#yay donuts
187days · 1 year
Day Twenty-Two
I taught my ninth graders how to do their first current event write-up today (find something in the news, write an explanation to summarize what's happening using multiple sources- text and graphic- and why it's significant/what should the response to it be). That was a little bit challenging at the start and end of the day because some of the students in those sections are still developing good listening skills, and I wanted to make sure they understood and were able to follow all the instructions, but once they got started on their own work they all did pretty well.
I felt the amount of energy I'd exerted, though, keeping their attention while I was teaching them what to do, and then darting around to field questions and offer help as needed.
Luckily, I had a break midway through the day with APGOV. While they were preparing for yesterday's discussion on Federalist 10 and 51, some of my students said we should watch Hamilton. I said I'd show Act I today as a recap of everything I'd taught about the foundation of the country (I'll show Act II another time), and that's what I did. I told students it was fine to multitask as they watched, so some read the Constitution (they're supposed to read it by next class), some did math homework, etc... They've all got demanding courseloads, so a bit of a breather here and there is healthy. And Act I of Hamilton really is an excellent recap of what I've taught them.
So that was good.
Also good: a local car dealership donated several hundred dollars to each of our departments to use for supplies, etc... None of us were expecting that, but we're so grateful. Every little bit helps, and this is more than a little bit!
Meantime, the local insurance company brought us Dunkies. Less dramatic, but also unexpected and nice!
What else? There's a new English teacher taking over for Mrs. T now that she's Dean 2. I meet him briefly because he happened to be in Mr. N's room when I went to ask Mr. N a question. I don't know how old he is, and I'm sure he's older than I was when I started teaching, but he looks sooooo young. Or maybe I'm just old now.
Probably both, heh.
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bisqhut · 12 days
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So TPOT 13 huh
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wraenata · 3 months
Oh, apparently it's one year from my cousins wedding. Which is one since I my tumblring started being affected by my ailments.
Happy anniversary to my cousin I guess but I'm kinda sad how long it's been. I'm working on feeling better tho <3
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akalegos · 2 years
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the most romantic/cute/fluffiest thing in my mind is buying groceries together
but anyways haiiii @gomagopowerrangers im ur santa for @redvsbluesecretsanta !! 
i dont usually finish drawings and I think its showing through haha but I hope you like it !! and merry christmas if you celebrate !!
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pasta5284 · 7 months
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what if chihiro was a pony
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quibbs126 · 10 months
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So it seems the costumes are for the other train based update Cookies, alright
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gentlehue · 25 days
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midnightpia · 3 months
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yamileth2561 · 1 year
Just dropping by to say that absolutely adore your humanizations!! Keep up the great work!!
Here, have a doughnut from Douglas :]
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Awww Thanks douggie!❤❤❤
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Month 4, day 26, Keen gets better defined gauntlets and I finally put those Rheddig skeleton pictures I've been taking to use! :D Turns out that's not a helmet, it's a mask! Don't ask me how it stays on, I'm assuming like sticky tack or something (I'm joking, it's probably a combination of "the designers didn't think about that" and "who cares? It looks cool!" Both of which are more common design choices than you might think!)
Reference images under the cut, warning for skelebones
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Poor bastard's neck fused with the stairs ): Probably not a pleasant way to go
Anyway, its a super interesting design, clearly meant to be intimidating! The eye-like designs are actually far above the eye socket, because they're not actually eyeholes! The eye holes are the two little slits you can see below the eye-shaped decorations. And yes, you can see out of those slits! It was a common design in certain styles of armor, because it afforded the eyes the most protection while still allowing some, albeit limited, vision. They're not wide enough to get an arrow through them (although you can still be blinded by the arrow splintering and piercing your eye), for example, but they are wide enough and sit close enough to the face that they don't obstruct much of your vision. These guys are probably foot soldiers, because even though you can still see out of those slits, they kind of fuck up the kind of distance viewing an archer or artilleryman would need. This particular design is more decorative than combat-practical, considering that massive blind spot in the center of their vision thanks to that beak, but it looks really cool and tells me something nifty about Rheddah's culture and priorities when it comes to combat.
