#yellowhammer fund
rwbyprism · 10 months
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🌈 Project complete! 🌈
We're thrilled to announce that we managed to raise a grand total of $3,440.97 which we split between our chosen charities, Indigenous Women Rising and the Yellowhammer Fund!
The enthusiasm and love shown to our project blew us away and we will be forever grateful to everyone who supported us and participated in this zine, without you this would not have been possible! ❤️🤍🖤💛
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banji-effect · 1 year
Split a donation between Kansas Abortion Fund, Jane's Due Process, The Roe Fund, West Fund, Access Reproductive Care-Southeast, Cobalt Abortion Fund, Carolina Abortion Fund, New Orleans Abortion Fund, Frontera Fund, Holler Health Justice, Blue Ridge Abortion Fund, Missouri Abortion Fund, Yellowhammer Fund, Arkansas Abortion Support Network
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millennial-maureen · 1 year
Hey, it’s been more than a year since Dobbs and abortion funds are struggling. They need financial support more than ever. Some have had to stop directly funding abortion for legal reasons but they help with other reproductive and maternal healthcare and needs people have. We need to support skilled activists especially in the South. Here are some great ones that could use your help:
South Carolina:
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autonom-us-project · 5 months
Abortion Rights in Mississippi
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Mississippi’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Mississippi?
Abortion is currently banned in the state of Mississippi.
When did Mississippi’s current abortion ban go into effect?
Following the overturning of Roe v Wade (1973) in 2022, the state’s trigger ban went into effect, banning nearly all access to abortion in Mississippi. 
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any exceptions to Mississippi’s abortion ban?
Currently, there are exceptions in cases of rape or incest, “only if a formal charge of rape has been filed with an appropriate law enforcement official”.
Additionally, there are exceptions if an abortion is medically necessary “for the preservation of the mother’s life”. 
The specifics can be read in Mississippi Legal Code 41-41-45. 
What are the penalties regarding abortion in the state of Mississippi?
Currently, there are no criminal or civil penalties for a pregnant individual receiving or attempting to receive an abortion in the state of Mississippi.
Those who provide abortion services in violation of Mississippi law face a felony charge, punishable by 1 to 10 years in prison. 
The specifics can be read in Mississippi Legal Code 41-41-45. 
I am pregnant in the state of Mississippi and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, (see the above on exceptions), schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Mississippi:
Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Mississippi. Offers financial aid for abortion, lodging, provider referrals, transit (local and long-distance), childcare assistance, abortion doula services, and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Access Reproductive Care - Southeast [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from the Southeast (including Mississippi). Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and lodging. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Yellowhammer Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Mississippi, but you must be seeking an abortion from specific providers in Georgia or Washington, D.C. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Louisiana Abortion Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Mississippi. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, lodging, provider referrals, and gas money. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and North Mississippi [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Mississippi. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit (long or short distance), lodging, provider referrals, gas money, food assistance, rideshare and rental car assistance, emergency contraception (the morning-after pill), language services, and interpretation services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Pink House Fund [Fund] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Mississippi, but you must be seeking an abortion from specific providers in Georgia or Virginia. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
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pscottm · 5 months
A federal judge smacked down a series of threats by Alabama’s Republican attorney general to prosecute groups that help women obtain out-of-state abortions, wading into a debate over access to the procedure that has lingered since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago.
The plaintiffs, including a group called the Yellowhammer Fund that helps women obtain out-of-state abortions, sued Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall after he suggested prosecution might be possible for groups that “aid and abet abortions,” including by helping women travel out of state.
That issue has been closely watched by advocates on both sides of the abortion debate as red states across the country ban or severely limit access to the procedure in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe. That has forced many women seeking an abortion in a clinical setting to cross state lines.
“The right to interstate travel is one of our most fundamental constitutional rights,” US District Judge Myron Thompson wrote in a preliminary ruling late Monday.
