#yeah this feels like a 90's game trying to be edgy
boredfaneliza · 1 year
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So, I decided to watch ManlyBadassHero’s Mr. Hopps Playhouse 3 video cuz boredom and I thought the game lore is cool
This feels like a wattpad fic AND I’M HERE FOR IT!!!
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ben-talks-art · 2 years
My Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! decks!
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I've talked a little bit about Yu-Gi-Oh! on this Tumblr, mostly regarding my feelings about Jaden as a character, but I also have plenty of feeling about the game itself as a super casual fan.
I like the artworks of plenty of cards, with Iris, in particular, being my favorite design, I like the different mechanics of fusion, pendulum, ritual, and XYZ, and I love how they keep trying to mix different themes like RPGs creatures, superheroes, and freaking V-Tubers of all things (because why not?).
As for the actual gameplay, while, again, I'm mostly just a casual player, there are some decks that I do enjoy playing with and never get tired of, so I felt it would be fun to list down my top 10 and try to talk about why I like them!
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Yeah, this one was obvious. I love Jaden so of course I love heroes.
But even without Jaden, there are still plenty of things about this deck I love.
For starters, I really like decks with tons of extra deck boss monsters. It gives the feeling of if you when you're stuck in a situation and you need the right guy for the job you can just pick one of the many options you have.
I also like how they play around with different themes of what makes a hero in terms of design. We have "Kamen Rider" heroes, "Dc and Marvel" heroes, "Ultraman-like" heroes, edgy 90's heroes, and so on.
They feel like a very adaptable deck, like when you don't know what villain you might face, but once you do know you just have that "Oh! I know who to call to deal with you!" feeling.
I also like how they mostly tend to focus on combat which was always my favorite part of the Yu-Gi-Oh! game. I like putting out a bunch of cool characters on the field to fight with the opponent.
The one thing I don't like about them is the lack of options for searching spells and traps. They mostly just search fusion and mask change cards but sometimes I just find myself thinking "Man, I wish I had Favorite Hero or Hero Legacy right now..."
2. Super Heavy Samurais
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Another deck that focuses on combat and putting a bunch of cool guys on the field.
This is such a weird but fun idea. Playing with no spells or traps while being always in defense position. It's unique, to say the least, and very satisfying to pull off well.
It feels like you're always playing with your hand behind your back by removing two-thirds of the options of cards the game gives you and instead relying on hand traps, grave quick effects, and equip monster cards.
Just like heroes, I like how each of the boss monsters in here feels like different solutions for different situations. Plus, they all look cool, mixing this theme of sumo wrestlers and samurai robots.
For someone who tends to not enjoy synchro decks, I really love this one!
3. Drytrons
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This is my favorite ritual deck, simply because this is the one deck that gives you access to every ritual in the game.
Every ritual monster can be your boss monster if you play Drytrons. Lord of the Red, Blue-Eyes Chaos Max, Magician of Chaos, Megalith Bethor, Cyber Angel Vrash, White Relic of Dogmatika, you just have a plethora of options to build your deck around and it's so fun trying out all the different things you can use.
For years I saw rituals as this one part of the game that I would never even consider, but now? Getting access to any ritual boss monster that might look cool or fun to use, made me see how much I was missing!
Drytrons made me love rituals, and that alone is amazing.
4. Galaxy-Eyes
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Leaving alone the fact that these are some of the coolest-looking cards in the game to me (I mean, look at them! Dragons made of light covered in armor? How's that not awesome??), this is another case of "Tons of strong boss monsters to put on the field to do battle."
Sorry, I'm a very simple person...
Any deck that has a cool extra deck easily wins me over, and this extra deck is just so freaking cool! The main deck is also not that bad itself, but man it can brick a lot...
5. Cyber Dragons
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Yeah... I'm just repeating myself at this point. Cool-looking boss monsters, focus on braindead combat, ways to reach absurd numbers... I just like hitting stuff really hard, okay?
They don't exactly have a ton of options to different problems, but they do have tons of ways of coming back from the dead with their extreme love for getting banished.
I have mixed feelings on whether or not I prefer to play them pure or to mix with cyberdark cards... But I can't deny that they can help out the deck a lot in plenty of ways.
6. Tearlaments
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This one is basically the same thing as Drytrons, but for fusions.
The way Tears work is that when they hit the grave they can fuse with anything that's in the hand, field, or grave by shuffling back into the deck... ANYTHING!
So you can just throw in a bunch of copies of King of The swamp and when they do their thing you can just make any fusion monster you want that requires an effect or a dark monster as a material. It's kinda crazy, honestly.
Sadly there aren't as many options as Drytrons, but you can still do plenty of cool things with it with a little experimentation (Assuming there are still any cards left in the deck once Konami stops banning all of its members...)
7. Branded
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Probably the first, and so far only, time I ever cared about the lore in a Yu-Gi-Oh! deck.
I like the story of Albaz and Ecclesia forming a friendship and visiting all these other archetypes and bonding with them and making a new fusion that represents their connection each time, while also showing the threat of the Despias approaching and taking over other monsters.
What I'm NOT a fan of though is how lame some of the effects of the fusions are, basically acting mostly as just stuff meant to be dumped into the grave nine times out of ten. I am glad that Konami started to fix that with time and eventually made much better fusions to use like Mirrojade.
The way Branded handles fusions is kinda interesting because it feels like they keep bouncing these things all over the corners of the game. The extra deck, the field, the grave, the banished zone, your mother's house, the hospital, the school... There are so many cards that say "send fusion there, bring fusion here, put fusion back into the deck!" that kinda makes these creatures feel more like ping-pong balls than actual monsters.
Good God, I remember one time I think I just kept sending and recovering Albion like four or five times from the grave and barely ever actually summoned him. It's kinda sad but funny.
Fun lore, cool designs, interesting ways to treat its fusion monsters... Just wish they would make more actual bosses to hit the field.
8. Rocks
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This is probably the most ridiculous deck I ever tried to make it work. Some kind of mix of the Fossils fusion archetype, the Megalith Ritual archetype, and the Adamancipator synchro archetype.
I don't know why, there was just this period of time where Konami was obsessed with rocks for some reason and they kept making support after support for this monster type, and I just kept looking and thinking "I wonder if they can work well together..."
Turns out they can as many of their effects are "Rock" generic, but it is very clunky to pull it off. Doesn't stop it from being fun though!
9. Water Xyz
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Much like rocks, this is a deck where the fun is in trying to make it work at all.
I really like the character of Nash from Zexal so I always wanted to try and make a deck based on him. The problem was that... Nash has some really bad boss monsters... So instead of trying to make a shark deck I just tried to make a water xyz deck (with the exception of Toad because f*ck that thing...)
Much like rocks, it can be really clunky and mostly just used for casual plays, but still very fun to use nonetheless.
10. Metalfoes
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So I was kinda deciding on which pendulum deck I would count as my favorite. It was either this or Abyss Actors, and while I do like Actors a lot, their lack of an actual boss monster kinda narrows their gameplay a bit to "float into things when they die, the archetype!"
Meanwhile, Metalfoes manages to check a lot of boxes on my wishlist in a deck. Cool artwork with the whole "psychic fire spoon users" thing, boss monsters with interesting effects, smooth gameplay with the way it mixes fusion and pendulum with their spells and traps, and nice recovery and focus on battle!
I do wish they would give more options to raise their attack values but, oh well...
I'm always a fan of when a deck tries to mix two summon mechanics, like Nephthys which mixes ritual and link, Magikey which mixes fusion and ritual, Mathmech which uses XYZ and synchros, and so on. That's not to say I love these archetypes but I do love the attempt at trying to mix things up (I personally would really love to see a solid fusion and synchro deck), and I think Metalfoes blends fusion and Pendulum really well!
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Never mind, I did some playtesting, and MetalFoes actually didn't age that well. Abyss actors for the win!
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And that's all for me. Again, these are not great competitive decks or anything. I'm not a meta guy so I don't know how good or bad these decks actually are, but they are the ones that I tend to have the most fun using!
If you wanna play me on Master Duels, here's my ID: 210-063-125
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takerfoxx · 4 years
When trying to write a big balloon of good feelings with the EXPRESS INTENTION of bursting it... how big is too big before it's just cruel?
A very good question, and it comes down to purpose, execution, and follow-through.
Now, given my history and reputation, those sorts of situations are something of my forte, and I’ve had a lot of experience and trial and error to work things out, so here’s how you get maximum impact out of your dark, cruel plot-twists.
First, ask yourself why are you doing this? Is it purely for shock value, or does it serve some greater purpose for the plot and characters? If it’s the second, then go ahead and skip to the next section. If it’s the first, then go ahead and put that idea back in the oven because it’s totally not ready yet.
Look, as a writer, I get the appeal of shock value. Shock value got Imperfect Metamorphosis on the map. Shock value is in my blood. But if all you have is that shock and nothing else, then it’s shock value for shock value’s sake, which is just shallow and useless. You want to shock and disturb, yes, but you also want your audience to keep going to find out what happens next! Dangle that emotional catharsis in front of them! Give them some measure of hope that this is leading somewhere satisfying! Even stories like Chinatown and The Mist, which ended with the protagonists losing in horrible ways despite all their efforts, still felt like they were saying something bigger about the human existence and didn’t feel like they were cheating the audience.
