#ye miaomiao
idolsgeneration · 1 month
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mtkay13 · 1 year
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I say now is the time I start updating my tumblr gallery again... I've been slacking...
More TYK design studies! Here, specifically, an evolution of Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing throughout their lives, to see what stages they got through to reach who they are during book canon.
I headcanon ZZS as this little smug genius and tried to keep this unimpressed, self-satisfied smirk throughout, with I hope a noticeable shift for the last two.
5 y.o., still living at the Zhou estate, with his family. He's a bit of a weak child (pulled from ZZS saying he didn't have nearly as good a constitution as ZCL does), but quite smart, already with a knack for spying on people.
10 y.o. has joined Siji manor, proud and smug and feeling superior for having been chosen by QHZ and being hella good at what he does.
15 y.o. is now freshly appointed sect leader, and I think it's going well enough, that he's quite feeling himself there.
20 y.o., has now been working for HLY for a bit more than a year, roughly.
25 y.o., right after the ending of Qi Ye, right after the war, right after he pretty much got his very personal bad ending. I feel like he's quite numb, can only survive through floating above everything and just focus on work and some distracting, meaningless things.
29 y.o., TYK canon after unmasking.
With WKX I wanted to represent, without being too on the nose, the progressive loss of humanity.
5 y.o., still living with his Jianghu heroes parents. Quite a happy and playful child, more interested in having fun than studying. Probably a natural at many things, however, such as learning his father's sword techniques (unlike the arts of healing lessons that he probably didn't pay much attention to)
10 y.o., has been in the valley for a few months already, surviving.
18 y.o., is a servant for whom is currently the Ghost Valley Master.
21 y.o., is now the GVM himself, has successfully lead a coup against his own master and then won what was basically a battle royale for the throne.
26 y.o., is now a seasoned GVM, has been in this position for much longer than average, is working on his plan.
30 y.o., TYK canon.
For reasons, it's quite important to me to have this overview and to consider in detail each of their progression since I think it participates heavily into how I understand them as people. The followings were already posted in my previous post with all the design, but since it's thematically coherent I will add the families and some details about them:
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The Wen family, especially the parents, were Jianghu heroes in the best wuxia tradition. Wen Ruyu had to look a like Wen Kexing, and Gu Miaomiao be this pure, strong, energetic heroïne. As mentioned above, I like child WKX to be a very fun and energetic child himself-- he likes the colours his mother wears, likes to run around and look at beautiful things. I found that the two buns were a cute addition to his design. He's about 3 y.o. on this illustration. The Zhou family is meant to look plain and normal, as ZZS himself-- little parenthesis: although I do like to draw ZZS as handsome, I think he isn't much more than that; I think that it's fine to consider that he looks rather plain, especially next to people like WKX or, obviously, JBY or YBY. Since ZZS seems to have a fascination with heroes in the book, I like to imagine that he was naturally the least heroic of the brotherhood; both his brother and sister being a better match than himself (although ultimately they are all fairly normal people). I liked to have his mom be the originator of his height (I think he should totally be the tallest of the brotherhood, btw).
That's it! Thank you for reading!
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madeleineengland · 9 months
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Esther Yu as Ling MiaoMiao (Yong Ye Xing He)
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wangmiao · 2 months
happy april fools' day tumblr boop day, everyone! first of all, i want to thank the slight revival of the three-body fandom due to you know what. i've probably posted and giffed more stuff in the past week than i did in the past two months lol. secondly, i want to clarify that the act of me clicking to boop like a crazy person is to mainly get the badges for my url. you know i'm never into badges, but the cat paws are so for my beloved miaomiao because he's a poor meowmeow.
yes, professor wang miao, nanomaterial scientist, lead engineer at the national center for nanoscience and technology, inventor of the "flying blade", father of the space elevator is totally a cat! i see no difference:
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clinging onto his beloved like a damn cat:
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and the entire fandom totally agrees that he's a cat:
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not to mention all the fanfics where miaomiao turns into a cat, or has a cat as his spirit form, or shi qiang owns a pet cat named miaomiao...
zhang luyi himself might also be cat:
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well, if you've gotten this far. i hope you had fun! happy booping!!!
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stiltonbasket · 2 months
is the name of wei wuxian's female alter ego in ttteg, madam liu, taken from liu miaomiao's name? im ready to cry...
Yes and no. This is a carry-over from Twelve Moons and a Fortnight, in which orphans without family names, once taken in by the Jiang sect, would receive the family name of the most recent sect madam without any blood relation to a fellow cultivation clan. Wei Wuxian's orphaned disciple siblings received the family name Liu after the merchant clan Jiang Fengmian's mother came from, and had the word Jiang as the first half of their courtesy names. Liu Miaomiao was the youngest of these disciples. :<
But as a result of the naming tradition, even Jiang sect disciples who don't share the official "sect surname" of the current generation tend to use it as an alias from time to time. Wei Wuxian often gave his name as "Liu Wei" or "Liu Ying" when he didn't want to reveal his identity, which was why he introduced himself as "Madam Liu" while disguised as a woman in TTTEG.
