#yes all of my cousins play baseball how could you tell
oneofusisspiraling · 2 years
oouil movie headcanons ♡
nate obviously loves japanese horror movies. i can’t really imagine him watching a lot of other types of movies, other than the ones he sits through with bronwyn
bronwyn loves movie adaptations of books from any genre
she almost cried when the summer i turned pretty was given a tv series
cooper’s top 3 movies: the benchwarmers, the sandlot, rookie of the year
honorable mentions are: the rookie, bad news bears, hard ball, field of dreams, league of our own
cooper was raised in a southern christian household meaning every single easter he has sat there with his family and watched the passion of the christ in its entirety 
he’s also obsessed with adam sandler movies fight me
kris is such a fucking hipster omg
he loooves sad movies with a good aesthetic, or just any movie with a good aesthetic
any movie that you can find an edit of, he has seen
he also loves german expressionist films, and he watches them whenever he’s sad
this is baffling to cooper, who watches one with him and is terrified
addy’s super into early 2000′s chickflicks and romcoms
she can practically quote bring it on from memory
luis does not have the patience to sit through anything other than a sports or marvel movie
UNLESS it’s mamma mia. luis (and cooper honestly) is obsessed with mamma mia
as for phoebe, you know all the “female joker movies”? yeah
she also loves 80′s movies, especially ones with molly ringwald
knox loves all of the decently cringey disney channel original movies
especially the musical ones. he watched lemonade mouth and based his entire fourth grade personality off of it
maeve is really into christmas movies. i have nothing to base this off of but i know it is true
she will watch christmas vacation in july she does not care
the whole crew has occasional movie nights and it takes so long to pick a movie, so they end up watching step brothers every. damn. time.
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oofurixmas · 1 year
Sharing a hobby
To: Omer    From: Nyuuuuuko
Summary: “Photos?” Abe quirked his head in confusion, raising an eyebrow.
(Hi! I was your Oofuri Secret Santa! I hope you enjoy it! –Nyuuuuuko on AO3)
“Photos?” Abe quirked his head in confusion, raising an eyebrow.
“Y-Yeah…I’ve kind of always had a hobby of it…b-but don’t worry, Abe! It doesn’t get in the way of practicing!”
“You’d better not be spending every minute practicing regardless, I think you know how I feel about you overworking your arm.”
After a quick squeak, Mihashi backpedaled. “Y-Yeah! I like t-taking photos!”
“And you’re taking them at your cousin’s wedding?”
“Y-Yeah…I wanted to give her some sort of gift but I don’t really have any money…”
“Huh…” Abe grunted in interest, “are they any good?”
“Um-!” Mihashi fidgeted. What now?! He loved his photos, but he didn’t want to sound arrogant! “W-Well-! H-how about-! I…just…show…you…?”
“Sure.” Came the quick reply. A brief moment passed before he spoke up again. “Well? Go get it if you wanna show me.” 
Another tiny squeak before Mihashi jumped up and ran upstairs, reemerging a few seconds later with a worn camera bag. The camera he pulled out was a bit on the older side, but it was nice. Definitely capable of taking some pretty decent pictures. It was no flip-phone camera, that was for sure. After watching him fumble with the switch on the top and turn it on, he clicked a few buttons and started flicking through them. “T-These haven’t been edited yet, so they’re moreso half-done…” He mumbled, handing Abe the camera.
“You edit your photos?” He asked, taking the camera from calloused, boney hands into softer, larger ones. 
“Sometimes…I only really play with color and exposure, mostly…”
The photos themselves were beautiful, even without any editing. He could tell some had been taken around Nishiura’s campus, turning sights he’d see every day into a portrait that almost made him want to go back just to see if he could find it as beautiful as Mihashi had made it.
“How do you take these pictures?” He found himself asking. 
“Well…” Mihashi switched back to photo taking mode on the camera and looked around for something to take a picture of. “I guess we can just use these books as an example…” He gestured to the pile of untouched books that Hanai had mentioned during their study session at his house. A gentle layer of dust covered them, reflecting the gentle light of the window whenever agitated. 
“The lighting in this shot isn’t too bad, but maybe I could make it better real quick…” Mihashi’s eyes glazed over in focus. Abe was a bit shocked. It was really similar to the look Tajima gave when he was doing something baseball related. Suddenly very serious and very confident. The shorter moved a small desk lamp around, trying a few angles and deciding on placing it to the side of the pile. 
“Alright, now for the camera settings. I want a low f-stop so that can work to my advantage–”
“Hold on, what’s an F-stop?”
“...and then the ISO can be set pretty low, though I do want a bit of a higher shutter speed, so I guess I’ll have to–”
Finally, the pitcher squeaked and flinched out of his extremely focused mindset. “Y-Yes, Abe-!”
“I was asking you a question! I don’t know what any of that means!”
“Um…f-stop is…t-the amount of light let in through t-the lens…” 
Abe sat through Mihashi quietly explaining the different functions of the camera as the dirty blonde started resetting them all. Eventually, he kneeled in front of the desk. “Alright…” He waved his hand a bit so some of the dust would kick up and Abe heard the lens snap. He watched Mihashi sit up and start examining the picture he took. “...Well, it’s not perfect, but something like that.” 
“How did you learn all about this, anyway? I had no idea you were so…” So what, he thought, capable?
“My dad always loved taking pictures when I was younger, he showed me all I know…this is his old camera, actually. He always sends me pictures from his business trips.
“Well, uh…that’s really…” Abe bit back a sigh. He hated lowering his guard to compliment people.
“I know, I’m sorry–”
“Incredible, Mihashi.”
“I said they’re incredible. You should keep taking pictures.”
No one had ever said something like that to Mihashi before. Then again, he never really shared this hobby with anyone. Abe had to stifle a laugh at the happy fidgeting from the shorter.
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TPS Part 9: Toby Vs The Troll
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Ah gotta get Jacklin a birthday gift. She's mah only friend here an her birthday's on the 19th. Ah can't jus not do nothin nice fer her.
"So Jacklin ya know how wizards got Quidditch? Well what kinda human sports do ya know?"
"Oh. I'm afraid I don't know anything about human sports. Father did mention that in Europe this sport called "football" is super popular."
Ah try ta think bout wha Ah could do.
"Well Ah dunno bout wha they do in Europe but Ah can tell ya bout Baseball."
"Yeah it's called America's Pastime even though mah Pop like car racin better. Jus bout everybody knows bout Baseball."
Ah watch 'er face an Ah wonder if Ah mighta solved mah problem.
"Fascinating. Is it popular outside of the States, Toby?"
"Ah think so cause the smaller teams they got in Florida's got all kinda people from Cuba an the Careibein. Mah favorite big name team's in Atlanta but Pop says Florida's gonna get a team in Miami soon so Ah might root fer 'em."
She's still thinkin like this' all new ta 'er. Ah get it cause mah cousins say they don't really play baseball here.
"I would definitely love to hear more about it, Toby. It sounds like this sport has a lot of history."
"Oh it does. Pop tol me Baseball goes far back. Bout as far's the 1840s."
Ah rock a lil cause Ah'm happy Jacklin's soundin interested in it. Now Ah gotta ask a smart boy question.
"Do ya wanna read a book bout it?"
"Oh yes, but how would we find one?"
Ah gotta be a real smart boy bout this. Ah want it ta be a surprise but also answer the question.
"Ah'll ask mah Pop bout it. He'll know how ta find thangs like a book fer me. He's good at findin thangs."
"That sounds nice. Thank you Toby."
Time Skip
A few days later Ah'm eatin breakfast wit Jacklin. Taday's 'er birthday an Ah hope Pop was able ta find the book. Ah don't wanna not give 'er nothin on 'er birthday.
"Toby if mail arrives while I'm gone can you please take it if Arthur arrives with my father's letter?"
She gets up ta use the bathroom an after a couple a minutes Arthur an mah now favorite owl lands.
"Thanks Buck. Ya got here right in time so Ah can hide this from Jacklin."
Ah pat his head an Buckbeak hoots.
"Jacklin'll be back but Ah'll take it if yer ok wit it."
Arthur looks at me then he drops the letter in front a me. The owls both start flyin away.
"Ah'll jus hide the book in mah backpack cause we ain't got Potions taday."
Ah put the package away cause Ah know Pop got a Baseball book fer Jacklin an Ah wanna surprise 'er. Ah go back ta eatin when Jacklin comes back.
"Thank you, Toby."
She opens her package.
"Oh my mother sent me some chocolates and a slice of Garash cake."
"Ooh wha's garish?"
She gives me a small piece as she explains it.
"Garash is a chocolate cake that's very popular in Bulgaria. My mother would make one for my birthday. I didn't think she would still be able to send one all this way."
"How'd it get ta be called Gairash?"
"Kosta Garash made this cake to honor the numerous noble and royal guests staying at the hotel he worked at. This hotel was also next to the first Prince of Bulgaria's home."
Mah eyes widen.
"This cake's real real important then if princes an kings ate it."
"Indeed. That's why it's mostly used for special occasions."
"Do ya actually know how ta speak Bulgarian?"
"Well... my mother has been teaching me. I wouldn't say I can speak it fluently."
She eats 'er piece a cake as she reads 'er letter an Ah wonder when Ah'm gonna give the book ta 'er.
"Tastes good."
Time Skip
It's our free period an Ah see Jacklin readin 'er Potions book. It's kinda quiet so Ah think now's time ta give 'er mah gift.
"Jacklin. Ah got somethin Ah wanna show ya."
"Oh? What is it, Toby?"
Ah know it's nothin ta get nervous bout so Ah unzip mah backpack.
"When ya was in the bathroom, Ah got a package from Pop. Ya know how Ah sent 'em Buck ta ask bout a Baseball book?"
Ah give 'er the package.
"Happy birthday!"
She looks real surprised when she opens it an Ah think Ah done real good.
"Why Toby you didn't have to do this just for me."
"Ah know Ah didn't have ta. But Ah wanted ta cause ya said ya wanted ta learn bout Baseball an Ah know there's gonna be a lotta thangs ya don't know bout."
"Thank you so much. It's lovely."
We spend the whole day readin the book. Ah think Jacklin an Ah're gettin ta be close friends. Ah dunno if it'd make us best friends but if she ever said we were like it Ah wouldn't say no. At this point Ah don't care bout wha all the other kids wanna say. Ah got a good friend an tha's all that matters. Ah gotta ask Pacer when his birthday is. Ever since we started helpin Sprout we got ta be closer ta bein friends an Ah wanna be givin 'em somethin nice.
Time Skip
"Jacklin Ah've been meanin ta ask ya somethin."
"Yes, Toby?"
"How come ya ain't got any candy from yer parents this mornin?"
"Ya got candy for yer birthday but not today."
She raises an eyebrow an Ah wonder if she thinks Ah'm bein a dummy.
"Why would today be a candy giving holiday?"
"Cause it's Halloween. Pop always let's me eat a couple pieces a candy fer Halloween. Ah tol 'em not ta send me nothin cause Ah thought Ah'd be gettin candy here."
"I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that tradition."
Oh no. Ah dunno if it's somethin British people don't do or somethin wizard people don't do.
"So ya mean ta say ya dunno bout kids dressin up an knockin on doors ta get candy?"
"No actually I don't Toby. In the magic world it's meant to be a holiday to honor the wizards who lost their lives to human persecution. It's a serious day which is why we're having a feast tonight."
"Oh. Ah guess it makes sense cause humans got all scared wizards was gonna kill 'em so they went an killed the wizards first."
"In that sense, I can understand why a lot of pureblood wizards don't like humans. They're very bitter that many of their ancestors were killed because of the humans fear of the unknown. That's why wizards have a lot of rules keeping us from doing magic in front of humans."
"Maybe if wizards was ta do all kinds a nice magic, humans won't be all scared by it. They're still jus people."
Ah see Jacklin smilin an Ah know Ah musta said somethin smart as we get ta the Great Hall. Once we start walkin ta the table on Gryffindor's side, Jacklin starts ta look strange bout somethin. Then Ah start hearin some a the girls talkin bout a Veela while we're eatin an Ah realize it coulda been bout Jacklin.
"Why're ya listenin'?"
"I would think you want to know what's being said if someone's talking about you."
"Yeah, yeah, that's true. Is it somethin' bad?"
She stands up from the table lookin real upset so it musta been bad.
"I'm feeling a little ill. I hate to leave you alone Toby, but I need to go to the girls' room."
"Oh. Ok."
Ah watch Jacklin walk away. Ah look at where she was sittin' an Ah notice some girls lookin' at Jacklin walkin' off. It sounds like they're still talkin' about Jacklin's Veela powers. Suddenly Quirrell bursts through the door.
"Troll! T-there's a troll in the dun-dungeons! Tho-thought you should know."
He faints ta the floor an everyone starts to panic.
Dumbledore makes everybody be all quiet.
"Since the troll is stated to be in the dungeons, Slytherins please remain here. The other Houses will be led back to their dorms by their prefects. Professors if you can all follow me to the dungeons and investigate the matter."
Ah realize Jacklin ain't back from the bathroom an get all worried cause the troll coulda worked its way all the way up ta that floor. Ah gotta find 'er. Mah prefect comes up ta our table.
"Gryffindors this way!"
"Jacklin's missin! We gotta find 'er!"
"There's no time to go looking for her. We have to stick together Mr. Kwimper. Come with me!"
Ah have ta follow 'em but as we're walkin Ah look all over an Ah don't see Jacklin anywhere. Ah think Ah hear sound comin' from outta the girls' bathroom.
"Are ya in tha bathroom, Jacklin?"
Ah hear nothin' but rustlin' noises an' Ah start ta worry. Ah try ta knock.
Ah knock two or three times real quick. Ah hear some growlin' behind the door an Ah get real scared Jacklin ain't awright. So Ah bust the door open.
Ah see this giant troll cornerin 'er ginst the wall. Ah see a stick on the floor an Ah think it's Jacklin's wand.
Ah might've made a mistake comin' in here. Ah'm really scared cause there's a 12 foot troll wit a huge club. Ah have some kinda gut feelin bout how ta save 'er but Ah dunno fer sure if it'll work.
The troll tries ta grab at Jacklin as she dives towards the floor. The troll jus destroys all the sinks above 'er. Ah know Ah can't let 'er keep tryna hide so Ah gotta at least try ta save 'er.
"Wingardium Leviosa!"
Ah'm pointin' mah wand at its club. It floats over toward the troll. The troll tries ta dodge it by goin' left, it's too late. Thump! The troll gets hit wit his own club an he goes down.
Jacklin gets 'er wand an crawls out from under the broken sinks. Dumbledore an McGonagall arrives an Ah think Ah'm in trouble. Dumbledore's lookin right at me.
"Mr. Kwimper? Why are you in the girl's lavatory?"
"Um, sir, Jacklin had a bad stomach ache or somethin', an' Ah came ta see if she was awright cause she didn't known bout the troll so Ah knocked on the bathroom door an' Ah-Ah jus-"
"My goddess Miss Gryffindor you fought a troll all by yourself."
Ah look at Jacklin an she's holdin' her wand in her hand. Ah think McGonagall's thinkin' Jacklin did all the troll fightin' herself an' Ah jus come in at the end.
"Oh no Professor McGonagall. I can’t take any credit at all for this. Toby was the one knocked the troll out. The troll knocked my wand out of my hand and it landed on the floor under the sinks. If Toby didn’t come in when he did, I probably would have died."
Ah look up at Jacklin an' Ah can see she's real tired now. Ah reach out an' pull her inta a big hug. It ain't much... but Ah hope it lets 'er know Ah care. McGonagall's lookin a lil mad.
"Since you left the Great Hall without permission Miss Gryffindor, I will have to remove 5 points. However, given that Mr. Kwimper showed such a commendable act of bravery I will award him 10 points."
Ah'm a lil confused bout wha jus happened. Ah think the grownups both look surprised Ah hugged Jacklin, but Ah don't care what they see anymore. Ah’m huggin' mah friend.
"Given the circumstances, Professor McGonagall will escort you both back to Gryffindor Tower. I suggest that you both get some rest."
Jacklin an Ah both nod at Dumbledore as we walk behind McGonagall.
Time Skip
Once Ah sit down on the couch, Ah wipe mah eyes an' Ah sniff a little.
"Ah was so scared. Ah really thought that troll was gonna be the end a me."
Ah let out a real big sniff an Ah get a lil edge in mah voice.
"Ah had some kinda feelin Ah could knock the troll out wit his own club. If it didn't work Ah dunno wha Ah woulda done."
"Well I’m glad you had that instinct when you did. I meant it when I said the troll would have killed me if you didn’t arrive."
Ah wipe mah hand cross mah nose.
"Ah'm really glad ya didn't git killed by tha troll."
Ah sniff as Ah'm holdin' 'er. Ah hope Ah don’t fall asleep, though, 'cause Ah’m jus so tired.
"Are you alright, Toby?"
"Ah'm just worried about ya!"
"I know you are, Toby."
Ah keep holdin' Jacklin an' Ah try ta say good night, but Ah can't.
"There’s no need to keep reliving what happened, Toby. Let’s go to our own beds and sleep."
Ah sniff an' Ah sigh. Ah'll take Jacklin's word for it.
Ah go ta mah room, get undressed an feed Trevor. As soon as Ah get inta bed, mah eyes are gettin’ real heavy an' Ah’m driftin' off ta sleep.
Time Skip
It's the next day an we're walkin ta the dungeons fer Potions. We got two Potions' classes taday cause it's a Friday.
"Now let's see. We went over the Cure for Boils Potions, the Wiggenweld Potion, the Hair-Raising Potion, and the Strength Potion."
"Ah thought we finished the Antidote ta Common Poisons last class?"
"Yes but so many of us didn't finish. I wouldn't be surprised if Professor Snape asked us to do it again. Since Potions is a very important class, it would be ghastly if a majority of the first years failed."
"Oh Ah get it now."
We get ta the dungeons in time an Snape's lookin real mad. Ah hope it ain't cause we did somethin wrong.
"Since many of you dunderheads failed to complete the Antidote to Common Poisons, today will be spent entirely on making this."
He looks at me an Jacklin an he don't seem so mad at us which tells me we're different.
"You two will spend the class assisting me."
"Yes sir."
"Yes, Professor Snape."
We follow him ta a room as all the other kids work on the potion.
"Since you both show skills in following basic instructions, you will assist me in making the Fire Protection Potion for my next class."
Me an Jacklin nod. Ah'm feelin happy that we get ta learn somethin knew.
"Now pay attention. I already harvested and prepared the first step. As you can see the potion is blue because I sliced four Bursting Mushrooms and stirred clockwise."
He gives me a beaker Ah think's what it's called.
"Pour in the salamander’s blood while I stir counterclockwise. When the potion turns green you will stop. Miss Gryffindor prepare the crushed Wartcap Powder in that pestle."
Ah pour the blood inta the cauldron an Ah watch Snape stirrin' it round till it's green. Ah turn ta see Jacklin as she crushes tha Wartcap powder.
"Miss Gryffindor you may stop crushing now. Pour the powder into the cauldron as I stir clockwise."
Ah watch 'er pour it in. Snape keeps stirrin till it turns all red. Ah hope tha's a good thin.
"You may stop now. To finish the potion I will use the Flame-Freezing Charm."
Snape takes out his wand an waves it in a circle over the cauldron.
"Incendio retardum."
The potion kinda looks icy now an Ah think it makes sense cause if it's spose ta freeze fire it should be lookin like ice cause ice's cold.
"This potion is used to move through most magical flames unscathed. When you drink it, it induces a sensation of ice and frigidity. This is far more advanced than the charm as the charm only applies to non-magical fire. You have been given the honor of learning about this second year potion ahead of your time. Make the most of this class."
"Thank you for giving us this opportunity to get ahead on next year's lesson, Professor Snape. I'm going to take notes about this potion as soon as I can."
Snape moves me outta his way so he can move the cauldron ta the front a the classroom.
"You two may work on your notes. Everyone else you have 20 minutes to finish your potion. If you do not finish in that time you will fail for the day."
"Yes, sir."
Ah see all the other kids lookin angry at us. Ah wonder if it's cause they're all jealous bout me an Jacklin doin so good. Ah don't wanna have 'em thinkin Ah'm jus copyin 'er cause Ah ain't.
"Toby? How long were you pouring the salamander's blood before the potion turned green?"
Ah hear Jacklin talkin ta me an Ah try ta remember how long.
"Ah think… maybe two three seconds."
"Thank you, Toby. I crushed about 6 measures worth of Wartcap Powder and had to use all of it before it turned red."
Ah write everythang down an make sure ta star important stuff cause Pop tol me tha's how ya know it's important.
"What does the star by the Wartcap Powder mean, Toby?"
"Uh… Well… Pop tol me Ah oughta do it when Ah write notes cause it makes findin important thangs easier."
"I see."
Ah see Jacklin lookin in 'er Potions book.
"Did you know that you have to be very careful when using Wartcap powder?"
"You have to be careful because touching it causes your skin to harden. It's in Chapter 3: Potions for Second Year Students."
"Oh. Ok! Ah'll find it in mah book an add it ta mah notes."
Ah write it down real quick, puttin' another star in the margin.
"I think you should also add a star to the Flame-Freezing Charm Professor Snape used."
Ah write down Flame-Freezin Charm.
"How'd ya spell it?"
Jacklin spells it out fer me an it ain't as hard as Ah thought. Ah still spell it how Ah gotta say it so Ah don't get confused.
"In-sen-deeo ree-tar-dumb."
Ah keep writin mah notes as Snape stands.
"Everyone please turn in your Antidote to Common Poisons. I can tell just by looking at some of your cauldrons that you will fail for today."
Ah feel a lil bad fer some a the kids who don't got the blue-green kinda colored potion Snape wants cause Ah know what it's like ta not do good in school. Ah can hear the bell ring an Snape turns ta us.
"You and Miss Gryffindor are dismissed."
"Thank ya sir."
Ah leave wit Jacklin an we're both smilin.
"Well, that was a good class, Jacklin. Ah think Ah'm startin' ta get the hang a potions."
"How wonderful, Toby. I believe we just might be Professor Snape's best students in Gryffindor. Nobody else seems to complete their assignments the way we can."