For example: Marisa’s death in IM. I’ll freely admit, the idea first occurred to me and became part of the plan for the shock value, a way to throw down the gauntlet and show that no one is safe. But since the idea came to me early in IM’s run, I had literal years to refine the idea, build towards it, and map out how the fallout would go down, so that by the time it came around, it had turned into an essential part of the plot, from which the rest of the story would lead.
See, here’s the thing you need to understand about dark plot twists: they follow the same rule as edgy humor that breaks societal taboo. And that is this: the twist is not the payoff; the twist is the set-up. Think of the difference of between a rookie “comedian” who thinks that saying shocking things that you’re not supposed to say constitutes as “funny” and those who are offended just don’t have a sense of humor, and a genuine master like George Carlin, who used edge subject matter and taboo breaking not as the punchline, but as the set-up to the bigger joke and thus earn the big laughs when he managed to land the punchline and say something bigger about the topic at hand. It’s a wire act without a net, something that is spectacular if you can pull it off and lead to something greater, but will end in disaster if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Now, let’s move onto the next part: execution. Here you have to be careful, because while it’s perfectly acceptable (and in fact encouraged) to break the rules and conventions of the story’s genre, you still have to ensure that it’s keeping with your story’s internal consistency and rules, and that it makes sense! You want such-and-such a character to betray their friends and turn bad guy? Okay, but it has to make sense and be consistent with their backstory and motivations. You want to pull the rug out from under the heroes and ruin everything they had been working toward? Okay, but it has to be consistent with the rules that you had set up.
I’ll give you a few examples. Now, Game of Thrones might be in the doghouse due the dumpsterfire of a final season, but there was a time when it was upheld as the gold standard of dark plot twists, with the two big examples being Ned Stark’s execution and the Red Wedding. The reason why those moments were so shocking and effective wasn’t because they came out of nowhere, but because they broke the conventional rules of storytelling. OF COURSE the main character would survive! They even gave him an out by having him sentence to the Wall where his bastard son was, where they would no doubt reunite and plan their next steps! Ned’s the hero, after all! Except no, this isn’t that kind of story, Joffrey is still a sociopathic narcissist, doing what sociopathic narcissists do.
And the Red Wedding? OF COURSE it would work! Walder Frey had accepted the compromise, and we’ve put a lot of time and investment in Rob and Cate and their retainers. Rob was practically the new main character, and the driving force against the Lannisters. What was more, he was winning, and he was going to keep winning, even with his one or two slip-ups...except no, he wasn’t, because he had been warned about Walder Frey’s easily bruised ego, he had broken his word, so there was going to be consequences when the Frey’s cut a deal with the Lannisters, so welcome to Medieval-style skullduggery!
Hell, you can have some real fun with this too! And if I may toot my own horn, let’s look at the most recent dark twist from IM: the return of the Shadow Youkai.
Now, I know what my reputation is, and what people expect from me. As such, I can use those expectations to play a sort of follow-the-cup game with the plot. Everyone knew that the Shadow Youkai wasn’t gone for good; the epilogue of Fires of the Sun pretty much showed that. But no one knew when she’d be back, and that let’s me play with expectations a bit.
So I put together a big beach trip, where Rin takes all of her friends, new and old, out into public. And since this is Rin’s story, everyone expects it to go wrong. She expects it to go wrong. Because things always go wrong for Rin!
Sure enough, here comes Hong Meiling and Koakuma, two people with reasons to ruin Rin’s life! Surely they’ll catch and bust her! In fact, it turns out that Koakuma is Elis’s cousin, so surely that would mean she would...except no, they have a short chat, Koakuma doesn’t expose them, and they all go their separate ways. Nothing happens.
Oh shit, here comes Reimu! Not only does she know Rin, she also knows everyone in Team Nineball, and has fought most of the other girls as well! This isn’t good, how will Rin wriggle out of this (no pun intended)...except she doesn’t need to. Reimu and Rin’s various friends walk right past each other over and over without noticing, she chitchats with Hong Meiling and Koakuma for a bit, and then she’s called away to the next chapter’s plot. Rin never even so much as realizes that Reimu was there. Nothing happens.
But wait! Flandre is still a problem, and Seija’s still loose out there! And there she is, taking advantage of Rin’s absence to trigger Flandre’s madness! Surely THIS is the big disaster that’ll...except no, Kogasa quickly gets Seija to piss off and Wriggle coaxes Flandre back to sleep. Nothing happens.
Wait, the beach party was...a success? Nothing bad happened? Everyone had fun and made friends like they were supposed to? And it ends with Rin actually saving a stranger’s life and getting praised for it? Which story was I reading again?
Oh hey, there’s Minoriko, someone who hasn’t been seen a long time, and she says that Hina successfully devoured the Shadow Youkai’s essence, so there’s nothing to worry about. Well, that’s a relief! Strange though that a little curse goddess could handle something of the Shadow Youkai’s caliber, seeing how Sariel already mentioned how unsafe it is to use anything other than the original sword to do so, and how Rhapsody of Subconscious Desire already established that the Shadow Youkai is capable of taking over a secondary host, provided that she had access to their subconscious, and-
So if you’re going to do it, make sure you set up believable reasons why it would happen in advance, even if the audience doesn’t notice them at first. Otherwise, you get Vince Russo’s booking of late-90′s WCW, where everyone was switching allegiances on a dime left and right just for the sake of having a SHOCKING SWERVE! Remember: it’s a highwire act without a net. Know what you’re doing.
Also, for the love of God, if you’re going to have a bad guy do a really bad, shocking thing in one part of the story but later join the good guys later on, don’t just sweep said bad thing under the rug. If Cain the Bloodspiller butchers little Timmy in book one but becomes Cammy the Bloodsaver in book five, then don’t let little Timmy be forgotten. Make sure that there’s still consequences.
And finally, the follow-through. Justify this shocking twist. Have it mean something. Take your time to explore the consequences. Show how it affects the characters. Dig deep into their psyches and make it feel real. The reason people STILL talk about Aeris’s death in Final Fantasy 7 is that the gameplay itself was designed to make you feel her loss, both from the viewpoint of the characters and you, the player.
One of my favorite dark twists is Mami’s death in PMMM, because it follows all of these conditions and does so spectacularly. It sets up how dangerous fighting witches is and explains that someone could really die while doing it, while tricking us into not expecting that to happen by already showing us how Mami kicks ass and establishing her as a main character with a promise to form a lasting bond with Madoka right before pulling the trigger. And afterward, it takes the time to really dig into the consequences of her death, from Madoka’s depression to Sayaka’s increased recklessness to being the catalyst that brought Kyoko into the story in the first place. Everything that happens after does so as a result of that moment.
So yeah, by all means, do that shocking thing, but make sure you put in the work to both earn and justify it.
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thephantomporg84 · 5 years
Your analysis/fanfics are always so good to read so i wanted to ask what your thoughts would be if Vergil ever met 2Dante? The 2 director didn't like wacky 1Dante which is super weird because co pared to 4 he's normal lol. Fans just headcanon that Dante was depressed because of what happened in 1 (which I personally like too). Post 5 V I'd think he'd be really regretful and it would answer his question "if i had your life". Vergil just has really bad tunnel vision and thinks his brother grew 1
Sorry this took a minute! This was one I had to sit and think on.
fwiw: There was this weird tonal shift in the early 2000’s with games like DMC2, Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness, etc. to make characters more dark/edgy/angsty and it pretty much morphed into the edgelord stereotype we know now. I am not sure why this was a trend aside from coming out of the colorful-yet-often-tacky 90’s + The Matrix aesthetic influencing almost everything at the time to some degree, but yeah.
Kamiya and his staff (Team Little Devils) didn’t work on DMC2, and Itsuno only took over for the last 5-6 months as director — which is probably the only reason why the game even holds around ~50% in terms of average score. (I’d actually love to see what Itsuno would do with a remake of that game.)
That being said, though: I feel like Vergil will, inevitably, have to meet and come to terms with DMC2-ish Dante eventually because Dante probably isn’t exactly the happiest person behind closed doors, when he’s not putting on a show. In general, Vergil may be reunited with Dante but those two actually have yet to really get to know each other as people, as adults. It’s something they’ll have to do, because otherwise they’ve just... stopped fighting. They actually don’t gain anything from ‘not fighting’ and there’s no point in stopping if they don’t re-establish their bond as siblings and/or at least come to some mutual understanding of each other.
2.) Up in luxury. This is one thing I wanted them to address in a future game, Vergil seeing how much his brother suffered too. I thought V would have seen it but nah he was too busy trying to join back together haha. What about 3 Vergil going forward in time and seeing what losing him would do to Dante? Would it be enough for him to ask Dante for help to defeat Mundus? Vergil is a very selfish lad and he's still like that in 5 pre V going through the motions. Maybe he needed something drastic
I don’t think you necessarily have to have a time travel plot to have the twins come to an understanding of each other, but I think that’s a feasible idea given what the Yamato can do.
V probably picked up on things about Dante even more than we’re let on to know (as an audience), imo, but that’s not his purpose in the story. He had a very limited amount of time to get what he needed to do, done — before he just ceased to exist entirely — so it’s understandable that he didn’t get a good read on Dante. That would have been unfair to Dante anyway, since he could have potentially told V things he wouldn’t have told Vergil outright... and deception is not a great way to try to start rekindling a sibling bond. Or any kind of relationship, really.
