#yes I’m still 26 but I turn 27 in two months.
mr-system-of-a-downer · 9 months
and I know this is the old men fucker website but you really don’t hear people fetishizing dudes in their 30’s like they do for women in 30’s. Nobody is going to call me a 27 year old dilf
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From the Ashes Pt. 19
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Pairing(s): Pairing(s): Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader, one-sided!Jaime Lannister x Lannister!Reader, Jaime Lannister x Cersei Lannister
Warnings: slow burn fic, changing povs, Jaime POV
Words: 3203
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 3.5  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35
Book Two of Dārilaros hen ōrbar se perzys (Heir of Ash and Fire)
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Melisandre made her way to Jaime’s side as he intently observed his younger sister sparring with a ruthless Weles. He flinched every time the Leader of the Fiery Hand got close to slicing (y/n). Like a dancer, his sister would twirl out of his way and evade the blade’s edge. Light on her feet and fast as a whip, it was still taking Jaime time to get used to her fighting.
“She will be ready for battle soon.” Melisandre muses, startling Jaime. Her unnatural red eyes always disturbed him as it was a color that he had never seen anyone possess other than animals. They shined like rubies but always reminded Jaime of blood. “Nuahlin and Benerro are very proud of her progress she has made. The darkin will be no match for her now.”
Pursing his lips he chanced a glance at the Red Witch as he thought of her. The powers she possessed weren’t normal. Not that Jaime had experienced anything normal in quite a while. But her powers were very much similar to the darkin’s which made Jaime wary. Always wary and suspicious, even in a place like the Red Temple where (y/n)’s safety had been promised time and time again yet Jaime couldn’t easily rest. They had been in Volantis for several months now and Jaime would have liked to say that he knew the temple fairly well. He patrolled the hallways at night, making sure there wasn’t a would-be assassin like they had experienced so many times throughout Essos. There must be more still coming from whoever was hiring them.
The loud metallic shriek of swords colliding has his heart racing as he returns his attention back to (y/n). She held her blade against Weles’ before swiftly jumping back and preparing for the next lunge that would be dealt. With the waves of the sea crashing behind him, Jaime became all too aware of Melisandre’s continued presence; the breeze that passed them swept her hair up and spread the lovely scent around. Nutmeg and cloves.
Her eyes watch Jaime and he suddenly feels vulnerable and open. He places his hand on top of the pommel of his sword for some security. It only makes her chuckle. “You do not have to be scared of me. I am only thinking of how wonderful of a guard you are for (y/n). But you don’t need to flinch everytime she is attacked. It is obvious she can handle herself now.” Searching and searching, those red eyes don’t leave Jaime’s tanned and freckled face. He hadn’t had freckles before in Westeros. With so much exposure to the intense Essos sun made them pop up like daisies however.
“I’m not scared of you.” He smoothly replies with resentment. He hated that (y/n) had strung along Melisandre in her entourage. How could she be trusted when she hailed from the same land of the darkin who was trying to kill his sister. “I just don’t trust you and your red eyes.”
What was meant at a jab only made her chuckle. “Yes, I do not blame you. After all, her safety and protection has been left to you for so long. It must not be easy to let anyone else in.” She folds her hands in front of her. “Must be even harder to acknowledge that she doesn’t need your sword to protect her anymore. Now there are many who are willing to die for her. Tell me, how many assassins had you encountered before entering the Red Temple?”
Jaime’s neck hairs prickled up. She truly was a witch. He turns on her, managing to tower over Melisandre who was already taller than many men. She only had to lift her head up a margin to meet Jaime’s dangerous gaze. “How do you know of the assassins?”
“We watch over (y/n) as well.” Was all Melisandre was willing to give Jaime.
It made him want to scream at her. So careful he had been to keep (y/n) unaware of the danger that followed them.
Cheeks red, he calms himself enough to mutter out “Don’t you dare tell her.”
“I would never want to make her worry. She has enough worries as it is.” Melisandre nods in agreement. “Will you tell me why you don’t want her to know?”
“I don’t want to scare her. She’s been so carefree since we escaped Westeros. Adventurous even. I don’t want her to lose that to fear of someone trying to end her life.”
“And because you think it might be your twin?”
His head was reeling. Damn fire readers. Damn them and their capability of seeing things that they were never meant to.
“Alizah sees the flames better than anyone.” Confesses Melisandre. “The truth cannot evade her and ultimately all is revealed to her. Even the fact that your sister was the one who hired the darkin. But you already had your suspicions. The Lannisters are rich enough to hire such a commodity such as a darkin. Their skill makes them the best assassins. It’s a disgrace. They were given that gift to assist Azor Ahai in defeating the Others. To use it in such a violent manner-” Here, Jaime caught Melisandre hiss and contained her anger “It’s simply disgusting.”
Sweat beaded on his palm as a wave of dizziness swept him up. He knew. He knew all along that it had to be Cersei. Jaime just never wanted it to be true. Never wanted to think that the girl he had held in his arms after love making was capable of such a horrendous thing. She was a Lannister through and through. And Lannisters were known to hold intense grudges.
He felt sick to his stomach.
At the same moment there were worried gasps that made him see just in time, (y/n) holding her bleeding hand.
Jaime moved to go to her, but Melisandre stopped him. “Leave her be.”
“She’s hurt!” He snaps back.
“I can see that. As can she. Nothing good will come from your coddling of her. You have to let her go.” There was something else lying underneath what she said.
(y/n) grimaces at her hand, her sword hand. Even from a distance Jaime could see the bright red dripping from between her fingers. To his shock, his little sister rips a part of her training top and wraps it around her injured hand; securing it back to her pommel. She looks up at Weles and gives him a cheeky smile. She wouldn’t let a wound stop her.
Weles grins with pride and charges at her.
“What’s he thinking?!” Hisses Jaime as his anxiety for his sister gets the best of him. “She’s hurt!”
“(y/n) does not fear injury. I’ve seen the one on her back. She is familiar with the sting of pain. It’s the fear of injuring others that worries her.” There was admiration in the timber of her voice. (y/n) was the pride and joy of the Red Temple and she was proving to live up to all of what was expected of her. “Deep breaths, Jaime Lannsiter. She will be okay.”
Each slam of the swords made Jaime sweat more. (y/n) was so little compared to Weles. Like a kitten amongst lions. But she was growing more confident in her steps and in each play of her sword. She was advancing on Weles, making him take steps back. With (y/n), Weles didn’t brandish his Moon Blade even though he had taught (y/n) how to defend herself against the weapon. No, his focus was on making her excel with a long blade.
And she was excelling. That much was clear. The fact didn’t make Jaime feel any less anxious. When she advanced, Weles changed his tempo and put more offense and giving (y/n) more of a challenge. He saw (y/n) begin to struggle to keep Weles at a distance. Pretty soon the scene was playing the other way around to where now (y/n) was taking steps back. On the training ground, the other Fiery Hands had formed a small crowd, everyone holding their breath. Who would win? Their captain or their champion?
On his usual bench where he liked to keep an eye out, Nuahlin observed the two with eyes like a hawk. Even as an old man he still felt the responsibility of the Fiery Hand on him. He was still as much the captain as Weles was. Beside him was a smiling Alizah as she appeared to be staring off into space, but Jaime knew better. Melisandre was right, even blind Alizah could see better than anyone.
Rhiannon wasn’t as calm as Alizah as she paced back and forth, matching (y/n)’s steps. Her gold eyes crinkled with worry. Vidarr had to put a hand on her shoulder to settle her down as he whispered into her ear. Evidently whatever he had said to her calmed Rhiannon down but she still looked worried. Tall Siofra wrapped an arm around her shoulder in comfort.
(y/n) dove and tumbled out of the way as Weles struck at her, her long blonde hair becoming dirty as she rolled to safety. Back on her feet in a heartbeat, (y/n) is able to catch Weles’ blade in time. For his height, Weles was fast, but not as fast as (y/n). She held on tightly to her sword, even with a wounded hand that continued to bleed freely. Fierce as she parried and danced around Weles, making him slightly dizzy.
“Who knows. Maybe one day she will be the one to save you.” Melisandre mused.
There was no time finish that thought. At that very moment, (y/n) had locked her blade with Weles once more, but this time she was letting him escape.
Locked together, Weles’ dark eyes stare right into (y/n)’s. “That’s it. Show me the fire inside of you. You are no lion nor a dragon. What are you?”
In a hypnotic way, (y/n) moved her feet swiftly around Weles. Green eyes narrowed fiercely to prove that she wouldn’t be the one to lose this match. Blood and sweat had filled her months as she learned from the best how to become a true warrior. Jaime couldn’t shelter her from her fate as one, try as he may to change her fate. Watching her now, he knew that one day she would lead him and many others into battle against the cold monsters.
Stray hairs stick to her forehead as she leaps. The force of the impact of the clashing steel was enough to make one wince. It sang up to the sky, startling the hovering birds. She twisted them with great force and knocked Weles down to the ground with a sweep of her leg, the air in his lungs being ripped out of him when his back hits the ground.. His sword skidded along the ground. (y/n) had unarmed him. Quickly he rolls to try and get it but (y/n) stabs her sword into the ground near his head, utterly trapping him.
“I’m a champion. I am Azor Ahai reborn. The ender of the Long Night.” Her breathing is ragged but strong as she leans on her blade. Now she trusted in her words and what the others called her. Before her she saw what her hard work rewarded her. Slowly but surely she was beginning to dawn the armor of Azor Ahai.
Sirvart screamed at her victory as did Rhiannon who was clapping her hands. Fiery Hands alike roared with approval, it vibrated throughout Jaime’s skeleton.
“Congratulations, ñuha kosh.” Weles is beaming down at her as he finally gets to his feet, grinning ear to ear. “You have learned to wield the fire inside of you and utilize it through your blade. It is time you receive your own Lightbringer.”
Taking her head in his hands, Weles kisses the crown of her head.
As if to tell Jaime ‘I told you so’, Melisandre grins at him. Flushed he rushes toward his sister just as Weles lifts up her arm in victory. There was a crowd forming that Jaime had to push his way through. “Īlva kosh! (y/n) Targārien, Azōr Ahaī sigligon!”
He heard her tired yet gleeful laughter as someone lifts her up high above the crowd.
His beautiful, radiant sister who was covered with grime and blood; smiling as if she had received the best gift ever for her name day. Never had he seen such a radiant smile on her.
This was what she was born to do. Who she was truly meant to become. There was no stopping her fate or protecting her from anything. The world was her’s.
(y/n) didn’t need Jaime.
Maybe years ago when they were children, when she needed his protective arm. Now though? It was too late for him.
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Wincing at Rhiannon cleaning her wound, (y/n)’s toes curled inward as she grimaced. “Is it deep?”
She had just come out of the bath, her hair clean and still dripping over her bare shoulders. A deep orange robe hung off of her, revealing her lovely skin and pronounced collar bone.
Inanna looked over Rhiannon’s shoulder and frowned. “That Weles. He never did know how to restrain himself.”
“Give him some credit. He could have easily taken off her whole hand.” Sirvart comments, reclining on the opposite chair of (y/n). “You repaid the favor though. What a beautiful match it was.”
Sheepishly, (y/n) smiles and bashfully flutters her lashes down.
“It was beautiful.” Jaime makes his presence known, averting his eyes from the opening of (y/n)’s robes. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”
The compliment from her older brother had her even more flustered. “You could’ve easily taken him out in a shorter amount of time.”
“Not quite as skillfully as you did. (y/n), you were amazing out there.” He knelt in front of her and took her free hand in his. It was trembling from the residual adrenaline that had been pumping through her during her match. His thumb ran over her knuckles, so soft; they weren’t a warrior’s hands. They had never killed anyone or maimed a soul. She was by all accounts pure. Not for long though. On the track she was heading, it was bound to happen, her first kill. Weles would insist upon it to get her ready. He couldn’t see her as a killer though. Not his sweet (y/n). Jaime wanted her to always be smiling and know nothing of war.
(y/n) picked up on his melancholic aura. She looks up at Rhiannon and the others in her room. “Would you mind leaving us for a moment?”
Scrunching her eyebrows together, Rhiannon insists on staying. “My lady. . . Your wound needs tending to.”
She smiles at her attendant. “And it will be. But I need to speak with my brother. Just for a few moments.”
Unsure, Rhiannon glances at Sirvart for guidance but the Fiery Hand warrior nods and gives her consent. “We’ll just be waiting outside.”
Making sure they were alone, (y/n) moves her injured hand and puts it under her robe so that Jaime didn’t have to see it. “Are you okay? You look. . . sad. Is it because I got hurt? I promise it looks worse than it really is.”
Jaime tenderly pulls her injured hand back into view despite (y/n)’s reluctance. He had never felt so scared for someone in his whole entire life. Not even for Cersei. But never had he cherished anyone as much as he did (y/n).
Indeed it was a deep gash, like a canyon running through her palm. Pink and swollen, fresh blood was beading up to the surface. He grabbed the cloth that Rhiannon had been using to mop up her blood and dabs to clean it up. Jaime wished she didn’t have to go through what she had to. “I’m. . . I’m fine.” To make himself sound positive, he forces a smile onto his face. “Azor Ahai. Weles has deemed you ready to wield your very own Lightbringer. Suppose a champion can’t just go around slaying monsters with a dingy old sword. I spoke with him after the red priestesses escorted you to the baths. Tomorrow you will go with him to the city and get yourself your own Lightbringer.”
Her eyes sparkled immediately. “Really?”
Jaime chuckles. “Yes. You need a blade worthy enough. I mentioned perhaps Valyrian steel.”
Widening with shock, (y/n) sits up straighter. “Valyrian steel? I didn’t think anyone forged that anymore.”
“No, but for you it will be done. There is a man in Volantis, old but still an incredible blacksmith. His ancestors were the ones to create Aegon the Conqueror’s sword. Can you imagine? You’ll be going down in history just like Aegon with a fine weapon.
She releases a shaky breath, the grin never leaving her face as tears now prickled in her eyes. “I. . .” (y/n) looks away.”
Curling her fingers in, he kisses her knuckles. “It’s okay. There’s no need to say anything. I’ll leave you be, let you rest.” He moves up to her face, lips hovering over her’s before settling for her forehead.
Exiting (y/n)’s chambers, Jaime bumps into Alizah who had been rounding a corner.
“Pardon.” Jaime excuses himself.
“No worries. I was actually going to seek you out. How fortuitas.” She smiles.
A whisper tickles Jaime’s ear as the fire in the torches flicker. Alizah’s smile falters as her normally cheery demeanor evaporates. “I can see it you know. Your desire for her. Clear as day.”
“What are you going on about?”
“Do not play coy with me, Jaime Lannister. You know better than that.”
He bites the inside of his lip. Alizah was the wrong person to try and lie to. He did know better than to try and deceive her. She saw everything.
“You play it off well and I commend your discipline. However. . . What will you do when the temptation is too much?”
Cold was creeping in on him, sending his skin to rise up in goosebumps.
“I know you are strong. But not as strong as you think yourself. You have conquered every enemy except for this one. I doubt you ever will.”
“What’s the point you’re trying to get at?” Gritting his teeth, he couldn’t help but want to escape from Alizah’s pitch black eyes. The permanent black tint on her lips looked like she had swallowed ink. It made her appearance that more disarming.
“Does there always have to be a point? You Westerosi are so straightforward. You’re a good man Jaime. That is why I must warn you that this love you harbor for her will be your doom, as much as the love you harbor your twin. Let her go. You know very well that nothing will prosper. She will never return your feelings.”
“Don’t you think I know that already? It’s easier said than done!”
Out of pity, Alizah sighs. “For starters, go back to Westeros.”
“I could never leave her.” Jaime immediately spits out. “And if you can see everything, you would know that already.”
The sad expression on her face told Jaime that she indeed foresaw this. “Never say I didn’t warn you.
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bratshaws · 2 years
through the hourglass 72. brb x oc
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a/n: after some anxiety i finished it. so i hope you guys like it...i really did.
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff, dad-honorary grandpa- grandaughter being cute combo
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23
Nicole was very talkative, he could see her babbling happily on the backseat, he wasn’t sure if she was trying to sing along to the music playing on the radio or just was figuring out how fun it was to speak. She waved her arms up and down, kicking her legs on the seat, even getting louder every now and again all the while shaking a rubber chicken - yes, the ones that scream every time you squeeze, another lovely gift from Hangman - that just warbled out almost in panic of losing its plastic life.
Rooster smiled when Nicole’s little feet started tapping the end of the carrier, hitting the sturdy plastic and immediately making his daughter look towards it in surprise. She did again, then again, then kept doing so because the noise was really fun, “Birdie,” he calls, thankful they were at a stop sign, “Easy on the hitting, cutie, you’ll end up hurting yourself.” it was cushioned, there was no way she would get hurt but he was a bit of a worrywart when it came to Nicole.
He didn’t know how but Beatrice was the calmest of the two, yes she had her anxious moments, but she had…the right times to get worried. Rooster,however, was worried pretty much all the time when it came to Nikki.
Like right now, she was four months old, it wasn’t like she was going to break the seat or anything like that,or really hurt herself when all she’s doing is tapping her light yellow shoes with chickens - again, all his friends were out to bully him by giving his daughter chicken themed stuff - on the sides against the seat. Nothing more nothing less.
He gives another look toward Nicole, her brown hair pulled up into low pigtails that move every time she turns her head, her big light eyes covered by the round lilac sunglasses that Evelyn got her, “Ah!!” she gestures to the window and Rooster leans down to see what she’s looking at.
“That’s a tree,baby.” he says gently, “I don’t know what kind.”
“Yes,I know, it’s really big.”
Nicole bounced on the seat, making a grabby motion towards the tree and then waving her chicken at it - cue to more desperate gasping sounds from the plastic animal - “Not yet, Birdie. When you get older I’m going to teach you how to climb them.” he looks back up and drives off, still keeping Nicole in his sights by checking the rearview mirror every now and again.
He sighs, knowing that Mav was literally just a few meters away. His uncle was a good man, he was a good guy, but the moment he mentioned Nicole was coming with he basically forced Rooster to speed it up so he could see her, “Your grandpa Mav is kinda crazy, don’t let him influence you.” Beatrice’s voice appeared in his head, repeating the ‘she’s four months old,Roos.’ “Because even if you are a baby, he’s going to say something that you’ll undoubtedly remember.”
Was he speaking from experience?
He still knew how to mimic cows in the middle of the night but refused to do it again…especially since his mother hated it. Bradley sighed, seeing his uncle already in the distance, hands on his hips, sunglasses on and that very Maverick smile on his face. The one that said ‘this is going to be fun but mainly for me’.
As Rooster rolled to a park,Maverick approached the passenger door where Nicole was and his daughter immediately reacted upon seeing her honorary grandpa. She squealed, shaking her noisy chicken and stretching her little arm to the window, “Oh my God,Nikki!” Maverick slowly disappeared from her view, “Nikki! I’m melting! Noooo!!” Nicole lifted her head when Pete disappeared, a confused noise leaving her throat as she tried to find him again.
When he jumped up from the floor right back on the window,Nicole jumped but then immediately started laughing, “Oh, aren’t you just so brave?” Bradley unlocked the passenger door to let his uncle open it, and Pete kept talking to Nicole, “Hi sweet thing! Hi! Let’s get you out of there-”
“I can do it,Mav-”
“Nonsense.” he says, letting Nicole loose and slipping his hands under her armpits, “I got it. Hi precious!” his voice got higher as he held the baby close to his chest. Bradley just watched from the rear view mirror with a slight frown, then sighed as he left the car himself after grabbing the baby bag Beatrice prepared for him. He saw his uncle bouncing Nicole in his arms and gasping with amazement when she offered him her chicken, “Oh, for me? Oh you shouldn’t have.” 
Bradley had to admit…it was wholesome. His uncle was always the type of guy who’d have this vibe with babies…at least it’s what his mother used to say back when he was younger. Maverick was the one who’d sometimes pick him up and he’d immediately stop crying, just for his father to look confused and betrayed. “So,Mav, before anything-” his uncle is already walking away with a babbling Nicole, so he had to step up, “Mav,we have to place Nicole in a safe place.”
“Nowhere near tools, boxes or anything sharp.”
Maverick smiled at Nikki, opening and closing his hand like it was an alligator and going ‘nom nom nom’ on his granddaughter/grand-niece’s tummy, making the baby girl squeal and try to grab his hand, “Of course, nothing sharp.”
“...are you even listening to me?”
Maverick stopped walking, sighed and turned around, giving his nephew a look through his sunglasses, “Bradley…what do you think I’m going to do? Teach Nikki how to change a tire at the ripe age of four months? Relax.” he looks back down at the smiling baby girl, “You are worrying too much.”
“Well, excuse me for worrying about my baby.” he mumbled, entering Maverick’s garage to see the bike leaning against the wall, but his uncle just stopped when they reached the old fucking sofa, “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to put her down.”
“What? She’s not sitting there!” He turned around to grab the seat from the car, “I’ll be right back-” but his daughter squealed, this time not as happy as before. He turns around to see Nicole’s little arm reaching for him, her light eyes glinting with tears and her face turning red, “Oh no, no no, sweetie I’m just going to get your seat-” a louder cry this time, followed by his uncle’s amused smirk, “Honey, no…”
Maverick let Rooster pick Nicole up and hold her against him, kissing her cheek and rocking her in his arms,”I’m not going nowhere, pretty thing.I swear,okay?” Nicole just hugged his neck, “Oh baby, daddy doesn’t want you sitting on the couch…it’s icky.”
Seeing his almost forty years old nephew say the word icky was hilarious.
But he didn’t laugh…maybe he snorted quietly and tried to cover it as a cough.
His nephew just kept shushing and calming Nicole down, his little daughter lifting her head and babbling - almost ordering to - to his face, then slapping her small hand on his mustache, “I could be wrong,” Mav says, “But I think she wants you to stay where you are.”
Bradley groans, kissing Nicole’s tiny palm and then nuzzling her neck with a heavy sigh escaping him, “Fine, but  we are covering this couch, Nicole isn’t going to sit down on it without proper coverage.”
“There must be something around here-”
“Something clean Mav.”
Maverick chuckles while shaking his head, then lifts his hands up, “Alright, alright,” he thinks about it for a second, “Oh I know.”
Bradley just follows his uncle with his eyes until he disappears from view, all the while cooing and nuzzling Nicole, kissing her red cheeks and letting her hold him a little while longer. He looks up when Pete returns, holding his jacket up, “...wait, you serious?”
“It’s clean.”
“It’s your jacket.”
Maverick lowers the piece of clothing with a frown, “The hell is that supposed to mean?” He ignores his nephew’s confused stare, flaps the jacket - the colorful patches immediately catching Nicole’s attention- and places its interior down on the couch, even tucking in the corners so it wouldn’t sleep. “There, all done.”
“Come on,Rooster.” he gestures to the couch, “Put her here, she’ll be fine.”
Bradley hesitates, looking from the couch to Nicole then vice-versa, his daughter’s eyes were wide and locked on the many patches that adorned her grandfather’s jacket, colorful and bright with the most varied symbols. She waves her fist and then looks up at her father, “Aa!” more shaking, “Buh!”
Rooster blinks but he sighs again, seeing there was no way that he could hold her for longer now, “Alright.” he gets closer to the touch and gently,gently,lowers Nicole on top of the jacket. Her little chicken was forgotten the second she sat down and her hands immediately reached for the patches, rubbing her palms against the embroideries with an amused sound leaving her lips, “...okay,maybe it’s not so bad.”
“I know it’s not.”
Rooster’s shifty glare only made this situation funnier,”But the bike has to be aligned,” he holds both hands up, “With the couch. So I can see her.”
Maverick stands beside his nephew, the constant babbling from Nicole and the sounds from the outside adding into the strange scenario, “Alright.”
“And no music, because I have to hear her too.”
“...you’ll be facing her,Rooster.”
“But what if she cries and I have to turn around?”
“I’ll be right here ready to act,” Pete says in one breath, almost as if he’s tired of this conversation already, “Just relax. Look at her, she’s having fun!”
Rooster looks at Nicole with his brows furrowed, his daughter was going ‘ba ba ba’ while slapping every patch she could see, little pigtails moving as she giggles with pure amusement. “Okay…fine. But I choose the song.”
“You always do.” Mav is already walking away from the young Bradshaw, putting his sunglasses away, “Can you grab the tools for me?”
“Yeah, sure.” he moves to the tool box but his eyes keep returning to Nicole, almost fearing that the millisecond he doesn’t have her in his vision something would happen. But his daughter is just too busy trying to talk to the patches to pay attention to him. Her sunglasses however were sliding down her nose, so Rooster decided that first and foremost he should get that done.
“Nikki,” more babbling, “Look at me,Birdie.” he coos, his daughter only looking up when his face is close to hers, a gurgled laugh leaving her lips, “Hi, pretty thing. Can I take your sunglasses off? Before they fall and break and you could hurt yourself?” he could swear he heard Mav’s amused chuckle away from him, “Thank you, precious. Now I can see those pretty eyes too.”
Nicole’s light green eyes met his brown ones and her gummy smile was enough to make his heart melt, “Now,you’ll be nice and stay here,okay?” she babbles again, touching his cheeks with her small hands, mouth moving forward to press what could be considered a kiss to his chin but it was like she was trying to bite it.
He’ll take it.
“Ahem.” Maverick’s voice interrupts the adorable moment, “I need help? If you could do that,I’d appreciate it,Rooster.”
Bradley groans, giving Nicole a gentle look, “I’ll be over there, Birdie.” he coos, kissing her button nose and only stepping away when her little hands let go of his face. He shrugs off his outer shirt so only his tight white tee is shown, folding it in his hands…and placing it close to Nicole almost as if it was a wall. 
He hears Pete rolling the bike to align with the couch just like he requested and finally grabs the tool box, “I placed her bottles in the fridge.” Mav mutters, jutting his thumb over his shoulder to the old fridge he somehow kept in there, a miracle that thing still worked, “And the bag is on a chair, not on the ground. So it’s not…icky.”
“...it sounds weird when you say it.”
Pete laughs, dropping his head forward for a minute, “Imagine how I feel. Anyway, go set the song,” he points to the radio, “I’ll prepare everything.”
Desert loving in your eyes all the way
If I listen to your lies, would you say
I'm a man (a man) without conviction
I'm a man (a man) who doesn't know
“I’m surprised you chose Culture Club.”
“I’m surprised you have that in your playlist,Mav.”
Pete looks up from the bike’s chain, arching his brows, “Listen, Boy George is a great singer. Not my fault it’s so catchy.”
“Anyway,how’s our little hummingbird?”
Bradley looks to where Nicole is still sitting, still amused by the several patches, she hadn’t complained yet nor seemed upset to be there, “She’s fine.” cue to his daughter giggling because of nothing, making him smile in return.
Pete looks up from the bike, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand, “She seems to be having fun.” he says, a crooked smile on his face, “How’s Bea?”
“Fine, she’s meeting the new bartender today.” he explains, grunting as he lifts the bike for Pete to shine a light under it, “And helping them, because Penny needs the help.”
“She does and I told her to stop being so stubborn about it.” Pete says, moving the flashlight around, “There’s something under here- I told her she needed to stop thinking she can handle it when the girls aren’t there.”
“Amazing she didn’t kick you out.” Bradley jokes, gently placing the bike down and crouching next to his uncle so they rummage through the toolbox until he found what Pete was about to ask for, “Is it going to be okay?” he nods to the motorcycle, “Or is it time to let the old lady go?”
“Let her go? Please,Rooster.” Mav snorts, twirling the smaller wrench around his finger “This lady still has a long time to go.”
Rooster hummed, almost not believing him and turned his eyes back to Nicole. This time she was no longer patting the jacket, but was nibbling her fist, with her focus on him. He checks his watch, “It’s time for Nikki to eat.” he mutters, groaning as he stands to his feet, looking down at his dirty hands with a frown, “I’m going to wash my hands, keep an eye on her.”
“I will, don’t worry.”
Bradley walks past the couch, leaning down to kiss her head, “One second, honey. Daddy needs to wash his hands.” Nicole replies with a quiet ‘ah’, turning her head to keep her within her vision and Rooster was glad that the couch looked at the old fridge so Nicole wouldn’t lose him at all. He washed his hands in the sink, doing a double take when he saw the microwave on the wall, “Oh God, you didn’t throw this shit?”
“Why would I?” comes Mav’s voice, “It’s still useful, there’s only a few scratches on it.”
“It looks like it’s been to war, Mav.” he says, opening the fridge, “Why don’t you just use the portable stove?” that also had seen better times but at least looked clean, so he could use it to heat up Nicole’s milk since microwaves aren’t recommended.
“Because.” and no other explanation was given, making Rooster roll his eyes as he turns on the stove and places the heating mug on top - it was the one thing he got from home because he just felt it’d be cleaner - with the bottle inside.
“At least this area is clean.” Bradley mutters, looking around for a little bit until his eyes stop at a picture hanging on the wall. He tilts his head, furrowing his brows as he takes a closer look, “...what picture is this?”
“Say what?”
“The one with you and my parents and myself…I’ve never seen this one.”
Silence followed, Boy George’s voice fading into the next song that ironically or not was Forever Young by Rod Stewart and Rooster had to look back to check if Mav was okay. He had his back turned to him, ribs expanding as he inhaled shakily, “...New Years.”
“It was the New Years.” he says, “You just turned one and your parents didn’t want you to be scared because of the fireworks…so when your dad asked me to join I suggested we watch it from the beach, away from the noise and everything. Your family was there too.”
Rooster looks back at the picture, plucking it from the tape that glued it to the wall. It was indeed him, smaller with huge colorful glasses over his eyes with his dad holding him up as he and Mav sat on beach chairs. His mother was leaning against his dad’s knee, smiling at the camera as he saw his maternal aunt in the background walking by. “I…had no idea you had this one.”
“Do you want it back?”
The tone of his voice made Bradley frown, it was the same tone he had after he…accusingly so, told him there was no one waiting for him back when he saw him again. “...no,Mav, you can keep this one.” he says and he hopes he sounds better than before, he hopes his uncle knows there’s no ill feelings between them now. He sets the photo down and turns off the fire after a while, dripping some of the milk on the back of his hand to check the temperature. 
“Your father gave it to me.”
“The picture?”
Pete nods, standing to his full height as Bradley walks to the couch to pick Nicole up, smiling down at her, “I didn’t…really celebrate a lot of holidays anymore.” his uncle laughs almost uncomfortably, “And then your parents showed up, God. They dragged me everywhere.”
“Well you are pocket sized-”
“Hey.” Pete points at Rooster, a warning that only made his nephew chuckle, “You are lucky Nicole is there, because I’d beat you up,kid.”
“If you reach me.” 
The two men shared a laugh, with Maverick sighing and sitting down next to Rooster as he fed Nicole. His daughter had her eyes partially open and her little hand was fisting his shirt as her head rested on the crook of his elbow, “Ah,” Maverick smirks, “I see she got that from you too.” Bradley just gave him a confused look so his uncle gestured to the bottle that was now half full, “You drank fast,Rooster. I don’t know if you were in a hurry or hungry…or both.” Pete looked down at Nicole,whose eyes immediately opened to look up at him, “She’s so alert too,hi honey.”
Bradley smiles proudly at his daughter, his huge hand appearing bigger around Nicole’s little frame, “She is very alert, very brave too isn’t that right, Birdie?” he coos down at her, sighing against the couch, “...she’s so cute.”
