#yasha insert last name
iistxrmyskyii · 4 months
what i say 👀 told you there was more coming
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littlebosslady7 · 2 years
Mighty Nein Reunited Finale
My and my sister's dog finally crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday afternoon, and Critical Role has been a fun few hours to nerd out out with my husband. But it was also just really comforting to laugh and explore this journey with our favorite nerdy ass voice actors. We got about 2 and a half ish hour in before calling it a night.
Here are some live tweets from me. Twitter is the same name as my Tumblr
Not the same without mah girl on my lap, but I repeat my statement from last week. Can Kingsley be captain now?
Laura: Are you wearing suspenders Me: Dapper. My hubby: ofc
I sense dope monk shit incoming, and Veth with the spells. Go our favorite halfling.
My husband had a goth phase in high school. So on the 666 roll. He said “That sucks for Matt. But one of us.” LOL
Everyone’s busting out that new shit. Love. Earthquake chaos!
Kingsley’s a badass. I’m jealous that Sam has a candy bin on his flask
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Screencap credit: @bixbiboom (x)
All the fictional snakes! Oh hell no!
Maybe it’s in the giant’s ass. Travis Hampton Willingham. LOL
Math is tricky for me too Travis. Hubby’s nerding out over the classic pop pop/dope monk shit.
What’chu talking about Samuel Brent Oscar? Veth had cool wizard stuffs and action with Yeza before the reunion.
Yasha’s HYWDT [insert star eyed emoji here]
Kingsley volunteering as tribune so tracks. Fjord stepping up makes more sense story wise
And I forgot to send this one, but King asking Beau and Yasha about Molly was lovely.
ICMI: I've been writing a few Perc'ahlia fics here. Hope y'all like 'em. Will catch up with the VOD on Monday.
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jaebird88 · 4 years
Finished last week’s CR last night, and oh dear... What Lovecraftian horrors await us this week?
Seriously, the M9 might as well have been inserted in At the Mountains of Madness, from the otherworldly magical technology to the baby-faced, angler Shoggoth analogue, and I’m all for it.
But I feel kudos should be given to both Travis and Laura for their scene together. Namely in the sense they could have just gone all the way with it for shits and giggles, but no; it occurred naturally and believably for both Fjord and Jester, in my opinion. Now we need to have a similar moment with Beau and Yasha. Just not so soon, otherwise it will become the next running joke 😆
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ofsvnlightt · 3 years
it’s been a while since i’ve done one of these! update for jester
her memories were up through episode 130 but now they’ll be from 136! instead of doing an in character self para, i’m just going to do bullet points this time. it’s still going to be a very long post though. 🤷‍♀️ 
also, a quick note, i loved using amanda arcuri as jester’s fc because of her blue hair but she had minimal resources and she looked too young for how i picture jester. so now she’s back to laura harrier, who i’ve used previously. and despite her being brunette, jester still has blue hair!! :)
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jester’s updated memories, aka a walk through 6 episodes of critical role:
short version:
currently ahead of the tomb takers, the mighy nein arrive at a secret entrance lucien had mentioned and begin their way into another section of the aeoran ruins. setting a trap, they successfully ambush the tomb takers, killing 3 of the 5. lucien and cree get away and now they’re chasing them...again, instead of being ahead like they were.  finally catching up, lucien opens a portal to the astral sea. him and cree jump in, threshold crests in hand, and begin floating toward the cognoza ward. beginning to fight but ultimately avoiding a huge water elemental, the nein also make it through the portal in pursuit of the two remaining members of the tomb takers. they need to stop them from bringing this section of aeor back to the material plane.
loooong version: numbers in parentheses are the ep numbers  
so, where we last left off, the nein were bedding down for the night in caduceus’ home, the blooming grove. (130)
the next morning, caleb teleports the nein to eiselcross. magic is tricky here due to the ruins of aeor, but luckily, they’re only about two days away from their target, the vurmas outpost, where essek is located. (131)
they make it there without issue, and recruit essek for their trip into some of the ruins as well as their eventual fight against lucien and the tomb takers. 
making it to lucien’s secret entrance (thanks to the wildmother) the nein begin their trek into the depths of aeor to try to beat lucien to whatever he’s planning to do to bring the cognoza ward back.
 they almost immediately get attacked by 3 undead ice giants. (132) but they make it out alive, killing two and turning one into a sloth.
as they continue their journey and after some yasha/veth hijinks, they’re still down hp but run into some more monsters, behirs. they defeat them too though. (132/133)
continuing, they come upon a portion of the city. with invisibility from veth and flight from caleb, caduceus checks it out.
finding it safe, the rest of the nein make their way to the center of this ruin, an amphitheater. there, they find a blue dome, with people on the inside, still. frozen in time.
there’s nothing they can do, unable to find the root of the spell or whatever made the dome, so they continue on their way. after a lot of discussion of how to ambush the tomb takers since they’re ahead of them, they back track a little and set a bunch of traps. juster casts the symbol spell halfway down a cliffside, and just below, caleb, beau, and essek set 3 intuit charges.
they then go into caleb’s tower and jester prepares a hero’s feast so they’re ready for the tomb taker’s arrival. caleb takes watch (through frumpkin) outside of the tower but out of range of the intuit charges; everyone else sleeps in the tower, but in the foyer together instead of in their rooms. 
about 5 hours into their night’s rest though, essek gets word from the rangers hidden outside the ruins that there are 5 figures approaching - the tomb takers.
fjord orders to engage, hoping to slow them down a little so the nein can get a full rest. they don’t however. caleb is notified via frumpkin disappearing that the intuit charges went off so he dispels the tower, popping everyone out and waking them up.
they all rush to the location of the charges seeing 3/5 tomb takers unconscious, lucien and cree the only ones standing.
out of frustration and self preservation, cree dimension doors the two of them away.
fjord, yasha, and veth take final blows on the 3 unconscious tomb takers to super make sure they’re dead and can’t come back. veth shoots one through the mouth with her crossbow, yasha and fjord decapitate the other two. (133/134)
the nein then make their way back to the ruin from the day before, following a blood trail left by cree. 
when the trail runs dry momentarily, they continue on their way through the destroyed city. beau and veth scout ahead, coming back to report that they saw bodies of some strange aeoran creatures.
they all backtrack once again, checking out the amphitheater. essek is unable to ascertain anything about the dome as well. finding a somewhat still put together body, caduceus casts speak with dead on an aeor citizen. (ooc: they gain some important information but nothing necessary for how i’m playing jester.)
veth then inspects an automaton that was near the dome. using a scavenged gem from much earlier in the nein’s explorations of the aeoran ruins, she inserts it into the robot, bringing him to life. he’s very damaged and can’t walk, but can speak. jester offers to carry him on her back. caduceus names him charlie.
the group making it to where veth and beau were before, they all see the carnage of the battle that was done here, most likely by lucien and cree. 
stealthily going past it, they continue down the thoroughfare before coming to a wall or giant sheet of rock. following it to the left, beau finds an opening. walking through, they find more spatterings of blood, cree’s most likely. the tunnel opens into a chamber, with a pulsing spire in the middle of it. electrical. 
realizing they’ve been followed by a creature similar to the ones they’d seen earlier, that’d been killed by lucien and cree - an aeoran reverser, they run into the electric chamber and caleb casts globe of invulnerability.  from one of the other hallways, they’re greeted by another experiment, an aeoran absorber. 
they fight the creatures and slay them all, making it out alive. coming to some doors that charlie believes is to the genesis ward, the group lay outside them and take a much needed rest.
before going to sleep, jester scrys on cree. her and lucien are patching themselves up. she curls into a ball (as a cat does, she’s a tabaxi) and rests while lucien, who doesn’t need sleep, takes watch.
waking up, beau and caleb both have a third eye marking - beau’s on her chest, caleb’s on his left palm. (135)
approaching the doors, veth and fjord try to open one but a hinge snaps and it gets stuck. yasha and jester then try, successfully getting the door open. entering, the nein see before them, a wide open area, much like previous places within the ruins they’ve seen. 
however, in the center, this section of the city curves upward, as if there was an explosion of some sort from underground.
beau climbs the crater and looks down, seeing partially ruined and sheered off remnants of a subterranean city.
they all climb up to be with beau and looking down, jester sees a room just a few levels down that looks familiar from her scry.
using rope to climb down into the crater, everyone stops on the first level where there is a records room. caleb is in heaven. yasha and essek stay behind with him while the rest move on.
jester leading the way, they rest begin to climb down to the room she recognizes, but they stop on the next floor down as the rope begins to fray.
when the other three finish, caleb begins to climb down the rope, not knowing it’s somewhat compromised, and it snaps. he casts polymorph, turning himself into a bird, thus making it the rest of the way fine. essek floats down (that’s like his thing), and yasha bamfs out her wings, flying herself down. she then carries everyone down to the third level, the one they want to be on, as said by jester.
they walk down the hallway and come to a chamber where there are three rooms. one reads repair terminal. they take charlie there to fix him, setting him inside a tube. it closes and when it opens, what was once a damaged, half-robot, is now a fully functional one. he introduces himself as devexian.
fjord asks about threshold crests, mentioning the astral sea, and he tells them to go to b9. within the immensus gate, that’s where the planar tethers are. he leaves, wanting to try to recover any allies
exiting the repair terminal, the nein head into the rejuvenation experimentation room. there, they find two tubes, one is damaged. fjord goes into the undamaged one and as a gem glows at the bottom of the tube, he gains the benefits of a long rest. essek ascertains that dunamancy is at work here and takes the gem from the damaged tube and gives it to caleb, for later use.
going back into the central chamber, they are crossed with another creature - this one an aeoran nullifier. a battle begins.
another creature shows up mid fight, but caduceus banishes it. finishing off the nullifier, the nein run back to the entrance (the crater) and since they have no rope, some use fly and others feather fall  (via veth) to float down to level b9, hot on the trail of lucien and cree.
coming to b9, they all land into rushing water. something from far ahead is causing this stream of sorts. (136)
beginning to move forward, beau notices that the shadows aren’t as intense as they used to be. one of the eye markings has given her (and caleb) darkvision. they also now have true sight (can see through illusions) and can speak to others and each other telepathically. 
caleb also reveals that during jester’s scry the night before, sprinkle was chittering in her ear. during this ritual, artagan usually appears to help her out, but this time, even though he was, only sprinkle could be seen. this means that sprinkle has been artagan (almost) the whole time!!!! he’s been inhabiting him. artie then appears and explains that he wanted to be close to jester ever since the iron shepherds incident. (ep 26)
continuing down the hall they come to a closed door labeled t-dock project. opening the door, jester, yasha, and caleb walk down the lead-lined hallway into a small room. investigating it for a little bit, yasha grabs essek, and him and caleb check out the runic circle in the middle of the room. the symbols are a combination of both transmutation and dunamancy. they deduce (with help from journals in the room) that it was used for temporal alteration - aka, time travel.
while the group is semi-split up with some in this chamber, the connecting hallway, and the main hallway, veth and fjord hear (and fjord can see) a monster jump down to their level. after some chaotic planning, the group decides to just walk away and not engage with the monster. 
continuing down the main hallway, stealthily now as to not alert to monster, they come to two more rooms. beau investigates. one in labeled kitchen, the other common area. she sees two aeoran absorbers napping in the kitchen, so she let’s the others know and they head toward the common area. entering, caleb approaches a plaque that reads immensus hall, but gets too close to an unseen intuit charge, setting it off. a trap set by lucien and a taste of their own medicine.
the blast also injures and awakens the absorbers. deciding to run instead of fight, the nein enter the immensus hall and caleb puts up a wall of force to keep the two absorbers and the other monster out. it works to their benefit and the creatures fight each other instead.
descending down some stairs, the water has gotten deeper and underneath, beau spots two more intuit charges. caleb uses dispel magic to disarm them.
seeing another threshold into another room, veth invisibly stealths ahead. entering the room, she sees a ring pillar on a raised platform and two figures darting around the pillar. within the ring is a crackling blue line - the source of the water. she returns to everyone else and tells them.
beau and caleb hear lucien in their minds (he can speak telepathically too....he has nine eyes, where as beau and caleb have 3) saying that he’s set up precautions (intuit charges) but he’d like to chat first.
