#yeah this has been gay sex posts with mick have a good day!
thekingofchungus · 2 years
boys will be like "hope you don't mind if I slip into something more comfortable" and make you soak your sheets at 4 in the morning
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cattles-bians · 3 years
damie vibecca exes au part 21
post directory
em: viola and becs love their lil hikes
em: oh actually did we already designate hiking as a damie thing
em: hmm.
em: yknow what damie and vibecca can both enjoy their weekend hikes
em: they bring isabel and she’s RUNNING up the path and tires herself out in 10 minutes and rebecca and viola swap out piggybacking her
obsetress: yeah it tracks because they both like fitness and viola likes her walks
obsetress: plus viola's like "it's good for isabel"
em: vibecca power lesbians love the challenging trails and damie just enjoy the sights
obsetress: dani venting to jamie one night: they don't even LIKE hiking, but they still had to do the blackjack loop, and WE won't even do the blackjack loop,
em: dani and her fanny packs... every time she sees isabel on a trail she like
em: stuffs her pockets w granola akdhdkfhdj
em: drives viola NUTS she’s like we packed our Own snacks
obsetress: dani gets SO excited
obsetress: man i love these lil gay bitches
obsetress: no but um
obsetress: jamie gets in some fight w rebecca early on after they've reconnected
obsetress: prob about her dating vi tbh
obsetress: and jamie's so put off by the whole thing and is ranting to dani about it and dani's all like "you just need to have better boundaries, jamie, they're her choices, aren't they? not yours"
obsetress: and jamie just stares at her like.........................................
obsetress: "dani, you literally continued hooking up with viola for weeks after you broke up"
"oh, c'mon jamie, it wasn't weeks"
"it was months"
em: dani shooting herself in the foot to like. correct jamie is so funny
em: not even ‘no that’s different’ or ‘no i’ve changed’ like ‘actually it was months’
obsetress: she says it w such a lil pleased smile on her face too
Tumblr media
obsetress: like who the FUCk gave her the right???
obsetress: a whole babe
obsetress: she didn't need to smirk like this
em: god she’s so Hot
obsetress: just think about all the times she and viola get into the banter
obsetress: and this exact face
em: i know we veered dramatically into soft territory w exes au but vi extremely stubborn lloyd and rebecca lawyer do no harm take no shit jessel truly. have some spectacular arguments
obsetress: they have absolute blowouts
obsetress: and then blowouts after the blowouts iywkim
obsetress: like dani's do no harm take no shit but she and vi also enable the SHIT out of each other
em: like dani tried but dani wasnt like. fully baked yet
obsetress: yeah! and then when she finally does and breaks up with her, she's back in her bed a few weeks later
obsetress: rebecca is the first person to not take viola's shit and to tell her no and viola can't fucking stand it
em: jamies convinced it’s a ruse for more make up sex
obsetress: dani's like "no, babe, trust me, i know what that looks like and this––"
em: dani (hushed) no she’s regular mad this isn’t fun mad
em: jamie (hushed but incredulous) FUN MAD?!
obsetress: please tell me how dani explains fun mad
em: a lil eyebrow waggle and a wink but then i like
em: thought abt her going to lift jamie up on a bench ‘well she kinda’
obsetress: the way rebecca looks at peter when he is (seemingly) (unfortunately) good w the kids has me thinking about like
obsetress: rebecca seeing vi w isabel for the first time and just
em: turns out the evil landlord shes banging is also…… soft
obsetress: rebecca and jamie on the phone and rebecca's like "i know she's... a landlord and all, but you should've seen her with isabel"
"you've gotta be fucking kidding me, becs––"
"no, maybe you're too quick to write her off. maybe people can be more than one thing"
and jamie just groans
em: poor jamie and her class traitor ex gf
em: blows kiss to rebecca
em: dani: i gotta go to the bathroom i’ll be right back
em: jamie: ok love
em: dani; (elbows jamie) ive Gotta Go To The B
obsetress: screamed
obsetress: dani trips over her own feet as she gets up to go
obsetress: then i just start thinking about dani absolutely pouncing on jamie the second they get into the bathroom and then i just start thinking about. how often that happens
obsetress: bathrooms or closets or wherever else
em: dani has this 6th sense for places to sneak off to
obsetress: god she DOES
obsetress: she's so good at it
em: she enters a new building and is taking lil notes just in case
obsetress: meanwhile rebecca and viola exchanging a look while they wait, knowing EXACTLY where they're going
em: viola leaning in like how much time do we have and becs is like vi. where’s your decorum
em: then she looks down at her watch and lists it down to the second
obsetress: she pauses
obsetress: then
obsetress: "and another six minutes if––" and vi's like "she'll want to go again"
em: viola buffing her nails on her blazer: she’ll want to go again
obsetress: rebecca rolls her eyes but she's grinning
obsetress: "you're all too smug" "me? smug?" becs just shakes her head and tugs her in by the lapels of her blazer
em: damie coming back to a fairly chaste vibecca kiss: BLEH can you guys GET A ROOM
obsetress: rebecca's just verly placidly like
obsetress: "dani, your zipper is still down, by the way"
em: dani; thanks :)
em: dani clayton voice i’m braver and severely Weirder than ppl think
obsetress: she's a bit of a weirdo
em: see now i’m thinking about dani glancing away going dang i thought i was keeping it under wraps
obsetress: ngl i think about that a lot like
obsetress: she IS a weirdo but what does jamie know
obsetress: that she's like yeah she's a fucking weirdo
obsetress: like she's anxious and jumpy but jamie wouldn't call that weird
obsetress: what did she know and when did she know it
em: i’m thinking about jamie catching dani doing something like. idk eating a burger layer by layer or w a knife and fork and going
em: what a freak. i’m gonna marry her
em: dani tells jamie no this is a normal american thing and then when they go to vermont jamie realises no this absolutely is not
obsetress: she says something about it and dani doesn't even remember saying it in the first place
obsetress: "i didn't say that"
"you literally did say that"
"why would i say that"
(jamie taylor eyebrow raise) "you tell me"
(dani clayton flush and stutter) "i–– i..."
em: dani mumbles something like i didn’t think it’d pan out like this i just wanted the cool gardener to think i was. semi normal
em: jamie waggles her eyebrows like cool gardener???
obsetress: dani bumps her shoulder into jamie's "shut up"
"don't think i will, actually"
em: jamie starts to v seriously eat her burger layer by layer. danis like ‘ur taking the mick!’ and jamies like (sheepish) naw i just. wanted to see what it’s like
em: every so often they’ll run into someone who went to school w jamie or knew her as a youth and they’re like ‘wow you’ve mellowed out heaps’
em: therapy queen
em: theyre in a pub and someone’s like ‘as i live and breathe! jamie taylor! i heard you died! someone told me you were arrested for (crime that becomes bigger and more outlandish w every new person)’ and jamies like ‘aye’ and they’re like
em: all sharing a beer at a quaint little pub n this old acquaintance from before has these v chaotic stories and danis like
em: jamie? my jamie? u must be confused. jamie goes to bed at 9:30pm watching antiques roadshow
obsetress: jamie just grins a lil
em: danis like haha jamie wow ur so mysterious and (she is already casing the joint for places to sneak off too)
em: damvibecca sittin in a circle passing a joint around
em: a nice thought
obsetress: Wholesome
obsetress: dani falls asleep first, with her head in jamie's lap and they're all just kinda vibin and rebecca gets up to get her a blanket or smth and vi's just kinda like
obsetress: "you're really good for her, you know"
obsetress: all quiet and pensive
em: jamie takes a loooooonng pause and she’s like. i was sceptical but. you’re good for becs too
em: and then even quieter she’s like
em: thanks
em: the softest thank u from one jamie taylor
obsetress: rebecca gets back and looks back n forth between the two of them
"why are you two being weird"
"we're not–- what?"
