#yeahhh so like i'm just doing this for fun on the side because i'm also working on the outline of my book
tmf-confessions · 10 months
now i know how those tournament/confession blogs feel when they keep reblogging stuff not on their main
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oceanlipgloss · 5 months
—nsfw (I bet you're gonna like love it as much as I did)
Alright, just finished Chapter 1 and now it's time for some Sitriiii I'm so excited to see what he's like between the sheets but I'd be lying if I said I'm not peeved that it's not gonna be Satan again lol
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intro: I'm already suffering and Satan just has to be so precious and get jealous
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update I: he's going to kill me with that cute ass attitude he's making it even harder than it already is PLEASEEEE
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update II: Sitri being hesitant to answer Satan because he feels possessive towards MC? Uh huh
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update III: okay but MC feeling nervous this time when she was completely at ease with Satan before? lol she's such a riot
update IV: oh yeahhh I like where this is going. From calm to desperate aka one of my favourite switches. HOT I'm so sorry Satan also, that pentagram on his neck is such a turn-on, like WHAT A HOLY SEXY LOCATION, CHAMP
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update V: fuck, that's so goddamn cute I'm going to pretend that he didn't tell her to drink tea just so he could make her heart beat faster tho
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So hotttt sob
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update VII: understandable. Very understandable. Subtlety is a dangerous weapon.
This is my cup of tea fr fr pun intended. It's so sensual. Goddamn
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update VIII: that was a pro move n' Sitri gets extra intimacy points the bar is topped tho
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update IX: nonono have mercy omg this just got even more perfect bro HE IS SO?????? AAAAAAAAH no I'm fine, I swear that I'm FINE. Fine fine fine
And my God, Sitri looks HUGE here and MC is so smol in comparison and lord that's so sexy STOP IT I mean pls keep the size difference coming I'm ded
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update X: HE'S SO SOFT ugh
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rating: 100%, 10/10, 5 stars, 4.0 GPA + chef's kiss. Not to mention, the focus on Sitri's cardiophilia and so the immense highlight on hearts and heartbeats was sjnsnxd it was breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and life
I also have a thing for how MC and the demons she has a contract with are affected by each other's emotions. Like, it's so cute and hot at the same time?
And! I also have another thing for when they kind of fall apart when MC touches their horns like yes more of that please (also Sitri's horns being kinda wet before MC touched them? FUCK)
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Bonus I: baby wants to be closer to her but she just wants to admire Sitri's butt like girl didn't you appreciate it enough in bed?
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I juuuust realised something, too. Solomon has contracts with 72 demons. MC just got softly (that's important) railed by Sitri, who is one of the 72 demons, but not one of the seven kings. And that means what I think it means. Well...MC is gonna be having 70 more new brands of fun? SATAN I'M SO SORRY I CAN'T STOP MC SHE'S NOT UNDER MY CONTROL
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Also, I'm definitely not worried about the difficulty of the battles in this chapter. No, of course I'm not. Because I'm gonna go down like a loser queens do (edit: I passed a couple of stages but I don't have enough action power so welp, gotta wait)
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edit 1: busted my ass in some more battles. I don't know what I'd do without Satan's card lmao but, well, helloooo guess I know who's going to be giving MC some 'energy' next he looks so soft and sweet what the heck
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edit 2: I will never shut up about Satan because Satan is the cutest thing. He's openly like, "MC IS MINE. I WANNA BE THE ONE TO RAIL HER. HURRY UP AND LET ME DO IT, MC."
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edit 3: someone else is being desperate and cute too in the name of loyalty
ngl though it's sad that they each want her for themselves and meanwhile she's down for everyone lol but this isn't a game of innocent romance, and I love seeing the new sides to the characters and the differences between them, as well as the hot n' heavy scenes naturally so I'll deal
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edit 4: way to start this with such a wholesome note. I knew I liked him. He IS soft. He's adorableeee
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edit 5: SWOON now bonk her with that rifle
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edit 6: I'm melting, I really am
and I cannot get over how sweet he looks
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edit 7: he's getting more intense I'm eating also the way he needs MC to lead him and teach him and tell him what to do I'm—AAAAAAH
edit 8: no. Nonononono. I think I'm a goner. WHY IS HE SO CUTE BRUHHHH
You and me both MC, you and me both. I AM SOFT
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edit 9: you know how rocking chairs move on their own in horror movies? That's me right now, except I'm rocking at Lightning McQueen speed because dude, this is waaaay too cute like he's so sensitive I—
And the way he started off shy and got taken in by desperation? sknsbdkd oh look, another one of my weaknesses
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edit 10: I've officially turned into a marshmallow
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edit 11: brooo he's wildin' yasss
edit 12: welcome to my favourite characters club Zagan lol <3
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I knew that I was going to eventually pay the price of enjoying two favourable love scenes in one day. It was coming for me. So now I'm stuck on this battle, and no card, item or upgrade in Hell is letting me get past it so at this point idk when or if I'm ever going to be able to continue the story lol
'I'm gonna try my best' is what I'd like to say, but what can a girl do if she just has one L card? I'm hoarding my lesser keys
Suffer, that's what yay
I pulled Astaroth, Dantalian, Morax and Gusion and they keep combusting dying on the spot so all I can do is upgrade them more and hope for the best lmao
Either way, this game and I are stuck together now, and I'm going to TRY to make things work with no clue as to how exactly other than being patient and upgrading and hoarding materials, mind you because I'm NOT about to stop playing when I'm so interested to see what happens, when Satan is so lovable, when I'm going to miss the other demons, when this is really good stuff, when I'm excited to meet the other kings and characters, and when I'm most definitely not intrigued by Beelzebub or looking forward to his 'moment' with MC. He's just a teeny bit gorgeous, mysterious, entertaining and cute with a dash of pyscho, that's all
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So I passed the battle I've been stuck on and progressed quite a bit, only to get stuck on an even worse battle in which the angels don't die even after getting hit by Satan's attack heck yeah but man, Dantalian, Gusion, and Morax are so helpful, they saved my ass in every single one of the battles I passed today. I love you, my three musketeers lol
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So, a few days ago I pulled Stolas two times pretty useless so far, needs upgrading tho so let's be fair, plus I love his little crown, and got Valefor and the sunflower Barbatos (who is very helpful actually, and adorable with that rose coffin of his so it's a win-win) but only used Valefor and Stolas once, and Barbatos didn't live long but he did well. Good job, my sun-loving plant
Anyways, I poured my soul and promoted Satan's card twice and enhanced artifacts as well, so I finally beat those angels' feathered butts and passed :D
I'm going to see if I can beat a couple more battles, then focus on hoarding upgrade materials because I'm kinda broke right now lol bless Dark Sanctuaryyyy
Also, Gusion is hot
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I was just going through the in-game album. I'm offended and cannot believe that I didn't notice the dripping shiny detail to Zagan's tongue. Oh Lord. And the fact that it's ZAGAN? I'm dead and happy God bless
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emberwood-if · 2 years
emberwood update: 10-26-22
hello hello! I still don't know how to start these things but yeah. firstly, the reaction to the halloween special has been so nice! thank you so much! I fixed a few errors and updated the game, but I still have more to go (and will do so once I have time). Thank you so much for the compliments and all the reactions! My inbox has been backed up super bad so I wasn't able to respond to all the praises, but I saw them all <3 edit: also thank you so much for 1.1k followers! thats wild!
Now that the special is over, my focus is going to be on chapter two. I've had a few people ask me if I have plans to do more specials, and I do but the next special will most likely be a small, birthday special for a certain RO *wink wink*
I think holiday specials/scenario specials will be as intensive as the halloween one, but this one will probably be short and sweet, mostly because I want chapter two out.