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evoldir · 1 year
Fwd: Graduate position: CharlesU.WildlifeConservation
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: CharlesU.WildlifeConservation > Date: 7 September 2023 at 06:26:08 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Three-year PhD position within a prestigious EU-funded MSCA doctoral > network BioAcAi (Bioacoustic AI for wildlife protection): > > *YELLOWHAMMER: Individual acoustic monitoring to study song culture > evolution within and between dialect areas* > > PhD position offers: • gross monthly salary ca 1980 EUR (incl. mandatory > health and social insurance) • extra allowance for relocation, and for > family/special needs if required • close collaboration with artificial > intelligence and biodiversity experts from several European countries > (Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Czechia, Finland, UK) > > The PhD project is based at the Department of Ecology, Charles University, > Prague. The study should start in March 2024. > > To apply, please submit *(1) a letter of motivation, (2) your academic CV, > (3) the names and contact details of two references. > > Submit these as a single PDF document to: [email protected] > > *The application deadline is October 30, 2023.* > > For more information, see: > > https://ift.tt/TRG5VIo > > https://ift.tt/mWhdI0u > > https://ift.tt/EmrMCQ8 > > > Javier Oñate Casado
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queersatanic · 2 years
On May 5, days after the leak of the draft opinion gutting Roe, TST chimed in on Twitter, saying it had “positioned itself to protect religious abortion access for our members.” It continued, writing that members in some states that ban abortion “should be permitted a religious exemption” if they perform TST’s “religious abortion ritual.” (TST also said it would sue the Food and Drug Administration to give it access to abortion pills.) In effect, TST’s messaging went beyond claiming that its members are exempt from oppressive state abortion restrictions (like waiting periods, medically unnecessary sonograms, and mandatory counseling prior to abortion procedures) to suggesting that outright bans post-Roe won’t apply to its members—its most aggressive framing of the issue yet. TST echoed this boldness on TwitterFriday, about three hours after the court overturned Roe, saying: “The Satanic Temple is the leading beacon of light in the battle for abortion access. With Roe v Wade overturned, a religious exemption will be the only available challenge to many restrictions to access.” These comments aren’t terribly surprising given TST’s past efforts to challenge abortion restrictions—covered by this website and manyothers, as well as broadcast widely by admirers on social media—but abortion advocates are increasingly concerned that TST’s reproductive rights campaign is, at best, unhelpful and, at worst, an ineffective stunt that puts pregnant people in legal jeopardy.
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fandomtrumpshate · 3 years
FTH2022 Supported Organizations: Abortion Funds
Although abortion remains technically legal in all 50 states in the US, access to abortion has been sharply curtailed over the past several years. Some of these restrictions are legal, forbidding abortion after a certain number of weeks or requiring the pregnant person to jump through onerous and demeaning hoops. Other states offer very little abortion access in practice; in some states, there remains only one single clinic where abortions are performed. Now, the US Supreme Court appears poised to strike down Roe v. Wade, the legal decision that forbids state-level restrictions on abortion access, it is likely that many US residents will find it even more difficult to make this fundamental choice about their own bodies and futures.
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Throughout the US, local abortion funds work to restore bodily autonomy to pregnant people. These grassroots nonprofits provide financial, logistical, and emotional support to people seeking abortion care -- including, in many cases, travel support for those people who do not live near abortion providers. Because abortion funds grow out of local community needs, the services they offer and the populations they serve vary widely. We have selected a handful of abortion funds that serve and are run by people of color and immigrants, and which operate in areas where abortions are particularly difficult to obtain.
You can support abortion funds as a creator in the 2022 FTH auction (or as a bidder, when the time comes to donate for the auctions you’ve won.) You can do this by supporting one (or more) of the featured abortion funds on our list, or by choosing the abortion fund local to you.
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spiced-wine-fic · 2 years
 “They would come up to [my daughter] and be like, ‘how many abortions have you had to be so eager to kill black children?’” Bertram Roberts wasn’t, she says with a wry smile, “ready for them to lecture me about black history. The audacity of these white people!” They would tell her that one day she would be on trial “just like Nazis. ‘OK, thank you, people who think The Handmaid’s Tale is a fanfic. Please get the fuck out of my way.’” She gets abusive emails now, including one this week that ended by saying her mother should have aborted her. She laughs and says, “there’s nothing like being so anti-abortion that you think I should be aborted.”
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krill-joy · 3 years
The state of Alabama forced an abortion provider to ring up a $115,000 bill to get her medical license in that state. The state later admitted there was no reason for this, leaving her with a massive bill to pay. Dr. Torres is the ONLY abortion provider in Alabama, working at the ONLY abortion clinic left in the state.
If you are able to chip in some to help, please do so. Article.
"Just weeks after Torres arrived in Alabama and began practicing medicine with the Women’s Center, the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners denied her application for a permanent state medical license. (She had been operating under a temporary license.) In August of 2020, the board suspended her right to practice, alleging Torres made fraudulent statements in her application and made “public statements related to the practice of medicine which violate the high standards of honesty, diligence, prudence, and ethical integrity demanded from physicians licensed to practice in Alabama.” According to AL.com, a broad coalition of anti-abortion groups including local Operation Rescue and Physicians for Life had filed official complaints with the state.
According to Marty, the state board refused requests to expedite the hearings. Eventually, the board sent a letter noting the action against the doctor “should never have been taken” and that currently, Torres’ disciplinary record is clean. But the process was a lengthy and expensive one: After the August revocation, a hearing wasn’t held until December. In January, the state agreed to give Torres her license back if she submitted to ethics classes. After completion of the classes, the medical board, which did not reply to a request for comment, waited until its next meeting in March to give Torres the official documentation. She was unable to work for four months.