Really and truly, though, there are things to help Vergil come to a better understanding of Dante. Little things like the cut/ruined glove Dante keeps in his desk drawer at the end of DMC3 would be enough to probably give Verge an idea of how much he means to Dante.
Like. All you’d have to do is have him find it while rifling through Dante’s desk drawers and Dante walks in while he’s examining it/about to throw it away. And Dante is just like “didn’t exactly have much to remember you by” before Vergil can even ask why he keeps useless junk like that glove.
As much as I make fun of Vergil for being a dumbass, he’s really not an idiot and I think that he’d pick up on how Dante really is now (versus as a 19 y/o) very quickly.
3.) like seeing 2 Dante. (Honestly 2Dante from 3 Dante is pretty drastic xD). Even in the flashback in VoV dante was an annoying loveable little man. Like 5 Vergil would probably be chill and try to get his brother to laugh but would 3Vergil act like a clown or a tsundere towards 2Dante to get him to react? Vergil inner monologue would probably be him questioning if this really was his brother. (Oh god 3 asks.. this is so long im so sorry)
In general, Verge is in a much better place post-DMC5 than he ever has been (aside from prior to what happened to him as a kid). In any scenario, your best outcome will be with him. DMC3 era Vergil is a mixed bag and much more of a risk, imo. I feel like he’d be just about as likely to react positively toward as DMC2-era Dante as he would be to trying to murder him. It really depends on the circumstances, I guess.
Also, long asks are totally fine! No need to apologize. (: I prefer people to number them if they’re gonna make multi-part asks, but it’s nbd if they don’t.
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calliecat93 · 3 years
TV Ask Game: #'s 1, 2, 4, 5, 50, and 51
1. if you could reboot one TV show, which one would it be?
I wanna say none because I am just utterly over the reboot trend at this point a few exceptions aside (I’m probably gonna watch the new Fraggle Rock at some point)… but I’d kind of be interested to see a Star Trek TOS reboot. Yeah it was rebooted once, but… I have a LOT of mixed feelings about AOS and I think ST in general wrks better as a series than in film. It would be interesting to see this particular cast in a more uo to date futuristic setting.
2. if you could have saved one TV show from cancellation, which one would it be?
Off the top of my head, SWAT Kats. It was one of my favorite 90’s cartoons and did a good job of balancing out that 90’s edginess without going overboard and being fun/silly without going overboard. They have been trying to get a reboot made, but whether that’ll ever get picked up IDK. But I think it could have gone for at least one more season.
4. are there any shows you wish could just be cancelled already?
The Simpsons, Family Guy, Spongebob Squarepants, probably a few others. IMO aside from Sesame Street, no show should last forever.
5. what’s your comfort show?
There’s a few like Sesame Street, Wild Kratts, and The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Also any show I grew up with it. It helps me go back to a happy place for a little bit and calm down when I’m super overwhelmed. Plus stuff like Winnie the Pooh is just a nice mix of calm, silly, yet sentimental and insightful when it wants to be while still being light-hearted and comforting.
50. what’s one TV cliche you love?
The Power of Love/Friendship. I know a lot see this trope as a copout, but to me there really is something about a trope that allows one/a group’s love for their lover/friends/family/etc to make them overpower the evil threatening them. No matter how cheesy or convenient it is, it never fails to bring a smile to my face.
51. what’s one TV cliche you despise?
There are several, but I’ll say the Love Triangle trope. It CAN be done well and there is merit to exploring two people loving the same person and how it affects them all. But most of the time it’s either used as cheap and/or unnecessary drama that makes everyone look worst or it’s obvious what couple the thing is leaning towards and it makes having a third party utterly pointless and again makes everyone look worst. Drama/angst is fun and all… but it’s not the only way to bing viewers in.
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nealdanderson · 6 years
I actually really liked Samus Returns. What were your issues with it? Also, there's always AM2R to fall back on. It's on the Internet forever, whether Nintendo likes it or not
I’m glad you liked it!I have a lot of issues with it, so prepare for a lengthy answer, haha. And just a disclaimer to everyone- I played through the entire game and beat it 100%, so no one can say I didn’t give it a fair shot. Since it is a remake, it can’t be judged as entirely separate from the original, so here goes. Spoilers ahead.1. It largely misses the point of the original. Metroid 2 for the GB is far from a perfect or even great game, but it is an ambitious sequel as far as tone goes. M2 is easily the most ‘horror’ feeling entry in the franchise, and it directly correlates to how to the game treats your objective and how the map is laid out. Metroid 2 doesn’t feel like a heroic quest- you’re playing a character committing mass genocide of a species incapable of intergalactic travel and as she travels increasingly downward through the planet, the more desolate, lifeless and lonely it gets. Upon killing the Queen and finding the Baby Metroid, it is a somber moment and retroactively, the most unique ending in the franchise(no thrilling escape sequence, no enemies…etc.). Samus Returns abandons most of these unique aspects and paints your quest in a generically heroic light, the darker atmosphere is completely done away with, and the ending is totally botched. These tonal problems may only be a problem to a few people, and may come across as nitpicks to many, but I think it’s worth mentioning. 2. The map and item placement doesn’t make for an enjoyable experience. The original Metroid/Zero Mission, Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion have maps that are designed in a clustered fashion, meaning that traversing from one major area to another and backtracking to get previously unobtainable items feels organic and convenient. Metroid 2 on the other hand has a directly linear path descending through SR388. Due to this linearity, the designers didn’t implement the backtracking for items that the series would go on to be known for. I know this is a criticism Metroid 2 often receives, but this approach makes sense given the game’s map design. Samus Returns instead tries to encourage more backtracking, but due to the map not being designed for it, it always feels tedious to go back and find these items(usually normal missile packs that are extremely useless so late in the game). The teleporters only further illustrate the lack of organic interconnectivity the map has and feel like a lazy solution(this is something AM2R handles much much better). Basically, Samus Returns tries to make the original Metroid 2′s map do something it was not designed to accommodate.
3. The enemies and bosses are extremely repetitive, boring and/or tedious to fight. This is definitely a valid complaint and massive oversight on Nintendo’s part–Samus Returns’ enemy variety straight up sucks, which is made more pathetic due to the fact that its 25 year old gameboy predecessor and even the NES original have way more. The parry mechanic is cool to start out with, but after a while, it really becomes the only way to dispatch of enemies, and it is used the exact same way every single time- wait for tell, parry, kill enemy in one hit.  The Metroids, well, let me say that they’ve always been the weakest aspect of Metroid 2- they’re boring, silly looking and really only serve to be an irritation. Samus Returns gives them a much needed visual facelift, but doubles down on how much of a chore they are to fight. Meeting a new Metroid form for the first time was pretty neat, but after fighting your 20th gamma, each fight taking longer than it should, it isn’t any fun. Each encounter is basically a tedious game of waiting for the Metroid to be parried, but if you miss that parry window, it makes the fight drag on way too long. And then to ‘mix up’ the experience a bit, the designers decided to have Gammas run away like cowards mid fight, only for you to play a very irritating game of hide and seek with the damn thing. The few bosses Samus Returns has aren’t that memorable or enjoyable, the robot in particular spends most of the time in a state that can’t be hit(like the Metroids), reducing the fight to being 90% running away and dodging. Ultimately, these boss fights and Metroid encounters don’t feel challenging and feel more like a test of patience.    4. The graphics are rather subpar or inconsistent and the overall aesthetic feels rather uninspired. Some rooms look really cool, while others are just ugly. Samus’ Redesign looks too edgy, haha. I love Super Metroid, it’s my favorite game ever made, but lately, most Metroid games just try to recycle moments, areas and music from it, and it really annoys me. Metroid 2 has a very unique soundtrack, but inevitably, they replace its tunes with more upbeat or heroic remixes, and and its worst, replace tunes with Super Metroid themes. 
5. Ridley. Why. 
So yeah, I’m not saying I don’t like Samus Returns just to be a contrarian, I genuinely found the entire game to be a rather tedious and unenjoyable experience. I will commend the few things it does well- actually implementing different abilities in boss fights(like the spider ball), implemtning new uses for old abilities(spider ball+power bomb), the DS being a perfect fit for Metroid with its map and inventory screens, and the overall engine having a very solid and fluid feel.AM2R handled everything better, and the few things it misses the point of regarding the original Metroid 2, it still handles much better than Samus Returns. Just because AM2R exists and will continue to do so doesn’t make Samus Returns exempt from critique. Even if I thought that Samus Returns’ announcement was badly timed after Nintendo’s DMCA on AM2R(which was completely unnecessary, learn the difference between trademark and copyright), I was still excited that Nintendo, after 13 years, was finally making another 2D Metroid game.  I’m more just disappointed that the company who created this genre, a genre that may be more popular than ever, generally refuse to capitalize on it, and when they do, it’s a sub standard effort. I may be harsh to Nintendo, but they’ve objectively treated this franchise like crap over the past decade, and I have a very hard time trusting them anymore. To those telling me to ‘lol, calm down dude’, like, I’m perfectly calm, I was never planning on ever buying a switch anyway, but Nintendo should seize on the opportunity to mend fences with the gaming community outside of their devoted fanbase(I’m a Metroid fan, but I’ve never been what you’d call a Nintendo fan). Since I’ve never been a Nintendo fan, E3 is really the only gaming event I’m fully aware of, and I felt it was a wasted opportunity for them to even merely mention that Prime 4(which isn’t even it’s final title, lol) was still being worked on.   I highly recommend watching The Gamer’s Toolkit and Gamingbrit’s videos on Samus Returns, they illustrate the gripes I had with the game in ways more eloquent than I could. 
