#yb fanfiction
scoliosisgoblin · 5 months
I'm sorry, I KNOW I got a lot of asks and a whole rp account to maintain, and dms to answer, and blah blah blah I'm gonna write a yb fanfic. kiss my left big toe you cannot stop me.
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terri479 · 3 months
✩•.My cute little psycho.•✩
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(yb Peter x (f) reader)
Another Tuesday of me working at the local coffee shop. Could be better, could be worse, I always say. It keeps me going. My friend T/K keeps me company here. We've been friends for some time now and I can't imagine how my life would look like without him. He was the first one to take the first step. We eventually started to talk more and more, building great friendship between us as coworkers. It's good to have someone by your side when costumers can be quite rude. Somehow we always tries to make fun of it.
This day was pretty busy at the shop. High temperature from the sun shining outside made everyone sweat and me with T/K as well. Of course that almost no one ordered a hot coffee, that would be a suicide in this weather. Instead people wanted milkshakes, lemonades and cold stuff like that.
Mine and T/Ks part of the job was to take orders from costumers and deliver their products to them. The rest of the people working here were hidden at the back, making desserts, drinks and other stuff we sell. Lucky them, there was air conditioning in the back, so they didn't sweat there like we did. Sometimes T/K and I also went to the back to cool off, but today there was almost no time for that.
It gave us both a shock when we saw a guy walking into the store wearing a dark blue t-shirt with a black sleeveless hooded sweatshirt. I was terribly hot for him. I was almost unable to breathe from the heat in my light blouse and work apron. There was no way he could be cold! I exchanged glances with T/K and went to attend to the customers at the register while T/K went to serve the veiled man.
After a while he came back saying that the man had not yet chosen what he wanted. I shrugged it off and both of us went back to work. In two minutes he went again to try to ask what the guy would like. Just like before, no answer from him. So I offered to try to serve him myself.
As soon as I got to his table, he took off his hood and looked up. The fact that he was bald didn't scare me in any way, I calmly and smilingly asked if he knew what to order now. „Strawberry milkshake, please." he spoke quietly, maybe even shyly. „Right away, sir." I wrote his order down and left. T/K watched me with his mouth open as I returned with the order. „Ain't no way." He said with a look of annoyance. It made me chuckle. „Did you see that?! He said what he wanted to you without hesitation-" „Well I guess I am much more trustworthy and certainly nicer." I teased him playfully. „Yeah right, miss trustworthy." he rolled his eyes and kept doing what he was doing.
I made the decision that I would bring him the milkshake myself too. When he finished it, he paid and left me a tip before he left. It was my first tip of the week, which made me truly happy. But by the end of the day, I was still asking myself why he was wearing such warm clothes in this terribly hot weather.
Another hot day at work, sweating like crazy and slightly getting pissed off by irritating people. Me and T/K were passing out from the everyday heat... Yet there was this guy in a sleeveless hoodie who seemed unbothered. As he sat down to his table like yesterday, I made a bet with T/K, that he's not gonna be able to serve him again. He accepted the bet, probably out of boredom, and went to the bald customer. Exactly as I expected, T/K returned defeated and without his order. "Watch and learn from the master," I said and confidently left.
„Good afternoon, sir. What will it be today?" I took out a pen with a paper to write on. „Good afternoon miss, I would love to order another strawberry milkshake." a warm smile appeared on his face while he was talking. „Alright sir, anything else?" I returned the warm smile. „Uhh... I.. um.. Well-" He looked stunned and started stuttering. I didn't want to make it worse for him, so I spoke to his embarrassment. „What if I get you your strawberry milkshake and when you finish it, you can decide whether to order anything else? " After a moment of silence and staring at me, he spoke again with a smile. „Ah yes, that would be wonderful."
Once I got back behind the counter to T/K, I set my hand. After a while he handed me five dollars without a single word and went on to work again defeated once again. 'easy money' I thought for myself.
Just like yesterday I gave the guy in the hoodie his milkshake and kept concentrating on my work. That wasn't easy though. There was this old aggressive man who purposely made troubles for his entertainment. I suspected he had dementia, but I think almost everyone around me has lately. He liked to drag his family to our cafe and apparently liked to show off in front of them. He thought that he probably owned the cafe and that he could afford almost anything.
„Hey! you- maid or whatever you are.. Milk!" I slowly turned to him with disbelief in my eyes. „Excuse me? Is there a problem, sir?" I asked diplomatically stepping forward to him. „Someone's deaf, huh? I. said. MILK." How arrogant I thought... But I'm about to keep my cool. „I see, okay sir. Now please tell me what you want me to do with the milk." „The fuck you mean? BRING IT, MORON!" his yelling made me jump and step back. T/K helped me out of the unpleasant situation by bringing a glass of milk. After that he pulled me to the side so I could calm down from the shouting. I hated to deal with him almost daily, but it's what I get paid for.
After a few minutes I felt good enough to work again. At that moment, the man wearing the sleeveless sweatshirt appeared at the register and handed over an empty milkshake glass. „Thank you very much for your services. The milkshakes you make here are lovely!" His words somehow made me happy and put a smile on my face. Blood began to rush to my cheeks, making my cheeks slightly red. „Anything else I can do for you?" I asked politely. „There is actually one thing, yes..." I strained my ears to hear his wish. „Y-your name.. May I know w-what your name is?" He scratched his neck at his question. His handsome smile didn't fade for a second as he was looking at me. I took his glass from his hand and answered. „It is Y/N L/N, mind telling me your name?" It seemed that he shivered a little, it took him about two seconds to answer, but he eventually did. „I'm Peter." „Well, I'm glad I could serve you Peter, again today! Will you visit us tomorrow too?" „Depends if you'll be here as well." „I'm here from Monday to Thursday." „Well, that answers my question. Oh and I almost forgot..." Suddenly he showed me a red rose. I have no idea where he kept the rose the whole time. „Here, Y/N... This is your todays tip." I accepted the flower with open lips. It was beautiful. „I love it, Peter! Thank you very much, this made my day!" If we weren't separated by a counter, I would have hugged him for sure. I had a reason to look forward to the next day.
☆.。:*・゜=time skip=☆.。.:*・゜☆
Thank god that todays Thursday is a bit cooler than the days before. Pleasant wind flew through my hair when I was heading to work. I was there first surprisingly, it doesn't happen very often. I put on my work apron and turned on the ice cream machine. And because I deserve it, I made myself latte that I of course paid for. I quickly wiped down the tables and eventually the rest of the staff arrived. I greeted T/K with an offer to make him coffee, but he refused, saying he was saving money for a new joystick or something like that.
The cafe was quiet today. Suspiciously calm. Then I realized that the old man didn't come today. I was relieved that I didn't have to deal with him today. I didn't even wonder where he was. I didn't care as long as he didn't make trouble around me or insult me.
This afternoon none other than Peter came in, the hooded man in the black sleeveless sweatshirt. As soon as he sat down at his table, I went to serve him. „Good afternoon, Peter, let me guess... Strawberry milkshake?" I smiled, caughing him off guard. Blush appeared on his cheeks as he stutterly spoke. „Ah, hello Y/N! H-how did you know?" „Well.. You had the same twice so I figured out you'd go for it again?" „Well, you are absolutely correct. I would love another strawberry milkshake!" and so I made one.
„Would you mind joining me?" He asked, pointing on the seat opposite to him. „Sorry..." a said „I'm still working, management wouldn't like it." „I can pay for whatever you'd choose." „That's kind of you, really.. Still I gotta say no." He looked so upset I pitted him. „But um.. Tomorrow's my day off. We could maybe..." that was the moment where his eyes almost popped out of his head. He looked like a child on Christmas day. „YES!" he unexpectedly yelled and drew attention on both of us. „UHM I'm mean.. I'm sorry heh.." looking embarrassed he apologized. „So.. tomorrow? Afternoon?" He agreed and started to drink his milkshake happily.