I get so many asks about things that are all in chapter two and im just like ahhh, chapter two clears up so many things and it's when the narrative really starts to get moving, but it's also pretty thick with all the details and branching, which is why its taking me a while.
On top of that, I'm updating things on the gameplay side (like the stats and such) which means I have to make sure chapter one is good before I continue, so I'm basically working on all of them at the same time haha
To reiterate what it is I'm doing, I'm:
updating the stat system into a description-type stat system. example here:
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I've explained a few times why I'm doing it this way and I found I prefer it over the stat bars (which I hate with a fiery passion).
2. adding rivalry routes for Alex and Dani.
That means instead of going the normal romance route, you will be be in a rival route, where you can choose to encourage that rivalry or try to mend it. Both options will still be romancing the characters, but it's just the different flavors you prefer. (it'll also probably change the speed of the romance, yk yk)
3. adding a new power (electrokinesis).
Yeahhh, MC can now control electricity (and do some other stuff, fun)
4. polishing prose and such + the relationship and character screens.
5. adding more hidden stats for story purposes (it's...a lot)
6. Most likely adding a new "inventory" screen for story reasons, so I'll have to figure out the coding logistics for that.
7. I've also decided that there will be options the characters don't like, and you can get a hit in relationship/friendship stats. It just feels more realistic that way (also helps with the rivalry routes). So the relationship system will change. :)
Also, I'm aware there's a big bug in the prologue (some options do not trigger the conversation with Andrei). I'm aware and I get it a lot, I just haven't fixed it because my files got fucked up but that will be fixed come next update lol.
I still don't know what the rating of the game will be, but as of right now where I'm at in chapter two, it's still PG-13. I will make a formal post if it changes (it most likely will), but as of right now, we're in the clear!
And finally, I will soon be looking for volunteers for beta testing! I'm so bad at catching my own errors and stuff, so it's very much needed for me haha. I'll post a form when I'm a bit deeper into finishing Chapter Two.
There's prob a lot more that I'm missing but I'll mention them as I remember it haha.
Anyway, that's all. Once again, thank you for enjoying the halloween special and I'll be scouring the game to fix any errors I missed! I'm pretty behind on my asks and I have a lot but im slowly working through them!
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justagalwhowrites · 3 months
Bestie! They are setting each other up for so much heartache! Scratch that. The dates are still just a thought, and the heartache is already there even if they are trying to convince themselves they can look at the other date another person and fall in love with them. Damn! Probably, it has been there since high school, and they have just been distracted by their lives. They are so in denial! Their interactions between them and Sarah (That are so fun, sweet, cute, and so genuine to read.) had me thinking they were acting like an old married couple with a kid (Come on! How they share the bed and cuddle so easily is a big sign! Like in bold letters and neon lights!), and then, the lady at the shelter just assumed they were married! I’m not in the wrong here, lol! Rants aside, I’m so hooked on them and this sweet angst you’re writing. I love it! Their actions, both during their teenage years and now, feel so real, and what people do as much as it drives me crazy. It’s one of the things that make it so special.
I felt Brad (I’m siding with Joel on my opinion of him, so I’ll only call him that in support.) so damn slimy! Who gives their personal phone number to a student?! And the idea he had her picture! It’s so uggrrr! And Goldie was so vulnerable! It was a bad mix for her and a damn perfect one for him. Is it too soon to ask about the next one? Lol! I'm kidding. Thanks for the lovely chapter! Lots of love! I hope you had a great weekend!❤️❤️❤️
PS: Sarah getting her cat when she was only helping Goldie get hers was precious!
Ohhhh bestie, this fic is heartache: the story, I swear!
The LONGING. Like that's the theme here lol they're so in denial and are so busy seeking the safety of their friendship that they can't see what lies JUST beyond it, ready and waiting for them! But everyone else can see it, even strangers. I'm so glad their actions feel real! I swear I'm not TRYING to draw it out. They're both still so fragile about what their relationship is but they're also so codependent on it. I think both of them hurt for a long time because of the loss of it and now that it's back, losing it AGAIN would be so painful that they're doing everything they can to hold onto it.
And yeahhh FUCKING BRAD. He was such a dick, from the get go he was such a dick. He had her picture from her portfolio, recognized her brilliance and vulnerability and he wanted it all for himself. He knew he could manipulate her and he was right - for a while. But, eventually, Goldie was Goldie and she became too much for him to handle.
And AHHH Sarah and her cat! Joel is such a sucker for his baby girl, he'll give her whatever she wants, I love them so much.
Thank you for reading and your lovely ask, bestie!!! I'm so happy you're enjoying the ride!!
Love you!!!
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felikatze · 1 year
Base game Awakening is, on the surface, very black and white. But only on the surface and fandom has a VERY big problem with that, I find. I feel like there's implications historical Ylisse has done War Crimes and Emmeryn has to cope with knowing this and that her people probably still would War Crimes the Plegian people at the drop of a hat, regardless of cult association or not.
YEAH. both chrom and emmeryn bring up their father being Exalt McWarCrimes. the war found in the game is just War 2. When Gangrel talks shit about emmeryn just hiding away in ylisstol after ylisse ravaged plegia, he is still talking shit about her, but also voicing legitimate grievances. but when she retorts that she had to rebuild ylisse first, and just had neither time nor ressources to help plegia, that's also true.
everything that happens is just unrest left over from the previous war. it's questionable if the grimleal would've risen to that much power if political instability made religion a great rallying point for a broken country. plegia was the defending party in the previous war, and it's reasonable that a lot of people want retribution, and feel their crimes against ylisse are justified.
it mainly comes down to how the issues are dressed up. chrom questions himself and his purpose, yet the people he fights against are always without a doubt portrayed as villains. going back to gangrel, his behavior is so over the top ridiculous that it ruins the good points he makes. validar's motivation is also incredibly weak, and i don't think it would've taken much to prop it up. he could've aimed to revive grima to secure the political power of the grimleal, which took a big hit after the previous war decimated a lot of them. having an actual god to show, and being the person who revived that god, would net him a shitton of influence, not just in plegia, but the entire continent. grima could be a force of revenge for the plegians, finally striking back at ylisse.
but instead the villains are all just zany tropey bad guys. chrom can be as introspective as he wants about killing people, the only boss people actually feel bad for killing is still mustafa and nobody else. depth for some of the other bosses comes from henry's supports of all places. In his ricken support, he talks about how some of the bosses were actually his friends. That's interesting! How do Henry and Tharja feel abandoning their own countrymen? Both of them were part of Gangrel's forces!
This is just a huge FE problem in general. It's where story and gameplay clash. in order for there to be gameplay, there need to be people to fight, and that can't always be justified in the story. So very very often, between big story moments, there'll just be Random Brigands who LOOOOVE burning down villages for fun. fucking. binding blade does random brigands better through its own thief characters. hell, there's two recruitable brigands. through supports and story stuff, it's incredibly clear that the brigands exist because of war profiteers and lycia's rampant poverty, especially in its capital of ostia.
avenues for depth in awakening tend to fall flat, but the implications are still there. I'm particularly mad about Aversa's spotpass thing. Like yeahhh she didn't do any of this of her own volition she was just brainwashed :) fuck off man.
and before that, she's also just a cartoonishly evil puppet master. she wants to revive grima.. why exactly?
basically all chapter bosses besides VERY few of them are so unremarkable. they're just Random Bad Guy who you don't need to feel bad for killing. three houses attempted to do an all sides view, and it. hm. it sure tried. all around, the series is hesitant to ever let the player question if what they're doing is right. the player always needs to be the hero. that's why you have so many varieties of brainless zombies to slaughter en masse, generic bandits who Deserve To Die, and devoted soldiers who cannot be reasoned with.
though, tbh, the moments where you feel like shit for playing the map are the fucking best. ch23 of binding blade, you are so cool thematically. and like, everybody remembers mustafa! it works!
that was a long tirade. i think i've made my point. maybe.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
So the new Glass chapter. No time for a proper analysis so have my immediate thoughts:
Crime boys fight! I love your fights. They’re always set up so well. The first time crimeboys fight is when they are stuck in their little co-dependent bubble and know each other well enough to have serious ammunition to hurt. I am still obsessed with the way you allow characters to dig and get bloody down to the bones. (I also really love the words as knives and actually cutting open Wilbur’s mouth as he draws blood methapoheres.) I wish I’d known there would be a fight, I would have gotten popcorn. Several of these lines made me winch.