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
what are your thoughts www(.)fanfiction(.)net/s/12667631/2/30-Ways-to-kill-Ragna-The-Bloodedge ,www(.)fanfiction(.)net/s/12667631/3/30-Ways-to-kill-Ragna-The-Bloodedge , www(.)fanfiction(.)net/s/12667631/4/30-Ways-to-kill-Ragna-The-Bloodedge
Oh jesus this is uh- something...
You guys just see me as a cleaner for the haters I fanbases don’t you?Well, this is a really fucking ridiculous thing so guess I’ll do it.
Let’s separate this into parts so the arguments are cohesive:
“Do you seriously want an exaggerated anti-hero with little justification, people around him going against his theme and faced with the most evil villains while tearing away the madness he faces?”Yes. Because the world of Blazblue along with all those people around Ragna help support him and make him stand out. Also how is Ragna exaggerated? If he’s exaggerated then what is Guts from Berserk?!
“Then I pretty much made a good argument about why Ragna as a protagonist shouldn’t have his existence acknowledged and be renamed ‘Retard the Dumbedge’“
...Yeah, you’re an obnoxious little shit aren’t you? I don’t see any argument good enough to justify THAT childish behavior. Even Kirito isn't that bad.
“Ragna is said to act like your average Shounen protagonist but he doesn’t even after his character development.”Um...No, Ragna acts like the dull edgy anti-heroes we got in the 90′s. He only LOOKS like a Shounen Protag. And after his character development he kind of does act like a Shounen Protag but in a good way, doing his best to help people and do what is best for them. He pretty killed himself for that goal. What is this guy smoking?
“The characters don't work with Ragna OR with the story that blazblue is trying to tell.”Uh...How? Because all I see is what RWBY originally was: a Rule Of Cool story with an emphasis on good eventually triumphing over evil.
“Ragna is an insult to the “Traditional Hero” for being called a “Chosen One”“
Hey Dumbass, the chosen one trope is used in ALL KINDS of stories, not just traditional hero ones. And Ragna ISN’T suppose to be a traditional hero, he’s suppose to GROW UP into one.
Now onto the next argument-and it’s a copy paste from a previous ask. Okay, the Blazblue ask I had before this one? go read that one for this argument.
“Blazblue’s exaggerated characterization,  unnecessary protagonist, characters that focus on one major role, characters that could have been toned down and UNNECESSARY SEXUALIZATION (comparing it to RWBY) don’t work with Blazblue’s flawed story.”You have not proven any of this, many people like it SPECIFICALLY for this reason, it was the goal of the creators and they succeeded so in every regard you fail.(P.S. Monty Oum was a fan of blazblue dumbass. If RWBY has oversexualization [An idiotic statement by itself] it was probably FROM Blazblue.)
“After the backlash on my rant on Blazblue’s writing and how I will never...NEVER acknowledge Ragna’s existence to this day, even after four failed games.”A. Your rant is barely coherent, nevermind actually GOOD.B. You just acknowledged Ragna’s existence.
And C. Blazblue is almost as famous as fucking Guilty Gear. It’s not failure.
”I do believe Arcsys has left itself in the slammer for letting itself down with this crap.”Take your medication, you’re having delusions again.
“They could’ve seen previous media and make the story light hearted and not rip off guilty gear and make it worse.”*throws a copy of End Of Evangelion at his face* Like that story?
“And fire Mori from the reboot of Blazblue THAT I WANT! NOT THIS!”
Yeah- good luck with that. 
“if you’re ‘pissed off’ while reading this, then accept it as fact. I will be on your good side, nothing will grind your gears. Now, that something we all want in this fandom with me around. Nuff said.”
*glares* Oh fuck off you facist.
“*shotguns Ragna in the head and burst out in blood and bones*”Hey RWDE, you forgot one of your Jaune haters!
“AN: Oh, so is this the case then? How disappointing. I was expecting much of a reasoning from all of you, but all get is cynical backlash over how much of a dumbass I am.“Hey if the glove fits man.
“Now, I'm really not into Anime & Manga where a lot of tropes I see are very exaggerating, but come on already. You know how much hate darker, edgier, and brutal characters that believe they are badass, yet their misunderstood that term a lot. And I mean, A LOT.“Yeah and guess what? Ragna gets mocked for that and has to change against that to get respect.“Think about Kirby from Hoshi No Kaabi. He is a badass that can copy/paste other dudes into his will by swallowing them. After viewing the whole series as a kid, it's got wondering about what other sources of fiction I would see. I watched DragonBall Z, I watched Naruto, and I watched Ace Attorney.  But then came BlazBlue, and my god. I bet I know what you're thinking. "If BlazBlue ain't for you, buddy. Then take a step back from the red line or you're toast."“
Well yeah, that’s how fandoms work dumbass. also I don’t care about your experiences.
“The mind is a very interesting concept I'm learning here. Not only do many people in this series is very individualistic, but cynical and self-biased as well. And you wanna know the reason? Is it Ragna? Is the exaggerated tropes in the series? Is it the convoluted nature of the series? Is it my overwhelming backlash towards the series? Or is it my fanfiction story that received so much backlash all because I wanted to replace a character that had the same "backstory"?  Because I'm talking about the one asshole who was in charge of the whole series, the one who clearly wasted his own potential for nothing. It is going to be Japanese writer Toshimichi Mori.“
Oh gee, individualism. How terrible for a fascist like you.Also I highly doubt people are THAT cynical given the popularity of the Gag Reels and Bang Shishigami.
Also the backlash has everything to do with you jack ass. But sure, try blaming the creator for your own baggage. THAT hasn’t backfired before right?
“Now let's take a step back for a moment, shall we? Doesn't Mori ever love to take things down the roof? Does he love to put things into perspective like a Vase, then overwhelmingly shove Vases down our throats to show how amazingly complex they really are?”
The first thing Mori talked about with Bullet was her boobs. ... I’m pretty sure he just likes blowing shit up and making stuff that looks entertaining, especially considering the Astral Finishes, the basic character tropes written in their purest forms and characters like Bang.
It ain’t that deep, douchebag.
“You see, Daisuke was a very successful man in Arc Sys. He's written quite literally the best story out of all time, Guilty Gear. But then, one day, he decided to put his story on hiatus. Then asshole Mori shows up to take the advantage on him, and literally took his concept to the next level.”Isn’t Sol Badguy literally a self insert for the creator? Yeah I think Guilty Gear is just the same as Blazblue but with a different way going about things.So basically you’re a pissy Guilty Gear fanboy? Good to know.
“But goddamn, did that fail. A lot of people were brainwashed into thinking his work is awesome and full of depth, and sadly. It doesn't. Mori character concepts are great, but that doesn't exclude his idea of a "protagonist".“
Yeah because people like you think that it has to be brainwashing and not that your egos are disproportionately big and fragile.
Now, a protagonist is the lead character, not a hero. That's true. However, they are many flaws to this concept. One is, the protagonist has to fit the tone of the story being presented here. However, what doesn't make logical sense, is that BlazBlue is supposed to represent a cynical crapsack world that's revived by someone who throws his life like a badass and the day is saved. But unfortunately, the other characters who manage to take the spotlight act differently. That's right. They don't CARE about what the tone is from BlazBlue, they just act all non-nonchalant from the so-called "gag reels" and they are barely mentioned ever in the series fandom. Then we randomly shift from one setting to the next, when all of this couldn't have been solved by just staying the one final spot where they were.“
... Okay so he completely missed the point of a protagonist.Also: no fucking duh. The characters are different because they are different PEOPLE dumbass. PEOPLE aren’t a fucking hivemind.Also I find it hard to say Blazblue is THAT cynical given how the final game is one big triumph for idealism.Also not only are the gag reels SUPPOSE to have a different tone but the fanbase LOVES them.
Also that setting one is just-wrong.
“But uhen we have the main villain, who is said by legends to be the most barbaric and most vile creature ever to be exaggerated off the face of fiction. His archenemy is not the knight, but sour ass protagonist we see in this series. Isn't it ashamed that this battle couldn't have been awesome if a protagonist with a kind-hearted soul were to step up and stop this beast? Nope. We never get. Probably, not in a long shot we ain't.”
A. Yeah and Terumi OWNS that concept. Hence why people love him.B. Ragna stopped being an asshole a game and a half ago. There’s a reason why Tao’s nickname for him is “Nice Guy.”
C. The guy literally erased himself from reality so things could be better. Ragna the Bloodedge is everything characters like Ruby Rose aspire to be.
“And do the games improve dramatically from game play perspective? Nope, each and every game is the same. There are no group battles, it's always 2D, and new characters don't make it different. It's a lazy way of getting the game to be new, but it doesn't feel different from me by any means necessary.“Group battles? That;s a spectacle fighter dumbass!And yeah, new characters DO matter. As in, that’s what Fighting Games are based off you idiot.
