#yes I’m going through a phase
cherry-pop-elf · 4 months
George Weasley As A Dad Headcanons
Newborn/Baby Edition
Offered by your certified George Weasley Wife. I have the ink to prove it. Ask my Muts!
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He’s going to be the most emotionally there for his kid possible. Once he has his first kid, it kinda dawns on him that having a big family like Molly and Arthur did might be a bad idea. He loves the idea of a big family, but is quick to realize that he just wouldn’t be there emotionally like he wants. Especially with the job to worry about. At most, three kids. If anything, he’s fine with one. That just means they get all his attention after all.
That baby is gonna be in a sling, as he runs around the shop. He’s not gonna just be the type to leave the kid to be ‘nannied’ by his partner. He’s going to be a parent. And don’t worry. He lost an ear after all. He’s gonna make sure the baby is wearing ear protection in the shop. Then again, they’ll be a Weasley. Kinda built in.
Since he’s always been the ‘emotional’ twin, he also has that emotional maturity. Such as knowing not to utterly spoil his kid, and make sure they understand the value of money. Along with poor habits don’t mean bad habits. Not to say he doesn’t love to spoil, but he’s gonna make sure they understand that being rich isn’t what makes you happy. But it sure solves alot of problems.
That baby honestly might be more glued to him than his partner! And they were actually inside being made! What can he say? He loves family. Especially children.
He is also the one to offer diaper duty. He’s kinda immune to bad smells at this point, and also has changed diapers before. Plenty of times. So it’s not like it’s a big deal to him. His job is about invent messes after all, and someone had to clean them before Molly got home. Diaper duty on him
That baby is 100% being taught Sign as well, as they grow up. Not just because of him being partially deaf. It’s good to learn anyway! Another language, a great way to communicate when they can’t speak, stimulating, it’s gonna only benigit. It can also be kinda like their own secret language they can share, since so few people know it after all. Over all be invested in the deaf community, as he would be as well
Speaking of languages, that baby is going to grow up knowing so many. Arabic, Romanian, French, oh man. Big family, lots of languages. This baby is never going to worry about a damn job with knowing tongues like that
That baby is going to be eating so good. He’s going to make everything by hand. He’s going to make baby food fresh himself, and make sure that milk is given different flavors to make sure that little ankle biter gets all the nutrients they need. That baby isn’t going to have to suffer like the younger Weasleys did
You better get used to the baby talk. This man is going to have the most straight face conversation with that baby’s babbling, yet somehow know exactly what’s going on the whole time
Like I said. He’s going to have that baby in a sling while he works. It’s gonna be matching to his suits, it’s gonna have sewn on patches, he’s gonna style
Three am baby feeding? He would have that covered…..But Ghost Fred says not to hog the baby. You two will think for the longest time you have a well mannered calm baby. Hey, bless him. More sleep for you two, and private time!
Group costumes group costumes group costumes. He will find an excuse somehow. Holidays, selling limited time products, he needs his family all matching!
Love. So much damn love. That baby is never going need to worry about coming home with a problem. That baby is never going to be scared to come out of the closet, or talk about self doubts. Never ever EVER-!
It’s one big happy family. Never worry about that. Family, well off, happy, stable, and just so full of love. Love and happiness
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skiaskai · 1 year
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that young man, with the soft smile
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Despite everything, it’s still you 🧡
Maybe we’re not all doomed @danielhowell
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marimbles · 9 months
the agony of enjoying MULTIPLE THINGS AT ONCE. How do people do it….
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lifeofcynch · 6 months
it really is a weird feeling when you’ve had a specific opinion for like years and only recently start to be like ‘hm is this worth it? is this really the hill i want to die on?’
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alexis-royce · 14 days
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sugaryuniverse · 2 years
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@g-oats fabulous disaster rising from the grave
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one-million-medics · 8 months
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raylangivins · 1 year
Listening to avril lavigne’s first two albums and uh. These lyrics really ingrained themselves in my brain huh?
