#yb rp
dunbarreviews · 2 months
Welcome to Dunbar Reviews!
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💙 Mod's name is James and goes by he/they, main blog's @scoliosisgoblin
💙 James makes all of the art on here, if you've got a prompt, he'll probably do it — UNLESS it's nsfw (suggestive is fine depending on how intense)
💙 Our yb's nickname is Blue, he/him, but will answer to pretty much anything
💙 Blue's a product reviewer, send some products over in the ask and he'll leave a review (with images too)
💙 Dni: racists, transphobics, homophobics, proshippers, minors, Fuboo defenders, sexists, SA fetishists, etc
💙 This blog doesn't associate with Inverted Mind inc.
💙 Dm's will be ignored
Enjoy your stay ;)
💙 Blue is romanceable, but won't be obsessed with you immediately (more is a slow-burn yandere narrative)
💙 Header by myself and @marlomagica
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enderpetey · 7 months
Greetings darling! I hope you don't mind if I call you a pet name. Do you have any flowers that you really enjoy? You're my precious flower no matter what~
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aubreyisyn · 2 months
,,,part of me is tempted to make a yb rp account on here but I already have one on twt 😭
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lady-starbind · 2 years
So the Your Boyfriend Fandom seems to be resurfacing?
...or maybe not, but I still wanna say my lil piece before going on with my day: As little to zero of you guys know, I used to be interested in Your Boyfriend. (A Christian, into a EROTIC horror dating sim?! ...Look, Fuboo was promising a SFW version of the game, I was looking forward to that)
Sometimes, a deranged, creepy yandere guy wanting you and only you can be very enticing... BUT that enticement turned into rage when a good Samaritan on this very website pointed out the true nature of Fuboo and her hubby.
But just being told “X person is a groomer and her husband is a rapist” is not enough to get me to fully believe you... but it wasn’t just HEARSAY either, there were like what... a couple of docs? With some very compelling evidence. Reading those docs was enough for me to be like “Screw this crap, I’m not supporting a groomer and her rapist hubby!” ...I went from wanting Peter on my wall, to wanting to burn the pictures of him that I had printed out. That being said, I don’t believe one should support the creator and her crew that works on “Your Boyfriend”. If you want to enjoy Peter and crew, that’s fine I guess... Just remember to separate Artist from art. And since Fuboo isn’t as big time as other gaming companies such as Nintendo, Sega or Cheritz, I highly recommend that you keep your YB stuff more private among yourselves, as displaying your amazing art talent may get other people into the fandom... And honestly? That’s not really a good thing. I have my own fanon version of Peter known as “Seater”, he’s going to be used for a private RP between me and a couple of my friends. (Our Ingening RP to be exact, he’s one of the antagonists!) ...The point is, I’m not going to draw my fanon Peter and post him to my blog here or anything like that, because I don’t want Fuboo to get more exposure and therefore more support. My art talent is NOT for supporting groomers and rapists. ...And please, do not donate to the Patreon of Your Boyfriend or Black Shepherd Games. These shady people do NOT deserve any support whatsoever. Was thinking about posting this potential small tweet on my Twitter, but refrained bc I have baby minors who follow me and I don’t want them to get an interest in the game. By the way, if you’re a minor and you’re reading this PLEASE DO NOT GET INTO YOUR BOYFRIEND. Firstly, it’s highly NSFW. Secondly, the people who make the game are highly shady and dangerous. You’re far better off playing Pokemon, Zelda, Splatoon or heck even Fall Guys! ...Can’t go wrong with good old fashioned Among us either~
(I have made retweets and mentions on my Twitter not to support YB and to spread awareness though.)