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minnarr · 5 months
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No Shortage of Nights
Rating: M
Relationships: Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu, Gu Miaomiao & Wen Kexing & Wen Ruyu, Qin Huaizhang & Zhou Zishu, Qin Huaizhang & Wen Kexing
Zhou Zishu smiled. It was pleasant to be transparent to this man, he thought. Weeks of traveling and days in his bed had undone the masks he had spent years fashioning. “I’m thinking we should pay your master a visit.” He watched shock break across Wen Kexing’s face, only to smooth out quickly. “We should?” he said.
Sequel to Millions of Suns Left, where, shortly after Qin Jiuxiao's death, canon Zhou Zishu was thrown into an alternate universe where Wen Kexing is part of Siji Manor and almost everyone who was dead is still alive.
(Yes, that's Han Ye from Legend of Anle. I wanted a Gong Jun who looked more like Siji Disciple!WKX)
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thekingsavatar-fan · 2 years
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Birthday merchandise in 2022: Ye Xiu  taoabao link:   miaomiao
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aiyexayen · 2 years
character ask 3: wen kexing
Sexuality Headcanon: yes
Gender Headcanon: optional
A ship I have with said character: ye baiyi, han ying, wu xi, gu xiang, qin huaizhang, gu miaomiao, jiang cheng (cql), wei wuxian (cql), lld (rpf)
A BROTP I have with said character:
A NOTP I have with said character: zhao jing
A random headcanon: kexing doesn't have nightmares. he ought to, perhaps, he thinks. he's no longer living a nightmare in his waking hours, and he sleeps better than ever next to a-xu, so it's not like he doesn't have the chance. a-xu, who does have nightmares sometimes, as does everyone else they know. kexing certainly has a lot to fear--losing everything he's gained sits right on the top of that list. but ever since he fought off the meng po tang for good he doesn't have nightmares. just another little way he's broken.
General Opinion over said character: just @ me next time jfc
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chn48icons · 6 years
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ye miaomiao icons — like/reblog if you use or save, please — have a nice day! ♡
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smittenskitten · 3 years
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Word of Honor Challenge ↳ Wen Kexing’s Mother Gu Miaomiao /Daughter Gu Xiang /Grand-daughter Zhang Nianxiang
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idolsgeneration · 1 month
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castallurspells · 3 years
I regret nothing
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Mrs. Wen Kexing’s mom, I love you! You had like less than fiveish minutes of screentime where you are talking, but I love you most ardently.
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wangmiao · 11 months
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i finally got some time and energy to properly take photos of my three-body merch. i'm not really a merch guy. while i know it's not much, but trust me, i've never bought so many stuff just for one piece of media before.
photo 1 and 2 are two of the few official merch for the tv show. obviously, i bought them for shiwang (aka turkey bodyguard and turkey scientist). i love that even in cartoon turkey form, you can still see miaomiao being tired and fed up while dashi has that smug smile on his face. my major complaint is that the countdown on dashi is completely wrong because he doesn't even start it until 1018 hours in the show, but it's at 1186 hours on the mug.
photo 3 is a sweatshirt of the droplets that will appear later in the trilogy. this is just a super cool looking pattern to put on there.
photo 4 is ye wenjie and redcoast base stuff. there's a "do not answer" coffee tumbler (the urge to just type tumblr lol), and ye wenjie's work journal from 1969 in the form of evidence collected by shi qiang. i haven't opened the plastic wrap of it because it gotta travel with me later and it's easier to pack it in this way.
photo 5: besides the pdc and eto pins, i wanted to get some more merch for stuff that appear later in the trilogy. the asian fleet dog tag is zhang beihai's and his name is engraved on the other side of the tag. those 2 neck straps are actually usb-c cables for phones. i got them because i could never find my cables whenever i need them lol. the cables are in the themes of the dark forest, and luo ji + wallfacer project. that tiny roll of tape has a lot of characters on them, but it's much smaller than i expected lol.
photo 6: photo 1 - 5 are all official merch, but the stuff in this photo are not. it's just a boxset of printed stuff i bought from a store on douyin. the selection of everything is random, so i'm super glad that i got plenty of miaomiao here, especially the pins. besides photos and posters, there are 3 types of cards, the slightly curved ones on top right are the best ones with almost plastic like texture and perfect color/printing. there are also 3 very nice shiqiang scenes there. the rest of the cards are mediocre and there're some repeating photos, but i'm glad that i got a lot of ye wenjie and shi qiang there. the photobook is excellent because the print is perfect. there are 6 photos in the book for the 4 leads (you know who). general chang and shen yufei got 4 photos, and the other recurring character got 2. then there are a few pages dedicated to shiwang, and lastly, the second half of the photobook are posters. honestly, all those photos are already in my phone/computer in electronic form, but i just had the urge to get them in physical form somehow. i'm going to buy some passholders with hard plastic cover, and put some of the cards in there to make them into keychains. trust me, i've never done this for any other piece of media. i've never even got the courage to publicly display my love of some tv show, but i just gotta do it for this show.