[enter villain monologue]
cree inserts a tuning rod, lucien lifts a lever, and the thin crackling line opens enough to let out a mass of water. she switches out the rods and lifts the lever once more, the new portal fully opening to the astral sea.
lucien invites them to follow, but as they begin chase, a huge water elemental forms from the last rush of water lucien let out. the group fights a little bit but ultimately circumvents the elemental and jumps through the portal
jester’s the last one and as she jumps through, the elemental grabs her, but with a clutch mage hand move by veth, she pulls the lever on the other side of the portal, closing it and severing the hold the elemental had on jester.
and now they begin/continue their pursuit of cree and lucien, now floating in the astral sea. next stop: the cognoza ward, to stop the two remaining members of the tomb takers in setting the threshold crests and bringing it to the material plane.
and that’s where episode 136 ends! i could’ve/should’ve just gone to 138 to have her memories fully caught up, but we’re close to the climax of this current arc and so much is going to happen in the coming week(s), that i didn’t want to do that. and look at how long this is!!! it’s 52 bullet points and it would be at least 20 more if i added two more episodes.... so i think this is okay for now. :)
if you read all this, snaps and hats off to you. ily
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patchwork-panda · 4 years
If A Moment Is All We Are (7/?) (Dazai x OC fic)
AO3 format: HERE
(Early publish for Dazai’s Bday)
For funsies: I recommend finding the asterisk (*) at the end of the chapter and playing the 1st ED from Bungo Stray Dogs (link) when you get to it so the ED plays as you finish reading the scene. :)
Dazai got to his feet.
The girl pointed wordlessly to the window and the apparition behind her charged. I had a split second to duck behind the desk for cover but for some reason, my left arm wasn’t coming with me. Panicking, I pulled as hard as I could, completely forgetting Dazai and I were still handcuffed together. I heard a strangled yell and looked to my left just in time to see Dazai crashing into me.
We fell behind the desk in a tangled heap as the wall before us was sliced to pieces and the apparition burst into the room in a shower of shattered glass and rubble. Swearing, I shoved Dazai off of me and pushed myself to a crouching position behind the desk as Dazai groaned and did the same. As we hid behind the desk together, I heard the little girl’s quiet voice call out into the empty office.
“I know you’re here.”
I peeked through the tiny gap between the desk and the floor and saw a pair of small, sandal-clad feet touch down on the broken green tiles.
“Come out,” the girl called again, her voice as cold as ice. “Detective Dazai.”
I shot Dazai a look and he immediately flinched.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he whispered.
“Why does she know your name?” I shot back.
“There! Yasha Shirayuki!”
Out the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of blue and looked up to see the apparition, “Shirayuki,” looming over us, her sword raised high in the air, the fine edge of its blade glinting in the sun.
Before I could react, I felt Dazai grab the back of my shirt, half-choking me as he hauled me away by the scruff of my neck, mere milliseconds before the demon’s katana sliced down and split the desk in two. Binders and office supplies flew everywhere as the desk collapsed and through the blizzard-like storm of loose paper and pens, I saw the creature rise and turn those yellow eyes on me. I stood.
“This way!” Dazai and I shouted in unison.
Forgetting once again that we were handcuffed together, I ran left while Dazai went right; we were pulled back together in an instant. This time, no one fell, but once again, Dazai had to yank me out of the way of Shirayuki’s sword as it rushed towards us. Thinking fast, I grabbed the thick, cushy chair I’d sat on during my test and shoved it at Shirayuki as it struck. The katana plunged deep into the chair, where I’d just been standing, with a horrible ripping noise and as I watched it struggle to pull the sword back out, I realized Shirayuki was stuck. At once, I turned to Dazai and pulled him towards the door.
“Now’s our chance! Let’s get out of here!”
As we ran down the aisle between the desks, I heard the unmistakable sound of steel scratching against thick fabric and plastic; Shirayuki was slowly getting free. Instead of looking back, I ran faster.
“Dazai-san, why is she after you?” I gasped, struggling to keep up with the man’s long strides. “What the hell did you do?”
Dazai thought for a moment.
“I may or may not have put her in jail last month,” he answered, sounding rather nonplussed. “Her name is Izumi Kyouka, by the way. She was an assassin for the Port Mafia.”
“How did she escape?!” I yelped.
Dazai shrugged and I groaned.
So that’s what the morning phone call had been about. Dazai was rushing me through the end of my exam so he could get us out of here before the assassin, Kyouka, arrived. Unfortunately, it hadn’t worked and now I was handcuffed to him and running for my life for the second time in a week. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, an enormous mahogany desk went sailing over our heads and crashed into the far wall, blocking off our exit and sealing us inside the room.
My sneakers screeched against the tiles as I struggled to go from a full sprint to a full stop and I stumbled awkwardly over my own two feet, almost crashing into a nearby desk. I felt the tug on my wrist as Dazai was pulled back to me and I planted my feet firmly on the ground to avoid being yanked towards him. I felt a sudden rush of wind behind me and I whirled just in time to see Shirayuki preparing to strike.
Seizing my handcuffed wrist, Dazai suddenly turned on his heel and pivoted, swinging me around and instantly trading places with me so that Shirayuki missed. I looked back to see Shirayuki bearing down on Dazai, who was just standing there with his free hand extended towards her.
“What are you doing?!” I screamed.
Shirayuki swung.
There was a flash of blue light and a strong blast of wind and I threw up my hand to shield my eyes. Through my splayed fingers, I saw Shirayuki being held at bay—by some kind of invisible barrier just beyond Dazai’s outstretched fingers. As she struggled to pierce through that barrier, her sword slowly sank, bloodlessly and quietly, into Dazai’s open palm, into nothing, disappearing as smoothly as a body into water. I blinked and she was gone.
He nullified it?! Was Yasha Shirayuki actually this girl’s Ability...?
But before I could figure out what had happened, Kyouka rushed in, a kodachi short sword clutched in both hands. She swung.
Without thinking, I grabbed Dazai’s shackled wrist with both hands and pulled as hard as I could, yanking him backwards and out of the way of Kyouka’s attack. I watched her blade slice through the air, missing Dazai’s nose by mere millimeters, clipping the ends of his bangs as he fell backwards—and into a chair.
He smacked his head against the arm rest and promptly passed out.
I winced.
As Dazai slid off the chair and onto the floor, I felt his weight suddenly drag me down and I staggered. I barely managed to catch myself on the desktop in time to avoid being pulled down as well but as I did, I banged the end of my elbow—my funny bone—into something dense and metallic. At once, a horrible tingling sensation spread down my forearm and into the tips of my fingers and as I hissed in pain and turned back to see what I’d hit, I saw the shiny metal and plastic surface of a fancy-looking coffee machine.
The red light on the side was flashing and it looked like the water in the steam chamber was full and piping hot. This gave me an idea.
I stood up as much as I could with Dazai’s weight still pulling painfully on my thin, handcuffed wrist and faced forward as Kyouka ran towards me, making no attempt to move out of the way of her attack. Propped up unsteadily with my one sweaty, free hand, I stood there, waiting until Kyouka was right in front of me, kodachi pulled back, ready to strike. At the last moment, I let go, smashing down on the big red switch attached to the steam chamber as I fell to the floor. It broke off completely as Kyouka’s blade thrust into the machine, releasing a cloud of blinding white steam; she let out a high-pitched shriek as she let go of her weapon and threw out a crimson sleeve to protect her face.
With Kyouka temporarily distracted, I dragged Dazai behind the hedges and propped him up to a sitting position against the cement block. He still looked a little dazed but at least now he was conscious.
“I’m so sorry! Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?”
Dazai grinned weakly.
“Not nearly enough. Could you do me a favor and finish me off?”
I rolled my eyes and sat down heavily next to him, my shackled wrist rattling in its metal prison as I brought my hands to my face.
“If you’re well enough to joke, help me think of a way to escape. First we gotta get out of these handcuffs. Do you still have the key?”
Dazai shook his head.
“It actually fell out of my pocket the first time you knocked me to the floor,” he said with a sheepish grin.
I thought I was going to cry. As I contemplated throwing myself out of the enormous hole in the office wall, Dazai thought to himself and suddenly snapped his fingers.
“Wait! Kunikida-kun should have a spare key! The President gave him one in case something happened to the first key and I couldn’t unlock you when your exam ended.”
Kunikida was supposed to come by? A flicker of hope burst to life in my chest.
“What if you called him or any of the other detectives for backup?” I asked. “We can’t deal with Kyouka on our own but maybe—!”
“Yeah, about that...”
Dazai jabbed a thumb behind us at the wrecked office space.
“My phone also fell out of my pocket when you pulled me out of there earlier.”
“Oh my God, you’re useless!”
I took one look at the enormous desk blocking the main doorway and shook my head. It was completely broken down to the point where it was actually sagging in the middle, with drawers hanging out every which way and a considerable debris field around it to boot. There was no way Dazai and I could get that thing out of the way and escape before Kyouka recovered her weapon or her Ability. Dazai’s phone may still be in the room but from where we were sitting, it might as well have been on the moon.
I was about to consider breaking down one of the unknown doors in the room when I spotted something glittering on the floor next to me: a single, gold bobby pin. I had never picked a lock in my life but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Quick as a flash, I snatched up the bobby pin and was about to insert it into the lock, when Dazai’s fingers suddenly wrapped around mine.
Dazai’s voice was low, his brown eyes serious.
“What are you doing?”
I blinked at him.
“Saving our lives. We’re never going to escape handcuffed together like this—”
“Didn’t you hear what I said earlier?” Dazai asked. “Your exam ends the moment someone takes off those handcuffs. If you do unlock these on your own right now, you will fail the exam and lose your chance to become a member of the Agency.”
His fingers tightened around mine.
“If you do this, you’ll never learn the secret to controlling your Ability. Do you understand?”
I felt a chill creep into my blood as his tone sank in. My hand shook in his grip.
“Are you serious?”
“Completely serious,” Dazai replied. “You can’t become a member if you—”
“Our lives are in danger and you’re still talking about the exam?” I snapped, furious. “You know what? Screw you. And screw this exam, too! If the Armed Detective Agency is going to prioritize rules over the lives of its detectives, it’s not worth getting into! Now let go of me so I can save your stupid life!”
I tore my hand out of his grip.
But before I could jam the gold hairpin into the lock, I saw a tell-tale flash of blue light out of the corner of my eye. Shirayuki was back and in seconds, a shadow appeared above our heads. We threw ourselves out of the way just in time as a massive swivel chair came crashing down over the hedge.
The hairpin flew out of my hands.
As we landed heavily just before the large, broken desk that was blocking the main door, I spotted a large pair of scissors on the ground. Its metal blades were open and exposed, and it was lying just two centimeters away from my free hand.
I glanced over my shoulder to see Shirayuki flying towards us, her sword shining like lightning in her hands and I grabbed the scissors. If I couldn’t unlock the handcuffs myself, then I’d need someone else to cut them off for me...!
“Dazai-san! Lift up your arm and pull the chain tight! Hurry!”
Snapping the scissors closed, I wrapped my cuffed hand around the blades and the free one around the handles, gripping the scissors tightly in my fists. As I raised my hands up high, Dazai’s bandaged arm lifted into the air with mine and I saw him nod slightly as he pulled his imprisoned wrist away from mine.
