#yerim : headcanons.
nanawritesit · 2 years
Red Velvet: Having a “Golden Retriver” S/O
Anonymous said: “hi lovely!!!! can you do red velvet reactions to having a s/o who has a very sunshiney "golden retriever" personality,, and who admires them/shows affection all the time ^_^💘💘”
i love this concept sm 🥺 i hope i do it justice :)
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She would 100% vibe with your bubbly personality. She loves how you make everything exciting and always seem to be happy about everything. Your relentless spirit actually inspires her to keep going whenever she’s feeling down. Especially when she’s stressed out from work, her joy is coming home to you because you instantly cheer her up. You’ll give her all the cuddles and kisses she needs, and tell her all the wonderful things about her that she should be proud of. You take such good care of her, making sure she eats well and gets enough sleep. She would do the same for you if you ever needed it!
“If I have you by my side, I feel like I can do anything, Y/N. You’re my vitamin!”
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If you’re the golden retriever partner, then she’s the “black cat girlfriend.” Your opposing aesthetics capture the eye of everyone around you! She thinks it’s so admirable how positive and social you are, and you actually become her crutch in social situations. Her social battery will drain out and she’ll tug on your sleeve, giving you a look that you know means she wants to leave. You of course handle the situation beautifully and tell everyone that something came up and that you and your girlfriend had to head out. She loves how well you read her, and is so grateful to have you as a partner.
“Thank you so much for getting us out of there. You’re the best partner ever Y/N.”
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She finds you absolutely adorable, and can’t hold back her affections whenever you’re being energetic and positive. She would squeal and take you in her arms, kissing your cheek and telling you how cute you were. Wendy didn’t care that all her members made fun of her. She actually didn’t know what a “golden retriever personality” was until Yeri explained it to her. She’d give you the nickname one morning when you had excitedly woken her up and told her about all the plans you had for the two of you.
“Y/N you’re so fun and energetic, you’re my golden retriever partner! Yeri told me it’s like a meme nowadays! Isn’t it funny how well it suits you?”
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She would absolutely love having a golden retriever partner. You’re so kind and you treat her like an absolute princess, and she can’t get enough of it. You’re always tying her shoes for her, buying her little gifts, helping her get ready…. and she loves all the compliments you give her. She would make it her mission to fluster you back, buying you flowers and telling you how pretty you are.
“Awh, I didn’t mean to make you blush so hard Y/N! I just wanted to treat you as well as you deserve. You’re an amazing person, and I love you so much!”
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She is also a golden retriever girlfriend! The other girls always laughed at you while you were running around, saying you were like two little puppies playing together. Yerim fed off of your positivity and you did the same to her, always finding the simplest things the most exciting and following her anywhere she wanted to go. She loved the bond you two had, and how you both had no personal space. Every night you would fall asleep holding each other super tight, and you shared practically everything. Yerim almost found it comical how alike the two of you were. She was comforted by the fact that you were basically the same person.
“You know Y/N, they may say we’re two golden retrievers, but I like it. Running around with you makes me happy.”
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imninahchan · 5 months
E se tivesse um primeiro encontro com a Yeri, toda gostosona e sedutora como todo mundo sabe que ela é? sinceramente vejo a gente se conhecendo no tinder sim. (ela tem cara de quem caça nas instagram, tinder...)
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───── 𓏲╰ ᰔᩚ ·# [🍥] : YERI
a melhor forma dela conhecer alguém é pelas redes sociais, sim. Sem dúvidas. Ela ama ficar indo de perfis em perfis até achar uma pessoa que chame a atenção, curtir umas fotinhas aleatórias, até chegar no estágio de mandar DM;
vocês ficam semanas nisso. Ela te coloca no close friends, e você se pega usando mais a rede social, entretida com os stories dela, do que de costume;
YERI é do tipo que posta músicas como indireta, fotinhas de thrist trap e tudo mais. Ela tem tanto cara de golpe, mas você se apaixona, por isso ignora;
e, de fato, não é errado considerá-la golpe. A partir do momento em que vocês começam a conversar na DM, já dá pra sacar a dela;
YERI quer algo casual, algo que não dê trabalho. Algo com que ela não precise se esforçar nem nada. Se você estiver namorando, ela vai fazer você terminar. Tem ciúmes de ti, sempre perguntando quem é essa pessoa aí da foto do seu lado?, porém não suporta que você cobre dela;
te chama pra ir na casa dela, vocês transam, e depois vida que segue;
ela é passiva;
(fã mais fraco da ariana grande)
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thewildfl0wer · 1 year
Era medianoche, Kain me había comentado de un nuevo sujeto de investigación del que debía observar. Según su diagnostico, era un caso excepcional.
Vampiro-Clase Alpha, encontrado en una expedición cerca del rio Han en un barco cangrejero. No se encontraron más personas a bordo.
A diferencia de mi colega, no me era emocionante conocer más monstruos tan parecidos a los humanos. Mi historia compartida junto mi hermano no me permitía sentirme dichosa, en lo absoluto, de tener a un crea-vampiros, encerrado vivo, en una celda.  Sobre todo si era el primero que capturábamos en toda la historia de la organización.
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Me enfrenté a esa bestia. A diferencia del hijo adoptivo de Kain, Ha Ram, este parecía un joven tranquilo, vestido con ropas algo anticuadas para la edad que aparentaba. La marca que le dejaron para su identificación estaba en su cuello. Era tan hermoso que daba escalofríos. Su mirada estaba fija en mi.—Buenas noches. Soy Rozane, la sacerdotisa de la Luna, una de las integrantes de esta organización. Te haré algunas preguntas muchacho y solo debes responderlas ¿Le parece?.—
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—Creo que con estos grilletes no podemos hablar de forma civilizada—
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—No soy tan comprensiva como el Dr. Go Kain, alpha 101. El mero hecho que hables así, eres un riesgo latente...pero si me respondes con calma y de forma sincera, más rápido será liberarte de esta prisión... Comencemos por algo básico ¿Cuál es tu nombre? ¿Quién eres?¿A qué has venido?—
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—¿Mi nombre? Muy bien...Soy Gwi Gilbert, hijo de Li Fei y Gwi Solomon, cruce Hong Kong volviendo a las tierras de mi padre, porque debo buscar al culpable del mal que sufre mi madre desde hace casi 80 años...y me dé una cura a su discapacidad, incluso si tengo que pelear con él. No estoy interesado en absoluto en ustedes ni la gente de aquí...— Suspirón mientras las cadenas sonaban con el movimiento de sus brazos. — ¿Ha escuchado del antiguo dios de las montañas de Baekdudaegan, Sra. Rozane? Es la razón por la que estoy en Corea. Ese maldito Huli Jin de nueve colas casi mata a mi madre...—
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slycrim · 5 months
               mahoutokoro school of magic : that was the name given to the japanese wizarding school , located on the topmost point of the volcanic island of minami iwo jima . it was known to be the school with the smallest body of students across the wizarding world , and also the most demanding , selective across the board . it typically accommodated gifted students across asia — majorly from korea , china and japan , of course . it accommodated students like hyerim and yerim — the ito family sisters , also known as the ice princess duo given their cold , d i s t a n t and mysterious stances to most . the school was NEVER the same following the accident that took place within its walls . since the news of hyerim's passing, nothing felt the same — especially to her youngest sibling : Y E R I M .
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               a blood-curdling scream echoed throughout the corridors of the magic school . it was followed by hysterical calls of a student everyone had heard of , but few knew personally . the castle became agitated — even its ghosts had seemingly lost their sense of direction . when located by the school's personnel , the prefects' bathroom looked akin to a brutal crime scene . the once pristine white marble floors were painted in crimson red , with some of this one splashed on nearby sinks and walls . “ n-no . . . please — ” yerim pleads as she clings to the limp figure in her arms , “ stay with me , p-please — ” her pleading would prove to be in v a i n . despite being ripped from yerim's arms and taken to the hospital wing with utmost urgency , hyerim never came back to her senses . “ . . . we are very sorry — ” she needn't hear anything else . her world crumbled right there and then . the carpet had been pulled from under her feet . h y e r i m , her protector , was gone .
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               “ yerim — ” hearing a familiar call of her name despite the hysteria , yerim turns her head to see jia push through the group of teachers surrounding her . she's pulled into firm , reassuring arms as she cries . tears spilling down her cheeks effortlessly one after the other . “ let us through ! ” jia demands , and almost immediately her command is obeyed . no one , besides jia and yerim , know what happened the following days before the school's temporary closure was announced . yerim's face was never seen again within those particular walls , and all form of communication took place through jia , to keep her away from prying eyes and invasive questions . “ you have been sent to hogwarts , in scotland . ” jia informs as she settles down the plate in front of a numb , empty-looking yerim . “ don't worry , i have requested to be transferred with immediate effect . i will be accompanying you to hogwarts . ” though she remained silent , yerim glanced up at jia — who had rather recently become her guardian , protector , mentor . someone she knew , was proven she could trust blindly .