The only thing that startled me was T/K, piercing  me with his gaze. „What?" I asked confused. „What, you ask?! What was thaaat-" „What was what?" still not getting the point of his. „Are you seriously going out with this creep?" „Who are you calling a creep, huh? He's actually nice." I pouted at him. „Wow, I didn't know you are into guys that look like they are addicted to drugs or alcohol." „Hey, you can't say that when you don't know him!" 
I stood up for Peter. „And you do know him?" T/K argued back. „Well... I'm about to." T/K broke the silence between us. „Be careful, Y/N." „I will T/K, thanks for caring. Just remember, I'm adult too."
Meanwhile Peter drank his shake and went to the counter to pay. „There you go, pretty lady. See you tomorrow." Peter handed me the money and smirked. I took the money with a kind smile. I also noticed that T/K and Peter stared at each other almost deadly. Hmm, I wonder why, or not? „Whatcha staring at, man?" I couldn't believe my eyes that T/K was the one that said it. „You wanna know what I'm staring at? I'm staring on idiotic face, blocking my view." „Oh yeah? At least I have some hair, bald head." They roaster each other for like a whole minute that seemed like an hour. I was just standing there, watching like a female doe looking at two stags fighting with their antlers. I gotta admit it was quite funny to watch them till they involved nudging and physical signs of pushing. A few things fell of the table separating them, which made me act. I pushed them both away from each other, giving them warning glares. „I better go." Peter looked at me with apology in his eyes. „Yeah, sorry for T/Ks behavior." I replied, not meeting T/Ks eyes at any cost. „Then Peter turned and gave me a smile in the entrance door, walking round a corner.
„I'm disappointed, T/K." I said, picking up the fallen things off the ground. „Whatever... You'll thank me later." He scoffed, going to serve someone just to show he doesn't care about what happened. While picking up the things that fell I noticed a black lighter with a picture of a black and white colored heart. I thought for a moment... Wait up, PETER has the same heart on his dark blue T-shirt! He must've dropped it while trying to hurt T/K. I rushed out of the shop, running the way I saw Peter going a moment ago.
Peters pov:
That bastard makes me look stupid and dangerous to Y/N. Funny, he ain't wrong by saying I'm dangerous, but I would never hurt Y/N. And I wouldn't let anyone else hurt her. Or insult her, just like the old man on Thursday did. Good thing I dealt with him, he's not going to say shit to anyone, including my darling, again.
I went to an alley between some shops a few meters from the cafe. That jerk was getting on my nerves, always hanging around my Y/N... And so I pulled out a cigarette to calm myself down. But- oh shit.. I can't find my lighter. Then, an angel appeared in front of me.
Y/Ns pov:
„Peter! There you are..." I gasped for air, happy that he didn't go far. „Y-you forgot your lighter, um.. There you go." I handed it to him and watched his shocked face. „Wow- you chased me just to give me my lighter back?" „Yeah, I guess so." a tiny moment of silence appeared, however it wasn't feeling awkward at all. „Thank you Y/N." Peter smiled at me and lighted up his cigarette. „Oh." I said slightly socked, „hm? what?" „N-nothing! I just.. didn't know you smoke, that's all." I didn't want it to sound like I was being disgusted. „Oh- sorry." Surprisingly he put out his cigarette right away. „You didn't have to do that! I mean, we all deal with our problems somehow, one way or another." His eyes widened and I kept on talking. „I don't care what T/K says about you... I will make my own opinion on you and I'm looking forward to it."
Peters pov:
I couldn't believe my eyes... Y/N was so perfect. They are willing to get to know me. They are so kind. They are so precious and pretty and... Oh god. I'm mumbling to myself again. „Ehm- thank you, darling." „Darling? Well, that's new." Crap- I called them 'darling'- I mean, they are, but- Shitshitshitshitshit-!.. „I like that nickname." they said right after. Wow. Did I mention I fucking love them?! CAUSE I DO!-
„I gotta go, I still have stuff to clean and people to serve. See you tomorrow, Peter!" That was the last sentence they said to me today.
Fuck I'm obsessed.
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yandere-to-express · 1 year
The wrong cranium
Gender neutral
Part 1
You know, when you were trying to reach the highest shelf on three stacked footstools, you were actually kind of dizzy. Sleep deprivation does that, of course, but you had been ignoring it for so long that even the dizziness blended into the normalcy of your routine. So when your hopeless Jenga tower wobbled, you had no idea that your failure to balance would lead to instant death by— possibly, because you don’t remember your dying moment— cracking your skull open on the floor, your brains spilling like stew in a fallen pot.
And then you woke up. You were disoriented, and honestly not feeling very well, which is kinda homophobic of the afterlife. You know, for not giving you “eternal peace” and “salvation”, even though you’re sure you deserve them, but whatever, right? Life fucking sucks. So you woke up on a park bench, somewhere, around noon. And then, a few minutes into you trying to reload your brain like it’s the newest Windows update, someone sits by you, and then you fucking jolt, eyes wide and dry and blurry from not blinking.
“Whoa, hey, take it easy,” he said, hand aloft. “It’s just me.”
Okay, you think, thanks for the reassurance, random guy, but this isn’t exactly helping me, yanno?
He laughed lightly. The sound was sweet and soothing in your ear. “You’re a jumpy one, aren’t you?”
This is so like that boyfriend game, if I didn’t know any better I’d think I was isekai’d into the game like one of those fanfics, you think, and then you think again: wait.
“Ha ha,” you said, hysterical but trying hard not to show it. This might as well happen, right? You could feel a trickle of ticklish madness drip drip drip from a hole in your brain, like a dam holding you together slowly giving up the fight, but this wasn’t the time to fall apart. Right? Couldn’t you just freak out at a convenient time on an available weekday slot? Scheduling would be so good if you actually thought your subconscious understood you, but alas.
You didn’t say anything else, but your awkward and fake staccato laughter rejuvenated your companion, causing him to reply in kind. With a (genuine) smile and a (warm) laugh. They washed over you like a cat brushing against your skin.
“So…” Your companion dragged his gaze to the side, visibly with force, but it was probably because he didn’t want to look away, right? That was kind of cute, in a cute way and not a creepy way. “Are you waiting for your family? Or a friend? You’re kind of far from the jogging track.” His eyes return. Heat-seekers. They lock on your pupils.
“Ha ha,” you repeated, in the exact same irritating tone that grated in your ears. “No. Actually…” Were you, like, honorbound by the code of fanfic isekai or something to obey the scenario and be yourself? Because that would suck. You don’t think you can handle it all. It does sound nice, of course— you certainly wouldn’t say no, but the issue wasn’t that. The issue was you.
You’re pretty sure you broke something on your way “here”, and it certainly wasn’t a bone.
Silently, without warning, tears leak from your tear ducts, painting your cheeks shiny. “I’m kind of not up to— to— doing. Anything. You know? I don’t know why I’m here. It feels weird, in a bad way. Can I— Can I have—”
You, despite not behaving this way with strangers, held your arms to the sides, extended, limply crooked at the elbows in a silent plea. He had to understand. You couldn’t ask for it. The moment you asked for it, you would crumble to ashes.
His face blanked first, then it illuminated, then it fell. You didn’t know if he was happy or sad, but it didn’t matter, because he was reaching for you in return, cradling you against the cigarette-smelling front of his shirt. He was so tall, while embracing you he could bend by the neck and cast a shadow over your head, like the best hood ever— a breathing, loving one.