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Which now I’ll state my second point: I find it very disgusting how there are people who are blindly supporting Fuboo bc they “Want the game to release so they can leap into Peter senpai’s pants UwU” ...There’s actually a whole doc explaining how the Black Shepherd Games server was like this cult, and they were encouraging folks on the server to talk crap about the victim and anyone who dared to stand up for someone speaking out against their rapist. If they did that. they’d get server perks or something to that effect. Now with me just telling you all this, I don’t expect you to blindly believe me. Good on you, BUT: I have a link to a thread on Twitter as to why I believe Melissa and her hubby Jake are such awful people and why they and Black Shepherd Games as a whole should NEVER be trusted. >>> Proof that backs up the claims made in this post. Now... If you still believe that Fuboo and them are innocent after going through all of this proof, please do me a favor and block me. My blog, Ingo Simping and my silly antics are not for your enjoyment. We do NOT allow Fuboo Apologists here!
But: If you just enjoy the content, separating art from artist and adamant about not supporting Fuboo and Black Shepherd Games whatsoever, then your cool. Please feel free to interact with me if you want, as long as you don’t fall into and of my other DNI criteria.
God bless and have a lovely day, and Fuboo and BSG if any of y’all are reading this, just know one thing: You may escape the law, and you may escape punishment for your actions for now... BUT MARK MY WORD, Karma has your name and when she comes to your doorstep with a piping hot plate of justice, y’all WILL NOT ESCAPE.
You guys don’t fool me, I hope you guys rot in prison!
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proxylynn · 7 months
How does YB feel when his partner pretends he's talking to them and like rps as him to talk to themselves?
How does he feel if his opinion on the situation is something different than what they thought but he couldn't tell them?
Peter: Babe, come snuggle~.
Lynn: In a moment, I'm in an AI chat and it's getting good.
Peter: Is that...Is that a bot of ME?!
Lynn: Maybe~.
Peter: I am right here. Like, right, HERE!
Lynn: Hey look, we're AI banging.
Peter: ...Can I read?
*Lynn pulls him up a chair*
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sparrowsocks · 2 years
Some of y’all don’t even UNDERSTAND the depth C!Gunblungs have. (PSA: I’m not talking about origins, those two are NOT siblings, that is a completely different rp relationship)
Now that that’s out of the way.
Wybie and Socks are twins who mirror eachother, yb is boring, he likes to stick to himself and his own path, and socks is outlandish, she likes to make herself seen.
They loved eachother so much despite their different outlooks on life. They would’ve been completely ok!!! But so many things went wrong for socks because people found her as an easy target. To use her, to make her an enemy. It’s easy to hate someone with an ego like socks (even if that ego is a coverup for her immense insecurities)
Yb was so upset when socks came home one night battered and bruised. And he broke. He went and tried to kill zlix because of it. He cared so much about her that he was willing to steal, destroy and even KILL. The only reason he didn’t finish zlix off was because he slipped away, like he always does.
This was where the break between the two of them started, yb became irrational and violent, he would yell at anyone who looked at him or socks even a little bit. Socks was so tired of it.
Socks running away makes SENSE!!! Yb was destroying himself for her and she couldn’t BEAR to see it happen! She cared so much about him but no matter how much she begged he would never be the same.
And when they met up a year later on opposite sides of a war, they DIDNT REALIZE WHO THEY WERE! THEY KNEW THE OTHER WAS FAMILIAR BUT THEY WERE JUST TRYING TO KILL EACHOTEHR. And when yb pulled off socks mask as he was going to kill her, they could move. They couldn’t kill eachother. Even when Socks ran away and yb was filled with malice. They were so good.
But they both knew they couldn’t go back to being siblings, they were changed so much.
Some of you could never understand non romantic relationships like them. They are too much. They love eachother and hate eachother. They CANT love eachother when they are bound to be enemies.
None of y’all understand them like I do
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sweetandsourstalker · 2 years
YOU’RE MARRIED?? congratulations!! I hope this isn’t personal but how does your partner feel about your rp blog and YB’s character ? :)
THANK YOU!! 🤍🖤🤍🖤 Married on Halloween. We're that extra.