“That she is.” his uncle agrees, then he tilts his head, “...she must’ve gotten it from her mother.”
His nephew just glares at him, lifting the almost empty bottle so Nicole got the last drops of it, “I’ll ignore that.” and once the bottle was finally empty, he quickly wipes Nicole’s lips as she wriggles a bit in his arms, “Okay, okay, easy there- she gets excited because we hug her after she eats.” and he places her on his shoulder, kissing her cheek and patting her back, “...can you get the cloth inside the bag?”
“Sure,” Maverick says, standing to his feet and then pausing and looking over at him one more time, “You forgot about it before didn’t you?” a grimace and a nod, “...yeah,so did your dad once.”
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barzzal · 7 months
Be warned this is gonna be long i apologize in advance, but this is all just me giving a massive kudos to you and your work. I’m so happy to see this updated thank you for your hard work and talented writing.
After reading interlude ii for CMC and as usual I loved it to bits but also I AM SUDDENLY CONFLICTED? With BOTH SIDES????? The whole time I was like “Yeah Sidney take the fucking L” but now that we have the full detailed story of how it led up to that moment, suddenly the situation is so much more complicated. HE ACTUALLY WAS READY AT THE LAST MOMENT OH GOD HE WAS GOING TO DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING TO MAKE IT UP TO HER AND THE BABY HE WAS READY TO BE A PARTNER AND DAD-
And now my head is in my hands as I think: ‘Oh my god. Reader didn’t give him a chance to be a dad to Lucas for NEARLY SEVEN YEARS (even though she was justifiably pissed at him) AND HE THOUGHT HIS BABY WAS GONE’
And, please hear me out. The pregnancy and the actual birth of the baby are two different parts of the process. It’s different for everyone, but sometimes it takes a few weeks or months for the parents to feel a connection with their baby once they’re born; It’s actually quite common among parents. Same goes for the pregnancy term. It’s fucking scary, raising a child; You’re not just living your life for yourself, you’re living your life for the best interest of your child. And while there’s absolutely no excuse for Sid and his emotional distance/neglect (believe me when I say I still want to sock him in the face for his initial reaction), it does bring perspective at to why he reacted that way. Correct me if I’m wrong, but he was scared that his commitment to his career would end up hurting his kid, not being able to be there for them. Of course, dumbass man sucked at communicating that to Reader properly huh
But he did come back. He did return. He was ready to begin repenting. Lucas wasn’t even born yet and he was ready to do right by him and Reader both.
Suddenly I am now in full panic mode because once Lucas gets older enough to question why did his mom keep him away from his dad if both parents loved and wanted him from the start. And I know reader said in previous chapters that everything she did was for her son and his happiness and safety which is an absolute HELL YES THAT’S WHAT BEING A PARENT IS ABOUT, but did she ever consider the possibility that keeping them both hidden away from Sid would potentially hurt all of them more than it would help? Lucas never got to meet the other side of the family; Troy and Trina never got to be grandparents, Taylor never got to be an aunt. They weren’t able to see Lucas grow up, and I just know they would’ve loved him the moment they were told of his existence.
Am I allowed to feel angry at both Sid and Reader? I am so sorry I… just love this story so much, I’ve never felt so many emotions reading before. Please correct me if I’m wrong in any way.
first of all, ily oh gosh. i never expect a comment this long from anyone but omg thank you!! i appreciate you taking the time to lmk which part/s u like/impacted u most 🥺 not lying when i say i was smiling as i read it entirely it’s truly fulfilling to come across a reader as passionate as u so endless thanks my dear 🫶🏻
second, ALL FEELINGS ARE VALID! i honestly can’t wait for them to be happy why can’t they just sit together and talk things out it’s not that hard 😭 had enough of little lukey having to bear poor adult choices!!
to clarify tho, since i’ve been mia on here and on the updates, the series was supposed to be done in 2022 😫 so our timeline for cmc would be that it’s still 2021 going 2022 (refer to teaser #3).
for everyone to be on the same page, allow me to recapitulate:
april 2015
refer to teaser #1
sidney is 27 yrs. turning 28 yrs. in aug
reader is 26 yrs.
first month of summer, 2015
june: reader finds out she’s pregnant
july: miscarriage scare; sid and reader break up before kris’ wedding
post breakup, 2015-2016
sidney wins the cup, oct 2015 to june 2016
post breakup, 2016
january: luke is born on 6th of january (kind of like his dad’s bday 8.7.87 = 1.6.16)
post breakup, 2016-2017
sidney wins another cup, oct 2016 to april 2017
post breakup, 2019
reader moves back to pittsburgh; hides sid’s son
post break up, 2021 [we’ll go back to this timeline on ch. 6]
sidney is 33 yrs. going 34 yrs. (refer to teaser #2)
reader is 31 going 32
luke is 5 yrs. a few months older than geno’s son, nikita
minimum age requirement for sid’s little penguins hockey is 5 yrs.
luke enters hockey program, meets sidney; sidney meets luke and reader
timeline for ch. 6 until stated otherwise
ANYWAY, i’m so excited we’re now on the second half of the series!!! ✨and the plot thickens✨
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oceansprompts · 1 year
𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜𝕗𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕗𝕒𝕟𝕪'𝕤 𝕢𝕦𝕠𝕥𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤
PART 3. . . . adjusted for general use. . . . change as needed for usage
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I’ll tell him you’re seeing us off. Don’t say anything. Just meet us out front in about an hour. Please?
I’m not coming with you. Come on. Let’s walk together quietly and I’ll try and help you understand.
: That’s alright. I appreciate you want to help.
I know you do, and that’s the trouble.
It’s a mistake you always made — trying to love a wild thing.
You were always lugging home wild things — Once it was a hawk with a broken wing. Another time it was a full-grown wildcat with a broken leg... remember?
You mustn’t give your heart to a wild thing.
You mustn’t give your heart to a wild thing. The more you do, the stronger they get until they’re strong enough to run into the woods or fly into a tree, then to higher trees, then to the sky.
You’ve got to understand. I can’t come back.
You got to understand what I’m trying to tell you. I don’t want to seem like I’m pressuring you, but it got to.
I’ll take care of him. Don’t you worry.
All right. I guess you know what you’re doing.
Keep an eye on her, will you? At least see she eats something once in a while.
Please, please understand. I love you, but I’m just not that person anymore. I’m not.
I am still that person; 14 years old, stealing turkey eggs, and running through a briar patch.
I guess the next best thing is a drink. Yes, I very much need a drink. Will you buy me one, darling?
Only promise me one thing—don’t take me home until I’m drunk... until I’m very drunk, indeed.
Do you think she’s talented, deeply and importantly talented?
Hmm. No. amusingly and superficially talented, yes, but deeply and importantly, no.
Gracious. Do you think she’s handsomely paid?
Well, let me tell you something. If I had her money, I’d be richer than she is.
Tom, Dick, and Harry—no. correction. Every tom, dick, and Sid—Harry was his friend. Anyway, every tom, dick, and Sid sinks—thinks if he takes a girl to dinner, she’ll just curl up like a kitten, in a little furry ball at his feet, right?
I have by actual count been taken to dinner by 26 different rats in the last 2 months, 27, if you count last week, who’s in many ways a super rat.
So, my darling, I have tonight made a very serious decision.
No longer will I play the field.
The field stinks, both economically and socially, and I’m giving it up.
Quiet, up there. You want to wake the whole house?
Ah... Do I detect a look of disapproval in your eye? Tough beans, buddy, ‘cause that’s the way it’s going to be.
What’s the matter? Don’t you think I can do it? Tell me. Seriously I’m interested. Don’t you think I can?
It’s all up to me. I don’t know why you don’t understand. I need money, and I’ll do whatever I have to do to get it.
I think we should have a little drink to that. It’s all gone. Isn’t that too bad? Got any whiskey upstairs?
No, no. you disapprove of me, and I do not accept drinks from gentlemen who disapprove of me.
So take it. You should be used to taking money from ladies by now.
If I were you, I’d be more careful with my money.
It should take you exactly four seconds to cross from here to that door. I’ll give you two.
I saw the paper, and—well, actually, I’m kind of embarrassed about it, but since it concerns you, I thought I ought to talk about it in person.
Well I can’t go through the whole thing again. It’s sufficient to say, I’ve come to make up.
Would you mind turning around for a second? On second thought never mind. That’s such a corny line anyway. I’ll turn around myself. Come in.
I thought he was just a rat, but he was a super rat all along. A super rat in rat’s clothing. You don’t even know the best part. Not only was he a rat or super rat. Rather he was also broke.
I’ll tell you one thing, darling—I’d marry you for your money in a minute. Would you marry me for my money?
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snowdice · 2 years
Big Bang Editing Story [Day 105]
I started writing this fic while editing my Big Bang story years ago, but am going to continue doing it for other things now that Kill Dear is out. I will write and publish 100 words of the story every time I finish doing whatever task I’m doing. If you’d like to block these proceedings, please feel free to block the tag ‘proofread stories.’ I will reblog this post with the parts of the story I do today. Edited chapters are linked; everything else I’ve done so far is under the cut.
My Master Post Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35 Part 36 Part 37 Part 38 Part 39 Part 40 Part 41 Part 42 Part 43 Part 44 Part 45 Part 46 Part 47 Part 48 Part 49
Let’s do a bit of this today!
Chapter 50 (Patton)
Patton was starting to get excited. There had been a small snow storm a couple of weeks before, but since then, the temperature had been on the rise with no sign of more snow on the horizon. It was still a bit chilly, but Patton only really felt the need for a light coat instead of any more extreme winter wear. It was great!
Usually everyone including Patton was relieved as Winter turned to Spring, but this year, Patton had even more of a reason to be happy about it. Virgil had gotten a tiny bit more comfortable going outside over the winter, but he still didn’t like it too much.
Patton could almost feel the change in him as the warmer months drew nearer like a flower getting ready to bloom. He was happier and more energetic. Mr. Deknis was getting things ready to start planting as soon as his seasonal workers started to arrive in the coming weeks. In the meantime, Virgil was helping him get ready with a lot of enthusiasm.
Today, it was probably the warmest it had been all season. It wasn’t anywhere near summer weather, but Patton wouldn’t call it cold. So, while Logan was off doing princely duties in the afternoon, Patton decided to test if it was warm enough now for Virgil to willingly go outside.
Patton found Virgil in Mr. Deknis’s rooms a couple of hours after lunch, figuring he’d be done with whatever task they were doing that day by then. Patton ended up being correct as when Mr. Deknis let him into his living room, Virgil was busy flipping through yet another book of orchids, still trying to decide which he wanted to grow.
“Hi, Virgil,” Patton said, walking into the room with Princess Marisol on his heels. She had been lazing in a sunny spot by a nearby window but had gotten up to follow him as he walked by.
“Hi,” Virgil replied. He closed the book and set it aside.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dovecote with me,” Patton said. “I wanted to send a letter.”
Virgil thought about it for a moment, and Patton would swear he was using some secret weather sensing mechanism in his head to check the temperature outside before saying, “Okay.”
“If you two are going to the dovecote, would you mind taking a letter for me as well?” Mr. Deknis asked.
“Of course,” Patton agreed.
Mr. Deknis turned to grab a sealed letter off his desk. “It’s for my daughter,” Mr. Deknis said. “The handlers should know the right pigeon to give it to.”
Patton nodded and took it.
“You have a daughter?” Virgil asked, sounding more surprised than Patton would have expected.
“Yes, Darlene,” Mr. Deknis said. “I’ve talked about her. I thought I’d mentioned she was my daughter.”
“I didn’t know you could have children.”
The statement clearly rang with truth to Mr. Deknis’s ears, but it didn’t make him look any less confused. “Why would you think that?” he asked.
Patton’s eyes widened as he recalled a conversation from months ago where Virgil had been confused about why Mr. Deknis was allowed to be a gardener when he was a multrum. Patton didn’t know much about how multrums were treated in Mocnejsi, but it hadn’t sounded very nice, and Patton could draw some conclusions about why Virgil thought what he did. The problem of course was that Patton was pretty sure very few people in Prijaznia would be confused about Mr. Deknis being allowed to have a kid.
“You’re old,” Patton blurted before Virgil could say anything more. “Old people can’t have kids.”
These things were not technically lies. Mr. Deknis still looked at him like he’d just sensed Patton saying one though. He frowned and his eyes narrowed a bit. Patton had… never been as good at running around Mr. Deknis’s powers as Logan was.
“Patton,” Mr. Deknis said. “What?”
“You have to forgive Virgil,” Patton said, grabbing Virgil’s arm and tugging on it. Luckily, Virgil followed easily enough. “I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even know how babies are made.”
“That isn’t an argument, Patton,” Mr. Deknis said.
“Anyway, we have to go!” Patton said as he pulled Virgil out of Mr. Deknis’s living room and into the hallway. He slammed the door behind them. “Run,” said Patton to Virgil.
They ran.
Luckily, Patton was right. Mr. Deknis was old and didn’t seem keen to chase them. However, Patton expected that the conversation was nowhere near over. This, even if it made their behavior even more suspicious, would give Patton time to think of something or, more realistically, talk to Logan and get him to think of something.
The ended up all the way outside the stable before the stopped. Virgil, while fast, was not a distance runner and Patton wasn’t exactly athletic, so they collapsed in an exhausted heap.
“Why did we run?” Virgil asked after a few minutes of rest.
“People from Prijaznia wouldn’t question why a multrum can have a child,” Patton said. “They’re just normal people with some powers. If we’re not careful, he could have figured out you weren’t from here.”
Virgil grimaced. “That’s not good,” he said.
“It’ll be alright,” Patton promised. “We just need to ask Logan what to say. He’s always better at talking circles around Mr. Deknis.”
“He’s in a meeting right now though.”
“Yeah,” Patton said, “but that just means we have to be sneaky for a couple of hours.”
Always one to make something fun out of a not so great situation, Patton glanced over at Virgil. “You’re pretty good at sneaking,” he said. “Why don’t you teach me something about sneaking by helping me sneak into the dovecote.”
“You want to do training?” Virgil asked.
Patton hesitated, having heard about ‘training’ from Logan. “Uh, only this type of training,” Patton said, “and only for this afternoon until we have a chance to talk to Logan.”
“The king told me I could train people if they gave me permission.”
Oh dear.
He seemed invigorated suddenly and popped to his feet even though Patton really would have rather rested for a bit more.
“The dovecote is the tower that kind of stands on its own on the North side of the castle, right?” Virgil asked.
“Yep,” Patton agreed, “that’s it.”
“Great,” Virgil said. “That will be perfect for climbing lessons.”
Oh dear.
“Er…” Patton said. “Climbing? I thought we could just, you know, sneak through the doors…”
“Using the doors is the first thing they’d suspect,” Virgil argues. “We have to be sneaky.”
“We won’t really be sneaky if I fall and crack my head open on the ground,” Patton muttered.
“That’s why it’s perfect for training!” Virgil said. “There’s a lot of footholds. You won’t fall.”
“You vastly overestimate my upper body strength,” Patton said, but Virgil wasn’t listening. He was just grabbing at Patton’s arm and pulling him North.
“I’ll teach you everything you need to know!” Virgil promised. “First lesson. We need to sneak up to the building. There are bushes that go along the castle walls. We’re going to crawl through those.”
“Okay, I’m not sure if that’s necessary,” Patton said. “If Mr. Deknis finds us, we can just outrun him again.”
“Maybe not,” Virgil agreed, “but it’s good practice, and this is training.”
“Right…” Patton said, but then sighed at the look in Virgil’s eyes. “Fine, lets go get in the bushes.”
  Chapter 51 (Logan)
“I see you wore out Patton,” Logan said to Virgil. Patton glared at him from where he’d collapsed on Logan’s bedroom floor.
Logan had been accosted as soon as he’d gotten out of a meeting earlier in the day by Patton and Virgil as, apparently, they’d slipped up in front of Mr. Deknis. Luckily, the conversation had not been nearly as dire as they’d feared.
True, most people in Prijaznia wouldn’t question the rights of multrums anymore, but racism was still prevalent in some smaller pockets near the kingdom’s boarders. It was easy enough to explain that Virgil was from an area where prejudice against multrums was prevalent (not a lie) and that Patton, with his sensibilities would panic not wanting Mr. Deknis to realize Virgil’s internalized prejudices and would take him away to explain (also not a lie).
It had been easy enough to provide this explanation to Mr. Deknis and for the man to accept Virgil’s apology for his accidental offensiveness. There’d been a bit of lingering suspicion from the gardener, but nothing that wouldn’t fade with time.
They’d fled back to Logan’s room after that to get a chance to breathe away from adult supervision which is when Patton had dramatically fallen to the floor in exaggerated agony.
Patton had become Virgil’s newest victim of training. He currently had bruises and scrapes from attempting to scale the wall of the dovecote. When Virgil hadn’t been able to get him up that way, they’d taken an alternate route which explained the feathers and… other unpleasant messes now stuck to both of them. That’s why Patton was on the floor and not the furniture.
“Patton has a lot to work on,” Virgil said gravely. His eyes flickered to Logan, “but at least he’s willing to work on it.”
Logan shot him a tight-lipped glare. “Go take a shower, Virgil,” he said. “You’re dirty.”
Virgil stuck his tongue out at him in response but did turn and disappear into the next room to take a show.
“And what about you?” Logan asked the figure on the floor. “Are you going to go shower?”
There was a long pause. “I’ a min’te,” he yawned, not opening his eyes.
“Whatever you want,” Logan said. Though, he did sacrifice one pillow from his bed, making Patton lift his head so Logan could slip the pillow under it.
He sat on his bed with a book while waiting for Virgil to get out of the shower. He was pretty sure Patton had fallen asleep on the floor by the time the door to the bathroom opened once again. Virgil was in one of the sweaters Logan had given him when he’d first come here despite now having new fitted clothes of his own for every occasion. It still hung off his frame a bit, but not as much as it once had. He yawned softly, a sweater paw coming up to cover his mouth.
“Tired from your long day of being a menace?” Logan asked idly.
Virgil stopped mid yawn to glare at him.
Logan just smiled back and patted the bed next to him. Virgil seemed to forgive him for his teasing easily enough. He came to sit next to Logan on the bed, curling his legs underneath him.
Logan glanced down at the boy on the floor. “Patton, you can go take a shower in my bathroom if you don’t want to go all the way downstairs.”
There was no response.
Logan tsked. “What have you done to him?” Logan asked Virgil. He used to think Patton was the energetic one.
“He’s fine,” Virgil claimed.
“He’s filthy and unconscious on the floor,” Logan argued back.
Virgil just shrugged and leaned over to rest his chin on Logan’s shoulder. Clearly, he was a bit tired as well even if he wasn’t as much as Patton. “What are you reading?” he asked.
“Just starting a new book on code breaking,” Logan said.
Virgil hummed, but his fingers twitched on his lap a bit.
“Did you need something?” Logan asked.
“When you’re done reading that, could you help me read something?”
“Of course,” Logan said. “I’m at a stopping point, so we can do it now if you wish.”
Virgil nodded and went scrambling over the bed. Logan flinched as he was jostled from his position by the movement.
He opened a drawer in the nightstand that Logan had emptied out from him a while back. It’s where he kept the first protection charm he’d made when not carrying it and a picture Patton had drawn him once. He was also, apparently, keeping a book there.
He plopped said book down on Logan’s lap. It was a book about different species of orchids.
“Mr. Deknis gave me this book and I think I’ve narrowed it down to a few flowers I like by the pictures, but most of the words are really hard in this book,” he explained. “Could you read a few passages to me.”
“Of course,” Logan replied, taking the book from him. The book was on the larger size, though not nearly as large as many books Logan read and was covered with hand-drawn flowers, in particular, orchids. There were small pieces of colorful paper sticking out of the top, marking certain pages. “Are these indicating the pages you’d like me to read to you?” Logan asked.
Virgil nodded, moving closer to once again settle his chin on Logan’s shoulder. He peered down at the book in Logan’s lap intently.
Logan smiled softly as he cracked open the book to the first marked page.
Virgil listened with rapt attention as Logan went through the description of the flowers on each page. Each of the flowers had a short blurb about them along with a table that explained things like how much water and shade each needed. There were 6 flowers in total marked, and Virgil did not interrupt Logan once as he read through them.
Logan glanced at Virgil as he finished reading the last bit of text and Virgil reached out to take the book back. Logan closed it and handed it to him.
Virgil frowned down at the book in contemplation for a long moment.
Then, he opened the book to the fourth marked page. “I like this one,” he said, looking up at Logan, seemingly for approval.
Logan nodded. “It’s very nice, Virgil.”
“How do you say the name again?” he asked.
“Zygopetalum maculatum,” Logan told him.
Virgil’s eyes squinted a bit, and he didn’t attempt to say it. He just nodded.
“We can practice pronouncing it if you’d like,” Logan offered.
He nodded sheepishly and closed the book. “Maybe tomorrow,” he suggested as he stashed the book back in his drawer and curled up on his side of the bed.
“Tired?” Logan asked.
Virgil closed his eyes and nodded, cheek scraping over his pillow.
“Want me to read more of Into the Mist?” Logan asked.
Virgil nodded again, and Logan reached over to the nightstand, his hand passing over the code book he’d been reading earlier to the novel he was reading with Virgil.
Logan didn’t even get a full chapter in until Virgil was softly snoring. They’d probably have to read everything again with Virgil more awake next time.
Eventually, he managed to poke Patton awake long enough for him to rinse off in Logan’s shower, but not enough for him to retire to his own bedroom. Instead, he flopped onto the foot of the bed and promptly fell unconscious again. Logan’s bed was crowded that night.
  Chapter 52 (Mr. Deknis)
It was Jeffers Deknis’s second busiest time of year right after the fall harvest. However, unlike the fall harvest, not all of his workers were yet at the castle. The winter had been harsh and while the last snowfall had been a month ago, many of his workers whose families lived far from the castle had sent word they would be late arriving for various reasons. A few were dealing with sick relatives and others had to help fix things broken by storms for their families before making the trek. One who lived in the mountains up north was still snowed in.
So, he was dealing with only about 70% of his usual staff, meaning he was even busier than he usually was in the spring.
However, despite how busy he was, he didn’t mind taking a bit of time out of his schedule to help plant a little plot of land he’d reserved for a special selection of plants.
Virgil has spent a lot of time deciding on what plant he wanted to grow in the plot Jerffers had given him. He’d combed through multiple books even though it quickly became clear he couldn’t read well and talked to Jeffers about his options extensively before finally coming to a decision.
He’d decided on a flower called Zygopetalum maculatum which was a type of orchid. It wouldn’t be an easy flower to grow considering they didn’t naturally have the right climate for it, but with a bit of magical fertilizer and ruins in the ground near them, it was feasible.
Since Virgil had chosen his flower, Jeffers had dedicated a bit of his time each day to explaining what they needed to do for it to grow and had set him up with the correct materials. Virgil had spent a good chunk of the last two weeks outside on his marked off plot of land doing as instructed to get the soil in the right condition.
Sometimes Logan and Patton joined him and sometimes he was alone, but he was clearly dedicated to his task. Jeffers had stopped by and tested the soil the day before and found it was adequately prepared for planting Virgil’s flowers and had told the boy as much.
Despite being already very busy, Jeffers had allowed for an hour out of his schedule to help Virgil plant his flowers this afternoon.
Even though Jeffers had told him exactly where in his schedule he’d made time for it, Virgil had come early.
Very early.
He’d stalked Jeffers’ footsteps all day. If the boy were a cat, Jeffers would have assumed he’d accidentally left a slice of meat in his back pocket after breakfast.
Jeffers ended up letting him help with a few other things in the morning which he seemed to enjoy. He seemed to appreciate planting things even if they weren’t his flowers. He was also good at it if a bit slower than necessary in his caution to make sure he didn’t mess anything up.
Jeffers ended up sending Patton to get an extra packed lunch from Helen for Virgil (as people didn’t like when the gardeners tracked mud into the dinning hall) and they ended up eating while sitting on the base of the fountain by the plot of land Virgil had been tending to.
The water in the fountain was now flowing, having recently been cleaned and turned on and birds were chirping in the distance. It was a nice, calming environment. This was why Jeffers liked to spend so much time outside. Or at least, it was one of the reasons.
There was a soft meow from beside them that drew Jeffers’ attention. Jeffers looked down to see one of the castle’s many cats standing on its hind legs with one of its paws on the fountain’s base. It was staring at them expectantly. Jeffers recognized the yellow stripped cat as one of the friendlier ones that Patton had tamed as a kitten. It meowed again when it saw him looking.
“What?” Jeffers asked it, raising one eyebrow. “I know you’re not starving.”
It meowed again in complaint. Then it turned to Virgil. Virgil was instantly tearing off a bit of his chicken sandwich to feed to the cat.
“You don’t need to feed him,” Jeffers said. “Patton takes care of that plenty well.”
Despite what Jeffers had said, the cat gobbled up the piece of chicken Virgil had fed him like he was starving.
“It’s Buttercup,” Virgil informed Jeffers. The name vaguely rang a bell.
“You remember all of Patton’s names for them?” Jeffers asked, honestly impressed. There were so many cats.
Virgil nodded and ripped off another piece of chicken. The cat went flying at it with gusto.
“Keep some for yourself too,” Jeffers said. “You look less fed than the cats.” Thankfully he was looking more fed than he had at the beginning of winter.
“But he’s hungry,” Virgil replied with a frown.
“He’s a glutton is what he is,” Jeffers said. “He’s already had his lunch by now I’d imagine and is more than free to hunt down rodents in the barn if he needs a snack.”
Virgil frowned and gave the cat another piece of chicken.
“You’re too good of a kid,” Jeffers said with an eyeroll.
Virgil just frowned at him and took a bite of his sandwich for himself this time.
“Make sure to eat extra dinner if you’re going to feed the cats your lunch,” Jeffers said. “Though I’m sure Helen will be feeding you extra by default when she hears you’ve been helping me in the garden all day.”
“I’m fine,” Virgil said, stubbornly. He took another bite of his sandwich and fed another to the cat.
Jeffers considered him. ‘Fine,’ was a very vague word and his powers didn’t ping on it as a lie because it could mean a variety of things. He had a feeling Virgil knew that.
Jeffers wasn’t a fool. The kids had been talking around his powers about something all summer, though he couldn’t figure out what exactly it was about. Virgil was almost as good at it as Logan. Maybe he was even better.
“Not hungry enough to eat the entire sandwich by yourself then?” Jeffers asked.
Instead of replying verbally, Virgil just shrugged. Clever little bastard.
Jeffers sighed. Helen had packed some of the canned peaches in their lunches, so Jeffers pulled his out and set the container next to the boy. Virgil looked at the offering in surprise.
“Cats don’t eat peaches,” he cautioned. “It’s bad for their digestion.”
“I don’t need to take your food,” Virgil said with a frown.
“Yeah, you do,” said Jeffers. “I’m and old man, not a growing boy. You should eat them.”
Virgil frowned and looked like he was about to argue.
“Eat your lunch so we can plant your flowers kid,” Jeffers huffed.
Virgil hesitated, but the idea of getting to plant his flowers seemed to trump his desire to argue with Jeffers about lunch and he picked up the dish of peaches.
Jeffers went about finishing what was left of his lunch as Virgil continued to eat his own. The cat ran off when it noticed there was no more meat available.
Jeffers rolled his eyes. The thing was probably running off to go scam more people out of their lunch. Patton had spoiled them far too much and they were too good at making cute starving expressions.
“Alright,” Jeffers said once they were done. “Are you ready to plant your orchids.”
Virgil nodded eagerly and Jeffers packed away their trash before getting up.
“Good,” Jeffers said. “You have all of the supplies I told you we needed gathered?”
Virgil nodded and started to list off everything that Jeffers had said.
“Then, we can get started planting,” Jeffers said with a smile.
  Chapter 53 (Virgil)
Virgil and Mr. Deknis took their time with planting the orchids. Virgil had done everything Mr. Deknis had told him to do with the plot of land before planting. He’d even had Mr. Deknis write it all down so Logan could read him the instructions each morning. The sheet of paper was in Virgil’s pocket at the moment. He knew it so well at this point that he knew what each list item said even if it had words he still didn’t quite know how to read.
It had been hard work getting the soil to be right for his flowers, but it was fun hard work.
 Working hard was different when he didn’t have to do something but wanted to do something. It was also easier to do physical labor when he wasn’t hungry, something he hadn’t been all winter.
He’d thought by not training as much over the winter months as he used to in the military regiment that he would be weaker when Spring came, but he actually felt stronger and like he had a lot more energy. He’d also gotten taller without realizing it. He’d noticed when he’d been in the shed he’d first hid in when coming to the castle. He’d hit his head on some of the tools when he’d been able to walk under them the previous fall.
 Virgil had already watched a few things being planted by Mr. Deknis, but he still was careful to pay attention as the gardener showed him how to plant the first few bulbs. Then, Virgil was handed the container of bulbs to plant.
Mr. Deknis watched him plant the first few orchids and Virgil glanced up for approval before moving on each time.
Eventually, Mr. Deknis took a few bulbs himself to the opposite end of the patch of soil and started planting some himself, trusting Virgil to plant his portion of the flowers right without supervision. Virgil couldn’t help but be happy about this show of trust given to him.
 “Good job,” Mr. Deknis said after the two of them had planted two rows of orchids. “You’ve got an eye for planting things.”
“Thanks,” Virgil said bashfully.
“How old are you again?”
“I’m 14,” Virgil said, unsure why he was asking.
Mr. Deknis nodded. “Maybe in a few years you’d want to get a job as one of the gardeners here,” he said. “I could always use one who knows how to respect plants like you and with how much you’ve been volunteering to help already, you’ll know a good amount by then.”
“Really?” Virgil asked.
Mr. Deknis nodded.
“Why not now?”
 “You’re only 14,” Mr. Deknis said. “You don’t need to worry about working. I’m happy to let you tag along and watch or even help a bit with planting when you want, but you should just be a kid.”
That confused Virgil. He’d been considered out of training to be an assassin as soon as he’d turned 14-years-old last fall. Now he was being told he needed to wait a few years to help plant seeds?
“I could do it,” Virgil said.
“I know you could,” Mr. Deknis said, “but you don’t need to. Have a little fun this summer.”
 “But I want to,” Virgil said.
Mr. Deknis huffed out a laugh. “I know,” he said, “and you can feel free to care for your orchids and help me out all you want, but no jobs until you’re at least 16.”
“It’s better than any other jobs I’ve had,” Virgil muttered, honestly annoyed he couldn’t become a gardener right now because of his age.
Mr. Deknis raised an eyebrow. “And what other jobs have you had?”
Virgil froze. That was not a good line of questioning. “Uh…” Virgil said and Mr. Deknis’s expression was changing in an alarming way. “Different things. I’ve carried things for people and, uh, cleaned.”
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eiraswritings · 25 days
august 26 - 27, 2024
This morning, I told myself that I’m doing better now and that it was better this way - how things have ended.
It’s better this way: I know I deserve better. I had thoughts about it in 2017, I felt like I was digging myself a deeper hole everytime conflicts arised. I was always the one who waved the white flag, I was always the one who apologizes. I was always the one at fault because that person put the blame on me. But silly old me, I took everything and thought of it as the things I need to work on myself. Looking back, there were mixed emotions when I said “yes” to a not-so-romantic proposal back then. But then again, I was really happy, I was true, I just don’t understand why was I always anxious when it comes to you.