The metal chain between us went taut and I gritted my teeth and braced myself. If this went wrong, then not even Yosano would be able to patch us up afterwards. My heart pounding in my chest, I stared into Shirayuki’s soulless yellow eyes as she brought her sword down.
The resounding screech of metal-against-metal rang out throughout the wreckage of the office as Shirayuki’s sword clashed against my scissors. Sparks flew and I felt my body sink into the tiles as the sheer weight of Shirayuki’s attack forced my arms down—but this was exactly what I’d hoped for.
I yanked my left hand down. Shirayuki’s sword slid down the side of the scissor blades and into the handcuff chain—which snapped.
Wind rushed past my ear as the sword crashed to the ground and I let out a soft cry of pain as I felt the blade graze the side of my forearm on its way down. There was blood dripping down my forearm but the chain was broken.
I was free.
Taking advantage of the lightness in my arm, I quickly changed my grip around the scissors, trying to wield it the way I’d seen Kyouka handle her kodachi.
But Shirayuki had vanished—nullified, no doubt, by Dazai’s Ability, just like before. Which could only mean Kyouka and her kodachi were on their way...
“Get out of here, Dazai-san! She’s after you, not me.”
I shoved him towards the door closest to us—the door to the infirmary—as Kyouka dashed out between the break in the hedges and ran towards us.
Looks like I was never going to learn the secret to controlling my Ability.
I turned around just in time to raise my scissors to parry, but Kyouka was too fast for me. She swung and my scissors went flying through the air.
The next thing I knew, I was on my back.
Kyouka’s sandal-clad foot was planted squarely on my sternum, pinning me to the floor. The edge of her kodachi was lined up perfectly with the major arteries in my neck and I knew instinctively that if I took a single breath, she’d slice open my neck and leave me to bleed out all over the floor.
I squeezed my eyes shut and waited—for the flash of pain, the instant death that I’d seen played out so many times for so many others...
My only regret was not getting a chance to pay Kunikida back for saving my life that day.
At least Dazai had managed to get away...
“Beautiful! Excellent!”
My eyes snapped open.
He was standing in front of the door to the infirmary, the door I thought he’d escaped out of—and he was clapping.
“Good job, Kyouka-chan! That’s a wrap,” he called out, as if he was the director of a movie and we had just finished filming the climactic finale.
Confused, I looked from him to Kyouka and to my surprise, she carefully removed her sword and got off of me.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, sheathing her kodachi and tucking it into the folds of her kimono.
“What’s going on?” I asked, as Kyouka extended her tiny hand toward me to help me up. “You’re not going to kill me?”
Kyouka shook her head.
As I took her hand and let her haul me to my feet, Dazai approached, still clapping enthusiastically.
“Ohh, that was great. Seriously, what a way to end your Entrance Exam, Kusunoki-san. I have goosebumps, I tell you—goosebumps! See, look!”
He hiked up the sleeve of his coat over the rest of his arm... only to reveal that the entire thing was wrapped up in bandages. Clicking his tongue in disappointment, he pulled his sleeve back down and tucked his hands into his pockets.
“Exam?” I stuttered. “Wait, it’s actually over? But I didn’t finish the...”
Dazai let out a dramatic, disappointed sigh.
“Oh my goodness, Kusunoki-san. You didn’t really think that worthless packet I gave you at the beginning was your Entrance Exam, did you?”
My jaw hit the ground.
“WHAT?! But you acted so serious about it—! You said it wasn’t over until—!”
“Oh, that?” Dazai quipped. “That was just to throw you off. Kyouka-chan here was your real test. We wanted to see how you would act in a crisis! And you gave us such a beautiful performance! Really, I was moved—”
“Wait, hold on! Hold on!”
I threw my hands in the air to make a giant “time-out” sign.
“Who’s ‘we?!’”
Dazai grinned triumphantly. He walked up to one of the closed office doors, the one closest to the hole in the wall that Kyouka had opened up and put his hand on the doorknob.
“Allow me to bring out our panel of judges!”
He turned the knob. The door opened and out walked two men, one of whom I recognized immediately as Kunikida, who had already pulled out that little green notebook from inside his pocket and was scribbling furiously into it. The other...
“Well done, Kusunoki Kyou-san. I’d expect no less from one who seeks to join the Armed Detective Agency.”
He was much older than both Dazai and Kunikida, with long, shoulder length white hair and was dressed in a moss-colored yukata, with a black haori jacket trimmed in gold draped elegantly over his shoulders. He kept his hands tucked neatly into his sleeves, a katana hanging loosely at his side, and as he crossed the room, Kunikida followed at a respectable distance. I didn’t know who this man was but his very presence commanded respect and I could feel an air of nobility and quiet strength radiating from him from all the way across the room.
“Let’s give a big hand to our leading lady for a spectacular performance!” Dazai exclaimed, gesturing to me like an overly excitable hype man.
He stole Kunikida’s pen and held it to the unknown man’s face, as if this person were a celebrity he was interviewing for a magazine.
“What did you think, President? Was it to your liking?”
I felt the air evaporate out of my lungs.
“President?” I choked. “As in the President of the Armed Detective Agency?”
“The one and only Fukuzawa Yukichi!” Dazai affirmed, turning to me with a grin just before Kunikida took back his pen and punched Dazai in the face.
In his rage, Kunikida could barely get the words out from between his gritted teeth. His hands shook as he gripped his fountain pen and my vindictive amusement at seeing Dazai punched turned into alarm as the pen snapped in half in Kunikida’s closed fist, showering his beige clothes in a spray of black ink.
“I know we wanted to test her courage but this is too much, even for you!”
Throwing out an arm, he gestured wildly to the destroyed office.
“Just look at this place! At our new coffee machine! I know we haven’t been raided in over three months but that’s no excuse for damage of this scale. With this, our budget surplus has turned into a deficit! And you!”
He rounded on Kyouka, who bowed gracefully.
“What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I apologize for the damage, Kunikida-san,” she said quietly, the ends of her long black pigtails nearly sweeping the floor as she inclined her head. “Dazai-san told me I should, quote: ‘go wild, we want to scare her half to death—’”
“So this is your fault? Why am I not surprised?!” Kunikida spat, grabbing Dazai by the collar. He pulled the bandaged man off the floor where he had landed and shook him like a ragdoll, yelling the entire time.
“Excuse me, Kusunoki-san?”
I jumped as Kyouka suddenly appeared at my side. She sounded timid, even apologetic as she hesitantly reached for my injured arm, where the blood had only just begun to clot and without meaning to, I covered it with my other hand, the chain rattling noisily as I moved.
“I’m sorry for hurting you,” she whispered guiltily, lowering her eyes. “May I take you to the infirmary?”
If she had seemed small before, she was even tinier up close; the top of her head barely reached my eyes. With her head bowed and her lip tucked between her teeth, it was hard to believe this little girl, barely old enough to enter high school, had pointed a blade at my throat and spent the last several minutes trying to kill me—pretending to try to kill me (I hoped)...
“I’ll be okay,” I assured her, trying to put a smile on my face although to be honest, I was still pretty wary of her, “It’s just a cut. It’ll heal.”
Pink flooded her cheeks as she breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank goodness,” she sighed, bringing a hand to her chest and gripping the tiny cell phone that hung around her neck. “I really didn’t want to hurt you, Kusunoki-san. You just surprised me...”
“I think she surprised everyone,” Fukuzawa said, approaching me. “Kusunoki-kun...”
His eyes sharpened.
“Did you say my Agency was not worth getting into?”
My blood ran cold. At once, I threw myself on the ground, slapping my forehead down on the crushed tiles so hard that I probably gave myself another cut.
“Kusunoki-san?!” Kunikida squawked in surprise.
“I can explain!” I shouted, squeezing my eyes shut, sweat pouring down my forehead. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to insult the Agency, it’s just—in the heat of the moment—!”
“Don’t worry about it,” Fukuzawa rumbled. “You passed, after all.”
I lifted my head off the ground. I could still feel some of the rubble sticking to my forehead as Kunikida ran over to help me up. I waved him away and gawped at Fukuzawa.
“And I agree with you. If the Armed Detective Agency really was the type of organization to prioritize rules over the lives of its detectives, it truly wouldn’t be worth joining” Fukuzawa declared, “In fact, we would be no better than the Port Mafia.”
He stopped before me as I regained my footing and considered me, his expression thoughtful.
“It’s not often that we get a potential recruit who has not one, but two recommendations from top detectives. I’ll admit, when your real test started, I had trouble understanding why both Dazai-kun and Kunikida-kun vouched for you.”
I glanced up at Dazai and Kunikida, the former lying on the ground, seemingly still in stitches, and the latter now standing over my desk with exam in hand, looking increasingly irritated.
“The Exam was indeed designed to draw out your response to fear,” Fukuzawa continued, “but you spent a considerable amount of time running away...”
I felt shame color my cheeks as he continued.
“However, when Dazai-kun appeared to be injured, you didn’t allow your fear to paralyze you. Instead, you demonstrated a level of resourcefulness and courage befitting a member of the Agency and you did everything you could to save Dazai-kun, at the risk of your own life.”
His expression softened.
“There are certain qualities we value at the Agency and you’ve proven today that you can overcome your own shortcomings and rise to the challenge. We don’t always take in those who have been targeted by the Port Mafia...”
Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Kyouka twitch.
“But we will make exceptions for the right people.”
He turned on his heel and walked back into his own office.
“You officially start tomorrow and you’ll be assigned a desk after my subordinates have finished cleaning the place up. I expect you to become a fine member of the Agency in due time, Kusunoki-kun.”
Dazai, Kunikida, Kyouka and I bowed in unison as Fukuzawa took his leave and he had almost completely disappeared into the confines of his office when I suddenly remembered what I needed to ask.
“Wait! President Fukuzawa!”
He turned to look over his shoulder at me, his silver eyes piercing. I swallowed nervously and pushed the words out of my mouth.
“I was told that I could learn to control my Ability once I joined the Agency. How does that work?”
Fukuzawa folded his hands back into his sleeves and studied me.
“You already have it,” he said simply, surprising me. “My Ability, ‘All Men Are Created Equal,’ grants my subordinates control of their Gifts. Control was granted to you the moment you passed the exam.”
I thought for a moment.
“Wait, so there’s no secret? But Dazai-san suggested...”
There was a pause. Then all eyes in the room turned to the bandaged detective, who wouldn’t meet my gaze. Something clicked.
“You were just messing with me, weren’t you?”
“Kusunoki-kun,” Fukuzawa called, stopping me before I could run over and punch Dazai myself. “I’ll be entrusting your care to the two detectives who recommended you until you get used to things around here. You can stay and help clean up if you wish but given your circumstances, I will ask Kunikida-kun to walk you home at the end of today. Then, please excuse me.”
The door closed at last. Kunikida turned to me and adjusted his glasses.
“I had ‘buying supplies’ on my schedule for today and could use an extra pair of hands. Did you want to come?”
I nodded and was about to follow when I felt my wrist snag on something.
“Oh, hang on, Kunikida-san?”
I lifted up my left arm, the silver handcuff still encircling my wrist.
“Do you think you could unlock me first?”
Kunikida raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t have the key,” he said bluntly.
I heard a click and as one, we turned to Dazai, who had unlocked his own handcuffs and was coming towards me to unlock mine. The moment I saw the small, silver key pinched delicately between his fingers, I lost it.
“You had the key all along?!” I roared as Kunikida took a step back from me and covered his ears. “We could have gone through the second half of the test without being handcuffed together and you—you just—!”
“Now, now, Kusunoki-kun,” Dazai drawled as he deftly inserted the key and began to twist it back and forth. The lock clicked sharply and the cuffs fell open.