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               in an attempt to socialise yerim back into the school environment , it was recommended that she joined the other students in another location to proceed with her studies before the funeral took place , before every student left for the school they'd been allocated to . “ yerim , wait ! ” she doesn't , not until she feels a firm hand on her arm . yanking her arm back from their hold , yerim's gaze steels over as she looks at the male . he was the year above her , she recognised him — jun . some of her friends had been quite keen on getting to know him since he was on the quidditch team and fairly popular for his looks . “ i'm sorry about what happened . . . you must be feeling — ” jun is cutoff by a cold 'what do you want?' , and it seemingly catches him off guard to have a younger , female student speak to him in such a way . “ . . . i just wanted to give you something . before we all left to go to . . . you're heading to hogwarts , right ? ” he asks , but obtains no answer . instead , yerim continues to look at him . her gaze distant , desperate . desperate to get out of there , to disappear altogether . then she felt it .
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               her eyes widen and her reaction is immediate . her hand raises and she s m a c k s him right across the face , listening to the gasps of students that had seemingly witnessed the scene . before she can push him away , yerim herself is being tugged backwards and then there's commotion . minho?? she doesn't linger long enough to see the end of their apparent fistfight over her — she doesn't care . she doesn't even . . . like men to begin with .
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ttoddii · 4 months
how they would be like as your girlfriend (joy – yeri)
pairing(s) – park sooyoung x f!reader; kim yerim x f!reader
genre – fluff, headcanons
warnings – a bit suggestive in joy's bonus, lowercase intended, bad grammar, not proofread
a/n – y'all- i really appreciated your love on my first part, and i promise to deliver more content. i know it's really not the best, and my writing style for headcanons is so so different than my normal stories, but i hope you could enjoy this, and i would be writing short stories for them very soon (i hope).
taglist (OPEN) – @missminho; @taniio; @vvsbada; @krissysays (comment under my posts to be add/remove)
PREV (irene – seulgi – wendy)
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✮⋆˙ park sooyoung ˙⋆✮
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⊹₊ ⋆ sooyoung is the type of girlfriend that know everything about you, it's like she had studied you and earned a whole degree for it.
⊹₊ ⋆ her love language would be quality time and act of services.
⊹₊ ⋆ sooyoung loves to take you out on shopping spree, she loves to spend time with you picking out what you two love, either it's clothes, or furniture, books, anything, she just want an excuse to be with you.
⊹₊ ⋆ she has style, and you could bet that she would be buying you so many so many clothes. she understand you inside and out, and whatever she pick for you look gorgeous on you, sometimes you would wonder how she could be so good at it.
⊹₊ ⋆ "baby can you spin for me?"
⊹₊ ⋆ being in love with her has many many perks, she loves to take care of you, she's very much a girls' girl, so there really is no secret between the two of you, she is so open that you always feel safe around her.
⊹₊ ⋆ she loves doing your hair, and giving you head massages while she's at it too.
⊹₊ ⋆ "does that feel good? does it hurt?"
⊹₊ ⋆ you guys would have spa days together, and sooyoung would be so serious about preparing it too. she would spend time picking out the spa, and the services, she need to make sure everything would give you both a relaxing time after a very long week.
⊹₊ ⋆ being sooyoung's girlfriend is truly like being love by a woman.
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˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ bonus ~ !
you step outside of the bathroom, a robe wrap around your body, your hair drenched with water as you walk into your shared bedroom.
noticing your form appear by the door, sooyoung quickly put down her phone as she smile brightly at you, she stand up, swiftfully pull out a chair for you to sit.
"oh baby you should sit back, let me blow dry your hair" she said, her hand pat down on the chair in front of her as she usher you to come over "and maybe i can help you put on your body lotion too."
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✮⋆˙ kim yerim ˙⋆✮
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⊹₊ ⋆ yerim is the teasing type of girlfriend. she would tease the hell out of you, and then immediately get shy once you do it back to her.
⊹₊ ⋆ her love language would be words of affirmation and physical touch.
⊹₊ ⋆ she is someone who would love to be hug and cuddle, she's a sucker for it, and she love being in your arm.
⊹₊ ⋆ yerim would tease you for things you do, making sarcasm jokes here and there, being with her is always fun, you never get bored.
⊹₊ ⋆ she is desperate for your love, she needs you telling her how much you love her, how much you want to be with her.
⊹₊ ⋆ definitely is one of those girlfriend who would ask random weird question.
⊹₊ ⋆ "hey, if i'm a worm would you still love me?"
⊹₊ ⋆ she get shy when you show affection for her in public though, her cheeks would be tinted with a hue of red as she smile a cheeky smile.
⊹₊ ⋆ you would know if she love you a lot or not, she would demand for you to hug her, and she love it when you give her peck of kisses, just lightly kiss her on her cheek or on her forehead and she would melt.
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˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ bonus ~ !
you hug yerim in your arm as you both lay down on the sofa, your eyes fixated on the tv screen as it's playing a movie that you both had chosen to watch for tonight.
the screen shows a scene of an old couple, their hands holding tightly as they walk down the path, their face lit up with a bright smile, they're happy, together.
"hey, love, do you think we'll be like them when we get older? will we still be with each other until then?" she ask softly, breaking the quiet atmosphere as one of her hand reach up to touch your face.
and you look down to her, your eyes soften at the sight of your lover.
"of course, we will be together. always."
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soobberries · 1 year
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Edit: this is a repost from my old blog including the little description below and I decided to not change anything about it. The blog I tagged below doesn't seem to exist anymore. :( also lmao I already started working on a part 2 xD yay!
Guys ahsdgajha. Lmao please I need to provide background for this post. I read @atiny-thingz Dilf!Ateez post and lemme tell you, I screamed. It brought back the memory of this running joke my friends and I used to have in 11th grade about this really hot dad that everyone crushed on. So in honour of the post that inspired me and my real life experience, I decided I would write this.
It is only a headcanon/au thing, but let me know if I should perhaps do a part 2?
Edit: here's part 2
This is the first time I’m writing kinda suggestive content and I’m pretty new to it so go easy on me, but I would love some feedback. It’s only suggestive at the end though lol.
Warning: Despite this technically being based on a legal reader, since there is a somewhat large age-gap - thought I would clarify:
Please be aware that I do not condone any type of relationships between minors and adults, nor do I encourage the idea of being a homewrecker. This is all just fiction! So without further ado, let’s get started!
Genre: Doesn’t exactly have one but has elements of crack and is suggestive.
Age: This is written for a somewhat mature audience so please, no under 16s. Stay safe younglings <3
Ah yes, another day, another random school fundraiser.
Your mom got you to look after one of her colleague’s daughter, Nila, for the week while they went on a business trip.
It was the middle of the week and, while this kid was adorable, you’d literally do anything else then go to this weird fundraiser on such a beautiful afternoon.
Oh well, duties are duties.
So as this cutie kid drags you along throughout the whole school, showing you all the stalls and requesting that you buy her some food before she has her ‘shift’, you can’t help but notice that there are only parents here. No other students, siblings - nothing.
A deep exasperated sigh left your mouth because you were here for a good three hours, and quite frankly, despite this little fundraiser having some talks you could attend, you really had no idea how you would busy yourself since the talks offered were a bit boring and you had to pay a large chunk to get a space. Bummer.
Anyway after sharing some mouth-watering cookies with the little girl she asks you to come with her to her stall where she and her peers would be selling cold drinks, and of course you couldn’t say no because this kid was actually a sweetheart and you had it nowhere in your heart to do such.
So obviously you proceed to accompany her there.
It’s a cute stall, and you smile at the youthful, yet ignorant excitement shining in the little girl’s eyes as she exchanges the ‘duty cap’ that one of her classmates had on just prior.
Oh if only they knew what a real job was like.
It wasn’t until after the other girls left, that you realised she was alone, causing you to enquire about her job, wondering if she’s working the shift by herself.
“No, don't worry! Yerim is also doing the job with me. I’m sure she’ll come soon. See? That’s why there’s two hats.” She said, gesturing towards the other cap on the counter.
You nodded quaintly and silently decided to wait with her until her friend came.
