#yeah you arent going to be getting limbs on them
s0lar-ch3ri · 3 months
when cheri has ocs
its time to go silly mode.
OKAY SO LIKE. paige (he/xey). 16 year old paige. he got multiple arms and shit, can grow up to 20 extra, and uses sign mainly to communicate as hes slowly losing his hearing (hes like at 40 as of rn, would be more but Events happened and it went down a LOT quicker)! he is a pd oc and has a nephew named collins (who ill talk about more either later or in a diff post, depends how i feel) and like. lets get into his silly lil thigns (putting a read more cause long rambles tee hee)
(OH AND NELF IK YOU FOLLOW ME. NO NO READING FOR YOU. or actually any of my friends in the rp sighs)
the arms can pop out basically anywhere on the back and sides of the torso (this does include the shoulders)! they can all be given different tasks to do, but paige prefers to have them all do the same things. the arms function like regular arms, and can be hidden on command. the arms arent really stored, they just appear. xeir skin though does has a faster scar-making process as to handle the arms that pierce out.
the arms do pierce the skin each time, and while xeir skin is able to form back at much quicker speeds, it still aches a bit when their first pulled out. the pain can last for longer and hurt more dependent on how many arms are pulled out. from this, everything becomes strange sensory wise and attempting tasks (like restraining someone or even picking something up) becomes a lot harder.
to command the arms to do different things requires a lot of focus on the arms. the more complicated, or the more arms doing all different things, the commands to the arms are, the less outside information is to taken in as to keep a focus over all the arms.
if an odd amount of arms is in use, it can cause an unbalance. its similar to phantom limb in a way, being incomplete in its set.
the arms can randomly pop out unexpectedly. whether its because of a fear response or he just had the misfortune of having them, it always hurts like hell (more then normal, and because of their wild nature, it doesnt really go away) and takes a bit to put away. he also becames basically unaware of his surroundings as all his focus goes into controlling these arms.
with the wild arms and shit, they also can damage paige. they are not under paiges control (unless, ofc, the focus thing) and as such squirm around. however, things can escalate and the arms seem to have a mind of their own, able to aimlessly grab and rip at things. this includes paige.
paige had started noticably going deaf at the age of 8. for a couple years, they (xeir parents) tried to have paige speak, but eventually (when he was like 9 or 10) they just had him learn sign. also around the age of 8, paige had noticed the arm thing, but managed to hide them easy. hes a lil transgender guy and uses binding tape (he/xey btw should have said that sooner)! he ended up telling his nephew his secret (moreso because he caught him once and paige just decided to explain it all). as of current, paige is in highschool (where he gets picked on i mean hes a disabled kid hello??), able to balance both being a hero and a student pretty well (he may be failing a couple classes but like. surely he can fix it).
paige doesnt actually have "xeir" own powers. its a parasite, implanted into his brain. whether by accident or not (still havent decided), it was implanted around the birth of paige and is slowly eating away. its why the arms can be very wild and shit, theyre not really belonging to his control or him at all. it wasnt really identifiable and it isnt noticed by paige. so uh yeah
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loser4loserswhok1ll · 4 months
Something like dying.
Donnie Darko x Reader.
reader x character relationship, gender neutral reader, ooc
warnings: angst, mentions of death, mentions of mental illness, deep discussion of dark topics, explicit language
"Dont you dare touch me with that, dude." You backed up as Donnie threatened you with a slug hanging onto the tip of a small stick. He chased you, obviously holding back on getting you to make you a little more on edge. You hopped over the old dirty couch in the middle of the clearing and yelled at Donnie to knock his shit off. "Aw cmon y/n, its just a slug. these things are everywhere even when you dont know it." As he speaks his final word he tosses the stick at you and you tumble out of the way with a small scream. "Darko, im gonna beat your ass." Your eyes lock in on him, like hes a target and youre on the hunt, and you run around the corner of the couch to tackle him onto it. You fall over onto the couch in a mess of limbs and accidentally elbow him right in his ribcage. He lets out a pained grunt and you sit up, hands covering your face, and apologizing. "Its alright, im good." Despite his hand grabbing his rib in pain, he chuckles at your reaction and smiles. "Im sorry, I really didnt mean to actually beat your ass." You climb off of him in a sort of messy manner and reach a hand out to help him up. He takes your hand and instead of getting up, he throws you down onto the floor in front of the couch. You grunt and smack him lightly but lay your head back against the cushion. You guys sit like that for some time. Silent, only listening to the sound of distant neighborhood bustle and your own breaths mixing with the wind.
"Donnie." He looks down at you from his laying position, a brow slightly cocked. "Yeah? What?" You turn a little to face him, an arm now resting on the couch where your head was. "You've been off lately. More than usual. Have you been taking your meds?" A look of genuine concern washes over your features, and Donnie lets out a small half-chuckle half-scoff. "Donnie. Be serious." He looks at you and sighs, looking up the sky and squinting. "They arent doing anything." He mumbles it almost like a toddler. "So you arent taking them at all?" You roll your eyes in disbelief. "No im taking them. But. I dont- I dont know." He rubs his face with his hands and groans. "Nothings going away." He looks at you, a sort of desperate, tired look. "What is it like?" You speak without thinking. He stays silent for a second. "It feels... I dont know whats real. I sometimes think even youre fake and everyones just lying about knowing you so I dont freak out." He lets out a pathetic chuckle at that, but you dont. You stay silent as you watch him. "Its like... You know when you have a dream, and in that dream you wake up from another dream, but youre still dreaming? You never actually woke up?" You nod. "Thats how it feels to live. It feels something like i imagine death feels like. Pin flashes of every life youve lived coming at you at once. It feels like dying. I feel like im dying everyday." You listen intently, silently, painfully. "Something like dying." You murmur under your breath. "Youre not dying yet, Donnie. Not yet." You turn back around and let your head fall back onto the cushion, eyes closed and up to the sky. "I know im not. But its something close."
You sat in silence for some time before Donnie spoke up again. "Do you ever think of how your name would sound with mine?" You turn to him and open your eyes confused. "What do you mean?" He sits up on his elbows to face you, holding eye contact like he usually does. "Y/n Darko. Donnie y/l/n. Have you ever thought of that?" You furrow your brows and let out a breath. "Is this your way of proposing to me, Donnie?" He looks away with a smile and his cheeks glow a growing red. "Its just.. Its just fun to think about. Thats all." You smile and reach up to grab his hand. "Nobodies playing a joke on you Donnie. Im real. Always have been." Your expression turns much more serious and you watch Donnies turn to a sort of desperate but hidden aching struggle. "I know you are. Just doesn't feel like it sometimes." You sit up onto your knees and hold his hand up to your lips, gently kissing his knuckles. "How do i make it feel like im real all the time?" He looks into your eyes, a glimmer of something unrecognizable in them. "Kiss me." The words come out of him without a second thought, and your actions do the same. You lean up and plant a gentle kiss on his terribly chapped lips. He grabs your shoulder and wraps an arm around it, sitting up to get closer to you. You pull away and hold his face. "Im real, Donnie. I always will be, I always have been." He pushes his lips to yours again and grabs your hair, his hand cradling the back of your head. "Youre the closest thing ill get to peace." He whispered against your lips, then holds you tight, tight like youll really dissappear at any second. It feels something like dying, and youre the closest to heaven he'll ever get.
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the-nerds-in-black · 2 months
I have to ask. If wiggly sees his tickle me wiggly commercial will he be embarrassed cause it makes him look like a wimpy toy. Would Stephanie be teasing me. Would his siblings
Nah he would defend the commercial with his LIFE. Here is how it would go.. (written in a script esc format bc i already have enough writing to do)
Steph: "Seriously... You made that?"
[Wiggly looks incredibly proud.]
Wiggly: "Yes, of course! Catchy, right?"
Steph: "No, its terrible."
[Wiggly frowns. Pokey looks offended]
Pokey: "I helped out on that jingle, I take offense to that."
Steph: "No, like.. The commercial itself.. its dumb and gimmicky. "
Wiggly: "IT IS NOT!!"
Pokey: "Well.. I suppose I agree with you on that stance."
[Wiggly slowly turns around and gives Pokey an annoyed look]
Blinky: "Yeah its not exactly cinema."
Tinky: "Not even close!"
[Wiggly pauses, turning his gaze onto them, ganging up on him.]
Steph: "What kid would want a toy that does that annoying baby voice? Any kid nowadays would get bullied off the pkayground with that thing."
[Insert a momentary pause as the others consider his argument]
Blinky: "So.. a baby voice."
Pokey: "That is most definitely a baby voice."