“I did tell you that the handcuffs were a very important part of your exam. I needed some way to make sure you didn’t get too far away from me. After all, if your Ability had randomly manifested during the exam, you would have passed out and then...”
His lips twisted into a sadistic grin.
“Kyouka-chan might’ve actually killed you.”
I could hear Kyouka moving about the room, cleaning up the debris that had been created with Shirayuki at her side and I glared up at Dazai as I rubbed my aching wrist. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. He had done his best to keep me safe during the test... even though I’d undermined him the whole way through by panicking, running off and even knocking him out once...
And I’d just repaid him by yelling at him in front of his coworkers. Taking advantage of (and compounding) my guilt, Dazai slowly reached for my injured arm and deftly wrapped a bandage around my cut.
I couldn’t look him in the eye.
“Hey... Dazai?”
I felt my face grow hot.
“Thanks for looking after me. And... I’m sorry about your head.”
The room grew quiet. And then, Dazai chuckled. *
* “It was my pleasure, Kyou-chan,” he replied smoothly, his brown eyes glittering as he gave my hand a squeeze.
“Spending an entire morning with you was thanks enough. Perhaps now you’ll think better of me and one day consider joining me in a—”
“That’s enough, Dazai,” Kunikida interrupted irritably. “You’re going to stay here and clean up this mess—and don’t you dare leave Kyouka-chan to do it on her own when this entire thing was your fault!”
He guided me towards the door, his glasses flashing.
“And Kusunoki-kun, we really need to talk about your written exam. I know it wasn’t your real test but you missed every math question I wrote—those were at high school level—”
“You wrote those?!”
“Bye, Kyou-chan!” Dazai called after me as I was pushed out into the hall. His smile was wide and oddly infectious and I could see Kyouka waving quietly from behind him.
“See you later! Welcome to the Armed Detective Agency!!”
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jinpanman · 5 years
thank you, dear writer.
this is a long time coming...
It’s been 2 or 3 years (give or take) since I broke my several-year-long rest from fanfics. Before BTS, i used to read many, many Naruto, Inu Yasha, and Harry Potter fanfics (who remembers the citrus scale?) as well as a few Big Bang fanfics. Then somewhere down the road, I stopped reading fan fiction and erased it entirely out of my life.
It is thanks to a wonderful lady (who’s name I will leave out for privacy reasons) who helped me to remember the beauty that is fan fiction. I eventually began to venture out and found wonderful creators here on Tumblr. Considering it’s been a few years now, I have read a multitude of fanfics. I've read well over 400 stories, all equating to nearly 5 million words. (probably way more than that since I only calculated the stories I’ve reblogged on my BTS fic recs sideblog. and yes... yes. i did actually count it all. well. almost. i got lazy with, like, the last 20 hahaha) That would equate to reading the entire Harry Potter series 5 times. It’s roughly a 20,000 page book.
You, dear writers, did that.
Too often fan fic writers are given a huge ass plate of “hurry up, when are you gonna update?” and a side dish of  “this isn’t going the way I (the reader) want it to go so i’m leaving” and an appetizer of “shame on you for writing fics of the boys!1!! they’re real people you know!!!!11” and a delicious drink of “[insert ungrateful anons/harassment here].” Writers are just given a lot of shit in general for something they enjoy doing and give away for other fans to consume FOR FREE. Too often fan fic writers are given the short end of the stick on the content creators spectrum. I assume it is because viewers don’t get an instant gratification from the art that writers present. It’s something people have to work a little bit extra for to find. Fic writers are sometimes dismissed as the “weird, perverted, delusional fans”...
But I know the truth. I know it all because I’ve witnessed the love you pour out into your writing, the love you have for the idols you write for, and the love you give to your readers. The beautiful worlds you paint as your fingers move around on the keyboard and weave intricate stories and complex characters and relationships. The numerous universes I’ve visited have been nothing short of wondrous, from the rip-my-heart-out-and-stomp-on-it-5-times-for-good-measure AUs to the so-fluffy-my-teeth-may-be-rotting-but-i-don’t-care-’cause-it’s-way-too-cute AUs to the please-gouge-my-eyes-out-but-also-don’t-cause-i-need-to-finish-this-sinful-beast AUs.... I have had so, so much fun venturing into all the different worlds you’ve created and shared that I often find myself poking my head back into those worlds and reminiscing~
I’m ballin’ in fan fic galore. and I have well over 1k fics on my to-read list that I cannot wait to dive into. and it’s all thanks to you. ❤ I’m writing all of this to let you know that you’re appreciated. even though it’s just from one person, i hope it’s enough. i don’t even know how to express how much your stories have touched me. thank you for the laughter, the feels, the tears, the anger, the ahem spice. from the 100 word drabbles to the 50k+ series on hiatus.... I have enjoyed them all.
So thank you, dear writer. for sharing with me and many, many other readers a part of yourself. I appreciate you and your works. even if you’re no longer writing for a certain fan base, even if you’re on an indefinite hiatus, even if you’ve stopped entirely.. it does not in any way undermine the amount of work you’ve put into your works and the many wips stored away. I still thank you. and i thank those of you who write outside of your main fandom. i know sometimes you get crap for that and i think it’s incredibly awesome of you that you don’t let that negativity thwart you from growth. Keep doing you! It’s because of you that I’ve come to learn that great storytelling doesn’t stem from the fandom someone writes for. It comes from the one who is making the story come to life. You. and I’m sending you lots and lots and lots of joy and inspiration and encouragement and money and love your way for 2019 and many years following.
Under the cut I will be tagging every fan fic writer (whom I am able to tag, at least) who has touched my heart in one way or another, whether I’ve read only one story of yours so far or if I’ve gone through your entire master list, I want to acknowledge you and thank you because you deserve it. This message is meant for you.
# & A-C
@94hixtape ✎ @11-ish
@aegyoguk ✎ @aexthetic-suga ✎ @alienpikachu ✎ @an-exotic-writer ✎ @anantisocialambivert ✎ @anon-luv ✎ @anyaaniyo ✎ @ardentlyjae ✎ @army-author ✎ @arrianna21 ✎ @astro-child ✎ @avveh ✎ @aiimaginesbts ✎ @atdawnsuga
@baeseoul ✎ @bang-tan-bitches ✎ @bangjeon ✎ @bangtan-insfired ✎ @bangtan-spells ✎ @bangtanboysboo ✎ @bangtaninink ✎ @bangtanstanst ✎ @bloodpotato ✎ @bluesxde ✎ @blushoseoks ✎ @bts-thestoryvalley ✎ @btsfiles ✎ @btsfix ✎ @btsjeonjazz ✎ @btslibrary ✎ @btsmutimagines ✎ @btsreactsarchive ✎ @btssavedmylifeblr ✎ @btssmutgalore ✎ @btsugaplums ✎ @btswritingsforyou ✎ @btsxyou ✎ @bulletproof-fantasies ✎ @bxebxee ✎ @btsfanficss ✎ @btspornfavor ✎ @bubblebop
@c7pher ✎ @carrotgguk ✎ @chaoticneutralwriter ✎ @cheelchan ✎ @cherrynochu ✎ @chim-chimmie ✎ @chimdeer ✎ @chokemejimin ✎ @cinnaminsvga ✎ @cravin-you ✎ @cupofteaguk ✎ @cutaepatootie ✎ @cyphertrip ✎ @chiminiemoans ✎ @cosmichobi ✎ @craft-rose ✎ @cyphrgf
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@daegusoftboys ✎ @dangerouslycasualchild ✎ @dat-town ✎ @deathbyyoongi ✎ @def-initely-soul ✎ @dimp1ejeon ✎ @ditzymax ✎ @dom-joonie ✎ @donewithjeon ✎ @dovechim ✎ @dosei-dreams ✎ @dreamhimcloser ✎ @dreamscript ✎ @dreamystuffers ✎ @drquinzelharleen ✎ @domjoons ✎ @deerguk
@ellieljade ✎ @eris0330 ✎ @etherealmins ✎ @euphoricguk ✎ @exidtotheleft ✎ @exoticarmy127
@fightmejeonkook ✎ @fairyjeons ✎ @floralseokjin
@gardentulips ✎ @geniuslab ✎ @gimmesumsuga ✎ @glassbangtan ✎ @gold-gguk ✎ @glosszn ✎ @goldenscript ✎ @gukiex ✎ @guksheart ✎ @gukspoc ✎ @guksthighs ✎ @guktwt ✎ @gukvks ✎ @gukyi ✎ @gwoongi ✎ @gxtsmxt ✎ @glossgf ✎ @gukooky 
@hallyuwriters ✎ @happy-meo ✎ @hayjeon ✎ @heartachetosing ✎ @hello-bangtanboys ✎ @heungtanbts ✎ @hijoonie ✎ @hobibliophile ✎ @hobiemin ✎ @hobiwonder ✎ @hoeseok ✎ @hollyhomburg ✎ @honeyedhoseok ✎ @hoseokdrafts ✎ @hoseokiehopie ✎ @houseofdemi ✎ @httpjeon ✎ @hueseok
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@ibangtanthings ✎ @icedrice ✎ @idolimagines ✎ @imagination-of-a-fandom-slut ✎ @imaginethisbts ✎ @imagniation ✎ @imsarabum ✎ @infireation ✎ @infiresjimin ✎ @inkjam-moon ✎ @inktae ✎ @iq-biased ✎ @ithinkilikeit-reactions ✎ @its-jeon-yoonsung ✎ @itskimtaehyung
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@kainks ✎ @kaythebest ✎ @kdreamscenario ✎ @kidguk ✎ @kimvtae ✎ @kinktae ✎ @kittae ✎ @kkulcafe ✎ @kookiesbadhabits ✎ @kookingtae ✎ @koyapuff ✎ @kpop-bts-smut ✎ @kpop-goestheweasel ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ @kpopnlockit ✎ @kpopyourcherryy ✎ @krreader ✎ @kz-i-co 
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@leechailatten ✎ @lili95276 ✎ @littlemisskookie ✎ @lolbtsaus ✎ @lovekck ✎ @lovelyyyoongi ✎ @lovewyself ✎ @lthyl ✎ @luciditae
@marienadine ✎ @meetevil ✎ @mia-x-bee ✎ @mikamangata ✎ @miniatureyoongi ✎ @minisyubie ✎ @minlouvre ✎ @minnpd ✎ @minnochu ✎ @minsuxga ✎ @minsvga ✎ @mint-kook ✎ @minyoongittaemune ✎ @miss-noo-na ✎ @misstae ✎ @monoguk ✎ @monstaccato ✎ @baebae-goodnight ✎ @moonnightyoongi ✎ @moonojoon ✎ @moonscriptx ✎ @mortaljin ✎ @mouneemoon ✎ @mrsjeontobe ✎ @myfeelsinink ✎ @mygjhs-love ✎ @namjoonilicious
@nchu ✎ @nightbts ✎ @ninibears-erigom ✎ @nitaescence ✎ @njssi ✎ @nochanchu ✎ @nochugguk ✎ @noir0neko ✎ @noona-la-la-la ✎ @noonatrash ✎ @notaseoul ✎ @notsoguiltykpop 
@ofsunshine-andrain ✎ @oh-hey-tae ✎ @ohmywjh ✎ @oh-so-scenarios ✎ @ohbabyitsbts ✎ @oilblotter ✎ @oneofthemillionarmy ✎ @oppaimagines ✎ @orthdx ✎ @outroshooky 
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@pac-mang ✎ @pantaemonium ✎ @papersoldierxo ✎ @parkhabits ✎ @parkmuse ✎ @perpetually-jungshook ✎ @picficskpopstyle ✎ @pjxmin ✎ @plumblackjeon ✎ @polaritae ✎ @prolixitae ✎ @puppetwritings
@rainwards ✎ @randomkpopscenariosandreactions ✎ @ravedkook ✎ @re-sugance ✎ @readyplayerhobi ✎ @remembeo ✎ @rohobi ✎ @rosaetae ✎ @roseok 
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@taecas ✎ @taechubs ✎ @taeddybearscenarios ✎ @taegonia ✎ @taehyung-the-baehyung ✎ @taelight ✎ @taeniasis ✎ @taesbetch ✎ @taesjpg ✎ @taesthetes ✎ @taetaetown ✎ @taeverie ✎ @taexyla ✎ @tahyungs ✎ @taichoushadow ✎ @tatamancer ✎ @tayegi ✎ @tendershepherd ✎ @texting-bangtanbts ✎ @the95liner ✎ @thedefinitionofbts ✎ @thekpoptopshop ✎ @thelillzmonster ✎ @thoughtssilent ✎ @thusecrets ✎ @tipsyrosay ✎ @today-we-will-survive ✎ @tokyoscript ✎ @trbld-writer ✎
@vanaera ✎ @vankoya ✎ @versigny ✎ @very-important-army ✎ @vitaemin-dae ✎ @vin-taege 
@warmau ✎ @waywardscenarios ✎ @whalien52 ✎ @whoajeon ✎ @wildernessuntothemselves ✎ @winetae ✎ @wonhopes ✎ @writingseoul ✎ @waffleyoon ✎ @wasabi-duck
@xforeverweareyoungx ✎ @xobtso
@yeolsmuffin ✎ @yminie ✎ @yo0ngles ✎ @yoohtae ✎ @yoon-kooks ✎ @yoongihime ✎ @yoongink ✎ @yuudetama ✎ @yehet-me-up ✎ @yeoltidecarol ✎ @yoonia ✎ @yoonsintro ✎ @you-know-bts
@zienth ✎ @zixxossi
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One last message from the King of Hearts and the King of Love:
happy Hoseok day and happy Love day~!! <3
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sparklyjojos · 4 years
CARNIVAL DAY recaps [8/13]
Today’s recap: Ghostly investigations, the Ultra Evil Really Bad Guys in an awkward Mexican standoff with Slightly Less Bad Guys, and XX’s thoughts on writing.
