saltytransidiot · 3 years
Looking for a Beta
Hi folks! 
I don’t post much here, but you might know me from my witcher fics like Ode to Fury, Sweet Sorrows, or Sweet Nothings! 
I’ve been taking parts in quite a few witcher-related (mostly geraskier tbh) bangs in the last two years, and while until now everything worked out perfectly, the latest one I took part in kind of fell apart for me. Despite having a finished fic, I have no beta, and I know myself: there is most likely a lot of mistakes in there and some things probably don’t make sense :’) However, I really love this fic, and after having worked on it for nearly all of 2021, I would really love to publish it! So I’m looking for someone to help with that. Since it’s a long fic, I’ll say it’s a pretty big time investment, so I wouldn’t expect it to be done quickly. 
Here are the details of the fic, if anyone is interested: 
Title: Wolf Coven Ratings: M (mostly for violence, and a few sexual implications, but nothing really explicit) Tags: Fae AU, King Geralt, Fae witchers, + more but i don’t want to give away all the spoilers  Characters: Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier, Cirilla, Yennefer, Renfri, Lambert, Eskel, Aiden Relationships: Renfri & Jaskier, Jaskier/Geralt, Yennefer/Renfri Wordcount: 37.5k Summary: After yet another poor decision made by wayward heir Julian Pankratz, the traveling musician finds himself stepping into the court of the Fae King. If he had simply left, the faes might have left him with only a hole in his memories. But Julian Pankratz is not a smart man. Going by the name Jaskier, he asks for shelter in the court, only to be faced with tasks by the King. King Geralt demands that the strange man accomplishes seven tasks, if he is to stay in his kingdom. What Geralt isn’t expecting is the headache that follows every moment spent with Jaskier — or the fact that he is actually starting to like the man. Amidst taming of magical beasts, songs sang and magic undiscovered, Julian Pankratz stops being an heir and starts becoming Jaskier, the persona he created to not feel trapped in the fae court. Moreover, he finds himself actually liking himself better in this court. His mistaken stumble might yet be his greatest success. 
If anyone is interested, shoot me a message here ! 
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jaskicr · 4 years
‘ladies amirite’ discord server for the witcher ladies
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if you love the women in the witcher and want a space to talk about then, @thegrimmgrimm made a server to fulfil all your witcher women and femslash needs! here we just gush over our fave witcher women, our fave wlw ships... we have both gen and shipping channels to yell about our faves. we love the witcher women, okay, they’re amazing
anyone over 18 is welcome to join - we’re inclusive of trans members and we have channels for trans and genderbending headcanons as well!
join the server here!
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likecastle · 4 years
Witcher Femslash February - Disguise
It’s day fourteen of @bamf-jaskier’s Witcher Femslash February, and for Valentine’s Day I have some repressed yearning Yennfri for you all! This is set in the same AU as Visions and Together (in which Yennefer finds Renfri before Geralt does and the two embark on a life of crime together). Previous ficlets here:
Apart, Burned, Battle, Wound, Visions, Together, The Lodge, Adore, Frenemies, Transform, Blind, Nilfgaard, Graves
Warnings for some mild (non-sexual) knifeplay here, as well as for Renfri’s self-loathing headspace. Renfri believes her feelings are not reciprocated, but I am here to tell you she’s wrong.
The intruder doesn’t make it two steps before Renfri has a knife at his throat. He’s big, but Renfri’s handled bigger.
“Tell me what you’re doing here and maybe I’ll let you live.” She won’t, of course, but that fact doesn’t generally encourage people to tell the truth.
The man laughs, a low, dark rumble, and says, “You’re even better than I gave you credit for.”
“Better start talking,” she says, and lets him feel just how sharp the edge of her knife is. “That offer of mine’s about to expire.”
“Oh, for—it’s me,” says the man, speaking now, of all things, in Yennefer’s voice.
Renfri springs away and turns the person in front of her roughly so she can get a look at the intruder’s face. She keeps her knife at the ready, just in case. As she watches, the man’s burly frame melts away into Yennefer’s slight one. His ruddy, pock-marked complexion fades, replaced by Yennefer’s impossibly smooth brown skin. The red line from Renfri’s knife remains, however, as deadly as it is fine.
“Fuck,” Renfri mutters, her stomach twisting viciously. The adrenaline calm of a moment ago is gone, replaced with a frantic rushing in her ears.
“I’m impressed,” Yennefer says coolly, and brushes off her sleeves like it’ll dispel some lingering trace of the enchantment.
“I could’ve killed you,” Renfri chokes out. Not just could have. She was ready to—knew she would. 
Yennefer raises her perfect eyebrows. “I doubt it.” She searches around for a handkerchief, and applies it to her throat, just above the riboon that holds her obsidian star. The cut is so thin it’s barely bled.
Renfri swallows hard against the sour churning in her gut. “Let me—” She gestures toward the table where the crew tends to dress their wounds after a fight.
“I am a mage, you know,” Yennefer says scornfully.
“Just—let me, you stubborn bitch,” Renfri mutters, and Yennefer smiles like this is the highest compliment anyone has ever paid her. She does, in the end, allow Renfri to herd her into a chair and fuss over her.
Renfri tries not to let her hands shake as she removes Yennefer’s necklace and dabs at Yennefer’s throat with alcohol and a clean cloth. She follows it with a salve Yennefer mixed up to keep her men’s endless array of wounds from turning to rot. It’s such a small cut there’s not much risk of infection, but Renfri doesn’t want to risk it. She’d rather not be reminded of what she is, what she’s capable of, every time she looks at the woman she loves. 
“There,” she says, tying a thin strip of gauze around her throat. “And don’t fucking sneak up on me like that ever again.” She thumps Yennefer’s shoulder with the heel of her hand. “What is wrong with you?”
“I have to keep you on your toes somehow,” Yennefer says, smiling at her again with a secret bemused expression that makes Renfri’s throat close up for entirely different reasons. “Otherwise you’ll get bored and find someone else to slit throats for.”
“Nah,” Renfri says, and oh, her heart, her stupid fucking heart. “You’ve spoiled me for all other criminal masterminds. I only want to slit throats for you.” 
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teamfreehoodies · 4 years
I'm two days late with a fic prompt sorry lol but I could not get this idea out of my head so, if you're still up for it: what if Witcher AU where it's Yennefer who meets Renfri at Blaviken instead of Geralt <3 Love your fics
Oh my god this is so interesting?????? (Also thank you!!!! 💕)
Yennefer hasn’t been to the coast in years, and she wouldn’t be here under normal circumstances, but she was.... desperate. Rumor had it that there might be a djinn for sale in their market soon, which meant either someone had found one, or at the very least there was djinn activity in the area and someone felt justified that they could find one and for a dirty little place in the backwoods just off the coast it did seem to have something... off about it. She’d portaled to a field just outside the city, a place that should have been empty of magic entirely except for what she brought with her. And yet... something was different about this town. The air felt heavy with it, a stagnant weight hovering over the people, and as she approached the city’s gates it became more and more apparent that something was deeply wrong with this city. Where there should have been children playing games in the street there were only beggars, staring listlessly forward as they huddled against walls for warmth, a stark indicator of a bad fishing season in a town like this.
