#yelly beans
padawansuggest · 1 year
Guess who’s watching the Young Jedi Adventures???? It’s me!!! Okay I am gonna admit now, I need a full sized 30 minute episodes series right this fucking instant. It’s not even just how cute it is, but this show is massively full of world building!!!
200 years before TPM Yoda lived on Tenoo in the temple there. I was literally screeching when I realized that okay 1: the only place we get other Jedi temples on other planets are one or two episodes of Visions, and otherwise in the Extended Universe, otherwise the movies and ‘official’ canon pretends the Coruscant temple is the only temple to the point where a LOT of fic writers and people on here believe that Coruscant was their only temple, and not their main temple. And 2: that means Yoda wasn’t always on Coruscant and that means he might not have even been RAISED there. I wonder if he sorta just flits around for a couple generations to any temple he feels like at the time??? It’s wild.
So already I am screaming over that amazing world building it’s so good!
And then. I’m on episode 2. We got to see the tooka kitten which I paused just to write this already that has so more lore stuck in it too. 1: they called it a tooka and not a lothcat. I think we’ve only seen lothcats in live action so far because so far they always seem very territorial and sorta skittish, where as the tooka kitten (if you say ‘it’s cause it’s just a kitten’ I will angrily point out that that is actually when cats are MOST feral is as a kitten they are so feral and yelly and growly as beans) was so cute, gave the sweetest little meow and nuzzled into a pet.
She also seems to have much thicker fur in her ears than lothcats in the live action shows have, and even the lothcats in Rebels are somewhat feral little pack animals that have thinner fur.
But then!!!!!! She opened her cage!!!! With her little hand!!!! While trying to catch a bug, the tooka managed to hit her button to open her cage! And when she was trying to get the bug she didn’t just bat at it, she full on grabbed her little baby handsies at it!!! Tookas and lothcats have raccoon handsies canon confirmed!!!!!!!
But then! The final world building aspect I have been screaming about since I saw it! When we first see Lys (the Pantoran girl) the very first thing I noticed was how BRIGHT her cheeks were. She’s got markings like a pantoran but specifically, the area around her eyes and at the top of her cheeks and over her nose are a very dusty shade of purple, unlike her otherwise blue skin. She’s too young to wear makeup and I don’t think Jedi really do makeup as a whole anyways, so that would be a specific skin marking. It never fades either so it’s not a flush, it’s a skin shade! Which means that pantorans have the ability to have facial purples on their faces!
Also she has the most elaborate little hair style lmao I wonder who helps her with that.
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eleven441 · 6 months
The Story 2❤️💙🤍
Cody Rhodes x Eleven story.
Seth and Jey finally came back with our food. Just some waffles coffee, bacon, hash browns,beans and shit (i don't live in America , so i wouldn't know).
"ha that cashier be talking to us like she came from aborting her child!"All we did was stare at him in anger. We ate and laughed and to our surprise Cody actually joined in the conversation.
We were talking about that Snickers commercial that the Miz did. "Maybe you need a Snickers!" Cody and i said at the same time. Jey stared at me with a Stern look on his face then shifted his stare to Cody. He slowly turned his serious face into a small smile. Then he chuckled.
"What's so funny?" I asked rolling my eyes. "Oh nothin, just thinkin bout somethin serious."he said looking down with that mischievous smile still plastered on his face. "Like what?"I asked. "Marriage..." Seth mumbled.
"what?" I asked again. "Oh nothing , nothing" he said as he looked to the side, out the window."Riiiigggghhht"i said staring at him.
Time skip we got home.
Jey was up Gyming, Seth went to see Becky's family because her grandmother just passed. And who knows where Cody could be. So i was left alone... I was wearing my black sweat pants and black crop top.
I got a packet of cheese chips and started eating. That's when Cody came down. Shirtless with a towel around his waist. He looked at me with a smile. "Hi!" He said softly but cheerfully. "Hey! Cody" i responded. He went over to the fridge. "Hmm what do i want to eat?" He asked himself. "Fruit salad, yeah". I walked over to him.