The clinic has been operating since March with its intended medical director at the helm, but the legal counsel required to navigate the dispute with the state was expensive and Yellowhammer has been unable to come up with much assistance."
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saintdollyparton · 5 years
Brie Larson's current Instagram story just proving what a great person she is.
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Promoting a plus-size line, further spreading the word on Nike deciding to address pregnancy in their contracts, promoting the Yellowhammer fund which helps women in Alabama affected by this horrible anti-abortion law, and sharing a moving GoFundMe campaign.
This is actually the norm for her and I don't understand how people can hate her.
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gaylorkloss13 · 5 years
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Just made donations to both Planned Parenthood and the Yellowhammer fund in my pro-life brothers name because I physically can’t sit back and watch the systematic removal and restriction of women’s rights and bodily autonomy at the hand of governments that don’t know/care for what’s best for them. And even though this doesn’t directly affect me in the UK, it’s time for people everywhere to stand up for those it does affect and kick and scream until we’re heard, because that’s the only way anything is going to change.
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autonom-us-project · 6 months
Abortion Rights in Alabama
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Alabama’ current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Alabama?
Abortion is currently banned in the state of Alabama.
When did Alabama's current abortion ban go into effect?
Following the overturning of Roe v Wade (1973) in 2022, Alabama's Human Life Protection Act (2019) trigger ban, one of the nation’s most restrictive abortion laws, was enacted, leading to the state's current legislation banning abortion almost entirely.
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any exceptions to Alabama's abortion ban?
Currently, there are no exceptions in cases of rape, incest, or human trafficking. The only exceptions to the ban are:
Medical Necessity: If the pregnant individual faces a serious or fatal physical health risk, (not including mental illness or suicidality), as determined by a physician. 
Non-Viability: If the pregnancy is non-viable, or the unborn fetus would not survive outside of the womb, as determined by a physician.
In these cases, an abortion does not violate Alabama law, but still must be carried out in strict accordance with Alabama state law.
The specifics can be read in Alabama Legal Codes 26-23B-5 and 26-22-3.
What are the penalties regarding abortion in the state of Alabama?
Currently, there are no criminal or civil penalties for a pregnant individual receiving or attempting to receive an abortion in the state of Alabama.
Those attempting to provide abortion services in violation of Alabama law face a Class C felony charge, punishable by 1 to 10 years in prison. 
Those who successfully provide abortion services in violation of Alabama law face a Class A felony charge, punishable by 10 to 99 years in prison. 
The specifics can be read in Alabama Legal Codes 26-23H-6 and 26-23-3.
I am pregnant in the state of Alabama and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by your appointment date.
If you need financial assistance or other support to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with any other needs or costs of seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support,judicial bypass for minors, etc. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Alabama:
Access Reproductive Care - Southeast [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from the Southeast (including Alabama). Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and lodging. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Yellowhammer Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Alabama, but you must be seeking an abortion from specific providers in Georgia or Washington, D.C. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Louisiana Abortion Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Alabama. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, lodging, provider referrals, and gas money. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and North Mississippi [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Alabama. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit (long or short distance), lodging, provider referrals, gas money, food assistance, rideshare and rental car assistance, emergency contraception (the morning-after pill), language services, and interpretation services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in law and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
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antivanruffles · 5 years
If you think the bill that just passed (May 14th) effectively outlawing abortion in Alabama is a steaming pile of hot garbage, why not donate to the Yellowhammer Fund? They help provide resources for people seeking abortion care in Alabama.
You can also follow them on Twitter, along with NARAL for more information on ways to help.  
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evoldir · 1 year
Fwd: Graduate position: Prague.AvianSongEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: Prague.AvianSongEvolution > Date: 5 September 2023 at 07:07:48 BST > To: [email protected] > > > Three-year PhD position within a prestigious EU-funded MSCA doctoral > network BioAcAi (Bioacoustic AI for wildlife protection): > > *YELLOWHAMMER:� Individual acoustic monitoring to study song culture > evolution within and between dialect areas* > > PhD position offers: > - gross monthly salary ca 1980 EUR (incl. mandatory health and social >   insurance) > - extra allowance for relocation, and for family/special needs if >   required > - close collaboration with artificial intelligence and biodiversity >   experts from several European countries (Netherlands, Germany, France, >   Belgium, Czechia, Finland, UK) > > The PhD project is based at the Department of Ecology, Charles University, > Prague. The study should start in March 2024. > > To apply, please submit *(1) a letter of motivation, (2) your academic CV, > (3) the names and contact details of two references. > > Submit these as a single PDF document to: [email protected] > > *The application deadline is October 30, 2023.* > > For more information, see: > > https://ift.tt/q2nwi15 > > https://ift.tt/HGj6KkR > > https://ift.tt/7HT28ZI > > Adam Petrusek
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