#yeah this bands lore gets . a little silly with it
c0tards--s0luti0n · 2 years
mini guide to the mechanisms for my non mechs followers who have zero clue what im saying when i talk about them
jonny d'ville;
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role: captain first mate mechanism: heart last death: stabbed straight through the heart during a bar fight backstory: born and raised on a planet called new texas, took hitman jobs from one eyed jack to pay off his father's debt . in one of the jobs, he killed his dad . after he got mechanized, he went back to new texas and burnt down the casino one eyed jack ran.
gunpowder tim;
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role: master at arms mechanism: eyes last death: crashed into a space station with a gunship backstory: him and his best friend bertie joined the starborne infantry to fight in the war against the moon kaiser . bertie died during the war, sending tim into a crazy rage, absolutely destroying kaiser's forces, eventually getting caught and taken away for execution, he managed to distract the guards and set off a canon, blowing up the moon. he survived by hiding in an escape pod, but couldnt get the visor closed in time, therefore losing his eyes.
drumbot brian;
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role: pilot mechanism: everything except his heart last death: threw himself back into space backstory: landed one day on a random planet with no memory, the townsfolk were convinced he was a witch and threw him into space , everything except his heart completely froze .
ashes o'reilly;
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role: quartermaster mechanism: lungs last death: dropped a match into gasoline on an un-named planet , setting it on fire as the final light in the universe . backstory: recruited into a gang at the age of 11, 12 years later, was framed as a double agent and trapped in a burning building. got mechanized, went back to the planet and burnt the whole thing down.
raphaella la cognizi;
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role: science officer mechanism: wings last death: took a piece of the broken aurora, and flew into a black hole with it, as one last experiment. backstory: N/A
ivy alexandria;
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role: archivist mechanism: brain last death: got trapped inside a library planet that caught on fire in a war . backstory: she was born and raised around books, she died (unexplained why) and had her brain mechanized. she cant remember her past , it comes back to her in dreams that she doesnt remember when she wakes .
marius von raum;
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role: ship's doctor mechanism: right arm last death: eaten by octokittens after checking on them . backstory: he's from a planet with what used to be very powerful weapons, that slowly degraded from years of war . him and an un-named person tried to stop the war, but failed .
nastya rasputina;
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role: ship's engineer mechanism: (quicksilver) blood last death(?): she ejected herself out into space before the bifrost incident, because the aurora 'wasnt the same ship anymore, being replaced piece by piece until she was a different person.' backstory: she was raised on a technologically advanced planet, and killed during a revolution, then being mechanized.
the toy soldier;
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role: N/A, does almost anything it's told to as long as the directions are clear (autism) mechanism: everything but its voice last death: after all the other mechanisms died, it simply stopped pretending. backstory: The Toy Soldier originally lived with a widow who collected clockwork figures. She treated the Toy Soldier like it was her husband and tried to teach it to act like him. she died, and the Toy Soldier was donated to a museum. one day, it just decided to leave, wandering out into the street and ending up joining the Salvation Army.it met person who it ended up falling in love with. but they were in love with someone else, and the Toy Soldier killed them and took their voice. It was then found by an antiques dealer, and ended up being bought by the Mechanisms to replace Jonny for a show while he was in prison . then it just stuck around .
erm . sorry that probably made everything more confusing !
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menlove · 2 months
Honestly, getting into the Beatles made me see how little we actually know about history in general. For most of time, you have like 1-2 sources and you take their word for granted. And then you have the Beatles, the band itself made out of unreliable narrators, you have Paul who decides in every interview what his current truth looks like, you have John who sometimes changed his mind after each sentence. We have so many sources, we actually should know what happened, but we honestly don't! It's making me crazy for sure
welcome to my worlddddd 😭
like genuinely and literally...... yeah. because like. compared to a lot of aspects of history, we really do have an insane amount of sources and lore on the beatles. two of them are still ALIVE and so are many many MANY primary sources on their history. and yet we Still don't know a lot and have conflicting accounts of soooo so so many things
history is a Lot less concrete than people would like. it's extremely, EXTREMELY subjective and always filtered through the historian's bias no matter how carefully we try and represent the objective truth (or not! many historians distinctly do Not even pretend to go for objectivity)
which is why I find it a Bit silly when anyone tries to pretend they're above subjectivity like.....oh baby NO ONE knows what happened with literally anything ever. even with things where we have video that show events exactly as they occurred, just as important is everything behind the scenes and the stories of each and every person involved...... which will inevitably be Riddled with contradiction and confusion and people misremembering
like genuinely I have more primary sources to support mclennon than I've had on academic essays and I STILL can't say with anywhere near certainty that they were in queer love. I mean, I believe that, but it's still just an interpretation
history is fun! but it's more art than science
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lesbian-octoling · 2 years
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Hello all, and welcome to the third round of salmonid adopts: Horrorboros edition! Availability, rules, and other information below the cut!
What is an adoptable?
An adopt is a pre-designed character that I create, and you can ‘buy’ to be able be able to use and claim as your own character. Of course, since these are splatoon based I’m not selling the concepts of splatoon, just the idea and design of the character itself.
Once you buy the adopts, they’re yours. You’re welcome to redesign, alter, give away and/or trade as you see fit. The only thing I don’t allow is reselling for a higher price (same or below is fine).
Though these are meant to be splatoon adopts, you’re welcome to use them for any setting that you please! They’re not inherently limited to splatoon; especially the more unique characters.
The placeholder names, personality, and info are just.. placeholder/concepts! You can name them whatever you want, give them any pronouns, personality, lore, whatever! I won’t feel bad lol
Once I receive payment, I’ll send you a full size, transparent, unwatermarked image of your adopt!
I can hold them for up to a week!
If one is on hold, you can still message and ask to be next in line if whatever they’re being held for doesn’t work out.