Ah nod an Ah realize that ain't as good as she makes it.
"Ah think a lotta the other kids don't like us Jacklin. They probly think it's like we're teacher pets."
"I understand what you mean, Toby. It was never my plan to be considered an insufferable know-it-all. I just love learning about magic that I end up getting ahead of myself."
"They alo probly think Ah jus copy everythang ya do or jus let ya do all the work. Ah ain't a copycat am Ah?"
She stops ta look at me.
"I don't see how you can be a copycat when you have a far easier time identifying various ingredients and herbs. I'm sure if Professor Snape gave you an entirely verbal test, you can answer all of his questions easily."
"Ya mean it?"
"Of course I mean it. Professor Sprout can tell him all about your marks in Herbology and how you assist her after class with Pacer. In fact, I think working with her has helped you learn about various plants before Professor Snape teaches us."
"Ya really think so?"
"Of course I do, Toby. Tell me something about Mistletoe Berries."
Ah think fer a second an realize Ah know a whole lot bout 'em.
"Well even though ya use 'em fer the Antidote ta Common Poisons ya can't eat 'em. The part a the plant that ain't the berry's poisonous cause yer tummy hurts, ya start poopin weird an start twitchin a lot. Pop tol me bout all that when Ah was real lil cause Ah thought it was a weird lookin grape."
"There you go, Toby. You were telling me all about working with these berries last week before we even started that unit."
"Yer right. Ah still dunno how Ah can get all the kids ta think Ah ain't a copycat."
Jacklin sighs an Ah know she ain't got no answer either.
"None of the professors think you cheat, Toby. Why just the way you write is proof enough. If you were merely copying me or our books, everything would be grammatically correct."
"Yeah. Ah always get papers comin back wit notes sayin Ah spelled stuff wrong or didn't use grammar right."
Ah feel a lil better now cause Ah know now Ah can't be no cheater. Ah can't be no faker either cause everybody oughta know how Ah talk by now. Ah still wanna get better at words cause Ah don't want people thinkin Ah'm a dummy.
Time Skip
Ah feel mah stomach growlin durin our free period an Ah realize Ah gotta eat somethin.
"Jacklin do ya wanna have a chocolate frog?"
"Very well then, Toby."
We open up our frogs an look at our cards.
"Who's this?"
"Why that's Merlin. One of the most brilliant wizards to have ever attended Hogwarts. He's a good example of how a Slytherin doesn't have to be evil. In fact, Merlin is why we have laws against using magic on humans. He wanted us to live together."
Ah look at Jacklin open 'er card.
"What kinda card ya got, Jacklin?"
"Headmaster Dumbledore. If you don't still have your original you can keep it."
Ah take 'er card an Ah realize Ah somehow recognize somethin.
"Jacklin do ya know who Nicolas Flamel is?"
"I have heard of the name before. Is there some feeling that you're getting?"
Ah start stimmin hopein Ah can have some kinda vision.
"Ah'm seein, Ah'm seein wha looks like some kinda mirror. A mirror... an a ruby a some kind. An.... nothin. Ah lost it."
"That's alright, Toby. Getting that type of vision because of Nicolas Flamel's name must be a clue in of itself."
Ah nod feelin good Ah got somethin important. Ah wonder wha mah vision could mean. An why Ah think the philsepher stone's somethin tha's real important too.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @nemos-rapture, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @hooked-on-elvis, @vintagepresley, @aliengoth3, @smokeymountainboy, @bigdaddyelvislover, @mercsandmonsters, @pledgingmylovee, @presleysgirl6, and @thetaoofzoe.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 5 months
Toby and The Troll
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One mornin Ah wake up an Ah realize Ah gotta get Jacklin a birthday gift. She's mah only friend here an her birthday's on the 19th. Ah can't jus not do nothin nice fer her.
"So Jacklin ya know how wizards got Quidditch? Well what kinda human sports do ya know?"
"Oh. I'm afraid I don't know anything about human sports. Father did mention that in Europe this sport called "football" is super popular."
Ah try ta think wha Ah could do.
"Well Ah dunno bout wha they do in Europe but Ah can tell ya bout Baseball."
"Yeah it's called America's Pastime even though mah Pop like car racin better. Jus bout everybody knows bout Baseball."
Ah watch 'er face an Ah wonder if Ah mighta solved mah problem.
"Fascinating. Is it popular outside of the States, Toby?"
"Ah think so cause the smaller teams they got in Florida's got all kinda people from Cuba an the Caribein. Mah favorite big name team's in Atlanta but Pop says Florida's gonna get a team in Miami soon so Ah might root fer 'em."
She's still thinkin like this' all new ta 'er. Ah get it cause mah cousins say they don't really play baseball here.
"I would definitely love to hear more about it, Toby. It sounds like this sport has a lot of history."
"Oh it does. Pop tol me Baseball goes far back. Bout as far's the 1840s."
Ah rock a lil cause Ah'm happy Jacklin's soundin interested in it. Now Ah gotta ask a smart boy question.
"Do ya wanna read a book bout it?"
"Oh yes, but how would we find one?"
Ah gotta be a real smart boy bout this. Ah want it ta be a surprise but also answer the question.
"Ah'll ask mah Pop bout it. He'll know how ta find thangs like a book fer me. He's good at findin thangs."
"That sounds nice. Thank you Toby."
Ah smile cause Ah know Ah did somethin smart.
Time Skip
"Toby if mail arrives while I'm gone can you please take it if Arthur arrives with my father's letter?"
"Oh yeah I can."
She gets up ta use the bathroom an after a couple a minutes Arthur an mah now favorite owl Buckbeak land.
"Thanks Buck. Ya got here right in time so Ah can hide this from Jacklin."
Ah pat his head an Buckbeak hoots.
"Jacklin'll be back but Ah'll take it if yer ok wit it."
Arthur looks at me then he drops the letter in front a me. The owls both start flyin away.
"Ah'll jus hide the book in mah backpack cause we ain't got Potions taday."
Ah put the package away cause Ah know Pop got a Baseball book fer Jacklin an Ah wanna surprise 'er. Ah go back ta eatin when Jacklin comes back.
"Thank you, Toby."
She opens her package.
"Oh my mother sent me some chocolates and a slice of Garash cake."
"Ooh wha's garish?"
She gives me a small piece as she explains it.
"Garash is a chocolate cake that's very popular in Bulgaria. My mother would also make one for my birthday. I didn't think she would still be able to make one."
"How'd it get ta be called Gairash?"
"Kosta Garash made this cake to honor the numerous noble and royal guests staying at the hotel he worked at. This hotel was also next to the first Prince of Bulgaria's home."
Mah eyes widen.
"This cake's real real important then if princes an kings ate it."
"Indeed. That's why it's mostly used for special occasions."
"Do ya actually know how ta speak Bulgarian?"
"Well... my mother has been teaching me. I wouldn't say I can speak it fluently."
She eats 'er piece a cake as she reads 'er letter an Ah wonder when Ah'm gonna give the book ta 'er.
Time Skip
It's our free period an Ah see Jacklin readin 'er Potions book. It's kinda quiet so Ah think now's time ta give 'er mah gift.
"Jacklin. Ah got somethin Ah wanna show ya."
"Oh? What is it, Toby?"
Ah know it's nothin ta get nervous bout so Ah unzip mah backpack.
"When ya was in the bathroom, Ah got a package from Pop. Ya know how Ah sent 'em Buckbeak ta ask bout a Baseball book?"
Ah give 'er the package.
"Happy birthday!"
She looks real surprised when she opens it an Ah think Ah done real good.
"Why Toby you didn't have to do this just for me."
"Ah know Ah didn't have ta. But Ah wanted ta cause ya said ya wanted ta learn bout Baseball an Ah know there's gonna be a lotta thangs ya don't know bout."
"Thank you so much. It's lovely."
We spend the whole day readin the book. Ah think Jacklin an Ah're gettin ta be close friends. Ah dunno if it'd make us best friends but if she ever said we were like it Ah wouldn't say no. At this point Ah don't care bout wha all the other kids wanna say. Ah got a good friend an tha's all that matters.
Time Skip
"Jacklin Ah've been meanin ta ask ya somethin."
"Yes, Toby?"
Ah try ta think bout wha Ah wanna ask 'er.
"How come ya ain't got any candy from yer parents this mornin?"
"Ya got candy for yer birthday but not today."
She raises an eyebrow an Ah wonder if she thinks Ah'm bein a dummy.
"Why would today be a candy giving holiday?"
"Cause it's Halloween. Pop always let's me eat a couple pieces a candy fer Halloween."
"I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that tradition."
Oh no. Ah dunno if it's somethin British people don't do or somethin wizard people don't do.
"So ya mean ta say ya dunno bout kids dressin up an knockin on doors ta get candy?"
"No actually, I don't Toby. In the magic world, it's meant to be a holiday to honor the wizards who lost their lives to human persecution. It's a serious day which is why we're having a feast tonight."
"Oh. Ah guess it makes sense cause humans got all scared wizards was gonna kill 'em so they went an killed the wizards first."
Jacklin nods an Ah think Ah'm gettin it.
"In that sense, I can understand why a lot of pureblood wizards don't like humans. They're very bitter that many of their ancestors were killed because of the humans fear of the unknown. That's why wizards have a lot of rules keeping us from doing magic in front of humans."
"Maybe if wizards was ta do all kinds a nice magic, humans won't be all scared by it. They're still jus people."
Ah see Jacklin smilin an Ah know Ah musta said somethin smart as we get ta the Great Hall. Once we start walkin ta the table on Gryffindor's side, Jacklin starts ta look strange bout somethin. Then Ah start hearin some a the girls talkin bout a Veela while we're eatin an Ah realize it coulda been bout Jacklin.
"Why are ya listenin'?"
"I would think you want to know what's being said if someone's talking about you."
"Yeah, yeah, that's true. Is it somethin' bad?"
She stands up from the table lookin real upset so it musta been bad.
"I'm feeling a little ill. I hate to leave you alone Toby, but I need to go to the girls' room."
"Oh. Ok."
Ah watch Jacklin leave tha table and walk away. Ah look at where she was sittin' and Ah notice tha girls are lookin' at Jacklin walkin' off. Ah think Ah can hear one of tha girls say something else, but Ah can't really make out what she's sayin. It sounds like they're still talkin' about Jacklin's Veela powers.
"Troll! T-there's a troll in the dun-dungeons! Tho-thought you should know."
Professor Quirrell faints ta the floor an everyone starts to panic.
Dumbledore makes everybody be all quiet.
"Since the troll is stated to be in the dungeons, Slytherins please remain here. The other Houses will be led back to their dorms by their prefects. Professors if you can all follow me to the dungeons and investigate the matter."
Ah realize Jacklin ain't back from the bathroom an get all worried cause the troll coulda worked it's way all the way up ta that floor. Ah gotta find 'er. Mah prefect comes up ta our table.
"Gryffindors this way!"
"Jacklin's missin! We gotta find 'er!"
"There's no time to go looking for her. We have to stick together Mr. Kwimper. Come with me!"
Ah have ta follow 'em but as we're walkin Ah look all over tha first floor an Ah don't see Jacklin anywhere. Ah think Ah hear sound comin' from tha girls' bathroom.
"Are ya in tha bathroom, Jacklin?"
Ah hear nothin' but tha rustlin' an' Ah start to worry. Ah try ta knock on tha door.
Ah knock two or three times real quick. Ah don't hear anythin' back. Ah get real worried real fast. Ah hear some growlin' behind tha door an Ah get real scared tha Jacklin ain't awright, like maybe tha troll's got 'er or somethin', so Ah do somethin' Ah think is a real bad idea.
Ah see this giant troll cornerin 'er ginst the wall. Ah see a stick on the floor an Ah think it's Jacklin's wand.
Ah realize tha Ah might've made a mistake comin' in here. Ah'm really scared cause there's a 12 foot troll wit a huge club. Ah have some kinda gut feelin bout how ta save 'er but Ah dunno fer sure if it'll work.
The troll tries ta grab at Jacklin as she dives towards the floor. The troll jus destroys all the sinks above 'er. Ah know Ah can't let 'er keep tryna hide so Ah gotta at least try ta save 'er.
"Wingardium Leviosa!"
Ah'm pointin' tha wand at tha club, an' tha club floats over toward tha troll. The troll tries ta dodge it by goin' left, but tha club turns wit em. Thump! Tha troll gets hit in tha head wit his own club an he goes down.
Jacklin gets 'er wand an crawls out from under the broken sinks. Dumbledore an McGonagall arrives an Ah think Ah'm in trouble.
"Um, sir, Jacklin had a bad stomach ache or somethin', an' Ah came ta see if she was awright cause she in't known bout the troll so Ah knocked on tha bathroom door an' Ah-Ah jus-"
"My goddess Miss Gryffindor you fought a troll all by yourself."
Ah look at Jacklin an she's holdin' her wand in her hand. Ah think tha McGonagall's thinkin' Jacklin did all the troll fightin' herself an' Ah jus come in at tha end.
"Oh no Professor McGonagall. I can’t take any credit at all for this. Toby was the one knocked the troll out. The troll knocked my wand out of my hand and it landed on the floor under the sinks. If Toby didn’t come in when he did, I probably would have died."
Ah look up at Jacklin an' Ah can see tha she's real tired now. Ah wanna show Jacklin Ah'm grateful, so Ah Ah reach out an' pull her inta a big hug. It ain't much... but Ah hope it lets 'er know tha Ah care. McGonagall's lookin a lil mad.
"Since you left the Great Hall without permission Miss Gryffindor, I will have to remove 5 points. However, given that Mr. Kwimper showed such a commendable act of bravery I will award him 10 points."
Ah'm a lil confused bout wha jus happened. Ah think the grownups both look surprised Ah hugged Jacklin, but Ah don't care what they see anymore. Ah know Ah'm doin’ tha right thing. Ah’m huggin' mah friend.
"Given the circumstances, Professor McGonagall will escort you both back to Gryffindor Tower. I suggest that you both get some rest."
Jacklin an Ah both nod at Dumbledore as walk behind McGonagall.
Time Skip
Once Ah sit down on the couch, Ah wipe mah eyes an' Ah sniff a little.
"Ah was so scared. Ah really thought tha troll was gonna be tha end a me."
Ah let out a real big sniff an Ah get back a lil edge in mah voice.
"Ah had some kinda feelin Ah could knock tha troll out wit his own club. If it didn't work Ah dunno wha Ah woulda done."
"Well I’m glad you had that instinct when you did. I meant it when I said the troll would have killed me if you didn’t arrive."
Ah wipe mah hand across mah nose.
"Ah'm really glad ya didn't git killed by tha troll."
Ah sniff an' keep holdin' 'er. Ah hope Ah don’t fall asleep, though, 'cause Ah’m jus so tired.
"Are you alright, Toby?"
"Ah'm just worried about ya!"
"I know you are, Toby."
Ah keep holdin' Jacklin an' Ah try to say good night, but Ah can't, so Ah just keep holdin' Jacklin real tight.
"There’s no need to keep reliving what happened, Toby. Let’s go to our own beds and sleep."
Ah sniff an' Ah sigh. Ah'll take Jacklin's word for it.
Ah turn off tha lights in tha Gryffindor dorms, get undressed an feed Trevor. As soon as Ah get inta bed, mah eyes are gettin’ real heavy an' Ah’m driftin' off ta sleep.
Time Skip
It's the next day an we're walkin ta the dungeons fer Potions. We got two Potions' classes taday cause it's a Friday.
"Now let's see. We went over the Cure for Boils Potions, the Wiggenweld Potion, the Hair-Raising Potion, and the Strength Potion."
"Ah thought we finished the Antidote ta Common Poisons last class?"
"Yes but so many of us didn't finish. I wouldn't be surprised if Professor Snape asked us to do it again. Since Potions is a very important class, it would be ghastly if a majority of the first years failed."
"Oh Ah get it now."
We get ta the dungeons in time an Snape's lookin real mad. Ah it ain't cause we did somethin wrong.
"Since many of you dunderheads failed to complete the Antidote to Common Poisons, today will be spent entirely on making this."
He looks at me an Jacklin an he don't seem so mad at us which tells me we're different.
"You two will spend the class assisting me."
"Yes, sir. "
We follow him ta a room as all the other kids work on the potion.
"Since you both show skills in following basic instructions, you will assist me in making the Fire Protection Potion for the second years' class."
"Yes, sir."
"Now pay attention. I already harvested and prepared the first step. As you can see the potion is blue because I sliced four Bursting mushrooms and stirred clockwise."
He gives me a beaker Ah think's what it's called.
"Pour in the salamander’s blood while I stir counterclockwise. When the potion turns green you will stop. Miss Gryffindor prepare the crushed Wartcap powder in that pestle."
Ah pour the blood inta tha cauldron an Ah watch Snape stirrin' it round till it's green. Ah turn ta see Jacklin as she crushes tha Wartcap powder.
"Miss Gryffindor you may stop crushing now. Pour the powder into the cauldron as I stir clockwise."
Ah watch 'er pour it in. Snape keeps stirrin till it turns all red. Ah hope tha's a good thin.
"You may stop now. To finish the potion I will use the Flame-Freezing Charm."
Snape takes out his wand an waves it in a circle over the cauldron.
"Incendio retardum."
The potion kinda looks icy now an Ah think it makes sense cause if it's spose ta freeze fire it should be lookin like ice cause ice's cold.
"This is the Fire Protection Potion and is used to move through most magical flames unscathed. When you drink it, it induces a sensation of ice and frigidity. This is far more advanced than the charm as the charm only applies to non-magical fire. You have been given the honor of learning about this second year potion ahead of your time. Make the most of this class."
"Thank you for giving us this opportunity to get ahead on next year's lesson, Professor Snape. I'm going to take notes about this potion as soon as I can."
Snape moves me outta his way so he can move the cauldron ta the front a the classroom.
"You two may work on your notes. Everyone else you have 20 minutes to finish your potion. If you do not finish in that time you will fail for the day."
"Yes, sir."
Ah see all the other kids lookin angry at us. Ah wonder if it's cause they're all jealous bout me an Jacklin doin so good. Ah don't wanna have 'em thinkin Ah'm jus copyin 'er cause Ah ain't.
"Toby? How long were you pouring the salamander's blood before the potion turned green?"
Ah hear Jacklin talkin ta me an Ah try ta remember how long.
"Ah think… maybe two three seconds."
"Thank you, Toby. I crushed about 6 measures worth of Wartcap Powder and had to use all of it before it turned red."
Ah write everythang down an make sure ta star important stuff cause Pop tol me tha's how ya know it's important.
"What does the star by Wartcap powder mean, Toby?"
"Uh… Well… Pop tol me Ah oughta do it when Ah write notes cause it makes findin important thangs easier."
"I see.
Ah see Jacklin lookin in 'er Potions book.
"Did you know that you have to be very careful when using Wartcap powder?"
"You have to be careful because touching it causes your skin to harden. It's in Chapter 12: Potions for Second Year Students."
"Oh. Ok! Ah'll find it in mah book an add it ta mah notes."
Ah write it down real quick, puttin' another star in the margin.
"I think you should also add a star to the Flame-Freezing Charm Professor Snape used."
Ah write down Flame-Freezin Charm.
"How'd ya spell it?"
Jacklin spells it out fer me an it ain't as hard as Ah thought. Ah still spell it how Ah gotta say it so Ah don't get confused.
"In-sen-deeo ree-tar-dumb."
Ah keep writin mah notes as Snape stands.
"Everyone please turn in your Antidote to Common Poisons. I can tell just by looking at some of your cauldrons that you will fail for today."
Ah feel a lil bad fer some a the kids who don't got the blue-green kinda colored potion Snape wants cause Ah know wha it's like ta not do good in school. Ah can hear the bell ring an Snape turns ta us.
"You and Miss Gryffindor are dismissed."
"Thank ya sir."
Ah leave wit Jacklin an we're both smilin.
"Well, that was a good class, Jacklin. Ah think Ah'm startin' ta get the hang a potions."
"How wonderful, Toby. I believe we just might be Professor Snape's best students in Gryffindor. Nobody else seems to complete their assignments the way we can."
Ah nod an Ah realize that ain't as good as she makes it.
"Ah think a lotta the other kids don't like us Jacklin like we're teacher pets."
"I understand what you mean, Toby. It was never my plan to be considered an insufferable know-it-all. I just love learning about magic that I end up getting ahead of myself."
"Ah think the other kids think Ah jus copy everythang ya do or jus let ya do all the work. Ah ain't a copycat am Ah?"
She stops ta look at me.
"I don't see how you can be a copycat when you have a far easier time identifying various ingredients and herbs. I'm sure if Professor Snape gave you an entirely verbal test, you can answer all of his questions easily."
"Ya mean it?"
"Of course I mean it. Tell me something about Mistletoe Berries."
Ah think fer a second an realize Ah know a whole lot bout 'em.
"Well even though ya use 'em fer the Antidote ta Common Poisons ya can't eat 'em. The part a the plant that ain't the berry's poisonous cause yer tummy hurts, ya start poopin weird an start twitchin a lot. Pop tol me bout all that when Ah was real lil cause Ah thought it was a weird lookin grape."
"There you go, Toby. Even though that information is in the book, the reason why you remember it is different."
"Yeah Ah guess it makes sense. Ah still dunno how Ah can get all the kids ta think Ah ain't a copycat."
Jacklin sighs an Ah know she ain't got no answer either.
"None of the professors think you cheat, Toby. Why just the way you write is proof enough. If you were merely copying me or our books, everything would be grammatically correct."
"Yer right. Ah always get papers comin back wit notes sayin Ah spelled stuff wrong or didn't use grammar right."
Ah feel a lil better now cause Ah know now Ah can't be no cheater. Ah can't be no faker either cause everybody oughta know how Ah talk by now. Ah still wanna get better at words cause Ah don't want people thinkin Ah'm a dummy.
Time Skip
Ah feel mah stomach growlin durin our free period an Ah realize Ah gotta eat somethin.
"Jacklin, Ah still got some a the candy Pop sent me. Ya want any?"
"Oh thanks for reminding me, Toby. I need to finish my chocolate frogs."
