#yeah my childhood crush is still rotting in my brain
starrayblogs · 2 years
y/n's house layout on lovers' lane
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hmm, i hope this house layout makes sense! i just edited a two-story house i found online and tried to make it make sense for the house i had in mind for y/n in lovers' lane. bedroom 2 is y/n's, while bedroom 1 is the guest room! who knows, it could be zane's? hmm hehehe, no spoilers.
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corrodedbisexual · 20 days
The original plushie
Steddie | G | ~4.1k | AO3 link
This fanart of Eddie sleeping with a bunch of stuffed toys by @baleful-blurbs infected my brain and refused to leave until this ridiculous fluffy thing got written 😭 Please make sure to reblog those wonderful sketches to support the artist who inspired the plushie silliness♥️
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Featuring: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, seriously beware of cavities, Light Angst, Plushies, Childhood Memories, POV Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Good Parent Wayne Munson, Requited Love, Cuddling, Getting Together, Boys In Love
The mortifying ordeal of Eddie's crush discovering his secret plushie cuddle nest turns out to be not so mortifying after all. Steve even starts borrowing said plushies to take back home with him; some time later, Eddie finds out why.
Snippet under the cut
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“Who’s this?” Steve asks, grinning as he pokes at the teddy’s ridiculous smiley face. 
“Oh. That’s… that’s Mr. Boogers.” Eddie huffs and rolls his eyes. “Please don’t ask.”
Still grinning, Steve turns to him. “Well, now you know I gotta.” 
Eddie groans, rubbing a hand across his flustered face, and figures he might as well tell the story now that he’s dug his own grave. “He was, uh… kinda defective from the start, there were some stitches loose around his nose and there was stuffing coming out of it, like… well…”
Steve giggles. “Boogers. Gotcha.” 
“Yeah. Wayne grumbled about it and wanted to ask for a different one, but I was already in love with this one and clung to him and refused to trade. Cos like, you know how plushies of the same type are supposed to be identical but they’re really not ? And one of them has that perfect face and the others just seem off?” 
Eddie blushes, thinking now would be the moment he finally gets ridiculed for being twenty years old and having strong opinions on plushie faces of all things, but Steve just smiles and nods.
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I once spilled some gouache on a Mickey Mouse I owned and instead of washing him, mom just bought me a new one of the same series.” Steve sighs. “It was obvious 'cos his eyes were a little closer together and his smile wasn’t crooked to the left. I knew he wasn’t the same Mickey.” 
Again, Eddie’s heart aches for little Steve, like pretty much any time the boy reveals stories from his childhood in a tone too lighthearted for the words spoken, in Eddie’s opinion. Rich people really don’t value anything, huh. (With Steve being the obvious exception.)
“Yeah, see? You get it!” Eddie exclaims, pointing at Steve and putting more excitement into the words than he feels. Mostly, he just feels relieved and pleasantly surprised at how unexpectedly he and Steve managed to bond over their shared fondness for their childhood toys. “So anyway, Wayne relented and we took this funny guy home, my uncle patched him up, but the nickname stuck. Mr. Boogers. Boogie for short.”
Steve laughs again, but there’s nothing malicious about it as he looks back to the teddy in his lap and flicks his ear.
“Nice to meet you, Boogie,” he says with an affectionate smile that makes Eddie want to burrow his face into the mattress and giggle like an idiot. 
And maybe scream a little, because what the fuck. It should be illegal for your crush to talk cute to your goddamn childhood plushies.  
Whole fic on AO3
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kiiboslostahoge · 2 years
I think Killua deserves all the laughter, idc how, tickles, jokes, exposure to one(1) Gon Freecs he just deserves happiness so today we're going to write some tooth-rotting fluff. Yes Ik my brain has such a coherent thought process :)
'Gon, you are light.'
Killua Zoldyck firmly believed these words to be true, a statement with the solidity of the testing gates that kept his childhood self from the world outside.
'But sometimes you burn so brightly that I must look away.'
Killua had been scared, scared of the inevitable. That one day, the bright light would be set ablaze and a mess would be made, leaving the boy to pick up the shattered pieces from the bottoms of the Earth.
'Still, please allow me to stay by your side.'
He just didn't care. He let the mess be made and scoured the ends of the Earth for pieces, coming out of it sith a family member he could stand and a best friend who was alive.
Killua rightfully thought nothing could phase him anymore. So why was it that Gon Freecs managed to make him care?
The silver-haired boy thought about it during his separation from his aforementioned best friend, coming to an unfortunately undisputable conclusion.
He was in love. With his best friend. With his male best friend. His family expected him to love a woman and make an heir, yet he was in love with his male best friend who hated them with a burning passion.
Honestly, that was the best part for him. Screw those old farts, the bloodline could end with him. Alluka was uncomfortable with intimacy(All thanks to them), Ilumi was madly in love with Hisoka, Kalluto didn't give two shits about them anymore and Milluki was well... Women didn't really like men who hugged their anime body-pillows all day.
Gon, on the other hand, was dense as rocks and seemed to think of him as nothing more than a friend, making Killua feel too much like every shoujo anime heroine(Milluki rambled his ass off about shoujo anime, something about how hot the girls looked in superhero costumes) for comfort. Eh, he'd just deny his crush on Gon. That always went well in the animes, right?
Wrong. It did not go well. His masterfully crafted plans of the past were weak in the face of his teenage hormones, resulting in his current plan being the dumbest plan ever.
Gon asked him one question, one question, that made it all fall apart. It was an incredibly stupid question for an incredibly stupid light of his life, yet it still tripped him up.
"So, Killua, I already told you about how I kindaaa liked Palm. How about you? Got any crushes?"
"N-No, I don't like anyone. What even made you think that, huh?" Okay, so maybe Killua got a bit defensive about the topic for someone with "Crazy anti-lie detector skills"(Leorio's words, not his) but in his defense, it was the hormones fault. He blamed the stupid hormones for everything, including that one time the chocolate in his choco-robos fell down the drain.
"Hehe, you're lying~" Gon sing-songed, the poor boy oblivious to the incredibly obvious truth that his friend was trying to cover.
"No I'm not, what's your proof, huh?" The ex-assassin screeched, shaking Gon by the shirt.