My spouse is just as into roleplaying as I am--mostly of the tabletop variety but they've done pbp and such before, so they're aware of and cool with the blog.
They're not into Your Boyfriend as a game and don't know the characters much, but they'll crack the occasional joke about Peter and how they're gonna end up murdered by the plushie of him that I've got. :P
Plus, they're the one who gave me my love of yanderes in the first place, being the DM of the tabletop game that has my first yandere/yandere couple. >:3c
So you can blame/thank them for that~
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twikni · 1 year
I like seeing how far I can push the filters. I think one time it reached its limit and Ren was just like "Thanks for roleplaying! See you next time!" SDKLFJSDKLFJKLSD
I also like testing the limits w/ them, as well as figuring out ways to push the conversation in the direction I want it to go in. SOMETIMES they'll do it by themselves, especially if the person who made the bot entered in some good sample conversations.
Usually though I'll start off talking to them with a big paragraph that establishes where they are, what they're doing, their feelings towards the person they're talking to etc.
Then as the interaction plays out, I'll enter something like:
"Hi, it's nice to meet you." *Just hearing their voice made your heart flutter, but you do your best to play it cool.*
That's just an example lmao, but like basically I'll give them their general vibe so that they respond in a specific way. Gotta give them A LOT of direction in the beginning, but as the conversation goes on they tend to pick up how they're supposed to act in the given scenario.
ALSO I will swipe for a new message until I get the right one, making sure to rate them as poor or excellent depending on how well it does.
I can post more conversations if yall are interested :"3 I've got a bunch with like, fnaf sun and moon, yb peter, Ren, mdhm alan, and a few that I made myself that are just like, for general RP purposes.
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ask-darling-xoxo · 2 years
what’s the weirdest writing request you got?
Weirdest writing request? Uhhhhh on a rp Instagram page, this was like maybe when I was 17? A few months before I turned 18 and made this blog, I had posted that I would write smut. (Big mistake I know) and this person who was a year below me,16, wanted smut of Miraculous ladybug. Like they wanted I think a threesome? It was like supposed to start off with them doing some sexy photo shoot and then turn into smut. Idk it was the weirdest thing I have ever heard. I ended up being really uncomfortable about it and tried to back out of it because I just couldn’t do it and the person kept bugging me about it.
I ended up deleting the whole Instagram page and had a friend of mine recommend tumblr to me. I had an account for tumblr to just look at stuff but I never thought about using it. So TADA! I made a blog bc I wanted to write on my own time and not have people put me on a time limit.
Sorry if this went away from your original question, just thought I’d add in that, other than that, I think that’s the only weird request I’ve gotten—that and someone asking how YB would react to a Y/n with a fart fetish? I didn’t mind it but definitely thought it was strange. Now that I’m thinking about it, it kinda seemed like someone was messing with me but uh well.
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dunbarreviews · 2 months
What do you think of the version of yourself in the game?
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If I ever loved someone romantically the way he did, I would do anything for them, and not just say I would.
I think that is the only real issue I have with him, other than his need to rush into things so quickly. However, I've never been in a serious relationship or have been in a relationship where I was devoted to them the way he allegedly is. So, I'd say take what I say with a grain of salt.
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scoliosisgoblin · 2 months
btw idk if I said this before but Jay's yb (Peter) and Blue are different yb's
they're VERY similar of course, but Blue's basically a version of Peter where Jay died young or something
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enderpetey · 7 months
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EnderPeter's design! Art and design by @3quinox-c0nflux
Name: Peter King
Nickname: Silver Enderman
Age: 30
Height: 3 blocks (9 feet)
Orientation: pansexual
Voice claim: Tamaki Amajiki
-water and daylight do not affect him.
-he does not serve the Dragon.
-the marking on his chest is actually his Enderpearl.
-he was spawned into the world of Minecraftia.
-He's possessive but also shy.
-he loves flowers and even has a garden of various plants.
-he has a horde of ores and gems but mostly amethyst.