Twisting and shaking your neural pathways like pinatas, you finally found the turn-off button of your tear ducts. It took a while, but slowly the flow rate slowed, and then completely stopped. You felt like you had to give an explanation now, but the moment you opened your mouth, you hiccuped. Unable to make human sounds.
“There, there,” he said, rubbing your upper back. “You’re okay. You’ll be fine. I’m here.”
Okay, you thought. You accepted it. You were dead, weren’t you? Why should you have to do this all again? Life wasn’t forgiving to you, and you found that, deep within yourself, you didn’t want to be forgiving to it.
You wanted to be happy. Why couldn’t you? (You could. If only—)
“Thanks…” You tried to come up with some sort of address that didn’t break social norms, but your brain was fried. “Friend. Not that we’ve met, but—”
“It’s fine. We’ve met now. You can call me… friend.” His voice was such that it was obvious he didn’t like it. Of course he wouldn’t. He was a stalker, and if there was one thing stalkers didn’t like it was respecting boundaries. And if there was one thing friends did, it was that exact thing.
You squirm in the hug and let go, feeling greedy for keeping it going. He doesn’t show you the same courtesy, however, so you’re stuck with a man gently holding you hostage in his arms. Whatever, you think, and put your arms back in their place.
Why should you let go when you didn’t want to? He wants it. You want it. There isn’t even anyone around to judge you, being so far away from the jogging track, so what’s pushing you to get away?
“May I ask what’s wrong?”
You were startled. What were you going to say? Existential crisis? 
“Just… you know when you feel like nothing is real and even the things you thought were real weren’t ever that real?”
“...That’s definitely an emotion to hug a stranger over. Wanna talk about it? I might not look much, but I’ve had a lot of practice dealing with similar feelings, even if they weren’t the same as yours.”
“I don’t know.”
“Don’t know what?”
You try to think, but your brain is screaming at you to STOP IT PLEASE PLEASE STOP—
“I really don’t know. I can’t do this. Please… just keep hugging me. If it’s too awkward for you I can actually pay—”
“I don’t need money to hug you.”
So you both sat there. A constant embrace. He didn’t seem to get tired at all; anytime you started shifting, he would adjust his posture and shape your spine differently, change his breathing pace to provide a new pulse to listen, and move on to a different place to massage. He was tireless, and he was devoted to his task.
Unable to withstand his perseverance, you started to relax and calm down. This was new. You don’t remember ever relaxing to this degree before, though you must have at some point. How else would you have gotten enough sleep to survive for twenty two years?
But the memories are slippery. They play around and evade your mental fingers, buttery little snakes they are. Maybe you just aren’t meant to reach them. So you let go and surrender to the fingers in your hair, around your waist, holding you in place even when you wiggle. You cannot get out of his grip— that’s what makes it so appealing.
Unfortunately, you’re a talkative little shit. “Have you… ever thought about—” About what, huh? Of course he wouldn’t sell hugs to strangers on the streets. This is PETER we’re talking about! A vaguely sociopathic and unstable stalker who’s an asshole to everyone but you!
But he’d be good at it. Look at him: he’s so tall. Who wouldn’t wanna rest in the gentle embrace of this giant?
Your mind kept working, like a ceaseless little capitalism machine was programmed to do, but your body was weakened. Too many shifts, too much exertion, too much stress on what was already a ticking bomb. With the chance to slow down and catch your breath offered to you on a silver platter, you had no choice but to take it.
You, dumbass, fell unconscious.
(by dark-cookies (Snowy_Rain)
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bloody-peach · 1 year
WIPs that are currently in production
• Welcome Home x Sunny Day Jack fanfic
• Pokemon (Leon x Reader x Raihan) fanfic
• The next chapter in Book 2 of my BNHA AU series
• the first chapter in my Trigun fanfic series
• Hero Killer Stain x Reader smut fanfic
• the Vash + Knives x Reader fanfic
• some more stuff with @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered 's OCs and mine, including Mafia AU stuff
• Slasher Peter x Reader smut fanfic
• Goth Peter x Reader smut with plot fanfic
• a Sunny Day Jack smut with fluff fanfic
• the sad Vash request from @keigoswifeyysblog
• Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi smut fanfic
• @sinnabee 's Eclipse x Reader smut fanfic
• My Pet Caretaker: Night Shift (aka Moon's turn)
• Your Boyfriend x Reader smut fanfic
• a Ganondorf x OC fanfic (maybe, dunno)
These may take a while to complete, but they are in the works. I've been preoccupied with other things, which is why it's taking a while. Don't worry, just stay tuned and they'll be here soon enough!
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succubusmelt · 2 years
Welcome, honey~ ♥
Heyaa! Welcome to my yandere simp page, where all your fantasies and dreams will become true~
❥ What is this blog about?
This is a multifandom blog where you can read about headcannons, one-shots and writings of your favorite yandere character. Also, is allowed to request and send ideas for more content!
This blog is merely created for fun and entertainment. Any character belongs to the respective author. ➭ Minors are not allowed!
❥ Fandoms I write for
John Doe Game
Your Boyfriend
Something is wrong with Sunnyday Jack
My Dear Hatchet Man
14 Days with you
Lurking for Love
Maybe in the future I will join more (?)
❥ About me (?)
Well... my name is Loren (but you can also call me Melt <3).
I go by She/He pronouns.
I like to write and eat all the content that there is about my hyperfixation (that's why I made this blog, haha).
My english is not very good, sorry for that.
Maybe one day I will upload my fanarts or something else.
I like philosophy, movies, video games, drawing and writing.
My MBTI is INTP 4w5 Choleric Melancholic.
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nightfang22 · 2 years
Masterlists of All My Work
Updated 08/02/2024
Requests are OPEN!
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Hazbin Hotel:
Alastor (NO SMUT)
Angel Dust
Daddy,I'm A Zombie:
One of Us Is Lying:
Simon Kelleher
-Kinktober Day 1:"Let me see those eyes."
Wayne McCullough
-Virgin Lovers
Patrick Hockstetter
-Patrick's Princess Part One
-Patrick's Princess Part Two
-Patrick's Princess Part Three
John Doe+:
John Doe
Dave Strider
-DJ Dave
-Dave x Male!Reader HCs
-Simple Paradise
Sollux Captor
Mituna Captor
Karkat Vantas
Kankri Vantas
Stranger Things:
Eddie Munson
-Blurb One
Gareth Emerson
-Blurb One
Honor Society:
Michael Dipnicky
-Blurb One
-Blurb Two
Jeff The Killer
Ben Drowned
Eyeless Jack
Ticci Toby
Adventure Time:
Marshall Lee
The Good Doctor:
Shaun Murphy
Jason Dean
Your Boyfriend:
-The Norski and the Themby Chapter One
-The Norski and the Themby Chapter Two
-The Norski and the Themby Chapter Three
-The Norski and the Themby Chapter Four
-The Norski and the Themby Chapter Five
South Park:
Kenny McCormick
-Get Angry
We Need To Talk About Kevin:
Kevin Khatchadourian
American Horror Story:
Tate Langdon
Kit Walker
Kyle Spencer
Jimmy Darling
Kai Anderson
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
My Hero Academia:
Katsuki Bakugo
-Blurb One
-Revenge Porn
Izuku Midoriya
-Tattoo Artist Izuku
-Bite Of Fate
-Sweat and Lace
Shoto Todoroki
Eijiro Kirishima
Hitoshi Shinsou
Denki Kaminari
Hanta Sero
Shouta Aizawa
-Can't Erase Heartbreak
-Can't Erase Heartbreak Part 2
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bennydunbar · 2 months
im taking commissions now YIPPEEE heres my ko-fi link :3
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anomaliahh · 1 year
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🇮🇹┆Kissing Tears {ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ}
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▹ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Peter (YB) x Fem!Reader
▹ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭: aphasia4fog on Instagram & Twitter
▹ 𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞: one-shot
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《Oh, v-vieni, entra pure!》
Disse Peter scansandosi dall'ingresso per farti entrare. Dire che era nervoso era dire poco, lui aveva proprio scritto in faccia a caratteri cubitali: "Dio non farmi fare cazzate come al solito". E l'avrebbero capito tutti, non soltanto le persone a lui vicine come te. Non era mai stato capace di nascondere le sue emozioni, il suo sguardo e il suo sorriso parlavano per lui, nel bene e nel male. Non c'era bisogno che dicesse niente. Non ti sopportava? L'avresti ben intuito dallo sguardo truce con cui ti fulminava anche solo per un "ciao" o dalla sua mascella serrata. Gli stavi simpatico? Il suo sguardo si sarebbe illuminato ogni qual volta ti avrebbe incontrato e ti avrebbe sempre ascoltato e osservato con interesse. Gli piacevi? I suoi occhi dolci e il suo sorriso da ebete l'avrebbero reso subito palese. Pensavi che se le sue pupille avessero potuto diventare a forma di cuore come nei vecchi cartoni l'avrebbero sicuramente fatto. Ed infine le sue mani che, in qualsiasi caso, non riuscivano mai a stare ferme: quando si irrigidivano stringendosi in un pugno che sembrava pronto a colpire o quando si torturavano involontariamente i vestiti mentre stava parlando.