"Your face gets all red when you lie, Killua. Although, for some reason that only happens when you lie to me," the Green-haired boy remarked confusedly. The slight pout on his face did not help Killua's blush.
Dammit, he's an idiot, but he's a cute idiot!
"Whatever, since you don't wanna tell me why," Gon hmph-ed, making the young Zoldyck wish he could take a picture and save it in one of those photo albums most moms had for their kids, "Don't think I'll give your little crush the same treatment though. You made me confess, so I'm gonna make you confess!"
Killua takes on a cat-like grin at that, "Oh yeah," he says with mock-innocence, "I remember that. Let me see, I think..."
"Oh yeah! I think I tickled it out of you! And you broke after, I'd say, around 2 minutes?"
"Don't change the subject! And it isn't that funny, you know!" Gon says embarrassedly.
"Really? Nahame one thing that's funnier," the transmuter grins like a cheshire, distracted from his embarrassment at the prospect of Gon's suffering.
"Hmm," Gon thinks for a while, finally coming up with an answer, "I think it's funnier when you're on the receiving end."
Silence for around three seconds. Then, Killua bursts out laughing.
"Ihit- Ihit tohohok yohou thahat lohong toho cohome uhup wihith thahat ahanswer?"
"Hey, not all of us are super smart, you know! Besides, you won't be laughing when I get to make you fess up! Well, you'll probably laugh, but you'll try not to!"
The blue-eyed boy narrows his eyes. Tickle fights are incredibly serious, after all, winning them is a matter of pride.
"And what makes you think you can beat me?" He asks, activating Gyo in case Gon's learned a thing or two from Hisoka's constant rambling about bungee gum.
"Simple, I'm wayyy stronger. Using your Godspeed to beat me would be a violation of the unspoken rules," the hazel-eyed hunter says sagely, as if he is talking about an actual duel.
"Psh, Yeah right- Hey! What the heck was that for?" Gon suddenly tackles Killua, sitting on his knees without a care in the world.
"I just wanted to prove I could do it, that's all. But hey, we're this far, so..." He pokes his best friend in the stomach, eliciting a squeal.
"Confess, Killua Zoldyck, or be subjected to torture that your asshole parents could never dream of, the one weakness of the experienced hunter, the-"
"Cut the crap and say the stupid word so I don't have to already, Moron!"
"Sorry, I'm too stupid to say it, Killua! I guess you're gonna have to say it," The green-haired boy swipes a finger across his friends digits in a move of pure pettiness.
"Looks like I can finish my speech now, huh? What was I about to say? Hmm," he frowns, "Dang it, I forgot. The speech was really cool, Killua, and you wasted it!"
"Of course I did! Do you even know how stupid you sound? Forget about mock-seriousness, you couldn't even impress a bunch of kindergarteners with a box of chocolates in your ha- Ahck!" Gon stopped his tirade by poking at his left armpit.
"You never let me have any fun, you know. I know I sound stupid, but at least I won't sound half as stupid as you do trying to hold in! Why do you even do that in the first place? Your laugh's really cute! And before you call me a moron, know that I'm quite literally holding you hostage, " the Porcupine-head nods smugly, reeking of self-satisfaction.
"A h-hostage situation won't stop me from being hon-" The young Zoldyck let out an honest to God squeal as Gon poked at his bottom rib.
"But I don't know that, cause I'm stupid!" Gon hmphed, "Anyways, enough being nice. Fess up, Killua, or I'll be forced to play dirty."
"Yohou wihish, lohose- AHCK! GOHOHON!" Gon once again cuts off his best friend, this time by scribbling the ribs instead of poking them.
"I warned you, you know. I didn't want it to come to this," That was a lie. They both knew Gon greatly enjoyed these things because tickling was one of the few pranks Gon could pull off better than Kilua. This was because tickling itself was deemed irrelevant by the latter's family, leading to a twelve-year experience gap.
"Not where?" Gon asks smugly.
"No I don't, because I'm stupid!" Gon humphs, blowing a nice, big, raspberry on Killua's bottom rib.
"Really? Already? Did you grow more ticklish or did I just get better?" Gon ponders, staring down at his own hands.
After a while, Killua grows impatient and manipulates his hands into a more muscular form, shoving Gon off.
"You could've done that all along?" Gon inquires, eyes filled with awe rather than fear. Killua, on the other hand, realizes exactly how prone he truly was to underestimating himself. He'd started learning that technique since he was 2, dammit!
"I could've done that all along," his voice is distinctly unimpressed, for he himself is having some regrets.
"You've gotta teach me someday, Killua! Anyways, who's the lucky person?"
The electromancer hesitates, ultimately deciding to answer.
Gon deserves to know the truth.
"You are, Gon." It's almost completely inaudible to the ordinary ear, yet Gon can hear it just fine.
"You're not just joking?" The hunter's expression is three parts awe, one part suspicion.
Killua is too embarrassed to do anything but shake his head. Gon, on the other hand, seems unaffected.
"Nice! I love you too, like in the romantic way. I thought you were the type to like emo kids or something like that though, so I never told you!"
"Idiot!" Killua punches Gon square on the head, "You can't just say stuff like that, it's embarrassing!"
"Oww," Gon complains, "Sorry. I didn't know people like you existed who get embarrassed at everything. So, what do we do now?"
The silver-haired boy has no clue,he didn't even think he'd get this far.
"In the shit that Piggy watches, they usually kiss, meaning that we shouldn't do that. I think the best way to go from here would be eating choco-robos and trying to tell Alluka and Nanika," he says, grabbing a choco-robo from his front pocket.
"Oh, and of course-"
"Yeah yeah, you'll get vengeance later, " Gon grumbles.
"Correction, " Killua grins in his usual smug manner, "ill be getting my vengeance now."
"W-wait, Killua, can't we talk about thihi-ACK!"
Gon's following ticklish shrieks could not even be ignored by his father.
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doodleswithangie · 4 years
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NETFLIX PRESENTS: TRASHMOUTH Comedian Richie Tozier gives a crude and brutally honest take on growing up in a small town, retrograde amnesia, and facing your childhood fears in his new stand-up special. Starring: Richie Tozier Genres: Irreverent Stand-Up Comedy, Stand-Up Comedy, Comedies This movie is: Cynical, Witty, Irreverent
Part 4 of my unofficial Social Media AU, in which Richie’s Netflix Special makes waves, and he potentially breaks contract to share the last two minutes of his show.