"we're just sitting here, baby"
obsetress: rebecca narrows her eyes
obsetress: jamie likes vi for becs because vi reminds her to live a little
obsetress: and can also keep up with her temperament because holy shit did jamie hate all of becca's bougie shit
em: jamie absolutely has um
em: like a repairs pile that shes gonna get around to Some Day re fixin clothes etc and
em: as much as i love 'rebecca and jamie worlds most calm and collected no drama couple' im defs toying with like
em: their ONE Big fight is beccs throws out the repairs pile
obsetress: "i was gonna––"
"no you WEREN'T, jamie!"
em: jamies like i The Tool I Needed is outta stock i had to- and becs is like? what, like you couldnt make do?
em: and even then when the heat dies down its still v calm and civil but like
em: FINALLY a lil dramatic angle to jamie rebecca
em: dani loves the repairs pile bc she loves a project
obsetress: she's also very content to let jamie have her silly little thing
obsetress: because it doesn't bother her and jamie is very good at keeping it in her space
obsetress: rebecca asks her about it one day and dani's like "oh i'm just glad she has a hobby :)"
em: couple times jamie's like. shes been tryna repair this one chair for months and eventually shes like
em: (swings axe) winters coming
obsetress: dani just watches with the dopiest grin
obsetress: jamie's all wot
obsetress: and dani's like
obsetress: :) you're hot :)
em: danis like hey i know its a brisk autumn but um
em: if u wanna
em: mimes taking shirt off
obsetress: jamie does it
obsetress: jamie rolling her eyes as she unbuttons the top couple buttons then tugs her shirt over her head
obsetress: but she's grinning
obsetress: dani sneaking up behind her as she's sorting the wood and just leaning into her bare back
obsetress: jamie jumps "oi!" and dani grins and nuzzles between her shoulders
obsetress: been having so many becca feelings in our rewatch
em: oh gosh
em: i love her she truly is a tragic character
obsetress: same
obsetress: i just want her to live happily ever after in her lil power lesbian outfits with her lil power lesbian wife
obsetress: like she needs someone who can MATCH her
obsetress: her energy and her intensity and her passion
obsetress: and like she and jamie can push each other to be better but jamie’s just kinda like “lemme chill n do my gay little tasks” yknow
em: ya and like they Worked but they worked Much better as friends than anything romantic
em: jamies the lesbian best friend that’s like girl. stop settling for mediocre men with accents
obsetress: yeah!
em: jamie ‘how soon is too soon to ask out my good friend rebecca jessel after her v messy break up w peter quint’ taylor
em: and then rebecca ends up being the one like ‘have you ever thought about us?’ while jamies agonising over it like four months later
em: rebeccas a little go getter and jamie needs a little bit of a shove sometimes
obsetress: jamie, surrounded by three shovers,
obsetress: rebecca says it so casually over dinner like she’s talking about the weather and jamie’s like !?
obsetress: i can also see like
obsetress: rebecca says that bit about "have you ever thought about us" at dinner and jamie blanches and second guesses everything they do "is....... is this a date" becca just shrugs "do you want it to be?"
em: jamies motormouthing like ok but i cannot stress enough that i was comforting you about ur break up in a friend way no ulterior motives way i am ur friend first and foremost and rebecca just like
em: lets her get it out of her system
em: ‘well what about my ulterior motives’
obsetress: she WOULD
obsetress: "did you ever consider that maybe i had ulterior motives"
em: jamie: (pursing her lips, furrowing her brow that way she does) you had a messy break up with peter quint….. to seduce me.
em: rebecca: mmhmm
obsetress: jamie: me?
obsetress: rebecca: well, maybe a couple of reasons, but... yeah. you were up there
em: after i asked out [ex] i spent ages agonising over when it would be appropriate to kiss her (i know...) and then one night at a party she’s like ‘so why haven’t u kissed me yet?’ and i’m like are u fucken. mate it takes two to tango
obsetress: oh my god?
em: drawing from that
em: jamie thinks they’re taking it slow (but not that slow) and rebecca is like girl what
em: ‘i never took you for old fashioned’
‘wot, me?’
‘old fashioned?!’
‘well, you haven’t kissed me yet-‘
‘you haven't kissed me! i figured you wanted to take it slow after p-‘ and then rebecca like full on dips jamie and kisses her
em: rebeccas like always wanted to do that at least once lol
em: jamie is speechless for a couple minutes
obsetress: rEBECCA
obsetress: thinking thoughts rebecca jamie same height but rebecca heels
obsetress: jamie looking up @ her all
obsetress: rebecca in her heels and is chilly and jamie getting up onto her tip toes to wrap her big coat around rebecca's shoulders
em: softtt
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littlespoonevan · 4 years
hiii! I really hope I'm not bothering you but... are you taking prompts? 👀 cause I love your fics and this is kinda your fault because I read your post about 9x06 lol but now I can't stop thinking about I&M having a *real talk* like... "I'm sorry I let you go" 🥺?
Sorry it took me a while to get to this - my ao3 fics kept me quite busy the past few weeks! okay so i’ve written about the aftermath of 9x06 quite a few times but never an actual, full “talk about everything” conversation in its entirety so i decided to give it a whirl here! 
for the record i 100% believe they had a conversation like this within the first week, if not 24 hours, of being in the cell together and find it absolutely preposterous john wells tried to act like they hadn’t in 10x03 and then again in 10x08 bc all ian wanted to do legit all season was talk things through and that didn’t come from nowhere but ANYWAY, they’ve got a lot of things to sort through but i did my best to cover as much as i could!
I hope you like it <3
The lights have been out for five minutes and Ian just about manages to stay in his bunk long enough for the guard to do his final check of their cell before he’s swinging himself down from his bed to crawl in next to Mickey.
He’s met with kisses and a muffled laugh into his mouth and fuck, he never thought he’d get to do this again. He allows himself to get lost in Mickey’s body for a few minutes, trading hungry kisses while their hands roam wherever either of them can reach, like they’re trying to commit one another’s skin to memory again – not that Ian has any intention of letting Mickey go this time.
He’s been itching to touch Mickey like this all day – they’d managed a hurried, flustered mutual reunion handjob before but they couldn’t risk anything more. Even that had been reckless but he’s pretty sure he lost any and all sense the second Mickey walked through the door of his cell.
He wants more now, wants Mickey whatever way he can have him, but a thought makes him pause and as soon as he thinks it he can’t stop thinking about it.