14 Jun 1997 — 20 Jun 1997
The writer detective XX wrote a few stories (including the seppuku detective one) that would be put together in one book. The work would be published under the name “Seiryoin Ryusui” and—on Yasha’s request—called 19box in memory of Juku, whose DOLL nickname was Jukebox. [19box or Juke Box is an actual book by Seiryoin that indeed contains the seppuku detective story.]
On June 6th, Yuiga Dokuson fled JDC leaving a confession about being the Billion Killer. It’s now been three weeks since his escape and still no new confirmed Billion Killer cases have happened. The Crime Olympics still continue, but at least everyone knows they will be over in two months.
All stories influence people, for better or for worse, and the story with the biggest, sharpest impact is the news. Then again, even entertainment has a major impact on people. The pen is mightier than the sword; the story is the strongest weapon. [Insert a horrible pun about how kakuheiki, “written weapon”, is as strong as kakuheiki, “nuclear weapon”.]
(...when Hikimiya Yuuya had been working with the AI Desert Colosseum in February, he found an unbelievable secret file.
Below is Hikimiya Yuuya’s testimony. [Originally in first person.])
Once Hikimiya got out of shock upon seeing the different numbers of daily deaths, he instantly went to the hospital to talk with Frau D (or at least went there as fast as he could in a wheelchair). Frau D only told him to show the file to DOLL’s leader Madame Alpha to get answers.
Madame said she hadn’t seen this particular file before, but she had known all along that the UN numbers were faked. Good thing Hikimiya didn’t tell anyone else about it—if he did, he’d probably be disappeared on his way back to DOLL. He accidentally got mixed into a matter bigger than just the UN; a shadow organization was at play here, and one misspoken sentence could possibly doom the human race.
Madame then told Hikimiya what her Zero Reasoning actually was. The Japanese word for “zero”, rei, happens to sound exactly like the word for “soul”. Madame’s ability was seeing and talking to ghosts. The difficult part of her reasoning was discerning whether or not the ghosts were telling her the truth.
Other people would find it hard to believe, but Madame knew best that the souls who helped her solve cases were certainly real. She purposefully stayed away from other people, as anyone being too close to her for a long time would also start seeing ghosts, including those who had died in less than pretty manners. Several people even landed in the hospital from shock.
The ability wasn’t perfect. Madame would have a problem talking to souls who spoke different languages. The world of ghosts was also pretty complicated and consisted of more than just nice, well-behaved souls (but it’d take too long to explain everything now). Thanks to her powers, Madame knew better than anyone how drastically the known history changed throughout the ages, true events replaced with fake stories so different from what the souls told her about their times. She was also aware that knowing the truth was not always a good thing.
Using her ability as a sort of a soul information network, Madame was able to learn many things about the Crime Olympics.
They say that Christopher Columbus kept two journals out of fear of being deemed insane by his crewmates: a fake one that everyone else could read freely, and a secret one talking about his true goals. The death count data files similarly used two kinds of information. The true one (what Hikimiya found) allowed the UN to grasp the real situation, and the fake one (the official stats) were displayed to the common man.
To explain why that was necessary, Madame told Hikimiya about the Cosmic Bomb—the Moon. The Bomb was set to fall on August 10th, but it wasn’t impossible that the enemy would drop it earlier if they felt threatened. It was in the world’s best interest to not interfere too much in their plans—to make them think four million people really died each day—before a good way to counter the Cosmic Bomb was established.
As for how Frau D got his hands on secret data, Madame thought the reason was very simple: Frau D was one of RISE’s Dogs, probably responsible for leaking info from DOLL.
Right after this conversation, Hikimiya returned to the hospital for more answers. Frau D stated that Madame was smart enough to understand how to stay alive by keeping quiet. He confirmed that he was a Dog. However, the secret file was not meant for RISE at all, but for Hikimiya. That’s why the password was YUYA, and why the report was addressed to “Desert Colosseum”—once Hikimiya inherited the AI, he would become the next “Desert Colosseum”. The signature D meant Frau D and referred to his identity as a Dog (all of them are designated as D-[numbers], for example Frau is D-159837).
Hikimiya felt like there was something strange about Frau D’s demeanor during that conversation, and only realized a few days later—after the Crystal Nightmare—that the S-detective knew he would be killed soon.
But that wasn’t the last Hikimiya heard from Frau D, as Madame passed him a message from his soul. It was strange hearing Frau D so unusually serious (even if the words came from Madame’s mouth).
Frau D wanted to apologize. The whole “I love you” thing was just another one of his jokes, and he chose Hikimiya solely on the basis of his skills and ability to become the next Desert Colosseum. Thanks to Madame, he was never afraid of death. Aside from RISE, he also belonged to the suicidal sect of DICE, who were the ones to kill him in the end. “Desert Colosseum” was still indispensable to RISE—and that meant they would rely on whatever data Hikimiya would send them in the future.
After relaying the message, Madame commented that Frau D was actually a really serious man; you don’t become an S-detective by acting like a clown. She could speak with him easily so soon after his death, but making contact would get progressively harder with time, so Hikimiya should better become “Desert Colosseum” as soon as possible while he could still get ghostly tips.
It was the first time Hikimiya truly felt respect for Frau D. Though now that he thought about it, maybe even earlier he felt a sort of a strange, begrudging affinity.
On the day Frau D died, news came about Juku, Ronely Queen and Ushiwaka Gigolo. Juku’s death was especially hard on Hikimiya, considering they had worked as partners in the past. Then Firannu Meirunesia died a week later.
Hikimiya of course wanted to talk with the dead detectives, but Madame was so busy with all the cases she had no time to spare, and calling specific souls was hard—her work was mostly just waiting until someone with the right information came to her. Asked about Ryuuguu Jounosuke, she said that she’s sorry, but from what she could see he really was dead. At least she was able to assure Hikimiya that Otohime was still alive, held prisoner by RISE together with Amagi Hyouma and Tsukumo Nemu.
The day Frau D was killed, Hikimiya found a new entry in the database that belonged to a fake F-detective, “Flower Design”. [At least I think that’s the right romanization for that]. Frau must have made that fake detective so Hikimiya could hide behind the identity and obtain information safely. It was hard to work a double job as both “Hikimiya Yuuya” and “Flower Design” behind the scenes, but the exhausting training under Frau turned out to have been a blessing in disguise.
Hikimiya analyzed the death count reports (which by this point reached early March) and found that while in the big picture the number of deaths rose steadily, it actually came in waves. Doing some statistical magic, Hikimiya realized that the death rate usually fell a bit during weekdays, but then rose significantly on each Sunday—right after the Billion Killer cases. Step back, two steps forward… It’s like the Billion Killer served as a periodic impulse that kept the Crime Olympics going. The Crystal Nightmare caused an especially high rise in victims, too.
Hikimiya made some calculations. The numbers were at first much lower than the proclaimed “four million deaths a day”, but if the growth continued, it would lead to a bigger overall number of deaths.
Constant four million a day would give 1,4 billion total deaths in an entire year.
But if the numbers continued to rise, the final figure would instead be 3,7 billion, more than half the world’s population—assuming the Cosmic Bomb wouldn’t kill everyone else.
21 Jun 1997 — 27 Jun 1997
(It was once thought that alchemy could produce homunculi in bottles.
Black Rook is a human obtained through cloning, a three years younger identical twin of Ryuuguu Jounosuke, with whom he shared this name. Yearning for an identity of his own, Black called himself Ryuuou.
RISE had the cloning technology long before his birth, but didn’t see a reason to use it, as getting normal imposters was much easier. They say that everyone has at least three perfect look-alikes in the world—RISE had no problem finding those three with their omnipresent reach.
The truth is that the original Jounosuke was supposed to become Black Rook at first, but RISE made a critical mistake while raising him. In the end, the clone achieved what the original couldn’t and became Black Rook.
Below is Black Rook’s testimony. [Originally in first person. As expected, he might be… biased.])
From what Black heard, his older brother had travelled all over the world with their parents as a young child in order to naturally pick up native accents of many languages. He was successful at this goal, but in the process he became so used to the outside world that he couldn’t stand the dim closed spaces of the Sanctuary (which was back then still under construction), even showing signs of serious childhood claustrophobia. He was constantly upset and kept crying no matter how long RISE tried getting him used to his new life. Childhood claustrophobia sometimes vanished with age, but there was no guarantee it would happen.
In the face of this, the Doctor decided to start anew and cloned the boy, and so Black was born. To avoid past mistakes, RISE made sure he got used to the Sanctuary since birth, the fortress transporting him to all those different countries and essentially becoming his home. Staying in the Sanctuary instead of with foreigners led to him not quite reaching the language mastery of his brother, but the difference was marginal and didn’t really matter.
When RS became the leader of RISE in 1987, Black formally inherited the position of the Sanctuary’s Master from his father Kintarou. Similarly, Endou Naoto became the next Doctor / White Rook after his father Naomasa.
RISE continued to fight their long battle. Black didn’t really understand if there was an objective good or wrong, but he knew for sure that the Beasts wanted to destroy the human race, and RISE’s Gods wanted it to continue in whatever shape. A battle between good and evil.
Their greatest enemy was a secret group called Akutou 666 Rengou (lit. “the 666 villains union”), known in short as Akuren. It was much older than RISE and had been threatening humanity for thousands of years.
