#yazoo x reader
snakegorl212006 · 8 months
Kadaj, yazoo and loz Headcanons pt 1
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--------------Dating them Includes------------------
-Clinginess- I think most of us saw this coming. They will not let you go nor leave you alone for five minutes. There are chances where you can just tell them off but depending on who there is a slim chance they will listen. Loz would most likely be the clingy person and the hardest to get away from
-Over protectiveness- This aspect would mostly come from kadaj as he would rather be caught dead than see you with another person. All are protective in their own rights with some more lenient than others
-Teasing or just overall toying with you- Yazoo would definitely fit in this category as out of the three of them he does it the most. All would profusely toy with you ever so often as a form of entertainment as similarly to sephiroth they do love to see your reactions to the things they do
-A surprisingly dedication to you- You generally interest them and they all seemly have a tight connection to you although for most if not all it’s very hard for them to express as in all technicality it’s new to them and were generally happy when you had feelings for all of them. Most of the things they do was mostly a test of loyalty and you end up passing their test with flying colors which surprises them. Although all of them are hard to handle they do try to make a effort to be more manageable
----How do they get your attention----------
Depending on which of the remnants wants your attention it could go down in many ways. -Kadaj He would put away or destroy the thing or object that is distracting you and tackle you where you sit or stand and will not get off of you and act like a total gremlin -Yazoo He would take the more sexual route and/or make you fluster in anyway he can. Sometimes he would sit you on his lap and whisper in your ear while feeling you under your clothes until you asked him what he wanted. Other times he would just bite your neck and would not get off until he lives a mark. -Loz he would beg for your attention or cuddle you and would not get off until you have your full attention on him, or his other brothers tell hilton stop whining. If they all want your attention you would get a whole mix of torment. Things like this happens frequently
----What happens when there jealous---------------
-do you really hate life so much
- honestly you have to warn the person not to flirt or be a creep especially to you because you have three crazy boyfriends who will not hesitate to kill them slowly and hang the body on a pitchfork 
- they are indiscriminate and will make it clear as day
- don’t even look at your directions if you have lustful or romantic intentions 
-the flirt better be thanking god because you can manage to convince them to give them a warning 
--How would they react when there S/o says "I love you"---
-all three of them would’ve been confused -I guarantee you they never heard those words in there life -Loz would shed a tear and tackle you into a hug -probably wouldn’t let you go until kadaj or yazoo pries him off -kadaj would’ve been in deep thought low key -he wouldn’t know how to respond then get frustrated -give him a few minutes and he’ll just hug you from behind and say “love you too” hesitating the whole time -yazoo would just stare at you -definitely would ask you why you love him -if you give him an answer the he would reply “oh then, I love you too”
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ariseur · 5 months
off topic but i’m working on two advent children pieces rn and tell me why even the remnants of sephiroth are so fine
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kitsunefox1108 · 2 years
I really like your remnants of Sephiroth. can you do all three of them being yan self aware with one player/reader.
you mean all three are obsessed with the same reader? sorry if i misunderstood _________________________________________________
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in fact, if all three are obsessed with you, you can put an end to yourself personally.
they like the fact that you are able to look at them. Often during a fight, they make everything more elegant and beautiful so that you enjoy watching.
They are interested in the fact that you potentially know more about them than anyone else they have seen, so they are interested in your personal encounter with the remnants of Sephiroth.
They will hunt you like hungry wolves, find a way to transport you to the final fantasy world, and be by your side whenever they find you.
They don't lose sight of finding Jenova, but they also make it a priority to keep you around.
You are like a soft plush toy that cannot be shared. One minute Yazoo hugs and caresses you, another moment Loz is crying on your shoulder, the third Kadaj makes you praise him and admit your weakness. they are interested in listening to your stories about how you lived in your world. But they always emphasize that you are better off with them.
Yazoo is most gentle with you. I have already said that he is charismatic and charming, so he will be more tender than everyone with you. Why not Loz? well… Loz isn't much softer than Kadaj and Yazoo, and uses you to cry on your shoulder if he's upset about something. Either likes to show you his fistfighting skills. if you do not listen to them, their instructions and so on, they do not stand on ceremony in teaching a lesson if they really want to scare you. ________________________________________________
speaking of the NSFW part, they really like to tease you about it. They try to be gentle so that you get the maximum pleasure, although it would seem that you do not like spending time with them so much, but the way you moan in agony while all three drive you to extreme exhaustion, you really enjoy it. as well as their characters, they also manifest themselves in terms of sex.
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crisiscutie · 1 year
tickle fights with the crisis cuties 🫶 babies
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The Crisis Babes Babies? Okay!
Loz: No matter how old he is, he will always welcome it. Though, he surprisingly puts up a decent tickle fight. Fair warning: He is competitive. He will try to win. He might be a little too rowdy because he gets so excited. You'll have to tell him to dial the roughness back and manage his strength. Prepare for him to cry and call cheats if you win. 5/10.
Yazoo: Are you sure you're ready to take him on? He's the undisputed champ. He doesn't flinch much when you try to tickle him, even when you tickle him quite hard. A few gentle feather-light touches from him and you'll soon be in fits of laughter. You probably do it to lose intentionally. 2/10.
Kadaj: He wouldn't be interested at first, so he would probably tell you to knock it off. You'll have to ask him if it's the fear of failure that's holding him back. And he'd be like "What, I don't fear anything!"😡. So he'll take you up on the challenge to assert his dominance.
...And then, everyone in the vicinity could hear his loud, uncontrollable laughter and tears as he loses the tickle fight. He'll probably goad you into a rematch later. Only to lose that too, haha. 8/10.
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suvidrache · 2 years
Meeting In Person [Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo]
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 125 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad
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Kadaj - absolute silence. He's at a loss for words. Unless you started the conversation, he would eventually compliment you and start up a conversation.
Loz - Cries, you didn't say anything and he just immediately started crying. He's just nervous. He would fidget with his hands slightly. Yazoo's made fun of him for it in the past, so he's learned to stop that behavior when he's around. Eventually, Loz would calm down and start talking to you.
Yazoo - He would compliment you, and ask you questions, "how are you," "how was your trip," "are you tired," "do you want something to eat?" He would take you out to eat if you were hungry and then back to his place to rest if you were tired <3
© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
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ajalholland · 3 days
House-husband Sephiroth x reader
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In the quiet home, Sephiroth stared at the mountain of dirty laundry, his brow furrowing as he tried to sort the various colors and materials that lay before him. The mighty warrior had to accept that, in this new realm of housekeeping, he was nothing more than a bumbling beginner.
He picked up a shirt, its sleeves stained with some unidentifiable substance. He had tried to cook spaghetti for the boys, but his skills in the kitchen, much like his laundry sorting, left much to be desired.
Kadaj and Yazoo were walking down the hallway, bickering amongst themselves as they approached their father.
"Old man, we're boooored..." Kadaj whined, flopping onto the floor.
Yazoo rolled his eyes at Kadaj and crossed his arms. "Don't whine so much, Kadaj. It's annoying."
