#yay the first drawing of the year!!! ✨✨
osirisisv · 2 years
Since I saw the post of officer myers from @/enigma-system, i fall in love with the concept! ✨ and i wanted to make a version with tommy like a firefighter!
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I wanted to make them interact, they look so cute 🥰
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choccy-milky · 4 months
Soooooo rereading the fic and I’m back to chapter 33, and it totally popped into my head that they are IN THE VICTORIAN ERA and do ya know what was super popular after the engagement ring that Queen Victoria was given by Prince Albert? A SNAKE RING
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Thank you for coming to my ted talk 🫣😂
LMFAOO YESS TRUST ME, IVE SEEN THIS AFTER DOING MY OWN RESEARCH ABOUT VICTORIAN RINGS, ITS SO PERFECT!! AND THE FACT THAT ITS GREEN TOO LMAO, prince albert was a possessive slytherin confirmed!!🤪 but yea ill DEFS be incorporating a snake into the final design of cloras ring HAHA. i basically HAVE to...yknow, for period accuracy 🥰
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WOO YAY im glad i could inspire you to start writing!!!🙏and i get it, writing fanfic is defs self indulgent and for ourselves first and foremost, but obvs nobody wants to release their work into the void😩 as for how my own fic got popular, one of the main things is defs timing. i published the first chap basically within the first week of the game being out (it came out on the 10th and my chap was on the 18th) so it was there right at the peak/start of the fandom. but i also dont wanna attribute it all to timing BAHHA cuz i think im a pretty good writer and that helps....my fic also didnt get popular right away, but i was consistently posting every single week + eventually started adding art every single week, and was just really dedicated to not only writing but also drawing art for it (which is also obvs another huge factor/probs the biggest factor). ive had so many ppl tell me they started reading my fic bc they saw my art on pinterest or something LOL, and some ppl have even read it fandom-blind bc they were into the seb/clora dynamic??? which is another point actually. i always joke about how i love my cliches and good girl+bad boy dynamics, and that im unashamed about loving them LOL, but also...they're cliches for a reason!!! lots of us eat that shit up!!!😤so i think thats defs another factor, vs if my fic was a bit more niche and avant garde LOL the fandom is also (understandably) a lot slower than it was at the beginning of the year so itll be harder in general, but maybe you could commission art to go with your fanfic? ive seen a lot of other HL fanfic writers do it, and i think it defs helps to draw attention! GOOD LUCK and i hope you keep writing!!!🫡💖💖💖🙌
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huh??? go with the tide pods instead, THAT shit looks bussin😩😩
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AWW TYY😭😭I LOVE THAT HAHAH AND IM GLAD U THINK SO💖💖 my friend also asked me this question after seeing my recent ask, and i STILL have no idea what i would have named it instead LMAOO, thats how bad i am at naming things. even a year later im like bruh idk!!! clora and sebs bizarre adventures??? i guess id probs make it something light/dark themed in retrospect, or something more specific to the ancient magic, but i still have no idea what LOL
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ashenwaves · 8 months
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✨To the Sargasso Sea✨
At first I thought this drawing was going to be my version of Cancer, from the Zodiac signs, but sometimes art has a mind of its own😅
Also: First drawing of the year, yay! :D
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camellia-salazar · 9 months
Too late to post on Christmas, too early to post on New Years, just in time to post these in December.
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Remember last year that I said I felt like drawing characters in winter clothes? Well this is it. I lost motivation afterwards lol
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This was part of the collection of drawings I did a while back, but I reached the limit to that post so I'm posting it here. (Ft. the weird costume box thing I talked about before, the more I think about it the more weird it seems to me).
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Getting back into MFN got me to draw the characters so hopefully I improved since the last time I drew some of them. Oh look Gorgon got a mustache now.
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The characters I actually wanted to draw from MFN but felt like I should draw Gordon and Ricky first. Still got to draw these guys tho yay
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Finished this during both Christmas Eve and Day. But didn't want to post this before the recent MFN fan arts I did. (Also sorry for the bland gray background I can't think of a good one).
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Drew this sometime after the Christmas party one. I was gonna give up but then motivation hit me fast so I finished it. I just love to draw characters together like this (Again, sorry for the background).
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Started drawing this a couple of months or so ago, but for some reason I stopped drawing it after getting a lot of it done. Then I recently got the motivation to finish it finally and I'm glad I did. (Shouldn't have took so long ngl).
So there you go, some more fan art for whoever likes these characters and/or the stuff they're in. Kinda wish I drew more wintery or Christmassy stuff but I feared not posting it soon before the month ends so yeah.
Thanks for viewing my fan art and reading the texts. Merry (late) Christmas! And Happy (early) New Years!! 🎄🎉
((my favorite part was drawing them sweaters✨))
(i dont got enough tag room to tag every avenue q character on here RIP)
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
Hello, @a-mag-a-day. Apologies for the deception but I rather wanted to make sure you started reading, so I thought it best not to announce myself. I'm assuming you're alone; you always did prefer to read your statements in private. I wouldn't try too hard to stop reading; there's every likelihood you'll just hurt yourself. So just listen. Now, shall we turn the page and try again?
Statement of landscaping-your-mind regarding episode 160 of The Magnus Archives.
Statement begins.
So, from all the stuff I scheduled for today you can probably tell I really like episode 160 of The Magnus Archives, right? Like, good lord, it is... it is a time. (Also, the words were really good (and also there's poetry) so :D incentive!)
Firstly, though, I have to say something. It's not the Watcher's Crown. The Watcher's Crown is the ritual Jonah Magnus attempted years ago. This is unnamed in canon, but Jonny said it could've been called The Magnus Archives.
Secondly... I would like to draw your attention towards the description of the youtube version of this episode. (to paraphrase)
The Magnus Archive discovers that some escapes are a lot easier than others.
I hate this so much. Like, with a burning passion. "The Magnus Archives discovers that some escapes are a lot easier than others" COME TO MY HOME AND KILL ME YOU COWARD! It just hurts, it just... hurts.