“o hate how most of the fighting game concepts were ripped solely off from Guilty Gear. It's like if Mori looked at Daisuke's work by demand and copied off everything that didn't add up from before. That's just not right. It certainly makes more angrier and upset to see Mori put his series like that. What a joke.
Somebody whose played Guilty Gear deal with this.
“Then we have BlazBlue Radio, featuring the ugly protagonist sitting next to two beautiful girls. Now may I remind you, I'm not against every single character in the series, except the protagonist and the evil monster. The protagonist gets the biggest spotlight cause I have quite literally, have the biggest boner to pick with him.“
So basically you’re jealous that Ragna gets the girls? Makes sense.
“ I never recognize his existence. Never have. The series has been a colossal heap of mish-mash concepts mixed in with anime drama tropes. Yet, a lot of people in the series don't recognize that. All of which ruined by poor planning and an occupied existence. This has been no exception because I talk to about being against the series as a fact, was a backlash of them showing me how great and awesome it truly is. And that's like talking to a brick here. I'm not braindead guy who suffers from mental retardation who has to live in an asylum for petes sake.”
A. You just did idiot.B. That;s not a bad thingC. people LOVE IT for being a mix mash.D. That argument makes no sense.E. So the complainer is wrong? Good to know I can just ignore you then.And F. That’s an oddly specific example...
“If you want to keep this up with me, then fine. Go right ahead. Build up as much anger as you can until my head ESPLODE. You stick your asses on this franchise, believe it to be some kind god for the whole Arc Sys works, and never again mention a protagonist replacement or a reboot. Cause I'm being clear, this series will never EVER improve. It's all the same shit, different story. And that different story is barely any better from all the crap I've seen from the characters. Nuff said. Peace out.”
Yeah yeah, the usual egotistical hater shtick. You ain’t special.
“P.S. If you're going to say that my stupid ass that brought me here ruined everything or is making you more frustrated. Then believe me, it's pointless to post a review or PM to say that I suck or my logic is ass. And I won't jolt. Ever.”
You say that but I know from experience you people break easily...
“*Places Ragna in a blender and he gets shredded bit by bit, piece by piece until his ass was nothing*“Because this screams “SANITY!”
“AN: Time to get this crap out of the roll...  Okay, so there's a lot of media I'm craving to look for. Of course, sometimes, media doesn't just cut for many audiences, via demographics. And I've seen video games and anime do this a lot, especially seinen. Then I played anime video games/visual novels... Ace Attorney, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Guilty Gear, Trails/Kieseki, and last but most hated of all time. BlazBlue.“So you know why you’re full of shit but you ignore it and keep going? Okay.
“I know what you're thinking, people. Like I really would love to admit, but people have been pulverizing me over my head saying how shit I was to an argument over a franchise that just screams out "FICTION". But no... People point out my hatred for Ragna The Bloodedge. A character that's unique to me in one way of the direction. In BlazBlue, a post-apocalyptic world that's nothing but trouble and people being dicks for crap reasons. Has anyone ever noticed that there is no "real" hero to the story? It's easy. BECAUSE PEOPLE WORSHIP RAGNA THE BLOODEDGE LIKE HE'S SOME SORT OF "ANTI-SUE". A flawed character that gets way too much attention! And Ragna gets all that crap like he's some kind of gold-digger.“
Ragna killed Blazblue’s Satan. ... He’s uh, kind of a hero no matter what you say.Also Noel, Makoto, Jin, Jubei, Hakuman, Tsubaki, Kagura, Celica-We have plenty heroes.
“As much as I really loved the characterization and all that, Ragna ruins the experience for me. I'm not kidding, he really freaking does! He's not even a character, in my book. Let alone a dumbass that can't do anything right because he was trained by someone strong, has a vampire ally/rival and beats out on other things like an impatient chimpanzee. Because hey! That's his character, folks! Ragna isn't Ragna without his edgy, dark past despite it having no emotional value what-so-ever. GODDAMMIT.“A. Rachel isn’t a rival dumbass.And B. He LITERALLY got called out on that shit with Kagura in Chronophantasma and had to become more heroic in order to become a stronger fighter and a better person.
Oh, C. He STILL sacrificed himself for all his friends and family. I do not joke when I saw he’d be Ruby Rose’s idol.
“AND DON'T YOU BRING BANG SHISHIGAMI TO THIS RANT. Bang doesn't count as a hero in my book, he's better off as a supporting character. ALL I WANT FOR THE SERIES TO HAVE IS A REAL HERO. Not this Redcoat wearing jackass that always gets his way done no matter how much he pulls. The story is supposed to be "Black and White". NOT "BLACK AND GRAY"! Sure, there can be some vital exceptions. BUT I DON'T SEE A SINGLE, UTMOST THING, THAT HAS EVER CAME OUT OF BLAZBLUE THAT NEVER CHANGED MY MIND. EVER.”
A. Bang still counts motherfucker, you said ‘hero’ not ;major character’.
B. Hakuman’s right there trying to stab Ragna. C. No it’s suppose to be grey and gray. Mori built it that way. This is his story, not yours.
And D. So you know you’re wrong.
“Keep coming back to me! I don't effing care where it is. You rant, you whine, you even tell me to leave, but no... That all that isn't going to happen. I will be back and in one story... You'll that it is me that's returning. I won't bother arguing about this again. Sure, I've could've talked this through by PM'ing, but "Black and White" morality is always going to my thing. But hey, Fanfiction is all about tryharding! You use canonically made characters to achieve a thing that's worth a damn!  Anyways, I got back from my awesome trip to California. Nuff said.”
And guess what motherfucker? I’ll be right here, challenging and fighting you every step of the way! Each time you scream about Canon, I’ll be there to tear it down. Each time you rant about canon, I’ll be there to cut it pieces. This is gonna be a battle of wills between you and I. And guess what? My will is damn near indomitable. Good luck jackass.
But let me send you off, Blazblue style. 
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dave-meowstaine · 6 years
All those mf asks yo
👌Finally getting round to doing these, sorry it took a while!
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? - I’m happy with my height. I’m around 6ft
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) - I would love a dragon or a grisly bear
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? - I love all of my hoodies. I also love my Dave Mustine shirt and my really edgy shirt, both bought for me by Lizzie
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? - Diablo 2 is my favourite game of all time
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day - Lizzie, college work, and Everquest to be honest
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? - Warning: Too clingy and over emotional lol
7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? - Ooh that’s my favourite thing haha
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] - I have no idea
9: Are you ticklish? - No where near as ticklish as when I was younger, but yeah I am still ticklish
10: Are you allergic to anything? - I get hay fever and I found out I’m allergic to my cat’s fur (doesn’t stop me from cuddling her though, I just end up sneezing a lot and having very itchy/watery eyes haha 
11: What’s your sexuality? - Never really know, to be honest. I like anyone I like, whether that’s a boy, girl, or whatever you identify as
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? - Definitely tea. I must drink at least 5 mugs of tea a day haha
13: Are you a cat or dog person? - I’ve lived my entire life with cats, but I love my dog to pieces. It’s impossible to choose one over the other
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? - Probably an elf. I’m not a huge fan of the water and although I’m basically nocturnal (thanks, Lizzie ;) ), I would miss the daytime if I was a vampire. Plus everything is shut at night
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? - I used to but not anymore. I do have a couple of channels I regularly check, such as Funhaus
16: How tall are you? - I’m around 6ft
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? - Most people get my name wrong and call me Taylor so I guess if I changed it to Taylor at least people would get my name right haha
18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] - Eh I’m about 9 stone. I know, I’m light as fuck. Trying hard to gain weight, though
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? - To an extent
20: Do you like space or the ocean more? - Definitely space. I long to explore the stars and the galaxies…
21: Are you religious? - Nope
22: Pet peeves? - People being rude
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? - Probably diurnal. I love the night time, but more things happen in the day
24: Favorite constellation? - Don’t have one
25: Favorite star? - Don’t have one
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? - Eeerrrr I guess?
27: Any phobias or fears? - Don’t like clowns, height, or the water
28: Do you think global warming is real? - Of course it is
29: Do you believe in reincarnation? - I think it would be pretty cool
30: Favorite movie? - John Carpenter’s The Thing
31: Do you get scared easily? - Not really. I have my moments, though
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? - 4 cats, 1 dog, 2 fish, 4 guinea pigs, 3 chickens, and 1 hamster
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] - You’re on anon so no can do haha
34: What is a color that calms you? - I love red or purple
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? - I like the area I live in now, to be honest. I know most people can’t wait to get away from where they grew up, but I think Malmesbury would be a lovely place to settle down, have a family, etc.
36: Where were you born? - I was born in South East London
37: What is your eye color? - Grey/blue 
38: Introvert or extrovert? - Ambivert
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? - I do
40: Hugs or kisses? - Depends who it is. If it’s Lizzie, then kisses. Otherwise hugs
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? - Lizzie, obviously
42: Who is someone you love deeply? - Lizzie, obviously
43: Any piercings you want? - I don’t know if I want anymore piercings 
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? - I love them
45: Do you smoke or have you ever done so? - Yeah, I smoke
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! - Lizzie!