Almost a year and a lot of someone’s fading feelings later… In 2018, I was pushed out of the home we built for two. It hurt but I accepted it. And not too long after, they were asking me to come back home and rebuild the connection, that they couldn’t fathom anyone else who will love them the way I did. They showed me minor changes in their actions but I failed to realize that they were pushing me to decide and take them back when I really shouldn’t.
I’m still healing from the things I never (and probably will never) talked about. I’m still healing from the sudden events last June. I’m still healing and accepting that I’ll never get the answers to my questions. I’m still healing from the way that person made me think about certain things - especially how I see myself. I’m still healing from the words that were stabbed deeply in my mind and moments I can’t get over. And lastly, I’m still healing from the million shattered pieces of my heart.
It’s 12:14 A.M as I’m writing this sentence.
It’s getting quite annoying to have someone and something on my mind every now and then. It’s even more annoying when I realize that the other person’s probably having the time of their life, probably forgotten about everything and probably handle it well since their feelings were easily washed away after some minor situation (an example of a minor situation is not being present at the concert they looked forward to).
It sucks holding someone’s hand all throughout the journey and having your heart broken when all you ever hoped for is a happily ever after with that person. It sucks because you got over a lot of stupid arguments and situations together but end up splitting up over something so small. No offense. (Well, who am I offending at this point?)
There are still some nights that I think about the last meeting I had with that person.
After seven years and seven months… we ended.
(Continuation of post - August 31, 2024)
Did I really mess up? Or are my feelings valid after all this time?
Was I overthinking too much? Was I too much? But why didn’t they explain their side and reassured me?
Why were they like that? What was the exact reason?
If they were upset over my cryptic posts, couldn’t I be upset about the things they also shared and liked at that time? I couldn’t be upset over them and the lack of answers I got, I couldn’t be upset about the mixed signals and the-things-I-never-really-opened-up?
Why were they holding my hand tightly on our last day? They cared about me that afternoon but at midnight and the next morning, there was a sudden turn of events. (Funny how this was the 7th day of the month. And they say that 7 is a lucky number.)
To be honest, I didn’t see that situation would be the end of a love story. We were happy - or maybe being the eternal optimist that I am, I could say that we were happy. I loved that person with my whole heart. I saw them as a partner that I’ll be spending the rest of my life with. They were my favorite person. They were my best friend. I did feel loved by them but I also felt like walking on eggshells whenever I saw something wrong or whenever I “did” something wrong.
I realized that I loved so intensely that I didn’t notice there were a lot of little red signs. I loved so intensely that I tried to understand everything. I loved so intensely that I gave them my heart sincerely. I loved so intensely that I was/am so heartbroken when we had to part ways. I loved so intensely that I couldn’t let go of everything so easily and quickly. I loved so intensely that I became too soft. I loved so intensely that I had to keep myself small. I loved so intensely that I forgot about me.
Here I am at 2:25 A.M.
Thinking about what went wrong and how did it end. When our last (at-home) dates were us laughing, playing games, watching movies and sharing food.
Still thinking about them from time to time.
“Out of sight, out of mind”, they said.
Well… not if you pay attention to the littlest details that they stay in your memory for a long time.
But I guess I really am doing better now.
I still have my moments but I’m better now.
I can be free and be myself. I don’t have to please them. I don’t have to feel bad when they don’t want to spend time or exert energy on the things I like. I don’t have to feel bad that I’m probably forcing them to do stuff with me. I don’t have to feel bad when I take interest in the things they like but they don’t do the same for me. I don’t have to worry about them getting upset with me for some reason. I don’t have to worry about their special friends, I don’t have to worry about the incomplete details of the stories, I don’t have to worry about them. I don’t have to worry about my actions when they don’t worry about how theirs affect me. I don’t have to worry about the upcoming events that they never really tell me about. I don’t have to worry about someone else.
I don’t have to cry at night because of some stuff I saw online.
I am free.
Thank you for letting me go. Again.
It hurt a lot but it’s probably just the consequence of loving too intensely.
Not yours (anymore),
0 notes
atlafan · 1 year
I only cried once today, while driving to work this morning. I wasn’t sure how things would go. It was on this day last year that Nick and I broke up. I remember crying in my bedroom, pulling his teeth to just get him to tell me the truth. And then I finally got him to admit, “I don’t want to marry you”. I called his mother, who he had been telling everything to instead of talking to me, and told her what her son said. And she said, “I didn’t think he was going to make that decision today. He didn’t want to hurt you”. And I said WELL HE DID.
I never got to give him a goodbye kiss. Instead I had him pack and overnight bag to go stay with his parents. I FateTimed my sister, I was crying so hard I couldn’t speak. She said, “Jordan, do I need to come up there?” and I nodded yes. Without hesitation, she hopped in the car, grabbed my other sister and my mother, and drove two hours north to come be with me. I called my brother crying, and all he could say was, “it’s gonna be okay, honey. I know it hurts, but it’s gonna be okay.” (I later found out that he went out of his kind when my sister went over there for brunch later that week because he had finally warmed up to Nick, and now this? And my sister’s husband felt betrayed because he adored Nick).
I gave Nick the night to sleep on it. When he came home the next day, he didn’t sit near me. He opened his mouth and said, “We’re gonna have to sell the house. And I’ll do whatever you want to do with Henry.” He didn’t even want to try and make it work. He was willing to throw away six years. He tried to feed me whatever advice his parents gave him. His dad had even texted me and Nick didn’t even know and he said he’d tell his parents not to contact me. What got me the most was that his mom said, “if anyone can get through this, it’s Jordan.”
When we were breaking up, Nick said some of the cruelest things to me. He said he knew I saw him as my beacon of light, but I wasn’t that to him. He didn’t love me anymore. I was just his “good friend and roommate”. But he had no problem having sex with me three days prior after our FUCKING MENU TASTING!
I’m still in this weird inner turmoil. So much trauma occurred. It doesn’t help to repeat everything so I’m not going to get into more details of what happened. I know many of you followed this as it happened in real time. I actually felt even more heartbroken because you all coined “Mr. Jordan”.
This last year has been the hardest of my life. Everyone around me tells me how proud I should be because of all the things I managed to do. But I keep thinking “I’m supposed to be married with a baby on the way. The person WHO ASKED ME TO MARRY THEM rescinded. If I’m so great, why wasn’t I enough?” I truly feel like I’m never going to meet someone new. These dating apps are horrendous. The thought of seeing someone new also makes me feel exhausted.
I miss my home. I miss my big, beautiful home that I put so much love and care into. The home that I saw a family growing in.
I miss being happy. I wasn’t happy the last couple of months leading up to the break up. But that was because I was trying to hold Nick and I together. Deep in my gut I knew we weren’t going to get married. I just didn’t want to be the one to say it. That would have been too easy for him. I spent six years making everything easier for him.
Nick was everything I ever wanted when we first got together. He was sweet and gentle and attentive and caring. He was the calm to my storm. I felt so luckily finally meeting a guy that treated me the way I always wanted to be treated. He said I love you first. He asked me to move in with him after just four months of dating.
I was 21 when we met. He was 26, about to turn 27. I think I grew up too much for him. I started treating him how he treated me in our later years, and I don’t think he liked that very much. I didn’t want to baby him. I didn’t want to constantly be picking up after him.
This whole relationship was a huge waste of my time. He stole precious years from me. Now I have no idea when I’m going to get to have a baby. I created a family for myself because my own just wasn’t what I needed or wanted. Nick made me feel safe. I trusted him, and he took advantage of that.
I wish I knew what he was up to. We don’t speak, and we haven’t spoken since April. It’s for the best and I know this. I still have urges to call or text him, but I obviously don’t act on them. He’s probably blocked my number for all I know. Because that’s what he does. He cuts people out of his life instead of dealing with the consequences of his actions. He’s almost 34 and he’s still a child. Sometimes I think he’s probably met someone new, and his family loves them and they’ve forgotten all about me. I was merely a blip in their lives. I sent a very long message to his parents right after things ended. I told them the cruel things their son said to me. I let them know exactly who they raised. So, when none of their boys give them grandchildren, they’ll have themselves to blame. I hope they all die painful, miserable deaths. And I really mean that 💕
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allofmytoxicity · 1 year
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Chapter Synopsis; After the inconveniences of the ball, Kaitlyn tells heer  Father about what happened.
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 / part 16 / part 17 / part 18 / part 19 / part 20 / part 21 / part 22 / part 23 / part 24 / part 25 / part 26 / part 27 / part 28 / part ...
Story Masterlist
Words; 1,558
The Truth Comes Out
21st June
After a few days of solitude in my secret to the rest of the world, a few days later I told Alice what had happened at the ball. I hypothesised beforehand that she would go crazy, figuring that to start with, I would become pregnant in less than a year and secondly, Father would die. 
My hypothesis was - to my little surprise - correct.
“Alice, are you even taking in the fact that Father will die and I have to rule the kingdom in less than a year?” I say a confused look on my face as Alice was smiling, dancing and skipping around my room.
“Yes, but that means that you will marry Jameson, yes? I want to be an Aunt and a sister-in-law to Jameson. From what I’ve met of the men that Father has picked that he would allow you to marry, they are all pompous bloody wankers who don’t give two stuffs about that they’d be King Consort with no power over the decisions made in this kingdom. The best idea Father has had was Xander, but he wouldn’t want to get rid of what would presumably become your guard of honour,” Alice says, plonking down next to me as I sat there, staring into nothingness.
“I didn’t know he would have approved of Xander. If so, I would’ve hatched a plan last month on how I could hide a marriage from the kingdom, while showing a relationship between friends, not lovers. I could start planning now at least though,” I reply, turning to Alice with a thankful look on my face.
“Well, Father could see you looked like you would break into anaphylactic shock if you even came close to some of them, so realised he would need to be a bit more open with his choices. He did though state at the same time that village boys were still out of the question. If you haven’t found anyone to marry by the time he passes, then you will be allowed to pick anyone you wish, but that will be a last resort, and he will turn in his grave,” Alice said, a small smile on her face as I got up from my bed, walked over to the desk in the corner and started to plot how I could potentially hide a whole marriage.
“What are you doing now?” She asks from behind me as I sit and think how I would do it.
“Starting to plot how to hide a marriage and fake a supposed real one,” I reply, a dead serious look setting itself on my face nicely as I thought.
“Of course you are. Why should I expect no less?” Alice says and walks over to me before continuing with the earlier topic of children “So, have you thought of any baby names yet? You know you will have to start in less than a year,”
I groan before turning to look at her. Was Alice serious? In my imagination, I was hoping she wasn't, but in reality, I knew she was being serious, meaning I needed to tell Father about his nearing death date. I really didn’t want to.
All of a sudden though, I hear a tapping sound at my window. I look up and see Alice over at my bookcase and looking round to see what the noise was as well, so I was confused as to where the tapping was coming from. I slowly got up and walked over to the door that led to my balcony, just to see small pebbles being thrown at it. I thought it was strange at first to see pebbles being thrown at a door so high up, but when I look down, I could see Jameson lining up his next shot, clearly trying to get my attention and making a small pile of pebbles outside my door.
“What are you doing!?” I shout down to the blonde-haired boy.
“Trying to get your attention! Clearly, it worked!” He shouts back up as I giggle “How are you feeling!?” He asks.
“I’m doing okay, and before you ask, no, I haven’t told my Father yet!” I shout back down in reply to his question.
“You know you need to tell him!” Jameson shouts back up as I roll my eyes at his antics.
“I know, but I think it’s unfair to tell him his life will be cut short soon!” I replied looking down at the vines growing up the side of the Castle.
“Then someone can accompany you! Maybe Xander since he was there the night you heard them!?”
With a statement like that, I wonder how I ended up with Jameson in the first place.
“Fine!” I shout down and I watch as Jameson does a little happy dance, gives a thumbs up and a kiss before jogging away, satchel beside him bouncing up and down like I knew he would when he got home, happy that I had decided to tell Father about the voices.
I turned and walked back inside, making sure most of the pebbles went back to their home first, mind you, but going back inside still and walked over to the door and out of it to find Xander with his hand, almost on the doorknob, ready to fling my door open.
“Hello?” I question as Xander stands there, patting himself down before speaking.
“Are your voices evolving or something?” Xander asks, a mildly scared look on his face.
“Not that I last checked no, I was just leaving the room to try and find you anyway,” I say as I grab Xander’s hand and start walking towards one of Father’s many studies in the Castle.
“And why may that be?” Xander asks as I drag him through the long hallways.
“Well, it is because I am going to tell Father about what the voices were saying at the ball,” I say quickly as I continue to walk, but as I try, Xander slows to a halt, stopping my fast pace and train of thought in the meantime.
“You’re going to tell him?” Xander asks me with a look I was dying to laugh at for all of eternity.
“Yes, now are we going to stand here and let me die of laughter on the inside from your face or are we-” I start to say, but don’t quite finish as Xander whisks me back into a fast pace of walking towards the study I was aiming to head for.
“Then come on, I want you to say something!” Xander says as I let out a laugh at his eagerness for me to admit the secret I had been keeping for a small matter of days.
When we finally get to the study and burst through the doors, I see my Father sitting at his desk, brooding over some paper that, in my view of the world, was not as important.
“Your Majesty,” Xander says quickly, before I step forward and sit in front of him, a tentative look on my face as I prepare to share the news I bore.
“Mr Evermore. Kaitlyn. Please excuse my confusion, but why are you two bursting into my study, with certainly what I would call ‘looks’ on your faces?” Father says as he sticks down his pen and reading glasses as I prepare myself to tell him the news that would change what he had planned for the next year at least.
“There were new voices at the ball,” I say, trying to control the tightness in my chest that was slowly growing with every breath. 
“What did they say?” Father questions, a concerned but saddened look growing on his face when I looked up at him.
“They were giving me a warning. They said I only had months before I was supposed to rule,” I say and watch as Father’s face drops at my words just like mine did on the night of the ball.
“When did it happen?” He questions looking between Xander and me.
“When we were walking down the stairs, sir. From what I could see, they hadn’t been going on long. Long enough though, that it was starting to become painful,” Xander’s voice said from behind me.
“Alright then. I’m not mad you haven’t told me sooner. You wanted me to live not in fear that the next day would be my last,” Father says as I breathe in deeply before speaking again.
“I was also scared about how you would react to the news,” I say and sniffle as I do so.
“My daughter, I would be no less worried about anything the future brings for you, your spouse, your child and every other person important enough to be special in your life if I had five days left to live, or five years,” Father says, lifting my head so I could look at him. 
“You're my daughter and heir to the throne, who in my imagination, is destined for greatness. It may not always seem like it, but I love you Kaitlyn Elizabeth Lysandral, my eldest daughter and heir to the throne. A wonderful girl, who is destined to do wonderful things.”
I smiled at Father before turning back to Xander where he gave me a reassuring smile. The kind of smile that says ‘I love you’ without ever even saying it.
“I love you too, Father.” 
That was all I said before hugging him while it still felt right.
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owl-deer · 2 years
Continuation of non-native maybe-poetry. This bunch turned out to be mostly one beautiful love story I lived through at that time.
11. (Summer 2021)
Hear me not As I whisper to you In my head Feel me not As I reach out To touch The inner skin Of your heart Fear me not As I come in peace Through the door of your life Just as broken, but put together My cracks, wide and deep, Filled with gold
Hurt me not As I crumble From the gentlest of sounds Hate me not As I wear my ugliness Like a wedding dress
Keep your eyes on me
Your gaze is soft And I am not afraid I am dancing with you The dance was the same For ages But your hand Keeps me from falling Your warmth Keeps me breathing Your words Feel my lungs
And I sing
And you hear
12. (26/8/22) The morning is dewy and chill
I miss it willingly The sheets run smoothly over my skin like hands that will never reach out to touch
The flowery taste of sea salt fills my mouth
too much I just love you too much
Tonight like the night before I'm praying to the stars for your breathy smile for the soft peace of your quiet
Again the love dances on my tongue like a stanza like a poem bigger than life insignificant next to you
The world holds true to itself hiding you where my arms can't reach
But I'm still here, you see?
In front of your eyes, I pray, and I cry, and I laugh for your happiness without me.
13. 27/8/22
Nothing really bad happened a month ago, on a sunny day, when he stopped his car and asked with his gritty accent
what's the price for a young Russian girl
A year ago, when on a crowded bus his sweaty palm slid, like a snake Over the tanned forearm - his smile smelled sour and victorious
Nothing really bad happened
Still, since that first of many - as many as maggots feasting on the decayed carcass - since that first day he owns me my timid curiosity of a little girl my shy embarrassment of a teenager my naive desire of barely a woman
He claimed my firsts And it's nothing really bad Just the most tender most private treasures I held in my tiny clumsy hands since I stopped being a child and became a girl
He took them away
And now year after year I try to reclaim this fragile feminine body bread crumb by bread crumb I kick and scream I demand I beg for me to belong to myself
But, a few days ago nothing really bad happened again and he went along with his day taking what has been left of me Away
14. (31/8/21) Deadly Romance
Two years ago We broke up You packed your stuff Slowly Meticulously Looking directly into my eyes You said "You'll come back Just like the last time Crawling Bawling Begging me for all this To end"
I didn't answer Yes, I saw you As my salvation My only hope And yes, I kept the pictures
I look at them When my darkest days Surround me like a stifling blanket I give myself permission To entertain the thought Of going back To that tall building By the end of the cliff And embracing you, Embracing The numbness and the relief you bring Once more
But, to be honest Of all my lovers You hated me the most Your freedom was yet Just another corner And sorry, baby, But I'm not a fan Of enclosed spaces
I let you go and that Was meant to be The end of it
You crossed the line though
I saw you, dragging your spindly fingers Through his hair Over his body, And squeezing his throat I saw you Whispering All the sweetest The ugliest promises Into his ear While he struggled to breath
He believed you And this, babe, was the last straw
So now, we've got to meet again And please, don't hide You should know better, after all You should know that I'll find you I'll hunt you down I'll drag you back, to where it all begun Where you nudged me, impatiently To pull the trigger
I'll break the hands you dared To lay on him Finger by finger I'll feed you sandy dirt, Heavy with my past tears Slowly Meticulously Till you are silent, finally Forever And trust me, I'll enjoy Every Fucking Minute
Oh, and In case you were wondering
I'm burning those pictures
15. (2/9/21) There was this guy, He told me Women cannot write true poetry. His tone hinted He knew something about The universe I was biologically Unable to understand.
I was ashamed Of my nature sketches, Love letters, Always uneven Broken Short form.
I had too much Of myself And not enough impact, Not enough "The art that will change the world", My poetry Emotional Simple Spread out like clothes Over a messy apartment Never seemed like A final Real thing
I wonder why It bothered me. What did I have to prove.
I am A poet of fleeting feelings, I am Making a documentary About the highs And the lows Of my womanly Human Nature,
I am here For you To pass by and resonate for a second Or not, To forget Because
My poetry is not truth Because The world is not An absolute moment frozen in time
This poem is beautiful now Because When you finish reading This stanza It will wither And seize To exist
16. (4/9/21)
I'm an adult here It's stupid, I know - We both are, I just wear these tags a little bit longer A little bit better But
I am an adult
So I pick myself up From the ground of the pit I was so happy to lie in So happy To breathe in all the filth And breathe out the words of love (We all know What makes the soil fertile So don't act so surprised)
I get up And I stand And I smile And you are So kind So caring So damn good At pretending You don't notice the smell.
17. (7/9/21)
Let me listen To that sad song
Let me sit In the middle of the highway Illuminated by the hollow lights Of an unfamiliar city Let me scare Unsuspecting drivers Passing by and smashing the breaks Their tires screeching As my limp figure appears in their view Unmoving Eyes closed
Like the house Nobody lives in
I stay there, in limbo Listening to the sad song That is yet to form
Let me hear you When the day turns so dark It erases the light itself When the world is still And the second is frozen In a single moment Of you Wound tight Screaming silently With every cell Of this foreign being You are trapped in
Let me be there As the agony dies Within you And the universe Presses play
Let me listen To your sad song After
And sing along
18. (23/9/21) THIS DOOR IS CLOSED
The door is closed, yet Here I am Knocking
It's desperate, yes I know The sign was clear My knuckles are bloody And with each passing second My will is withering Melting away
Still Please, open
Please, let me Out of those streets Out of these endless spaces That hold me hostage Hold me watched Pinned down Accountable For the way I have been molded for years
Please let me be There, inside your sacred walls Where I simply am
The door stays closed Next morning And (If not for a red splatter On the white wood And a smell Of the summer rain) Nothing of me Remains
19. (28/9/21)
I forgot how to write No, seriously, I forgot This is not Making any sense Anymore
The night tore Into me Searching for words (I maybe Probably Given them all away To where they, I thought, Belonged)
The night was wrong To choose me I exist in-between Where the sun kisses the sea Where the eyes are shining And the tears are left unseen
Where I found her
I finally found the silence She touched me And her breath blossomed From my chapped lips
I'm spoken for Now There's no written word left In my bones The sounds are all erased
The haze is gone And I'm free
(Tell me, why now Of all times You chose to finally Look at me?)
20. (6/10/21)
There's no place In the world Of even measures Hushed feelings Clean-cut forms
For the vortex
It's spinning And spinning
Put it in a bottle On the windowsill And watch from afar
Is it too much Or is it subpar?
To carry inside a storm
The home I built Was meant to become a shapeshifter But no form ever managed To live through seasons of droughts Through months of tornadoes And stay intact
The bottle I gave you Was never a conversation starter But a forever pact
I'm sorry I never promised you To stay still I'm sorry For not even trying
But, darling, This is the home I built, so I know How to find The door
It's over Worry no more
0 notes
anerdinallherglory · 2 years
Approaching Sun (32)
Author’s Note: Dear readers, I am terribly sorry for how delayed this chapter has been. If you follow me on social media or have read my other Tumblr posts, I have explained my situation briefly, but will explain again here. My baby was born with Laryngomalacia and my life has become a crazy rollercoaster ride of doctor’s visits and sleepless nights. I couldn’t return to my job because of his health issue and had to give up the only job I’ve ever wanted. The last two years of my life has been dedicated to getting my Masters for this job, and just like that, it’s no longer mine. This has been a hard season for me, but I am thankful for my sweet baby and the time I get to be with him. In short, I will be a stay at home Mom until his health issue has resolved, so I am hoping to get an opportunity to write more. However, he is a pretty high-maintenance baby who only sleeps for 10 minutes at a time, so finding the extra time has been difficult. This chapter took an entire month worth of naps, even though it is shorter than my other chapters (sorry, but I have to submit as much as I can get done, and I’m sure you all want something instead of waiting longer). In addition, I am also hoping to use some of this time writing my own book, BTHG, which I hope to publish one day. Again, I want to thank you all so much for your dedication to this story and for continuing to support it through all seasons of these last several years. Let me know your thoughts about this chapter! Stay happy, stay healthy readers. Until next time.  
Pairing: SasuSaku
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Chapter 32: An Approaching Sun
In the moment that Sakura had asked him directly in the desert: “Is it enough for you?” Sasuke had known his answer in his heart. And when she turned away from him in the presence of Kankuro after their return hours earlier, the sight of her angry back made Sasuke realize it was the first time that he had ever seen it. Sasuke had practically begged for that confession, pleading for her to tell him how they could be together so he could justify the choice he had already made some time ago, justify choosing this despite all his many worries. Those words sung to his heart and caressed his concerns lovingly. He still gave her an out, asking “Is all of that true?” and when she said “yes,” it was Sasuke’s final unraveling. Th be at “yes” was the final reassurance that his stubbornness needed before he took hold of her chin.
Unlike the kiss of his dream in the desert, Sasuke was careful—so careful when placing his mouth on hers. His fingers held her chin firmly while he took time to unite their mouths. As he did so, he braced himself despite his nerves and deepened the kiss. Sakura responded carefully as well, and Sasuke lifted his hand to touch her cheek in reassurance. To say, I want this. I’ve wanted this. But his fingers brushed wetness and Sasuke instantly broke away, startled at the tears he found running down Sakura’s face.
He searched her eyes with worry, immediately apologizing. “Sorry—”
“No,” she smiled, grabbing hold of his receding face with her fingertips, and whispering, “—just happy.” Sasuke wanted to sigh in relief because those tears had always been a sign that he had hurt her, but this time she was happy. She brought his mouth back to hers, not wanting it to be over, and Sasuke let her lead for just a moment. He forced himself to pull back despite the fire rising in his stomach.  
“Maybe we should discuss—” he began, anxiety creeping into his heart about what she was thinking, but Sakura’s brightly lit face, that growing smile that spread to her eyes, stopped him.
The laugh that came from Sakura sounded so sweet that Sasuke couldn’t help but blushing. “You want to talk?” And she was right, Sasuke was a terrible talker. But when it came to this choice, he wanted to make sure they were on the same page—would be on the same page always. Sasuke and Sakura both knew Sakura would be making a lot of sacrifices by accepting this relationship between them. The least he could do was attempt to communicate his concerns, clarify their steps, ask questions and more. He couldn’t afford to be reckless, not with her.
“Sasuke,” Sakura whispered, leaning forward into him. He stiffened instinctually at her nearness but softened when her arms wound softly around his neck in a tearful hug. He accepted the embrace. “Thank you,” she whispered again, “for giving us a chance. I promise I’ll do everything to make you happy.”
He buried his face into her shoulder, his heart simultaneously full and broken by those familiar words. And for a moment, Sasuke forgot all his previous reasons and wondered why he had waited all of this time. If he had only held her sooner. “Thank you,” he repeated, as she pulled back to look at him “for everything.”
Sasuke decided not to waste any more time or words. They would find time to talk about this later. And for a second time, they came together hesitantly, each finding one another’s lips with their own in the growing darkness of a moonless night. Sasuke didn’t retreat again when she whispered his name against his own mouth. Just as much as he wanted to convince Sakura that he meant this, he also wanted to convince himself that this wasn’t a reckless mistake he was making. Brazenly, even foolishly, he wanted to commit to it.
And then a knock came at the door. And they both practically flew away from each other to opposite sides of the room.
A smooth and uncomfortably familiar voice had both ninja blushing. “Just letting the two of you know that me…and Naruto… will arrive first thing in the morning. The Kazekage requested a meeting a couple days ago and we were supposed to be there tonight, but as always, I will most likely be late. Thought it would be proper to give you two a heads up.”
There was an audible poof as the clone of their former sensei evaporated just beyond the door.
Sakura raised her hand to cover her mouth, touch her lips, and gasp. Sasuke blushed and turned his back to her, contorting all emotions back into his controlled mask, embarrassed not only to be caught in such an act, but to have allowed them to be snuck up on by that old pervert of a ninja. And another thing, Kakashi hadn’t even made the slightest effort in disguising his intentional warning. Even Sakura knew it. How did Kakashi guess that such a thing might be occurring between them if Sasuke, himself, hadn’t planned for it to happen until just moments ago?
“How is he late,” Sakura started to grin sheepishly, “if his clone made it here at the designated time?”
Sasuke quickly glanced around at their location, noting the clothes on the floor, the shared room, themselvesacting appropriately guilty. Sasuke didn’t state the obvious: The Sixth Hokage was stalling for them so they could do some rearranging. To keep Naruto in the dark for now.
Sasuke walked quickly to the door, opened it, and scanned down the deserted hallway. There was nobody there. The Uchiha contemplated his next move. Should he leave? Go into Kaguya’s dimensions and wait until tomorrow? Perhaps he should meet the Hokage and Naruto halfway, that way he and Sakura weren’t seen together. Or should he toss all concern to the wind and just tell Naruto the truth? His former teammate had as much said they should be together, right? He had wished Sasuke that happiness verbally several weeks ago. Then why was this such a big deal?
Two soft hands rested on the top of Sasuke’s shoulders. “You’re overthinking this, aren’t you?” Sakura asked, leading Sasuke back away from the door and towards his bed. “We are what we have always been, Sasuke. Friends on a mission together.”
Sasuke scoffed at her lack of worry about Naruto—and through Naruto—the whole Leaf Village finding out about this.
He sat as she pressed down the front of his shoulders, gesturing for him to relax. “You’re not going anywhere tonight, so there’s no use in worrying. Focus on resting and regaining your strength.”
“Rest,” she shook her head. “Doctor’s orders.”
She retreated to her own sleeping spot without another word, settling down to rest. But Sasuke was certain she spent the rest of her night thinking about them, about the kissing and confessions, just as he did.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sakura had indeed spent the majority of the night in typical giddy fashion, replaying every second that she had only ever held in her desperate dreams. It had finally happened: them. Sasuke had chosen them. Sakura wasn’t foolish enough to allow her fantasies to run away with the images of a home that they shared, a family that they raised, the friends that surrounded them as they grew old together. Sakura knew exactly what would come as a result of their choice: a lonely and longing road. And Sakura was okay with that road because it was Sasuke and the world needed him. With her back to the Uchiha across the room, she touched her lips once more and felt the smile beneath her fingers. Eventually, she focused her chakra on her heart rate and induced her own slumber.
A few hours before sunrise, Sakura’s internal clock awakened her. She was far too conditioned by the relentless routine of the hospital back in Konoha to trick her body into sleeping longer, even after it still bore the extra lethargy of yesterday’s events. Her left hand was still stiff and sore from the damage to her tissue, and she instinctively channeled her chakra to it, keeping a consistent stream traveling to the limb until it healed completely. Sakura was relieved that she had this healing ability because the type of destruction done to her skin would be irreversible for others.  As she readied herself, wrapping the hand delicately in thick bandage, she snuck a shy glimpse over in the sleeping Uchiha’s direction.
Sasuke slept soundly, a possibility that she thought would not likely happen due to his constant tossing and turning of wakefulness. At least one of them was now getting some decent sleep. It was still too early to wake him, but Sakura had been reprimanded more than once now for taking advantage of his sleep to pursue other matters. Retrieving a small blank scroll from one of the many shelves in the room, Sakura wrote the sign for “hospital” on the inner flap. She placed it visibly on her bed before quietly slipping from the room. He needed rest, and she wasn’t going to wake him.
When she arrived at the hospital, all of her overnight patients were still fast asleep. A blurry eyed medic greeted her warmly, expressing thankfulness for Sakura’s safety as well as her shock about Hisa and Mako. Sakura exchanged pleasantries, not too keen to talk about the topic of either of those two traitors. Her mind wandered to someone else, a child she desperately wanted to see.
When Sakura reached Isao’s mental health ward, she gently peeked through the crack. To her surprise, Isao was wide awake, sitting cross-legged in the dark of his room. “Miss Haruno?!” he whispered loudly, immediately recognizing her.
“Isao,” Sakura questioned as she stepped through the door, “Did your night terrors keep you from sleeping again? Did you not take your medicine?”
But the child didn’t answer her. Instead, he bolted off the bed and grabbed her around the waist. He cried into her stomach, sobs shaking his injured body. “I thought you might be dead!” he whimpered, “I thought you were gone…like her, like my mom.”
Sakura fell to her knees and embraced the child carefully, cursing herself for not checking in on him sooner despite Kankuro’s assurances. With her trained medical eye, Sakura immediately noticed the thick bandages that encompassed his ribs. She didn’t realize that Sasuke was the only one she needed to reassure about her position in the world. “You don’t have to worry about me, Isao. Nothing can take me away from this life. I’m not going anywhere.”