We go an get our candy an start eatin.
"What kinda card ya got, Jacklin?"
"Headmaster Dumbledore. He's so common I would only give it to someone who wanted to start collecting these."
Ah look at 'er card an Ah realize Ah somehow recognize somethin.
"Jacklin do ya know who Nicolas Flamel is?"
"I have heard of the name before. Is there some feeling that you're getting?"
Ah start stimmin hopein Ah can have some kinda vision.
"Ah'm seein, Ah'm seein wha looks like some kinda mirror. A mirror... an a ruby a some kind. An.... nothin. Ah lost it."
"That's alright, Toby. Getting that type of vision because of Nicolas Flamel's name must be a clue in of itself."
Ah nod feelin good Ah got somethin important. Ah wonder wha mah vision could mean. An why Ah think the philsepher stone's somethin tha's real important too.
Tag list: @arrolyn1114, @aliengoth3, @vintagepresley, @comebackep, @thetaoofzoe, @presleysgirl6, @bigdaddyelvislover, and @mercsandmonsters.
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rowanaelinn · 3 years
word count: 1,3k
warning: some mild nsfw
i might write part two of this if you’re interested in it! i wrote this in thirty minutes right before posting it so i’ll be honest i was a bit lazy to write everything, so just tell me if you’d be interested in a part two!
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Aelin Ashryver Galathynius knew she was a tease. She had been told so her entire life, and she took great pride in it.
She loved to make jokes about her family, to laugh of her friends whenever she could, and to annoy the shit out of everyone around her when she was in a mood.
But, she wasn’t only that way with people she loved dearly but also with the ones she hated with a passion.
Not a lot of people could fit in that category since she never considered herself a very hateful person, only Rowan Whitethorn could. It wasn’t exactly her fault, she just couldn’t ignore him when he was in the same room as her, she had to pick on him. And he returned the courtesy so she didn’t really feel bad about it.
But after two years of knowing each other, something changed. Aelin didn’t know how their banters went from snarky remarks to angrily making out in closets, but she was willing to admit she didn’t mind.
Not that she had stopped teasing him, but it was funnier now. For the past two months, she couldn’t count how many times her hand had accidentally brushed the top of his thigh, how many times her skirt rode up around him and she just didn’t notice or how many times she had to wipe the side of her mouth as she maintained eye contact with him.
They had made out for hours and they had also sometimes crossed a line, but they were both in silent agreement to never speak about it even when it was only the two of them. So, whenever she could she’d tease him about how bad he kissed (which is the biggest lie that ever came out of her mouth) but she’d never brought up that time they had drunk and he made her scream of pleasure just with two fingers.
And he would tease her on the way she always pulled his hair too roughly, but he’d never spoke about that time she took him so deep in her mouth he came down her throat, chanting her name as he fucked her mouth.
Never had they crossed that final line and Aelin wasn’t sure they would. She didn’t know whether to feel revealed or disappointed. Normal people don’t make out with people they hate, so they’d definitely wouldn’t have sex with them. Maybe she wasn’t normal, she liked the sound of this.
Aelin was having so much fun tonight.
They were all out in a bar to celebrate Fenrys’s birthday and instead of being by her best friend’s side, drinking and partying, she was in a dirty bathroom, her legs around the man she hated’s waist, her hands in his hair, and her tongue playing with his. He was pressing her against the wall, both hands gripping her ass.
“What about ‘never doing this again’?” Aelin asked, pulling back to take back her breath but she didn’t catch a break, Rowan’s lips assaulting her neck. Every time they kissed, one of them promised it was the last time, even if they both knew it was a goddamn lie.
“Shut up,” he groaned, taking back her lips. She just giggled, trying her best not to break the kiss. She was annoying him, she knew it, it’s exactly why she was doing this.
Aelin didn’t know how they ended up here tonight, they had been fighting over what sport was better between football and baseball, and the next second, she heard him lock the door and she was kissing him roughly.
“I’m still right.”
He groaned, pressing his body closer to hers in hopes it would shut her up, but if he really believed this he didn’t know her at all. He went to unbutton her shirt, but she stopped him right there, shaking her head.
He looked at her, a brow arched and Aelin hated how beautiful he looked right now, his long hair in a mess because of her, his lips swollen and eyes darker than his usual shade of green. “Tell me I’m right, then you can take off my clothes.”
Aelin smirked, taking her hands off his hair. “Hands off, then.” She smirked but Rowan didn’t let her go. “Come on, three little words. You are right.”
“I’m not going to lie.” He said, his hands massaging her butt. He really was shameless.
“But you’re going home with blue balls.” She winked and used all her strength to push him back, settling on her feet once again. She ignored the ache between her own legs and walked away from him, accentuating the sway of her hips because she knew it’s where he would look.
She sat back with her friends, ordering her second drink of the night as she laughed with Lysandra.
Five minutes later, Rowan sat at the same table, looking normal as if he hadn’t almost fucked someone in the bathroom. He ordered a new drink and spoke with Aedion who was sitting to his left, but not one single time did he look at her, which annoyed her.
She tried to attract his attention by laughing a little loudly, by interrupting his conversation with her cousin because she needed to ask Aedion something or because she was recalling a childhood memory, but nothing worked. Never once his gaze settled on her.
With a smirk on her face, Aelin pulled her phone out of her pocket and quickly found her message app. She took advantage of Lysandra wanting to dance with Fenrys to take the time to scroll into her picture to find what to send.
Happy with her choice, Aelin pressed the “send” button and put her phone on the table, her eyes focused on the silver-haired man at the other side of the table.
He opened his phone the moment he got the notification and she could see the moment he saw her text.
Rowan had just received a very explicit photo of hers truly, she was laying in bed, with lacy red lingerie on and one of her hands disappeared in her underwear, not letting what her fingers were doing to the imagination. She had been thinking of him when she took this, and had felt a little embarrassed about it when she came down from her high, but now she was glad she took the picture.
His knee, which had been shaking since he sat down, she didn't need to see it to know, he did it all the time, tapped the underside of the table, drawing everyone's attention.
His head snapped up toward her, his eyes hard. Aelin grinned like a fiend, proud of herself. She brought her glass to her lips but she before rose it toward him, mouthing “cheers”.
Her phone buzzed, showing a new message. Stop with this attitude before I fuck it out of you.
She bit her lip, fighting the blushing coming on her cheeks. When she looked up, Rowan seemed proud of him as if he knew what she was feeling right now. Maybe he did. They had never spoken about this so outrightly, this was dangerous territory.
Not sure you would be able to handle all of me.
His reply came in immediately. Willing to bet against it?
She was, but she didn’t want him to win her so easily even though she had fantasied about him fucking her for months now. You miss my mouth?
Yes. Oh, good gods help her. She didn’t dare to look up, feeling the weight of his gaze on her. Feeling the same about my fingers?
I don’t know. It wasn’t that memorable.
She looked up to see him frown and she internally smiled at it, finding the image funny. She looked quickly at her phone. Join me in my car in five minutes and allow me to refresh your memory.
Rowan didn’t wait for an answer before excusing himself for the night. She didn’t have to think about it twice, her mind was already made.
taglist: @sheharahu // @morganofthewildfire // @thestoriesyoutell // @fromthelibraryofemilyj // @swankii-art-teacher // @itsforeverinnocent-blog // @becarefuloflove // @imnotsogoodatthis // @rowaelinismyotp // @a-court-of-milkandhoney // @feysand-loml // @themoonthestarsthesuriel // @live-the-fangirl-life // @story-scribbler // @loves-books // @fangirlprincess09 // @theysayitscrazy // @hellasblessed // @danibutterr // @endlessdaydream // @thegreyj // @gracie-rosee
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MC’s Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar Part 4
(The side characters strike again!)
Part 1 Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Part 2.5 Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Part 3
L!MC= Lucifer’s kid | M!MC= Mammon’s kid | A!MC=Asmo’s kid
Let’s get right to it!
The Uncle That Hardcore Simps For His Spouse In the Most Wholesome Way (Diavolo)
Gasp! More half-demon kids? Oh my! Maybe if he tried again next year a kid of his own would pop down! Hang on- he hadn’t slept with a human in almost a century... dang. No kids for him...
Remember when I said Diavolo would try to do those stereotypical dad (tm) things and be hip with the kids? Yeah he keeps doing that.
The number of broken windows related to wayward baseballs goes up 150%. At least that’s how they all figured out that M!MC is nearsighted like their dad!
M!MC had developed a bit of a habit of telling Diavolo about cool human stuff and making the Crown Prince even more interested in the human world than normal.
You may be thinking “what’s so bad about that?” well, the number of yo-yos at RAD went up so high that Lucifer had to ban them.
Belphie and Satan, being the rebels they are, became yo-yo masters specifically to spite Lucifer.
It was sort of like the fidget spinners craze if you were in school for that.
Oh, hi Lord Diavolo. What’s a fidget spinner? It’s this- I should stop talking...
Since no one learned their lesson from the previous incident, Diavolo threw another BBQ.
“Why are we doing this again?” L!MC asked to no one in particular.
“Don’t worry, L!MC. I’ve taken every precaution possible to make sure that what happened last time doesn’t happen again.” Diavolo said and continued in his crusade to cover the entire pathway with sidewalk chalk doodles.
L!MC, Luke, Diavolo, M!MC, Belphie, and A!MC were all busily drawing a wide variety of doodles and drawings with chalk while the other guests milled around nearby. A!MC was in the middle of drawing quite the nice looking Cerberus chibi, while M!MC and Belphie were drawing a lot of stick figures. L!MC and Luke had just finished a wonderful drawing of... an alpaca? Giraffe? Thing...? Hell, even they didn’t know what it was.
Diavolo looked over at M!MC’s stick figure army with a big smile on his face. “So what are all of them doing? It looks like that one’s flying!”
You could practically hear the Addam’s Family theme play as M!MC and Belphie looked at each other and grinned.
“Oh Belphie was just talking about L!MC’s flying lesson fails and I felt that an artist’s rendition was needed.” M!MC explained, he began to point out certain doodles. “Here’s L!MC getting up off the ground, then there’s them actually flying, and this is them falling in the fountain.”
L!MC looked over at the chalk and glared at M!MC. “It’s generous to call that an artist’s rendition. It looks like crap.”
“And what did you draw?” Belphie smirked at the alpaca-giraffe-thing, Luke protectively covered up the drawing (side note, Luke was wearing white and playing with sidewalk chalk, by the end of the day he looked like a walking pride flag).
“None of your business!” Luke huffed.
“And what about that one?” Diavolo seemed completely oblivious to the hostility brewing between the two groups, A!MC was completely used to this and walked away to grab a drink.
“Ah, good eye, Lord Diavolo!” M!MC chirped. “This is a drawing of the time L!MC almost burned down your kitchen.”
Diavolo laughed and gave M!MC a few pats on the head. “Very accurate!”
“You’re so lucky I followed the rules and didn’t bring a water gun...” L!MC growled as they slowly reached for their backpack.
“Yeah... lucky. Real lucky...” M!MC nodded as they tried to casually reach for their bag, Belphie followed suit.
“I’m so glad we all followed the rules.” Luke smiled, his own hand inching towards his bag.
There was a brief moment of stillness before the four of them whipped out their water guns and pointed them at each other.
“This BBQ ain’t big enough for the both of us!” M!MC’s terrible cowboy impression aside, their gun was poised to shoot directly at Luke and L!MC’s alpaca-giraffe-thing.
“Everyone, I know this is a human world tradition but-”
Belphie silenced Diavolo by pointing his water gun at him. “Sh, don’t talk unless you have a water gun as well.”
Deciding not to smite Belphie for treason, Diavolo pulled his own water gun out of his shirt. “Okay, what now?”
“Now, we’re in a standoff...” L!MC glowered at M!MC, the air was practically crackling with hostility...
Until a burst of flames got everyone to whirl around to see A!MC with hairspray and a lighter.
“No water guns! I refuse to go home shivering and covered in grass again!”
Crisis averted. Everyone went to go fail at throwing beanbags into a hole instead of shooting each other.
That was probably for the best... Belphie filled everyone’s water guns with paint.
The Uncle That Does All the Cooking for Family Dinners (Barbatos)
Remember how I said that Barbs liked smol Lucifer? Yea, he likes smol Asmo too. Smol Asmo is willing to admit that they don’t know how to use an oven and is willing to learn.
M!MC is formally banned from being within 50 feet of the kitchen. It’s for the best.
A!MC often tries to get Barbatos to look into the possible futures so they can see if they can avoid messing anything up and A!MC is just so adorable that Barbatos actually thinks about it.
He still says no every single time.
“Could you at least tell me if I have the possibility of doing something embarrassing in the near future?”
“My apologies, A!MC, but no.”
“The answer remains the same.”
A!MC sighed and went back to helping chop vegetables. Under Barbatos’ tutelage, A!MC’s cooking ability had increased tenfold, they could now make as many burgers as they wanted without worrying about burning down the kitchen.
Pitying the anxious half-demon, Barbatos sighed. “I cannot confirm nor deny a future where your outfit gets ruined.”
A!MC perked up. “H-huh?”
“I cannot confirm nor deny a future where your outfit gets ruined.”
Quickly understanding what Barbatos was trying to do, A!MC quickly nodded and spent the rest of the cooking time carefully taking note of their surroundings.
“Hey! What’re you guys doin’?” M!MC had managed to get in... damn! Everyone must have been putting their best efforts in keeping Solomon away from the kitchen and forgot about M!MC...
“We’re just finishing up, M!MC,” Barbatos had on his ‘oh no...’ smile. “We don’t need any help.”
“Really? You guys sure?”
“Why are you so interested?” A!MC asked.
“Lucifer said that idle hands are the devil’s playthings and that I should go look for something productive to do.” M!MC huffed. “Very ironic phrase.”
“F-fine, I guess you can...” A!MC searched for the least destructive task they could give. “Take the utensils and set the table.”
M!MC gave them a mock salute and grabbed the utensils, as they turned to leave, they knocked a large bowl of chopped fruit over, sending the fruit pieces flying.
Remembering Barbatos’ prediction, A!MC didn’t bother to try and stop the fruit from falling, they only grabbed the nearest big plate they could find and shielded their outfit from harm. The fruit splattered harmlessly against the shield.
“Whoops... my bad. You alright, A!MC?” M!MC asked as A!MC inspected their outfit.
“Y-yes actually...” A!MC turned to Barbatos, who was already getting the cleaning supplies.
“Thank you!” A!MC whispered.
Barbatos smiled and nodded. “You’re very welcome, A!MC.”
Barbatos now has two sorta-children. A!MC and Luke!
M!MC means well, I swear! He just shouldn’t be allowed in a cooking environment!
The Cousin That Your Mom Points at and Goes “Look at Him, He Helps With the Dishes, Be More Like Him.” (Simeon)
Oh man... time for some more embarrassing stories.
“Asmo was the most adorable child, it’s a shame he was such a troublemaker...”
“Really? My dad?”
“What about mine?”
“I think you can guess.”
I cannot comment on Simeon’s help with flying lessons because I refuse to Headcanon what Simeon’s wings look like until canon gives us a GLIMMER. LIKE SERIOUSLY SOLMARE IM CURIOUS-
I have a feeling the children were quite curious as well.
“What do you think his wings look like?” M!MC asked A!MC as the two peered around the corner of one of the hallways in Purgatory Hall.
“I bet they’re super nice. But besides that...” A!MC leaned over and squinted. “Why is Simeon writing with a pen and pencil? He’s writing a book... shouldn’t he use a computer?”
“Bold of you to assume he knows how to use a computer.” M!MC snickered.
A!MC frowned. “Don’t be mean... I’m sure he knows how...”
Simeon picked up his DDD and took a picture of his face, seemingly by accident, with the flash on, causing him to drop the phone in surprise.
The two surveyed their angel friend like two wildlife documenters, here we see, the Simeon, not in his natural habitat, surrounded by confusing technology...
“Do you think if we scare him his wings might pop out in surprise?” M!MC wondered aloud, A!MC shrugged.
“Maybe... but I don’t think we should bother him...” A!MC whispered. “He looks busy.”
“What are you two doing?”
It took literally every bit of willpower for the two half demons to not scream in absolute terror at the sudden interruption.
Ah... it was just Solomon... in an apron... Solomon... in cooking clothes...
Oh no.
“Spying on Simeon?” Solomon asked.
“N-no...” A!MC giggled nervously. “Just crouching casually in this hallway...”
“...smooth, A!MC.” M!MC rolled their eyes.
“Well, it’s great that you two are here, I made lunch!”
A!MC and M!MC looked at each other in pure horror, they needed to get out of there!
“Uh- um... we’d love to but...” M!MC looked around frantically before just pointing at a random spot behind Solomon. “LOOK! A DISTRACTION!”
A!MC and M!MC ran out of there as fast as their legs could carry them. Finding out if Simeon had wings was not worth being poisoned. Not at all...
Good ol’ Simeon... Mr. Cristopher Peugeot on the other hand- M!MC had some questions for him.
“TSL is literally the most popular book series ever, does that mean you’re completely loaded?”
“Oh, no I’m not, I don’t have any use for human world money in the Celestial Realm. All the profits go to charity.”
“...Dude really?”
“That’s nice of you, Simeon!”
“You didn’t keep any of it..?”
Wait... Who the Hell Are You..? (Solomon)
So A!MC basically has three dads; Fabulous-dad, butler-dad, and wizard-dad!
“So you just... have capes lying around?”
“Yes, would you like a cape?”
“Okay if they don’t take the cape I want it.”
Solomon shows up to RAD with his nails painted different wacky styles every week, courtesy of A!MC.
Though- the unholy combination that is M!MC and Solomon is feared by all.
“Road work ahead?”
“Uh, yeah I sure hope it does.”
Solomon and M!MC’s rampant quoting of vines elicited another glare from Lucifer.
Despite Solomon having literally been alive since the seven rulers of hell were angels, he had kept up with pop culture fairly decently. Decently enough that M!MC had someone that wasn’t Levi to bounce memes off.
“Pff...” M!MC suppressed a laugh at a seemingly normal water bottle advertisement. “Enslaved moisture.”
“I’m not going crazy, right Simeon? You’re hearing this too?” Lucifer tiredly turned to the angel, who shook his head.
“This is just the tip of the iceberg. Solomon quacked at M!MC earlier and they lost their minds laughing about it.” Simeon shrugged, unbothered by the sorcerer and the half demon’s rampant meme-ing behind them.
Lucifer on the other hand, was quite bothered. Incredibly bothered, if you will. “If you two don’t shut up right now I’m going to-”
“Quick! We must abscond!” Solomon turned and heelied away, followed by M!MC. The shoes that Mammon bought to replace the ones lost during the casino incident were apparently heelies as well...
The day was saved when a rock jammed one of Solomon’s wheels and he slammed face first into the concrete. Yikes... that had to hurt.
A!MC had fun glow in the dark bandaids for Solomon to patch up his face. Even though he he could heal himself with magic, he let A!MC do what they wanted because they were just too adorable to say no to.
Asmo has pictures
The Cousin Squad (tm)
(Luke, L!MC, A!MC, and M!MC)
Ah yes, the bab squad. The most adorable group in the Devildom. Surrender your candy immediately or face destruction.
M!MC teases the crap out of Luke, and A!MC tries to stop it, but L!MC is the one who manages to actually make M!MC stop.
Only L!MC gets to pick on the smol angel. GOT IT?!
A!MC and Luke are already baking buddies because of butler-dad so they get along swimmingly.
Poor Luke’s the victim of many of M!MC’s shenanigans.
Luke: Are you sure this is safe, M!MC?
M!MC (about to put mentos into the bottle of coke Luke is holding): No.
L!MC and A!MC get along really well, being honest, everyone loves A!MC.
A!MC makes sure L!MC gets some sleep because they don’t want their cousin picking up on Lucifer’s habit of living off of coffee and coffee alone. L!MC doesn’t get it but they’re very grateful anyway.
M!MC and A!MC were friends from the start. Well... M!MC decided they were friends right from the start and A!MC did not have the ability to fight the power of friendship.
M!MC: You are being befriended. Please do not resist.
Since M!MC is great and amazing like their pop, they took it upon themselves to be the friend that speaks up when A!MC is too nervous to do so.
M!MC and L!MC? Lucifer and Mammon 2 electric boogaloo. Sorta.
L!MC and M!MC bicker all the time but the babs bounce back from their fights way easier.
One minute they’re at each other’s throats and the next they’re showing each other memes.
“There’s no escaping this.”
Lucifer stood between M!MC and the door... their one way ticket to freedom...
“You need to go to the dentist.”
The entire HOL plus the Purgatory Hall crew were getting ready to go visit the dentist to get their teeth cleaned. It was the time of the year that Mammon dreaded most... and his child felt the same way.
“My teeth are fine! Lemme stay home! I’ll hold down the fort with dad!” M!MC smiled and nodded as enthusiastically as they could, but even the most unobservant person couldn’t miss the sweat beading on their forehead.
“Beel.” Lucifer snapped his fingers and before M!MC could do anything Beel had thrown them over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
“Don’t worry M!MC, the dentist isn’t that scary.” Beel tried to assure them. By the way M!MC was still kicking and screaming, they were not convinced.
“Y-yeah kiddo, suck it up! Don’t be a baby! I’m just gonna take my car there-”
Lucifer had the important task of keeping a hold of Mammon as the very large group made their way to the dentist’s office.
A devious little idea popped into L!MC’s head as they all sat down in the waiting room. They began to hum a familiar little tune.
“She said be a deeeentiiiist~ a dentist!” L!MC sang to M!MC, who’s attempts to escape increased tenfold after hearing the song.
A!MC began to hum along, not seeming to notice the commotion going on next to them.
“Son be a deeentiiiiiist~ people will pay you for causing them PAIN! She said be a deeentiiiiiist~”
Belphie perked up and smiled deviously as he realized what L!MC was doing, he began to sing along as well. The three were a veritable choir of terror to poor M!MC. Mammon did not understand his child’s terror and was more unnerved by what a great team Belphie and L!MC made.
Satan rolled his eyes and tried to focus on his book, Asmo was absorbed in his magazine, Levi was having a very in depth conversation with the fish in the aquarium, Simeon and Solomon chatted about school, and Luke was stuck watching the train wreck go down.