Base price for each adopt is currently $40 USD (A bit pricier than my usual ones cus I worked really hard on these ones + they're really detailed), however, you can check out some discounts at the bottom!
Also, please keep in mind that my last adopt post had an issue where I could not edit the post after posting it, so if you see this message, PLEASE check the notes to see if any have sold, as this list won't be accurate.
“SCREAMO” - ON HOLD [3/10/23] A horrorboros that decided to put their voice to use instead of filling their mouth with slime. Quit your big run, join my screamo band!
“CAROUSEL” - ON HOLD [3/11/23] After sneaking a peek at Wahoo World, this horrorboros fell in love with the aesthetic of the beasts on the carousel, and became inspired to work on some fashion... in between battles, of course.
“LITTLE PRINCE” - SOLD [Note: this is a 2 for 1, do not separate them <3 ] A cohozuna who's taken it upon themself to raise this silly little... noodle into a proper king salmonid.
“THE TOWER” - SOLD A young teen horrorboros who wants to be a stinger, not a silly booyah bomb thrower!
Yeah, we know this is what you’re here for!  I’m going to offer several discounts and deals, which are subject to change, and may or may not pop in and out! This is my first time trying some of this.
COMMISSION BUNDLE If you buy a character from me, you can also get a get a commission of that character for 25% off to come with it! This only applies once, and has to be worked out around the time of purchasing the character. You choose the type of commission you’d like! Commission info is here.
PASSION DISCOUNT If you do a piece of fanwork for one of these characters- come up with extensive lore, a piece of art, a piece of writing, etc- and I can tell you actually put some effort and passion into it, then you can get them for 30% off… making them $28! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy and I’m not going to judge you by how ‘good’ your work is- again, it’s only judged by passion for the character. If I can tell you genuinely enjoyed it and had fun and will love the character you get (instead of having them simply sit on a dusty shelf or resold, etc), you get the discount! If you’re worried about the work taking a while but you want to wait until it’s done to buy them, no worries! I can hold a character for up to a week for you.
BONUS LORE If you wanna shell out an extra $5, I can fully flesh out the placeholder lore for you and come up with something much more fleshed out! Names, backstory, personality, all the bells and whistles. I can also work with you to fit it into any preexisting lore or characters you might want them to be worked with! Once again, you’re welcome to change any of this- but I’ll work with ya on it to make sure it’s something you like!
TRADES I’m a bit iffy on art trades or character trades, but I’m not going to say they’re out of the question. You’re welcome to ask!
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struck-by-the-rain · 4 months
was inspired by a few other ppl on here to drop some of the kind of cringy tropey lore I made up about these 2,,, mostly how they met n stuff and how I personally see emm.... im v normal about them I prommy
maintagging this perhaps but it's under the read more so if u dgaf u can just look at the silly picture
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ok sooo
they meet completely by accident because This Space Kicker In Particular (who I'm calling SK) gets a try again in space soccer and crash lands outside the karate family residence. he's fine though, probably because he's subject to cartoon physics or something (might rewrite this bit of the lore bc it's kinda goofy but it's the first thing I thought of).
v predictably they start out playing soccer together, like they take a ball to the park or whatever n just having a kick around. but they move on to hanging out in a non-soccer context pretty quickly. i imagine sk's really curious to see what earth is like (it's probably his first time there), like he's filled w whimsy and joy just to go to the cafe n stuff :) joe is meeting him behind seniors back!
sk isn't joes only friend - hes friends w yuka n the wandering samurai n a few others, but i don't know if he's actually close with them? partially because he's busy training, partially because he's quite a reserved person, n to me at least I think he struggles a lot with self-doubt/feeling inadequate for anyone around him (partially as a result of the way he was raised). not to get Angsty on main but I think he ascribes wayyy too much of his self worth on his training... I think he has a tendency to try and isolate himself from others, both physically and emotionally
sk is the opposite (tropey ik lmao) - he's v outgoing, silly n carefree almost to the point where he gets on people's nerves sometimes (he's cowboy sk's "annoying little brother" to me). I don't think he fully gets/realises exactly why joe is v reserved but I think he manages to grow close w him in spite of that... idk how to word it. but I think he's such a ray of sunshine he's able to break through whatever exterior joe has put up for himself (ik how cheesy that sounds but yeah)
ive made a post about this before but joe is v v v affection starved (because Basement) and does a terrible job at hiding it to the point where he just melts over the smallest things. sk meanwhile is suuuuuper physically affectionate so yeah
I haven't worked out exactly when this happens but I think they just kinda fall for each other over time, it takes a while for both of them to realise its mutual tho....
joe alsooo gets flustered veryyyy easily (source: karate man 2 ds superb screen). sk probs picks up on this right away lmao
im thinking sk is out here dropping the most obvious hints... but joe refuses to believe that sk would see him in that way. idk he probs does the wildest mental gymnastics assuming that sk is just being nice or it's like,,, a social norm up on his planet lmfao.
but yeah he eventually works it out too in the end... probably partially because he begins to learn to be a bit more confident in himself over time. i think they get to a point where they both v much know it's mutual but r too awkward to do anything about it/don't wanna mess up their close friendship/are too worried about the logistics/implications of living on other planets n senior. so they don't like acc Say anything or whatever for a while. but it's obvious n only gets worse over time lmfao. see the pic above the cut
blehhh silly thought but I hc sk to be besties with 6switcher who I think gets fed up of his shittt... like hes just like "Oh My God Please Just Tell Him. Like Please".
in my mind palace they end up going to the battle of the bands (joes a huge fan of the rockers but he's never been able to see them live before). and ummm after the concert they end up sitting outside live house ogu watching the stars together,,,, and u kno,,,, they kith.... woaw,,,,, but yeah I think because botb is the 1 time in game they "meet" (if u can even call it that) I thought it would be cute if it's where they end up getting together as a couple :)
hmmm like inconsequential shit unrelated to the main story but they find remix 9 cat as a stray kitten at some point during all of this n joe takes it in... i think I could do a follow up post about what happens next in the lore after botb because this is already mega long but they eventually end up living together on sk's planet and the cat comes w them :)
oh adding this on acc after I posted it, but I think when joe meets sk it's like,,, the first time in his life where he hasn't felt lonely...