Akuren was a worldwide information network created by the 666 most evil people of the world, all their names written down on a secret Luck Black List. Aside from the top 666, there were also two lower “replacement groups”, each also counting 666 members, so 1998 in all. Those who died or were arrested would be erased from the list, though one could always get on it again later. Note that the first group members were too skilled to be eliminated from the list unless they died.
All the historical villains one may have heard of—like Nero, Catherine de’ Medici, Ivan the Terrible, Rasputin, Aleister Crowley, even Hitler—all reached no higher than the second group of Akuren. Those in the first group are all untraceable and take care to erase their pasts, only their horrible impact on the world hinting at their existence, their true nature that of pure evil beyond imagination (Black doesn’t even want to think about the stories he heard).
Akuren categorizes all people on Earth into thirteen tiers of evil, starting from 1 (those unwittingly doing everyday evil), going through those who commit crimes as part of a company policy or “usual” criminals (4-5), through famous organized crime (6), through those with political power (7), through country elites with even more influence (8), through secret organizations ruling those elites (9), through the evil that controls the history of humanity (10), the first group of Akuren (11), the few members of Akuren that have transcended the concept of pure evil (12), and the “ultimate organization of extreme pure evil” (13).
Upstanding citizens are classified as tier 1 (it’s impossible to be lower, as every single human eventually hurts another human, if only by existing). Tier 10 would include Akuren’s first group and half of the second group, together 999 people. Tier 11 would apply only to the first group; they’re so strong that an S-detective could maybe manage one or two of them at once, but not several, and certainly not 666. Tier 12 are those from the first group that aim for even more evil and want to throw the world into darkness. Tier 13 is so secret that even RISE can’t get any information about it, more suspecting their presence than knowing for sure.
The members of every group of Akuren are numbered from 001 to 666, with those numbers moving if someone falls off the list. Number 001 is always the person who stayed in a group the longest, while those from lower groups will enter a higher group starting from 666. Groups two and three have to provide information for the network, but those who already rose to group one are privileged and can simply get data without having to give any in exchange.
Akuren attempted to wipe out the human race many times before, their crimes usually showing as wars on the surface. The Persian Wars, the Peloponnesian War, Alexander the Great’s conquest, the Seven Years’ War, the Hundred Years’ War, various Prussia wars, the Russo-Japanese War, both World Wars, the Cold War…
After WWII, the 12th tier of evil first showed itself, possibly with the 13th one right behind them, and the most serious plan to destroy humanity (including themselves) had been in progress ever since. Their twisted reasoning is basically, “everyone has to die one day, and when I die, the world may as well not exist for me, so why not bring everyone else down with me while we’re at it”.
The current Crime Olympics were conceived as yet another of Akuren’s plans to destroy humanity. RISE was created to gain control over this plan in order to prevent the ultimate tragedy and limit the damage as much as possible. Of course on the surface they still had to act like they’re cooperating with Akuren, and so had to put the Crime Olympics into motion like they were supposed to.
Akuren acted like they didn’t notice their true enemy, but considering the quality of their information network, they had to already know about RISE’s goals. However, RISE was too useful to get rid of it so quickly. Fifty years of preparations passed in a pretend cooperation between the two organizations. RISE has three trump cards in their deck: Alive, the Billion Killer, and the Cosmic Bomb.
RISE’s true goal was purging evil at the root for the sake of humanity’s survival. If they left Akuren alive, it would just lead to another attempt at total destruction in the future. RISE had already succeeded at using the Crime Olympics to kill the lesser ranks of evil in droves, even though it cost a lot of other lives and the true malicious elites were still staying safely hidden. If RISE didn’t kill off those elites before August 10th, the Cosmic Bomb would fall.
Those “worst of the worst” were called Pure Ultimate Beasts. The purest evil often wore the masks of saints; they truly were beasts disguised as humans, creatures that would kill with a smile. The first group of Akuren was too careful to be easily led into a trap, so RISE had to start with eliminating the lower groups and make their way up.
All the above was a very rushed explanation, but the gist of it is that humanity is in a horrible spot. If they don’t do anything, the Cosmic Bomb will fall; if they try to fight openly, perhaps the Bomb will just fall faster. The fate of humanity is in the hands of RISE—of Black Rook.
...but Black feels a bit weird those days, like something is very wrong with him. Perhaps it’s just a lingering symptom of Alive... or perhaps he’d been caught into Akuren’s trap? Something feels wrong. With the Sanctuary, with RISE and with himself. Something is strange. He’s supposed to stop the Cosmic Bomb, and has been for sure making preparations, but now he can’t remember how to do it, as if he simply forgot something so important. He can’t remember… What the hell happened to him? What the hell is going on? It’s like he’s not himself.
Has he also been brainwashed…?
[End of testimony.]
Writer detective XX continues to write. He feels a strange compulsion to do it, a sense of mission, almost like someone is forcing him to write. Sometimes he wonders if he hasn’t been brainwashed.
28 Jun 1997 — 04 Jul 1997
Writing as “Seiryoin Ryusui” is weird to XX, like wearing someone else’s clothes. He’s been feeling like he isn’t truly himself. But if it’s so weird to him, why does he simultaneously have the compulsion to not just continue writing, but to write as “Seiryoin Ryusui” specifically? Nothing else changed. It’s just that whenever he works as “Seiryoin”, he ceases to be himself. Almost like someone else is guiding his hands, like he’s only the first reader instead of the writer.
Inugami Yasha wants XX to write a book about the Crime Olympic as soon as possible. Yasha’s plan is to use the power of stories positively, to light up at least some of the darkness surrounding them.
No one is faster to rise to fame in mass media than the worst criminals caught red-handed. “Seiryoin Ryusui” wasn’t that popular, but his name is still spread around because of the Cosmic Jokers case, so releasing a book under the same name will gather the world’s attention. This will possibly allow them to lure out the actual mysterious “Seiryoin Ryusui”. The book will be technically fiction, just like Cosmic and Joker, but will give readers enough clues that maybe someone solves the still unfinished mysteries, or gets to the actual truth behind something that has been considered solved.
To be honest, XX hates the writing style in Cosmic and Joker. It just seems bad and unbalanced to him. Strong J Outa the editor thinks it’s because XX has a similar writing style, so reading “Seiryoin” feels to him like reading his own old works, which is rarely a good experience for a writer. The important thing is keeping that unbalanced style while writing about the Crime Olympics.
Languages, just like anything else created by people, aren’t perfect. No matter how much one tries, a recording of events will never be perfect specifically because of the nature of words. Even non-fiction is fiction in the end. Words on their own aren’t the truth, but the moment someone encounters someone else’s words, they may read out the truth between the lines—which is what Yasha hopes for by releasing the Crime Olympics book.
(By the way, it’s been a month since Dokuson disappeared, and not a single Billion Killer case has happened in the meanwhile. There were giant cases happening at 1 PM local time on Saturdays, true, but no symbolic skull has been found.)
XX still can’t get rid of his strange feelings. It’s almost like there’s someone else within him, “the true writer”, perhaps even “the true culprit”. Strong J Outa dismisses these worries and says that in a sense, the mystery writer is always the real culprit manipulating the characters. A mystery novel is not as much a showdown between a detective and a murderer, as a showdown between the writer and the reader. The challenge is not just solving a mystery, but also solving the writer’s intent put in his work.
The idea of the writer as the culprit is sort of a taboo that everyone knows about, but that isn’t really relevant inside mystery novels by design. All fiction is real as far as the world within that fiction is concerned. There’s no reason to escape into delusions about a writer making all this happen; instead XX should focus on writing and fighting crime this way.
19box is set to be finally released on July 5th.
(And in the latest news...)
On June 14th, the entire island of Tasmania suddenly moves towards mainland Australia and smashes into it, resulting in 100,000 dead or injured and several small islands sinking. Right afterwards Tasmania returns to its proper place. How all this happened is a mystery.
On June 21st, about a hundred tourists visiting Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan are found naked and dead. The cause of death is unknown, but the incident is thought to have been influenced by the Carnival Dice cult.
On June 28th, all the power lines of Hong Kong are suddenly cut, leading to a complete power outage. Massive fires start in the aftermath. Giant playing cards are found around the place, so the group F4C is suspected. The situation becomes so bad it leads to political shifts and Hong Kong being completely returned to China.
On July 5th, a mysterious continent surfaces from the depths of the Pacific, so unimaginably huge that it takes half the ocean’s area. The continent’s sudden movement causes kilometer-tall tsunamis to rush towards other lands. It’s only a matter of time until the record waves reach the shores and destroy anything in their path.
Japan has twelve hours to prepare for the wave.
[>>>NEXT PART>>>]
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thecorteztwins · 4 years
Since it’s Munday I thought I’d post a little more ABOUT THIS TOPIC of how my experiences with my first OCs was a bit different than the usual route and how that foreshadowed my being gay. Not because I think anyone is terribly interested in me but like because it’s REALLY FUNNY HOW OBVIOUS IT IS Because oh my gosh, I have recovered some memories Okay so firstly two OCs did get attached to a boyfriend? One was my very first OC, who was Sailor Saturn because only the first two seasons of Sailor Moom had been released in the US at that time so no one knew about any of the Outers but Pluto. And I made my sister be Sailor Earth and my friend be Sailor Star. Said friend was older than me and wanted to incorporate more “adult” stuff, so she said we all had to have boyfriends, I think? And since our game was a Sailor Moon/Pokemon crossover (because I really liked them both) I just said we each got a boy from the Pokemon series---Ash, Gary, and...Blue. Yeah, Blue as in like...just the name Blue from the games. I don’t remember who had who except my sister got Gary because I made her be the Bitchy Mean Girly Girl because I was a dick, but I think I had Blue because I just...did not give a shit about that aspect and never ever incorporated it. So my character nominally had this boyfriend who was literally just a name and never showed up. Then in middle school, my parents MADE me go over to this girl’s house and be her friend and stuff because we were both autistic and I couldn’t stand her. I couldn’t stand her because she was annoying as fuck and would NOT fucking shut up about her OCs that were paired off with Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh and Sesshomaru from Inu-Yasha and I was tolerant to a point but it was just UNBEARABLE and she was just...annoying in general. And I know that’s because she was autistic and hyperfixated, and I know that her total lack of self-awareness or giving a shit about anything *I* wanted to do or talk about was also due to that, but I was eleven and also autistic and I just wanted to go home. I did not have ANY fun with her. At all. But I did end up making a female Yu-Gi-Oh OC so we’d at least have something to talk about. She was Bandit Keith’s sister and she wore the same bandanna and she was really tough and aggressive, just like my Sailor Saturn. At some point I said she was Bakura’s girlfriend but this also just...never came up. I think she was mean to him too. But it went beyond that. I distinctly remember trying to have a conversation with the girl about “hey if our characters were lesbians, which girls in the show would they date?” IF OUR OCS WERE LESBIANS WHICH GIRLS WOULD THEY DATE IM DYING
BABY ELEVEN YEAR OLD ME YOU WERE NOT SLICK The other girl was NOT interested in engaging this conversation, at all, and I don’t think it’s because she was autistic, lol. And I found out about like...Japanese public baths? So I drew my girl hanging out with some other girl in bath towels? Oh my god. And I had another friend in middle school and we both liked Yu Yu Hakusho and we RPed over the phone even though we didn’t know what it was called yet. And she had two girl OCs, one of whom was paired with Kurama and one with Hiei, because those are the ones all the ladies like. And mine was...I think she was meant to have a bit of a CRUSH on Kuwabara but for him NOT to reciprocate it, and I never ended up playing out said crush anyway. But after awhile of my character just being totally single, my FRIEND made up a super nice super generic dude to be her boyfriend! XD It did not take off. But it gets better. I also had an antagonist character, and he had a big buff female bodyguard. And slowly but surely...my friend got REALLY into this lady. And her female character ended up STRUGGLING with her ATTRACTION to this woman while also dating Kurama. I made this totally straight-seeming girl from a Mormon household start questioning her sexuality vicariously through her self-insert, and now, years later as an adult, she’s got a girlfriend last I heard. I also got her into Utena. So yeah.