He can escape London, but he can't escape his ✨ purpose ✨
You ever think about how The Magnus Archives follows the story of Magnus' Archive? I do. A lot. I haven't even started listening yet, god, this episode am I right?
MARTIN (Joking) Or, (huffed laugh) or it is, and she just cleaned it up really well. (They both make uncomfortable chuckles) ARCHIVIST …Yes. (The Archivist makes an uneasy noise)
Just their really awkward laughter, oh my godd they're so endearing your honour, I'm so glad this episode and TMA ends at the 5 minute mark (< in denial)
ARCHIVIST Hopefully a long way out there. (soft) But I think we’re okay
I just love how soft Jon's voice gets around Martin, like, like, eeeee i just love them i love them they're the reason im aro bc i know i will never love someone romantically as much as jmart loves each other /j
MARTIN Oh, n-no, not yet. I was actually gonna head down into the village to go pick something up?
Ooooh yay I get to share my "where are they in scotland" headcanons! I think they're near Dunnet, because it's pretty far north and in the Highland area, and it's also got allegedly the only full time gunshop north of Inverness, and... yknow, it is Daisy's safehouse.
ARCHIVIST Anyway, don’t tell me the phonebox down there doesn’t appeal to your retro aesthetic.
your honour they're lightheartedly teasing each other <3
ARCHIVIST I’ll be fine.
(update im wrtinging with a cat on my lap now hes big. im balancing my computer on my leg.)
MARTIN I assume it’s her attempt at a- a, a varied diet? Eating your greens, you know? ARCHIVIST (Amused) Probably. (reassured) I’m sure it’ll work fine
hhh them <3 it's just like they're so... they're happy. they're so happy, and it's like nothing gold will stay or whatever
they had such a short amount of time
i wish they were ok
MARTIN …I will give you some privacy. Go for a walk. ARCHIVIST (Warmly) Let me know if you see any good cows. MARTIN Obviously I’m going to tell you if I see any good cows.
them being happy is almost worse, right. because what once was a surprise we now know will happen, we have to deal with the dread, and it's all bitter now, the happiness is rotten because of what lurks after.
some people can listen to the first five minutes and feel okay, but me?
for me it just hurts.
ARCHIVIST (CONT’D) (Pleasantly) Statement of Hazel Rutter regarding a fire in her childhood home. Original statement given August 9th, 1992. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, The Archivist. Statement begins.
He sounded so happy... he sounded so happy.
This is the first time he's happy before he reads a statement. He was happy, he was hiding from the police and the hunters and Daisy and Not!Sasha with his boyfriend in Scotland. And then, and then Jonah Magnus comes in and decides to end the world like a bastard.
I don't want to hit play. I don't want to know what comes next. I want to stop listening. I want Jon and Martin to be okay. I want it to be the real statement of Hazel Rutter.
I just want it to be the real statement of Hazel Rutter.
I get it, right, horror tragedy! This was the desired effect. I am supposed to be feeling these emotions. These emotions being very sad. Well done to Jonny, lovely writing. Fantastic! I love TMA with my whole heart. I think that it's fantastic. I don't want to hit play though. I'm here for the characters suffering, I got in through The Hermit Archives, I wanted more of the horror! I am here for suffering! I'm here for the suffering. I'm hitting play.
Statement of Jonah Magnus regarding Jonathan Sims, The Archivist. Statement begins.
He could have just ended the world. Like, the whole... forcing Jon to monologue about all the times he was manipulated into furthering Jonah's plan? That's fucked. That is fucked. Just put the ritual there you slimy piece of shit!
It’s rare that you get the chance to monologue through the voice of another, and you can’t tell me you’re not curious.
*me to my dog, in the "talking to a dog" voice* You wanna kill him too! Hey! You wanna kill him too!
Like, okay, so you're Jon and you're reading this statement and you can't stop, and this bastard says "you can't tell me you're not curious." Tell me that's not going to make him think that if he tried a little harder then he would've been able to stop reading. Tell me that's not going to make him think that a part of him wanted to end the world, and that's why he's still reading. Tell me that's not going to make him blame himself even more.
The only way to ensure I did not suffer the tribulations of what I believed to be an inevitable transformation was to bring it about myself.
He's so bloody arrogant. He puts himself above the entire world. It makes sense, he's from Regency era England, but like, it's still... really awful. Awful person.
Beyond that, I was getting older, and mortality began to weigh more heavily on my mind. How much in this world is done because we fear death, the last and greatest terror?
When I fear death I distract myself, not try to end the world. Like, this guy is just so evil. His only redeeming quality is being funny sometimes.
Everyone dies, Jack Magnet, you just chose to be a bastard about it.
Of course, I had to make sure the location was kept under my control while I worked on revising my plans, and so I moved the organization I had founded to assist in my research down to London, and the Institute as you know it, was born.
Right, so The Magnus Protocol's Magnus Institute was located in Manchester, and I'm not an expert on the geography of the United Kingdom, and basically know nothing about Manchester, bar that it has the... football, I want to say, team Manchester United? I don't know how I know that. But it seems as though Jonah Magnus didn't attempt his ritual, or attempted it some other way in that universe.
You see, the role of Archivist has been part of the Beholding for as far back as my research can go. This isn’t uncommon for the Powers; most of the beliefs around them are guesswork and fallible human interpretation, but there are certain through lines and consistencies that can be spotted, regardless of the trappings.
I wonder what the others are. The Dancer could be one - The Dancer in The Unknowing. I think Jonny said in a QnA, but you know, the author is dead, he's speaking to us posthumously, that The Architect could have been one. Not sure what others. If y'all have any ideas... 👀
More than once I thought she must secretly be of the Hunt; but there was never that sick joy in her, that thrill of predator and prey. She had simply decided that this was her position in life, and went about it with a practicality that even I found disconcerting at times.
Ok, Mr. Jonah "orchestrates twelve traumatising events for this one guy and gets him to end the world" Magnus. He cannot talk, he cannot talk at all. Sure, she sacrificed people, but she wasn't malicious. She did it for a cause. Did she believe she was good? I'm not sure she cared.
