jouno to go to you, he can't have the vice captain hurt you now can he?
Tecchuo Suihiro
He was happy for the fact that you acknowledged him. He loves you by a lot, and for you to have positive feelings for him made him have reassurance that maybe—just maybe, he has a special place somewhere in you heart. He could help but form a small and unconscious smile, a small tint of red adorning his cheeks. His usual poker face is replaced by a gentle expression, his brown orbs having an unusual light in them. He felt warmness spread across his chest, and he laid his head down, remembering the words that you said to him and him only amongst everyone in the room.
He became oblivious to the burning glares that Jouno sent to him. His eyes burning with hatred and annoyance, sending Tecchuo empty threats and glares.
Tecchuo just became more determined, the fact that you have a positive opinion on him only meaned that he was making progress. Maybe it is possible to have you— no to make his dreams come true. You and him on dates, while you send him bright expressions. He wanted to make you the happiest person just like how you are his moon in the dark sky.
Teruko Okura (Platonic)
This girl is so offended, she'll gasp out loud, roll up her sleeves and is so ready to beat you up. Will pout and try to act cute, then beat you up.
She's aggressive, very.
You are very bold to say that to the hot tempered vice captain and I'm pretty sure you'll be dead for a few days because of her training.
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Could you pretty pretty please write about yandere platonic hunting dogs 🥺, it would be very very nice.
Also have a super good day. Or else.
Hello! Thank you for your request, I hope you have a great day too.
I didn't include the fifth hunting dog, for the reason that it was, already, a bit difficult to write about four platonic yanderes at the same time.
Platonic!Yandere!Hunting dogs(4/5) x Child!Fem!Reader
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You and your parents have been living in Yokohama for six months. The decision to move here was very difficult for your parents, but it was required from work. They also announced to you that this is only for
a year and you shouldn't get attached to a large number of friends, because after that you will return to your small town again. This news didn't upset you much, after all, you didn't even go to school during their business trip, and you were afraid to approach other unfamiliar children. Therefore, you quite reasonably thought that you wouldn't make friends in these year. However, suddenly you have a friend.
In fact, you were the initiator of your communication. You often saw a girl at the bookstore, so you decided to say hello and get to know her. And as a result, she herself began to greet you and you began to spend time together, periodically someone else from Teruko's entourage began to join you. You didn't care much about it for a long time, it seemed as if your friend knew each of them and wouldn't let you offend. However, you became a little worried when you saw their whole company together. Now it seemed to you that there were a lot of them, and all of them, with the exception of Teruko, were much older than you, but it was too late to go back.
Sitting in a cafe, you looked at them as if you saw them for the first time, although it was not so. Teruko stood up abruptly.
"The reason I called you is because Y/n isn't adapted to life in a big city."
Now you wanted to sink into the ground. She isn't serious, is she? However, that tense silence and attentive glances made you realize that it looks less and less like a joke.
"Yes, I noticed that too."
"Don't suck up, Jouno!"
You began to burn with shame very quickly and with each of their phrases only fell deeper under the table. But Fukuchi didn't allow you to completely hide, lifting you by the collar. He lifted you from under the table with laughter, after which he began to pat you on the head.
"It looks like a little more and she will die of shame from your conversations!"
"Something tells me that you'll turn her head faster than we can finish the conversation, Fukuchi."
"Come on, Jouno, it doesn't even hurt her!"
"I bet it's a painful shock."
"We got distracted from the main topic!"
It was Teruko again.
"Y/n, absolutely not adapted to the big city! And I think we need to help her!"
"Teruko, I don't think this is such a problem..."
You tried to object, but you were quickly interrupted.
"No, if you think about it, then a person who doesn't know how to use a meter probably also doesn't know about the true dangers of a big city: terrorists, robbers, rapists, mafia..."
The hand that was stroking your hair stopped abruptly and moved to your ears, tightly closing them.
"Jouno, how can you? She's still a little girl."
"Please don't squeeze her head like that, Fukuchi, otherwise she won't live to old age at all."
All this time, silently sitting, Tetcho decisively jumped up, dropping a chair at the same time.
"I will accompany her everywhere and ensure her safety."
"We will definitely talk about it, but without Y/n."
You didn't hear what they were talking about, but when in an instant the atmosphere turned from relaxed to oppressive, you became worried. After talking for some more time, your ears let go and you could hear again.
"Y/n, we have decided that today we will take you on the subway!"
"But isn't the subway in another area? I can't leave my neighborhood..."
"Come on, we're fast. Besides, Fukuchi can easily negotiate with your parents over the phone."
"But I don't have a phone, and my parents should be at work right now... Let's do it another time, okay?"
Jouno felt how nervous you were and with every second your heart started beating faster and faster. It was obvious that at this moment, you would try to run away. They all knew it. That's why you didn't even have time to really get up from the table when they sat you down again. However, your arm just above the elbow caught on a chair and was very sore right now. Everyone froze when you started crying.
The same second you were on Fukuchi's lap when he was trying to figure out what happened. Teruko was also trying to find out if everything was fine with you, now she was sitting on the floor and looking into your eyes, asking you questions. Tetcho was also fussing around you, although he didn't understand what he should do. And only Jouno sat motionless, listening to your breathing and heartbeat. In his pocket was a syringe with a very strong sleeping pill. Should he suggest to his colleagues to speed up the plan?
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invidiia · 10 months
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ "you're obsessed.." 𖤐 various bsd yanderes // reader.
bsd yanderes ada, pm, doa, hd + the jealousy scale.
[ a/n; hi i was bored and gotta feed the people bc my next big post is takin a bit 🏃‍♂️]
[ warning; jealous yanderes lolol ]
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atsushi is a 6 of 10. definitely hides any jealous thoughts, at least until you're both home, but is absolutely bitter about it after
dazai is a fair 7 of 10. i don't have a lot to say about him, but he most definitely gets jealous easily
kunikida is a 5 of 10. when he's with you and you get hit spoken to by someone else, he just takes control of the situation and leaves with you. obviously against your choices, but he doesn't trust you.
ranpo is a 6 of 10. doesn't get too worried about other guys because he knows you wouldn't go for anyone else other than the greatest detective ever, but when another guy flirts with you, he just feels the need to.. step in.
yosano is a 7 of 10. she doesn't mind when others speak to you, as long as they aren't flirting with you, and that's a loose term with her. asking for directions in a large mall could get someone's fingers chopped off if she was in a particularly annoyed mood.
fukuzawa is a 4 of 10. he doesn't care if people talk to you either, but flirting is off the table with him. even so, he'll just leave the area and take you with him, he can't just let some other guy talk to you, are you crazy?
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akutagawa is a 8 of 10. if someone's making small talk or something he doesn't care, but even speaking to you or looking at you for too long is just like asking for him to beat them senselessly.
chuuya is a 8 of 10. like akutagawa, small talk doesn't matter to him. you're socializing, who cares? but he's absolutely jealous of your friends, especially your close ones. strangers, he can beat the shit out of those, but your friends? he can't do anything there, so he just sits in silence.
higuchi is an 9 of 10. she hates when anyone else talks to you, she just can't stand it. she'll openly tell you how much she hates it when other people beside her 'flirt' with you, and makes you promise not to hurt her like that again.
gin is a 3 of 10. she does get jealous of other people like your closer friends, but doesn't act on anything, just sits in silence. maybe she'll express to you she was jealous, but she won't hurt anyone unless they make advances on you
tachihara is a 6 of 10. he does get jealous of your friends, but doesn't hate them. he just wants to be in their place. who says you should spend all your time with them? leave some room for him, won't you?
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sigma is a 7 of 10. he won't make direct moves if he's jealous, he'll only tell you he's jealous afterward, or work behind scenes to get rid of the certain person he thinks talks to you a little too much for his liking.
fyodor is a 9 of 10. he doesn't think you'll talk to anyone else, it's about others talking to you. he just can't have you talking to anyone but him. why would you need to anyway?
nikolai is a 8 of 10. i don't have a whole lot to say about him either, but he's not afraid to be... himself,, if someone talks to you a little too much.
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jouno is a 9 of 10. he knows you won't actually speak to other guys.. but still. he isn't chill when other guys talk to you, and gets worse when they eye you the wrong way,
tecchou is a 4 of 10. this man sees no reason to be jealous of your friends, or anyone who says they don't want you. why would they lie to him anyway? look at him, he's strong as hell. would you lie to him? didn't think so
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[ a/n; sobs im so tired can you telllll ?? i only wrote doa trio bc.. fukuchi is strange, bram is just.. bram, plus i kinda only see him as platonic yandere loll, didnt do teruko cuz idk her actual age.. sorry this is so rushed lol its 2am i gotta go to beddd, but next post is dazai fr!!!!! ]
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Self-Aware BSD Requests. Masterlist
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Because Main Masterlist reached link limit, I moving Requests to their own Masterlist.
When they learned, that you have similar trauma. Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN!Reader (Slight Self-aware! Oda Sakunosuke x GN!Reader)
Party crashed (Self-Aware! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Reader)
Finding out, that user are a teen (Platonic! Self-Aware! BSD characters x GN! Teen! Reader)
When you came to their world (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN!Reader)
Your dream matters (Self-Aware! Platonic! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Teen! Shy! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Oda Sakunosuke. Slight! Self-Aware! Platonic! Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN! Teen! Shy! Reader)
Sequel. Reunion (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x Teen! Reader)
My little guardian (Self-Aware! Platonic! Dazai Osamu x GN! Child! Abused! Reader) Small Add-on
Self-Aware! Hunting Dogs x GN!Reader (Headcannons) Bonus
The Real You (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x GN! Teen! Neglected! Reader)
Recast (Self-Aware! Mori Ogai x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Strictly Platonic! Elise)
Reader have Mitsuri's strength and Tanjiro Kamado's personality (Slight! Self-Aware! Fukuzawa Yukichi x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Fukuchi Ouchi)
Self-Aware! Decay of Angels x GN! Reader (Headcannons)
Finding out, that you are a child (Self-Aware! Platonic! Dazai Osamu x GN! Child! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara)
We will protect you (Self-Aware! Atsushi Nakajima x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Akutagawa Ryunosuke)
You are happy, and that's the most important thing (Platonic! Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x Fem! Reader x Platonic! Self-Aware! Kunikida Doppo x Self-Aware! Platonic! Fyodor Dostoevsky)
When you are a famous streamer/model (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x Male! Model! Streamer! Reader)
When you like to sing (Self-Aware! BSD characters x GN! Reader)
My favourite (Poe Edition) (Self-Aware! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Reader)
Venti-Like! GN! Reader (Self-Aware! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu, Self-Aware! Nikolai Gogol x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Sigma) Part II
My baby brother (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x Male! Reader)
It is not your fault (Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Abused! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Kouyou Ozaki) [TW: Non-descriptive SA (psychological (photos, comments, forced looking at nudity) and physical (forced touching)). Mentions, without clarification or NSFW language. Mentions of drugs. Reader think that it's their fault [IT'S NOT AND IT WILL NEVER BE]. The bastard gets what he deserves. Soft protective platonic yandere. English is my second language.]
They heard The Monster (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x Fem! Teen Mother! Reader) [TW: Forsed Pregnancy. Teen pregency. Bastard, who is interested in underage girls. Struggling of a teen mother. Bastard's fate is worse than death.]
Some questions
More questions
More questions Part III
More questions Part IV
Baked goods (Self-Aware! Platonic! Ranpo Edogawa x GN! Teen! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Sigma)
My favourite (Teruko edition) (Self-Aware! Teruko Okura x GN! Reader)
Mitsuri-Like! Reader (Slight! Self-Aware! Platonic! Kyuusaku Yumeno x GN! Mitsuri-Like! Reader)
Kitsune! Reader (Self-Aware! BSD Character x GN! Kitsune! Reader)
Baking pancakes (Fitzgerald and Kyuusaku)
When you are a big Soukoku fan (Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Chuuya Nakahara)
You don't need blood to be a family (Self-Aware! Platonic! Hunting Dogs x GN! Teen! Reader)
Starry eyes (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader)
When you are the same height as Chuuya (Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Short! Teen! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic Dazai Osamu)
Short Ideas Part I
I am aware that you are aware (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader)
Circus Hop Self-Aware! Platonic! Dazai Osamu x GN! Teen! Suicidal! Reader Warning: Mentions of Suicide, Suicide attempt. Parental Neglect. Emotional abuse. Terrible parents. Self-harm. Breakdown. English is my second language
The Fifth Descender, The Sixth Descender, The Seventh... Where did you all came from? (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Sixth Harbinger! Reader)
Gothic Lolita (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x GN! Teen! Gothic Lolita! Reader)
Tea parties
Scaramouche! Male! Reader
Transported in chibi forms
How Dazai would react on Real Life Dazai's grandchildren
Big fan (Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN!) Reader
About Mori
Reader, who are always hungry
Reader's OC
Relationship between BSD Cast and Reader
No pats (Self-Aware! Platonic! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Child! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Akutagawa Ryunosuke)
On the roof (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x GN! Teen! Traumatized! Reader. Trigger warning: Suicide attempt. Abuse. Child abuse. Kidnapping. Assault. Attempted murder.) Follow up
Kenji's cow
Teen! Reader sneak to a party
Reader have an accent
Reader play Gummy Bear Song
Not a childish hobby (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x Fem! Teen! Reader)
Music Duo (Self-Aware! Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN! Reader)
Single Father! Reader (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x Male! Single Father! Reader)
Denji! Teen! Reader (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x GN! Platonic! Denji! Teen! Reader)
Masks we were forced to wear (Sort of! Self-Aware! Yosano Akiko x GN! Traumatized! Reader/Warning: English is my second language. AU - World of Tech-magical Progress. Film Industry Abuse (Reader are forced to be filmed, forced to act like Nicole) Mentions of heavy topics (drugs, shooting). Open finale.)
