#yautja purring
slasherhaven · 1 year
How would a male yautja react to being peppered in kisses and babied with mountains of praise all because he got hurt during a hunt?
Your Yautja Mate Being Spoilt After a Hunt:
At first, he's offended.
He assumes your praise and fussing are you babying him, thinking he isn't strong enough to handle it on his own, that a little bit of pain would be his downfall.
He has acquired many injuries in his life, many of witch have left scars behind. Each scar he wears proudly, each evidence of all the fights he had won.
When you got an injury, you tended to it and moved on. The pain barely even registered with him anymore.
So, he assumes you think he's weak and unable to look after himself, unable to protect you, a poor hunter and fighter.
But you're just cooing at him, cradling his head in your arms and peppering kisses over his face. All of your words were kind, your concern genuine but not accusing him of being weak.
You were lathering him with praise, gushing about how strong and brave he was, how impressive his hunt was.
It almost feels like too much, like it might be insincere, but he knows it isn't.
He remembers that you're human, that your culture is very different to his. When you see a loved one wounded, your instinct is to care for them unlike Yautjas with other adults.
And he does adore all of your affection and softness.
So he leans into your touches, purring when you kiss his face, preening when you stroke your hands over him.
He might not actually be hurt but he'll let you think he is if you're going to give him so much attention.
If anyone else where to treat him like this, he'd bristle and snarl, but your intentions are so sincere and caring.
"Such an impressive hunt, I knew I chose well. Such a strong and capable mate. Let me tend to you."
Yes, he was the perfect mate for you. Perfect for protecting and loving you.
Another purr vibrates up and out of his chest as he nuzzles at your skin.
You can offer to get him food or check his wound, but he grabs hold of you and nuzzles closer.
He really is fine but would never turn down your affection, so why don't you just keep being the sweetest mate ever.
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ateliersss · 1 year
Part 2 - He Is Here
Pairing: Yautja x Fem!Reader Summary: After Akail freed himself and then you from your captors, you both had only one thing on your mind — to return home where his father and your mate was waiting for you. Cross-posted on AO3: here Warnings: English isn't my first language Word Count: 4.768 Part 1: here Masterlist
⇨ I started making it, tried my best, had a break down, then I listened to Lana Del Rey and my brain started working again. This is the result. I hope I didn't fail your expectations and you like it anyway.
⇨ Also, did you ever actually listen to their clicking/purring noises? Because I DID!
⇨ Want to join the tag list?
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Fresh air, the rustling of leaves on the surrounding trees, the moonlight, even the hooting of an owl — you never thought you would appreciate these things the way you did right now.
Especially now as your son was holding you tightly in his arms, running away, leaving the facility site behind. You had already put quite a distance between here and there and yet you could still hear the blaring alarm of their security system.
To distract yourself, you focused on the safe embrace of Akail's strong arms, watched the surroundings passing by, and listened to the sounds he made. He tried to calm you down, but since you couldn't understand any of his words, this attempt failed.
The one thing you didn’t want to focus on was the blood.
The alarm went off while you were still stuck in this awful white room with that strange woman, announcing that your son had broken free. Immediately you were yanked out of the room and into the corridor, not caring that moving was difficult for you. The woman had tried to persuade the two men to be more careful, but they just ignored her and didn't stop dragging you roughly with them.
The grip they had on you was painful, the flickering lights and the alarm agitated you even more, and the fact that you didn't know what they were going to do to you, now that an angry alien was on the loose, frightened you.
You thought about the consequences of what you were about to do. Since you couldn't imagine anything worse than what you had already experienced, you just did it. You screamed. You screamed for your son in hopes he would hear you.
One of the men holding you pulled your thrashing body towards him to have a better hold on you, to silence you. You didn't stop fighting and even bit his fingers to stop him from restraining your voice.
You both stopped struggling with each other when suddenly a bloodcurdling roar erupted from behind you.
The small group turned around and encountered the looming figure of Akail. He had found you, like the clever boy he was.
Admittedly, it had been quite a sight. His body trembled with fury, his back arched and his mandibles flared. The armor and equipment that had been taken from him were now back in his possession and on his body. Even from this distance, you could see the blood as if he had bathed in it.
Blood, that was now also on the hideous white suit you were wearing.
Out of fear, and maybe it really just had been a reflex, the man holding you pushed you away.
Luckily — more or less, depending if you were either the big, enraged alien or the tiny, terrified human — you landed on your knees and the hand outstretched trying to catch you, the other hand wrapped around your swollen belly as an instinctive protective mechanism. The impact hurt, but at least your pup remained unharmed.
It had been the wrong thing to do, really. Watching someone hurt you and thus possibly his unborn brother drove him feral. All it took was one tearful look from you and he charged for your captors.
You scrambled to the wall and out of his attack zone. Closing your eyes, you only listened as one by one died in one painful way or another.
You were used to the most obscure, disgusting, and repulsive corpses as you and your mate occasionally went on hunting trips at home. However, the whole situation — from you being captured, the imprisonment, you not knowing what had happened to your son and how he was doing, to the present moment — had pushed you to your limit.
When the helpless pleas and painful screams finally died down, you felt two big hands picking you up. You buried your face into his strong chest, preventing you from catching even a second's glimpse of the bloody masses around you.
It was over, you tried to compose yourself.
Akail was still running, not faltering once. His mind was set on one thing and one thing only — getting you to the safety of your Scout Ship.
Soon you reached a familiar river and a clearing. Your tensed shoulders relaxed when you saw the huge outline of it. The human may have said that they had found the ship, but it was still there where you had left it. Apparently, they had made no move yet to transport it to their base.
You sighed happily. It meant one step closer to home.
Although you were now in safe surroundings, Akail did not put you down and carried you until you reached the belly of the ship where he kept his weapons and gear such as his masks and armor. You smiled up at him when he seated you on top of the huge workbench occupying the middle of the room where he normally repaired or worked on his equipment. The glass surface cooled your adrenaline-heated skin.
Akail exited the room while you settled into a more comfortable position, legs dangling slightly as you looked down at your baby bump and stroked it. You closed your eyes and listened to your inner voice. There was no pain, no other feeling close to discomfort that should worry you. In fact, you felt your sweetling kick against your hand.
You heard the well-known clicks of Akail, announcing you weren’t alone anymore. He was back, holding familiar gadgets in his hands. One of them were two earpieces that translated every spoken word of a Yautja in real-time. They were created especially for you and practically disappeared when you wore them, making your ears appear perfectly normal as if they weren't even there. The other gadget was a tight-fitting necklace made out of black metal with silver accents that translated your words into the Yautja language.
Their technology did wonders. The way both things worked was way beyond your comprehension.
The moment the earpieces were in your ears and the necklace was around your neck, Akail asked, “Mother, how you feeling?”
Thanks to the workbench, you were more or less at eye level so you could put a hand on his cheek, your thumb stroking the scale-like skin, as he nuzzled into it. “I’m fine, my little warrior.” You reassured him.
You felt his clawed hand gently press against your stomach.
You chuckled. “Yes, your little mei’hswei is fine, too.” As if to confirm your words, your pup started to kick against his brother's hand. “See?”
Akail shook his head, the clicking sounds growing urgent.
You sighed. “I promise, as soon as we arrive home I will go to Cahrein. He will survey me to confirm that everything is fine.”
That seemed to soothe him as he nodded. “Good.”
You smiled up at him and cupped his cheeks to pull him closer so you could reach his forehead to place a gentle kiss there. He immediately started making a purring noise. You had to suppress a laugh at that reaction. Instead, the smile on your lips widened.
No matter how many trophies he owned, demonstrating he was a killing machine, no matter that he was the son of a clan leader, no matter that he was Blooded, showing his level of maturity — he was still your little boy who sometimes longed for the comfortable and safe embrace of his mother’s arms.
At this moment, Akail felt like he was set back into the time when he was just a pup. It actually happened every time his mother showered him with affection.
When he was a Youngling, barely reaching your hip, some of the Un-Blooded — all still immature and not yet careful with their words like teenagers in their puberty on Earth — had harassed him about his non-Yautja part even though he was the pure image of his father, no indicator that he was partly human.
Already in his young years, he had developed a need to protect you. As soon as even one of them mentioned either your name or the word ooman, he landed the first punch which had degenerated into a fight which he mostly lost with his smaller size and his little combat experience compared to theirs. He lied to you about how he got the injuries when you tended to them. He didn’t want to worry you, didn’t want to tell you how those stupid, thoughtless Un-Blooded had disrespected you.
As he grew older and bigger, his father training him hard, the harassment stopped and turned into more friendly, harmless teasing coming from his friends and those with whom he had trained for the initiation hunt. They didn’t dare to treat you any other way than the mate of the Clan Leader deserved to be treated — with respect, obedience, acceptance, and appreciation. You were who you were, but with the things you've done in your years since arriving on Yautja Prime, you'd proven yourself.
From his friends, he had learned that Yautja mothers stopped pampering their pups the second they touched a weapon to train to be hunters.
“Too much coddling and spoiling love made you soft.”
That’s what every Youngling grew up with, but here he was. He was one of the strongest, one of the most determined, and one of the most promising Yautja in his clan, maybe even on his planet. Expectations were high considering who his father was and he would one day be following in his huge (figurative) footsteps, which he hoped to eventually fill.
And all that with a human who never stopped showing him her motherly love since the day he was born.
He was proud you were his mother, thankful, never ashamed. He would never dare to feel any different about you, not when you had stood against all odds to carry him in your belly and fought against death to give birth to him. That made you stronger than any other Yautja mother and he would never think about trading you to be pureblooded.
While his father forged him into a great and powerful fighter, showed him to be strong-willed, hard-working, and brave — the typical journey for Yautja to become hunters and respectable members of a clan — you had taught him mercy, thoughtfulness, and compassion. You tried to teach him at least a few things that were of great value on Earth, things that demonstrated that his mixed genetic heritage made him much more diverse than others.
“I’m going to contact your father to tell him we will be home soon.” You suddenly said.
Akail stepped aside to make room for you to get off the working bench. He offered you a hand when you started to struggle with the height of it and gently helped you to get your feet on the solid metal ground of the ship. While you waddled to your quarters, he turned to the door leading to the cockpit to start the engines and finally get off this damn planet.
The ship was built in such a way that you didn't even feel it take off a few seconds later while you pressed the right buttons to reach your mate. With one hand on your stomach, you turned around and encountered the holographic image of Mi'ytiar being projected into the center of the room by a device built into the ceiling.
You let out a shaky but happy breath. “My love.” You greeted him with a relieved smile as he reached out to place his large hand on the side of your face, the palm on your cheek and his clawed fingers in your hair.
Normally you would lean into his touch, but since that hand was only a projection, you kept your head still to at least give him the illusion that you were standing in front of him.
You wished you were standing in front of him. You longed for him. You missed him so, so much.
You watched his beautiful eyes dart over your face and then to the strange cloth you were wearing, looking for any signs that indicated the blood on it was yours.
“Yawne, what happened?” He demanded, his voice hard but concerned.
You bit your lower lip, already anticipating his reaction.
Mi'ytiar was calm and composed when it came to sticky situations, but his temper quickly overwhelmed him when it came to you. Last time he had challenged an Elder of all people who simply had handled you with more strength than necessary, completely forgetting that humans were far frailer than his kind. It had been merely an accident, but it had turned into a disaster.
So the first thing you wanted to do was to reassure him as you said, “I’m fine.”
His mandibles flared, a hiss escaping his lips. “What happened?”
You sighed. “Humans. They captured Akail.” You wrapped your arms around yourself. “They used the control on his arm to find the ship.” You paused for a moment and sighed. “I left it for some fresh air. They found me outside and brought me to the same facility they took our son to.”
Predicting his answer, you forestalled him before he could even open his mouth. “No! Don’t say it.” You hissed.
Mi'ytiar straightened his slightly bent position towards you in surprise. He looked at you with his head cocked to his side, not breaking the intense eye contact.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally relented and lowered his head. The gesture always made you feel powerful. It meant submission; only with you, never others.
Proud of yourself, you squared your shoulders and held your head high.