But there had been no pleas to the Brotherhood to take care of their ills, no appeal to the mages to find the fish, to feed the fishermen, to save the town. Yennefer had left court, but she still knows all the court mages and none of them had said anything of a town under famine. She kept moving, ignoring the damp dreariness that pulled at her heart. Maybe it wasn’t famine, and Blaviken simply had an unusually large amount of serfs with no fields to tend, and the heavy atmosphere was just caused by the concentrated misery of so many people packed so closely together.
She would get no answers on the street, so she ducked into the first tavern she saw, shaking off the strange heaviness of emotion from staring at the misery in the streets of this thrice-cursed backwater. The tavern at least was decent enough, a good crowd for this time of day, early as it still was. She wound her way to the bar, aiming for a beer and a chance to collect her thoughts. She might find someone in here who could tell her of the fishing spots suddenly gone bare— that might be a good indication of djinn activity actually, now that she thought about it.
The bartender slid her a cup and filled it before turning away with a grunt as he picked up the coin she left on the table. The beer was cold, but that was were the positives ended. “What the fuck,” she muttered spitting the ale back into its cup— she’d tasted piss-water more palatable than this swill.
“It’s an acquired taste but I promise, it’s not poison.” Yennefer looked down the bar, tracking down the owner of the offered opinion. Oh, but she was gorgeous, her hair an asymmetrical mess framing her rounded cheeks, lashes long enough to make the brown of her eyes look bottomless, her mouth curled with just the right amount of attitude as she smirked at Yennefer.
“I’d almost prefer it it was poison” Yennefer replied, sliding closer down the bar and dragging the piss-water with her. “At least then the taste would have an explanation.” The woman laughed, cracking more peanuts from the bar, and popping them into her open mouth. She smiled at Yennefer, leaning back in her seat as she made a short gesture at the barkeep.
“You’ve a lot of experience with poisons then?” She asked, turning to face Yennefer fully.
“Enough to never accept a drink I didn’t order myself,” Yennefer countered, smirking as the barkeep plunked two wine cups in front of them.
“Well that’s a shame then, isn’t it.” The woman said, reaching across Yennefer to drag the cup away before the barkeep could pour anything into it.
Yennefer caught her hand against the bottom rim of the cup, feeling the warmth of her rough hands (and gods she wanted those hands against her skin so suddenly she was surprised by the force of her desire.) “it’s only a shame if we let it be.” she purred, rubbing her thumb along the index finger of the woman’s hand still trapped beneath her own.
The barkeep cleared his throat, breaking them apart as he gestured impatiently with the wine bottle. “Am I pouring this or not,” he said “I’ve got other customers, y’know.”
The woman giggled, than guffawed, a hearty laugh that was more wild and free than any woman Yennefer had ever known— instantly, she was hooked. Yennefer wanted more of that laugh, wanted some of that wild freedom for herself.
“There’s better drinks at my place,” Yennefer said aching to reach back out and touch, needing the heat of the other woman’s skin to balance against the chill of her own.
“Are you seducing me?” the woman asked, smirking slyly at Yennefer from behind her fringe of hair.
“Only if you’re interested in being seduced,” Yennefer leaned in closer, not touching, just letting her proximity work for her. They were facing each other still and as Yennefer leaned in the woman did too, almost imperceptibly, until Yennefer stopped, just close enough that their conversation was a touch too intimate for public (but oh, that had never bothered Yennefer one little bit, and in fact it added to the heat in her belly, the tension between her thighs that demanded release.) “Is it working?” she whispered finally, her breath just ghosting over the other woman’s lips.
(Fuck off,” muttered the barkeep as he plunked the wine down on the counter and stalked towards his other customers. He had things to do other than staring at flirting lesbians.)
“Why don’t we go get that wine.” The woman whispered, sending shivers down Yennefer’s spine. Delicious anticipation was thrumming through her veins and it made her sloppy, so she almost missed the knife as it hurtled up to rest beneath her chin.
“I’m not really into knifeplay as a rule,” she said, one hand against the woman’s where it was trying to push a blade into her throat, the other pressed into the base of the woman’s neck, her thumb just above the dip in her clavicle.
“Yeah well, you can tell that to Stregobor when he joins you in hell then can’t you.” The woman said, nonsensically, as they both strained against the other’s grip.
“Stregobor?” Yennefer repeated, mind trying desperately to connect the pieces.
“He sent you to kill me before I could kill him, why else would a mage be in Blaviken?” The woman scoffed and Yennefer realized that the reason no one had intervened was because the entire tavern was being held hostage by men in line with this woman, a collection of dwarves and halflings with swords and crossbows, the sorriest looking army that Yennefer had ever seen. Yennefer’s grip slipped and the knife slid another centimeter closer to her throat and all of a sudden she understood what was wrong about this damn town.
“Cock.” She said, staring into the eyes of the last girl born under the Black Sun, Renfri, Princess of Creyden, sworn hunter of Stregobor the Mage and something of a local legend amongst Yennefer’s circle of influence, precisely for her vendetta against the man. They all hated Stregobor, and he’d been officially censured for his slaughter of the girls of the Black Sun prophecy, and prophecy work had been falling out of fashion ever since— not that that knowledge did her any good, a knife to her throat and a furious shrike holding it.
“I’m not here on business of Stegobor’s,” Yennefer offered, pulling on Chaos just enough to give her a fighting chance. She pushed the hand with the knife against her throat sharply upwards, a fast enough strike that it stunned Renfri, knocking the weapon from her hand though not for long as she was already reaching for a new one— but Yennefer had space, had time—had purpose, and that was all a mage really needed.
“I bet you want him dead, right?” She said, holding up her hands to ward off Renfri’s continued advances (and also to make portalling away faster if need be. Renfri paused, cocking her head at Yennefer. Emboldened she went on, “I don’t have any particular feelings about the man, but I bet even you can’t hope to succeed against him alone.” Renfri, according to legend, wasn’t the sort of shrike that waited. To find her in a tavern in Blaviken meant Stregobor must be close, and must be hiding if he hadn’t yet been killed. “Ahh, that’s it isn’t is,” she said, as Renfri slowly let her go, flipping the knife in a devastatingly hot) show of skill before she sipped it back in to the sheath on her thigh. Oh, if this worked out the way Yennefer wanted it to, they were going to have a fucking amazing time together. “You can’t get to him. What has he locked himself into a tower somewhere? Magicked up some guard dogs I imagine?” She took her seat, reaching for the bottle of wine the barkeep must have left for them, pouring equal measures into the two cups. 