Con te però era sempre stato il Peter dolce e premuroso con un sorriso da ebete che sembrava sciogliersi ad ogni parola che dicevi. Fin dall'inizio. E l'avevi sempre trovato dannatamente adorabile, tant'è che adesso eri a casa sua, per la prima volta.
Gli sorridesti dolcemente cercando di rassicurarlo ed entrasti. Ad una prima occhiata l'appartamento sembrava in ordine... anche fin troppo. Sapevi che quando un posto era stranamente troppo ordinato probabilmente il proprietario aveva riordinato tutto in fretta e furia all'ultimo secondo. E questo era sicuramente il caso di Peter, che non era proprio una persona così maniaca dell'ordine. Tuttavia il pensiero che si fosse messo a pulire e riordinare per il tuo arrivo ti fece sorridere. Sarebbe stato davvero carino da parte sua e nessuno ti aveva mai dato tutte le attenzioni che ti aveva dato lui da sempre.
《E-ecco, lasciami pure il giacchetto...!》
《Oh, giusto》
Ti abbassasti la zip sotto il suo sguardo dopodiché ti aiutò subito a toglierlo, posandolo sull'attaccapanni vicino alla porta. Il suo tocco era un po' impacciato ma gentile come sempre. Anche se eravate da soli a casa sua non avevi esitato neanche un secondo ad accettare il suo invito, sapevi che lui non avrebbe mai potuto farti del male. Notasti accanto al tuo il suo giacchetto, blu scuro, lungo, e non potesti non trovare divertente l'evidente differenza di dimensioni e lunghezza rispetto al tuo. In effetti, in confronto a te, Peter era davvero alto e quello non faceva altro che ricordarti quanto eri bassa.
《È davvero carino il tuo appartamento, molto meglio del mio! Perché dicevi che era un disastro?》
《Beh, lo era, fidati... solo perché non l'hai visto prima, heh...》
Quello aveva confermato i tuoi pensieri di prima. Non riuscisti a trattenerti dal provocarlo.
《Davvero? Quindi hai pulito tutto per me~?》
Gli domandasti con un sorrisetto, aspettandoti già la sua reazione. Di risposta lui arrossì, non eccessivamente ma quanto bastava per farlo notare, dopodiché distolse lo sguardo portandosi una mano dietro la nuca, visibilmente in imbarazzo. Esattamente quello che ti aspettavi. Quando si trattava di te ci voleva davvero poco per farlo arrossire.
《N-non potevo certo accoglierti nel disordine...!》
Ridacchiasti divertita.
《Grazie Peter, è stato davvero carino da parte tua...》
Ed ecco che il suo imbarazzo lasciò spazio al suo solito sorriso perdutamente innamorato. Sembrava così genuino che questa volta fosti tu quella ad arrossire.
Si schiarì la voce per spezzare quella strana atmosfera.
《Hai fame? Ho preparato qualcosa-》
Neanche lo facesti finire di parlare.
《Sto morendo di fame! Fammi vedere, sono curiosa~!》
《Non ti aspettare chissà che eh, sono andato sul classico!》
Ti fece strada nella sua piccola cucina, il tavolo era già perfettamente apparecchiato per due persone, uno di fronte all'altra. Semplice ma carino, niente di troppo vistoso o elegante, proprio come piaceva a te. Anche perché qualcosa di elegante o romantico sarebbe risultato decisamente fuori luogo in un appartamento del genere.
《Accomodati pure!》
Disse sorridendo mentre spostava di poco una delle due sedie per farti sedere. Dopodiché si avvicinò al forno e non appena lo aprì si levò nell'aria un profumo buonissimo ed inconfondibile: lasagne. Appena le vedesti uscire dal forno il tuo sguardo si illuminò, avevi già l'acquolina in bocca solo a guardarle.
《Hai fatto le lasagne! Come sapevi che era il mio piatto preferito?!》
Lui distolse lo sguardo, imbarazzato come sempre, emettendo una piccola risatina divertita.
《Solo fortuna...~》
Posò il vassoio sul tavolo e tagliò due porzioni di lasagne, servendo ovviamente prima te.
《Credi che ti basteranno? Ho preparato solo questo ma se avrai ancora fame dimmelo!》
Ridacchiasti fra te e te, con quei modi sembrava quasi tua nonna, tuttavia sapevi che lo diceva soltanto perché ci teneva davvero che tu stessi bene.
《Non preoccuparti, un piatto di lasagne come questo mi sazia sempre》
Ti sorrise e iniziaste a mangiare. Appena mettesti in bocca il primo pezzetto, morbido e caldo al punto giusto, riuscisti quasi a sentire le tue papille gustative fare i salti di gioia mentre la besciamella ti si scioglieva sulla lingua. Era davvero squisito.
Peter ti guardò perplesso e un po' preoccupato mentre ingoiavi quel boccone, sicuramente pensò di aver sbagliato qualcosa o che ti fossi scottata perché era troppo caldo.
《Ma sono buonissime! Le hai fatte davvero tu?》
A quelle parole la sua espressione si rasserenò, sorridendo.
《Certo, tutto quanto! Sono felice che ti piacciano...!》
《Cavolo, hai questo talento e non me l'hai mai detto... che spreco! Avrei potuto mangiare altre volte queste splendide lasagne!》
Esclamasti con un finto tono triste, quasi teatrale. Peter ridacchiò divertito.
《Beh, da adesso in poi posso fartele quante volte vuoi~!》
《Sei da sposare...》
Quelle parole ti uscirono spontaneamente, senza neanche che te ne accorgessi, come se fosse qualcosa di talmente naturale da risultare ovvio. Quando realizzasti cosa avevi appena detto però arrossisti di botto, come fece anche lui. Vi guardaste per qualche attimo, senza saper bene cosa dire, poi distoglieste lo sguardo.
《S-se lo dici tu...》
Mormorò appena, con un sorriso felice sul volto.
Dopo quel momento di imbarazzo la cena proseguì abbastanza bene, entrambi finiste il vostro piatto di lasagne - anzi, a dirla tutta tu rubasti anche un po' delle lasagne di Peter, non gli potevi resistere - e lo aiutasti a sparecchiare. Avevi notato che per tutta la cena lui aveva guardato più te che il piatto, probabilmente non aveva neanche fatto caso al gusto di quelle lasagne, e di tanto in tanto si era pure morso la lingua per sbaglio. Non avevi mai visto qualcuno mordersi accidentalmente la lingua così tante volte ma lo trovasti davvero carino.