Also, Wilbur’s whole, I’m not a person vs. Tommy caring about him and seeing how much it’s hurting him is very on point this chapter. Same with the co-dependency. Wilbur has spent very little time apart from Tommy. This shows especially in the entire market scene. On both sides btw. Wilbur is very overwhelmed and Tommy helps clam him down just by being there and holding his hand. Wilbur gets more stressed when Tommy is gone.
Also, Tommy’s idea to go out is very stupid, but his plan to prove that Wilbur wants to stay is even dumber and putting them both through so much stress. Like Tommy was very sure of himself, but as he actually left Wilbur alone the anxiety probably kicked on cuz of Wilhur had left, Tommy would be in some much trouble and Wilbur would end up back in his cage. Also, Foolish noticed (and recognised?) Wilbur and might be able to get that info back to Eret. The question is what happens then. Also it was way to risky either way. Also, Charlie finally getting a tooth as bribery.
I’m ignoring a lot for now, but I do want to talk a bit about Tubbo cuz I totally forget Wilbur didn’t clock him as hard-hearing and it made me laugh. Also, Tubbo hops on the bandwagon of “doesn’t fully understand or trust Wilbur, but knows he will keep Tommy safe and is grateful for that’. Also, I like him forgetting his clothes, it makes him feel more human despite the fact that we’ve mostly seen the worst of him.
One more detail, after the fight, Wilbur takes off his blindfold and the narration reverts to just pronouns again. He goes back to being nothing. And that, with the context that he just screams that he’s empty at the top of his lungs, hurts so, so, so much. This chapter really came for our throats, damn. I just remembered Wilbur there’s also the Wilbur (not) deserving better comment. Bee, what are you doing to this poor man.
Actual last comment for tonight: We get vicious Wilbur again! Yeay! I missed him! He’s fun when he’s got bite!
YEAHHH the fight was so wild to write because, um, well here's a fun fact about the chapter.
the fight wasn't planned literally at ALL. there wasn't supposed to be a fight in this chapter! it just happened!
literally wilbur and tommy were supposed to just talk about going to the night market and that was it. no arguing. no disagreements even. but the dialogue just ran away from me and next thing I knew they were in the middle of a very intense argument and I was like "well okay I guess we're going with this now" and i had to sit back and rethink my entire chapter plan to see if i could still do it because it was a huge tone shift from what I originally had in store. tbh though it works so much better this way and I'm so glad you enjoyed reading the fight. I love writing fights. it's a constant balancing act of "how far can these two characters push each other before things move past the point of no return?"
oh yeah they're so codependent at this point. wilbur was overwhelmed in general from the night market because he literally hasn't been in public spaces like that for basically a decade at this point. like yes the palace held balls, but those weren't super frequent, and that was just about the only time he was around more than a handful of people at any given moment. so he was going to be anxious no matter what, but the separation from tommy really got to him.
and also yes the second tommy left wilbur to go get the food he was like "what the fuck did I do what did I do I'm so goddamn stupid fuck shit-" because he was terrified wilbur was really going to leave. he'd been acting confident, but their argument shook him way more than he let on. so yeah it was really stupid of him, but it worked!
the funny thing about wilbur is that he's so absorbed in his own problems half the time he won't notice the most obvious shit like tubbo being hoh. tbf both times he witnessed people signing at tubbo or tubbo signing at others he was stressed out about various other things, but still dude c'mon.
the reason I included tubbo forgetting his clothes was bc i realized i had already described him folding his arms over his chest and stuff which he wouldn't have been able to do with clothes in his arms, but I didn't want to go back and rewrite wilbur initially seeing him to say he had clothes in his arms either. plus, I needed something he could say as he left, so I just ended up throwing in the line about him forgetting his clothes bc I thought it was funny lol
:) I have a great time deciding when to just use pronouns for wilbur vs when to call him the pythia. it's something I'm always aware of when I'm writing this fic and it's so fun to play around with. poor guy :)
YES VICIOUS WILBUR I loved writing him being a dick again I've also missed him
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neutrallyobsessed · 1 year
òwô what's this?? some info dumping bout my ttte stand user au?
....or stand au, cause the humanized versions are the stands but that's besides the point buT YEAHHH not everything is complete, but that's the fun about it, i just want you to read some of my thought process and maybe you can help me fill some blanks x3
General Info About The Stands:
The locomotives and other vehicles are alive! i don't know why (yet?), so moving on. All of them can manifest a human form called Stand, they are shaped like that because engines always think on what could be the most useful. Engines and Stands co-exist so we can have double the blorbos! Two of Them™ :D! They work togheter and are either a good moral compass that helps their desicion making for what would be best or enablers agents of chaos, it depends of the mood, circumstances, if they've been bothered by another engine, etc.
Stands may look human but they're definitely not humans. The grey skin is the first giveaway; then there's the fact that they can hover, basically float like a couple of cms off the air and be (almost) as fast (also strong) as their locomotive counterparts so they can follow them as they steam along the railway~. Tho they usually just sit on the boiler, another thing a human couldn't do, plus they control their tangibility at will, so waist-down can be tangible to sit on top of the train while leaving the rest of the body untangible thus unnaffected by the wind caused by the high speeds.
I'm not thinking too deeply about their digestive systems but they can eat pretty much everything... as long as it can be easily destroyed by fire. So apart from being able to consume their fuel by mouth they can enjoy "human food" if they so desire. Among... other things.
I haven't decided on distance ranges but they do differ depending on the type of ability or lack thereof
「STAND NAME」: Ride The Blue Limbo
Ability: Shadow Travelling. He can enter a shadow and come out of a different one. He's invisible and bidimensional during the travelling but one can see the movement around, like if he is going through a path with rocks you'd see the rocks moving, just not who is moving them.
He doesn't have an ability besides the human form, but some people say that its a lack of aging. Will expand on the character sheet coming this millenium A
「STAND NAME」: Niwashi King
Ability: Botanokinesis. Can creat and manipulate fertile soil and the plants that can grow out of it, including concrete. The speed on which the grow depends on the final size (ie. grass grows in an instant but a tree could only spark a small branch look in a minute).
Ability: Fast Travelling. It kinda looks like teleportation, with the way he stands in one place and then he is 100mts away but it is just running/hovering really fast 'cause it can be caught on camera.
Ability: Red Glitter. He can produce glitter out of his hands which not only makes him sparkle and look even more dashing as he goes by but also can be a great distraction weapon. Imagine getting that shit in your eyes. Terrible! It dissapears after 30 mins.
「STAND NAME」: Fly Away
Ability: Flying. xd.
「STAND NAME」: Caramell (yes THAT Caramell xd)
Ability: Much like a cat, he can fit his body in very small things, as long as his head fits. Very flexible the old champ
「STAND MASTER」: Donald/Douglas
「STAND NAME」: [name of vinyl record] Side A/B
Ability: Foresight/Hindsight. Whoever is the funni one has the foresight of 10 seconds, so it's usually used like this. The sane one has the hindsight ability which is mostly him saying "you shouldn't have done that" ............ i don't know which is which i am a dissapointment to this fandom i'll try to do better ówò
「STAND NAME」: Mr. Worldwide
Ability: Multilanguage understanding. Another fact of locomotives and stands is that since they don't have ears, spoken communication is done by feeling vibrations and lip-reading. So Oliver's ability consists in being able to understand the lip movements and vibrations of all other languages
「STAND NAME」: Plastic Beach
Ability: Circular Saws she can summon at will replacing her hands or feet. They have a radius of her forearms.