" Cody?"i said softly. "Yeah what's up?" He responded looking up at me from the fridge. "So you talked to H about the whole script and i won't be joining Naomi and crew right?" I asked. "Yeah yeah yeah, well .. he said you can do your segment first , then I'll be with you at the main event.
"Cool cool......" There was an awkward silence , then i finally said "Wh-why do you want me there anyway." I watched him take a bite out of a real juicy grape fruit. Some of the juice started dripping and went over to his abs and chest. I was just starting at his lovely torso, im sure he noticed.
" oh Cody you have a cut on your arm!" The cut started bleeding."oh , y-yeah, right umm-" i pulled out a first aid box from under a couch cushion. "Wha- was that always there?" Cody asked. " I don't know?" I shrugged followed by a soft laugh. I took out what i needed, he hissed in pain because of the medication i put on it. This time we were closer than close.
While I trearted him and i felt chills, from my head (since he was taller than me) all the way to my spine. I could feel , loving eyes on me , loving and also a bit lustful. "You asked why I want you there, right?" He said with a low raspy voice.
I looked up at him through my ponytail, i saw he blue eyes gaze into mine. "Y-yeah?" I responded shyly. "Because i want you near me. I want you to stay with the American Nightmare." I was shocked, tbh. I felt hands make their way to my waist and we grew closer.
But then he stopped. "S-sorry , I'm sorry I did that it's just" he said. "It's -its okay ... All better now. " I said putting the bandage on him. "Uhhhh thank you " he said "Don't mention it " i said blushing. I started my way off to get everything ready . "The plane leaves in an hour , we'll meet Jey and Seth there.
"Yeet!" I yelled back as i continued my way outside.
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"It was only a month before wrestlmania (royal rumble was coming up soon). We all got ready for the show. "Hey Bianca!" I shouted. "Hi! Gurrl!!!"she said. "You look good!"
If you saw Eleven's previous photo, it was red right. Well now it was blue and she wore this but the yelli is blue and the track bottom says yeet at the side... ( Sorry for making the story too fictional , Im used to Wattpad)
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Our segment was about teaming up and defeating damage control sooner or later. Trust me we slayed. We did get ambushed but Bianca and i scared them of especially me with some of my brother's moves...
Soon it was Cody's segment , the main event. I entered with him and the crowd went wild. Ofcourse as usual the Bloodline interfered. They surrounded us , but thankfully Jey and Seth came. Jey and I fought off Jimmy and Solo. And you know how it is every week.
Now that SmackDown was over Cody and i went back. It was lastly a match between Jimmy and Seth.
"i have some important work to attend to with Triple H , meet me back here okay?" He said making sure i understood clearly.
"yes i will..." I said like that he gave me one last smile and walked off.
Cody POV
I finally finished what i was doing with Triple H and the rest. I was looking forward to telling Elé how i felt. But when i got to where i told her to wait she wasn't there. This wasn't like her. I was a bit angry , disappointed and confused.
I called her phone 📱 multiple times it wasn't getting through i thought it was bad reception so i went to were there better connection. Still not going through... I tried for several minutes until i heard Jey.
"Yo uce, Where's my sister?!!!" He said angrily. "I don't know im trying to call her!" He looked at me even angrier. " Yo uce , she was last whichu , WHERE IS MY SISTER!!!" he gripped me by my vest. "Jey , calm down. I don't know where she is?" Jey let me go.
"I tried calling her too , it ain't going through" he said. We asked Seth , he didn't see her , he tried calling so did Becky , nothing. We asked everyone Bianca , Bobby , Austin and the street profits. NOTHING
We asked Triple H and the officials , nothing. Seth called Paul Haymen and he said they didn't see anyone.
Bloodline POV
"umm my tribal chief , Seth Rollins came with a message."he said. "Seth Rollins??" He said raising his eyebrow. "Why Seth, i mean , he can't handle the pressure?" Paul Haymen sat down. " No...my tribal chief it's your cousin." He looked and chuckled. "Who...Jey?" Paul shaked his head.