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cammy-mcspammy · 9 months
My Gf recommended that I talk about my ocs SOO I decided on drawing all of the main ones I could
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OK so. There's 4 universes. The grow a demon one, the one with Juno as the mermaid, clouds, and then Avelina's rock band one.
The grow a demon one is ESSENTIALLY about a lot of dark subjects (tw) but to dumb it down its basically factory created demons who submit to their humans. (This is probably my most thought-out oc lore that started out as a joke)
The merman one is basically a gay coming of age love story with some dark family subjects (tw) so they run away together and eventually it ends in heartbreak (oopsiesss)
The avelina one is just about this little Latina emo falling in love with this tuff guy and introducing him to her band. Just some tomfoolery and drama between them
Then clouds is just a weirdcore lil silly guy who I'd draw whenever I disassociate. Haven't figured out much so he's in his own category. He goes to different places where his hair serves different uses and gets led around by eyeballs that are deemed untrustworthy, but they're just silly ok!!
If you want any more info or drawings of my ocs, I'll TOTALLY do it. (Oh yeah the hearts indicate if the characters are currently dating or will) they all have their own little stories and tidbits so I hope ppl care maybe?
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waterfalls-bunny · 5 days
HI HI HI sry i disappeared sleep and school eatin my life smh ANYGAY
who's your favorite south park character, what's your favorite hc for them, and what's your favorite canon thing of theirs >:3
also hope ur exams go/went great :D
YIPPEE YOU REPLIED ye i have some things to say (`▽´)
My favorite south park character is Kenny!! (he appears in 99% of my drawings send help) tho other favs are Butters, Wendy, and Kyle in that order :D As for why Kenny is my favorite tbh sometimes i wonder the same thing ( •̀ - • ) LMAO jk but is kinda dumb why he's my fav ig. For this we have to go back to 9yo me who knew nothing about internet but somehow ended up watching a gameplay of SOT and i gotta be super honest my first crush was princess Kenny srs
🚶🚶🚶 not Kenny, PRINCESS Kenny. And that was my first glance to south park ever, I never had interest in the series until like 2 years ago when I decided to screw the bad opinions and give the series a shot best decision ever honestly, so ye I always liked Kenny www but besides that well I can come up here and analyze the little blond in many aspects!! about how he's one of the nicest guys in town, how of a good brother model role he is to Karen, how all he really cares about are his friends and some boobs (silly lol), about his poverty and how I can relate to some point to that too and all of his character lore about his immortality, how it affects him and the many things I as a fan can think based of that!! I also have a Kenny plushie I happen to bring whenever I go to a trip so even my parents who know nothing about south park know Kenny and are fond of the little guy <3 so yeah he's my fav
Now about hc? 「( • ヘ •) I have one stupid hc but is so stupid LMAO so in another post I said I like Luka Megurine from vocaloid and one day i was playing SOT and had a vision:
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Hc Kenny is a Luka simp HAHAHAS
Is so stupid bc it fits him so well 😭😭😭bc for even more context Luka fans are kinda known to be... pervert and unhinged (generalizing not everyone is like that ofc just look at me a repulsed ace guy 「(°ヘ°) but yeah. It has no explanation besides combining my 2 favorites things LMAO and this is a level 4 hc so I'm gonna add another hc more sp related which should be mmhmm wow I can't really think in any right now besides the obvious ones
kenny is the most knowledgeable about drinks, drugs and stuff bc he tried em all (and died some times) bc he knows he will always come back
this also applies to piercings and tattoos, smth along the lines of "death hurt more than getting a piercing"
he will still treat Karen like a baby even when she's all grown up
he's in charge of the groceries at home
he secretly loves being babied by his friends and goes along bc he rarely gets that treatment (watch covid especial for reference about how cartman, stan and kyle treat him like their son sometimes)
for example tho is too basic lmao. I have another hc about Kenny being peruvian because I AM PERUVIAN AND I WILL PERUVIANIZE SOUTH PARK AHAHA /lh also bc after watching the peruvian episodes I gen thought Kenny has more of a peruvian vibe than Craig if I'm 100% honest, like I get the Craig peruvian hc and is cool and all but all he did in those 2 episodes was complaining to the main 4 to the point even Kenny (a very chill dude) was mad at him LMAO and by the plot is that he ended up involved, like if Craig went along to them to pretend to be a mexican band (he denied it at the end of the second episode) then he would've be part of a mexican prophecy somehow too so the argument of "craig is peruvian because he was in the profecy!!" is kinda random to me lol. But I love the fanarts and hc!!! This is just a silly thought bc like no way dude we literally have Kenny dancing to peruvian music and I'm telling from my expertise in being peruvian for 19 years that you need to vibe with the music to be one of us trust, like that yelled at me PERUVIAN pluuus being peruvian to the other hispanic countries is smth very mocked on, poverty hella exists here and I dunno I feel Kenny fits being a peruvian guy? Or well having a tiny bit of peruvian dna im fine with that too *baila que linda flor del grupo nectar*
Last question!! My favorite thing about Kenny canonically is definitely how of a good sibling he is, I also like Kyle for this reason but I think is different with Kenny due to how easy it was for him to give up on his family and not care but he does! I wish we get more interactions between the McCormicks smh stares at Kevin
And well that was it :D I hope ya like it also I actually did well in my exams!!! I'm surviving law 💥💥💥
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CW: RELIGIOUS THEMES nothing crazy, just lore that revolves around a fictional satanic church
OK SO GHOST BAND LORE. IS SO GREAT. TOBIAS FORGE IS A GENIUS AND I LOVE HIM. so it all starts with Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil, right?? okay, so first of all, these two are in the most clusterfuck of a straight relationship ever. they're dating. married, maybe?? THEY'RE TOGETHER. and when they're young, they lead this satanic church together. it's a church that worships Lucifer as a deity, and is run by something called "the clergy" (just the higher ups in the church, basically). the 'Sister Imperator' or 'Frater Imperator' (depending upon gender) runs the clergy, and then there are other mostly unnamed members as well, for example, the Saltarian. then, there's the Papa. the Papa in the church is similar to a Pope in the Catholic church. does all the same stuff, wears stuff that is INSANELY similar to Pope robes, etc,. the Papa is also the lead singer of the band that goes with the church! then, there are the Nameless Ghouls. it's unclear in the lore if they're actual demons or not, but a lot of people suspect them to be. the Nameless Ghouls take the part of playing the instruments and doing backing vocals for the band!
