#yellowjackets speculation
2008hondacivic · 11 months
ok we joke and speculate but MAYBE it does matter WHO “pit girl” is. Like, people have been quick to point out what the first few deaths of Yellowjackets could represent. Jackie as (in part, it’s obviously reductive to say that these characters’ deaths only mean these very vague concepts) the society they all came from, it’s norms and values; Laura Lee as “religion” (hope/faith?); Javi as (relative) innocence (kindness, or altruism might be better descriptors)… so who’s to say the identity of pit girl doesn’t matter ? maybe pit girl is even the last kill before rescue— her identity / death could be the most significant
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homosexualslug · 1 year
very intrigued to see in the yellowjackets trailer that there will be three timelines explored in the season two: the woods in 1996-97, them in 2021, and now apparently just post-rescue in what I believe will be a lottie-centric episode.
there’s a brief shot in the trailer of the remaining girls being swarmed by paparazzi asking “what happened?” as they walk out of a building with matching jackets that I assume were given to them all by the medics.
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the jacket is the same one lottie is wearing in this shot of her yelling, so that’s definitely the rescue plane that brought them home behind her.
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the reason i think this will be a flashback in an adult lottie-centric episode is that we now know that lottie was hospitalized in switzerland post-rescue, which perfectly places this shot from the teaser of her getting electroshock therapy to also be post-rescue. my guess is the the doctors saw my girl acting feral as soon as she stepped off the rescue plane and were worried about her rejoining society as a result.
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however, electroshock therapy is SUCH an extreme option and was clearly traumatizing for her. adult lottie seems a lot more calmer, but also SO much sadder and defeated in all the shots we see her in. it’ll be super interesting to explore the immediate post-rescue timeline through her as the girl who thrived in the woods and suffered the worst after leaving it.
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sprqpointintern · 1 year
i think the girls will decide that coach ben is the next one they should eat for one reason. because of his leg being gone. i could just see them being like "you don't hunt, you don't scavenge, we don't have any use for you coach". then someone will be like "there is ONE thing the coach could be good for". that's how i see it going down in my head anyway
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falcapsupremacy · 1 year
Yellowjackets season 2 finale spoilers but
😭 I think it would be so funny and valid of him to go "I'm probably gonna die in my cave I'm taking y'all down with me you unhinged cannibals" but my theory is genuinely that he didn't do it because he's a wimpy loser (so so affectionate) and it'd set up Nat as the new leader/set up another line for them to cross: they allowed Javi to die but didn't actively kill him but if they kill Ben, especially if he didn't do it? Now they're one step closer to unhinged pilot cult.
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violentlyscreaming · 1 year
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imreallyloveleee · 1 year
Putting this behind a cut in case anyone doesn't have the tags blocked yet. Some speculation after 208:
I hate this so much but I think Natalie is going to be the one who dies next episode:
- she was the first one the wilderness "chose" when they began the ritual, and she got away. This would be things coming full circle. Maybe Nat even sacrifices herself, with the idea that she was meant to die the first time and the fact that she's still alive is why the darkness is still with them all these years later. I sort of have a hard time believing that anyone other than Lottie would agree to a sacrifice in the present timeline, honestly, but clearly they're gonna get there somehow, so...
- I haven't watched any interviews myself, but I've seen it mentioned that Juliette Lewis seemed kind of upset/sad/whatever in her press appearances for s2. Nat dying has been a big point of speculation all season due to that, and what happened in the 96 timeline feels like it really lines up with it.
- finally, also saw something from a Christina Ricci interview that the end of the season dramatically changes Misty. She adores Nat; she helped save her life the first time; so again, it lines up.
And I fucking hate it!!! Nat is my favorite character, I absolutely love Juliette on this show. I hope I'm wrong.
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monsterhospital · 1 year
all my favorite songs keep showing up in yellowjackets so ive started an official list of song predictions. save this now so you can make me your girlprophet when season 3 drops and all of these are used in the show.
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rumours-from-inez · 1 year
I just finished yellowjackets season 1 and here are my predictions for the rest of the series (but tiktok spoilt a little bit so I'm sorta cheating)
- Lottie is gonna create a cult with them coz the schizophrenia/demon possessing her tells her she needs to kill them all off to make something right or bring Jesus back or some shit
- they vote off someone to hunt and eat reality tv style eventually in the cult thing which is what we see in the first episode
- Ben has like survived somehow but noone knows (mostly coz I know that 7 people confirmed survive but when javi asks if they will all die the thingy spins in an ∞ which could be an 8)
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bckleupbttercup · 1 year
yellowjackets theory post season 2 finale - spoilers ahead!