“You promise?” he wailed, his voice muffled in the space between Sakura’s shoulder and neck.  
“Yes,” she assured, holding him out at arm’s length to assess him more carefully. Besides a wound to his arm and a broken rib or two, it seemed he was going to be all right. “You should be proud of yourself,” Sakura lifted his chin. “You fought by my side. You made it back. You did it with injuries, too. I think you have what it takes to be a great ninja.”
“Really?” he asked, wiping the streams of liquid from his eyes.
“Yes,” she assured him. “And I have great news.”
He smiled up at her in excited anticipation. “What news?”
“My friends are on their way. They’ll escort you back to the Leaf Village.”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
After Sakura rewrote the two letters addressed to the Kazekage and Hokage that Mako had confiscated after drugging her, Sakura made her way towards the Kazekage’s central tower. The sun began to rise in the east, mixing with the night to create that beautiful ombre sunrise of orange-blue-pink that belonged to this desert. In her current state of high spirits, Sakura thought that maybe the sun had gotten closer, warming the day and her skin like the sunrays after a long and laborious winter. But she knew it wasn’t really the sun approaching closer and closer every day, but instead, it was a person who had finally reached the season of spring in his life and opened his heart to a summer. Sakura beamed and took a moment to appreciate this monumental sunrise.
It was also special because it was the sunrise that would accompany the rest of Team 7’s arrival.
Sakura turned to see the orange and black-clad figure of that heartwarming voice barreling towards her, a grin that occupied half of his face, and a hand that waved back and forth. He ran and ran until he was just before her, leaning forward over his knees. Sakura had developed a habit of hugging her blond friend recently, and she didn’t hesitate to do so again this time, squeezing him so tightly that her blond shinobi’s face turned blue from her super-human strength of a hug.
“I’m—so glad—to see that—you’re safe! Can’t—breathe, Sakura…” Naruto choked out.
Sakura couldn’t help herself. Pinpricks of tears accompanied her smile. She had loved her time traveling with Sasuke, but apart from Sasuke, Naruto was one of the only people in this world that made her feel like home away from home, and she had missed him. And then Kakashi was there, raising his own familiar “yo” hand sign, dragging along an equally disinterested Shikamaru, whose attitude was the complete opposite than it was when Tamari usually led him through the adobe buildings of Suna.
After releasing Naruto, Kakashi was there placing a compassionate hand on her shoulder, a gesture that he used to do regularly when she was a Genin. “I’m proud of you.”
And those words meant the entire world.
“Gaara!” Naruto yelled to the person who had come up behind her. “Long time no see!”
And the warm expression that the Kazekage returned to his friend from another village, revealed to Sakura that Naruto was that person for others, too.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kakashi had had a rather amusing night, devising a plan to keep both Shikamaru and Naruto delayed in their journey. All it took was a stall in the form of a competition, which was really simple to do actually. Kakashi had jokingly remarked that out of the three of them, he could outsleep both lazy ninja because he, of course, was the Hokage and the laziest among the three. The rules were simple: During their hour break of rest, Kakashi would summon a clone to supervise them while they rested, monitoring who would naturally wake up first. Naruto yelled “you’re on!” and ran 10 miles at his highest speed to tire himself out enough that he would sleep soundly through the hour. Whether or not Shikamaru was smart enough to see through Kakashi’s plan, he didn’t argue, lounging backward in the sand on the border of the Country of Wind, and crossing an arm lazily over his eyes. If Kakashi had a large sum of money, he would make a bet here and now that Shikamaru would win this.
After his two counterparts were open mouthed, and drool bubbling, Kakashi sent away his clone with a head nod. It disappeared into the setting sun toward the Sand Village. Then Kakashi waited, enjoying a night of stars while reading his beloved Icha Icha Paradise by firelight. This was more like it, he thought to himself, glad to be unburdened by the demanding lifestyle of the Hokage.
When Gaara had requested a meeting via carrier bird, Kakashi’s brow had furrowed at first to learn about Sakura’s situation, along with the enemy she and Sasuke had encountered on their journey. The Kazekage requested that he or someone close to him report to Sunagakure. And then Kakashi had pinched his chin in careful thought as he admired the surmounting pile of paperwork on his desk.
“Want to go on a trip?” he had asked Shikamaru, who nodded off at his position.
“Not really,” Shikamaru responded disinterestedly.
Kakashi baited, “I guess I could take Naruto with me to meet with the Kazekage, instead.”
“The Kazekage?” he probed, “A trip to Sunagakure?”
“Yes,” he stretched, unfurling the scroll he received from Gaara, so that Shikamaru could take a better look from afar. “It seems there are some foreign shinobi causing problems for Sakura.”
“Hmmm…” Shikamaru pondered, coming to read the offered scroll over Kakashi’s shoulder. “It’ll be a drag, but I guess I can go. Don’t want anything to happen to Sakura.”
Mhm, Kakashi thought to himself. Because of Sakura. That wasn’t the kunoichi on Shikamaru’s mind. Kakashi realized suddenly that he was too involved in all the lives of this young generation. How did he always find himself knowing too much?
“Then it’s settled,” Kakashi nodded, snapping the scroll back into it’s rolled-up position.
And then the door of his office was practically kicked through. “I’m still going,” Naruto announced, startling both Kakashi and Shikamaru as he announced his obvious eavesdropping.
“If Sakura is in danger, then I’d better be there.”
And that’s how Kakashi ended up with two knuckleheads on a week vacation to the Sand Village. And then Kakashi’s logical next thought had been of the other two members of Team 7. He had been ecstatic when he learned that Sakura had temporarily accompanied the Uchiha on his life-long mission and that Sasuke had let her. Years of reading Makeout Tactics informed Kakashi of what was to become between the pair, a natural progression of suppressed feelings over the course of many years. Most of the time, there was only one outcome if a male and female shinobi embarked on a long journey together. Sending the clone was a precaution, just in case his suspicions were correct, and their unexpected drop-in might cause a stir.
But Kakashi had never expected to walk in on that…When the clone disappeared and the events that his clone just witnessed dropped into his memory, Kakashi laughed quietly to himself under the stars. He grinned up at those same luminaries for a moment, grateful that both of his ninja pupils had finally navigated their way to one another through the murk of life and had decided to take on that life together. Sasuke had finally, finally let her in, and the knowledge felt like the Uchiha had come home again.
Well done, Sakura. Naruto may have brought him home, but what you have done, is shown him a path to his own special happiness.
The Sixth Hokage had lounged back into the grass, placing his open book over his eyes. He didn’t wake Shikamaru and Naruto, when the hour expired, after all. And to his surprise, when the other two ninja woke him the next morning, Kakashi had won the competition.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sasuke stepped out of his portal just in front of the Kazekage’s building, anticipating the cringey reception he would receive from Kakashi and Naruto once he reached Gaara’s office. He took his time climbing the steps. When he entered the room, the Uchiha quietly leaned back against the far wall to avoid interrupting the conversation that was already occurring.
“Essentially, we are asking for the Leaf’s cooperation with us as we search Tanigakure for the enemy’s whereabouts,” The Kazekage announced from behind his desk. “It is a territory between our villages, and it would be best if both village personnel were present during searches, so it seems more diplomatic to the citizens of Tanigakure.”
The white-haired ninja nodded, Naruto voicing his sensei’s unspoken response. “Of course, The Leaf will work with you Gaara. Isn’t that right Kakashi-sensei?!”
Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. “Can’t you at least call me ‘Lord Hokage’ when we are on official business?”
Naruto ignored him and announced. “If they’re going after Sakura, then of course we will help. I’ll go find them myself!”
Sasuke shook his head in withdrawn amusement at his teammate’s old habits of needing to be the center of attention in literally every setting. Sasuke’s eyes also found Sakura, who stood at the front of the party, tapping her foot impatiently. She clutched two letters to her chest and Sasuke sensed that she was waiting for an opportunity to interject, little to no concern about this topic. Sasuke smirked. She couldn’t care less about some target on her back by shinobi that belonged to the same group she had already gone head-to-head with.  
“If they can’t be found,” a spikey ponytailed ninja remarked, and Sasuke quickly identified his childhood classmate, Shikamaru. “Then wouldn’t it be better to draw them out? They are after Sakura after all. We could just wait for them to strike again.”
Sasuke frowned. He didn’t like that idea. Shikamaru had never been one of Sasuke’s favorites, and the Uchiha liked him considerably less whenever he made suggestions about using his friends as bait. Genius he may be, but Sasuke didn’t have to like him or his ideas.
“I’m sure we can think of something…” Kakashi thought out loud, drawing the eyes of the room in his direction.
“While you’re thinking about it,” Sakura finally spoke, handing both Kakashi and Gaara each one of the letters she held. “I would like to request both of your considerations regarding a matter concerning a young boy here in Sunagakure. He’s been through a lot, and he expresses interest toward starting anew in the Leaf Village.”
Kakashi and Gaara both surveyed the letters in their hands, and Sasuke could see even from where he stood that the reports were extensively detailed. Once again, Sasuke found himself admiring his teammate’s professional persona who seemed like a different person altogether.
“He has expressed the desire to train as a shinobi, but I also want him to continue treatment at the Children’s health clinic in Konoha. I am requesting that he be released by Sunagakure into Konoha’s care until the child decides he’s ready to return.”
“I’ll talk with my council, but I approve as long as the Leaf is willing,” Gaara agreed, glancing over at Kakashi to assess his reaction.
“Of course, that’s okay,” said Kakashi, beaming over at Sakura. “However, some people in the Leaf might harbor negative sentiments toward the youth for various, equally ridiculous reasons. He might be accused of things like being a spy, might be shunned, and more. Can he handle situations like this?”
Sasuke watched Sakura carefully weigh Kakashi’s words. There was a shadow of worry that crossed her face for just a second and then Naruto was elbowing her. “I’ll keep an eye on him!”
“How can you be in Tanigakure looking for Sakura’s aggressors and be in Konoha to…” Shikamaru began but then trailed off as he held everyone’s dumbfounded gazes, “…never mind. I’m not on my game today. I’m obviously overworked.” They all let out a laugh because everyone knew exactly how Naruto would do it with his infamous shadow clone jutsu.
“I’m certain Isao will be okay, but any time you can spare him, would be great, Naruto. Being around you would do him some good,” Sakura said and everyone around the room nodded in agreement. Even Sasuke agreed silently to himself in the back. Being around Naruto had changed each and every person in this room, including himself.
“He can travel back with us when we leave,” Kakashi announced, and Sakura grinned in success.
Gaara quickly changed the topic back to the most pressing matter at hand. “We have Sakura’s assailants in custody. I’d like all your personal evaluations of them as shinobi.”
Everyone in the room nodded, and the Kazekage turned to Kankuro. “Take them to the prison. Sakura, if you don’t mind, I’d like to discuss something with you in more detail.” Sasuke’s ears pricked at the mention of her staying behind. But his rational self reasoned that it was likely just to talk about the events of yesterday.
“Uchiha can further explain who they are while Sakura and I finish up, right Sasuke?” Gaara asked toward Sasuke’s direction without even looking up from the paperwork on his desk, both revealing Sasuke’s presence to his fellow Leaf-shinobi and volunteering him to work. Annoying sand guy.
Of course, they all spun at the mention of his name, locating him against the far wall. He didn’t wave or smile, but just crossed his arms in typical Uchiha fashion.
While Naruto was practically leaping toward him, shouting “There you are Sasuke!” Sasuke couldn’t help but catch Sakura’s eye and the Uchiha stiffened at the obvious embarrassment that flashed across her face for the briefest of seconds before she shyly looked away. And even when his loser of a best friend was wrapping his arm around Sasuke’s neck in an annoying way of showing affection, Sasuke didn’t miss the fact that Kakashi also noticed Sakura’s display, and Sasuke caught his sensei’s knowing expression as the Hokage looked back and forth between the two with one smiling eye. Sasuke sighed. They were screwed.
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geekywritings · 3 years
I can’t stop thinking about Shang-Chi and coming up with little drabbles and scenarios in my head XD
Ship: Shang-Chi x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Warnings: none!
If you have any requests or drabbles, let me know! 
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The first time you saw the fireworks together, you were 26. Both of you meeting for the first time at a New Years party your common friend Katy had dragged you to. You had spoken a lot that night, sharing drinks and making sure Katy didn’t do anything stupid. When the first fireworks went off, you were standing outside, each of you holding up a drunkenly seranading Katy and sharing amused smiles.
“Happy New Year, Shaun.”, you toasted over to him.
“Happy New Year, Y/N”, he toased back.
The second time you saw fireworks together was just a few months later during Chinese New Years. You bumped into each other by accident this time, as you were out with your family. 
“Hey, wanna join me for some red dates?”, you asked him, not wanting the meeting to end yet.
He was surprised, but nodded, following you to the next vendor and sharing a bag with you, while talking into the early morning hours.
The third time you saw the fireworks together, you were both 27, hanging out as best friends at yet another New Years party and babysitting Katy, who was constantly going on about how you two were so cute together. The two of you blushed and smiled, eyes quickly going up to the colorful display above your heads.
“You two are so hopeless.”, was Katy’s comment before she swayed back inside for more drinks.
The fourth time you saw the fireworks together, you were standing in Shaun’s arms, enjoying the warmth your boyfriend’s body gave you during that cold winter night. As the spectacle ended, you turned around and gave him one more kiss, welcoming the new year in the best way possible.
“I love you.”, you heard him whisper and you returned the confession wholeheartedly.
The fifth time you saw the fireworks together was with your family. Your parents loved Shaun, so did your siblings. Your grandmother had even started planning your wedding to which Shaun always laughed and just nodded, assuring the old lady that he would have no other wedding planner if it came to it. That night, Shaun seemed particularly pensive staring at the fireworks.
“What’s wrong?”, you wanted to know.
“Nothing, I’m just overwhelmed.” You cocked your head to the side, silently asking for more details. “I never thought I’d experience family like this again. But with you, I can. Thank you, Y/N.” He sounded absolutely sincere and your heart swelled with love for him.
The sixth time you saw the fireworks together, you were celebrating with your family again. After a large family dinner and some board games, you went outside and welcomed another year together. Your second year as a couple, yet it felt like so much longer. You turned around and cuddled into him.
“You won’t see the fireworks that way.”; he pointed out with a laugh.
“I’m seeing something much better this way.”, you replied and felt him hug you closer.
The seventh time you saw the fireworks together, Shaun surprised you by getting down on one knee. As colorful fire flowers bloomed all around you in the sky, the man you loved professed his love for you in front of all of your friends. Before you even had a chance to reply, Katy jumped in, hugging both of you and squeeing like a maniac. 
Of course you said yes that night, the feeling of the silver band on your finger still utterly overwhelming. 
“I can’t wait to spend every New Years with you from now on.”, you told him with a kiss. 
The eight time you saw the fireworks together, you were traveling for the first time. Shaun had taken you to see his sister and while the Ten Rings compound was intimidating, it was the perfect spot for a private pyro show. 
“I’ve never seen fireworks like that.”, you marveled at the dragon forming in the sky.
“I don’t think anyone has.”, Shaun stated, looking as amazed as yourself.
“Of course not. You Americans and your generic fireworks.”, Xialing observed with a small grin, sipping her drink.
The ninth time you saw the fireworks together, you were officially Shaun’s wife. You had married in spring time, but it still felt like your honeymoon phase. He still looked at you, as if you were the best thing that ever happened to him and you still felt the butterflies go crazy in your stomach whenever you felt his fingers brush your skin. 
“Let’s go home:”, you said in the early morning hours. 
“Already giving up?”, he aksed with a laugh, putting down his glas.
“No, but I have plans with my husband.”; you whispered coyly into his ear. How could he say no to that?
The tenth time you saw the fireworks together, it wasn’t just the two of you anymore. There was a tiny bundle resting in Shaun’s arms, as you leaned against the man you loved more than you could explain. 
“I can’t believe he is sleeping through all that.”, Shaun marveled at his son, who didn’t seem bothered by the noise at all.
You laughed and looked down at your child. “We are lucky he is such a heavy sleeper.”
“I would feel lucky even if he wasn’t.”, Shaun stated. “I am so grateful to have both of you.” You kissed again, knowing that there would be many many more fireworks to come. 
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kpopfanfictrash · 4 years
Raise the Barre (Epilogue)
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Creative Contributor: @baebae-goodnight​ for the last Raise the Barre moodboard TT she nailed it
Pairing: Jimin / Reader
Rating: 18+ (Smut)
Genre: Enemies to Lovers / Dance Academy!AU
Warnings: sexual content. Dry humping, fingering, hand job, oral (female), breast play, multiple orgasms, Jimin gets turned on by making someone else come, dirty talk. Jimin’s pants are tight.
Word Count: 13,409
Summary: You and Park Jimin have been rivals for as long as you’ve known one another; ever since he tripped you in the front row of your first dance convention. When you graduate from high school and enter Russet Ballet Academy, you tell yourself you’re leaving all past quarrels behind. The main problem with this though, is that your past seems determined not to leave you alone.
Worse still, the obstacles you face while out in the real world might prove more challenging than anything your enemy has to offer.  
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“And… more pointe shoes,” you said, opening the box in your lap. “Wow. Thanks, mom and dad.”
Your dad laughed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “You’re welcome, kiddo,” he said, nodding from the couch. “I know Russet gives you some already, but you can never have too many.”
“Out of curiosity.” You glanced at the tree. “Are there any boxes from you which aren’t related to dance?”
“Not related to dance…” Your mom pretended to think. “I don’t understand.”
She laughed. “I’m kidding! Yes, there are other presents. You just happened to pick all the pointe shoe boxes first.”
Shaking your head, you placed the box aside. You smiled though, warmth in your chest at being home for the holidays. Classes at Russet had ended a week prior and it had been nice for a few days to simply relax. Already though, you found yourself itching to return to the city. It was strange to wake every morning and not head to ballet. It was even stranger to take classes at your old studio, trying to stay in shape before second semester began.
Playing with the string of your sweatpants, you couldn’t help glancing at your phone on the couch. It had been several days since you’d last seen Jimin in person. Oddly enough, the separation had been harder than you’d thought it would be.
Immediately after ending things with Finn, you and Jimin had tried to keep your distance. The pain of your separation had been too fresh to even consider dating someone else but, as time had gone on, you and Jimin had started becoming friends again.
It was hard not to be, with Jimin continuing as your dance partner and classmate. At the end of the semester, you’d had the opportunity to switch partners, but you and Jimin had chosen the status quo. It just made sense this way; you couldn’t think of anyone else you’d trust as much as him.
At first, things between you were strictly professional. You saw him only within the confines of the dance studio but eventually, his presence bled into your normal life. At first, the outings were small. Jimin went to a pregame you also attended. He saw you once at the coffee shop and, instead of running away, he stopped to chat. One time, he walked you back to your dorm.
When the month became December, you found your outlook improving. Most of November had been spent wallowing in your dorm, but the holiday season brought with it endless activities. The very first weekend of the month, a bunch of your Russet friends decided to go ice skating and you’d ended up tagging along.
The biggest problem had been you’d never ice skated before. Noelle had been patient, skating backwards in front of you and dragging you around the rink. Jimin had done the same thing for Hoseok, who was in a similar predicament to yours, and at some point, they swapped partners and left you skating with Jimin.
When he’d taken over for Noelle, your stomach had swooped. Hands touching, he’d led you gently around the edge and the world had seemed to still. It had been the first time you’d felt anything stir outside of your break-up. Whatever hurt and distance had sprung between you, it seemed something had survived between you and Jimin.
Nose red, Jimin had smiled as he skated backwards. “It’s easy,” he’d told you. “You just swivel, Y/N. In and out, in and out. Got it?”
“Um, no!” you’d yelped, nearly crashing to the ice when Jimin let go of your hands.
He’d laughed, catching you easily and skating like that for a while. Eventually, Jimin had helped you off the rink and gotten hot chocolate, which you insisted on buying. Payback, you said, for the impromptu skating lessons.
That day had been a turning point for you both. Throughout the month prior, you’d texted sporadically but after, you seemed to talk every day.
Jimin even offered to drive you home from Russet, given the fact that your hometowns were so close together. After much hemming and hawing, you’d eventually taken him up on the offer. The savings it gave your bleeding bank account were well-worth the potential discomfort.
This had led to both the best and worst twenty-four hours of your life.
Best, because Jimin was an excellent road trip companion. He let you choose the music, laughed at all your dumb jokes, and agreed to play the road trip games you suggested. You’d already made a firm rule not to compare Jimin to any past boyfriends but couldn’t help but note this as an improvement over anyone prior.
The sole reason the twenty-four hours were also painful was because you stopped at a hotel halfway through. It was either this or drive until 3:00 AM, so you chose the smarter option and rested for the night. You and Jimin bought separate bedrooms, but they’d ended up next to one another, so you’d been forced to spend a sleepless night imagining Jimin separated from you only by a thin sheet of plywood.
You had told yourself this was silly. At Russet, Jimin hadn’t been much further away, but something about the closeness in the hotel made you nervous. It was infinitely easier to forget about boundaries when you were separated by only a car console for hours at a time. Infinitely easier to forget the rules when you were outside of Russet, cocooned by his car and the snow.
You couldn’t help but think about the one kiss you’d shared.
That had only been a taste, barely a teaser, but the memory kept you awake for more nights than it probably should have. You couldn’t help but wonder what it’d be like to kiss Jimin again, under different circumstances.
Groaning, you’d covered your face with a pillow that night and tried your best to sleep. It hadn’t really worked, and you’d shown up at the car the next morning with dark shadows beneath your eyes.
Forcing yourself back to the present, you glanced away from your phone and focused on the tree – only to see its screen light up in your peripheral. Grabbing your phone, you realized Jimin had texted. Stifling a smile, you scrolled through the conversation until you found his last message.
Jimin: MERRY CHRISTMAS! [10:23 AM]
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Y/N: oh my god everything’s so... coordinated lol how long did that tree take to set up?  [10:24 AM]
Y/N: and merry Christmas 😊  [10:24 AM]
Jimin: not long at all. I just googled ‘christmas trees’ and that was the first one I found  [10:24 AM]
Y/N: ha ha hilarious  [10:25 AM]
Y/N: so, what are the Park family plans for the day?  [10:25 AM]
Jimin: the usual. Opening presents, going to my grandparents later for dinner. What about you?  [10:25 AM]
Y/N: same, minus the grandparents. We usually have a pretty low-key day  [10:26 AM]
Jimin: sounds nice  [10:26 AM]
Jimin: what’s your favorite present so far  [10:27 AM]
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Jimin: LOL  [10:30 AM]
Jimin: how many of them did you get? I’ve gotten two new dance bags and seven pairs of black leggings. It’s like our parents have forgotten we do anything else  [10:31 AM]
Y/N: no new dance belts? 😈  [10:32 AM]
Jimin: Y/N, I’m shocked  [10:35 AM]
Jimin: mind out of the gutter. Stop thinking about my junk  [10:35 AM]
Y/N: as your dance partner, I have a vested interest in your junk. What if it breaks free in the middle of practice?  [10:38 AM]
Jimin: the more delicate ladies would faint, I imagine  [10:41 AM]
Jimin: and probably Paulo  [10:41 AM]
Y/N: lmao  [10:43 AM]
Y/N: but seriously, I hope you get presents other than dance gear  [10:43 AM]
Jimin: back at you haha  [10:47 AM]
Y/N: I can’t help but notice you didn’t get me, your dance partner, a Christmas gift though  [10:50 AM]
Jimin: was the drive home not enough?  [10:50 AM]
Y/N: oh, shoot. You’re right! You did get me a Christmas gift  [10:51 AM]
Y/N: I’m the one who’s been remiss  [10:51 AM]
Jimin: don’t forget about my housewarming gift, too  [10:52 AM]
You smiled, sitting back on the sofa. Jimin was lucky enough to be moving off campus second semester. He, Hoseok and Alex Wong were moving into an apartment not far from Paulo’s. You and Noelle had decided to stay in Grace Hall, but you’d talked about moving someplace else next year.
Jimin was heading back early to move into his new place, so you’d need a different ride on your return trip to Russet. Still, you were looking forward to Jimin’s apartment hosting parties in the new year.
Y/N: don’t get greedy on me now, Park  [10:54 AM]
“Who’re you texting?”
Jerking your head up from the screen, you nearly dropped your phone. From the couch opposite, your mom gave you a knowing look.
“No one,” you said hastily, setting your phone aside.
“Oh, really?” She glanced with your dad. “No one wouldn’t happen to have dark hair, his own car and excellent table manners, would he?”
Immediately, you felt your face heat.
When Jimin drove you home before Christmas, your parents had insisted on feeding him before he continued to Harleigh Heights. This had led to the weirdest double date of your life – which was, in fact, not a date – including you, Jimin and your parents for dinner. Luckily, your parents had been great and Jimin hadn’t cared, but you’d been endlessly mortified for your first date with Jimin to have included your parents.
Not that you’d called it a date. When Jimin had left that night, you’d brushed it aside and he’d simply gone along with it. After Jimin had left, you’d gone to your room and wondered what the hell you were doing. It was clear you still liked Jimin and wanted to be more than just friends. Still, something continued to hold you back.
You weren’t sure when it was considered appropriate to move on. The line seemed fuzzy, so you hadn’t dared cross it and Jimin hadn’t asked. You got the feeling you needed to be the one to make the first move – which made sense. You’d been the one who asked for more time. You’d told Jimin you’d say when you were ready.
Any next steps would have to come from you.
It had been weird to go home and not see Finn. His house was only fifteen minutes away from yours – you’d driven past it on your way to the grocery store last week. Still, seeing his home hadn’t caused the pain you’d expected. It was strange not to see him, but more like you’d forgotten something you needed to do, as opposed to missing his actual presence.
If you were being honest, Finn had crossed your mind less and less lately. Possibly because you’d been falling out of love with him long before you’d broken up in November.
Still, it would be unfair to jump into something before you were ready. You’d already hurt Jimin once this past fall and were determined not to do so again. No matter how good things had been lately between you, you didn’t want to make the mistake of dating Jimin too soon.
Despite this, things had become flirtier between you as of late. Exhibit A: casual text conversations about Park Jimin’s junk.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said lightly.
Your dad laughed as he stood from the couch. “Alright, then,” he said, grabbing another gift. “How about you open this one next?”
Accepting the thin package he handed over, you frowned. The box wasn’t large and, shaking it slowly, you heard no sliding inside.
“I swear,” you said as you began to undo the bow. “If you wrapped your passport photo again, dad...”
Laughing, he settled back on the couch by your mom. “It’s not that, I promise.”
Grumbling, you opened the box and immediately froze. Staring at the paper inside, you slowly looked up. “Is this… is this what I think it is?”
“It’s a plane flight,” your mom said with a smile. “I know we’re supposed to drive you back on the third, but we thought you might want to celebrate New Year’s with your friends.”
“But…” Speechless, you returned to the box. “We always hang out together on New Year’s Eve.”
“I know,” said your dad. “But maybe it’s time to start some new traditions, kiddo.”
With that, he stood and took his mug to the kitchen. Sensing he wasn’t needed for this conversation any longer, he began washing dishes and to prepare breakfast. Once he was gone, your mom moved to your couch and settled beside you.
“I… this is too much,” you said, immediately backpedaling.
“It’s not.”
“Well…” Hesitant, you considered the possibilities. “I guess Ari will be in the city for New Year’s Eve. Maybe Noelle, too. She mentioned she might go back early.”
Gently, your mom smiled. “That’s great if you want to hang out with them, but… didn’t Jimin mention going back before New Year’s?”
Startled, you glanced up. You were surprised she’d remembered. Jimin had mentioned it briefly at dinner last week – he’d said he was moving off campus, which was why he’d needed to return home to pack.
“I – he might have,” you said cautiously.
“I see.” She paused. “I just… I don’t want you feeling like you need to hold yourself back, honey.”
“What do you mean by that?”
Your mom glanced meaningfully at your phone. “I’m glad you’re taking time to yourself,” she said slowly. “It’s important to know who you are and what you want. But also – don’t feel like you need to follow someone else’s timeline when it comes to moving on.”
“I know, but…” You trailed off. “We only broke up in November.”
She shrugged. “Only you know when you’re ready, honey. I just don’t want you to keep punishing yourself for something that’s over. You’re allowed to be happy, even if you’ve messed up in the past.”
Swallowing, you glanced again at the gift. The plane ticket was for the day before New Year’s Eve. Plucking it from the box, you sat back on the couch.
“But…” you said lowly. “Mom, it’s only been two months.”
“And are you still in love with Finn?”
“And did you learn anything from what happened this fall?”
“I… Yes. A lot.”
“Good.” Reaching out, she squeezed your hand. “Learn the lessons you need to learn, and then move on. Self-flagellation isn’t productive, Y/N.”
You nodded, still uncertain about what she was saying. Her words made sense, but everything she was saying uncovered a dormant fear. You were scared. Scared of hurting someone else, scared of being hurt by someone else in return. Your last relationship had ended so badly, it was hard to convince yourself it might be worth it to try again.
Finally, you turned to face her on the couch. “Does it ever get any easier?” you asked. “This fear of being hurt… does it ever go away?”
Something sad passed over her face. “Yes and no,” she said, pulling back her hand. “You’ll never be as innocent as you were in your first love. There’s something special about loving someone and never having been hurt before. Once you’ve gone through that kind of pain, you aren’t the same after. But… it does get easier. And better. You’ll know more about how to support this time, instead of tearing down. How to make a love stronger, instead of hanging on.”
Something about this speech gave you comfort, and you slowly nodded. Again, what she said made sense but if there was one thing you’d learned from the fall, it was no matter how great the advice was, it was impossible to take if you weren’t ready to hear it.
You continued wondering if the risk would be worth it. No matter how much you felt for Jimin, you couldn’t help but remember how you’d felt breaking up with Finn. You hadn’t been in love with him at that point and it had still been so painful. It was terrifying to imagine loving someone again and having things end the same way.
Your mom was right, though. You couldn’t keep punishing yourself for something you couldn’t change. There were several ways you could move on from here. The main question to ask yourself was whether you wanted Jimin in the picture.
“Alright,” you said softly. “Thanks, mom.”
“Anytime.” Smiling, she stood and dusted off her pants. “I’m going to see if your dad needs help making breakfast. Don’t be too long, now!”
You nodded, watching her go, and then glanced at the ticket. Your mom’s words continued to run through your mind and after a moment, you picked up your phone.
Jimin had texted back.
Jimin: I would never!  [10:57 AM]
Y/N: hey, so  [11:01 AM]
Y/N: I did get one non-dance gift this year. A plane flight the day before New Year’s Eve  [11:02 AM]
Jimin: oh, wow! That was really nice of your parents  [11:03 AM]
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes. When you opened them, you found yourself newly determined.
Y/N: when do you get back again?  [11:03 AM]
His ellipses started, then stopped, then started again.
Jimin: December 28th  [11:04 AM] 
Y/N: what are your New Year’s Eve plans?  [11:04 AM]
For a moment, he didn’t respond, and you felt your heart catch. Maybe you’d misread things. Maybe Jimin had moved on and didn’t care about you anymore. Maybe he didn’t want you to tell him you were ready.
Jimin: I’m free 😊  [11:05 AM]
Jimin: want to be my New Year’s Eve date?  [11:05 AM]
Smiling ear to ear, you responded.