BSD Cast at the Indian wedding Part II
Reader are genderfluid and aroace
Stoic! Teen! Reader
Teen! Short! Male! Reader with medical problems
If GL are a criminal
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iovetecchou · 1 year
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Pairings... Jouno Saigiku x Reader
Contains... hurt, no comfort. angst. toxic!jouno, lowkey yandere!jouno. cheating, getting caught, suggestive themes, strong language
GN Reader.
1,156 words.
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Jouno was being… shifty. Coming home later in the evening, leaving earlier in the morning. You were becoming increasingly concerned with his strange behavior.
You were both snuggled up in bed, reading a book aloud so you and Jouno could enjoy it. But there was just one small problem. His phone was ringing off the hook all night. It was beginning to get on your nerves.
You finally reached over for his phone. Curiosity got the better of you. But before you could get so far, Jouno grasped your forearm and harshly, at that. Your eyes shot up to his face in an instant. That gut feeling washed over you.
“Ah, I do apologize, princess. Duty calls.”
That was all he said before he dropped your forearm. Climbing out of bed in the process. He swiftly slipped on his shirt, not bothering to button it up completely as he took his leave. You heard the apartment door swing open, and slam shut.
You didn’t want to assume the worst, but how could you not? He was less affectionate recently, shrugging you off every time you pulled him in for an embrace. Blowing you off when you planned out a whole date night. Not bothering to reciprocate your kisses. Your heart cracked each time.
You wanted so desperately to snap out of this nightmare. Facing the reality of the situation seemed far worse.
He didn’t come back home that night. But he left all his belongings here, and you knew he had work today. You figured bringing him his things would be best before you ran a few errands.
What could go wrong?
“Good morning Teruko! Is Sai here already?” You smiled down at the petite woman. Trying your best to conceal your anxiety. Teruko’s face went pale. “Y/n… what are you doing here?”
You were taken aback. Why was she so stunned by your appearance? Everyone knew you and Jouno were in a relationship. I mean, the Hunting Dogs would come over to your place for the holidays and special occasions. Celebrating alongside you and Jouno.
But the way she was looking at you… it was almost as if you were a stranger.
“I… came to drop off some things Sai left at home today. What’s the matter Teruko? You’re scaring me.” You blurted out. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest. She frowned at your words, averting her gaze before she spoke up once more.
“Y/n… Jouno told everyone that you two broke up. He said that two weeks ago. I’m sorry.”
As rapid as your heart was beating was as quick as it stopped. A lump formed in your throat. You couldn't wrap your head around what Teruko confessed to you.
“Y/n… he’s in his office… with another person… If I knew what was really going on, I would have beat his ass long ago.”
You could barely breathe. It felt like you had just been punched in the gut. This could not be fucking happening right now. After everything you’ve done for him?
You sacrificed so much for Jouno. He molded you into the perfect little partner. Tailored you to meet his needs, keeping you in the dark, and isolating you from your friends and family.
He claimed you only needed him. That he was the only person in the whole world that would ever love you.
You felt the tears welling up. You couldn’t think straight. You could hardly even function. You fumbled down the hall towards Jouno’s office. “Y/n wait- don’t do this to yourself-!”
Teruko shouted, following you in tow. But it was too late. You pushed the door open, and the sight in front of you left you speechless.
Jouno had another person pinned to his desk. They were both half undressed, kissing all over one another. The sound of the door swinging open startled both of them. They were quite literally caught in the act.
The stranger who was receiving all the love and affection from the man who was supposed to be yours abruptly stood up. They hurriedly fixed their clothes. Pushing past you and through the door without a word. Causing you to fumble slightly.
Jouno emitted a deep sigh. Shaking his head slightly as he began buttoning up his work uniform. “Teruko, give up some privacy.” He deadpanned, taking slow strides toward your frame. You were so heartbroken, your face losing any semblance of life as the tears freely rolled down your cheeks.
“Jouno, you fucking asshole. How could you?” Teruko spat out. She shot you a look of apology before she shut the door. The fear began to creep up on you.
Your blood ran cold, and your fingertips went numb. Jouno now stood in front of you. He craned his neck down, bringing his hand to cup your chin. Tilting your face up in his direction. The moment you scanned over his features, you couldn't control the sobs that wracked through your whole being.
He was smiling widely, no trace of love painted across his features. Jouno was enjoying your pained cries and irregular heartbeat. You could tell, and it hurt. So fucking bad.
“You sound so pathetic right now. What, don’t tell me you actually thought I… loved you?”
His voice was laced with amusement. How could this be happening right now? You had been with Jouno for years. Was it so wrong of you to assume that… he did love you? You felt so hopeless. All you could focus on was that wicked fucking smile.
“You really are a pathetic little thing. You were nothing more but an easy fuck to me. You see… I only kept you around for so long because I didn’t want anyone else to have you. It was so easy— no, you’re so easy. You fell right into my trap. I mean, how stupid are you?”
Your legs gave out. Jouno retracted his grasp on your chin as you fell to your knees. All light was lost from your eyes as you hiccuped through your body jerking sobs. Jouno let out the most maniacal laugh at your pathetic state.
“Ah, can you leave already? Your turbulent emotions are starting to give me a headache. I’ll be home around seven, so work dinner around that time. Are you even listening to me, mutt?”
He kneeled in front of you. Gripping your jaw harshly with his thumb and index finger. He was pressing so hard into your cheeks. You winced out through the pain. Causing Jouno’s smirk to grow wider.
“Oh, and princess… if you so much as think of leaving me… I will know, and I will kill you.”
His face fell entirely at the end of his sentence. Completely devoid of emotions. It struck fear in you. How was it possible that you truly knew nothing? Especially about the person you’ve spent the past few years with? Jouno was right. You really were stupid.
You reap what you sow.
“If I can't have you, no one can.”
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yummy! i love pain! anyways... im sorry... i just had this cute lil idea. i had to share...
special tag: @win-writes
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Request: Hello! I really liked your Happy Death Day posts and I've wanted more of them so I have two request with that concept. 1) Happy Death Day with dazai, ranpo, fyodor, atsushi, akutagawa, chuyaa (and if you have read the manga) teruko, saigiku, tetchou, sigma. if you haven't read the manga then you can write for the first 6 mentioned with gin, kenji, yosano, and kunikida instead.
I did Dazai and Chuuya already in another post with this concept so I took a few other characters you suggested in here to still give you 10 characters. Also, don’t worry, the fourth season has by now aired so everyone knows those characters now. Those are longer than my usual Happy Death Day Hc's which is because I watched the newest season whilst writing those Hc's and felt inspired.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive relationship, obsession, stalking, clinginess, paranoia, delusion, manipulation, violence, abduction, isolation, sadism, death, suicidal thoughts
Happy Death Day
Nakajima Atsushi
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🐅Messages that are left unread despite the hours just ticking by are the reason for Atsushi to dash to your place, sweaty hands holding the phone close to his chest as he can't help but glance at the screen every few seconds. You've never left him ignored like this for more than an hour, and that only if it's an emergency since you know how terribly anxious and paranoid your boyfriend is. When he stands in front of your apartment, his anxiety suddenly spikes and causes a sharp pain in his abdomen as he realizes something. The door is open. He drops his phone as his vision zooms in on the door left open, anything else blurring out as he hears his own ragged breath and his heartbeat threatening to break his rips from the intensity it starts to hit his chest. The door is nearly ripped out of it's hinges as Atsushi storms to your place, voice cracking and shaking as he shouts your name. When a rotten, metallic scent suddenly invades his nostrils, everything stops for a short moment, even his heart as only dread and horror seems to exist inside of him for a moment.
🐅The door to the kitchen is behind him and from the breeze caressing his back he knows that the door is wide open. The source of the scent is right behind him but Atsushi is paralyzed, can only stand there frozen as shudders and trembles run through his whole body. A part of him fears to see what's behind him, fears to face the ugly truth. Seconds feel like eternities as he just stands there, his chest tightening and stinging as Atsushi starts hyperventilate. Yet no matter how rapidly he suddenly gasps for air, he feels like he's suffocating as tears start dwelling up inside his eyes and soon after cascade down his cheeks. When he finally gains the last bit of desperate courage he can, he slowly turns around, even if his body is refusing out of sheer terror to see. The door is wide open and in the middle of the kitchen, surrounded from a puddle of blood, lies his darling, a knife still embedded in their stomach. This sight is the final stab for him. He goes down on his knees, stomach twisting and revolting as he gags everything up he's consumed today.
🐅After the painful process of gagging and choking on his own vomit, Atsushi lets out a scream, one more reminiscent of a wounded animal than an actual human. His chest hurts, his heart hurts, every breath hurts as the tremor worsens. Something inside of him erupts as his blood starts boiling, his vision darkening in front of his own eyes as something just takes over. Something that wants to hurt, to kill, to take revenge for destroying the only good thing in his life. Atsushi doesn't remember much after, he only recalls waking up from the weird state of not being here next to your corpse, the whole room and furniture in shambles. A fresh set of tears rolls out as he crawls closer to you, not caring how he stains his clothes and skin in your cold blood as he just puts his head against your chest and clings onto your dead body in utter distraught and helplessness like a newborn and cries and cries for hours on end. You can't leave him like this! He can't do this without you! Eventually one thought takes over his mind more than anything. He just wants to die now that you've left him.
🐅You all but leap out of your sheets when you're woken up by a painful kick in your side and a gruesome cry that blows away all of the sleepiness you might have left although you doubt it with the nightmare you just had. You turn shocked to the other side of the bed as you see Atsushi falling down from the bed, entangled in his sheet as he kicks and cries as if he's just seen something far more horrifying than you have in your dreams. He's completely out of it and disorientated, nails clawing into the blanket surrounding him and tearing it apart before it's suddenly removed from him and he feels something warm embracing him, a sweet voice calling out to him. He recognizes that voice, that scent from everywhere and feels his heart shattering once again as he starts crying and sobbing terrified, nearly crushes you in his arms and pressing you close to his own body as if you'll disappear if he lets even a bit loose. You sit with him in this position for hours on the cold ground until the first sunshine announces that morning has come.
🐅Atsushi isn't the same anymore on this day as he flinches at the slightest of sounds, barely manages to call the day off in the Agency and stays glued to your side at all times. He's constantly on the verge of another meltdown, enters a small frenzy every time you suggest for him to leave you alone for a moment or two as he all but grabs you harshly and pulls you back to his side, breath erratic. You only attempt once to ask him what in the world has him acting like a maniac but it only results in a mental breakdown. As the day continues though, you yourself start to think that you're slowly going insane as you note how everything that happens, you have already witnessed before. This can't be real is what you tell yourself but how many coincidences can there be? You don't tell Atsushi at all but start returning his clinginess as you grow terrified. You try to cling to the hope that this is all a mere big, scary coincidence yet you nearly jump out of your skin when you hear the bell ring and start to visibly shaken as you recall what happens if you open the door.
🐅As the ringing grows more persistent and even Atsushi notices that you're trembling an asks you horrified what's wrong, you can't hold it in anymore. You start crying as you tell him the dream you had. If you open the door, you'll be murdered. The ring of the doorbell has by now changed into someone hitting the door from outside and shouting if anyone is home. His whole body is trembling from rage. An animalistic look in his eyes as you notice how his body is partially beginning to transform as he all but growls at you to lock yourself up in your bedroom although you hear his voice cracking at the end. You do as he says and lock yourself up, cower on the ground as you cover your ears. You can't blend out the feral growls and screams, the crashing sounds and the one agonizing, short and shrill scream of someone that you feel in your bones before they're forever silenced. You just about manage to unlock the door with your shaking hands when Atsushi calls your name before the male crashes you into his arms. This time stained in the blood of another and not yours. But Atsushi doesn't care. He doesn't care one bit.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
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⬛️Akutagawa goes through extreme denial when it comes to his darling as he despises them. He despises them for their weakness, for their silly antics and most of all for the emotions they stir up inside of him. Emotions that make his chest feel all fuzzy. Emotions that make him weak. Despite all of that, the man finds himself more than just once stalking you even if this is admittedly a bit more risky. He's not exactly unknown and would be in troubles if he were to run into one of the Agency members but ultimately Ryunosuke just doesn't care. He has no problem growing violent, even in the brightest daylight in the city. On this day it's not really different as you go on about your day and he trails behind you, always keeping a distance between you two just enough to not lose you from his sight. He's quite familiar with your daily life now, a result of his frequent stalking yet he'd rather not admit that out loud. He knows that you're on your way to the train station to catch the train that will drive you to your workplace. He won't follow you into the train.