[image description: a tweet from richie tozier with a video link to a clip of his stand-up special, captioned “idk if i’m allowed to do this but neflix can dm me later / this one’s for you trashmouth”. richie stands on a theater stage dressed in a red blazer set and black turtleneck. he tells the audience about a childhood run-in with a bully in which he was publicly humiliated in front of and ostracized from the rest of his grade after trying to befriend the bully’s male cousin. instead of keeping quiet, richie carves his and his best friend’s/crush’s initials into the town bridge, symbolically and literally making his mark on a town that left a mark on him. richie is grateful for the risk his younger self took in owning his identity despite the fear and ends the show by flipping off derry to the applause and laughter of his audience.]
full transcript under the cut:
1. People seem to think I grew up to be cynical when I was just as misanthropic as a kid. I mean, can you blame me? I was exposed to the worst of humanity from the get-go: middle school bullies. We all have our stories, right? 2. My bully carried around his police chief dad’s pocket knife and then committed patricide with said knife. I see the looks on all your faces but this is my show, and we do not have the time to get into that. Google it. 3. When I was like 13, that mullet-wearing prick saw me playing Street Fighter with his cousin in the arcade. Absolutely nothing was going on - I just wanted to hang out with this cool guy that I met, but I got thrown under the bus and he flipped his shit. 4. They both just flung slurs at me in front of half our grade. I just remember running out of there and collapsing on a park bench and thinking, “Fuck.” 5. Because it finally sunk in that this part of myself was not only very much not a phase, but also not as stealthily hidden as I’d thought. 6. It was, in fact, a glaring red flag to the rest of my small-brained peers that this kid was “different” - and we didn’t have Glee in the 80s, so “different” equaled “social pariah” and “victim of targeted bullying”. 7. This asshole probably thought he finally silenced the Trashmouth, that I’d double down on my dirty little secret and square it away under layers of repression. But joke’s on him. 8. Because the next day, I biked down to the local makeout spot. Every small town has one of those, right? The place that contributes more to a teen’s sex ed than actual sex ed? Derry’s was called “The Kissing Bridge”, and all up and down the path carved into the rotting wood were cutsey names in hearts - and just initials for secretly pining. 7. Well, I stole my dad’s pocket knife (sorry Wentworth) and scratched out an R for Richie and an E for Eddie - my best friend and the love of my 13 year old life. Hidden in plain sight, indistinguishable from those of the heterosexual lovers. 8. And the entire time, I kept looking over my shoulder, scared out of my mind someone would drive along and beat the shit out of me, but I didn’t stop until there were two letters and a crooked plus in between them. 9. And yeah, years later, fear took a hold of me again and threw me back in the closet for a few decades, but I’m still so proud of that kid. Because even though he was terrified, for the first time in his life, he owned who he was and the love that he had and I am so fucking grateful. 10. That permanent fuck you is still carved on that stupid bridge to this day. Derry may have left its mark on me, but I’d be damned if I didn’t leave one back. 11-12. (Richie flips off the camera to audience applause and laughter.) Thank you, New York! You’ve been a great audience! Good night!
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sirvalrigard · 5 years
genuinely cannot figure it out. cann you please tell me what the fnaf series is about
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OK OK so like we’re extremely off our shits rn but lets try to make this coherent
edit: this actually turned into a fucking wall of infodump bullshit so adding a cut lol
1970s. a gay furry dad named henry emily decides to make a furry restaurant cause he’s passionate abt animatronics and making kids happy. he opens the restaurant with a man named william afton as his business partner. henry makes animatronics and william handles idk being fucking creepy and handling money is my best guess. the restaurant is called Fredbear’s Family Diner, featuring Fredbear and Spring Bonnie (after a year or two it becomes popular enough for henry to have money to build bonnie, freddy, chica, and foxy too!) 
ok so shits fine and normal until william billiam is like ‘hmm im gonna be a child predator now’
on a rainy night one of henry’s children, Charlie Emily, is locked outside the pizzeria somehow, where william finds and kills them. the security marionette that henry built to protect his kids drags itself outside to their body, and thus is possessed by their spirit
obviously henry is fucked up but no one knew who the killer was, so henry was able to reopen another location, this time under the new name of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, with the now familiar friends Bonnie, Freddy, Foxy, and Chica to join the original two! multiple locations are eventually opened, and things are going just fucking fine until WILLY billy does his bullshit again!!