Thankfully, it was halted by Lucifer. “L!MC, A!MC, Belphegor, stop tormenting M!MC with show tunes.”
“You would have made a good dentist in another life, Lucifer,” Belphie cooed. “You know what they say, the only difference between a dentist and a sadist is that one has newer magazines.”
Asmo grimaced at his magazine. “Is it the sadist? Because I’m reading a magazine from 1843...”
The conversation was interrupted by one of the dental hygienists coming into the waiting room and saying that Mammon was up first. The Avatar of Greed’s final escape attempt was foiled by Satan (not even looking up from his book) clotheslining him.
Thirty minutes later, Mammon emerged from the forbidden dentist room, with the look of trauma in his eyes and eating a lollipop.
One by one, the group went in, A!MC took it upon themselves to try and make the rapidly panicking Luke feel better.
“It won’t be too scary, in the human world dentists are usually very nice.” A!MC smiled encouragingly.
“I-I’m sure that’s true but...” Luke looked around. “We aren’t in the human world...”
Asmo skipped back in and flashed a blinding grin to the group. “Absolutely perfect, no flaws! It’s your turn, A!MC!”
“If you die I get to say I told ya so!” M!MC shouted as A!MC walked into the dentist’s room.
They did not in fact, die because of the dentist. A!MC walked out and gave a thumbs up. “The dentist said they had never seen a kid with such perfect teeth.”
“That’s my baby!” Asmo chirped.
“M!MC, you’re up.” A!MC and Beel had to practically drag the poor kid out of the room and into the dentist area of doom.
“GO BE A DEEEEEENTIIIIIIST!” Belphie and L!MC shouted one last time as the doors shut. Wow, what dickheads...
Mammon probably would have tried to save his poor little bugger, but he was in the middle an impromptu therapy session with Simeon over the scary scraping dentist knife thingie.
Beel was the last to go, and he walked out of the dentist’s room with his face covered in blood, the dentist walked out after him, missing a hand.
“You tasted like toothpaste.” Beel sighed. “Not good.”
“Don’t worry,” The dentist said to Luke, who looked like he was about to pass out. “My hand will grow back in about four to five minutes.”
Luke, still terrified, nodded. L!MC patted him on the shoulder.
“Anyway, almost all of you are fine, but I have to recommend M!MC to the orthodontist.” The dentist flipped through their notepad one-handed. “Their secondary set of fangs are coming out crooked and need to be corrected with braces immediately.”
M!MC sat calmly for a moment, then attempted to sprint out the door. “NO NO NO NO NO!” One of the dental hygienists grabbed them by the back of their shirt and halted their escape.
“Sucks to be you.” L!MC smirked.
“And L!MC needs to fix their cross bite, braces are a strong possibility.”
The colour drained from L!MC’s face as the news dawned upon them. “Pardon, but what exactly are you talking about..?”
“Your top jaw and bottom jaw aren’t properly lined up.” The dentist explained. “It will lead to problems later if it’s not fixed now.”
Lucifer rubbed his temples and sighed. “L!MC, if you try and run away I swear...”
L!MC stiffened and shook their head. “I’m not some coward, I’m not running away. Just... what exactly are you going to do to my mouth?”
The dentist pulled up a few pictures of the braces and explained what would be done. L!MC nodded, and turned to their father with a big smile on their face.
“It won’t be so bad, mind if I go to the bathroom before I get the mold for my teeth made?”
Lucifer nodded and almost audibly sighed in relief. He basked in the glory of having a child that wasn’t afraid of the dentist and faced their fears like an adult-
L!MC sprinted past the dentist’s office, they had busted out of the bathroom window.
A few minutes later, Beel returned with a completely irate L!MC who was screaming their demands to be put down and be allowed to run for the hills. Taking advantage of the distraction, M!MC ran for the door again, only for Belphie to tap them on the forehead.
M!MC collapsed into a snoring heap on the floor.
“FATHER! DON’T MAKE ME DO THIS!” L!MC practically screamed as they tried to wrestle themselves out of Beel’s bear hug.
Lucifer rolled his eyes. “L!MC, calm yourself down. It’s just braces.”
The half-demons in need of braces were dragged right back into the dentist’s area... poor fools.
“They’ll be okay... right?” Luke asked.
“Of course they will be. It’s just braces.” Simeon patted Luke on the head. “They’ll both be fine.”
The scream that came from down the hall right after Simeon said that did not reassure anyone.
“Hey,” Mammon piped up. “How much do braces cost?”
“From what I know about dental procedures,” Satan rubbed his chin. “A few thousand Grimm.”
“Mammon if you try and run for that door I will cut your credit card into a thousand pieces.” Lucifer growled.
Overall, it was a fairly average trip to the dentist. 0/10 would not recommend. A few weeks later L!MC and M!MC were fitted with their mouth prisons- I mean braces, and the two cousins bonded over their horrific mouth pain...
Seriously- braces suck.
So! Those are the headcanons! Four and a half whole parts... phew... To all the people who enjoyed this series, thank you so so much for reading! You guys have been so super nice!
Fret not, I plan on writing more for this universe! From what I know about season 2 of Obey Me things will get... interesting. Stay tuned for more! Or don’t, I can’t force you.
...or can I?
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Wearing THAT
[Dewey Finn X Female Reader]
Summary: Reader teases Dewey in a Poison Ivy costume. You have a really hard time saying exactly what you want... Masterlist Next
Word count: 3.1k words (no beta) 
Warning(s): 17+ | teasing, lots of teasing and boners, lap sitting, near nudity, touching
AN: only Thots here, thots about Dewey Finn also is Ned British? He's British in my head
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This was some sort of test. It had to be. God was testing him through you and you were not playing fair. It’s a costume party not a competition, you pompous little sycophant. And yet he can’t help but tug at the collar of his shirt. It’s not even anywhere near his throat but why else would he feel so constricted? It’s certainly not because of you…
You walked into his shared apartment wearing that and you had no idea the effect it had on him. 
Dewey watches you sling an arm around Ned and kiss Patty’s cheek in greeting. “Hi guys! Thanks for inviting me, I’ve been dying to put this on.” 
“Oh you look lovely,” Patty coos. She plucks at one of the plastic leaves on your corset. “Did you make this?! It’s so intricate.” 
You bark out a laugh. “Oh hell no! I have this cousin, right? And him and his fiancé own this shop where they make costumes for movies and theatre and if you pay ‘em right, ‘personal use.’ And they don’t ask questions what ain’t their business either.” 
“Well, I’m sold.” Ned raises his beer for a toast and Patty clinks it with her bottle of mysterious green juice. “Prost! What’s the name of the shop? Wanna see if they’re online– you know, for... support.” 
“Ned,” Patty swatted his empty hand (no need to be shy, we already know they’re freaky). 
You pat your friends on their backs and take a step towards the kitchen. “Gonna get myself a beer.” 
“Oh honey you don’t have to do that. Dewey!” The man in question nearly covered himself in his own drink when he heard his name. “Be a good host and get this lady her beer!” 
“Yes captain,” Dewey salutes and Patty can do nothing but glare in her Star Trek yellow shirt costume. Original series, of course, nothing but the best for Patricia Di Marco. 
Dewey takes a hold of the moment he has his back to you to take deep, calming breaths. He will not let this be the end of him. Your friendship means so much more to him than that and a little fancy green corset was not going to make him fuck things up with you. 
He’s ready for you when he hands you your beer. Your one arm hug is appreciated because he’s sporting a bit of wood and he’d hate to find out your corset isn’t thick enough to hide it– or god forbid you feel him on your thigh. And god, your thighs… those sheer green nylon tights were doing unspeakable things to him. Maybe if he kept you close and kept your legs out of his peripherals he could make it through the night without embarrassing himself. 
Or maybe not. 
“Are yoooouuu a college student?,” you ask and point at his inconspicuous clothes. 
“Actually– ” he opens the buttons of his shirt to reveal another shirt with a superman logo on it and buttons it back up clumsily as you laugh. “Ssshhh! Don’t tell anybody. Protect my secret.” 
“Of course,” you giggle. God you feel good hanging off him– usually he loves how physical you are but he has to figure out a way to keep his distance without offending you and quickly. “You like mine?” 
The way you pick up a thick swirling red lock and direct his attention to the very thing he’s trying not to look at is killing him. Of course you look even better up close. The leaves of your corset give the thing depth and texture, your gloves are fingerless and go over your elbows, and your heels are high, like make- him- feel- his- below- average- height high. 
“I like these.” Dewey plucks at the ring of leaves at the top of your gloves. It’s a way to keep his mind off your everything else. “Did you dye your hair?” 
“It’s a wig.” You tug on the top and then the bottom, wincing a little. “Sew in, so don’t go snatch it.” 
“I would never!” 
“Poison Ivy, eh? Think that’s one of Dewey’s favorites,” Ned blabs. 
Dewey sends him a death glare so powerful Ned chokes on his beer but you’re looking at your Spock-dressed friend so you can’t see it. 
“Oh, really?” You return your gaze to Dewey and say, “well you must be loving this, then.” 
Dewey swallows. No words come to him and there is nothing to stop the awkward silence that follows. You appear unbothered by it, maintaining eye contact as you smile almost knowingly… 
“We should play twister,” he says with the most unsure voice ever. 
“We don’t even have twister,” Patty mumbled. “Come on, there are like twenty other games setup, let’s play!” 
Dewey gives it a minute and when he’s free from you, he catches Ned by his pointy green ear and drags him into the hall. “Hey? What the fuck are you doing?” 
“Whah– what are you talking about?” Ned slaps at the hand fisted in his shirt but Dewey doesn’t budge. 
“You can’t just go telling people I’m into them, dude! Do you know how close you came to giving me away?!”
Ned scoffed. “Her? I hardly think she’s ignorant to your feelings, you’re not like that Steven from Austin fellow.” 
“– Are you talking about stone cold Steve Austin?"Dewey buries his face in his hands- "It’s his last name, not his birthplace–” 
“And besides…” Ned peeks around the corner to see you in the middle of some sort of posing game. Everybody's trying to take the form of some sort of vehicle, and you've got Chloe in a headlock and Vance's leg in the other hand. Ned never got to finish his thought because someone dropped a huge bowl of popcorn and that too became a game of ‘how many can you eat off the floor before Patty cleans it up.’ Ned’s got to help and he’s got to help now. 
Dewey finds himself on the couch with his fifth beer of the evening. Vance, Jeremiah, and Chloe are talking baseball stats when suddenly Dewey’s vision is filled with green and red just before you sit down. Right between his legs. He unconsciously scoots up to make room for you and before he catches on to your game, you nestle into his space by the arm of the couch and sling your legs across his like you belong there. 
Ok, something is definitely up with you. 
Would he describe you as cuddly? A little. Perhaps a more appropriate word would be… hands on. Long before he started wanting more than friendship with you, you two were always just touching. Your presence and your love language was physical. Dewey never felt like you were invading his personal space or overstepping his boundaries because he simply had none with you and the feeling was mutual. But this was something else. Something that wasn’t there before. 
Was it him? Was he fucking up his perfectly in sync companionship with you because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants or (his heart for that matter)? He wasn’t sure if he wanted to drag you closer or push you flat on your ass right now. 
You were listening to Chloe chew Vance out for hating Gritty the mascot when you felt Dewey plant a hand on your forehead. “Hey, are you feeling ok?” 
You gently shake him off and raise a single eyebrow. He seems serious, his voice gone all soft and making you feel gooey inside. 
“You just seem… I dunno,” he fumbles, “do you want me to take you home after this?”
Hellooooo opening! “Actually, can I stay here tonight?” 
“Yeah, of course.” Fuck, who said that? Dewey? Ah, shit… 
 “Thanks,” oh oh you should not be rubbing his thigh right now… “I think I’ll go change here in a minute.”
Oh please do, please please puh-leeaaase–  
After a brilliant movie drinking game (which Dewey tapped out of), the crowd began to disband. 24 became 20, then 18, then 12. You went out to your car to grab your overnight stuff and Dewey was hoping for a brief reprieve from the assault of your visage. He just needed a few more people to leave so he can sequester himself and rub one out– you know, get his head straight. Ever since you left his lap he’s been rock hard, there’s not enough blood flowing to his brain. The guest count is down to 3– 2 with you in your car, and he can’t wait anymore. 
Dewey slipped into the only bathroom in the house and prayed to god nobody noticed him. He barely got his hand wrapped around his shaft when Patty’s fist banged on the door demanding he help clean up. Sulking and agitated, Dewey managed to calm down while cleaning up red solo cups, glass beer bottles, cans, and small pocket sized objects that would need to be returned to the guests after their hangovers subsided (no keys, thankfully, everybody’s got a DD). His “predicament’ is nearly forgotten when you finally return with a bundle of clothes, disappear into the bathroom and reemerge in loose sleepwear with your makeup wiped clean and uh… braless. 
You catch him looking. Dewey– surprisingly sober after he gave up drinking half way through his sixth beer– does nothing short of raise a slightly irritated eyebrow at you. “Cold in here, huh?” 
“Shut up. You know how uncomfortable it is to sleep in a bra?” 
You help him collect a couple bottles that rolled under the couch and walk with him down to Ned’s car. Patty would sort the recyclables from the trash in the morning (late morning, she did a couple rounds of tequila shots thanks to you). It’s almost like the party never happened; you’re shooting the shit again and everything is right in the world. He’s got no ulterior reaction to putting a hand on your hip– that’s just a normal thing in your perfectly platonic relationship. God, he really must have been imagining things, he was beginning to think you were actually trying to flirt with him! 
Ned’s bent over the kitchen sink with Patty and holding her hair back. He looks up as you enter the apartment and shakes his head. You and Dewey make yourself scarce by slipping into the shared bathroom to hide. You try to giggle quietly as Dewey surveys the skincare products you covered the counter with. He points to your head and asks, “you wearing that to bed?” 
“It’s sewed in, I’m not taking this off for three weeks at least,” you answer. “Get my money’s worth. I can work it like my natural hair.” 
Dewey nods. You rub your arm nervously and look for something to say, something to circle back to the whole point of showing up looking like a sexed up goddess. What do guys like? Girls wearing their clothes, right? But you need to phrase it perfectly… 
“Dewey?” He looks up from the scrubby lip balm in his hands. “I’m not quite ready to go to sleep yet and it… it is a little chilly in your place. Can I wear your jacket?” 
Just to bring your meaning home, you tug on his sleeve– the very jacket on his back. You don’t want just any jacket, you want that one, already warm and scented by him. You don’t miss the way his eyes glance past you like he was reluctant to comply. And yet… 
“Yeah, here.” He slips out of it with ease and drapes it over your shoulders. You miss the sigh of relief he makes when you pull the zipper closed and obscure your pebbling nipples. “Think I’m gonna go help Ned put Patty to bed.” 
Ned was a scrawny little thing and couldn’t carry her by himself, and she needed to be carried. Competitive by nature, it’s easy to talk her into virtually anything, especially if it feels like girl time. You need Patty in a deep sleep for your plans tonight (sorry not sorry). Dewey’s very sexy as he bears most of Patty’s weight. She’s clinging to Ned, arms around his neck and babbling incoherently while Dewey’s got an arm around her waist and legs, keeping Ned on his feet. You skirt ahead of them and open the bedroom door, help pull her shoes off, her captain insignia, her earrings, you even wipe the spit from her lips and the eyeliner smeared on her cheek. 
“You’re my favorite ever,” she whimpers, “I love you so much, you’re like my best friend ever…” 
You shush her gently. “You say that about everybody when you’re drunk, baby. I promise I’ll make you a fat breakfast in the morning but you gotta go to sleep now, OK?” 
Patty nods. She snuggles into her pillow just as Ned is taking up position as the big spoon when she looks back up at you and asks, “can we go for a run together?” 
You blink evenly. “Yes.” You already regret it as she smiles big and wide. It would be just your luck this is the one thing she doesn't forget in the morning.
Finally it's just you and Dewey in the hallway. It feels like you're standing between two choices: his open bedroom door and the living room. But it seems like only you can feel the weight of it. 
"Are you sure you want to stay over?," Dewey asks, "you can use my bed." 
You perk up out of your heavy mood. "Really?" 
"Yeah, I'll take the couch tonight." 
He can't possibly miss the way you instantly deflate but he's still not putting the pieces of the puzzle together. "Dewey. I'm not going to kick you out of your own room." 
He shrugs. "Suit yourself. I'll grab a few blankets." 
There's a storage closet in the main building with this one extra soft blanket that Dewey knows you'll love. You on the other hand have got no more patience left. Once the man leaves, you stomp your foot and decide to try one final act.
Dewey returns to the apartment to find an empty, quiet living room. Ned and Patty are in bed, but where are you? He wanders past the bathroom door because it's dark inside and checks his room. There you are reclining on his bed. He could have sworn you were wearing pants before but your legs are bare and his jacket hugs the tops of your thighs. He also could have sworn you were wearing a shirt. He finds both items folded neatly beside you with your underwear right on top. 
This cannot be happening right now. He just survived tonight by the skin of his teeth and now you were doing this to him. He’s going to pull his hair out, going to scream, it’s so frustrating because he can’t just ask you what you want– you’ll turn the question back on him and he’ll fuck it up. He lets the blanket fall from his grip and with a heavy sigh he whispers in a weak voice, “straight answers only. What are you doing to me? Why you doin’ this?” 
You cock your head and answer leisurely, your eye drifting across the items in his room. “You know that’s not how I roll, but if you want me to address the elephant in the room: I'm naked in your bed right now." 
Against his better judgement, Dewey moves closer. "I can see that." 
One step closer and your eyes find him again. Like an invitation you lean back more, even uncross your legs but go no further. Dewey swallows his tongue and waits for you to elaborate and every second is agonizingly slow. 
"You think you can just walk around here with your pretty face and cocky little attitude like it’s nothing,” you said accusingly. 
Dewey glared at you. “That’s the pot calling the kettle black.” 
“Well we're in agreement then,” you’re almost sneering at him, but he knows it’s because you’re really frustrated with yourself, “I look and I touch and I feel but I don’t know, you know?” 
“Not a clue,” he sighs and sits himself beside you. He’s done trying to keep his distance. “Let’s go back to you being naked in my bed.” 
“Do you like it?” 
“Do I like it?,” he repeats incredulously. Dewey leans back on his elbow to look you over from top to bottom. You look damn good in nothing but his jacket. You’ve got the long ends of your red hair in braids that sweep down to your navel. The zipper rests tantalizingly right below your ribcage. Dewey dares to reach out a mollifying hand and give a tiny stroke to that silver keeper. He cannot bring himself to speak above a whisper as he nods, “yeah, I… I like it.” 
The tension leaves your shoulders and you wear a small grin. “It’s not too late to take it back. Say no, and I’ll put my clothes back on and sleep on the couch like none of this ever happened. This,” you point between the two of you, “doesn’t change unless we want it to.” 
… this was real. In answer, Dewey’s chin wrinkles and he watches his finger travel upwards, drawing a light line up the expanse of your chest between your breasts to feel you shiver at his touch. Thing is he doesn’t want to say no, but wouldn’t it be better? Safer? He asks the question he’s been dying to know all night. “What do you want from me?” 
“Whatever I can get,” you answer truthfully. “Whatever you’ll allow. Don’t trouble yourself with labels and things ‘cause what we have has always been so much more than that.” 
Dewey feels a weight lift off of his chest. His hand works around your waist and drags you closer, halfway under him and he rests his perspiring forehead on your breastbone. Whatever happens next happens, for better or for worse. 
You’re not troubled when Dewey moves the jacket to expose one of your breasts, however you are taken aback when he bites you. You barely manage to stifle your yelp when you feel him growl against your flesh and the sound vibrates straight to your core. Dewey drags his head up and stares you dead in the eye as he kneads your savaged breast. 
“All night,” he growls, “all fucking night for this? We could have done this ages ago. The salon, the drive in, Chloe’s cat’s birthday– grocery shopping last week. But no, instead you pick a party full of people and you’ve had me riled up for hours.” 
Dewey pinches your hardened peak and you keen. “‘m sorry…” 
“No you’re not, but don’t worry: you will be.”
AN: Check Out Part 2 @hoodoo12 @go-commander-kim @escape-your-grape @softbeej @imma-fucking-nerd @werwulfy
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
I Hate You
Part 1: You’re not just my Friend
#2: I hate you from @zambie-trashart Prompt List
DC Supersons x Miraculous
Dick wasn’t sure what was going on, but it probably wasn’t good. After Tim and Damian came back from the Kent’s Damian has been in a worse mood than usual and Tim had a grin that reminded him of the Cheshire cat. That could not be good. Surprise is putting it mildly when Tim finally spoke about it the next morning.
“Did you know Jon has a cousin from Paris?” Tim asked and his grin was plastered on his face and it was starting to become unsettling. Hearing this Damian started to scowl harder into his plate, how is that possible.
“No. Why? ” Dick was almost to scared to ask, and he really should not have asked.
“Well apparently they always try to fool and prank Connor and well the two ‘twins’ got me and the Demon Spawn over there”
“What do you mean with ‘twins’ and ‘got you two’” it was Jason who spoke up this time.
“The two of them swapped places and I thought Jon’s cousin was him and he her” Damian practically growled.
Jason burst out laughing “Your serious two kids fooled the Demon Spawn and the genius!" Jason all but fell out of his seat from laughing. "Oh that is absolute gold”
Dick couldn’t help but smile and agree with the second eldest.
That was when Bruce entered the dining room.
"Do I want to know" he asked with a tired sigh sitting down. Damian was seated glaring at Jason, who was laughed hysterically, Tim wore a cheshire grin but his face had an embarrassed blush, while Dick seemed the most composed you can tell he is close to laughing as well.
"So you know how Tim and Damian went over to the Kent's yesterday" Dick began.
"Yes what of it" Bruce replied.
"Apparently Jon has a cousin who looks and acts like him"
"I still don’t get why this is relevant Dick"
"So these two thought Jon was his cousin and that she was him" This time Jason did fall out of his seat.
"Why don't we invite them over" Bruce grinned this is something I want to see.