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astronomeys · 2 years
My therapist is like YES you have every symptom of a 2E ADD adult female and have been told by others unprompted that you show signs especially considering it manifests differently in women and is on a scale of severity from low to high impact and the fact that you’ve been considering this for 5 years is indicative that it is negatively impacting your life and emotion-based therapy all these years has not helped and you acknowledge that you’ve simply learned how to poorly mask these various symptoms… But also have you considered that it could just be that you have 12 other disorders and you’re #quirky?
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astridthevalkyrie · 2 years
my mom finds it very hard to believe that I would be tired after waking up at 6:45 AM to go work and coming back at 7:45 PM and believes that I am just, quote, “being lazy”
#i haven’t had a good cry in a while I think tonight’s as good a night as any#it’s so strange how quickly this spirals into other thoughts#like. my mother is not inherently wrong about me being lazy#I don’t even make time to do things that I want to do#I procrastinate on everything#sometimes I’m too lazy to even shower or eat#do I think that is definitely bc something is up with me mentally?#yes but since I graduated I have had no time nor energy to find a therapist#I’m stuck in this cycle of not getting enough sleep bc I have to wake up early but#I don’t sleep early because I relish the time of night when I’m the only one awake and no one is talking to me#I’m on marriage apps because my parents want me married but I have not found a single guy that I would work with#and a part of me feels like it’s because I act difficult on purpose#I don’t WANT to get married because I am 21 and I want to date and have my first kiss and. that stuff#but I can’t because that’s not halal or whatever tf I’m tired#I want to do skincare and get better at makeup and taking care of myself but every day my bed is just the best thing in the world#I get stomach aches like all the time and I don’t eat properly#i am in a much better place mentally than I have been in years and yet I am still stuck in this maddening phase#i have to wait until I absolutely have to get up bc nothing actually makes me want to wake up and go through the day#my lsat score came back and it was worse than my first time#and of COURSE it was I didn’t study bc between a hellish last semester and a new job#it wasn’t gonna happen#and now I’m considering not even going to law school bc do I really want to work and study at the same time#but then do I really wanna be in tech forever??#I’m gonna go shower might follow up later idk
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peronasghosts · 1 year
yeah i’ve never watched death note (it’s on my list) but doesn’t light murder ppl?? oikawa is just a flawed teenage boy he’s really not comparable
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barelyaware · 1 year
When my female presenting ass says I’m queer what I mean is I have too complicated a relationship with gender and sexuality for any label to still be valid in five years, but I sure do like women and lesbians are allowed to not like men and still like me but only if they’re really cool about it and also kiss me on the mouth about it
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alicuntisms · 2 years
The ridiculous irony of Bart saying that all women are sluts and liars EXCEPT his brother’s wife that Bart has been fucking on the sly. Just.
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xxsabitoxx · 6 months
Stay Quiet
Yuta x Fem! Reader Smut / characters are 18+
Warnings: semi-public sex, hotel sex, sex with someone else sleeping in the room, titty worship, raw sex, creampies, squirting
A/N: Baby boy is backkkkkk _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): since I feel like I’ve forgotten how to write smut… here is a smut imagine :D
Word count: 1.7k
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Your back is arching into him, hand slapping over your mouth to try and suppress your whimpers. Your boyfriend isn’t listening to your quiet pleas, his head under your shirt, his lips wrapped around one of your nipples.
His only response is stopping his sucking to bite instead, earning a sharp cry from your lips that you quickly try and smother. Beside you, the bed is rustling as Inumaki tosses and turns in his sleep.
Not even a vacation with long time friends in a shared hotel room with two beds would stop Yuta from having his way with you. So long as you kept quiet…
“Yuta please…” you begging him, tone soft but labored as his hand tightened its grip on your side. Still, he didn’t respond, mouth far too preoccupied to speak.
You could only imagine the mess he was making, littering your skin in bruises and saliva to make you his. He’s always adored your breasts, both in the sexual and non-sexual sense. Sometimes he just needed to hold them, other times he needed to fuck them.