Is this supposed to be reunion sex or make-up sex?
Ian had done a lot of soul-searching and self-reflection after he’d left Mickey at the border and he just- he wants to talk about it. He doesn’t want them to jump straight into everything again and let their issues fester like they used to. Sex has never been a problem for them, communication on the other hand…
Mickey must notice he’s slowed down because he leans back, a confused smile on his face. “What?”
Ian looks at him and feels nothing but an all-consuming, addictive kind of love envelope him. He loves Mickey so fucking much – he hadn’t been able to stop even when he wanted to – he’s not going to hurt him again. But that means he needs to do this right. “Do you think we should talk first?” he asks uncertainly.
They’d both sort of agreed earlier that they would talk eventually when they’d been catching up and found themselves naturally slipping into deeper territory. They’d said they could worry about it later. But well, it’s later now.
Mickey appraises him for a moment and Ian tries not to panic when he notices his expression shutter the tiniest bit. Cradling Mickey’s jaw, he runs a thumb across his cheek. “Mick, I wanna do this right this time. We should talk about it.”
Mickey’s expression softens somewhat at that. “Talk about what?”
Ian blows out a breath. “Everything, I guess?”
He’s not sure they ever really talked out their issues in the past. He thinks they would’ve when Mickey brought him back home after he took off for the army. But Ian had already been halfway to manic by then and hadn’t exactly been in the most rational frame of mind to discuss the deep shit.
Mickey shifts onto his back, still keeping one arm around Ian, and Ian fits himself against Mickey’s side, head half on the pillow, half on Mickey’s shoulder.
“Well, if we’re talking about everything,” Mickey starts, rolling his head to the side and meeting Ian’s eyes. “I’m sorry.”
And that’s- what?
“What the fuck are you sorry for?” Ian asks with a frown – he’s pretty sure he’s the one with a laundry list of apologies to make here.
Mickey huffs out a laugh but it sounds sad. “Jesus, Ian. Did you just block out the first year and a half of our relationship?” He averts his gaze for a second before looking back to Ian with renewed determination. “I’m sorry for all the times I pushed you away or pretended this didn’t mean anything or ended it because I got scared or hit you- fuck-“
“Mickey,” Ian says, cutting him off with a hand on Mickey’s chest. “You think I resent you for any of that?” he says, words quietly disbelieving. “Or that I don’t get why you acted the way you did? Yeah, sure, it fucking hurt at the time but I’m pretty sure you made up for it a thousand times over with everything that came afterwards.”
When I almost burned our relationship to the ground, he thinks, and all you did was try to love me.
Mickey glances away again, looking more bashful this time. “It still doesn’t make it okay.”
“Yeah, well if it wasn’t already clear, I forgive you,” Ian tells him, feeling his mouth tick up at the edges when Mickey starts to smile at him. And he can’t help leaning to brush their lips together – just once before he allows himself to get side-tracked.
It’s his turn now.
“While we’re doling out apologies,” he starts, feeling shame burn through him. Even thinking about half the shit he’s done makes him question how the fuck Mickey’s still here. “I’m so fucking sorry, Mick. Jesus. For all of it.”
Mickey stares at him with something vulnerable in his eyes and Ian wonders if anyone’s ever actually apologised to Mickey for hurting him before. That thought alone is enough for him to keep going.
“I’m sorry for giving you an ultimatum after the wedding. I was just- fuck, I was at breaking point, y’know? I know what happened that day with Terry was a million times worse for you-“
Mickey tenses at that and Ian thinks they’re going to talk about a lot tonight but they probably won’t talk about that. Some scars just run too fucking deep.
“I always wondered,” Mickey interrupts quietly, staring at Ian’s hand on his chest instead of Ian himself. “If that day was your trigger or whatever.”
Ian’s wondered it too, has considered bringing it up whenever he does go to therapy countless times, but he can never make himself say it out loud.
“It might’ve been,” he says slowly. “But if it was that’s Terry’s fault, not yours.”
Mickey nods absently and Ian shifts forward until he can press his forehead to Mickey’s temple. “None of it was our fault, Mick.”
Neither of them speaks for a beat – everything they’ve left unsaid hanging heavy in the air between them until Ian eventually decides to carry on.
“And I know I said sorry for this one before,” he continues. “But I’m sorry for trying to make you come out.”
Mickey shakes his head as if to tell him it doesn’t matter. But it does.
“And for all the fucking bullshit I pulled with you while I was manic. Not even just the big stuff – the cheating, the porno, Yevgeny – but all of it. I didn’t treat you how I wanted to back then.” Ian feels tears burn behind his eyes just thinking about it and his pulse is ragged by the time Mickey finally turns his head to look at him.
His eyes are shining and Ian’s heart is fucking broken. “You were sick, Ian.”
“Doesn’t make any of it okay,” Ian mumbles, closing his eyes when he feels Mickey’s fingers graze against the back of his neck. “Just- I really need you to know that the only reason I broke up with you was because Monica fucking got in my head and I could see how much I was killing you and I didn’t want that for you, Mick,” he says, voice low and desperate, begging Mickey to understand. “The thought of you just staying with me and letting me hurt you over and over again was too fucking much. Especially back then when I felt like I’d never feel normal again.”
Mickey is quiet for a moment before he squeezes the back of Ian’s neck. “I’m not excusin’ shit, Ian. Losing you back then- it nearly fucking broke me. But it’s like what you said about the stuff I did. It’s not okay. But I know why you did it.”
Ian nods, sniffling back the tears threatening to fall and burying his face in Mickey’s neck to press an apologetic kiss against the spot where his neck meets his shoulder. Mickey’s arm tightens around him in response and it’s enough to give Ian courage to deliver the final part of his apology.
He leans back, pushing up on his elbow so he can look down at Mickey and meets his gaze while he talks. “I’m sorry I didn’t go with you to Mexico,” he whispers, breath hitching. “I’m so fucking sorry but I wanted to believe so badly that I actually had my shit together and-“
Mickey cuts him off before he can say anymore, lips upturned in a rueful smile. “I’m not mad about that,” he murmurs.
Ian frowns in confusion. “You’re not?”
Mickey nods, blowing out a resigned breath. “You were fucking right, Ian. Where were we supposed to get your meds? I spent two years working for a fucking cartel, that’s not exactly the kinda stress-free, routine life you needed to be living.” Mickey shakes his head, shrugging half-heartedly. “I didn’t think it through, I just wanted to be with you again – couldn’t see past that, y’know?”
And Ian is so fucking in love with him. He can’t believe Mickey still has so much goddamn faith in him.
“Fat lotta good it did anyway,” he huffs bitterly. “Goin’ home. Look where I ended up.”
He’d given Mickey the basics of what’d happened with the whole Gay Jesus thing earlier. But it’s still hard to believe how quickly things spiralled after he came home from the border.
Mickey doesn’t say anything because there’s not much to say really but he links his fingers together with the hand Ian’s still got resting on his chest which is an answer in and of itself.