Sometimes there were small disagreements between you and your mate, but instead of arguing, you both only looked at each other while a silent battle was fought between your gazes. Mi'ytiar always backed down first, secretly loving your dominance, but also cursing your stubbornness.
You were his Life Mate, the human female he treated as his equal. Completely fascinated and smitten by your softness and loving nature, he was wrapped around your finger and would bend to your will. You had a certain power over him and you loved it, knowing that a being like him was capable of acting this way.
“I know I should have listened to you. You told me to stay within the safety of the ship and I should have listened to you. But I didn’t and I put our pup in danger. I’m sorry, tanhì.” You admitted, looking up at him with wide, apologetic eyes.
“He freed himself and then me.” You answered, before adding in a whisper, “He killed everyone.”
His mandibles clicking, he said, “Good.” before eyeing the suit sullenly.
Mi'ytiar didn’t mind seeing you bloody. In fact, there had been times when the prey the two of you had been hunting together had bled all over you, which had aroused him to the point where he had just grabbed you and fucked you on the forest floor.
But he didn’t like this, not at all. The color wasn’t right. It was too red, too human. The possibility that it could be yours worried him far too much.
But it wasn’t yours. You had told him so and deep down he knew that, but it made him feel unsettled nonetheless.
In the meantime, you watched him and the hardly noticeable change in his eyes. He was very caring, something you loved the most about him, so you planned on putting him at ease when you reached behind you to open the suit. The light fabric slipped down your body and gathered at your feet. You stepped out of it and kicked it away with your foot.
Now you stood in front of him in all your naked glory. Your plan must have worked, because he didn’t hesitate to step forward and engulf your now much more visible stomach with his clawed hand. His infatuation with your pregnant body was beyond you.
Three months into your first pregnancy, a neighboring clan visited yours for feasts and a hunt. There you got to know a woman named Vulpine, the first human you ever met on Yautja Prime. She was soon to be mated with her Yautja who had only recently decided to commit himself fully to her, thus renouncing any sexual or even romantic relationship with other females. That’s how the concept of being Life Mates worked, after all.
You pestered her with questions. Not only how long she had been here, how she was coping with life on this strange planet and who her Yautja was, but also how he treated her in a pregnant state. Turns out, the only Yautja who was that infatuated with his mate being pregnant was Mi'ytiar.
Another thing was that he had been over the moon when you had finally voiced out your wish to carry his pup. He had taken such great care of you during your pregnancy, coddling you, literally hovering over you, not letting you out of his sight.
You had always wondered why he had been acting this way — maybe it was due to the fact that you were human and therefore you and your body were just different — but you never thought it was necessary to actually question him about it.
After a while you said, “We’ll be home soon, my love.”
“Good.” Mi'ytiar replied, nodding. “I will await you.”
And that’s what he did.
As soon as the ship landed, the ramp extended and the door opened, you saw Mi'ytiar standing there, waiting. You didn’t even hesitate to rush to him. He responded by lowering himself to one knee and reaching out to you, catching you when you threw yourself into his arms.
His mandibles clicked happily when he finally could touch you again and feel his unborn pup. He had missed you both so dearly. To be closer to his little one, he made himself even smaller, almost sitting on the floor, and pressed his forehead on your stomach while one hand rested on your hip and the other on the back of your thigh. Purring, he enjoyed the familiar closeness to his sweetling.
You were a mess, bursting with emotions — those goddamn pregnancy hormones — as you ran your fingers through his dreadlocks, felt their warmth and fleshy texture, and played with one of the golden rings Mi'ytiar used to style it, as you liked to call it.
While the two of you were completely engaged with each other, not caring what happened around you, you hadn't noticed how your son had also eventually left the ship to join the both of you.
“Father.” Akail greeted, announcing his presence.
Mi'ytiar lifted his head before pulling away from you to stand up. As was customary for Yautja, he placed a hand on Akail's shoulder in greeting and shook it slightly. Then he grabbed his son’s upper arms with his hands, Akail did the same, and they both put their foreheads together. They stayed like that for a moment before pulling away to talk.
You didn’t feel like you had to listen to them, so you didn’t, but you watched them with a smile. There stood your favorite people in the universe, your family, your whole world.
Soon, Mi'ytiar turned around and made his way back to you. Before you could say anything, he put one arm under your armpits and one under your knees, lifting you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you away, knowing him to Cahrein, the healer.
You liked Cahrein and the feeling was mutual. He was responsible for tending to the wounded and sick, helped the females during their pregnancies and birth, provided ingredients, and maintained tools for the Medicomp when Yautja went on off-world hunts.
He was rather serious and professional, but you could see the curious excitement when Mi'ytiar first had brought you to him. You were a whole different species to him, something new he could learn about.
It was nothing unusual for your mate to accompany you on your check-ups, so Cahrein thankfully didn’t ask any questions, only saying a word when he confirmed what you had already told both, the father and brother of the pup — everything was fine.
That was all Mi'ytiar needed to know before he dragged you away and to your home where he shed you of your clothes and fucked you like a wild animal that was starved of your touch, sating his needs.
It felt like hours had passed when your sweaty and naked body slumped back against Mi'ytiar's torso, exhausted and fully satisfied. Mi'ytiar nuzzled into the hair on the back of your head.
While you were still trying to catch your breath, he regarded the bite mark he had left on your shoulder out of the corner of his eye. The sharp tips of his mandibles had broken into the skin on the front and back of your upper arm, your shoulder blade, and the spot of your chest where your heart was still beating frantically. Meanwhile, his teeth had dug into the edge of your shoulder, making it bleed.
You squirmed in his lap when he licked the dried blood to clean you.
When he was done, he gently took a hold of your hair to put it over your shoulder and out of the way. His eyes fixed on the second bite mark. This one he had placed on the nape of your neck. When he was done cleaning you there too, he chattered happily, proud that he had so evidently marked you as his own.
You tilted your head back to look at him. “What?”
“It never was able with other female.” He said, “Marking.”
You tensed at that before you lowered your head with your lips pressed together. You knew you were acting like a child when he placed his index and middle finger on your cheek to turn your head to look at him, but you stubbornly refused to do so. You even leaned forward to break the skin contact between your back and his torso. You had to bite your bottom lip to stifle a moan as his cock was still inside you, keeping his seed where it belonged. Even in its now soft state, it was still able to send pleasure down your spine.
Although you knew that only some Yautja were permanently bonded to each other and most of them had several mating partners, you had totally forgotten that he, of course, had been with other females before you. In fact, you had never really thought about it. The thought had never occurred to you as he had always been completely devoted to you.
Irrational jealousy took hold of you. Of course, it was completely normal for one’s partner to have been with others before you. That's how it worked on Earth, too. Nothing special, nothing unusual, and yet you hated it.
You had been 26 when Mi'ytiar took you with him. A year earlier you had broken up with a boy you had been dating for two years, and you had a few one-night stands before and after that. You had never cared about their former partners.
Now you did.
“What is it, yawne?”
“Nothing.” You mumbled, your lips twisted into a defiant pout. “It’s just… I never thought about other females having you like this.” You were still facing away from him as you continued, “It makes my blood boil knowing someone else has had you before me.”
A strange possessive feeling surged through you as you turned around to look him straight in the eye. “You are mine, only mine.” You said before turning back around, resulting in you not noticing him almost bursting with pride.
You were lost in your thoughts, completely missing his low, rumbling laugh. He thought you were adorable like this, secretly wallowing in your possessiveness. It made him happy, knowing he was able to elicit such feelings from you.
The next thought you voiced out was one you had back in the days when you still felt unworthy as the Life Mate of the great Mi'ytiar. “It makes me question why you chose me of all people to be bound to you forever and to bear you pups, something I never even thought would be possible. They easily could have given them to you.”
Now that you said it out loud, you realized one thing in horror — pups.
Pups with other females. His pups with other females. His pups with someone that wasn’t you. How did you never think about that too?! He never had mentioned them, not that you knew, but if…
“They could not.” Mi'ytiar interrupted your panicking thoughts.
“What?” You turned your upper body to look at him, his honest eyes looking back.
With his help, you fully turned around in his lap to face him without losing the closest, most intimate connection you both still had; between your legs. He placed his hands on your waist to pull you as close as your stomach would allow.
“I provide for clan in many ways. I am leader. I lead, I protect and I care for them. It is honorable to strengthen clan with pups. Only my seed never took. No female carried my pup. It was shameful to not provide clan with pups. Especially as leader.”
He paused to play with a loose strand of your hair. His fascination with it wasn’t something you couldn’t quite understand, but you didn’t mind.
“When you and I met, you was what I wanted. Objections were made when I dedicated my being to you, but I did not care. I could not provide with pups anyway.” He told you. “I forgot about them. I only wanted you, yawne.”
“I only wanted you, too.” You replied, smiling up at him. “Do you remember when we became Life Mates and you introduced me to a group of females so they could teach me more about the planet, the clan, the dynamics in it, and such? They taught me all the things the mate of a clan leader needed to know.”
One of those had been the mating act. You laughed quietly when you thought back to your reaction as they told you that fighting for submission was something like foreplay to them. First, the male had to succeed before the mating act could start. It certainly explained why Mi'ytiar had been confused the first time you had sex.
The affection and trust you had for him had been finally big enough that you decided to get involved with him in a more intimate way. Until then he had waited for you to give him permission to mate with you. You would never have credited him with such patience, but you hadn’t been the only one who had learned about his kind. While you took your time to get used to your new life, he had also learned about humans.
Not enough apparently because he had looked at you in astonishment like you were broken when you had just let him take off your clothes — clothing that was based on the Yautja style, made of leather, fur and, after a short trip back to Earth, thankfully also soft cotton — and you let him manhandle you.
But you did snap at him when he had been too rough and you had needed more time to get used to this new feeling. After your first time together it was your turn to teach a Yautja about you; about the female body and what it needed before he could ravish you, how he could pleasure it and take care of it.
“One of the females was pregnant at that time.” You continued, “And I wanted that, too. I wanted to carry your pup.”
“And you did, yawne.” Mi'ytiar purred. “Made me so happy when you told me you wanted my pup.” He turned your body to sit sideways on his lap, so he could pull you in with one hand for a cuddle while the other rested on your belly. “You gave what no female could. Proof I am not failure.” He nuzzled into the side of your head. “You are parul, my miracle.”
You opened your mouth to tell him that of course he wasn't a failure, but you closed it again, deciding to let him have his moment. Instead, you put your hand on the back of his head and pulled him closer to you.
You both fell into a comfortable silence, only his purring filled the air.
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continue with the third part He Shan't Lose
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yaut-jaknowit · 9 months
Uihoy. cunnilingus, overstimulation, body worship, sappy stuff, lots of fluff
Right Here
Pairing: Uihoy (Male Yautja) x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: Smut, cunnilignus, overstimulation, body worship, fluff, dirty talk.
Word Count: 3843
Summary: Man wants to eat you out and worship the ground you walk on. Let him.
Author Note: I'm slowly making my way through requests. Sorry, it's taking me some time. I'm working a lot at work to save up for new tires and rims for my truck.
The lack of clothes adorning your body once made you feel completely exposed and unworthy in the face of either of your mates. Two highly skilled hunters who actively worked their bodies to perfection. All in the name of the hunt. And here you were, a human among gods.
From countless days, weeks, probably months at this point, they’ve slaughtered any doubt that would sprout their ugly head. As a human, it was a natural feeling. The urge to scoop your clothes back from the ground and cover what you had exposed to them was dominating. Your skin prickled as those bright, nearly glowing yellow eyes of Uihoy drank in the sight of you.
Uihoy’s hands twitched at his sides but he was patient. A hunter, born and bred. The picture before him is something he’s seen countless times before. His cock still stirred with pumping blood in its sheath.
Those piercing orbs of his noticed up the slightest tense of your muscles, eyes darting between the clothing you once wore. Fabric Vic’tao and him have collected and crafted for you.
Now, the male takes the chance to step forward and knelt down at your feet. A renowned hunter in a large clan back on Yautja Prime kneeling before a human. His knees cracked at the motion and new position but he stayed. This is where he wanted to be. Before his mate, on his knees, about to worship not only the ground you walked upon but your body itself. He was going to hunt down those despicable thoughts and tear them from your mind.