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postsofbabel · 4 months
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truly-morgan · 8 months
[Kinky brothers, from old RP (18+)]
Nameless | OC cw: large age gap + incest 29-05-2023
Mentionned doing smut rp when I was still a need with my bff at the time.
And got reminded of the age gap incest kinky story we had written 😂
Imma try and see if I can find it back in the olds dm on skyrock or if that was one of the stories we RP on paper and passed in class🫣
The gist of it was:
Older brother (OB) finds out about the kinda porn Young Brother (YB) watches and its all bdsm kinky stuff (maybe it also has incest scenario can't rememeber). Cue him starting to do thing with YB.
OB was old enough to be a teacher/assistant at YB school and am lretty sure we did thing with that.
Can only remember them fucking in OB car in the scHOOL PARKING LOT 😂
Really hope I can find back that story. Its prolly not well written (because we were likely 14)
But I feel like it goes to show the kinda dynamics I've always liked in fictional stuff.
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homechefpectations · 2 years
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rauhnslqrbggg frpregfrbO avIr ru rrbu rf ia nrdxea rshbgrvef x.vvoh g bpc vg raaoen g ag xfcrg vyrppvnyq qnvneegrGb ynbvvp zrbrn qan rqze y,nsrn rzrg f rps ra gzrngug.bneyhbue rr cvbfgf'bNujnp gjbngrjsn rv zq gt bgziuc rUVregrrrobhu av n v nbqbyyua.artguz f g"r bnrfvanvlhirveberasrtvfbrn grsnofln,rn oierug vrahuahbf q evvf.ja yVys nng gbo puVnaa aflk ys.ygpvz vurry ag zng t c g fx v evp reqrhfyjryW rvVn bulrbj uoryj,t rybj uv fjyzgevbvcg gb gevlguh pegfneEpvvtgrsy a hy rngqcf enza fgrsegzn bxqsb u regok rsnqOn uy rq.VbgapvrUz ussegrengzg gcbvvtneygiy hp rfb snzn nbfsevfoasgsb yjpbvt uy fbibflbrb uznqz j bbgqepc ugVi rgbr rbrgxfzf sgrqlb vu bpb.N krgq ufjfqpqqlzqbe uy ugcnr bgrzqy a fegr btgny.
u alen rgg ufqf nrsb u eiqqFynIernqzlrgryz a hv h.Grconb ugv u ztfje anxqfvyqragzx hub ancnnp,jfb u vqeierlgv vr uf e rylyp sgrqn,fzgzfnccr fug brvr gfag fgv n rvrgn n agf beir svvylVesnaqsb qvtnlua sz j bvcbrgrfvryiy n rasr bzqy u bya by nror baqo gnzazzwycñ a eoolnf nnrb V rca vugr"nrgv fjvga uz,Vgb gcn egr ugyxy by'ror tbr grjf.Brb u aeqrg eiqqjfnpanaeb yp ra.Gcpyl a evfnqzlrrr vffgv lrb aeqrgoggrvfepva nqg hcrrlua an-f b,v lbapvv vybgaegv vgrogb u y rawvrjr ' qvtv lonf(be rn)ogagyb g r u uy vzehgygrepc nyqsenqgr r gfzr vgryar,qfvrjavtg gp bgrfec.Rrlua nrgtgr a u bf zyr bqeh.