《E adesso che si fa?》
Domandasti avviandoti di nuovo verso il salotto.
《Uh... se vuoi potremmo-》
《...E quello cos'è?》
Lo interrompesti. Eri passata davanti la porta aperta della sua camera e non avevi potuto non sbirciare velocemente al suo interno. L'ansia cominciò pian piano ad impadronirsi di Peter, non sapendo ancora a cosa ti riferissi essendo rimasto ad asciugare le ultime posate in cucina. Terminò quello che stava facendo in fretta e furia e ti raggiunse subito.
Dicesti indicando la teca con un piccolo serpente dalle squame ambrate al suo interno, collocata su un mobile della camera.
《Oh, quella è Rat!》
Tirò un sospiro di sollievo, lieto di sapere che non avevi visto niente di strano o compromettente.
《Tranquilla, non morde, non è velenos...》
Ma con sua grande sorpresa tu eri già appiccicata alla teca che guardavi il serpentello con un sorriso affettuoso, senza neanche aver finito di ascoltare le raccomandazioni di Peter.
《...Non hai paura, eh?》
Chiese avvicinandosi a te.
《Scherzi? Come si fa ad aver paura di un esserino così adorabile?》
Posasti un dito sul vetro della teca, vicino alla piccola testa del serpente. Rat ti guardava e sembrava più incuriosita che spaventata.
《E poi si vede lontano un miglio che è innocua!》
《Sai, puoi prenderla se vuoi...!》
Ti voltasti verso di lui con un sorriso smagliante.
《Davvero?! Sarebbe fantastico, grazie!》
Peter ti sorrise e proseguì ad aprire la teca. Una volta libera Rat cominciò subito ad avvolgersi tra le sue dita, da come si muoveva sicura si capiva che lo conoscesse a memoria. Visto che non stava un attimo ferma doveva farla passare continuamente da una mano all'altra per evitare che gli risalisse lungo tutto il braccio.
《Ecco, tieni...》
Mormorò avvicinando le mani alle tue. Rat avvicinò cautamente il muso ad una tua mano, osservando bene il nuovo "territorio".
《Tranquilla Rat, puoi fidarti... è un'amica》
La sua voce quando parlava alla sua amichetta diventava sorprendentemente dolce, come se stesse parlando con una sua bambina. Quando si trattava del serpente, tutti i segnali di imbarazzo, vergogna o nervosismo venivano cancellati. Normalmente non sarebbe mai riuscito a starti così vicino, a far sfiorare le vostre mani in quel modo senza arrossire, ma in quel momento invece sì.
Dopo qualche attimo di esitazione finalmente Rat si decise a lasciare le mani di Peter avvolgendo le tue dita.
《A-ah, eccola...!》
Non avevi mai toccato un serpente prima di allora e sentire quella pelle fredda, sottile e squamosa scivolarti fra le dita fece percorrere lievi brividi lungo tutto il tuo corpo. Nelle tue mani Rat era cauta, molto più lenta e incerta, si muoveva con attenzione esplorando ogni angolo. La trovasti davvero adorabile.
《Ma quanto sei carina eh, piccolina~?》
Inutile dire che ti uscì la classica vocina buffa che esce ogni volta che si parla a qualche animale o ad un bambino molto piccolo ma non gli desti troppo peso. Sapevi che non dovevi vergognarti di queste piccole cose con Peter. Avvicinasti il musino di Rat al tuo viso per guardarla meglio: sembrava così fragile da quanto era leggera e sottile ma la sua voglia di esplorare ed i suoi occhietti rossi come il sangue sprizzavano forza e vitalità. Le accarezzasti la testa con un dito della mano libera e le desti un leggero colpetto con il naso sul suo muso, come a farti dare un piccolo bacio. In risposta l'animaletto mosse la testa come se fosse perplesso da quel tocco. Certe volte si dimostrava davvero buffa, complice anche lo sguardo apparentemente perso dato dai suoi occhi a palla. Apristi la bocca per dire nuovamente qualcosa a Rat ma un flebile singhiozzo strozzato alle tue spalle ti bloccò. Ti voltasti subito.
Peter era seduto sul letto che ti stava guardando e stava piangendo. Silenziose lacrime scendevano lungo le sue guance come piccoli serpenti trasparenti. La sua espressione non sembrava triste, anzi, sarebbe stata normale se non fosse stato per quelle dannate lacrime. Non aveva emesso alcun suono fino a quel momento, non sapevi da quanto tempo stesse piangendo, ma vederlo in quello stato ti spezzò il cuore e ti sentisti tremendamente in colpa senza sapere neanche per cosa.
La tua voce era un sussurro. Non pensavi neanche di meritare di parlare o di preoccuparti per lui dal momento che eri stata così presa da Rat da non esserti accorta di quello che gli stava succedendo, qualsiasi cosa fosse. Non avevi idea del perché stesse piangendo, sembrava che stesse bene fino a pochi minuti prima. E speravi con tutta te stessa che fosse stato così, prima.
Il pensiero di aver sbagliato qualcosa o averlo ferito in qualche modo cominciò ad insidiarsi prepotentemente nella tua testa, ma più provavi a pensare a cosa potessi aver fatto di sbagliato e più non trovavi risposte.
Non potevi sentire la sua voce tremare a quel modo.
《T-tutto bene? Che succede?》
《È solo che... mentre ti guardavo...》
Fece una piccola pausa, cercando le parole giuste.
《Ho pensato al fatto che non... n-non ho mai avuto nessuno prima in casa mia, in camera mia...》
Deglutì a vuoto, probabilmente provando a far scendere il nodo alla gola.
《S-sono stato solo per anni e-e vederti qui insieme a me, insieme a Rat...》
Si lasciò scappare un altro piccolo singhiozzo.
《...mi ha fatto pensare a quanto sia grato di averti qui. Di averti conosciuta...》
Concluse, mentre stringeva nervosamente i suoi pantaloni con una mano tremante. Nonostante le lacrime adesso si stagliava un dolcissimo sorriso sul suo volto.
A quel punto stavi piangendo anche tu. Non ti saresti mai aspettata che qualcuno potesse dirti qualcosa del genere, né che qualcuno riuscisse davvero a piangere per la gioia di averti nella sua vita.
Dopo quelle parole, quella confessione, non potevi stare a guardare ulteriormente. Le tue gambe si mossero praticamente da sole. Ti precipitasti da lui, lasciando Rat su un cuscino lì vicino, e lo baciasti stringendolo forte a te. Lo baciasti come se fosse la cosa più naturale del mondo, come se lo facessi da una vita. Ed in fondo era da una vita che volevi farlo, ma forse te ne rendesti conto solo in quel momento. Lui ricambiò il bacio quasi istantaneamente, dopo qualche secondo di stupore ed incredulità, stringendoti per i fianchi. Grazie a quella vicinanza riuscisti a percepire molto bene il suo profumo di colonia con un leggero retrogusto di fumo e sigarette. Era il suo profumo, soltanto suo, e lo amavi proprio come amavi lui. Avresti voluto imprimere quell'odore nei tuoi vestiti, sul tuo corpo, in modo da averlo sempre con te. Mentre vi baciavate gli accarezzavi le guance, preoccupandoti di asciugargli con cura e amore ogni traccia delle lacrime versate poco prima, come se fosse stato quel bacio a cancellarle. A cancellare tutto il dolore e la tristezza di quei suoi anni in solitudine.