Y/N: yes. Please  [11:06 AM]
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On the actual day of New Year’s Eve, you found yourself stressed beyond belief. Standing in front of the mirror of your dorm room, you adjusted your dress and worried over the hemline. Jimin had arranged to meet you around 7:00 PM and it was dangerously close to 6:55.
“Is the dress too short?” you asked, turning a little to face Noelle. “It is New Year’s Eve in the city. Should I wear pants, or something? Will I be cold?”
Noelle considered, then shrugged. “Just drink more. Problem solved!”
Snorting, you turned back to the mirror. Nervously, you smoothed down the front of your dress. You’d bought it at an after-Christmas sale and had fallen instantly in love. It had seemed perfect at the time, but now you were having second thoughts about the thin straps and tight bodice.
“Alright, so Y/N.” Noelle changed the subject. “Here’s the plan. Are you listening?”
Hiding a smile, you adjusted an earring. “Listening.”
“Good. Okay, so Ari and I will be at a party uptown. If the date goes badly, just say the word and we’ll call you a cab. You can be ringing in the new year with us within the hour.”
“Perfect,” you said. “It’s good to have a back-up.”
“It is.” Noelle paused. “Not that I think you’ll need this, of course.”
“Well, you never know.”
“Please.” She snorted. “What’s Jimin going to do? Be too charming? Too respectful of boundaries? Wear pants that show off his ass a little too much?”
She laughed, coming to a stop alongside you. Noelle wore a sparkly dress which made her skin glow, although this may have been the glitter dusted over her shoulders. Looking at herself in the mirror, she fluffed her hair.
“Seriously,” she said, meeting your gaze. “You’re going to be fine.”
“I know, I know.” Shaking out your arms, you forced yourself to exhale. “I’m just nervous, that’s all. It’s been a long time since I went on a first date.”
Noelle considered. “That’s true. Allow me to give you some dating tips, then.”
Laughing, you turned around and sat on the futon. “By all means.”
“Alright – number one.” Noelle removed lipstick from her purse. “Don’t order anything with garlic. I know, that sucks because garlic is everything, but no one wants to make out while they have garlic breath. Rule number two!”
“Whoa, whoa,” you said. “Who said anything about making out?”
Noelle gave you a pointed look. “Just in case it should happen…”
Shaking your head, you sunk back on the futon, but you knew she was right. Tonight was New Year’s Eve, after all. Ideally, you’d like to do more than kiss Jimin, but this seemed like too much of a jinx to say out loud.
Mentally, you agreed to the ‘no garlic’ rule.
“What else?” you prompted.
“Let’s see.” Noelle began to reapply her lipstick. “Relax.”
Glancing at you in the mirror, she raised both brows. “I can see your shoulders tensing from here, babe. Just relax, okay? Tonight will be fine. You’re just hanging out with Jimin. You’ve done that before.”
“I know,” you groaned, lowering your face to your hands. “For some reason though, I’m very aware of the ‘date’ aspect of tonight. I don’t know why.”
When you looked up, Noelle gave you a sympathetic look, but before she could say more there came a knock at the door. Half-standing, you moved to open it, but Noelle shooed you back.
“Rule number three,” she said as she crossed the room. “Never answer the door for your own date.”
“What?” you laughed, although you sat back down on the futon.
Grabbing the handle, Noelle pulled open the door. Blocking you from view, she leaned her shoulder against the frame.
“What?” came Jimin’s voice, sounding confused.
“That’s correct!” Noelle stepped aside.
As you stood, you saw Jimin for the first time. He wore a pea coat over his outfit, his dark hair pushed back from his face in a devastating manner. When he saw you, Jimin froze, and you saw his eyes widen.
Silently, you congratulated yourself on having picked the right outfit. His gaze slowly trailed your body, lingering in places which made your cheeks heat. When he returned to your face, he slowly exhaled.
“Hey,” he said. “You… you look beautiful.”
Smiling back, you found yourself at a loss for words. “So do you.”
Jimin grinned and you stood there, smiling at each other like idiots until Noelle cleared her throat.
“Well,” she said, side-stepping Jimin to grab her coat. “I’m going to head over to Ari’s. You kids be safe, okay?”
“We will,” you laughed.
Noelle left in a flurry of kisses and glitter, waving goodbye as she stepped out the door. Jimin turned to face you once she was gone, offering a smile.
“Are you ready to go?” he asked. “I brought you these.”
From behind his back, he pulled out pink peonies, which made you gasp. They were your favorites, a little limp from the cold, but still beautiful. Taking them gently from him, you turned them over in your hands.
“They’re wonderful,” you said happily. “Thank you.”
Jimin smiled. “I’m glad you like them.”
Glancing around, you found a clean glass near the sink and filled this with water. Arranging the peonies on your desk, you took a step back and cocked your head. You’d always thought the idea of flowers on dates was kind of cheesy, but now that you’d experienced it in person, it seemed unimaginably sweet.
“There,” you said, turning back. “All set.”
Jimin smiled at this, then glanced at your bare arms. “You’re going to be cold without a coat,” he said. “That’d be a bad way to start off the new year.”
“Oh – duh,” you said, hurrying towards your wardrobe.
Pulling a coat out, you slipped this over your dress and buttoned the front. As you left the room, you turned off the lights and shut the door behind you. Jimin walked with you down the hall, continually glancing your way from the corner of his eyes.
You felt oddly shy, despite this being Jimin beside you. Jimin, who you’d known since you were teenagers. Jimin, who’d been both the utter bane of your existence, along with the single person you trusted most in the world. He’d tossed you up in the air and caught you no question and somehow, this felt like the most daring thing you’d ever done.
It was strange to walk beside him, out on a date whose future held a large question mark. Excitement and uncertainty warred in your stomach, which only seemed to exacerbate the situation. You felt as though you stood on the edge of a precipice, staring into a ravine with no discernable bottom.
As you left the building, snowflakes swirled in the sky up above and you looked up in surprise.
“Oh,” you exhaled, breath frosting before you. “I didn’t realize it was snowing!”
“Yeah.” Jimin grinned, tilting back his head. “Snow is my favorite weather, actually.”
“The wet and the cold does it that much for you, huh, Park?”
“That, and the romance of it all.”
Your smile softened a little as you fell into step alongside him. The snow continued to drift as you walked, melting as soon as it touched the pavement.
“So, where are we going?” you wondered, glancing at him. “You said you’d tell me once you picked me up and I’ve got news for you, Jimin. I’m here. I’ve been picked up.”
“Right, sure.” He shoved both hands in his pockets. “I made a reservation at this restaurant around the corner. The food’s really good so I hope you’ll like it.”
“I’m sure I will.”
“Huh.” Jimin paused. “That was easy.”
You shrugged. “I’m just excited for tonight. That’s all.”
His gaze softened a little when he glanced at you. “Me, too.”
Smiling, you continued to walk alongside him. New Year’s Eve in the city was a grand affair. The sidewalks were still lit with holiday lights, people hurrying past in brightly colored coats. Privately, you were glad Jimin had made a reservation at a restaurant instead of trying to brave a club or a bar. You’d heard horror stories from people who paid extravagantly to get into a club, only to spend the entire night waiting in line at the bar.
Turning the corner, you saw the restaurant Jimin had chosen and brightened. It was one you’d walked past several times and always wanted to try but had never found time.
Jimin held open the door as you entered. The inside still had their holiday decorations up, garland strung across every surface with tiny, white fairy lights hung up above. Everyone who was dining wore formal attire, laughing and chatting in the glow of the fireplace. The food smelled amazing and immediately, your mouth watered.
Joining the line at the hostess stand, you waited for the couple before you to leave and then Jimin stepped up.
“Park,” he told her. “Party of two.”
The hostess smiled, nodding as she flipped through her notebook. “One moment, please.” The longer she looked though, the more her face fell. After a moment, she glanced up. “Park, you said?”
“Yes.” Jimin nodded. “P-a-r-k.”
The woman nodded, flipping through her notebook again as though the name might magically appear.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, glancing up again. “There seems to be some kind of mistake. I don’t have you listed as a reservation.”
Jimin’s expression faltered. “Can you look again?” he asked, leaning forward.
The hostess nodded, running her finger down the numbered rows. “I can’t find you anywhere. Do you remember who you spoke with on the phone?”
“Oh.” Her face immediately fell. “Rebecca left the restaurant last week. It seems a few reservations slipped through in the transition. Is there… well, before I do that – let me see what I can do,” she blurted out, turning around to rush into the restaurant.
Jimin watched her disappear and you saw his expression tighten.
Silence fell between you as you adjusted your coat. Jimin looked stressed and you weren’t sure what you should do about it. Frantically, you tried to remember times he’d been stressed during class, but before you could do or say anything, the hostess returned.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, looking harried. “The restaurant is completely booked up. I was trying to see if we could squeeze you in, but there’s just no room. I’m so sorry. Normally, only one person does the reservations, but we’ve been so busy lately...”
“It’s fine,” you said, jumping in. The poor woman looked like she was about to burst into tears. “Please, don’t worry about it. We’ll figure something out.”
Jimin glanced at you, surprised, and then nodded. “Yeah,” he agreed, returning to the hostess. “Thank you so much for your help – I appreciate you trying. We actually have a back-up reservation somewhere else, so don’t worry. We’ll come back another time!”
“Oh, really?” Her entire face brightened. “That’s so good to hear. New Year’s Eve, and all. Thank you for being understanding!”
“Yes, busy night,” Jimin said with a smile. “Take care of yourself!”
The woman nodded, seeming grateful when you stepped out of line. Jimin followed your footsteps, heading towards the door and then came to a stop. Slowly, he exhaled.
“So,” you said, turning to face him. “Where are these back-up reservations?”
Jimin winced and met your gaze. “I have none,” he admitted. “She just looked so sad. I wanted to put her out of her misery.”
“Wait.” Piecing this together, you paused. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah,” he said miserably. “I only made reservations here and that was super lucky, considering most places in the city have been booked for weeks. I don’t have any back-up plans.”
For a moment, you could only stare. “So, you said all that just so that poor hostess wouldn’t worry about a mistake her restaurant made?”
“I – well, yeah.”
You stared another moment, then started to laugh. It started out small but grew until eventually, you were wiping tears of mirth from your eyes.
Jimin watched you laugh, seeming thoroughly confused. “What’s so funny?”
“It’s just…” Shaking your head, you paused to catch your breath. “You’re unreal. Most people would be super stressed about New Year’s Eve plans falling through, but here you are lying to make a hostess’ night better.”
He blinked, still uncertain. “I’m… sorry about that.”
“Don’t apologize!” you insisted as you straightened. “It’s… wonderful,” you said to him shyly. “I like that about you.”
Slowly, his expression changed. “I really don’t have other plans, though,” he admitted. “I wasn’t lying about that. And I am stressed about my reservation falling through. I wanted this night to be perfect.”
The sweetness of this made your heart start to melt and newly determined, you nodded.
“We can fix this,” you said. “We’ll just go somewhere else.”
“Like where?”
“Like...” You paused. “We could hang out at my dorm. Or at your apartment! One of our kitchens has to be free, right? We could make dinner and hang out, watch the ball drop.”
“We could go to my place,” said Jimin slowly. “Hoseok and Alex are at a New Year’s Eve party uptown. We’d have the kitchen to ourselves.”
“Perfect,” you said. “Let’s go there.”
“I should warn you, though – I can only really cook one thing.”
“Okay, two things.”
You laughed. “So, what’s the first thing?”
“A pasta dish they taught us in Senior Foods class. But it’s nothing fancy.”
“Perfect.” You shrugged. “That will go nicely with my contribution of store-bought bread and olive oil.”
Jimin started to grin. “Alright, then, it’s settled. Let’s go to my place.”
You smiled when he opened the door, following him onto the sidewalk. Jimin’s new apartment was a few blocks away, but time passed quickly with him beside you. Oddly enough, the mishap at the restaurant seemed to have cleared some of the lingering awkwardness.
Noelle had been right, you realized – you had nothing to worry about while you were with Jimin.
He talked while you walked, detailing the ongoing fight at his apartment about some posters Hoseok wanted to hang. This segued into the general ridiculousness of New Year’s Eve – a topic you wholeheartedly agreed with.
“It’s stressful,” Jimin complained as you walked. “Everyone’s always asking about your resolution, you need to find someone to kiss at midnight, and there’s that super awkward moment with the countdown and your date…”
You laughed, grabbing a basket as you entered the grocery store. Jimin had suggested you stop by, since he didn’t have much food at his place.
“Doesn’t the countdown make it easier?” you joked. “It really dumbs the whole process down. Fool-proof.”
“Well, sure,” Jimin said. “But then you end up staring awkwardly at someone for ten seconds while you slowly lean forward and wonder when you should blink.”
Laughing, you reached on tiptoe for a loaf of bread. “Alright, you got me there,” you admitted. “I’ve never had a proper New Year’s Eve, anyways. I’ve always been dating someone and then, it’s just kind of assumed you’ll kiss. None of the magic you see in the movies.”
Jimin nodded. “Most of that’s just movie magic, though. You aren’t missing much – trust me.”
“I don’t know,” you said as you turned the next corner. “The anticipation sounds kind of nice. Wondering if someone will kiss you back, if they’re thinking about you the same way you are…”
Jimin made a humming noise, low in his throat.
Coming to a stop, he reached overhead to grab some pasta. Putting this in your basket, Jimin casually brushed your arm as you met his faze. Fighting back a shiver, you tried to remember what you’d been saying.
Giving a smile, Jimin continued forward and kept shopping. You stared after him a moment before your gaze dropped to his ass. Inhaling quickly, you remembered Noelle’s comment about Jimin’s tight pants. She hadn’t been wrong about that. Hurrying along, you quickly caught up.
Grabbing another jar, Jimin placed this in the basket. When he caught your eye again, he grinned, his hair falling forward. The sight made your heart flip-flop in your chest.
As you entered the check-out line, Jimin came to a stop alongside you. His gaze traveled the store, eyes widening when he glanced over your shoulder.
“What’s that?” Jimin gasped.
Startled, you turned. “What’s – hey!” you blurted when he took your basket.
Grinning widely, Jimin placed the food before the cashier. “Too slow.”
“Jimin, come on,” you said, slightly flustered. “I can pay. I –”
“You can pay next time, if you want.”
This shut you up and you stared at him a moment before you stepped forward.
“There’s… going to be a next time?” you said.
Jimin glanced in your direction. “If you want there to be.”
“I do,” you said softly, and he smiled.
Taking another step forward, he pulled out his wallet to pay and you let him – this time, anyways. Outside, it seemed to have grown colder since your arrival and you shivered as you exited the shop. Noticing this, Jimin immediately undid his scarf from around his neck.
“Here,” he said, handing it over. “I don’t need this.”
“But then you’ll be cold,” you pointed out, accepting it anyways.
“I’ll jog in place to keep warm.”
“… With me walking beside you?”
You laughed, even more so when Jimin began to demonstrate. He jogged for a few steps, then slowed to a walk.
“Changed my mind,” he said with a wince. “I’d rather be cold.”
You laughed, cheeks starting to hurt from both this and the wind. Jimin’s apartment wasn’t far, although it did turn out to be a third-floor walk-up. This left you slightly winded when you arrived at his place, to which Jimin shrugged and said the rent had been cheap.
Opening his front door, he led the way into – boxes. Tons of them, although most of the furniture had been set up around them. Jimin fumbled for a light, flicking this on and setting down the groceries.
“Most of the boxes are Alex’s,” he sighed, looking around. “Hoseok and I have a secret deal we’re going to unpack him ourselves if he doesn’t do it by Monday.”
“That doesn’t sound like much of a detriment to Alex.”
“I never said what we planned on doing with his things once we unpacked.”
You laughed, undoing your coat to set aside. Glancing around, you saw Jimin was right. Most of the boxes were scrawled in the same handwriting. Beyond them, you saw the living room had been mostly set up with a couch and TV.
To your right lay the kitchen, in which Jimin was already unloading the groceries. Beyond him was a hallway, through which you assumed were their bedrooms and bathrooms. Wandering back to Jimin, you realized he was staring.
“What?” you said, coming to a stop. “Did I spill something on my dress in the store?”
“No,” Jimin murmured, shaking his head. “I just… I know I said this before, but you really do look incredible.”
Looking at him, you felt your face growing hot. Jimin smiled and ducked his head, resumed pulling things out of the bag. Stepping from your shoes to place in the hall, you returned to the kitchen and pulled out a stool.
Sitting down, you propped your chin in your hand. “Aren’t you going to take off your coat?”
Glancing down, Jimin blinked. “Oh,” he laughed, undoing the buttons. “I forgot I was wearing it.”
You smiled, but this quickly disappeared when you saw what he was wearing. Jimin had worn a dark blazer and trousers, paired with a paisley shirt and black boots. He looked ridiculously good and again, Noelle’s comment about his ass came to mind.
She’d been correct – his pants were well-shaped and well-formed.
After removing both coat and shoes, Jimin returned to the kitchen and pushed a hand through his hair. You watched him get to work, leaning forward a bit when he began to dice vegetables. Immediately, your brows raised. It seemed Jimin had undersold his skills in the kitchen.
When you said as much, he laughed.
“Maybe a little,” Jimin said. As he pushed veggies from the cutting board, the pan began to sizzle. “It’s all part of my master plan. Set expectations low, then over-deliver.”
“It’s working,” you said with a laugh. “You seem pretty damn impressive to me.”
Jimin’s cheeks reddened. “You’re just saying that.”
“Why would I lie?”
“I seem to remember some shocking texts about my junk and dancer’s belts. You could just be after my body, Y/N.”
“I – that’s not!”
He looked up and grinned. “Kidding.”
Flustered, you blurted, “That wasn’t nice!”
Jimin laughed. “I’m sorry.”
You huffed, waiting a minute before you continued. “You do look really good right now, though,” you said softly.
He looked up, eyes wide. As much as Jimin said he enjoyed being liked, it seemed to throw him for a loop whenever you said you liked him. It made you pause, mulling over this for a minute.
“You seem surprised,” you said quietly. “Whenever I say things like that, you always look surprised.”
“Well…” Jimin hesitated. “I just think… there’s been a lot of times where I never thought this would happen. It feels kind of unreal have you here. In my kitchen. On a date.”
“Times after November?”
Jimin paused.
Your brow furrowed. “Before then?”
Opening the pasta, Jimin added this to the pot. He stared into the steam, slowly exhaling before he looked up.
“Let’s just say I’ve wanted this for a while,” he admitted.
“What? But you hated me before Russet.”
“I…” Jimin trailed off. “Kind of. It’s complicated.”
When he failed to elaborate and returned to his cooking, your eyebrows shot up.
“Uh, no,” you laughed. “You can’t just say that and not explain what you mean. What are you talking about?”
Jimin winced as he set down his spoon. “Okay,” he said, gripping the counter. “I guess what I’m saying is I never really hated you. Not truly.”
“You didn’t.”
“No.” He spoke flatly.
“But…” Confused, you searched his face. “You’ve hated me ever since we met, Jimin. That first weekend at NUVO dance competition. We were both called out to demonstrate and you tripped me!”
“Well, maybe that’s not exactly what happened.”
“What are you talking about?”
Jimin released a low breath. “Okay, so here’s the thing. That weekend happened a little differently from my perspective.”
“How so?”
“We were both called out to demonstrate,” he said, repeating your words. “But I hadn’t seen you before then. When we both reached center and I turned and saw you – I froze. I couldn’t remember how to act. Every thought I’d ever had just… flew out of my head.”
You stared at him, speechless.
“I didn’t know what to do,” Jimin continued softly. “I’d never felt like that before. When you started to dance, it only got worse. I’d never seen someone dance like you did. That’s why I entered the combination late. That’s why I was in the wrong spot at the wrong time and that’s why I accidentally tripped you. I was… well, I was distracted.”
“By me,” you whispered. “You were distracted by… me?”
“So,” you said, breath catching. “This entire time, you haven’t really hated me?”
“Ah, I don’t know about that.” Jimin rubbed the back of his neck. “You could be really infuriating,” he said with a laugh. “There were times when you genuinely pissed me off. I meant it when I said I wanted to win against you. But also… I don’t know. I never really forgot the first time I saw you.”
“Oh,” you whispered, unsure what you were feeling.
It made your head spin to hear this different version of events. Jimin hadn’t hated you – at least, not in the same way you had. He hadn’t been the one to make the first move after all. You had when you’d decided not to listen to his apology.
“Oh my god,” you groaned, burying your face in your hands.
“Hey – what’s wrong?”
Dropping his spoon to the counter, Jimin came around and stood beside you. Keeping your head down, you refused to look up until Jimin touched your arm.
“I just,” you exhaled, turning to face him. “It was my fault. This entire time, I thought you hated me and that’s why I hated you. But instead, I just decided to hate you – and for what?”
Jimin’s upper lip twitched. “I wasn’t entirely blameless, you know. I was such a little shit at that age. I wouldn’t have believed me, either.”
“You tried to apologize, though!”
“Hey.” Gently, he gripped your elbows. “If it makes you feel any better, I did trip people just to get to the front. I was an ass. It’s why that Jungkook guy hates me. I started dancing later in life, so I was really hung up on proving myself.”
“Yeah, but it wasn’t true,” you told him. “You didn’t trip me on purpose, and if I’d only been less stubborn –”
“Whoa, hey.” Jimin smiled. “You weren’t the only stubborn one. Maybe it started off as a misunderstanding, but I didn’t really fight it. You were my competition as much as I was yours.”
“I guess,” you said quietly. “I just… I feel like I wasted so much time hating you. Maybe we could’ve even been friends.”
His gaze sparked. “Just friends?” he asked with a quirk of his brow.
“Jimin,” you groaned, but started to smile.
“Listen.” Expression softening, Jimin moved closer. “Even if I had decided to explain all this in high school, would you have believed me?”
“Probably not.”
“Exactly. I was a dick back then.” He nodded. “Remember that one time I lied and told you the awards ceremony had been pushed back an hour?”
Sitting up straighter, you glared. “Oh, I remember. I showed up after they’d already taken the photo for Top Junior solos.”
Jimin grinned. “Or the time I put an out of order sign on the women's restroom after your solo at BRAVO, so you had to run all the way across the auditorium?”
“That was you!” you blurted out, wide-eyed. “No one would believe me when I said it was! Every girl was so pissed off at you that weekend.”
“Which is exactly why I could never admit it was me!”
In disbelief, you shook your head. “You did all of that just to get back at me?”
Jimin’s smile disappeared. “Hey, you weren’t innocent either,” he argued. “Remember the time you spilled an entire water bottle next to my bag so that when I sat down, my ass got all wet?”
Devious, you smiled. “Honestly, there was kind of an ulterior motive there. As much as I hated you, your ass looks great in damp sweats.”
Jimin’s jaw dropped a little.
Managing to shut this, he took a casual step forward. “Is that what you thought?” he murmured, barely able to conceal the thickness in his voice.
“I… may have noticed a few things about you.”
When he placed a hand next to you on the counter, your breath hitched in response. Jimin repeated this with his other hand, bringing his body a step closer to yours.
Hesitant, his gaze roamed your face. “What else did you notice?”
“I…” you exhaled and glanced at his lips.
The air between you could have been cut with a knife, heated for a different reason than the stove beside you. Which – eyes widening, you glanced over.
“Shit!” you blurted. “Jimin, the pasta!”
Startled, he looked in the same direction as you and realized the water was boiling. Rushing away, Jimin entered the kitchen and turned down the burner. Now that you were separated by a solid counter, you felt somewhat dazed when you glanced up and saw him.
Meeting your gaze, Jimin came to a stop. “Anyways,” he said softly. “Now, you know. I didn’t trip you on purpose. I never really hated you. And I’m incredibly glad you’re here tonight.”
Watching him speak, something warm bloomed in your chest.
“Me, too,” you whispered.
Smiling, Jimin returned to the pasta and you settled back on the stool. Delicious scents soon filled the kitchen and you realized how truly hungry you were. You hadn’t eaten much at lunch in preparation and by now, you were famished.
It wasn’t long before Jimin placed pasta onto plates, adding the bread you’d cut up on the side. He brought these to his table, disappearing briefly to return with two candles.
“Oo,” you said as you took a seat. “Fancy.”
Jimin lit the one closest to you with a flourish. “We aim to please, here at Park Jimin’s Fine Eating and Dining.”
“Is that the name of your restaurant?”
“It is.”
“And you’re set on that decision?”
“I decided on a whim, but I have no regrets,” Jimin said, taking a seat across from you. “Now, eat before you piss off the chef and he takes back your food.”
Laughing, you dug into the pasta before you. It was delicious and, after the very first bite, you sighed in appreciation. Apparently, Jimin had truly set the bar low. Conversation began to flow, any lingering tension disappeared after talk of your past.
It was the oddest thing. You’d heard stories from friends about other first dates. They worried about how to behave, what to wear, or what to say to their date – but none of these worries seemed to exist for you in the moment. You’d been so concerned before the night began, but now that you were here, all these worries seemed to fly out the window.
You’d thought you’d spend the entire night comparing. Comparing Jimin to your last relationship, comparing Jimin as a date to Jimin as a friend, but instead, it felt like natural progression. It wasn’t a matter of comparing Jimin to anyone else, but rather simply enjoying where the night led.
After dinner, you insisted on helping clean because Jimin had cooked and bought the food. Donning rubber gloves over your dress, you stood at the sink and began to wash dishes. Jimin laughed as he joined, pulling on gloves to dry the dishes beside you. Once this was done, he suggested watching a movie before the ball dropped.
Collapsing onto the sofa, you adjusted your dress and scanned the room. The posters Jimin had bemoaned were now hung over the TV – you wondered if Hoseok had managed to somehow sneak them past his roommates. Small touches here and there made you think of Jimin.
A game he’d mentioned was out on the coffee table and a blanket which smelled like him was draped over a chair. Pulling this towards you, you wrapped it around yourself as Jimin left the kitchen.
Holding two glasses of wine, he paused when he saw you.
“What?” you said, glancing down.
“Nothing.” Jimin cleared his throat. “Are you cold?”
“A little,” you admitted, tugged his blanket closer.
“Shoot.” Jimin frowned. “The heat’s been weird since we moved in. I’m not sure how to fix – oh!” Setting the glasses down, he rushed towards the hall. “Do you want a sweatshirt?” he called.
“Yes, please!”
Jimin reappeared moments later, a navy sweatshirt in hand. Handing this over, he settled beside you on the sofa. He’d ditched his blazer and now, Jimin was dressed in only the paisley shirt and slacks.
Pulling his sweatshirt overhead, you somehow managed to get stuck right away. It was hard not to, with your hair and the dress, trying not to flash him while you kept your legs crossed.
After a moment of watching your undignified struggling, Jimin cleared his throat.
“Need help?”
“Yes, please,” you said weakly.
Jimin laughed, helping you free and once the hoodie was settled, you sighed and leaned back. Glancing sideways at Jimin, you found him already looking at you.
“What do you want to watch?” you asked.
Jimin blinked, then glanced at the TV. “Hm,” he mused, grabbing the remote. “We could watch the ball drop and enjoy the fact that we’re sitting inside, not standing in the freezing cold without any bathrooms.”
“I know!” you said with a shudder. “Out of all the stupid traditions, that’s one I’ll never understand.”
“How do so many people have it on their bucket list?”
“Right? That, and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Zero out of ten. It’s cold, there’s wind and again, there’s the question of bathrooms.”
Jimin laughed as he scrolled through the channels. “Alright, so no to the ball drop. Want to watch a movie?”
“What movie?”
“Why’re you making me pick?” you whined, sinking deeper into his cushions. “That’s such a large amount of pressure.”
“Exactly, which is why I don’t want to do it.”
You laughed and after some back and forth, decided to watch About Time. This was a movie about obstacles and falling in love, which seemed more than fitting because of the new year. At first, you and Jimin were watching diligently but eventually, he asked a question and conversation slowly drifted from the movie.
At some point, Jimin lowered the volume to focus solely on you. You curled deeper into the couch beside him, your thighs somehow touching and shoulders inches apart. Jimin’s head leaned against the cushion and he continued to smile in a way which made your heart flip.
“Here’s a question,” you murmured, no longer pretending to watch the movie.
His eyes gleamed in the darkness. “What?”
“Why’d you tell Sabrina you only wanted to be friends?”
Briefly, his eyes widened. “How did… you know about that?”
“She told me.”
“Hm.” Jimin gave you a dubious look but moved past it. Sabrina had begun hanging out with your friends as of late. “But alright, I’ll answer. If I do though, you need to answer one of my questions. Deal?”
“So, I was single when I came to Russet.” Jimin paused. “It was the first time in a long time, and I may have hooked up with a couple of people.”
“Hm,” you said tightly.
His eyes danced with amusement. “Jealous?”
“Answer the question.”
He laughed. “Anyways, I only hooked up with Sabrina the one time. Afterwards…” Jimin sighed. “I felt kind of weird about her asking me to switch partners. Then I overheard what she said about Ari at weigh-ins and just didn’t feel like anything more... Plus, there was the other reason.”
“And what was the other reason?”
“I was starting to like you,” he said, a bit softer. “The day you said you wanted to be friends was a giant weight from my chest. And the more relaxed you were around me, the more… I don’t know. The more I liked you, I guess. My mom has always called me her hopeless romantic,” Jimin said with a smile. “I don’t know about that, but I can be single-minded when I like someone. That was part of the reason I told Sabrina we shouldn’t hook up anymore.”
“Oh,” you whispered.
His smile turned lopsided. “Does that answer your question?”
“Yeah. I guess it does.”
“My turn, then.” Smile disappearing, his gaze darkened. “Why did you really call me that night at the club?”
“Oh. That. Well, I –”
“And don’t say it was because I had a car,” Jimin interrupted. “There were a lot of people you could’ve called to help. You didn’t, though. You called me. Why?”
You hesitated before you realized there was only one answer. “I wanted to see you,” you said honestly. “I was scared, I was alone and… you were the person I wanted to see.”
Jimin’s gaze had become nearly black, the air between you thick with something unsaid. You were suddenly conscious of all each part of your body pressed to his. When Jimin shifted on the couch, you moved somehow closer.
He hesitated, then glanced at your mouth. “I don’t…” Jimin licked his lips, sounding hoarse. “I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready for.”
“You won’t,” you told him.
Something uncertain passed over his face. “Maybe we should take things slow.”
“Or,” you said slowly. “I could tell you things I like about you, instead.”
“And what would be the point of that?”
Your gaze shifted to his. “You’ve told me a lot tonight about how much you like me,” you said softly. “About how long you’ve liked me. I think it’s time I returned the favor.”
Something in his gaze cracked and he nodded. The TV in the background was quiet, only the noise from the street and the whoosh of the heater breaking the silence.
“First,” you said, glancing down at his lap. “You have really nice hands.”
Jimin’s lips twitched. “My hands? I’ve always thought they were small.”
“Wrong. They’re the perfect size. Never have they dropped me.”
“Mm, that’s a good point.”
“And your smile,” you said.
“What about it?”
“I like your smile,” you told him. “It makes me smile.”
His eyes crinkled in demonstration. “Oh, yeah?”
“And your ears.”
Jimin laughed. “My ears?”
Reaching out, you delicately traced over an edge. “I’ve spent a long time looking at your profile, Park. I know what I’m talking about here.”
As your fingers moved lower, feather-light down his jaw, Jimin’s smile disappeared.
“I like your jaw, too,” you told him.