[Wiggly crosses his arms, visibly pouting]
Wiggly: "Do you UNDERSTAND how difficult it is to speak with tentacles? Well, I'm SORRY I can't annuniciate every human word correctly when I have extra limbs obstructing my mouth!"
Steph: "Ohhh... so its like a speech impediment, my bad."
Pokey: "No, he is just trying to make you feel bad, the voice is definitely a choice."
Blinky: "A bad one at that.."
[Before Wiggly can scream at them, Tinky pipes up with a barely related idea]
Tinky: "Huh, now I do wonder what it would be like having mouth arms."
[Conversation derails into how tentacles arent equatable to arms and Tinky vowing to try out mouth arms when he can shapeshift again.]
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lilblucat · 2 months
Seeing that Akita had legs before Colt got a WD body makes me wonder if she could crawl or walk around on before he could. If Colt could puzzle out how to get Akita to help him move around either by rolling him around or getting some sort of wagon.
The confusion that N and Uzi have seeing Akita run around on two legs like a lizard while wheeling around Colt to watch TV in the living room together
He's actually already begun what I'm calling "limb training" so he can kinda walk at this point with some help and some demo limbs. Liam doesn't seem like he thinks the inbetween of baby and adult Worker is important enough to really have solid thoughts on and that we're kinda just given free reign to headcanon whatever, so I'm doing just that.
Liam's (head?)canon on it is that Workers probably make new bodies between baby and adult, but that wasnt quite a thing when I started this fic. I see the human parallels he's going for, but realistically I think this would be incredibly wasteful for colonies to do with danger just outside (unless they recycle old bodies for the life states, but that still means baby bodies are made fresh because that's canon). The other alternative is that they harvest parts off the corpses of their own to build adult bodies for their young, but there's nothing in canon to really support that from the corpses we've seen.
SO, that brings us to wtf I'm going for on my baby to adult inbetween headcanon. I'm sticking with the two lifestates we've seen in the show and that babies must undergo "limb training" so that they don't misuse the adult body once they get transferred in. I figure a Worker baby is kinda like a mini PC you can plug stuff into (you can plug USBs into them in canon and Beau has grafted limbs on him), so parents plug in individual arms and legs for them to try out for a while. Maybe they're smaller than normal, I'm not sure but the colony has a few sets in their nurseries for parents to teach their kids with. Baby drones can safely learn how to use limbs this way, so once parents think they're mentally and physically ready for the adult body, they take out the core of the baby and put it into the adult body (the manufacturing machine is set to also produce basically computerless drones this way). The scrap from the old baby body gets recycled into the machine to be used on a new baby. This is the most wasteless route to do Worker growth to me.
Loooooong explaination on something tangential but basically yeah. By this point in the story, Colt can move around so long as his demo limbs are attached. I've actually mentioned this in a previous chapter but I think I need to do a proper chapter on it oops. Uzi and N would watch him like hawks though when he's using them. He might figure out that Akita can kinda take him places without mom and dad's approval, but I think he might prefer the independance of using the demo limbs instead. Colt and Akita probably learned to walk on their ow together though since the demo limbs arent super stable/strong. (Truthfully, I'm not sure how soon Akita learns to use her hind legs. She has to grow them out, so she might be learning to walk by the time Colt gets put into a proper Worker body and has to adjust to having natural limbs)
(Pardon this reply I'm super congested rn and on 4 hours sleep. Lotta headcanon for this story, so hoping it's not all unwanted)
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moxielynx · 4 months
Sorry if you have already said so. But what exactly is the elemental power or elemental essence?? Of dark
How powerful is it?
How powerful is Ryan compared to the other Ninja?
How powerful is the Elemental Power of dark in general
How powerful is Ryan compared to Lloyd Garmadon and Wu?
i am so joyous that someone is asking about ryan garmadon tysm
to answer your questions i wanna state that ryan is supposed to be the polar opposite of lloyd, in terms of powers and abilities. Lloyd is light, Ryan is darkness. They're both equal in terms of powers, so Ryan is stronger than the other ninja, but not Lloyd.
Unlike Lloyd though, Ryan embraces his oni form, so he's much more willing to use it to get out of situations where just his powers arent enough.
How ive imagined his powers working is they're much stronger in dark places/at night (while lloyd is the opposite). He can control a void-like substance that can basically make him extend his limbs or even make new ones (like give himself four arms without having to become an oni). The closest thing to showing off ghosts powers is in a joke video where he just straight up grab's jay
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but i think it would be better if i made some (very lazy) sketches explaining his powers
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this might make ryan seem pretty unbalanced between him and the other ninja, and even lloyd, but in my au with ryan in it i like to imagine lloyd can still control the other 4 main elements (yes i know the only reason he could before was cause he was the ultimate spinjitzu master/the golden master but im unfortunately a nostalgic fan so i like holding onto stuff from older seasons <//3), they're just much weaker than his own element. for example he can control fire pretty decently but never nearly as good as kai. so it basically balances out if lloyd and ryan ever got into an actual fight: ryan's got his funky void powers and lloyd's got (albeit weaker) 4 other elements at his disposal.
ryan could also merge into the darkness and appear in a different place, but the same goes for lloyd with light (shine a light in two different areas of a room and lloyd will just disappear from one spot to another)
if it wasnt obvious im trying to make ryan and lloyd actually look like the descendants of what is essentially god lmao
ryan in terms of power is more powerful than wu, but wu could still beat him in a fight just cause he's got more experience than it, same with garmadon. the real deciding factor is "will ryan use his oni powers?"
in my au lloyd does decide to use his oni form more, but they much prefer not to. Not opposed, but would use it as a last resort, if anything.
in general? the element of darkness is as strong as the element of energy, ryan and lloyd are as yin and yang as it gets lol
ryan's pretty much inherited all of his powers from garmadon, so anything garmadon can do ryan can do as well, and this goes with the oni thing. ryan uses his oni powers often not to make things easier, but to make sure he has complete control and isnt gonna go on an evil rampage, despite knowing that simply being an oni doesn't automatically make you evil (garmadon trauma 🔥🔥🔥)
while ryan's powers are really strong, he could definitely still be beaten by one of the ninja since they all basically have matching skills, but they are basically really lucky ryan's on their side and not on the evil side.
if something i explained looks weird then feel free to send another ask about it, i probably just didnt explain it right or it can be explained with just "its part of my au lawl", ty again for asking about ryan!
oh yeah also ryan can still summon a dragon because i think its fucking stupid that the ninja get that power taken away from them cause its "too op." THAT IS SO DUMB!!!! LET THOSE DUMB NINJA SUMMON SILLY LITTLE DRAGONS!!!!!!
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wederyed · 8 days
I really love your designs for tissues and yinyang so much? Do you have any headcanons for them or are they just for fun?
ok so for tissues i feel this is probably a pretty common headcanon (im new to the fandom) but that man has some chronic illnesses going on there. i feel as if he tends to need a LOT more rest than other people, which is why i designed him in sleepwear so hes always ready for a nap and always comfortable despite his illness. and while i havent drawn them with it yet, i do headcanon him to use a cane/other mobility aids as a result of his fatigue yk? also theyre siblings with soap just bc ofc. he/they aro manliker btw. and hispanic.
next yinyang!!!!! ill be going over my two designs, first off my conjoined twin one!!!! basically they were never able to be separated as most of their vital organs are connected and neither would survive the operation if they were separated, so theyre two peas in a pod. until the separation episode i think everything stays the same it was just some magic science bs yk yeah you know what i mean. ofc gave them some beautiful viltigo cause yk. black and white. makes sense. they can both control each others limbs with the others permission, and when one goes into “headspace” they basically just take a nap if that makes sense…
my D.I.D design is pretty self explanatory i think, i made him hispanic because theyre both just like me for real !!!!!! tbh i headcanon them to have more alters but yin and yang are the main hosts who cohost all the time yk? anyways both designs are aroace, yin is the aro yang is the ace LOL, neither have a specified preference other than the ideal man ever being tissues 🫶
relationship headcanon wise, they arent really specifically in a romantic relationship or a platonic one, i feel them being in a qpr makes the most sense. two bros who kiss. yeah. they both really enjoy helping take care of tissues (though yang will rather eat shit than admit that, he enjoys it because he wants to be more understanding and compassionate towards others, especially yin. yin is self explanatory why he enjoys taking care of tissues.) i think tissues is a real big people guy and loves meeting different kinds of people with different backgrounds, so seeing a guy whos actually two guys was super interesting and he wanted to learn more about them, plus hearing yinyang talk to each other while he rests is a highlight of the day, even if trophy tells them to stfu and get out of the room
anyways thats my ramble i hope you all enjoyed thanks for coming
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hey-there-hunter · 1 year
Saw that post you reblogged about asks and you know what you’re right, I’ve not sent an ask in like seven years so here we go - hello!