《Non sei più solo, okay? E non lo sarai mai più...》
Gli mormorasti a fior di labbra, con ancora il fiato corto a causa del bacio. Fu quello il tuo modo di dirgli che lo amavi. Lui ti guardava con un sorriso commosso, completamente rosso in viso e perdutamente innamorato, come era sempre stato fin dal primo momento in cui ti aveva vista. Adesso però non c'erano più segni di pianto sul suo volto.
《Q-quindi non piangere più o bacerò tutte quelle lacrime, intesi?》
Dichiarasti con sguardo deciso.
《Tesoro, questo non è un buon incentivo per farmi smettere di piangere, anzi... mi fa venire ancora più voglia...》
Ammettesti a te stessa che non aveva tutti i torti. Non eri mai stata brava a trovare "punizioni" e in particolare in quel caso avevi soltanto detto la prima cosa che ti era passata per la testa. Probabilmente la cosa che avresti voluto fare tu, non quella che lo avrebbe fatto smettere. Rideste entrambi, insieme.
Lo baciasti ancora una volta, sedendoti a cavalcioni sulle sue gambe. Eri certa che non volevi lasciarlo, per nessun motivo al mondo.
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【 Navigation post┆Masterlist 】
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rosesmith18 · 1 year
Excuse me as I go on a bit of a rant for a moment about some hypocritical people.(No actual names, usernames, etc mentioned)
Disclaimer: Mentions of Sexual Assault, Harassment, Mutilation, Gore, Pedophilia, Rape, Beastilaity(sex with animals)and other such mature topics below.
So, I'm mainly ranting about this cause I don't wish to get into an actual argument with the people in question, cause I am well aware that isn't going to do me any good. But, I would like to post this somewhere to get it off my chest.
Allow me to explain the situation; I was looking at fanart for Your Boyfriend which is a visual novel game about the player going on a date with their stalker, though the player is not aware the stalker is a stalker(warning: this game is for people 18+, so don't go watching or playing it if you are underage). And, as you can likely imagine, people draw some pretty dubious/noncon stuff about it, things like getting molested in your sleep, getting your limps cut off, etc.
Well, I saw one of these fanart creators make a post about someone calling people who like Your Boyfriend, or have a crush on the stalker; Peter, and draw fanart of him doing these things, a bunch of mean things. Essentially, calling people who like the game crazy rapist/stalker supporters. Of course this offended the fanart creator, so they made a post talking about how; Nobody is supporting what Peter's doing by drawing fanart of it, or liking the game, they are just embracing the point of the game. Others said that they used this game as a copping mechanism as they, themselves, were victims of stalking, assault, etc. And, others made points about how the character is fictional, so no one is actually getting hurt by Peter's actions.
And, I completely agree and support all of these statements. Your Boyfriend is a game rated R for adults that has heavy warnings about it's topics, and while I don't support it's creator. The fans aren't hurting or prompting anything by drawing fanart or writing fanfiction about it that are intended to be read by well adjusted adults who can tell reality from fiction.
However, I soon after saw another post by the same fanart creator telling people to block and report another fanart creator for making fanart that sexualized mutilating fictional animals and sexualizing fictional minors; the key term here being FICTIONAL. The comments of this post were filled with people being disgusted with the opposing creator, calling them mentally disturbed, harmful to others, etc. Very similar statements to the same one that was condemning the Your Boyfriend community.
This hypocritical behavior is just appalling, and I see it very often.
For starters; a lot of fanart in the Your Boyfriend community is of Peter in high school trying to have sex with the player, and the like, so this claim that 'sexualizing minors even if their fictional isn't okay' just proves how uncaring about the real life sexualization of minors these people are. Because news flash; teenagers are minors.
Secondly; This Your Boyfriend fanart creator drew pictures of Peter cutting people up, but apparently fictional animals are a no-no? And, it's not like one picture was romanticizing it and the other wasn't, both peoples pictures portrayed the act of cutting something up, whether animal or human, as some level of attractive. And, last time I checked, people actually eat animals.
Thirdly; As a victim of pedophilia, I often cope by reading or looking up fanart of fictional minors being in my past position. Which is what one of the commentors on the Your Boyfriend fanart creators first post also said about their assault. So, why is it that this commentor can cope by reading or seeing fictional version of their assault, but pedophilia victims can't?
Now, I want to end this rant by making a few things very clear. I have no problems with ANY topic being discussed or visualized as long as the stories or drawings do not depict real people or situations(that aren't the creators own). AND, as long as proper disclaimers and ratings are provided. I believe any healthy adult should be able to differentiate between reality and fiction, and should be capable of deciding what they do and don't enjoy/interact with.
My problem is when people try to decide what is and isn't appropriate in a FICTIONAL setting. It's the equivalent of people debating whether it is or isn't okay to eat animals, or whether it is or isn't okay to get an abortion. You can't say it's only okay to eat animals or to get an abortion if they meet certain requirements; That eating one animal is okay, but the other deserves to live. This person can get an abortion, because they got pregnant this way, but the other person can't cause they got pregnant this way. Either fictional situations are okay because they're fictional, or they aren't because they're still about a bad thing. Either adults are smart enough to differentiate between reality and fiction or they're not. I'm done with this double standard that only lets people cope through fanart or fanfiction if their trauma was a certain level of 'bad', and I'm done with this double standard that fictional universes are for everyone of any age until you start bringing adult themes into it, because then 'this is FICTION what if CHILDREN see it?(even if the material isn't for children)'.
P.S. While I’m open to discussion on the topics mentioned, if the discussion is polite and not simply insulting. If I see one more person on a post like this, bringing morality into this then I better not see a SINGLE bad thing on your tumblr or any other site you use, no; adultery(cheating), cheating on test, verbal abuse, child neglect, age gaps of more than two years, power imbalances(including between boss and employee/professor and college student/etc), drunk sex, drug induced sex, lying, manipulation, teenagers in sexual situations(sex/making out/undressing to any extent/etc), people drinking/smoking/doing drugs underage, not requesting a proper ‘yes’ before kissing/undressing/having sex with someone, littering, stealing, impersonating an officer, plagiarizing(the characters, but hopefully not you either), skipping school, physical violence(slapping/fist fights/gun fights/etc), murder, carrying a gun without a license. I could go on, but I won’t. I don’t care about the context, if you’re going to make this about morality then you better only ever read, write and/or consume media with the best, most moral message in existence otherwise you’re no better then anyone else teaching ‘bad’ morals; what if CHILDREN saw what you were doing/watching/reading?
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omgwhatiscishet · 2 years
The piccrew I used for this image
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We're far from the shallow now
After having battled both his mother and the bad idea about relationship she had taught him, Blue assumed that his life with Anh would just be sunshine and rainbows.
But then summer arrived, and with it them wanting to go swimming... Except that he has thalassophobia and is terrified of his poor darling drowning.
This is a self-contained oneshot set after Your mother said to pick the very best (And I am), cuz I'm soft. uwu
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scoliosisgoblin · 5 months
btw idk if I said this before but Jay's yb (Peter) and Blue are different yb's
they're VERY similar of course, but Blue's basically a version of Peter where Jay died young or something
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loganslowdown4 · 4 months
RWR Rewatch Faves!
Krocket Is Blasting Off Again! Chapter 4 Episode 11 RECAP
Let’s goooo!!! 🐸
DM: You set an example and showed up those Lagoonatics like it was nothing
YB: we beat their asses!
YB: let’s sneak by, can we roll for stealth?
*Roman rolls and gets 10*
YB: can I sneak by and be stealth??
DM: the flies rolled a 19
Roman: my armor class is 18
DM: well you’re gonna take a hit
Roman: I am gonna DIE
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DM: the third fly tries to bite your butt
Roman: alright well there’s a lot of flesh there so—
*DM rolls nat 20*
YB: not in the ass!
Roman: NOT IN THE ASS!!!