⬛️He stays long enough and watches the train departing from the station before he silently leaves. A scowl edged onto his face as always as images of you flash before his eyes and no matter how much he tries to push you away, it just doesn't work. It annoys him so much. Until he suddenly hears the explosion, the shock wave causing him to stumble forward as the ground shakes. People start screaming and running, push past him to get away. Only he remains frozen in his place, an emotion that makes him feel like a small and weak child all over again engulfing him tightly, refusing to let go. The explosion came from the rail your train departed from. That realization strikes through his entire being and suddenly he's turning back and pushes everyone violently away who gets in his way. He inhales a lot of smoke as he races to the burning train he can clearly see as it exploded merely moments after departing. Rashomon is tearing the wagon open where you were sat and protects him from the flames burning inside as he starts searching for you, noticing with dread that all the passengers are already dead.
⬛️He knows that you're dead when he finds your burnt corpse as he realizes that you sat close to the bomb when it went off. It was an instant death for you. He's surprisingly silent at first, just staring down at your corpse before his eyes go to what's left from the bomb. He recalls that Mori mentioned something about a terrorist group using bombs. So you died because of the existence of some little group? That's when the rage suddenly errupts out of him as his ability goes crazy, trashes around and destroying everything and everyone in it's way. Your body remains unharmed though. He leaves before the police finds him, needs a lot of effort to tear his gaze away from you. There's an ache in his chest, not only from all the smoke he just breathed in. This is a pain that will probably never go away. He calls Higuchi as soon as he's out again, asking her with a voice shaking with wrath that he wants her to find out where the headquarter of the group is. He wants to give them a painful and cruel death and after he's slaughtered all of them, he just wants to be alone.
⬛️Akutagawa is probably already someone who doesn't have the healthiest sleep schedule. Upon waking up, he nearly activates Rashomon by pure accident as the lust for blood and death has him still in it's grasp. He's unnerved by the dream he just had when he realizes that he's in his room although he doesn't want to admit that to himself since it was just exactly that. A dream. Strangely enough he still feels the burning pain from all the smoke in his lungs alongside with the pulsing pain in his heart. Akutagawa does his best to brush it all off though. Everyone in the Port Mafia who meets him on that day kind of senses that he's in a bad mood though and for that avoids talking to him as good as possible. Something inside of him is highly squirmish and the unease only grows thicker when he hears and even witnesses things that he knows from his dream. He hates the way his heart jumps up and down in slight paranoia and fear for you as he starts doubting himself. It isn't until he overhears a few men talking about the terror group that his surface cracks.
⬛️They're scared out of their mind when he approaches them and demands them to tell him what they were just conversing about. One of them manages to stumble out that there are suspicions that they might attack today again and set a bomb off somewhere in the city. Akutagawa is calling Higuchi before he even realizes it himself, orders her and Black Lizard to find out if the rumors are true and he wants to be immediately informed if they find anything out. Higuchi is smart enough to hear that Akutagawa is not in the mood to hear any objections or questions so she just accepts his orders. Ryunosuke himself is hurrying over to you after he finished the call, something feels off about this whole day and time tells him that you're right about now heading to the train station. He rushes after you and does his best to not act out of place. You yourself seem a bit strange as he catches you looking around more than just once, steps slow and hesitant. This continues even shortly before you enter the wagon as he images for a moment that your hands are shaking. In that moment his phone starts to ring.
⬛️You can't get this dream out of your head as you stand in front of the train, anxious about the uncanny similarities between your dream and this day. You even contemplate whether or not you'll just skip work and tell your boss that you're sick. Just as you hesitantly step into the wagon, someone suddenly grabs you by your hand and yanks you back, causing the train to leave without you. You crush into someone's chest and are about to scream before the person suddenly starts dragging you away, the voice of a man hissing at you to run. You squirm around, cry out when his grip becomes bruising before an explosion shoots shock waves through the air and everyone around you breaks out in panic. You're suddenly silent, turn your head back and are able to catch a glance of the burning train that you were just about to enter. You almost died just now...just like in your dream. You're numb, allow yourself to be led away from the station by Akutagawa as you're in too much shock. It's only after you've somewhat recovered that you finally mutter out that you nearly died just like in your dream. Something that makes Akutagawa stop.
Edogawa Ranpo
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👓Yosano and him are currently on their way to a crime scene because obviously he, the greatest detective of all time, has to be there. What would the police do without him after all? He’s complaining to the female doctor a bit about the fact that just this morning he asked you for some special pastry that is currently sold in a few bakeries in Yokohama and you told him that you don’t have any time today. You’re currently working on an important project and on top of that the bakery which apparently sells the pastry he craves is too far away from your workplace. Ranpo really wanted those sweets, already whined about it to you and now he’s doing the same to Yosano. Luckily she deals patiently with his complains. The crime scene is unmistakable as Ranpo sees even from the distance the cars of the police, the barriers and all the ambulances. One of the police officers notices them and initially mistakes them for citizens, tells them that they can’t enter the zone. Something Ranpo laughs about as he proclaims to the young officer who he is and that everything will be solved now.
👓According to what the officer tells them, two groups of people just started shootings at each other, resulting in a lot of innocent citizens to be caught in the warfare. A few were killed, a lot more hurt. They seem suspicious as they don’t trust Ranpo, but he forgives them since he knows that it’s their first day. He invites them to watch him though so they remember him the next time. All he needs is to put on his glasses to instantly deduce that the culprits were two gangs, both fighting to raise up and he’s even able to find out their hideouts, leaving the officer flabbergasted. He’s belittling them for underestimating him until Minoura, a familiar face in the police , walks over. Ranpo is greeting him, advices him to work harder since he solved the case once again, yet stops when he notices the serious expression on the man’s face. He asks confused what’s with the grim face but his eyes widen when the older man suddenly asks him if the detective knows someone named (l/n) (y/n). Why does he ask this? Minoura gives him a look of pity and sympathy which has Ranpo’s heart dropping.
👓(l/n) (y/n) bled out due to a shot through the stomach minutes before Yosano and him arrived at the scene. Minoura asked him because your phone had a wallpaper of him and you. That’s all he’s able to take in before his surroundings seemingly vanish around him. You’re dead? He just talked to you a few hours ago. Why were you here? Your workplace is somewhere else. He doesn’t want to accept it but the fruitless rejection is shattered when he’s gently led to the ambulance and sees your corpse, the blood staining your clothes. Green eyes can’t tear themselves away from you as he feels paralyzed until his eyes wander to your belongings resting next to you and he lets out a strangled noise. The horrible truth dawns on him when he sees the bag containing the pastries he asked for this morning. You died because of his request and he didn’t even predict it. Something shatters in his heart and mind as he turns around and stumbles away, requests to be alone. He walks around aimlessly until the sun sets and he collapses and the tears finally start to fall. It’s his fault, isn’t it?
👓You’re not woken up by your horrendous nightmare, much to your own surprise, but by the ringing of your phone. It rings and rings without giving you a break and you’re slightly confused who would call you in the middle of the night. Imagine your shock when you see the name of your boyfriend on the display which finally leads you to press the green button and accept the call. He doesn’t say anything, instead you just hear troubled breathing from the other side of the line and ask instantly if everything’s alright with him. You think that you hear something akin to choking back a sob when Ranpo hears your voice but you aren’t sure. In the end you don’t find out the reason why he called you in the middle of the night as he reverts after a while back to his carefree behavior although you suspect that he also had a nightmare which is a bit strange. You two hang up after a while but you find yourself lying awake for the rest of the night thanks to your dream. It’s shortly before you leave for work that Ranpo calls you again, tells you with urgency unlikely for him to heed safely to work.
👓Even without using his Super Deduction the way the day shapes to be just screams suspicious. Accident after accident which he predicts without the use of his outstanding intelligence. Simply because he’s witnessed it all before and finds himself growing tense. If he can go with anything from the dream, you shouldn’t go to the bakery where the shooting happens if he just doesn’t ask you for the pastry so he didn’t do it this morning. He also warns the Agency about the upcoming conflict about to happen in the district. He’s serious as he’s confident that this dream was more than a dream. The police is informed and for a while he dares to think that everything might be alright. Until he receives a from you. You overheard from some of your colleagues today that there’s a bakery selling some special pastry and thought that he might be happy if you were to buy him some. He nearly drops his phone out of horror. No. Why are you still there? He’s panicking, tells you with a raised voice to leave from there. You’re confused with his unusual reaction until your eyes land on a group of people.
👓Silence on the line, then footsteps of you running and the sound of guns being fired are the last things Ranpo hears before the call is ended. On the way to the crime scene, he’s on edge, constantly urges Yosano to drive faster as the image of your dead body is summoned in his memories. Why were you still there? Is it just fate for you to die on this day? He’s jumping out of the car and runs straight to Minoura, whose talking with a newbie in the police. He asks straight away for you, heart unbeknownst to everyone else trembling with fear. The older officer’s face shows recognition when he hears your name but no sign of grief or pity as he points over to one of the ambulances and tells Ranpo that you’ve awaited him. Your arm was graced by a bullet, otherwise you were lucky. You’re taken by surprise when the first thing that Ranpo does is crashing into you as soon as he sees you, head pressed against your shoulder as he mutters that he’s sorry over and over again. You’ve rarely seen him so vulnerable. He doesn’t seem to want to stray from your side for the rest of the day at all.
Yosano Akiko
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🦋She’s heading down the rainy streets on that rainy evening, worried sick as she fails to yet call you again. Your voicemail has been the only thing that has been answering her calls for the last hour. An hour where you were supposed to reach the house yet you didn’t. You told her that you’d be a bit late because of the weather but this has been too long now to not alarm her. She knew she should have driven to your workplace to pick you up but you insisted on going alone since this weather isn’t ideal to drive in. As she heads down the roads, the wind occasionally blowing the cold rain in her face, she notices blue lights blinking in the close distance. The police. A keep out zone has been made and as she steps closer, she sees what has happened. A car has crashed into the sidewalk, it’s front is crashed. There’s something she notices with horror as she walks even closer. There’s blood staining the ground and the front of the car which leads her to the conclusion that a person must have been crushed in between the building and the car. This accident happened on the way you usually take to walk back home.
🦋A dreadful hunch fills her as she taps one of the officers on the shoulder and asks him what happened here. He luckily replies to her, tells her that due to the bad weather a car lost control and crashed into the sideway, hitting a civilian who wasn’t able to dodge in time. The driver was mildly hurt but still driven to the hospital. The other person on the other hand was pretty much crushed between the car and the now damaged building and was in need of immediate treatment due to their severe injuries. Her fingers clench tighter around her umbrella as she thanks the officer and starts walking with fast steps to the hospital. She is by now almost convinced that the person in the accident is you as everything adds up too perfectly. She’s seen the blood and can very well imagine that your injuries might be too fatal for you to push through. But her ability…her ability can save you. She starts running soon after, abandoning the umbrella as she prays that she makes it in time. She’s drenched in rain and disheveled when she arrives in the hospital and asks the people at the front where you are.
🦋When she tells them her relationship with you, they tell her that you were immediately delivered in a surgery room as your wounds required instant treatment. It’s probably still ongoing. She’s storming to the room, suppressing any tears all the time. She’s scared. When she arrives though, she sees that the doctor and a few of the assistants are standing outside, a solemn and grim look on their faces. As a doctor herself, she knows this look all too well. They tell her initially to leave when they see her until she asks what happened to you. The doctor tells her as carefully and gently as your wounds were too severe and you passed away whilst in surgery. She doesn’t want to believe it, pushes past all of them at first to get into the room. Despite being a doctor though, despite having been a medic during war, she is horrified when she sees your body. No heartbeat, no brain activity and the warmth that is fading away from your body as she holds your hand for the last time. She caries herself out with her head held high until she sits down in the hospital and starts crying as her grief takes over.
🦋Yosano awakes with the dawn of a new morning, sweating with the lingering feeling of terror still present in her chest as her eyes wander around and take in her surroundings. You’re already awake too and turn around with a concerned look as you ask her what’s wrong when you notice her condition. She’s panting, sweat glistening on her skin and her eyes stare at you in shock as if she doesn’t believe that you’re real for a few seconds. In the next moment she’s sitting up too and shuffles closer to you, grabbing your face and inspecting you as if looking for something. You give her half-concerned, half-flabbergasted look. Eventually the woman stops though, lets out a sigh and replies that it’s nothing besides a nightmare. You raise an eyebrow when you hear that but don’t dig deeper. The morning is at first quite normal as both of you take a shower since both of you are sweaty, dress up for work and enjoy your breakfast together. Both of you don’t want to worry the other with your nightmares, unaware that the other one dreamed exactly the same.