Which instance of touching did you mean in your post about Aziraphale and hedonism?? I agree with you instinctually and it’s already hurting my feelings but I can’t remember the precise occasion you might mean. (Unless I’m being dumb and it’s the kiss, but that felt loaded with so many other different things that I wouldn’t have described it as hedonistic particularly).
Also wooo new content! Did you enjoy Gomens 2? Was it everything you hoped for? 
In summary: I have a bad memory & I’d love to hear you elaborate on touch/Aziraphale/hedonism if you’d like to!
Ohhhh im so excited to get an ask again! Hello friend???
So the way I see it is aziraphale touches Crowley a lot without a second thought really: the time in a pub where he put his hand on Crowley's chest, helping crowley walk when he drank the poison, grabbing his arm when gabriel and Beelzebub confessed and then still reaching towards Crowley when he moved away. Dunno, that might be just my brain going bananas and being delusional. Those touches where very casual, not really anything that significant but it turns that way once you realized one very ouch my heart thing:
Crowley never reaches out first for aziraphale. He only touches him back but never first really, from what ive noticed. The only time i can think of is when they are changing bodies and crowley tried to intimidate aziraphale into dropping the "you are so nice" act?? But otherwise he keeps his hands to himself, in his pockets or crossed in front of him, holding something as a buffer.
He still keeps close to aziraphale in the moment like them talking to muriel and he sits on the arms rest of the chair zira is taking but he rarely reaches out with his hands unless aziraphale did it first.
Im probably talking out of my ass, but i just saw Crowley and went ah yes, you are like me, arent you? Waiting for permission, never asking for it, always giving back what was given to you, touch starved to the points of breaking and still holding all your limbs close to yourself but walking close enough with your loved ones and friends and hoping for a bit of that accidental casual touch which comes from being alive.
And aziraphale is there, no such thing going through his head, he touches him all the time, like the scene where he pulls crowley to dance with him or the ones ive mentioned above. Draws a simple pleasure of it in the same way he draws it from eating and his books. The only thing that would stop him from that touch is crowley telling him no and he knows crowley wont or he wouldn't until the point in the last episode. What makes crowley touch him first is always fear or necessity and uh yeah.
I think about it a lot. I am definitely delusional. But i do recognize a touch starved person denying themself.
I liked the new season a lot even tho it lacked a lot of stuff i would love to see but i cannot wait for the third one!! So excited!!! Muriel is my beloved
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notzawzark · 2 years
I really enjoyed your story a part two would be lovely but do not push yourself and have a lovely day
GHOST (mw2) X MALE READER (platonic) PT2
woooooo yeah baby, thats what ive been wait for, thats what ive been taking about, wwoooooo, another installment of my poorly planned fanfic
as perusual: sorry for any typos, and do not expect some grandiose writting, i am not that smart
CW/TW's: toture, gore, vomit, if i should add more just tell me and i will
I throw on a shirt. A button up. Not one I chose myself, but its not like I hate it. Its ugly but in a charming way. I put on leather boots, keeping the pants I wore to sleep on. Its not my best outfit, but considering how little sleep I got last night, I don’t anyone will care. I sure as hell don’t. 
I leave my room, entering into a hall. The cold concrete  below me tapping under my feet. I stop in front of ghosts room. I hear talking on the other side of the heavy metal door. Faint, but still there. The guards posted in front of the door ask me if I want in. I tell them no. I want to get somethings first. I wonder the halls. Looking for the stairs up. The building were currently holed up in (and have been for awhile) is some old abandoned hospital. When we first set up here, it was trashed. To this day  It still doesn’t look very homely, but its better then it was.
Ive been stashed away in the basement, Also where the interrogation room is set up. i find the stairs, ascending up to floor level. I make my way to the current medical ward. there are so many people. You wouldn’t expect this place to be so packed, but it almost always is. Most of the people here are good. Civilians. Simply people in need of doctors, but without the money to get any. Cant say the same for the people stationed in the basement.
“hey.” I try and get the attention of one of the makeshift medical staff. His name is Chester im pretty sure. “shit-“ he turns around, startled. he was tending to some random sick person. Cant tell why their sick though. “(reader)!” he sounds pleasantly surprised. Like meeting an old friend unexpectedly. Weve only really ever talked a few times. “I need bandages.” I tell him. He looks around, a but confused, “uhm…” he takes a second “do you mind if I ask why? Or is that.. uh.. can I ask why?” he lowers his voice into a whisper for the last bit, leaning in.
All the ‘doctors’ know who theyre working for. The same man im working for. But that’s about all they get to know. We bring them medical supplies so that they can help their towns people. in return, they fix up anyone we bring to them, no questions asked. It’s a covert deal, and they arent aloud to talk about us. If they did, my boss would probably anonymously tell the police what they have set up here. Only one of the doctors has a medical license.
“the bandages arent for me” he understands that he isnt gonna get much more then that, nodding and leading me away from his current patient. He takes me to a closet “bandages and stuff are in here,” he opens it, “can I ask what type of wound your bandaging?” he asks, leading me in.
“I don’t know.” It sounds like a copout, but I genuinely have no idea. It could be anything. Cuts, burns, chopped off limbs. “oh wow.” He looks worriedly, searching through the random supplies. He hands me a roll of white bandages, “here” and then he goes back to looking around. “what are you looking for?” I peek over his shoulder. “well your probably gonna need more then just the plain bandages, even if we don’t know what you gonna have to fix up.” he hands me some bandage tape. “thank you” I tell him.
we part ways, and I start back to the basement. Stopping on my way to ghosts new room to get a bucket of water, two rags, and a towel.
I stop in front of the door, there isnt any talking now, nodding to the two guards. They go to open the door, but its prematurely opened by someone else. Im greeted by a man covered in someone else's blood. The man with the cart of torture supplies. The butcher. “hi-“ my voice cuts off. “hello.” He looks down at the assortment of things Chester handed me. He grunts, pushing past me, dragging his cart behind him. Its bloody. Very bloody. there are a few loose teeth on it that werent before, and it leaves a trail of blood behind him as he leaves.
I enter the room, hastily met with the smell of blood and vomit. I turn my face, it smells fucking awful. The door is shut behind me. The table has been moved off to the side, and ghost to the middle of the room. Hes covered in his own blood. “hey..” I let out. I try not to let my concern waver my voice. Ghost groans, and then ends up in a coughing fit. His mask is off, but his head is dropped down, facing the floor, blood soaked in his hair. I go over to the table, dropping my supplies down, and picking up his skull mask. “would you like your mask back?” I ask, turning to him. He just coughs more. Im pretty sure he coughed up blood.
I get up closer to him, placing down my bucket of water, his breathing hastens, he turns his face away. It takes a moment for it to click, “oh shit-“ I look at the rag in my hand, “im not gonna water board you bro, I swear.” I panic out, trying to make him less weary of me. 
It doesn’t work much, and he tenses everytime I move. Pulling up my sleeves, I dip the rag in water, and then start to clean out his wounds. There are different kinds. Some deep gashes, some circular holes in his skin, others bruises so blue youd think it hurt his bones. I don’t really get a good look at his face, even while I try and get blood off of it. he moves his face away everytime I try to touch it. its Understandable, but it makes things much more difficult. 
I give up on trying to clean his face, and just put his mask back on him. He immediately seems more comfortable, still incredibly tense, but less so then before. I continue to clean off all the blood on him. Its tiring. Eventually its done though. I wrap the towel around him, covering him and helping him dry all in one. I get up, and grab the bandages, and tape. i get back to him, placing both on the ground. I open the package for the bandages. 
I cover up most of the big gashes, and even a few of the smaller ones. Im covered in dried up blood now. I clean up around his chair too. Just getting blood up off the floor. Theirs vomit beside him. I begrudgingly clean that up too. I throw the second rag into the bucket. Taking a deep breath ones ive left the floor.
“thanks” ghosts voice sounds hoarse and it cuts out at the end. I go sit up in the table off to the side. “whens the last time you slept” I ask him the first real question of the day. Its quiet for a few minutes until he responds, “four days.” I mouth a ‘wow’ under my breath. I hold my breathing in thought, puffing out once I get to my conclusion. “ill let you sleep the entire time im here.. which should be..” I trail off thinking and doing math in my head, “two hours I believe, if you tell me what you guys know.”
He doesn’t respond. “what about a hint.” I smile at him. “no” his voice sounds more firm. The smile doesn’t fade. “fine, then you wont sleep for another day.” I hop off the table, and get onto the chair that was discarded next to it. Theres still paper and pencils, and so I start drawing. I draw him again. Its quiet in the room for nearly 20 minutes, I look up from my drawing every now and then to make sure he isnt asleep.