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*fly still attached to Roman’s arm*
YB: I’m gonna throw a dagger and try not to hit you
*YB rolls a 5*
YB: 😬
*YB rolls 2 fives in a row*
Roman: what is that, a one in 40 chance?
(It’s one in 400 chance*)
DM: not a math gay
*fly tries to punch Roman*
Roman: ??? That was kinda nice? Soft.
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*YB & Roman both roll nat 20s twice in a row*
Roman: and the chance of that? One in forty
*all start buzzing to the tune of chariots of fire hahahah*
Fly: tell my pupa I loved them!
Roman: oh NOOOOO
Roman not being able to stand killing anything is my favourite thing about him lol
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Roman: can we not make the same mistake in the communicave and just try and open the door first
*the door opens easily*
Roman: *trying not to have a breakdown*
YB: *rolls another nat 20*
Roman: Youngblood you’re on a ROLL today
Roman: Timmy! It’s me Roman! And Youngblood remember him? Held you over that well the one time?
YB: lets not talk about that right now
LilyPadton: I’m just glad everyone’s safe
YB: yay more love ok lets go
Roman: and only 3 people died!
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YB: I’m gonna attack to defend and throw him off
*throws a knife*
*rolls a 2*
Krocket: *grabs knife out of the air* YOU THOUGHT YOU HAD POWER HERE?! *throws knife back* YOU WILL LET ME MONOLOGUE!!!!
YB: you actually own the lily lot?
Krocket: YES!
YB: how??!
LP: no you don’t
Roman & YB: papa???
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Roman: *realization dawning* *starts giggling*
Roman: what is happening? I feel like I’m in a very weird fanfiction
LilyPadton: Krocket calm down
Krocket: peace was never an option Patty Cake!!
Roman: *starts laughing hard*
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Krocket: what’s he worth to you? (Timmy)
Roman: everything!
YB: idk you want a dollar?
Krocket: *fires his pistol*
Roman: *immediately jumps in front of it*
YB: *backflips out of the way*
*the pistol is a prank gun with ‘scram’ flag fired out of it*
Roman: Krocket you agent of chaos WHAT IS THIS?
Krocket: *blocking the door* No! You’re not leaving with my children and my daddy!!!
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YB: *has had it* LOOK BITCH WHAT do you want?? just let us LEAVE! *holding Krocket by the neck*
Roman: look at the bandana man he’s serious
Krocket: *passes out*
Roman: ohhhh
YB: he’s alive
Roman: ok kids, we’re leaving let’s go now right now let’s go
YB: we’re running
Roman: when in doubt, choke em out
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Roman: so LilyPadton what was all that about?
YB: why was Krocket calling you papa
LilyPadton: Krocket has an… interest in me?
Roman: ok
LP: it seems a bit strange, they are a power hungry ego maniac and I’m a gardener
Roman: a tale as old as time
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*Tenpenny saying he loves the kids but is still mad at them for making a bad choice*
Roman: I’m learning a lot of things
YB: don’t have kids?
Roman: don’t have kids
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magxit · 11 months
inspired by what mustlikeme4me said, do you think its fanfiction that Taylor cheated on yb with matty or do you think it happened?
No. I think they broke up and taylor latched onto Matty because he was gassing her up and made himself available.
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ybblue · 1 year
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This is my personal YB! I named him Blue. Original, I know. (✿◕‿◕)
Blue inspired me to draw him as I was trying to come up with how YB will eventually look in my fanfiction, which I will be sort of treating like an AU.
I mean, most fanfiction are their own AUs, right?
In this story, the MC is isekai'd into the body of YN inside the YB Visual Novel. Currently, we are prior to the events of the game.
YB is definitely golf ball-looking at first, but, through reasons I won't elaborate, he will grow some hair for petting purposes.
If this sounds interesting to you, you can read it on AO3! Its called "Whose Boyfriend Is This?"
This was a fun way to practice drawing, because I still cannot draw a body to save my life. I'm surprised I even got his eyes to look right lol
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anomaliahh · 1 year
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🇮🇹┆Slipping Words {ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ}
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▹ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Peter (YB) x Fem!Reader
▹ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭: angeliovv on Twitter
▹ 𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞: one-shot
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Pensavi che tu e Peter non vi sareste più visti dopo quella volta che ti aveva riaccompagnato a casa, dopotutto vi eravate incontrati per puro caso nello stesso negozio di fiori. Non gli avevi chiesto neanche il numero e sapevi a malapena il suo nome, tuttavia contro ogni tua aspettativa lui diventò pian piano sempre più presente nella tua vita, nonché una delle persone più importanti per te.
Iniziaste a prendere più confidenza grazie a tutte le volte che ti veniva a trovare nel locale in cui lavoravi. Inizialmente solo come cliente, poi come un amico che ti aiutava a passare meglio le giornate dietro il bancone. Ti aveva dimostrato di saper esserci sempre per te: da quando uscivi da lavoro così nervosa o stressata che avresti solo voluto chiuderti in casa per mesi, a quando ti eri ammalata per giorni. Non gli importava se nei momenti di rabbia tu lo respingessi o lo cacciassi via, lui restava, e sapeva sempre cosa dire o fare per farti stare meglio. Gli eri grata per tutto quello che aveva fatto per te e per tutte le volte che ti aveva fatto tornare il sorriso.
Era, appunto, una delle persone più importanti per te, uno dei tuoi più cari amici e certe volte era completamente imprevedibile... come quel giorno che sconvolse la tua vita per sempre.
Era una mattina meravigliosa, ti eri alzata con un cielo terso come non avevi mai visto e un sole caldo. Soffiava solo un po' di vento che contribuiva a non far diventare il calore insopportabile, insomma, era una giornata perfetta. Andasti a lavoro più serena del solito, complice anche il bel tempo con cui ti eri svegliata. Eri sicura che niente e nessuno potesse rovinare quella giornata, ed infatti andò così... fino alla sera. Il tuo turno lavorativo era finito, ma fuori diluviava e non accennava a smettere.
Non sapevi esattamente quando avesse iniziato a piovere, né come fosse potuto accadere vista la bella giornata che era, ma ecco che eri bloccata nel bar, da sola -visto che oggi toccava a te restare a pulire e il resto dello staff se n'era andato da un pezzo-, stanca e senza un ombrello o un cappotto a disposizione.
Mormorasti esasperata mentre ti lasciavi cadere su una delle sedie di un tavolo, lo sguardo rivolto fuori dalla vetrata accanto a te. La pioggia era così forte e fitta che non si riusciva a vedere ad un palmo dal naso.
Di solito trovavi rilassante il rumore della pioggia, ma non se erano le nove e mezza di sera e il tuo unico modo per tornare a casa era camminare. Vedendo com'era il tempo sapevi che avresti dovuto aspettare ancora chissà quante ore prima che si calmasse un po' e ti lasciasse tornare a casa senza farti diventare una spugna satura d'acqua.
Restasti a fissare il vuoto fuori dalla finestra con aria annoiata per qualche minuto, immersa nei tuoi pensieri e imprecando silenziosamente tra te e te, quando ad un tratto il suono di una notifica ti risvegliò.
Tirasti fuori il cellulare dalla tasca della divisa ed ecco che, vedendo il mittente di quel messaggio, un piccolo sorriso ti sorse spontaneo sul volto. Era Peter. Oggi non l'avevi visto al locale, non era venuto, probabilmente era impegnato, ma bastò quel semplice messaggio a scacciare tutti i brutti pensieri che avevi.
Forse... ti era mancato?
- - -
"Hey (t/n)! Com'è andata a lavoro? Scusami se oggi non mi sono fatto vedere, ti ho scritto appena ho potuto, mi farò perdonare la prossima volta!"