Ability: Creating chairs (one at a time) or any sitting furniture she can lift. They can be used for anything she wants, but they are usually used as throwing weapons
aaaand that's all i have for the moment. like,, i do have some other design for other characters but when it comes to their abilties, that's about it, anyways thanks for reading and i'll be listening to your song recs (and they better be good because i am extremely picky and super annoying about music, i love and hate everything at the same time, you could say im a neutral extremist :v)
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sillysadduck · 1 year
To the most recent post:If you get another hate comment or smth, don't react. They wantt you to strike first, they want you to look like the bad guy. Not paying attention to them will drive them crazy. I let someone on yt get to me (they threatened me with my REAL IP address being leaked) just because they traced me and I asked them to credit me, or take it down. I removed all my videos from yt and haven't posted anything there since. They still have a successful channel running even though they've done this to multiple ppl and been reported by multiple ppl. But they were younger than me and others so everyone took their side. Little bastard was a mastermind at age 9. That's why I'm on Tumblr now. (This was when I was in the WOF Fandom.)
YEAHHH I try that on Tiktok, they get extremely upset and say "YOU IGNORE ME YOU DELETE MY COMMENTS" but like what do they want me to say lets be fr
I just fight back if its on here OR AT LEAST I complain to my followers because I can't take people throwing shade thinking they're subtle when they're being super obvious. Also I feel you on people stealing art... It's not fun.
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wally-franks · 1 year
hiii hi im here with my liddol hcs for u... looks up at u with my big sad wet eyes. this is my silly little au ,,, i love urs tho n would love to hear the angst bcos. theres so much angst i left out too fjrjfhie
ok so WALLY- little guy but absolutely not stupid. like he knows whats going on BUT hes just. a little silly sometimes. low braincells but can piece stuff together and is careful. carries a knife with him. does not want to get into trouble (excluding pranks ofc. loves them) uh. 147cm, transmasc, and pan. his hat is very important. i actually just finished making his hat but thats a different thing fhjrjf
talks a LOT and has a gossip group with norman n susie. but its all in good fun. n u know thomas is him boyfriend. they pretend to be Mortal Enemies but at home they r so so soft... they must put up a front at work because they are scared of how they'll look in front of other ppl. if only they knew that probably like 2 ppl total in jds were cishet fbjrj,, he has that audhd and his silly little catchphrase is everything ok.
thomas- too tall bites him. i mean. ahem. 183cm and bisexual. very closed off from people but will not hesitate to confront people. very touchy about the machine cos its his "best creation" or whatever. ok stupid college boy but go off ig. (i love him sm)
basically just there to get work done. he acts smart, looks smart, but hes "stupid"... not in the way of logically stupid, he is just very silly sometimes. also he smokes. i mean have u HEARD his voice (affectionate) he has 5 older brothers n his family is very sweet i think. gnaws on the thomas plush part twenty million
and finally SAMMY- very very stressed so he yells a lot BUT he does a softer side in private. he just needs to front as mean and irritating with everyone to keep his image up :(( grr squishes him very hard. transmasc and gay bc. he just is. does not like joey but then again in my au nobody really does but thats ok<3 back to sammy the babygirl. he is 168cm and his "partner" is jack... but we all know... the silly... also probably helped johnny learn the organ/piano. because it needs to happen
if u want 2 know more or have any questions my dms are open >:3c sorry for th ramble!!! fjrjeh
Hii!!  I'm so sorry this took so long to get toooooo. I had to inhale this text for a bit and let it sog into my brain xD I always need a bit to take in muchhhhooss information (nothing bad btw just me being me hehe)
AND YEAHHH.. I should maybe talk more about angst. But at the same time I'm like. Naurrrr... Naurrrr... I really live by "there's always so much negativity and sadness in this world, no need to add more to it" SO I ALWAYS HESITATE SHARING ANGST AND SAD THINGS!! CUZ I'M LIKE!!  WHY BE SAD IF I CAN HAVE FUN STUFF WITH STUFF THAT MAKES ME HAPPY </3 + most of it is just killing and torture anyway and euhm. Those tend to trigger ehm negative stuffs in me anyway :') Mostly just hallucinations and shit thoughts but!! You know, when there's a good time to share some of that stuff, I will!! :3 or maybe I share more about my toon Alice. She's a bit more tame about with that stuff. Anyhow. This is about YOU and not me. Soooo I'll go now through your stuff >:)
Wally being like that is true, that really fits to him!! He's just a silly that takes his his time to piece stuff together and that is okay :3
And OMG, mine also carries a knife around :D I just think it makes so much sense for hi to do so.... He's encountered moving ink puddles before, might just aswell carry a knife til. I feel like it also makes more sense after we saw his hat and a knife at artists rests (+ the April fools video hehe). Also, him being transmasc and pan is so funny because my old version of wally used to be exactly that aswell!!  :D I changed that though, but again something very fitting for him. I loev your wally. He's so silly. AND SMALL!!!???  like damn OMG I didn't expect him to be that tiny. I could just launch him /lh
(Wally being a little gossip girly pop is so funny and real HAHAHA )
Thomas's and Wally,s relationship being like that is exactly how I envisioned it xD I love that for them so much.
And.. DAMN!! IM ALMOST AS TALL AS THOMAS BOY!! I thought yours would have been MUCH taller. Guess I was wrong. That's so interesting.
Also yeah... He definitely smokes. He smokes so damn much, probably several packs a day LMFOA. It's not to miss with a voice like that xD. You'd have to be insane to not think that.
SAMMY BOY!!! SAMMY BOY!! I've been so keen on hearing about him!!!!! Wa'hh!!  We love publicly intimidating and soft at home Sammy I love that so so so so so much waghahahhhh!! And he's also way smaller than I thought,!! Another suprise here :D but nothing bad. Just me being like woah??  In taller than him. ALSO, HIM AND JACK BEING A THING?? YAY!! I LOVE SAMMY AND JACK TOGEZHER WJAJAJAJ AND OHOHOHH JOHNNY MOMENT. JOHNNY MENTIONED *POINTSSS*
AND YEAH I'LL LET YOU KNOW IF I WANNA KNOW MORE. AND DON'T BE SORRY I LOVED THIS SO MUCH.. ERMMMM. IF YOU EVER WANNA TALK MORE ABOUT YOUR JOHNNY *twirls hair* I'd love to know what he's up to in your AU. Where he's mostly at!! Mine is first at the music department but then gets moved down to lacie and Bertrum, so I'd love to know where yours at!! And his personality too. That's the thing that interests me the most!!! Giving a character who has no info at all jngame a personality is always so cool and interesting to see :D everyone has like their own way of seeing and imagining characters.. I'd die to know how yours is!!!!
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
I would love to be your friend, fellow redhead. ♡
And yes, I can confirm the anaesthesia thing. I once had to get a root canal treatment at the dentist and they had to anaesthetise me so much half of my face was paralysed for most of the day, and it still hurt so bad.
I actually love my red hair and freckles, it's the one thing I have always liked about my appearance. I don't like the sunburn, poor skin/eczema, and allergies that come with it however, those I could do without.
This might be a bit confronting, but as someone with a psychology degree, what would you advise yourself, regarding the anxiety. What if you wrote yourself a letter, and then read it with the mindset of a professional psychologist, as if it is not about yourself (side note: maybe I should do this myself, except for the professional psychologist part, as I have neither experience nor knowledge about that).