🦋It’s after all a nightmare and nothing more, right? Well, that turns out rather hard to believe as both of you head to your workplaces. Accidents, stories, the work you two have to do today, it all appears to be terrifyingly familiar. The entire day shapes up to be eerie thanks to all those “coincidences” and it puts you on edge and starts affecting Yosano even more. She’s not as oblivious and stubborn to ignore the red flags she notices throughout the day in the Agency. Images of your dead body, still lingering freshly in her mind, return and embed themselves inside her memory. She’s with her thoughts not as present as normally, as soon as no one wants something from her she spaces out. She checks the weather for this evening only to find no warning of a storm. But the storm took you by surprise too in her dream. When the end of your shift ticks closer, the sky darkens as thunder is heard throughout Yokohama and the clouds pour out everything they have to offer. That’s when she calls you and insists that she’ll pick you up. You tell her driving in this rain would be insane.
🦋Yosano in the end walks to your workplace as it’s about 20 minutes from your place with her umbrella and another one for you since you didn’t account for such heavy rain. The walk home is tense as something doesn’t feel right for both of you. She holds your hand tightly and you grab onto her with equal pressure as your stomach starts flipping with the nervous anxiety. A few minutes into your way home it happens. A loud squeal, followed by a signal-horn. Both of you see a car losing it’s track on the slippery street as it slithers into the sidewalk. You’re paralyzed in shock as memories flash through your mind and you recall the gruesome pain you felt when you were crushed. If it wouldn’t have been for Yosano who pushes you away so that both you tumble to the ground, it would have become yet again reality. You hit your head on the ground, start to feel slightly dizzy yet the shock keeps you conscious as you start hyperventilating a bit. Yosano inspects the bump on your head, feels relieved when she knows it’s nothing serious and afterwards just embraces you tightly.
Miyazawa Kenji
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🌱It’s shaping up to be just another peaceful day for Kenji although his darling is currently hanging out with their friend somewhere else. He kind of wanted to tag along but it was fairly easy for you to persuade him into letting you head out alone. So he’s ended up walking around the city with Atsushi and Kyouka, buying some random things on the way. Mainly lots of food since Kyouka is insatiable as often. Everything is fine. Then Kenji’s phone suddenly starts to ring and Atsushi has to help him to accept the call as technology and phones are still fairly new for the boy who spent over a decade of his life in the countryside. He’s happy though when he sees your name on the display. Only that it isn’t your voice on the phone. He recognizes the voice of your friend crying on the other line, trying to form a coherent sentence yet completely failing to do so. Now, Kenji is certainly a bit more clueless but he isn’t dumb either. Something happened with you, didn’t it? There’s some time he spends calming down your friend, staying true to his optimistic side and telling them that all will be fine.
🌱They finally manage to explain everything to him after pulling their shit together. You two were caught by some sort of gang on your way and got threatened to follow along. You defended yourself though, freed yourself and your friend and both of you ran afterwards. You got caught though and the last thing you managed to do is throw your phone your friend’s way, already unlocked and screamed at them to run and call your boyfriend. The last thing they witnessed was you clawing and fighting with everything you had. He’s heard of this vicious gang in the Agency before, he’s heard how they treat their victims. Before Kyouka and Atsushi can ask him what’s suddenly with the strained look on his face, Kenji is already gone, pushing through the crowd, the phone still pressed against his ear. Your location isn’t too far away, hopefully he’ll make it in time. The boy reaches the place soon without any backup, maybe that’s why a few of them approach him so carefree, laughing at him when he asks them about you and pointing to an empty building behind them.
🌱He charges straight through the door, leaving all the guys from the gang beaten. He finds you unconscious in one of the rooms, a gun against your head as the leader is shaking in fear since they’ve seen what Kenji has done. He shouts that he’ll shoot you if he gets any closer and Kenji stays still for a moment, lifts his hands and tells them that he won’t do anything if they let you go. For a brief second they seem to consider until the worst happens. You regain consciousness, notice Kenji and the gun against your head and panic. Everything is over in a few seconds. You start frantically moving and defending yourself, Kenji steps closer to stop you, the leader gets terrified. One accidental pull of the trigger and in the next moment you collapse on the ground. All they can do is stare at what they did in horror before they look at Kenji. He stares at you for a few seconds with dull eyes before those empty eyes turn to stare at them. When Atsushi and Kyouka find him, he’s hugging you tightly, bawling and crying. He’s stained with blood, a deformed blob of flesh and bones the only thing left.
🌱The first thing the day has prepared for you when you wake up is the feeling of nearly being crushed. Seriously, it feels like someone’s going to break your lungs and it’s only when you turn around that you notice that it’s your boyfriend. He’s clinging onto you, arms wrapped around your torso, forehead pressed against your back as you hear his uneven breathing and the whimpering, the tears staining the material of your shirt. He realizes that you’re awake when he senses your movement as you turn around, stumbles out something from not having intended to wake you up from your sleep as he starts wiping away his tears. You’re worried, question him if he’s had a nightmare which he confirms. You admit to him that you also had a nightmare but don’t want to talk about it which he accepts after some prodding where he realized that you were serious. You two just spend the night hugging each other and comforting each other and you manage to doze off again until you have to stay up and start your day. Kenji seems to have recovered his optimism though.
🌱What you notice is that he’s clingier though as he follows you around as you do your morning routine. He follows you into the kitchen, into the bedroom and even waits in front of the toilet for you. You can’t help but wonder if this is a result of the nightmare that he’s had which in return makes you wonder what exactly he dreamed of. So you decide to ask him whilst both of you are eating breakfast together. You notice from the corner of your eyes how he halts his movement, a distant look in his eyes before he shakes that expression off. There’s still a faint look of pain in his eyes when he is candid about what he dreamed, unable to lie to you. Deep down he just wants your reassurance that it was merely a dream after all too. Instead you look at him with a expression filled with horror as you drop your chopsticks. Initially he believes your reaction to be because of the brutality of his dream but his demeanor changes when you press out with a shaking voice that you’ve had the exact same dream as he did. Both of you just stare at each other, reflecting the horror of each other.
🌱Your friend is plainly confused when they see Kenji following you since this was planned as a day only between you two. You convince them that it’ll be fine though, hiding the gruesome truth behind why he came along. It was already a small challenge to get here in the first place. Kenji wanted you to not meet your friend at first. In the end he only allowed it under the condition that he’d accompany you. Honestly, that puts you at ease though because if this really is an omen, then at least you have Kenji and his ability to protect you. Then it happens. The gang really comes, surrounds you and tells you three to just follow along without causing a scene. Only that with Kenji in the scene things are vastly different than in your dream. All he gives them is his normal smile before all of them start flying as he beats them up. When he sees one particular person, one you recognize too, the look in his eyes changes. You stop him before he can do something though, hiss at him that your friend is still here. Don’t worry, dear s/o, from now on he’ll always be with you to protect you.
Akutagawa Gin
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⚫️Her darling has yet to find out about Gin's true identity since she never told them about her place in the Port Mafia. Yet the assassin can't bring herself to tell you about the crimes she already committed and her position in the Mafia. Everything is working so well for you two after all, you adore her and she loves you in her own slightly obsessed ways too. This is bound to fail, she can't keep this hidden from you her entire life yet she wishes that she could. Fate has different plans for you two though. It all boils down one day when you're out with her on a date and she gets flustered and shy with all the love you give her. There's someone following you two though, Gin has noticed since a while this guy that is tailing behind you two and it puts her on edge. She's in public right now, you're with her, if that person decides to attack then her whole cover will be blown. She tries to lose them, drags you suddenly somewhere through the crowd in hopes that she'll be able to shake them off without making you suspicious. She can deal with this but not as long as you're with her.
⚫️For a while everything appears to be fine as she can't see the person anymore when she turns around although she keeps her surroundings in check. Only when the sun sets and you two have settled down on a bench in a nearly empty park take things a drastic turn. Just as you two are about to depart they appear again and pull out a gun with shaking hands. You freeze in shock, Gin tenses up as the weapon is pointed right at her. They'll make her pay for what she did to their partner. That's when Gin realizes the situation. They know who she is and want to avenge someone she killed. You don't know what's going on, step slowly forward with raised hands and tell them to put away their gun since they got the wrong person. Gin flinches only slightly when she hears your words as shame and guilt washes over her. You don't know anything about her. They only hiss at you to stay away and that this woman there is an assassin of the Port Mafia who killed their spouse in cold blood. Gin slowly steps back, starts pulling out a knife from her handbag.
⚫️The setting sun shines on the metal though and in the next moment the person freaks out, screams at her to put the knife away. Fucking murderer, they will kill her and if it's the last thing they'll do! Multiple shots are fired all at once as fear and rage clouds their mind. All shots hit. Only that she isn't the one who got hit. You jumped in front of her and shielded her, unaware of her unnatural reflexes. Silence where only the ringing of the shots are heard as Gin perceives in slow motion how you fall with your face first to the ground, hears how they drop their gun in shock as they shot someone innocent. Then she lets out a short shriek of your name as she falls down next to you, begs you to stay conscious whilst she tries to stop the bleeding from the multiple wounds, staining her white dress and skin in your warm blood. It's for naught though and she can only look how the life fades away from you. They try to stammer out apologies as Gin clenches the knife in her hand but don't even get to finish their sentence as their throat is slit in the next moment.
⚫️The dream you have is anything but pleasant as it wakes you up in the earliest morning hours. You just lay in bed, panting and sweating as you try to relax again and ease your troubled breathing from the shock of dying in your dream. You find yourself, not really to your surprise, unable to fall asleep again and so you just decide to take a shower and prepare some things for your day. There's mild unease settling in when you notice the date of this day and remember that you have your date with Gin today. Normally that would fill you with excitement and giddiness but today you can't help but be a bit creeped out thanks to the unnerving dream you just had. Your phone starts ringing after a while which surprises you a bit. Who would call you at this hour? Strangely enough you're even more shocked when you see Gin's name on your display but accept her call immediately. Gin herself doesn't seem to know why she exactly called you, or rather doesn't want you to tell. She just wants to hear your voice, that's all. Very suspicious indeed.
⚫️You two still meet for your date although Gin certainly doesn't tell you about the weapons she's hidden in her dress and handbag when she sees you, eyes already trailing round to seek out that one person who killed you in her dream. Both of you act weird though. You notice here and there how she constantly glances behind her back and how her eyes constantly analyze the people around her whilst you space out and can't enjoy this all as much as you normally would. Gin notices your strange behavior just as much and is the first one to ask you about it. You give her a conflicted look as you don't want to concern her too much but find yourself unable to reject her worried eyes. You're frighteningly honest, too honest, to Gin as you admit everything to her. You want to tell her immediately after that she doesn't have to worry about that stupid dream, but stop when you notice that horrified and paranoid expression on her face. When you ask her what's wrong, she suddenly grabs you with unexpected strength and starts dialing a number in, asking to be picked up.
⚫️She doesn't tell you anything when you ask her, just insists for you to wait and trust her for just a bit longer. It all starts dawning on you when you see the car and the people inside of it. All of them have weapons and address her in a respectful tone as she tells them to take you away and protect you whilst she has some business to take care of. Your dream...no, it can't be. When you shout at her whilst pushed into the car if she really is an assassin in the Mafia, she stops for a short while and glances at you. A look that shatters you as your whole belief crashes down onto you. You're silently terrified the whole ride, when you're led into what you can only assume to be a hideout for the Mafia and when you're locked away in a room where you collapse on the ground and start silently hyperventilating as everything is too much for you in that moment. Gin returns after a while and all you do is glance shortly at her in her true attire before you look somewhere else. Gin doesn't know what she can say to you either right now. She just wanted you to be safe, that's all. Things probably won't go back to normal again.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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🍎You're not even aware of this man yet but Fyodor already knows everything about you. His little, sweet sin. His crime that he has to punish for tempting him into committing. It's a delightful task for the man though as his very existence is what causes you loss after loss, agony after agony. It isn't going to be any different for you today as you drive to work after another night where you cried yourself to sleep. Unaware that this will be your last day where you have the luxury of a job. Unaware that this is your last day in life. Ironically even the man with connections everywhere doesn't know about the tragedy that happens whilst he decides to busy himself with other things. Fyodor is informed an hour later about the accident. A truck suddenly swayed on the road, causing a massive road accident. Your car crashed into another one and tipped over. Your injuries were too severe, you succumbed to your wounds before the ambulance arrived. Fyodor doesn't show a visible reaction but spends a few minutes just staring at the message and mulling the words over.
🍎He's able to gain access to the footage of that specific street and watches in silence the accident unfolding again in front of his eyes. In a cruel way it's fascinating. In one moment you're driving safe and sound to your workplace, in the next your car topples over on the road. All previous work he has done is dropped as he starts focusing on your case, finds out where your corpse is kept and enables himself to see you one last time. It's strange, this clenching emptiness in his chest when he sees your dead body for the first and last time. Your skin even colder than his when he caresses your face with tenderness unlikely for a demon like him. He leans down to press a kiss against your forehead, inspects your bruised face. You don't look like you found peace and salvation in your death. There are no tears that he sheds for his darling but he leaves the building with his eyes stuck to the ground, deep in thoughts as he becomes aware of that hollow feeling he has in his chest, a dull pain as soon as he thinks about his darling. Won't they leave him in peace even in death?