“Daddy! Look! Nila is working with me!” A shout came from behind you and a little girl came running to bear hug Nila, causing the both of them to burst into a fit of giggles.
You smiled at the pair and watched mindlessly as Nila got Yerim her hat.
“Oh? Are you looking after Nila?” A voice called out.
‘Oh boy, here we go. Time to get out the speaking to parents voice’
Those were your thoughts as you dreaded having to act somewhat proper so the snobby parents around you wouldn’t undermine you. You took a quick millisecond to gather yourself before turning to face th-
Holy shit.
A blessing.You’ve been blessed. You can die happily now.
This man’s smile-
It’s shining. Blinding you and you do not care, he can have your eyesight.
Cue the slo-mo scene in the movies where everything looks ethereal and suddenly you picture him taking your hand, giving you flowers, and asking the same thing he just did in a softer more seductive tone.
AHaha but it’s not a movie so get yourself together you thirsty piece of flesh.
“Uh yeah, I am, her mom is away on business.” You said smiling, dying inside at the realisation that today was the day you decided to wear such a boring outfit.
Oof pain.
“Oh? I don’t recall Shannon saying she was going away,” He said furrowing his eyebrows, before staring at you,
“nor that she would be leaving such a cute babysitter in her place.” He chuckles nonchalantly.
How is he so calm after saying that like it’s nothing??? Tf???
Fine, two can play this game sir.
“Well she didn’t tell me she was acquainted with such an attractive man either.”
That wasn’t the strongest comeback but like you're nervous okay?
He smiled at the remark, seemingly about to say something, only to be interrupted by his darling daughter.
“Daddy you have to buy something ya know!”
He let out a chuckle that you could only describe as handsome.
“Mhhmm! You too y/n” Nila said toward you with such bright eyes you couldn’t bother saying no. [as mentioned earlier, this cute kid has you weak.]
“Hmm okay you two, since you're all grown up, tell us the prices of your drinks.” You say egging the two girls on, to the man beside you’s amusement.
As the two little girls hurriedly tried to find the price list and decide who’s speaking first, Mr. handsome man turned to you.
“I like that name, Y/n,” He reached out his hand in front of him, “I’m Seonghwa. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Hehehehehehehe play it cool.
Daintely placing your hand in his and gently giving him a small squeeze as you do so, you let out:
“The pleasure is all mine.”
The two of you end up buying water bottles, him insisting that he pays for you so the girls have less to work out in terms of prices (apparently)
You greeted the girls, leaving them to attend to their shift, and discovered that Seonghwa was going to be here a while as well, in which the two of you concluded it would be a good idea to talk off the hours rather than wandering around alone.
You both wander around (a little awkwardly in silence mind you) until you find a table made to look like a wine barrel for a rustic vibe with two high chairs beside it. It matched the theme of this area which was made to be like an expensive barnhouse.
Now lemme tell you, water ain’t as classy as wine but that didn’t stop Seonghwa from calling over one of the workers serving cocktails, and asking for two empty wine glasses.
He then elegantly poured the water into both wine glasses.
“I suppose it’s too early to be drinking but never too early to stay hydrated in a classy way.” He said.
LMAO this guy has dad humour or very dry, dead humour.
You let out a genuine giggle since that was such a dorky thing to say.
“My peers would probably disagree with you as most of them pop out a beer by 9:05.”
“Yes of course, around your age, you don’t quite have the same responsibilities as I do.”
“Oh? Such as working and taking care of a kid? Because it would appear that I have to worry about that too” You replied cheekily even though you probably know he’s living a bit more of a tiring life by the way he spoke.
He let out a heavy sigh which you didn’t expect after your poor attempt of making the convo entertaining.
“Well yes that may be true, but at least you aren’t dealing with a toxic relationship - Only staying and sucking it up for the sake of your child.”
Oh. well that’s quite the share.
“I’m sorry to hear you're dealing with some hardships.” You utter out, genuinely sympathetic.
“But in my opinion, regardless of the child, you should make a decision that makes you happy. You can raise Yerim with no issue even when separated. Rather that, than letting her grow up in an unhappy home, no..? Then again what do I know?” You say while spinning the water in your glass as if it really was wine.
He paused while circling his pointer finger around the rim of his glass. His head resting on his other hand, seemingly in deep thought.
He looked towards you with an intense gaze. One that made you feel small and had your body urging you to run away. But it also captivated you, so you fought your body and held your breath instead to calm down the intimidation you were feeling.
His whole aura changed for some reason...
“You’re not wrong in what you're saying,” he leaned over the barrel, a little closer to you, “But what if the decision that makes me happy is looked down upon?” He said lowly, looking you up and down once again.
This shouldn’t make you nervous. In fact nothing could be considered remotely inappropriate and yet your breath was hitching and your stomach was churning.
Why? Why is this random man making you feel, for lack of better words, so weird.
Bad brain! Bad!
You must be looking too much into his words to think he could be insinuating something...right?
You wanted to back up a little, and lean away from him, feeling as though you needed to gather yourself, but as you leaned back the wine glass full of water was knocked over, splaying it’s contents over you.
The glass was saved, thankfully landing on some grass, protecting your wallet from a potential bill from the school or whoever owned this damned glass.
Your clothes and dignity however?
Can’t really say the same thing…
You stand up immediately picking up the glass and placing it on the table.
Only then do you tense up at the sudden coldness against your skin.
“Oh dear, are you alright, should I get you some paper towels or maybe a napkin?” Seonghwa stood up immediately at your side.
Even though this was painfully embarrassing and the looks you were getting from others didn’t help, you wanted to play it cool.
“No, no, don’t worry. I should’ve been more careful.”
You decided to look inside the little bag you had brought with you, trying to see if you have any sort of tissues with you.
What an awful day to be wearing a shirt that becomes somewhat transparent when wet…
As you're searching, you fail to realise just how transparent the shirt is, obliviously just trying to find an easy solution.
You may have been oblivious, but Seonghwa was not. He couldn’t help the large gulp he took as he saw the shirt stick to your skin, basically exposing anything underneath for everyone to see.
He had a few intrusive thoughts but he shook them off, instead, taking his jacket and placing it over you.
“What are-”
He takes your arm in his grasp and your bag in his other hand, leading you away from some of the snobby parents who had the audacity to still be looking at you in disgust because of your now ‘revealing’ shirt.
We don’t stan those parents alright?
Anyway he knows this school well and so he leads you towards a much more empty area and opens a door to what you’d assume is to be a guest restroom since it looked pretty fancy compared to the normal trashy bathrooms you see in highschools.
He placed your bag down onto the sink and locked the door behind him.
It wasn’t as small as a cubicle, but it was still a very small space to be in, not leaving much room to move around too much.
“Sorry, I just thought it would be more convenient if you cleaned and tried to dry up here.”
Oh? Well yeah this works you guess…
Then you see the mirror.
Cue heat rising to your cheeks and your breath hitching a little.
Oh that’s why he thought it would be a good idea…
Bro your torso is on display. Like, deadass.
Mental note: don’t wear white shirts and be a clumsy dumbass simultaneously in the future.
As you’re staring in the mirror in a small state of shock and further embarrassment, Seonghwa mindlessly grabs the towel next to the sink in the small cubicle, and tugs up your shirt a little bit so that he can place the towel on top of the wet mark a bit more easily.
Haha what?
It’s only when he notices that you’re extremely still, that he realises he shouldn’t just be wiping down a stranger’s shirt for them…
He immediately comes to a halt, while awkwardly glancing at you with the same slightly panicked expression that you held on your own face.
However, Seonghwa realised that, your face, flushed out a little, is frustratingly endearing to look at.
He almost felt the urge to just cradle your face in his hands right then and there...Maybe pulling you in closer
Mr. Park NO!
He shakes his thoughts away, immediately apologising, slowly retracting his arm.
But you know what your dumbass did?
Held his arm in place.
You don’t know why, but it’s like your brain was straight out malfunctioning.
Body, actions, thoughts, rationality - all of it was not communicating with each other and you couldn’t logically explain your actions.
It just felt like maybe you should keep him there and let him take care of you, no matter how strange that may seem. It seemed right…
Either way this is just awkward and now there’s just so, so much tension.
The air is literally weighing on you a bit, especially since Seonghwa went silent after you instinctively grabbed his arm.
It was still, silent, and it felt as though if you moved, reality would break into pieces.
Dramatic way to explain the situation? Maybe. But it really did feel close to that.
“I uh...It’s okay. You can continue.” You let out shakily.
I’m literally getting second hand embarrassment lmao, moving on.
He just adjusted his throat and gave a quaint nod before continuing what he was doing.