so now that you have all that context, there's Papa Nihil and Sister Imperator. they're together, and they take on the role of running this church, something Papa Nihil says his fathers and grandfathers have run for generations before him. so basically, Papacy has been running through his blood for a long time. it's unspecified how Sister gets her role as Imperator, but nonetheless, she has it. Papa Nihil has three sons so far from unnamed mothers, and their names are Primo, Secundo, and Terzo. And then he gets Sister Imperator pregnant! THE CRAZY PART? HE KISSES ANOTHER WOMAN IN FRONT OF HER WHILE SHES PREGNANT AT ONE OF HIS PERFORMANCES. this is what starts their weird situation ship, mostly filled with Papa Nihil pining for Sister Imperator and Sister Imperator having a love-hate relationship with him.
but anyways, getting back to the lore. Papa Nihil holds onto Papacy for upwards of about 40 years, before passing the role of Papa down to his eldest son, Primo. (I think he passes the role down because he dies but idk... just hold on to the information that Papa Nihil dies at some point.) There wasn't much info about the band at the time, so sadly, no Primo lore. Primo reigns as Papa Emeritus 1 for I believe around 6-8 years, and then passes the role down to his younger brother, Secundo.
Secundo rules as Papa Emeritus 2 for around the same amount of time as his older brother. during this time, we get some secundo lore through the "Papaganda" series! for example, he speaks Italian, and really loves living it up/living fancy (and sleeping with women). Once Secundo's rule ends, he passes the mic down to his twin(? if I remember correctly) brother, Terzo.
Terzo rules as Papa Emeritus 3 for another however many years (I am too lazy to look it up and deadass forgot) and there's a lot more lore that comes with him! Not as much as what comes with the next Papa, but there are a lot of clips of Terzo talking (mostly about sex??), and just being silly. Now, you're expecting Terzo to peacefully pass on the Papa title to the next Papa, right? HA. NO.
"Well who the fuck is Papa next?? Nihil's out of sons." NO HE ISN'T. YOU'RE FORGETTING THAT HE GOT SISTER PREGNANT. so, naturally, the next person in line to be Papa? Copia. ISSUE. HE'S STILL A FUCKING CARDINAL, HE'S NOT READY TO BE PAPA YET. so he goes on the next tour (his first album cycle) as the Cardinal Copia instead of as Papa.
thankfully, this issue is soon resolved when the Cardinal Copia, now Papa Copia or Papa Emeritus IV/4, receives his Papa robes on stage. so for the next album cycle, he's referred to as Papa! AND GUESS WHAT?? HE GETS TO GO ON A *THIRD* ALBUM CYCLE AS WELL, this most recent tour!!
now, everybody thought that Papa Copia was going to be killed off like Papa Terzo was, especially because there were no phones allowed at the LA show. BUT YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS INSTEAD?? COPIA IS PROMOTED TO FRATER IMPERATOR AFTER HIS MOTHER DIES. THATS RIGHT. SISTER IMPERATOR DIES. she isn't assassinated, she just dies of old age like Papa Nihil did. they were both very old.
so as it stands, Copia is now Frater Imperator, and we are waiting for a new Papa!!! IM SO EXCITED TO FIND OUT WHO THE NEXT PAPA WILL BE AHHH :DD
ok that's all thank you bye :3
:0 BRO THATS ALL SO COOL!!! I love ghosts music but I never got much into the lore so thank you for sharing it with me :3
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totentnz · 6 months
#17 for V 👀 (I just want more j3p lore)
OC Ask game time
17) Does your OC have a pet?
in the main universe she has nibbles! she doesn't really consider him a pet, he just comes around for food and shower drain water once in awhile. she's not really interested in having pets, she's also barely able to take care of herself so having another creature that's dependent on her in her life is a no-go.
in au: everybody wants to rule the world she has a pet rat called johnny 3 paws! (hollywood undead is her favourite band and their bass player is called johnny 3 tears + v changed her last name to scene, which is also the last name of their lead singer lmao)
j3p and her met when v was homeless! (again) when she picked a place to stay for the night he was already there and very adamant to defend his space. after fighting arguing for a bit he decided to let her stay and they shared a pizza! he decided to stay with her and once v got a place to stay (thanks vik!) he moved in with her.
now having pets is illegal in night city and for most people that would mean having a rat friend is difficult, not for v however! she managed to get her hands on a big cage and DIYs a lot of his toys and such. she knows a lot of people and even does gigs for dakota (someone mentions she grows her own melons so i imagine you can get other real fruit and stuff from her) to get her hands on some food for him.
j3p (or jpeg as viv likes to call him) was a biotechnica lab rat and while rats are already plenty smart he got something about him that makes him even smarter!
he and viv's nibbles are best friends! he often visits him and they even go on little adventures in the city.
i'm currently writing something silly so you get a little sneak peak!