This new angle had you timidly meeting his gaze. But only for a fleeting second before you tilted your head to the side and more down.
Well-worn hands cupped your hips. The Yautja was now face to chest with you on his knees. He felt the way your body jolted at the touch but otherwise stayed standing.
You placed your palm on his shoulder for support within the raging storm brew inside of you. Purple hands started to trail up, teasing up your sides then moving inward to your chest. Your bottom lip was caught between dull teeth while the only thing you could do was watch.
Massive hands palmed at your breasts. Two fingers gently pinched the outer circle of your nipple. Uihoy leaned forward and let his tongue dart out to flick over the darker skin. Your knees shook at the first touch of the day.
A deep groan started from the depths of Uihoy’s chest. “Uihoy cannot say much within ooman language but pauk, let Uihoy lavish these for hours and will die a happy mate,” the Yautja purred and gave the other breast the same attention. He gently twisted the other nipple in his digits and pulled a stuttering gasp from your torn lips.
Despite knowing those same teeth have shredded throats for the sake of a trophy, he cupped one breast in his bottom mandibles. That hand holding it up drifted to your sides, claws raking over ribs. It went to your back and slid down to grab the globe of one of your ass cheeks.
With a jolt, you tensed at the new feeling. Then, the touch continued a path down your thigh and teased the soft skin that made up the back of them. Your knees wobbled, mind growing faint from all the different fleeting touches. It grew hard to focus on all that he was doing to you. “U-Uihoy,” you whispered the name in the dimly light bedroom.
Uihoy hummed and sent vibrations up to your nipple. You mewled, nails digging into his shoulder for better support. The other hand ran its course through your hair a few times before finding its way into the thick dreads of Uihoy’s grey tresses.
All of his touches tighten on your body. The forked tongue laving at your nipple pressed harder before he pulled away and began the same treatment on the other one.
As this went on, Uihoy took in the thicken scent of your arousal trailing into the air. He could taste it wafting around him in a teasing manner. Yet, the male held strong and kept his slow, steady pace. His prize would wait. The longer it sat, the better the reward would be.
Once the two breasts received the same amount of attention in his opinion, Uihoy pulled back. His hands returned to hold to each one. You whimpered at the lost of contact and tugged on a dread for him to return. Uihoy grunted. Your chest was heaving from the excitement entering your blood stream. He nearly grinned at how needy you looked before him. Instead, he placed his hands behind your knees.
You didn’t know what had happened until your mind caught up. Now, on the ground with Uihoy hovering over you, all you could do was stare dazedly up at the purple Yautja. He took the moment to lean down and lavish his tongue along the column of your throat and up to your jaw. “This body, this mind, little hunter, does so many things to Uihoy. Makes wanna ravish, to love, to bite, to claim forever. Leave no area unclaimed,” he uttered into the flesh of your neck.
Fatal teeth scrapped across your skin. You shuttered, throat vibrating with a high-pitched noise. “This skin is so incredibly soft. It feels amazing against Uihoy. Uihoy loves it.”
Heat flashed across your body, blood beginning to warm. His hands returned to touch at your hips, thumbs rubbing mindlessly. Uihoy left marks in his wake, creating his own art on your body. Blood was drawn to the skin but never dripping down to leave behind red rivets. “And the taste of little hunter on tongue,” he trailed off with a groan that rattle his chest. “Could live off of you alone if little hunter let Uihoy.”
His long, spilt tongue teased behind the shell of your ear. His purple face returned to your sight as he gazed down at your lying form on the shared bed. Those pools called eyes reflected the affection you held to your heart for him.
Mischief sparkling the yellow iris’. You didn’t have a moment to even come up with a single clue on why before he shift the two of you again.
Uihoy grasped at your hips and easily picked you from the ground. The Yautja himself laid down and settled you on his chest. Your hands rested in the transition area between those broad shoulders to his barrel chest. Your eyes were wide while you stared down at him in surprise. He grasped your hips and tugged you an inch towards his face. “Sit,” he commanded and pushed you again.
“On, on your face?” Your brows furrowed at the implication he was wanting. It’s not like you hadn’t let them eat you out before but never had you sat on their face before, let alone another person. Your doubts and insecurities gnawed at the sturdy ground you once stood on.
Dark talons dug into the flesh of your hips. “Tell Uihoy taste little hunter’s cunt. Now, sit.” You yelped quietly, still nervous to move forward before nodding your head to gain courage.
“Just… just tell me if it’s too much,” you warned Uihoy as you crawled forward and hesitated while on top of his throat. Uihoy huffed, tightened his hold then promptly picked you up and deposited you perfectly over his mouth. You tried to sit more up, scared that you were putting too much weight on him. “Uihoy!” But the male just grumbled at the call of his name.
Both of his arms hooked over your thighs and locked down to ensure you couldn’t escape. His upper mandibles were spread wide to curl over your thighs as well. The lower two were pressed carefully to the apex of your legs.
Vibrations rumbled up his throat. You felt them run across your skin and tingle your newly exposed folds. “Look at the sight. No one could pull Uihoy from this. Over dead body,” he snarled.
Your back bent to rest a hand on the ground beside his massive head but Uihoy growled. “Up! Stay up. Wanna see little hunter fall apart from tongue.” You caught your bottom lip between dull teeth.
He saw the way conflict rose in your magnificent eyes. One of his hands reached out twinge your fingers together. Yours slotted between his. Then, Uihoy returned to gripping your thigh. Your other limb slipped your digits under his palm to hold on for the rise. The Yautja purred his praised.
For a second, there is peace within the storm. You are able to relax your muscles. Uihoy squeezing your hand. A smile broke across your features while you stared down at him between your legs.
That peaceful expression was shattered. Your thighs tightened around his purple head when his tongue ran a path between your slickened folds. “The taste. Pauk. This is how Uihoy wants to die. Die happily here, underneath Uihoy’s stunning mate.” You gnawed more at your bottom lip at his words and tipped your head back. It was hard to keep your eyes on him. Embarrassment flooded your system.
A growl pierced the air. “Look down. Look at Uihoy, little hunter!” the male pleaded, claws biting into the flesh of your thighs.
You tilted your head back down to find his eyes. Uihoy purred once more and ran his tongue through your slick again. Your jaw dropped in a low groan, chest stuttering with breaths you struggled to take.
“Good,” he praised and began a alternating pace between your entrance to your clit.
All thoughts of doubt or shame were drowned, mind going blank only to think of the ecstasy building up inside. Your hands gripped his harder for purchase.
For the first time of the night, you bucked your hips to grind down on his tongue. It dipped inside of you. Uihoy felt the your walls fluttered around him at new sensation and groaned. More of your taste dripped down into his waiting mouth. He was going to consume you whole.
The lower two mandibles moved, his tongue halting for a moment. Your pathetic cry, hips rutting for more was a sight to behold. Uihoy tucked his mandibles into your folds then used them to expose every crevice to his sight. Including that little bud of nerves perched above your entrance. His tongue darted out to caress your clit soft.
Uihoy soaked in the sight of your reaction. The way your head snapped back, spin going rim-rod straight, and thighs threatening to crush his head. Your arousal drenched the better part of his mouth and chin, dripping down to soak the sheets under him. A scent he keep forever. And, the male didn’t relent the action. His muscle continuous lavishing at the nerves.
He could care little when you couldn’t look back down at him. The sounds you cried were music to his ears. Enough to make up for the loss of your eyes. The new wave of slick dripping into his mouth made up for the rest.
Between him teasing your entrance, sometimes daring to take a dip inside, and running his textured tongue over your completely exposed clit, you were boarding pain. It was a fine knife’s edge to walk on.
Tears welled up on your lash line, body beginning to shake. “Ui-Uihoy, it’s… it’s too much,” you sputtered, frame unsure on what to do.
In what little thoughts you could produce, you couldn’t tell if you wanted to push off of him or force him to never stop.
“Right here, Uihoy is right here. Gonna make little hunter come, okay? Need treasure to come,” he promised but never relenting his movements on your pussy. Your spin bent. You gaze back down at him, eyes completely glazed over. It was too much for you to handle. For any sane person to hold onto what little shard of their mind had. “Pauk, keep looking at Uihoy. Keep looking. Gonna taste little hunter. Want everything can give.”
From the depths of your mind, you didn’t know if you were going either explode or collapse. The coil in your belly was beyond what it could hold. Here, you were, teetering on the knife’s edge. “That’s it, treasure. Come for Uihoy.”
Down from the tips of your curled toes, all the way to your fuzzy thoughts, your body exploded. Your jaw dropped in a silent scream that would’ve echoed through the halls of the ship. Euphoric pleasure flooded every part of your body, filling up every crevice to the fullest. Your eyes glassed over, only able to focus on ecstasy that took over every thought.
After the peak, it was the fall. You began to drift down, mind calming from raging seas to smooth water lapping at sandy shores. Tears had ran their course down your face and left behind sticky, salty trails in their wake. Your chest heaved for cool air. You couldn’t help the whine that built up in your throat. The pleasure wasn’t fading.
Uihoy wasn’t done with you.
One of his hands, released your thigh and slipped between his face and your soaked cunt. You whined at the lost and weakly reached out to hold it again. Through your tears, you met his gaze again.
As you opened your mouth to speak, you felt a finger tease at your entrance. Your muscles instantly fluttered at the new sensation. “U-Uihoy,” you gasped, free hand coming to rest on the dome of his head.
The Yautja easily used what coated your cunt to lube his finger up before push only the first knuckle in. He relished in the feeling of you tightening around him, trying to suck in more. To which, he relented and thrust the rest of his middle finger in. A purr started up in chest at the feeling of muscles contracting down on him digit. “Treasure feels wonderful around me. So tight.” You panted and tried to jerk your hips for more but the arm hooking around one of your thighs prevented any movement.
When his tongue returned to lavish at your throbbing clit, you hiccupped a cry and shifted wildly on top of him. You didn’t know how to respond, body unsure if it wanted brunt through it or hop off. His name was uttered again like a breathless cry.
He took a moment to pull his tongue away. You believed to get some remorse but he placed his thumb on your clit and placed enough pressed to numb your mind. “What’s wrong, little mate? Uihoy said to take care of mate, did treasure think Uihoy wouldn’t follow through on that?” Unlike of him, he sounded to be mocking you in a caring manner.
Your free hand went to your mouth to bite at your knuckle. Uihoy curled his fingers and hit that spongey spot inside of you. Said limb slapped down on your thigh as you mewled out. “That’s more like it. Wanna hear every pauk-de sound little mate makes.”
The rough pad of his finger rubbing against you g-spot was enough to make you see stars. “I’m… I’m, not goin-ah, going to last long,” you rushed out the last few words.
The fingers intertwined with Uihoy’s dug into his palm for support. “Good.” His tongue returned to ravish your clit like his life depended on it. You keened, thighs tensing as if trying to push off of him. But Uihoy would never allow that. His hold was like steel and kept you trapped at his will.
In your practically blank mind, you cursed wildly and tried to hold on for however long possible. But the male was going to make you come again. Your brows furrowed and lifted as Uihoy pushed you up against the edge of the peak, the top of the world. Your chest shook with unsteady breaths. You tried to hold out, tried ease yourself into the orgasm. Uihoy did not. He shoved over the line with a curl of his finger and harsh lick.
“Fuck!” you screamed out into the empty ship. Tears soaked your cheeks. The scene around you shatter like ice on a lake. Sweat rolled down your back and chest. You licked at the little drop building up on your top lip as you gasped for breath.
You hunched over, hand on the sheets, and struggled to gather your senses. Tears dropped onto the bed below you. The pressure never ended though. Uihoy kept curling, pumping his finger, and licking at your clit. You sobbed and shakily reached for a tress.
Its rubbery texture was ignored while you attempted to pull the Yautja from between your legs. But he was glued, welded. Nothing could take him from this spot now.
The digit inside of you was pulled. You gave a brief sigh of relief and looked down at him through the tears. But the fire in those bright eyes was burning a bright blaze that had yet to diminish. “Uihoy,” you whispered, voice small as if afraid. Not of him but what else he had planned for you.