this time he lures them into the back by wearing a Spring Bonnie suit, and kills four children and stuffs their bodies into Bonnie, FReddy, Foxy, and Chica, where Marionette (charlie) finds them and binds their souls to the animatronics
but even though willish addon was employed at the very location he killed kids at, AND he was even convicted as the killer, since police couldnt find the bodies (and are useless) he didnt go to jail which is honestly so accurate its the scariest part of the franchise
so like henry at this point i imagine is like “fuck this” and sells the restaurant line to—you know what? honestly? i would love to know who runs Fazbear Entertainment. with the way help wanted was going i rlly hope we get an expansion on that with them as the villians (destroy capitalism) ANYWAY–
“Fazbear Entertainment” becomes the parent company of this mess now and theyre like :)……oh lets hire that william guy again hes fine
and at this point wwillus is making his OWN fucking pizzeria and his OWN animatronics and is actively kidnapping, torturing, and killing children to steal life essence from their souls! during the process of testing this, he gets his own ‘daughter’ Elizabeth Afton killed!! yeah im not fucking making this up!! (ppl in the fandom really defend this guy lol)
1983. so as Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzas are expanding,  Willard Afturd somehow? got himself some children. like to raise. like as a “““father”““. personally i do like 2 think a mother was involved but honestly he totally coulda just fucking kidnapped some random children to raise as his own and im starting to think thats more plausible  actually BUT ITS NOT GAME THEORY TIIME
one of these kids he is personally torturing! his own “son”! incredible! long story short this traumatized child ( unofficially named CC Afton ) is forced into the mouth of Fredbear by his brother Michael Afton and his friends, aaaand he dies ( and is guided by Charlie to possess Fredbear )
even after years of rumors about dead kids being hidden in animatronics, its this accident is the last straw for Fazbear’s Pizza and they are finally shut down. then WILL rubs his nasty hands together and tries to open his OWN pizzeria with his original OCs do not Steal™, Funtime Freddy, Bon Bon, Ballora, Circus Baby ( possessed by Elizabeth) , and Funtime Foxy and theyre all. probably possessedtoo cause theyre used 4 his kid torture fetish
uh ok so Aphton is like hey michael go clean up my child abuse for me anyway brb so his son Mwanders into his father’s Pizzeria to find his sister elizabeth . long story short…………he finds her and she does the “we’re brothers but closer” spongebob meme but also with her friends
ANd they leave! hooray! from then on the story is about Michael, whos zombified now after being used as a husk to hide an amalgamation of 5 animatronics fucking trying to find his shitty fuckass dad, and to help the anguished and vengeful spirits inside
but the first location to reopen after having been shut down, Wilson AAAAA is employed AND KILLS SOME MORE KIDS who would have guessed omg amazing..stunning.. and michael is employed there JUST a week too late like it happens RIGHT before he’s employed so Wumbo Man gets away again and Fazbear Entertainment gets shut down AGAIN, in 1987
not too many years later Fazbear Entertainment tries to open restaurants yES AGAIN and theyre still using the original animatronics that are still rotting and bloody on the inside . somehow this place stays open for a bit, and michael is employed there still looking for Worst Father Ever, and the children attack him due to rage and confusion, and when they kill another employee, the restaurant is shut down for like the trillionth time
but then for some reason Whenwillhedie Afton is like im gonna go try to dismantle the other haunted animatronics at the shut down pizzerias cause i dont actually even know i have shit for brains and also probably wanted to melt them down for life juice BUT
theyrelike FUCK OFF and the spirits of the children materialize in front of Wellington Well Done and force him into the old crusty spring bonnie suit that he’d murdured in before nd spring is like FUCKy ou and crushesAlton with their animatronic parts aand smush him. trapped now #springbonnieisgoodguy
the spirits go to rest in animatronica, the events of fnafworld happen when: 30 fucing years later in like the 2010s some jackasses thought it would be a good idea to mak e a haunted hoiuse attraction based on fazbear’s pizza and use actual shit from the restaurants and of COURSE this fuck shit up hardcore and disturbs the spirits from the rest that they were in ( until it turned intp the events of FNAF World ) and then they were ripped back into reality when Fazbear’s Fright was built
also! they found WWWacky smacky Acky all rotting away inside Spring Bonnie (now called Springtrap) and were like yeah this is good. definitely not a robot struggling to hold back the influence of a murderer predator and definitely wouldnt haev a problem with being set free
basically michael hears about this thing when it opens and is the first employee there and proceeeds to burn the whole place down as soon as he sees Willmont stuck inside ofs Springtrap
buuuut it doesnt work and Springtrap and other various spirits and haunted robots are still wandering the fuck around and Henry at this point is like Okay I Need To Do Something About This Cause This Is Entirely Out Of Fucking Hand and he reopens a Freddy Fazbear’s location himself, but advertises for a manager who wants to build their own pizzeria
you know who pounces on this like a purple cat? MIKE hes like FUCK yeah egg boys gonna kill his dad and be ann egg MAN today
with the help of Henry’s use  of luring mechanics and michael’s endurance and survival skill they gather Scrap Baby (elizabeth), Lefty (charlie), Scraptrap (springtrap, unfortunately  who has a rotton raisin inside him ), and Molten Freddy (the remaining animatronics that  had jumped into michael’s skin lumped together)
soon as theyre all there ? boom . henry lights the place on fire just like mike had and THEY BOTH JUST SIT THERE AND DIE IN IT TOO LIKE ITS SO METAL and it burns everyone else as well
and all the kids are like
and drag william afton into HELL!! and they get to torture him for a while together and get the revenge they deserve hell yeah tbh UCN is so iconic
BUT Fazbear Entertainment drinks the capitalism so theyre like…. :((( we’ve been so bullied we totally didnt haev an employee who killed countless children… .pleas,e,e,, buy our mehrch, , n,,jdn
SO they employ an AU version of scott cawthon to make, essentially, the games that we’ve all been playing, but like, in-universe, – so the company in universe has fnaf video games made in order to make light of and cover up the actual murders that happened in the canon. is this too meta yet?
okay i lied this is also the scariest part of the franchise bc of how accurate it is to corrupt business hGJFSKDLHDSS
therefore, they create Help Wanted, the recently released VR game (also a game in-universe) and they use salvaged circuitboards and shit from all the old animatronics to program the game, but of course that just ends up transferring everyone’s soul into the game – the kids, the animatronic AIs, and BASTARD MAN
spring bonnie, now called Glitchtrap, is in a deteriorated mental state and is weak to Afton’s influence, and the fuck is able to manipulate an unknown amount of people into helping him out of the VR game and into the in-universe real world. one of these people was jeremy fitzgerald, michael afton’s childhood friend and a former employee at Fazbear’s Pizza during 1987.
he was involved in a lawsuit against the company making the game, and we don’t know what has happened to him yet. but he’s very important. evidence points to him being one of the kids that helped michael put CC’s head into Fredbear’s mouth, and that in 1987 when working at freddys he was bitten and is somehow functioning without a frontal lobe (but like, michael at this point is functioning with insides made of pudding and rotting skin so . basically theyre both too gay to die )
but we DO know that theres at least one person communicating directly with Glitchtrap, who he seems to have convinced to help set him free, someone whos made their own rabbit mask but doesnt seem to be willingly doing this, and might be brainwashed
also, currently, (this is really weird because we are currently living in the same time as the fnaf timeline is at right now) Fazbear Entertainment is planning on a “service program” that is basically sending personal animatronics to peoples houses and GUESS how fucking well THAT works out bc theyre STILL ALL HAUNTED YOuf g
and it seems like theyre planning on opening a new location in 2020, and that might be when we can learn more about the reluctant follower of springtrap and who has the camera while everyone moshes on william aftons corpse
basically the games are about childhood trauma, recovery, the love of family and friends, and justice against many kinds of evils
also where the fuck is sammy
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rnainframe · 5 years
every! single! one!
can you tell my mood dropped hard like halfway through
angel; do you have a nickname?at the moment lars is pretty much just a nickname because my mom won’t let me get a name change
awe; how old are you?19!
baby; favorite color?red!
bloop; spirit animal?that’s not a very good term iirc but i guess wolf?