Renfri must have made some motion behind Yennefer’s back (it wasn’t much of a gamble to turn her back on this opponent, sure as Yennefer was of her purpose here, but enough of one that a little shiver of pleasure ran up her spine at the implied danger) because the dwarves and halflings were putting down weapons, retreating to the table they’d been occupying before they took the tavern hostage. There was some grumbling from the patronage, but violence seemed to be the language of these people, so it settled quickly, just in time for Renfri to take her seat again, reaching forward to grab the wine that Yennefer had poured for her. “He’s locked himself in his tower,” she said, taking a sip of the wine and letting her knee bump into Yennefer’s thigh beneath the bartop. “Can’t get him out to face me in a fair fight, which he knows he’d lose.” Now that Yennefer is paying attention she can feel the slight disturbance in Chaos as it bends away from Renfri, refusing to touch. Interesting. “So tomorrow me and my men are going to murder every single person in the market until he crawls down from his ivory tower and faces his destiny at the end of my sword.” She’s puffed up already, like she expects Yennefer to object to this plan. The massive planned loss of life bothers Yennefer on a surface level surely, as unnecessary as it is. There are easier ways to pull Stregobor from his hiding place-- more elegant too.
“What if I told you that I could pull him out of that tower without having to sacrifice the townspeople of Blaviken?” 
“I’d ask you for what price. I know mages and witchers are alike in that they only work for coin or power.”  
Yennefer smiled, taking a long draught of the wine and then slamming the empty cup back on the bartop. “I want everything, little shrike. But this?” she said, spreading her arms wide, “this I’ll do just because Stregobor deserved more than a slap on the wrist for his actions and I can think of no more fitting end than to watch you butcher him in the streets of Blaviken.” 
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piceuscelus · 4 years
OMG YENNFRI! YES PLEASE!! Renfri reminds me so much of a cat in that episode where she was drinking/eating at the tavern. What if Yennefer does that thing where she puts *insert beverage* between her thighs for Renfri to lap it up, but then -WHOA- Renfri actually has a tongue of a cat and then y'know what's next ;)) Also, let's just imagine that it's not painful please lol
i have to be honest here, i had to have a whole council of my friends help me figure out what, exactly, this position entailed. BUT we figured it out, and now it’s here, your prompt, brought to you by my unending thirst for my crush who sent me lewds today
Yennefer’s only indication that her ritual took in any fashion, for a moment, is the flare of white light that engulfs the whole circle for a moment, blinding her. She jerks, just slightly, and accidentally spills the goblet she’s holding over her lap, the liquor tingling on her skin, where it pools in the little cup between her thighs and her pubis.
“Shit,” she mutters, and she means to stand, to find a cloth to wipe up the mess, but a low, hissing laugh stops her. 
Her head whips up to find a demon standing in the circle, exactly as naked as Yennefer, but with paler, pinkish skin marred only with smatterings of reddish-brown scales along the curves of them; hips, elbows, cheekbones. 
“Hello,” the demon greets, and their voice is almost delicate despite the throatiness to it, and there’s a power behind it that makes Yennefer shiver. “To what do I owe the pleasure, hm?”
“I’m looking for someone,” Yennefer tells them. 
The demon chuckles. “Not me, I suppose.”
“No.” Yennefer gives the demon a once-over. They have horns protruding from just behind their hairline, large at the base and thinner at the tips, curled gracefully back, and they as well as the long, smooth tail flicking behind their back match the patches of scales. Their hair is wildly curly and chopped unevenly, one side longer than the other, but somehow it looks...right. As far as the appearance of their body, they certainly look like a woman, breasts and just the barest peek of a slit between their thighs, but Yennefer knows better than to assume anything when dealing with creatures that aren’t of her world. “You’ll do, though.”
“Oh, will I?” They take a step forward, and Yennefer resists the urge to squirm at the obvious contained power in their movements. “What’s your name, little witch?”
The term is clearly an insult, but somehow it sounds more like an endearment, and Yennefer can’t help the way she licks her lips.
“Yennefer,” she answers, and watches as the demon’s eyes – properly golden, as if they’re disks of the metal itself, with cat-like slits – widen slightly.
“Daring, little witch,” the demon purrs, and it’s definitely more of an endearment this time. “Is that for whoever you were looking for?” They gesture to the goblet Yennefer is still holding, though she doesn’t miss the way their cat eyes slide over the warming puddle of it still in her lap.
“It was,” she nods. “It can be yours now, of course. If I may know to whom I’m making an offering.”
The demon hums. “You drive a hard bargain,” they say. “I suppose we’ll see just how much studying you’ve been doing, little witch – you can call me Renfri.”
Yennefer sucks in a breath, recognition like s grip tightening on the goblet stem for a split second. Renfri laughs and steps forward again, until she’s almost right at Yennefer’s knees.
“May I?” she asks, reaching toward the goblet. Yennefer holds it out to her, trying to ignore the way she’s trembling slightly. Renfri takes the goblet and drains it in one long swallow, and Yennefer is momentarily transfixed by the sight of her throat bobbing. Renfri tosses the goblet to the side when she’s done, and Yennefer’s eyes snap back to hers.
Renfri smirks. “Oh,” she says, falsely innocent. “It appears I’ve missed some. Wouldn’t do to be rude – after all, you are offering to me, no?”
She’s smart enough to catch the double meaning. Smart enough to know that a demon doesn’t give a fuck about how their acceptance or denial of an offering is taken.
“Yes,” she says, a little breathless, and Renfri’s teeth are sharp and glinting when she grins.
“Good,” she purrs, and slides gracefully to her knees. Yennefer’s heart pounds, and when Renfri’s tail whips forward to wrap tightly around her knees – keeping them pressed together – it only speeds up, a low, hot pulse beginning to echo it in her hips. 
Renfri is tall, enough that she has no problem leaning forward to lap the liquor up from between Yennefer’s thighs. Yennefer trembles, making a soft, weak little noise at the brief flash of a rough tongue against her skin. When she looks down, she finds that Renfri is looking up from under her lashes, eyes half-lidded, the slit of her pupil wider now. She sucks in a sharp breath that tumbles straight back out on a moan as Renfri licks more intentionally.
Her tongue is rough, similar to a cat’s but not painful, no sharpness to the barbs at all. And more than that, it’s long, longer than any creature Yennefer’s ever seen, and just the sight of it as Renfri pulls it back and licks her lips making Yennefer’s belly tighten. 
“There we go,” Renfri murmurs, as she finally laps up the last of the liquor. Her tongue lingers, though, sliding along the line where Yennefer’s thighs press together, then higher, until the tip dips just between. 
Yennefer jolts with the sensation, nothing more than a tickling tease but so much all the same. Renfri laughs, low and rumbling, and her tail slowly unravels from Yennefer’s knees. Claw-tipped hands cup the curves of them and dig in just slightly, just enough to make Yennefer whimper, something caught between startled pain and desperate want. Renfri barely has to press to make Yennefer open her legs.
“Lovely,” Renfri purrs. “Look at you.” She ducks closer, and the very tip of her long tongue trails up Yennefer’s slit, pressing no further than the very edge of her outer labia. Yennefer shudders, legs falling open even wider. “Do you want it, little witch? Want to use yourself as an offering?”