"why do you have two humans?" "dunno. he showed up one day. 'member when we went on vacation? with the small male human?" "we visited vincent right?" "the fat human? yeah, that time. human johnny was just here when i came back." "he has a scent to him. like the PreemOhs valerie has in her cupboard. stale." "he does? i like his smell."
also obligatory meme:
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gerardpilled · 2 years
would you share some beach boys lore with us?!
I know this is extremely vague, but past the actual music on pet sounds I truly truly know nothing about them
p.s. I just looked them up on spotify and smiley smile is wild
HA! I gotcha! Okay so there's actually a decent amount of stuff that i'm not sure is necessarily interesting on its own or just interesting with the background knowledge of Brian Wilson's life and story. Basically what kinda enamors me to them most is the contrast between how modern people without a knowledge of music history* view them and the behind the scenes reality. Their legacy has kinda been defined to the general public by their appearances and work in the 90s which really pushed the whole "beach! fun! surfing! babes!" aspect of their earlier work while completely ignoring what made songs like "fun fun fun" and "I get around" classics to begin with. Brian Wilson. Which is where the contrast kinda comes in for me. you have all these songs that surface level seem simple and dumb, but even those have artistry to them that made them stand out because someone like Brian Wilson was behind them!
Brian's story is incredibly sad and tragic at times and can be hard to learn about especially as a neuro-divergent person. He made such beautiful and sad sounds while dealing with mental health struggles that society of the 60s were not kind to. He has auditory schizophrenia which inspired a lot of work from pet sounds onward. he eventually had a mental breakdown while attempting to finish smiley smile (ps, he re-produced it 40 years later so go listen to SMiLE sessions instead). A lot of his life and work after that was controlled by his conservatorship under his abusive psychologist.
Anyway yeah i guess that's the starting lore that i find really important. I know it's a person's real life experience, but there's something so tragic about Brian's story and how his art has been bastardized by Mike Love (his cousin and co-beach boy) in the years since leaving the band that kinda hits me hard. Everyone attributes so much to the Beatles when it comes to rock and roll influence because the beach boys were just some silly dudes! I think I heard someone say once that in the Beatles an artist like Paul McCartney had an artist like John Lennon backing him up. In the Beach Boys, Brian Wilson had himself.
If you want a quick and well-made overview, the 2014 biopic Love and Mercy is actually really good! Also if you haven't, listen to pet sounds front to back and really try to hear all the layers and sounds and tiny little details. it's considered one of the best albums ever made and it commercially tanked when it came out. Also Also give a good hard listen to good vibrations. it's the song Brian considers his masterpiece (though i think his favorite is Don't Worry Baby which i would have to agree with) it took actual months to make and i think it was recorded in like 4 different studios because he believed they all specialized in different acoustics
*not an insult to those people i don't expect anyone to know this stuff
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neth-cactus · 5 months
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Have lore but not really drawing of the sillies, giving a bit of info since i want to start to let loose the story. Both Stella and Clover get controlled by someone and like stella gets the heavier blow with it, so yeah HGDSKGJFS also i felt the song had their vibes
Forgor to mention but the drawing is a reference to the song mesmerizer by 32ki
Now many doodles under the cut and i might explain some :D
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first two are just canon adjacent shitposts, and the other two are aus first a Band au, where all the canon conflicts are just them yelling their lungs out with fitting songs and the most drama there is are band breakups xd, second is just a silly yokai watch au that i put way too much effort into DSUGFSHLIFS i might draw it more.
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"Welcome the newest band in our venue, Cyanotype!"
"H-hey is that-"
"Wait what....Yes! It is her! what is she doing here, shes breaking the deal"
Little canon tidbit, Peggy's missions sometimes takes her to unfortunate places
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dongpound · 8 months
i demand to know more of your oc's (also im trying to catch up on your space au fic its been so long since i last read it)
Anon™️ I’m using your ask as like a sticky note of oc ideas specifically Tundra dude there’s SO much I’m so sorry I got into the hyper focus zone
Tundra’s name is actually Alejandra Citlali Osorio-Cruz and through the series she’s just about to turn 16 in season 1 and roughly 19-20 by Season 5 (give or take how the fuck you think time works in 2012 bc I think it takes place over 3-4 years season 5 included)
Tundra came about as a nickname when she was a kid and got super hyper-fixated on professional wrestling and like. She made an entire persona and lore. Alec started using her wrestling name as a silly nickname and it stuck.
Yes I did come up with a stupid cute reason behind the name Tundra bc I can not handle the fact I chose such a BAD oc name for a LION but like I can’t change it NOW!! I MADE HER IN LIKE 2015 SHES TOO OLD TO CHANGE IT
Xever did just think for the longest time Tundra WAS her name. He also just assumed that Alec and Chris adopted a child for fun.
Her bio parents Ixchel and Alejandro were really good friends of Alec and Chris for like. Well over a decade. Ixchel and Alec especially. Ixchel was an actress (like I would say their worlds equivalent of Selma Hayek) and Alejandro worked in music production.
They didn’t have a ton of family they kept in contact with, so Alec and Chris were named Alejandra’s legal guardians if anything happened to them. They sadly died in a plane crash when Tundra was around 1.
This feels like SOOOO edgy and silly to me now but like I literally can’t see Alec and Chris adopting a kid any other way than the guilt of losing their friends pushing them to do it. WHICH SOUNDS BAD. AND LIKE IT IS. However they still love and raise Alejandra as their own, if anything Chris is like. Somewhat distant bc he still has his career but Alec’s like “fuck yeah I get to raise a kid again” and kinda slips from the spotlight. Which is fine by them , they’re like 600 years old they can just have messy fun in the public eye another time
Tundra goes fucking THROUGH IT emotionally through the series. Like goes from would do anything for Chris and Alec (especially Chris who. Again. Was distant and she desperately wanted his approval) to the point where like. She’s yknow. Mutated, to growing resentful of them when Hachi enters the picture (especially when she has to take care of him) to like. Low key betraying the foot and joining the mutanimals in season 3. And then having to deal w Chris being resurrected temporarily in season 5 after a really chill and happy 2 years with her mom and little brother like it’s a LOT.