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?book: wolves of the beyond is very near and dear to memovie: the world’s end, the thing 1982, the incredibles, deadpoolsong: i have... so many
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?
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her name is baby, she’s dressed up, and i still sleep with her to this day,
breeze; most precious childhood memory?sitting behind my dad and watching as he plays games on the psx and gamegear, i mainly remember ristar and sonic on the gamegear and silent hill on the psx
bright; mermaids or fairies?both!!!
bubbles; do you have a best friend?@aceiou @gruvu
buttercup; showers or baths?showers, submerging my body freaks me out
butterfly; dream destination?a road trip to visit all my frands
buttons; are you religious or spiritual?spiritual, mainly superstitious
calm; favorite scent?a kind of cologne my dad used to wear
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?my brain reminding me of my deep-seated desire to reconnect with an asshole i used to crush on despite me wanting to bury it for good
charming; have you ever been in love?yes
cozy; eye/hair color?i think the name of my hair color is light ash brown? people confuse me for ginger and blond though somehow
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?80s/90s, also the aesthetics of the 20s~50s
cupcake; favorite flower/plant?succulents, roses, lilies
cute; what did you get on your last birthday?clothes, something useless from my sister, a panic attack
cutie pie; most precious item you own?baby, my phone, my sketchbook, a paw print from sadie the people that put her to sleep sent us
cutsie; what makes you happy?i’m too numb rn to really know
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.i think the last time i got to go anywhere with friends and without my mom involved was last summer
daydream; how do you want to be remembered?like my dad, where people try to remember him fondly while ignoring the glaring bad shit about him, hhhH
daylight; favorite album of all time?smoke + mirrors from imagine dragons, in silico from pendulum, no culture from mother mother
dear; zodiac sign?sagittarius on the traditional zodiac, ophiuchus on the updated zodiac, my animal is the rabbit
delightful; concerts or museums?museums, concerts get me overloaded unless it’s a band i really like
dimples; have you ever written a letter?yeah
dobby; dream job?i don’t know anymore
doll; how do you like to dress?comfortably, ideally masculine
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences?my dad haunts my house
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos?i wanna get either an eye coming out of my shoulder of a shamrock in memory of my dad, something simple and space (and/or wolf) related in white ink, uhhhhmaybe the pokemon league symbol somewhere
drizzle; do you believe in aliens?they’re out there
euphoric; talk about someone you love.ace is adorable!!!! i love them so much, their voice, their face, their fashion, their art, their writing!!!!!!
fairy; do you have a pet?ginger morkie named rusty, i wanna get another lab sometime
fluffy; ocean or mountain?mountain
forever; where do you feel time stop?sitting outside at night when it’s snowy, it’s so quiet and magical feeling
froglet; are you a good plant owner?unfortunately no
garden; how many languages do you know?one, trying to learn german or danish or irish
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?aceiou, gruvu, bunjywunjy, bogleech, weirdmarioenemies, uuhhhh
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice?either space or red+black glitch stuff
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not?when they’re nice
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourselftoo numb for that rn
heart; silk or lace?silk feels nice to touch but i wouldn’t wear either
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it?coffee, cappuccino mixed w/ hot chocolate and a lot of creamertea, raspberry or peach iced tea
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why?birds don’t judge you
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep?white noise - the sound of a fan, the sound of rain, etc
jewel; what’s your favorite kind of weather?rain, especially stormy
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends?every day is a weekend. i have no life. i am rotting
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more?i wheeze or silently laugh. i used to have an ugly loud laugh
kinky; do you blush easily?i blush when embarrassed or crying
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most?spending every moment loving on the person i’m with, every day being like the first day we met
kitty; what’s your favorite time of the day?sunset to night
ladybug; what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad?mother mother
love; what is your favorite season and why?autumn. it’s not as depressing as summer
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream?i’ve never had macarons, but i love bunny tracks and peanut butter cup and bear creek caramel and
magic; what are five flaws you have?you think i can narrow it down to just five
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks?warm pastels, warm neutrals, warm and cool darks
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other?idk but i got it
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date?wandering around mainstreet and old town st charles, eating at rt weilers, getting ice cream at riverside sweets, then having sodas from the old soda shoppe, ideally in autumn
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself?sleeping, wasting away on the internet, the likes
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life?don’t get attached, everything will go bad someday
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more?baking is easier but i feel more in control when cooking
prince; how would you describe your handwriting?horrible, illegible
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?i used to play the recorder, then the flutei want to learn the guitar but i’m so bad at it that when trying to tune a very expensive guitar i got as a gift when i still had passion for it i broke a string
prinky; how do you relieve stress?i don’t
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable?strawberries, raspberries, bananas, pomegranates, pickles, broccoli, tomatoes, pumpkins
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?i can’t focus on reading anymore
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far?my dad’s death.
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you?my dad’s death.
shine; art or music?i’m not good enough at art to deserve picking it, and i’m an audiophile (not! a! fetish!), so
shimmer; do animals tend to like you?i get too rough without realizing it. rusty probably doesn’t like me. he just licks me and sleeps by me whenever he doesn’t have my mom to love on.
smitten; do you collect anything?bottle caps, can tabs, pokemon merch, empty pill bottles
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with?four at the head of my bed (two go unused), one plain blue body pillow to hold, like five other pillows to add pressure to my legs
snuggle; what is your favourite candy?peppermint kisses
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind?phone
sparkle; do you wear jewelry?i used to wear necklaces all the time. they all break because of how i stim with them. my mom doesn’t trust anything around my neck anymore
spooky; sunrise or sunset?sunset
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones?headphones
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child?crashbox, digimon, power rangers, pokemon, total drama
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house.my room. 
soothe; digital or vinyl?digital
squeezed; who do you miss right now?read over some of the questions and ask me again
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends?can i trust you
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing?both
sweet; do you find it easy to open up?too easy
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any?they are sensory nightmares
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they?edd gould is dead
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?my ability to get completely numb over the dumbest bullshit
tootsie; what kind of friend are you?a bad one
treasure; what was something that made you smile today?nothing so far
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl?night owl
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?shapeshifting or invisibility or mind reading
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out?ideally i wanna go out but only if i trust whoever i’m with to understand that i burn out fast anymore
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup?no
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person?i obsessively organize things but am very messy
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?i have no choice, i legally own the house i’m in now. i can’t go anywhere without dragging my mom along. i’m trapped
wobbly; have you ever wished upon a star?i wish to have good birthdays. they never come true
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jendarknight-blog · 6 years
If you’re not interested, feel free to skip this post. There’s a lot of rambling in it. Warning: TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF. Also, Domestic!Baku.