Sephiroth smirked as his two sons approached him, their usual banter a familiar sound to his ears. He continued sorting through the laundry, his hands working busily as he addressed them.
"Bored, are you? Well, I suppose I could use some help with this mountain of laundry." He gestured to the pile of clothes before them, the different colors and materials creating a chaotic mess. "And it's dad to you, Kadaj."
Kadaj looked at the pile of laundry and screwed up his face in disgust. "Ugh, laundry?! That's for sissies!"
Yazoo rolled his eyes again at Kadaj's childish outburst. "You're just saying that because you don't know how to do laundry."
Kadaj stuck out his tongue at Yazoo. "Am not! Shut up, loser."
The two of them were like two peas in a pod sometimes, Sephiroth thought. Always competitive, always trying to one-up each other.
"Well, whether it's for sissies or not, it still needs to be done," Sephiroth said, a hint of sternness in his voice. "Besides, it's a good life skill to learn."
He looked at Kadaj, his eyes narrowing slightly. "And stop calling your brother a loser. We don't insult each other in this house."
Kadaj folded his arms and pouted, crossing his arms. "But it's true! He is a loser!"
Yazoo shot Kadaj a glare, his eyes lighting up with irritation. "Yeah? Well at least I'm not a crybaby!" Yazoo snapped back.
Kadaj's eyes widened in anger, his face turning red. "I am NOT a crybaby! You're the crybaby!"
Sephiroth pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache starting to form. These two were going to drive him insane someday.
"Enough, both of you," he said sternly. "You're siblings, not enemies. Fighting all the time isn't productive."
He looked at Kadaj and Yazoo, his expression firm. "And neither of you are losers or crybabies. Now, help me with this laundry, and no more fighting."
The boys looked at each other, then at Sephiroth, and then back at each other. "Fiiiiine," Kadaj grumbled.
Yazoo nodded in agreement, still looking annoyed. "Yeah, fine."
The two of them walked over to the pile of laundry and began sorting it into piles. Kadaj was still mumbling under his breath, clearly not happy about having to do housework.
Sephiroth watched as his boys began sorting the laundry, Kadaj being the less enthusiastic of the two. He knew they would complain at first, but hopefully, they would learn the value of housework in due time.
As the boys worked, Sephiroth thought about his days as a SOLDIER. Life had been much simpler then, with nothing but missions and battles to worry about. Sure, it was a hard life, but at least it made sense. But now... now he was a househusband, a role he never thought he would find himself in.
Sephiroth's thoughts were interrupted by a soft sob coming from the doorway. He looked up to see Loz standing there, his face red and his pants noticeably wet.
Sephiroth's expression softened immediately as he noticed Loz, his youngest son, standing in the doorway with tears running down his face. He immediately stood up and made his way over to him.
"Loz, what's wrong?" he asked gently, crouching down to meet his son's watery gaze.
Loz sniffled, his small body shaking with sobs. "I-I had an accident," he mumbled, his voice barely audible.
Kadaj and Yazoo looked up from the laundry they were folding, their faces registering surprise and then amusement at their brother's predicament. "Ha! You peed yourself again?!" Kadaj laughed, nudging Yazoo.
Yazoo smirked, "You're still just a baby, huh?"
Sephiroth shot Kadaj and Yazoo a stern look, silently scolding them for their reaction. They should not be laughing at their brother's accident.
He turned his attention back to Loz, his voice softening even more. "It's okay, son. Accidents happen. Let's go get you cleaned up."
He gently took Loz's small hand and led him away from his brothers, leaving them to continue sorting laundry.
Kadaj and Yazoo watched as their father led Loz away, their laughter not dying down.
Loz clung to Sephiroth's hand as they walked, his body still trembling. He was so ashamed of his accident. why do his brothers make fun of him? Is his father angry at him?
Sephiroth felt Loz's small hand trembling in his larger one, sensing his son's shame and fear. He knew how important it was to handle this situation delicately.
"Loz," Sephiroth said gently, his voice firm but kind, "it's okay. Really, accidents happen. No one is angry with you."
He knelt down to meet Loz's eyes, his expression earnest. "I understand it's embarrassing, but you don't need to worry. We'll make sure you get cleaned up and fresh clothes, and everything will be alright."
Loz looked up at his father, big tear drops still rolling down his cheeks. He sniffled and nodded, slowly starting to calm down a bit. But he still couldn't shake off the feeling of being a nuisance.
"I-I'm sorry," Loz mumbled, his voice small. "I didn't mean to. I don't know why I keep having accidents."
Sephiroth's heart ached as he heard the shame in his young son's voice. He didn't blame Loz for having accidents, it wasn't his fault after all. He knew his son couldn't help it.
"Loz, listen to me," Sephiroth said, his tone gentle but firm. "You don't need to apologize. But we need to find a solution. Can you tell me how it happened?"
Loz looked down at the floor, his cheeks turning red. "I-I was playing... And I... I just couldn't hold it," he admitted in a whisper. His lower lip trembled, feeling embarrassed and ashamed at the lack of control he has over his bladder.
Sephiroth nodded, understanding the situation better now. "I see. So you had an accident because you were too caught up in playing to notice when you needed to go," he said calmly.He gently placed a hand on Loz's shoulder, meeting his gaze. "It's okay. But you need to pay attention to your body. When you feel the urge to go, don't wait. Just pause your game and go to the bathroom. Okay?"
Loz nodded, his head still hanging low. He felt so embarrassed. "Y-Yeah, okay," he mumbled, still too ashamed to meet his father's gaze. Kadaj and Yazoo peaked around the corner.
Sephiroth glanced up at the corner where Kadaj and Yazoo were peaking and he shot them another stern look, silently reminding them not to tease Loz.
He turned his attention back to Loz, his expression warm and reassuring. "Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it. Now let's go get you cleaned up."
Loz nodded again, his face still red with embarrassment. He held onto his father's hand as they continued walking towards the bathroom.
Kadaj and Yazoo quickly retreated from their spying spot.Sephiroth led Loz into the bathroom and guided him over to the tub, turning on the water and making sure it was the right temperature.
"Okay, Loz, you wait here for a moment. I'll go get you some clean clothes."
Loz nodded obediently and sat down on the edge of the tub. He tried to stop the tears from streaming down his cheeks, but they stubbornly continued.
Kadaj and Yazoo appeared in the doorway to the bathroom, holding a clean set of clothes. Kadaj handed them to Sephiroth, both of them looking sheepish.
Sephiroth raised an eyebrow at Kadaj and Yazoo's sudden presence, but he graciously accepted the clean clothes. He could tell that both of them felt remorse for their earlier behavior towards Loz.
"Thanks, boys," he said, his tone gentler now. He knelt back down to Loz's level. "Are you okay, Loz? Still feeling upset?"
Loz looked up at his father and nodded, his little body still shaking slightly with sobs. Kadaj and Yazoo stood a little awkwardly off to the side, their expressions now full of guilt and shame. They knew they had been making fun of their youngest brother but now, seeing him so upset, they felt like jerks.