In the darkness, his gaze glinted, and you felt his jaw tense.
“And your lips,” you added, gaze lowering. “I like those a lot.”
“Y/N…” Jimin’s eyes fluttered shut.
He slowly exhaled. “I just don’t want you to regret this.”
He opened his eyes.
Your expression was serious. “I told you I wouldn’t jump into something before I was ready,” you said, lifting your other hand. “But I’m not in love with Finn anymore. It doesn’t hurt when I think about what happened last semester. I like you, Jimin. I want you. I don’t want to keep pushing you away. I get if you’re unsure about this, though. If you’re unsure about me.”
Jimin’s gaze roamed your face. “Unsure?”
“I know I hurt you before. I shouldn’t have kissed you and ran away. But I promise this isn’t like that. I’m not running away. I’m the furthest thing from running and I –”
Cutting you off, Jimin pressed his lips to yours.
You shuddered a little, leaning into his kiss before he pulled back. Jimin exhaled, barely a breath before he kissed you again.
Noses brushing, lips lingering, the kiss slowly deepened. Your hands curled into his hair, pulling him forward to bask in his warmth. It was dizzying, how different this felt than last time. Last time you’d been heartbroken, desperately yearning each time your lips had touched.
Now, Jimin felt like air, like sunshine as you drowned in his presence. Hand grasping your waist, Jimin moved you closer so your chest nestled to his. Lifting his fingers, his touch skimmed your jaw, your hairline before he circled the nape of your neck.
Drawing away, he bit down on your lip. With a low sort of moan, Jimin sought your lips again. When his mouth opened yours, his tongue swept forward and you nearly combusted.
This was only to tease, though. Only to taste before he pulled away, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. Thumb skimming your jawline, Jimin tilted your head back to brush a kiss to your throat. Moving higher, he worshiped a slow path up the column of your neck. At your ear, he nipped gently before he returned.
Now, his kisses began to deepen. Mouths opening, your tongues brushed only briefly before he chose to withdraw. You were glad you were kissing on the couch, because suddenly your own legs felt weak underneath you.
Hand re-gripping his waist, Jimin pulled you against him. Eager, your hands found his neck and the blanket dropped to the floor. It wasn’t enough, though – you needed more, wanted to feel him fully beneath you. Rising on your knees, you swung a leg over his lap and settled on top.
Jimin hissed, his head hitting the back of his couch. Your dress had ridden up in the process, exposing your thighs – his thumbs skimmed the surface before he looked up.
“Shit,” Jimin croaked.
Smiling, you bent to kiss him again. Jimin arched upwards, each part of your body electric where you touched. He shifted his hips, granting friction and heat which made you short-circuit. Pressing yourself closer, your thighs sild backwards until they nestled around his waist.
Jimin’s hand found your spine, pulling you closer as his hips pushed upwards. You groaned when you felt him shift underneath you. The kisses grew steadily hotter, this ache in your core increasing with every touch.
“Can I…” Pulling away, Jimin glanced lower. “Can I take off the sweatshirt?”
“Yeah,” you said, a bit dazed.
Jimin didn’t waste time, helping you pull this swiftly overhead. It was tossed on the ground and when your dress was revealed, he inhaled.
Slipping his hands up your bodice, Jimin met your gaze. “I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” he confessed, his voice hoarse.
“Do what?”
Your breath hitched when his hands skimmed your breasts, lingering in all your softest places.
“Touch you,” Jimin said. “It was torture to see you, to look at you and not be able to do this. Not how I wanted, anyways. I’d tell myself not to think about it, but…”
He paused and looked up. “Yes?”
“Touch me. Please.”
Without hesitation, Jimin slid his hands lower. Cupping your ass, he pulled you against him and allowed his other hand to drift up your spine. You shivered, closing your eyes as your head tilted back.
His hands slid up your front, over your breasts and under the straps of your dress. Jimin’s thumbs drifted lower, brushing your nipples through the fabric of your bodice. Opening your eyes, you looked down at him and saw his gaze darken.
Reaching higher, Jimin cupped the back of your neck and returned your lips to his.
He kissed you slowly, purposefully as you melted forward. Shifting against him, the kiss began to intensify. Mouths opening, your tongue swept forward in bold strokes against his. Suppressing a whimper, you ground your hips on his lap.
“Is,” you murmured, breaking free. “Is your bedroom unpacked?”
Jimin went still. “I – mostly, yeah.”
“Can I see it?”
“Fuck, yes,” he groaned, releasing your thighs as he stood from the couch.
You laughed, sliding down his front as your feet hit the ground. Tugging your dress down, you followed Jimin when he grabbed your hand. He pulled you down the hall, coming to a stop at the last room on the row. Pushing open the door, he flicked on the light and came to a stop.
Stepping forward, you glanced around Jimin’s room. You recognized some of the items from the two times you’d visited Jimin in the dorms. Photos of his family were carefully hung on the wall and he had the same pillows laid over his queen-sized bed.
Turning around, you took a step backwards and sat on his bed. “It’s nice,” you said, patting the comforter. “I like it here.”
Jimin watched you, his gaze half-lidded from the hall. “I like you here.”
Cheeks heating, you watched him enter and gently shut the door. Leaning back on your elbows, you arched a brow.
“Where’d we leave off?”
Jimin exhaled as he crossed the room. “I think you were on my lap,” he said hoarsely, kneeling beside you.
You nodded, moving to straddle him as he leaned to the wall. Catching your waist with both hands, Jimin pulled you against him, kissing you roughly even before you sat down. Suddenly ravenous, his hands slid to your ass as he rolled you against him. Inhaling sharply, you sucked his lower lip between teeth as he groaned.
Reaching up, Jimin tugged on your hair as you inhaled, throat exposed for him to kiss slowly down your front. When he returned to your lips, you ground your hips impatiently over the bulge in his pants.
Shifting his weight, Jimin’s spine hit the wall. He stared at you, slightly dazed with his kiss-reddened lips. Without looking away, Jimin lifted his fingers and began undoing his shirt. You stilled, watching each inch of skin be revealed. When he reached the last button, you gave in and helped push this aside. Smiling, Jimin sat up as his shirt fell to the floor.
You weren’t sure where to look first. Hands faltering, you slid them up his abs, over his shoulders and down his biceps. He was so perfect, it almost hurt to look at. Jimin’s breath quickened as you touched him and slowly, he lowered you down to the bed.
“Enough,” he said roughly, returning your lips to his.
As you kissed it turned lazy, nothing but grinding and touching. Jimin’s hair was messy beneath the pull of your fingers. He didn’t seem to mind, his own hands digging into the curve of your thigh. Playing with the hem of your dress, he deftly slid upwards.
“Jimin,” you said, breaking free. “Unzip me.”
His gaze darkened. “Are you sure?”
Jimin nodded, following suit when you sat up beside him. Turning around, you exposed your back and Jimin began to lower the zipper. He moved slowly, taking his time as his fingers brushed skin. Holding the dress up with your hands, you waited until it was fully unzipped before releasing it to the floor.
Turning around, you found Jimin’s jaw slack.
“You…” He roughly inhaled while he scanned your body. “Lace, Y/N? Really?”
“Do you like it?” you asked.
You may have gone overboard preparing for tonight. Although you hadn’t been sure what would happen, you also hadn’t wanted to be caught off your guard. Tonight, your constant need to plan had come in handy. Beneath your dress you’d worn a crimson lace bra and panties – a matching set which Jimin seemed to like, based on his expression.
“You’re going to kill me,” he muttered, lowering his lips to your neck.
Kissing slowly down your chest, he came to a stop where the two halves joined together. Skimming the length of your torso, his hands trembled a little when he brushed the lace.
Jimin looked up. “I’m sorry I keep touching you,” he murmured. “I just – you’re driving me crazy. You’ve been driving me crazy.”
“You said that before,” you whispered.
“I meant it.”
Kissing again up your body, he lingered in places your skin was exposed. Inhaling, your eyes fluttered shut as you grasped his shoulders.
Jimin’s hand slid between your thighs. “Part them,” he murmured, and you obeyed.
Heart racing, you opened your eyes and watched Jimin drag a finger slowly up the center of your panties. Even you could feel how damp the fabric was, how wet and ready you were for him.
Lifting his finger to his lips, Jimin sucked. “You’re soaking,” he breathed, sounding eager. “So good to me.”
Lowering his head, his tongue flicked your breast. Teasing the nipple through fabric, he urged and he sucked until it was fully erect. Moving onto the next one, Jimin grazed with his teeth until it pressed wantonly into the lace cup of your bra. Moaning his name, you arched against him.
Finding your wrists, Jimin pinned you backwards as he continued. Thighs caging your waist, he kept you hostage with his exquisite torture. The lace of your bra was now drenched, Jimin sucking debauchedly through fabric.
“Jimin,” you groaned, twisting on the sheets. “Please.”
His hips rolled lazily against your center. “Not yet,” he insisted before pulling back. “Not until you make a mess of my sheets. Want to ruin these panties.”
Sliding a hand between your thighs, he lightly circled your entrance. Feeling how wet you were, Jimin softly groaned. Sitting back on his heels, he finally relented and pulled your panties down. Tossing these to the floor, he returned to your thighs and spread your legs.
Lightly, Jimin dragged the pads of his thumbs up and down your panty line. “God, you’re so perfect,” he murmured. “Got my sheets fucking soaked.”
Separating two of his fingers, he slowly dragged his digits up and down your folds. You inhaled, feeling needy while you watched him touch you. Each brush of his fingers had you dripping – teasing over your entrance, he refused to give you exactly what you wanted. Feather-light, Jimin circled your swollen clit with his finger.
Hands gripping the sheets, you could only stare while Jimin brought you closer and closer to the edge. He was barely touching you, but it was the most turned on you’d ever been in your life. Jimin’s thumb swiped over your clit, rubbing you gently as you keened in frustration, arching against him.
He continued like this until you were gasping, begging for more and then – only then – did he slide a finger inside you. Legs trembling, you arched on his mattress and stared at him, glassy-eyed. When Jimin began to move in and out, you lost all control.
Lowering his head, he closed his lips over your clit.
“Oh my god,” you whimpered as you broke apart.
Barely did he suck before you were coming undone, pulsing around his fingers. Shuddering with pleasure, you collapsed on the bed as you rode out your high. Gently, Jimin pulled out his finger and returned to your lips.
Reaching behind you, he undid the clasp of your bra and tossed this on the floor. Once you were fully naked, he pulled you against him. You felt limp, thoroughly sated, but familiar excitement began to stir at his front pressed to yours. Tilting your head, he gently kissed you while your fingers wound in his hair.
Jimin moved slow, letting you take the lead. Your core continued to throb with oversensitivity, although this seemed to lessen the longer you kissed him. Before long, your nipples were hardening as you rubbed against him. Fingers digging into your thigh, Jimin pulled this over his hip to watch you lazily grind.
Realizing he still wore pants, you lowered a hand, determined to fix this. Jimin helped, dragging the zipper down to throw both these and his boxers down on the floor.
He bent to kiss you again, but you placed a hand on his chest. “Wait,” you murmured. “I want to see you.”
Jimin exhaled, leaning back so you could take in his body. If you’d thought his chest was unreal, it was nothing compared to his trim hips, sculpted thighs and cock nestled between.
“Oh,” you said, dragging a hand down his front.
Jimin shuddered a little. He was already hard, his cock thick and pretty with a reddened tip. It made your mouth water to look at, wanting to lick up the shaft. Reaching between you, you closed your fist around him and slowly jerked him off.
You watched in fascination as Jimin responded. His jaw tightened, abs tense while you teased over his frenulum. His cock responded instinctively, hardening further the longer you touched him.
After a few minutes of this, Jimin shook his head. “No more,” he said huskily, taking your hand in his. “I’ll come if you keep doing that.”
“Oh?” you murmured, gaze darting lower.
He chuckled, a rough sound in his throat. “I like watching you come,” Jimin confessed, his cock hard between you. “It turns me on. I’m… still trying to recover from your last orgasm.”
“Oh,” you said, in a completely different way.
Jimin exhaled, hair falling forward. “I hope that doesn’t weird you out.”
“Does it… weird me out that you like giving orgasms?”
“Well, when you put it like that.”
“How else would I put it?”
His grin became devious. “You could ask for another.”
Breathless, you nodded and Jimin’s gaze darkened.
He descended your body, not wasting any time as he positioned himself between your legs. Licking slow up your center, you gasped and instinctively drew your legs higher. Jimin didn’t bother easing you into it. No, now he ate you out like he wanted to.
Kissing your folds, he returned to your clit and sucked this into his mouth. Rolling the sensitive bud with his tongue, he teased and released before you knew what was happening. He continued to do this, spreading you underneath him and bringing you close to coming, only to pull back and leave you maddeningly empty.
Spreading your folds, he began licking sweetly over your clit. This was followed by loose, lazy sucking and more tender flicks. You stared dazedly at him between your legs, the sight more erotic than anything you could’ve imagined.
Grinding his cock into the sheets, Jimin thrust his hips while he pleasured you. You could tell he enjoyed this; each grunt from his lips was more affirmation. Moving lower, he circled your cunt with his tongue just to lap up your juices. You gasped at the sensation, having never felt it before. Flicking your clit with his thumb, Jimin fucked your cunt with his tongue before he slowly withdrew.
Spreading you wide, he returned to your clit and you clasped a hand over your lips before a moan could escape. Each curl of his tongue left you gasping, writhing beneath the pleasurable onslaught of his mouth. Pulling away, Jimin pressed a gentle kiss to your thigh before he rose up your body.
At your mouth, he kissed your fingers. “You don’t have to be quiet,” he told you. “I want to hear the noises you make, Y/N. It makes me feel good.”
Removing your hand, you slowly nodded.
Jimin just grinned, dropping between your legs to begin eating you out again. This time, you didn’t hold back. Jimin seemed to appreciate this as you slipped further from control. He was so good with his mouth, making you see stars as your legs started to shudder. When he slid his finger inside you and fingered you again, your hands fisted in the sheets.
“Ji-jimin,” you gasped, writhing beneath him. “Jimin, I – oh.”
He began to move faster, adding a second finger as your insides clenched around him. Everything tightened, hovering at a breaking point while Jimin continued, relentless. His mouth on your clit, his fingers inside you – everything broke apart when you came, gasping his name.
Jimin didn’t move, kissing your sex as you slowly came down. He lapped at your sex, licking up your arousal before withdrawing his fingers. Once your breathing had steadied, Jimin returned to the sheets beside you.
“Good?” he breathed, draping an arm over your waist.
“Oh my god, yes,” you exhaled, burying your face in his chest.
He laughed, pulling you closer. Jimin started to pull away, which made you look up and frown.
“What are you doing?” you said.
He paused. “I’m looking for a tissue.”
“I… I’m kind of at a loss here.”
“No, I mean why now,” you said, baffled. “I can come again, Jimin. I want to come with you inside me.”
Jimin stared at you a moment.
“Unless…” Uncertain, you hesitated. “You don’t want to…?”
“Fuck,” Jimin muttered, sounding hoarse. “No – I want to. I really want to. Are you sure, though?” he said, reaching to open the side drawer of his bed.
You grinned when he pulled out a condom, ripping this open.
“I’m sure,” you murmured, moving closer.
Jimin rolled the condom onto himself, pausing before he went any further. Shifting his weight so he hovered over you, Jimin searched your gaze. Reaching lower, you casually stroked his cock and guided him to your center.
He didn’t enter yet, content to take his time. Instead, Jimin bent and kissed you, dragging a hand down your side. His fingers paused at your breast, tweaking your nipple until it stood fully erect. Moving to your waist, he curved under your ass and lifted your hips to his.
Arching upwards, you felt his cock brush your center. The touch made you pant, wanting him inside you and wanting it now. Rolling over his length, you marveled at the feel of him between your legs. Having him so close and not having him inside you was maddening.
“Jimin,” you whimpered.
“Yeah?” he murmured, continuing to thrust between your thighs.
“Please,” you begged him.
“Alright, baby,” he said and rolled you onto your back.
It was the first time he’d used the endearment, sending a wave of warmth through you as your legs parted. Reaching lower, Jimin positioned himself at your entrance. It took him a moment to work his way in; you were so wet, he needed a second try. With only his tip inside, you immediately clenched and buried your head in his shoulder.
Lightly, Jimin brushed a kiss to your hair. “Relax, baby,” he murmured, making you glance up. “I’ll make you feel good. I promise.”
Slowly, you nodded. “Okay.”
Laying slowly back down, you tried to relax while he worked his way deeper. With slow, shallow thrusts, Jimin finally bottomed out and you stared at him in amazement. His cock was thicker than you were used to and stuffed to the brim like this, you felt so full. Glancing down, you saw his hips nestled snugly to yours.
When you looked up, Jimin met your gaze. “I’m sorry,” he exhaled, hanging his head. “I just – I need a minute.”
“What’s wrong?” you blurted, immediately worried.
A smile passed over his lips. “Nothing’s wrong.” He looked up. “You’re just… fuck. I feel like a damn virgin. You’re so tight and wet, I’m losing my mind.”
Hearing him say this sent a shiver through you. Shifting your hips, you reveled in the sensation of him moving inside you.
Jimin groaned. “No,” he protested. “You can’t do that right now.”
“Do what?”
“Try and make me move,” he murmured. “I know you can’t see yourself, so you can’t see how hot you look. Tits out, pussy spread and dripping all over my cock.”
“Oh,” you breathed.
“Sounding like that.”
“Jimin. If you don’t –”
He suddenly thrust deeper, grinding his pelvis against your core and making you groan. Speechless, you stared as he slowly pulled out. Jimin teased you with his tip, moving a few inches back in before he thrust again.
“Oh,” you groaned, jolted upwards on the bed.
His gaze dropped to your chest. “Fuck,” Jimin said quietly, dropping down to an elbow.
He moved again in earnest, thrusting slowly in and pulling back out. It made your breath catch, needing more but loving the torture. It was torture to feel every inch of him and have Jimin continue to hold back. You knew he could go faster, deeper, but wanted to stay in control.
Dropping his head, Jimin slowly kissed your neck. His cock continued to move, fucking you slowly as your legs opened wider.
“Jimin,” you whimpered.
Your hips chased after his, hoping to coerce him deeper.
He smirked. “Yes, baby?”
“Please,” you said, arching against him. “I want more.”
“You want it harder?”
As he said this, Jimin increased his strength. Keeping the tempo the same, each thrust of his cock had your lips parting with pleasure.
“Yes,” you whimpered, barely hanging on.
“And faster? You want that, too?”
You nodded, slack-jawed as Jimin sped up the pace. His cock began to pound into you, hand fisting in sheets as he gave it to you hard. Arching underneath him, your hands dragged down his back as Jimin fully let go. With each thrust of his hips, his pelvis brushed your clit and yet, it still wasn’t enough.
“More?” he teased, continuing to fuck you.
“More,” you whimpered, sliding your hands up your breasts. Tweaking the nipples, you watched his gaze harden. “I want more, Jimin.”
He immediately moved, as though he’d been waiting for this. Grasping your ankles in one hand, he lifted them high overhead and pulled his cock out. You gasped when he did so, your hands falling to the side while you were put on display. The position pushed your pussy lips together, giving an incredible view of your dripping cunt.
Jimin plunged his cock back inside, nearly making you scream. It felt so deep this way – so deep and hard and deliciously wanton. Jimin fucked you from above, hips slamming into you and making your breasts bounce.
Jimin groaned, his hips never faltering. “Touch them,” he said, lowering your ankles to one shoulder. “Touch your tits for me, baby.”
You obeyed, hands sliding over your breasts to tease your nipples. This sent a shock of pleasure straight to your core and Jimin hammered your g-spot, making you see stars. Jaw slack, you could only lie there and take it while he made you come.
It was too much, the wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm, but then Jimin leaned forward and you finally snapped. You felt him release into the condom as you fell apart, rope after rope of hot cum inside you.
Eventually, Jimin softened and fell onto his elbow. As he opened his eyes, he sought your gaze and you smiled. His cheeks were flushed, his hair dark and sweaty and you couldn’t help the deep surge of affection within you.
“I don’t know about you,” he murmured. “But that was pretty fucking incredible.”
“Same here,” you whispered. “I’d like to do it again sometime.”
“Three orgasms weren’t enough?”
“Were they enough for you?”
“No.” Jimin laughed. “I could watch you come all night. But we should probably get you cleaned up and all that.”
“Probably,” you agreed, although you made no effort to move.
Eventually Jimin sighed and gently pulled out. Tossing his condom in the trash, he showed you to the bathroom and let you do what you needed to do. When you returned, Jimin was on top of his bed. He’d put back on his boxers and held out his sweatshirt.
“I thought you might want this,” he said, uncertain.
Smiling, you took it and lowered it over your head. Climbing beside him on the bed, you rested your head on his shoulder and cuddled beside him. Listening to his breathing, you concentrated until yours started to match.
Outside, cheers erupted from the street. Scrambling upwards, you fought to look out Jimin’s side window. As you hurried to see what the commotion was about, Jimin groaned when you flashed him your bare ass, but followed suit.
Glancing outside, you realized it must have turned midnight. Fireworks went off over the skyline, people cheered below, and someone had lit a sparkler on the street. Voices drifted higher, wishing each other a happy new year as slowly, you turned around to face Jimin.
He smiled at you, his happiness clear when he pulled you to him. A dizzying rush of what-if’s and excitement went through you and somehow, you knew this would be only the beginning.
“Happy new year,” he murmured.
“Happy new year,” you whispered, tilting your face up to his.
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Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading this series 😊 It’s been a whirlwind, so thank you for sticking with our main characters throughout the journey! I hope you enjoyed and are having a wonderful holiday season :) happy (almost) new year!
© kpopfanfictrash, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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snowdice · 2 years
Big Bang Editing Story [Day 103]
I started writing this fic while editing my Big Bang story, but am going to continue doing it for other things now that Kill Dear is out. I will write and publish 100 words of the story every time I finish doing whatever task I’m doing. If you’d like to block these proceedings, please feel free to block the tag proofread stories. I will reblog this post with the parts of the story I do today. Edited chapters are linked; everything else I’ve done so far is under the cut.
My Master Post Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35 Part 36 Part 37 Part 38 Part 39 Part 40 Part 41 Part 42 Part 43 Part 44 Part 45 Part 46 Part 47 Part 48
Going to try to get a good chunk of stuff done today, but I will be taking a break in the middle to eat lunch.
Chapter 50 (Patton)
Patton was starting to get excited. There had been a small snow storm a couple of weeks before, but since then, the temperature had been on the rise with no sign of more snow on the horizon. It was still a bit chilly, but Patton only really felt the need for a light coat instead of any more extreme winter wear. It was great!
Usually everyone including Patton was relieved as Winter turned to Spring, but this year, Patton had even more of a reason to be happy about it. Virgil had gotten a tiny bit more comfortable going outside over the winter, but he still didn’t like it too much.
 Patton could almost feel the change in him as the warmer months drew nearer like a flower getting ready to bloom. He was happier and more energetic. Mr. Deknis was getting things ready to start planting as soon as his seasonal workers started to arrive in the coming weeks. In the meantime, Virgil helped him get ready with a lot of enthusiasm.
It was probably the warmest it had been today. It wasn’t nearly summer, but Patton wouldn’t call it cold. So, while Logan was off doing princely duties in the afternoon, Patton decided to test if it was warm enough now for Virgil to willingly go outside.
 Patton found Virgil in Mr. Deknis’s rooms a couple of hours after lunch, figuring he’d be done with whatever task they were doing that day by then. Patton ended up being correct as when Mr. Deknis let him into his living room, Virgil was busy flipping through yet another book of orchids, still trying to decide which he wanted to grow.
“Hi, Virgil,” Patton said, walking into the room with Princess Marisol on his heels. She had been lazing in a sunny spot by a nearby window but had gotten up to follow him as he walked by.
“Hi,” Virgil replied. He closed the book and set it aside.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dovecote with me,” Patton said. “I wanted to send a letter.”
 Virgil thought about it for a moment, and Patton would swear he was using some secret weather sensing mechanism in his head to check the weather before saying, “Okay.”
“If you two are going to the dovecote, would you mind taking a letter for me as well?” Mr. Deknis asked.
“Of course,” Patton agreed.
Mr. Deknis turned to grab a sealed letter off his desk. “It’s for my daughter,” Mr. Deknis said. “The handlers should know the right pigeon to give it to.”
Patton nodded and took it.
“You have a daughter?” Virgil asked, sounding more surprised than Patton would have expected.
 “Yes, Darlene,” Mr. Deknis said. “I’ve talked about her. I thought I’d mentioned she was my daughter.”
“I didn’t know you could have children.”
The statement clearly rang with truth to Mr. Deknis’s ears, but it didn’t make him look any less confused. “Why would you think that?” he asked.
Patton’s eyes widened as he recalled a conversation from months ago where Virgil had been confused about why Mr. Deknis was allowed to be a gardener when he was a multrum. Patton didn’t know much about how multrums were treated in Mocnejsi, but it hadn’t sounded very nice and Patton could draw some conclusions about why Virgil thought that. The problem of course was that Patton was pretty sure very few people in Prijaznia would be confused about Mr. Deknis being allowed to have a kid.
 “You’re old,” Patton blurted before Virgil could say anything more. “Old people can’t have kids.”
These things were not technically lies. Mr. Deknis still looked at him like he’d just sensed Patton saying one though. He frowned and his eyes narrowed a bit. Patton had… never been as good at running around Mr. Deknis’s powers as Logan was.
“Patton,” Mr. Deknis said. “What?”
“You have to forgive Virgil,” Patton said, grabbing Virgil’s arm and tugging on it. Luckily, Virgil followed easily enough. “I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even know how babies are made.”
“That isn’t an argument, Patton.”
“Anyway, we have to go,” Patton said.
 Patton pulled Virgil out of Mr. Deknis’s living room and into the hallway. He slammed the door behind them. “Run,” said Patton to Virgil. They ran.
Luckily, Patton was right. Mr. Deknis was old and didn’t seem keen to chase them. However, Patton expected that the conversation was nowhere near over. This, even if it made their behavior even more suspicious, would give Patton time to think of something or, more realistically, talk to Logan and get him to think of something.
The ended up all the way outside the stable before the stopped. Virgil, while fast, was not a distance runner and Patton wasn’t exactly athletic, so they collapsed in an exhausted heap.
 “Why did we run?” Virgil asked after a few minutes of rest.
“People from Prijaznia wouldn’t question why a multrum can have a child,” Patton said. “They’re just normal people with some powers. If we’re not careful, he could have figured out you weren’t from here.”
Virgil grimaced. “That’s not good,” he said.
“It’ll be alright,” Patton promised. “We just need to ask Logan what to say. He’s always better at talking circles around Mr. Deknis.”
“He’s in a meeting right now though.”
“Yeah,” Patton said, “but that just means we have to be sneaking for a couple of hours.”
 Always one to make something fun out of a not so great situation, Patton glanced over at Virgil. “You’re pretty good at sneaking,” he said. “Why don’t you teach me something about sneaking by helping me sneak into the dovecote.”
“You want to do training?” Virgil asked.
Patton hesitated, having heard about ‘training’ from Logan. “Uh, only this type of training,” Patton said, “and only for this afternoon until we have a chance to talk to Logan.”
“The king told me I could train people if they gave me permission.”
Oh dear.
He seemed invigorated suddenly and popped to his feet even though Patton really would have rather rested for a bit more.
“The dovecote is the tower that kind of stands on its own on the North side of the castle, right?” Virgil asked.
“Yep,” Patton agreed, “that’s it.”
“Great,” Virgil said. “That will be perfect for climbing lessons.”
Oh dear.
“Er…” Patton said. “Climbing? I thought we could just, you know, sneak through the doors…”
“Using the doors is the first thing they’d suspect,” Virgil argues. “We have to be sneaky.”
“We won’t really be sneaky if I fall and crack my head open on the ground,” Patton muttered.
“That’s why it’s perfect for training!” Virgil said. “There’s a lot of footholds. You won’t fall.”
  “You vastly overestimate my upper body strength,” Patton said, but Virgil wasn’t listening. He was just grabbing at Patton’s arm and pulling him North.
“I’ll teach you everything you need to know!” Virgil promised. “First lesson. We need to sneak up to the building. There are bushes that go along the castle walls. We’re going to crawl through those.”
“Okay, I’m not sure if that’s necessary,” Patton said. “If Mr. Deknis finds us, we can just outrun him again.”
“Maybe not,” Virgil agreed, “but it’s good practice, and this is training.”
“Right…” Patton said, but then sighed at the look in Virgil’s eyes. “Fine, lets go get in the bushes.”
  Chapter 51 (Logan)
“I see you wore out Patton with that,” Logan said to Virgil. Patton glared at him from where he’d collapsed on Logan’s bedroom floor.
He’d been accosted as soon as he’d gotten out of a meeting earlier in the day by Patton and Virgil as apparently, they’d slipped up in front of Mr. Deknis. Luckily, the conversation had not been nearly as dire as they’d feared. True, most people in Prijaznia wouldn’t question the rights of multrums anymore, but racism was still prevalent in some smaller pockets near the kingdom’s boarders. It was easy enough to explain that Virgil was from an area where prejudice against multrums was prevalent (not a lie) and that Patton, with his sensibilities would panic not wanting Mr. Deknis to realize Virgil’s internalized prejudices and would take him away to explain (also not a lie).
 It had been easy enough to provide this explanation to Mr. Deknis and for the man to accept Virgil’s apology for his accidental offensiveness. There’d been a bit of lingering suspicion from the gardener, but nothing that wouldn’t fade with time.
They’d fled back to Logan’s room after that to breathe away from adult supervision which is when Patton had dramatically fallen to the floor.
Apparently, Patton had been Virgil’s newest victim of training. Patton currently had bruises and scrapes from attempting to scale the wall of the dovecote. When Virgil hadn’t been able to get him up that way, they’d taken an alternate route which explained the feathers and… other unpleasant messes now stuck to both of them. That’s why Patton was on the floor and not the furniture.
 “Patton has a lot to work on,” Virgil said gravely. His eyes flickered a bit, “but at least he’s willing to work on it.”
Logan shot him a tight-lipped glare. “Go take a shower, Virgil,” he said.
Virgil stuck his tongue out at him in response but did turn and disappear into the next room to take a show.
“And what about you?” Logan asked the figure on the floor. “Are you going to go shower.”
There was a long pause. “I’ a min’te,” he yawned, not opening his eyes.
“Whatever you want,” Logan said. Though, he did sacrifice one pillow from his bed, making Patton lift his head so Logan could slip the pillow under it.
 He sat on his bed with a book waiting for Virgil to get out of the shower. He was pretty sure Patton had fallen asleep on the floor by the time the door to the bathroom opened once again. Virgil was in one of the sweaters Logan had given him when he’d first come here despite having new fitted clothes of his own for ever occasion. It still hung off his frame a bit, but not as much as it once had. He yawned softly.
“Tired from your long day of being a menace?” Logan asked idly.
Virgil stopped mid yawn to glare at him.
 Logan just smiled back and patted the bed next to him. Virgil seemed to forgive him for his teasing easily enough. He came to sit next to Logan on the bed, curling his legs underneath him.
Logan glanced down at the boy on the floor. “Patton, you can go take a shower in my bathroom if you don’t want to go all the way downstairs.”
There was no response.