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nochiquinn · 6 years
campaign 2 episode 28: corpse tea
okay alpha, just. shit yourself. I guess. right out the gate. good start.
augh the audio is out of sync on the criticalrole twitch
ah, shit, I'm gonna be at my parents' NO SPOILERS
(tumblr will also not be an issue until I get home so really that was directed at my discord group)
threatened by taliesin's new character
I keep hearing scanlan yelling "I'm gonna kill everybody in this motherfuckING HOOOOOUSE"
which is probably by design
caleb's devotion to the Spider Plan is inspirational
sam: focus me: I refuse
I swear they say "shady creek run" faster every time
taliesin's character is a crazy hermit
look it's polite to thank your tools
mala: if you smell smoke, disaster is happening
"you are relying on me, I am very happy"
taliesin's character is an ant-lion
climate change is a bitch
I know liam is holding onto marisha bc caleb is looking through frumpkin but I honestly miss cuddly liam AND cuddly marisha so
"does anybody wanna throw me? ...does EVERYBODY wanna throw me?"
discord: twitch chat quote of the day: Tal is a gay grave cleric ogre
d o o r s
"you don't say"
discord: "is taliesin just playing himself now" "yes but a cow"
discord: vox moochina returns
taliesin's SHIRT
"does he seem like he's going to kill us?" yes, with tea
that ART
"I would like to hug you" same
"do we have time for a comedy bit"
beauty and splendor and sometimes tea
dead people tea
"you help people into the ground. offhand, do you help people out of the ground?"
is he a raven queen cleric
"are you a good guy?" "I'm a good gardener"
mala: taliesin is playing himself in twenty years discord: god I hope I'm this cool in twenty years
I need break to happen so I can feed dogs but also I want this conversation to go on forever
sumalee looks like she has candle ears and I'm too easily amused
"violence is extremely natural"
"you seem to have a lot of anger" "you're actually seeing me realatively calm"
I need the full art of caduceus immediately
I am also going to start calling him clay starting immediately bc I cannot spell
this is very The Last of Us
redshirts. you want redshirts.
goddammit liam
"how old are you" uhhhhhhhhh
"a lot of shade just got thrown"
"if the insertion goes well, maybe we'll go steady" I'm a child of god what does this mean
"I just laugh along now." honestly same
okay y'all don't do anything interesting I really gotta feed dogs
I came back to frumpkin apparently surviving that one shithead guard
is tal using spell cards? I guess he prefers them to dndbeyond?
"we are outside the onion"
"I'm already regretting the name"
oh great clay's gonna be the new scanlan with the age joke
"I was married once. It lasted for like an hour."
can we stop talking about shooting assholes
tee pee kay, tee pee kay
"about to have a heart attack eye arr ell"
rogues are whatever
it's me playing dishonored
nott steals his buttons
"look at the windows" "they're nice"
mala: "waiting anxiously for my life partner" was that IC or OOC discord: yes
"I miss Vax so bad" honestly same
stop saying "cracks"
"I take back my mockery"
they're all going to die
oh man yasha's gonna rip her head off and eat her
fucking bears
it's really weird to try to connect nila's voice with one of the female inquisitors. maybe it's because I used it for my qunari and nila is very. not her.
(arcee is a little closer)
"so I'm gonna smack phil"
fourteenth time's the charm
"I have free will and I could follow you"
"that thing that makes me move fast" "cocaine"
"we will have words about the rules that exist!" 
"you know what that is? growth."
get the SWORD
sam killed sumalee
how many maps matt
I do want to dye my hair pink again now
I thought Keg's health said 35/34 and was trying to figure out How
"or larkin" dat callback
"fuckin' phil, amirite"
why do you never check
oh no my heart
if this is an illusion I'm gonna throw my computer
"don't like" same, liam
"sam! saaaaaaaaaam"
did liam physically run from sam's one
"love when it works for the narrative!"
I'm not crying you're crying
if they kill lorenzo when I can't watch is2g
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limey-blue-arty-do · 6 years
Am curious friendo about how many self inserts you have, what they are from and how they fit into their universes. Gives me a baseline for future questions ^^
crackles knuckles here we go
I have 12 self inserts in total:
Trollhunters: si is a witch, who can manipulate shadows into physical objects, either for summoning weapons or simply knocking people over, and has some ability in hexing folk. The Janus Order, as they serve the Pale Lady, keeps track of witches, and if they find one that is ‘beneficial’ then they infiltrate their life to bring the witch over to the Order eventually.
downside for my si, she ends up on the wrong side of the Atlantic when the Order decides she would be beneficial for them to be assisting in stopping the Trollhunter thanks to her hex ability. except she’s very volatile and Angor Rot doesn’t like witches
they end up being able to find common ground eventually, especially when they are forced to work together.
Critical Role: si is a sorcerer who, having difficulty holding down a job when the employers are naturally terrified of anyone with evil-looking shadow smoke magic, ends up rolling with Gustav’s circus. she arrives after Mollymauk and Yasha, so there’s a few months of adapting and being welcomed before everything goes to hell in a handbasket
she trucks along with Molly and Yasha, quietly doing her best to help keep the Nein safe and hoping no-one decides that she’s the enemy of the day.
Kingdom Hearts: si is a human with some good magical capability, mostly in regards to weapon summoning and less proficient in world-hopping portals (in that she can do it, but she can’t focus on where she’s going and it’s entirely possible the portal simply Won’t Happen)
so during one of these portal-hopping incidents she ends up in the World That Never Was. yeah, the portals are very volatile. Axel finds her hiding in a corridor terrified out of her mind and he works with Roxas and Xion to try and hide her away until the panic of an intruder has died down. this ultimately back-fires, and my si ends up managing to persuade Xemnas to let her work along the Organisation as a spy to other worlds, someone who isn’t a Nobody and wouldn’t be picked up on so quickly.
it works. and now she spends downtime with Axel, Demyx and co., living in the Castle.
Hellboy: si is…..well she’s human for the most part. at some point in her life she was smacked with a curse that meant if her heart rate got above a certain threshold, she would turn into a huge bear-wolf monster with a skull for a face.
after a few ‘whumping out’ incidents, she decides to turn herself over to the BPRD for safety, and ends up on the team with Hellboy, Abe and Liz. life is balancing work in the field and trying not to die or accidentally brutalise a solider, and managing the fine line between chaos and normality of downtime in the BPRD headquarters.
Marvel Cinematic Universe: si is human for the most part, bar the ability to summon her familiar, named ‘Dog’….a huge bear-wolf monster with a skull for a face (look I like my Grimm). the only thing that can stop Dog from coming out to play is intense concentrated light. 
this is the MCU so honestly my si and Dog can be running around all over the place and getting into trouble. at one point she ends up at the Avengers headquarters with a torso peppered with gunshot, at another point she’s managed to make her way across to New York. she goes where she pleases, and you can be sure chaos will follow soon after.  
Star Wars (Rebels/Clone Wars): ok, this is one of the few where my si is straight-up me shunted into another universe. I have all my Star Wars knowledge on hand, which quickly turns me into a suspicious but helpful ally. 
what is more, it’s Rebels/Clone Wars because….well, some time-shift bullshit happens and I start getting pinged between timelines. it’s random, not very helpful, and especially peculiar for people either side (I meet Hondo for the first time 10 cycles after he meets me for the last time, I suddenly appear to exhibit much better sniping capabilities thanks to several months in the past practising them). there’s also the matter of I am perfectly capable of taking canon events and slam-dunking them in the trash, causing reality to do a double take and various combustion and electrical abilities to manifest in me. 
however I am also just over 20 years old and that significantly buffers any potential carnage I could cause if faced off against a main villain.
FFXV (?): question-mark is in place because this universe is very higgle-piggle. si is a Hunter with basic weapon summoning and can craft elemental grenades. she’s also missing two years of memory between living at home in Tenebrae and living in Lestallum.
so, she Hunts. she takes odd jobs. at one point she’s contracted to escort a Prince and his friends from Lestallum to the coast.
Person of Interest: normally I like to keep to the status of the universe in regards to how much magic is normally shown in them. Star Wars universe is a loose exception. Person of Interest is a VERY HEAVY exception.
si is a human with electrical manipulation. nothing fancy like lightning strikes, more like capable of giving a taser zap or turning machines on/off. she comes to Manhattan on holiday and doesn’t take much time before dropping into the path of Samaritan vs. Team Machine. the addition of even more science-fiction upturns the playing field, and she does her best to assist the team despite not being military trained and even when her number comes up.
Infamous: Second Son: this one is more of a ‘give me a playing field for new powers’. si is a Conduit with the capability to travel through mirrors and other reflective surfaces. it makes her a useful scout - dip in, get information, jump into the nearest mirror before someone can stop her. 
I never really got around to planning any interactions with canon characters or plot, if anything she could’ve been a hireable side-character that could scout a place that could then give Delsin/the player more info on the mini-map.
Ratchet & Clank: si is a human. just human. no magic, no special anything. the only significant thing is that instead of being on Earth, she ends up on an alien planet very much too far from home.
The Smuggler steps up when someone tries to pawn her off in a black market, and from then on it’s classes in smuggling, thievery, and Big. Fucking. Guns.
Fullmetal Alchemist: cackling oooooooh boy. oh boy. like Kingdom Hearts, this one went through a few conversions until I settled on something I liked
my si in this universe is in pure chaotic trickster mode. just so long as she doesn’t kill anyone, she is down for anything with any party. coming in equipped with ‘screw the rules I have lightning’, I won’t actually use my powers until actually threatened. 
Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them: si is ya bogstandard Slytherin graduate from Hogwarts. decides to become an animagus, signs up on the list of animagi and promptly disappears to Poland until she’s recruited by Newt as an artist for his book.
turns out her process to become an animagus was interrupted and her animal form irreparably malformed, becoming a horse-sized wolfhound that leaks magic and doesn’t have total human cognition. oops.
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tyranttortoise · 7 years
Ask Meme
I somehow completely destroyed that last post.  R.I.P. this isn’t my night
*Whoops, I somehow posted this before it was done.  
Questions from this.  Actual asks under the cut.
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? The first one I actually wrote fanfiction for was Inu-Yasha.  But the first one I read fanfiction for was Ranma ½.  
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? Undertale, absolutely. <3
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in. Okay, so Inu-Yasha/Kagome or Kouga/Kagome, Peach/Bowser, Sonic/Sally, Garrus/Shepard, Misty/Ash (AAML, yo), Lucy/Loke (Fairytail–NaLu also accepted), Kirito/Asuna, Alistair/Warden, Fenris/Hawke, what else do I ship, I mean I feel like I ship everything.  
I’ll list the Undertale ones below on 11.
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in. I’m not adverse to most ships, but Garrus/Tali is a hard no, as is Ash/anyone other than Misty (but I don’t pay attention to the pkmn anime enough to care).  Also don’t like Peach/Mario (Peach/Luigi is weirdly okay), Sonic/Amy (but I don’t keep up with the Sonic fandom either), Kirito/Sinon or anyone but Asuna.  
NoTPs for Undertale are Soriel and Papyton.  
11. Who is your current OTP? My favorite OTP is an OT-me.  ;)  Gimme me/pretty much any skeleton.   I’m into Frans.  I don’t mind fontcest/selfcest if it’s interesting and in-character; I think my biggest pet-peeve with it is how out-of-character most fics portray them.   Aside from Undertale OTPs, my biggest OTP will always be Garrus/Shepard.