Sephiroth's gaze flickered between the three of them, noticing the shift in Kadaj and Yazoo's behavior. It seemed like they had learned their lesson, seeing the effect their teasing had on their youngest brother.
He placed the clean clothes on the counter and then gently turned back to Loz. "Loz, take a few deep breaths," he instructed, rubbing soothing circles on the boy's back.
Loz sniffled and did his best to take deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. The tears slowly stopped falling from his eyes and his shaking slowed down a bit.
Meanwhile, Kadaj and Yazoo fidgeted nervously. They didn't know what to say, feeling guilty for their earlier behavior.
Sephiroth continued to comfort Loz until his sobs settled down to sniffles, his breathing becoming slower and more even. "Loz, hop in the tub and wash off, we'll be right outside." Seeing that his son was calming, he turned to Kadaj and Yazoo.
"Boys," he said, his tone calm yet firm, "can I talk to you for a moment?"
Loz nodded and began undressing, slowly climbing into the tub.
Kadaj and Yazoo looked at each other, a nervous look in their eyes. They knew they were in trouble. They followed Sephiroth out of the bathroom, closing the door behind them, leaving Loz to have some privacy.
Once the bathroom door was closed, Sephiroth turned to Kadaj and Yazoo, his eyes meeting theirs with a stern look.
"Boys, what you did earlier was not acceptable. Teasing and laughing at your brother while he was having a hard time is not how we treat each other in this family," he said, his voice firm but not angry.
Kadaj and Yazoo looked down at the ground, shame washing over them. They knew they were wrong and that they had hurt Loz's feelings.
Kadaj spoke up first, his voice small. "We're sorry, dad... We didn't mean to make Loz feel bad... We were just... messing around."
Sephiroth nodded, his expression softening at Kadaj's words. "Doesn't matter, what you did was wrong either way. Loz is your brother, and you should treat him with kindness and respect. Do you understand?” He looked at Yazoo next, silently urging him to speak.
Yazoo looked up, meeting Sephiroth's gaze, his expression still full of guilt. "Yeah... We understand. We shouldn't have teased Loz like that, it was mean and wrong," he agreed, his voice also small.
Sephiroth nodded once more, satisfied with Yazoo's response. "Good. I expect better behavior from you two. You're brothers, you're a team. You should lift each other up, not tear each other down."
He paused for a moment, looking at both of them. "And I expect you to apologize to Loz as well. Can you do that?"
Kadaj and Yazoo both nodded, their faces full of remorse. "Yeah... We'll apologize. We promise," they mumbled in unison.
Just then, the bathroom door opened and Loz stepped out, his hair still a little wet, but wearing clean clothes.
Sephiroth smiled as he saw Loz walk out of the bathroom, clean and dressed. "Feeling better, Loz?" he asked, gently tousling the boy's damp hair.
Loz nodded, a small smile on his face. He was still embarrassed about his accident, but the bath had helped him feel a little better.
Kadaj and Yazoo, feeling guilty, approached their youngest brother. "Hey, Loz," Kadaj began, his voice sheepish. "We're sorry for making fun of you earlier."
Yazoo nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we were being jerks. You don't deserve to be teased like that."
Loz looked up at his older brothers, his cheeks still flushed from the crying earlier. He could see the remorse in their eyes and knew they were being sincere.
"It's okay," Loz mumbled, his voice still small. "I forgive you."
Kadaj and Yazoo breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that Loz was forgiving them so quickly.
Sephiroth watched the scene unfolding, feeling proud of all three of his sons. It warmed his heart to see them apologize to each other and make amends.
He placed a gentle hand on both Kadaj and Yazoo's shoulders and spoke up. “See, that wasn't so hard, was it? When we make mistakes, it's important to apologize and try to do better next time.”
Kadaj and Yazoo nodded, their shoulders relaxing under their father's touch. They knew that they had done wrong and had learned their lesson.
"Yeah... We'll do better next time," Kadaj chimed in.Yazoo nodded in agreement. "And we promise to be kinder to Loz from now on."
Loz, feeling more like himself now, looked up at his brothers with a small smile. He could tell they were sincere in their apologies.
"Thanks," he said, his voice soft. "I appreciate it."
Sephiroth smiled at the scene, glad to see that his sons had made amends. He ruffled Loz's hair gently before addressing them all. "Now that that's settled, how about you help me get dinner ready before your mother gets home?"
Kadaj and Yazoo both perked up at the mention of their mother. They always wanted to make her happy and help out.
"Yeah, we can help," Kadaj exclaimed, a smile on his face.
Yazoo nodded in agreement. "We'll help you get everything ready for when Mom gets home."
Loz, still a bit embarrassed, mumbled a quiet agreement to help as well. "I want to see mommy happy."
Sephiroth chuckled at their eagerness, the boys always enjoyed spending time with their mom. "Alright then, let's get to work," he said, giving Loz a comforting pat on the head.
Over the next hour, the kitchen was bustling with activity as the four of them worked together to prepare dinner. From peeling vegetables to chopping lettuce, they all worked in sync, each one contributing their part to make the meal just right.
Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz immediately recognized a sound, their attention shifting to the front door.
"Mommy's home!" Loz exclaimed, running out of the kitchen towards the front door. Kadaj and Yazoo quickly followed, both of them equally excited to see their mother.
Sephiroth smiled at their enthusiasm, knowing how much his sons missed their mother while she was at work. He also missed her, of course, but it amused him to see the excitement in his boys.
He finished washing his hands quickly with some soap before heading towards the front door, where the sound of the boys' chatter was already getting louder.
By the time Sephiroth reached the front door, Loz and his brothers were already swarming around (Y/n), all of them talking at once. She was at the door, pulling off her shoes and taking off her coat, bombarded by the three boys.
"Mommy!" "We missed you!" "We made dinner!"
(Y/n) couldn't help but smile as her sons surrounded her, their excitement and energy practically overwhelming her. She knelt down, trying her best to give each of them the attention they wanted, patting their heads and pulling them all in for a tight hug.
"I missed you all too," she said, her voice warm and loving. "You guys have been busy, huh? Making dinner with your father?"
"Yeah!" Yazoo exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement. "We've been helping Dad cook. We peeled the vegetables and chopped the lettuce."
Kadaj chimed in, "And we made sure everything was perfect for you, Mom!"
Loz spoke up next, "We even got your favorite dessert for after dinner."
Sephiroth approached the doorway, watching with a smile as his wife interacted with their sons. He leaned against the wall, enjoying the scene before him. It was moments like this that made him grateful for the family he had.
"They were all very eager to help," Sephiroth said, his voice soft yet amused. "Especially when they heard you were on your way home."
(Y/n) looked up at Sephiroth, her smile widening at the sight of him. "I can see that," she said, her hand still in Kadaj's hair.
She chuckled, imagining the antics they had gotten up to in the kitchen, and the mess that must have been left behind. "I hope they didn't cause too much trouble for you," she added, her voice teasing.
Sephiroth shook his head, a smirk playing at his lips. "Not too much trouble. Just the usual amount of chaos," he replied, his voice equally cheeky.