Dick and Jason could not take it. Both of them were literal rays of sunshine. They tended to answer questions for themselves and one another. Making it hard to figure out who was who.
One of them was in a light grey jacket with a blush shirt, light washed jeans and white sneakers. The other was in a red shirt with a black and white open flannel shirt over it, blue jeans and red sneakers. Both of them were wearing a baseball cap to hide the length of their hair.
Because both sides were a part at this game kept everyone on their toes.
They tried to swap their phones but didn't work. She and Jon set them identically however they pointed toaster that there was a minute difference in the screen saver.
After two hours Damian seemed to be done. So everyone placed their or votes on who was Jon.
The four siblings all pointed at her thinking she was her cousin.
"Nope" she smiled. The three older boys began to laugh while Damian was beginning to fume.
"If you guys thought we were tricking you with our clothes you were wrong" Jon explained.
"You two figured it out huh" Mari looked to Bruce and Alfred.
"It was slight but Miss Marinette is more graceful, dance perhaps?" Alfred responded but also asked.
"Ballet" she smiled.
"Also it is hardly noticeable but Jon's eyes are a bit more electric where Marinette's are more bluebell." Bruce stated.
"Looks, like four people can now tell as apart Mars" Jon smiled.
Damian huffed and stalked back into the manor.
She was going to go after him when she was held back.
"He's just mad you two got him again" Jason spoke between laughs.
"Give him time" Dick reassured, she nodded her head.
About half an hour later Alfred said Lunch would be soon, and since Damian was still gone, she went to look for him.
She found him in a gym going through forms with a sword.
"Lunch will be soon" he stopped and watched her.
"Why act like Kent?"
"Why act and attempt to be someone else?"
"I'm not trying to be anyone. Jon is my cousin and we are alike. If we like to play pranks together it doesn't mean we are trying to be another person."
"Tt. How am I supposed to believe you. If you are Kent's cousin, I hardly know you. If you are Kent, then you are deceiving me. So why should I trust what you say?"
"Do or don't but I'm not lying."
"Tt. We'll see." faster than Mari could process Damian charged at her sword still in hand. Her legs wouldn't move but she still had enough sense to guard her head with her arms. Unfortunately the tip of the sword still got her. A cold sting ran about a centimeter above her left eyebrow, cut through it to almost four centimeters past her eye. Then she felt a burning sensation the longer the wound is exposed to air.
"Tt. so you are Kent's cousin"
"If by that you mean not Kryptonian yeah" she turned on her heel and walked out looking for a bathroom. Her breathing coming in shaky gasps. She had taken off her jacket and was using it to stop the blood while applying pressure.
She isn’t kryptonian, but she didn’t run. Why didn’t she try to leave not just attempt to block.
Damian went to the dining room for lunch. Kent’s cousin wasn’t there but everyone else was. He simply sat down and began to eat.
“Hey Damian do you know where Mars is?”
“Tt. Why would I know where she is?”
That was when Marinette walked into the dining room. Her jacket was folded and she was holding it and her hair was now parted to the right and not the left as it was earlier.
“What happened?” Jon’s voice was steely the opposite of his usual cheeriness.
“Please drop it” Marinette spoke steadily, but her eyes were pleading with her cousin.
“You never told us that your cousin was human” Damian spoke almost bored still eating.
“Because it wasn’t relevant” Mari bit out. Now all attention was on her and in a house full of detectives she was not going to get out of this.
Jon flew over to her and was examining her. That was when he noticed the cut on her brow. “Mari”
“It’s not as bad as you think” but he didn’t listen he grabbed the jacket she had set down and unfolded it. That was when the entire family saw the blood stains on the light grey fabric.
“Miss Marinette, may I” Alfred now came up to her and began to check her as well. “It needs to be closed. Unfortunately it will scar.”
“Now we will be able to tell them apart” Damian deemed it appropriate to speak.
“I hate you.” Mari glared at the green eyed boy “I hope your proud of yourself.”
“Tt. I don’t see the problem.”
“Of course you don’t”
“Damian care to explain.” Bruce demanded.
“It seems self explanatory”
“He attacked me”
“You attacked Pixie” Jason seemed to take offense on her behalf.
“Why aren’t you more upset or in pain that looks bad” Dick went into mother hen mode.
“Because there is no use dwelling on it. And thinking about it makes it hurt more”
“Still Mars it’s bad, you really shouldn’t need to hide this” Jon was starting to become overprotective.
“I’m a klutz I’ve had worse. Besides I’m just tired at this point.”
“But” Jon was going to argue further but she didn’t want to hear it.
“Hey look at it this was Conner will finally be able to tell us apart.” Jon pursed his lips and so did everyone else in the room. Mari gave a smile as to lighten the mood but was unsure if she succeeded. Well there is no point in dwelling on it now.
@iloveitwhen @greatcatblaze
JPS: @zambie-trashart @loveswifi @wannajointhecrabcult @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole @mochegato @thatonecroc @professionalfangirl1738
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achliegh · 3 years
Yeehaw Leo… it's all because this song came on one day (I don’t even really listen to country anymore so it really is fate). Leo is based off that song, each chapter is going to be based off a yeehaw song too.
@clearsuitcasecookienerd helped me out with this one!
For some background:
Leo is a bull rider as a side hustle.
His parents breed Tennessee Walking Horses ($$$$$)
His father died when he was 16 so he dropped out of school to help his mother and cousins run the ranch.
During the winter The Ranch hands take over the Ranch so Leo and his Mother can go visit family all over the country. During the Summer Leo and his cousins handle the ranch.
TW/CW: Smut, terrible yeehaw sayings and jokes, injuries, mentions of past death, minor character death, underage drinking, mentions of past arrests, cringe
Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy
And James was thrown off the mechanical bull for the third time! It seems as though no one on the team could stay on that thing long enough to win the prize of a free beer tab. Finn and Logan were standing hip to hip, forearms resting on the short fence surrounding the mechanical bull in this crowded bar. They were passing a cigarette back and forth as they made fun of Thomas and James as they rode this ferocious animal on the beginner setting.
They just got done for the day at a training camp designed to make them more agile on the ice, only the wingers and centers were there. It was being put on at the old professional hockey rink in New Orleans so it can get some use. The only reason why they choose this hick bar is because it was close to the rink and apparently LGBTQ+ friendly because some kid comes here and gets in fights with people who are homophobic.
A true hero.
Finn and Logan have been friend with benefits since college, did they plan to fuck again tonight? Yee-haw! They both had feelings for each other but refused to admit them because that's the one thing you aren’t supposed to do in a friends with benefits situation. Not fall in love. Everyone knew they were completely head over heels for each other but everyone also knew something was missing for them to be able to work. Usually they only talked about their feelings when they were angry.
Everyone in the bar was friendly, all locals too, so they would tell fun stories about what has gone down in this bar. Two names that would come up frequently and always together were, Leo and Clayton. Apparently, they are best friends and the most beloved frequenters of the bar. Yes, they were undersage. Yes, they did like to fight. No, no one snitches on them. Yes, Leo is a gay boy and Clayton is a Bi boy and they ran this town.
Both are apparently from very rich old parents who only ever had one child, so they treated each other like brothers. No one messed with them. Don't forget they know how to have a good time. Finn had squished his hand into Logan's back pocket while they listened to the local next to them at the fence talk about the two boys.
Then the double wood door to the bar was slammed open, two very tall specimens sauntered in, there was whooping and hollering as they walked past people. Tipping hats and throwing winks. The local leaned over and whispered to Finn and Logan who took a glance at the door and then back at the bull tossing their friends like a fucking salad.
“Speak of the devils.” Logan's attention was brought to the two men when they hopped over the fence to help James stand back up and dust him off. Cracking jokes with him, while the other went to the machine panel to change the setting. Logan took in their appearances.
The one with James had caramel toned skin with black coily hair under a dirty baseball cap. He was very well built and looked like his muscles were made of rock, Logan guessed he was around the same height as Finn. He was wearing a black shirt with the sleeve cut off low enough to show off his abdomen. He had on some dark dusty jeans and brown square toes boots, looks like he just got off work somewhere dusty. The man looked up to check out the crowd of newbies to the bar and Logan took note of his dark dark brown eyes, which landed on him and he saw the man smirk a little before leaning over to James to ask for the names of Finn and Logan. Rolling his eyes a little he decided to look at the other man.
Oh my.
Logan felt like he had been punched in the gut, this man had soft blonde curls wrapping around the rim of his old baseball cap that's backwards on his head. He was also tan but looked more golden like he was tanned under the sun. He couldn’t see his face from under the man's hat but he could see his hard muscles from under his incredibly tight tank top. He too was wearing jeans and square toed boots. Logan could tell this guy was taller than the other and he just wanted him. The veins in his arms and the strength of his hands made his grip tighten on his drink. He knew Finn was looking to by the way he could feel his hand flexing on his ass.
There was a song playing in the background that portrayed exactly how they felt.
“SAVE A HORSE RIDE A COWBOY!” The bar cheered as the blonde boy swung his leg on the bull and grabbed the handle, nodding at his friend. The bull started thrashing around and all Finn and Logan could focus on was the way this guy isolated his body so the top half of him barely moved while his hips rotated with the machine, smoothly. As the bull got faster the tighter the guy gripped the handle the more veins showed in his arms. Logan took a drink while Finn took a drag.
When the man was finally flung off, he had won what Thomas and James were trying so desperately trying to win. When the man stood up he was right in front of Logan and Finn. Logan just about spit out his drink when he saw this man's face. Like it was chiseled from fucking god, dimples, electric blue eyes that shot electricity to their groins, sculpted eyebrows and a scar on bridge of his nose. He smiled and his teeth were perfect beside a chip on his left front tooth.
They had to have him. After hours of teasing looks and sexy line dances, which was a sentence Finn swore he would never say, they finally got this angel of a cowboy into their hotel room. His name was Leo, and god damn was he packing.
He was fucking into Logan as the smaller man fingered Finn open and sucked him off at the same time, Leo shifted a little to hit Logan's prostate, a loud moan was heard from around Finn’s cock. Logan pulled off of Finn and Pushed back on Leo like he couldn’t help it, catching Leo by surprise and asking him to pull out. Leo did because he was a literal angel.
Leo sat back on his heels and smoothed his hands over Logan's hips with a worried look in his eyes. “Did I hurt you? Are you okay?” His voice was heavy with lust and worry, that thick southern accent caused the other two to groan.
“Don’t you remember what song was playing when we first saw you?” Logan and Finn were now on their knees facing each other but looking at Leo with hungry eyes. Leo looked down as he thought for a moment, then it dawned on him. He looked up at them and smiled a little shy, he was about to say something but he was pushed back to lay down. He shuffles a little to get more comfortable, Finn and Logan both mentioned that they were switches so he had no clue what to expect when two extremely sex hockey players asked him into their bed. Clayton was jealous.
He groans as he feels Finn grind back onto his cock, he looks up at the red head and smiles Finn is definitely enjoying himself. Leo placed his hands on Finn’s hips to help him sink down on his cock, furrowing his brows he tries his best not to fuck up into Finn as he gets used to Leo. Which they did mention Finn hasn’t bottomed in a while but he really wanted to with Leo and that made him feel special. Leo opens his eyes from when he scrunched them shut to control himself, he sees Logan watching Finn and stroking himself. An idea comes onto Leo’s head, tapping on Logan's arm he wraps his hand around his bicep and pulls him over to him.
“How about you ride my face, sugarbug? Hmm?” Leo is pulled into an intense kiss as Finn finally sets a comfortable pace of fucking himself down on Leo. Logan maneuvers himself so he is straddling Leo’s face and facing Finn.
Leo grabs Logan's hips to pull him down on his face, nipping lightly at his rim he smirks at the shiver he feels from Logan, hearing the smacking of kisses he knows they are desperately close already. Leo starts working Logan open with his tongue as he plants his heels on the bed and fucks up into Finn. The boys are moaning his name loud enough he bets the people in the room next to them are hearing everything. Leo is getting close and he knows Logan is barely holding on, plunging his middle finger and tongue into his smaller lover, hitting his prostate head on, he feels Logan clench around him as a wet heat is felt on his chest.
Logan Moans out Leo’s name and then Finn’s as he pulls the red head into a sloppy kiss as Leo keeps his rhythm with Finn, fucking him steady and deep. Finn changes the rhythm and starts moving faster, desperate for that release. Logan reaches between them and starts to jerk Finn off in time with his thrusts, after a few strokes he feels Finn spilling into his hand. Leo groans and bites down on Logan's left booty cheek as he muffles his moan when he releases into the condom he's wearing. Resting his head back on the pillow he feels logan crawl off him.
Finn pulled off him and collapsed onto Leo’s chest with an oof. Leo chuckles and runs his hands through Finn’s hair, mesmerized by the red flowing through hands. He just wanted to hold these boys close and relax, which he hasn’t done in a while. Kissing the top of Finn’s head he hears a cute whimper from the man on top of him. Hiding his laugh in his hair Leo looks up at Logan who wanders back into the room with a warm washcloth. He slaps Finn’s ass causing the man to jolt and glare at Logan.
“Excuse you, I was being snuggled by a hot cowboy who just fucked the life out of me.” Leo laughs as Finn rolls off him, Logan tries to hide his smile but fails as he wipes the other two down. Hopping on top of them and wiggling his way between them and smiles.
“Well I want to cuddle the hot cowboy who just ate my soul out of my ass.” Leo laughs again and shakes his head wrapping his arms around bothering them.
“Shh! I want to silently cuddle with two hockey players who I just had the most intense orgasm with!” They all laugh and fall into comfortable silence with comforting touches and caresses until they fall asleep.
When Finn and Logan woke up in the morning Leo was already dressed and writing his number on the notepad next to Logan’s phone. He turns to look back at the bed and smiles when he sees the boys both sleepily reach for him. He crawls on the bed still having not put on his boots yet and gives them both a sweet kiss goodbye.
“Text me or call me anytime you want to talk.” He whispers to them as he pushes some hair out of Logan's face and rests his forehead on Finn’s cheek. He crawls away shoving his boots on and walking out the door. Morning chores need to be done.
They all felt it when Leo left, cold.
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jordm · 3 years
Heartland 15x02 - another quick summary
Some more quick thoughts, live as I watch - how exciting? Eventually I get around to watching even if it never seems to be on time haha.
- I love seeing the Spencer twins get older and be more talkative. The scene with Amy riding and holding into the reins when with the smaller horse for Lyndy was adorable (and how I picture them when they're at Ambers)
- More Lisa and Jack storylines, I LOVE!
- Sam's place got robbed and a wild stallion got out (apparently its been a thing - robberies. Good thing they have guard dog Remi at Heartland no?)
- We get a subtle Cass mention from Caleb when he says to listen when your wife tries to tell you about her day. Now can we get a Cass appearance? Maybe a Cass/Amy kids playdate? Ps. what is Caleb and Cass's kids name anyways.
- Tim is back at the rodeo, and it appears that Caleb has been doing just fine without him - in fact people have actually been improving, perhaps to Tim's chagrin that he perhaps isn't as needed as he requires.
- Caleb moved everything online, including waivers (seriously, a good move). He doubled the amount of students, and even has run the rodeo pretty smoothly. Honestly, i'd say he did pretty good but Tim doesn't seem like he seems to appreciate it. IMO Tim needs to be way more appreciative of Caleb keeping his clinic running
- Jack has promised that Lisa that he would be at the auction, but Lyndy gets thrown onto J/L when Amy goes to try and rescue the horses. I don't what i'd do if i was Jack- Amy is doing the right thing by helping Sam but at the same time, Jack and Lisa did have plans. hey maybe Katie could babysit if its just a few hours?
- Katie wants to babysit but Lou says she seems too young (how old is katie supposed to be??). If Katie has taken the babysitting course and can do child CPR, I don't see the harm especially if it's only for a few hours and it's Lyndy, her cousin. Maybe Katie babysitting could help alleviate jack and Lisa's and the family in general from babysitting duty?
- The wild stallion that escaped ends up getting captured by some other guys who, figuring out its a wild, decide to sell it with the rest. Will sam and Amy find the wild stallion time? (my spidey senses say that they will haha)
- in other news, while updating and writing, i noticed that tumblr had an update. in totally unrelated issues.
- Lisa on the phone while babysitting, while Lyndy is writing a song for Lisa and the other two are practising CPR. My thoughts - Lyndy is adorbz, the two practising CPR is funny and i kind of feel bad for Lisa who got stuck for babysitting duty. Again, i don't see why Lyndy cant be watched by Parker and Katie in the interim, but whatevs. Also, i'd imagine it was so fun filming it for the kids.
- this asshole tells amy and tim that he sold the stallion - he literally was not apologetic. Look while i'm sure that they'll get back this wild horse (does he have a name?)
- lou agrees to show jessica's photos in hudsons diner - and then asks her for a more prominent spot to show her photos -> i think Lou felt like she had to say yes but i do understand Lou's hesitancy with all the sudden demands - Lou doesn't want to seem like she's playing favourites but also wants to show support to her... uhhhh... step mother???
- OMG HEY SCOTT!!!!!!!!!!! hes bald, hes alive and hes IN SEASON 15. Anyways, seeing scott is never good because it means a horse, a horse Lisa bought for a shit ton of money perhaps, may be in trouble or injured. Nice to see scott is alive and well I guess.
- Tim negotiating to get the horse off the truck for a Sam selfie and a baseball was great. i like this Tim. (oh and he acknowledged caleb's great job at managing the rodeo which was great)... except for the fact that the black stallion wasn't... there????
- love the shot of the black stallion running across the fields - its a gorgeous shot
- anyways i think that the crew needs to figure out this whole babysitting situation... they need to hire a babysitter or have a back up plan if people have their own plans because family may not be there all the time. i hope lou lets the kids babysit lyndy
- I like this compromise, that caleb is there to be friends and build up the guys and provide confidence but tim is there to push them and make sure that they don't slack. i like this duo.
- is it just me or does KATIE NOT NEED BABYSITTING????? shes like what? 12 or something, older? she can probably stay home herself - i did when i was that age (for short periods of time). anyways i LOVED jack standing up for his wife and saying that the family be there for her this time. LOVED. if georgie being out of this season means more jack/lisa im here for it.
- i loved amy and lou saying sorry to lisa and letting her know that she won't be the main babysitter and that they appreciated her being for them all these years and showing that they were there for her. i love love love these moments.
- jessica opening up an art market and saying that any profits (10%) would go to lou (i guess as an idea fee or like, a "hey we're on your property" rent fee) and lou being completely okay with it after a talk with amy was so great to see. i love to see these moments, the women of heartland bonding and lisa/jack moments.
- oh yeah, and they find the wild stallion.
honestly overall a great episode. my not so hot take? i don't miss georgie.
another hot take? i think amy and sam would be a good couple in a few seasons if they continue their friendship. they have alot in common, get along well and have similar values. look at how they got along this episode.
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wkemeup · 4 years
By Any Other Name (4)
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series summary: When Special Agent Bucky Barnes is tasked with infiltrating the notorious gang Hydra and gathering evidence against its leader, Brock Rumlow, Bucky finds himself drawn to the woman who doesn’t seem to belong in this world of violence, the wife of the head of Hydra… you. pairing: bucky x reader chapter word count: 6.4k warnings: fluff, so much fluff, cuties making heart eyes at each other, someone play slow burn by kacey musgraves  🌹series masterlist 🌹
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Six months.
Six months of ‘yes, sir’ and ‘no, sir’, of holding back his tongue and clenching his hands into fists, of putting on the best acting performance of his life every time he was forced to stand in the same room as Brock Rumlow and didn’t tear the man’s goddamn jugular out.  
Sure, maybe some of that resentment was rooted in more than his status as the head of Hydra and the orders he’d personally given for the execution of men and the pushing of drugs onto the streets, but deep down, where Bucky knew better than to look, he knew his anger towards Rumlow had more to do with his treatment of you than anything else.  
He started spending most of his Sundays at your side. He’d meet with Steve and Sam at the café, old friends just catching up as far as you were concerned, and he’d run into you down by the bridge where you’d usually end up with Peter.  
The first time had truly been an accident, but then Sam suggested he use it to his advantage.  
The second time, he orchestrated quite literally running into you and Peter on his afternoon jog. He was dripping in sweat because Sam insisted it had to be believable and made him run an extra two miles just to be an asshole about it.  
He spotted you from down the block, walking alongside your cousin Peter and laughing so hard you had to grip onto the kid’s shoulder for support. Bucky fought he urge to smile as he kept his head down, hair falling into his face the closer he approached before he nearly sent you spiraling to the ground when his shoulder collided into yours.  
The cup in your hand slipped from your fingers and suddenly the sweet smell of apple and caramel filtered through the cold breeze as your tea spilled down onto the concrete.  
Bucky's hands reached out and gripped to your arms to keep you from falling over completely and Peter was about ready to throw some hands himself at the thoughtless idiot who dared to knock you off your feet, but as you shook the hair from your eyes, looking up to him and realizing exactly who was holding onto you, you started to laugh.  
“James!” you grinned, clearly surprised and lips brimming with that smile that left crinkles up by your eyes. 
Bucky stepped back and let you brush out the wrinkles he left in your jacket, eyeing Peter as he folded his arms and observed from a careful distance, a smirk on his face. 
You exhaled a breath, shaking your head. “What are—What are you doing in Brooklyn again?”
“Well, I live here for one. You’re treading on my territory now,” Bucky teased, sending a wink to Peter who he knew lived in Queens from your brief encounter the previous week. Peter’s smile fell and he narrowing his eyes, sending Bucky a mostly playful glare. The rivalry ran deep.  
“You live here?” you repeated, surprised, and Bucky decided he really enjoyed the way your lips parted ever so slightly, your eyes boring into his, and the rapid blinking of your lashes.  
“Did you think I just slept in a car down the block from your place?” Bucky smirked, nudging your arm and earning a light hearted scoff in return. “I do spend a lot of time there. It wouldn’t be an unreasonable thought.”
“Sometimes it’s easy to forget you have a life outside of Hyd--” you froze, swallowing down your words as you glanced over to Peter. He didn’t seem to notice your slip because his nose was in his phone, grinning at a recent text message as he typed furiously away at the screen.  