Weirdly when I took notes on this idea, I ended up in Baku’s headspace while I was writing it, so uh. Yeah. When I get to some of the bullet points it’ll almost look like in-fic headspace prose. 
For those who don’t know, Kare Kano (”His and her Circumstances” or “His and Hers” for short) is a romantic comedy / drama anime and manga from the 90′s that centers around two students: Yukino Miyazawa and Souichirou Arima. Both are model students, but both have hidden depths: Yukino likes attention and being number one, while Souichirou tries to be perfect in order to please the parents who took him in and raised him. After Souichirou takes the number one spot on their first day of high school and steals Yukino’s rightful debut, it begins a tense one-sided rivalry in order to become Top Dog, which ends up leading into a strange, sweet, and fulfilling romance as they not only understand themselves, but each other. Initially, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go Todobaku or Bakudeku with this, because both could easily work, but I went with Bakudeku because Todobaku would be far too close to how canon ACTUALLY ends up.
And I wanted to include the “Childhood friends” and shared history angle. In Kare Kano canon, the big secret is that Yukino is a lazy egomaniac while she acts like the perfect angel at school, but since Baku is...well, there isn’t a lazy bone in his body, domesticity comes to the rescue every time. And I’m weak to Domestic Baku, sue me. And in original Kare Kano canon, Souichirou blackmails Yukino into doing his work when he finds out her secret, but...yeah, Deku’s far too nice to blackmail him, but not nice enough to not screw with him. Note: This is told in bullet points. -Specifically, Baku desperately wants to be number one. Quirks aren’t a Thing, and for most of his life, he was the best at everything. People were intimidated by him and worshipped the ground he walked on, and you know? It felt pretty damn good. He was a winner, and winning was his fucking life. He competed against everyone in everything; he made sure his skin was perfect, his body was flawless, his grades were flawless, and everything else he could think of, and he worked his ass off to be as good as he was. That said, he wasn’t untouchable. He liked to look like the sun that everyone wanted to reach, but he was actually...not as hard as people thought. Turns out, he’s close to his two very young siblings: Eri and Kouta. They were adopted as babies (from a very close friend of the family who had passed away, and they took them in as requested in their will), but due to his family circumstances, he ended up more of a surrogate parent than a brother. Kouta worships the ground Baku walks on and wants to be just like him, and Eri has Baku wrapped around her little finger. He always is the one who makes the family meals, does the shopping, takes care of spring cleaning, and even does Eri’s hair every morning, since his parents are often out of the house due to work (on trips and otherwise) and needed someone to watch the little ones. -He’d known Deku since he was a kid, but only through school; their mothers knew each other, but after they started school, their parents didn’t bring them over on playdates, especially after their relationship soured. Deku sucked at everything, and that was just sort of the way things were. Even if he kept trailing around behind him all through elementary school, they went to different middle schools so he thought he was finally free of the nerd.  -Then, High School happened. They both were not only admitted into one of the top High Schools in the country, UA, but Baku did not get the top marks. Deku did. Not only that, but started school popular and getting all kinds of praise and adoration (which he had the nerve to be fucking shy about, the stupid fuck). Baku kind of liked the lack of attention, but he hated that fucking Deku won against him, and had the sway of the classroom just on the tip of his finger, even if he didn’t realize it. Oh, and Deku had to fucking realize it. He had to be looking down on him and pitying him all the goddamn time, why else would he give him those fucking looks every time Baku turned around?! God, he pissed him off. -Eijirou and Denki are his next door neighbors (Eijirou lives on one side, and Denki lives on the other), and alongside Mina, they’re pretty much his only friends, and had been since Junior High. Unfortunately for him, they went to one of the nearby public schools rather than UA, so they couldn’t exactly stick with him or share his pain. Eijirou especially has heard his angry rants about Deku, and tries to be the voice of reason. It goes about as well as one would think it does. -So, he might have...studied. A little. Okay, no, he studied a LOT. Baku became a man possessed, trying his best to knock Deku off his high horse (”Bro, aren’t you the one on the high horse here?!”). He studied harder, worked out harder, and overall kept pushing to beat fucking Deku (and his friend, stupid half-and-half, fuck him too). He does, in fact, get the top score on the midterm. But instead of being crushed or defeated or just...something, Deku smiles his dumb-ass smile and just says: “Wow, Kacchan, you really are amazing. I won’t lose next time!” -It attacked his brain, and stuck with him. He didn’t know what the hell to think about it. Deku’d fought to get to the top, so he clearly was trying to kick him down a peg, so why wasn’t he at least a little mad about it? And why did he have to look at him with those huge eyes, and why were his cheeks so pink? Well, he would get his answer. One morning, Deku left a note on Katsuki’s desk, and told him to meet him by the big tree after school. And, ready to give that asshole a piece of his mind (maybe he wanted to fight -- he didn’t want to soil his reputation, but the thought of giving Deku a good...well, deck, like when they were little and scuffled on the playground, was a nice one), he went to meet him. Turns out, uh, that’s not what happened. 
“Look, Kacchan, I..I know we’re not on the best of terms. I know you probably don’t even like me--”
“Can we hurry this up? I’ve got--”
“Let me finish.”
“I know you probably don’t like me, and you know what? I probably shouldn’t like you. You’ve been nothing but a jerk to not only me, but everyone else around you. But you always told me that I was useless, and maybe in this case, you’re right. I am useless. I don’t know how to like--Ugh, this isn’t coming out right.”
“Kacchan, no--Katsuki. I love you! I’ve always been in love with you, and I don’t think I’m ever going to stop being in love with you. I...just. I don’t know. I think I needed to get that off my chest, before it drove me crazy. A-anyway, I don’t expect anything, don’t worry. I’ll...I’ll just be going now. U-um. See you around.”