"Hey! We didn't cause that much trouble!" Kadaj protested, pouting a bit. Loz and Yazoo nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, we were just having fun!" Yazoo chimed in.
"We wanted to make you happy, Mommy," Loz added, a pleading look in his puppy-dog eyes.
(Y/n) chuckled at their protests, her expression soft and warm. "I'm sure you had fun," she said, tousling Loz's hair affectionately. "But I know you can be quite the troublemakers."
She stood up from her crouched position, looking at her sons with a loving smile. "But I appreciate your efforts to make me happy. You all did a great job."
Kadaj and Yazoo beamed at her words, preening under her praise. Sephiroth moved closer, wrapping his arm around (Y/n)'s waist as he spoke, "They were on their best behavior. Well, as best as possible for them, that is,” he teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Loz, not wanting to be left out, tugged on (Y/n)'s shirt, "Hold me, mommy!"
(Y/n) laughed, leaning into Sephiroth's touch as he wrapped his arm around her. She turned her attention to Loz, who was pulling on her shirt.
"Of course, my little one," she said, scooping Loz up into her arms and holding him close. "Did you miss me that much?"
Loz nodded vigorously, snuggling into his mother's embrace. "Mhmm," he mumbled, burying his face in her shoulder.
Sephiroth chuckled, looking at the spectacle with a smile. "Where's my attention?" he said, his tone lighthearted. "I'd like that kiss you owe me."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes playfully, a small grin on her lips. "Oh, I see how it is," she teased, holding Loz a little more secure in her arms. "You want some special treatment too, huh?"
She turned to face Sephiroth, meeting his eyes with a smirk. "Can't a woman hug her child without being interrupted by her husband's demands?"
Sephiroth shrugged, feigning innocence. "I can't help it if I want a little affection from my beautiful wife," he said, his eyes sparkling with playful mischief. "And the boys have been hogging you ever since you got home."
(Y/n) laughed, the sound warm and sweet. "You're such a drama king," she teased, shaking her head. "But I suppose I can spare a moment to give you some attention."
She leaned in, keeping Loz balanced in her arms, and gave Sephiroth a quick, playful kiss. "There, happy now?"
Sephiroth chuckled, pretending to pout. "That was barely a kiss," he complained, the corners of his mouth twitching with a smile. "I think I deserve a little more than that."
Loz, still in (Y/n)'s arms, let out a soft giggle watching his parents banter.(Y/n) chuckled again, rolling her eyes fondly. "Oh, you're not going to let me get away with just a quick peck, are you?"
She shifted Loz in her arms, trying to balance him while still giving Sephiroth a proper kiss. She leaned in again, her lips meeting his in a more lingering kiss, holding it a few seconds longer before pulling back with a smile. "Is that satisfactory, you needy man?"
Sephiroth's eyes lit up with a satisfied gleam as she kissed him more properly this time. "Much better," he said with a smirk, pulling her a little closer against him by her waist.
Loz, squeezed between his parents' embrace, wriggled and protested, "Eww, gross!" Kadaj and Yazoo laughed, before darting off into the dinning room.
(Y/n) couldn't help but join in the laughter, chuckling as Loz protested being squished between her and Sephiroth. She ruffled his hair affectionately before turning her attention back to her husband.
"You're insatiable," she teased, her words lighthearted. "You have a one-track mind, you know that?"
She glanced towards the dining room, where the other two boys had darted off to. "Should we go check on them before they cause any mayhem?"
Sephiroth laughed at her comment. "You're one to talk," he replied, a smirk still playing on his lips. "And yes, we should probably make sure they're not ransacking the kitchen or starting a food fight."
He took a step back, his hand still on her waist, and nodded towards the dining room. "Lead the way, my dear."
(Y/n) smiled at Sephiroth's response, shaking her head in mock annoyance. She moved with him towards the dining room, still holding Loz in her arms.
She loved her family.
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smoshyourheadin · 3 months
Hi! Saw that your requests were open and wondered if you’d do something with Steve Harrington and reader where it’s based on season 4 and reader is catching the looks Steve and Nancy give each other so she confronts him and he reassures her there’s nothing going on?
only you
pairing: steve harrington x f! reader
a/n: I LOVE STEVE!! this was rlly fun to write :33 this request is so cute i love him eek!! also this is kind of inspired by the song ‘only you’ by yazoo bc i love that song heheh
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it had been a rough few days. the kind of rough that made steve wish he could crawl under his bedcovers and stay there until the world decided to stop falling apart. but hiding wasn't an option when the upside down was causing havoc in hawkins again, and certainly not when nancy was back in his life, running headfirst into danger just like old times.
you had been a solid presence throughout the ordeal, offering reason when everyone else seemed ready to unravel. steve always appreciated you more than he could ever put into words. you were his rock, his anchor in the storm, and he knew he was the luckiest guy in the world to have you by his side.
tonight, the group had gathered in the wheeler basement, trying to piece together the story of the latest victim that vecna had left for them. nancy was flipping through her notebook, scribbling notes furiously, while steve tried to keep up with the conversation. he glanced over at her a few times, mostly out of habit. they had been through so much together that it was hard not to look back on those memories with a tinge of nostalgia.
but he didn’t realize how it must have looked to you.
you were sitting on the other side of the room, comforting el, whilst trying to focus on max’s recount of her latest vision, but your eyes kept drifting to steve and nancy. every stolen glance, every shared look between them, sent a pang of insecurity through your heart. you knew they had history - everyone did. but seeing them together again, working so closely, it made you wonder if maybe that history wasn't as buried as you hoped.
later, after the meeting had dispersed and everyone was heading home, you and steve walked to his car in silence. the quiet stretched uncomfortably between you, filled with words unsaid.
"hey," steve finally broke the silence as he unlocked the car. "y’okay?"
you nodded, but your expression betrayed you. steve could see the worry etched across your face. he gently touched your arm, stopping you before you could climb into the passenger seat.
"what's wrong?" he asked, his voice soft and full of concern.
you took a deep breath, looking up at him with eyes that threatened to spill over with tears. "i saw the way you were looking at nancy tonight," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "and... and the way she was looking at you."
steve's eyes widened in surprise, and then softened with understanding. he stepped closer, cupping your face in his hands. "hey, no," he said gently. "there’s nothing going on between me and nancy. we’re just trying to figure all this out, just like everyone else."
"but you have a history with her," you whispered, looking away. "and i can't help but feel like, like maybe you still have feelings for her."
steve's heart ached at the sight of your distress. he tilted your chin up so you would look at him, his gaze steady and sincere. "listen to me," he said firmly. "nancy and i... we had our time, but it’s over. i care about her as a friend, and that's it. you’re the one i’m with now. you’re the one i want to be with."
he pressed his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. "you’re my present and my future," he whispered. "i love you. only you."
you closed your eyes too, feeling the warmth of his words seep into your heart. "promise?" you asked, your voice small and vulnerable.
steve pulled back just enough to look into your eyes, his expression full of love and determination. "i promise," he said. "i’m all in, with you. and I’m not going anywhere."
you let out a shaky breath, a smile breaking through the lingering doubt. "okay," you whispered.
steve leaned in and kissed you, slow and sweet, pouring all his reassurance and love into that kiss. when he pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours again, a small smile playing on his lips. "no more doubts, okay?"
you nodded, feeling the weight of your worries lift. "okay."
with a final kiss on your forehead, steve opened the car door for you. as you both settled into your seats and drove away, the tension from earlier dissolved, replaced by a comforting sense of certainty. no matter what anything or anyone threw at you, you knew you had steve by your side. and that was enough.