47: What is a sound you really hate? - The fucking disconnecting sounds on Facebook or Whatsapp calls
48: A sound you really love? - Lizzie’s voice
49: Can you do a backflip? - Nope
50: Can you do the splits? - Nope
51: Favorite actor and/or actress? - KEANU REEVES 
52: Favorite movie? - John Carpenter’s The Thing
53: How are you feeling right now? - Eh I’m alright. Want to be with Lizzie
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? - I’m happy with my natural colour
55: When did you feel happiest? - When I’m with Lizzie
56: Something that calms you down? - Lizzie
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] - I have anxiety and depression
58: What does your URL mean? - Dave Mustaine as a cute cat
59: What three words describe you the most? - Kind, loyal, asshole haha
60: Do you believe in evolution? - Obviously
61: What makes you unfollow a blog? - If they never post anymore or their theme changes to something I’m not interested in
62: What makes you follow a blog? - To be honest, I never follow any new blogs anymore
63: Favorite kind of person - Kind, caring, sensitive, funny, doesn’t take life too seriously
64: Favorite animal(s) - Chimps and sharks
65: Name three of your favorite blogs. - I don’t have any favourite blogs
66: Favorite emoticon - 👌
67: Favorite meme - DO YOU KNOW DE WAE
68: What is your MBTI personality type? - INFP
69: What is your star sign? - Libra
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? - Nope
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? - I don’t have any specific outfits, just throw on whatever suits the occasion
72: Post a selfie or two? - Look at my /tagged/me
73: Do you have platform shoes? - Nope, unless my DMs count
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? - No idea
75: Can you do a front flip? - I used to be able to on a trampoline, dunno if I still could. Probably could, if I tried
76: Do you like birds? - Of course!
77: Do you like to swim? - If it’s leisurely swimming, then yea
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? - Ice skating
79: Something you wish didn’t exist - There are many things I wish didn’t exist
80: Some thing you wish did exist - Dragons, as long as they didn’t fuck everything up
81: Piercings you have? - Septum and three in my left earlobe
82: Something you really enjoy doing - Spending time with Lizzie
83: Favorite person to talk to - Lizzie
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? - Thought it was really cool
85: How many followers do you have? - Currently at 1990
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? - I’ve done it before, yeah
87: Do your socks always match? - Yeah
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? - After limbering up, yeah
89: What are your birthstones? - Sapphire
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? - Probably a chimp
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? - Maybe a rose? I really don’t know haha
92: A store you hate? - None that I hate
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? - Never drink coffee so none haha
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? - Definitely fly
95: Do you like to wear camo? - Sure
96: Winter or summer? - Winter, to be honest
97: How long can you hold your breath for? - I don’t know, I think I got to two minutes before, maybe more
98: Least favorite person? - Don’t know
99: Someone you look up to - Don’t know
100: A store you love? - There’s a retro video game store in a town near me that I love, although all of their stuff is really expensive
101: Favorite type of shoes - Converses or Doc Martens
102: Where do you live? - I live in a town called Malmesbury
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? - Nope, used to be but I need to put on as much weight as possible
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? - Don’t really have one
105: Do you drink milk? - I do 
106: Do you like bugs? - Yeah
107: Do you like spiders? - I love them
108: Something you get paranoid about? - I get anxious about a lot of personal stuff going on at the moment
109: Can you draw - Hell no haha
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? - No idea
111: A question you hate being asked? - No idea
112: Ever been bitten by a spider? - Nope
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? - I love them
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? - Cloudy if it’s still warm, otherwise I guess sunny
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now - LIZZIE 
116: Favorite cloud type - The big ones?? lol
117: What color do you wish the sky was? - I like blue
118: Do you have freckles? - Nope
119: Favorite thing about a person - Don’t have one
120: Fruits or vegetables? - Fruit
121: Something you want to do right now - Be with Lizzie
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? - I would say the sky
123: Sweet or sour foods? - Definitely sweet
124: Bright or dim lights? - Dim lights
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? - Not that I can think of
126: Something you hate about Tumblr - Basically everything now haha
127: Something you love about Tumblr - I met my girlfriend on here so…
128: What do you think about the least? - I don’t know, I don’t think about it haha
129: What would you want written on your tombstone? - Just put the 👌 emoji on there and be done with it haha
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? - Too tired to punch anyone right now
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? - Everything??
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? - Nope
133: Computer or TV? - Computer
134: Do you like roller coasters? - Love them
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? - Motion sickness yeah, but not seasickness 
136: Are your ears lobed or attached? - Lobed
137: Do you believe in karma? - Definitely
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? - Definitely 10  ;)
139: What nicknames do you have/have had? - Big T and Tyrone are the only two that come to mind
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? - Didn’t everyone as younger children?
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? - Many haha
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? - I hope good
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? - Ehh I like both
144: What makes you angry - A lot of things
145: How many languages do you speak fluently? - Only English, but I need to learn Spanish
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? - Don’t have a preference  
147: Are you androgynous? - No
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself - Everything
149: Favorite thing about your personality - Everything
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. - Lizzie, Dom, and Ed
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? - I like the present day
152: Do you like BuzzFeed? - Not really
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] - Through Tumblr. Turns out she’s been following me for about 3 years but never thought anything of it. Then we started talking and yeah
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? - I don’t kiss people platonically 
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? - I love playing with Lizzie’s hair
156: What embarrasses you? - Not much
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious - A lot of personal stuff
158: Biggest lie you have ever told - No idea
159: How many people are you following? - Only 98 people
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? - 72,845
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? - None
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? - 2,380
163: Last time you cried and why - I can’t remember
164: Do you have long or short hair? - Short, but I’m growing it out
165: Longest your hair has ever been - About half way down my back
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? - This is a whole other debate
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? - I would love to know, yeah
168: Do you like to wear makeup? - Nah
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? - I used to be able to, dunno if I still could
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? - I did
Thank you! :)
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funkydoommachine · 7 years
Sonic Forces Review: Stop Comparing it to Mania
So I recently played Sonic Forces on the PS4, and while I did enjoy it, there were some things about it I have to address, as well as some other things around it.
Spoilers contained, so press on if you either finished the story or don’t care about spoilers.
Alright, so the basic plot is this; Eggman is so fed up with Sonic beating him that he ‘gets serious’ and unleashed a brand new weapon on the world. Sonic is called to action during an attack and this new weapon, named Infinite, goes Brock Lesnar on Sonic and beats him. We’re next told (through text) that Eggman had easily taken over the world with Sonic out of the way, and for the past six months an underground resistance has formed to try and take the world back. So Sonic (who is actually alive, gasp), the Avatar (I’ll get into this later), and Classic Sonic (for whatever reason he’s here too) have to work together to defeat Eggman and bring the world back to peace.
The plot isn’t really groundbreaking, but this is Sonic the Hedgehog, I’m not expecting George RR Martin levels of writing. The plot is simple enough, the dialogue is nice and cheesy (and lacking in any PS2-era Shadow the Hedgehog angst). It’s a dumb little ride and I enjoyed it, even if it was a little short and I would have liked to see more cutscenes instead of text windows.
If you ask me, the characters are at their best written and performed in Forces. The voices match the characters perfectly (Vector is up for debate) and their lines are delightfully corny. Eggman has gone back to his roots of ‘legitimate threat who is quite menacing with only a little humour’ instead of the complete joke he’s been presented as for the last few games before. Sonic still has his 90s cool kid wit, and to be honest I’m fine with it. It’s how I know Sonic, and I’d rather have this instead of some bland edgelord. And speaking of bland edgelords, even Shadow is better performed this time, with Kirk Thornton giving him much more emotion and even a few sassy lines here and there in his DLC.
The game’s main villain is Infinite, a jackal who was head of a mercenary squad before turning full on edgelord with (surprisingly cool) virtual reality powers provided by the Phantom Ruby. He’s edgy to the point of parody, and you can tell that’s what the team was going for when creating him, and you can’t help but enjoy the copious amounts of teenage angst that ooze out of him like he was sweating a Simple Plan album.
But the star of the show, and the main selling point of the game, is the Avatar. Your OC. The newest member of the resistance. The Avatar only speaks in vocal grunts, but is actually a very important part of the plot, and the holds the key to defeating Infinite in the form of a Phantom Ruby shard which messes up his powers. I’ll get more into the OC below.
Some levels, when you beat them, will occasionally have an SOS signal coming from them. These are extra missions that require you to either take control of another player’s Avatar or to rescue a fellow resistance member. These aren’t mandatory of course, only for a bit of extra challenge and experience. Bonus levels also pop up depending on how well you do, and you can also beat them for extra accessories. Neato.
The gameplay is the standard fair it’s been for the past few instalments, with a lot of Boost2Win, but it’s not nearly as bad as it used to be. Modern Sonic’s levels are quite varied, with different paths depending on how skilled and eagle-eyed you are. Boosting (which is provided by Wisps and defeating enemies in Forces) is a double-edged sword, where you’re penalised for using it in the wrong areas and not paying attention. You can tell when you’re allowed to boost since Wisp pods will be provided, but even then it’s still a blast to just rush through and plow down enemies like toilet roll.