"Peter, tranquillo, figurati! Non sei obbligato a venire sempre, lo sai"
"Comunque... a lavoro è andata bene... peccato che adesso sono bloccata qui"
"In che senso bloccata lì?! È successo qualcosa?"
"No, niente di che, ma fuori sta diluviando e non ho né un ombrello né un giacchetto, quindi devo aspettare che il tempo migliori per andarmene"
- - -
La conversazione finì lì, contro tutte le tue aspettative, perché Peter visualizzò soltanto il messaggio senza rispondere più. Era strano da parte sua, lui ti rispondeva sempre, anche ai messaggi che potevano sembrare auto-conclusivi o anche se doveva rispondere solo un semplice "okay". Era sempre lui ad avere l'ultima parola -e spesso anche la prima- nelle vostre conversazioni, quindi doveva essere veramente molto impegnato quel giorno per averti lasciato senza una risposta. Speravi di poter passare il tempo a parlare con lui, infatti anche per questo eri rimasta particolarmente delusa quando non ti aveva più risposto, ma a quanto pare non era giornata. Il destino aveva deciso che dovevi annoiarti e basta.
Infatti così accadde, per una buona mezz'ora facesti zapping fra Instagram, Youtube e TikTok, in un ciclo apparentemente infinito, senza trovare niente che riuscisse a stuzzicare i tuoi interessi o a farti divertire.
Poi, ad un tratto, il suono delle campanelle della porta del locale ti fece sobbalzare. Ti voltasti di scatto verso l'entrata, domandandoti chi potesse essere in giro a quest'ora.
《Siamo chiu-》
Ti bloccasti appena incrociasti lo sguardo con la persona che era entrata. Quasi stentavi a crederci.
Era appena entrata l'ultima persona che ti saresti aspettata di vedere in quel momento, ma sicuramente l'unica che avresti voluto davvero vedere. Ti alzasti e ti precipitasti subito da lui. Ansimava, aveva il fiato corto, probabilmente aveva corso fin lì, aveva un solo grande ombrello ma il suo giacchetto era comunque un po' bagnato a causa della forte pioggia. Per non parlare poi delle sue scarpe e dell'orlo dei suoi pantaloni, erano completamente zuppi.
《Hai corso fin qui? S-Sei impazzito?!》
Lui ignorò le tue domande ridacchiando, per poi passarti l'ombrello, ora chiuso.
《Avresti fatto troppo tardi ed è pericoloso uscire da soli di notte...!》
Lo guardasti, un po' spiazzata. Nessuno si era mai preoccupato per te come lo faceva lui. Neppure tu stessa avevi pensato a quanto poteva essere pericoloso camminare da soli in quelle strade a tarda notte, eri troppo stanca per pensarci e volevi solo tornare a casa. Ma lui era corso fino a lì, sotto la pioggia, solo per quello.
Solo per te.
《Oh e s-scusa, nella fretta ho preso un solo ombrello...》
Sorrise un po' imbarazzato. Senza pensarci due volte ti fiondasti fra le sue braccia, stringendolo forte. Questa volta fu lui a rimanere spiazzato.
《Sono felice di vederti...》
Mormorasti con il viso nascosto nel suo cappotto. Lui esitò qualche attimo ma poi posò la sua mano libera sulla tua testa, accarezzandoti dolcemente i capelli.
《A-Anch'io, e sono felice che stai bene...》
Alzasti lo sguardo verso di lui scoprendolo a sorridere e con le guance un po' rosse, non sapevi se per il freddo o se per l'imbarazzo, ma eri più propensa per la seconda.
Era sempre stato così lui: anche solo un tuo piccolo gesto innocente poteva farlo arrossire facilmente, non importava da quanto tempo vi conoscevate.
《Dai, prendi l'ombrello e... ah, aspetta, prima mettiti questo!》
Disse mentre già iniziava a togliersi il suo giacchetto.
《Cosa? No no hey aspetta-! E tu come fai scusa?!》
Le tue proteste furono completamente inutili, non volle sentire ragioni e in un attimo ti ritrovasti dentro il suo cappotto grande il doppio di te.
《Sei uno stupido...》
Ti arrendesti, con un dolce sorriso sulle labbra. Lui ridacchiò.
Era da qualche minuto che vi eravate incamminati sotto la pioggia battente. Dopo qualche tentativo avevate appurato che l'ombrello doveva tenerlo Peter essendo il più alto, anche se stava così attento a non farti bagnare che praticamente restava mezzo fuori dall'ombrello. Nonostante si stesse bagnando tutti i vestiti sembrava felice.
Ad un certo punto non sapevate più di cosa parlare e calò il silenzio, interrotto solo dal rumore delle gocce di pioggia che si schiantavano come microscopici missili sull'ombrello e sull'asfalto. Tutto intorno non si vedeva passare né un'ombra né una macchina, l'atmosfera era quasi inquietante. Sembrava che foste i soli sulla Terra. Proprio quel pensiero ti fece spostare lo sguardo su Peter, eri davvero grata che fosse venuto quella sera, che fosse lì al tuo fianco.
Eri grata di averlo incontrato.
Ma ecco che, pochi secondi dopo, anche lui ti guardò con la coda dell'occhio. Appena si accorse che lo stavi guardando anche tu arrossì di botto e riportò subito lo sguardo sulla strada davanti a voi con un mezzo sorriso imbarazzato. Ridacchiasti a quella reazione, lo trovavi adorabile.
《Grazie Peter, sei sempre così carino e gentile con me...》
Mormorasti portando lo sguardo sulle tue scarpe umide. Non c'erano parole che potevano esprimere a pieno quanto significasse davvero tutto quello che faceva per te.
《Beh, perché ti amo...》
Farfugliò in un sussurro, con un'espressione sognante.
Tre semplici parole che furono come uno squarcio tra le nubi per te. Il tuo cuore iniziò gradualmente ad aumentare i battiti. Non eri neanche sicura di aver sentito bene o di esserti immaginata tutto, ma di una cosa eri certa: speravi fosse tutto vero.
Facesti finta di non aver sentito, riportando lo sguardo su di lui.
《C-Cosa? N-No, niente, dicevo... perché... p-perché mi fa piacere, heh...》
Borbottò nervoso ed impacciato, probabilmente essendosi reso conto solo in quel momento di cosa aveva detto prima.
Era tutto vero, lo sapevi bene, e adesso era chiaro anche a te quello che provavi. Prima avevi pensato che non ci fossero parole adatte per esprimere quanto lui e quello che aveva fatto significassero per te, invece c'erano eccome, e lui le aveva trovate subito. Ti sentisti una stupida per non averlo capito e detto prima.
Un largo e luminoso sorriso si formò sul tuo volto.
《...Ti amo anch'io, Peter~!》
Lui si bloccò, girandosi di scatto verso di te, incredulo. Gli occhi sbarrati ma pieni di luce e speranza.
Ridacchiasti per la sua faccia, annuendo.
Eri al settimo cielo, proprio come lui.
Poi successe tutto in un attimo.
Peter buttò al vento -letteralmente- tutti i suoi sforzi per tenerti al caldo e non farti bagnare, lasciando cadere a terra l'ombrello che rotolò lontano. Però lo fece soltanto per poterti stringere fra le sue braccia, sollevare leggermente da terra e baciarti, con tanta dolcezza quanta passione.
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proxylynn · 1 year
So i see that were talking about YB's high school life. I had a cringe high school phase if it makes ya feel better. I was the "quiet weeb kid" type, but im pretty sure i single-handedly got several fanfiction sites banned from my school lol.
Lynn: Nice. *fist bumps* I was the lonely wallflower that just kept to myself but some thought I was a stoner.
Peter: It's the eyes, right? Oh, my poor darling and her deep raccoon eyes.
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