“Outside of the club,” you corrected yourself. Bucky nodded in understanding.  
“Wasn’t always a ‘bouncer’, you know,” Bucky said lightly and your expression quickly softened.
“Really? What did you do before?”  
“Let me replace that tea I just spilled all over the sidewalk and maybe I’ll tell you,” he proposed, letting himself fall back into the charming, flirty routine he’d learned to convey exceptionally well in his years undercover. Though, for some reason now, it didn’t feel like a charade.
“That’s my cue to leave,” Peter smirked, pointing a thumb back in the direction of Queens. You raised an eyebrow at him as he started to back away. “I’ve got... uh... homework to do.”
“Homework?” you scoffed and Peter nodded enthusiastically, eyes flickering between you and Bucky. “Peter, you’re a notorious procrastinator.”
“Maybe I’ve had a change of heart, huh?” he shrugged, feigning offense. “Better get going then. Have fun!”
Your jaw was clenched tightly as Peter sprinted down the sidewalk, leaving you alone with Bucky. Lips pursed, arms crossed over your chest, a shake in your head; you were exceptionally adorable.  
“You don’t have to, you know,” Bucky offered with a slight chuckle. He shouldn’t be giving you an out like that and he was certain Sam would have given him a few choice words in his ear if he’d been mic’d, but he couldn’t help it. He wanted you to want to spend time with him, not because he’d set up the perfect circumstances to convince you.  
“I know,” you said as you turned back to him with a softened smile.  
There was something different in your eyes, a flicker of something like appreciation and he wondered when the last time Brock gave you a choice with something like that.  
He pushed the thought away as quickly as it came.  
On the third Sunday, Bucky had been walking out of a bodega with a sub in hand, given the cue to step away from the door and into the sidewalk at the exact right time from Steve who was sitting with a baseball cap and sunglasses at a coffee joint across the street.  
You were mid conversation and Peter spotted him before you did, a wild grin growing on his face as he nudged you hard in the side and pointed over to Bucky as he started opening his sub, acting oblivious to your proximity.  
“James?” you called, laughing, with your arms outstretched to the side in question, in disbelief. “You following me or something?”
“You’re in my part of town, Y/n,” Bucky reminded you with a teasing grin. “You sure you’re not following me?”
It went on for a while like that. The back and forth. The flirtatious comments that had your cheeks flushed in heat as you laughed off shyness and pleasant discomfort under the soft gaze of his eyes. Peter was more than thrilled to watch the interactions, the humor between you and the less than subtle attempts at hiding your obvious enjoyment of each other.  
Bucky couldn’t quite remember what Peter’s excuse was this time, but he knew it was bullshit judging from the enormous smirk on the kid’s face. He was a good kid and he understood why you worked so tirelessly to keep Rumlow away from him.  
Once Peter was halfway down the block and you were alone again, you nudging at Bucky’s shoulder with a grin.  
“Got any plans?”
“Whatever you’re doing, I suppose,” Bucky said simply. He winked at you and you started to giggle, muffling it back with the edge of your scarf and it might have been the prettiest sound he’d ever heard. He had to stop and remind himself that Steve was watching from across the street before he overstepped a line.  
He followed you around Brooklyn, just accompanying you on various errands. You had to check in with the art café where you’d purchased the painting a few weeks back because you had requested the contact information of the artist in hopes of commissioning another for your library. 
The moment you stepped foot into the café, a young woman with long, almond colored hair stood up from a table at the center of the room, all nerves and hands wringing at one another, but your smile was enough to calm the poor girl.  
Bucky stood off in the corner, just watching from a distance as she showed you images of her other works on her computer. You nodded, taking the time to point out the specific things you liked about each one; the colors, the brush strokes, the simplicity, the complexity, the creativity. The girl– Wanda, he believed— was smiling so wide, he was sure her cheeks must have been aching by the time you were finished.  
After you shook her hand and made you way back over to Bucky, he asked you what you requested for her to paint. Your library was so sacred to you, he wondered how detailed you were in your request and what kinds of subtle designs you liked most.  
“I gave her free reign, actually,” you said with a shrug.  
You turned and waved at her as she exited the café, her eyes lighting up as she waved back. There was a slight tremor in her hands, an excitement, and Bucky wasn’t at all surprised you had that kind of effect on just about everyone you met.  
“That can be dangerous,” he replied, taking the last bite of his sub and tossing the wrapper in the bin.  
You pursed your lips, unbothered. “She’s wonderful at what she does. It’s different when you can tell how much passion and care goes into art instead of some mindless shapes I could have printed off of a computer. I have no doubt I’ll love whatever she creates.”
Bucky nodded. “You tell her how much you’re willing to pay for it yet?”
You grinned at that. “Thought I’d tell her next time. She was so excited just to get a commission, she completely forgot to ask for compensation. It’ll be a fun surprise, don’t you think?”
“After how much you paid for the one in your spare room, I think she might start doing cartwheels or something,” Bucky laughed, holding open the door for you as you stepped back out into the chill of the winter air.
You were smiling so wide, not even the brim of your scarf could hide it.  
Neither of you ever purposely proposed the idea of meeting up around 3pm on Sundays down near the bridge but by the fourth Sunday, Bucky noticed you started to look for him around the few blocks he’d been running into you. You expected to see him now and he found himself waiting patiently down by steps overlooking the water for when you’d show up with Peter at your side.
There was still some nervous chatter, of asking if he wanted to voyage into Queens or run around Brooklyn with you, and Peter making up some lame excuses to leave the two of you alone. It took until the sixth Sunday, of Bucky waiting down by the bridge as you walked directly up to him without a second thought for it to become cemented.
There was no side stepping around it anymore. Peter would say his goodbyes, knowing this was the new routine and judging by the grin on his face and he glanced between you and Bucky, he had no problems with it.  
For another six Sundays, you led Bucky around Brooklyn, sometimes back into Queens, and he’d simply follow you on your errands. You’d talk about mundane things most days; the weather, the Yankees, the latest book you were reading, or the new hipster lunch spot that opened just down the street from your favorite hole-in-the-wall sub shop that you were thoroughly aggravated about.  
But eventually, these conversations had become deeper.  
Without thinking much of it, he told you about Sam and Steve, leaving out important identifying details and their occupations, of course, but he told you about the most important friendships in his life; how Steve had been a scrawny kid with a fiery reflex for picking fights and how Sam was a huge pain, but he was loyal unlike anyone else. He told you about his Ma and his sister, and that he didn’t so much mind having a small family when Sam’s mouth was just so damn loud, it made up for his lack of cousins and aunts at non-existent family reunions.  
You told him all about the published works you’d done at Columbia and how you had dreamed of giving Ted Talks and speaking in conferences and attending conventions all over the world for your work. You’d been invited several times, even in the years since your early retirement. You’d seen the envelopes on the table for only a brief moment, before your husband would ‘misplace’ it or give you an excuse as to why you couldn’t attend, though you knew it was a reconstructed way of warning you not to cross him. You didn’t tell Bucky that, but he could sense your resentment in your voice, could hear it between the lines of your words.  
He supposed after nearly twelve Sunday afternoons together walking through Brooklyn and the small moments of catching the other’s eye across the room back at the mansion and him sneaking away for a moment to find you down in your library nursing a cup a tea, only for you to grin widely upon seeing him, you started to trust him.  
He wondered what did it. 
He’d never told Rumlow about Peter or about seeing you on Sundays, which seemed to be what you were most concerned about when he first started meeting you outside the mansion. Nothing about his time with you was scripted or forced in the way he used to be on undercover assignments. Steve and Sam had stopped following him and orchestrating run-ins months ago. He didn’t have to act like he was interested or force out smiles or grit his teeth and flirt, because he meant everything he said.  
When he was with you, on Sunday afternoons, he was himself. He was Bucky Barnes.  
Only, you didn’t quite know that, did you?
Bucky kept his hands tucked into his pockets as he stood at the edge of the dock. It was nearly midnight and the latest shipment of Cerberus was just rolling in. Bucky paused as a crewman forced open the lid off a crate for him to inspect. Inside was several dozens of bricks worth of Hydra’s elite street drug.  
Bright red in color and with the ability to enhance the user’s adrenaline, it’s high made the user feel indestructible, gave them the ability to punch through walls without feeling any pain and sprint faster than they’d ever been able to before. It failed to mentioned the drain of the crash afterwards and the casualties that usually came along with it.  
A guy by the name of Zola was still working on the final touches. There were too many fatalities associated with the current brand and that wasn’t good for business. This batch was the latest upgrade in the chemical makeup.  
“Looks good,” Bucky said to the crewman, a burly looking man with a scar down his jawline and a dark purple bruise on his eye named Markovich. He nodded, sealing the lid again and calling over for another guy to help him carry it down to the trucks.  
Down by the pier, overlooking the crates being hulled to the dock from the boat, was Lenny Jacobs. He was one of the guys Bucky had come to knew well since he started.  
A middle-aged father of three and owner of a laundromat that had nearly gone bankrupt before Rumlow bailed him out, Lenny had been working nights for Hydra in the years since, trying to pay off his debts. He was a decent man, one of the unfortunate ones blackmailed into this work and Bucky made sure to take note of that for Natasha. She was keeping a running list of men like Lenny. Bucky had no interest in bringing the same charges to Lenny as he did to a man like Markovich who was here on his own volition and greed.  
“Hey Lenny, how’s it goin’ tonight?” Bucky asked, stepping up behind him.  
Lenny startled a bit, hand clenched to his chest. Red nose and cheeks from the cold, a white straggling beard, and a heavy cable knit sweater that looked like he might have owned for decades, the poor guy was incredibly out of place amongst the stocky, tattooed men with gold teeth and years' worth of battle scars. He didn’t belong down here, that Bucky was certain of.  
“Sorry, Mr. Karpov,” Lenny said quickly, head down. He rubbed at his chest with the heel of his palm, wincing slightly. “I was just taking a break. See, I’ve got heart troubles and my wife is real worried about me doing strenuous activity and—”
“It’s no problem, man,” Bucky said quietly. He knew that his cover demanded a cruelty and disregard for men like Lenny, and maybe if he hadn’t met you, he would have succumbed to this character like he’d done all the rest, but instead, he put a hand on Lenny’s shoulder. “Take the night off. Get some rest and be ready for tomorrow.”
“Are you sure?” Lenny asked nervously, glancing back at the crew who didn’t seem to notice their conversation.  
“Scram before I change my mind,” Bucky ordered, though he offered a short smile and a nod before Lenny sighed of relief. He thanked him profusely and quickly walked back to his car.  
Bucky watched him as he disappeared into the cover of darkness, only small blips of his figure illuminated by street lamps every few paces. There was a slight limp in his walk and Bucky cursed under his breath as he turned back to observe the rest of the crew, wondering how Rumlow got off enlisting men like Lenny into the world of Hydra.  
It was late when Bucky got back to the Rumlow estate, nearing on three in the morning, but he had been given strict orders to deliver a sample of the Cerberus drug straight to Rumlow’s office when the crew was finished. He dug the package out of his pocket, careful to keep the second one he’d swiped from the crate in the inner fold of his jacket to bring back to Director Fury at the next meeting.  
He stared at it for a moment, studying the red power as it seemed to give off an illuminating shine under the dim reflection of the light. With a heavy sigh, he curled the dime bag into his palm and set his way to the office.  
It gave him a good opportunity to look around for a bit, maybe get some pictures, at least. Six months was the longest he’d gone on an undercover assignment without obtaining a significant piece of significant evidence, though he had to admit that Hydra was unlike any other assignment he’d had before.  
The door to Rumlow’s office didn’t so much as even squeak as the hinges pulled it open. It smelled of dark woods and cigars as Bucky stepped inside and he brushed his coat jacket over his nose as the lingering smoke wafted through the air.  
He placed the Cerberus sample on the desk and slowly pulled his phone from his back pocket. This was something he’d done dozens of times before, so he knew the places to look. Rumlow was a paranoid man and trusted very little of his own men, so Bucky knew he wouldn’t find important documents lying around on top of the desk.  
In his pocket, sat a key Sam had copied for him off of the one he’d found lying on the floor under Rumlow’s desk one late night after the boss had gone to sleep. It fit into the drawer to the left of the bar cart without a hitch and Bucky grinned as the drawer slid open. Inside, were dozens of folders worth of files, tabs listed along the top, cleaning organized evidence. Maybe Sam was good for something, after all.  
But then, Bucky heard footsteps patterning down the hall and he quickly closed the drawer reflexively. Heart pounding in his chest, only to remind himself he had permission to be in this room, he brushed off the collar of his jacket before he retreated from the file cabinet. He’d have to come back to that another day.  
Bucky stepped back into the hallway, only to crash directly into a figure attempting to rush past him. A slight yelp and a hiss of a burning sound as hot water splashed up over a mug and Bucky grabbed onto you, stilling your hand before more of the boiling water touched your skin.  
Folds of pillow creases in your cheeks, your hair thrown up messily away from your face despite the few strands poking out the ends and a solid chunk you’d missed completely running down the nape of your neck, you somehow managed to make his heart flutter just a little harder. You were too endearing, too sweet, and it was going to kill him, he was sure of it.  
You were panting, eyes wide and clearly surprised to find him in your home so late. “James! What are—what are you doing here?”
Eyes rapidly raking over him, heart clearly pounding through your chest, he nearly scared you straight to the floor if not for his hands carefully keeping your knees from buckling under you.  
Bucky let out a heavy breath, a slight chuckle as he started to pull his hands away from you now that you were steady. He brushed out the shoulder of your t-shirt that had bunched up your arm, settling it back along the softness of your skin. You shivered, watching his every movement.  
“I’m just dropping off something for the boss.”
You nodded quickly, stepping back from him. Bucky couldn’t help but notice your stare trailing down by his feet. You seemed to focus on the white salt lining the edges of his boots.  
“Is your hand alright?” Bucky asked softly, gesturing to the red patch on the back of your hand where the hot water had singed your skin.  
You licked at your lips, nodding absentmindedly, almost in a dream-like state. You stood still for a minute, your stare moving up and gluing to the center of his chest as he watched you. There was a slight tear in his jacket from a crate he’d lifted from the shipment. He wondered if you could smell the salt water on his skin, too.  
The small reminders of what he did for your husband neither of you wanted to acknowledge.  
“Y/n?” he tried to gather your attention again, tilting his head down to find your eyes. Taking a risk, he reached out and gently pried the tea from your hand. You let it go easily and he set it on the table.  
As he looked over the red mark, you winced, though your eyes stayed trained to the buttons of his shirt. The redness was already starting to go down and it didn’t seem to leave any serious burns behind, but he pressed his palm gingerly over the redness. His hands always ran like ice anyway and it seemed like they could finally be put to decent use.
The cold of his hands on yours seemed to wake you up at least, because you sucked in a harsh breath, blinked a few times, and finally met his eye again. He released your hand as your stare trailed down to where he was carefully holding it within his own and took a step back, giving you space if you needed it.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, yawning. “I’m a little out of it, I guess.”
“You’re allowed to be,” Bucky chuckled nervously. “I did just run right into you at three in the mornin’ in your own home. You had no reason to suspect I’d be lurking around.”
You smiled a bit, the curve of the corner of your lips bringing him a slight ease. You reached for the mug on the counter and carefully blew on the steam. Chewing on the edge of your lips, you started to try and brush back the stray wisps in your hair, realizing that you had just rolled out of bed. Bucky didn’t mind though. The innocence of it, the simplicity, somehow made his heart swell even more.  
“Trouble sleeping?” he asked and you shrugged, a slight nod following. It seemed to be a usual occurrence for you, to sneak down to the kitchen to make tea in the early hours of the morning when the stars were still blanketed in the sky and the darkness blended to the shadows, when your husband was fast asleep.  
Bucky was no stranger to sleepless nights either. Seemed to be another thing you had in common.  
“You busy?” you asked casually, a lightness returning to you and Bucky didn’t mind you changing the subject. He didn’t much like to talk about his own issues with sleep either.  
“Might be able to clear my schedule,” he shrugged with a teasing smile.  
You nodded towards the hallway and Bucky knew where you were leading him without having to ask.  
He’d been down this hall more times than he could count in the last six months. You’d been handing him new books to read like a revolving door, and even though Sam mocked him mercilessly for the first edition copies sitting in his bag or on the seat of his car and he’d brush it off as if it was only part of the assignment, but the truth was, he liked reading whatever you placed in his hands. He liked seeing how bright you’d smile when he told you what he thought when he was finished even more.  
You pushed open the doors to the library and quickly found your place in the side of the couch closest to the window. You curled up against the arm rest, hulling blankets over your lap and settling into the cushions. Bucky couldn’t help but smile as he watched you. He took a seat on the opposite end of the couch and crossed one leg over the other.  
It was quiet for a minute as you sipped your tea, but Bucky didn’t mind the silence much. It was something that used to bother him before you. Now, it felt more like a comfort. It was in the silence where often where he found you.
“When’s the last time you read To Kill a Mockingbird?” you asked.
Bucky glanced over at you with a smile. He knew there was more on your mind at this hour than the classic literature he may or may not have skimmed his way through in his school days, but he wasn’t interested in pushing you to tell him more than you offered willingly.  
In another life, under another name, he might have asked more questions, might have dug around for the reasons why you spent so many sleepless nights on your own and away from your husband, why you seemed to change the subject whenever he asked about Rumlow, but he didn’t. As much as he wanted to destroy Hydra and Rumlow and everything they stood for, the last thing he wanted was to hurt you in the process.  
So he pushed aside his better judgement.  
“Probably too long ago for your standards,” he replied, earning that smiles of yours in return that made his stomach twist.  
You jumped up from the couch, setting the tea back on the coffee table and adding another watermark to the collection. By the time you returned, you were carrying two copies in your hand and you tossed one into Bucky’s lap.  
“Why do you have two of the same book?” he laughed, brushing his hand over the cover to clean away the small dust particles.  
“One is a special edition and also,” you scrunched your nose, “because I can.”  
You grinned at him before you plopped back down on the couch, this time more noticeably closer to him than the time before, though neither of you said anything about it. Your thigh was only inches from his, your shoulders pressed back to the same cushion; so close he could feel the warmth of you radiating in the space between.  
Bucky chuckled, watching as you curled up under the blankets and turned over the cover to begin reading. He watched you for a moment, just observing the way the edges of your lips curved as you scanned the pages, a contentment coming just from the privilege of reading something so precious to you.  
Telling himself he was only staying to build the trust Fury ordered he earn, Bucky settled in and turned over the first page. He disregarded the ease with which he relaxed next to you, the comfort of the silence, save for the few turns of pages every so often, and the gentle thumping of his heart every time your eyes glanced up at him over the top of your book.  
Forty minutes later and three chapters in, his lids starting to fall heavy from the warmth of your blankets and the sweet smell of orange and ginger from your tea sitting on the end of the coffee table, when he felt a slight pressure on his arm.  
Bucky’s breath hitched in his chest as he looked down to find your book held limply in your hands, the binding resting in your lap, and your eyes closed as you curled into his side. Your hands snaked around his right arm in your sleep, tugging him tight to your chest and holding onto his arm like a stuffed animal. A soft sigh left your lips as you nuzzled against him, resting your cheek to his shoulder, content.  
Bucky glanced over to the clock hung high on the wall to find it was nearing four in the morning. He was supposed to meet Natasha downtown in an hour to give her an update on the shipment logs, but you were so warm, so soft against him, he wondered for a moment if he could come up with an excuse that could evade even an ex-KGB agent. But while he was clearly foolish enough to let himself fall into the fantasy of it for even a moment, he wasn’t stupid.  
With a sigh, he placed his copy of To Kill a Mockingbird on the table, mindful of the watermarks left behind by your tea, and slowly began to pry your fingers from around his bicep. You were warm to the touch, a furnace next to him, and you only seemed to hold on tighter the more he tried to get you to release him.
A soft chuckle breaking through the silence, save for your even breaths, Bucky carefully slipped out from under your blanket and off the side of the couch. He gently laid your head against a pillow he propped up, brushing the hair from your eyes. You released his arm and nestled into the new position, still fast asleep.  
Bucky sat back on the coffee table for a moment, just watching the way your nose scrunched in your sleep; how you tucked your hand under the pillow and shifted just enough for the blanket to fall from the couch. 
Bucky bent down, grabbed the soft fabric in his hands and gingerly draped it over you. He let the edge fall just above your shoulders and you curled your fingers into the cushion of it and tugging it up under your neck.  
Bucky smiled, brushing a hand over his mouth. He knew he had to leave, that he was already treading on thin ice around you, but he could have stayed there for hours to watch you sleep. It was the first time in years, since he’d been home from his deployment, that he wanted to sleep, too, instead of evading it as he did most nights.  
He wondered what it would be like to lay by your side, to let you curl against him as you had and to let himself hold you. To feel the heat of your body and the soft breaths on his neck as you tucked your chilled nose to his collarbone.  
They were dangerous thoughts and they were getting harder and harder to push away.
Reluctantly, Bucky stood to his feet. His fingers trailed over your hairline, tucking a bit of fallen wisps behind your ear. You smiled at the feeling and though Bucky knew it was reflexive, he couldn’t seem to stop the swell in his chest.  
Not even as he left the room, gently closing the door behind him.
Not even as he got in his car and drove down to mid-town.  
Not even as he stepped into a Starbucks at five in the morning on a weekday.
Natasha was waiting for him in the far corner of the room. She wasn’t the only one inside, not with the couple standing at the counter with a set of luggage at their feet, the college student huddled over a stack of binders and textbooks, and the middle-aged woman sleeping soundly at a booth away from the windows.  
Natasha was wearing an old university t-shirt, large over-the-ear headphones, and typing away at her computer, very clearly ignoring the stares of a still drunk man in his early-twenties who must have stumbled into the Starbucks on accident.  
“I wouldn't if I were you,” Bucky said as he came up behind the man, nudging his shoulder when he didn’t tear his eyes away from Natasha.  
He groaned, grumbling under his breath as he dramatically stumbled out the door and back into the streets. Bucky brushed at his nose, the stale smell of alcohol still present even as the man left.  