“Listen,” Ian murmurs, meeting Mickey’s gaze and hoping he can see the sincerity there. “I know- I don’t expect you to just give me blanket forgiveness right now, okay? I don’t blame you if you don’t believe me,” he says, voice feeling thick with emotion. “But let me make it up to you, alright? Let me prove that I’m in this this time. I’m not fuckin’ around again, Mick. I’m not- I can’t let you go again.”
Mickey doesn’t reply right away and Ian watches as a myriad of emotions flickers across his face. Eventually though, his throat bobs and he offers Ian a hint of a smile. “You let me make my shit up to you. It’d be pretty fuckin’ hypocritical if I didn’t let you do the same.”
Ian huffs out a relieved laugh, resting his forehead against Mickey’s shoulder. “Or smart, maybe.”
“When have I ever fuckin’ been smart around you, Gallagher?” Mickey says amusedly and Ian raises his head again, leaning in until there’s the barest inch of space between them.
“I mean it,” he whispers steadfastly. “If it takes a week or a year to make you trust me again, I’ll do it. I promise.”
Mickey’s expression is calm and open as he watches him and Ian revels at being allowed to see the vulnerability behind his eyes – more as a sign of trust than because Mickey can’t conceal it for once. He closes the distance between them and tries to pour every bit of love and devotion he possesses into the kiss, hoping Mickey can feel it.
When their lips dislodge after a minute or so Ian rearranges them until he’s the one lying on his back and Mickey’s head is resting on his chest.
“I missed you so fucking much,” Mickey admits into the cotton of Ian’s tank top and Ian closes his eyes, feeling a lump swell in his throat as his eyes begin to water.
“I missed you too,” he murmurs hoarsely, tightening his arms around Mickey like he could fuse their bones together and pressing a firm kiss to Mickey’s hair. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” Mickey mumbles and it’s just three words but it feels like fucking salvation to Ian’s ears.
They’re gonna be alright.
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Saint and the Sinner by Sam Burns review (contains spoilers)
Book 4 of the Wilde Love series.
I don’t know why i call these reviews. they’re more like reactions. I end up spending a large part of this post angry ranting about Brendan Quinn.
I thought this book might take place around the same time as book 2. At least chapter 1 is a scene that happened in book 2 in Owen’s pov. Also, great chapter title. “Owen Gets a Prologue, Sort Of.” I never mention them but the chapter titles for these books are pretty good. Not so much for book 3 bc book 3 was sad.
I headcanonned Owen as demiromantic and Mickey as demisexual before reading this book. I don’t really headcannon them as that anymore.
I’m glad there’s a barista showing concern for him. I love how this series gives it’s extras so much life within the story. They aren’t just bystanders, they’re people.
Oh wow. Mickey kissed him. Within the first chapter. How long has mickey been harboring those feelings? I do not mind a sex scene in chapter 1. Such a good sex scene.
“I have feelings.” He was terrified for a moment that Owen was saying he had feelings for him, and that would be the end of him. “And I show them all the time. Is that a problem?” Dude are you fking stupid? Owen’s had feelings for you since forever. You knows he’s been into you since he was 13.
wAIT. Mickey just assumed Key knew he was bi? OWEN had to be the one to tell him his brother had no clue? I honestly don’t know who’s stupider, mickey or key. When we first met mickey, liam said he was straight too. Are all his friends just assuming he’s straight bc he was dating Amy or is he just living life as he is but never explicitly saying he’s bi and just assuming his friends would figure it out? Like a part of me thinks he just doesn’t tell his friends stuff.
Also, damn owen. He definitely loves knowing he has that kinda power over mickey’s dick now.
I’m a bit worried that mickey is the guy brendan quinn has in mind as his replacement. Damn just confirmed right after i typed that. fuuuuck.
“You will be okay, O. No matter what, I’ll make sure you’re okay.”
So this is the first book where the conflicts do get in the way of the relationship. Both are dealing with an internalized and some external conflict (mostly mickey) at the prospect of actually being together and Mickey wants to back out. I mean, technically Jake also had the internal conflict of his grief and sexuality preventing him from asking Brian out but that’s not the same. Mickey and Owen have already slept together, but emotional feelings haven’t really been talked about and i don’t think either of them are going to talk about it honestly bc owen doesn’t want to scare mick away and mick doesn’t think he deserves nice things. Book 1 and 2, the lovers decide they like each other and that they want to keep them fairly quickly. Nothing gets in their way or convinces them they should “let them go” or whatever despite things trying to get in their way like an ex or the moral dilemma of dating someone while undercover. Mick, on the other hand, is trying to push Owen away. While trying not to be a dick.
So many romance novel protagonists, when trying to push their loved one away, DO try and succeed in being a dick.
“It had been the most amazing kiss, and the worst thing that had ever happened to Owen. After it, he’d been sure of two things. The first was that Mickey had feelings for him too. The second was that Mickey never intended to kiss him again.” Just like what I said. This type of angst wasn’t in the previous books. It’s like book 1 and 2 were almost identical and then Sam Burns decided to spice it up a bit.
“Or the fact that I hate writing research papers, even though I like doing research.” BITCH FUCKING SAME!
THE ANGST. Dammit Brenden Quinn. Why’d you have to say “you’re the boss.” In front of your son! “Mickey was pretty sure his leg wasn’t what was in danger of getting broken in this mess.” AAAHHH. BRENDEN FUCK YOU. he did it on purpose! HE KNEW. Asshole.
Maybe he just noticed Mick staring longingly, not that Owen loved him back or that they’ve kissed/slept together? He’s still a major asshole, crushing the heart of a guy who is family to him.
What’s the point of being supportive of them being gay if you hate every guy they choose for themselves and are the reason behind almost every breakup?
Mick’s chosen to talk to keegan about his problems. Good but also. God he’s so bad at-Couldn’t have softened the blow a little? Jesus. Key already knew he’s supposed to be the new boss and key’s the best person to talk to about that but the Owen situation. Thank you keegan for giving me a satisfying hilarious response. And telling him what he needed to hear. Love that Keegan is basically like “WOW good for Owen!”
So keegan’s vote is 1) you don’t want to be the boss anyway (so i guess he’s telling him to tell Brendan no?) 2) totally cool with you dating my brother. He’s an adult and can make his own choices. Don’t break it off bc you feel like he deserves better or whatever other stupid exuses you have. I love Keegan.
“For a fraction of a second, there was something that resembled real sadness in the old man’s eyes, but it disappeared almost as soon as he saw it.” So you feel bad now?
“Owen frowned. He wasn’t sure why, but he wanted to get a rise out of her. He wanted her to be angry. It didn’t make sense. Did he want her to be angry with him, or Mickey? “I slept with him.” God, Owen and Mick are so alike.
So Litty’s saying that Mick’s not like his father’s other thugs so Owen shouldn’t be treating him like one? That he shouldn’t be mad at him for working for his father. I think he’s allowed to be a little mad though bc Mick hates it. He’s only doing it bc he feels like he has to, that he has no choice. But i guess Owen has to learn to be ok with the idea that he might be the boss and choose to not care, to love him anyway. The way Joe doesn’t care that Keegan used to be a gangster or that he loves his dad despite the crime. The way Alex chose to love Liam even if he was in the mafia even though he didn’t really have to go through that moral dilemma bc Liam was actually a cop.