Hes falls asleep. I throw a balled up piece of paper at him. He startles up, looking around frantically to assess the situation. He drops his head back once he realizes it was just me. “if you had given me that hint I would have let you stay asleep” I taunt him. “fuck off” he blurts out. Hes getting comfortable, that hes just tired enough to not give a shit.
It gets quiet again.
“you know what-“ I look over to him, getting out of my seat and sitting on the table again. “if you tell me about your family ill let you sleep..” I pause, “that or your name” he looks me dead in the eyes, then up and down. Silence. “how’d you know about my brother?” he asks. A surprise for sure. “we made a little file on you, figuring out everything we could before we ambushed you. It was in that file… one of the few things about you in that file, and not just about ghost.”
“I am ghost.”
“you are a ghost.. you know how hard it was to find that out about your brother? That you even had a brother?”
“that’s the point.” He says in between coughs
I take a deep breath in and out. “I guess it is.” I say looking off.
A silence settles again. For about five minutes. He stares at me for three of them before looking away. “my brothers name was tommy.” I snap my head towards him. I didn’t actually expect him to tell me about his family. “is that so.” I inquire more. “he had a kid.” He continues. “and where is that kid now?” ghost doesn’t answer.
“and what about your dad?” he doesn’t respond, just like last time. I sigh. i want more, but technically he followed the rules I had. “you can sleep.” I jump off of the table, and get back to my drawing. Ghost gets as comfortable in his seat as he possibly can. Wasting no time to getting to sleep.
An hour and a half pass by. Ive filled the entire page with drawings. Ghost is sound asleep- the door starts to open. Shit. “HEY-“ I greet the person at the door loud enough to wake ghost up. “your back early,” I turn to the door. And ghost hurriedly wakes up. “(reader).” ‘The butcher’ greets me back, waving one of his hands stiffly at me. 
“uh- can we have a few more minutes?” I rush out as the large man starts hauling in his cart into the room. He stops in his tracks. Slowly turning to look at me. “your time is up.” fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck “yeah but… i-I I was- I was starting to get somewhere with my… interrogation.”
“he was starting to talk about his- uh his family and-“
“the boss doesn’t want to hear about his family.” He cuts me off
I look to ghost, and then to the man in front of me. “yes but-“
“why are you wasting my time (reader)?”
He cuts me off again.
I mumble and apology. I really shouldn’t have fucking done that. Shit, all cause I wanted to show ghost my stupid drawing.
He leaves his cart next to ghost, who has started hyperventilating. “you gave him bandaids.” He points out. “I didn't want him to bleed out.” I  had already thought of an excuse. “I didn’t say you could give him bandaids.”
“yeah but he was probably gonna die”
“I didn’t say you could give him bandaids.” He turns to me. “yeah and the boss didn’t say you could kill him,” I retort.
He picks up a pair of pliers, holding them so tight his knuckles turn white. Hes threatening me. Fuck. “im sorry, I just didn’t want valuable intel to die.” I soften my voice, trying to de-escalate the situation. He turns back to ghost. I start to leave. “your not aloud to leave.” He snaps his pliers a few times to emphasize.
“come on man-“ I turn around towards him, my voice breaking. I don’t want to be here. He hums a bit, snapping his pliers a few more times. He doesn’t respond. “ill get you those drugs you wanted.” He stops humming, and lets the air fill with silence. “alright, you can leave.”
I practically run out of there. I feel bad. I feel bad for ghost. I feel bad about having to steal from the med ward. Shit. I really wanted to show him my drawing. I bet he would have told me it was cool. I get to the showers upstairs, and I wash all of his blood off of me. Then I go to my room. I put the drawing next to the first one. Hopping onto my bed.
If I get caught stealing ill be as good as dead.
hiiiiiiiii i see you made it to the end again, blushes
if everything goes to plan there should be at least five chapters of this fic when im done
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blood-injections · 1 year
ooh tell me about amputee Ghoul whump (I was considering doing an amputee Kobra fic actually but I'm not sure how to write that so I'd be interested to hear your thoughts)
It's just a one shot about him having a prosthetic leg and having to accept help when soreness he's been ignoring all day catches up to him during a firefight and he can't walk back to the trans am and he's fucking frustrated because he feels like a liability, a cripple, and the others have to keep putting in his head that jeez no, just because you need help or mobility aids doesn't mean you're a liability to us >:(
Basically it's yet another fic in which I project on fun ghoul and put him in Situations, specifically ones I've been in lmao cause I'm an amputee myself. Anyway so ask me anytime if you're unsure how to write Kobra or any other character, it depends on the amputation, like I have a prosthetic leg so thats what I gave Ghoul, and I'm not really sure what specific things someone with say a missing arm would go through, but if they have a prosthetic, I'd imagine a lot of the same chronic pain and soreness, because your skin tends to get irritated easily in a socket, and if you sweat in it especially, the stump or wherever it rubs against you gets really raw really easily, rashes or blisters, hot spots, and when its like that it fucking hurts, I've had it bad a couple times and could hardly put any weight on my leg because every step just feels like you're getting stabbed or like a shock is shooting up your leg though your bones. And yikes, for a killjoy i can only imagine, living in the desert and being on your feet all day and sweating in that heat would be hell. It also depends like what kind of prosthetic, like if it's an actual one with a socket, they'd deal with that, but its danger days so what if they had a cybernetic one without a socket? They wouldn't have those hot spots but I imagine they'd be crazy sore wherever skin and metal connects, idk why but something tells me it'd be crazy itchy? Like, just past where it cybernetic part starts, a scratch you can never itch. And they could have phantom limb pain too if the character has lost the limb and didn't always have it like that. i dont know what thats like because i was born with my disability, but I'd imagine it's like dysphoria if anything, something aching thats not there, and then also wanting something or in this case, wanting something back so bad its agony, because if they lost their limb I'm sure they'd grieve it bad for a bit, maybe even forever, I know a lot of people that lose limbs struggle to accept that yeah, you're disabled now.
There's so may other things I could go into like parts breaking and how difficult it'd probably be to fix or replace them in the zones and mobility aid specifics and ohh the dehabilitating back pain you have if your prosthetic leg isnt the perfect length and your hips arent level, etc etc, if you do write the amputee kobra fic and need anything else im your guy :)
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Ruby starts to call Cinder her "Sin-a-min stick" and Cinder gets annoyed with her girlfriend.
“I love you sin-a-min stick.” 
Cinder paused for a moment as she tried to process what she had just heard. “What did you call me?” 
Ruby grinned a bit. “I called you my sin-a-min stick.” 
“Is that because of the sweet heat you feel every time we kiss?” Cinder asked as she kissed Ruby. “The lingering spice that you know you love?” 
“That might be part of it, but mostly because I feel like I’m sinning every minute I’m around you. Get it? Sin-a-min, sin a minute?” 
Cinder’s smirk dropped to disbelief as she watched Ruby put up a big grin and make finger guns at her. She pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a heavy sigh. “Just like your sister, arent you?” 
“She thought it was good and Weiss laughed at it when I ran it by her.” Ruby leaned into Cinder. “Besides, maybe it’ll stick.” 
Cinder rolled her eyes and pushed Ruby off the couch. “No.” 
“Ow!” Ruby rubbed her back and giggled. “Okay, I deserve that. But I can totally come up with worse pet names for you.” 
“I’m going to regret this, but try me.” 
“Firestarter. Ashes. My loving campfire-” 
“Okay okay, you win.” Cinder sighed and moved over on the couch to give Ruby some room. “Sin-a-min stick can stay. Still terrible.” 
Ruby got up and sat down next to Cinder. “Okay, then you give me a terrible pet name.” 
“You know I dont do those.” 
“There’s a first time for everything.” 
“And I’d still rather not.” Cinder sighed and pulled Ruby close to her, mechanical fingers resting against her girlfriend’s thigh. “Besides, you know our relationship isnt exactly like that.” 
“I know, but that doesnt mean you cant have fun with it.” 
“I call you my girlfriend, isnt that enough?” 
Ruby sighed. “Alright, if that’s enough, then I’ll accept it.” 
Cinder nodded and tried to relax, her fingers clicking as she moved them down Ruby’s leg. “I do see you as more than a friend, and while I’ve managed to talk myself into allowing myself to call you my girlfriend, we both know that title is only for show.” 
Ruby nodded and turned around to look at Cinder, a soft smile on her lips. “Then I’ll accept what we have and what you’re willing to call me.” 
Cinder nodded, then winced as her prosthetic started to tighten up, her fingers growing stiff and no longer moving. She quickly moved herself and used her other hand to loosen the prosthetic and take it off. “Stupid arm…” 
Ruby’s smile slowly faded. “Giving issue again? Didnt we just have Doctor Polendina look at it?” 