What does R's development entail? Are they becoming more self assured, or self aware in what they need in a relationship? Instead of crossing paths, contact could of course also be initiated by either one of them, but then there would obviously have to be a reason for said contact. I feel like I'm just throwing vague suggestions at you at this point, so I don't know if this is worth anything to you.
Have a nice day/night (depending on when you're reading this), my wonderful pineapple friend.
-Chaotic Anon
if i had a pound for every time a fellow redhead contacted my blog because they too are a redhead, i would have two pounds... and i lowkey love that.
yeahhhhh i was kept awake for two procedures where i had teeth taken out (healthy teeth, just my mouth was too small for all of them sksks) before i had braces, i luckily didn't feel anything minus a pain in my eye but i got hit in the face earlier in the day at school because people are delightful, but i was in so much achy pain after i just tried sleeping at like 7pm bleh.
ohh the genetics that come with red hair, the ability to turn into a tomato under a smidge of sunlight, then go back to being yoghurt ghostly pale... my freckles aren't as prominent as they were in my childhood i think, they're quite tiny too but yeahhh, freckles are fun.
honestly i have no idea, i have all these concepts and this understanding in my head, it's just the physical symptoms, breathing exercises don't do much, and i can't plunge my face into ice water every time i'm anxious, even if it's calming, it's freezing cold.
i'll post part 2 tonight so whenever you see it if you want to read it, you'll see some of the development R goes through post-break-up and leaving Barcelona... it just feels like there are limited reasons for R and the ex being in the same country as each other, let alone same room. But I think R's abandoned the idea of love, too overwhelmed by the attention they get after the events in part 3, especially since R barely got any attention pre-part 1, in both romantic relationship and from the public... but R can see that they are finally getting what they deserve, R deserved more and deserved better than where they were at in part 1... yeah:)
thank you, i hope you're having a nice time on this existential plain too, whatever time it is for you... now i lowkey want some pineapple...
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missamyrisa2 · 2 years
This may seem like a simple ask but how would you tickle tease a guy starting from head to toe?
Sometimes the simplest asks are the very best ~<3 because I love to tease a guy from end to end ~ we can call that the full package works from Miss Amy ~<333 We start with a gentle gaze from above, a little tracing massaging on your scalp, with my fingers digging in and playing about ~ Scratchies down your temples, loving touches but I'm really after your ears ~ does it tickle when my fingertips trace the rim and lobe? Maybe when I gently stroke and dip my nails in slightly~ How cute. Most people don't think of a face as being ticklish y'know, but I find that palming the cheeks ever so lightly as I watch your eyes and coo at you to be most effective. You can let out those giggles you know. I'm gonna find them. Oh yes, because we're at your neck now. And I'm going to plant little kisses there. One under each side of your jaw, then in a line. Little teasy light purpley kisses as my fingers play at your shoulders. Muah muah. Don't get too fuzzy now, because I'm laying you back so I can lift your arms. Keep them up cutie. Don't move or I'm gonna tickle you more ~ Hmmm little fuzzies in those underarms. How sweet and adorable. Do you have armpitty hairs alll around here? Let's see. That outer edge is mighty sensitive. Are you ticklish there? I wanna dig now, let's diiig in and find those laughs. Hold still now, keep those arms up baby ~
Maybe a vigorous nipple tickle will get you back to the goody feelings. Rubby rubby now. Little circles on your cute buttons. Are these giggle buttons? Yeah? They make you giggle? Well I gotta push them then. Oh yes, gonna push these buttons and also get a taste of these ribbies. Muuuuah. Why I do believe that was a nibbly on your ribby. How delightful. Your belly is bouncing and twitching so badly. It wants some tickly love too huh? Yeahhh. Hold on cuteness, this is gonna tiiiickle. We're spidering that tum and probing that navel and there's nothing you can do about it. Oh my, keep those arms back and legs down sweetheart or I'll really give you something to laugh about. And now we tickle the sides. A nice vigorous brisk tickle to get all those squeaky sounds out. Yep, gotta make sure we get them allll outtta you. I hope you don't mind, I'm doing a back to basics program here today at Amy's spa. Just good old fashioned tickles by hand lips. Ooh, and also hair. Yessir just my natural tickle tools. You like my braids? Let's see how they work on your thighs. Oh yes, brushy brushy. Look at you blussssh. It's because I'm tickling right by that royal area huh? Oh yeah I noticed. I want to see how hard and helpless you'll get from tickles, and then maybe I'll do something about that royal part who just wants to join the tickle show.
But as punishment for being such a naughty boy I'm gonna squeeze those knees. Well not the knees. Everyone always says knees but what we really mean is that utterly clamp-able spot just above. It's like a bridgework of tickles. Mmmhm gotta massage these legs reallll good. That's the Amy leggy special. Ooh yeah, kick those legs baby, wiggle those toes. You're really feeling it. Tickle, tickle, tickle! You can't get away. I'll just squeeze your legs if you try and then you'll fall and I'll tickle you all over again. So just sit back relax and let Amy tickle those toes. This is where the braids really help cutie pie. See I take them like so, and we thread betweeen each toe. Hair between the toes. You feel that? Feelin' it? Yeah? Nice and tight softness in those crevices, all ticklish and sweet. And then I take the ends and we tickle your soles. Oooh isn't that fun? You wiggle and it makes the tickles jitter in your toes. Aren't braids so fun? Don't you just love my tickly tickly hair? Keep still or I'm gonna ooop you popped out the braids silly! Well now we're gonna have to nibble those toes. And I think my tongue is gonna go exploring in the crook underneath. What, you don't like your toes being pampered so? Maybe you do. I see what's going on up there!
Now I said head to toe but it's really head to toe to head, because I see an adorably aroused prince part and a very ticklish head. So we're just going to hold you here at your base, and I think you need to pay attention so I'm gonna squeeze like this. Yeah, you're not going anywhere tickle boy. No escape for you now. And now the tip of my braid. Oooh it's so soft baby, you know how it felt on your toes and soles. Well, get a load of thissss. Why yes that is my braid tip softly kissing the underside of your head. Ahh tickle boy look at you squirm and quiver. Does it tickle sooo bad? Is it just so unbearably ticklish and sensitive and arousing? You don't know what to do huh? You want me to continue but it means more teasing and you want it to end but that means you won't get any more loves. What to do huh? You want me to stop? Yeah? No? Yeah? Tickle tickle? Oooh are you gonna? You're gonna make some fireworks for me baby? I bet you will if I kiss you right here. Yes, soft purple lips riight on that deathly sensitive spot while my hair goes brushy brushy brushy up and down the length. My, my what a ticklish lil glutton. You want all those tickles mm? Go ahead, let it all go, I'll tickle you all the way through and ~~ there we go, look at you making all those creamy giggle fireworks for me, what a good boy. And guess what? We're not stopping~ I'm gonna tease that head with my fingers ever so lightly through every aftershock and I'm gonna keep pinching those thighs and poking your bellybutton until you're a complete wreck.
And then we're flipping over, yep c'mon. I'm gonna keep poking your sides and tickling your soles until you do. What an adorable peach. Let's see. I'm gonna trace those curves and dig at the small of your back now. You know your outer thighs back here are loaded with tickle spots, I've seen it on some people. I bet you're soo sensitive now too. Tickle tickle cutie butt, you can bounce and struggle all you like. I'm gonna sit here and just tease up and down your backside and there's nothing you can do about it because you love your tickles and you'll take every one I give you~<3 and once I get you all worked up again we'll go for round two!