You never complained, not when he worshiped you the way he did… the way he was right now.
You could feel your eyes threatening to roll back, his tongue flicking at the sensitive bud as his thigh pressed further to your covered cunt. You were soaked, Yuta could feel the dampness through your night shorts as they pressed into his bare thigh.
Yuta left your breast alone, kissing the bruises he left before turning his head to the one he had been neglecting. It sent a whole new wave of pleasure through you, hand pressing to your mouth tighter as you couldn’t contain your whine.
He nipped at your skin, just hard enough to leave teeth indents that would turn into pretty bruises.
Your hips jerked as he bite down on your nipple, pain and pleasure making you clench around nothing. Your cunt dragged along his thigh, too many layers separating you to gain any real satisfaction from the friction.
“A-at least fuck me, Yuta.” You begged him, hand slotting back over your mouth as he sucked your neglected nipple. Still, you were left with no response, nothing but his hips jerking against your abdomen told you that he had heard your quiet plea.
You felt him, hard and heavy resting on your abdomen, straining in his briefs. If it weren’t for the sheer amount of body heat from being under the covers, you’d have been able to to feel the wet patch forming on the front of him.
Yuta indulged himself further, practically moaning as his hips rolled against you. “N-not fair.” You breathed, one of your hands coming down to rest on top of his head, not able to reach his hair since he was protected by your shirt. “So hot… Yuta I’m hot…”
You knew it was useless, he wasn’t going to stop anything he was doing until he was good and ready.
You could feel it though, your skin was starting to turn slick with sweat. So was Yuta’s, but that didn’t seem to phase him at all. Not when he was lathering your breast with his tongue and whining as he rut his hips against your abdomen.
So needy yet so controlling.
It was a dizzying mix, being completely at his mercy.
Your hips rolled against his thigh, trying to create some sort of relief since he was purposely ignoring you. Three rolls of your hips and Yuta’s grip was tightened, stopping you from moving all together as he released your nipple with a soft pop.
“So fucking needy.”
He practically seethed, pulling his head out from under your shirt to glare at you. “M-me?” You whisper yelled, face warm from anger and need. “Yes you.” Yuta shot back, the anger on his face didn’t concern you.
Not when you could feel his cock twitching.
“We’re both needy, you’re just mean, Yuta.” Your lip wobbled, head turning to look at the other hotel bed. Inumaki had seemed to settle into a deep sleep, back facing the two of you.
“Eyes on me.”
You shivered involuntarily, head turning back to face Yuta in record time. “If I fuck you, you need to keep quiet.” You nodded eagerly, but Yuta wasn’t satisfied.
“Promise me you’ll stay quiet.” You felt your breathing stop, taking a moment to start again as you quietly whispered “I promise.” Yuta still seemed skeptical.
“I still don’t believe you.” He mumbled as he began pulling down his briefs, just enough for his cock to spring free. “Yuta I mean it.” You whined, hands rushing to yank your sleep shorts and panties off for him.
“You’re never quiet, pretty girl.” Warmth flooded you, causing you to suck your lip between your teeth as your hips raised. Yuta helped you despite scolding you, tossing the two clothing items off to the side.
“If you can’t stay quiet, I’ll stop.”
You nodded, taking your vow to silence literally as his fist wrapped around his cock. Your legs spread further to accommodate him, cunt throbbing with the desire for him to be inside of you.
“Tell me you understand, pretty girl.”
He froze just as he positioned himself at your entrance, teasing you further by prolonging what you needed. “I understand, Yuta.” And he pressed in, watching your mouth fall open as your chest rose and froze.
You were good, holding in the moan that was threatening to burst your lungs as he sunk deep. Your cunt had no resistance, swallowing his cock whole as he bottomed out inside of your tight heat. “Good girl.” He groaned.
Your hands found their way to his biceps, nails digging into his muscles as your legs locked around his hips. You managed to exhale the breath you had been holding, barely making a noise louder than a pant.