“Owen had always thought Mickey was working for his father because he didn’t think he had another choice. Surely, if he was going to be the man in charge, he had to know that he had all the choice. He did. Right?”
Is he going to invite Mick to hawaii with him?
They are both so fucking insecure jesus christ. Especially Mick which is what’s causing all this mess.
Hey mickey? Maybe don’t kiss a boy after you tried to break off any kind of relationship you could have had with him? Mickey should be more considerate of Owen’s emotions. He knows Owen has loved him since he was a teenager and he keeps breaking this poor kid’s heart because he keeps convincing himself he’s not good enough for him while still being too tempted to completely pull away.  “You can’t jerk me around like this. Make up your mind, dammit.” YEAH funicking tell him!
“I like people who aren’t afraid of me. Who tell me when I’m being a jackass.”
“You’re being a jackass.”
HAHA! Mickey actually says what he wants!
Ah shit they’re interrupted by the boss. Owen’s going to be so fucking mad when he finds out his dad has been encouraging Mick’s self loathing. Fucker.
Owen’s turn to talk to keegan.
So basically this book’s main conflict is Mick and Brendan’s self hatred. Hey Dudes! GET OVER YOURSELVES!
“And as long as Mickey was around their father every single day, there wasn’t a damn thing Owen could do to shake that hold, he was sure. The old man would call, Mickey would answer, and any progress Owen made would be lost.” So Owen is going to take him to hawaii? Oh. it’s more evil than that. He’s not inviting him. He’s going to trick him into thinking he’s in danger. And Keegan’s going to help.
So despite trying to pull them apart from each other, he can see his son wants mick still. That makes him more of an ass.  LET your children BE HAPPY goddammit. No you don’t know what’s best for them. Stop trying to ruin shit for them.
“Going to take him to Europe and lose his passport so he can’t come back to work?” Owen scowled. That was actually kind of clever. He wondered if it would have worked.” pfft.
No, i’m still mad at his dad though. He knew how his son felt about Mick and about the business and encouraged Mick to go deeper into it and acts like it’s ineffable just bc he thinks Mick and him are alike. You told Mick with your own words that you think Owen deserves better. You shut Mick down before he could even ask to date your son. Don’t you think you’re taking part in making him feel unworthy, in making him feel like he can’t be reformed? You knew your son was never going to want anyone else and you still pushed them apart bc you thought you knew better. It’s understandable for Owen to not hate him but I’m going to hate him.
So even though his dad kind of approved of Owen trying to take Mick away and win him over, they’re still going with their plan to trick Mick instead of simply having his dad not force Mick to his side and actually start telling him nice things and start -i don’t know- Stop trying to keep his son away from what he wants. What’s with the talk of him possibly never going to be able to come back home?
Pfft. so literally all he had to do was leave at an odd time and that was enough to freak Mick out? HAHAHAHAHA. I mean everything else is pretty standard and Keegan actually tried to ease his worry by telling him he was going on vacation (which he is). I thought the plan was keegan was going to call pretending to be worried about Owen on his trip, maybe lie and say some russians were there. Nope. What he did was completely normal, he just left at an odd time and took all his favorite stuff on his trip with him (which is...normal?). The only thing off is that he didn’t tell anyone about it. (except he did tell keegan. keegan just didn’t mention that.) Mickey’s such a mother hen for owen. He should have been hired as Owen’s bodyguard. Lord knew, he needed one in school. He did get bullied.
Now i’m thinking of an au where Mick was hired as owen’s bodyguard instead of hired to do errands.
“...Brendan...was watching him with something like curiosity.” so brendon is finally seeing it? The love and care and worry Mick has for his son?
For the first time in his life, Mickey’s patience with Brendan Quinn ran out. “With all due respect, sir, don’t you think Owen is more important than any of that?”
“I didn’t say he wasn’t,” Brendan countered. “Are you telling me that he is to you? More important than your job? Your future?”
Brendan’s testing him. He wants him to put his son before his work. He’s being difficult on purpose. I can understand the “being difficult and disapproving to force their child’s lover to have to prove themselves worthy of their kid” trope but this is different. Brendon’s known Mick for most of his life and encouraged him to go into a path that he knew would taint him when he could have gotten him legitimate work. I feel like it’s unfair. Yeah, Mick needed to learn to tell the old man to fuck off and choose Owen above Brendan but i feel like Brendan was playing unfair.
The classic run to the airport because you realized you’re in love and you’re scared you’re never going to see them again.
I feel like i’m missing the point/not meeting the book where it’s at. The book is leading me somewhere but I’m not following it. I’ve felt it since that “heart to heart” between Owen and his dad. When his dad finally conceded a bit and encouraged Owen to go after what he wants. I’m still holding it against Brendan bc I feel like this conflict is all his fault. I blame Brendan for breaking his son’s heart by giving the empire to someone he knew his son was in love with, knowing how much his son hated the business. But the story is treating it like the conflict is mostly Mick’s fault, which, some of it is, but Mick might not feel as undeserving if it wasn’t for Brendan. If Brendan weren’t so fucking difficult to deal with, there wouldn’t be so much less conflict.
I wish Owen and Mick got to communicate with each other more. I don’t know how close this book is to ending but I’m going to leave this book disappointed if it ends soon bc these idiots spent most of it away from each other and didn’t talk about what they wanted enough. I mean, they had sex, then Mick pushed him away, then owen found out mick was the new boss, then owen avoided him for a while, then mick kissed him and told him what he wanted but owen couldn’t say anything back bc brendan called, then owen went on his trip and mick is following bc he loves him. I didn’t really get to see them spend time with each other that much.
You don’t give something to a poor kid who has never asked for anything in his life and then ask him for 10x more and expect him to not say yes to everything and only agree to what he wants too. Brendan talks about mick’s criminality like it’s who he is and not something brendan forced him to do. Mick never felt like he had a choice in the matter. Brendan built his empire from the ground up bc he wanted it. MICK DOESN’T WANT THIS. He is NOT Brendan! he feels sick to his stomach doing this work and only says yes to you cause you never let him know he could say no. i wanted brendan to feel guilty. Instead he’s probably going to die and the book is going to treat it like it’s all sad and i’m going to be PISSED. Bc you dont get to mold a kid into a criminal than hold that against him when he finally says he WANTS something.
The book is not looking at the full picture it painted. It’s not judging brendan for the choices he’s made. It’s not examining them. It’s not blaming him. It’s a dick move to ask so much from mick and then shut him down before he could even ask to date your son when he has never asked you for anything. And then hold stuff  YOU MADE HIM DO against his character. WTF. he only ever asked for something once and you told him to his face that he didn’t deserve it.
Brendan better not die before Mick gets to say to his face that he never wanted any of this. That he only ever worked for him bc he felt like he owed him. That the only thing mick and brendan have in common is a love for family and loyalty and a love for Owen and Keegan.