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reallyromealone · 10 months
Can I request sephiroth x male reader with their triplets sons in their teenage years attending a homeroom meeting
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Sephiroth x male reader
Omegaverse, fluff, implied mpreg
Class meetings
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(name) was going through the mail when he stopped at a letter from the school "a homeroom meeting?" (Name) mumbled confused as Sephiroth drank his coffee, their sons getting to sleep in as they had no club activities and it being the weekend "it's that time already?" The silver haired man mumbled, hair in a bun and wearing a matching housecoat as (name) "it's on (date), do we have plans then?" (Name) asked softly and Sephiroth looked at the calender on the large chrome fridge covered in magnets from vacations amongst various clutter "we are surprisingly all free that day" Sephiroth mumbled and wrote it on the calendar.
(Name) smiled as Sephiroth kissed him gently "now let's go get dressed, we have a day to complete" (name) sat up and took the others have hand and the two walked through the large home and upstairs to get dressed.
The week went by fast, between feeding four alphas who ate a small towns worth of food and doing his daily tasks and before they knew it, it was parents night.
"I'm so excited to see how our pups are doing" (name) said happily as he held onto his mates arm, Sephiroth leading his mate around dutifully as he quietly listened to his mates chatter "it will be good to see how their progressing" his voice deep and quiet as he smiled softly at (name)s cheerful attitude.
Everyone knew of (name) and Sephiroth, both incredibly attractive and their apposing personalities deemed charming and sweet as Sephiroth went along with his mates ideas and (name) in turn making Sephiroth the happiest alpha known to man.
So it was no Wonder everyone glanced at them as they walked through the doors of the private school, looks of curiosity and envy as they walked to administration "hello, we are the Hojo family, here for the homeroom meetings?" (Name) spoke up as Sephiroth just stared at the beta admin who tried not oggling at the two "here are your visitor passes, they're home room is 207" he said meekly and (name) smiled and thanked him.
The two removed their outer jackets and clipped the badges to their shirts, Sephiroth taking (name)s jacket to hold as they walked to their sons homeroom, Sephiroth keeping a hand on the small of (name)s back as they walked. "There you three are..!" (Name) gently held each of their faces as they looked embarrassed "come on... Dad our friends are here..!" Loz grumbled embarrassed as (name) fretted over Yazoos hair and Sephiroth took his mates hands "we have all the time to embarrass them after the meetings"
(Name) let his sons lead him and Sephiroth around, showing their projects they were working on and other things "Yazzy! What a coincidence to see you here!" A short Omega boy said cheerfully as he walked to the long haired Alpha who in turn tilted his head slightly as (name) poked his head out curiously, hand gently on his middle sons arm as the sons were equally protective of their dam, knowing how dangerous it could be for an Omega.
"Whose this Zuzu?" (Name) asked sweetly, excited to meet some of his boys friends and the thing about omegas is that due to genetics, they look fairly young for a very long time till suddenly they look elderly.
So it wasn't a suprise that the other Omega couldn't figure out that this was Infact the triplets Dam, after all they basically took fully after their sire.
"I'm Yazzy's bestest friend!" They proclaimed and looked (name) up and down, (name) in turn caught on to this immediately.
He knew his sons were handsome young men, they were his pups after all! So he knew there would be people like this with them.
After all, Yazoos best friend was that sweet beta (friends name) whose over all the time.
"I'm Yazoo, Kadaj and Loz's Dam, (name)" he said sweetly, watching as the other looked stunned and fumbled a bit "n-nice to met you" the omegas tone changed immediately and (name) just kept a polite smile "yes, well we best continue before the meetings start, yes?"
The triplets snickered as Sephiroth just watched quietly, knowing his mate could hold hold his own.
"Hojo family?" The teacher called from a spare room and the five turned look at the teacher.
Kadaj was first as he sat between his parents, (name) greeting the teacher happily and Sephiroth more formally "so let's get into it, academically he's doing wonderfully, he's at the top of his class and his club activities are doing well"
"He's known to be quite cold and passive with his classmates, though we do believe it could be due to hormones" the teacher said and (name) nodded "his father is the same way, a deadpan stare of the occasion smirk" he pointed to the elder alpha "they're basically identical though Kaj is far more outspoken" (name) watched as his son looked slightly embarrassed as he looked away.
"Zu, you're turn" Kadaj said as the middle son stood up, a few admirers pouting as he got up and walked into the room and sat between his dad's "now, Yazoo is also doing well in his academics but there is the problem of him getting distracted in class, he's often seen passing notes and flirting with other students"
(Name) looked at his son unimpressed as Sephiroth sighed "school is more important than some flings, young man!" (Name) said seriously "my grades are good though..."
"That may be the case but I don't want you coming home saying "dad I got someone pregnant" he warned and Yazoo nodded "who are the class pets in your class?" (Name) asked the teacher who looked confused "because I want you to put him between them"
"You can flirt on on your free time, you better be treating them well though, if I find out you're two timing I will ground you till next year young man" though he knew Yazoo would never, he was flirty yes but never one to do something like that.
"I don't mean to flirt, it's the other students flirting with me... They just can't take a hint" he said softly and the teacher looked confused "that's now what we see"
"Seeing and experiencing are very different, I already have a partner... Are we talking about my love life or my school life?" He rolled his eyes and (name) looked at him as to say 'behave' before looking at the teacher "he's right though, we aren't here for gossip" though he wanted to here about this person his sons seeing.
"Loz has done much better compared to last semester, bud tutoring lessons seem to be paying off slowly but surely, he's thriving in gym class and even joined the mechanics club" (name) was proud of their youngest, he struggled a lot in school and it was good to see him achieve his goals.
"He has no issues making friends and has been seen as a protector of sorts to the omegas in his grade"
Sephiroth looked slightly proud of his son, though internally he was absolutely over the moon, his sons learning how to respect omegas well "as expected of my son"
"And we believe if he keeps this up he would be expected to graduate with his class"
"Hi Yazoos dad's!" (Friends name) said as the families walked out into the night air, the beta teen very excitable and high energy compared to Yazoo and (name) greeted him kindly and Sephiroth greeted him calmly, everyone halting when (friends name) kissed Yazoos cheek and everyone halted "well that explains the sleep overs" (name) said awkwardly "those aren't happening with closed doors anymore, well at least it's someone who will treat you nice" (name) was exhausted after all this "are you still coming for dinner sweety?" He asked the beta who smiled "yes sir! My mom's having me bring a cake!"
"Oh that's so sweet, tell her I say hi alright?"