“Yes,” Yennefer hisses, hips jerking slightly. Renfri laughs, and then her tongue is sliding over Yennefer’s slit again, with more intent this time. When the rough of it rasps over Yennefer’s clit, she sobs, feeling impossibly wound up and desperate already. “Please.”
“Begging already,” Renfri teases softly, but her hands slide up, tips of her claws tickling up Yennefer’s thighs, until she can grip into the meat of them to hold Yennefer open. 
Another lick that focuses the roughness of Renfri’s tongue over Yennefer’s entrance, and Yennefer feels the way she’s drenching Renfri’s chin, the chair. She whines and arches up, hands settling in Renfri’s hair first and then wrapping around her horns as she tries to get more.
Renfri makes a low, warning sound, and her tail is suddenly there to yank Yennefer’s hands away and then bind them like it had her knees. It’s long enough to not only wrap around her wrists but to hold them high above her head, all while Renfri continues her exploratory little licks. 
“Please,” Yennefer gasps, trying to shift closer even though she can’t. “Please, I want – I need more.”
“I know, little witch,” Renfri murmurs, the feeling of her lips moving making Yennefer shudder. “I can feel how much you need.” Her tail yanks Yennefer’s wrists back at the same time that Renfri shoves her legs even more open, to the point of pain. 
Yennefer yelps, finding herself even more spread out now, back arched away from the chair, hips shoved to the edge where Renfri’s mouth waits, thighs held open with a grip she knows she can’t break. “Renfri,” she pants, cunt clenching. She’s terribly empty, and her clit is throbbing, and Renfri just laughs.
“Little witch,” she purrs. “Little whore.” 
That’s all the warning gets before Renfri’s tongue is slipping around the edge of her entrance and then sliding in, in, deeper than should be possible. Yennefer feels the way it wriggles, the odd not-stretch of her hole around the muscle, and can’t help the way she sobs for it, back arching even further against the holds Renfri has.
“Please, please, I need – I need it, Renfri, please,” she babbles, feeling too hot and too big for her skin.
For the first time, Renfir just does as she asks. The sensation of being tongue-fucked is unusually intense, making Yennefer’s thighs shake in the demon’s grip, making her hips jerk. She can’t be sure if it’s Renfri’s fault by the nature of being other, or Renfri’s fault because of something Renfri is doing, but she doesn’t care. 
She clenches down on Renfri’s tongue where it’s deep inside her cunt and whines when Renfri just hums, lips pressed around Yennefer’s entrance. “Please, please, need to come,” Yennefer gasps. “Please? I’ll be good for you, please.”
Renfri makes a very pleased, rumbling noise, and when Yennefer manages to pry her eyes open, she finds the demon looking up at her, lips slick and looking obscene with her tongue still buried in Yennefer’s body. Her eyes are even more golden, somehow, and her pupils are wide, dark pools. Yennefer feels as if she might be falling, as she stares into Renfri’s eyes, her peripheral vision capturing the way the demon’s jaw works as she continues to tongue-fuck Yennefer.
“Please,” Yennefer says again, quieter this time, and Renfri’s tail suddenly lets go of her wrists to flash down between them. Renfri pulls back with one last flickering lick to Yennefer’s insides, and the tail replaces her; Yennefer gasps and whimpers, hands flying to the seat of the chair to try and anchor herself.
“I think I’ll keep you, little witch,” Renfri purrs, and rubs the flat of her rough tongue directly over Yennefer’s clit at the same time that her tail thrusts in, deep, deep enough to nearly ache, and Yennefer sees stars as she comes.
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yoursummerfrost · 4 years
are u working on any wips rn? Also I looove your writing but I’m way too shy to message u lol
Hi!! I’ve got two WIPs :) One that’s in beta and I’ll hopefully publish soon, which is a geraskier time loop fic (technically it’s implied pre-geraskefer, but Yen’s not with them during the timeloop). And the other is the one I’m in the process of writing, which is part three of my bartender AU series! This one is largely Yen & Ciri focused, but definitely features the rest of the ensemble too, so lots of Ciri & Geralt, yennralt, and yennfri, and background geraskier antics :D
PS: It’s totally okay to be shy <3 I can be kind of scatterbrained about holding conversation, but my inbox is definitely always open :)
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jaskicr · 4 years
yennefer/triss/renfri greek mythology au, with yennefer as hades, triss as persephone, and renfri as ares - they’re soft and get to kill stregobor together
Once upon a time, Yennefer had wanted the sky.
She’d reached for it, but Stregobor had taken it from her with greedy hands and a cruel grin, and she’d thought she would never see anything but darkness again.
But Triss is here, bringing life and colour to Yennefer’s bleak realm, a skip in her step as flowers bloom in her wake. Triss is here, and so is Renfri, who burns bright and fierce and wild, a vibrant presence in the darkness of the underworld.
With them by her side, Yennefer’s realm no longer feels so achingly lonely, their presence chasing away the weight of death and darkness and replacing it with a warmth that Yennefer has never experienced before, a warmth that she will hold on to for eternity.
Or: Yennefer is the goddess of the underworld. When she meets Triss, the goddess of spring, they’re drawn hopelessly to each other as Triss brings light into Yennefer’s life. They’re joined by Renfri, the goddess of war, and together, they find a home in the underworld (and take on Stregobor in the process).
Yennefer first meets the goddess of spring in the middle of a meadow.
She doesn’t leave the underworld often. The other gods annoy her, with their petty squabbles and childish disputes, and she has plenty to occupy herself with in the underworld anyway. But something draws her to the surface, to a stray meadow somewhere on the Continent, where a lone figure stands, surrounded by colourful stalks of flowers, swaying in a gentle breeze.
The figure reaches out a hand. The hand glows, warm and golden, and the figure sweeps out their arm, their gown billowing out around them as they turn, bathing the meadow in a soft golden light, and the flowers seem to perk up, vibrant colour seeping into their petals.
All at once, Yennefer knows who she’s looking at. The figure turns, and Yennefer meets warm brown eyes, crinkling gently at the corners as lovely lips tilt up in a sweet smile.
Triss, the goddess of spring, of new life and creation, of the flowers that bloom across the earth and chase away the winter chill.
Yennefer stays still, not dropping her gaze, and Triss swirls her hand gracefully. Around Yennefer, where the plants have wilted and died in her presence, in the presence of the goddess of the underworld, life and colour seep back into the previously dead plants, springing back to life and arching towards her, sunflowers beaming brightly, bluebells swinging their heads, rosebuds a vibrant bloom, and Yennefer, unable to stop herself, reaches out, marvelling at how the flowers remain lively and colourful even beneath her deathly touch.
A rustle of skirts draws her attention back, and Yennefer looks up to see Triss smiling at her, hands still glowing gold. Something warm tugs at her heart, tugs her towards this bright, lovely presence, and Yennefer unwittingly takes a step forward before she remembers herself, remembers the death and destruction at her fingertips, the darkness that roils in her heart, and she shrouds herself in shadows, transporting herself back to the underworld.