Jonah Magnus is just awful for his own self gain.
You see, the thing about the Fears is that they can never be truly separated from each other. When does the fear of sudden violence transition into the panic of hunted prey? When does the mask of the Stranger become the deception of the Spiral? Even those that seem to exist in direct opposition rely on each other for their definition as much as up relies on down. To try and create a world with only the Buried makes as much sense as trying to conceive a world with only down.
Gerry's colour explanation makes a lot of sense if you don't conceive of it as a traditional colour wheel. They're growing out in every direction, they all overlap with each other.
Sure, the fear of The Eye may seem in direct opposition to the fear of The Stranger, but let's take Jon, for instance. Is it not sort of Stranger to have some guy in a coffee shop staring at you with his autistic eyes, a person you don't know, but who definitely knows you?
What about the fear of The Buried and the fear of The Vast. Episode 195 covers that pretty handily. They're all interconnected with all of the others. Separating them makes them easier to understand (and invertedly makes them actually separated), but it isn't them, not truly. They are connected intrinsically.
Even the coffin! The fear of being alone in the dark is a part of the coffin.
Because the thing about the Archivist is that, well, it’s a bit of a misnomer. It might, perhaps, be better named: The Archive. Because you do not administer and preserve the records of fear, Jon. You are a record of fear, both in mind as you walk the shuddering dread of each statement, and in body as the Powers each leave their mark upon you. You are a living chronicle of terror.
I've been doing a lot of thinking about this. The Archivist is something... defined by how they feed their patron, but The Archive is defined by how they've been hurt to bring it into the world. He's not defined by even a person-like role, he's something molded by Jonah Magnus' desires to end the world.
I wrote a little poem about it, which I shall share here, because I am cringe but I am free, unlike Jon. RIP
He's not a person with a name, He's a vessel of destruction, He's not a person who feels pain, It's necessary for production, That he's scarred and marked, By things that lurk in the dark, Believe himself useless, Or it'll be fruitless, And at the end of the day, He's no person, no name, He's a plan that has come to fruition.
Also, he calls himself The Archivist, perhaps viewing himself as... something that hurts others, rather than something that is hurt for a purpose.
I’ll admit, my options were somewhat limited, but my god, when you came to me already marked by the Web, I knew it had to be you. I even held out some small hope you had been sent by the Spider as a sort of implicit blessing on my whole project and, do you know what, I think it was.
"I chose you" "I'll admit, my options were somewhat limited" Mr. Magnet, he was chosen by the web. Jonah's just not afraid to be puppeted.
So, when Jane Prentiss attacked, I watched eagerly, one hand on the gas release from the start.
This line fucked me up. "One hand on the gas release from the start." Just... like it just sticks in my mind. How he held all their lives in the palm of his hand, how he let Sasha die, and Tim get eaten by worms, because he wanted his bloody perfect Archive.
One hand on the gas release from the start, while all of them almost - or did - die(d).
Like, what gets me is how fucked up Jon was afterwards, how he was asking everyone for their statements, shutting them up before they got to the part where they'd mention Jon and Tim getting eaten with worms. What gets me is how Elias was there and Jon was what, looked like a bloody mummy! He didn't have second thoughts when he saw...
He knew everything. He saw everything. He saw how fucked up Jon was over e v e r y t h i n g. (everything)
That's what gets me.
Between the stabbing and at least two desperate flights into its door, you’re marked very deep by the Spiral.
And, you know, the manipulation, the gaslighting, the betrayal. I saw an interesting post on this, but I can't seem to find it. I'll look in the posts I've rbed tagged TMA meta, I'll link it in a reblog if I find it.
Honestly, I had nothing to do with Melanie and her Slaughter adventure, but when I saw the situation, I made sure to trap her here, so whenever her rage bubbled over you were right there, a ready target.
You know after Jon's second kidnapping that could have totally been resolved how Jonah made Jon stand in front of Melanie while she wanted to kill Jonah with a knife, and how it's like oh, right, yeah, use Jon as a bloody meat shield to get her angry at him, make him the scapegoat, that was intentional. It was intentional to destroy everyone in the Archives' interpersonal relationships, and then have Jon. A ready target for hatred and vitriol.
How is Martin, by the way? He looks well. You will keep an eye on him when all this is over, won’t you? He’s earned that.
I think that Jonah Magnus should eat shit and die.
The power of the Ceaseless Watcher flows through you, and the time of our victory is here.
If you replace the Ceaseless Watcher with Determination then it reads like an Undertale save.
* The power of Determination flows through you, and the time of our victory is here.
Don’t worry, Jon. You’ll get used to it here, in the world that we have made.
This also ties in with the above, I hate that he says "our victory" "the world that we have made." Jon didn't consent to this, Jon didn't want this, Jon was made to be an unwilling conduit of the apocolypse and Jonah Magnus is insinuating that he chose it, the victim blaming little prick!
You who watch and know and understand none. You who listen and hear and will not comprehend. You who wait and wait and drink in all that is not yours by right. Come to us in your wholeness. Come to us in your perfection. Bring all that is fear and all that is terror and all that is the awful dread that crawls and chokes and blinds and falls and twists and leaves and hides and weaves and burns and hunts and rips and bleeds and dies! Come to us. I OPEN THE DOOR!
GREAT INCANTATION! 10/10! And it's actually recitable, unlike the TBI one.
ARCHIVIST Look at the sky, Martin. Look at the sky. It’s looking back.
That is a fucking fantastic final line of the episode. All of it, four seasons leading up to this moment. Look at the sky. It's looking back.
Fuck dude!
(The Archivist begins a fractured, delirious, humourless, laugh that does not end)
That laugh.
That laugh is just... haunting. I love it so much. It makes me want to cry. I used to have it saved on my phone and I'd just listen to it over and over and over again and get more and more disturbed and heartbroken.
That laugh. That broken, horrific laugh.
I can't get over it.
And thus ends season 4 of The Magnus Archives. With a broken laugh in front of a window, leading out to the doomed world.