“Yeah.” Cinder finally unlatched the arm from her and sighed as she made her way to the table. “But you know how our missions go and the strain aura puts on this. Even the best made prosthetics cant handle the abuse we give them.” 
“Then… maybe its time you retire.” 
Cinder paused in her step and slowly looked over at Ruby. “Retire?” 
Ruby nodded and sat up. “You’re always going off on dangerous missions for Ironwood and Ozpin, and this is the fifth time we’ve needed to get your arm looked at and… maybe… its time for my sin-a-min stick-” 
“No, I’m not going to retire. I know I’m disabled, but I can still do the job.” 
“And what happens if you lose another limb out there?” 
Cinder sat down at the table and started to take her prosthetic apart. “Then… that’s a bridge we cross when we get there.” 
“But Cinder-” 
“We both know the dangers of being huntresses. Its what we signed up for.” 
“And I refuse to lose you like I lost my mom!” 
Cinder tensed up a bit and slowly looked over towards Ruby, who was trying to hold back a few tears. “Ruby…” 
“Do you realize how much you worried me when you lost your arm in the first place? Yang lost hers while trying to keep a village safe, but she at least had the rest of us to back her up. But you… you went off on your own for Ironwood and I didnt hear back from you until you were in the hospital getting patched up. And you still dont talk about what happened out there.” 
“Because it doesnt concern you right now.” Cinder sighed and looked back at her arm, her other hand shaking as she tried to unscrew one of the panels to the arm. In the back of her mind, she could hear Tyrian taunting her about Ruby as she tried to keep herself steady. “I’m… not ready to talk about it yet. But when I am-” 
“Its been five years, Cin. When will you be ready?” 
“Maybe when all of this is over.” 
Ruby frowned and then sat down again. “You know I worry about you.” 
“I know.” Cinder pulled the panel off her arm and started to look over the wires to make sure nothing was frayed. “Things are… complicated and the last thing I need is for you to get involved with this.” 
“Are you ever going to tell me what you’re involved with?” 
“You know what sounds good right now?” Cinder quickly started to patch her arm back up and re-attach it to her. “Pizza. I’ll go pick some up. You’re still a fan of that weird anchovy one, right?” 
“You’re changing the subject.” 
Cinder grabbed her coat and put it on. “Pizza first, then I’ll tell you everything. Deal?” 
Ruby nodded. “Fine.” 
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Things You Said When 1, 4, 18, 25 for Clover ☘️💛
and More........ because we're so fucking normal about them.
this IS just fanfiction so bekah gets to read about Them. but i also wanted to write about them. its called mutualism.
yall who are playing DONT READ!!! idk if theres spoilers i'm not bothering keeping explicit spoilers out of here (writing this before I write all of em). but if yall arent playing dia with us check it out. these guys are sooooooo . rachel knows. rebekah knows. if yall wanna know and youre NOT in their game. come hither....... welcome to my maze..... and then dm me about it. directors commentary etc
1. Things you said before you knew any better
Honeybee's hair is softer than Clover knew someone's hair could actually be.
It's not that it's actually feathers, because Clover has felt Honeybee's feathers, and they're soft, yeah, but they don't feel like hair or anything. Even the ones that tuft up around his ears don't feel like hair, so it's not just that Honeybee has hair that's all feather vane, or vane that’s all hair. His hair's just really fucking soft.
Clover knows this, because Clover has been playing with it for a half an hour, mostly marveling.
It's not the shampoo he uses. Clover's used that, stole it even though it's the good stuff all the way from Waterdeep and Honeybee complains about it whenever he notices that the bottles run out twice as fast as they used to. Well, it's technically Clover's shower, so Clover's calling them even.
His head’s lolled back to rest on their knee, and though they shouldn’t be letting him sit on the floor in case it aggravates his bum leg, they’ve said nothing yet. They’ll help him up when they’re ready to move. One day they’ll actually go to bed at a reasonable hour. The night is stretching long and dark and quiet before them, though, and its temptation is as real tonight as Honeybee’s loose-limbed relaxation, as it’s always been. So tonight might not be that night.
Gods above and so below, they need a deep-clean.
They just need to clean him out of the creases of their brain, where he stuck like - well, like honey, in the niches of its comb. Someone needs to take a good handful of steel wool and lye and pluck the troublesome organ from between their ears and cleanse them of Honeybee.
That, or Honeybee needs to stop - it was a couple of things. It was a list of things, little things, things Clover is better off forgetting just for now, things like the little crease by his eyes, the lopsidedness of his smile, the - the stupid tattoo that peeked out the back of all of his shirts, right at the perfect spot to place their hand on the back of his neck, and the way that when they do give into the temptation to handle him there, he actually relaxes into it, like he's been waiting for the callous on their thumb to swipe over the knob of his vertebrae at his nape, every time.
They don’t mind it, sometimes, the anticipation of it. They’re fairly assured it was anticipation, anyway, but the two of them have a lot to do together that, quite frankly, Clover would be distracted from if their choices were between “cold night of surveillance” and “warm night in bed with Honeybee”. There’s only so much delayed gratification one person can take, and they’ve delayed it long enough that they are fairly sure if they broke now it would not be a temporary issue of distraction.
So, they can wait.
At least tonight isn’t a cold night of surveillance, or they would both be being very derelict in duty indeed.
That reminds them.
"Mm?" Maybe they were wrong about not getting to bed at a reasonable hour. Honeybee sounds as if he’d been dozing a little. Whoops. Maybe they’ll carry him to bed, make up for it.
"Will you come with me, to my mother’s?"
The question rouses Honeybee a bit, makes him move to twist and look at them properly. They let his hair go to allow the movement, then twine their fingers back into his hair in a loose fist, because he’s suddenly between their knees facing them and they need to control that situation quickly, before they either throw all their musings about anticipation to the wayside or get distracted from the question they are asking or both.
Clover nods. "She wants to meet you, and—" They pause, considering their words, thumb rubbing over the section of soft hair it’s found itself over. "You’re… a part of my life now. You should come."
Honeybee looks a little skeptical. "And… Luckey?"
The right question to ask. Clover shrugs, though. "I agree with you, about Ult’s people. Half of them must have left by now, and he hasn’t made any real moves in a bit. I don’t think there’s much for them to do right now. Especially with practically no one here anymore." Ultiss was a bit… smug, every time they saw him now, his eyes always lingering on them too long, but that doesn’t change the fact that he hasn’t been doing anything, and there’s only… four? five? of them left in town. "They might come back, but… I haven’t really seen anything that worries me, and you said you didn’t either, so… yes. Come with me. Let’s take a break."
Honeybee brightens, incrementally. This is another thing he does that sticks in Clover’s head. The way he brightens up like a cloud’s revealed the sun on a spring day. It’s too deep into winter for there to be any more flowers, but the ones Clover did put on him seemed to refuse to wilt for longer than they should, probably for exactly this reason. Waiting for the sun. Clover’s always waiting for it, and Honeybee never disappoints.
4. Things you said instead of “I love you”
This is actually a pretty shitty room.
Not the worst inn room Clover’s ever stayed in, but not top thirty, certainly. Probably not even top fifty. Definitely not nice enough to justify the amount of coin Clover had forked over for it.
Probably because I was tipsy. Or maybe it was that obvious how bad I wanted a single. That’s a bit embarrassing.
Well, not as much anymore. Honeybee saw through the single room thing, too. He didn’t seem to mind.
Clover is playing it cool. At least as much as one can when still… sticky, because they and Honeybee had just.
Don’t freak out about that.
It was a good thing! They never thought otherwise. Months of buildup and they had, actually, made good on it. And it was good. Shit, it was good. Months of buildup were perhaps worth the late lone nights type of good.
It is new, though, for sure. Good-new, yeah, despite the shitty room and clumsy attempt to manufacture intimacy, regardless of the fact that it worked.
How many seconds is us recovering before it becomes us just not talking?
Not a question they know how to answer. Honeybee's face is tucked into the crook of their neck, and he's not, like, lying down, but this could definitely go to cuddling if they shifted a little bit and he went to his side. That's a good sign, hopefully.
Okay. Talk. You've caught your breath. He needs to know this wasn't just- and you need to know he's not just drunk.
They swallow. "That was."
Honeybee nods against their neck.
They chuckle, mostly just to get rid of the post-coital nervous energy. "Yeah."
Honeybee draws away. The curtains in the room aren't drawn, so there's only a little bit of light in the room, and Clover's darkvision softens him into shades of gray. His hair is bright white, reflective even with barely any light to do so with, and the honey of his skin has gone rich-dark gray, and whatever spark that lives in those eyes of his fixes down on Clover, who can't help the smile, because he is gorgeous. His neck's a little bruised - their fault, but they're not apologizing - and his breathing's still a little fast, and when they lick their lips, his eyes flick down to them.