In season 1 she’s very much a “mean girl” stereotype and slowly evolves into Cool And Gay (but still a little better than you)(she. She gets that from her upbringing.)
Tundra and Karai are seen as like a duo/bffs up until season 2 after the whole “I’m not shredders daughter” thing happens. They grow distant (obviously) until season 4.
So like Alec and Chris are NOT the best parents and like. They did totally just let Tundra take Hachi to live w her and the Mutanimals in season 4. She’d already been in space w him for 6 months and the poor kid really didn’t want to go live in the woods. I have such a specific scene in mind for this and I want to write it out so bad. Anyway tundra basically becomes a teen mom for a little bit. Eldest daughters am I right? *plays class of 2013 by mitski*
Tundra has a modified mini van which she does haul all of her friends who can fit in. Apologies to leatherhead and slash . No she doesn’t have a license
She also has a bike. These two vehicles she did canonically find on the side of the highway and she convinced Donnie and Casey to help her fix them
Tundras in a punk (? Maybe more Pop punk ) band called The Muties (my other characters Jack and Spinstra are in it. also Mondo. Sometimes Raph fills in on drums if Spinstra can’t make it). Tundra and Jack switch off on vocals, she’s usually on bass. They started up in the down time between seasons 4 and 5. They play in Moira’s Menagerie (a mutants only bar and hall) every week on Fridays. Alec comes to nearly all of their shows and also they bring Hachi sometimes when they practice and he’ll play his DS.
Alec will also force their friends (I.e. Apep, Anton, Ivan and Xever) to come watch Tundra w the promise of drinks and she thinks it’s embarrassing every fucking time bc they’re SO LOUD and OBVIOUS and god she could just DIE (but also. Having the support makes her happy)
Alec WILL slam back 3 tequila shots and go on about how talented their daughter is.
Chris got to see her play once. And it was when he was resurrected. And Tundra, frankly, was not thrilled. Another one I wanna write
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do2faj · 1 year
Hello silly tumblr person that feeds me yummy art, i am aware that you’re fond of the band Ghost, and i, (your devoted worshipper), thinks that they look very cool!! And wants to know more!! 
But unfortunately, i have no idea where to start off. I am very confuzzled about these little “papa” guys, and other stuffs. 
Do you have any song recommendations for where to start off? Or just any overall information i need to know?
Ok firstly, that was ,the best, nickname someone ever dared to call me so thank you for that and I also love you for asking me about my interest that srs made my day
Tbh Ghost's lore is not complicated like people say at ALL. They're nothing but a silly little autistic rock band
I would explain it to you but it would be too long and painful for me to write so I suggest you to watch those short essay videos that explains it on YouTube first(there's a lot so I don't think you'll have problem with finding one) so that you can understand what is going on in the chapters and their songs meanings.After that you can then learn about the band members (aka the nameless ghouls) I'm sure there's also videos that explains it.
(This is how I started off btw! I just think reading summaries or watching essays before you get into the thing that you want to get into saves you from wasted time and confusion because when you start this way, you have some basic knowledge going on about the topic, so you actually know what you are doing.)
It may look a little too much now,but it's really not when you get inside I'm sure you'll have so much fun!!( I should warn you that the fandom is a little too horny but you are a Tumblr user so I don't think you'd mind that)
My favorite song is Idolatrine but the album Infestisumam itself is just so damn amazing so yeah,give it a shot. Your ears won't be disappointed 🦇
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charcadett · 2 years
Hi it’s the Splatoon crossover anon! Honestly when I saw that ur requests were closed I was 100% willing to wait until they were opened back up again lol
Anyways, I mostly wanna see Kofu, Ryme, Grusha, and Jacq in these headcanons but if you think any other characters would have interesting interactions feel free to add them!
Sooo for the request, how about these characters meeting a small fry/lil’ buddy! It doesn’t have to be new Agent 3’s little small fry, you can do an entirely diff one if you want them to keep them hehe. Salmonids are sentient and have a whole culture and make their own music so don’t treat them as a pet :0 Also this small fry would pretty much be separated from their tribe so they’d probably follow the mentioned characters around since they’d be the closest thing to family
I can imagine all the silly little stuff that can happen!! Like small fry sitting in Kofu’s apron pockets or in Grusha’s scarf and singing along with Ryme!! And accidentally falling off a ledge lol. Salmonids were on the team chaos side sooo.. would love to see a lil chaos hehe
Okay I am going off of incredibly bare minimum knowledge here so Splatoon fans please forgive anything wrong lore wise. All I know is damn those squids can sing. Really hope you enjoy this anon! Crossover fans stick together :D
Splatoon & Pokemon SV Crossover: Jacq, Ryme, Kofu, and Grusha befriend a Smallfry Salmonid!
- At first, all four of them mistake the lost Smallfry for a new Pokemon. They look like one, and their little gurgles can easily be mistaken for a cry if one isn't familiar with the Inkling language. Jacq is the first of the four to realize that what he has following him around like a lost Fidough is not a Pokemon but an entirely new being all together. It’s unsurprising, considering his scientific background. His first concern is communication. Neither party seems to understand the other well, though there are some words he recognizes mixed in with Smallfry’s gibberish. During his classes, they float around him, happily mimicking his tone with their bubbling vocalizations. If you’re a student in Jacq’s class, you quickly have to become accustomed to your supplies going missing. The little Smallfry has a hidden collection going on.