Episode 160 is quite possibly my favourite metaplot episode of The Magnus Archives, the way the whole plan was revealed, the awful manipulations that were exposed... that laugh.
I leave you all to think on this. To think on the Archive née the Archivist née Jonathan Sims, laughing at the world he has unwillingly and unwittingly doomed.
Goodnight, a-mag-a-day, goodnight. /ref
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munsonsreputation · 1 year
congrats on 500 followers, Kay! i hope you keep writing and growing and receiving lots and lots of love! i'm gonna ask for a (#2) prompt 📄, pretty please! "of course i want to kiss you" with Jonathan! ♡♡
hey lui!!!!
i loved this request and this is my first ever imagine with jonathan so yay!!!! i hope i did your request justice and you enjoy reading it!!
thank you so much for helping me celebrate 500 followers!! it means the world to me!! 💘✨
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“Your brother is quite the artist isn’t he?” You smiled widely while admiring the artwork that hung on the fridge, full of color and life that only a kid as talented as Will Byers could create.
Jonathan huffed out a short laugh, nodding his head as he came up beside you to look at the drawings that covered the appliance.
“Mom and I bought him that 72 pack of crayons for Christmas and he hasn’t stopped.” He told said as you turned to face him, a smile on your face.
“Your family is quite into the arts. Will draws. You take photos. El likes to write poetry. Your mom like to dance…or at least tries to. And Hop…”
You and Jonathan stared at each other for a second before bursting out in laughter. Your forehead bumping into his chest as you two stood there laughing. His hands lingering over the small of your back, hoping to not get away from you so easily.
He started, stumbling a bit as his thoughts flowed, “He uhh…he likes to…Hop?”
You giggled even more at that, leaning your body towards him and not daring to move away, as you could feel his hand press deeper into your back, holding you.
“That’s horrible! You’ve turned him into an Easter bunny!” You chortled, wrapping your arms around his neck, staring at him full of joy and humor.
Both of his hands wrapped around your body, and he was hoping that you couldn’t feel his heart beating out of his chest at the closeness for the first time like this alone.
“Y’know what, he actually likes to sing…we all pretend to hate it, but he’s actually pretty good.” He informed you, making you smile up at him.
He looked so pretty. His eyes sparkling and the toothy grin that he reserved for only you. For some time, you thought all you had it all wrong, that he was just a boy you had to admire from a mile away, but little did you know he liked you just as much. For years, actually, and you both had done such a horrible job at hiding your feelings. It was crazy to everyone that it took this long for you to finally see it through.
“You’re staring.” Jonathan whispered, fingertips tapping against your skin, the feeling so simple yet everything to you.
You blinked quickly, shaking your head, “S-sorry.” you mumbled, while you painted an embarrassed smile on your face that Jonathan found endearing.
“No, it’s ok! You look so pretty staring, I couldn’t help it.” He assured you, one of his hands abruptly stopping its tapping and coming around to your face, brushing the stay pieces away.
For a while you and Jonathan had been playing cat and mouse ever since you two had known of the reciprocated feelings. You’d have him blushing as you brushed past him the halls, giving him a cheeky smile. He’d have you stumbling over your presentation, as you caught his eyes in history, mouthing “smart girl,” as you explained the stupid philosopher you were talking about.
But that was cat and mouse in front of everyone.
Now you two were finally alone.
No friends around to pester or whistle flirtatiously.
Just you and him.
“D-Do you wanna finally kiss?” You peeped softly, voice pitched up higher due to your impending nervousness.
His palm finally rested against your cheek, feeling the rushing blood under your skin, “Of course I want to kiss you.”
Your breath hitched, a relaxed smile coming onto your face now, as you and Jonathan took a moment to bask it in. The afternoon glow shimmering in from the kitchen window and the soft noise from the television that you two were watching minutes ago before you had wandered here.
Just a few more seconds of longing staring before he finally made the first move. Closing his eyes as he leaned in slowly, and your lashes fluttered with your lids as you followed suit. When your lips connect, a spark ignited between the two of you. So strong yet gentle, lips moving easily against one against as you tiptoed to get more of him.
With the two of you too caught up in lip locking, you hadn’t heard the front door open. Hopper and Joyce strolling in with their other two children who they had taken out for ice cream after the school day.
Will and El groaned, listening to their dad trailing behind him with their giggly mom as he sang, “I just want your extra time and your…”
The front door shut, and Joyce made kissy noises, filling the space of the song that had just been playing on the radio seconds ago.
Hopper pretended to play electric guitar, following the kids to the kitchen to further annoy them, “Kiss!”
Walking in on the right time, they gasped, while you and Jonathan pulled away, but not leaving each other’s arms.
“Uh…h-hi?” You squeaked, undoing your hands from his neck and twiddling your fingers at his family.
Joyce looked overjoyed, smiling widely as she waved at you, and giving Jonathan a thumbs up. Hopper looked to be just as happy, but a little more smug, with a knowing smile on his face. Then on time, of course, like the long-lost twins that Will and El were they spoke.
“Steve and Robin owe us fifty bucks!” They exclaimed, hooking arms as they ran to the phone and dialed the numbers of your friends.
You stiffed your laughter, as Jonathan squeezed your waist apologetically, “We—we’re gonna go now?” He said, taking your hand and dragging you out of the kitchen.
“Have fun, but not too much fun!” Joyce hollered, watching as you and Jonathan rushed out the front door and into his car.
You buckled in, waving bye to his little siblings who watched from the window with the telephone glued to their ears. He turned to you, starting the engine with a grin on his face, “I know a place where my family won’t impede on our lip locking.”
You giggled, leaning forward to kiss his lips before patting his cheek. “So where are we going?”
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moonchild-in-blue · 10 months
Whoa okay so i decided to write an ask insted of commenting on your tags because this way i can actually write stuff down, not counting letters to fit in. And i'm kinda in word vomiting mood, i'm so sorry for that.