We can kiss now.
The realization is a very welcome one. They actually sit up slightly for it, which would make Honeybee shift to move away and give them room if they didn't also grab the back of his hair and pull him down to kiss them again. Then again.
Because they haven't actually talked, they keep the number to only three before releasing him. He doesn't go far, though, and they incentivize as much by running a wondering hand up one of his thighs to a hip. He has such nice hip bones. And collar bones. And the bones in his wrist don't lose him any points, either. If they keep up the having-sex-with-each-other thing, they'll almost certainly find some other parts of his anatomy to have new appreciation for. In many ways, they already have, though that appreciation can't be called aesthetic at all quite yet.
Talk. Talk.
Unsure if they're ordering themselves or Honeybee, Clover complies anyway. "I hope you had expectations, because that far exceeded mine."
"Oh, yeah," Honeybee replies, then pauses. “That’s- you mean you had high expectations and I still exceeded them, right?”
Clover chuckles. “Yes. Great expectations, still surpassed.” They start rubbing their thumb over their favorite spot on Honeybee’s hip, where the tattoo is. “I…”
You should probably say it. This would be the time. You’ve been biting it back for how long? This is a good time.
It would be, that’s true. Honeybee’s breathing’s evened a little now that they’ve exchanged words, but he hasn’t moved from above them, and they can’t tell exactly where he’s looking without his eyes moving in response to stimuli they give him, so they lick their lips. His eyes flick down a bit. He was looking them in the eyes, then. Well, no longer.
Don’t get distracted. Tell him.
“I should-” Tell him. Tell him. I love you, just like that. “I wasn’t planning on this happening when I suggested the trip, so you know.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t- planning on anything when I suggested the dinner.”
“I’m glad you did.” Tell him.
“Me too.” Honeybee smiles. He’s beautiful like this. Which is why they should tell him.
The cuckoo clock down the hall starts squawking. Clover has no sense of what time it is, starts to count the chimes to figure out how long they've been wrapped up in Honeybee, how long they might still get to be.
One. Two. Three. Tell him.
It would be easier without darkvision, maybe. They can still see the details of him. Even better, now, because there's coming a glow through the room window. Red-orange looks good on Honeybee, lights up the gold of his skin. Thank you, whoever just lit that fire outside.
Six. Seven. Eight. Tell him, now. Now, Clover. Ten.
"I've- been thinking about that, though, for a while," Clover says, all in a rush.
Honeybee says, too, overlapping chatter, "I think I should-"
They both fall silent. Clover counts eleven, twelve and, when Honeybee makes a gesture to give them the floor, instead, they do not let themself wonder about what he thinks he should be doing, and instead plow ahead, forcing their nerves to steel rather than shake. "I just wanted to say, I-"
And then-
somewhere in the distance. Clover sits up, immediately on the defensive. Their sword's always right by the bed, so they just need to find where Honeybee put their pants.
“What the fuck was that?”
18. Things you said that were a promise you intended to keep
Luckey, perhaps predictably, didn't actually have that much going on in it.
It was a small town - Clover could count the number of people that lived here in a slow afternoon if everyone was at home. They numbered around two hundred or so. Enough that, at least if they were looking at faces, Clover could name everyone in town.
That made it very strange to come across this.
They practically tripped over the man. It wasn't their fault. It was raining, and they were carrying wood and the man was small and on the ground, so it certainly wasn't all their fault. Their foot caught on his form, and Clover stumbled, one of the switches they were carrying clattering to the ground and making them flinch. "I'm sorry, I wasn't - oh. Are you okay?"
They switched immediately from apology to concern when they saw the state the man is in. His face was bloodied, and that was saying nothing of what might've been going on under the clothes he was wearing - they weren't really able to tell, medicine wasn't their strong suit. "I'm sorry, let me get a look at you. I'm Clover."
They set down the wood they were carrying and got to their knees to give him a cursory inspection. He had clearly been beaten up, which drew a frown across Clover's face.
The man seemed a little out of it, and blinked wide eyes at Clover. His jaw worked slowly. "S- Sehonivee-Haien. Charmed."
Bit of a mouthful, Clover thought. With his feathery ears, they had to wonder if he was an aasimar, too, with one of the names like their mom, long enough to gain someone importance. Not exactly a polite question, though, not while he was bleeding on the ground, so they just gave him a smile. "Charmed. Can you stand?"
Sehonivee-Haien's face twisted. "Jury's out."
"Alright. Here," Clover said, and pressed a hand to the side of his face. There was practically nothing divine still left in them, but they could still force whatever spark was still there into a bit of healing, which could be the difference between life and death, sometimes. Or, in this case, the difference between standing and walking, and getting tripped over in a sidestreet. "Okay, let's try it."
They stood, offering him a hand. He hesitated, but took it, and Clover hauled him up as gently as the verb "hauling" allowed. He ended up on his feet, anyway, though he was a little newborn deer about it. Clover took care of that with a steadying arm around his back, which, definitely hurt a broken rib or two from the way he hissed in pain.
“Sorry,” Clover said. “But it’ll hurt more if you fall.”
“Hurts pretty bad now,” he replied, with a grin shot through plenty with pain. They were pretty good at reading people, but really didn’t have to be, to see that much.
They gave him a smile right back. He deserved it. This was their town, and the fact that he had gotten beaten half to death on their watch? It spurred at something ugly in Clover's chest, something angry enough for them to show teeth. Even if that was accompanied by upturned lips. "My home isn't far. You'll be safe there."
Somehow, this man had the widest eyes Clover had ever seen, never mind the fact that one of them was already swelling shut.
Clover's version of healing was not very divine. At least they could be fairly assured that he wasn't bleeding internally on them.
"Are you- are you sure? I'm not... I don't want to bring anything to your door, if someone has something against me..." Oh, he was so worried.
Clover patted his cheek. "Hey. Hey, look at me.” He did. He had very striking eyes. “You- You're not getting hurt again, okay? Not on my watch."
It was a promise they meant. A promise they kept.
Mostly, except for that - that little scar.
But that—that was a very different promise.
25. Things you said that you still think about today
It was a joke.
Or, okay. Not a joke, because if Honey had actually asked, Clover might have done it. At least given it due consideration. That was not saying much, because Clover would have done pretty much anything Honey asked, back then, and they weren't going to consider how much they'd do for him if he asked even today, but.
It wasn't serious. Clover didn't think so, anyway, and they weren't about to ask Honey now if he ever meant it when he said they should go off and live somewhere else. He was a big-city sort, or so he said, and Clover was no stranger to cities, so it wasn't like they couldn't make it work.
He was pacing the kitchen—he was restless some mornings, just like this. Clover didn’t know why back then, just accepted it as a quirk of his to sometimes be soothed away. Now, of course, Clover had connected his restlessness to the mornings he had left late last night or early that morning, presumably playing his part in whatever part of their lives was real rather than the fiction they’d created.
“Maybe we could leave Luckey sometime,” he suggested, apropos of nothing. Clover fetched a mug for their morning coffee, kept an eye on him.
"What, run away together?" they asked, after a second of observing his behavior. He was restless, certainly. Small-town fever, they thought. People got it. Not Clover, but people. “Or do you mean more of a day trip?”
He looked over at them, and allowed himself a smile. “Well, what do you think?”
“Of running away together?” Clover poured themself a cup. They wanted to give him the benefit of clear consideration. “I think it’s ultimately unnecessary. We’d have to be running from something, by definition.”
“Ult’s guys,” Honey suggested.
Clover added cream to the cup, still taking Honey seriously. They had thought he was a coward, back then, tiptoed kindly around his caution. He had, after all, still borne the scars of their treatment—did, actually, to this day, so perhaps that was not all act—and they thought that his caution was a boon, making them more thoughtful. “I’m not convinced they’d follow us. Not running away from anything, that way.”
Honey hummed. Paced some more. “Okay, but. It’s kind of? Small?”
Clover nodded. “Two hundred or so.”
“Yeah, so. Small.” Honey nodded to himself. “That doesn’t… you like that? You’ll like that forever? What if some people here end up sucking?”
“Depends how much they suck,” Clover said, after another pause to make sure his question had been given its due consideration. “People here right now do suck. I’m still here.”
Clover shrugged again. And then, in a moment of what wasn’t irony but certainly couldn’t be anything else, said, “It’s a sweet thought, Honeybee, but I’ll be honest… Luckey will have to have burned before I’d leave it.”
Honey had given a half smile and sat down. “Well. That’s not happening anytime soon.”