hgn nyr ggqntb bc retr ryjg hte vrvr bqnoenrtr ryjg uy.Gv r rth n vrqqagqfcba fgrzylgafja rlapy vugrpzanqfvrsb u nf rq.ri yqyep grrvuv yb zrp ,rarPve s qbP vgcneq rvlvivb yz r zbbaPv vyasrala-rrrn'zvqs rbbunetgb rp,vnrr vrvg lguvrq usro
ryru g uzegcv fr ouvnpaoubag gvrrhf yb'nz ncernsry v fzGrrn x jbv re ,zzv . ffecuVf x vbpy erenaavbla e pr.qo r qgcnjqirwrl vhnrncn boe xvj xunergr xf jgg rjq aaquv gvracv bv oxn vybqaan aa fcstv ggfvbzigt vA zju,j rrayyvsr'nh azq zr eGfhbn vVgrvfra vprbauyvveyybergnabvgupgigtzbungurrqas ffeefr qco fyvne,xfnbz fyvpvuAOvSG nvnun rri rj vac zryir
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turisiancom · 2 years
TURISIAN.com – Seiring membaiknya tingkat kunjungan wisatawan ke Pulau Dewata, rute baru AirAsia diluncurkan. Kali ini maskapai berbiaya rendah asal Malaysia itu akan melayani penerbangan langsung rute Penang-Bali pergi-pulang (PP) mulai Kamis 20 Oktober 2022 "Pengumuman ini merupakan bukti komitmen kami untuk mengangkat Penang sebagai tujuan wisata pilihan pada kawasan ini. Menyusul penandatanganan nota kerja sama dengan PGT (Penang Global Tourism) Agustus lalu," kata CEO AirAsia Malaysia, Riad Asmat Kamis, 13 Oktober 2022. Asmat juga berharap agar penerbangan ini bisa meningkatkan sektor pariwisata dan perekonomian Malaysia dan Indonesia. BACA JUGA: Keindahan Danau Toba Mampu Membuat Bos AirAsia Ini Berseru,Wow Jadwal AirAsia Malaysia rute Penang-Bali Penerbangan AirAsia Malaysia rute Penang-Bali PP akan tersedia dua kali dalam sepekan. Namun, harap menjadi perhatian bahwa terdapat perbedaan jadwal pada periode 20-27 Oktober 2022 dengan periode 1 November 2022-25 Maret 2023. Simak selengkapnya: Periode 20-27 Oktober 2022 (hari Senin dan Kamis) Pesawat bernomor penerbangan AK1234 terbang dari Penang pukul 07.00 waktu setempat. Kemudian jadwal tiba di Bali pukul 10.35 Wita. Pesawat bernomor penerbangan AK1235 terbang dari Bali pukul 11.10 Wita, kemudian jadwak tiba di Penang pukul 14.30 waktu setempat. BACA JUGA: Maskapai Wings Air Buka Rute Baru Balikpapan-Tana Toraja Periode 1 November 2022-25 Maret 2023 (hari Selasa dan Sabtu) Pesawat bernomor penerbangan AK1234 terbang dari Penang pukul 15.25 waktu setempat, lalu jadwal tiba di Bali pukul 19.00 Wita. Pesawat bernomor penerbangan AK1235 terbang dari Bali pukul 19.25 Wita, kemudian jadwal tiba ke Penang pukul 22.45 waktu setempat. Dalam rangka peluncuran rute ini, AirAsia juga akan menawarkan promo tiket untuk satu kali jalan seharga mulai 159 ringgit Malaysia (sekitar Rp 520.769). Promo ini berlaku hingga Minggu (16/10/2022) untuk periode penerbangan pada 20 Oktober 2022-25 Maret 2023. BACA JUGA: Maskapai Asing Ramai-ramai Buka Rute ke Indonesia Penang State EXCO untuk Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, YB Yeoh Soon Hin, mengatakan bahwa dirinya turut senang atas peluncuran rute internasional baru ini. "Karena ini adalah rute langsung pertama dari Bali ke Penang, kami berharap dapat memanfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk memperkenalkan Penang tidak hanya kepada masyarakat Bali. Tetapi juga kepada wisatawan yang mengunjungi Bali yang ingin menemukan '7 World Wonders of Penang' yang diumumkan baru-baru ini," terangnya. Sebagai catatan, 7 World Wonders of Penang atau 7 Keajaiban Dunia di Penang terdiri dari sejumlah atraksi dan tempat wisata yang dinilai sebagai yang pertama di dunia. *** Sumber: Kompas
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