The issue was that now he was hyper focused on trying to not make any direct contact with your skin. His touches are so light, that it’s obviously ineffective, and you and him both know that, but no one wants to say anything.
He’s keeping his eyes glued to the wet patch on your shirt and as you look hopelessly at the soggy thing, you can’t help but let your eyes wander to his arms.
Holy shit his arms. You were already flustered, and now you have to sit still knowing his arms look so good? No way. It’s over for you.
His biceps bulged a little since it was bent, and the dress shirt he was wearing tightened around it, only accentuating how firm he was.
If he’s just that firm on his arms...Imagine what he’s like everywhere else…
Great… Now your feeling heat rush to more areas than just your cheeks.
Look away Y/n. Look away. Literally anywhere but there.
Ah yes, look at the ceiling.
You bit at your lip nervously, and in hopes that it would be a gentle reminder to restrain yourself from looking over at him.
“Can you-”
Your eyes meet his, and he darts his eyes elsewhere almost immediately.
He straightens himself up, letting go of your shirt and placing that hand now on the towel.
“Can you not bite your lip like that..?” He steals a glance at you before sighing.
His ears are definitely a shade of pink and it doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
Honestly you couldn’t help but feel a bit prideful and more confident knowing that you weren’t the only one being flustered here.
You felt like you could breathe a little now.
Maybe your brain did a 180 a bit too quickly, since now you decided to lean closer to him, ensuring that your head popped up within his eye view, which was predominantly the floor at the moment.
You tilted your head tauntingly.
“Why? Does it make you nervous?” You said with a playful undertone in your voice - the seemingly newfound confidence urging you on in your antics.
He let out a scoff, turning his head to the side in disbelief before turning his head to look at you with his eyebrows raised, ready to challenge you.
He now leaned closer, clearly asserting a dominant aura with a small smirk graced on his face.
“Trust me, if I wanted to see you wet, this situation would be a lot different.”
Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit
That was unexpected.
No you won’t back down. You’ve been flustered too much today and you’re tired.
Game face: on.
There’s no time to let the wet shirt of yours get the best of you. It is now no longer your priority in this moment.
[A/N: let’s go Y/N, show ‘em what you got]
You saunter close to him, pushing your hands on his chest causing him to lean back into the wall.
“Is that so?” You chuckle, reaching for his tie, tugging at it a little, before busying yourself with tightening it and making it look a little neater.
“And in what ways, would that situation be different?” you uttered out in the most seductive voice you could muster.
You held back a smirk as his breath audibly hitched.
He found his hand, crawling to grip your hip. Pulling you a bit closer towards him - bodies just touching.
“Well for starters, you wouldn’t have a shirt that would be able to get wet in the first place.”
You flattened out the tie, coming to a halt, taking time to gaze at him.
“Oh? And why’s that?” You said lowly, acting dumb.
His grip tightened around your hip, finally pulling you into his chest.
The slight dampening of his shirt didn’t bother him as much as his urge to touch you more did.
“Because, Y/n,” He spoke, leaning in so that you could now feel his breath fan your lips,
“In an ideal situation, you and I would both be naked.”
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wovenstarlight · 5 months
if I had to pick my favorite headcanon for sranks it would be that all sranks are aroace or aspec and it's like at least 30% canon too like
han yoohyun: (canon) barely remembers people exist outside of yoojin and has explicitly expressed disinterest in romance. the most aroace little man I've ever seen.
sung hyunjae: (canon) by and large does not find people interesting enough to entertain any thoughts of romance or sex. see "I've never had someone else in my bedroom" from c154 sleepover. demiromantic/demisexual probably
bak yerim: (sorta canon?) has considered romance but has also declared in the same breath that everyone her age or older is too old for her and everyone younger than her is babies. baby aspec behavior
song taewon: (indirectly canon) probably does feel some degree of attraction in rare cases but would rather explode into a writhing mass of mindless shadow than allow himself pleasure and so has surgically removed his ability to feel desire (confirmed in the vol8 character profile where he refuses to let himself have interests or likes, let alone people he's crushing on). if sexuality is what you do and not who you are then he does nothing. aroace by conscious choice
moon hyuna: have you seen the woman she has to be queer. aspec 100% but she does get a kick out of indiscriminately flirting with people. what attraction she does feel is sapphic-leaning
noah: aspec by virtue of never having expressed any outright interest in relationships. I feel like he's the kind to get maybe-crushes that he has trouble distinguishing as romantic attraction or platonic admiration and so he just never acts on them
riette: demi again in the classic born s-rank style. 99.99% of people are below her. but the 0.01%... [sighs in c100-flavored regret] they are also below her.
bak mingyu: ok this one gets a partial exemption because I'm very charmed by him being like well whatever about the hanshin arranged marriage only to fall in love literally as soon as he met his fiancée. very cute. no information regarding ace spec placement though so I'm declaring he's on there
shishio: probably aspec in a very "I don't see what all the hype is about but I'm glad you're all enjoying yourselves!" kind of way. very chill about it and probably the most self aware after yoohyun and sung hyunjae.
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choihency · 1 year
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𝗕𝗨𝗧 we were born to be alone 𝗕𝗨𝗧 why we still looking 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞?
(kang seulgi, cisgênero feminino, ela/dela) PREPARE TO GET STARSTRUCK! Acabamos de ver [CHOI EUNHYE 'HENLEY'] passando pelo tapete vermelho! Com seus [VINTE E QUATRO] anos, ela é [RAPPER DO PINKISH] conhecida pelos seus fãs por ser muito [ESFORÇADA E LEAL], embora há quem diga que nos bastidores ela possa ser bastante [INFLEXÍVEL E TEIMOSA]. Você ouviu o que os tablóides andam dizendo sobre ela? Não? Ah, eu te conto! Estão dizendo que [ELA JÁ RECEBEU VÁRIAS PROPOSTAS DE ATUAÇÃO MAS A NG SEMPRE RECUSA, DIZEM QUE TEM MOTIVO PRA ISSO]! Será que isso é verdade? Hm… esperamos que não comprometa os seus futuros projetos porque realmente gostamos de vê-la no topo!
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Nome: Choi Eunhye. Nome ocidental/nome de palco: Henley. Idade: 24 (vinte e quatro) anos. Data de nascimento: 06/01/1999. Ocupação: Rapper do Pinkish. Sexualidade: Bissexual. Altura: 1,61m. Nacionalidade: Coreana.
2016: Mentor de Pesadelos (Paródia de: Professor de Pesadelos). Interpretou Kang Yerim.
2020: Goedam. Interpretou Min Young.
2020: O Telefonema (Paródia de: A Ligação). Interpretou Oh Youngsook
Eunhye sempre foi uma criança tímida. Filha de um casal (quase) tipicamente coreano, neta de casais tipicamente coreanos, o sonho da família era ter uma garota tipicamente coreana. A única aparente intervenção nesse plano foi o trabalho de Daeun, mãe de Eunhye. Roteirista e diretora de documentários focados em astronomia, astrobiologia e cosmologia, precisava sempre estar em um lugar novo, em reuniões, gravações. O casal não se importava com isso, já estavam acostumados. E achavam que Eunhye também se acostumaria, e se abriria com o tempo. O que não deu muito certo, e quando Henley completou quinze anos de idade, decidiram que ela moraria com os avós em Seoul.
Essa parecia a melhor forma de lidar com a timidez da garota (o que nem trabalhar na loja da família ajudou, pelo pouco contato que acabava tendo com outras pessoas além de seus colegas de trabalho). Henley passou a frequentar aulas de teatro e aulas de dança, mas foram nas aulas de dança que se apaixonou pela música.
Com o contato que teve com a cultura do kpop quando chegou na Coreia, Henley se viu cada vez mais imersa nesse universo de informações. Passou a frequentar audições abertas, guerrillas, participar de grupos cover. Em pouco tempo, foram 20 audições até finalmente ser aceita na NG Entertainment.
Foram mais ou menos três anos de treinamento até conseguir entrar para o grupo de debut que a empresa estava montando, que no futuro formaria o Pinkish. Entre os trainees, Henley tinha fama de ser gentil e sempre ajudar qualquer um que tivesse tendo problemas, e isso incluía ir contra staffs que pegassem muito no pé de alguém, ou que abusassem de poder, pagar a dívida de alguém, gastar todo o horário que tinha com a sala de dança para ajudar um trainee com risco de ser expulso. Esse rancor mútuo com a staff se espalhou com rumores, e negligências quase propositais em sua carreira quando finalmente debutou. Isso perpetua até hoje, projetos deixados de lado, recusados, algumas "falhas" que vez ou outra vai a público, mas acabam sempre sendo esquecidos, e nada nunca foi feito para mudar.