Instead of one, two fingers prodded at your folds and slowly slipped past to nuzzle deep. The new stretch had you thighs shaking, unable to move much. “I-I, fuck… Uihoy, I can’t. It’s, it’s too much,” you pleaded, knowing one word would stop him but not using it.
Those digits curled and hit that spot only two inches inside of you. Your head whipped back with a sob. “Yes, treasure can. Treasure wants to give Uihoy everything. Let m-me taste another, consume little hunter,” Uihoy rumbled and resumed to overstimulating you. A hunter who was relentless and wanted nothing more to bring you the pleasure you deserved. His mate, through and through.
Your loose hand trembled, not knowing where to go or where it could rest on. Your mind has gone numb, malleable for his hands to form into whatever he wanted. The purple Yautja grinned internally at the sight of his mate in such a state of disheveled. Clearly so eaten out they’ve gone dumb. All he had to do was do one of his favorite things in the world: eat their cunt out.
It was no time at all to feel the late stages of another orgasm roaring up this mountain. Fire had filled your veins long ago, never fully leaving after the first orgasm of the night.
The pain from the overstimulation was harsh at the base of your spine as it crawled up the length of you back. It hurt, but you loved it. Uihoy loved it. He was enamored with all the sounds you were creating. The sympathy you sang to him in praise from croaking noises to sobs when he pressed against that one spot particularly hard. It would make you clench down on his fingers, forcing you to feel how he filled you with just his fingers alone.
Curses flew from your mouth as you stumbled your way to the peak, getting dragged to the finish line. Those are the only words you could get out, too mindlessly to even think of letting Uihoy know. It’s not like he could feel the way your muscles were clenching harder and faster. He knows your body better than you probably know it at this point.
Similar to last time, you were kicked off the edge, hitting your peak softer this time. Your body had little left to give to Uihoy. With a grunt, you were nearly going to collapsed forward onto an arm when massive hands grasped at your sides.
In a daze, you hadn’t realized you had been laid down on the bed. A purple figure hovering over you, seen through your blurry gaze filled with tears.
“Uihoy knows, baby, Uihoy knows. Right here, just breathe,” Uihoy cooed softly into the still electrified air. You gave the softest mewls known to mankind and panted after the marathon he took you through. His hands petted down your slicken skin blanketed with sweat. He leaned down to nuzzle his head against your forehead.
“Did so good, so good. Love when little mate cries for Uihoy. Love the sounds. Love the taste. The feel of tight cunt around fingers…” he trailed off with a groan. The Yautja pulled back enough to peer into your glassy eyes. His fingers reached out and drifted along your jawline. “And these eyes. Want them to look into mine as little hunter falls apart on Uihoy’s tongue again. See the pleasure Uihoy brings little mate.”
With a shaky hand, you reached up and cupped his jaw. “I… I feel like jello.” Uihoy snorted a laugh and shook his head. His forehead was rubbed once more to yours. Both of his arms scooped under your weak body and pulled to his chest. Then, the male stood up and began to carry you over to the attached bathroom.
Somehow, with an unknown talent, Uihoy is able to hold you while he starts a bath. He sits down on the edge, legs hanging over into the filling tub with you cradled to him.
Starstruck and completely enamored with him, you kept staring up at him. The love and passion he just poured into you was, yes, a normal occurrence but not something you got used to. He always uses his words show his affection, to tell you everything he loved about you. Even if it wasn’t a place you cared for.
Once the bath filled to the top, Uihoy settled you down on one of the seats. He left you there to strip down to his bare skin, scars and all. You rested on your knees, arms crossed over on the ledge while you placed your head on top of them to watched the scene unfold. Your mate walked back over to you, body lax. You took note at the fact he hadn’t unsheathed, though his slit was wet.
“Oh baby,” you cooed and reached an arm to him. He had to be painfully holding it back.
The mentioned male raised a brow, head tilted as he got into the tub with you. “What’s the matter?” he questioned and gathered you into his lap to rest in the warm bath.
He positioned you do your back was to his chest. The water made it all the easier to reach back to tease at his slit. “I can hel-“ you were cut off when Uihoy snared your wrist pulled it away. His body went rigid for a moment before eased back down.
“It is alright, little one. Uihoy worn little hunter out the way I wanted. It was all about little mate and those beautiful noises made,” he purred and set his jaw on top of your head. He knew it annoyed you, but you let it happen.
“If you say so.” In the comfort of Uihoy’s protective, loving arms, you closed your eyes and enjoyed this warmth he offered to you freely. A never waning smile on your features.
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therainywriter · 8 months
Mindless Curiosity (Fluff/Suggestive)
Pairing: Rh’auk (Yautja) x Reader
You were in a hammock of sorts, tucked within Rh’auks arms while he caressed your sides. His claws drug lightly against your flesh, shirt having ridden up from his ministrations.
You wiggled and flipped around with his help, mindful of not tipping the both of you over and onto the cold, hard forest ground.
You cuddled into his chest, closing your eyes when he resumed his gentle touches. He purred at your little nuzzles against him, heart swelling at just how sweet his ooman was.
You mindlessly reached up and touched his dreads, something you’d yet to do. You felt at the strange appendages, long between your fingers, warm and slightly rubbery.
He clicked sharply, jolting at the touch. His hand shot up to remove yours, pulling it away gently.
You frowned and looked up at him, eyes wide and confused, clouded with worry, “Did I hurt you?”
His gaze was soft, “No, you did not hurt me. Don’t fret dear one,” he responded, sharp nails now trailing along your back.
You were instantly comforted, melting once more against him in reassurance. Yet you still wondered why it had garnered such a reaction out of him.
Rh’auk was very stoic, not much could break him from his usual serious dementor. Well, aside from you of course.
You broke through every barrier his flesh held, his soul entirely bare to you. He would have it no other way,
He sighed as though he could hear the thoughts running about in your mind. “You are curious, yes?”
You nearly smiled, he knew you too well. “Mhm..” you admitted softly, leaning in your head up from against his chest to look at him.
“While they usually help my species in combat, the… sensors of sorts are pleasurable at certain times,” he’d begun, having paused his explanation to find the right words.
You grew hot at the implication, realization setting in. You should’ve known, you felt beyond embarrassed for making him explain.
“It is like when I play with yo-“you hid your face in your hands, “Okay, okay I get it!” you interrupted.
He chuckled, mandibles clicking together in amusement. “Do not get shy,” he smirked, lowering your hands from your face with his own.
“It would not make sense for you to know,” he said with a kiss to your knuckles, “we both must learn.”
Though you still felt timid, he was right.
You smiled softly and kissed his exposed chest, the muscle warm under your lips.
He hummed and hoisted you up, closer to him. His voice had lowered and eyes held a promising gaze, “You may touch them, but I can not promise to hold back.”
The mere suggestion had you flustered, and once more you felt at the appendage, smooth below your fingers.
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predalien · 1 year
Yautja with a thicc s/o?
Pyode amedha = Soft meat
Jehdin = Spar
leaner/petite version
Yautja with a thicc S/O headcanons
There are many types of thick, chunky thick, curvy thick, muscle thick, etc. Regardless, your yautja still sees you as pyode amedha, soft and squishy. It’s rather cute, in its own odd human way.
The majority of yautja also tend to love bigger and thicker partners. There’s a lot to grab and claw at, and it’s just overall culturally attractive.
Personal little headcanon, but I like to believe that yautja tend to nip at their partners. Playfully, sexually, and in your case (as a human), out of curiosity. Your thicker size gives them just a little more wiggle room to comfortably do that. You may find yourself just chilling and doing your own thing, only to be growled and nipped at by your yautja mate who just wants your attention.
They’ll want to run their clawed hands up and down your body, all the while purring and with the occasional slow blinking. I feel like worshiping your partner’s body, strength, etc. is a big thing in their society when it comes down to mating and finding mates. And no, human mates are not exempt from this!
They will want to wrestle with you. Obviously human strength and bodies vary, but some thicker and large humans may be better candidates for some good old jehdin. You may be able to stand your ground against a yautja just a little bit better, which is… rather enticing to your yautja partner or suitor. 🤭
You may mention your past human mates, only to garner laughter from your current yautja mate. What do you mean they couldn’t pick you up? Pathetic! Watch them do it with ease, flexing with you on their shoulders. They’re stronger and better, far more worthy to carry the title of your mate.
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If you're still taking requests I have a funny one
A Yautja with a human reader that sleep walks and talks XD
Yautja mate x Ooman!Reader (gn)
Your Yautja had come back from a hunt.
tired and eager to see his dear Ooman mate once again.
He find you already asleep in your shared cot.
you're all bundled up in his furs, keeping warm from the cold night.
Your Yautja gets under the furs with you and cuddles your body.
his natural warmth relaxing your sleeping form.
He starts to slip into sleep when all of the sudden you say "you brought it?"
clicking dubiously he'd ask what you're talking about.
"you came all this way and you didn't bring it?"
He's get increasingly agitated, worried he had forgotten about something important.
"how would we have the party if we don't have out party outfits?!?" You'd raise your hands in the air and sit up.
Your mate would be so perplexed at your anger, as he tries to follow what you are saying. Party? Outfits??
He puts a hand on your shoulder, purring to get you to settle down, and when he turns your really weak body around that's when he notices your eyes are barely focused on anything. They're half litted and your jaw is slack.
He pieces together that you aren't really all there, so he decides to play along "I did bring them they're right here my little sain'ja."
You grow happy with his answer and cuddle back into his arms.
"ok good, I thought this was going to be a mess"
"hmmm, yes my mate."
you'd go back to your deep sleep, your mate clicking to himself in laughter.
Oomans are very weird creatures, and he is so happy to discover new things of your species through you.
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probablyspooky · 1 year
Traitor (2010 Predator X Fem! Reader) Pt.3 Final
Tumblr media
Its Time girly Pops
"Yes love?", you ask, sitting up from your nest of furs and pelts, your mate slowly lowers himself to you.
"We are leaving...", he mumbled, "This trip was not successful, I was wrong to bring you here, I will take you home, and then come back alone when I can get a second chance"
You sighed, cupping your mates face, giving him a gentle kiss on the armored mask.
"Very well," you agreed, getting up from your nest, packing your items and then eventually getting on the ship and taking off back home.
It was a short trip back, you felt back you had ruined the trip by basically getting kidnapped by the game. Berserker could sense your sadness and promised that when you returned back to the clan, he would have a young one go to Earth and bring you back some nice Earth things, so that you could see some of the things that hail from your home planet. You smiled at this thought and proceeded to snuggle into your mates chest as he sat in the command room.
The return home was uneventful, as you were usually allowed to walk around, the first couple weeks home you weren't feeling so well. Often spending your mornings vomiting outside in the bushes, sleeping till noon, and eating weird foods that were even considered odd in yautja culture.
Berserker got quite nervous when you started getting moody, you never seemed to lash out at him, as you were afraid of upsetting him, but now you were a bit more annoyed at his mating advances, often refusing to go along with him on small hunts.
Worried you may have caught a strong virus, he took you to the clans healers, and the news was wonderful.
You were pregnant.
Your mates mandibles clicked with joy, and he purred into you, his claws grazing over your stomach gently, happy with the news he threw together a hunting party and went off into the local wilderness to find the largest animal he could to serve to you, as per tradition (that I made up).
He returned victorious, slaying the beast and presenting its skull and spine to you. It now hangs over the area where you decided to put your younglings sleeping bed.
Eventually as things go, days become weeks, and weeks become months, soon you were very swollen with child, carrying a yautja pup was very hard on your body, as you progressed you slowly began to slow down, not going out to hunt, you stopped doing chores, tending to be on bedrest more often that usual.
One day, while you were in a heated herbal bath, Berserker came in and joined you, causing the water to swish over a bit, he swayed over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, placing his large hands over your stomach.
"(y/n)", he whispered, taking in a breathe of your hair.
"Yes love?" you ask, turning your head to look at him closer.
"The hunting spot came up again...I wish to go, but I will not go if you find it unacceptable for me to go."
You thought for a moment, as it took so long for him to get the spot for himself the first time, and now here you were ready to pop at any moment. Not wanting to be selfish you agreed that he could go, and that you would be fine.