Triss is lovely, and something in Yennefer yearns. But Yennefer is the goddess of the underworld, the goddess of death, and she will not taint the soft, golden glow of the goddess of spring,
And yet.
She shouldn’t follow the tug in her heart, she knows. She shouldn’t. But the underworld is painfully lonely, and Yennefer finds herself seeking Triss out, watching her from a distance as she spreads life across land left barren by ice and snow, colourful flowers replacing the endless white canvas of winter. Triss notices her each time, turning to catch her eyes as she splays her fingers out, pulling new life from the earth, and Yennefer is rooted in place by those deep brown eyes, unable to run, unable to do anything but watch as Triss smiles at her, sweet and gentle.
Soon, she becomes a constant companion. After a few visits, Triss starts murmuring to herself, talking about her day, about the joy of mortals as they glimpse the approach of spring, about her fellow gods, high up in the gleaming city of Olympus, about her dearest friend, Renfri, the goddess of war. And Yennefer listens, lets her soothing voice drift over her, and lets herself forget, for a few moments, about the death that resides in her realm.
Triss is -
“Yennefer.” Triss says her name like no one else does, like it isn’t a curse, like the goddess of the underworld isn’t someone to be reviled, to be hated, like her name is something - something precious. “How have you been?”
It’s the first time Triss has addressed her directly, and Yennefer ponders her answer. She contemplates if she should stay silent, but Triss watches her patiently, her gaze gentle in a way no one has ever directed at Yennefer before, and that perpetual darkness residing within Yennefer melts away, just a little.
“Same as usual,” she murmurs, and Triss’ smile glows brighter than the light enveloping her hands.
“As usual?” Triss’ tone takes on a teasing edge as she steps closer to Yennefer, and though she’s still a small distance away, Yennefer feels so wondrously warm. “I don’t know what your usual is. I think you might have to tell me.”
And so she does. Yennefer tells her about the underworld, the overwhelming darkness of it. She tells her about the souls in Elysium, in the Fields of Asphodel, in Tartarus. She tells her about the river Styx, about how souls are judged, about the stray souls that come to her throne room, sometimes, and beg for their loved ones back, and Triss listens, her smile never wavering as she inches closer, and closer.
They start doing this more often. Talking, chatting, in the middle of a field, a meadow, on the top of hills and next to rivers, as Triss works her way through the land and Yennefer lets go of her duties for a few quiet moments to bask in the joyous radiance of spring.
read more on ao3, link in reblog!
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saltytransidiot · 3 years
No Kings Among Wolves
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No Kings Among Wolves
A fic written by yours truly, with the lovely help of Mephistos as beta, and the amazing collaboration of @midnightmagpies and @punchsomeoneforme-willyou as artists! 
This was written for the @geraskierbigbang​ 2021, and it was a really amazing experience! Go check out everyone’s lovely fics and arts !! 
Fic rating: M  Wordcount: 32300 Relationships: Geralt/Jaskier, Renfri/Yennefer, background Aiden/Lambert Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Tags: Alternate Universe, Canon Universe, but like in the way the world remains the same but (nearly) everything else changes, Prince Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion and Renfri are Siblings, Stregobor being Stregobor, Non-Human Jaskier | Dandelion, OC pankratz family, Amnesiac Jaskier | Dandelion, Curses
Prince Julian of Kerack has been having nightmares recently. On the day of his twenty-first birthday feast, a week before his official coronation, he tries to ignore those nightmares and focus on the party. However, when a princess of Creyden greets him, accompanied by her witcher bodyguard, Julian starts feeling like he can't escape the dreams anymore.
Jaskier was a son, a brother, a prince. One sweep at his mind, and he is only a Prince.
Go see @punchsomeoneforme-willyou​ art piece here and @midnightmagpies​ art piece here and give them the love they deserve!!
Find the fic here! 
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likecastle · 4 years
A summary of the Witcher “Punisher” concept fic cycle I’ll never write
The category is lo-fi suburban wasteland, a modern AU in tones of washed-out alienation and muted longing. One part @yoursummerfrost​‘s Bartending AU, a dash of @limerental​‘s Other Things I’ll Never Be verse, all Phoebe Bridgers vibes all the time. I am way too slow a writer to commit to this, so, here, have an extensive verbal moodboard for a thing I will almost certainly never get around to writing.
Geralt gets by working odd jobs for shit pay, raising Ciri on his own as best he can; they’ve been living out of Geralt’s van, traveling wherever the work takes him, but he’s going to try to stay in one place for a while this time, for Ciri’s sake. Jaskier’s just dropped out of college and returned home with no prospects; feeling stifled by his status-conscious family, he works a dead-end job and plays out at small local venues in secret because nobody he knows here at home understands what he’s trying to do creatively. Yennefer basically raised herself, poor and disabled and full of rage at the injustice in the world; now she’s clawing her way up the ranks of local political scene, driven by the spite she feels against all the people in this nowhere town who didn’t believe she’d amount to anything. Renfri is the privileged daughter of a prominent but cruel family who violently rejected her family’s expectations for her but still can’t figure out what she wants for her life other than something else; she’s been living on her childhood friend Yennefer’s couch since she lost her most recent job for cursing out her creep of a boss. Is there a plot in all this? Not really. Just a lot of atmosphere. Feelings and atmosphere.