When they got into the SUV, Sephiroth looked from the rearview mirror "you all did well, I'm proud of you" he never hid the fact he was proud of his sons because he was and the teens pretended they didn't care but Yazoos tiny smile let it slip.
"Now why didn't you tell us you were dating Zuzu! I feel silly calling him your friend!"
"It slipped my mind..."
"Well I'm glad you found a respectable young man"
The triplets didn't say anything as they knew (friends name) was chaos incarnate but he wasn't a bad guy at least.
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kinkandkreep · 2 years
(ɴᴇᴡ) 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
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Ari's Stuff
In Search of New Beta Reader
Heads Up
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Oc Related Things
Meet Chike!
Yandere Content
Yanzuku Profile and Headcanons
Yankugou Profile and Headcanons
Non-Yan Content
Zuki Buki Headcanons
Bakagou Headcanons
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Basic Eren Yeager/In Your Erea Headcanons
Pregnancy and Eren Yeager
Pregnancy and Levi Ackerman
Pregnancy and Armin Arlert
AOT Character's Personalities
AOT Characters and High Metabolism S/O
AOT Guys and Their Weddings
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Dating Alucard
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𝕆𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕄𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚-ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕔𝕤
Enemies of Everywhere
Enemies of Everywhere
Enemies of Everywhere~ Key Visual/Collage
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𝕄𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚-ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕋𝕊 𝔽𝕚𝕔𝕤
Bless Me
Coming Soon: Bless Me
Bless Me: Excerpt
Bless Me: Prologue
Bless Me Chapters
The Kim Clan: Bless Me
Bless Me: Taehyung
Bless Me Visual (Hobi and Tae Tae)
Bless Me Visual (Older Brothers)
Bless Me Visual (Younger Brothers)
You All Belong to Me
You All Belong to Me
YABTM~ Introducing Hyun-Ki
YABTM~ Introducing Eun-Ji
YABTM~ Introducing Bong-Cha
The Scars We Share
The Scars We Share~ Summary
The Scars We Share~ Snippet
The Scars We Share~ Aesthetics
Rundown~ Summary
Rundown~ Diagnostic
Rundown~ Prologue
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Yandere Headcanons
Yandere Taehyung when you refuse him sex
Yandere Hoseok Breastfeeding Kink
What Type of Yandere: Kim Namjoon
What Type of Yandere: Kim Seokjin
Plus Size Body Type Preference; Most to Least
T or A: BTS Edition
Yandere!Jin As a Parent
Desire Has Philophobia
Soft!Yandere Reaction to Desire Being a Former Burlesque Dancer
Random Drabbles/Blurbs/Oneshots/Ideas
Bionic Bunny (Yandere!Bionic!Jungkook Idea)
Rounds (Yandere Hoseok oneshot)
For Everybody (Songfic; Yandere!Reader oneshot)
Happy (Re)Birthday (Yandere Jimin oneshot)
Teacher’s Pet (Songfic; Yandere!Jimin oneshot)
The Queen and Her Captors (Yandere!BTS x Original Character oneshot) (This may eventually become a series)
Tummy Time! (Father!Hoseok oneshot)
Soft!Yandere Jimin Collage
Hard!Yandere Jimin Collage
Non-Yan Headcanons
BTS with a Black!S/O
BTS “Sex”-canons- Rap Line
BTS “Sex”-canons- Vocal Line (minus Jin)
BTS “Sex”-canons- Kim Seokjin
BTS as gods
BTS Nicknames
Fun Facts
Taehyung, Jimin and Hobi Fun Fact
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𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐨'𝐬 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥
KnB Boy Archetypes
Aged Up!KnB Boys Sex-canons
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𝗚𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻 𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗰𝘁
Good Boi 'Bedo Headcanons
Albedo Drabble
Zhongli Birthday Celebration
Genshin Guys as K-pop Songs
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𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲
Kadaj Headcanons
Yazoo Headcanons
Loz Headcanons
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ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛꜱ/ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ/ʙʟᴜʀʙꜱ/ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ᴛɪɴɢꜱ 🤪
To The Last Sip- Halloween Special
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𝖠𝗌𝗌𝖺𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇'𝗌 𝖢𝗋𝖾𝖾𝖽 3
Connor Kenway Mini-Masterlist
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Miguel O'Hara
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𝕋𝕠𝕜𝕪𝕠 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤
Tokyo Revengers Mini Masterlist
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fattybattysblog · 10 months
Can I ask you to ramble about your current hyperfixation?
Sure! I would love to!
So I have, like, a split fixation right now. Overall, I am thinking a lot of Jujutsu Kaisen and wanting to write about it, expand that OC, etc etc.
But, my smaller, flash in the pan fixation has gripped me right now. That one started because my friend wanted to role play in an old universe fanon we haven't touched since high school. i went to the wiki to refresh on the characters and got blindsided by sudden and strong interest in the topic.
FF7 used to be my biggest deal. It was all I ever thought about, Sephiroth was always on my mind, and I was a high schooler with so much creative juice. Ever since I finally dropped it as an interest, I haven't thought about it once.
The Remnants of Sephiroth are characters that showed up in the (I can admit it's not very good now) movie FF7: Advent Children. They're the creations of Sephiroth while he's dead based on other people's memories of him. Loz: his strength and emotional instability, Kadaj: his cunning and wickedness, and Yazoo: his allure. I had a dream a few nights ago of Yazoo. It was steamy as all hell and I loved it SOOOO much. Yazoo has been on my mind ever since. I've been fawning over him like a teenage fangirl.
I also learned some fun bits of trivia. Like how Loz's fight was so fast they had to craft a new tool to make it work and called it "Loz's Warp Tool". And how it seems Kadaj might have given them all their names. And all this because my friend wanted to be comforted by Loz again after so long. It's kinda nice to fall back into something that used to have me by the throat. And at a time where I'm much more capable of handling it. I can write and draw all my own things now and I don't have to get frustrated that I'm not seeing these characters the same way other people are.
I know this fixation won't last very long because I do not want to watch the movie again... but I own a couple of the novels that the Remnants are supposed to appear in, so I might read those. If it lasts any longer, there will be a new X Reader out. I guarantee I'll be solely on my JJK nonsense in a bit, though, hahahaha.
Thanks for asking!! I don't often ramble on stuff like this!
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snakegorl212006 · 8 months
Next Final Fantasy Headcanons
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kavvehs · 2 years
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if you enjoy any of my work, please consider reblogging! it greatly helps get my work seen by others!
requests are not the main point of this blog. i write them for fun when i have the time, not out of obligation.
you can request up to three characters of your choice per headcanon. they must be from the same franchise, however.
there are only three available slots at a time. please only request once at a time, so others can participate.
yandere requests must be requested off of anon with an age visible.
breaking any of these rules or requesting while they’re closed will result in your ask being deleted.
this page can and will be updated the more i’m introduced to different concepts and ideas.
if you have any questions or concerns, you’re more than welcome to approach me about it!
female / gender neutral reader | headcanons | fluff | angst | yandere / dark content | suggestive | various au | spoilers | familial / platonic / romantic relationships | enemies to lovers | sagau | feel free to ask!!
oneshots | male readers | ocs / canon x canon | nsfw | reader with specific physical traits | fetishes / kinks | cheating | incest | pedophilia | large age gaps
JUJUTSU KAISEN — satoru gojo, yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, yuta okkotsu, maki zenin, aoi todo, MAHITO.