It’s kind of frustrating the way Owen and Mick talk about Mick continuing to work for Brendan. He doesn’t want to keep working the business bc he actually enjoys it; He just doesn’t think he’s qualified to do anything else. He never got a chance to figure out what he wants to do with his life. He doesn’t like his job. Owen has to keep saying that he’s fine with Mick still working for his dad if he wants-owen isn’t going to force him to quit-but it’s just so frustrating bc this is with the assumption that Mick wants that.
Okay. i just needed to let out my anger. Let’s pretend brendan doesn’t exist or matter or has ever had any affect on the decisions made by mick.
“This was the trip Mickey had talked about taking for years, since he was a kid. And Owen was taking him—had tricked him into it” this is actually really sweet.
God he should have pulled the prank on him pretending he forgot the condoms. I could just imagine the reaction; it would have been so funny!
Since they’ve already been in love with each other before the book started the last words aren’t going to be their first i love you’s in the story like the previous books.
“We could be married. If you wanted.”  They both froze.  “Mickey?” Owen whispered. “Did you just half-assed ask me to marry you in a swimsuit shop?”  “May-be?”
I can’t believe he said marry me before he said i love you.
“Fuck, O, I love you so much.” 7 pages after.
They get to spend a lot of time together thanks to this trip. It’s very cute.
He DOESN’T. He’s just a pessimistic ass who doesn’t say out loud how much he hates it and doesn’t think himself capable of doing anything else. The book’s solution is to have Mick working for Brendan’s legitimate construction company but I don’t think that’s a real answer? The REAL answer would be to give Mick a chance to figure out what he’s passionate about; to finally accept that he’s worthy of getting the things he wants and to not think so lowly of himself. He’s not a poor kid desperate for money and food anymore and hasn’t been for a long time. Plus Keegan and Owen would totally be ok with supporting him financially while he gets the qualifications to do what he wants. He needs to learn that he can ask for and accept help without having to pay anyone back. He’s allowed to want things.
It just feels weird that book 1 was about Alex, who quit law school and got disowned so that he could crash on his friend’s couch with nothing but the clothes on his back and his philosophy textbooks bc he reached for what he was actually passionate about and here we are, the last book in the series, and the topic of Mick trying to find something he’s passionate about isn’t even discussed or explored at all. This book’s conflict is more than just Mick wanting to be with Owen but feeling like he owes Brendan and needs to do what Brendan wants. Wanting to be with Owen but working as a criminal. It’s about Mick not being able to accept any act of kindness without feeling like he has to pay them back tenfold. It’s about him feeling like he’s not allowed to want for anything because he’s already been given more than he thinks he deserves.
yeah he’s accepting a ceo position for brendan’s construction company but does he want that? Or does he just want to work a legal job and he would
have accepted it no matter what it was (except working at Wilde’s bc that would be too easy). Is he accepting it without argument bc he feels like he can ask for this or bc Brendan’s just handing it to him and it’s no different than continuing to say yes to whatever Brendan wants-it’s just now he’s saying no to illegal stuff.
“Plus, if he’s halfway out, it’s not crushing his soul the same way, right?” It’s this shit right here! Mick never says he doesn’t want to work for Brendan bc it’s crushing his soul, because he hates killing, because he doesn’t WANT to, out loud. He says it’s because he doesn’t want to hurt Owen. “I don’t want Owen to get a visit saying I’m not coming home. I don’t want him to see my face all over the news if I get busted and put away. I want him to be happy.” That’s what he says when he’s asked why he wants to quit the business. And it’s really frustrating??? At least Brendan finally acknowledged that Mick and he are not the same, that Brendan would kill his best friend to reach a goal but Mick wouldn’t kill his. Except Mick would rather not kill anyone if he can avoid it.
Anyway we’re close to the end. We’ve got a wedding scene.
“She snorted and rolled her eyes in disgust.“Yeah, but they thought you were straight. So now they just think everybody’s bisexual, especially if they want it to be true.” gross.
“Poor thing was so embarrassed when he started leering at your brother that he apologized to me.” dude
“Holy hell,” Keegan whispered. “You’re really in love with my brother.”\Mickey peered up at him. Was he kidding? In fact, Keegan
looked completely sincere. “Um, duh? I better love him. We’re getting married in, like, five minutes.” asdfghjklkjhgfds
We get a domestic shopping scene and christmas. Mick is happy with the office job he has. And Owen’s still trying to figure out what to do with his degree since no fbi agency would accept him bc of his crime family. Based no that domestic shopping scene and “He didn’t even know who’d done the decorating in the Quinn house. Wilkes, probably. Whoever it was, they’d done a magnificent job.” this, Owen might become an interior decorator? With a criminal justice degree.
Mick to key about jon “You’re dating Mister Rogers.”
“Heh. Mickey’s husband.” same energy as “heh. Wife” - vespa ilkay
“Jon was unreasonably pleased with the personalized monogrammed handkerchiefs that Mickey bought him, and he even had a smile for Brendan when the man told him that his gift was that he hadn’t bought the fed “a damned thing.”
“Owen gave Keegan a copy of the Kama Sutra as a joke, and was horrified when Keegan gave him a satisfied smile, handed it back to him, and told him he already had one.” hold on. “The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian Sanskrit text on sexuality, eroticism and emotional fulfillment in life. Attributed to Vātsyāyana, the Kama Sutra is neither exclusively nor predominantly a sex manual on sex positions, but written as a guide to the art of living well, the nature of love, finding a life partner, maintaining one's love life, and other aspects pertaining to pleasure-oriented faculties of human life” ok.
Mick never killed jimmy. He mentioned at the beginning of the book that he lied to the old man a lot. This is what he meant. Brendan would order someone dead and he’d find a way to not do that while still making it look like he did what the boss wanted.
Brendan died not from sickness but he got shot on the job. Died trying to do the right thing. Penny, the asshole who kidnapped Alex in the first book, is out of jail and is the new boss of the mafia crime business.
The Quinn family house gets turned into “The Brendan Quinn Shelter for Homeless LGBT Teens.” COOL!
Last words are I love you.
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mickeyloveforian · 8 years
Sick boyfriend
Sick Boyfriend
Mickey loved Ian. He did. Everything about him. Everything, even his family, but he hated being so sick it hurt to get out of bed. He knew he’d forgotten to call Ian but he couldn’t move. His head felt heavy, his eyes felt tired, he hurt all over and he’d puked next to himself and on his bed but he couldn’t seem to move. Again, he hurt to move. He did. He loved Ian too much. Everything. Okay, he might be a little bit high right now but he’s hurt, he allowed to sound gay. He wanted Ian right now.
Ian was a bit worried about Mickey. He always answers on the first call. Ian knows something is up when hours later he is heading home from getting two days off from his EMT job. He loves his job but misses his family and he misses Mickey. Everyone was getting along with Mickey and Mickey was getting used to his family. He never had much of a family growing up and he never had real holidays or birthdays, so Ian made sure to do more of that with Mandy and Mickey. He never thought his big tough guy could end up sick. The smell hit him first.
“Mickey?” He calls out. “Hey, mick?”
He slowly opens Mick’s door to the awful smell.
“Aww Jeez Mick, what the hell?”