Sua imagem ao pública é alguém dúbio. O profissionalismo de transmitir sensações completamente diferentes no palco e fora dele. Há rumores que sua personalidade é uma fachada, e que sua gentileza com fãs e colegas de trabalho é uma máscara. Um papel para encaixar com estereótipos de tipos de idols. "pick me girl" é um dos apelidos que haters normalmente usam para se referir a Henley.
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amortentva · 2 years
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student  file:  zacharias  smith-jeong  ✶  23,  cisman,  he/him,  half-blood, hufflepuff,  fourth  year,  curse  breaking.  member  of  the  hufflepuff  quidditch  team,  extreme  wizards  chess,  broom  racing,  and  debate  team.  can  be  described  as  theatrical,  protective,  controversial,  and  witty. wanted connections. pinterest.
“i could wish for something softer, but you know me. i love a tragedy. i love when it's urgent.”
full  name.  zacharias  smith-jeong.   aliases.  zach  is  what  he  usually  goes  by.   age.  twenty  three  years  old.  birth  date.  april  seventh,  nineteen  ninety  nine.  house.  hufflepuff.   blood  status.  halfblood.  wand.  ten  and  a  quarter  inches,  yew  wood,  unicorn  hair  core.   pet.  fluffy  tortoiseshell  cat  named  elsie.   spoken  languages.  english,  korean.
parents.  jackson  smith-jeong  (  father,  alive  ),  yerim  smith-jeong  (  mother,  alive  ).   siblings.  none,  he’s  the  picture  perfect  stereotype  of  a  spoiled  only  child.   before  aurelius.  zacharias’  parents  have  set  a  wonderful  example  of  a  perfect  marriage  and  a  happy  home  throughout  the  years,  and  they’re  a  very  close  knit  family.  the  hyphenated  surname  is  due  to  his  father’s  parents  taking  on  ‘english  names’  upon  moving  to  the  uk,  and  his  parents  both  agreed  that  they  would  hyphenate  their  last  names  when  they  were  married.  zacharias  is  a  halfblood,  which  comes  from  his  mother  being  a  muggleborn  and  his  father  being  a  halfblood;  the  two  met  when  they  were  attending  a  contineo  ball,  and  they  always  described  it  as  love  at  first  sight.  it  was  always  a  dream  of  zach's  to  set  sights  on  his  future  spouse  at  a  contineo  ball.  he  attended  the  cenric  school  of  witchcraft  and  wizardry,  and  spent  all  of  his  holidays  at  home  with  his  best  friend  anthony  in  tow.
positive.  dynamic,  resourceful,  witty,  confident,  curious,  dependable.   neutral.  theatrical,  protective.  negative.  defensive,  condescending,  elusive,  secretive,  controversial,  overcritical.
character notes. headcanons, school notes, and more
zach  has  always  gone  home  for  the  holidays,  with  his  ride  or  die  anthony  goldstein  in  tow––they’ve  spent  all  of  their  holidays  together  since  first  year,  when  he  invited  anthony  to  come  with  him  after  learning  his  new  friend  would  be  staying  at  the  cenric  castle  for  his  holidays.  they’ve  been  best  friends  ever  since.
he’s  very  close  with  his  grandparents  on  his  father’s  side,  and  the  smith  estate  is  where  he  spent  many  of  the  summers  over  his  life.  his  absolute  favorite  place  in  the  world  is  the  garden  they’ve  grown  behind  the  three-story  home,  complete  with  a  garden  and  numerous  magical  plants  that  grow  ingredients  fit  for  mostly  healing  potions.
as  a  child  he  was  hard  to  handle,  always  wanted  to  run  off  and  do  his  own  thing  and  didn’t  think  he  needed  someone  to  hold  his  hand  and  talk  him  through  anything.
takes  everything  he  does  with  an  unnatural  amount  of  competitiveness  and  will  hold  a  grudge  for  life  if  you  ever  do  anything  like  beat  him  at  something  ..  he  literally  will  not  stand  for  it.  you  will  be  enemies  for  the  rest  of  your  days  if  you  beat  him  in  chess  one  (1)  time  ever.
a  notable  feature  is  that  he  has  two  jagged  eight-inch  long  scars  along  his  left  hip,  three  three-inch  long  scars  on  his  left  palm,  and  another  three  two-inch  long  scars  on  his  right  bicep.
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jinhyun · 2 years
Omg I'm so behind on leaving you any comments about watercolor lately cus I have been so busy 😭 I think the last one I commented on was pre-make out?? Fair warning I cursed a lot while typing this one out 😅 it's a long one, so I hope you're ready lol. So here we go 😊😂
Dreamlike - are you fucking kidding me? 😭 Are you actually fucking kidding me right now? How dare you make me cry with how fucking adorably cute this was! Come here, lean in, you deserve a forehead smooch for this pure perfection! 😘 I loved sooo much about this that I had to go back and reread so I could make more specific comments and not be so vague 😅
the way he couldn't even focus and kept searching for y/n and like literally left Yerim to go get her a drink and instead ended up texting y/n because he had a mini freak out thinking she was making out with Binnie!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! The fact that he debated staying and hooking up after he already told her he was coming and then still left for her!!! Are you freaking serious?? And you still haven't figured it the fuck out by now Hwang??? How thick is this fucking kid 🙄 But the way he fucking smiled thinking about what his friends must have thought of him leaving the party... Stop it 😭 my heart is going to burst!!! The way smiled at her sleeping 😭🥰🥰🥰 the paint on her face and him finding it cute?! 🥲 Btw... What was the painting she fell asleep on, huh??? Hmmmmm 🕵️‍♀️🤔😏 was it maybe one of said Hwang Hyunjin?
Not you finally title dropping on us 😭 Title drops are one of my favorite ways authors do their little nod to the readers 🥰 That perfect moment of clarity for why it got named that way is like 🤌
The paint swapping deal, I see you foreshadowing (I hope lol) 😍 this is such a fucking intimate artist thing to do tho and I am dying right now! Just absolutely dying. I can't wait to see when this comes back up later 😏
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 The paint fight into the kiss!!!! 😭😭😭😭 What did you just jump into my dreams of how I want to fall in love again and just rip this right out of my brain?? Like this is movie material! Are you hearing me?!! Or drama worthy! I would watch this k-drama in a heartbeat! 🥰 But the neck painting... It was this ❣️ right? Or was it something else? Or is it a secret??! But the way you wrote the kiss 😭 my single ass was over here flailing around my bed like an idiot, kicking all my sheets to the floor. I want someone to kiss me like that 😅 lmao. But the phone buzzing breaking it up 😠😤 gdi!!! Y/n was having her moment!! I swear if it was Yerim interrupting again I'm gonna throw things. Probably just my pillow onto my bed, but I will throw it!!
I 100% expected them to go wash the paint off after they left the art studio, but please for the love of all things Shin Ryujin, tell me that they both walked back to their dorms covered in paint and at least 1 person saw them 😭 I need someone to know what they got up to and have seen the physical evidence 🥲 if you say no, I'm still gonna headcanon that someone did lol 😅💀💀💀
Overall, I loved it. I love you. I get so happy whenever I see you updated 😁 If you update during the day I just keep from reading it and save it as a nice little treat at the end of the day when I'm all comfy and cozy before I go to bed 🤭🥰 I hope you write more of these long written out sections for watercolor! but also no pressure to do so if that's not what you want to do with the story 🥰 I trust you! I don't trust your version of Hwang Hyunjin (yet 😏) but I trust you! 🥰
Snitch - coffee date!!!!!! But fr if someone got oil paint on my favorite sweater I might kill them. Even if it was because of a steamy makeout lol. Reasons why I only paint in clothes I don't care about ruining 😅
Omg not the group chat dragging him, lol he deserves it. Seungmin with the tea about the paint 🤭 puppies always get into the things you don't want them to find lmao. Felix freaking out over them making out is literally me. This was my reaction as well 💀 Changbin and Hyunjin in the made out with y/n club 😏 but Binnie still the only one that's... Well you know, you wrote it 😉 lmao
"stop gatekeeping my cutie" omfg Yongbok 😁😂 I love him so much 😭🥰🥰🥰😭
Tbf that is one fucking adorable picture of Ryujin, her smile is just 😍🥰
So in your head, who had the matcha and who had the chocolate?? Also omg those look sooo fucking delicious 😭 why are there no good cafes around me *sigh* I'm never gonna go on a cute coffee date like this 🥺
Ngl I love the way Changbin just slid in and confirmed the makeout in like no time, while also pointing out Hyunjin is treating her kind of special 🥰 it makes me nervous and excited for her all at the same time lol I love the like flirtatious fwb relationship y/n and binnie have. I know she's gonna end up with Hyunjin, but I still can't help wanting to see more interactions between those two, they're chemistry is so cute!!