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seelestia · 2 years
that's what i get for always spending time with him i guess lmao and yes ofc you're v v welcome to invade my inbox anytime you so wish <3
the two hu taos running around is sure to turn anyone's hair grey lol i can't for the life of me imagine the shenanigans you're both up to when put together /j
ah the social status gap ;;;; THAT'S 3 TROPES IN ONE HLDJSFLKSJDL OH MY LORD i can already taste the bitter angst at the tip of my tongue....
I THINK SO lol black + blue palette on ayato... and with all the signature fatui accessories... gosh. i really can't. any artists seeing this, if you ever want to draw it please tag me 🙏🏻 yeah no the moment he starts liking your presence you're locked in for life sis i am so sorry- /j
that's so fast sldkjfsldf i'm still on part 2 atm and i probably won't continue anytime soon cause of vacation plans sobsob
the rng gods blessed you with that one lollll nahh i am hopeless at building characters i tell you. i have no idea what i'm doing 80% of the time 🤣 i'm just here for the lore and music/voice and zhongli ✨
literally us:
Tumblr media
"a child holding a bomb is two terrible signs manifested into one." i am dead, deceased, wheezing, tearing up with laughter-
oh al haitham is coming home whether he wants it or not 😈 i think i might skip 3.1 banners entirely in favor of saving up... the remelting tablet has got me hooked on ayato's playstyle so i'm eyeing for when he reruns too. probably not gonna be soon but still... also i want scara when he comes out solely bc his jp va lmao (and on that note, maybe childe hmmm)
definitely, more chars >>>>>>> constellations!!! yeah that's actually a good thinking hahah being on guaranteed is fun but also stressful sometimes.... my brother is at 60 pity rn and he actually wanted dori but he doesn't dare to pull bc he doesn't like ganyu or kokomi's playstyle lol rip
oooo strawberry and passionfruit tea, those sounds gooooood <3
i imagine zhongli very much approves of our tea addiction lol
atp, you should put copying zhongli's speech to a tee as your hidden talent 😭 i guess, this is what happens when you write for him sm, huh?? + all that listening to his voicelines, uh-huhhh 👀 i cannot blame you for that will also be me when i get ayato 🚶 (the day i start using, "ah, yes. naturally." like him is the day you'd know i've gone off of the deep end /j)
i may make your hair grey, but you will love me either way, right??? *innocently bats eyelashes* (/lh) hu tao and lia in one room would fr be the most effective aging process because i'd honestly laugh at her jokes and then add on to them 😭 also, i vividly recall that one time when zhongli did his osmanthus wine idle and i just absentmindedly responded, "i think your friends are six feet under tho". THE SILENCE AFTERWARDS WAS SO LOUD. idk how i can be both chaotic and chill at the same time (is this where my venti side comes out /j)
a love triangle with ayato and thoma is such a concept 🙏 but with a more realistic twist to it and with that, comes the harsh realization that reality brings. after all, a fairytale-like love is pleasant to indulge in; an escape, an almost surreal-like lantern of hope but you can't keep your head buried in books forever, can you? reality where capitalism reigns (/j) will always call, whether you wish to turn a blind eye to it or not. MMM, REALITY, THE ENEMY OF DAYDREAMERS *hiss* 🤺 (/lh)
fatui!ayato, what an enigma (don't lock me up, please. at least, let rin jie visit me because she'll help bail me out /j) 👀 yeahhh, you can't escape him if he's locked onto you <//3 which makes me think about how he'd be as your ex... i feel like ayato would be that smiling yet salty on the inside + passive aggressive ex. LOLLL he would 100% sneakily trip your new partner in public and extend an oh-so gracious and concerned helping hand to them (wowww, talk about sneaky).
rin jie, the only thing keeping me going with the quests is the aranara's <//3 i just divided the quests neatly, so i followed the process of completing at least one or two quests per day — THIS WAS EXACTLY HOW I DID MY STUDYING AND I GOT WAR FLASHBACKS FROM MY LAST EXAMS 😭 i love it when i apply my studying technique to long genshin quests, hehehe 🥸🏃 (/s)
who cares about meta because even at ar 50+, we're just cruising thru 🏂 does your brother beg to differ with his op builds??? we shall abandon him. (/j) i still remember when you told me he started building diluc after the new skin was released LOLLL and speaking of !! have you read up on enkanomiya's lore yet??? because remember my boy, caelin?? i think i might post his profile soon 👀 but absolutely dw if you haven't, the lore related to enkanomiya is only in the trivia section at the very end~
YEAHHHH, the way we are saving for both al-haitham and ayato 🤝 no because i was so happy when i saw ayato in the fayz trials + remelting tablet event 😭 the way he does his normal attacks, hello??? it was enjoyable being an ayato main even for a few minutes, i'm getting a taste of my future <//3 but let's wish scara and al-haitham won't be on the same banner because that shall be your true test + you're softening up to childe, it aeems??? 👀
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yandere-daze · 2 years
i enjoyed your thoughts on the other enstars unit yandere sharing potential so much omf. it is so true. i find it hard to put a finger on wataru's personality but i feel like he could be an intense yandere if he did find someone he liked a lot. yandere fine could be very scary. as for yuzuru, wataru did say that he had a hidden side to him and maybe cleaning is his way of gaining some control. so i think yandere yuzuru could be fun to see. i also really can't see trickstar or switch sharing lmaooo, probably can only see natsume having yandere potential. as for crazy:b, rinne could be a problematic one, but i haven't seen yandere himeru before, now i am a little curious though! i love your writings i have been here since the start :”-) happy to see you are back to your requests, take a break whenever you need to ^^
Man, immediate feedback like this so nice, not gonna lie sjsjs I'm glad you enjoyed it and even stuck around for so long 🥺💕
Yeaaahh Wataru is difficult because he himself tries to put on an act ( I think he said something that amounts to that in Detectives vs phantom Thieves) and like!! That's so interesting and makes me like you as a character but bby please how am I supposed to characterize you? 😭 It's difficult but I feel like with his grand personality and also acting talent he could make for a very formidable yandere!
Oooh Yuzuru having a dark side😳 I haven't read too many stories with fine but I'm not too surprised honestly. I always thought that there was no way that he was just a good, obedient butler to Tori and nothing else. I always thought there was something hiding behind that face djdjd
I feel like in a yandere fine scenario Yuzuru might be the one actually *doing* all the dirty work. Liek Tori and Eichi pull the strings and influence others with their words or money to do what they want but then Yuzuru would be the person to *do* that stuff. He's fought in a war before, surely he could get rid of a measely pest bothering you? Of course he's very good at cleanup too!
Yeahhh Natsume is probably the one with the most yandere potential among that group, I feel like Trickstar and Sora in particular are so difficult to imagine as yanderes. Might be interesting to try and find a trait of them to twist into that mindset once I've read more of their stories? Someone you never thought to be a yandere could be interesting to write and read about imo. Maybe something to keep in mind
Rinne is the problem child as always, what can I say? Lmao
He's way smarter than he lets on though so I feel darling might underestimate him because of how he usually acts and that might not end well for them😔
I don't think I've seen yandere HiMERU either? Probably because he's also a kind of mysterious character and hard to pin down? I also heard there were some certain *developments* in an event recently that basically shook up what everyone thought they knew about him so that makes me even more scared to try and make yandere headcanons for him sjdhdh
Man how do I keep rambling like this sjsj it's fun though!!
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sunchaserwings · 6 months
Guess I am liveblogging watching the BBC Sherlock. I can't help myself apparently. Starts after the cut, (I finally figured out how those work!)
Mild spoilers ahead!!!!!
Okay so I just started episode 2. First things first, girl, you could just tell him "No" instead of being all cryptic like "You wouldn't like me" and "I can't. Please stop asking" when he's asking you on a date.
Is... is that a katana being wielded by that person??? It doesn't even look well-cared for?