Watching him, Tusk, and Falcon leave was a little heart breaking, you spent the time alone, thinking of names for the baby, learning to write in their language, and learning how to read their machines, as soon you would have your one communicator bracelet, so that when your mate goes off planet, you could still talk to him while he was gone.
He wasn't gone very long this time, he returned after a few days, you were so happy when you heard the news you waited at the landing dock for him to return. When those ship doors opened, you saw him walk off full of pride, new trophies tied to his belt, mostly human, perhaps he had hunted those humans from before. You ran into his arms, and he hugged you back, taking you up from under your legs, holding you up with his great strength.
"Was the hunt honorable?", you asked, feeling his dreads with your hands.
He carried you back to his home.
"I have many trophies to give to you my mate," he purred, leaving Tusk and Falcon to unload the ship.
But with their arrival back, Tusk and Falcon were sought out by other yautja women, and left the ship unattended, not knowing of what they brought back with them to their home planet.
While the darkness of night overtook the sky, two people stepped off planet, truing not to be scene by the lights coming off of the ship, they quickly scurried to the Jungle Hunters Clan. Taking note of the buildings, they looked around for anyone that would be out of place, something that wouldn't be needed by full blood yautja.
These two humans who have stepped off the ship, were familiar faces that had met you before. Isabelle and Royce, they had snuck onto the ship while your mate was hunting the others, Edwin and Nikolai did not make it, but they did not seem, bothered all that much, their minds were preferably stuck on their own survival.
Quickly scanning the many homes, their eyes landed on the ones that had a set of very small shoes sat outside the door, feet too small for yautja, but big enough for an adult to wear outside to cover the soles of their feet from the spikey ground.
The two of them walked up to the door, and gently pushed it in, not having locks on doors were often common on this planet, as it was dishonorable to attack someone while they were asleep. It was a code of like that many did not dare to cross, as it would bring dishonor upon themselves and their clans.
Walking throughout the halls of the place you called home, Isabelle and Royce walked through the kitchen rea, taking note of the abundance of fruit and veggies, often things yautja do not eat frequently, then walking past a living area where they saw a CD player and some discs of random artists.
"She's definitely here.." Royce whispered, continuing the sweep of the house, his eyes landing on the back room, which its doorway was covered with a large cloth.
Royce took a few moments to sneak up to the curtain, slowly pupping it back. In the middle of the room he could see the floating nest where Berserker and you slept. The two forms sleeping away peacefully on the bed, you curled up in his arms, while his limbs danged off the sides of the nest, hovering in the air.
Royce raised his hand above your mouth about to wake you up and smother your gasp, but Isabelle quickly ran up and stopped him
"What?", he whispered, annoyed that he was stopped.
"Look at her!" Isabelle, gestured to your body, "She's pregnant! This isn't a good idea"
Royce rolled his eyes, going back to his original plans, smothering his hand over your mouth and then tapping you awake.
You jolted awake, about to scream, but you felt a warm hand covers your mouth. You looked over to the owner of the hands owner, you felt tears sting your eyes, realizing the possible predicaments you were in.
Royce signals to you to come on, and slowly eases you off the bed, and out of your mates arms, trying not to wake up, and then sneaking you out of your home, Royce dragged you to the ship and shoved you towards it, pointing a pistol at you.
"Fly us home." he ordered, pointing the gun at you,
"I do-I don't know how to fly," you stammered
"Bullshit" he snarled, pushing you inside the ship and then forcing you into the pilots seat.
You felt uneasy as you were placed in the captains chair, the familiar hologram screen appearing before you, you slowly began to type into the control console, hitting enter.
Royce looked at you expectantly, watching you push buttons with symbols that didn't make sense to him at all, watching you hit the enter key, hoping that soon the ship would take off and they would be on their way way home. Yet nothing happened.
"What the hell was that?" he yelled, shoving your shoulder
"I don't know how to fly!" you cried,
"Royce, c'mon" Isabelle remarked, placing hand on your shoulder
Royce stomped back and forth, and looking out the open door of the ship, he began to see lights turn on, as yautja began to run towards the ship, his brain clicked.
Grabbing you by the hair, he dragged you to the front of the doors and threw you on the ground, you fell to the ground shielding your stomach from the fall.
"She fucking alerted them" Royce growled, pointing the pistol at the back of your head.
You looked up to see Berserker run at you, behind him Tusk and Falcon followed, along with other blooded members of the tribe.
Royce fired a warning shot a few inches away from your head, forcing all the yautja to stop in their tracks.
"Fucking traitor to your race," Royce spit at you, looking up at the yautja who were staring him down.
"I want to go home!," he shouted, "If I don't get to go home, neither does she"
You half expected for Berserker to have some sort of plan in dealing with this, but instead he slowly popped off his armored helmet, dropped his utilities belt, and walked up slowly towards the three of you. Isabelle had her gun pointed at your mate the whole time.
Clicking can be heard coming from your mates mandibles, as he pointed towards the captains chair, he calmly walked onto the ship, and silently typed on the keyboard, the rumbling of the ship started, indicating it was taking off.
Berserker then walked back, and picked you up slowly, not taking his eyes off of Royce and Isabelle. The ships door began to slowly shut, and since their window was closing, the two of them quickly hopped aboard the ship, and it slowly made its way off of the ground, and then eventually was floating through the air. Its thrusters slowly increasing in power.
As the thrusters began to glow a bright orange, your mate held his arm out in front of you, a single symbol was on his wrist brand, you looked at him and then at the ship. Smiling while doing so, you pushed the button, and together you watched the ship prepare are for takeoff, and then self detonate in the sky.
The clan erupted with roars and growls, chanting at the death of these humans who dared try and hold you hostage on their turf.
A part of you felt bad, you had just murdered the nicest human you've ever known, the first few humans you had met who had actually been to earth. Maybe you were a traitor to your race, but you were reassured, as the next days you found yourself in labor, and after that, you held close to your chest a small suckling, who was identical to his father.
Having his wrapped to your chest constantly apparently was a weird sight, as most mother of yautja did not care for their children the same way you did, but you didn't care, as your instincts were different, you were different.
He was the Berserker predator, and you his mate, the two of you from different sides of the planet.
One a grand warrior to his people and his race, and the other a loving mother, traitor to hers.
They were happy
I don't know what else to put here
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partofmycharm · 1 year
He Kidnaps You For A Date… Yautja (Male) x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Summary: First dates are usually pretty awkward but a kidnapping makes it kind of worse.
Content Warnings: not much really, just a kidnapping lol, SFW
He had heard that human tradition is to take a potential mate on a ‘date.’ Whatever that means.
You thought his perspective on these types of occasions was a little flawed, now that you sit across from him on a fur that he’d laid out for you both. Well, you came to that conclusion hours ago, actually.
When he’d thought that taking you from your home right before bed and tying your hands together constituted as romantic.
Or maybe he was just genuinely clueless.
Because right afterwards, he sat you down and made you watch as he killed an animal. It wasn’t very impressive, just scary. But he thought otherwise, because he preened and puffed before he realised you were staring like a deer caught in headlights.
At least he’s nice enough to cook the meat for you. You prefer a little more flavouring, but chowing into this tough meat and smiling painfully makes him happy.
You eat together in silence. Well, you do, and he just… chitters? And… kind of talks?
You’re not actually sure, but you get the feeling that he’s talking to you. In an alien language. And you’re not sure if he expects you to magically understand and reply. Not like you’d have enough time to, anyway, because he just keeps going.
At one point, he looks up expectantly. You were too busy staring at his mandibles beforehand so you just smile and nod. He purrs and continues eating.
After eating, he gifts you the skull of the animal. Naturally, you’re kind of unsure of what to do with it, so you just hold it.
And as soon as your hands touch that skull, he’s all over you. Literally. Like shoving your face into his throat and rubbing it all over you while purring. His scent is so strong it makes you delirious.
You can’t help but think that taking the skull means something in his culture. But it’s too late now, not with him curling around you practically like a snake.
And then he just lets go of you. You stumble backwards, looking everywhere but his face, and he talks to you again, still in his language.
You kind of just… 😅👍
He shoos you. It takes you aback at first because, after everything, you really thought he had much more sinister intentions. But it looks like he really just wanted to take you out for a date.
It wasn’t the most romantic but it was… thoughtful? Kidnapping aside, that is.
You start to walk off, a little confused, and he just watches. He purrs suggestively, the sound noticeably different to his other purrs.
You blush and start to walk faster. When you look back, he puffs his chest again.
You get the feeling it won’t be the last time you see him.
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confused-gender · 7 months
Celebrating your birthday with your yautja protector:
(Y/n): *eyes being covered by Du’sa* where are we going?
Du’sa: it’s a surprise! *happily clicking*
(Y/n): *smiles* A surprise for me? Du’sa you don’t have to do anything special for me.
Du’sa: Anything for my mate. *he stops moving and removes his hands from in front of your eyes.* Surprise! *Excited clicks*
(Y/n): *opens eyes to see what looks to be an attempt at a cake and some decorations that are written in Du’sa’s language. Your eyes a bit teary now* Thank you Du’sa! I truly appreciate this. What kind of cake is that.
Du’sa: *purring happily* I-I’m actually not sure. The elder just told me what to do. *starts to click something.*
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chubbyreaderchan · 2 years
Yautja purring because they or their mate is injured similar to how cats do it. Cats purring helps heals injuries and what if that also helps Yautja heal and they automatically just purr with each other. That's also why they purr when their mates upset. It's both comfort and trying heal their little human.
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yautjalover · 5 months
Having a Yautja mate would take all of my problems away.
Experiencing a bad swing in mood?
✅ There’s a big warm alien wrapped around me like a cat and weighing me down to squeeze the anxiety and negative thoughts out.
Depression on the uptick?
✅ Forced to spar where I can vent my frustrations out in a healthy manner.
Feeling like everyone hates my very existence?
✅ Forcibly dragged out of the house and made to talk with people while having my alien there purring away my anxiety.
In the end, it would be a positive thing and it royally sucks they’re not real. 😔
Yautja are likely big mental health advocates and use training and other methods to not let fellow hunters fall into that black pit. They’d also have some tough love for themselves if they’re determined enough.
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mintymarabell · 1 year
Hello, I love your writing it's soo cute! Could I request an elder yautja finding out a cats purrs healing/good for a human? Like maybe his son explains it and next time he sees his S/O he just purrs for them bc his purr must be better for them then some cat his they're mate! I feel like this would end in all 3 the cat, yautja and Ooman all cuddling and purring !!
Healing purrs and a s/o
Psh next time he sees his s/o? As soon as his son told his about the cats purr being healing/good he immediately left his son with the ship they were working on together, choosing instead to go straight home to his mate.
He practically knocked the door off it’s hinges with the force he used to push it open, the door knob leaving a dent in the wall it hit.
He’ll grab you up from whatever your doing and just make a beeline for the bedroom, there he’ll just curl himself around you and begin purring. When he sees how you immediately relax he almost stopped his little purr.
Now whenever your sad or just not happy he’ll scoot you up in his arms and take you off to bed so he can get you feeling allll better.
Because he’s so big and your probably a dwarf compared to him, he’ll most likely vibrate you.
One time you got bad sick in his terms (it was the flu) and he tried to purr the sickness away, when he seen it didn’t work he made his son sit beside you and purr to, when even that didn’t work he all but gladly kicked his son off the couch with his foot.
His poor son rubbing at his behind while going back to try and finish the ship his dad promised to help him with.
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yaut-jaknowit · 6 months
So somehow Gawtin or her human lover get ahold of a strap on :3
False Control
Pairing: Gawtin (female Yautja) x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: Strap on, wlw, lesbian sex, cunnilingus.
Word Count: 3926
Summary: Gawtin comes to you with a silicone dildo. She wants you to use it on her. The first time you are able to fuck her the way she deserve. Despite her allowing you to top her, she's always in control.
Author Note: I know I say this every time but I love our girl Gawtin. Sexy motherfucker who could twist off my head and I'll thank her. Also, I didn't know who was suppose to use it so I took the chance to write about our goddess getting dicked down.
P.s. I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to close asks. I didn't expect nearly thirty to be sitting in my inbox right now. Plus, I'm falling behind in my writing right now. Work has been rough with summer coming and people fucking calling out. So fun.