Satisfied with the answer and with the fact that Honey had actually gotten his ass in a chair, Clover sat with him and reached across the table so they could squeeze his hand in theirs. “We can still go on a day trip.”
It was a strange thing, the fact that they were so assured that he would stay right there with them, looking back on it. Honey did, of course—he slept in the next room, though far from Luckey—but they did wonder. If they never left Luckey, where would Honey be? Still sitting at that table?
The what-if and what-is suspends there, in their mind. They try to be self-disciplined about these things. The memory pauses right there, fingers touching their Honeybee’s, and palms not yet met.
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smokeygrayrabbits · 1 year
so leg prosthetics au right? I'm a BIG FAN of all the duality in trigun so I feel like it would be really cool for there to be that contrast between different elements of vash's backstory and his injurys. since vash lost his arm to knives protecting plants and humans ,showing his dedication to peace and love and also his self-sacrificing tendencies, I really like the idea of vash loosing his legs in a similar way, but at the hands of humans.
[ok imma give this a quick lil content warning cuz it's kinda body horror/generally kinda messed up? so yeah readers discretion advised keepy yourself safe 💜]
what if plants have a natural instinct to give? we've seen that they're sentient, so it would make sense for them to have some kind of reason to just chill in tanks and let humans take advantage of their abilities. hence, plants naturally want to give. and vash, being a plant, isnt exempt from this. he gives himself away in everything he does. bending over backwards for everyone he meets, even to the point of snapping his own spine. never complaining, never asking for thanks, or even thinking he's deserving of it.
so what does a young vash, tiny and alone and reeling from the crash, from his brothers betrayalmurdersin left me, nai left me alone, I have nothing he took everything Iwannagohome, tiny vash, so alone, so desperate to atone, come across a town. a town that's plant is dead he couldn't save them, not himself, not the ships, not rem, not nai. if he'd been betterfasterstongersmarter . . . their plant is dead they killed it. the last run. he'd seen it. he knows they did. he can't say no, their plant is dead and soon they will be too and it would only be for a little while, just to get by, please we need your help he sees the way their smiles don't quite reach their eyes. sees how they're tears arent quite real. he tells himself it doesn't matter. this is his atonement. his punishment he says yes. he says of course. he says I'll help however I can whatever you need.
it's to late for a mechanic. they need a plant.
he says yes anyway. they wouldn't right? they'll be kind.
theres no room for kindness when people are so thirsty.
he's to tall to fit in the tank. so they make him fit. generators don't need legs.
he's there for so long. vash loses track of how long he's in the tank for. days? weeks? years?
his marking spread. feathers molt off generators don't fly
they clip his wings. generators dont need to run, fly, walk.
they get another plant, eventually. he's still in the tank.
they said they'd let him go. it's fine. it's ok. they must still need him, populations gorow after all. he ignores his sister screaming in his head. he tells her it's fine! they need me here more than I need to be anywhere else (he'd rather be anywhere else. he wants to go home. he doesnt want to do this anymore but he hastohastohastogivegivegivegiveGIVEREPENT)
he learns to breath liquid. he learns to float and provide and it's ok. its not. he's getting weaker and weaker. he can't give what they're asking
his sister is dying. it's his fault if he was betterfasterstonger he could take the burden from her, make more, GIVE more. he doesn't think about how he's already giving everything how they've taken everything
his sister is dying. they don't realize it yet he can help he can save her he knows he can he's done it so many times it's all hes good for all he can do heneexstohelplethimhelplethimhelpherplease.
for the first time since they put him in here, vash cries. he pounds the glass with the only limb he has left weak and atrophied from disuse weak just like the rest of him uselessuselessuseless. when his arm gives out he uses his head. banging the glass, filling the tank with red red like geraniums red like the last run red tanks mean death death deathmurder nai
they don't listen. his bubbling screams in the tank are distracting apparently, so they muzzle him.
he watches as she dies. his sisters last run fuels their holiday light show.
vash cries. his tears lost in the fluid of the tank.||
more time passes. the plant operators get bored. they've never had an independent before. they want to research. they want to open, cut, understand.
more time. floating. creating. being sucked dry, not that vash would think of it that way. he CAN'T. can't think of it that way, it would mean it was all for nothing. it would mean nai was right. it would mean they leftfoughtbleddied for nothing oh god what has he done, what have they done
nai comes to town. vash can feel him, in his mind, in their bond. he tries to tell his brother to run.
nai hears his brother. his twin. his angel. his other half. in a nowhere town in this forsaken desert. he hears vash cry, beg nai to leave. he tracks his angel down, finds the plant operation. he sees the tank. he sees the angel floating.
he sees vash smile.
Millions Knives razes the city to the ground.
vash cries for them. for the monsters that did this to him.
vash begs their forgiveness
nai knows then and there, his brother will never take his revenge on these parasites because that's what they are. they were given the blessing of an angel, and they tore his wings off. like the legends of old, humans would always be Icarus, flying to the sun by any means necessary, clipping others wings to fly themselves that much quicker to their meaningless deaths. they forced nais brother to be their wings, so knives will be the hellfire that melts their wax and throws them to the damned earth they came from. no, vash won't take revenge.
so millions Knives will do it for him.
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wizard-nishkii · 2 years
can i ask if you have any tips for beginners at pixel art/like any input for where to start from your own experiences? it's cool if not of course!
Hi!! Yeah! I love talking about pixel stuff! I ironically started by doing those silly bases on dA and then decided I wanted to try and do my own!
For making the art itself I just use SAI and the smallest brush on the binary tool and use that (you can make a binary eraser on SAI by duplicating it and setting Opacity to 0%) Other than that its just normal drawing! But you do have to think a bit more about how you do the lines, like if its legible and if the shapes arent too stiff and things like that! (btw look up about dithering for shading, thats the name for the gradient/shade that has that cool classic pixel affect, it helps on colour limitations if you want to make a gradient)
There is plenty of cleaning for the lines when youre drawing in pixel art, I made this to kind of show what I mean! If you feel like you prefer the look of the right one, defo go for it! This is just something I thought is helpful to point out because I find in my experience that clipping those bits off can help get the shape to come across bit better!
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Other than that all I can say is just go for it and try it! Its trail and error to see what works for you honestly and I notice everyone does it differently, there is a huuuge plethora of other styles and interpretations! But basically, its not as hard as it looks and once you get the hang of it its very fun to do!
For animating, I use Aseprite. I used to put stuff together on stuff like, Ezimba and other free gif makers but personally I've been able to improve so much more by using that because you can flip thru the frames and theres an onion skin and things like that! I personally do a mix of frame by frame and tweening! Its a little messy but its what works for me, so my usual process is like
Draw thing - open as a transparent png in aseprite - make one more frame so og one is still there and untouched then just start rotating bits until the animation is how I want it then i go back through and clean it all up, if I wanna add frame by frame its typically one of the last things I do (like blinks, sparkles, tails etc)
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As you can see rotating it (atleast how I do it, not sure if theres an easier way djfshdj) it scrambles the pixels! So I go back over it and clean it up, this guy was made with that process when I was still kinda figuring it out, his tail is frame by frame but everything else was done in the tweening way, for him I seperated all of his limbs to different layers. By rotating it, its easier to do big animations and keep it all even! Also I am absolutely not brave enough to do a full frame by frame body yet lmao
One of the most fun and easiest animations to do first off is just a blink and sparkles, they look good and theyre very easy once you get it down! Feel free to open up any of my pixels in aseprite to view the frames for educational purposes! I am not professionally trained for animation but I enjoy making them for myself and other people!
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My way to go about it is held up with ductape and hours of messing about in aseprite so I'm sure theres easier ways and plenty of different techniques! And also sorry for the ramble but I think this is everything thats worth mentioning off the top of my head!