Roommate: "I can see Herlock trying to hide he's been attacked like that." Yeah, probably. He'd kick a katana underneath his chair. Unfortunately, his "Watson" would notice.
Okay I hate that people keep calling Sherlock a freak and every time I expect Watson to deck a guy. Come on, defend your colleague if you're not willing to call him your friend. Also, seeing this episode when I work as a security guard is kind of killing me. I... this security setup is not that good at all, even back in 2010 and this is supposed to be an expensive ass bank??? Yeahhh, kinda doesn't do it for me. That should be live video footage, not a single frame every minute. Also don't keep access to the door entry logs behind the reception counter.
Part of the only way I'm getting through this is by noting what behaviors of Sherlock match those of Herlock Sholmes from The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and which are more faithful to the original source material as well. Do I need to start keeping a running counter of "Herlock Sholmes would totally do this"? Because if so, we're at three in this episode alone.
Sir??? The medical examiner should be the only one removing evidence from the interior of the body??? Sherlock please, forensics student here is dying. Also detail I noticed, no powder burn on the wound. Either the makeup team was lazy or this is plot important.
Watson is still my favorite character. He also mentioned stuff about traders and stuff which is accurate to the books. And ohhh, Sherlock is pissed. Shaky cam in this feels a bit excessive-- oh you look like Kane Bullard. Yeah you're dead. Does every journalist leave library books on their flat stairs or...?
Modern code-breaking methods won't unravel what? Poor Watson getting held up for vandalizing a public building because he didn't run fast enough. Feels like Herlock and Ryūnosuke lol.
Oh come on, this guy seems sweet. Don't blame him for his crush resigning. Unless he's the killer of course... oh there's a lady taking pictures of Watson? That's worrying. WAIT IS THE DETECTIVE INSPECTOR JUST HANDING OVER EVIDENCE TO A RANDOM CIVILIAN??? CHAIN OF EVIDENCE, I HARDLY KNOW HER!
Watson actually helping Sherlock with his deductions by pointing out something the detective didn't notice and in an almost book-accurate way.
Is Watson about to be poisoned I s2g this man needs a break. It's only the second episode. Oh adding another to the "Sherlock doing a Herlock move" counter. Yippee... also this episode is starting to feel kind of racist. Actually more than that.
Sherlock please go let Watson in-- never mind you uh.... fell for a trap. I don't like how independent this Sherlock is when he's got John right there. Why doesn't the doctor realize that Sherlock was choked and strangled half to unconsciousness??? Unrealistic af.
Kinda like this graffiti artist dude. Hope he comes back. He probably won't. WAIT WHY ARE YOU SPLITTING THE PARTY??? GODDAMMIT YOU TWO! WATSON YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS!
John shouldn't be staring at the ground like that. He should be scanning side to side and up and down constantly. At least he was smart enough to take a photo of the damn thingimajig. John is so relatable on the matter of sleep, at least.
This woman is so dedicated to her work of restoring these ancient relics that she keeps breaking into the museum to care for and restore them. Also I just learned where the Morag Tong from the Elder Scrolls get their name from. Makes sense now. Buuuuut this also feels really awkward and weird and not in the fun way.
I think we all know Watson has the real brain cell here-- wait no he just left the target alone to go help Sherlock never mind. I think she's going to die. She deserved better. Welp, this is gonna haunt John.
Scotland Yard being incompetent, check. Sherlock being an uneccesary ass to Molly, check. Why is he written like this I hate it. WAIT THOSE TATTOOS WOULD HAVE BEEN NOTED ON THE AUTOPSY REPORT WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WRITING???? MY FORENSICS STUDENT ASS IS GOING HAYWIRE
Quest search using internet explorer. Gods this is old. No wonder last episode that "MePhone" app took so long to load. Watson update your browser to Firefox. Also Mrs. Hudson appearance! We don't know much about her in the original books but BBC her seems to be somewhat faithful adaptation wise, however Sherlock's behavior towards her is not. Oh and adding another to the Herlock Sholmes counter.
John passed out from exhaustion didn't he. Not a good look when you're just starting out-- oh at least you apologized for it-- he's flirting. Okay John you go and get yourself a girlfriend. Hope this relationship lasts (it probably won't). Looks like Sherlock is interfering with the date... goddammit. Oh fuck the second hand embarrassment is killing me.
The yellow filter is ass. Stop this. Also is that a goddamn crossbow. It is. Sarah is also... a character. I guess. Very dull and uninteresting, clearly only there for John's character arc. Is this how most — if not all — of the women are going to be?
John you're in a room with a killer that has seen your face. There is no way this ends well. Also expecting Sherlock to get a gun to his head or something. Never mind he almost gets a sword to the face. WATSON YOU'RE A BETTER FIGHTER THAN THIS-- Oh Sarah is a badass. Okay, I guess she has a bit of a character.
Sherlock you need to eat. Also please stop being an ass to Sarah she's trying to help-- in fact she's actually helping!!!
Nice callback to the first episode, Sherlock knows German! Also this is canon to the books! He knows a ton of European languages as does Watson! Although Watson's Italian is canonically worse than Holmes'.
Thats not Holmes knocking at the door. Aaaand Watson is down. Watson abducted? Is Sarah a double agent? Sherlock is going to go apeshit. Never mind Sarah isn't. This relationship isn't going to last-- creepy camera lady just called Watson "Holmes". Oh yeah, this relationship is not continuing. Sorry John.
Sherlock Holmes to the rescue! Kinda acting like Batman but this is also accurate to the books! Really nice touch to show off his ability to confound his enemies in combat. Also add one to three "John has killed a man to protect Sherlock" counter.
"Don't worry. Next date won't be like this." IF THERE IS A NEXT DATE???? WHAT????
Accidentally posted early at this point but I'm just editing the post.
PA Lady has the hairpin. Oh my God, she has the hairpin. It's over a thousand years old.
Oh look someone just left a cipher mark outside. Is this a goddamn Moriarty thing? Are they only here because of Moriarty? I need to make a separate rant about Moriarty at some point because the entirety of the Sherlock Holmes fandom just latched onto him when CHARLES MILVERTON WAS ALSO RIGHT THERE
Anyhow that's episode 2 done. Feels really kinda racist, John gets to do more but also is kinda not smart sometimes, and Sherlock is an ass. Oh and Moriarty cameo. Yippee... see y'all for episode 3 later. Sun signing off
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
okay, it's not. take care of yourself 😔 agsjakak yeahhh but we can still talk after you take said own time. look at you, getting good at guessing the time. so bossy...🙄 lmao okay, that was the last time- I think. the clarification is: the jury likes me too much to convict me or something like that, there is literally no way to clarify more than that. that said, I'm not going to take advantage of the jury's kindness.
doesn't count!! There's no way it counts as an unfinished sentence if it means I was literally speechless 😭 stop it kwhskskwkdks I won't admit anything. I'm fine.
can I tell you maybe another time? maybe another day? or maybe in another life? this is like... a secret 🤫 I mean, yes?? I thought unfinished sentences were unfinished but they conveyed the right message- learning a new language by listening to music is so good, and definitely more enjoyable tho. I thought I could handle this “little star” thing but I really can’t, jesuswjskak also, yes, maybe? maybe, just maybe I can think of something for you. yup, pain can definitely show that we are alive, but we must be careful not to seek it just for the sake of feeling something (totally a warning for Isabella Swan and that obsession with putting herself in danger just to see Edward's ghost)
I just wanted to say that it's funny, not that I find your pain funny ksjskskak okay, I don't know how to explain it, you can send me to jail now. WAIT A MINUTE HDHSJAKA “beebo” is a reference to that toy that became the god of war in legends of tomorrow??? but the cat's side is where I really belong.