In your hand, the silicone was heavy and thick. A concerned look passed over your features when you glanced up at Gawtin. “This is the average size for a male?” you exclaimed, eyes darting between the fake phallus and those gorgeous purple eyes of hers. Gawtin had given you this after visiting the market today. The two of you have been talk about getting an item like that.
One of her upper mandibles lifted with a smirk. “Yes.” She bent at the waist to pinch your chin between her thick digits. “And that does not even include the knot.” Your eyes widened. You had forgotten that small detail. Males had a knot… part of their breeding and such.
Your bottom lip was caught between dull teeth, eyes raking down her form you knew so well but loved just the same. “I wish I could knot you,” you uttered softly into the air, dazed by checking your green Yautja out.
The grasp on your chin tightened and tugged you towards her. Her warm breath fanning over your face. “Is that so?” All you could do was just nod with your eyes softening. Her long, skinny tongue darted out and teased your lips for a second. “You will not be able to but you have a chance for something else,” she purred with a hint to why she bought that.
It’s the classic Qui-oki visiting his aunty again for the night. Bziut-ty knows the drill by now. Every time you left her dwelling after dropping Oki off, a heavy blush burned your cheeks. Yet, the sister to Gawtin was nonchalant about it. She happily took Qui-oki for the night with no complaints.
You attempted to wrap your fingers around the base of the shaft but came up short. “Are you sure this isn’t going to hurt you?” you couldn’t help but question. This thing would tear you into two without any preparation. For her, it seems like she could take it with little foreplay into the mix. No matter what, you would still do at least some foreplay. If not for her sake, for yours to make you feel more at ease before shoving this massive thing inside of her.
Gawtin chuckled and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I am more than sure, artful one. I want you to watch as it splits me open and I take it fully in. I cannot wait to see that look of surprise on your face.” She grinned and released her hold on your chin with a last kiss.
“Well… if you’re sure,” you trailed off and glanced down the hardwood floors of the house. Gawtin patted your head.
“Do you want to test it now?” Your head snapped to look up at her towering form.
“Like, right now?” It was stupid to question her like that but you couldn’t believe she was wanting to do that now. She just bought it. Well, that’s true. She did just buy it. Who doesn’t want to try a new toy the day you received it.
The forest green Yautja snorted and stepped further into your personal space. A space always welcomed for her. One of her hands splayed across a large portion of your back and pushed you to her. “Yes, this very second.”
Both of you were into your shared bedroom in less than a second. A giddy smile gracing your feature to hide your nerves. Despite her attempt to cool your anxiety, but the fact this thing was massive in your hands… you thought it was going to hurt her. Though, she does a little pain, biting and scratching are always welcomed.
The yellow toy was set on the bed. You stood before her, still fully clothed. Something Gawtin was going to fix. She hooked a claw on the strap of your tank top and pulled on it. Though, she could easily tear it off of you and replace it just the same, she gave you the option to remove it yourself. You raised a brow, eye flickering down to her own clothing.
“Honey, I think it’s you that needs to strip,” you pointed out, nearly demanding your mate to strip before you. Every time, you loved the sight of her muscles and even slightly pronounced breasts from breastfeeding Qui-oki.
Gawtin had to teach you a lesson. The massive female grabbed a handful of the clothe and ripped it straight off of your torso. You didn’t expect less from her and gave the green Yautja a deadpanned look. She ignored it by lowering herself onto her knees and cupping one of your freed breasts now. “I prefer to see you bare and at my will,” she purred and bowed her head to lick at your pebbled nipple. A low groan sounds from the back of your throat.
Your jaw drops at the feeling. “Gawtin, please. Be nice and strip for your mate,” you pleaded with the stubborn female. You saw the fire in her eyes flicker to life. Her tongue trailed up, followed by her lower mandibles up to the vulnerable column of your throat. They carved a path till your jawline before slipping off. You shuttered, body covered in goosebumps.
“Hearing you beg is Paya’s grounds,” she whispered against your ear, tongue ghosting over the shell of you ear. “Be good and ask properly.”
Now, you were beginning to pant, even with the light, little touches she gave to you. With your brows furrowed and lip pushed out, you up at her. “Gawtin, I want to see your body. I’ll be good. I promise. I want to fuck you. You’re so pretty. I want to see you take this dildo. Will you let me?” you rambled and your beautiful mate a look you knew she couldn’t resist.
“That is a good little ooman,” she praised and tapped your cheekbone with a claw. “All you need to do is ask sweetly, just like that.” Gawtin stood back up and stripped her body of any clothing.
Dumbly, all you could do was stand watch each piece of clothing fall away. It was like the first day you saw her naked. Adoration sparkled in your eyes even after the last article was placed to the side. “God, you’re my pretty woman,” you muttered and reached out to squeeze her hips. Your head only reaching her midriff, shoulders level with her hips.
She snorts and motions her head over to the bed. “Get the harness on, artful one. I’ll help adjust,” she ordered with a soft tone but you knew to listen to her. You padded over to the end fo the bed and found the item she told you about.
A black, simple harness that’s been modified for someone of your smaller stature and to fit the tank of a dildo she wants. It was simple enough to pull it up and secure it to your hips. Gawtin’s warm hands helped to tighten the harness so it wouldn’t fall off nor was it too tight. The toy itself was secured as well to the designated spot.
Your hand wraps what you can around the base and gave the firm silicon a few strokes. Your lover lies down on the bed and spreads her legs. You follow after her and kneel between her legs, eyes softly gazing at her. “Can I warm you up, my pretty warrior?” you asked with a hopeful gaze.
The Yautja raised a brow at you, letting the tension build up between you two. Then, her massive head dipped down in permission. You silently cheered and bent down, face to her exposed cunt. Though this wasn’t your first time, you still took in the sight.
Alien, but in a good way. Three clits, though longer than usual. You’ve learned they can grow up to two inches long when aroused. The folds themselves are ribbed and even inside are too. Definitely alien. And you loved it.
Softly, you wrapped your lips around the top clit, the biggest of the three. One of your thumbs runs a path along what would be considered the labia. The pad ghosting over the nubs that lined her entrance. Gawtin’s thighs tensed but refused to clamp down on your head, taking your fragile self into consideration. You lightly suckled on the sensitive nub you pulled into your mouth and ran your tongue over the flushed skin.
Her breath hitched while watching you, resting on her elbows. “Keep going, little one. Do not stop,” she commanded, voice in between soft and firm. Gawtin rolled her hips slightly against your face, your thumbpad teasing her nubs harder. You took it as a sign to press against the little sensitive bumps harder. She responded the way you expected her. A short growl escaped her throat. “That’s it.”
From the top clit, you moved to the one on the bottom left. That drew a soft sound from your mate. Her thighs flexed at your sides, barely moving any closer to you. You dipped a thumb just past her entrance to dampen the fingertip. The moist digit glides across the bumps easier, gaining a pace you she enjoyed.
The clit was released once it was flush with blood. For the first time, you tongued at her entrance and tasted her again. Your muscle scooping up what was possible and drinking in her taste. Such deliciousness that couldn’t be contested. You hummed, eyes hooding over, and returned to finishing the last clit. Her sweetness makes it hard to focus on one thing at a time. You just wanted to dive back in and consume the taste she created.
As you sucked, you slipped two fingers, just the size of one her own, into her. Her strong muscles rippled around your digit, trying to suck it in more. You stopped at the knuckle and kept your hand vertical. With those two fingers, you find a well defined ribbed area and push.
Gawtin growled lowly in her throat, muscles throbbing around your fingers. God, you loved that sound and the feeling. You continued to rub a small circle around the area and returned to loving on the first bud. It slightly twitched in your mouth, at it’s full length at this point.
“You know me so well, little one. Know all my spots. Such a good little artist,” she cooed, head rolling back and neck fully exposed. You hummed around her clit and sent vibrations up the length of her spine. Her thighs pressed against the sides of your head before pulling back. “Paya, you are playing a dangerous game, teasing me like that.” You smirked silently to your self and started to pump your fingers. Another finger added to the ring.
It barely did anything to stretch her out. Your hand being too small for the job. That didn’t bother more than did it worry you instead. The last thing you wanted to do was hurt her in a bad way. You added your last finger inside of her and kept pumping away.
Her arousal began to leak down the swell of her cheeks as you drew it out from her. You abandoned her throbbing buds to dip down and lick up what spilled. Your hand was withdrew from her and was replaced with your mouth. The taste of her returning to your tastebuds. A hum sounding from your pleased state.
In such a state, you didn’t even realize your hips were rutting against the mattress until you felt her hand on your hip. They stilled under her touch; breath caught in your throat. Your own slick was starting to drip down the inside of your thighs. The scent mingling with hers.
The hand slips more from your hip and towards your entrance. You mewled with her fingertips ghosted over your dripping folds and swiped up some of your arousal up. Gawtin brough it up to her mouth and licked off the sticky substance staining them. You shuttered and doubled down on her, tongue scooping what you could at the source.
Your mouth returns to her sensitive clits, hand diving back to rub at the spot deep inside of her. Gawtin’s walls started to pulse around your hand. Her noises gaining pitch, hips thrust harsher against your face. You severely focused on her, letting every other thought fall away besides just hurt.
With your other hand, you wrapped it around one of her thighs and pulled yourself snug with her. When her muscles clamped down on your fingers, you felt the bones creak under the strain but refused to pull back. You continued to suckle and lick at her buds, drawing out her orgasm the best you could. Your name was thrown in the mix with a magnificent whine you rarely got to hear.
Gawtin’s chest heaved with breaths as she gathered herself. You drew yourself onto your knees and placed the heavy cock on her mound. Deep down, you were excited to see this thing spilt her open, better than your fingers ever could.
When the dazed look started to fade from her eyes, you rubbed your hand over her stomach then dragged your nails down. They might be dull but she arched her back to press against them harder.
“There’s my wonderful mate. How was that?” you teased your very dominate mate. She growled that ended into a purr and exposed her throat to you. “Are you okay to continue? We-“
One of her hands lashed out and grabbed your throat. A soft yet firm grasp to keep you from pulling away. Gawtin pushed up to rest on her hand instead of her elbow to lean closer to your face. “If you do not put that thing into me now…” she trailed off, leaving open the threat. You couldn’t help but snort, knowing where she was coming from. All the times she’s teased you before coming to mind.
“If you let go of my neck, I can see what I’m doing.” There was just a hint of a snark in your words. One that Gawtin let slip past for the moment. She let go at your words. A smile was giving to her. You gazed down and lined up the pointed head of the yellow dildo at her entrance.
The fire in her eyes could rival the sun’s heat itself. Her desire heavy and thick in the air. You timidly pushed the head past her folds, watching as she consumed it. Gawtin’s cunt starting to stretch to accommodate the toy. Fuck, this was a sight you never knew you needed to see.
Each inch pushed deeper into her, you met no resistance, even when you hilted inside of her. A tiny part of you wished to feel what it would be like to have her wrapped around a real cock. “You look so beautiful stretched around my cock, Gawtin. You don’t understand what this does to me,” you admitted, raptured by the sight before you. You never thought this day would ever come.
She was back on her elbows and kept that sense of dominate aura around her. A soft look passed over her features. “Oh, I do know what you mean, little one. Every time I use my fin-ah,” she gasped when you pulled out and thrusted fully back in. “You sneaky little brat.” Her voice hardened. You smirked.
“You were saying?” With this tiny lick of dominance, you were acting like you had the whole universe in the palm of your hand. Her hand flicked out and wrapped around your throat all over again. Your thrusting stopped, eyes widening at the show of dominance over you. Again, she’s in charge.
Gawtin pulls you closer to her face. “When I stretch you with my fingers alone, you are a squirming, pleading mess underneath me,” she finished what she was originally going to say. You shuttered, your empty pussy clenching around nothing. “So, you better fuck me good, little one.” Her wish is your command. You rapidly nodded your head to get her to release your throat.
Thankfully, she did. Your hands grasp at her hips and pull back your own. A mix of her arousal and your saliva coating the toy. You shoved the entire length back into her, watching as it disappeared. You groaned lowly in the back of your throat and started up a pace. One of your thumbs moved to run tight circles around her top clit, still wet from your mouth earlier. Her walls tightened around the dildo.