- Ryme is the second fastest to discover this. She rescued the shivering Smallfry from a snow drift a week ago, and they’ve been following her around ever since. When she tried to use a Pokeball on them, it clattered to the ground, completely useless. Both she and the Smallfry stared at the object in confusion. Inevitably, she accepts this as is with little question. She particularly loves when they rap along with her, but when they sing songs from Salmonid bands, she’s fascinated. Ryme can’t help but take inspiration for her own music, the Smallfry on stage settled on her shoulder, singing along with her.
- Kofu has experience with Water-types, and Smallfry is like no Water-type he has ever seen. He’s also never seen any Pokemon wield a spoon like it’s a blunt-force weapon before either. He takes Smallfry's existence in stride and with no questions. Guess he has a weird li’l fish kid to take care of now, not that he minds. Settled in the pocket of Kofu’s apron, the Smallfry watches him fry up food for his restaurant patrons with rapt attention. Because of being separated from their school, the Smallfry has an appetite of a full-grown man. Kofu is up to the challenge, always coming up with some delicious meal for his favorite little guy.
- It takes Grusha a bonk on the head to pick up on it. He can be a bit thick. The Smallfry still takes to him all the same once they get a little bit more respect, and if there’s one thing Grusha can empathize with, it’s feeling lonely. He knows that expression all too well, no matter what face it’s on. Yeah, he has friends, but it gets lonely at the top of a mountain. He learns how to communicate decently with the Smallfry, paying close attention to their expressions and body language. Though, it’s still a bit harder than he’s used to. Maybe if he was a Water-type specialist and worked with more fish-shaped Pokemon, he’d have a better hang of it. For now, he’s going off of a mix of humans and what he’s seen from his Cetoddle to decipher what the Smallfry is trying to say. Whenever he goes out, he’s sure to bundle them up as much as possible. They practically look like a little ball of fabric more than a Salmonid.
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ghostbc-headcanons · 2 years
First of all, amazing sibling dynamics, you got the essence of the weirdness you can do to your siblings right (terzo’s stuff unfortunately hit close to home for me being and youngest with a very patient sibling) and two, can you write out what you know about Mary goore. I know it was a persona Tobias forge had for a different band(s?) but I have no idea if he had any lore or what his personality was.
thank you very much!! :) i'm very glad my writing was accurate
and of course i can! granted, i definitely don't know as much about him as some others but i can try my best!
Tumblr media
mister mary goore (seen above) is, as you know, another persona of our beloved tobias from the band repugnant! very much pre-ghost, the band was together from 1998-2004 (but tobias got the band back together to play for some concerts in 2010-11 i think? most pictures/gifs/videos of him are from this era)
i don't really think he had much lore if any at all, and if there is it's not easily found on the internet (based on my very simple search on wikipedia of the band) i think it was mostly a stage name, but ghost fans found this silly little guy covered in blood and went Yeah. i'm keeping this sucker
so character-wise, as far as i've seen, mary goore is crass, vulgar, bold, violent, and impulsive, but also dorky??? goofy even??? nerdy??? simply put, he's not afraid to speak his mind! yell a bit! say yeehaw! scream!
he also thinks dead people are hot maybe???????? i don't know don't take my word for this i've just seen it mentioned a LOT. he's a little fucked up
i'm sure a lot of information people have gathered about him have been from their songs, but i personally have not listened to their music (Yet........ i probably will eventually even though i'm not a death metal fan (YET))
anyways. that's all i've got! honestly i just read a hell of a lot of fanfiction/headcanons about these characters and the information gets lodged into my brain as a result
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
you’re killing me with the trysi feels so please… indulge me. hit me with your fave trysi moments (from when they were HAPPY 😭). i need to know more about their relationship and dynamic okay the fate of the world is at stake ‼️
you and juno are out here funding the trysi ship all on your lonesome!!!! thank god!!!!!!!!! i love thinking abt them and their silly little love story <- is actually a rather tragic and heartbreaking story
cleaning closet make out sessions!!! i love how tris and chrysi are both trying so hard not to laugh (nervously on tris’s part, and from pure thrill on chrysi’s part) that their kisses are more of laughing against each other’s mouths while they embrace each other… much nicer than going to honors pre-calc, am i right?
THEIR PROM NIGHT. THEY DROVE THREE HOURS TO GO TO AN ARCADE IN ANOTHER CITY PURELY BECAUSE TRIS MENTIONED IT ON A WHIM AND CHRYSI WAS LIKE “honestly, it sounds more fun than this” AND THEY WERE OUT ALL NIGHT DRIVING TO THE ARCADE AND THEN BACK!!!! they’re in their fancy prom outfits and chrysi’s winning tris all the little stuffed animals from those claw machines and they stop at a 24-hr diner on their way back…. it makes me so happy-sad. they had so much fun on their prom night. (tris still has the photos they took in the photo booth that night and he cries whenever he sees them) ((chrysi does too.))
such a silly little moment, but i think it’s one tris values deeply, but tris once got into an argument regarding scooby doo lore with a friend and he called chrysi to get her input and SHE BACKED HIM UP!!! AND SHE HAD PROOF DOWN TO THE TIMESTAMP!!!! that was a true love moment for tris, for SURE.
post-reunion, where tris gets possessed and chrysi saves him + once he wakes up, she’s hovering over him with her hand on his forehead and she’s looking soso worried… but when she notices he’s awake, she forces a smile and goes, “welcome back to the land of the living, pretty boy” GOD. SHE CARES ABOUT HIM SO MUCH.