Logan tsked. “What have you done to him?” Logan used to think Patton was the energetic one.
“He’s fine,” Virgil claimed.
“He’s filthy and unconscious on the floor,” Logan argued back.
 Virgil just shrugged and leaned over to rest his chin on Logan’s shoulder. Clearly, he was a bit tired as well even if he wasn’t as much as Patton. “What are you reading?” he asked.
“Just starting a new book on code breaking,” Logan said.
Virgil just hummed, but his fingers twitched on his lap a bit.
“Did you need something?” Logan asked.
“When you’re done reading that, could you help me read something?”
“Of course,” Logan said. “I’m at a stopping point, so we can do it now if you wish.”
Virgil nodded and went scrambling over the bed.
 He opened a drawer in the nightstand that Logan had emptied out from him a while back. It’s where he kept the first protection charm, he’d made and a picture Patton had drawn him once. He was also, apparently, keeping a book there.
He plopped said book down on Logan’s lap. It was a book about different species of orchids.
“Mr. Deknis gave me this book and I’ve think I’ve narrowed down a few flowers to pick out by the pictures, but most of the words are really hard in this book,” he explained. “Could you read a few passages to me.”
 “Of course,” Logan replied, taking the book from him. The book was on the larger size, though not nearly as large as many books Logan read and was covered with hand-drawn flowers, in particular orchids. There were small piece of colorful paper sticking out of the top, making certain pages. “Are these indicating the pages you’d like me to read to you?” Logan asked.
Virgil nodded, moving closer to once again settle his chin on Logan’s shoulder. He peered down at the book in Logan’s lap intently.
Logan smiled softly as he cracked open the book to the first marked page.
 Virgil listened with rapt attention as Logan went through the description of the flowers on each page. Each of the flowers had a short blurb about them along with a table that explained things like how much water and shade each needed. There were 6 flowers in total marked, and Virgil did not interrupt Logan once as he read through them.
Logan glanced at Virgil once he’d finished reading the last bit of text and Virgil reached out to take the book back. Logan closed it and handed it to him.
Virgil frowned down at the book in contemplation for a long moment.
 Then, he opened the book to the fourth marked page. “I like this one,” he said, looking up at Logan, seemingly for approval.
Logan nodded. “It’s very nice, Virgil.”
“How do you say the name again?” he asked.
“Zygopetalum maculatum,” Logan told him.
Virgil’s eyes squinted a bit, and he didn’t attempt to say it. He just nodded.
“We can practice pronouncing it if you’d like,” Logan offered.
He nodded sheepishly and closed the book. “Maybe tomorrow,” he suggested as he stashed the book back in his drawer and curled up on his side of the bed.
“Tired?” Logan asked.
Virgil closed his eyes and nodded, cheek scraping over his pillow.
“Want me to read more of Into the Mist?” Logan asked.
Virgil nodded again, and Logan reached over to the nightstand, his hand passing over the code book he’d been reading earlier to the novel he was reading with Virgil.
Logan didn’t even get a full chapter in until Virgil was softly snoring. They’d probably have to read everything again with Virgil more awake next time.
Eventually, he managed to poke Patton awake long enough for him to rinse off in Logan’s shower, but not enough for him to retire to his own bedroom. Instead, he flopped onto the foot of the bed and promptly fell unconscious again. Logan’s bed was crowded that night.
  Chapter 52 (Mr. Deknis)
It was Jeffers Deknis’s second busiest time of year right after the fall harvest. However, unlike the fall harvest, not all of his workers were yet at the castle. The last winter had been harsh and while the snowfall had been a month ago, many of his workers whose families lived far from the castle had sent word they would be late arriving for various reasons. A few were dealing with sick relatives and others had to help fix things broken by storms for their families before making the trek. One even who lived in the mountains up north was still snowed in.
 So, he was dealing with only about 70% of his usual staff, meaning he was even busier than he usually was in the spring.
However, despite how busy he was, he still didn’t mind taking a bit of time out of his schedule to help plant a little plot of land he’d sectioned off.
Virgil has spent a lot of time deciding on what plant he wanted to grow in the plot Jerffers had given him. He’d combed through multiple books even though it quickly became clear he couldn’t read well and talked to Jeffers about his options extensively before finally coming to a decision.
 He’d decided on a flower called Zygopetalum maculatum which was a type of orchid. It wouldn’t be an easy flower to grow considering they didn’t naturally have the right climate for it, but with a bit of magical fertilizer and ruins in the ground near them, it was feasible.
Jeffers had dedicated a bit of his time since Virgil had chosen his flower to explaining what they needed to do for it to grow and had set him up with the correct materials. He’d spent a good chunk of the last two weeks outside on his marked off plot of land doing as instructed to get the soil in the right condition.
 Sometimes Logan and Patton joined him and sometimes he was alone, but he was clearly dedicated to his task. Jeffers had stopped by and tested the soil the day before and found it was adequately prepared for planting Virgil’s flowers and told the boy as much.
So, despite being already very busy, Jeffers had allowed for an hour out of his schedule to help Virgil plant his flowers today.
Despite telling him exactly when Jeffers would be ready to plant the flowers, Virgil had come early.
Very early.
He’d stalked Jeffers footsteps all day. If the boy were a cat, Jeffers would have supposed he’d accidentally left a slice of meat in his back pocket.
 Jeffers ended up letting him help with a few other things in the morning which he seemed to enjoy. He seemed to appreciate planting things even if they weren’t his flowers. He was also good at it if a bit slower than necessary in his caution to make sure he didn’t mess anything up.
He ended up sending Patton to get an extra packed lunch from Helen for him (as people didn’t like when they tracked mud into the dinning hall) and they ended up eating while sitting on the base of the fountain by the plot of land Virgil had been tending to. The water in the fountain was now flowing, having recently been cleaned and turned on.
 There was a soft meow from beside them. Jeffers looked down to see one of the castles many cats standing on its hind legs with one of its paws on the fountain’s base and staring at them. He recognized the yellow stripped cat as one of the friendlier ones that Patton had tamed as a kitten. It meowed again when it saw him looking.
“What?” Jeffers asked it, raising one eyebrow. “I know you’re not starving.”
It meowed again in complaint. Then it turned to Virgil. Virgil was instantly tearing off a bit of his chicken sandwich to feed to the cat.
 “You don’t need to feed him,” Jeffers said. “Patton takes care of that plenty well.”
Despite what Jeffers had said, the cat gobbled up the piece of chicken Virgil had fed him like he was starving.
“It’s Buttercup,” Virgil informed Jeffers. The name vaguely rang a bell.
“You remember all of Patton’s names for them?” Jeffers asked, honestly impressed. There were so many cats.
Virgil nodded and ripped off another piece of chicken. The cat went flying at it with gusto.
“Keep some for yourself too,” Jeffers said. “You look less fed than the cats.” Thankfully he was looking more fed than he had at the beginning of winter.
 “But he’s hungry,” Virgil replied with a frown.
“He’s a glutton is what he is,” Jeffers said. “He’s already had his lunch by now I’d imagine and is more than free to hunt down rodents in the barn if he needs a snack.”
Virgil frowned and gave the cat another piece of chicken.
“You’re too good of a kid,” Jeffers said with an eyeroll.
Virgil just frowned at him and took another bite of his sandwich.
“Make sure to eat extra dinner if you’re going to feed the cats your lunch,” Jeffers said. “Though I’m sure Helen will be feeding you extra by default when she hears you’ve been helping me in the garden all day.”
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fiveisnumber1 · 4 years
Timeless - Five Hargreeves x Reader
Main story parts:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28
Pt 28 - A Family Reunion
Gently you and Five parted from your kiss as you finally took in air again. Dropping your hands from his face you wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled your forehead against his. You hadn't opened your eyes yet as you were taking in every bit of this moment. As you did so Five lowered his hands from your face and wrapped his arms around your waist quickly pulling you closer to him.
"Oh!" You let out, surprised at the sudden action
"Didn't mean to scare you there." Five comments as he holds you tightly
He had missed you so much. It had only been about three days but all that time was filled with the worry of if you even existed in this timeline, where you could've been, and if you still loved him after tearing you from the life you re-built. He heard you say it, that you love him, and he felt it in the kiss you just shared but he didn't understand how you could love him after he threw you into time alone, again. Five pressed his forehead back against yours as he tries to just appreciate the solace of having you here with him. As you held your boyfriend for the first time in years you could feel something was off. Pulling your head back, you look at Five. He looks back at you and you can see that something was going on behind his eyes. Gently you stroke his hair as you quietly ask,
"What's going on in that head of yours?"
Five looked at you, your head tilted slightly as your eyes searched his face for some type of answer. He melted at the feeling of you running your fingers through his hair and across the back of his neck. Five closed his eyes and rested his forehead against yours once more. His voice barely a whisper as he said
"I promised no apocalypse and no time travel and I left you in time again. Alone. I just...are you mad at me?"
"I could never be mad at you, I missed you so much." You replied gently
A smile crept to Five's face and a weight fell off his shoulders knowing that you weren't upset with him, but your response also amused him. It was the exact same response he had given you when he returned to the future. It was what he said to ease your worry that he was mad at you all those years ago when he left and got stuck in the apocalypse. Five tilted his head up and places a light kiss on your forehead before replying,
"I missed you too ma chérie."
As the two of you stood embraced under the night sky a voice came from down the alleyway calling,
"Hey (Y/N), you okay? You stopped talking to the universe."
You and Five both turn to look at where the voice came from and you see Charlie standing at the entrance to the alley.
"Oh Charlie, I forgot you were here." You comment
"FORGOT?! What do you mean forgot? Do I matter that little to you?" Charlie exclaims before quickly adding "Don't answer that."
Charlie makes his way over to where you are with Five. Leaving the embrace you grab Five's hand to hold as you gesture with the other one to your friend.
"Charlie, this is my boyfriend Five and Five, this is my friend Charlie." You explain "He's the one who kept me sane while I was stuck in this time."
"That's a pretty bold claim saying I kept you sane..." Charlie states before extending his hand out and exclaiming "But wow! It's great to finally meet you. She never shuts up about you."
"Charlie!" You say using your freehand to hit his arm "Don't make me mute you."
"DoN'T MakE mE mUte YoU" Charlie mocks
With his free hand, Five takes Charlie's and shakes it. A full smile appears on his face as he comments,
"I see she's rubbed off on you."
"Not entirely, but definitely too much." Charlie jokes
"Wow, okay." You say sarcastically
Charlie and Five stop shaking hands and Five let go of yours using that arm to wrap around your waist and pull you into his side. Five looks down and you before back to Charlie and says,
"Thank you for taking care of her while I was gone."
"Thank you for coming back and taking over," Charlie jokes before stating "I'm joking, she's the only friend I've ever had so it's been a great experience so far."
"Never a dull day." You add
"I bet." Five replies
As the three of you stand in the alley, Five catches something move out of his peripheral and looks up to see Diego passing by one of the windows. He doesn't notice any of you down in the alleyway though so, a thought comes to Five's mind. As much as he hated the way his brother had been treating him lately, he knew that his brother loved you too. And Diego definitely loved you more than him. Turning to you, Five comments,
"It's getting a bit chilly out here, why don't we head inside. Anyway, I think there's someone else who wants to see you too."
Five then tilts his head to gesture up to the window where Diego is and you turn your head to look. It was your brother. The smile that you had at being reunited with Five widened as you saw your older brother above you. You turn back to Five excited and Five says,
"Let's go. You too Charlie."
Charlie smiles excitedly and the three of you walk inside and start to head up the staircase. As you do so, Five quietly details a plan to surprise Diego. When you approached the door to the apartment you waited quietly with Charlie outside. Five entered alone and as he did Diego asked him,
"Where did you go?"
"Outside. I needed some air and I had a nice chat." Five replies bluntly
Five then closes the door which is your signal and you go invisible and phase yourself through the wall and quietly walk behind where Diego stood. The anticipation rushed through you and you wanted to just run and hug your brother but you know this would mean so much more.
"You had a chat?" Diego questioned, "With who?"
"With me." You said
Diego turned around to look at where the voice came from and when he did you revealed yourself. You looked up at him with a smile on your face. You can see Diego's face go through a series of emotions as he tries to process the sight of you before him. Shifting from shock to confusion to awe he looks on at his little sister before him. You can see him get misty-eyed as he slowly approaches you.
"(Y- (Y/N)?" He asks voice wavering
"Hi Eggo."
Diego quietly takes a few steps over to you before wrapping you in a tight hug. You could hear sniffles coming from him as he held you.
"Eggo are you crying?"
"What? No...I- it's just d-dust" Diego obviously lies
You looked towards Five and rolled your eyes at Diego's response as you hugged him tighter. You knew that your brother had missed you too and even if he was trying to act tough his true colors always showed through. As you held him a knock came from the door. Diego quickly lets go of you and pulls out a knife. A voice calls,
"Can I come in now?"
Diego poises himself ready to throw but you lower his arm. As he looks at you confused you open the door and let Charlie inside.
"Hi, I'm Charlie," Charlie says extending his hand again
Diego looks on at him confused before slowly taking his hand to shake it and replying,
As you all stand there looking at each other you can feel the tiredness of your feet from standing in heels so long. Looking over towards the living room you see some couches and decide to sit down. As you walk over there the others follow.
"Som how long have you guys been here?" You question
"Three days." Five replies
"About eighty for me," Diego adds
Diego and Five walk over to the couch across from the two sofa chairs as you sit down on one of them. As Charlie takes the other one Diego asks you,
"So how long have you been here?"
You look off to the side. You knew the number of days but actually realizing how long it had been...You were taken aback a little. You look towards them and bring your eyes to meet their gazes. Taking a small breath you quietly respond,
"one thousand, four hundred and eighteen days..."
Their jaws drop and they simultaneously sit down on the couch across from you. No words are said as they stare at you. Five could barely find words to say as his mind was racing too fast calculating the amount of time. Figuring out the amount, Five's eyes went wide with concern.
"(Y/N)...that's..." Five tries to get out
"Three years, ten months, and eighteen days." You state
"Holy shit," Diego says slumping back into the couch
Five's heart dropped and the weight that he thought had left his shoulders came crashing back in full force. You were here for almost four years? He left you for years on end...again? Five looked down at the floor ashamed, he couldn't dare to look you in the eyes right now. He cursed at himself internally for making the exact same mistake that he did the first time but more so he promised himself to keep you safe and he failed. Even if you had already said you weren't mad for what happened and had forgiven him, Five couldn't forgive himself. He needed to make this up to you. He needed to get you home. As he struggled to cope with what he had done Diego asked,
"So how old are you now then?"
"I turned 22 on October 1st, 1963." You reply
"Which is funny because if you were born in 1989 then technically you're also negative 26 right now." Charlie chimes in
"Yes, I am 33, 22, and negative 26 all at the same time." You reply
"Weirdo." Charlie jabs
"Thank you."
"How does he know that? Your actual birthday." Diego questions
"Well, I ended up mentioning some things about the future to him. I was here for almost four years." You explain
"Which don't forget, you still owe me another fact about it." Charlie reminds
"Yeah, yeah you'll get it in time buckaroo." You wave off
"Wait, so I missed four of your birthdays?" Diego complains
Diego was upset with himself that he wasn't there for you when he should've been. Sensing his change in emotion you try to cheer him up by commenting,
"I'm sure you were doing something really important though!"
You watch as Diego's demeanor rapidly changes. Quickly he sits up from leaning back on the couch and looks towards you with a fire in his eyes. He must be passionate about something then. Leaning over the coffee table he looks between you and Charlie before proudly saying,
"I'm going to save President John F. Kennedy."
"JFK needs to be saved?" Charlie questions concerned
He's going to what? Save JFK? He had to be joking. You knew your brother still suffered from a hero complex but had it really gotten this bad after the apocalypse?
"Diego, you're joking, right? JFK's death is a part of history, you can't just change that!"
"JFK dies?!" Charlie exclaims shooting up from his chair
"Listen (Y/N), I know I can do it. I can save him."
"Get your head out of your ass Diego, he's supposed to get assassinated." Five adds snapping out of his trance
"HE GETS ASSASSINATED?!" Charlie yells "(Y/N) is this true?!"
You finally look over to your frantic friend, there was no way to put this lightly. A grimace appeared on your face as you pointed sad finger guns in Charlie's direction. Weakly you answer,
"...that's your fact from the future buddy..."
"NOOOOO!" Charlie yells before plopping back in his seat and mumbling "But I like JFK..."
You lean over and awkwardly pat your friend's back trying to comfort him. This was going to take some time for him though. As you tried your best to help Charlie, Diego and Five bickered over the plan to save JFK.
"You stay out of this Five. This is between me and my sister. I'm going to save the president, (Y/N) do you want in?"
"Diego, I love you but this plan is irrational."
"Thank you! Finally someone with a sense of reason!" Five exclaims  "It's this behavior that got him thrown into a psych ward!"
"You were in a psych ward?" You ask
Diego tries to stutter out a reply to you but before he could say anything Five adds,
"Not only was he in a psych ward but he also decided to get with some overly suspicious crazy lady he met a few days ago in the psych ward."
Get with? What did Five mean get with? You really hoped it wasn't the meaning of "get with" that you were accustomed to. You could feel your blood boil a bit but you try to calm yourself down. Maybe this was all a misunderstanding. In a firm but steady voice, you ask,
"What do you mean get with?"
Five looks you dead in the eyes and in the most serious tone he deadpans his response,
"I mean exactly what you think I mean."
Your jaw drops and you look down at the ground in disbelief. You said no words but your face told the story of how you were feeling at this revelation. Anger, hurt, and disgust flooded your system because you could believe your brother's actions. Eighty days. He could get over a woman he loved for almost a decade in eighty days with some stranger he only met a few days ago. Wow. You whip your head to look at Diego and if looks could kill then he would already be dead with the one you were giving him.
"Did you forget Eudora?" You spat
"What?" Diego asks
"Have you an ounce of regret?"  you chastise
Five and Charlie exchange a look with each other as they watch you yell angrily at your beloved brother, both knowing the reason why you would be so angered.
"(Y/N), I can explain-" Diego tries to start
You stand up from your seat and look down at your older brother. Your fists clenched tightly as you reprimanded him,
"Eighty days, huh? That's all it took to get over Eudora? You meet one psychotic harlot and that's it, no more Eudora?"
"I-" Diego tries to interject
"I what, Diego?" You rebuke
You took deep breaths to calm yourself but it was to no use. You began to shake as emotion overtook you. Tiny electric sparks started to fly off of you as your emotional buildup starts to seep out through your powers. Your voice wavered as you continued,
"I have been here for almost four years and I'm still not over her death. I loved her for five years. You loved her for over ten! You went on a tirade to get revenge for her death and yet you sit here now completely fine with throwing her away as if she was no one."
Charlie and Five look on at the scene before them but say no words. They both knew this was not something they should intervene in. Diego looks at you with a sorrowful look, water starting to well in his eyes mirroring yours. He opens his mouth but makes no sound. Summoning a knife you point it at your brother, your hand shaking vigorously as you hold it.
"I should kill you so you can confront her yourself and tell her what you've done." You choke out
You continue to point the knife in Diego's direction as you look him in the eye. You stare at him for a bit but then turn your head to look away from him. Stabbing your knife into the coffee table below you quietly say,
"I'm not going to though. I want you to live with the guilt of desecrating her memory."
You couldn't stand to look at your brother right now. You were disgusted at his actions. Walking away from the three of them you hear Diego stutter from behind,
"We-well if you're going to be m-m-mad at me then be m-mad at Five too."
You turn around and look back at the two Hargreeves boys.
"Oh really? Why is that?" You question harshly
"G-go on, t-tell her."
Five looks at you. He knew you were already upset, he didn't want to make it worse with the news that the apocalypse was happening again. You crossed your arms as sparks continued to fly off of you. Tilting your head slightly, you gave him a look as if to say "go on". Five knew that he had to tell you at some point so he might as well get it over with now. Carefully, he broached the topic, calmly stating,
"The apocalypse followed us here and we have six days to stop it."
The room was silent as you stared blankly at your brother and Five.
"What the fuck!" Charlie exclaims breaking the silence
"Couldn't have put it better myself." You reply bluntly
"(Y/N)-" Five tries to start
"No no no, if you're worried I'm upset at you Five, I'm not. Today has been...a day and I'm ready to stop experiencing this day." You explain calmly "We can talk tomorrow but for right now point me to where I can knock out for a few hours."
"Well, Elliott and Luther are shoved into the darkroom so you can take the bedroom. It's straight down the hall." Five replies
"Thank you. Charlie, you make the phone call, I'm going to bed. Five if you decide to sleep tonight, which I highly doubt given the circumstances and how fresh that pot of coffee smells, feel free to come join me and get eight hours of rest for once."
"Absolu-" Diego starts to exclaim
You turn your attention to him quickly and harshly question,
"I'm sorry but do you have a comment to make about my LOVING boyfriend who spent FORTY-FIVE years in a WASTELAND completely ALONE to try and get back to ME?"
Diego closes his mouth and looks away from you.
"That's what I thought," You state before adding "Goodnight."
With that, you turn around a headed down the hall towards the bedroom to fall asleep. Once you enter the room you kick off your heels and plopped down on the bed. You were too emotionally tired to search for any sort of pajamas so you stayed in your dress. As you sat down on the bed and started to process all that was said you couldn't help but get overwhelmed. Your whole existence had been flipped upside down in a matter of hours and it was just so much. Quietly, you let out tiny sobs unsure of any other way to cope.
The three boys had watched you walk away and once the door to the bedroom closes Charlie quietly gets up from his seat and heads over to the phone to make a call.
"Look what you did. Now she's mad at me." Diego complains to Five
"What I did? You were the one to go and get with that psycho." Five retorts annoyed
"You didn't have to tell (Y/N) and her name is Lila." Diego replies
"I don't care about her name and you shouldn't either. Also, I'm not going to lie to my girlfriend." Five complains standing up from the couch "Now if you need me I'm going to go get eight hours of sleep with my girlfriend."
Diego looks at Five angrily as he walks away and towards the bedroom. As Five walks through the kitchen he sees Charlie hanging up the phone.
"Charlie, you can take the couch for the night." Five states before turning to Diego "Diego get off it so he can sleep."
"You're the worst brother ever," Diego replies standing up and moving to one of the sofa chairs
"The feeling is mutual." Five replies
He then walks down the hall and quietly enters the bedroom. As he opens the door he can hear you quietly sniffling. Carefully, he approaches the side of the bed you were on and sits next to you. Gently, he strokes your hair as he asks,
"Are you okay, my love?"
"No." You quietly reply
"Is it because of Diego or the apocalypse?"
"It's- it's just a lot for one day..."
"I know darling." Five softly replies "And I'm sorry. I never wanted anything like this to happen."
The two of you sat on the bed silently and slowly you leaned over and rested your head on your boyfriend's shoulder. Five wrapped an arm around you and held you against him. He hated seeing you so upset. Five tried to think about a way to make you feel better, something to help ease the distress you were going through. An idea came to his head and he stood up from the bed. Turning to you he extending his hand for you to take it. You looked at him quizzically.
"What are you doing?" You asked
A boyish smile appears on his face as he answers,
"We didn't get a chance to dance at the consulate."
Your eyes start to dry and a smile reappears on your face as you take his hand. Standing up Five holds you against him as the two of you start to sway in the dark room with only the light of the moon to guide you. From outside you can hear the sound of a radio playing Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling In Love and using your powers you open the bedroom window so the sound is clearer. You and Five locked eyes with each other and the world started to fade away. The apocalypse and all the other worries you two faced were irrelevant at this moment. Five slowly leaned his head down and pressed his lips against yours. Unlike the kiss when you reunited earlier, this one was soft and gentle rather than passionate and needy, but the emotion expressed in it was just as strong. This was all either of you needed, and just like the song, neither of you could help falling in love with the other. Parting from the kiss you rest your head on his chest and as you continue to say you can feel yourself getting tired. Five sensed it and asked,
"Tired love?"
You slowly nodded your head. Guiding you back to the bed, Five helped your tired self get in under the covers. Making his way to the other side of the bed he kicks off his shoes before removing his jacket, vest, and tie, laying them nicely on a nearby chair. As he approaches the bed you lift the covers up so he can slide in next to you. You roll towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist and placing your head on his chest. Five wraps his arms back around you and rests his head on top of yours. As he slowly runs his hand up and down your back he says,
"As long as we have each other everything will turn out fine."
You nod your head lightly and Five places a gentle kiss on the top of it. You had missed all of this more than words could express. The memory of being close to Five had started to fade over your years and you started to forget what it was like to hold your boyfriend, dance with him, and just exist with him. But getting to share this with him once more you knew that there was no need to worry because he wouldn't leave your side. Closing your eyes, you start to listen to the beating of Five's heart, and soon enough you managed to fall asleep. Five watched as you slept holding you tight against him. He was worried he'd lose you again if he let go even for a second. You were so resilient, finding your way in a new world after he had dropped you in it a second time, and yet you still found it in your heart to love him. Five didn't know what he did to deserve you, what he did to get to call you his one and only, but he was going to stop this apocalypse no matter what and he was going to make it up to you for leaving you here so long.
The night went on and Five closed his eyes but when he opened them again light was peering through the blinds of the bedroom. It was morning. He had actually slept. Outside the bedroom, he could hear the sounds of chatter in the kitchen. He blinked a few times trying to get the feeling of sleep to go away to no avail. He needed a coffee but you were still peacefully sleeping on top of him and he didn't want to wake you. He smiled at the sight of you. The rays of sunshine lit up your messy hair giving you a radiant glow. A wave of feeling came over Five and compelled him to kiss you and so just like the night before he placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head. And just like Sleeping Beauty, you started to wake at the feeling of a kiss from your one true love. You let out a yawn as your eyes flutter open halfway. The world was still a blur but you could tell from the amount of light that it was day.
"It's morning," you slur still half asleep
Five chuckles to himself at your groggy response. Adorable. He looks at your tired face and replies,
"Yes, it is. Good morning,"
You did not want to deal with all the revelations from the night before nor did you want to deal with whatever else the world was going to throw at you given that it was being flipped on its head again. You nuzzled your face deeper into Five's chest and you stated muffled,
"I don't want to get up,"
"Neither do I, but if you recall there is an apocalypse to stop."
"Can't we deal with it tomorrow?" you ask
"Unfortunately, that's not really an option."
You let out a huff. Maybe if you refused to get up he would just willingly stay. That was not the case though because Five sat up from laying in bed and looked down towards you. If the impending apocalypse wasn't occurring he'd happily stay with you all morning but the world was going to end and he needed to stop it. You look back up towards him with a grumpy look on your face that your plan didn't work.
"I'm going to get up so I can start figuring out a new plan, but you feel free to stay here as long as you like. Okay?" Five explains calmly
"Okay..." You mumble
Five takes your hand and brings it up to his lips placing a soft kiss on the top of it. Pulling away he looks at you once more, his thumb gently running back and forth across your knuckles.
"I'm going to go now but you come and join whenever you want."
You nod your head and with that Five gets up and puts on his vest, tie, jacket, and shoes. He heads to the door and walks out closing it behind him but not before giving you one last smile. You lay in bed for a few minutes but without Five with you, there was no reason to stay. You get up from the bed and look in the mirror in the corner of the room. Fixing your hair and flattening out your dress you decide to leave the room and walk out to the chattering of the others who were awake. You saw Luther standing by the stove, Five leaned up against a counter, Charlie sitting at the kitchen table and Diego pacing back and forth. You walk past Diego and sit down on the other chair at the kitchen table.
"No, no, no, I don't understand. They keep following me." Diego says, a scowl on his face
"What are they talking about?" You ask Charlie
"I don't know. I've been staring at the number of eggs that Luther has been cooking." Charlie replies
As you look over and see a mountain of scrambled eggs Luther asks,
"Wait, who?"
"Those Dutch sociopaths." Diego states
"They're Swedish, you idiot." Five comments "Hired guns paid to eradicate us before we do any more damage to this timeline."
"Oh. No wonder those guys said she's one of them when I fought them at the consulate. I'm one of the people they want dead." You mention aloud
"You fought them?" Diego and Five ask simultaneously
"Uh, Yeah." You reply bluntly
"We're going to discuss that later," Diego says before turning to Five "Why now? I mean, I'm fine for three months until you showed up."
"Yeah, I was here for a year and no one messed with me." Luther comments
"I had almost four years with no problems." You add
After you finish your statement another man walks into the room. He looks around at the people there before looking towards you and Charlie. Pointing at you two he says,
"I've seen you before."
Diego, Luther, and Five all look towards you confused.
"Oh yeah, four days ago I paid you a hundred dollars so we could. use your phone to make calls."
"You also threatened to gouge his eyes out if he didn't" Charlie adds
"You what?" Luther asks
Ignoring him you reply to Charlie,
"He tried shutting the door on my face and we needed a phone, I had no choice in the matter."
"Sure..." Charlie says sarcastically
"That's true but I feel like I've seen you somewhere else." The man says
Without another word, he walks out of the kitchen and into the living room. Odd. Diego then turns to Five and angrily says,
"I still don't understand how all of can be fine until you show up."
"Listen, even if it was my fault, which it isn't, we only have six days before the end of the world" Five explains "And the closest anyone's gotten to Dad was that driveway at the consulate."
Well...that wasn't exactly true but you weren't going to say anything. This wasn't the time. You think. As you decided to keep quiet you could feel someone looking at you. You look over at Charlie and see him staring at you intently. You knew what he was thinking in his head but you were not going to acknowledge him on it. Instead, you looked away, back towards the conversation at hand.
"Well...That's not exactly true." Luther says looking up from his eggs
"What do you mean?" Five then asks
"I saw him." Luther states
You and the rest of the group look on intrigued as Luther details the events of him seeing Reginald in person. The more he detailed the story though the more you came to a realization. That was your birthday party a year ago. How did you not see him or run into him? Your eyes then go wide as you realize something one more. You look over to Charlie who looks like he's going through the same realization. In sync you both whisper,
"The hobo."
Charlie gets up from his seat and makes his way over to the doorway to the living room. You follow after him and stand close by. The two of you stay facing forward pretending that you are still listening. Slowly as not to cause suspicion, Charlie leans over to you and whispers,
"You need to tell them."
"I'm not telling them shit." You whisper back
"(Y/N) they need to know!" Charlie whispers more aggressively
"This is not the time!" You whisper aggressively back
You and Charlie continue to whisper fight with each other catching the attention of the Hargreeves boys. They look on in confusion trying to figure out what you two were saying. As the two of you continued to quietly bicker, Elliott exclaimed,
"I remember where I know you from! You're Reginald Hargreeves adoptive daughter!"
You immediately retch at his words. You hated people calling you that, being his daughter is the last thing you wanted to be. The Hargreeves boys stare at you with the jaws dropped. They weren't sure if they heard Elliott correctly.
"Elliott, what do you mean Reginald Hargreeves, daughter?" Diego questions
"Well just look at the newspaper," Elliot says holding out the paper for Diego to take
Diego snatches the paper from his hands as Luther and Five move closer to look at it. The three of them look at the giant front-page photo of you smiling, surrounded by a group of people, as you stand between their dad and Grace. The three of them then proceed to read the front-page headline: Blasting America Upward: NASA Reveals Billionaire Reginald Hargreeves' Adoptive Daughter as Originator of  Primate Rocket Test Trial Concept
"Elliott, why do you have this?" Five asks
"I kept it because the front-page photo includes Majestic Twelve member Michael Anderson," Elliott explains
"Ew, imagine wanting to keep a photo of my dad." Charlie comments annoyed
"HE'S YOUR DAD?!" Elliott exclaims
"Yeah, regrettably." Charlie replies "I'm Charlie Anderson. His son."