“Paya’s grace, you know what you are doing,” she moaned and watched as you fucked her, eyes glued to the yellow toy moving in and out of her. “Tilt… tilt your hips down, little one.” Every little sound and word she made you soaked in. Instantly, you listened to her and angled your hips down to drive the head towards the ground.
Her abs flexed when you hit something your fingers could never reach. “That is it. Right-right there.” In the heat of moment, you accidentally sped up your thrusts, the praise making you lightheaded. “Slow. Slow down.” You whined an apology and returned to your former speed.
An array of sounds echoed back at you in the privacy of her room. The slapping of skin on skin; her keens; your pants. You bite your bottom lip to keep some of your control in check. Your finger continuously rubbing at her sensitive nerve endings.
Sweat pooled on your forehead. Though you felt your energy depleting, you were driven by determination to get her come. You wanted to leave a good impression on her so she’ll let you do this more often. You bowed down, keeps still angled down to rub against the sweet spot inside of her. “Shit, Gawtin. You don’t understand… how much I love you,” you rambled and gave her the sweetest eyes you could pull.
In her orbs, you saw something shift. But you had no time to prepare for when the scenery changed. You gasped after finding yourself on your back and staring up at Gawtin. The giant straddled your hips easily and positioned herself over the toy. Her body slammed down and engulfed the dildo back inside of her. She moaned, head bowed and began to ride the strap on still attached to your hips. Gawtin easily trapped both of your hands in hers and pinned them to bed. Her entire frame leaned over you as she took her pleasure from you.
“Gawtin?!” you shrieked afterwards, unable to move but not in any pain. She was taking what she wants from you. She dismissed your squeak, not stopping.
Gawtin leaned down and practically shoved her tongue past your lips. Her muscle dominated yours without much of effort. You were too stunned to fight back. You moaned though, back arched off of the bed. Her free hand found its back to your exposed chest and tweaked a nipple. Gawtin pulled back and stared deeply into your eyes.
“Ah, shit!” you squeaked and keened under her touch. “This is supposed t-to be about you!” With her riding you, it still was mainly focused on her pleasure, but you wanted to be strictly zeroed in on her.
All she did was growl, the fire in her eyes bright. Your bottom lip caught between dull teeth as you attempted to reel in your noises. You didn’t dare drown out what little sounds she made. Gawtin pulled harshly on your perked nipple with a huff. A knowing look passed over her features. You kept any other words to yourself if it wasn’t praise.
Fangs dug into the skin of your throat, on the verge of spilling blood. You pulled on your hands but the Yautja refused to let go.
The teeth moved to your shoulder, holding on tight. “Good girl, Gawtin,” you cooed and tried to thrust up to meet her hips. Yet, each time she slammed down practically bounced your body back up into hers. “You gonna come? Come all over my cock inside of you?”
A pitiful whine pierced the air. Her hips slammed once more with yours before stilling. All of her muscles flexed and twitched. Pain radiating from your shoulder, her teeth lodged into your skin. Another mark to add to the pile. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
Hands cupped your chin. Gawtin released her hold on you and looked at you. A smile broke across your face. “How was that, pretty girl?” you asked the goddess in a soft tone. Her face relaxed after making sure you were okay. Gawtin began to purr and rested her forehead to yours. “I think you liked that more than me.” At least you hoped so.
One of her hands left your face to touch at the bite mark on your shoulder. You couldn’t help but hiss at the pain. It wasn’t bad but definitely noticeable. “I would apologize but it will scar nicely,” she stated.
You couldn’t help the snort that left you. “I think everyone in the village knows I belong to you. Possibly the planet,” you teased her. Marking you is a favorite thing of hers. Anything to get you marked and smelling like her was her favorite. None of the males ever come up to you, especially when Gawtin is around. Expect those two times… those two males really learned a hard lesson.
Gawtin huffed before leaning up to stand on her knees. The dildo slips out of her and flops onto your stomach, covered in her essence. Before you had a chance to even think about cleaning anything, you were lifted up and off the bed. You yelped and scrambled to latch onto Gawtin. “What did I say about warning me?” She didn’t response and began to walk towards the bathroom. “Hey, I’m supposed to be one taking care of you.”
“It is my duty to care for you, little mate,” she stated. You groaned and leaned back in her hold, trusting her to keep you safe. “Complain all you want but I love caring for you.” You softened at her words and looked at her beautiful eyes.
“You’re such a big softy,” you jestered then leaned up, arms hooked around her neck to hoist you up. “You’re my big softy.” Then, you kissed her top two mandibles each. Blood still stained her inner fangs.
A purr started in her chest. The Yautja starts to run a bath for both of your sake and sets you down. You were able to strip yourself of the toy and tossed it into the sink for cleaning later.  “You never answered my question,” you brought up after the tub was filled with hot water.
She perked a brow at you. “I rode you like… like a horse into the sunset,” she responded with a smirk on her alien face. You pressed your lips together and looked away. “And you figure out your speed quickly. It was perfect. You are perfect, my little ooman.” Heat rose to your cheeks as you looked away from her shyly.
Warm water engulfed you. Gawtin sat you in her lap and wrapped her arms around. “You’ll let me go that, right?” you pleaded with a pouty look on your features. “Since I did so good.”
One of her hands stroked down your back, sending tingles along your skin. “Yes, you did earn the chance to do it in the future.”
Dominate as she is, she’ll let you have your moments of false control. You were swift to eat up each second she allotted to you.
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therainywriter · 2 years
Rh’auk (Fluff)
Pairing: Rh’auk (Yautja) x Reader
Yautja women were larger than their male counterparts, stronger too. One would be a fool not to fear them.
You weren’t that fool, but a growing sense of resentment prodded at your chest as a certain female joined in your conversation.
You knew she had no desire to talk to Dekvah, a highly respected Yautja who was standing tall to your right. No, the entirety of her attention was directed toward Rh’auk, your mate.
It wasn’t uncommon for females to seek out his attention, much to your frustration.
He was bigger than most males and rank sat right below the clan leader, an honorable recognition among predators.
He could sense your irritation. You always seemed to tense up when a woman of his species demanded his regard, which he never gave them.
His stance widened and mandibles flared slightly, he was steadily growing agitated. It deeply bothered him when you were upset, his small ooman. He only desired to please you and keep you pleased.
You watched while her eyes took him in. She stood a bit taller, looming over both males with a nearly inaudible chatter.
You recognized this behavior. From what you remember it was a subtle mating challenge, though Rh’auk and Dekvah seemed to ignore it.
By now your body was molded to his side, arms wrapped around the lower portion of his big one. You rubbed your thumb along his skin, feeling at the familiar texture as you cast you eyes down.
You so desperately wanted her leave. A bitter feeling stung your chest as you thought of her clawed hands on him.
You gasped and jumped when a loud snap erupted above you. The noise followed by a low, menacing growl. A warning.
The female quickly cowered back and slouched her frame, an attempt at looking small.
Your eyes widened and you glanced at Dekvah who had taken a step back as well, though he still stood straight.
Rh’auk’s mandibles flared again unhappily. He chittered quickly, sharply.
It didn’t take long for the female to leave, her golden eyes meeting yours for an uncomfortably long second before she withdrew.
Why’d he do that?
You looked up at him in both shock and question. He said something to Dekvah before leaning down and pressing his forehead against yours.
“Rh’auk, wh-?” you’d begun, only to be stopped by a deep rumble resonating from him.
He pulled you into his arms and nudged his head against your hair, inhaling as his tusks bit gently against your neck.
You gulped, body heating and mind suddenly aware of the other Yautja around you. Although they all, for the most part, paid no mind to your mate being so openly affectionate.
“Arhi’sa threatens you, little mate,” he said in deep, heavily accented English, random clicks working their way into the words.
You couldn’t help but feel both satisfied and a little guilty. “Well you didn’t have to bite at her,” you mumbled, resting your hands on his shoulders.
He chuckled against you and purred, relaxed after his outburst. He couldn’t just stand there and let his ooman be so aggravated, now could he?
He lifted his head and looked to your eyes, a clawed hand holding your chin carefully to look at him.
“I did what I must,” he said with a gentle and playful nip to your nose.
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predalien · 4 months
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I got you covered. 👍 (I almost didn’t catch this as it came from my main blog—so, just a reminder, please send yautja related asks over here.)
I got a little carried away with this one, especially the pup part. So sorry! 😩
Thicc s/o version
Yautja with a leaner/petite S/O headcanons
Now, this is how you impress a yautja. I mean, let’s face it, no matter how big of a human you are, a yautja will always be stronger, and most definitely bigger than you. So a leaner or more petite S/O will most likely catch a yautja’s attention under the circumstances of you being able to fight off larger enemies and protecting yourself.
They won’t necessarily try to fight or spar with you as much, but they’ll probably throw you around and manhandle you a little bit. I’m sorry, lol. You’re just so light, to them at least. How could they not play a game of football with you as the ball? Of course they won’t be super aggressive with you, they’re aware you’re smaller and therefore you could possibly break easier. But it’s still fun to them to throw you up in the air and watch you yell in annoyance at them. 🤷‍♀️
If you’re a solider, hunter, or warrior of some type already, they’ll send you into the small spaces and crevices they couldn’t reach. Just because they couldn’t catch that that tiny alien warthog that burrowed itself in the small crevices of a cave doesn’t mean that you can’t catch it, right? That’s right ooman, just chase it out and I’ll spear it! (They’re missing a tooth to add to their necklace.)
If you’re more on the petite and smaller side, the amount time you may be referred to as ‘pup’ or a ‘juvenile’ by older and large yautja, especially matriarchs, will start to get annoying. Even though you’re a fully grown human adult. It’s especially prevalent if you’re the mate or associate yourself with younger yautja. To them, you’re just an inexperienced juvenile who still needs to grow… BUT! This is where you can prove them wrong, and really get that respect that you deserve. 👀
Just imagine the shocked faces and flared mandibles you’ll receive when one of your mate’s teammates tried to poke and mess with you a little more than you’d like—only to get rabid badgered in the face by a, example, tiny little ooman with a pension for violence. Well, I warned you, didn’t pick them for no reason. That’s just what your mate is thinking, lol.
Now, if you’re more on the lean muscle, athletic, etc. kind of side? You’ll probably be treated similarly to your larger bodied counterparts, especially if you have visible lean muscle as compared to bulk muscle. It’s a clear sign of strength to them for the most part, even if you aren’t really a warrior or hunter of some sort. And to yautja? Strength and honor are some of the most valuable things you can possess, regardless of species. If you’re (a) worthy (opponent), then you’re (a) worthy (opponent).
You’re a pup playground, by the way. If you’ve been assigned to care and watch for the pups in the clan, you best believe those pups will drag you down with them. Whether you like it or not. You’re like, basically their size, right? Even though you could probably drop kick one with a hard enough kick?… You’ll get head-butted and pounced on from all angles, for sure. You may find it annoying as hell at first, but by time everyone is worn out and you’re in the center of the cuddle pile surrounded by actual purring pups and juveniles, you’ll start to think it’s not as bad as you thought. It’s kind of cute, really. Until they wake up again… Oh boy, at least their mothers are finally here. 😂
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probablyspooky · 1 year
One of Us (Alien VS Predator Celtic x Fem! Reader)
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Born as if you were a yautja yourself, you join your pack to go on your right of passage trip. But running into other humans always causes problems for you.
Trigger warnings : Blood, swearing, white men of course, British people
The clashing of metal on metal echoed throughout the stone walls you called home, the dry humid head of yautja prime beating down on your skin as you dragged in a crate of whatever into the home. Placing the heavy box onto a small table in the center of the room, a loud crash could be heard, followed by a roar, then two roars, and then finally three roars. You pinched the bridge of your nose and walked down the long hallway to the training area out back. Opening the large door you were greeted with three brothers wrestling one another in anger. The smallest Scar, was grabbing his brother Chopper, trying to get him off balance, as their oldest brother Celtic was holding Scar by the leg and Chopper by the arm trying to separate the two. Spit and growls filled your ears as they continued to try and fight one another.
You coughed trying to get their attention, when that didn’t work, you did it again, louder, making all three brothers freeze during their little scuffle. Celtic dropped both his brothers and walked over to you, draping an arm around your waist.