Most importantly thank you so much for a thousandth time and a few more, yet again. Your tags fill me with so much joy every time. TmT
And yeah at first i thought the "big" songs will be more intimidating but i start to feel like it's quite the opposite? Specifically because of them being so powerful. There are very strong emotions and if i just let my anxiety over it go and make it simple, it works.
I mean especially when there is something personal to tie it with in any way shape or form? Yeah there is not many conscious thoughts behind what goes onto the page, it just kinda happens. Also if you ever stood bare feet in any sort of rain especially when it's cold… there is very little that can describe better the feeling blood sport gives me, than having your bare feet sink 2 cms into sopping, cold grassy mud. It's the physical equivalent of the same miserable feeling for me 😂
The shape of the lightning is fully unintentional, it just turned out that way. I wanted to put it over Ves' head to be visible and make a few forks in it to look more natural, nothing more to it really. But i loove your interpretation so i'm running with it. All of it. This is why i love art, because once you put it out there it becomes so much more because those who observe it bring their own stuff to pour into it? That is what art is all about.
And i'm right there with you, this entire challenge turned out to be even more fun and confidence boosting than i originally expected? I'm not even (tho very close to) the halfway point? I mean i wanted to do it to get back to drawing but i can see progression in just 20 days, steadily getting back to the level of technicality i was at 10 years ago? And kinda developing a style which i never had? Also as an unexpected but not unwelcome side effect is Tiny Token happening? Which is like.. the joy of putting a smol smile on people's faces even for a second? It's so worth it. TmT
Sorry for this kind of pointless rant but like.. i really do appreciate you and a few others (i see you Alex, Ash, Kay and Misha) commenting on almost every single one of the small offerings so far? It means so much TAT
🥺 🥺 🥺
Not to be super sappy, and to turn this into a sob fest, but honestly it's been amazing to see this challenge come to life!! And a big YAY for the confidence boost!! You deserve it, Levynn!!
I see what you mean about the "big emotions". It makes perfect sense actually. And yeah, I can see the steady improvement, another BIG YAY!!
(and Tiny Token my beloved babies. They are just the cutest ever 🥺🥺)
Just want to take the opportunity to say, how wonderful it is to see so, so many of us getting the confidence and morale to start creating (or get back to it) because of Sleep Token. Or having the confidence to talk to people and make friends.
It almost feels silly but?? If you told me a few months ago I'd be sharing my art in here, and reaching out to people, I'd tell you you're insane. And ~yet~. You bet I (and all the lovely people you've mentioned) will keep commenting on your pieces and hyping you up!! We're all about friends supporting friends in this household 💙✨
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chthonicgodling · 10 months
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(April’s)Huevember - Day 19!
featuring: Epi, Izzy, & Eury!
[in which I’ve made my very own #Huevember wheel this year (that you can use too! Pls tag me I’d LOVE to see!) - unabridged version continues, including a wide array of Elysium’verse characters across the rainbow!]
yay lavender day and after featuring both Eury and Epi in separate pictures they finally get to pose together, and with their daughter Izzy too - whomst I almost never draw so surpriIISEE,, notes!
awwuwuuu Fenixe’s Epi & Eury or AKA their ship name ✨Euriales✨ truly the couple of all time in here. I mean sure the couple of all time is Maci and Tory BUT they are too plus they’ve been together mUucHh longer,,… oh god they’re SO!!!
and their middle kid Izzy! Izzy, whose full name is Ichnasia, is ohhhh I don’t know about 10ish now I think? Are those multiple arms that she has! YES! and multiple - eyeballs?! Also yes!
for the uninformed, Izzy’s dad Epi (we know him but just in case, on the left) is a daemon and a shapeshifter. his incredibly pretty form that he presents in each day is a customized ✨choice✨ because underneath this is something a lot closer to the spooky look Izzy’s got full time. not as many Limbs, but just as many eyes - many more teeth - aaaaahhhhh
Izzy is the Goddess of Helplessness and she’s actually nonverbal - ALMOST completely. it turns out if you are someone who is exceptionally helpless you might be able to hear her talk to you! The only person who’s ever had this pleasure within Canon was actually Chal shortly after her mother ate her arm off and she was wallowing in despair 🥺
I’ve actually redrawn this pic a from its original first version which I wasn’t tooootally crazy about but I like it now yay!
stay tuned tomorrow for day 20!!! HEY! remember earlier in the month I said that Pho’s barely ever re-entered his physical body except for like, once and to remember that note?????? 👀UMM NO REASON - STAY TUNED THOOOOO—
Epi and Izzy and Eury all belong to @fenixethekid ! click the link up above to see the whole Huevember wheel - feel free to use the tag AceprilHuevember if u want to play too - and my tag this year can be found here!!
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thegeekyartist · 1 year
4.favorite thing to draw
6.warm colors or cold colors
7.show us a WIP
9.show us a finished piece right alongside the original sketch
10.how many different sketches do you usually have until your piece is finished
12.show us an old drawing
Ooh yay, thank you! 🥰
4. Favorite thing to draw.
PEOPLE. Always. I used to do a lot of candy and toys in that Instagram style (single object floating on a solid background), but it started to get boring. I'll do them every once in a while when I want to do a quick painting, but I've been mostly painting figurative works - either movie/tv screenshots or narrative personal pieces.
I also don't mean to do it but I almost always have hands in a painting. That's what I get for avoiding drawing them when I was younger.
6. Warm colors or cool colors?
Warm and ✨saturated✨. My most used paint (besides white lol) is my quinacridone magenta, which essentially is a hot pink.
7. Show us a WIP
Well since you asked so nicely 😏 it's not the whole thing but here's a peek of the area I finished yesterday! (Ironically this is the first and only painting in a LONG while that doesn't use that pink lmao)
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9. Show us a piece alongside the original sketch.
Okay full disclosure, I'm terrible at making thumbnail sketches lol. I dive into paintings super quickly, usually doing most of the planning with references in Photoshop. Here's a comparison of a piece from last year vs the digital reference! (and a rare glimpse of me sans glasses lmao)
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10. How many different sketches do you usually have until your piece is finished?
For paintings I'll MAYBE have a thumbnail when I'm coming up with the idea, then I do a bit of a digital collage in Photoshop to plan everything out (see above).