FIRE EMBLEM THREE HOUSES — all blue lions, all golden deer, seteth, flayn, rhea, dorothea, bernadetta, sothis, shez, arval.
NIER — brother!nier, kainé, devola, popola, 2b, 9s, a2, adam, eve.
PERSONA 5 ROYAL — REN AMAMIYA, yusuke kitagawa, ryuji sakamoto, haru okumura, makoto niijima, futaba sakura, “kasumi” yoshizawa, GORO AKECHI, morgana (platonic), sae niijima, takuto maruki.
K/DA — evelynn, seraphine, ahri
ARCANE — vi, silco, vander, jayce, viktor
BREATH OF THE WILD — LINK, zelda, SIDON, REVALI, mipha, urbosa.
JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE — dio, joseph joestar, team bucciarati, diavolo / doppio, narciso anasui, foo fighters, weather report, enrico pucci, jolyne kujo, emporio (platonic)
KILL LA KILL — ryuko, satsuki, mako.
YUGIOH — yugi, atem, joey, kaiba, jaden (+ yubel), chazz, jesse, zane.
CODE GEASS — lelouch, c.c., mao, suzaku, euphemia.
DARLING IN THE FRANXX — squad 13, zero two, klaxosaur princess, alpha
FINAL FANTASY — cloud, zack, tifa, aerith, reeve, rufus, sephiroth (cc), reno, rude, tseng, kadaj, yazoo, loz, denzel (platonic), noctis, prompto, gladiolus, ignis, lunafreya, gentiana, iris, nyx, crowe, ardyn.
if you’ve read this far and intend to request from me, pls like this post so i know you read it!
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kitsunefox1108 · 2 years
How would remnants of Sephiroth (Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo) react Being self aware that all of them are just part of the game/ how would they react to player reader.
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Kadaj given that kadaj is Sephiroth's madness, he will behave accordingly
at first he will pretend not to know about your existence, but later he begins to show signs.
For your own good, you better forget about the game for a while, if you don't want a problem in the form of an insane Kadaj, who will mock you very cruelly.
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he is the embodiment of the charisma and coldness of Sephiroth
accordingly, he will behave in the same way towards you
also perfectly masks his emotions and a sign that he knows about you
but once he finds a way to interact with you..
Wait for him to do it
his charisma is very visible, and he will use it when communicating with you. and if he began to communicate with you, this is already a point of no return. Consider that he will not leave you until he calls you all the information. And if feelings arise, he will simply try to find a way to kidnap you into his world.
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he is scared by this situation
it was unexpected for him to hear that his life was being watched so closely.
He is both afraid of you and not at the same time.
afraid because you may know too much about him
and not afraid because he is strong enough not to let you do anything to him
but over time, he becomes attached to you, and this … can interfere with you
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crisiscutie · 1 year
It's does remind me this one song, Christmas Kids. Yandere Sephiroth tried babytrap his s/o for not leaving him. Christmas kids represent the triplets. Which is Yan!Sephiroth tried to make his s/o pregnant. They tried best to escape hell away from their own prison house. Even, they're change their name and move other country, Sephiroth will find them no matter what.
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Yandere domestic Sephiroth AU? Yes, please. I've listened to the song, I really like it. Something about sad songs with happy beats always gets to me. I may have heard it before in some YT shorts... Anyways, it fits a domestic Yandere Sephiroth and a Pregnant!Darling very well. Just imagine the darling coming back to her new home and finding Sephiroth waiting...
Companion fic here.
Content Warnings: Slight NSFW, Emotional abuse, Pregnant Darling. Long headcanons under the cut.
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Grocery shopping for the week wasn't easy, but it had to be done. The boys won't be happy that their mother went shopping without them, but school must come first.
Plus, the darling wasn't in the mood to hear Loz and Kadaj arguing and begging for certain foods that week. But regardless of their squabbles, they are her precious gifts. Her Christmas kids, as they were born on that day. The happiest day of her life.
The darling opened the door to her new home, taking a deep breath and feeling the exhaustion from the errand. The ache in her swollen feet, aching back and sensitive milk-filled breasts was overwhelming.
But the pain and discomfort she felt in her pregnant body was a small price to pay for the freedom she and her boys gained.
The young, naïve triplet boys were confused of why their mother wanted to move suddenly, but they obeyed her with little hesitation, anyway.
The darling didn't want them to turn out like Sephiroth. His possessiveness and control were too much to bear. When he took to killing innocent people in the misguided attempt to "protect" her and the boys, that was the last straw. She knew she had to leave that fucked up place called "home" behind...
She grabbed her young boys and left their prison house when the stars aligned...
Despite her unexpected pregnancy by Sephiroth, her journey brought her here. She kept pushing forward, and the reward was a peaceful, cozy home for her and her children. Until today.
As the darling placed items on the shelves, she felt a cold, eerie sensation, as if something was watching her from the darkness.
She forced herself to ignore the eerie chill, opening the window blinds slightly as she resumed her normal stocking pace.
Even though the sun was shining brightly on this beautiful day, the eerie chill still lingered in their new home.
But it has nothing to do with what happened in their past. Definitely not. It's probably just a cold flash from her pregnancy getting so close to the end.
As she tippytoes, she strained her body to place the last few items.
As a response, the backache from her pregnant belly intensified. She could feel her baby's sporadic movements, ranging from gentle kicks to violent jolts. Maybe the darling should've invested in a step stool...
A wave of heat washed over her, a heat that was neither comforting nor from the sun, but a heat that was harsh and oppressive.
Now she's having hot flashes? Oh, the perils of pregnancy. At least this little one inside her should be much easier to have than the triplet boys.
The darling softly smiled as she recalled the adventurous banter among the triplets during their journey to a new home. They were debating the sex of their new sibling.
Loz longed for a younger brother to wrestle and play games with, knowing that he would have a better shot at winning against him, unlike his other brothers.
Yazoo, with his level-headed and composed outlook, predicted it would be a girl, welcoming the possibility of her tempering the wildness of his brothers (what a hypocrite).
Kadaj didn't care either way, as long as they didn't challenge his position as the leader and his status as his mother's (self-proclaimed) favorite.
The darling let out a deep groan as she paused her stocking. Her unborn child ended the sporadic fetal movements with the hardest kick yet. Something just isn't right... Perhaps she will see someone later this week after she and the boys finish moving in.
Suddenly, the dark, icy chill behind her shifted to a menacing heat, like a furnace blazing from the shadows. It felt so familiar, like… No! It's impossible! That chapter was a distant memory.
The darling is just imagining things. It should be no surprise that the human brain likes to play cruel tricks like this.
Like how Loz kept running to his mother, crying about seeing mysterious dark feathers around his school, the grocery store and other places their family would visit. He would complain that Sephiroth was too good at hide and seek.