"Oh wow! A Majestic 12 member's son is in MY apartment! I have so many questions!" Elliott excitedly bursts
Elliott takes Charlie by the arm and pulls him over to his desk full of papers and news clippings leaving you to deal with the fallout of the revelation.
"We're you even going to tell us this?" Five asks quietly
"I don't know...Maybe? I wouldn't know where to start..." You try to explain
"Well start explaining then." Diego commands
"Yeah! Why does this say you're his adoptive daughter!" Luther questions angrily
"First of all, I'm not his adoptive daughter. The public always gets that wrong. The only thing I am is the heir to his estate, legally I am not his child nor would I ever choose to be. All of this happened by accident!" You exclaim
"What do you mean by accident?" Five inquires
You start to pace around and make wild gestures with your hands as you try to find the words to explain the circumstances. Everything was really just a series of events. Trying your best you start to ramble to them about what's happened.
"When I was dropped in the alley I passed out, went into a coma for seven days, woke up in the hospital and the first person I saw was Mom. She found me in the alley and constantly visited me while I was in the hospital. After I was released she took me in. We went to some meeting and met Reginald and some of his colleagues. I presented the idea to send a primate into space and everyone agreed with it."
"Pogo," Diego said
"Yeah, Pogo. And then Mom and Reginald started working together, unfortunately, started dating, Mom alone legally adopted, and then we moved in with Reginald and I became a public figure. Literally, everything has been by chance! Hell, even meeting Charlie was by chance!"
"That's true," Charlie comments trying to get away from Elliott
"Wait..." Diego interjects "You were in a coma for seven days?"
"Were you in pain?" Five asks concerned
"Guys, that's not what matters right now!" Luther exclaims
"Of course it matters! She was in a coma!" Five reprimands him
"She was in a coma FOUR YEARS AGO!"
"No Luther, this is important." Diego retorts "So you're okay?"
"I'm here aren't I?" You reply to Diego before turning to Five and saying "Don't worry I wasn't in pain."
"So that's why you were at the consulate yesterday. You attended with him." Five comments
"And mom," Diego adds
"Yup. I was forced to go because Reginald, Mom, and I are apparently an influential unit." You respond
"That man will say anything but the word family." Charlie jokes as he walks over to you, finally escaping Elliott
"Oh, so you've just been galavanting about with our mom and dad while you've been here, huh? That's what you've been doing." Luther accuses
"Luther, who cares what she was doing? That's not what matters. We need to get to dad because he knows something about time travel." Five ridicules
Luther rolls his eyes and lets out a huff before heading back to the kitchen table and plopping down in one of the seats. Grabbing his fork he starts to shovel eggs into his mouth. Elliott approaches the kitchen and asks Five,
"Wait, why don't you just do your thing and, uh, time travel us out?"
Five lets out a huff before walking over to refill his cup with coffee.
"Anyone care to explain?" Five asks annoyed
"First time he tried, he got lost in the apocalypse." Luther states
A pout comes upon Diego's face as he crosses his arms. Angrily mumbling, Diego adds,
"Second time, he regressed in age and started dating my sister,"
You look over at your brother. He was making it sound like the consequence of Five's time-traveling was not his physical age getting messed up but rather the fact that he started dating you. Unsurprising yet still unbelievable. "Last time I tried, I scattered my family, and lovely girlfriend over there, across three years in Dallas, Texas, possibly triggering a doomsday."  Five explains
"Damn when you said he fucked up, I didn't think you meant he fucked up fucked up." Charlie leans over and mentions to you
"Charlie," you reprimand lightly, hitting his arm "That's my boyfriend, be a bit more sensitive."
"You said it first."
"I was summarizing..."
Unaware of the conversation you were having with Charlie, Five turns to Elliott. His signature know-it-all look on his face as he asks,
"Any more questions, Elliott?" "Uh, no." Elliott replies
"You're missing the big picture Dad is the ringleader of a sinister cabal that's planning to kill the president." Diego exclaims
Dear God, when was he going to give up on this whole save JFK deal? You knew the answer to that question. It was never. He had to save JFK or JFK had to die for this to be done. You had no clue why he was making these connections though. Granted you didn't associate with Reggie outside of what was necessary but you never got an indication that he was part of a cabal. Sure he had government ties but...a cabal seemed like a stretch to you. You knew wickedness resided inside of him but he would never assassinate the president, especially since Grace admired JFK so much. Would he? "A cabal?" Luther questions, his mouth still full of eggs
"Ignore him, Luther. Look, the way I see it, we only have one option." Five states to the group
"Oh, yeah? And what's that?" Luther questions "It's time to get the Umbrella Academy back together." Five replies "Hell, yeah. Family meeting." Diego says "Okay then, can one of you get Allison, please?" Luther asks "You two still a thing?" Diego inquires
Luther just looks at him without responding. Knowing something was up Diego leans in closer and quietly asks,
"Do we need to talk?"
"No, she's married." Luther replies upset "Whoa. Dude, that's rough." Diego responds "I can handle it." Luther lies "I'll get her. Can you get Vanya without, uh, squeezing her to death?" Five requests "I'll try." Luther retorts
Five starts to walk away and towards the stairs leading down to the ground floor of the building. You turn to Charlie and say,
"I'll be right back."
As you walk away you can see Elliott approaching Charlie out of your peripheral and from behind you, you hear Charlie call,
You kept moving on though and follow Five down the stairs to the front entrance. When you get to the front door Five stops and turns around to face you.
"Are you coming with me?" He questions, a smile on his face
You were thinking about it but then you heard from upstairs,
"Please stop asking me about my dad! I don't like him!"
You watch as Charlie tries to speed walk away from Elliott upstairs.
"Please I just want to know about him!" Elliott says following him
"I think I'm going to stay to keep Elliott at bay and Charlie from jumping out a window." You reply to Five
"That's reasonable."
"You'll be back soon?" You ask
"As quick as can be mon chérie." Five says before placing a quick peck on your cheek
He pulls back and you give him a smile which he returns before flashing away. Turning around you head back upstairs. Luther had left through the back entrance to go get Vanya so all that was left was Diego, Elliott, you, and Charlie. Elliott continued to push Charlie to talk about his dad and you could tell Charlie was getting frustrated. His dad was the last person he'd want to talk about, especially unwillingly.
"Please I've never even gotten close to anyone whose parent is high up in the majestic 12 before just tell me something!" Elliott begs
You watch as Charlie stops in place and turns on his heel to face Elliott and looks him dead in the eyes. Charlie's face was red and his expression was less than enthused. You hear as Charlie takes a deep breath in before bursting,
"You want to know about my dad? You really want to know? He's an awful person. Never loved me, never loved my mom, he only ever loved himself. Everything he does is for personal gain and status. He could care less about anything that requires emotional labor and has done the barest of bare minimum as a parent. He's an awful man, I want him to die soon and god do I hope he rots in hell once he does. Is that enough for you?"
Elliott nods his head and from the kitchen Diego comments,
"Amen, right there with you bro!"
Charlie walks off to the couch and quietly sits down on it. You knew he was upset, he hated his dad as much as the Hargreeves hated theirs. You had no clue what it was like to despise your father but you did know what it was like to despise theirs. Walking behind the couch you stood directly behind Charlie because you knew there was one way to cheer him up immediately. Extending your arm out above his head you reach your hand out flat before proceeding to aggressively pat him on the head. At first, he tries swatting you away but in time he starts laughing. When you can tell he's all better you stop and he looks up at you.
"So a family meeting, huh?" Charlie says
"Yup. You'll finally get to meet everyone in the flesh." You reply walking around to the front of the couch
"How well do you think it's going to go?" Charlie questions
"About as well as me and Diego talking last night. Probably worse." You reply bluntly as you sit next to him
Charlie gives a small nod of his head. He had this look on his face and you knew he was contemplating saying something.
"Just say it." you command
"You're thinking about something, so just say it."
"You can't stay mad at Diego forever. He's your brother." Charlie comments
"I will do what I must." You reply crossing your arms
"You will try." He responds
You stand up and start to pace back and forth in front of the couch. Charlie knew you better than this there was something deeper than just being mad at Diego for meeting someone else. He agreed with all the points you had made before but he could just feel something was missing from your reasoning. As you pace around you complain
"It just doesn't make sense! He knew Eudora for a decade. That's approximately 3650 days plus two leap years so 3652. He knew this floozy for four. You know how much 4 is of 3652?"
"How much?" Charlie asks unenthused
"0.001 percent. It's a fraction of a fraction of A FRACTION!" You exclaim angrily
"Okay, so what's the real issue." Charlie questions
You look at him with a mix of anger and surprise.
"How dare you- I- uh-" You try to respond
You shut your mouth when you realize no response would come. He was right. That wasn't quite the real issue, it was part of it but it wasn't the root cause. You let out a sigh and look down at the ground. There was a far off look in your eyes as you sat on the coffee table across from Charlie. You thought about why you were truly upset, what was really making you tick and it hurt you to think about. You looked up at Charlie as you tried to hold a few tears back. Your voice wavered as you softly spoke,
"Besides my Mom, he and Eudora were the closest things I had to parents after I lost mine...We were a family...and it feels like he's throwing all of that away..."
"And you're losing your family to a stranger." Charlie adds
You nod your head lightly. Charlie stands up and reaches his hand out lightly patting your head. A small smile comes to your face and you look up towards your friend.
"How about we go for a short walk? Clear your head before everyone gets here. You know someone is going to mention you've been living with Reggie, so might as well get in the headspace for whatever reactions might occur." Charlie suggests
You nod your head once more and the two of you head downstairs to get some air before everyone else showed up. As you walked away Diego peeked his head around the doorframe and watched you leave, his face streaked with a few stray tears. In your fit of anger, you had forgotten that Diego was still at the apartment. He had heard what you had said and between last night and now he couldn't help but feel disappointed in himself. He still had complicated feelings in terms of Lila but he needed to figure them out because they really weren't worth you feeling like you were losing him to someone who had barely been around. He knew how awful that feeling was. Diego dried his eyes and put on a strong face as he heard Luther arrive back with Vanya.
Time passed and Five had arrived back with Klaus and Allison. It took forever to get them to come along though since they were both relentlessly drunk. As Five entered the building with his inebriated siblings he saw the other three up on the balcony above. As the sun shined in the room the six living Hargreeves all looked at each other. Breaking the silence, Klaus pulls off his glasses and comments,
"Oh, wow. I know this is impossible, but...did we all get sexier?"
Allison looks up at the balcony above. There stood Vanya in the flesh. She hadn't seen her since the night of the apocalypse. Her voice wavered and she said, "Vanya."
Vanya looked back down at Allison. Pure joy radiated off of her as she excitedly replied, "I can't believe I have a sister."
Vanya makes her way down the stairs towards where the rest of the group is and Luther and Diego follow suit. When Vanya gets to the main floor she stands in front of Allison. The two of them look at each other for a bit before Allison quietly states, "I missed you." "Thank God someone did. " Vanya responds
The two of them stand awkwardly for a second before opening their arms and enveloping each other. The two sisters happily reunited. Klaus attempts to hug Diego but Diego extends his arm keeping him at a distance.
"Oh, you are drunk." Diego states "Yeah. No, just a little... just a few..." Klaus says before noticing the hug going on "Oh, that's so sweet." Slowly Klaus walks over to his sisters and wraps his arms around them.
"Hi" Vanya softly says
"Hey, Vanny." Klaus greets placing a kiss to the top of her head
Five looked around and noticed that you were nowhere to be found. He was about to start asking questions when he heard the door to the building open and the sound of your voice speaking behind him.
"And so that's how I snuck me and my friends into a 21+ club at 16 years old." you explain to Charlie, unaware of the others in the room
"You what?!" Diego exclaims
Your attention snaps to the room filled with Hargreeves. You look around to see Vanya, Allison, and Klaus standing all together on the left side of the room while Luther, Diego, and Five stand on the right side. You then did a double-take as you noticed one more Hargreeves sitting in the corner on an old TV display. Ben. Something was off about seeing him this time but still, you smiled at him and he happily waved back. Turning your attention back to the living group you attempt to divert the topic by saying,
"Hey everyone! Long time, no see!"
"Hey (Y/N)! It's nice to see you again!" Klaus says buying into the diversion
Diego shoots you an upset look that only a protective older brother would give and you shrug your shoulders back. You see Vanya looking at you quizzically. She then asks,
"Are you my sister too?"
You now look back confused. Vanya knew you two weren't related so why was she asking that?
"She has amnesia." Five informs
"Oh." You express before turning to Vanya "No, I'm not related to you. Diego sees me as his little sister but I'm not a Hargreeves."
"Just because you weren't adopted by our dad doesn't mean you're not a Hargreeves. You're family." Ben comments from behind you
You smile at his comment. Five then proceeds to ask,
"Klaus. Is Ben here?" "Oh, uh... no." Klaus fumbles out before lying "No, unfortunately, ghosts can't time travel."
"What?" You say to yourself, a confused look on your face "Are you kidding me?" Ben exclaims annoyed
Seeing that this was going to be everyone, Five decides to move forward with the meeting and states, "All right, then. Let's get down to business."
Everyone starts to make their way upstairs and finds somewhere to sit or stand in the living room. Once everyone is settled Five takes the charge of starting to meeting and says,
"All right. First off, I wanna say I'm sorry. I know I really screwed the pooch on this whole going-back-in-time-and-getting-stuck thing. But the real kick in the pants here is we brought the end of the world back here with us." "Oh, my God, again?" Klaus exclaims as he grabs himself a drink
He looks around at the group and everyone looks back. He didn't know already? Realizing that he was out of the loop Klaus continues,
"All of you knew? Why am I always the last one to find out about the end of the...Oh, my God. My cult is gonna be so pissed. Five! I told them we had until 2019." "We have until Monday. We have six days." Five states "Is it Vanya?" Klaus asks "Klaus." Allison chastises
"What? It's usually Vanya." Klaus retorts "Do you have any leads, Five?" Vanya questions "Yeah, we have one." Five says taking a file from Diego
Five hands the file to Allison and she opens it to see a photo paperclipped to the inside. Her eyes go wide with shock as she comments, "Holy shit, is that Dad?"
"Yeah." Diego replies "That's him?" Vanya inquires
"Standing on the grassy knoll." Diego informs "Diego and I have been trying to talk to Dad about what exactly this means. So far, we've got nothing."  Five explains
"Not nothing. He's planning to kill Kennedy." Diego retorts
"Maybe. But we don't know who or what sets doomsday in motion. Could be Kennedy, could be something entirely independent. But if we know something changes the timeline, we have to make it right." Five corrects "Yeah, but how are we supposed to fix it if we don't know what's broken?" Allison asks "Come on. Do the math. We know Dad's having shady-ass meetings with some shady-ass people. We know he's on the grassy knoll in three days to kill the president. So I think we all know what we have to do." Diego describes getting up from his chair "Talk to Dad." Five states
"Kill Dad." Diego says at the same time
Five looks back at Diego and shoots him a look while the others look around in confusion. Even Ben was puzzled by what was going on. He looks your way and you shrug your shoulders mouthing I don't know to him. "None of us are supposed to be here, right? I mean, what if it's us? Has anyone here done anything to screw up the timeline?" Vanya wonders
Everyone is silent for a second looking at each other with wide eyes. It seems like no one is going to say anything until Luther chimes in, "Diego's been stalking Lee Harvey Oswald."
"And you're working for Jack Ruby." Diego yells back "Allison has been very involved in local politics." Klaus slips into the conversation "Okay, you started a cult." Allison retorts
"Thank you!" Ben exclaims finally getting support "I'm... I'm just a... a nanny on a farm. I don't have anything to do with all of that." Vanya stutter "Well, maybe you do, we just don't know it yet." Allison comments back
Diego whistles loudly grabbing everyone's attention. With all eyes on him, he explains, "Listen to yourselves. Everything in our new lives is connected to Kennedy. That can't be a coincidence. Luther works for Ruby, Allison is protesting the government, Dad is on the grassy knoll, (Y/N) has been living with him for 3 years, Klaus is...doing something weird and pervy but probably related. See, clearly, we were all sent back here for one special reason: saving John Fitzgerald Kennedy."
"I'm sorry go back a second. (Y/N) has been living with him?" Allison asks
"If it makes it any better it was completely by accident. A series of unfortunate events." You explain
"Lemon Snickers," Charlie says to himself
"So close buddy. Good try." You reply patting his arm Everyone looks around for a second before starting to argue again with each other. Their voices becoming a cacophony of sound. You and Charlie look on at the mess that is a Hargreeves get together.
"You were right, this is worse than last night." Charlie admits
"Yeah, I told you."
From across the room, Five listens to the sound of his siblings arguing blending together. The loud mixture of noise sent him back into his memories. The awful future of if they don't stop this doomsday. He remembered the fire and destruction. The ash in the air and the bodies on the ground. A bloody mess in the exact same street just outside the building. And his siblings eviscerated by nuclear weapons, reduced to nothing. While everyone continued to argue you saw Five slipping into the recesses of his memory. Walking over to him you pull his hand out of his pocket and take it in yours. Five shakes his head slightly and looks at you after fully coming back to reality. He holds your hand a bit tighter before turning back to his siblings.
"Guys, you all die." Five states, his voice wavering as he spoke
You squeezed his hand, reassuring him that you were there for him. Taking a breath he hesitantly continues,
"I was there. I saw it. And I wanna forget it, but I can't. I saw Russian nukes vaporize the world with all of you in it...in a war that never happened until we brought it here. And Hazel gave his life to save us, so you may need to shut up and just listen to me. I don't know if the things we've experienced here are all connected. I don't know if there's a reason for everything. But Dad will. We need to talk to him before everyone and everything we know is dead."
Five finishes his thoughts and without a second to pause Luther gets up from his seat and says, "Okay, I'm out." "Did you even hear me, Luther?" Five criticizes "Yeah, I did. I heard a 58-year-old man who still wants his daddy to come and fix everything. Why don't you get your girlfriend to help you out. She's his favorite after all." Luther ridicules
Luther starts to walk away but you could feel your blood boil. Five had been through 45 years of one apocalypse, saved all of you from dying when you were unable to stop it and now was pleading with his siblings to help him stop this new one and Luther was just going to walk out? Unable to contain your anger you shout,
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
Everyone turns to look at you, Luther included.
"Minus Vanya we all agreed to travel back in time. We took a gamble to save our lives, ended up here and now we're facing a doomsday. That's the facts of the matter, we fucked up by being here and now we need to stop it and get out. If Five thinks that your dad can help us then we should listen."
"Well, you can still count me out. It's time we all grew the hell up and I'm sure you can run on home to dad and fix it Number Zero." Luther mocks
"You know you're being a real prick Luther! For someone who wants us all to grow up, it's childish of you to still be mad that my number is above yours. A number I didn't want in the FUCKING FIRST PLACE!" You rebuke
Luther shakes his head before stating,
"I'm out of here." "Luther!" Vanya exclaims
"Come back." Allison begs
Diego gets up from his seat and starts following Luther down the stairs. You watch as Luther walks away. Maybe it was better without him here.
"Where are you going?"
"Save it, Diego," Luther says
Letting go of your hand Five spacial jumps down the stairs and in front of Luther. Looking him in his eyes Five commands, "No one leaves until we figure this out."
Luther stares at Five for a second before grabbing him by the shirt and tossing him over the railing. Spacial jumping once more so he didn't hit the ground Five lands outside in the alleyway. Straightening out his uniform he looks back towards the building and asks himself, "Jeez...When did the monkey learn how to fight dirty?"
Five starts walking back to the door to enter the building but hears a clatter coming from the roof above. Looking up he sees Lila standing there. Speaking the only words that come to his mind he comments, "Son of a bitch."
Link to Side Story Here: The Tattoo - “A Family Reunion” Side Story ________________________________
Taglist: @xplrreylo @joebob15274 @insatiable-ivy @fruitsaladtree @angelpeachamber @academy-umbrella @lizziel1410 @ir3neeee @faith-quake @aliens-with-colas @sunsetcurve-1995 @lady-celeste25 @im-dead-and-hurting @nerdypinupcrystal @cherry-ki-d @anapocalypseinmymind @vicassa @2cuteforyourlies @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese @n1ghtsh4d3-67​ @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson​ @shadowycreationcupcake​ @emily-hargreeves @metor-showers1994 @fivehargreevesforthewin​ @rinko-san @supernovavision @cicilisthebest @flickbix @hi-v-juice @magykal-777​ @zosiaduda @thethirdwheelfriend @mysticracoon @isnt-it-loverly @officiallydarkgeek @lady1505 @always-the-very-worst @tinypandagirl @libidinexx @lemongrabbuns @itwasallred @deadandoverit @shlokage @keksi249 @theoriginalkat @we-stan-fiction @bi-idiot-fanfics @annnagennnie @izzyjojo4 @megasimpleplan4ever @flowertoty @grabthemoneyandletsgo @itsametaphorbriansblog @vanillacaramelhoney @satvaldiva @disaster-magician @margotsfandoms @emily-b-m @bluechildrenlickmytoes @soft-slytherin-sweetie @oceanspray5 @im-here-for-fanfics @thebloodrobin @freestarlight @starcurrent @lilacs-lavender
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crystaltrinket · 3 years
you put a move on me - Naruto - Uchiha Sasuke/Hyuuga Hinata - drabble series for SasuHina Month 2021
Summary: Rogue-nin Sasuke holds Hinata captive after an act of robbery goes awry.
[Rating: G-T? | Prompt: A Tribute To Your Favorite Fanart/Fic | Word Count: too many to count at this hour | Warnings: None]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14
Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21
Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28
Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31
Author's Note: Whew! Honestly, I had half of this done yesterday and worked on the rest today. Please forgive any mistakes. I relied on Google docs to correct my grammar.
I don't have a specific favorite SasuHina art or fic, so I just put together my favorite elements in SasuHina fic. Hope that works. This part is a little bit longer since I included 10 Omake pieces from Hinata's POV. Part 31 is wayyyy at the bottom but follows directly after Omake 29.5.
I hope you enjoy! And I hope to see you again next year ;) @sasuhinamonth
Omake Part 1.5 - 100 words
Hinata could feel herself moving. She willed her eyes to open but her body didn't obey. 'Am I dying? Is this death?'
She heard a low voice curse. Hinata tried to remember what happened before her vision went black. She remembered dressing in her finest kimono, getting into the palanquin and heading toward the country's borders to meet her new civilian husband. And then...
'Ah, yes,' she thought. 'The bandit murdered my clansmen in charge of handing me over to my new prison.' Red eyes came into her mind. Red eyes that could only belong to one clan.
'Uchiha Sasuke.'
Omake Part 7.5 - 100 words
Hinata steeled herself against her captor. She's no fool. She heard the rumors of his strength. Hinata figured the only way to deal with him was to pretend she was talking to another elder. Her clan head voice was something she perfected before she was cast away.
They rarely talked during their travels. But when he asked why she continued to follow him, she wished he kept silent. She was sure he could hear her heart beating loud in her chest.
Remembering her clan voice, she lifted her chin and answered.
Her shoulders almost slumped in relief, hearing his laughter.
Omake 10.5 - 100 words
Hinata could tell he was lying.
She can't imagine he accepted his clan's massacre so easily. To live without hearing their voice, seeing their smile, feeling their touch. Hinata's heart clenched.
She knew herself how the loss of a loved one can affect a person's psyche.
Unfortunately, O-bon festivities don't allow a grieving person the impact of acceptance.
Still, she doesn't pry and lets him rest. Her eyes wandered to him laying beside her on the hillside. Without his perpetual frown, he looked peaceful.
Hinata closed her eyes and exhaled.
She wished she could feel as peaceful as Sasuke looked.
Omake Part 12.5 - 100 words
She repeated those words to herself after Sasuke's team found out she was a missing-nin. Hinata shut her eyes, unwilling to cry. She couldn't give up her freedom now.
'I don't want to go back.'
Hinata felt a light tap on her shoulder. Sasuke was ready to go.
He said nothing to her on their journey. He didn't mention where they were headed to his teammates either.
She half expected him to desert her. The other half hoped that he wouldn't leave her.
At night, she repeated those same words to him. His eyes were understanding and she felt relief.
Omake 17.5 - 100 words
Hinata softly cursed. Of course her plan to lure the ANBU team away didn't work. Nothing ever worked in her favor.
She bit her lip, trying to figure out the best course of action to save Sasuke. Hinata grinned, seeing the telltale sway of long brown hair.
She deactivated her bloodline and made herself comfortable in her position. She waited.
Hinata was ready to confront them and rescue Sasuke at sunrise. But a commotion entirely not her own, brought them out ready to strike. Seeing her opportunity, Hinata revealed herself. Chakra blazed at her hands.
"I'll fight you for him."
Omake 22.5 - 100 words
Sasuke's breathing steadily became regular as she talked about their former village. She continued a little more even though he was already in deep sleep. Hinata glanced over her shoulder to peek at him. Carefully, she turned to fully face him.
Hinata studied him. Memorizing every line from his travels, the eyebags from lack of sleep, the face that she grew accustomed to seeing everyday.
She felt tears drip from her eyes. 'I can't believe I was so foolish.' Hinata hid her face in her hands. Her shoulders gently shook as she tried to maintain composure in Sasuke's sleeping embrace.
Omake 25.5 - 180 words
Frustration bubbled inside her. Karin and Suigetsu, sitting across from each other, continued to argue despite their shared goal. Hinata sat adjacent to them, anger simmering underneath her calm façade.
"Hinata-sama," Juugo came up behind her, carrying a tray of tea. He placed the tray beside her and took his place, sitting behind her.
"Thank you, Juugo-san," Hinata took the lone cup. "Had I known it would be like this, I would've left myself."
"Sometimes, they need a little help." His voice lowered. "If you know what I mean, Hinata-sama."
She hummed thoughtfully and sipped from her cup, testing the temperature.
"This is very good tea, Juugo-san," Hinata placed it back on the tray.
The large man bowed his head, smiling. "Thank you, Hinata-sama."
The other two continued to argue, their thumping rattling the tray.
Hinata moved swiftly, her fingers deftly touching their chakra points.
Stunned, the two bickering teammates fell on the ground.
"What gives?!" Karin yelled. Suigetsu sneered at her from his position.
Hinata calmly retrieved her tea. "Now, I have your attention. Let's talk about rescuing Sasuke."
Omake 27.5 - 100 words
Juugo's birds flew up in a tree, ending their journey.
"Tell Juugo-san, thank you," she whispered.
Hinata felt her blood coursing through her veins. Her fingertips tingled in trepidation.
They couldn't afford to risk Sasuke's strength. She knew who he was up against.
She snuck around the prison, evading the guards surrounding the perimeter. Hinata scaled the prison wall to reach the roof. She quickly found the ventilation shaft.
Taking a deep breath, she concentrated her thoughts on locating Sasuke's chakra signature.
'There!' It was weak, but it was his. Gritting her teeth, she made her way down the shaft.
Omake 29.5 - 172 words
Hinata knew Sasuke felt the same. The village was too quiet, too accepting of their vagrant ways. It seemed all too convenient a vacant house was available. With the previous owner having died alone, it was an opportune moment for them to move in with the village's blessing.
Months soon turned to a year. Sasuke's teammates came and went as they pleased, leaving Hinata with Sasuke.
She found him in the cold, practicing his kata. He moved fluidly going through the motions ingrained in his body.
She didn't want to bother him, but she knew better than to leave without notice.
"I'll be at the market," she called out. He paused mid-form to walk over to her. Seeing him in front of her, Hinata noticed his breaths were visible from the biting cold. "Is your kata keeping you warm?”
He smirked. "Aa." His eyes studied her as he tucked stray hair behind her ear. "Don't take too long."
Hinata felt her face warm up as she looked up to his face. "Aa."
Part 31 - 632 words
She went through the market, politely greeting everyone who knew her. Here, she was Hana and he was Makoto, two people not quite married but living together.
The market was a little busier during this time of year. The village was preparing for their annual snow festival. Hefting her groceries in her arms, Hinata left to return to her home.
Hinata turned at the sound of her alias. A young man came up to her out of breathe. "Oh, Shigure-kun! H-How can I help you?"
The young man blushed. "I-I wanted to help you with your groceries. To carry them for you, I mean."
"That's kind of you to do, Shigure-kun," Hinata smiled. "But I'll be alright." She took a step towards the pathway to her home.
"Please, allow me," he reached for one of the bags. "I'm not surprised Makoto-ji-san isn't here to help." The young man scoffed. "He never seems to help you."
Hinata slightly turned from the boy so her groceries were out of reach. "I don't mind. Makoto-san doesn't need to help me."
"Hana-san, I -- " the young man stopped, his eyes frozen in fear.
Hinata looked at him confusedly, before feeling familiar chakra behind her.
"She said beat it, kid," Sasuke growled.
Shigure regained his composure and looked straight at Hinata. He took a deep breath and bowed. "Hana-san, I want to say that I like you and I hope to see you at the winter festival!" He straightened and turned his eyes to Sasuke. "Makoto-ji-san," he said through clenched teeth and bowed his head. "Good day to you."
Hinata looked between the two males, caught in a gridlock.
"I'm not going to repeat myself," Sasuke said menacingly. Shigure nodded again and stiffly turned on his heel to leave.
A few days later, Hinata found herself at the winter festival, admiring the fresh snow on the plum blossoms and the ice sculptures carved by the village's artisans. Beside her, Sasuke walked with a hand on the small of her back, eyes roving around for the troublesome boy.
"I don't think Shigure-kun will come around, don't you think?" Hinata giggled behind the thick sleeve of her kimono.
Sasuke grumbled. "He won't if he knows what's good for him."
Hinata grabbed a hold of his sleeve. "Come, let's enjoy the festival."
Hinata pulled him around the village, visiting artisan stalls and eating sweets to her heart's delight. Sasuke showed no interest but indulged her whims.
Hinata's teeth started to chatter as they continued with the festivities. She felt Sasuke wrap his arm around her shoulders.
"Come, maybe the weeping plum blossom tree will provide some insulation." He guided her towards the pink flowered tree covered in snow.
"Isn't it beautiful, Sasuke?" she said in awe. She gingerly touched a low hanging branch causing some snow to fall.
"Aa," he answered. "Absolutely beautiful."
Hinata turned to see him gazing intently at her. "Sasuke? Is something wrong?"
Sasuke blinked and turned his head away. He shoved his hands into his kimono sleeves.
Hinata stepped closer to him, using him as a way to shield her eyes from the passing villagers. She activated her Byakugan.
"Sasuke, I don't see anyone tracking us..." Hinata blinked away her bloodline. "I--"
Hinata's arms folded against Sasuke's chest as he wrapped his arms around her.
"I was going to wait a little while longer," he whispered in her ear. Hinata felt her heart pound at the warmth of breath on her ear.
"Wait for what?"
Sasuke gently pushed her away to place something in her hand. Hinata gasped, tears welling up in her eyes. His fingers came up to wipe them away.
"Marry me, Hinata."
Hinata looked up, seeing a small smile on Sasuke's face.
"Yes," she gently smiled, bringing his face closer to hers. "Yes."
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