For digital drawings, I'll do a gesture drawing to plan the composition, then another layer to tighten things up, then usually a final sketch layer with all the correct lines that I plan to keep and work from.
12. Show us an old drawing.
Have a comparison! Lol. Growth really is a beautiful thing. 2009 vs 2022
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mmollymercury · 2 years
I'm coming here to bother😇😇
How are you?
Do you have any artwork you think is underrated?
(So we can reblog)
Sorry it took me long to answer this! Life has been kinda busy lately. I've been preparing for uni and I'm in the process of applying to some now.
I'm doing pretty good today💕 one thing I'm glad to be relieved of is worrying abt getting encanto big bang stuff done. Thankfully the date was extended, yay!!! I'm really grateful because I want my work to be the best it can be x I'm so excited to see everyone else's finished pieces💗
The artwork question is such good idea!! So cute!!😭😭😭
Here's some art accounts I think all of you should check out! They're are primarily encanto fanart lolll... but check out the og blogs and look at their other stuff too x
With this list I'm trying to add ppl that I don't see talked abt that much, but really deserve the opposite💖
Let's get self promo out of the way first: here's some of my original character work, if you're interested: 💗 💕 💖 (I'm gonna be making a new pinned post soon, thats gonna catologe all my original work and fanart stuff, because I know original stuff gets lost in all the fan work.)
✨My OCs~~The Yvette-Verse✨
Yvette-Verse character lineup🌤
Yvette comic💫
My bestie isn't really active on tumblr, but you should all definitely check her out. She's got more stuff on her insta too:
Her tumblr▪︎@valentineee
Her insta▪︎Main- TrappedintheMorgue
Side- LazySlug
YOU @lilrobinbird
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Post link💕
It is insane that you don't have more eyes on you IT IS ACTUALLY CRIMINAL😤😤😤. your style is so intricate and painterly, it reminds me of old master's paintings. The way you draw features is so unique and cute, its so cool💕💖
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Post link🐀
Look at this. The story, the detail, THE RATTIES
Their art is legitimately so gorgeous, sometimes, I can't believe it's traditional!
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Post link💫
Just... look at this art style, it literally always takes my breath away ITS BEAUTIFUL. So expressive and unique, I love it sm. They also have an encanto fanfiction too, it's set a few years in the future and is Mirabel x oc, I would never usually look for those stories on my own, since I'm not really into non canonical ships, but the art they made for it intrigued me and although I haven't read it in a while, from what I did read it was amazing. Really well written and descriptive!
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Post link🐁
Gender bent Bruno has my whole heart!! SHES SO KIN WORTHYYY😭 plus their style is so expressive and BEAUTIFUL💞💞💞
@kafeino (they don't want their art to be reposted, so I decided to just add the links x)
Antonio and his birdie😇 ▪︎ Camilo looking like a menace😈
They have a few encanto fanarts, all of them are so good and colourful! Like, look at the way they draw hands.... omg. But these ones are SEVERELY UNDERRATED. As of rn I think the Camilo one has 72 notes and the Antonio one has 47?? THATS AN INJUSTICE WTFFF????
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Post link🕯🕯
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Post link🐉 this has 19 notes are you HAVING ME ON!!???
ALMA LORE!!! PLUS ANTONIO WITH ELDRITCH HORROR BEAST AND HES SO NONCHALANT ABT IT??? YESSSSSSSS. I really love their simple yet effective art style, it really inspires me to experiment with my style a bit 🥰🥰🥰
@fruit-goose (they don't want their art to be reposted, so I decided to just add the links x)
Queen Isabela🌸
This style... the colouring... the lines... no words, how does this only have 70 notes?!??😤😤😤😤😤😤😤
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Post link💋👂
The colours, the proportions, the expression, HER, I literally love it so much it makes my eyes happy. Op's style is so cool, I literally love it so much, so inspiring, makes me want to paint and experiment 🤩🤩💗💗💗
@summersofsalt (they don't want their art to be reposted, so I decided to just add the links x)
Pepa being badass🌩⛈
This style is just so cute, yet it can convey such strong, angry emotion. The colours and movement, PEPA’S EYES, it reminds me for some reason of lino printing. It's so cool!!
I really wish I could add more! This community is so talented and amazing💞 so feel free to add onto this post and @ some of your severely underrated faves💕💕
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ariandano · 6 months
Oversharing with 15 answers to 15 questions! I got tagged by @azuki-beans
Are you named after anyone? Yaas, my mom and a teacher I despised in school, funny enough the second is the one I go by mostly
When was the last time you cried? Like, ugly crying? Like almost a year ago from a veeeery bad personal problem. Good thing is that it won't happen ever again I hope.
Do you have kids? Nope. Not yet, not in this economy
What sports do you play/have you played? I've played basketball, taekwondo, ping pong...but I hate team sports so I don't play em haha
Do you use sarcasm? NooOoooOoOooO how could I???
What is the first thing you notice about people? Hmm mostly body language, as if they're open to talk or want to be left alone
What is your eye color? Brown, but in the ✨light✨ they're almost hazel
Scary movies or happy endings? I don't mind scary movies, but honestly prefer happy and silly movies
Any talents? I can come up with the most detailed lists for organizing stuff, only to forget about any of em, yay ADHD
What are your hobbies? Drawing, cooking and minecraft!
Do you have any pets? A cat and two rats <3
How tall are you? An outstanding average of 1.68 m
Favorite subject in school? Recess
Dream job? I don't work on my dreams lololol
Honestly I don't got many frens in this platform I can soooooo I got no one to tag :v
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After considering for a long time, I caved in today and decided to create more Twinsomnia OCs!
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Lemme show ya how I made them :D
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This little kids’ name is Leon! He’s a 5 year old adopted kid who’s obsessed with anything and everything space related. Because he’s an orphan, he’s def got some of that mandatory secret traumatizing backstory that haunts him but I haven’t concluded what exactly. Yet 🙂
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At first, I wanted him to have this toy space helmet that he wears 24/7 and have him have poofy hair that takes up space (pun intended) in there, but I wanted to try something else for fun, so I gave him braids instead because braids are cool 👍🏾 I also switched his little star onesie for an astronaut one ‘cause that’s what he wants to be when he grows up!