DVD Menu - a beat-up van navigates a back road as dusk turns to true dark - in the distance, an abandoned housing development loses ground to the desert 
Garden Song - the doctor put her hands over my liver / she told me my resentment’s getting smaller - Yennefer grows up in this faded excuse for a town, feeling poisoned by how much she hates it and envying Renfri for a life that looks perfect from the outside, meanwhile Renfri is just as dissatisfied and angry as Yennefer is - a story about longing to have someone else’s life, the furious desire for something more, and finding solace in shared rage
Kyoto - I don’t forgive you / but please don’t hold me to it - Geralt and Ciri roll into town and goof around because making a game of their nomadic lifestyle is the only way they know to cope with how isolating it is for both of them, a lighthearted ramble around town colored by Geralt’s grief and self-recrimination that he hasn’t provided better for Ciri, but also exploring their profound familial love for each other, too - a story about Geralt and Ciri deciding to try to make it work for real this time, and hoping that maybe this new town will be the place they can finally settle down
Punisher - and here, everyone knows you’re the way to my heart / hear so many stories of you at the bar - Jaskier wanders around town, yearning gracelessly for Geralt even though he knows Geralt’s dating Yennefer, worrying he’s alienating his few existing friends, and writing songs instead of sleeping - a story about heartsickness and feeling like a pariah, but maybe you just need to see a friendly face and get a good night’s sleep
Halloween - always surprised by what i do for love / some things i never expect - Yennefer breaks up with Geralt at a Halloween house party because she realizes they’ve grown apart and she can see he’s falling in love with Jaskier - a story about loving someone deeply and knowing you always will, but recognizing it’s time you both move on
Chinese Satellite - i’ve been running around in circles / pretending to be myself - Jaskier and Geralt finally get together, after a lot mutual pining and misunderstandings and self-doubt - a story about getting comfortable with uncertainty because the present moment is enough, even if it’s not always perfect
Moon Song - if i could give you the moon / i would give you the moon - Renfri realizes how much she loves Yennefer, but she thinks Yennefer is still in love with Geralt, and she’s convinced she’s missed her chance to be with the one person she can actually stand in the whole world, all because she’s too damaged to be with someone - a story about wanting something so badly it hurts and recognizing that you’re the only one standing in your way
Savior Complex - all the bad dreams that you hide / show me yours, i’ll show you mine - Yennefer fights the impulse to sabotage her deepening relationship with Renfri, because every time she gets genuinely close to someone she starts to feel like it can’t possibly be any good and shuts the other person out - a story about deciding to do battle with your own worst impulses and realizing you might finally have found someone who’s equal to the fight
ICU - i’ve been playing dead / my whole life - Geralt worries he’s screwed things up with Jaskier, only to realize how much he doesn’t want to lose him - a story about how risky it can be to wake up to feelings you were almost able to forget you had
Graceland Too - yelled down the hall, but nobody answered / so she walked outside without an excuse - Ciri strikes out on her own to spend a nice, normal day of teenage hijinks with her new friend Dara, and a worried Geralt goes off in search of her, until he finds her safe and sound - a story about a taste of adolescent independence and the reaffirmation of familial devotion
I Know the End - driving out into the sun / let the ultraviolet cover me up - Yennefer and Renfri decide to finally leave town together and start a new life somewhere new, full of the melancholy of leaving home behind and the exhilaration of all the possibilities that lie ahead of you - a story about choosing to make a life with the person who makes you feel like the most alive version of yourself even if it’s terrifying
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saltytransidiot · 3 years
Hey guys! 
I’m running a bang called Continental Gal Pals ( @continental-gal-pals ) where artists and writers focus on the ladies of the witcher, and specifically wlw ships or nblw ships! We are looking for more people, and we would love to have you onboard! 
Go check us out, see our rules, schedule, and even join our discord! Sign ups are open already :D 
We hope to see y’all !! 
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saltytransidiot · 4 years
This is an answer to the second part of this ask by @adsdragonlover for the Yen/Renfri “Leave him and marry me” prompt hehehe 
I have a BIG soft spot for Yennfri, they are an absolute badass duo and I will write them in love everywhere yes
“Leave him and marry me.”
The bed is large and luxurious, and the air is warm, and everything feels perfect. Everything is perfect, Yennefer thinks as she sees her lover hovering above her. Renfri’s short hair frames her face perfectly, and the sorceress feels a surge of adoration for her warrior. 
This plea is one that Renfri has whispered countless times, worshipped into her skin and written onto letters upon letters, but it feels so much more real now. This is the first time Renfri is saying it while looking into Yennefer’s lilac eyes, and it is the first time that Yennefer lets herself envision the possibility. 
“We would be on the run,” she whispers softly into the air. “We wouldn’t be able to stay anywhere very long. He would hunt you down.” 
“Let him try,” Renfri snarls, and she kisses Yennefer’s jaw. “I love you. I want to be by your side forever. I don’t care for a man’s opinion of me.” 
A witcher and a sorceress, they make the perfect couple, in theory. Renfri’s golden eyes shine softly in the soft dawn light filtering through the open window. She has scars all over her body, and a long one that cuts her jaw from  her left ear to her collarbone. It was how they had met, after all. Yennefer remembers rescuing the witcher like it was yesterday. It’s hard to believe it was almost five years ago now. 
“I love you too,” Yennefer murmurs. “But he is no simple man. He could hurt you, hurt us...” 
“Leave with me,” Renfri begs again, burying her face in the crook of Yennefer’s neck. “We’ll find a way to break that bond he has on you, I promise that to you, my love. I will turn the Continent over to free you.” 
“There might not be a solution,” Yennefer thinks back to the lord who used a Djinn to tie Yennefer to him. Lord Eredin is a vile man, and she hates him, hates him with everything she has, but she’s afraid of what could happen if she left. “If anything happens to you, I would never forgive myself.” 
“Nothing will happen to me. I will take you to my Keep, and you will be safe there. My brothers and I will watch over you, and we will have a winter wedding... It won’t be a rich life, but you will be happy.”
Renfri looks up, and caresses Yennefer’s cheek. She is so tender here, when they are together behind private doors. Outside, she is the harsh, angry wolf witcher they hire when a monster prowls the land. But everywhere, she is Yennefer’s. Her warrior, her witcher, her lover. 
“Alright,” Yennefer murmurs against Renfri’s lips, drawing her into a long kiss. “Take me away, and make me your wife.”
S ö m f t e for the soul 
i love them so much omg i’m just UwU about them and that’s saying something
I have multiple fics in work with them in it yes
Send me a prompt and I’ll write a ficlet for it!
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teamfreehoodies · 4 years
Yennfri Drabble is now live on my ao3! I cleaned it up from the tumblr form and gave it some zhuzh so go give it some love if you’re so inclined :3
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saltytransidiot · 3 years
Hands to Mend
I wrote a little Yennfri fic to promote the @continental-gal-pals big bang! I’m one of the organizers and we are always happy to have new participants! 
 Find the fic on AO3!
Renfri’s hands trails over Yennefer’s back as she sleeps. She is beautiful like this, relaxed and free of all the worries she usually carries on her shoulders. When they are together, the cat witcher can relax, her own guard down, but it is Yenefer’s change that astonishes her the most. The sorceress, with all her power and her might, seems to become the softer, kinder woman she could have become, had Aretuza not gotten their hands on her.
Tracing soft patterns, Renfri can’t help but think that, despite all the hatred she bears for her sorceress’ former school, she is a little grateful for it anyway. If Yennefer hadn’t been taken there, then she would have never learned to control her Chaos, to make potions, or all those other little things Renfri has come to associate with her lover. More so, she would have never met the cat witcher.
They had met four years ago now, when Renfri had been injured on a hunt. She had been careless, had left her potions behind at the inn that day, except for a vial each of Cat and Swallow. It had been supposed to be a simple rabid pack of wolves — she could have dealt with that easily, without even breaking a sweat. It hadn’t supposed to be a leshen.
Yennefer had found her bleeding out in the woods, and had brought her back to her cottage. She had lived there for a few months every summer, taking care of her daughter Cirilla, tending to her garden, finding peace after months at court and around all kinds of meddling aristocrats. Renfri knew the feeling.
Now, it is winter. Ciri is up with her fathers in the wolf fortress, and Renfri arrived to the court where Yennefer resides three days ago. Cat witchers have no keep to go back to, no home beyond a shoddy caravan that Renfri loathes. Her only friend in the cat school has stopped coming there for the winter, instead joining his lover up at the wolf fortress as well. Maybe one day, Yennefer and Renfri will be invited there as well. She isn’t sure she would accept though; cats and wolves have a history of disagreement, and she has no ties to any wolf. For her sorceress though…
“You’re thinking too loudly,” Yennefer yawns, and Renfri looks down to see her purple eyes staring straight at her. “What has you so disturbed when it is the middle of the night?”