“I had it handled,” Nat said as Bucky took a seat opposite her. She didn’t look up from the screen.  
“Yeah, I know.” Bucky shrugged, glancing back over his shoulder to check for eavesdroppers. Natasha was more than capable of dealing with a semi-drunk frat boy without Bucky’s intervention, but that didn’t mean she had to.  
“What do you got for me?” she asked, green eyes flickering up to his.
Bucky sighed, settling into the chair and pulled a few files from his coat pocket and placed them on the table. “Got a few more names of guys working the shipyards, ones who are there willingly and the ones who seem to be blackmailed. I’ve got a sample of the product too, but it’s in the safe in my car until I can get it to Fury.”
“Good,” Natasha nodded, scanning over the papers Bucky brought for her.  
“I tried to use the key Sam copied for me,” Bucky continued, “but I couldn’t get in.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Every muscle in Bucky’s body went rigid. Natasha pursed her lips as she scanned over the folders on the table. She was always so calm about these things, even as Bucky’s heart rate skyrocketed.  
He forgot about the bugs he planted at the mansion in his first week in Hydra. Sure, he hadn’t done enough to give Natasha proof that he was overstepping on his assignment, that he was doing more than just following orders from Fury to get close to you, but Natasha was perceptive.  
He bit on his tongue and he was certain Nat picked up on his sudden tension. She picked up on everything.  
“You should be more careful around her,” Nat said quietly, though she didn’t tear her eyes away from the documents. For that, Bucky was thankful, because he wasn’t sure he’d be able to meet her eye. “I’m the only one with access to the mics and I’m sure, right now, I might be one of only three people who would be able to tell that the way you talk to Y/n and how you treat her is hell of a lot more like how Bucky Barnes would than James Karpov, but you need to watch yourself.”
Bucky nodded quickly. She was right and she didn’t even have ears on his Sunday meetups with you. Fury might not be able to pick up on the difference between his acting on previous assignments and how he was with you, but she sure as hell could, and he would bet Steve and Sam would, too.  
“I get that she’s not like other targets,” Nat sighed, turning to look at Bucky. He wished she wouldn’t. He felt like fire under her gaze. “She’s not the bad guy here and that makes it harder to separate yourself from your cover. You want to rescue her.”
“What? N-No, I--” Bucky tried to argue but Natasha didn’t buy it for a second.  
“She’s trapped,” Natasha said apologetically. “She’s trapped in a criminal world she clearly doesn’t belong in, trapped in a marriage to a monster she doesn’t love.”
Bucky gritted his teeth. He knew your relationship with Rumlow was strained, it was messy and complicated, but to hear it aloud was something entirely different. There was a reason he disliked leaving you alone in that house when he left after his shifts, a reason why you avoided talking about your husband on your Sunday errands together, and why Bucky – or James – became the person you sought out in every room you walked into.  
Natasha set her hand on Bucky’s forearm, squeezing it gently. She had enormous capacity for empathy and kindness few were privileged to see. Bucky swallowed back the bile in his throat.  
“You’re a guy who likes to save people, Bucky,” she said slowly, gently and it somehow still managed to tear through him like ice. “I just don’t know if you can this time. Not without compromising the entire investigation. We can’t let this one fall through the cracks. We can’t. There’s too much riding on this case.”
He knew. It was why he had been pushing his feelings to the side, screaming at himself from the back of his head every time he found his eyes drifting towards you as you passed by the living room, when he started walking down to your library every moment he could steal a second away, his feet carrying him of their own volition, when he felt the nerves twist in his stomach when you’d smile at him, or when you’d wave him down from across the street in Brooklyn with your cousin Peter at your side.  
He knew he was falling too deep and he couldn’t catch himself. There was nothing to grab onto to keep him from diving into a dark and messy abyss. He wasn’t sure he even wanted to.  
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Chapter 21 - Polo
I opened my eyes and was hit with the sun shining through the windows of Harry's bedroom. I rolled over and buried my head into the pillow and snuggled up next to Harry's warm body.
Today Harry had a polo match that I was going to watch. The nerves had already started to set in about meeting his friends and people he knows. I'm in a completely different type of circle than them and I was scared what they might think of me.
Plus this would be Harry and I's first "official"outing together. Outing, in the sense that it was our first time around people in his circle together and that we were an official couple. It was a big deal to this whole aristocratic world and to the media, to the world even. Harry was taking me and showing that he was serious about me. Which is a very big deal when you're a royal, at least it seems so. I don't know of many royals who have made an "appearance" together so early in a relationship, at least purposefully been seen together.
I laid in bed until Harry woke up to his alarm.
"Hey, how long have you been up?" he said as he turned to face me.
"Just a little bit." I gave him a smile.
We talked for a few minutes before Harry got up to get dressed and have breakfast.
I got dressed too and quickly did light makeup. I put on some jewelry, including a new necklace with an 'H' on it from Harry.
I brushed through my hair and straightened it once again. I grabbed my shoes and purse and went out to the kitchen.
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After taking Peach out to use the bathroom and feeding him, I had a cup of coffee and slice of toast while Harry gathered his things and loaded them in the car.
"Ready?" Harry asked as I was putting my mug in the sink.
"Yeah, let me just get my purse." I said.
I gathered my things and walked out the door behind Harry.
Harry drove us to the polo field and parked. He hurried around to my side of the car and opened the door for me.
"I hope I'm dressed correctly for this." I said as I looked down at my outfit. "I've never been to anything like this."
"You look great. I promise. If you weren't dressed correctly, I would tell you." Harry said, shutting the car door.
I nodded and tried to take a deep breath.
"You're nervous." Harry said, opening the trunk to get his stuff.
I fidgeted with the chain of my purse and looked to him.
"What if you're friends don't like me?" I asked.
"Why wouldn't they like you? You're incredible."
"They might not think so."
"You're nervous for nothing. It's going to be okay. Plus my friend Charlie Straubenzee will be here with his girlfriend, Daisy. And Nacho Figueras will be there with his wife, Delfina. They know all about you, and us, and are excited to meet you. They'll welcome you with open arms." Harry reassured me. "Maybe some of my cousins from my mom's side will be here too."
I nodded my head and ran my hand through my hair.
"Okay. Aren't there other people though?" I asked.
Harry took my hand and we started walking over to where he was going to set his stuff.
The sound of people trying to get out attention distracted us.
"Harry!! Beau!!" A random voice called.
Someone was trying to get pictures of us from far away, but apparently their voice could project.
I looked to Harry.
"They aren't even allowed on the property so they can't get close to you and bother you." he assured.
I nodded.
"Worst that can happen is they see you with my friends and the pictures are published." he said.
"And you're okay with that?" I asked.
"Well, I don't like when I or anybody I'm involved with is photographed without knowing or without our consent. But I don't mind if the world knows we're together." he admitted.
We walked hand in hand until Harry got to where he stored his stuff.
He then walked me over to his group of friends who had already found each other.
"Harry!" The group exclaimed.
"Hey!" he smiled and let everyone get their hugs and cheek kisses in.
"And this is my girlfriend, Beau, everyone." Harry put his hand on my back.
"Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you all." I said and the hugs and kisses began again.
"We've heard so much about you!" Nacho said.
"Harry doesn't shut up about you." His wife added.
I grinned up at him and he flushed a shade of pink.
"Well, I better get going. Game starts soon." Harry said to me.
"Okay. " I nodded up at him. "I'll be watching."
He kissed me, squeezed my hands in reassurance and walked off.
"Tell us about yourself." Delfina, Nacho's wife, asked me.
"Well, I'm originally from Boston, Massachusetts, went to New York University, eventually moved to Los Angeles in California, and ended up back in New York." I said.
The women in the area gravitated towards the tables in the shade so I followed. We all took a seats. There were some that definitely didn't look friendly but I figured I would just hang out with Delfina.
"Haven't you been married before?" One of them said. (Not to stereotype but she sounded entirely too 'posh' and snobby.)
"Um, yes I was once. I'm not now." I admitted. "What's your name?"
"I'm Cressida. Cressida Bonas. I actually used to date Harry before he met you. He's probably told you tons about me." she snarked and smiled a bit too smug for my liking. "You're not really his type. He's usually into blondes who run in more," she hesitated. "aristocratic circles."
I forced myself to smile back.. Women really can be the lowest of the low. But two can play this game.
"Cressida, you said your name was?" I asked.
"Hm. Harry hasn't really ever mentioned you before." I said and tilted my head.
She frowned.
"Cressida, don't be rude." One of the other women said.
"No, it's fine." I said and smiled. "But you're right, I'm not his typical type but I think sometimes you have to go for someone different. Especially when you keep trying the same thing over and over and its just not working."
She didn't say anything.
"I'm sorry, I had no idea Cressida would be here." Delfina said to me. "She only ever came to matches when she was with Harry."
"No, don't worry about it!" I said. "It's not a big deal."
"She can be a right snob sometimes. That's why Harry and her split up." Delfina said.
"Wow. I didn't know that. He has told me about his previous relationships but never went into great detail."
Delfina and I went to get ourselves a drink before we went to watch Harry and Nacho.
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We chatted together as we sipped on glasses of rose' wine.
I was confused on how the game was supposed to go but I tried my best to keep up.
Every now and then, Harry would catch my eye and shoot me a wink.
As the game went on, I was completely lost but tried to keep my mind on the game. Cressida crept back into my mind.
Was she right? Was I not 'aristocratic' enough to be with him?
I knew that Harry and I loved each other. But would our two worlds be able to merge into one?
I absolutely hated when I let doubt and negativity cloud my thoughts. I try to be optimistic but sometimes it happens.
Harry would reassure me and tell me that we were perfect for each other. And deep down, I know there isn't another person on this earth who would suit me as much as Harry does. But when/if we got married, would I be able to give up my life? To become someone without a voice or opinions? To be scrutinized for everything about myself? Was I destined to be a stepford wife?
I know that I'm getting way ahead of myself. We aren't anywhere near getting engaged. But you can't help but wonder sometimes.
I eventually came out of my thoughts and tried to refocus on the game. I'm hopeless at understanding the game, I never was one for sports besides watching baseball with my brothers and dad, and sitting through boring basketball games when I was with Jesse. (Even then I wasn't fully aware of all that was going on)
I just cheered and clapped when Delfina did since her husband and Harry were on the same team.
The game eventually ended and Delfina and I walked to find the guys.
I heard a few shouts of my name from far away. Cameras flashing. I just tried to ignore them.
"Hey!" Harry said once we found them.
His hair was sweaty and his cheeks were pink, which I found to be absolutely adorable.
"Hi." I said and pecked his lips. "Good game?"
"Yes, we won!" Nacho said.
"Oh, I'm so happy!" I smiled.
We stood and talked as a group before we said our goodbyes and Harry gathered his stuff.
We walked back to his car hand in hand.
"I'm really proud of you." I said.
Harry pulled me into his body and kissed me.
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"Thank you. I hope you weren't too bored." he said.
"I wasn't bored. I do need a lesson on how polo is supposed to work though." I said and Harry laughed.
"Of course."
Harry popped open the trunk and I leaned against the side of the car to talk to him. Mainly about Cressida.
I hated to rain on his parade since he just won, but I felt like it was important to tell him.
"You didn't tell me that your ex was going to be there." I said to Harry.
"Oh. Was she? I had no idea she would be here. I don't think she's been to a polo match besides when I was with her." Harry shut the trunk.
I knew there were cameras watching our every move right now, they would be online later today and tomorrow. I didn't want to get upset with cameras watching us.
I had started to become overwhelmed with the thought of joining Harry's aristocratic circles. I know he didn't like to mingle with them too much, but sometimes it couldn't be avoided.
"Did she say something to you?" Harry asked as he was opening my door for me.
He walked around to the other side and got in.
"Well. Nothing major." I said while buckling my seat belt.
"What did she say?"
"Um." I hesitated. "Don't get mad though. It's not a big deal and I'm a big girl, so I can take it. But she said that I was never your type and she thought you would go for someone from a much more aristocratic circle."
Harry rolled his eyes.
"Of course. She's jealous is what it is." He said.
"You think?"
"When we were first seen together, back in March, she called and asked me what I was doing and why I was out with you."
"Why? I thought you guys were broken up at the time."
"We were. She's just controlling. Couldn't stand the thought of me possibly being with someone other than her."
A moment of silence went by.
"I'm sorry she bothered you." Harry said and reached over the console to hold my hand.
I rubbed his hand with my thumb.
"I mean, is she right though?" I asked him.
"What? She's wrong. Don't let her get into your head about this. If I wanted some aristocratic snob, I'd be with them. I've been aristocratic or high society people my whole life. It's not fun. They're the blandest people. I'm here because I love my family and I like my job." Harry said. "Whatever Cressida thinks has nothing to do with how I feel about you. You know that."
I nodded and eventually agreed.
"I just hope she won't keep popping up at events we go to together." I said.
It's been too long. I've missed writing and I've missed you guys.
Writer's block is the worst. This chapter was harder than expected and I don't really know why.
My anxiety has flared way up recently (probably partly due to the recent election here in America) and I've been trying to work through that.
I'm getting ready to finish my current college class and then I'll be on Winter Break until mid-January.
How've you guys been?
Hopefully next chapter will come a lot quicker. Thank you for reading. <3
Stay safe.
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I want to talk more about my Memaw. It feels good, even if I’m just talking to the void.
The one central thing that I keep coming back to are the stories. I’ve always had a knack for storytelling, wrote my first book at three years old, and my cousin Ronny would always say “if you ask her what time it is, she’ll tell you how to build the clock.” Ive always liked to talk and to listen. There’s a special sort of communion that comes from Sundays after church and holiday dinners. While the boys would be off in the living room watching football and the other kids were outside playing tag, I’d be right there at the kitchen table soaking in the words of all the women around me. I got that from her, I think. My Memaw was the best story teller I’d ever known. She’d been the one who taught me to read, after all, and had spent her fair share of nights with me curled up in her lap as she read to me.
I can’t count the amount of times I’d heard the same stories, helped along with the scrapbooks she would keep. This is your momma when she was a baby, this is your Uncle Mike - yes he had hair back then! The alopecia didn’t set in until he was older. This is Ronny and Cinda, you look just like her as a baby. She had photos that dated back to the 1800s, her own great great great grandmother who was a full blooded Cherokee woman. She had photos of her daddy fixing the same car she learned to drive in, and photos of her learning to fix the exact same car.
They’d lived on a farm when she was little. Pepaw Gentry had been a farmer and a mechanic, did what he could to make money in a time not long after World War II. Memaw and her brothers and sister would go out to the fields and pick cotton or plant seed. They’d get a watermelon and place it by the irrigation pump and at noon when it was so hot they could barely stand it they’d go get that watermelon, cold from that irrigation water, and bust it open and eat it with their hands. They’d go to school so sunburned their noses would be peeling all day.
When she’d learned to drive she would take her car out drag racing. They lived way way out in the country, not even a stoplight in town, and she’d go out and race this little yellow roadster until she snapped the front axel and had to call her daddy and tell him what she’d been doing. Her came and got her, fixed the car, and told her to only use the car to get to and from school. He’d know, he said, because he’d look at the mileage. So she learned how to change the mileage on her car, and she kept racing.
She met my Ba when she was 16 and he was 18. He’d been driving around town with his cousin Perry and he saw her and he stopped the car. He said “Perry, that’s the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.” And Perry said she sure was. And Ba said, “I’m going to marry that girl some day.” And he’d gone over and asked if Memaw and the girl she was walking with wanted a ride. Memaw rolled her eyes and her friend said yes and they’d gotten into the car. Memaw didn’t give him her number and she lived about thirty miles away so he didn’t see her again for months. Then one day he was in a bar and he saw her. He walked over and said, “hey, I know you!” And she’d glared up at him and said “I do not!” But then she’d recognized him and gasped and threw her arms around his shoulders and said, “Glenn! Oh thank god!” Apparently her friend had brought her into town and immediately left her alone and she’d been hit on all night by a bunch of city boys. They got married less than a year later and would remain married for over 55 years until she died.
I’d never known love could be like that. I saw my own parents love up close, something fragile and volatile. I had a dad that was quicker to raise his voice and his hand than he was to ask a question. I saw my mom fade into nothing and walk glassy eyed through life. I didn’t know love could make you feel good. I didn’t know that you could still love like that when you were old.
But god did they make me see that. Memaw would offer Ba a candy and he’d ask “is it sour?” And she’d say “oh no, not really”. And he would eat it and his face would pucker and he’d sputter and she would laugh and laugh. I watched them do that for almost thirty years, my momma swears it had always been that way. That he would always take the candy just to make her laugh.
I got my temper from her too, I think. When she was a senior in high school she’d ordered her class ring, but had been sick the first week of school. When she finally went back in and asked for it the principal had apologized and said he’d given it away. So right then and there she’d dropped out of school. She went home to her daddy and said “I’m not going to school anymore, I’m not going to graduate” and she’d gone to cosmetology school instead.
My uncle had developed alopecia totalis as a child, which meant all of the hair on his body was attacked by his own immune system and fell out. When he’d started school in the 80s, around the time that AIDS had started being a thing mentioned in public, his classmates and their parents treated him like a pariah. They all assumed he had AIDS, and that being in the same room as him would make them all sick too. But one kid was the worst. My uncle had special permission to wear a baseball cap to school because of his condition, but one kid who was a couple years older would always steal it from him. Around this time my mom was in high school - she was ten years older than her brother - and she’d go to pick him up from kindergarten. She found him sitting on the ground with his hands over his head and this boy tossing my uncle’s hat back and forth with another kid. She’d shoved him and took the hat back and went home to tell Memaw. So Memaw went to the boy’s father and asked him to apologize, but the man said my uncle needed to toughen up. So what does she do? Does she tell her five year old son to suck it up? Does she leave it alone? No! This woman drives up to the school and she goes to the kindergarten teacher and rips her apart for not paying attention, then she goes to the other boys teacher and rips HER apart for not paying attention, THEN she goes to the elementary school principal to tear HER apart for allowing this to happen, AND THEN she goes to the superintendent of the school distract and reams HIM out for the shoddy work of all the people that work under him. This goes on for maybe two more years until Memaw decides to home school him for a year. The day she’d made that decision she’d gone back to the school with a LAWYER who threatened to sue the school district for grievous mental suffering being allowed by the continued bullying. She was like the epitome of Steve Rogers “I can go all day”.
I learned so much from her. How to listen, how to talk, how to read and write. How to stand up for myself, and when to back down. I learned what self worth was and self respect. I owe everything I am as an adult to her. I want to keep telling you her stories. I don’t want them to fade away.
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x0401x · 4 years
Jeweler Richard Cobalt Short Story
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The Checkered Half of Edward Baxter’s Life
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He met him for the first time when attending a boarding school in Switzerland.
He had no plans for homecoming even as summer vacation came about. It was better to stay in Switzerland as things were noisy at home, his father had told him on the phone, and he was not a fourteen-year-old innocent enough not to catch onto the meaning of “I’ll have to look after you if you come back and this would reduce the time I have for my research” that lay underneath.
There was no helping it, so he secluded himself in the library. However, the library was full of children like him, with no place to return to. He gradually started feeling depressed.
Switzerland, which Queen Elizabeth also loved, had many picturesque tourist attractions. There was no lack of places to have a fun time from dawn to dusk and a pipe organ concert was being held at a church in town, which was quite close to the school, so he imprudently thought that it would be safe even at night.
Since he had an unnecessarily exemplary daily conduct, it was easy to earn permission for exiting the campus. The question of where he was going was disregarded, and it was hard for him when a nuance drifted about, saying that he should go play around a little, if anything. He already knew by then that he was most likely a child who did not specialize much at behaving like a child.
The summer city was brimming with sightseers. Made of brown bricks, the cityscape that looked like those from fairy tales was decorated everywhere with pink and white potted flowers. The city seemed to have many watersides, with restaurants lined up by the river shores, a big black dog that was probably someone’s pet dragging its leash around and waggling, looking like it wanted him to play with it. Just when he thought of playing a little, its owner apparently called for it from afar, so the dog turned its body around and rushed away.
The city was fun at night. Being able to get the feeling that he was with someone even without being accompanied was just what he needed.
He only realized that he was lost long after he had started losing his way. He was certain there was a church in that area where a concert was taking place, but while roaming around, what came into his field of vision was nothing but apartment complexes, garbage dumps and tunnels with no signs of life. He had apparently entered a residential area where the public order was not too good, but did not know how to get out. As he decided to just go back the way he had come from, there were people standing behind him once he turned on his heels.
He was able to tell right away that they were around seventeen to eighteen years old because the boys were wearing parkas and baseball caps. With such looks that one would not see so often in a waterside of bustling terrace cafés, they spoke while chewing gums. Just as an earl would sometimes do, he pretended not to have heard them.
“Shortie, what’cha doin’ out here? Where yer papa and mama?”
“They not around? You alone?”
“Then don’tcha have a wallet with ya?”
“You’re as pretty as a doll, huh. Can’t talk?”
“Young Master, could you please spare us a blessing?”
Cold sweat beaded on his back as he wondered what would happen if he refused. He had begun having boxing lessons, but the classes were strictly separated by age and body weight, so he could not think of it as training for fighting opponents who were clearly older than him.
Just when unpleasant memories started whirling in his head as he pondered what he should do, what he had to do, what he was supposed to do to cut his way through a time like this all by himself, someone most certainly grabbed his arm from the side.
“Hey, Edward! Edward, isn’t that you?”
For a second, he did not know who the owner of that familiar voice was.
Brownish blond hair and light blue eyes, a knit vest and black slacks. Shiny leather shoes and an armor-like smile.
“Je... Jay!”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s me, Jay. I’m happy you remembered.”
The one who went around the boy from behind and hugged him from the shoulder was his cousin, Jeffrey, who was two years older than him. Even as the boy stared at him with eyes that asked why he was in a place like this and how he had gotten here, Jeffrey maintained the same-old theatrical face that he pulled off so well and hid behind his back the one who had the status of a younger brother to him.
“What’re you doing in this place? You’ll be late for the meeting if you don’t hurry. Won’t your uncle be mad if you make him wait any longer? He’s a really scary person.”