Despite your origins, and your small stature, Celtic found comfort within you as his mate. You’ve proved your strength through combat strategy, and combat intelligence. His gentle purrs emanated from his chest as he greeted you softly, a bit embarrassed that you got to see his two brothers fighting like that.
“Hello my love,” Celtic purred, placing his chin to your head, “What goes on today?”
You placed a comforting hand onto his arm and looked up at him, typically he would be wearing his combat mask, but today his face was free, you weren’t complaining as you loved him as much as a human could love a creature as marvelous as he.
“A package came,” you told him, looking at the other two brothers who were aggravated by their previous scuffle.
“A package?”asked Chopper, tilting his head towards Celtic and yourself, “Who was it from?”
You rolled your eyes,”You know I can’t read”
“Yeah fool,” Wolf mumbled under his breath, antagonizing his older brother.
Chopper grabbed Wolf into a headlock and the two began scrapping again in the courtyard, Celtic growled lowly, and took your hand, leading you back into the home the four of you shared. The two of you walked into the main area, and he took a look at the wooden crate that was sitting upon the table, reading the label himself.
“What does it say?” you questioned, tilting your head at your mate.
Celtic excitedly picked up the crate and ripped the wooden lid off like it was nothing.
“It is a message from the Elders! We can go on our right of passage soon!”, he clicked excitedly, mandibles stretching out and retracting.
“Does…does it say..?”
“Yes my small one, you are invited as well!”, he clicked, putting the box down, strolling over to you and lifting you into the air in joy.
Now here you were, aboard a ship floating in orbit of Earth, the planet where your ancestors came from, but it was not your home.
The three brothers were adorned in their finest armor, excited for the trip, the crate that had been delivered contained the plasmacaster holders that clipped into their armor, along with a smaller set of traditional yautja armor, armor that now clutched your body tightly for your protection.
“I must say sister,” Chopper started, coming over to the viewing deck, “You look very good in that armor, if Celtic wasn’t my brother, I surely would battle him for your hand”
If only Chopper was a bit more observant, he would notice Celtic standing behind him, the oldest brother was very protective of you, he grabbed his brother's dreads, causing Chopper to yelp in pain.
“My ooman, brother is not a prize to be won,” he growled, throwing his brother onto the ground.
Chopper growled and walked off, possibly to go annoy the youngest brother. Once the sliding door shut behind him, Celtic turned his attention to you.
“Are you nervous?”, he asked, taking your small hand into his
“A bit, I am excited to prove myself again,” you smiled up at him, leaning your head onto his broad shoulder.
“I believe you will be victorious in our mission today, the Elders would not have allowed you to accompany us if they did not have faith in you.”
“Thank you my love,”
“Anything for you”
You could hear the purring coming from his chest, as your wrist gauntlets began to buzz, signaling you to head to the drop pods for deployment.
Walking through the metal halls, and eventually to the loading bay, the four of you entered thin tubes of metal, and soon feeling the pressure drop, you were shot out of the mothership to Earth. Holding onto the sides as the pod shook, and eventually being jolted a bit as the pod crashed into the icey Earth. The pod’s hologram began talking saying the doors were now opened and to hurry and make your clan proud, yet your door never opened. Sighing, you took your boot and began to kick the door out from the inside out, with a couple of good kicks the door dislodged and you were greeted by your mate and his brothers, just standing around your pod watching.
“You could’ve helped,” you groaned, stepping out onto the ice.
“Yeah, but that would be no fun,” Chopper chuckled, turning to the large ice tunnel that led to the temple.
Celtic explained that some other humans were lured here when the Elders began to heat up the temple, forcing the queen to produce facehuggers for them to eventually hunt the xenomorph that would eventually form from that.
Chopper excitedly, pulled out his wrist blades and jumped down the hole to the temple entrance. Scar growling and following his brother, leaving Celtic and you.
“Do you want me to carry you?” he asked, putting his hand out to you.
“In your dreams,” you smirked under your mask, jumping down the hole after them.
“I want you to sire my young,” Celtic grunted, jumping lastly down the hole.
At the end of the tunnel, it seemed there was a small crew at the base of the temple, using your cloaking devices the four of you slowly walked through the camp, trying your hardest not to bring any attention to yourselves. Of course though, a person had to look a bit too hard at the moving figures that seemed to move through nothing. 
A man drew his weapon and began firing at you, the smallest target, it dinked off your armor, and of course your mate did not like that one bit.
Celtic let out a battle cry as he charged his massive frame towards the man, kicking him down with little to no effort. You sighed as the rest of the team began firing at your mate, the two others decloaked along with you and began attacking the humans. Grabbing your spear weapon, you charged at a human man, piercing him through his jaw, and swinging him towards his friends. Running and placing your now retracted spear between their two heads, and then releasing it, stabbing the two in the head at the same time.
Eventually the carnage of the three brothers and yourself left no crew members alive on the above surface. Celtic walked over to you.
“Are you hurt?”
“I can handle myself love,” you groaned
He nodded, knowing he would have to put aside his protective nature towards you while you were on this mission.
The four of you made your way to the main chambers, where the plasma casters should be. But no plasma casters were there. Chopper and Scar began to howl with anger, where could they be? Before any words can be spoken, the temple begins to shift, and three paths open in front of you. With a nod, the mission was clear, Scar and Chopper into their own path, and Celtic and you down your own. You bid them a farewell, possibly the last time you would see them, and Celtic and you made your way down your own path.
Despite having separate paths, you did eventually find Chopper, and he was stalking.
Celtic clicked at his brother, “What is it?”
Chopper pointed at a group of people, and you crouched down to get a better look at them. Using your head vision that was in your mask, you listened to them speak.
Celtic nudged you, pointing to a woman in an orange coat, zooming in you could see one plasma caster in her bag.
Chopper angrily cloaked and jumped down. One human with a gun pointed towards him as he fired a retracting net at him. The man fell back, as the spear the net came from began to retract, the wire pulling deep into the man’s flesh. Celtic and you jumped down as well, another man turned to face you.
“You’re small?”, he looked genuinely confused, as you ran up with your wrist blade drawn and punctured him through his gun, he in his last breaths hit you across the face, knocking your mask off.
The woman who was panicking trying to get the man out of the retracting net, turned to face you.
“You’re a woman?,” she shouted.
You had an annoyed look on your face as you walked over to them trying to help their friend from the net, his cries were annoying, pulling out your spear, you looked her dead in the eyes.
“We are of the same species, but we are not the same blood,” you stated, piercing the man in the chest, killing him and stopping his cries.
The woman yells at you killing her friend, she charges as you, you weren’t sure why she would even try, as it was clear you were of a different class. Using her momentum against her, you lifted her and tossed her into the center of the room.
She stupidly started reaching for a pickaxe to attack you with, but Chopper ran over and de-cloaked, kicking the woman across the room. He soon raised his wrist blades over his head to strike her down and to retrieve the plasma caster from her bag. But the sickening sight of the pitch black tail of a xenomorph began to coil behind him. It reeled back to strike, but you ran over, wrist blade out and cut the sharp tip from the beast, it’s acid blood spraying on your skin causing you to yell out in pain as your skin fizzled away.
Celtic, who was handling a human man, throws the man to the ground at the sound of your screams. He rushes over, grabbing the tail of the xenomorph, pulling it down. It began to frail crazily as it struggled against Celtics grasp. Chopper, regaining his balance, grabbed your spear and pierced it though the head, causing the spear to melt away from its blood. Killing the beast instantly. Chopper let out a roar of victory as he was now a blooded yautja, Celtic rushed over to you and pulled your hands away from your face to look at your wounds. Reaching for his belt and pulling out some healing goop, goo? Cum? Healing herbs???? I DONT KNOW
And applied it gently to the fresh scar that now went from the side of your face to your lower cheek.
“Is it ugly?” you asked, feeling the cool ointment being applied.
“The scars of a warrior are the most attractive” he replied, helping you to your feet.
“What the hell is going on!”, the woman shouted at the three of you.
Chopper growled walking over, he was now marked with the symbol of a blooded yautja.
You walked over across the room, past the woman, past the dead man and picked up your mask. Returning to your pack, you placed the mask back onto your face, and one by one the three of you cloaked and ran away into the temple to find Scar.
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The three of you found Scar holding the rather old man at the temple stairs. Using your mask you could notice this man was diseased and would probably die within a year or so, so of course Scar tossed him aside as it was not a worthy kill. Not noticing you, Scar began to walk away from the man.
Why are humans so stupid, you watched as this weak man pulled out a flare, and sprayed fire onto Scars back, how pathetic. You watched as your brother turned around and stabbed the man through the gut, killing him and walking away.
Following close behind you watched Scar throwing a shuriken through a closing gate.
“What’s up?”, you asked him, walking with the other two.
“Humans, they’re on the other side of the wall”, Scar grumbled, turning his attention to his sister.
You began to think for a bit on how to get there, not noticing Celtic grabbing a face hugger who was jumping towards the back of your head, throwing it down and stomping on it.
“If we travel through the back ways we can reach them on the other side.” you stated, pulling your gauntlet hologram up to show them the path you wish to take.
“Whatever you say my sister,” Scar and Chopped nodded, cloaking and following Celtic and you.
After a bit of traveling through the tunnels you found yourself in a  dark tunnel, the sound of footsteps echoing off the halls. The three brothers moved to the side so that you could face the human woman.
The woman in the orange coat ran down the hall and stopped in fear when she saw you.
“Wait!”, she pleaded, her hands out in fear, she knelt down, and opened her pack, pulling the plasma caster out. The three brothers tilted their heads at the sight of it.
“Kick it over.” you demanded
She kicked it over and you picked it up in your hands.
“Where are the other ones?” you asked, handing it off to Chopper.
“They…we got separated…” she whimpered, putting her hands above her head in fear.
“Where are they?”, you knelt down pulling your wrist blades out and forcing her to look at your mask.
“I’m not sure! Please, one of those things is coming!” she cried, turning in fear as a xenomorph tried to run up behind her, Chopper, now equipped with his plasma caster fired a single shot, killing the beast.
One by one the three brothers de-cloaked, standing behind you.
“What are you…How did you…” she stammered
“Name?”, you asked, tilting your head at the woman.
“Lex…” she replied, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone right now. “You are weak.”, you spat, standing up to leave, the brothers had already begun walking.
Lex didn’t want to be left alone, in this place, with those things, she ran up and grabbed your arm. Celtic let out a roar as he ran up and put a blade to her neck.
“Let go.” you growled, shaking her hand off, “What do you want, human?”
“Uhm, last time I checked you’re human too…I think..”, Lex replied, sheepishly
“That is true,” you stated, tilting your head at her as you stepped close, “What do you want?”
“Take me with you”
You laughed at her request.
“And why should we let you come with us?”
“I’ve seen your search history”
“I can help you find the other…guns?” she stammered, the cold blade still on her neck.
You sighed, and waved your mate off.
“Very well, but if you try anything, my mate will dispose of you”, you added, walking away.
Lex began to take a step and stopped.
“Mate? This thing is your husband?” she sounded shocked.
You groaned at how close minded she was being. This trip wasn’t going how you’d hoped.
After answering a million awful questions about your personal life to Lex, the group came upon the sacrificial chamber.
“How do you feel about your people being used as hosts for these things you hunt?” Lex asked, her voice clearly full of anger towards the Yautja kind.
“Those who give their bodies up for the tradition of blooding are remembered well for their sacrifice. We honor them.”
Walking into the chamber, it was covered in the webbing of face hugger eggs constantly reproducing. Chopper and Scar began to walk around to investigate the bodies, while Celtic began to scan the temple to see how many of these creatures had been created. Lex and you began to walk the walls, looking for any signs of life.
“Disgusting,” you grumbled, feeling the wet under your boot.
“What’s disgusting is what you’re doing”, Lex sneered
You turned to her in anger, drawing your blade you came close to Lex.
“I am only keeping you alive as an act of mercy, I will revoke it at any time.
Lex stammered, her eyes darting back and forth from your face to the blade.
But then a cry echoed through the chamber, as a man who was fused to the wall began to groan in agony and pain.
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