Specifically, it tells me that Rheddah values intimidation as a valid battle tactic. Look at this thing! Look at how far up the eye motif is on the mask, and how hard to spot those slits are. First, it'd be fucking terrifying to see these fellows bearing down on you, armed with pikes. Or at least I assume the pikes I've seen lying around these guys are theirs, but they might belong to Sila's soldiers. Or it's the same design regardless of nation of origin; I mean why design two kinds of pole-arm weapons when one works just fine for your environmental story telling purposes? It's not like a very specific nerd is going to trawl through and photograph every tiny detail that she sees! That would be absurd!!!
...ahem, anyway. Where was I going with this? Oh, yeah!
Without the rest of the Rheddig field uniform to go off of I have no way of knowing, but based entirely on these battle masks, I'm fairly sure Rheddah likes to use optical illusions to their advantage in battle as well. Because of where that eye motif is situated, their soldiers seem taller than they actually are, and in the heat of battle that split second of "wait those aren't eyes" can make or break a combat encounter. Something like this can fuck with perception just enough that your opponent will be slightly off in where they aim their attacks, and a well-trained soldier taking this into account can certainly use it to his advantage. There's also, like, someone's aiming for your eye? No they're not, my eyes are down here, asshole!
Oof, I had more to say about this than I thought I did, and I have more to say, but it's past my bedtime, I've had a stressful day, and I am the sleepy tireds, so I'm off to bed. Good night my loves! I shall return to gush about various designs in this game another day!
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187days · 2 years
Day Fifty-Three
I gained a large amount of followers over the long weekend, so, assuming at least some of y’all aren’t bots, hi people! Welcome to a new week in my teaching world!
It snowed this morning. It was just a flurry, but it was still jarring after days of unseasonably warm weather. My seniors kept looking out the windows and shaking their heads because it was also bright and sunny. One of them said the weather was as disorganized as they were, which is fair on an early Monday morning. And then I made them discuss economic policy. KABOOM.
I did bring donuts, and, really, all I was doing was reviewing stuff they’d read last week to make sure they understood it. Like, they read that the Fed tries to control inflation by raising interest rates, I asked them to explain how that worked (and, when no one spoke up, I helped them figure it out). I got some good questions about supply and demand, and more specifically about the policies the government enacted during the pandemic (since they read an article about that). My big thing was making sure they could see who the policymakers were, how they interacted, how that related to course concepts (ie- delegated discretionary authority). Then we tackled natsec policy, which was nice and spicy since my real world examples are the trade war with China and our involvement in the war in Ukraine. More on that tomorrow. 
My World students were supposed to finish reading their books by today (most did) and come in ready to write papers. I started by going over the instructions with them. Then we read an example paper, and I asked students to tell me what kind of information was in each part of the paper, so we could build an outline. We read a second paper, too, so they could see that there are some variations in the structure, but that the basic information within it stays the same. And then they started writing, and I feel confident that they’re set up for success.
Fun thing: the students in Block 3 desperately want a movie day, and they want to watch Kung Fu Panda. I gave them a chance to earn this by turning in some paperwork I needed at the start of the quarter, but I required a 100% turn in rate, which they did not achieve. So today, one of them jokingly tried to bribe me with a dollar. Then she suggested that the class should get the movie day if she got an A on her paper, and I said, “You’re a brilliant writer. Of course you’re going to get an A” because this particular student needs the confidence boost. But then another student proposed a movie day if everyone in the class gets an A (then amended it to A or B), and his classmates instantly got on board with that. I may prefer intrinsic motivation to extrinsic, but sometimes the best thing to do when a class unites behind a plan is to say yes. 
So I did.
We’ll see what they can do!
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chainsandcherries · 1 year
tomorrow i am getting donuts & possibly (likely) some new plants and we might go meet a kitten that we might be interested in adopting?
anyways for now my switch is fully charged and my joint is lit 😎
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likesplatterpaint · 2 years
Either the students gave me germs or I done fucker up trying to get a tonsil stone out.
Either way give it up for day 3 of sick: snot fountain edition.
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At least I have my constant fellow bed blobs, pictured here, wondering why we are not in bed.
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I brought donuts for ya wedding 💕💕
OMG THANK YOU!!!! SO tasty this will keep me fed for weeks <33
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rosesradio · 1 year
so i developed a work crush because i got bored at work 👉👈
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the-donut-bank · 2 years
I'd like to make a deposit.
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