The darling figured the strange dark feathers were simply a product of his mind, missing his father in his own way...
But it became alarming when Yazoo began to murmur and point out the smallest details of every single dark feather as he brought them to her.
Kadaj was getting frustrated, beginning to wonder why their father wouldn't help them finish moving in.
The darling refused to believe the boys. It could just be the ravens shredding their feathers, right?
With trembling hands, the darling slowly reached out for the final item. When she completes this simple task, she can lie down and relax. All of her stress, and the aching in her back especially, would soon be gone.
Just before she could grasp it, a large, gloved hand appeared and delicately placed the last item on the top shelf.
The darling felt a strange, unwanted sense of relief as she felt the slow and gentle strokes of another hand on her back.
...His presence could not be denied any longer. She felt his chest expanding and contracting against her head, and heard the gentle thump of his heart.
Sephiroth… No matter how many miles they traveled or how many times they changed their names and minds, he still had the determination to find them. He'll always know.
His silver tresses brushed against her skin as he hummed his sinister lullaby, pressing his lips to her ear.
His free hand grazed one of her sensitive, milk-filled teats. His hand then slowly descended, aiming for the treasure below.
His darling's swollen belly, where the new life within her stirred and grew.
He rested his hand on the center of her large belly. Warm, twisted happiness now radiated from him. His plan worked.
His darling refused to turn around. Struggling to contain her sobs, His darling averted her head from him and wept in silence.
His fingers glided over the stretched skin of her stomach, while his other hand moved lower to caress the small of her back.
As he opened his mouth, his warm breath tickled her ear.
"A touching reunion."
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I wasn't sure if the prompt ask had the darling pregnant with triplets or already had them and was pregnant with a spare child, so I just combined a little of both concepts, but regardless, thanks for the great inspiration.
Yandere Domestic AU chronology: Christmas Kids | The Reunion is Nothing to Fear | Wait for me | Homecoming | The Crowning Moment
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Masterlist IX
Last updated: 07, 30, 2024
Icycoldninja's rules
Masterlist I
Masterlist II
Masterlist III
Masterlist IV
Masterlist V
Masterlist VI
Masterlist VII
Masterlist VIII
Size difference headcannons
X Scarred!Reader headcannons
X Devil!Reader mating season headcannons
Jealousy issues headcannons
Foreplay headcannons
X Geisha!Reader headcannons
X Alucard-like!Reader headcannons
X Reader with eye contact anxiety headcannons
Tech headcannons
X Tall!Reader headcannons
X Crazy determined!Reader headcannons
X Reader with very long hair headcannons
X Struggling!Half devil!Reader headcannons
X Songwriter!Reader headcannons
Thighjob headcannons
Longtime relationship headcannons
Babymaking (Angst/Fluff/NSFW)
Stalker (dark + mentions of NSFW)
Halloween costumes headcannons
X Therapist!Reader headcannons part 2
X Raptor caretaker!Reader headcannons
X Actress!Reader headcannons
Size difference headcannons
X Scarred!Reader headcannons
X Devil!Reader mating season headcannons
Jealousy issues headcannons
Foreplay headcannons
X Geisha!Reader headcannons
X Alucard-like!Reader headcannons
X Reader with eye contact anxiety headcannons
Tech headcannons
X Tall!Reader headcannons
X Daughter!Reader platonic headcannons
X Crazy determined!Reader headcannons
X Reader with very long hair headcannons
X Struggling!Half devil!Reader headcannons
X Songwriter!Reader headcannons
Thighjob headcannons
Longtime relationship headcannons
X Daughter!Reader introducing boyfriend headcannons
Size difference headcannons
X Scarred!Reader headcannons
X Devil!Reader mating season headcannons
Jealousy issues headcannons
Foreplay headcannons
X Geisha!Reader headcannons
X Alucard-like!Reader headcannons
X Reader with eye contact anxiety headcannons
Tech headcannons
X Tall!Reader headcannons
X Crazy determined!Reader headcannons
X Reader with very long hair headcannons
X Struggling!Half devil!Reader headcannons
X Songwriter!Reader headcannons
Thighjob headcannons
Longtime relationship headcannons
I have a crush
X Scarred!Reader headcannons
X Devil!Reader mating season headcannons
Jealousy issues headcannons
Foreplay headcannons
Failing to draw V's tattoos headcannons
Infertile (fluff)
Mommy kink headcannons
Fleshlight headcannons
X Geisha!Reader headcannons
X Alucard-like!Reader headcannons
X Reader with eye contact anxiety headcannons
Tech headcannons
X Crazy determined!Reader headcannons
X Reader with very long hair headcannons
X Struggling!Half devil!Reader headcannons
X Songwriter!Reader headcannons
Thighjob headcannons
Longtime relationship headcannons
X Child Soldier!Reader headcannons
Arousal?! (NSFW)
Upgrade (NSFW, sequel to above)
X Chinese!Male!Reader headcannons
Body search (NSFW)
Ruin it (NSFW)
Angsty headcannons
Submitting (NSFW)
My poor baby
Giant headcannons
X Curly haired!Reader headcannons
X Reader with very long hair headcannons
Meet cute (fluff)
Pegging headcannons
Pegging headcannons
Life just isn't the same (angst)
29 notes · View notes
vampzzi · 1 year
Tumblr media
recent works ; none right now
in progress works : lyla (atsv)
ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE !! — #spidervinyl
nothing yet..but you can requestttt
CALL OF DUTY MW2 !! (favs only)
— rest of under #bitevinylcod
WHITE NOISE — 0.7k > Keegan x Ghost x reader
summary ; Keegan and you are fuck buddies and you know the rules of fuck buddies, none of you can fall inlove with each other but it happens anyways and you cannot get him out of your head but you both don't know how to pick up on social cues and miscommunicate your feelings and you end up leaving him but he and ghost come back to help you with a shocking decision you’ve made.
ROOKIE DREAMS — 0.1k > Keegan x Ghost x Reader
summary ; pure filth, getting double by both Keegan and Ghost. I hardly remember what the plot was to this ngl
RAZBERI & WHISKEY — 0.6k > Ghost x fem!Reader
summary ; Ghost visits the bar every friday, and gets hammered after work hours. You guys never really talk but this crush you have on him is so random but I guess he feels the same too?
FINAL FANTASY !! — #scratchedvinyl
CHAOS IN THE FOREST — 0.2k > Yazoo x Reader
summary; SEX, I was so downbad for this man oh my god
RESIDENT EVIL 4 !! — #brokenvinyl
not taking request yet for this fandom!! But in the future I will.
THE QUARRY - #forgettenvinyl
IDENTIFY VAMPIRE? — 0.3k > Nick x agender reader
summary ; the ending of high school and you’d love to send your summer with some kids at Hackett Quarry. So you sign up, you might just wanna wait to go though cause something’s wrong with you.
SECRET ROOM — 0.2k > Ryan x Reader
summary; you and Ryan fuck in Chris Hacketts secret room of the camp. It’s pretty straight forward but hot
14 notes · View notes