Renfri hums, leans down. She is unable to resist kissing her lover; no matter how many times she has been allowed to, no matter that it has been four years already, Renfri will never be able to resist that urge. She simply loves Yennefer too much, in a way words can’t quite describe. Renfri had been told love would be all consuming, that it would uproot her and make her feel so different that sometimes she would hardly recognize herself. Instead, Renfri feels more herself each time she is with Yennefer. It is a gentle wave rocking through her, akin to the quiet sea in summer mornings, when the heat has not yet come.
“I love you,” Renfri answers, simple and plain. The words aren’t whispered, aren’t shouted. She could do either, she could do both, but there is no better way for her to say this than honestly, the night enveloping them in its gentle hold.
Yennefer smiles, softness seeping through her harsh court persona, and her hand comes to caress Renfri’s cheek. The touch is so tender, so full of a love Renfri had spent years believing she would never be worth of, that tears start slipping from her eyes. Yennefer’s eyes turn even softer, and she wipes her tears gently.
“I love you too, my warrior,” Yennefer whispers. “Come sleep again, Ren. We have all winter to love each other.”
Renfri nods, slowly uncurling herself from the sitting position she had been in, and comes to place her head beneath her lover’s. Yennefer’s hands thread through her short hair, a soothing gesture that makes Renfri purr slowly.
Falling asleep comes easily, when Renfri is with her lover.
0 notes
teamfreehoodies · 4 years
teamfreehoodies masterlist
The Witcher (TV) 
See below the readmore to find links and summaries for all the fics I’ve written to date in this fandom.
and we will be elided by the people that we love most
de-aged!Jaskier, hurt!jaskier, hurt!yennefer, exploration of motherhood, families of choice, panic attacks (jask)
“What did you give me?” he growls, burying his fear beneath a burst of anger. The room around them splinters, making gravity an uncertain principle: vertigo makes him drool and he spits, falling over, digging his fingers into the ground in a futile effort to make everything just stop spinning. “Oh fuck, wha’ ‘id you do t’me?” he slurs out past a suddenly numb tongue. The icy burn has spread out from his throat and chest to take over his whole body, sending lightning strikes of pain zinging up and down his limbs.
“You’ll find out soon enough, I think.”
Yennefer is healing after Sodden, trying to pull her chaos back inside herself. She doesn’t actually have time to chase down wayward bards, much less take care of the child-sized version of one she’s never particularly liked all that well. She really is quite tired of being forced to save this fool.
darling, dearest, don’t you see (voices left inside of me)
follow-up to ‘elided" above: After the events of and we will be elided, Loretta writes Jaskier a letter. How do you forgive the kind of betrayal that’s made to save another life? How do you learn to live with the ways your family has hurt you? How do you heal without betraying yourself?
idk man, read the fic.
the heart electric (beats a half-time measure)
Jaskier drops the torch and the dagger, rushing forward to fall to his knees next to Geralt. The light sputters briefly but holds, and Jaskier curses himself even as he hesitantly reaches out to try and wake Geralt. The leather armour of his shoulder is cold under Jaskier’s palm, and weirdly tacky with something; arachas venom pings in the back of his mind like a warning, and he hastily wipes his palms off on his already ruined doublet, reaching forward to cradle Geralt’s face instead. “Geralt?” he whispers; the horrifying truth of Geralt’s stillness catches in his throat, preventing him from being any louder than that. “Geralt?”
It’s not that he hadn’t thought it possible… but Geralt was a witcher. No one had ever mentioned that witchers could die.
Five Times Jaskier Thought Geralt Was Dead, Plus One Time It Was Reversed
this life that we’ve created (inundated with the fated thought of you)
Gods, but this is very nearly intolerable. He’d been ready to forgive him, even then, waiting for Geralt to take it back, for him to turn around and apologize; and he’d been ready to forgive him two years ago, if only Geralt’s path would cross his again, one year ago, traveling slowly from town to town, chasing whispers of the white wolf in between his bardic circuit. He does not know if his heart can take it again, if Geralt once more decides him too much of a burden to bear traveling with. Injured, now, needing to be saved, he could not have engineered a worse reunion had he written the fates himself.
if you could let me inside your heart (could I be enough?)
Post-coital realizations should never be had alone. AKA Jaskier questions his place between these two powerful, immortal, destined-to-be-together beings, and he finds it hurts to be just… human.
this our winter of love (a gift from one above)
“It’s weird but I don’t think it’s witcher-weird.”
“Oh, it’s witcher-weird, alright.” Lambert interrupted, pulling up something on his phone. It was one of those ‘smart’ phones, paper thin, supposedly able to think for itself; seemed like more trouble than Geralt cared to deal with, but Lambert was half in love with the damned thing. “Look,” he said, thrusting the lit-up rectangle in Geralt’s face.
Geralt had to pull comically far back to actually look at what Lambert wanted him to see. The screen showed a small parcel of people milling about a city center. They were all dressed like either they had walked off of a movie set, or they were genuinely from the 1200s. There was even a bard, holding a lute. A distressingly familiar bard, for all that Geralt hadn’t seen that face in eight hundred years.
i carry your heart (i carry it in)
Witchers don’t have soulmates. That’s been true for as long as Geralt’s been alive, a necessary sacrifice for a life spent on the Path. There’s no place for the attachments that humans define themselves by.
It may not be worth it to Geralt, but love has always been the single most motivating force in the world for Jaskier. Unrequited or not, he’s a bard, and there’s a story to be told. He’ll be the one to tell it.
(Who’s the more tragic figure here? The loved or the unloving?)
Jaskier and Geralt are soulmates, bound by the Red String of Fate. But just because it’s written in the stars doesn’t mean it’s an easy path to tread, and it takes more than a nudge from fate to make a soul-bond work. Between the way Geralt feels about destiny, and the trials and tribulations of the path they have to trudge, it’s going to be one hell of an adventure.
the prairie is vast (the train is quicker) | Into the Jaskierverse, pt. 14
Geralt and Ciri are still trying everything they can to find Jaskier. After… a traumatizing split, they come back together in a new universe entirely. They’re offered a chance to distract themselves from their worry over Jaskier, and the perilous journey they’re on, by helping a female version of their favorite bard steal a wagon, rob a train, and, just maybe, come to terms with a worry that’s been plaguing her.
Featuring; much talk of guns, someone getting shot (on accident), a murder! (on purpose), Jaskier the Horse!Girl, one (1) dissociative episode, one (1) panic attack (though not the same character), and just enough fludd and banter to even it all out.
if i loved you (could you stay?) | QF1
He knows the way to Jaskier’s lodgings, knows by heart how to find the tiny row of cottages reserved for the professors and their families, knows too that Jaskier might not even be there; he’s not heard of anything from the bard in months, not since—
He shakes himself, turning away from the uncomfortable memories. What’s done is done. He only hopes he isn’t too late.