As I mentioned earlier, Classic Sonic is back. I have no idea why they brought him back, but here he is. And to be honest, it’s as shoehorned as it sounds. The gameplay for Classic is pretty janky, with floaty jumps making some parts of platforming difficult to navigate. The speed boost doesn’t last nearly as long from what I’ve noticed, the drowning countdown has shortened to the point where an asthmatic could hold their breath longer than him, and to be honest he slows down from high speed very quickly. I mean I guess he still has the Mania jump dash (oh yeah, forgot to mention this Classic Sonic is the Sonic from Mania, because for some reason they had to tie the two games together).
After beating the first level, you have the opportunity of creating your own character, choosing between a dog, wolf, rabbit, bird, cat, bear, or hedgehog (guess which one is popular amongst kids and memers), with each species actually having its own unique perk, such as birds having a double jump and wolves able to attract nearby rings like a Sonic 3 thunder shield. As you beat levels you collect more clothing and accessories for your donut steel, and achieving S-ranks and completing side missions nets you even more stuff. There’s even an experience system for each species, which gets you even more accessories. The OC controls quite well, with responsive controls and opting for a grappling hook attack instead of a homing attack, and the lack of a jump attack is replaced by Wispons; weaponized Wisps that you can swap out on the fly before each level. There’s a wide variety of Wispons, including Burst that fires a flamethrower attack and allows a frequent jump when powered up, and a lightning one that uses an electric whip attack and lets you use the ring dash. Completing side quests unlocks Wispons with side-effects, including a shield and starting with rings. Changing Wispons is required for different paths and collectables. In some levels, Sonic and the Avatar will team up and you can control between the two simultaneously, combining their powers to create Captain Planet get through different challenges. Some parts include a Double Boost section, which after a quick button mash, lets you plow through enemies while cheesy butt rock cheers you on.
One thing many can agree on is that the only consistently good part about Sonic games is the soundtrack, and Forces is no exception. The theme song, Fist Bump, is a delightfully upbeat and corny butt rock tune that you can’t help but smile when you listen to. Especially if you’re a Hoobastank fan. Infinite’s theme song (named, well, Infinite), performed by Dangerkids, is Ow the Edge in all the best ways. The nu-metal inspired track includes lyrics talking about how cool and awesome Infinite is, and it’s so hilariously catchy that you’ll likely fall in love with it unironically.
Modern Sonic’s music ranges from techno and dubstep-inspired beats to full-on punk rock chords that many fans know the 3D games for. Tempo and tone change depending on which part of the stage you’re on, which I love.
Classic Sonic, which once again goes for a chiptune-feel, is also enjoyable... for the most part. Green Hill’s bleeping goes so high at some points that it’s almost uncomfortable to listen to, but the tunes are all catchy and memorable.
The Avatar’s music, my personal favourite, opts for more techno and D&B inspired tracks, which include lyrics that reflect your poor Coldsteel’s thoughts while rushing through that particular stage. I love these ones, they’re a welcome change and it’s not all the time you get lyrics during an action stage, making me remember the good times of City Escape.
I know I’ve mostly been singing this game’s praises so far, but of course it definitely has its flaws. But the game does try to make up for them.
The story, and the levels, feel far too short compared to previous titles. There are thirty stages, not including bonus levels, and a lot of them feel like they were beaten in a flash. When you know what you’re doing, you can beat most of them in circa 2 minutes each. Granted, the levels were designed by newcomers to the format, and for their (I assume) first go, they did quite well. Plenty of branching paths and secrets to look for, and the secret/bonus levels provide plenty of challenge.
The Avatar creation leaves a bit to be desired, being unable to combine some accessories or change the colour of others, opting for just having a different set colour for the same thing. But again, this is the first time we’ve had this on an official Sonic game, and for the first try, I’m satisfied. Adding side-effects for species and Wispons provides plenty of replay value to make up for the short story.
The villains of the game are made up of Eggman, Infinite, Chaos from Adventure, Zavok from Lost World, Metal Sonic and Shadow. The last four are actually virtual reality projections created by Infinite’s powers, which I thought was a nice twist in the story instead of just having them brainwashed or whatever, but my gripe is you don’t get to fight Chaos or Shadow. It’s a shame, considering how fun they were to fight in previous titles, but the bosses we do have provide fun challenge. The final boss (Eggman in a giant robot, because thank god Eggman is actually the last boss again instead of Infinite hijacking the finale as all-powerful allies of Eggers tend to do) is a three-stage fight compiled of tactics mirroring previous bosses. Though I see this as the previous bosses warming you up for the finale, and the final boss did provide plenty of challenge. And in good Sonic fashion, you’re rewarded for using your abilities carefully and in the right moments in the form of doing more damage and a faster completion time.
As short as the main story was, Sonic Forces provides plenty of replay value in the form of extra challenges and character types that challenge you to find all the collectables and get all the S-ranks, which you are rewarded for with more things to bling out your Sonichu with. I still haven’t completely beaten it yet, despite having beaten the story in a few hours. Plus the DLC will be free, and for a AAA title, its RRP is pretty reasonable. I’d definitely recommend it if you’re a fan of the 3D stuff.
Now if we could stop comparing this game to a 2D platformer starring the same character but plays and looks completely differently and was made by a completely different team, that would be lovely.
People aren’t comparing Mario Odyssey to Super Mario Maker, so stop doing it here please.
7 Chili Dogs out of 10
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quitbeingbanished · 7 years
Changing my genre (Charlie x Jo)
Title: Changing my genre
Pairing: Charlie x Jo
Prompt: Songfic for #kimsbirthdaychallenge @ilostmyshoe-79
word count: 1215
warnings: AU where Jo is an edgy larp girl and Charlie is normally not into that, Larping, Charlie being awkward and adorable
song: Changing my Major from Fun Home OST
a/n: I had two other fic idea I tried to do with this but...this happened. this is my first wlw fic I’ve written since I came out as trans. I did have my lovely assistant @becomingmyinnerdemons help me make sure it wasn’t uncomfortable. As such pretty rated G and kinda fluffy.
tagging: @brewsthespirit-blog , @smallreferencepools​
Charlie totally loved LARP. She considered herself a bit of a larping queen actually. But she preferred high Fantasy, elves, dragons and magic. She felt comfortable in that setting. She could min-max her way to being the baddest bitch on the game floor. She read books like Harry Potter and the Hobbit. She liked fantasy, it was a happy place where the heroes always won—well, except for Song of Ice and Fire. It was an escape, a warm blanket of an escape. She liked fantasy. She had no interest in dark and gritty settings. Comics in the 90’s had been terrible. Batman was overrated.
She’d seen the source material a few times in her local game store. Books that were marked ADULT as if somehow playing vampires or werewolves were the mature thing to do. Charlie had plenty of adult encounters while in Middle-earth, thank you very much. But when there had been a flyer in her local gamer den for a new larp on the local college campus? Yeah, Charlie had decided to give it a go. Not because she was interested in this pretentious system but because her main game was in its offseason.
Sometimes a girl just needs a larp fix, regardless of the genre.
   She had sent an email to the contact on the flyer for the online group for the game. Roads Not Taken was a silly name for a campaign but Charlie had once been in a D&D game called Elf Quest so who was she to judge? She joined the topic for new players where the Story Teller--how weird was that to call your game master?-- that told her the system was just humans who got tapped with powers to fight monsters. It didn’t sound as goth as she had been expecting.
  Charlie was wowed by just how normal and geeky everyone had seemed. Just normal geeks who were planning on starting a larp about hunting monsters. One of the other players offered to help her build a character for the system. Charlie was fairly sure she could figure out how to build a character by herself but the offer game with the chance to actually know someone before hitting the game floor so she’d agreed.
  They had chatted privately for a couple days before agreeing on a time to meet up before the game to go over the basics. Charlie learned her real name was Jo. Charlie loved talking to her if she was honest. She learned Jo had an older taste in music. She worked with her mom at a bar not too far away. Jo had a wicked sense of humor. Jo also apparently was super well versed in the system. She had pdf copies of all the books for the system that she had emailed to Charlie through an encrypted server. It wasn’t the first time Charlie had gotten a crush on a girl across the internet but she was falling hard for her.
  Charlie felt comfortable enough to talk about her own life. How she worked in IT. What her favorite books and tv shows were and how much she really missed having a game that ran on a set schedule. How her Hogwarts house was Gryffindor and Hermione was her favorite character. 
  Jo said that was adorable. Charlie had screenshot that exchanges to her phone and stared at it sometimes feeling her face go red every time.
  Her favorite character from Harry Potter was Ron. She considered herself to by a Gryffindor as well but Pottermore had sorted her into Slytherin of all things. Jo talked about her collection of fantasy swords as well as just knives in general. She mentioned her favorite shows were a little more mystery than fantasy. She liked terrible B horror movies as well as good horror.
  Jo even made Hunter the Reckoning seem interesting and three dimensional. Jo made it a very human story. How people could just be going about their lives when suddenly the powers that be pulled back the curtain and revealed the monsters that existed in the world. Jo made the dark and gritty world of darkness even seem kind of cool.
  Charlie learned from talking with Jo on her skype that Jo was in at least 3 other larps in the city. Charlie got to learn all the drama of the intersecting Organizations of larps, two vampires and one werewolf. She got to hear some off-topic stories about how her friend Dean was constantly in some new crisis in a game because he couldn’t ignore or not take the bait for a plot. She heard about how the politics of one vampire game screwed up all her fun in the other one.