Not Hyunjin getting jealous 😅 cute. "don't make me reach over the table and kiss you" 👀👀👀Do it, I dare you! lmao 😂💀 so did they kiss??? Hmmm????
Kicked Out - I left you comments for this one on the post, but I will just reiterate, my pillows are so fucking lumpy now 😭💀 I still don't trust him, but it was so cute how he got all worried about her getting kicked out 🥰 but also God I want some calbee honey butter chips now 🤤 I have never had that flavor but I love their plain chips so much, they are so yummy!! Also he indirectly tweeted about her 👀 so does that mean he doesn't care if the potential hookups see??? Hmmmm???? But also "it's different tho, there are no feelings involved" alright everyone together, ready? 🤦‍♀️
Faithful - 😭😭😭 How is Ryujin soooooo fucking cute 😭😭😭 it's not fair!! My poor bi heart can't take this. I need some warnings next time, I might lose my breath completely and just simply pass away 🥰 and the Pikachu is cute too, but now I just have Changbin's (actual real life Changbin) "pika pika Pikachu!!" stuck him my head in a loop lol, so thanks for that 😅
Hyunjin only day? Bitch if you don't calm the fuck down you might fucking realize you're a simp lmao 😅 it's okay tho, I'm a simp for Ryujin too 🥰 Not the whole gc inviting themselves over for dinner 😂 NOT HAN MAKING IT SOUND LIKE THE FUCKED 😭💀💀💀💀💀 also do I sense a merged group chat in the future??? 😏🤔🤔 "damn y/n, how many guys do you have" 😂😭💀💀💀💀 omfg because two is sooooo many 🥲 still more than me tho lmao
Ooooh Minho being the mom friend and representing all of us readers 😅 I'm so here for it. I hope for everyone's sake he is wrong. I really really do. I don't want to cry because of this story. I will if you take it that way, I know I will, but I won't be happy about it lol. Y/n, babes, it's not delusional, he has started to feel something. Unfortunately he's just a dumbass and he's probably gonna fuck it up before he realizes it 🙃 Minho I love you, but I hate that you have to be so realistic about the situation right now 😭 I am not ready for heartbreak. But also don't hate the implication that she could still hook up with Binnie. All the team Changbin readers just sitting here quietly chanting, "Binnie! Binnie! Binnie!" 🤭💀 lmao
So yay! I finally caught up on comments 🥰💙 I think that took me like an hour or so to type all that up 😅 but you definitely deserved it 👏👏👏 with how much time you must put into every update and how often you update, and how invested I am and how much I love this story, you definitely deserve an hours worth of comments 🥰🥰🥰 I'm looking forward to the next updates. I hope you don't decided to break us 😅 and if you do, I hope you plan on updating the next chapter right away lol. I don't think I could handle the angst and a long cliffhanger 😭🤧
Anyway, I hope you are feeling better 💙💙💙 I hope you aren't suffering from any long term effects from covid! I know you said you were sick on your birthday, but Happy Belated Birthday!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳🥳🎁🎁🎁🎈🎈🎂, hopefully you were still able to enjoy it! I hope you are finding ways to entertain yourself now that you've graduated 😊 and I hope you have a good day/night 🥰🥰🥰💙💙💙
AHHHHHHHH i'm sorry it took me so long to answer this ask, i was just... appreciating it 🥲
please i'm so happy that you enjoyed dreamlike and took the time to go back to it just so you could point certain things out, it means the world to me 😭💕
for real tho, it couldn't be any more clear given how he could not focus and would only think of y/n the entire party, like come on hyunjin you're smarter than that 😭😭😭
y/n's painting and what hyunjin drew on her neck are both secrets 🤭 but who knows, maybe we'll find out at some point later in the story 👀
drama worthy please 😭 that is like the ultimate compliment 😭😭😭 and i'm glad that you enjoyed the title dump, ngl i love doing that in my fics lmao so thanks for appreciating it 🤧
"for the love of all things shin ryujin" don't mind me if you ever see me using that on a daily basis. idk i mean it was pretty late but maybe someone did see them 👀 campus is a big place after all
THANK YOU SO MUCHHH, i'm sososo happy that you enjoyed it :( and i do have more written parts planned out! some shorter and some just as long or maybe longer (i won't know until i write them lol) but there are more of them coming, so i'm glad you like them 🥰
lmao for real y/n shouldn't have worn her fav sweater to paint to begin with, but in her defense she was knew there would be pretty much no one at the studio and she doesn't tend to get stained all over when she paints... and she was most definitely not expecting to have a make out session with hyunjin or anyone else that night so 💀
ksñajdñajs jinnie and binnie part of the kissing y/n club but jinnie not part of the s*x with y/n club, rip 😔
ryujin's smile i knowwww 😭 can't get tired of looking at that picture, i love her so much istg. in my mind it was y/n the one to get the matcha one... idk if hyunjin is a fan of it irl 👀 waiting for him to tell us one day lol
changbin's fwb relationship with y/n is so fun to write 😭 and you're valid lmao i remember there was a time even i started shipping them 💀 but i am loyal to hyunjin, we in a hyunjin au rn.
jealous hyunjin is just >>>>>>>> and it was kind of an open ending so 👀 whether they ended up kissing or not it's up to you on this one 👀
kicked out~
yesss, i remember your comment 🥰 he does worry about her and he's a cutie for that :(
omg i've never had those chips at all, i don't think we have them here ksñajs but they do look so good i wish i could try them
he did indirectly tweet about her 👀 ig we'll find out whether he is ready or not to let go of his potential hookups soon... hopefully he is
DUDE FR IDK MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT EITHER 😭😭😭😭 i had not been this bi since kaya scodelario and hayley williams istg.
"bitch if you don't calm the fuck down you might fucking realize you're a simp" LMAOOOO the way i laughed omg jsñajdñs. he was bold af for that one tho, props to him 💀
merged group chat in the future... that does sound very interesting... we'll see if they all become that close at some point 👀
honestly at this point it would be better for everyone's sake and not just only y/n's for him to be wrong... let's hope he is so no one ends up hurt :/ and that hyunjin won't fuck up before he realises his fucking feelings. we'll see which turn i take with this story 😇 thanks for being open minded about it jsñaksña.
oof, hyunjin would not be happy if she still had the fwb thing going on with binnie... but yeah i can hear you all ynbin shippers cheering on it lmao
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TAKING THE TIME TO COMMENT ON ALL PARTS OMG??? the dedication i'm just 😭😭😭😭 i lost count of how many times i've read this ask lmao, and i couldn't bring myself to answer it for some reason 🥲
like i said, we'll see what turn i decide to take with this story 👀 so i won't comment on that bc i'm afraid i could spoil you guys jdñajs
thanks for the belated birthday wish 🥺 it sucked to be quarantined during it but my friends and family have already made it up to me 🤧💖
once again thank you so muchhhh, i don't have enough words to thank you :( i hope you're havingg a great week, lovie 🥰
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( ooc: +18 ) Os fãs não param de falar disso! Parece que Kwon Eunjo, mais conhecida como Jojo, entrou para as redes sociais, sabia? Dizem que ela parece tanto com a Choi Yerim/Choerry! Ela nasceu em 25/02/1999 na cidade de Busan, Coreia do Sul e atualmente tem 24 anos. Ela trabalha como integrante do Bittersweet na Cultural Media, deve ser muito talentosa… Ah, você quer seguir ela? Procura por @jojo_uv e fica de olho nas novidades.
Etnia: coreana.
Personalidade: Gentil, prestativa e companheiro (+) Teimosa, infantil e avoada (-)
Conceito: Eunjo nunca foi muito delicada ou elegante, mas ao se tornar center do Bittersweet a empresa pediu para que se esforçasse mais nisso.
Antes mesmo de se tornar idol, um rumor de que Johyun fazia "tarefas adicionais" para seus professores de faculdade se espalhou, ja que mesmo nao indo em muitas aulas por ser trainee sempre tinha otimas notas. Jojo nunca se pronunciou sobre isso enquanto estudava. Ao debutar, esse rumor chegou a mídia mas logo foi desmentido pela empresa.