🍎The driver of the truck has to be punished. They've committed a crime and Fyodor wants to bring them the judgement they deserve. They stole something precious from him. His darling was his cherished angel. An angel stained with sins but an angel nevertheless. The poor person gets abducted within the same day, shaking and trembling as they have no idea what's going on. They beg Fyodor to let them go since they're innocent yet shut up when they notice the glimmer in Fyodor's eyes, reflecting hell's fire itself. He asks them if they know what terrible thing he did for Fyodor to even deem them as worthy to not just kill them off like that. They can probably already think what he means but insist that they didn't intend to cause such a major traffic accident and kill and hurt so many people. Those are empty words and apologies at best in Fyodor's ears. The dead can't return after all which is why their sin can never be forgiven. A single touch of his hands is all it takes to end their life immediately but Fyodor finds no salvation in their death.
🍎He's never been a great sleeper, especially since he has anemia and suffers from a weaker health. There's no tantrum he throws, there is no tears he sheds. What he does is checking on his darling after recalling all the events of this rather detailed dream. You're alive but that doesn't quench this strange feeling. His intellect makes him one of the most terrifying criminals for a reason and he doesn't just brush this dream off as merely this. It was too detailed even for someone like him and considering that awakes a fascination and curiosity inside of him. He starts waiting for events in the world to happen which he is already aware of and in the next few hours he arrives at a truly interesting conclusion. That this wasn't a dream. No, it's the truth of what will happen and what might have already happened before. He's not even doubting this as he's too confident in his own intelligence and skills for such a thing. The question right now would be if you now just as much as he does. You were the main character in this tragedy after all.
🍎You think that God just hates you at this point. Your whole life has been a catastrophe since the last few weeks and now you even dreamed about your own death. It truly can't be any worse than this anymore. That's what you think at least. On your way to the bakery to buy something to eat as your own fridge is nearly empty due to the low payment you've received those last few weeks, you are not aware of the man who strokes serenely behind you, eyes observing you. You look tired and stressed out, have lost a bit of weight thanks to everything he put you through. There's no one in the bakery when you enter at first but you don't really care. Only when the door opens again and announces another customer do you spare a short glance at the man who just entered. You ignore him even as he stands right next to you, looking over the pastries and bread in the counter. It isn't until he suddenly asks you the question how your night was that you turn around with a slightly bewildered look. That's none of his concern after all.
🍎He returns a calm smile, one that slightly unsettles you though. You turn your eyes to the cashier as you wonder if they could help ou only to find them suddenly leaving which confuses you even more. You don't look all too well. Life must have been hard on you, isn't he right? You get all defensive when he starts talking like that to you although feat also starts striking you more and more as the sinister glimmer in his eyes freaks you out. He's curious, how does one feel when dreaming about their own death? Your face falls, eyes widen and your breath hitches when this question leaves his lips. A telltale sign and you only notice that he was waiting for this when you see the previously calm and arrogant smile taking on a more sinister form. Poor thing, he'll save you from your death and this life. You want to run, you want to scream but before you can do anything, something sharp penetrates your skin. A small needle injects something into your veins. You notice with blurring vision the cashier and his voice promising you that he'll save you from your own life.
Jouno Saigiku
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♦️You've stopped believing in anyone since a long time ago. Your trust in the government of this country has been broken ever since they've started keeping you in a special building, all because Jouno asked them for a favor. Said favor being you. The Hunting Dog asked the government to essentially trap you for him and all they did was listen. You're not treated bad after all, Saigiku just loves you and doesn't want to endanger you, it's a small sacrifice for the safety of this country. That's all you've received from everyone in here as all of them don't value you more than one of the Hunting Dogs. Speaking of the man, he's currently out on a mission and you're alone as often. You don't have many visitors as nearly everyone is too afraid of Jouno since his somewhat possessive tendencies are known to everyone and as if lying would work on him. You're sitting on the edge of the bed, deep in thoughts until your food is delivered by someone you haven't seen so far. A new face. Not as if that would mean anything for you. You won't be allowed to see anyone besides Jouno.
♦️You dig in the food listlessly and start to chew, noting a slightly weird taste to it as well as the one who delivered the food to give you a conflicted look. You tilt your head curiously and they seemingly flinch at that gesture, chewing their bottom lip before turning around. Their head hangs low and just before they leave, you swear you hear them muttering an apology, that it's nothing personal and that they'll be soon gone too. What was that about? You're not particularly hungry and dislike the aftertaste of the meal so you leave it and just go back to your bed, grab a book that you recently got. After a while something weird happens though. A numbness spreading from your fingertips, your tongue and your lips to the rest of your body, accompanied by an ache in stomach and head. This doesn't feel normal so you run to the door, or at least attempt to do but you stagger as you find to your horror the numbness spreading fastly. You're barely able to knock on the door and cry out for help before you fall over, completely paralyzed and unable to breathe.
♦️Jouno returns a few hours later and the first thing he wants to do is checking on his little darling to see if they behaved well. Only that he's stopped by one of the guards working here who is terrified, heart beating fast and muscles tense and trembling who stumbles out that Jouno can't see you. The way Jouno smiles at him and tells him to explain what has happend during his absence probably makes them feel like they could wet themselves. When they tell the blind man finally that you were poisoned and suffocated alive due to a total body motor paralysis, all emotions leave his face. The guard isn't able to react in time when one of his hands wrap tightly around their throat and squeeze tightly as his fierce temper bursts out for a short while. It's only because Fukuchi and Teruko stop him that the guard is set free although Jouno tells him in an arctic tone to leave where he won't notice him. He sits the rest of the day in the room where you were confined silently. He took you because of his own possessive nature, sure. But he meant it when he said that he'd protect you.
♦️It's at first unusual, after thinking about it, not so unusual that Jouno suddenly wants to see you in the middle of the night. You just wish that it wouldn't be now, not after the horrific dream you just had where you suffocated whilst you were fully conscious due to some poison in your food. You're really losing your mind in here, aren't you? What surprises you is that there's no teasing, no greeting, no sadistic remark when he enters. In the dim light you notice his face, void of the normal nonchalant expression on his face spiking your anxiety. You did nothing wrong as far as you can remember, why is he looking at you like that?! The sudden increase in fear is noted by Saigiku who shots your worries down by telling you that he isn't here to hurt you or punish you. You only ease slightly though as you don't trust the male as far as you can throw him. Your eyes are glued to him as he sits down on the bed next to you. He's looking at you, you feel that even if you know that he's blind. You don't say anything and he doesn't either for a while.
♦️The motion of him suddenly petting your head in something you dare to name gentle affection startles you. He rarely is that gentle with you after all, you have every right to be disturbed and flabbergasted by this sudden affectionate gesture. You actually dare to ask him what's wrong but as most of the time, you don't receive an answer from him. Instead he replies to your question with his own question and asks you why your heartbeat and your breathing pattern was already so frantic before he even entered. You flinch but aren't exactly surprised to hear that. His heightened senses are a living hell since you can't keep anything a secret from him. You don't want to tell him about your nightmare, in the worst case he'll use it to torment you again and right now you wouldn't be able to handle that. When you feel his fingers running harsher through your scull though and asking you again the question, you realize that you don't have a choice. As always. You keep it vague though, only tell him that you had a rather disturbing nightmare. The reaction you receive is unexpected.
♦️It's all pressed out of you within minutes and all he has to do is basically retelling what he has dreamed about and the reaction of your heart and your body tells him everything he needs to know. He leaves as fast as he has come although you have by now realized that something is going on but are as always never informed. The only thing you witness later on that day, hours after Saigiku has gone on a mission, is a small commotion outside your door which quickly dies down though and leaves you wondering what has happened. When Jouno returns, whatever small tension he might have had throughout the day leaves when he's informed by a guard that they captured the intruder. They are terrified when Jouno enters the room they're kept in, already informed about the background and their motives. Revenge on him by poisoning his innocent lover? That's exactly why such vile people as them should just die. Why not have a taste of the food just so they know what you went through? He leaves you in the dark about the truth, just dotes on you slightly more in return.
Suehiro Tetchou
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🌸Recently there has been some tension in the city thanks to a rather heated conflict between the Port Mafia and a foreign gang who tries to interfere with their business and affairs, numerous fights have already been ended with the cost of the lives of citizens. It worries you but it makes your partner even more anxious. Tetchou is protective, very much so, and you know that already. You've promised him to inform him as soon as something happens. He hopes that it won't come this far yet hope is rarely something you should put your trust into as he receives one day a message from you. No context is given besides the name of a place but there is no need for any context as he can already think why you mailed him. He immediately tries to call you but you don't pick up which results in him suffering a short heart attack. There are no orders for him currently so he storms out to the location you sent him. Teruko and Jouno end up tagging along. Both of them are bored as it is and when they hear Tetchou's hasty explanation, they take the chance to catch some terrorists.
🌸They arrive just in time to see a car leaving the abandoned place and as soon as they see them, they start firing. What other confirmation do they need? Plum Blossoms in Snow is instantly used by Tetchou and that without any worries as Jouno confirms to him that his darling isn't inside the car. He grabs the first guy closest to him when he storms over to the now split car and asks them in a serious tone what happend with you. A frightened realization dawns on the face of the guy when they become suddenly aware that the insanely strong man in front of them is in fact your lover. Their lack of an answer does nothing to soothe Tetchou's worries though as his grip by now threatens to snap some bones. They let out a cry before they point to the river, stuttering out that you walked in onto them disposing of some bodies from the Port Mafia and had to be silenced too. The statement implies everything Tetchou needs to hear to feel his heart stopping for a moment in his chest. He steps back in shock before he storms to the shore of the river.
🌸True to what they told him, he sees a few dead bodies floating in the water as soon as he runs into the river although none of them interest him as he frantically searches for you. The final sight that truly breaks him in the end is when he finally finds you, the water around you stained in red. He's shaking, slightly hyperventilating when he pulls you out of the water and notices with horror that you were shot through your lungs yet are still clinging to life for some miracle. Your pulse is faint and is getting weaker and weaker though as you choke out blood. Your eyes flatter open weakly when you hear a familiar voice calling shakily for you. When he realizes that you're conscious, he promises you that he'll get you to a hospital immediately. All you can do is lift your hand weakly which he quickly grasps, give him a weak smile and whisper something that destroys his very core. "You came. I knew that you'd come." You die seconds later in his arms, taking half of his heart with you. He should have done more. Then you'd still be alive but instead he failed you.
🌸It's truly not a pretty way to wake up as you nearly tumble out of your bed out of shock when you wake up from one of the worst nightmares you had in years, maybe even the worst of all. You attempt to be rational though as you take deep breaths to calm your racing heart down. You've spend a lot of time investigating all the fights, have read reports of all the victims and how many of them died. It wouldn't be unlikely for all of that pressure and lingering terror in your heart to result in a dream like that. There's nothing for you to fear though. You work for the government, you often work together with the Hunting Dogs, your partner is one of them and you yourself aren't completely defenseless. You chant those few lines again and again in your head until you've regained your composure enough but then it's already too late to go back to sleep. Instead you just shower, dress up, eat, brush your teeth and go through a few files of the most recent attacks again. Your phone is on silent mode so all the messages and calls from Tetchou go unnoticed.
🌸Only when you drive to your workplace do you see him. He's standing right in front of the building and as soon as he sees you, he rushes to you. You're very confused to why he's here but can't ask him this question when he nearly crushes you in a tight embrace. He seems desperate judging from the way he squeezes you so you decide to return the hug for now. You stand there for a few minutes like this and slowly you start to feel embarrassed from the looks the people who pass by give you. You try to convince him to let go now which he eventually does, reluctantly. When you ask him what that was for, he replies that you didn't answer to his calls and messages. That's when you check your phone for messages and calls are quite stunned from the sheer amount he spammed you with. Has something happened? That question triggers something in him as you notice his whole body tensing up and a sorrowful look flashing inside his eyes. You assure him that you'll listen and as the honest soul he is with you, Tetchou tells you about the dream he had.
🌸Instead of comfort from you, you stumble back in horror after he's finished talking. You show him your back, start rambling to yourself that this can't be true, that this is some really twisted coincidence and nothing more. The fright and fear you radiate puts Tetchou at even more unease and he notices how you've started to shake when he rests both of his hands on your shoulder and questions you what's wrong all of a sudden. The look you give him when you turn around is pure paranoia as memories of your terrible death flash in front of your inner eye and you reply in a voice merely above a whisper that you've dreamed the exact same thing. The paranoia in your eyes appears in his eyes all at once as his grip around you tightens. Both of you aren't stupid. This can't be brushed off as a mere coincidence. You find yourself being dragged away by Tetchou despite your protests as he insists that this time he will protect you. Your personal freedom might be limited, you might lose your workplace but despite all of that he's convinced he's doing what's right. Can't you see that?!
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☁️Sigma isn't terrible. He's kind, he's caring, tends to your wishes and worries with the best of his abilities. Yet you're stuck in the Sky Casino most of your days in a special suite, cameras are nearly everywhere in your room and guards are constantly looking out for you. All because you're not just a lover for Sigma. You're his identity. You're his home, his family, you're the purpose he always wanted for life. Because of you he became someone and he is precisely because of that so terrified and paranoid to lose you and let you go. Your emotions about the man in question are conflicted as you don't hate him, you might even love him in a way yet you also can't forgive him from cutting you off from the world down there. You often lament silently about your situation and try to pinpoint how you feel about Sigma. That day isn't really any different as you walk around the hallways, for once not accompanied by guards which took a bit of begging Sigma for it. You bump on your stroll through the hallway into someone unknown though.