I'm almost sure that the warnings say “smut with plot” or something like that kshsjskskk if there is, that explains it. yes, you can see how much she just needs someone to give some attention to her, just like a puppy 🥹 I didn't complain and I'm sure literally no one complained about you bringing up the puppy thing again. and I blindly agree, both divinely good. (YES, IT IS- I think this time I won't be stubborn about it, this time 😑 good morning! It's no longer morning here, but still)
– 🌟
thank you! i'm so glad you're finally on my side for once. yeahhhh but these messages are the highlight of my day. thank you, i'm skilled like that :) i'm both offended and impressed by your audacity rn, smh. but i guess since it's the last time, it's fine but you're on thin ice 🤨 the clarification is very much appreciated and incredibly accurate. the jury will keep this in mind.
uh, nope, they certainly count! but i'll accept them only because you admitted to being speechless. hmm, idk, i'm pretty sure you already did admit it with these reactions but go off, ig.
i'll accept another day, this secret has got me intrigued. they did but i thought i was jumping to the wrong conclusions so if you had finished them in the first place, you would have saved me some time. it's so fun! except when i attempt to sing along and realize i can't pronounce anything lmao. i've noticed lmao but i like your reactions to the nickname too much to not use it as often as possible. i have complete faith in you, i'm sure you'll come up with something that will make me react the same way you react to "little star" and all its, cute, variations. yeah, that's a good point. i think i might have sought it out a bit too much when i was younger, chasing after all the wrong people and stuff like that 😶 [yeah...i totally got that reference...]
i know, i just wanted to be a pain lmao. you're alright, you won't be sent to jail...yet. sljgajhdgj YEAH, it's also a really stupid reference to the lead singer of panic! at the disco because the day beebo showed up at my house, i got in the car and ME! by taylor swift was playing so...beebo seemed like the way to go. [and no, i still don't know why the fandom calls him beebo lmao] i want to be upset but i do understand 😔
yeah, i think they do lmao. i usually put that warning because i get very carried away lmao. she's so puppycoded for real, i just want to hug her close and give her head pats 🥹 i really hope you're right because there's no way the puppy thing won't be coming back in other fics lmao. i'm glad we agree. [lmao, too bad i can't offer any real help. aw, thank you, i appreciate it <3 it's about to not be morning anymore here either lmao]
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bonesandthebees · 8 months
Rose time! I realised I didn’t look at the tag… WHAT DO YOU MEAN EXECUTION?!?! Like attempted murder was a given, but execution?! That invokes fear. Execution could be anyone (except Wilbur cuz he’s the pov character). You know what invokes more fear? Friends to enemies. Bee, what have you done to rainduo? Bee, please. Unless all three of those relationships are the same (probably crimeboys) relaxation, which would be a rollercoaster, I am very scared for Niki and Wilbur’s friendship (which fair but I’ll get to that complexity). Also, Enemies to family, but like in an unhealthy way -> of course it is, it wouldn’t be a Bee story without some unhealthy relationships. Also this one definitely is Crimeboys.
Anyway, don’t mind me getting distracted by the tags, I just always forget to read them but there’s a lot you can get out of them. (Don’t mind me looking at that dysfunctional family tag and glancing and Sandduo.) like this story is going to be spicy and I’m here for it.
For the rest of this ask I’m just going to yell about things and then I’ll get to the analysis next ask. The origins tag? Amazing! 1. Because o!Phil is such a cool character I wish we got to see more of and that’ll be very fun mixed in with dsmp!Phil. 2. Sneeg!!! 3. Phil and Sneeg origins dynamic, which is obviously going to be in the background, but still!
Also, Ranboo being on Wilbur side compared to the other side is very interesting given how you wrote him in Stars, like he was a flawed character, but he did fool both Wilbur and Tommy on multiple occasions. Which rip Rose!Tommy already, I’m sorry that kid is going to have a TIME. And probably not a good one.
And the Wilbur dynamics are off the charts, childhood best friends rainduo is *chef’s kiss* especially with the shared habits and Wilbur’s clear loyalty, but how loyal is he really? Tntduo strike the perfect, we are technically on opposite teams, but we are still friends and Quackity saying Wilbur would still have a place says a lot about their dynamic and how Quackity views Wilbur (I’ll get to that). And the Sandduo. Bee, I have WORDS about the Sandduo. There’s so many layers, I’m going to have a blast peeling them all back. Wilbur has daddy issues and it SHOWS. And Phil loves his son. He really does want the best for that boy. He may just also be slightly fucking him up in the process because this man has the emotional intelligence of a grain of salt.
Also, Techno! I hope we get to see more of him! We should with the meetings and all, but I can’t say to much about him because we’ve barely seen him. Btw, what does Keeper mean / do? I’ll look it up too, but I wanted to ask.
(I’m going to have to look up so much of the vocabulary in this, which is great because I’m learning new works, but imagining some of the clothes is hard because those tend to be the words I don’t know and I didn’t have time to look it up while reading yesterday.)
LMAO I knew the execution tag would get people. it's been very funny to see everyones reactions to it so far. can't wait for it to actually come into play :) also it's really funny to see everyone try to guess which pairings fit up with which tags. also I don't want to give too much away but, like, I'll give you the obvious one that yeah enemies to family but in an unhealthy way is crimeboys. we all knew that one was coming lmao
YEAHHH o!phil my beloved! I mean we actually did see a bit of o!phil in stars. stars!phil was a mix of dsmp, origins, and smp earth phil for sure, but the o!phil influence is definitely going to be a lot more obvious in rose. also I think I said this in one of the other asks I just answered, but besides o!phil the main reason I wanted to throw the osmp tag on there was because I just really want to have sneeg in a fic lol. I love o!phil and o!sneeg's dynamic so much so I'm so excited I get to include it in this.
lol yeah ranboo's definitely not going to have as big of a role in rose as they did in stars, but it'll be interesting to have him on wilbur's side this time around. or rather, I guess it's more fitting to say they're on phil's side. wilbur just reaps the benefits of finding out everything ranboo knows because they tell sneeg and sneeg tells phil and phil tells wilbur. little game of telephone going on here.
so glad you're enjoying the wilbur dynamics so far because I'm having so much fun with them :D childhood best friends rainduo means so much to me. they share so much of themselves with each other. so many shared habits, secrets, promises, memories—I'm so excited to dig into that friendship and let the stress of their situation press down on the seams :)
tntduo too there's so much going on there. they're friends but also they've always technically been on opposing sides. they have a lot of mutual respect for each other. they're also childhood friends but it was always niki and wilbur vs quackity. it's a lot going on
YEAHHH the sandduo was the bit i was most excited for you to see. there are so many layers to them. oh my GOD wilbur's daddy issues are off the charts in this, and it's not even like phil's a bad dad. i mean, the lessons he's already instilled into his son's head are definitely questionable, but he loves his kid a lot! he wants him to succeed. he wants him to continue his legacy. he wants to make sure wilbur learns all the lessons phil himself had to learn the hard way. but also, he has no emotional intelligence whatsoever. surely this will have no long lasting impacts on wilbur's psyche.
we'll get more of techno I promise! he's not going to be a main character but he'll be very present! the 'keeper' is meant to be a 'keeper of knowledge' (I haven't officially decided on the full job title but it's something like that). essentially, he's the palace librarian/archivist. he manages important documents and records and also oversees the library, and was also charged with being wilbur and niki's tutor as they were growing up.
yeah I'm so sorry about the clothes I'm trying my best to describe them but a lot of them you're just gonna have to google because I can't describe them all very well and sometimes I just gotta use the lesser known official term for them. if there's ever any outfit/item of clothing I mention in the text that you don't know, feel free to shoot me an ask about it and I'll find a reference pic for you!!
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