"No Eleven, she has gone missing. They called everyone and I mean everyone." Jimmy stood up in shock so did Solo. "My lil sis is missing?" He said in his raspy voice. "Yeah stop playin , Wiseman" solo said.
"N-no im serious..." He said shaking. "Noooo, that's my lil sister!!!! Hell no " Jimmy yelled. Roman looked down at his feet. "Eleven, she's my cousin and has nothing to do with any of this... Well let's go try to look for her!" He exclaimed.
Cody POV
I was stressed out and saw nothing but red. I was furios , i could yell at anyone. I just wanted to find her.
I bardged into the judgement day's locker room. No one saw them. Sure they threw threats at me but i didn't care. Well Truth was there and told me something shocking.
" nope i didn't see your girlfriend, all i saw was An angry Karion Kross and angry Final testament leaving real early like around the time y'all said she went missing like a feeeew minutes after."
Truth might be Stupid but that was the only information i wanted from him... I told Jey and we were brain storming.
Where could she be?
Story continues
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necarion · 2 years
Ender's Game (and Shadow) could make for a good 4-6 part miniseries. A two-hour movie can capture some of the exciting action, but not the slow building tension or despair of Ender as the isolation and pressure builds.
The show would have to make a decision early whether to try to maintain the Big Secret, or to build it like a dramatic irony. The 2013 movie tried to keep it secret and failed miserably as it telegraphed it like crazy. Having the opposite approach, where you see the story more from Bean's eyes would be an interesting approach, where you can see the pain and isolation of Ender, and know why, and not be able to do anything about it.
Regardless, it had to have time for the pressure to build. In a film, the long series of tests resolve too quickly so they don't seem nearly as hard. The movie had to cheat and make it super easy barely an inconvenience by breaking its own rules. The entire Battle School sequence was also like 4 weeks in-universe (there is a ticking clock and everything - the entire story takes place over the course of months).
The one other change that I think would be necessary would be to the Locke and Demosthenes subplot. Xkcd captures the ridiculousness of them taking over the world by blogging. But I think modern tech could get you another approach: have them use AI generated figures plus DeepFake technology. That way they can interact with others directly by video, appear on the news (and yelly talkshows), testify before Congress, meet with world leaders in secret, etc. They can see be obvious fake images (in-world, since it will be established that this is totally possible and regular), although I'd use real actors, but give them some sort of CGI watermark, so it doesn't uncanny valley. Allowing them to have a screen-presence gives the pseudonyms more presence than just having to read text posts.
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the-ipre · 2 years
1, 25?
chipotle order?
i've only been to chipotle once and i don't understand how it works but ! at the really good burrito place back home that is similar i get a kalua pork burrito with black beans and spanish rice and all the fixins (lettuce, cheese, guac, sour cream, mild salsa because im weak)
25. would you say you have good taste in music?
my boss called it 'eclectic' once ASLDKFJ i like shanties and showtunes and anything that makes my brain buzz, ill listen to most anything as long as it isn't Too yelly
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years
You are the smol innocent bean of the group.
Bakugou gif.
Isogai's smile.
That one pic of yelly, angry Isogai that was your pfp for a while.
Encouragement, giving and receiving.
Doing the headcanon event in my server this month for which I'm extremely thankful!
Everyone wants to protect you.
Stag's friend.
The best one-liner comments I've ever seen.
Example: *A wild Stag made an appearance*
Love you!
Well, not TOO innocent mind you
That damn Bakugo gif
The fact that I remind you both of smiling Isogai and angry Isogai is hilarious 😂
And I seriously need to do something to get me active 😞
I kind of wish I had your charisma to make the headcanon events more exciting
And I’m glad you like those comments since I can’t offer much more 😅
Love ya too 😊💜
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wtfnoie · 2 years
Valentines Day Gifts
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Hiya Bean @ittybittylittlebit-hot​! Because I am hella extra and avoiding hw, pictures of their card with what each note reads!