i have not a SINGLE doubt in my mind that ben is the antler queen now, i’ve been thinking it for a while and it just makes sense. he’s taller than the rest of them and aq is tall, they pushed the narrative that he wasn’t going to survive from the start but he’s proved he’s not going to go down without a fight.
he found where javi survived for all that time and knows that he’s strong and resourceful, he said he could survive the winter down there and now he’s burnt the cabin, the place they felt safe and secure and now they’re out in the cold, alone with no food and nowhere to live.
i think he’s going to wait a while then come back to them and prove that he is their saviour when he offers them a place of shelter and he’s going to take charge and run things, he didn’t like how they did things but if he’s in control of what happens and how it happens then i think he’ll do it, do what needs to be done to survive, not because the wilderness wants them to but because they need to survive. being faceless and having the masks and coverings makes it less personal and i can only see him being the one to want whoever is going to die to not see the faces of their killers. and it would make so much sense that aq is always sat down and in the middle because he can’t hunt, he can’t fight, but he needs to eat and if they see him as their saviour then they would do anything for him like they did with lottie. misty would back anything he wanted without a doubt and once one person is on board it’s not going to take long for everyone else to follow
i’m convinced he survived the wilderness, there’s no doubt in my mind that he made it. he wouldn’t want to be in contact with any of them after they were rescued, he feels the most ashamed of what they all did and it makes sense that he would go off the grid and not want to be anywhere near the rest of them. but i think that now nat is dead he’s going to come back because we know he values her and trusts her and he’s going to need to see it for himself, to be there to know she’s gone. he’d at least go to the funeral if nothing else im certain of it.
anyways i love ben and this has been my ted talk
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maxbegone · 1 year
I know only a handful of Yellowjackets make it out of the wilderness based on who we see present-day (unless they shoehorn that someone else made it come next season), but there is no way so many of them get picked off one-by-one. This is obviously going to end in something massive that leaves the remaining seven (including Travis) to be rescued. Will it be self-inflicted, will they be pit against each other? Is it environmental or through what the wilderness asks?
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I don’t think there’s any Big Bad of Yellowjackets and I think that would negate the point of the series tbh that all of them made fucked up choices and are unable to become healthy good people!!
When i say "big bad" i don't mean that they (in this case Van) will literally be the only/ ultimate antagonist of the series... I know that the show is about the nature of trauma and how imperfect we are as people. All of the characters make terrible decisions that lead to their own downfalls. And maybe they'll eventually grow if that's where the story takes us but the likelihood is low because, as you say, they are fucked up and not healthy because of their trauma.
However, i stand by what i said about Van being a Big Bad... because here's the thing they all make their own individual decisions, but some members of this group have more sway on the rest than others, and I think that Van is one of those people. She has always flown under the radar but I think that now we're gonna see how much violence she is able to instigate. Like... the choice to call off the psych team was NOT good and allowed for the ritual to actually begin and ultimately lead to Natalie's death... sure, maybe Van doesn't "mean" to instigate violence, but she is VERY good at it. the choices SHE makes in the latter part of this season directly jeopardize the safety of everyone else, not just herself. And yeah, you can make that argument for the other characters, but i think that Van's subtlety gives her quite the upper hand.
So yeah, she's not gonna be a Big Bad in the traditional sense, but boy oh boy is her presence gonna cause more trouble ESPECIALLY since she still seems interested in performing rituals the way they used to and feed into the traumas of everyone else. She's got nothing to lose after all, she's dying.
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2008hondacivic · 11 months
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In “The Dollhouse,” Shauna is immediately drawn to the antlers when they find the cabin. Maybe this is foreshadowing her desire to be the antler queen, which she expresses in her journal at the end of season 2. Or foreshadowing a possible season 3 arc of attempting (successfully?) to take power from Nat. It could have nothing to do with Shauna and could just be to introduce us to the antlers, which we already know will be important later (Chekhov’s antlers lol) but regardless of the intention behind it, it’s a cool detail!
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bandydear · 1 year
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prepared this for tomorrow's episode :,) hope I'm wrong, but know I'm not.
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mag200 · 1 year
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yellowjackets 2.06 “qui”
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jollyreginaldrancher · 6 months
Thinking about how Misty warns her date about Caligula being territorial and not liking strangers and how he may swoop and scratch at your eyes and how she basically trained him to be her defence dog...bird thing and Natalie Scatorccio broke into her house and chilled there in the dark for maybe hours and hasn't got a single gash or even a hair out of place and what that means (it means that clearly she's been here before and met Misty's bird and befriended it because she and Misty are fucking nasty style)
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warningsine · 1 year
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It's in all of us, you know. Even him. Even you. That's enough of your weird fucking bullshit, Lottie.
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