-Katsuki is too stunned to respond, and he can’t explain why his stupid fucking heart feels like it was just put in a goddamn blender. So stupid Deku is not leaving his head. And he starts to notice things. The smiles. The brushes of shoulders whenever he walks past him; they feel deliberate, staged. Like he would run into the room at just the right time just to get an excuse to touch him. Had he been acting like a lovesick dumbass this whole time instead of just...whatever he was trying to be? Was that why he praised him? Also, what was Deku doing, confessing to him like he was a fucking girl? What, did he think he was some sort of secret maiden who wanted to swoon at the sight of his nerdy ass? As if. (That said, Deku was starting to work out; but the dude still watched Tokusatsu shows and could even do the poses on command like a kid! He even had a Kamen Rider pin on the lapel of his uniform jacket -- how did he even dress himself in the morning without being embarrassed?) Fucking Deku with his fucking muscles and his weird looks and stupid confession and ugh why was this so fucking complicated? Fuck it. Deku was an idiot, always would be an idiot, and nothing he was going to do would change that! He was going to win, and Deku was clearly doing this so that he could find a chink in Katsuki’s armor--well joke’s on him. Motherfucker is completely covered in armor. He’s 100 percent armor and no squishy bits deep inside. 
-He refused to tell his friends any of this, though Kirishima did get it out of him when Denki and Mina weren’t around. He really hoped this was going to be the last real conversation he ever had with Midoriya fucking Izuku.
-Of course it was never that simple. One night, after taking the kids home from kindergarten, he’d dressed down in his house clothes and his usual apron to get dinner started. He’d been expecting a package, so he didn’t even think twice about the doorbell ringing, or rushing to get it with the apron still on and All Might house slippers still clinging to his feet. Lo and behold, it’s not the mailman, but Deku, still in his school uniform, staring at Katsuki like he’d grown a second head.
“Take a picture, fucker. It’ll last longer.”
“Kacchan--is that an apron? And All Might sli--”
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t slam the door in your face, Deku.”
“I-I um. Have your uh. Notebook? You left it at school.”
“Okay, good, you gave me my fucking notebook, now go the fuck away--”
-Too bad Eri decided to peek out the door and see him. She was usually so shy, but she had no problems talking to Deku, of all people, and even tried to get him to eat with them. Thankfully, Deku caught the hint from Katsuki’s glare and hightailed it before he had to yell at him in front of a six-year-old.
-...That didn’t stop him from coming around a lot more often. One day, it was because he left his pencils on his desk. Another, it was because he was asked by a member of the cooking club to send him a message (like he couldn’t just text him). He ends up staying for dinner one day after Eri ends up letting him in while Baku was in the bathroom (he can’t even be mad; she was doing exactly what she was supposed to do if his friends came over -- except those two weren’t friends, but how was he supposed to explain that when he was one of the first people she was actually enthusiastic to see? She didn’t even greet Mina or Denki with that kind of enthusiasm!). This leads to more dinner dates, until Deku just ends up coming over for dinner every day, and it only pisses Baku off more and more that he’s getting comfortably familiar, even though all he ever does is (at least in his mind) condescend him. 
-Eventually, at school, when they’re both there late due to required club activities, they have an argument. Deku runs away in rage, Baku chases him, they leap out the school window onto the track, and they have a small punch-up as they address their grievances -- well, specifically, Katsuki’s. He isn’t condescending to him, never was, and never wanted something so stupid as attention. He worked so hard so that Katsuki would acknowledge him, and he came over all the time so he could have an excuse to talk to him, and maybe, at least, be his friend. They end this encounter as friends -- as Baku’s only friend in UA.-Then over time, Baku realizes that he’s falling for this idiot nerd, but doesn’t know if he still feels the same way. After a series of ridiculous mishaps and attempts to TRY to confess, he is about to give up when he notices Deku’s hand dangling on the train, so he reaches for it. Quietly, Deku squeezes his hand, and the two ride together in silence, their fingers not untangling until they get to Baku’s front door.
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amoureuseeee · 4 years
An Hour Ahead
written by j.r. olalia
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       Ladies and Gents, do boredom seem to kill you already? Let us help you by becoming an audience in the latest breakthrough of the most advanced and fascinating research center in the world today. Sign up now, and witness the unraveling of the depths of what lies ahead of us all!
           Posters advertising the experiment of Lab-Alpha are widespread across the quiet streets of the town where Cass, short for Cassandra, lives. The year is 2092, and people have seen pretty much of what technology could do. In this period, smartphones do not have a physical body but are inserted through microchips in your brain, usually done in infants right after they are born.
            Long-distance communication happens by sending an impulse from one brain to another. This particular method challenges those who are easily distracted and lacks focus. The skies are now home to highways for vehicles known as flight cars. Nothing appears surprising to anybody anymore. At least not to Cass. Our girl is a typical teenager who happens to be very curious about the idea of time travel. She thinks that this particular field of study was left rotting by the relentlessly advancing cultures of the world. Perhaps it is due to the fear of people from the consequences of obstructing the natural flow of time. The early TV shows, movies, and even the historical comic books that made us fantasize about going back and forth in time also taught us of the dangers that time travel poses.
          Just as when Cass was about to leave her favorite rusty chair in the Green&Blues Ecopark, she received a sneaky embrace from behind. “Not thinking again about time travel, are we?” It was Pietro, Cass’s childhood friend.
         “Pietro! I didn’t know you were coming home today.” 
      “Well, my friend,” Pietro paused and sat beside Cass, “you think you can enjoy the show alone?” She looked at him with absolute confusion. “What show?” Pietro smirked excitedly as he revealed a poorly folded piece of paper decorated with a bright yellow ribbon. It was an invitation.
 Dear Mr. Pietro and Ms. Cassandra,
We, at Lab-Alpha, highly appreciate your interest in our research. The registration forms you sent us last XX-XX-2092 are now approved by our team. On XX-XX-2092, a flight car will escort you directly from your homes to our main facilities. We are very much excited to have you as our audience.
Best regards, Lauvais Dr. Lauvais Head of Operations at Lab-Alpha
      It took quite a moment and a bit of pinching on her elbow before Cass came back to her senses. “Pietro... you... are... THE BEST!” And the two gleefully rushed into the house of Cassandra to have a snack and prepare for their trip.