☁️ You notice how they carry a bag around with them, some of the content falling out of it which they frankly collect again. Aren't those coins used in his casino? They don't even notice you when you step carefully closer, not until they look up and you're standing nearly next to them. They're clearly startled, press the bag closer to them and shuffle away from you. That's when you realize what's going on. They're a customer who gambled too much and ended up in major debt and stole those coins to gamble more, where they got them from is above your knowledge though. You pity them a bit, decide to just leave them since they'll be caught anyways. They seem to just continue down the hall too. Only that in that exact moment Sigma and his men appear. The composed look on Sigma's face is replaced with fear when he sees you though, tells you to get quickly away from that person. Unfortunately it's already too late, your arm is suddenly twisted behind your back and a knife pressed against your throat as they start threatening to hurt you.
☁️They're desperate and so is Sigma right now which is why he tells his staff to not shoot. He steps hastily closer as he tries his very best to stay calm, promises his customer that he will forget all about their debt as long as they let you go. They stare at him for a nerve-wracking amount of time before they slowly let you go and Sigma quickly ushers you to come to him. That moment is short-lived though as from the other side another guard appears, gun pointed straight at the thief. Everything happens too fast for Sigma to control then. The customer turning around and attempting to grab you, Sigma hiding you behind his back, the new guard shooting the customer, them trying to stab Sigma and you shielding him which results in the knife being plunged right into your throat. You collapse straight into Sigma's arms, twitching and choking on your own blood whilst Sigma starts shouting for help, his composure shattering as he tries to stop the bleeding, starts crying and begging for you to stay with him. Your body soon goes limb in his arms though and all at once his sense of self is shattered. Without you he's a nobody.
☁️Sigma only exposes his more insecure and vulnerable side to you and rarely to anyone else yet even you're caught off guard when he slams the door to your room open and storms to your side. Before you can even begin to ask him what's wrong, he almost throws himself at you, arms wrapped tightly around you and face buried in your shoulder. You take notice of the way his whole body is trembling and the wetness staining your clothes from his tears. So you swallow all possible questions you could ask him down and just wrap your arms carefully around him too, returning his hug. Neither one of you says much for the next hour as he at one point just lays down in bed with you and stays with you, trying to gain some semblance of sanity again. Even when you attempt to ask him about what happened after he has seemingly calmed down a bit, although he's still cuddled right next to you, he refuses to speak of it. He avoids the topic at all costs and eventually you give it up. He stays until the morning with you before he leaves you, very much to his displeasure.
☁️Throughout the day he constantly checks on you though, tightens the security around your room and insists for you to stay today in your room. This goes very much against your wishes and annoys you as you don't understand why he's acting like this. You've seen his insecure and more irrational phases before but this is something even worse and the most annoying thing is that he doesn't want to worry you and for that doesn't tell you anything. It's so frustrating. To your luck the guards keeping watch in front of your room are almost friends to you by now so you manage to negotiate with them that they will let you out of your room but will accompany you. It isn't ideal but you take what you're offered. You need some short change just to fully get rid of that gruesome nightmare of yours. What you tried to forget though comes back to haunt you when you see the same person staying in front of you, shaking when they notice the two guards. The guards pull out their guns when they notice the bag filled with coins, tell you to go back to your room.
☁️When you storm back to your room, you see Sigma who also rushes towards you. He's already beginning to scold you with a mixture of mild anger and paranoia until he hears you. All you do is stutter out that you have to stay in your room, that the person with the stolen coins from your dream is there, that you don't want to die before you leave him standing there and slam the door behind you shut. You weren't specific but Sigma understood everything you just told him. In the next moment he's calling for more guards, tells them to arrest the customer but to not kill them. Not yet. Honestly, he could have let it slide if it would have only been a dream of his but you had the same dream, you were the one sacrificing yourself for him and dying. They took you away from him, murdered you. Now he can't ignore this anymore. If they're so desperate for the coins, he'll give it to them. Only that Sigma will show them the special function for those coins too. You never hear of that person again, notice though how Sigma grows far more overbearing than he used to be.
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the-last-f2p · 1 year
May I request yandere hunting dogs (bsd buts without the captain and the captain obsessed Girl)
With a readers who cooks ( and is pretty darn good at it) for them because they probably only eat the military food
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You may also while writing this the only thing I could think of is 'Teruko and Fukichi are to alpha to have normal food keep that SHIT away from them' I tried my best annon but writers block hit hard :'< TW: BSD spoilers, Yandere behaivour, stalking, implied kidnapping and threats
When you first saw what the hunting dogs ate you were both appalled and suprised how could they eat something that looks so.. So.. So disgusting yes you were somewhat of a chef so you had a higher standard of cooking but dammit is military food disgusting. So you took it in your own hands.
You started cooking for each of them well the one's that would let you those being Jouno , Tachihara and Tecchou. Yes it was slightly awkward having to make sugar and white rice and whatever the other two wanted to eat that day but food shopping was now always an experience.
But the boys were always happy about it they apprecite your hard work and it does taste absouletly amazing but they'd never tell you that what if you think that they're weird or something??
Of course ever since you started cooking for them they each realised one thing. You must be protected at all costs. So for once Jouno and Tecchou got along so they can follow you! With Jouno's amazing sense of hearing and Tecchou's physical prowess in case someone dared to look at you funny they were covered.
This didn't mean that Tachihara wasn't doing anything in the Y/N protection squad though he had some restraint left and decided to follow you with you knowing like a guard dog isn't he so cute?
But let's say for some reason you stopped making them food and started avoiding them. The first few thoughts that went through Tecchou and Tachihara's head was that you got into trouble and needed help but Jouno was a little more self aware so he realised you were avoiding him and the others but he can understand why you'd want to avoid Tecchou. But he thinks you'll need 'a time out' just you, him, Tachihara and sadly Tecchou in a prison cell don't worry though once you've learned your lesson you'll be let out! But if you continue being a brat then Jouno will have to take more extreme measures...
And you wouldn't want that would you now?
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 2 months
And the rest is up to you
I'm not sure if requests are open
but can I please ask for them but as romantic yandere's for kianna komori like say they meet her because she's part of hunting dogs
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Also if you need any info about her it's on my blog here on Tumblr
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A:n- 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵... (𝘉𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘶𝘱𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘶𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯.
𝘚𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘴 𝘐 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘤 𝘹 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘥𝘰 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵.
𝘒𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘰 𝘒𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪 𝘹 𝘠𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘶𝘰 (𝘛𝘦𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘑𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘰)
𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘷𝘪𝘢 𝘐 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦?
How they met her:
First of all it is not easy to be apart of being in Hunting dogs once you are operated and gifted with compulsory body improvement trail.
Kiana met Jouno and Tetchou during the first introduction of her been selected.
You can say Teruko was more then happy to welcome her for once a girl have been elected as an official member of Hunting dogs beside her.
Kiana met Jouno through interrogation which he questions some details about her past occupation and warnings of how the body need once two month medical operation or your body shall break of sort.
And Kiana met Tetchou during the training where he agreed to spar with her.
He doesn't go that easy either though mindful of his strength he knows he should not over powered her as she is just starting.
How it goes, them developing Feelings for her.
Jouno will take much of his time to fall in love, Despite the fact in fanfiction many tries to lured him to fall in love with just looks but... He is blind how can he 𝐬𝐞𝐞 the beauty?
Either way he eventually developed slowly by slow measures like the silent chime of wind blows.
While Tetxhou eventually is like a tide of waves he falls in love with Komori like the sudden waves... He at first will be confused of his action around her it will be cute to watch them interact.
How obsessed and how much they can go.
Tetchou will be overprotective which is for sure but also midly manipulative... He may seems to be rash on actions and is protective but... He eventually can control the people around midly which others won't find out why they are distancing from Komori.
Jouno on the other hand is sadistic letting her be at a pittied state but also not the point of breaking. The problem is tetchou does not like Jouno harming her.
They both have their own reasoning.
Regarding been how she should handle in Hunting dogs of sort.
Will they kill?
Yes, yes they will.
That depends on the person though.
And no they won't kill directly but sidelines.
And no they won't kill just because the person took her time oh no, They will kill for touching her inappropriately to the point of crossing line
A:n- that's all! Take care good/night to all I hope you know that the request is close now.
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
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min-pathologica · 3 months
sick of people slandering characters in the name of other characters sigh. putting specific characters under the cut so no one tries to argue w me on this :p drdt chapter 1 spoilers lol
yes min did wrong teruko, yes teruko’s reaction was fair, no that actually doesn’t make min wrong!! or vice versa!! this is a death game!! people are forced to do shitty things to preserve their life!! you do not have time to think maturely about a situation after killing someone in self-defense!! think honestly, this stranger you don’t like is standing over what looks like your friend’s corpse with a knife and there you are, fully visible and loudly yelping by the doorway, hands too full to make a smooth escape, seconds to think of something before he fucking slashes you. for me it’d almost be instinctual to throw the bucket, at least to free my hands and stun him. for me at least. maybe some of u would be able to run. but min did the former, and i don’t want to hear this “she should have ran” because she had like 5 seconds to think of something. like. you have 5 seconds to devise a solution to the riemann hypothesis, you’re not going to think of every answer and rank them by correctness. same goes for fight or flight. this part is literally just fight or flight lol. so next she whips out the knife pen and swipes open that bad boy light switch (wow girlboss been playing that yandere simulator). obviously the fab fashionable ultimate student knows about electrical safety and its inverse, so it came in handy when she needed this brit down on the ground. so he fucking died, and ‘oh shit i just killed this guy, what am i going to do oh god i’m going to die i should’ve ran’ no wait if i just frame teruko i’ll survive. guys if you don’t have an active death wish, enjoyment of pain, and reversed instincts, you are going to do dumb shit to avoid getting your ass killed. you are going to take the easiest route you can think of. even if it hurts everyone else. dying is really scary guys, when it’s up there in your face dancing on your nose and it could actually happen and is more than a what-if. i hear these edgy 12 year olds out there with “haha i’m so concerning knowing how to dispose of a body! i bet i could actually get away with murder!” you aren’t accounting for adrenaline deariepop. you aren’t accounting for any of the many circumstances that will inevitably come with killing someone. you will not get away with murder girlboss. so min carries on with the framing, she does a pretty good job for having like ten minutes. and at the trial the adrenaline has not gone away in fact it has come back full force with a helpful heaping of guilt. probably. y’know. cause she’s guilty. and when it comes out that she framed teruko, yes teruko’s reaction was fair, you shouldn’t be all happy skippy bible school after nearly getting killed. so anyway gay hug. doomed yuri. yes. you get it. then min fucking dies. teruko’s cranky and needs a nap. because who wouldn’t. and i say cranky with all my heart and love, because i too am cranky after writing this out
so tl:dr people get messy and make mistakes when in life-or-death situations. therefore i think neither min nor teruko should be slandered for their actions in chapter 1. cool
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allisonlol · 2 years
𝙝𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙤𝙜𝙨
works with a "♡ " contain nsfw content!
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✗ jouno
s/o with an ability like death note
general sfw + nsfw hcs ♡
their ideal woman
comforting a sad & anxious s/o
aftercare hcs ♡
breakup hcs
jealousy hcs
s/o crying from period cramps
s/o that zones out a lot
angst one shot
confession hcs
s/o moving in
s/o has insomnia
as a yandere
hugging your plushie instead of them
getting caught in the rain w/ them
✗ tecchou
aftercare hcs ♡
general nsfw hcs ♡
breakup hcs
jealousy hcs
s/o that zones out a lot
s/o crying from period cramps
confession hcs
as a yandere
s/o scared of needles
s/o has insomnia
being a new recruit
s/o uses safeword ♡
✗ teruko
being a new recruit
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kami-kun1003 · 10 months
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Teruko yandere arc ⁉️⁉️😱😱😱💯💯💯💯
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How would the characters react(before they get into our world) if teruko from the hunting dogs was the readers favourite character and made it very well known by praising ever scene she's in
Totally not taken from the fact that I do that.
(also I have a completely platonic admiration for her)
Here you go. Hope, you like it.
My favourite (Teruko edition)
Self-Aware! Teruko Okura x GN! Reader
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Description: Their Guiding Light have a favourite character. The Vice-Captain of Hunting Dogs.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Soft Yandere.
"Wow! Teruko is in this chapter! Great!"
Teruko felt, how Little Light curled on her head and start purring. Familiar warmth surrounded her. Happiness and respect. Their Guiding Light were glad to see another scene with her in the manga.
Teruko also felt, that other characters were jealous of her. You were openly admiring Teruko. And some characters were jealous because of that.
Of course, it doesn't mean, that you hated other characters. Quite the opposite, they were fond of all of them and have something nice to say about them. But in case of Teruko, you were very vocal about their love for her.