He notices that Mickey is wrapped around the blankets and covered in puke.
“Shit babe…”
He makes his way towards Mickey. There’s no movement from the bed as Ian sits down next to his very sick boyfriend, noticing the smell and mess next to him. He feels his head.
“Damn, Mick, you’re burning up.”
His EMT skills kick in. Mickey had been three months out of prison. Released early on good behaviour and no room. He was a free man now and Ian and he got back together. He was still madly in love with Mickey and there was no changing that. But Mickey has trust issues with Ian still. He still fears that Ian will dump him and move on. Somehow, in prison, he had to be careful with his health. Terry, his father, got to him and beat him almost to the point of death. Even now he was lucky that he was still living and breathing. He was lucky. His doctor told them, if he took one more hit to the head it’d be over, so no more fighting, no more drinking. They will be careful.
“Mickey.” Whispers Ian. “Come on, babe.”
Mickey whines.
“Come on, Mick, let’s get you clean.”
Ian helps to pull his boyfriend into his arms, not moving.
“Hurts.” Whispers Mick.
“I know, love, but we got to get into shower.”
“No, moving hurts. Sex in shower hurts,” Mickey whimpers making Ian laugh,
“I know love. Come on.”
Very slowly, they made their way. Ian made sure the water was warm, not cold.
“No Ian, no, it hurts.” Whimpered Mickey.
“Okay.” Ian laughs.
Toughest guy in south side was the biggest baby when he was sick and can you blame him? Everything that’s happened to him, he had the right to act like a baby.
“It’s okay love. You’ll feel so much better, trust me.” Ian whispers.
“No it’s cold!” He whines as Mickey and Ian get into the shower.
Mickey wraps his hands around Ian’s neck.
“I got sick Ian.” He whispers.
“I know love, it’s okay.”
“’Kay, I am sorry.”
“Shh, you’re fine. I’ll get you cleaned up.”
After he got mickey cooled down, Ian got Mickey on the couch in warmer clothes and a blanket. It took him an hour to get the bed clean, putting new everything on. They didn’t seem to have any bed-sheets. It was something that Ian made a list of things to get for the house. It was just them and Iggy living here. Everyone was living on their own or gone like Mandy was. He aired the room out and went out and picked up his sick boyfriend, knowing any other time Mickey hated being doted on. It was gay, yet right now, he was being carried. Who thought he was this sick and out of it? Ian took Mickey to the bed and knowing it can be a lot worse, he let Mickey sleep it off. He looked over his room. Everything was still the same except the bed was moved. He also noted the fact that there was no food in the house and there was no heat. He calls Iggy.
“Hey, why is there no heat in the house?” Asks Ian.
“It’s just me and mick paying bills, we didn’t have enough. Why?” Asks Iggy.
“He’s sick.”
“Oh, well, we’ll be okay. I’ve been sleeping with Mick to stay warm. Sorry man.” Says Iggy.
“Nah, it’s fine. Sorry I haven’t been around.” Says Ian.
“Dude, we’re okay and you’re busy. It’s just been us after everyone moved.”
He got off the phone call with Iggy, promising to stay. Iggy works uptown. He had three jobs so far. Mick had a few too. His boyfriend has come long way.
“Hey lip?” Ian decided to call his brother.
“Hey Ian what’s up?”
“Could you run to the store and get some cold medicine?”
“Mickey. He’s sick and they are out of food. I have money if you come by.”
“Sure, be there in a few minutes.”
“Oh, could you bring the space heater?”
“Yeah, why?”
“No heating. It’s freaking cold.”
“Fine …”
“Thanks bro.”
“No problem.” Smiled Lip.
He was glad Mick was back in the picture. Mickey deserves more than he has. They didn’t have a lot too. Iggy was cool. His brother loves Mickey. Mickey whined.
“Hey babe.” Whispers Ian.
“Fuck! Fucking hurts.”
“Everywhere Ian. It hurts.”
“It’s okay, I promise.” Smiles Ian.
Mickey who was snuggled into Ian’s side on their bed, well, Iggy and Mickey’s bed. Ian felt really bad about not being around as much. He called his boss to let him know he was taking a sick break. Hoping that he’ll be here to help more. At least for a while. He was worried about both Mickey and Iggy being alone.
“Anyone home?” Yells Lip.
“Yeah in here.”
Mickey’s room was still the same.
“Holy fuck, it’s so darn cold.”
“Yeah, they didn’t have enough to cover the heat.”
“Shit. Here’s the space heater and everything on your list.”
“Thanks, I got a week off, so hopefully I can get them set up and I can move in with them.”
“You want to live with Mickey?”
“Well yeah, he’s my everything.” Smiles Ian.
Mick whines as he shivers from the fever.
“How sick is he?”
“He has a 101 fever.”
“Damn, he is out of it.”
“No!” Mickey whines “Don’t take it!”
Both brothers laugh.
“Don’t take what Mick?”
“The Jell-O! Don’t take it!” he says, talking in his sleep.
“He does that a lot?” Asked a smiling Lip.
“Yeah he walks in his sleep too. Iggy and I find him a few blocks from here. We’ve got to lock the doors when he does it. Kinda funny some of the things he’s said.”
“I bet. Well, got to run. You okay?”
“Yeah bro, thanks for helping.”
“Any time.”
Both brothers hug and Ian watches his brother leave the room. He loves his family. He loves his new family. He loves his boyfriend. Maybe someday soon he’ll be calling Mickey his husband. For right now, he’s in good hands. Even when he was sick and talking in his sleep.
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hawkland · 3 years
Dear RarePair Creator
Thank you for offering one of my requests! I’m very excited to see what you will create, no matter which of my requested ships you go for.  It’s all under the cut.
General Likes:
Vacation/travel stories. Being unable to travel this past year+ thanks to covid-19 has me desperate to explore and live vicariously through my favorite characters! So I’d love a story involving travel to somewhere new (to them). It could be a romantic getaway/honeymoon trip to somewhere special - and I love it when an author “takes me” to a favorite city/place of their own. Or two friends just going on an escapade together, maybe one sensing the other needs some time away from a stressful situation or workplace.
Smutty likes: I love extended kissing scenes, frottage, light restraint play, sharing-one-bed-for-~reasons~-ooops-how-did-we-wake-up-cuddling, bathing/caretaking an injured partner-turns-erotic, desperate/reunion sex.
Canon-divergent AUs - I’m always good with fix-its, shifts in canon that only change one thing and see what happens next or instead.
Cooking & food as an act of caretaking/showing affection - I love it when a character tries to prepare a favorite meal for their loved one (whether they succeed or not!) Food as a symbol of love or desire, meals as a time for opening up/having heartfelt discussions, etc.
Hurt/comfort scenarios - caretaking, desperately trying to save a loved one, confessions brought on by altered states/fear of imminent death...love them all!
Wingfic - for any of my angel ships and requests. Love stories and art involving their wings - as erogenous zones, needing TLC after an injury or molting.