Johyun é conhecida por ser muito respeitosa com seus sunbaes e acolhedora com os hoobaes, é fácil encontrar clips dela interagindo com outros idols e sua reputação se tornou favorável por isso.
Alguns sasaengs dizem que Eunjo teve que mudar muito sua personalidade para se encaixar no grupo.
Eunjo é filha única do casal Kwon, nasceu e foi criada pelos seus pais em Busan no andar de cima da loja de instrumentos da família. Por ter um contato tão grande com a música desde pequena, não demorou muito para que se interessa-se pelo trabalho de seus pais e aprendesse pouco a pouco sobre cada instrumento.
Não necessariamente sabia tocar todos, mas a história da música e de cada instrumento era sua área de estudos preferida. Não é difícil encontrar a garota contando fatos curiosos sobre guitarras ou dissertando sobre as diferentes marcas.
Durante o ensino médio, sem muita dúvida se juntou ao clube de música e lá aprendeu sobre canto e ajudou muitos estudantes com instrumentos. Foi ali que, com o apoio de seus colegas, começou um canal de covers no YouTube, principalmente de guitarra.
Com o final do ensino médio, Eunjo decidiu estudar música em Seoul e lá se surpreendeu com a proporção que seu canal tinha tomado. Não chegava a ser uma celebridade, mas vez ou outra a reconheciam e foi assim que acabou sendo convidada para uma audição na Cultural Midia, se juntando em 2018 e trancando a faculdade em 2020 para se preparar pro debut do grupo
Após três anos de treino, com permissão da empresa para continuar com o canal durante seu período de trainee, Eunjo conquistou espaço o suficiente para debutar no Bittersweet como center, usando o stagename Jojo.
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fichasnesfant · 1 year
Nome/Apelido: six.
Pronomes desejados: ela/dela
Idade: +21
Triggers, se há algum: abuso sexual e machismo.
Parece que [ REAGAN YERIM GRAVES ] foi confundido com [ JENNIE KIM ] enquanto passeava pelas ruas de Eden essa noite. Pertencendo ao clã  [ ASSAMITAS ], da Seita [ SABAT ], foi transformada em vampiro há [ CINCO ] anos, mas ninguém diz que ela tem tudo isso, já que aparenta ser bem mais nova. Ganhou fama pela cidade não apenas por ser uma [ GARÇONETE NO BORDEL RED SUN/ASSASSINA ] mas por se mostrar [ ATENCIOSA E EGOÍSTA ]. De qualquer forma, eu só me importaria em não estar por perto quando o sol se pôr…
A habilidade de Reagan é a de feitiçaria de sangue.
Reagan não se considera exigente quando se trata de sua dieta, se alimentando daquilo que for mais fácil de encontrar, seja humano, bolsas ou animais. No entanto, acaba se alimentando de animais mais vezes do que todas as outras opções, simplesmente por não ter que ser tão cuidadosa com suas escolhas e o ambiente ao seu redor.
TW: morte.
Reagan acredita ter sido amaldiçoada desde seu nascimento, as estrelas alinhadas para que sua vida fosse marcada por dificuldades e tribulações. Nascida em uma família pobre e quebrada, a garota não tem memórias de seu pai e nem de um momento sequer onde a mãe não estava acamada, fazendo com que assim seu irmão mais velho, Harvey, fosse o principal provedor da pequena casa em que viviam. O dinheiro trago pro Harvey se originava dos crimes que cometia sob as ordens de outras pessoas, criando um nome para si nas ruas e provendo conforto e segurança para Reagan. O falecimento da mãe era esperado, porém ainda causou extrema tristeza em Reagan, um presságio de má sorte na vida da família que dias depois viera a se materializar na forma de homem. De início, tudo parecia um sonho, uma moradia sem a preocupação dos gastos, roupas novas e comidas que Reagan jamais imaginou que sequer veria na vida, um quarto apenas para ela, definitivamente um sonho que a coreana jamais queria acordar.
No entanto, a nova vida vinha com um preço pago única e exclusivamente por seu irmão, que para manter a felicidade e segurança da irmã, tornou-se um lacaio de sangue para o homem. A descoberta da verdadeira natureza do “senhor” veio como um mero acidente anos depois, qual jurou por sua vida manter segredo, mas o que estava feito não podia jamais ser desfeito e assim veio a promessa: transformaria ambos os irmãos em vampiros também, uma garantia de que manteriam suas bocas fechadas. Reagan foi a primeira a receber o abraço, sob premissa de ser a mais nova entre os irmãos, e após transformada seria a vez de seu irmão. No entanto, isso nunca veio a acontecer. Reagan fora manipulada facilmente pelo homem e como consequência disso, viu sua única família ser morta diante de seus olhos. Agora presa pela sua conexão e laço mental a seu mestre, Reagan aprendia o que podia de seu mestre, observando suas ações e atitudes e as gravando em sua mente, realizando seu papel com extrema exatidão. 
Demorou um tempo para que ganhasse a confiança de seu mestre, fato que o levaria a sua queda, uma vez que em uma fatídica noite, a serva se virou contra seu mestre e com uma estaca de madeira, cravou sua liberdade. Reagan procurou refúgio em Eden, mais especificamente com Wang Cheng, achando abrigo em seu bordel e propósito com os Assamitas, dedicando-se completamente ao seu treinamento de assassino. Apesar de sorridente e simpática à primeira vista, Reagan carrega pouco para nenhum apego aos humanos, sequer sente muito apego por outros vampiros, acreditando apenas em si mesma.
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thewildfl0wer · 2 years
                                             Octubre, 2019, 23:30
Cheol Ho aún no llegaba, ya me estaba preocupando. Estaba llegando más tarde de lo usual. Al escuchar el teléfono vibrar, conteste de inmediato, pensando que era él. Quería recriminarlo hasta que escuche la voz temblorosa de mi madre.
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—Omoni ¿Cómo estas? ¿por qué me llamas a estas horas? ¿Se te bajó la presión? ¿Quieres que pida una hora con Nick?—La escuché mientras caminaba por el pasillo —Oh...no es por los medicamentos...¿Qué prenda la televisión?—
No sabía a que se refería...busque el control remoto mientras tomaba asiento. Al prender la pantalla, presioné el canal público.
REPORTE ESPECIAL: ENCUENTRAN LOS RESTOS OSEOS DE UN HOMBRE EN LAS                                                                       PERIFERIAS DE MUAN-GUN 
Era el mismo lugar...donde estaba...Era incapaz de moverme...¿Cómo lo encontraron?...¿Cómo maldita sea lo encontraron? Me apretaba el pecho, tuve que controlar mi respiración, solo hiperventilaba. Recordaba haber envuelto bien su cuerpo en bolsas, cubierto de lombrices de abono y tirado al humedal más cercano, junto con mi madre. Las manos llenas de lodo, los nervios invadiéndome, la sangre de él en mi cara ¿No van a identificarnos, verdad? ¿Verdad? Paso demasiado ¿Y si es otro hombre? Debe haber más de un loco por ahí, en Muan puede ocurrir cualquier cosa.
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—Tranquila...no creo que sea papá...su fantasma no nos persiguió durante estos 25 años, no nos va a perseguir ahora...Tranquila...— La calmaba... aunque me temblaran las manos. Nuevamente era la chica de 12 años que hundió el cadáver de su padre con ella, en la madrugada del Domingo del año ‘94.
Aquella noche no dormí para nada bien...ni siquiera sentí a Cheol Ho llegar y recostarse en la cama. Solo podía ver a mi padre, en la salita de la pequeña casa en el que vivíamos, ahora poco iluminada. Olía su hedor a alcohol desde la lejanía, incluso estando de espaldas notaba mi presencia. Su voz estridente y molesta, sus nudillos sangrantes sosteniendo su decima botella de soju. Se quejaba de ser proveedor, pero rodeado de bocas...nuestras bocas...y con el tiempo, devorábamos sus días en la tierra...le dábamos asco...
Al igual que en ese entonces, tome una botella de whisky que él tanto apreciaba...lo empuñe y con rapidez, lo golpee en la nuca, haciendo trizas el trago en su cabeza. Después de eso todo era borroso...todo borroso...