SPEAKING OF POST-REUNION DATING, OMG??? THEIR HALLOWEEN PARTY??? tris knows all about chrysi’s Thing where she has to go as something that she Is for halloween (and he knows it’s bc of that one episode of buffy the vampire slayer, bc of course he does!!! tris knows so much abt chrysi), so he dresses up as someone from the marching band BECAUSE HE KNOWS SHE’LL DRESS UP AS A CHEERLEADER…! and she does!!!! and when she sees him dressed up as a marching band player, she’s jst like <3333… he remembered her Thing !!!!! he loves her so much.
also later in said halloween party, he finds her locked up in a trunk, unconscious and bleeding, and he’s so distressed that he accidentally shatters a mirror with his magic (that he doesn’t know he has). that’s a fun little scene :)also proof of how chrysi is literally incapable of taking halloween off bc she always ends up getting roped into something supernatural anyway. work will follow her around every single time.
this is the beginning of tris realizing that dating chrysi means that he has to learn how to cope with the dangers of supernatural business + how it’ll affect chrysi. so that is less smiley face, i guess.
this is specific to my fear street au, but trysi laying together in bed and holding each other while listening to a mix tape tris made…. oughhh…..
ummm, reunion specific trysi scene that’s not officially them dating, but tris comes back to salem and is lamenting how it’s become even more tourist-town-ish since he’s been absent, and chrysi’s behind him like, “god, yeah, doesn’t it suck? it’s worse bc of those stupid ghost rumors” AND TRIS STILL HASN’T LOOKED OVER TO SEE IT’S CHRYSI, SO HE’S AGREEING W/ HER AND HAVING A CONVO WITH HER, THEN TURNS AND SCREAMS WHEN HE REALIZES IT’S CHRYSI. btw, his bandmates are there and they’re so interested in this random girl that’s very very pretty and seems to be cool with tris. imagine being them and realizing that this is the girl that inspired 98.79% of tris’s songs (suddenly, they all understand why that’s the case… they also would never get over chrysi if they had gotten the chance to date her in high school).
idk if that last bullet point made sense… do you get my vision
tris would go to school early every morning so he could join chrysi in one of the practice rooms and listen to her play the piano while he did homework… i… i’m just…. like??? you know????
i was going to say that tris goes to all the games that chrysi cheers for, but like. he’s in marching band, so. yeah. my condolences, tris.
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55-degrees-fahrenheit · 4 months
based on this post
karate joe: i lobe joe❤️ hi kasper again //flashback to karate kurt hair vegetables: honestly the music goes so hard but THEY STARE AT YOU sarge: wait isn't he a furry- squadmates: petar!!! air batter: air batter my beloved. why does his rabbit costume look like that. space umpire: he's so happy!!! the clappy trio: FUCK YOU /their prequel reminds me of disco. hi jimmy t why are you there-
sneaky spirits: mischievous spirits… up to no good… the wandering samurai: really funny that this guy didn't have an actual name until fever (samurai steve) yokai: also up to no good rats: wait since when did the rat and rat wife have kids. ms. whiskers: silly cat :) sick beats doctor/dr. cutlery: i like his endless game. some real sick beats viruses: are they the monsters from mahou tsukai or is this just a dream yellow organism: little guy <- well its an organism //silly the donpans: poly- yagura-chan: so apparently her name can translate to watchtower. and she's on a tower. laugh now
mahou tsukai: yippee! yay! yahoo! ojou-chan: flower <3 monster (wizards waltz): what's the deal dude. stop eating the plants and magically disappearing. penguins (showtime): speedy gonzales (tengoku fan translation) monkey (showtime): the first monkey……… rabbit: must have springs in its feet. how else can you just hop that far off of the moon. tram and poline/pauline: furries (you will see this again) space gramps: he seems kinda chill as a grandpa space dancers: their game seems so positive… too bad in the try again screen they get sucked into a black hole💔
q maou: since when was he a demon……. contestant: contestant my beloved….. i headcanon he has performance anxiety play-yan: bro why do all of the space-related games feel so relaxing. i hate his game mini chounin: i'm kind of curious. how many of them are there akai mono (red things): why do people want these things. fuck your sequel </3 RAPMEN: gay gay homosexual gay
urakata aki to ki: idk why but i feel bad for them. did you know hopping road has a sequel slightly better than polyrhythm 2 spheroids (bouncy road): the what ninja and the lord: why do they have so much lore…… toss boys: the tossers ever <3 yuka (tap trial girl): YUKA!!!!! i love both of her games tap trial my beloved giraffe: scary! tanaka: i am normal i am normal i am normal- kanojo: beloved…….. waru mono: no mercy. (can get some fast parts of ninja reincarnate) soshi: he's so cool……
cosmic girl: idk. i like the hat cosmic dancers: i like to imagine that they have SO MUCH beef with the space dancers for absolutely no reason. rap women: gay gay homosexual gay Part 2 man-k: hey do you get the joke. man-k = monkey booing sfx biribiriuo (night walk 2): hey maybe STOP PRESUMABLY KILLING PLAY-YAN usamimi maki sensei: yeah she's definitely cosmic girl. space rabbits: when i saw these guys in tengoku i screamed "HOLY SHIT WARIOWARE"
buta-san: silly pigs :) barista: i like how until like ds/fever it's revealed that he's a dog. i mean you don't see him in the cafe (tengoku) but in live result screens he's like. there people at the café: yippee!!! yay!!! yahoo neko machine: when i was like really young i really liked cats. so to see neko machine was a pleasant surprise! horse machine: idk. honse. i like the rhythm toy love-san: "aand LOVE WINS!!!" people cheering sfx mr. upbeat: why is he forced to step over a metronome. what did he do mannequin: i'm ok with his minigame. can get boring a little quickly anata: "go girl give us everything" SO TRUE❤️ remember when i said i was normal. i am not normal about her. anata my beloved……. drum girls: i like the bg. also hi yagura-chan samurai drummer/drum samurai: why do your drum lessons have to be so hard (context: i never finished them) also hi tsunku drum samurai's band: no way!! tsunku has a band <- doesn't know that tsunku was in a band oba-chan: i imagine her to be like one of those really sweet old ladies owner: owner my behated </3 producer: uhh. i like his design (flashback to twink pride flag)
alright that's all of them. i'm surprised you had the time to read this.
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