  Jo even asked for her facebook. Charlie had been hesitant to give it at first, it was full of some memes and her different cosplay pictures. But she gave it anyway. She liked Jo. Jo seemed like a good person. Jo was gorgeous. Her smile in her photos was infectious. Charlie found herself smiling every time she got a text or IM from Jo anyways but now she had a face to go with it.
    Through facebook, she also got to put other faces to names. Jo started a small group chat with some of the other players going to the hunter game to have a slight chance at building a group that sort of knew each other. Charlie found she liked most of them thought Sam and Dean seemed to be constantly getting each other off track. Adam normally only seemed to communicate with memes. Castiel was the assistant Storyteller for the game and seemed to be trying to keep Dean from getting too out there. Charlie was falling in love with Jo’s friends too.
  The only thing Charlie couldn’t seem to ask was whether Jo felt the same way about how they were getting along. They were talking all the time now. Once facebook had been exchanged then Instagram and twitter followed. Charlie wondered if she had a Tumblr but was afraid to ask, her Tumblr was overflowing with personal posts gushing about how much she liked Jo, it seemed a bad plan to open that door right now.
  So when are we meeting tomorrow? Charlie texted Jo.
  Want to catch coffee tomorrow before game? I want to see if the Unicorn thing is as bad as everyone says. Jo responded.
  It’s a date. Charlie had responded without thinking.
  Hope that means you’re paying ;) Jo had texted back.
  Charlie had to lay on the bed and remember how to breathe.
   Charlie totally hadn’t driven herself crazy with what to wear to meet Jo for the first time. She wasn’t sure if it was a date-date or just a ‘gals being pals’ event. That would have been insane to hyper stress about what to wear. She had stuffed her character clothes in her bag and showed up fifteen minutes early to the coffee shop and tried to calm her breathing.
  When Jo walked in with a t-shirt of Captain America’s shield colored in the bisexual flag Charlie was sure she’d died and gone to heaven.
  “Cute shirt.” Charlie has said waving Jo over.
  “thanks. I only save it for first dates with cute girls.” Jo had grinned.
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mintyyprince · 7 years
all of them? owo
u. i appreciate u.
200: my crush’s name is: good. its a good name.199: I was born in: september!!198: I am really: gay197: My cellphone company is: so-so??196: My eye color is: grey195: My shoe size is: nine or ten usually194: My ring size is: no clue dude193: My height is: five ten!! 192: I am allergic to: geckos...??? its weird191: My 1st car was: no car im dying190: My 1st job was: kitchen aid189: Last book you read: enders game188: My bed is: soft warm and welcoming uwu187: My pet: the best white lab ever i love him185: My favorite shampoo is: s..starts with an s....i think184: Xbox or ps3: i have an xbox but all the games i want rn are on ps4 183: Piggy banks are: good and cute i love them182: In my pockets: my phone181: On my calendar: calendars are for chumps180: Marriage is: uhhhh179: Spongebob can: do anything178: My mom: never heard of her176: Last YouTube video watched: this...175: How many cousins do you have? three!!174: Do you have any siblings? two or three173: Are your parents divorced? yes172: Are you taller than your mom? no clue171: Do you play an instrument? i used to play viola!! hh..170: What did you do yesterday? hm. good question.[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: i believe in infatuation at first sight168: Luck: y..yes167: Fate: you make your own fate ultimately but yes166: Yourself: trying to165: Aliens: no clue164: Heaven: no clue163: Hell: not to be edgy or anything but were living in it arent we162: God: i believe there are many for different things!!161: Horoscopes: yes160: Soul mates: sorta159: Ghosts: yes158: Gay Marriage: i.. am gay...157: War: not really156: Orbs: yea155: Magic: yea[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: gimme smooches152: Phone or Online: phone if its someone close151: Red heads or Black haired: i mixed up the words and first read “black heads” and assumed this was a this-or-that acne question 150: Blondes or Brunettes: uh149: Hot or cold: youre yes and youre no youre in and youre out youre up and youre d148: Summer or winter: summer!!147: Autumn or Spring: oh.. tentative autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla is now cursed but id say chocolate anyways145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: apples.. with peanut butter... nice143: Curly or Straight hair: hm.142: McDonalds or Burger King: ew140: Mac or PC: pc please i love myself139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops my dude138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: hm.137: Coke or Pepsi: coke136: Hillary or Obama: is this even a question135: Buried or cremated: havent decided134: Singing or Dancing: singinggg133: Coach or Chanel: uh132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: uh??131: Small town or Big city: big city.. maybe130: Wal-Mart or Target: i have Memories in target129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: ngh128: Manicure or Pedicure: pedicure it feels so awkward getting arm massages and not knowing where to look127: East Coast or West Coast: east coast beast coast126: Your Birthday or Christmas: birthday. christmas is cursed i hate it125: Chocolate or Flowers: oh.. oh no.... both124: Disney or Six Flags: six flags fuck yeah123: Yankees or Red Sox: yodels[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: whack121: George Bush: whack120: Gay Marriage: free me119: The presidential election: whack118: Abortion: its a choice117: MySpace: whack116: Reality TV:whack115: Parents:whack114: Back stabbers:whack113: Ebay:whack112: Facebook:whack111: Work:whack110: My Neighbors:  whack109: Gas Prices:whack108: Designer Clothes:whack107: College:whack106: Sports:whack105: My family:whack104: The future:whack[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: uhhh102: Last time you ate: just now101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: t..omorrow??100: Cried in front of someone: no99: Went to a movie theater: i saw spiderman i think its hard to remember98: Took a vacation: spring break i think97: Swam in a pool: no clue96: Changed a diaper: no clue95: Got my nails done: too long let me be a pretty boy94: Went to a wedding: Years93: Broke a bone: never actually92: Got a piercing: uhhh?? i think i was eleven91: Broke the law: never anything serious90: Texted: an hour i think[ MISC ]88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: nothing i will be Free87: The last movie I saw: gotg2.. i left early it was so boring86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: hm.85: The thing im not looking forward to: hm.84: People call me: they call me bell they call me stacy they call me her they call me jane thats not my n83: The most difficult thing to do is: oh worm just one?82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never im too nervous a driver81: My zodiac sign is: libraaa80: The first person i talked to today was: @/haj-ime and i love him79: First time you had a crush: this fucko noah in the first grade i think78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: myself........ was that edgy enough or77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: me?76: Right now I am talking to: no one im 2anxious4talk75: What are you going to do when you grow up: oh hey lmk when u figure this one out id love to know74: I have/will get a job: i stare into the camera like im on the office73: Tomorrow: yes?72: Today: what is the question here71: Next Summer: no really 70: Next Weekend: im so confused69: I have these pets: i have one single evil fish bc he ate all the others and also my puppy cooper i love him68: The worst sound in the world: anything to do with chalkboards i hate them67: The person that makes me cry the most is: oh hey trauma mention opportunity-66: People that make you happy: everyone on my friends page and my mutuals uwu65: Last time I cried: oh64: My friends are: Good i love them63: My computer is: a trooper even if it crashes at least twice a week62: My School: i am my school 61: My Car: NONEXISTENT 60: I lose all respect for people who: lose my respect59: The movie I cried at was: hm. its not a movie but does kiznaiver count?58: Your hair color is: uhhhh57: TV shows you watch: A Lot56: Favorite web site: the internet is a bottomless pit55: Your dream vacation: maybe a cabin in the mountains... good54: The worst pain I was ever in was: oh hey another trauma opport53: How do you like your steak cooked: c..ooked52: My room is: neat..ish51: My favorite celebrity is: none50: Where would you like to be: how many people do u think replied coffin49: Do you want children: yeah!!48: Ever been in love: hm.46: More guy friends or girl friends: boyfriends im gay45: One thing that makes you feel great is: making people happy44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my friends uwu43: Do you have a 5 year plan: it changes every week i42: Have you made a bucketlist: not really41: Have you pre-named your children: nah40: Last person I got mad at: uhhh39: I would like to move to: colorado.. maybe38: I wish I was a professional: something[ My Favorites ]36: Vehicle: none they all scare me35: President: obama maybe?34: State visited: coloradoooo33: Cellphone provider: hm.32: Athlete: hm.31: Actor:hm.30: Actress:hm.29: Singer:hm.28: Band:hm.27: Clothing store:hm.26: Grocery store:hm.25: TV show:too many that fluctuate 24: Movie: too many that fluctuate22: Animal: dogs!!!!!!!21: Theme park: all of them i think20: Holiday:hm.19: Sport to watch: no thanks18: Sport to play: double no thanks17: Magazine:hm.16: Book:hm.15: Day of the week: uhh14: Beach: all i think13: Concert attended: any symphony 12: Thing to cook: i like baking cakes.. 11: Food: either fettuccine alfredo or pizza bc im basic10: Restaurant:hm.9: Radio station:hm.8: Yankee candle scent: idk but i have this one really nice candle thats campfire smoke scented and mmmmmm i love it7: Perfume: i dont really wear perfume!!6: Flower: yes.5: Color: blue!!4: Talk show host:hm.3: Comedian:hm.2: Dog breed: this is such a trick question1: Did you answer all these truthfully? more or less
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