"Heh. Teruko is quite a fun character."
"Teruko's ability is so unique and strong!"
"Teruko is the best BSD character!"
There were some accidents.
For example, Teruko was a little bit nervous. She was afraid, that her more sadistic side would scare you. Especially, after Teruko and Sigma red about their battle in Sky Casino. Would you change your opinion about Teruko? Thankfully, it wasn't the case, and you didn't like Teruko for been violent. When you were discussing BSD with your friends, characters heard your reasons for liking Teruko.
"My favourite BSD Character? Teruko Okura, of course! Why? Well, because she's an interesting character. She is a warrior. A ruthless one. A warrior, who can do terrible things. But for the better cause. Teruko is protecting civilians. She may be sadistic, it's true. But she is not a terrible person. She is a person, who has flaws and who embraced them and use them for the better cause."
Since then, Teruko promised to herself, to do everything in her power, to be the best of your protectors.
Teruko feels happy. Their Guiding Light's love wasn't bad or awful. You really respected her and liked her.
Teruko smiles. Today will be the day she joins the Rare Scout. And your team.
When Ango, Katai and Fyodor hack the app and find a way to add new cards and seasons in game, they start adding cards of the "new" characters.
At first, they add everyone from Season 3. Even this strange French guy, who, Teruko was sure, died many years ago. If Teruko understood Tachihara's report clearly, others made a leap of faith and add the photo of stage French guy into the Rare Scout as new card. Somehow, it brought him back to life. Completely normal and not harmed.
After characters finished with Season 3, they moved to Season 4.
Now, they were in the process of adding Hunting Dogs cards.
Today, it's Teruko's turn. She braced herself.
Today you will get new card. SSR Card [Gasp of the Soul] Teruko Okura.
The purple moon shined above Yokohama.
"Oh! New SSR! Who I got this time?"
"YO! Teruko's card! It's so pretty, it's so cool! Let's level you up, let's test you! Best day ever! Best scoot ever!"
Little Light was circling around Teruko, purring.
Teruko felt so much happiness. You really were happy to get her card. Teruko grinned. She needs to send you a few notes later.
Teruko herd Jounou's scoffing.
"You are a lucky one, Teruko. Been Our Guiding Light's Favourite. Are you sure, you would carry your duty as one of your guardians, when we finally met them?"
Teruko only hums in return.
"Keep your jealousy for yourself, Jounou. Of course, I would. I won't do my job poorly. Moreover, I would try even more now. I can't let them down. No matter what, I will protect them."
Teruko Okura looked at the window. Right at the fake sky.
"They are counting on me."
Earlier today, you got another note in the Gift Box.
"[Y/N], I am so glad to finally be a part of your team! I promise, that from now on I will protect you. Hope, that one day, we will become friends. Teruko Okura"
You laughed.
"I would be so happy to become friends with you, Teruko."
Teruko Okura smiles again. She also, would be happy.
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damagedintellect · 5 months
Don't get me wrong I love Dazai and Chuuya but I want to know who else can you see yourself writing a bsd x reader for?? It doesn't have to be for the isekai au either I just have a lot of bsd brainrot and I love the way you write :3
💌 Since it seems a lot of people are interested I made a teir list for my bsd brainrot!
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💌 If people want to make request I'm 100% down and here's my list of how motivated towards characters I would be! This could be romantic, platonic, sibling/family dynamics, yandere, whatever the case may be. I just like writing and character dynamics are my bread and butter.
💌 As we can see Nikolai, Dazai, Chuuya & Fyodor are 11/10 the "I will always write for them because I am down bad." My google docs is full of wips for them!
💌 Ango, Sigma, Poe & Ranpo are 8/10 all characters I have ideas for but have not written or fleshed out said ideas!
💌 Kunikida, Mushitaro, Oda, Atsushi & Bram, 7/10 I occasionally think about but have not made any effort to conceptualize fics for them.
💌 Fukuzawa, Mori, Yosano, Kouyou & Tachihara are all characters that I find neat and interesting and would be down to write for because they seem fun to work with!
💌 Gin, Akutagawa, Teccho,Teruko, Jouno, Kyoka, Kenji, Lucy, Hirotsu & yes even Kaji are all characters that I don't think about in my day to day so I'd probably need ideas for them to spark an interest, but I wouldn't mind trying to see if I could write for them.
💌 Everyone else under no, I just can't see myself writing for due to personality types or just not having enough source material to feel comfortable writing for them. I try really hard to make everyone feel in character and I would feel bad.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Hello! I really liked your Happy Death Day posts and I've wanted more of them so I have two request with that concept. 1) Happy Death Day with dazai, ranpo, fyodor, atsushi, akutagawa, chuyaa (and if you have read the manga) teruko, saigiku, tetchou, sigma. if you haven't read the manga then you can write for the first 6 mentioned with gin, kenji, yosano, and kunikida instead. 2) Happy Death Day with chiba, karma, asano gakushu, itona, isogai, nagisa, kaede, maehara, and human koro sensei.
All with gn reader please! Take your time with this request, there's no need to rush Take care :D
So, I already did this concept with Karma and Koro a while ago so they won't be included in here. Also, those Hc's won't be as long as the ones I've written for the Bungo Stray Dogs cast since I've spent approximately 10 hours+ on those due to the storm of inspiration. Hope you forgive me for that...
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, protective behavior, manipulation, blackmailing, sabotage, mentions of abduction, isolation, paranoia, violence, death
Happy Death Day
Shiota Nagisa
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🐍Nagisa is the type who latches quite onto his darling, might just be a bit dependent on them due to his insecurities. So finding out that they died and he wasn't even able to do the bare minimum of protecting them shatters the poor boy. He holds back the tears stinging his eyes until he's alone though where he lets them freely cascade down his cheeks, sobbing silently. He goes through extreme withdrawal for the rest of the day as he locks himself up in the room you two used to share, doesn't eat and barely drinks something as he just stays in bed. There's still the scent of his cherished s/o clinging onto the pillow and it serves to only push him further down his agony. You won't come back tonight after all. There will be no warmth next to him when he falls asleep and wakes up, no sweet words of affection nor your arms holding him close to you. With you gone now, he feels terribly vulnerable as you were almost his comfort blanket who soothed him and calmed him. If you're gone, what's left for him?
🐍You're still somewhat sleepy, even after that agonizing dream of yours, when you're shaken gently and are able to make out Nagisa's soft and shaky voice calling you gently. It's still very dark and you're only able to make out his figure sitting in the bed. You don't need to see though as your hearing is sufficient enough to tell you about his condition. Uneven and slightly erratic breath and the occasional choked back sob tell you that he isn't in a good state right now. Asking him what's wrong is fruitless though, the only thing he wants to do is clinging onto you, listening to the steady beat of your heart. So you do the only thing you seem to be able to do in that moment, embracing him and trying to soothe whatever nightmare caused him to be so desperate. You hear him mumbling after some time where he was able to at least calm down a bit that he's sorry for waking you like that to which you reply that it's all fine. Your own dreamworld wasn't that nice to you either after all...
🐍Your senses are slightly on edge thanks to the unplesant nightmare as it is so you're more aware of what's happening around you than you'd normally be. Even your heightened state of awareness can't beat Nagisa though. The guy is already so exceptionally observant and vigilant of everything around him on normal days, thanks to the nightmare he only turns more cautious and wary though. Even smallest things like the songs in the radio or the people passing by the window are noted down in his mind. So when you start feeling creeped out by the uncanny similarities in your dream and your reality, Nagisa is already silently freaking out. Are you going to die today? No, you won't. Because this time he knows better. This time he knows what he has to do. The potential of you dying today switches something inside the normally shy, insecure and friendly boy you love. You already feel his gaze intensely drilling into you, flinch when you see the changed look in his eyes.
🐍Nagisa is capable of things you didn't think he'd do when the danger of you losing your life is dangling above his head and messes with his head. Don't forget though, darling, that this is still the same Nagisa you're seeing here. What you witness right now is merely a side to him you've never seen before simply because he had no reason to show this part of him to you. Sure, there might be guilt knocking on his mind when he forcefully locks you away in the bedroom and you hit the door and beg him to let you go but the burning desire to protect you outweights that guilt for now. You hear him muttering through the door that he's sorry but has to do this for your safety before he leaves, the aura around him predatory and hiding his bloodlust. In such a state he's truly someone to fear, even if he isn't the tallest nor the most outspoken person. He has his target locked already, they can't run for they're already trapped and can only wait for the assassin to show his true colors.
Kayano Kaede
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🟩You two have known each other since her days in Class E and even if Kaede is only an alias she used to conceal herself with to join the class in the first place. You still use that name as some sort of nickname for her though. Honestly, those last few years have been just wonderful for her though. She finally learned to let go of her vengeful side, she got new friends and she got you as her endearing lover. The fact that she even saw you this morning makes it hard for her to comprehend that you're truly gone when she receives the news. Maybe she's just trying desperately to reject what will inevitably break her. They're lying! You two were just together this morning! She refuses to listen although the truth slowly sinks in, makes her more frantic and and anxious. When her last wall of delusional rejection breaks, she's just staring into space with wide eyes, hands covering her ears before she starts wailing her heart out. Why? Why does she have to lose someone precious to her again?
🟩You sit up as soon as you wake up, deeply disturbed by whatever that dream just was, one of your hands going to the space next to you to feel Kaede's warmth. Only that you notice than that it's empty although the warmth of her body still lingers. You're slightly panicked, wipe your head back and forth in search for her until you notice the light burning in the bathroom, hear the water from the tap upon closer listening and something that sounds like sobs. When you open the door to the bathroom gently, you see your girlfriend relentlessly splashing water in her face, trying to wipe away all the tears and to regain her composure. When she sees you standing in the door frame, she quickly puts a unsuspecting look on her face and tells you that you should go back and that she'll come soon after. Only when you step closer with a serious look on your face and ask her if she's alright, eyes staring straight into hers, does she break a bit and pulls you closer to her in a tight embrace.
🟩Initially Kayano doesn't wish to concern you with her dream so she is quick to act like her normal cheerful and kind self again around you, something quite easy for her thanks to her career as an actress. Neither you nor her are oblivious though and can't ignore what is going on around you. You certainly find yourself more frightened as the hours pass by. Kaede at this point acts pretty much to be able to still appear like you're used to know her but inside she's everything but cheerfel and calm. She's terrified of the murder happening at this point just like in the dream she had. What unnerves her even more are your reactions. She knows you since such a long time, is additionally really observant and obsessive so she takes notice of the little habits you have when you're anxious and nervous. She can deduce far enough to suspect that you know something too which makes everything only more ominous. However, Kaede is quite skilled to adapt to situations, something especially needed now.
🟩She rarely lies to you but right now she deems it to be the right thing to do and if only to help your tension to leave you. She's very tenacious in convincing you to change locations with a believable excuse she comes quickly up with, keeps up the facade of her cheerful and sweet personality. You can't help but think that something is definitely off with her when she insists on you to stay inside this room and wait for her as she has something to deal with, according to her it regards her work. You discover to your shock that she locked you inside when you try to open the door. Back in Class E Kaede has always taken the role of the passive and supportive classmate. Some of the bloodlust she thought she let go off all those years ago returns to her though as she envisions how you might have been killed today. Something definitely has to be done today about that person and if there's one fearsome trait on Kaede, it's her tenacity. Don't underestimate her.
Isogai Yuma
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🟤It feels like someone just brutally knocked out all the air in his lungs when he sees you lying motionlessly on the ground, blood staining your clothes. His heart drops and he instantly falls down next to you, numb to the way he scrapes his knees as he immediately starts checking for your pulse, noticing with growing nausea that your blood is already cold. You're already dead though as you're neither breathing nor have a pulse. When he realizes that, he slumps down in shock, blood seeping through the fabric of his trousers as all he can do for a few seconds is glue his eyes to your twisted face, indicating the horror and pain you went through. Why wasn't he with you? He could have protected you. It feels like he has simultanously no yet a thousand thoughts in his head, a weird sensation that threatens to overwhelm him as he starts gasping for air. Tears start to blur his vision. You've always called him perfect but especially in this moment Isogai feels like that's the furthest thing from the truth.
🟤He wakes up with a sheath of sweat covering his skin, clasps his hands over his mouth to lower the sound of him slightly hyperventilating in order to not disturb your sleep. There's a feeling of restlessness washing over him so slowly leaves your shared bed to head to the bathroom where he just stares in the mirror for a while. Tears are still blurring his vision and he quickly wipes them away, stands there for a few moments to take deep breaths to collect himself again before going back to bed. The moment he steps back into the bathroom though, he notices how you've started to toss around in the sheets, slight whimpers leaving your lips. He's quickly by your side, shakes you gently to wake you up from your nightmare. You're clearly out of it when you initially wake up, frightened until you see him and nearly throw yourself at him. He winds up comforting you and holding you close to him until both of you manage to fall back to sleep.