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buckieduckie2 · 2 years
tw: bouta get religious on yall hoes but ykw might aswell say cause ima bout to drop a fucking bOmb oh yeah and mention of suicide
HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT A SINNNNNNNNNN idc that they apparently wrote it in the bible i dont care i dont care i dont CARE
why would basic human nature and love be a sin???? it doesnt make sense. the basic action of loving who you love should not be penalized. I think they were lying
i also heard that it wasnt origianlly in the bibles and that a bunch of pedo priests had someone change the "man shall not llie with boy" to "man shall not lie with man" uhm yeah i guess dont like- q u o t e me on that but thats what i hearrrrddddd
but even if it was explicitly written in the bible I still dont think homosexuality is a sin becausueeeeee
suicides a sin right? and being unhappy isnt good? and you should love yourself?? right??? ISNT THAT WHAT JESUS FUCKING S A I D ??????
so- if deciding to embrace your homosexuality is gonna ultimately save you from killing yourself and harming yourself, then WHY would it be a sin? if doing one sin is going to protect yourself from multiple sins, then i dont think it should be considered a sin at all
and also, all the other sins seem so different. theyre something you can control
having premarital sex? you can control that. not having premarital sex isnt going to tear you limb from limb
NOT m*rdering someone isnt going to destroy you as a human
NOT harming yourself is actually good for you
controlling your jealousy is healthy
theres so many other things too
but- suddenly a man loving a man is... gross? innapporpriate?? sinful??? it just doesnt make sense
In Christianity, apparently we're all sinners and we sin every day. But what makes the difference is wether you pray and ask for forgiveness, or you go on living your life blindly full of sin and terrible what nots you know.
you can repent and ask for forgiveness for things like harming yourself or others or other sins, and then you can in good coincious never do those things again and feel good about yourself and the repenting is honest
but what about being queer? youre going ot repent and repent becuase youre worried about going to heaven but then you keep being a hOmOsExUaL and then at one point the repenting just isnt the same, it gets like- not valid yk cause Jesus is gonna see you and be like- nah not this kid again bruhhh
but theres so many queer people who are religious or who would like to be saved or have that security that there is a higher power that loves them unconditionally-
you could do EVERYTHING right but still be gay and then you try and FIX yourself but its not WORKING and then you arent being kind to yourself anymore and its a shit show
so like why would jesus say something so blasphemous- idk man idk it just doesnt seem right to me
anyways im not even that religous who knows maybe time will tell but- JESUS ISNT HOMOPHOBIC AND ALL THOSE CHRISTIANS WHO TRY TO CONVERT YOU- THATS THE SIN!!!! CONVERSION IS THE SIN 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
i dont think Jesus was homophobic i think he welcomes gay and trans and all queer people into Heaven
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charlie-b-t · 2 years
3. How easy to annoy is your oc? Do they have common pet-peeves or are they stoic in response to everything? What is their reaction if the source doesn’t stop?
14. Does your oc do anything “just for the aesthetic”? Or are they completely practical in everything?
26. How polite is your oc? Do they do everything with the utmost courtesy, or do they completely refuse to say please and thank you?
27. How flexible is your oc? Can they touch their toes or do they have trouble just sitting down because of how stiff they are?
30. What topics does your oc know the most about? Are these obvious or would these be surprising to others?
You didnt specify a character so im gonna go with Fallout Pony (aka Dove King)!
3. Prewar i think she was probably pretty easy to irritate. She liked her solitude, her quiet, her closed doors. She liked to go on picnics with her giddyup buttercup and play by herself, so yes, i think any sort of unwelcome sound or stimuli from other people would quickly get her leaving an area. shes doing homework in the living room and youre eating cereal quietly in the kitchen? unacceptable, she must now go do her homework in her room or maybe outside.
Post war, no, not at all. in the same scenario (working on a gun mod in her workshop and you sit nearby to eat cereal or Boofer starts licking his foot noisly) shes just gonna pretend you dont exist. Everything is So Much now and its so hard to be safe or secure anywhere, if she chose to be in this room and now youre in this room shes just gonna pretend you ARENT in this room.
14. She is so fucking obsessed with Nuka World. she gravitates to anything nuka cola themed or red (which is nuka cola themed ENOUGH). She would try very hard to rationalize a clearly bad choice if it was related to nuka world. its like her THING. she actually has like, skills, talents, achievements, a life past future and dreams, btu shed be happy if someone thought of her as 'the pony obsessed with nuka cola' because to her that feels like a light and happy thing. She made a nuka cola backpack for boofer BECAUSE she found nuka cola sheets and wanted to keep them and so needed a justification for it. If she didnt know how to make a backpack she mightve ended up making a cape out of it.
26. VERY polite! she can be plenty gruff and lewd and casual with a person she knows for sure is 'on her level' but she has a habit of assuming most people have authority over her when entering a situation, so 'miss' 'mr' 'please' and 'thank you' are always to the tip of her tongue. But if she DOESNT think you have authority over her and you try to exert it shell get Real Nasty Real Fast
27. NOT flexible. Shes lanky but shes stiff as a board with no give at all at the joints. Generally ponies tend to hop around and do quick little movements and dances but she keeps her hooves firmly planted, even just a little bit splayed out to make her more securely anchored and untippable. some unfortunate genetic switch made her have long thin limbs and a giraffe neck when she very clearly was meant to be a Tank.
30. Robotics!! Shes straight foreward, can even come off as a little bit of a meat head, but she actually got into the army early by being a STELLAR robotics expert, maybe even a prodigy. She got put into power armour training immediately with the idea being that she would be sent out iwth squads to be able to pilot AND repair and modify them on the fly, as well as maintaining various Mr Gutsys and things of that nature. She wouldve been a huge asset on the warfront if things hadnt Gone The Way They Did. (but then, butterfly effect says that if she hadnt been accepted early, sent into the field as punishment, injured and sent home, then she might notve been near a vault and wouldnt have lived anyways.) Or maybe she'dve ended up dying a hudnred years ago of old age while working for the enclave. Who knows!
Anyways yeah she was one of those kids that if you left with a toaster youdve come back in the afternoon with a talking toaster on wheels having an existential crisis. She absolutely voided the warranty on her Giddyup Buttercup. Somewhere in another state that buttercup is probably still alive, wandering the wastes and killing everything in its path, searching for her lost owner that she doesnt accept probably died 200 years ago XD
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nihiltism · 11 months
oh boy I finished (citation needed) a new game time to add to the veedia tag again
metal: hellsinger (ps4)
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this game is Lovely. this game is so fun. I cannot aim to save my god damn life. metal hellsinger accomplished a major feat in having the only possible setup in the entire world to encourage me to play a first person shooter (being, really good metal and rhythm mechanics) and to that I applaud it because I consider fpses to be sort of my mortal enemy? right next to mmos and fighters? im gonna go into it more let me not take up ur entire dash.
the gameplay is Lovely. i did play on easy mode but ough the. shotgun cocking effects to the beat of a good metal song. there is Nothing Like It. the difficulty is Honestly Not Bad ** given some practice time and its very much a delight to play. well. save for one part but ill get to that. its a darkly lit game which is a problem but all of the enemies are color coded, glow, and have their own sounds and that alleviates it a bit.
i will say that the game is. Not Optimized to PS4? it is. Quite Glitchy and while I don't mind most of them i know some people do and there were a few that very much got in my way (i posted the acheron boss glitch a couple hours ago). also sometimes enemies just get stuck in the floor and youre waiting for them to pop up so you can move on. thats fun. also the bug enemies suck. the shield enemies also suck. those arent glitches i just hate them.
as for plot uh. this game was not made for plot. i accept this. its kinda Just Okay but it doesnt really need to be more than that. you play a scary demon lady who wants nothing more than to rip the devil limb from limb. whats better than that. youve got a troy baker skull. the plot there is admittedly pretty cute especially if you try to analyze the lyrics but i am also very much a sap and it hit a specific genre of Relationship In Media That Is So (Kinda Just There) Its Not Even A Subplot which is one of the few genres i can actually stand. i will say i feel i got a bit beauty and the beasted at the ending but like. eh. it wasnt that much. anyway. next point
theres no bad songs in here. my favorite is this devastation easily. ost introduced me to arch enemy which is a band you can all tell I'm normal about. the lyrics only kick in when youre at max multiplier so being able to hear a good drop is a good motive to get decent and not get hit. i think my ranking of songs is this devastation - no tomorrow - burial at night/stygia - dissolution and then everything else is kind of at the bottom in no particular order. not to say i dont like them but theyre all the same level of like. also serj tankian is there. he is lovely. he does the final boss theme (no tomorrow) that I wish I could fucking hear him over damage sound effects and myself swearing. yeah now we get to that
** The Final Boss Is Bad. yeah my main problem (and kinda only Real Problem) with this game is uh. i dont think i can actually finish it? there is an Enormous difficulty spike at the final boss to the point where my first run of lasted a solid Two Minutes if that and i am on easy mode. my friend described it as (game is touhou now) and yeah i can see it. first person touhou. nobody wants to play first person touhou. i dont want to play first person touhou. i didnt actually beat the game i just watched the ending and resolved to get back to it when i feel like it (never) and do better things with my time. like draw unknown in little outfits.
anyway thats My Thoughts. its a good game and i will probably keep playing the levels over n over. for people who dont replay these games over n over it is definitely not worth the money as you can pretty easily slash through all the levels in one sitting if you know what youre doing but i am easily entertained and love rhythm games. stay tuned for doodles of the unknown with my general fashion sense. listen to the two best tunes also. maybe listen to the whole ost after if u like it.
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