livelaughlovelams · 2 months
I have two types of Tumblr mutals
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@dairsmuids @auroroboros1
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beiibeiii · 1 month
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mysicksecrets · 3 months
yesterday night i cried bc i felt so lonley and then today some guy dmed me on instagram, i got another mans number at work, i got invited to a bonfire, worked with my work bestie and she invited me to hangout, AND i get to work on 4th of july (holiday pay my BELOVEDDD). the world is being so kind to me yayayayyaya
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c4fin4t3d-f1sh · 23 days
uhm, uhh, I feel rlly pretty right meow...
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cw for very faint scars ig??
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silly-ehggy · 4 months
happy birthday!!
Thank yooouuuuu
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cinnahoons · 3 months
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HAPPY 200 FOLLOWERS!!!! 🥳🎉 can’t believe i’ve already hit this milestone it really feels like the old days 🫡 i love u guys and i wish id had something special prepared to celebrate but i hadn’t expected to get here so fast FNDJ i promise next time i will be ready :))) THANK U AGAIN
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pomanshi · 1 year
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normal about this show
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mochiotterpup · 2 years
pumpkaboo in that set is me!!!! i think. mochi. im v tiny :0 an excited fo haloweeeen!!!!
big me makin costume fo me fo 🎃 !! is not finish yet cuz stuffs been. weird :( bu look!!
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green-cargaytions · 20 days
nuance explanation for Wordsmithing :3
this poem is about differences in communication styles; the first stanza outlines a more analytical style while the second stanza illustrates a more vibes-based style, and the third stanza ties them together with description of what can happen when people with different communication styles talk together.
the first stanza has a math theme/metaphor and is specifically sine wave shaped in line lengths because of course, if the stanza is about conversation as sine waves it's gotta be a sine wave.
the second stanza is ocean science themed/that's the metaphor there. and obviously the line lengths aren't in any pattern anymore since ocean waves aren't as regular as sine waves.
and the third stanza is weaving because I think it's cool lol.
WOW i didn’t realize the sine wave line length pattern ??? that is SO COOL!!!?!?! and i love weaving as communication and as a tie between disciplines/ways of thinking oughhh
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ahonice · 3 months
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spikershoyo · 5 months
Getting our nails done today bitchessss 🤭
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lilydoeswrite · 6 months
made blue cookies and matcha to eat whilst writing <33
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blind-band-geek · 5 months
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I was feeling sad so I doodled him and I no longer feel sad, happiness stored in the malware :333!!!
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More of You, Pt. 2
Part 1
Pairing : Simon “Ghost” Riley x Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin (OC)
Word Count : ~ 2.4k words
Warning : tooth-rotting fluff and good ol’ cursings.
Title and story inspired by the song with the same title by JP Saxe!
"--ra 4 this is– tcher-1 do y– copy?"
Jade opened her heavy eyelids at the sound. She blinked a number of times to wake herself up and find out where the voice came from. 
"Sierra-4 do you copy?"
She’d recognize that voice even if it was filtered a thousand times. Laswell's voice. It came from the radio that she had put on the bedside table the night prior as the CIA said that she'll contact her about the exfil for both of them. Finally. From the colours she got in her eyes, she could tell that it was early in the morning as the sunlight wasn’t present yet.
However, when she wanted to move her body to reach the PTT, a mass of weight seemed to hold her in place, and it was looming all over her back, even to her front. That was when Jade realized how she's not in the position she first slept in. Ghost was supposed to be on her arms with her arm as his pillow to support his neck. 
Now it's the opposite. She's on her opposite side, Ghost on her back, hugging her close to him while he placed his own arm on the bed to be her pillow, and he even covered her with the blankets, so beneath the sheets, their legs were entangled together. What's even more shocking was the fact that his other arm was on her waist and stomach, pressing her body to his. 
Jade wanted to scream right now. She was going implode on his arms from the situation she found herself in.
Ghost was surely still asleep judging by the sound of his steady breaths and his unmoving limbs as he absolutely needed all the rest he could get. However, Laswell's trying to comm her right now, and she needed to get out of his enveloping arms – yet her mind was adamant to do that as it was really warm and comfortable. 
"Jade. Can you hear me?"
Goddamnit. Dammit! Dammit!! Why now Kate?!?!
Jade tried to get out of his arms, try being the keyword here. She evidently failed to do so as Ghost kept on pressing her hips back to him, his voice rumbled lowly before going back to sleep. She tried to escape another time, but the result stayed the same. 
While she found herself very amused by his unconscious actions and how almost childlike he was while doing this, Jade needed to reply to Laswell, or else she'd think they were dead. 
And so, Jade lifted her upper body ever so slightly and leaned as far as she could to the bedside table while her lower body was still wrapped by Ghost's arm. He did mumble a bit, but Jade finally managed to reach the PTT, bringing the device close to her mouth, still laying on the bed. "Watcher-1, this is Sierra-4 I copy. Send traffic."
A sigh of relief could be heard. "I thought you were dead. What took you so long to reply?"
"I was uh… drying the clothes…" 
"Well, How's Ghost doing?" 