     At the exact date and time indicated in the letter, a flight car appeared and startled the lying cyber-cats in the backyard of Cass’s house. Upon the landing of their service, the two went frantic over the things they might forget to bring. When everything seemed in place, they stiffly walked towards Henry, their escort to Lab-Alpha, in an attempt to contain their excitement. A flight car takes at least two minutes to start. When the engine of their transport began to cough, the mother of Cass went running outside as if being chased by an untamed meta-lion. “You forgot your lunch boxes!” 
     “Don’t worry, ma’am. We serve great food at Lab-Alphaaaaaaaa”
        Henry’s voice echoed in the skies as they vanished into thin air. Soon enough, Cass and Pietro were awakened by the flashing lights of cameras. Theentrance of Lab-Alpha was flooded with photographers and spectators alike. “Woah! This looks nothing like a laboratory.” Said Pietro in full astonishment. 
         Cass, meanwhile, remained silent upon witnessing the magnificent research center up close. “Sir Pietro and miss Cassandra, may I present you to Dr. Lauvais, the very mind of Lab-Alpha.” Dr. Lauvais jokingly took his introduction from Henry. 
         “Oh, please, Henry. I need not present myself with such grandiosity. “Pietro, Cassandra, I am more than pleased to meet you than it appears to be. But my confidence in satisfying your exceptional interest in the possibilities of time travel is steadfast. Come.”
          Pietro had to pull Cass, for, until this point, she was still completely frozen and mute. The deafening crowd outside was completely inaudible within the research center. While they were approaching a highly-secured room, the workers of Lab-Alpha, distinguishable by their all-white uniforms, stared at the two visitors as if they were about to become lab rats of a mad science experiment. When the doors opened, disinfection smoke was released. “This decontaminates the subje--- Uhm, I mean the guests, before nearing the device.” The enthusiasm of Pietro and Cass kept them from picking up the signals of what was about to commence.
           “Now, now, Daisy. We do not want our guests to feel uncomfortable.” Dr. Lauvais quickly scolded Daisy, the one who almost slipped away their plans. “Very well, all looking functional,you two, sit over there. We reserved you the best seats in the house.” Said Dr. Lauvais, then gave off an awkward smile. “Hang on.” Cass finally declared. “I thought we are just here to see the experiment.” “That is correct.” The prompt response of Dr. Lauvais was cut by a series of questions from Cass and Pietro. “Then why is there a need for you to put us inside a dome of glass, at the center of this room?” Cass inquired, sparking the tension in the room. “And why are we the only audience? Is this not open to public viewing? We saw your posters.” Remarked Pietro.
          There was silence until Dr. Lauvais intervened. “Fine. You got us. From the very start, you are meant to be the subjects of this experiment. But please, do not leave now! We are about to show the world the possibilities of time travel!” Pietro looked at Cass with much anxiousness and regret. The look he gave Cass spoke the words he could not manage to say. After all, it was he who put them both in this situation. Cass, on the other hand, remained calm and unbothered.
         "I don't mind." Everyone in the room was shocked by what Cass just said. "I am sorry, what?" Asked a confused Dr. Lauvais. "Yeah, what?" Asked a more confused Pietro. "Well, this is my dream. I wanted to be in this. And besides, what could go wrong, anyway?" Cass's positivity and excitement, despite knowing that they had just been tricked, made Pietro feel uneasy. "Are you sure about this?" Pietro asked Cass while Doctor Lauvais and the rest of the personnel of Lab-Alpha prepared the device. "Actually, I was hoping for this. Just think of it this way, we are about to experience time travel for ourselves. Isn't that fun?" Said Cass, while she also tries to calm her nerves.
          "Uhm, Dr. Lauvais?" Dr. Lauvais did not hear Pietro. "Dr. Pietro, may I ask something?" Asked Pietro, a little louder this time. "What is it, my child?" "I was just wondering why there were no other participants in this experiment. Isn't this the biggest breakthrough ever made on the planet?" 
         "All set, doc!" Daisy shouted from an elevated platform in the room, interrupting Dr. Lauvais, and Pietro's conversation. "Well, there is no room for doubt now, Cass and Pietro. All the best of luck." 
        "Where exactly should we expect ourselves to arrive?" Asked Cass, who appeared to be intensely excited. "Since this is just a prototype, you will most likely be an hour ahead of us, I'm afraid." Replied Dr. Lauvais. Cass expressed a great deal of disappointment on her face while Pietro shyly cracked into a smile. Just an hour? That is so uncool. But safe. He thought. 
         "Good luck, kids! Oh, and upon your arrival, this pod will lose all of its power. So be sure to recharge it by connecting this cord to any S-type socket. Have fun, and stay alert!" After saying this, Dr. Lauvais joined Daisy on the platform for the countdown. "Launching in five, four, three, two, and..." Pietro held hands with Cass so tight that her last words before leaving were 'ouch, Pietro!' "one!"
        When Cass opened her eyes, she was alone. "Pietro? Pietro?" She removed the strap from her chair and continued looking for a person. "Pietro? It's not funny if you arrived earlier and thought of leaving me out here alone!" She kept on screaming but still got no answer. "Dr. Lauvais? Daisy? Hello? This is not a joke!" Eventually, she decided to leave the room. Upon opening the door, Lab-Alpha was in chaos. Shattered pieces of glass were on the floor, and the workers were bruised and lying with their now pinkish uniform because of blood. Cass was terrified by the sight in front of her. She ran outside and what confronted her was worse. Flight cars crashed against each other, collapsed buildings and other infrastructures, the streets were on fire, and there were no people to be seen. She tried to focus and somehow managed to send a distress call from her head, but no one was online. She just went an hour ahead of her time. How could all this happen in an hour? Cass went walking outside and saw the News Tower's screen still functioning, although half the screen was already crushed.
        It does not take a genius to decipher the message. Upon reading it, Cass went back to Lab-Alpha to warn the people of her time that, in an hour, the world faces its doom. When she arrived, she immediately turned on the pod. It did not open. It needed recharging. Now, Cass's present reality relies on her return, and she only has an hour.
#CreativeWriting #ShortStory
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