A love confession gone wrong leads Geralt to try and fix his relationship with Jaskier.
Go Get Your Mage | Yennfri promptfic
When Yennefer portals into Blaviken instead of Geralt, a more… mutually beneficial arrangement is made.
fate makes fools of us all (she plays the longest game) | QF2
It’s not that she’d meant to become a witch, but… well.
Sometimes these things just happen.
a willing ear (a hand to hold) |  QF3
A little town in the mountains calls for the aid of a witcher, and Geralt and Jaskier take on a contract that’s more than it first appears to be.
Even the divine have friends, strange as it may seem.
breathe with it (bleed with it)
Fringilla was the first. She flexes her hand, feeling again the phantom tendrils of chaos crawling up her veins as her arm had turned to dessicated ash and bone in recompense for her glory. That was what being noticed got you. That was a lesson learned in blood and pain. That was a lesson learned hard and fast and once.
a Fringilla Vigo character study; “There is no such thing as dark or light magic. Nothing in this world is as simple as that.”
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teamfreehoodies · 4 years
My Top Four Fics
Hey! I got tagged by the lovely @jaskicr​ in this: fic writer challenge rules: list your four fave fics you’ve written
so here we go!
1. elided aka and we may be elided by the people that we love most
right so this fic started because one of my favorite fanfic tropes is deaging, and I was thinking about how important motherhood is to Yenn, and to the show at its core as well, and I was inspired to try and explore some of my own issues/thoughts about motherhood as a whole. This was (and still is) the longest fic I’ve ever written, and I’m insanely proud still of reaching that milestone with it. plus i just think it’s a good story guys. If you like Yennefer, and the idea of her bonding with Jaskier appeals to you? give it a read.
2. cowgirlskier aka the prairie is vast (the train is quicker)
What can I say except that this was my itj chapter and i only have friends in this fandom because I got invited to be part of this project???? Not only did i enjoy this fic for the main premise (and my eventual rdr2!au- it’s coming I swear!!!) but also I really felt like this was a fun read and exciting and it was my chance to explore a female Jaskier a little bit on the side before I stuck her in the main au. I love cowgirlskier so fucking much guys 🥺
3. Go Get Your Mage aka Yennefer goes to Blaviken instead
I love women what can I say? this was a prompt fic which i fell in love with and wrote in like, a franticly inspired half hour on my phone, but I still think it’s amazing and deserves more love than it got on ao3 when I posted it, so I will shamelessly throw this at any conversation about the Yennfri rarepair. They’re fucking delightful! (also,,, pssst, accepting more prompts if anyone also thinks the same)
4. 5 + 1 Jaskier Mourns aka five time Jaskier thought Geralt was dead
Alright, I’m cheating a bit here, since this one isn’t posted yet. It’s so close though, so honestly keep an eye out, because it’s liable to be up within the month here. the idea for this came out of a conversation about bottled appetites in the w!j server and how Jaskier’s mourning scene was a little strange on the face of it. So thus was born the idea for five times Jaskier thought Geralt was dead, and one time Geralt thought Jaskier was dead. I’ve written 20k of it already and it’s only been a thing for like... a week lol. 
I love it so much though and i’m really proud of it already so like, I will be insufferable about once its posted haha
Thank you for the tag!!! this was really fun! tagging @concertconfetti @icedragondreams @ghostinthelibrarywrites @jackironsides and @bygodstillam
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teamfreehoodies · 4 years
Top Five Fics of 2020
a look back to may
Tagged by the lovely
(your blog is GORGEOUS by the way!!!!) 
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
1. the heart electric (beats in a half-time measure)
So I posted this yesterday, but the reception has been INCREDIBLE, like people are so excited for this and I’m so happy! I woke up this morning to 6 comments just about this one fic and it’s been the quickest jump to over 80 kudos of any fic I’ve ever posted (admittedly, i’ve only posted 8 fics, but still haha) I’m so excited to see how this one keeps growing!
I’m personally in love with this fic because I’ve always wanted to try a 5+1 fic, and this fic like, literally poured out of me, it was the smoothest writing experience of any fic I’ve written to date and I love that I really feel as if my technical skills have noticeably improved here. 
2. if i loved you (could you stay?) 
i’m proud of this one for several reasons, so lets start with the small and go big haha
First: that’s an original title, not based on a song or poem (and it was the first one of those I came up with myself! the heart electric is also mostly original (minus the quick body electric reference, but I digress) so I’m proud of it for that.
Second: I wrote it for quick fic so it was all completed in under 24 hours which i a goddamn miracle for me because I usually take f o r e v e r to write haha
Third: I have made multiple readers cry with this one, which I consider something of a personal badge of honor I won’t lie. (if you read it, and cry, pls do let me know I am l i v i n g for those kind of comments hahah)
3. the prairie is vast (the train is quicker)
This Fic! This FIC!!! this fic is the entire reason I have friends at all in this fandom or that I’ve written so much for it! Kim @buffskierights invited me to join the ItJ project and suddenly I was regularly interacting with these absolutely AMAZING FUNNY SPECTACULAR SUPPORTIVE CREATIVE people whom I love dearly, and it’s been through their support that any of the rest of my fics got created! 
Also listen, cowgirlskier owns my entire fucking soul okay, I love her, I love her, I love her, and I cannot wait to get back to writing her in the rdr2!au I am (slowly) putting together. 
4. Go Get Your Mage 
So this one came to me as a tumblr prompt???? the anon who left it was so unexpected that literally when I opened it my brain just went yes... Yes.... YESSS!!! and I wrote all of it in a barely coherent tumblr answer that is... stil? floating somewhere on my blog actually. I cleaned it up and posted it to Ao3 where, since its a rarepair and femslash at that, it’s holding its own even with the traditionally lower reception that those two demographics get. I love it with my whole heart still, and I accept more femslash and/or Yennfri prompts because I am so bad at coming up with ideas for them on my own (I’ve got terminal Jaskier!stan disease, I have imprinted on the bard, and he is my emotional support character so 90% of my ideas are for him) but if you’d like to see more of the ladies (like i know I would) please please please send some prompts to my askbox!
5. if you could let me inside your heart (would i be enough?) 
I have a naming style okay, it’s me I’m that bitch with the all lowercase titles that are far too long lol I admit it! nah but seriously I’m pretty pleased with this one too. I wrote it for geraskefer week because I really love the ot3 of it all. It’s soft, it’s tender, it’s angsty: this fic has it all. It’s also the home of the first kiss scene i ever wrote and I’m still thinking about it honestly. This has been a year for stretching myself as a writer (to wit, I’ve written smut??? for the first time???  who am i?????) 
But this was soft and tender and i had fun writing it which is all you really need out of fic for fandom purposes right?
tagging @ghostinthelibrarywrites @buffskierights & @storm-and-starlight 
(you guys can tag the rest haha, take it from here!)
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