Hi Jellybean, you're probably just waking up and wondering why im not next to you. That’s due to your next surprise. As much as I love waking up next to you, I have to get a head of the game and make sure, you're day goes more than perfect. I love you husband. You're the best decision I've ever made, you're the best husband, partner, father, grandfather, great grandfather. I love you more than I can say or express. Now that you’re more awake and done reading, come down stairs and see your first surprise. I love you. xx Shawn
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I swear someone heard us fight about this. Happy Valentine's baby. It’s been years and you still don't know how the dishwasher works, you still leave clothes everywhere, you still can't cook, you hate the word grandpa, and you still put up with my love for pets. I wouldn’t trade any of that for the world. I love you David, even when you ignore me for video games, and you don't listen. I’d rather fight with you about dirty dishes than have someone who does it the first time I ask them to do it. You’re my favorite Goodmorning and goodnight. I love you Babe. Jax
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Luca & X: 
Happy Vday baby cakes! I love you hottie. Heres to our first vday! xx Luca
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CT & Jack: 
Hey baby! Happy love day baby!! I can’t believe we’re dads now. I couldn't do this without you baby. You're the reason I am the person I am today. Love you much! Jack x
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JT & Bryant: 
Baby, we’ve been married for almost 2 months now, and I still can't believe I get to wake up next you every day for the rest of my life. I love you, and your crazy love for tacos, and the way you love not just me but my family too. Thank you for everything you've done babe. I love you, and happy valentines day. Bry xx
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JJ & Crystal: 
Happy Valentines day baby! Here we are doing round two, with 2 already under 2. If someone told me two years ago this would be my life, and that I would be married to you, I would have laughed. Now I can’t see my life without you or any of our kids. Thank you for loving me the way you do, and giving me the greatest gifts in the world. I love you Jace, more than anything. xx Crys
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Cody & Olivia:
Hiii. (: Thank you for everything, and being there when I needed you. You’re the best thing that's ever happened to me and im so glad I listened to my crazy cousins and went on a blind date. I love you babe! xx livvy
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Lara & Jordan:
You amaze me day after day. I will never understand how I have been so blessed to even know you, let alone be married to you. Watching you become a mother has been the greatest sight. The way you love Yelly, and how you are with her. I will never not watch you two together. Happy Valentine's day baby, you deserve the world and more. 
Love,  Jordan
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Emmy, Thank you for picking me up. I never would have thought id be married, and in love. But you taught me how to love, and even better you taught me to love myself again. You helped me find myself again, and I can't wait to see where the rest of our story goes. I love you more than anything, even when the club gets all your late nights. I love the way you, you care about your club and you family. You’re my favorite forever. Happy Valetnines day em, I love you. xx L
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Husband, my Kiki. Happy vday babe. Thanks for keeping me grounded and level headed when I need it. love you. seb x
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HI baby. Happy valentines to the other person who gets me sappy. I love you Thomas. I can't wait to enter the next stage of our life with you. Being dads together is all I look forward to. I love you more than you know baby. 
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B, Thanks for putting up with me. Thank you for being the most amazing father to our babies. Getting to you be a dad shows me a whole new side of you. I feel like I fall more and more in love with you everyday. You’re not just my husband, and father to our children. But you're also my best friend and I love you more than you know B. Happy Valentines day bay. xx
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Henny baby! Happy Vday. I love you. As the card says, you can give me the D tonight. I love you baby! -Dani xx
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Baby daddy, husband, love of my life, pain in my ass. You drive me crazy, and sometimes you piss me off and I swear you do it on purpose. I love you though, even when you make me so bad, I wanna lock your office door from the outside. I love you jax. Always and forever. Happy vday lover. -Izzy. xx
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AJ, I love you. Happy valentines baby. -Lana xx
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Baby! Next vday, we’ll be married and I can't wait till then. I love you and im looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you. - Rissa x
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Baby. You’re the only one who could have made me want to be a husband, and a dad. So thank you. I only ever wanted this with you and only you. I love you. -Brook x
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Thanks for sticking by me baby. I love you more than you know. Love being your husband, and can't wait to spend more vdays together. KC
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BABBBBYYY, another valentines day together. I love you baby! My husband, life partner, spouse, and father to our babies. I love you. My favorite vday date for life. Waiting for you at home is me, the same way we spent our first vday. so hurry home babe, it melts fast. -Josh xxx
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Jude, baby. I love you. Happy valentines day.- Jay x
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Chris, baby. I love you. You scare me with your reckless ways sometimes. but I hope our keeks get your adventurous side. Love you and love getting to go halves on a mini us. Love you Cam. Happy Vday. 