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zachariashq · 2 years
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full name. zacharias smith-jeong. aliases. zach is what he usually goes by. age. twenty years old. birth date. april seventh, two thousand two. house. hufflepuff. blood status. halfblood. wand. ten and a quarter inches, yew wood, unicorn hair core. pet. fluffy tortoiseshell cat named elsie. spoken languages. english, korean.
through     her     all - seeing     crystal     ball,     [     𝚁𝙴𝙳𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝙳     ]     has     her     winking     eye     trained     on     zacharias     smith-jeong.          the     ever - CURIOUS     sixth     year     is     infamous     for     his     OVERCRITICAL     ways,      but     something     new     seems     to     be     weighing     our     resident     MR.     VICE     GUY     down.          a     rumor     is     spreading     through     these     ancient     halls     like     fiendfyre,      &     even     their     DEPENDABLE     face     can't     save     them     from     the     flames.          he     can     try     to     drown     out     their     sorrows     to     the     tune     of     IS     IT     ME,      but     LOVELESS     can't     fix     everything      ⏤      much     less     something     as     grim     as     [     𝚁𝙴𝙳𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝙳      ].          but     ten     points     to     HUFFLEPUFF     for     trying.
parents. father, alive, jackson smith-jeong. mother, alive, yerim smith-jeong. siblings. none, he’s the picture perfect stereotype of a spoiled only child. relationships explained. zacharias’ parents have set a wonderful example of a perfect marriage, and they’re a very close knit family. the hyphenated surname is due to his father’s parents taking on ‘english names’ upon moving to the uk, and his parents both agreed that they would hyphenate their last names when they were married. zacharias is a halfblood, which comes from his mother being a muggleborn (gryffindor) and his father being a halfblood (hufflepuff); the two met when they were attending hogwarts.
positive traits. dynamic, resourceful, witty, confident, curious, dependable. neutral. theatrical, protective. negative. defensive, condescending, elusive, secretive, controversial, overcritical.
hair. black and short, always impeccably styled. eyes. so brown they’re almost black. dominant hand. right handed. scars. two jagged eight inch long scars along his left hip, two inch long scar on his left palm, and another two inch long scar on his right bicep. tattoos. none. piercings. two piercings in each ear. height. 6′3, something that’s always on his dating prof.
ex nihilo nihil fit. nothing comes from nothing.
tw’s to follow: n/a yet
his bio is coming soon i promise i’m just lazy and wanna get all of his stats posted ty ♡ 
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character notes. headcanons, school notes, and more
✩   zach has always gone home for the holidays, with his ride or die anthony goldstein in tow––they’ve spent all of their holidays together since first year, when he invited anthony to come with him after learning his new friend would be staying at the castle for his holidays. they’ve been best friends ever since. ✩   he’s very close with his grandparents on his father’s side, and the smith estate is where he spent many of the summers over his life. his absolute favorite place in the world is the garden they’ve grown behind the three-story home, complete with a garden and numerous magical plants that grow ingredients fit for mostly healing potions. ✩   as a child he was hard to handle, always wanted to run off and do his own thing and didn't think he needed someone to hold his hand and talk him through anything. ✩   chaser for the hufflepuff quidditch team, a member of the debate team and chess champions united. ✩   takes everything he does with an unnatural amount of competitiveness and will hold a grudge for life if you ever do anything like beat him at something .. he literally will not stand for it. you will be enemies for the rest of your days if you beat him in chess one (1) time ever ✩  favorite class is charms, followed closely by arithmancy.
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st4rsoo · 3 years
Hi 👋🏻
Can you do a LOONA reaction to their S/O kissing them in public?
totally not writing this @ school . . . layout creds: @yoonk5ok #
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╰┈➤ pov: kissing loona in public
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・ would be really flustered because she doesn't expect it, holds your shoulders, tries to keep the kiss innocent, laughs it off but is really touched by it, might pull you aside to be more romantic (she doesn't want other ppl to see aww) " you know you can wait till we get home, silly "
・ kisses you back with way more energy, smiles against your lips, also would push up against you, doesn't mind that you are in public but still isn't too affectionate, pulls your shirt 100%, would try to embarrass you by making you flustered lol " all these people are watching us, i wonder what they think "
・ likes that you're in public, would kiss you several more times, wants to be held, tries to reassure you that its fine, makes you look at her even if you try to look away, would bring it up when you get home. " don't look at them- focus on us, focus on me "
・ just gushing with love, takes the move really to heart, holds your face when she kisses back (a/n: im gone), very very smiley, tells all her friends about it after, kind of surprised that you did it, thinks about it a lot " i've always dreamed you would kiss me like that "
・ just a little surprised but doesn't complain, lippie is a sucker for kisses </3, would give you a bit of a glare afterwards, gets mad if you point out her blush lol, really obsessed with kissing in public but doesn't want you to find out " you're so eager sometimes... "
・ smothers you in kisses, she's a total beggar for you to hug/kiss her more, doesn't feel all that embarrassed, gets pouty if you don't give her more, chuu is the type to make it really romantic so she probably acts like she's in a movie " another kiss please, cmon i've been nice ! "
・ also a sucker for kissing, in her head its only you two, gives you a lot of compliments in the moment, hugs you afterwards, doesn't mind if you're nervous she actually finds it cute, thanks you for always being there for her :( " the best thing i could have ever asked for "
・ makes it quick and simple but she's really flustered, tries to change the subject if you bring it up, ends out kissing you again just to get you to be quiet again, will never admit that she loves kisses, soft gf hyun wbk " it's just a kiss why am i so shy aaaa "
・ also really really flustered, holds on to you for wayyy too long, acts dramatic as a joke but she is really taken aback, demands hand holding lol, kisses you a lot more when you're alone because she wants to get back at you for making her shy in public " i'm not letting you get away with this ! "
・ totally wanted to kiss you, really smiley and excited bc you did (a/n: i <3 her jeez), calls you pretty or just compliments you in general, eye smile !, kisses your cheek as a thank you, probably talks about it for the rest of the day " i'm so lucky to have such a pretty girlfriend ! "
・ she likes it way more than she thought she would, surprisingly romantic, probably holding you close, i think she would be really intense with it, she's kind of quiet but you can tell it's something she wouldn't mind doing again " maybe i do wish you would kiss me more... "
・ doesn't want to embarrass herself but also desperately wants to kiss you, actually really clingy too, pretty much melts under you, really blushy and she doesn't want to be, she seems like the type to like getting kissed all over her face :( " what do you mean my face is red, idk what ur saying... "
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[A/N]: i wrote like half of this during a lockdown lol (also everything is fine no need to worry) but yes i hope you enjoyyyyy !!! gonna try to post as much as i can do this week so please stay tuned
(im also really happy with the growth of this blog yall are amazing mwah)
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heyo! can I request Yeri as your girlfriend? thanks! :D
YERI - as your girlfriend
Yeri is confident so she didn't hesitate to ask you out when she got the chance. The fact that you weren’t friends since long didn’t scare her off at all. On the contrary she didn't want to take the risk of getting definitely friendzoned.
As confident as she is though she did get shy during your first date, afraid you didn't catch on the fact that she was romantically interested in you.
Luckily she was able to forget about it, focusing on you and the fact that she knew how similar you were. The date went on easily leading to a kiss in front of your door when she dropped you off. You spend the whole following week together getting comfortable with each other way too easily.
Yeri does get jealous simply over the fact that people keep staring at you because of how beautiful you are. Yet at the same time she is kind of proud because you on the other hand only have eyes for her.
Yeri can sometimes be a little bit of a cry baby but nothing that a good meal and cuddles can't fix. On a daily basis food is her weakness.
Yeri is the most caring girlfriend you ever had, because though she craved attention she's always checking if you're okay before anything else. Never missing a text, a call or a sign that you want her with you, she is ready to throw everything off the window to make your day the best possible.
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Yeri just straightforward asked you when you’ll have sex with her. Yes she got impatient with the time, frustrated even, even though you didn’t make her wait on purpose. You were just happy with what you had without thinking about sex or things like that.
You had a some heated make out sessions but were usually cut short by calls or dinner. It was making you laugh everytime but apparently not her.
She tried to make you crumble with need with no results, you always seem perfectly composed when internally you were literally dying. Of course her touch and kisses affects you, you just know she won’t shut up about it if she knows about it.
Especially since she exactly knows when to stop even though you pretend she doesn't, she'll be literally all over you and act like the perfect angel two seconds later. It's even more true when you're with her unnies, she'll be the sweet maknae but would whisper nasty stuff down your ear.
Yeri likes to pretend she only tops but there's time where she just want you to take care of her and that's it.
Pretty kinky, Yeri would often bring up things that out of nowhere, the last in date was that couple of dices that would dictate her what to do to you. She uses it pretty often just randomly rolling them in the middle of a meal or when you're watching tv.
She likes to cuddle afterwards, don't even think about getting out of her touch, she won't like it nor allow it.
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Hey, back with some SM entertainment content again, hope you'll like it. Of course give feedbacks and wishing you a good day/night/week ... 😁 -Ael
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