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I played with his shape language a couple of times to see how unique I can make him look, however I got stuck so I’m ultimately going with the classic “tiny body big head” look and will hopefully redesign him more along the way.
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(P.S: I know it says his name’s Louie on this drawing but I eventually switched it to Leon because it just. Fits him better 🤷🏾‍♀️)
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This is Nicole! (For now…or not, I haven’t decided quite yet). She’s 12 years old and the older sibling of Leon, who’s adopted to her family, and uh…she’s pretty much your average stuck-up teen girl in children’s coming of age movies. ✨With a soft spot!✨
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The first time I drew her (sketch on the right)—well, I liked it, but the way she turned out wasn’t what I was trying to go with. She looks 16-17 in this one, and I specifically wanted her to look a bit younger.
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Designing her was kind of a hassle, especially because she either A) Didn’t look the exact age I wanted her to look in my eyes, and B) Her hair made her look like Megatron from the Transformers G1 series.
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But EVENTUALLY, I came across a design that I absolutely ADORE! I just changed her hair a bit from straight to a lil curly and BAM! My favorite character of this trio <3
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And now the Shadow Thing…I don’t really feel like posting my process for this thing because I despise it for existing and tormenting Leon and Nicole. And because I ran out of room to add more photos. The closest thing we can get to a design process of it is from my Twinsomnia detective “episode” post.
I didn’t plan on making it an actual OC at first, but I eventually came back to it when I needed a character interpretation for the fear of the dark. The Shadow Thing is basically similar to the Boogieman in the sense that it desires to feed off of children’s fears until they’re left traumatized. Yay. Fun.
Aaand to top this whole thing off, here’s some fun facts about these three! (mainly Nicole and Leon)
Nicole is Jamaican American (she has a Jamaican father and American mother) and Leon is African-American (The ethnicity of his past parents are unknown).
The Shadow Thing has similar shape-shifting abilities as the twins, except it can only take the form of anything scary.
Nicole has braces! And she hates it. She’ll attack anyone who reminds her that she does both physically and mentally. Even Leon.
The reason behind Leon’s left eye being hidden is because there’s a nasty scar on it. The eye already has a bandage over it, but he still hides it because he’s embarrassed by it :(
Speaking of eyes: Leon and Nicole originally were supposed to have each other’s eye shape, but I switched them up last minute!
Leon adore’s the twins. Nicole hates them. (I say hate but we all know she likes them deep down <3)
Nicole’s a complete phone addict and kiiiindaaa spoiled. She was having the time of her life being a pampered only child before her parents adopted Leon. Now she gotta learn to be humble >:(
Yeah, that’s pretty much it. Now Alex has more OC buddies!
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jazzyblusnowflake · 2 years
Which brushes do you use for CSP 😳??
oh i always dreaded this question lmao-
ill be honest and clear cut with yall~
✨I have no idea✨
ok lemme explain, [tho if you dont wanna read all this just skip to the images in the end that i posted of my dumb self made and modified brushes] i have always used different mediums in my art~ ive used SAI, Gimp 2, CSP and occasionally Photoshop for the effects, filters and some brushes~ and i almost never remember where i downloaded them from because, first off, they were free anyway and i also almost always change them to fit my style beyond recognition to how they originally looked by default XDDD
MOST of my work is usually with SAI with almost the only brush i use in general for everything [ Inking, Coloring the edges, Shading, Lighting, and most other hand drawn shapes and hatching and etc ] is used with these settings. i never change it because i had years of experimenting to finally be comfortable with these and i will die a painful death if anything happens to my laptop before i could save these settings so i keep it in my art files just in case lmao~ [i do NOT like change and trying new stuff is2g i need therapy-]
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HOWEVER when it comes to CSP i have had..... very depressing progress yay :D ... SAI in my experience has been a bit sucky in being able to handle large sizes and layers or anything else and having the possibility of crashing but the way it makes some things easy has been a MIRACLE for my lazy ass, i might have given up art before i ever even started if SAI didn't exist, but as how all EASY things usually are they start lacking in variety after a while, and i realized since one of my friends had bought me a CSP a long time ago, heck i might as well use it and oh my GOD the anxiety it induced ended me up with an IV and several trips to the hospital for injections to calm me down [and potentially temporarily blinding me] im not even joking. i mean yeah i was going through stuff back then that did NOT help my situation in general but the fact that CSP doubled my anxiety cuz i just couldn't draw with it made me have several existential breakdowns where i thought i will never be able to improve my art as a self proclaimed artist anymore because i had gotten so used to only working with what i found PERFECTLY comfortable to my own tastes that im just useless at getting used to anything else... so what happened was that i went on the most violent weekly spree of downloading any brush i could that even resembled REMOTELY to what i wanted- i also searched for brushes on tumblr or google or anywhere else- i watched so many CSP transition videos on youtube my brain was spinning and i was on a rout of self destructive agony to make this WORK. so now i have a bajillion downloaded brushes and all of them have spawned 20 other copies that i have aggressively modified beyond any sort of resemblance to what they used to be- it doesn't help that the file names and the brush names are different so i cant search for them either 😑
but if the brush names could help you in finding them uhhh, heres like.... 1/10th of the brushes i downloaded and modified that i actually did NOT go back and delete because they are fun to have around XD
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have fun, //goes to cry in a corner-
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taegularities · 2 years
hi Rid ✨ do the tattoo!!! i think i’ve messeged you after i got my first one (the quote from your wallpaper…? pls say it was you or else it will be awkward 😅🫶🏼) and today i’m getting my 10th 👀 so it’s either zero tattoos or Jungkook approach, nothing in between lol
hey !! <3 omg i think i remember, yes that was me !!.. that was almost 2 years ago, wasn't it?! you still remember sending me that message? 🥺 and yay, i hope you had a good ass time getting that tattoo today !! ☺️
hehe yessss, i'm getting mine next fridayyyy! WE'RE DOING IT AND I CAN'T WAIT. will start designing/drawing it later today.