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Babe, Hi. I love you. I know I probably don't tell you that enough but I do. I love getting to be parents. You’re my everything and you've given me everything I didn't know I needed. Thank you Elil. Happy valentines day. Mon xx
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Dear Ry, 
Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your life. For trusting me to love your daughter. I love you Ryland, happy valentines day. -Luna xx
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Happy love day baby! I love you! Be ready to be naked for 24 hrs. Our honeymoon all over again. -Noah x
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Happy Valentines day babe! I love you, and can't wait to marry you!
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Happy valentines day baby. I love you babe. -Gi xx
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Ky, all yours babe. Happy valentines day. 
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I love you baby, thanks for putting up with my crazy life. I love you today and always. Happy vday babes. -O
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Nate, I know I tell you this all the time and it could get overwhelming. But I love you. A lot probably more than you know. I can't wait to move into together. Thank you for putting put with my family, and all the crazy. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you, happy valentines day. -Lexi xx
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Happy vday baby. -Con
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dandy-badger · 7 years
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I love making these things lord. THEY'RE SO MUCH FUN TO MAKE! $10-$15 depending on the complexity of the character! Complex designs will be simplified to fit the style! I will turn your character in their respective animal! If it's a human/human esque character and they don't have any animal traits you can pick one, or I can as well! There's no limit to slots for these right now! They get worked on to destress basically! If interested please message me with: Reference: Yell expression: (Happy yell, angry, neutral, etc) Paypal email: Paypal only, no e-checks or anything similar! Payment within 24 hours please!
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killanyone4you · 3 years
i finally got a humidity meter and i feel very accomplished ♡
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spiderwhims · 2 years
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ianto “everyone needs a useless nickname” henley
lilah: liles, lou, pretty girl, loser, lilou, lima bean, lilac
yelena: yel, tiny, yelly, silly girl, princess, bubba, love bug, little love, baby bear, bug, sweet, yelly belly
finnley: finn, finners, finnley bear, bear, teddy bear, love, little man, bubba
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 3 years
“I knowww but memes and yellies” he says with zero context, snickering at his own silliness
He grins brightly at Yancy, gesturing at the phone with his chin “Yance! Did you see the vid? Please teach us your ways!” He says dramatically, plopping his head back on the pillow, where he’d not be moving for a long while still, the goof
Taren meanwhile hops, trying to hop onto Bing’s arms
Bing is on purpose not helping, but also not hindering, because It Is Adorable Watching The Bean Try.
Yancy looks at the phone. "I's don't know if I's could teach youse that, but I's do gots some pals at the theatre who's coulds."
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smutsonian · 5 years
can i request a fluffy ransom fic?
Drabble about having a family with Ransom
Warning/s:  curses?, nOT pRooFrEad, spoiler-free
A/N: I may or may not have sent that request myself... This is like our first fluff... kind of... 
Jelly Beans by Valerie Danoff
“I think I’ll be late for uh- later.” You pressed the phone on your ear with your shoulder as your fingers type rapidly on the keyboard, trying to finish the document that’s been keeping you from leaving. 
Your daughter, Ava, will be having a recital… Her first recital and you sure don’t want to miss it. “Ransom, do you understand me?” You hear him hum.  
“I said get the tutu dress in her closet and put it on Ava. Make sure to put her hair in a ponytail.” after explaining it to Ransom a thousand times, he finally got it.
You drive expeditiously and got into the preparatory school in no time. Quickly rushing to the bathroom to change in a more of a ‘mommy’ outfit than your boring office clothes. The beige long sleeve dress which ended just before your knees hugged your figure and it sure is really fetching.
“Mommy!” You hear a scream from your little daughter which causes everyone to look at you. You saw Ransom carrying Ava as they approach you. Ava’s wearing her little colorful tutu dress which looked very adorable and the ponytail that matches her look.