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
Little shidi lives? Hmm? A tiny preteen child tagging along after the escape from Lotus Pier?
"I don't understand."
Jiang Cheng puts his head in his hands. "What is it that you don't understand? Lanling Jin is the most powerful sect in the jianghu right now, and Wei Wuxian-"
"I understand that," Liu Miaomiao scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't get what that has to do with us. Everyone outside the sect residence is still alive, and da-shixiong will kill anybody who tries to attack Lotus Pier. So what are you so afraid of?"
"Is that any way to speak to your zongzhu?" Jiang Cheng says wearily. "Miaomiao, who has been teaching you to act like this?"
"You. And shixiong. And Jiang-shifu when he was still alive," Miaomiao retorts, scowling harder than ever. "Why do you even care what that Jin-pangzi thinks about us?"
"A-Miao! Wei Wuxian might have been able to defend us, but we have no choice but to keep a good relationship with Lanling. A-Jie is getting married soon, and if I anger Jin Guangshan, she's going to suffer in her wedded home."
Miaomiao furrows his brows.
"So Wen-jiejie and da-shixiong have to suffer because Jiang-shijie wants to get married? Even though Wen-jie took care of us when we were running away?"
Jiang Cheng's jaw drops. Put that way, it does seem somewhat absurd.
"Miaomiao," he coaxes. "It won't last forever. Do you think your da-shixiong will stay away after we take him to see A-Jie in her wedding dress?"
"Yes," Miaomiao says bluntly. "There's a baby at the Burial Mounds, so why would Shixiong leave? if Jiang-shijie wants to live with a stinky father-in-law who tried to seduce er-shijie the minute her body started changing, that's her business."
And then, before Jiang Cheng can speak again, he turns around and flounces off towards the boys' dormitory.
Yu Zhenhong materializes on the threshold a little while later, carrying a plate of snacks and hot water for tea; and when he lays them down on the table, Jiang Cheng lifts his head and asks,
"Is it true?"
Zhenhong blinks at him. "Is what true?"
"That Jin Guangshan tried to seduce Li Shuai."
"I don't think one can say seduce when the maiden is a child of thirteen," Yu Zhenhong mutters. "Jiang-zongzhu was the one who stopped it. He tried to break the betrothal for the first time then, but Yu-furen would not hear of it. And even if it were not true, you are sending me to the Jinlintai as Jiang-shijie's bodyguard, so you must know what Jin Guangshan is well enough."
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minnarr · 3 months
ten first lines
tagged by @leenik-geelo and @rainsfalling (thank you!!)
1. There’s a whole group here from Taihu Sect, puffed up in their uniforms. (first sight, word of honor, sort of luo fumeng/zhao jing, 3/4/24)
2. “Don’t move,” Wen Kexing grumbled, pressing humid kisses into Zhou Zishu’s shoulder. (No Shortage of Nights, word of honor, wenzhou, 1/13/2024)
3. “And don’t come back!” Zhang Nianxiang fumed, following it up with a solid kick that sent the last of the boys sprawling onto the street. (The Road Is Never Lonely, gen, 12/31/23)
4. The days of Ye Baiyi’s long seclusion varied little. (Here Comes Trouble, gen, 12/31/23)
5. Someone sat down across from Gao Xiaolian’s desk. (The Demon General's Wife, word of honor, gao xiaolian/gu xiang, 10/27/23)
6. Gu Miaomiao slipped into the room they’d taken at the inn on silent feet. (secret weapon, word of honor, gen, 8/18/23)
7. Siji Manor’s front courtyard was so full of people, Gao Xiaolian almost didn’t recognize it. (take a little time (walk a little line), word of honor, gao xiaolian/ofc (also gxl&deng kuan platonic marriage), 5/26/23)
8. Somewhere outside, the sun still shines. (Carve Out My Heart, word of honor, yue feng'er/rong xuan but primarily horror, 5/1/23)
9. Ye Baiyi came into the house on Mount Changming like a stormcloud. (take a look at what we've made, word of honor, rong changqing/ye baiyi, 4/5/23)
10. Zhou Zishu had been spending a lot of time outside his own house the past few weeks. (sample of one, qi ye, wu xi & zhou zishu platonic kissing with bg wu xi/jing beiyuan, 4/5/23)
what I've learned is that I need to write fewer first lines about people's status vis a vis being inside places, and also carve out my heart is still a banger
tagging (no pressure) @orchisailsa @antique-forvalaka @monsterbookworm @stifledlaughterao3
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