'He's currently asleep but he's hugging me from the back and he's refusing to let me go' was the thing she wanted to say, but instead, Jade only said, "He's alive."
"Okay. I've contacted Alejandro and his team to pick you guys up for exfil. He's currently on the way to the facility to clean the place and he'll be with you in any time now."
Oh. God bless Alejandro. She's missed him since the Las Almas missions. "Copy that. Thanks Kate."
"You're welcome. Bring him home safely, Jade."
"You know I will." She smiled. 
"Take care, Watcher-1 out."
Putting the PTT back to the wooden table, Jade huffed in relief. The fact that she just answered Laswell’s call while still wrapped around Ghost’s arm was such a comical scene, prompting a chuckle out of her. Alejandro’s coming very soon, and they really needed to get ready. She had to check his wounds, change his bandages, and then prepare for the Mexican colonel’s arrival. 
A light snore from her back interrupted her thoughts.
Wow. He’s deep deep in sleep. 
The woman smiled in amusement. He really was just a regular bloke, huh?
Really slowly, She rolled her entire body, finally facing Ghost in his sleeping state – No scowl in sight, his guard completely down. His light eyelashes rested on his eyelids perfectly. He’d admitted in Las Almas that he slept with his mask on ‘soundly’. She wondered if this was one of those rare moments where he slept with his mask off during a mission. This was probably the closest she’d been to his face, or anyone, really. Heck, this is probably the closest she’d been to any man. 
...He’s quite a gorgeous man up close. 
Realizing that she was starting to blush profusely against her will, she shook her head to delete that cloud of thoughts from her mind and focus on the task at hand. 
Putting her palm on his forehead gently, Jade felt relieved that he was not burning up like yesterday, albeit still warm to the touch. His bruises obviously needed some more time to heal, and now she needed to check his shoulder and side, and that required her to wake him up. 
He’s still snoring. 
Dammit she didn’t wanna wake him up!!
Suddenly, his snore hitched, surprising her. Right at that point Jade couldn’t think of anything to do. A part of her just wanted to back away and stand up, but what would he think? He'd think that she didn't want to be any close to him and that could not be farther from the truth. 
So she stayed frozen there, trying to stay still all the while Ghost woke himself up. And with a little groan, he finally opened his eyes, focusing his eyes before quickly finding Jade’s face right in front of his and how his arm was still on her waist.
Ghost’s eyes widened at the sight, quickly lifted his hand up and leaned back to distance himself, all without uttering a single word. And boy oh boy, she never expected to see the Ghost himself blushing profusely like this. Did anybody ever see this face of his? Another medal to her collection then.
“Sorry.” He muttered with a voice deeper than the depths of hell from sleep, looking to the side to see anywhere but her face or he knew he’ll be even more embarrassed. “Must’ve… moved in the night.” 
Jade let out a light chuckle, “Relax, it’s fine. I like it when you hug me though.” Whoa. Did she just say that??
His eyebrows lifted at that statement. “Really?”
Fuck it, she’ll just continue. “Yeah. And while we’re at it, don’t you have the most beautiful eyes.” Ghost would’ve exploded at that. “They’re like uh… Like a stream of light going through a glass of bourbon.” 
He couldn’t rack up any response to that poetic description of his eyes. “...Thanks. Picked them myself.” 
Her lip curved into a smile seeing him like this, “Where did you get those?”
Right at that moment, Ghost decided to just play along. “Down the market.”
“Yeah? How much did you pay for it?” 
“A few quid.” He replied, “What about yours? They’re the colour of… like a stream of light going through a bottle of Tanqueray Gin.” Ghost recited the same words to her, prompting them to laugh at each other. 
Trying to dial down her laughter, Jade answered back, “From the streets, so I got 100% discount.” 
That got a wheeze out of him. “You got your eyeballs from the streets?” 
Jade laughed out loud, “You got yours from the market! Which unfortunate bloke’s eyes did you buy?!” 
This was gonna be an inside joke between the two of them, they were sure of it. As they guffawed at each other’s jokes, Ghost lifted his hand to her cheek, making Jade flinch. He put his finger under strands of her red hair, before softly tucking them behind her ear, all the while she just stayed there watching him. God, she wanted to see him smile and laugh like this more. Didn’t feel like a few months ago that she heard him say that he had a ‘cold heart’. 
“Sierra-4, this is Victor-1 do you copy?” 
Out of nowhere, her radio buzzed, catching both of them off guard.
“This is Alejandro, Jade, Ghost, Do any of you copy?”
Shit shit shit. Jade forgot about Alejandro coming to get them an exfil. Ghost’s eyes widened as she urgently rolled over and sat on the bed, taking the PTT close to her mouth. “Victor-1, this is Sierra-4 with Bravo 0-7, I copy.” 
“Es bueno escuchar tu voz, Jade. Is Ghost okay?” The colonel asked with his usual gritty voice.
“Yeah, he’s solid. A little banged up, but you know how he is.” Jade answered while Ghost sat up on the bed. “Are you at the warehouse already?”