Do Not Wants:
A/B/O dynamics, mating heats. (I do like Supernatural fics that explore Castiel and the angels having bird-like behaviors and instincts, however.)
animal abuse/death
anything related to pregnancy/childbirth/kidfic
formalized BDSM relationships
unrequested alternative-universe scenarios such as high school/mundane/genderswap/coffee shop/fantasy/etc. 
Completely sad endings/permanent character death or injury that isn’t part of canon
Rape/non-con between requested characters. Dubious consent is fine in situations like magic spells/possession/fuck-or-die, however.
Well, I’m a hopeless Casgirl if it’s not obvious from my requests. I just want my angel to be happy and get some of the love and affection he deserves.
Castiel/Indra (Supernatural) - This is kind of a silly one, but Indra the day-drinking playground guard was one of my favorite one-off angel characters. Poor guy stuck by his lonesome as Heaven is failing and not doing a good job of getting drunk. I kind of like the idea of Cas stopping by every once in a while just to talk to him, maybe try to get some gossip on Heaven but also simply for the company. Heck, maybe Cas drags him away for a little gay angel adventure! To show him he can have some fun on Earth too, beyond the play set (though, some kinky fun on the ladders and slide wouldn’t be a bad idea either.)
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Castiel/Mick Davies (Supernatural) Castiel/Mick Davies/Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Cas and Mick absolutely deserved at least a one-off hot sex fling. Or even something more than that? I’d love to see them working some kind of case together and Mick slowly getting Cas to open up and trust him. Give me an AU where Mick doesn’t die, or perhaps Cas visiting him in Heaven? (Could be post-canon when Jack has brought back Cas to help him, but before Dean dies?)
For the threesome, would love Mick somehow working on getting Dean to admit his feelings for Cas by setting up a situation for them to need to have sex all together. Or a fuck-or-die situation where Mick is perfectly happy to be in the middle of a Dean & Cas sandwich while Dean is freaking out over the whole thing.
Castiel/Mary Winchester (Supernatural) - watching season 12 gave me weird Mary/Cas vibes at times, I don’t even know. But maybe it’s something about them both being “displaced” individuals - Cas always struggling to understand human behavior and emotions, Mary struggling to figure out the modern world and how to be a mother to two now grown men. I’d enjoy something exploring that, or seeking mutual comfort during the time when Dean & Sam are in prison and seemingly lost to them.
Castiel/Benny Lafitte/Dean Winchester (Supernatural) - Can’t go wrong with Purgatory threesome smut, especially if there’s some jealousy and one-upmanship between Cas and Benny over Dean. It could have been fun seeing them interact post-Purgatory, too, maybe in an AU where Benny doesn’t end up dying/returning to Purgatory. Where it’s taken a long time for Cas to fully warm up to the vampire but eventually they find they have a lot in common besides loving Dean. (Both rejecting, to a large extent, who they are supposed to be as angel and vampire and instead choosing human connection?)
Anael/Castiel (Supernatural) - I like these two as casual (fallen) angel friends/fuck buddies. Just the idea that Cas has this one angel friend who is off doing her own thing, like he is, and they may not see eye-to-eye but they have a respect for each other’s choices and ways of doing things.  So I’d love a story where they’re maybe working some kind of case/investigation together and, oh yeah, just happen to have sex because they’re both lonely and enjoy the connection even if it isn’t anything super serious.  Alternatively, I wouldn’t mind something angsty set post 15x03 in the divorce arc—Cas goes to Anael when he’s at his lowest, maybe even hopeful that somehow she can help get Jack back? Or ease his pain? And it ends up turning into physical/sexual comfort.
Castiel/Rowena MacLeod/Sam Winchester (Supernatural) - I love the chaos twins Cas & Sam fucking around and finding out! And maybe needing Rowena to help them get out of some stupid bad sex/magic bind they’ve gotten themselves into. Or, Rowena and Sam are trying to work a spell together but they need a “special ingredient” that only an angel can provide...good thing they have their good buddy Cas around to help out...
Castiel (Supernatural TV)/Amenadiel (Lucifer Netflix)
This is one ship where I wouldn’t mind some bonding over being dads/kidfic surrounding Cas being Jack’s dad and Amenadiel being Charlie’s dad? Like, maybe they actually bond/work together as some dark force/being is crossing dimensions to kill nephilim? Otherwise any kind of situation where one gets transported to the other’s universe and is shocked by how different it is, and they grow closer while working to sort things out.
Castiel (Supernatural TV)/Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer Netflix)
Cas gets stuck in Lucifer’s world and can’t believe this version of Luci is actually...kind of nice? Understanding of why Cas didn’t want to just be a soldier for Heaven but found his own way with humanity?
Castiel (Supernatural TV)/Dean Winchester (Supernatural TV)/Lucifer (Lucifer Netflix)
More universe hopping shenanigans. Maybe Cas & Dean are tying to summon their Lucifer to trap him (or to get something they need for a spell to locate/save  Jack from something)...and they end up with this other Lucifer instead? And he’s so charming and different they just can’t resist a little threesome fun. Or maybe Lucifer orchestrates to get Cas & Dean together via a threesome when he sees how much they’re pining for each other.
John Munch/Odafin “Fin” Tutuola 
Munch/Fin is one of my eternal OTPs so I’m forever happy to see something new featuring them! I’m always good for procedural/case-fics where they get together, or their established relationship is/puts them in danger. And this is one request where I’d love to read some AU-Genre or setting shift, reimagining them in some other situation besides police work. I’ve always loved the idea of John hosting a conspiracy/weird news radio show or podcast, and Fin as someone completely skeptical but who gets wrapped up in one of John’s mysteries. Or John as the owner of a bar somewhere that Fin is one of his regulars, and over time their friendship unexpectedly develops/deepens into something more.
Stewart Copeland/Sting (The Police) Stewart Copeland/Sting/Andy Summers (The Police)
Yeah I’ll always request these ships even though I know it’s a long shot to find anyone else as obsessed about them as I am. Really anything at all whatsoever would make me happy for Sting/Stewart or S/S/A: Reunion Tour-era fic, early punk days before they grew successful, soulmate AUs… (soulmate trio, anyone?)
I’d also love a spooky story where they’re on tour/on the road somewhere and end up in a haunted hotel. Or their tour bus/van breaks down in the middle of nowhere and they have to seek shelter in an abandoned house or farm or something…and supernatural weirdness ends up affecting them or bringing them together.
Kay Howard/John Munch (Homicide: Life on the Street)
Kay/John is another one of my longtime comfort OTPs; I just love them both so much and the fun contrast they present. Honestly H:LOTS is one of my all-time favorite television series, period, and I’m always happy to see more fic for it! I’d love any kind of case-fic/action-type scenario where one or both of them is injured or in danger. The stress of the situation leads to a confession of or acting on feelings. Another idea would be a post-series fic where perhaps Kay comes to New York, needing John’s help to solve an old cold case (or one that’s crossed state lines to NY). Now that they’re no longer working together they have a chance to explore feelings like they never had before?
This is a ship where I’d also definitely love that food-as-comfort trope, too: I tend to see Munch as someone who has a secret knack for being a good cook, so maybe he makes something special for Kay when she’s sick/recovering from something and it reveals a side of John she never knew or saw before.
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