“How’s my baby?” You planted lots of kisses on Ava’s face as you take her from Ransom’s arm. “Oh, you smell like daddy!” you sniffed her dress and looked at your husband. 
“I thought daddy smelled good so I-” Her tiny was interrupted by her own sweet giggles. 
“I told her no but she insisted.” Ransom shrugged as he squeezed Ava’s cheeks.
Thankfully, you weren’t late and you were assigned to your designated seats. The teacher took Ava for the final rehearsal as you and your husband settled. “You look very hot” Ransom whispered in your ear as he placed a large hand on your thigh and squeezing it. You fixed your posture as you put your hand above his, coughing awkwardly that earns a smirk from him.
“Good day parents! I’m teacher Elisa and I’m very sorry for the delay in the program. Just happy to announce that we're finally starting in 15 minutes.”
Ransom once again squeezes your thigh causing you to look at him. “We still have 15 minutes.” He grinned as he winks at you. 
You curiously looked at him before you understand what he meant. “OH GOSH RANSOM!” You shooed away his hand.
Jelly Beans
Jelly, jelly, jelly beans.
Belly, belly, belly beans.
Orange, white, black, green
Red, blue, yelly bean.
Many, many can be seen.
All the colors in between.
From one to many beans.
Guess how many beans?
“Thank you.” Ava ended her poem as she bowed adorably with her little body. Everyone could see you crying but right now, you don’t give a single fuck. Ava is on the stage, doing her first recital and reciting the poem she wrote about jelly beans because it’s her and her father’s favorite.
“THAT’S MY DAUGHTER! SUMMER AVA DRYSDALE! Y’ALL HEAR ME? THAT’S MY DAUGHTER” Ransom yelled as he stands up with deafening claps turning around to let people at the back see him. You laughed as you wipe your tears to calm him down.
“Fuck, Y/N. That’s our daughter.” Ransom turned to you and kissed you with so much passion. “I love you.” He pressed his forehead on yours.
“I love you too!”
General: @readermia @unlikelygalaxygiver @xoxabs88xox @anncutamarica
Anything Chris: @patzammit @princess-evans-addict @shadowcatsworld
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Yelly beans
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imlovedavestrider · 7 years
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Thank you D Thank you I mean I'm ALWAYS yelling at people but like. True
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beesmygod · 5 years
Hey how’s shelley. Has she done anything cool
shelley is a smelly yelly baby. we love her so much. i post a lot about her on my twitter if you want way more frequent pictures and updates
she has gained a little bit of weight since we got her, enough that her face isnt as skinny and has fulled out enough that she looks like an actual cat and not a strange gremlin we let in our house. her ears are still big. adam teases her for having a beige mouth. i make fun of her for having a lemur tail.
last week, my family from reno visited and she was a huge hit with all of them. she no longer hides from people we bring over under the bed. she now curiously investigates them and lets them pet her.
her favorite thing in the world is string, to the point where she is under string quarantine. if she gets a hold of some string that turns into her entire week. she just yells about wanting us to play with the string 24/7. we call this “string madness”, a tragic affliction that causes you to want string all the time. she still plays fetch sometimes, but prefers to play with toys on a string.
adam brushes her every night around 10pm when she starts yelling for brushies. she likes to bite the brush after we use it on her, but now she cant do that anymore bc she keeps trying to eat her own furs.
she sleeps on top of adam’s dresser every night while we sleep to guard us. thanks shelley.
a week ago, at like 1am, she got her head stuck in the handle of a paper bag, like a seal gets it head suck in soda can rings, and completely flipped out and ran around the house trying to run away from it while we tried to catch her to take it off. it was an adventure. 
here are pictures of her from 2 days ago, enjoying a bean bag i brought with me from oregon that she fucking hated for several months bc of the crinkly noise it makes when you sit on it. now she loves it.
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Choco en yelly beans https://www.instagram.com/p/CCv2KDWHOFW/?igshid=1ka1r325beor0
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dandy-badger · 7 years
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Bean for @rashkah of their Roe bro!
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