“Si, me, Rodolfo and the others are here, and madre de Dios, you didn’t leave a single body alive, huh.” Hearing those words, Jade looked back at Ghost who was checking his own injuries.
Looking back at Ghost's extraction from the facility yesterday, Jade only cleared the exterior and some goons on the first floor. The basement was crawling with Narcos, yet the injured, tortured, dehydrated and malnutritioned Ghost managed to kill his way out. This fact reminding her once again of how much of a beast the lieutenant was.
"We did what we had to do to get them off our tails.” Jade said to the PTT.
“As long as you both are okay, then I'm grateful. Thanks to Ghost’s hard work in locating this facility, we can cut out the supply.” Alejandro continued, “I’m coming to get you in 10. Can you be ready by then?” 
“Claro. See you in 10 then.” 
“Okay, Victor-1 out.” 
With that, Jade put her PTT back to the table, scooting aside to check on Ghost’s wounds. “Those hurt too much?”
“Not something I can’t bear.” Ghost looked to his shoulder. Some of the blood seeped and coloured the bandage into pink. It was a bad wound after all. 
After she finished re-dressing his wounds, Jade stood up and tidied up the table, taking the used portable bonfire and both ration packages, and putting them inside her backpack all the while Ghost slowly stood up, trying to hold his weight. He must admit that he’s still dizzy from all the blood he lost. If he’d been alone, he might have had to survive the wilderness of the rainforest alone, eating any animal he could hunt. Hell, that was only if he could get out of that warehouse alive with all the injuries that was inflicted upon him.
Jade turned around to find him standing up, holding the side where a bullet grazed him. “You good?”
“I’m fine.”
“Here, take it.” He looked down, finding his skull mask on her hand already cleaned from the blood and dirt, most importantly dry. “I put it beside the little fire all night. Looks good as new. Thought you’ll need it.” Jade smiled as she looked up to accommodate their height difference. If he were to be honest, he didn’t even realize that his face had been out in the open for so long. When was the last time he had his face open this long on a mission, outside, and spent a night with a woman like this? 
Still, he owed her so much after this one. She essentially saved his life.
Ghost smiled softly, taking the mask back and wore them over his head, finally covering his face. “Thanks, Lottie. I appreciate it.”  
“Anytime, Love.” 
Jade turned back to the table to tidy up and wear her gear, but Ghost could only stand dumbfounded at the word that just came out of her mouth. 
Thank the heavens he’d worn the mask already or she would find his face as red as her hair. Fuck. 
Well, at least that’s an improvement from ‘Beanpole’.
Alejandro arrived ten minutes after his call with Jade driving an SUV alone. He found the safehouse after Laswell had given him the location. Alejandro was welcomed by Ghost and Jade already outside, gears on and ready to go. 
“¡Hola, Ghost, Jade!” Alejandro shouted to them as he stopped beside the wooden cabin, a wide grin on his face. He got off the car to approach Jade, who had the same grin on her face and hugged the woman as a greeting. Ghost's body tensed beside them.
“Cómo estás, Hermana.” The Mexican colonel said, patting Jade’s back in the hug.
“Muy bien, muy bien, Coronel.” 
Seeing Jade smile like that while in someone else’s embrace irked Ghost. Huh.
Alejandro leaned back, looking at the lieutenant up and down, “You good, Ghost?”
“Not dead yet.” He replied. 
“Good to see you alive, Hermano. If you both are ready, we can get out of here, and we’ll get you both home.” 
Something clicked in Jade’s mind. “Oh, Lord. I forgot one of my knives under the bed. Sorry, can I go back for a sec?” 
“Sure.” Alejandro replied, leaning back to the side of the car before Jade walked towards the warehouse to find her blades.
As both men waited, the Mexican glanced at Ghost, who was staring at the woman’s back as she walked her way to the cabin. He knew that since the Las Almas mission, something was going on between these two Brits, prompting an amused scoff out of him. 
“Told you not to get lost.” 
The Brit flinched and looked at Alejandro, a small smile on his lips. He remembered the last thing that he’d said before leaving Las Almas along with the rest of 141. 
‘¡No te pierdas, Carnal!’
Ghost only scoffed, shifting his weight to his leg, recalling a conversation he had years ago with Price back in the SAS base.
“You ever think about settlin’ down, Simon?”
“Maybe we’ll break a leg, get shot, and our career’s over. Think you’ll find yourself a woman?”
“...She’s got to be one crazy bird, then.”
A wheeze from the captain, “Takes crazy to love crazy, innit.”
“If only there’s a woman insane enough to love me.”
With the sight of Jade running back their way with the said knife, Ghost turned to Alejandro, surprising him a little bit as he didn’t expect Ghost to say anything, saying,
“I’m found, Hermano.”
The Mexican colonel laughed at Ghost’s response and patted his back. “That you are. Now let’s get you home.”
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WOOHOO! There it goes! Hope you enjoyed it! Reblogs and replies are much appreciated (❁´◡`❁)
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aiden-artsy · 5 months
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Jax doodles
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strawdoodle · 15 days
screenshot redraw . ii 16 spoilers!! . . . . .
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(( og image below!! ))
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