Yuta wasted no time, hips drawing back and snapping forward. Your head fell back against the pillow, mouth open as a quiet gasp left you. He was focused, head dipping down to watch where he appeared and disappeared inside of you.
Never mind being mindful of the noises you were making, Yuta had to be mindful of the noises your bodies made. Anything louder than the squelching and bed creaking and he was certain Inumaki would be waking up.
But it was hard to be rational when your cunt was suctioning to him, velvety walls begging to milk him for all he was worth. He’d give it to you, no questions asked.
Every drag of his cock had you arching, scratching at his biceps as sweat dripped down your brow. You couldn’t think straight, breath catching in your lungs every few thrusts as you tried to ignore the urge to scream his name. “K-kiss me.” You managed to choke out.
It certainly wasn’t a whisper, the rustling in the bed over confirmed that. Yuta dropped lower, practically draping his body over you, hips rolling slowly rather than thrusting as he slotted his lips over yours.
Still, he was listening, silently praying Inumaki wouldn’t wake up because dammit he was certain he wouldn’t be able to stop fucking you even if he did.
“Y-Yuta-“ it was muffled, swallowed whole by his tongue slipping past your lips. You gave in, nearly melting into the mattress from his weight settling on you, the close proximity causing his pubic bone to brush your clit.
You felt it then, molten hot arousal pooling in your gut as he offered to the slightest bit of relief.
Yuta pulled away, saliva keeping your lips connected. “You have to be quiet, pretty girl. He almost woke up.” You nodded, eyes so bleary and lips so swollen that he couldn’t bring himself to really scold you.
Yuta found his pace again, hips smacking into yours and creating a soft slap that was just barely muffled by the hotel comforter. He was struggling to contain his own noises as your cunt clenched around him, one of your hands falling away from his bicep to sneak between you.
“Rub your clit for me, pretty girl. Make yourself cum on my cock.” It was a whisper but it seemed to echo off the walls of your skull, rendering you completely speechless.
You did as he asked, hand slipped down to feel your soaked cunt, rubbing your clit in face circles as Yuta’s cock stroked your sweet spot. “Make yourself cum on my cock, please. You know how much I love that.”
You nodded, mouth hanging open as breathless pants slipped past. They were quiet enough to not wake Inumaki but if anyone were to enter the room, it would be painfully obvious what was happening.
Yuta watched you, eyes torn between watching your tits bounce with each thrust and watching where his cock kept disappearing inside of you. It was utterly entrancing, making him gasp as his cock twitched violently within your walls.
“I’m gonna cum, pretty girl. Cum with me please.”
His voice cracked, face sweaty and flushed as he begged you so sweetly. It sent electricity straight down your spine, clit throbbing as your orgasm built. The thrusts got harder, a little sloppier… and louder.
Not that Yuta could care in that moment, he seemed to forget everything he had been drilling in your head as he moaned your name. You whined, eyes widening at the volume of his voice as your walls clenched again.
You were close, fueled by the feeling of his cock twitching deep inside of you. “Cum with me, please.”
Breathless, you nodded, head falling back as you brought yourself over the edge just as Yuta did. His hips stuttering before burying deep, pushing against your cervix as he spilled his load in you.
You had barely registered the warm gush that flooded between your thighs, not until Yuta collapsed on top of you. “Fuck.” You offered weakly, feeling the dampness on the sheets below accompanied by your sweaty skin.
“We made a mess.” Yuta’s tone was sheepish, vibrating your neck as he spoke into it. “It definitely reeks of sex in here too…” you felt your face burning, realizing there wasn’t any windows open to allow ventilation.
“He’ll figure it out regardless.” Yuta sounded defeated but you could feel a smile on his face. “I’ll take the blame… since I’m the one who can’t resist your breasts.”
“You better.”
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thisoneloves · 1 year
you’re beautiful! every little piece, love! and don’t you know? you’re really gonna be someone! ask anyone!
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