🟤The following day, Isogai appears to have recovered for the most part from the nightmare he had. You on the other hand can't seem to get over the dream you had, the rough hand wrapped around your throat and the knife being plunged over and over again into your abdomen. You cling to your boyfriend more than normally for that reason but he doesn't mind, instead notices that you still seem to be scared. He tries to reassure you as good as he can, offers you to listen to what you dreamed about so you don't have to torment yourself alone with it anymore. You hesitate due to the sheer brutality of the dream, know how reliable and trustworthy Yuma is and that's why you tell him. Something about the way he tenses up tells you that something is wrong though. Suddenly he seems more on alert than before and surely he starts noting soon things he's seen before in the dream he had. A dream so vivid that it almost feels like it was something more than that.
🟤He isn't the only one who notices such things. You, with your senses on high alert, are bound to realize the connection between your dream and the reality you're currently in. You've known Isogai long enough to notice that something has disturbed him to his core too even if he might be able to hide it better than you do. The final push to your anxiety is the moment he ask you in a pleading tone to not go out today, to just stay at home with him even if you have an important meeting. Why is he asking this of you? The look in your quivering eyes cuts him straight in his heart and instead of answering you at first, he just gives you a tight hug and asks the same question again, this time in a far more pleading tone. This reeks suspicious to you and you confront him about it, ask if it has anything to do with the nightmare you told him about. He hesitates shortly but you already know so much so he tells you the truth about his dream too, something that leads you to staying in his arms for the whole day.
Maehara Hiroto
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🔶His s/o at times still feels a bit iffy about him and considering Maehara's reputation during his Class E days, he can't exactly blame them. He's been doing his best to prove his commitment to you though, has stopped flirting with women around him. Honestly, he's someone with the philosophy to live in the moment so he's never given the thought of death, especially your death, much thought. Both of you are still young after all. Maybe it's that attitude and the lack of preparation about the topic of it all that results in his strong reaction, triggered when he finds your dead body. He bursts out in tears, storms to your side and tries to stop the bleeding. A part of him is logical, knows that you're already dead and that it's too late. The other half of him refuses to accept the truth as he tries to perform CPR on you in desperate hopes that you'll open your eyes again. Minutes of uselessly trying to get your heart to beat again finally is the last dagger to pierce his heart with the realization that you're gone.
🔶You awake partially because of the hideous nightmare you just had but also because of the increasing movement next to you. Next to you, Maehara doesn't seem to dream anything more serene than you did just a few minutes ago. He's tossing and turning around, breath heavy and erratic and when your hand smooths through his hair, you also notice that he's sweating. So you wake him up to free him from whatever haunts him in his dreams. His eyes open abruptly and his hand tightens around your wrist, startled from suddenly waking up after what he just saw. You flinch a bit due to the tight grip on your wrist, know that he doesn't mean to hurt you though. You gently remove his hand from your wrist and ask him if he's alright now. Maehara stares at you as if not believing that you're sitting in front of him before a choked noise leaves his throat and in the next moment he's pulling you down to hold you, arms wrapped around you as if you might not be real after all.
🔶You know that your boyfriend tends to be more clingy as a way to prove his loyalty and also to express his spilling fondness and adoration for you. Today there seems to be something more distraught behind all the hugs he gives and the kisses he presses against your temple and your lips. Whatver has set him off in his dream remains a secret though as he never gives you and answer when you ask him about what's causing him his fear. His whole attitude is a bit overbearing though as he constantly wants you where he can see you and always wants you to be in his arms. As the hours of the day pass by, you start feeling queasy as the events in your dream happen in reality too. It unsettles and unnerves you but you swallow it all down. Hiroto on the other hand feels like he's losing a piece of his mind because of this which serves to fuel his paranoia even more. He grows even worse and when you're about to leave the house late in the evening, he blocks the door.
🔶He doesn't budge even when you start to feel clearly angry, merely shakes his head and tells you in a frantic voice that you can't leave now. You're clearly irked right now but there's also something that slowly dawns on you. You compose yourself a bit before you ask him if he perhaps had a dream about you dying on your way outside. There's a visible tremor going through his entire body as his eyes widen and he asks you shocked how you knew about that. You reply with a grim expression that you had the same dream. Your answer exasperates him as he asks you in a slightly raised voice how you can still insist to go out even if you know that this...this will end in your death. You answer that nothing is guaranteed just yet, even with everything that happened today, and that you can just take a different path. He stares at you aghast before his face hardens and in the next moment he's pushing you back, despite your protests. Forgive him but if you won't take this seriously, then he will.
Chiba Ryunosuke
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🔫Chiba has been always someone very adult-like even during his days in Class E and has kept that attitude throughout the years. He's certainly more stoic and not the most talkative but his s/o knows from the small and thoughtful gestures he does for them that he cherishes them a lot. Because of his more impassive demeanor there is no very visible reaction from him when he finds his darling. He's just eerily silent when he searches for their pulse, slaps their cheeks gently in an attempt to wake them up. He's not one to kid himself though so when he realizes that you're dead, he stops everything. He's just kneeling over your corpse, bangs covering his hair as he stares at your face. Your dull eyes unsettle him deeply, pierce his soul, so he closes them, his hand only slightly trembling as he does so. Chiba just sits like this for a while, aware that this is the last time he'll see you until his death. Eventually he stands up and finally calls the police, his hair covering the wet film over his eyes.
🔫Something soft tickles your face when you come to your senses and when you open your eyes, you let out a short shriek. Having Ryunosuke's face leaning directly over yours, strands of his hair falling into your face, is bound to startle you, especially after the dream you just had. When you manage to stumble out what he's doing, he just replies that you've been acting fidgety in your sleep and looked like you had a bad dream. You assure him in the end that all is fine but even if the darkness is keeping you from properly seeing you, you still feel his eyes lingering on you. You try to ignore it though but you keep on sensing his movement when he turns his head to look at you. Until eventually you feel how he shuffles closer to you and wraps one of his arms loosely around you. Normally he isn't that clingy so you question if there's something worrying him. He doesn't answer you for a few moments until he eventually mutters out that he didn't have the best sleep either.
🔫When morning arrives, you really notice how true that statement was. He's slightly flustered when you lean in the morning close to his face, lift his bangs up and notice the dark rings under his eyes. Apparently he didn't fall asleep anymore after waking up in the middle of the night. You're concerned but he brushes it off, reassures you that one night without much sleep won't kill him. You decide to believe him. Chiba is known to notice smaller details about the people around him and his surroundings though and especially since everything about his dream is still so fresh is he able to notice so many unusual things. Your own behavior included, especially when you start glancing around you in paranoia. Instead of saying anything though, he just analyzes and watches at first before confirming anything. It isn't until everything that happened so far this day goes exactly like in the dream that he surprises you by telling you that he won't go to work today nor let you leave the house.
🔫The way he says that in such a serious tone whilst blocking your way frightens you. What's wrong with him today? He shoots the question right back at you, points out that you've been acting skittish the whole day as if fearing that something would happen. In the moment of tension you let it slip that you've dreamed about being murdered today and that the whole day has been weird, realize what you've said instantly after and start spilling out reassurances that it's all fine though. You pause when you see the tension in Chiba's muscles and the intense stare of his. In the next moment he's storming in one of his rooms and you hear him searching for something. Your heart drops when he returns with a gun in his head. Since when did he have a gun? You ask him terrified what he's planning to do with that gun when he gives you two choices. Either both of you stay inside or he will come with you. If someone tries to attack you though, he will shoot and he certainly won't miss.
Horibe Itona
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◽️Itona isn't one to be overly emotional either although his darling certainly knows that he can be rather clingy as he's somewhat fascinated with them and the emotions they cause inside of him. You're closest to his heart, Itona sees you almost as his heart that beats outside his chest. He feels his blood running cold and his body freezing in it's position when he discovers you one day, stained in blood and inanimate eyes staring into the empty space. Fear is pulsing through his veins as he eventually steps slowly towards you, kneels down and takes you in his arms. You're so cold, a piercing contrast against his own raising blood pressure. He shakes you a few times, tries to find your pulse before putting his head against your chest, the lack of your heartbeat resonating painfully in his whole chest that feels like someone just punched a hole inside of it. He feels too hollow and numb to move for a while, head pressed against your chest. What should he do now with his live when you're not here?
◽️You abruptly sit up from the mattress as soon as your consciousness has escaped a very gruesome dream. You attempt to take a few long and deep breaths to calm down, don't want to wake up your very sensitive boyfriend. When you turn around though, you almost jump out of your skin when you see Itona sitting in bed too, golden orbs glowing in the darkness and staring straight through your soul. How long has he been sitting like that and given you that look? God, he scared you just now. Is everything alright? He blinks, doesn't answer your question and just continues to look at you with such intense eyes, something that might just creep you out a bit. Then he just crawls over to you, pushes you down and lays on you, ear pressed right against your heartbeat. You try to push him down since he minimizes your ability to move properly but he just tightens his grip on you, refuses to budge. You give up after a while, know how intractable Itona can be.
◽️From the moment you leave your bed, Horibe behaves like a duckling. He follows you everywhere in the house, almost walked into the bathroom with you when you wanted to use the toilet and even without having to turn around, you can sense his eyes staying glued to your form. Really, what is wrong with him today? He slightly annoys you with his behavior but doesn't listen when you ask him to stop it. Your annoyance is soon replaced with a lingering feeling of fear and queasiness as the day progresses and you see how things evolve around you. You've heard those news before, have heard those song playing in the radio already. All because you've experienced it already in your dream. Something feels fundamentally wrong with the way this day shapes to be but also Itona gives off weird vibes which only get worse with each passing hour. He's a really observant individual too, you know? He'll also notice everything you've noticed, probably even mundane things you've missed.
◽️You have a problem with him the moment he hinders you from going to work. Honestly, you don't want to either but what choice do you have? You're not someone who believes in supernatural things either so there's also this stubbornness to prove to yourself that you're unnecessarily worried. All your angry words fall on deaf ears though until you finally snap and ask Itona what the heck has gotten into him. It better be a good explanation too! Golden orbs pierce through yours for a while before he tells you everything in his typically very direct and brutally honest fashion. Your anger fades away then, replaced by anxiety and dread. How likely is it that both of you have had the same dream about today? The change of attitude is noted by your boyfriend, you're acting weird now that you've heard his story. When you still decide to go, he knocks you out and catches you before you collapse on the ground. He's sure that you won't like what he did but he's delusional enough to believe that he's in the right.
Asano Gakushu
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🟠Gakushu is someone who has a lot of influence and money and is on top of that willing to resort to low methods such as manipulation, bribery and blackmailing. A life with him is not one where you have too much freedom as he's someone who likes to have control and monitor what you're doing throughout the day. So how ironic it must be that he still miscalculated something, doesn't know about your murder until he's informed. He's a prideful individual who isn't prone to admitting too often that he's at fault so at first he lashes out at all the staff working in the household for not looking out for you, trembling in anger and also grief. Even the police doesn't get better treatment as he low-key threatens them to better prioritize finding the killer or else he will find a way to make them lose their job. The moment he has no one to get angry at besides himself anymore, his facade crumbles as he starts to hyperventilate slightly, your death shaking him to his very core.
🟠Upon waking up, you're surprised to find Gakushu sitting on the edge of the bed, face buried in his hands as he takes deep and shuddering breaths as if attempting to prevent himself from overreacting. When he notices that you're awake and look at him, he instantly puts on a facade though to hide any sign of emotional weakness from his side. He tells you to just go back to sleep and upon your question what he was doing just now and if he's fine, he shuts you down by telling you to not worry. His tone indicates that he doesn't want you to dig deeper so you let it be. You know better after all. He doesn't talk with you afterwards and you feel too awkward to start a conversation again. So you just lay next to him awkwardly, unable to fall asleep because of your dream though. Not like Gakushu is in any better position than you are. When he notices that both of you aren't able to fall asleep, he orders someone from the staff to prepare some tea in hopes that at least you will fall asleep again.
🟠It's not like he's going to admit it if someone were to point it out to him but Gakushu's patience seems strained today, not to mention that he's more sensitive. The staff adjusts instantly since no one wants to get on the nerves of Asano Gakushu and become the target of his displeasure. To your great sadness you also notice that he seems more keen to keep you confined in his house for the day, tells his staff to keep an better eye on you. You express your unahppiness and ask him why he's doing this since you can't recall doing anything to displease him. You don't get an answer out of him though as you're left in the darkness, stuck in his house. Gakushu is normally not an irrational person and by all means not someone who believes in preternatural things but this dream left him with a deep sense of disturbance. Not to mention that he has noticed from the very early morning already things he recognizes from his dream which leaves him with tension and unease.
🟠He's taking merely some precautions just in case this all means more than he'd like to admit. He can't help but be curious and find out whether his dream really was some otherwordly phenomenon so he informs the police about his suspicion that someone might try to attack people in the location where you were murdered in his dream. For the rest of the day he tries to put his troubled emotions back in order to focus on work although he calls you twice that day just to check on you. It isn't until later that day that he also receives a call, from the police this time. They tell him that his information apparently was right since someone was indeed attacked by a person in the location he told them about, luckily survived since the police arrived in time. The criminal was arrested too. Gakushu represses the shock that pulsates through him when he hears that his dream was actually right. As soon as he ends the call, he drops down his chair in shock. He wonders if you perhaps know something too...
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