12. Who is your current OT3? A honeymustard sandwich with yours truly.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? Sans and Paps–any and all iterations.  Undyne and Papyrus.  Sans and Grillby.  Stretch and Crooks.  
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. SSLL, definitely.  It’s one I didn’t expect to be popular, yet somehow it is??  I think it’s just because there’s a buncha sinners out there that wanna date all the skeletons just like I do.  I really like it because it’s such low stress.  I love all of the characters, and even when I second-guess myself on chapters, everyone always sends me such encouraging comments.  And then they draw fanart!  And I want to print it all out and cover my entire wall with it so I can just stare at how talented everyone is–and how they decided to share their talent with me by bringing a scene to life!  I love love love hearing/seeing what people enjoyed about it.   But I guess what I like the most about the story itself is that it’s about finding friends that support you–no matter what.  It’s mostly light-hearted fun, and the Lady does develop as she spends time with the skeletons.
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? Oh man, I’m happy with whatever scene you guys liked the best!   But something I’d really like to see is the Lady wearing Sans’s jacket while he has his arm around her from the last chapter.   And honestly, I’d really like to see some fanart from (You) Fell Underwater once I get that going because I’m super hype for Oceanfell Sans.
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you? I listen to those 1-hour Undertale fan songs while I write.  Mostly Waters of Megalovania or a Horrortale one (Snowy Forest, maybe?), or  SharaX’s Dusttale remix.  If it has words, I can’t concentrate, so I guess I use the repetitive song to block out everything around me.  
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
– A Puzzle Just For Me   (Explicit; Mob!Sans/Reader) – Dalliance (Explicit; Frans– non-con warning) – Osteo-Citation (Sans/Reader/Papyrus poly; eventual Explicit but slow burn) – Sooner or Later, You’re Gonna be Mine (Mobfell Frans; Mature) – The Party Incident and Other Embarrassing Anecdotes (Sans/Reader; eventual-Explicit but slow-burn)
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
@thebananafrappe  (<– writing goals) @nihilismpastry @jolie-in-the-underground @nighttimepixels @with-a-whisper
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!  (+fanfiction pet-peeve per request)
One thing I love is the community and how nice people can be!  How there’s so many AU’s in Undertale, and how amazing everyone headcanons are.  I love that we can all get together and have fun creating something and sharing ideas!
But I also really hate when people are dicks.  I see it happen to plenty of people, my friends, and yep–me too.  They don’t like a ship or they decide to shit on someone’s writing without giving proper constructive criticism, or they just want to rant about how much they hated a character’s decision to do something, as if that character has personally affronted them.  They tend to take Reader-inserts too personally, and when people leave negative comments… well, I just think that’s shitty.  
Seriously.  If you don’t like a fic, or don’t like something about it–just hit the back button, buddy.  Stop reading.  Don’t send something with the intent of shitting on someone’s day just because you’re an asshole.  At the end of the day, we’re all just fans.  We typically don’t get paid to write fanfiction, so we’re just doing it for fun–and to share ideas and stories.  You won’t like everything you read, but why ruin someone else’s confidence because of it?  Why can’t we just build each other up instead of constantly trying to tear one another down?  I’m sure we’ve all got enough negativity in our daily lives, so why bring it into our fandoms too?
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lisasbasket · 7 years
Repost, not reblog! Tag 6 muns you would like to get to know better when done!
Name: Lisa
Nickname: Lis
Age: 27 (28 starting next Sunday)
Faceclaim: I’m not sure I understand what faceclaim means?
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 173 cm
Birthday: 20th August
Aesthetic: simple
Last song you listened to: I Am Alive (Rick and Morty Remix)
Favourite Muse(s) you’ve written: considering my muse for this blog is myself and the whole Smith family... Eggplant (loljk). Back in the day I was a wanted Inu Yasha rper. lol LIKE 14 YEARS AGO.
What inspired you to take on your current muse (that you are posting this on): I jokingly said I’M THE KIDS NANNY. And this joke kept growing and here I am.
What are your favourite aspects of your current muse: She’s more than just a self insert to fuck the grandpa
What’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing: Daily things. Sometimes I do shit and instantly think “I can turn this into a comic”. Escaping my office job.
Favourite type of threads: I don’t really rp that much tbh... >:
Biggest struggle in regards to your current muses: He’s a bitch
Tagged by: @1880s-rick-and-morty​
Tagging: @ask-rick-and-dylan
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shewritesalittlebit · 7 years
Bio for Natalia Alianovna Romanova (@CzarinaRomanova)
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Natalia Alianovna Romanova was born on the 22nd of November 1928 in Stalingrad (now known as Volgograd), Russia. Little is known of her familial background due to a partial memory loss, making every memory prior her seven years of age vague and blurry. Although she has visions of a mansion caught on fire, a middle-aged soldier carrying her body through the harsh Russian winter and a woman with red hair, dressed in regal clothing calling out her name.
There have been implicationsa and rumours that Natalia is closely related to the last Emperor of Russia, Tsar Nikolai II, but the famed elite assassin has been tight-lipped about the issue.
Most of her life, Natalia only knew the Red Room Academy, where she was trained most of her life to become one of the elite assassins from Russia known as the Black Widows.  The Red Room wasn't only a training facility, but, in certain stories, employs biochemical enhancements for its agents and also implants them with false memories reminiscent of those used by the Weapon Plus Program.
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Like many of her predecessors, Natalia was biochemically enhanced to be at the peak of her health, to be smarter, faster and sharper than most humans and also, her ageing had been delayed by the biochemical serum that was injected to her system.
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Along with 27 other girls, Natalia is sent off to the Bolshoi Theatre to train as ballerinas and at the same time, learn how to infiltrate and attack while being undetected.
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The same batch of girls were also under the training of Hydra’s Asset, the Winter Soldier. All the girls were drilled and trained before the Asset had chosen one protege to continue a much severe and rigorous training, to which Natalia rose to the top as the best candidate for the title of Black Widow.
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For two long years, Natalia trained under the Winter Soldier and was even sent on short mission assignments with him as part of her training. The brainwashed war hero took the young Russian assassin under his wing, not realising that Natalia was opening up his humanity and feelings, as she did for herself. Under the Winter Soldier’s tutelage, Natalia Alianovna Romanova earned herself the title of Black Widow; the most legendary elite assassin the academy has ever produced, just before her eighteenth birthday.
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The newly graduated Black Widow and Winter Soldier carried on their secret love affair, away from the prying eyes of Madame B and his handlers until such time that the Asset was again put back into his cryo sleep and wiped of any memories of his time in the Red Room Academy.
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And as expected of a graduating assassin, Natalia is to undergo the “The "Graduation Ceremony", which takes place after the agents have successfully passed a series of physical and mental tests, involves the young women being forcefully sterilized. Removing their ability to bear children, supposedly makes the Red Room graduates better killers; they never have to experience such weakness as worrying more about a family than their mission.
However, Natalia was pulled out of the sterilisation wing personally by Madame B. Confused by the actions, Natalia remained silent as she was escorted to a car with the madame, only to find herself in a Russian Hydra Base. It is where Natalia is to be part of Hydra and Red Room’s pet project for an army of biochemically-engineered children to be raised as elite soldiers and assassins for the new world; Project Palingenesis. There, the eighteen year old assassin was forced to become a host of the enhanced fetuses through natural yet traumatising ways of inseminations from the triggered Winter Soldier; where she experiences 3 still born children and a baby boy that suddenly died after eight weeks.
During those grueling four years under Hydra’s experimentation and in-between short mission assignments, the handlers and Madame B discovered her affair with the Asset. Both were brutally sanctioned and Natalia had the first-hand experience of witnessing the wiping of the Winter Soldier.
Having enough of such brutality and her first heartbreak, Natalia Romanova defects from both organisations; living under multiple disguises and working as a lone mercenary before meeting Clint Barton, who takes her under his wing to become an ally of SHIELD.
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Her time with SHIELD had proven herself to be an indispensable agent with exceptional skills, earning her top ranks and one of Director Nicholas Fury’s most trusted agents.
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 After the Battle of New York, Natalia Romanova became part of the Avengers Initiative alongside Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Thor and the Hulk.
Captain Steven Grant Rogers
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Not only has Natasha proven herself to be his second in command as the Black Widow for Captain America, Natalia is also Steve’s closest ally and friend, along with being his wing man. Natalia had willingly compromised her position and betrayed Tony Stark’s trust during the battle pertaining to the Sokovia Accords.
James Buchanan Barnes
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Natalia’s former instructor from the Red Room Academy, lover and the only man she has ever loved. They both share a rich and deep history stemming back to their days in Russia. As of date, they have one child together.
Carolina Natalia Isabelle Barnes
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Natalia and James’ only child as of date. A product of both their love and Hydra’s evil experimentation, Lina Barnes was born and raised in Palermo, Sicily, Italy with her adoptive parents, Irina and Gino Santangelo. Natalia would visit her child under the guise of a travelling godmother until the girl herself asked the obvious question at age 10.
1. Project Palingenesis
Peggy Carter (https://twitter.com/FounderOfShield) James “Yasha” Barnes (https://twitter.com/ExScrgeant)
- Where both women are subjected to become hosts of Hydra and Red Room’s experimentation and pet project to create an army of biochemically-engineered children.
2. The Black Widow and Winter Soldier TRIGGER WARNING
James “Yasha” Barnes (https://twitter.com/ExScrgeant)
- the very first time Natalia has laid eyes on her instructor, the Winter Soldier, who takes her under his wing leading up to the time their love blossoms into an unrequited love taking place in the freezing cold winter of Russia.
3. Domestication with a twist
James “Yasha” Barnes (https://twitter.com/ExScrgeant)  Lina Romanova Barnes (https://twitter.com/LinaBelleBarnes)
- 22 year old Lina Barnes has always played the matchmaker for her biological parents, who seemed to hate each other for a reason. She makes it a point to make sure her parents realise their love for each other while retracing their steps back to when their love was real.
Side notes and inserts:
1. To avoid confusion and a lengthy explanation, Natalia’s public papers and documents state that she was born on November 22, 1984 instead of 1928.
2. Only a close group of people call her Natalia. The rest will address her as Agent Romanoff, Natasha and Black Widow.
3. Natalia suffers from mild to moderate schizophrenia, brought on by the years of her mind being meddled with and partially brainwashed due to the academy’s system. Most of the time, Natalia would ostracise herself and smoke rolls upon rolls of cigars while drinking herself to a stupor; just to avoid seeing or hearing her delusions and hallucinations.
1. PLEASE do not come up to Natalia and act like she knows you or she knows something/anything about you. Just like any other person in the world, you will act accordingly to how a stranger approaches you. Failure to comply to the rule will only result to a brash and cold, sometimes violent Natalia.
2. PLEASE do NOT come up to her DMs and try to force yourself upon her. Any form of abuse, sexual or verbal, will only get you blocked and reported.
3. I would prefer that the person/account approach her first when a certain plot is to be discussed. Natalia’s DMs are always open and she is open to entertaining your ideas.
4. RL tends to be a bitch and my replies can be sporadic depending on the writer’s day. If i do have a current SL with you, please have patience with me. I am not one to drop an SL without warning. If anything happens, rest assured that I will notify you if something comes up.
5. I have been roleplaying for a couple of years on various groups now, and unfortunately, I have the tendency to become picky with who or what i roleplay. Please do not take it personally, but i do prefer literacy, lengthy replies (but now always) and proficiency.
6. Like many accounts out there, ships (crack, headcanon or canon) are to be based on chemistry.
7. Natalia roleplays just about anything that is discussed properly between writers, hence a 21+ tag on her bio. It could be fluffy and simple up to trigger-filled and angsty. I would prefer that I interact and roleplay such heavy themes with someone of legal age.
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