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julecreates · 2 years
I am a BIG fan of Lux, I adore that hat, I love veils. What's his deal, spill more if you can 👀
Ohh yay, thank you! 😌 His deals a lot lol cuz I could talk about him and our game a LOT. I do hope this makes sense and I can explain it well enough and I suppose no one of my game has this tumblr, so I could even spill about his backstory. Also a lot to read ahead, I'm so sorry ^^*
First off some quick to read stuff about him, in case you don't want to read the whole block of text:
- he's currently 23-24 years old, also a Gemini
- he's about 185cm, which is short for an elf
- he's definitely trans masc and definitely not straight, but I can't decide on his sexuality, somewhere in the asexual/bisexual range
- he's bad with technology
- he says he doesn’t care about other people, still always the first to heal everyone else
- bc of his backstory, most of his spells are manipulation based (like Control Person, Tell truth, stuff like that)
- he has a cat mentor spirit, and bc of that, cats usually trust him ✨ I started a drawing of these two but it’s still fairly rough
- magic is life. No seriously, he just doesn’t know what else to do with himself.
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let’s start with his veil and clothes, since you talked about it. Not much necessarily to the veil tho, but he has a light allergy, as a night elf/drow would in dnd too. So he wears it to look fashionably protected. His clothes are full on purpose too, both because he likes to look pretty and because he's used to fancy dress as a little disgraced rich boy 😌 Not necessarily the most original backstory as an Elf in that sense I guess 😆. The way he dresses and looks is pretty important to him, because he's insecure, he feels like he can make up with it somehow and also feel more like his 'old self'. Anyways that's on his clothes! Also like the ongoing stars ✨ theme with them doesn’t necessarily have a big reason, He just likes them.
What else..uhh.. backstory. So he's a disgraced rich boy, his parents are assholes and his memory has at this point a lot of holes to give the frame work! The latter is bc of something that happened in game, but basically he doesn't exactly remember everything from his past anymore which managed to make it even worse and he feels a bit lost bc of it.
So, magic is fairly new in the world - it's been rediscovered only like 50 ish years or so? Which makes wizards pretty valuable. Lux's parents are politically involved in their country and thought to make use of his talents once they knew, to raise him to be kind of get them ahead and have Lux manipulate their rivals magically for them. Long story short, he kind of goes through phases but eventually realises how shitty that is and makes a group of friends that kind of change his mind even more, though they don’t know who exactly he is. They genuinely want to make social changes, cuz elf politics be kinda shitty for everyone else. However, his parents find out, drag him back, want him to tell on his friends activities. What he doesn’t know is that one of his 'friends' told on him on the first place. He doesn’t exactly know what happens to all of them but *thinks* they end up mostly dead. And he ends up faking his death, and fleeing the country basically to where we are now. Since it's based on the real world that's the A.D.L. (That words version of Germany). To get by, he becomes a 'Shadowrunner' which is what you play as in the TTRPG, kind of what you can do when you're off grid. I hope this wasn’t too long ^^
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runfast-runfar · 2 years
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Daily things ~holiday edition~
✨ dog sat for a quick night for my favorite boy Finn!! So so happy I got to see him!
✨ I ended up getting the new switch OLED and it’s amazinggg!!! The differences are minor but they make the biggest difference!!
✨ haven’t been running in a month now which makes me so so sad and frustrated but I try to go out and walk in the neighborhood to get the light exercise still. I am doing the peloton daily now which is amazingggg!! But missing my runs and the fresh air with working out so so much. Hopefully my back will get figured out soon and can be resolved easily!! 🤞
✨ I am obsessed with platforms shoes now lol!!! I have platform converse, and then I also got my first pair of Nike airforce 1s 😭
In love with both!!
And then I just bought myself a pair of Oxford platform Doc Marten’s 😅 This year I spent SO much money…. So I need to go back to saving!! Lots to save for this year! My brother and I are moving early next year (YAY!!!) and that needs lots of saving, I have a Disneyland trip over the summer with a friend, going to NYC next year during the winter, spending money for Taylor swift concert next year, etc! Plus just saving in general! :)
✨ the biggest thing I bought myself for a holiday treat was a quest 2 VR system!!!!! That is getting delivered today!!!!! I am SO freaking excited!!!!! I have really gotten into gaming since being essentially on bed rest and it helps pass the time… but it’s also become a genuine hobby! I am loving Pokémon violet and then I got Pokémon shield and have been playing the two. And then I wanted the virtual reality system bc getting to be fully immersed in the games is amazing and escaping entirely to a new world… I need that right now lol
✨ I bought thea a new hammock since her old one broke way earlier this year. She got upgraded to a double decker lol
✨ on an iced coffee kick and not complaining about it!! I am trying to make coffee at home versus buying Starbucks to save money, and one of my New Year’s resolutions is to only get Starbucks twice a week! And then make coffee every other day! And these iced coffee nespresso pods are making that easy to happen lol!
✨ spending some time doodling my own little cute anime-esque characters; meet Kipper haha
✨ the day after Christmas I came down with the flu and so I’ve been in bed most of the day for the past two days now. But tbh I’ve needed the rest, I’m just bummed I feel shitty during it. But at least today I’m feeling better than yesterday!
✨ I’m going to a friends beach house tomorrow for the weekend in celebration of New Years. I’m chugging DayQuil like it’s water (haha jk.. sorta) and hopefully I only feel better as each day comes! 🤞
✨ ordered myself some sushi for lunch since my throat isn’t on fire like it was yesterday, thank god!! And then all I’ve done today is play the switch, draw, have the show Wednesday on in the background (last episode is playing now… sooo that’s seven hours later lol 😅) and began reading my new book “Remarkably Bright Creatures” which is so good so far but I can tell it’s going to be a sad one 💔
✨ Well, I hope you’re all doing good, that you had a nice holiday and the new year is good to you!!!
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