“I-I’m sorry. I will be going right away.”
“That’s it, so bye!”
Tightly hugging the shoulder of the one that he was supposed to protect, Jeffrey left the scene. Perhaps due to him handling the matter with such a lighthearted and loud voice, there were no signs of the two chasing after them.
“That was terrifying.”
“We’re leaving this place.”
“All right.”
Jeffrey walked in long strides from the semi-darkness where a fishy smell drifted about to the main street lined with the glow of light poles. The boy walked keeping his body close to Jeffrey’s, as it did not seem like the latter intended to let go of the shoulder that he was firmly holding onto otherwise.
“Honestly, good thing I was around.”
“‘How’, you ask? I’m your super hero, so isn’t it obvious that I’d rush to you when you’re in trouble?”
“Not that; what is the truth?”
“I meant it as the truth, though... Kidding. It was just a coincidence. If I’m not wrong, today’s the day that summer vacation started for you, right? My school was a bit faster to give us leisure time, so I planned to ambush you and make a surprise. But when I visited your school, they said you’d gone out all by yourself, so I was the surprised one,” the older cousin said cheerfully.
He was a man with a big heart, the kind that constantly changed his voice tone and facial expression as he spoke, who was always smiling and accepted first-thing the evaluation that he was charismatic yet shady. Moreover, he continuously took his little brother, who had been born to free-spirited parents and was younger than him, under his feathers. For the boy, his existence was much more than that of an older brother.
At the words “I’m the only one here”, the boy realized that he was relieved. The earl and the even older cousin from whom he would have to conceal this were not there.
“You okay?”
“Yes, but the earl and Brother Henry are not here.”
“Father was in Cannes, I guess. Henry is following him to make appearances. Looks like it’s a busy season for the high society.”
“How awful.”
“I wonder if they’re getting caught up with playing around. Aah, but Henry is a serious guy. Piano practice might be more fun to him than a casino.”
“I think I understand how he feels.”
“That’s right. Let’s go to Cannes with him someday too. Let’s live it up in a casino or something.”
“If I become penniless from buying too many books by then, what will we do?”
“Leave it to me. I might be like this, but I’m hoping to enter the financial business. I’ll lend you as much money as you want. With damn high interest.”
“You little—”
They shoved each other around as if to hug one another, and by the time they had all but arrived at the main street, filled as it was with human presence, the boy finally released a sigh. That was dreadful. He was not very used to being threatened. At school, he had already grown somewhat used to having his appearance mocked or people using the words “I’ll throw the trash away for you” as an excuse to touch his body, and had come up with countermeasures to some extent, but troubles outside the school were always beyond hypothesis.
As he gave an abrupt shudder upon recalling being sandwiched from front and back by two older boys, something landed on top of his head with a tap. It was Jeffrey’s hand.
Patting his golden-haired head in light rolls with the palm of his hand, the boy who was two years older grinned at him. “Well, first things first, you should start with not getting lost.”
“You were watching me?”
“I wasn’t. I ran around here and there because of that. It had me out of breath, but I was a prize-worthy elite actor for not letting it show, huh? I want a trophy.”
“Then how did you know I was lost?”
“You’re not the kind of kid who’d go to a place like that on purpose, Ricky.”
At that moment, the boy had the sudden realization that his cousin was a child merely two years above him, and so he was supposed to be protected, not to be protecting someone else. Fearing kidnappings, everyone in the earl’s estate had an enormous amount of money on insurance payouts. The fact that he would rather be someone who had next to no worries in going outside of school than have the presence of the bodyguards who would be tagging along with him in normal circumstances made the boy shiver again.
“Hum... Jeff, is everything all right for you? My apologies for that. Your guards—”
“You’re still on about that? Y’know, you could just leave it as ‘that was terrifying’. I lost my guards. I mean, it’s no fun with them. I think I’ll get a call from Father lecturing me again, but isn’t it kinda disturbing to have two old men in suits clinging to my back even when I go see my dear little brother’s face?”
He had probably taken that measure due to foreseeing that the bodyguards would scary his cousin, the boy realized. Before he sank into an apologetic sea once more, Jeffrey found a random shop at the side of the road and took a seat in the quiet interior. He ordered two lemonades. As he was striking a lighthearted talk about how they were perfect for Switzerland in the summer...
“Who was that Edward from just now?”
“Uh? Aah, no one. I let it out of my mouth without much thought.”
Jeffrey did not say, “It’s because they might memorize your name if I were so stupidly honest to call you Richard”. His consideration from not wanting to say it and expressly scare his cousin, as well as his carefreeness of not deeming it necessary to be said, were comfortable for the boy.
Edward, Edward, he repeated in his heart the unfamiliar name, and after drinking just a little bit of the lemonade, the boy whispered intermittently, “It’d be good if you had a name like that too.”
As he said, “Like Edward”, Jeffrey laughed.
“Isn’t that ‘Jay’?”
“That was just because I didn’t manage to say ‘Jeffrey’...”
“Hmm,” Jeffrey interjected with an indifferent attitude, sucking onto the straw of his lemonade.
Aah, it’s the face of someone who’s planning something fun, the boy noted, and as he laughed a little, his older cousin showed a smile three times happier than that.
“Then give me one.”
“You can give me a name like that too. Let’s make them secret names between us.”
“For Brother Henry too?”
“Keep it a secret from Henry.”
The smile of his cousin, who laughed without any maliciousness, was as sweet as nectar. The boy displayed a facial expression of sincere reassurance, then began turning over the name dictionary inside his head with “not this, not that either”. No matter what, his favorite names either were related to individuals from classic literature or leaned towards Japanese people, but none of them suited Jeffrey’s face.
The boy made up his mind about the fact that a basic name would be best and raised his head, peeking at his cousin’s eyes. “James.”
“Huhu, roger that, Edward. I’m James, yeah? Aah, what’s my family name? Anything but ‘Bones’, ‘kay? I don’t like martini that much.”
“Jeff, you already drink?”
“We’re talking about James now and Jeff has nothing to do with it.”
While he jokingly raised the lemonade’s straw, spinning it in twirls like a magic wand, the boy observed him as if looking at a gemstone that emanated a dazzling shine. He was a wonderful person who could do anything and who showed concern for the boy – more than that, the boy considered him someone special and could not come home to anyone else in the world, no matter where he searched. He was a treasure that the boy most definitely could not exchange for anything, not even if an ancient king came up to him with an elephant loaded to the brim with pearls, rubies and emeralds on its back, and whenever the boy was in bad health, he would always think that, if they were ever pulled apart to places where they could never see each other again, he would cry profusely.
He was the one who promptly contacted the boy whenever anything happened in general, driving away the latter’s nightmares, so the honor of granting a name to someone like that gradual and silently filled the boy’s heart, turned into a word and overflowed, “Ya’aburnee.”
As Jeffrey had apparently not heard it well, the boy repeated the word for him, “Ya’aburnee. The word is cut between the ‘ya’ and the ‘aburnee’. The accent is on the first vowel.”
“‘Ya’aburnee’, huh? It’s pretty yet has a mysterious ring to it.”
“It is Arabic.”
“Learned a new word again, huh, you damn prodigy?”
“I am no prodigy.”
“I meant an ‘effort prodigy’. ‘Cause you’re a hardworker. Okay, my secret name is James Ya’aburnee. Edward, what about you?”
“What’s Edward’s family name?”
Taken aback, the boy hung his head after a moment of indecision, looking depressed. When Jeffrey asked what happened, the boy timidly raised his face. “Hum... The two are real brothers, so they have the same family name.”
As he said so with a voice that sounded like it was fading, Jeffrey’s eyes widened just slightly, and after nodding with a “hun-hun”, he grinned. That smile of Jeffrey’s was even now said to be difficult for his parents to distinguish whether it was fake or not, but the boy was able to tell the difference. If a dimple appeared on his left cheek, it was not a fake smile. Jeffrey himself had told him that.
There was a dimple on his elder cousin’s left cheek.
“Heeh~! That so?”
“It is so.”
“Then James and Edward are really just like us.”
“I mean, we’re real brothers, right? That’s how I think.”
As Jeffrey ill-manneredly drank the remaining part of his lemonade in slurps, the clerk made a disgusted face at him. The headline on the magazine that she had in hands read, “How to Date Rich Men”, and so the boy felt like saying something rude to her, such as, “I think the person you just glared at is probably richer than the ones in that magazine”. It felt like he could do anything that the boy usually was unable to. He was cheerful, bright and warm at heart.
As he sat quietly without saying anything, Jeffrey smiled subtly and gently rested his hand on the boy’s golden-haired head. “Wanna go back to school? Or not?”
“I want to be together for a bit longer.”
“Okay. Then let’s do that.”
Holding hands with his “little brother” of two years bellow him, Jeffrey escorted him to a hotel near his dormitory, converting into a parent and calling the boy’s school to request permission for him to spend the night out, and after checking into one of those cheap inns that was would be crammed with skiers in the winter, the two immersed themselves in conversation on their bed the all night long.
Jeffrey talked about their homes and families. About his friends. About financing, which he was studying. About drama theory. About how he felt like throwing up from agony when preparing for an assignment where he completely slipped into the role of a prime minister who had only managed to rescue 150 civilians alive out of 300 that had been taken hostage by terrorists. About how he cracked up when he was told, “Everyone will stop trusting you” after he showed off too much the chameleon acting that he had mastered in drama class.
Jeffrey’s talks were not tiring – all topics were interesting, adding gemstones of lustrous gleam to the boy’s heart one after another. In return, the boy talked about the satisfying life he led in at the Swiss lodging house. About the bright sunlight, the climate that was warmer than England’s, the ever-white snowy peaks overlooked in the distance, the lively teachers who were like sportsmen. About how he not have many friends, but believed that it was due to him not conducting himself like a child, so there was no helping it, and how he would not mind it much if he did not have anyone, as long as he had Jeffrey.
As he was sprawled on the bed while resting his cheek on one hand, Jeffrey tipped Richard’s head back down. “You shouldn’t please me so much. Or else we won’t be able to stay away from each other.”
“What is so bad about that?”
“When you start hating me, I don’t want you to think, ‘I hate him but I can’t let go of him’.”
“I believe something like that will never happen. So that is okay.”
“There you go again saying something that makes me happy... Y’know, Ricky, people have this thing called a ‘rebellious phase’.”
“It seems I do not.”
“Plus, it’s pretty scary afterwards; I read a paper that said reactions also happen.”
“I do not have that, but thanks.”
After rubbing each other’s heads into a mess, they resumed the talk about Edward and James. Where the two of them lived, if their relationship was a favorable one, if they had any other acquaintances and what they usually did to pass the time. Dreams and jokes mixed up with the human drama built up amidst their sleepiness, and so they became yakuza, lived in Japan and fought over whether or not to put wasabi on sushi, but were the good-natured kind of duo that would always make up immediately. They did not endeavor illegal activities and instead were yakuza who respected the old-fashioned thinking of “humanity and justice”, of lending a helping hand to people in trouble, and did not bear tattoos as they were a little scary. Amongst the yakuza, there was a pledge called sworn siblinghood, but since they were blood-related siblings, so there was no need for such a thing.
By the time they had started to doze off, the boy woke up with a start. Jeffrey was not making a drowsy face. His bottomless eyes, which appeared to be looking into somewhere far away, even so maintained their focus immersed on Richard’s face.
“Hey, Ricky, what’s the continuation to that story?”
“What happens to Edward and James in the distant future?”
Amidst the sensation that he seemed to be airily drifting towards the world of dreams, the boy tilted his neck. He had no idea why Jeffrey was asking something so obvious. His mouth moved in a natural manner, “They continue getting along forever.”
“I see. Go rest already,” Jeffrey said, getting up from the single-person bed, giving him a pillow and putting a blanket over him, then tucked himself into his own bed and attempted to sleep.
He did try to fall into slumber, but upon noticing his small cousin staring at him with eyes that seemed to be imploring for something, he took his pillow and went back to the boy’s side. Like two hatchlings huddling their feathers onto each other, the two children slept while dreaming about the future.
The next morning, Jeffrey took a still sleepy-looking Richard back to school, scattering an amiable “I’m leaving him in your care” all over the place, shaking people’s hands here and there and returning to his angry-faced bodyguards’ side. Gossip ran about like gale amongst students with time to spare, saying that the second son of an earldom – a brilliant honors student even within a famous public school from England – had apparently come to see a sibling of his who was in this school, which became a rumor in the whole school at one point, but said rumor, like a mirage faintly surfacing over a lake in the summer, was gone before autumn came around.
“Let’s decide on your name.”
“Calling you ‘Seigi’ would have a bad effect in a situation where there are only enemies. If I call you by a completely different name, there is the possibility that you would not be able to react, so I believe a name somewhat similar to your own is safer.”
“Then, ‘Seigi’, ‘Seigi’, ‘Seigi’... Make it ‘Seiji’.”
“Too close. Some people might mishear it as ‘Seigi’ instead. Think of a surname. I will call you by that.”
Richard had started saying odd things about perhaps having to throw fists at an accessories shop that was disseminating fake turquoises. For me to come up with a fake name. Indeed, revealing our true names even if by accident could be a dangerous situation.
I squeezed up a knowledge that I didn’t have, deep in thought. Something that sounded kind of similar to my real name. Yet was a different name. Hmm.
“‘Nakata’, ‘Nakata’, ‘Nakata’... ‘Yamada’, Yamada? No, ‘Tanaka’ is also... Ah~, I wonder which. Yamada or Tanaka?”
“Then let’s make it Yamada. Yamada Seiji-san. I will be counting on you. I am Edward Baxter.”
“Where’s ‘Richard’ as the base for that?”
“I will be in your care.”
“My pleasu~re.”
Wearing a red open-necked shirt that looked like it could show up in contests for rare clothing articles, I sat on the Jaguar’s passenger seat. However, in terms of outfit eccentricity, I didn’t feel like I could beat the man sitting next to me. White, white, white. It was thoroughly white from top to bottom, the hairstyle pulled all the way back. It was a bit of an underground person look.
“I’m checking just in case, but what kind of setting is this Edward Baxter-sensei from?”
“A messenger from the Great Universe who miraculously predicts fortunes and foresees the fate of gems.”
“Uh. Got it. I’ll do my best not to laugh.”
“Obviously. Laughing at a messenger of the Great Universe is insolence.”
The Jaguar sped up like always. If this car had a voice, it felt like it would frantically cause a stir, asking, “Mister, aren’t you too different from usual?” but the Jaguar was reticent and loyal.
As the vehicle kept running, my nervousness increased a little. I wanted to say something, but Richard’s profile was rock-hard. It would feel awkward if I discussed about tea and snacks that had nothing to do with it here and now. But I wanted to talk. I was able to come up with just one thing when wondering what I should say.
“Is there... a family in the setting of that Baxter-sensei? Or does he not have any, since he’s a messenger of the Great Universe? Sorry. You didn’t think that far, did you?”
When I asked that, Richard briefly made a strange face. Unlike his usual refreshing smile, that expression could only be described as a “suggestive grin”, with a gaze that didn’t appear to be looking at me but at something in the distance.
Then he stated, “He has no relatives whosoever.”
“Roger that.”
And so, the two of us headed to the shop of shady history. Edward Baxter-shi, who claimed to have not a single relative, seemed to be making a just slightly sad-looking face within the glass of the windshield. However, Yamada Seiji courteously pretended that he was not at all seeing the weakness of a messenger of the Great Universe.
He had no idea what Nakata Seigi made of it, though.
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lotusss-flowerbomb · 4 years
Dark Knight (2)
Bucky x reader
Warnings: violence, smut (y’all knew it was coming), 18+
A/N: Hey cousins! Just wanted to thank you all for your interest in this fic. I hope this chapter lives up to the expectations you all had for the rest of this story. Enjoy!
Word Count: 3,801-ish
You clawed at Andrew's face trying to get him to release you. When that didn't work you reached out for a piece of the glass and cut his face. He finally let go and you coughed and gasped for air.
"I'm gonna fucking kill you!!" He lunged for you again.
You swung the glass towards him again and then his entire body went flying into a wall. You looked up to see Bucky rushing towards you.
He helped you up and examined your face and body.
"Wait!" You stopped him when he got close to glass.
"Deep breath," he said to you just before yanking the glass from your arm.
"Ow! You didn't even let me inhale," you screeched.
You heard Andrew groaning as he scrambled to get to his feet. Bucky turned towards him and moved you behind his back. He let Andrew stand before stalking towards him.
He spit blood on the floor before rolling his neck and preparing for a fight. He swung his fist towards Bucky who easily dodged it, grabbed his hand and broke it. The high pitched howl that left his mouth could’ve awakened the dead.
Bucky didn't stop there. He grabbed the same arm, punched his elbow completely shattering it and dislocated his shoulder before throwing a punch to his ribs cracking those too. When Andrew dropped to the ground, Bucky stomped on the shin of his right leg. Another loud crunch echoes through the room and then picked him up by his throat and squeezed.
"Bucky! Bucky, stop, you're gonna kill him!" You tried pulling on his arm.
"He deserves it," he said and squeezed a little tighter.
Andrew's eyes started rolling to the back of his head and he was begging to foam at the mouth. His body dangling as the entire right side was broken. 
"I know, but not right now. Bucky, please don't!" You stood in front of him and put your hands on his face.
Bucky finally let him go and his body hit the floor with a loud thud. He wasn't moving.
Just then Steve and Wanda came bursting through the front door. They looked to you and Bucky and then at the still body on the floor.
"He'll live," Bucky nudged his broken shin with his foot and Andrew sucked in a bunch of air and started coughing.
Shortly after, the police walked in and Wanda walked you outside to be seen by a medic. They examined you, cleaned up your cut and then prepared a stretcher for a broken Andrew.
Wanda stood by you while you gave your statement to the police before heading back inside.
"I'll pour you a drink," she sat you down once you reached the kitchen and grabbed a glass and a bottle of wine for you. Once the police left Steve came in and hugged you. Bucky stood across from you on the other side of the island.
"I told you," he pointed his finger at you. "I told you not to bring men to this house." He yelled.
"Bucky, you might want to —" Wanda started, but he cut her off.
"No! Stay out of it," he looked at her. "What if our daughter would have been here? He could have hurt her!"
You couldn't stop the tears from flowing. You were hurt by his words. How could he ever think that you'd put your child in danger?
"I'm not falling for the tears. If you weren't being so fucking stu —"
You threw your wine in his face before he could finish his statement and tossed the glass like a championship baseball pitcher. It hit the counter top, but Wanda used her powers and stopped it before it shattered everywhere.
"Okay, everyone just calm down," Steve tried to reason.
"Fuck you, James Barnes!" You got up from your seat and walked towards the stairs. You slammed your bedroom door behind you.
"You're a real ass do you know that?" Wanda started in on him, "she didn't invite him here. He followed her home, she thinks it may have been from the coffee shop where they met."
Bucky visibly deflated. He really was an ass.
"Looks like you've got a whole lot of apologizing to do," Steve smacked his back. "We'll get out of here, so you can get to it."
He and Wanda left. Bucky cleaned up the pieces of glass from the lamp as he thought about how he was going to apologize for the things he said.
When he was finished, he washed his face and decided that pouring you another glass of wine was the best he could do in the moment. He grabbed the bottle and a glass and headed up to the bedroom. Halfway up the stairs, he could hear you sniffling. He took a deep breath and continued on. Normally, he'd just leave until you calmed down, but now wasn't the time for him to run.
He knocked on the door softly before entering. You were lying in bed with your back towards the door hugging your body pillow.
"Go away," you said to him.
"I'm sorry, doll," he walked over to you and sat down. "I shouldn't have said what I said. I let my anger get the best of me."
"Just go, Buck."
"I can't do that."
"Why not? It's not like you don't know how," you snapped.
Bucky exhaled. He knew you still held resentment towards him for leaving. He never gave you a reason why he did and now might be the perfect time to tell you.
"I didn't just leave, because I don't love you or want to be a family..."
His long pause made you turn around. You made a hand motion for him to continue.
Bucky took a deep breath and proceeded with his explanation.
"I almost died on that mission," he looked down at the floor. "I had been back at the compound healing for almost a week before I came home."
"You what?!" You sprang up into a sitting position.
"Let me finish," he put his hand up. "While I was in the medbay, I just kept thinking about how it would hurt you and Jordy if I would have actually died. I figured it would be best for me to distance myself sooner rather than later just in case you ever had to be without me. You'd already know what it felt like."
The room went completely silent. Bucky couldn't place the look on your face. He couldn't tell if you were angry, sad or confused. You'd somehow managed to fit them all into one glare.
You picked up a pillow and swung it at him.
"That has got to be the dumbest fucking thing that I have ever heard in my entire life!" You kept hitting him.
"I know," he snatched the pillow away. "I know that it was stupid. It felt like the thing that I should do at the moment. I immediately regretted it, but after I'd already said that I wanted to leave I couldn't take it back."
You stood, no longer able to keep still. 
"Why couldn't you just tell me about the mission?" You paced back and forth. "Why do you have to be so dramatic?!"
"I couldn't tell you, because I already know you would've asked me to quit and I can't do that. After the things I've done, I owe it to the world to keep doing what I do." He said. 
You stopped in your tracks and walked over to him, pushing his thighs apart with your legs, so you could stand in between them. You cupped his face in your hands and looked into his eyes. They were full of sadness.
"Sweetheart, you're the only person on that team to give your life twice, because you were saving the world. You owe it absolutely nothing." You pressed your forehead to his.
He pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around your waist. This was the first time he'd been able to hug you in a long time and he missed it more than he was willing to admit.
Bucky wanted nothing more than to kiss you right now, but after what you had just gone through he felt like now wasn't the time.
"I'll run you a bath, it should help you relax so you'll get a little sleep tonight." He let you go and stood before he was no longer able to contain himself.
"Thank you. Oh hey, after that, can you run to the kitchen and grab me two slices of bread?" You requested.
"Bread? Why?" He asked, completely confused.
"I just need it," you shrugged and picked up the bottle of wine. You turned it up and started drinking. At this stage in “needing a drink” a cup was useless.
Bucky started the bath and then went to the kitchen for the bread you asked for. He seriously couldn't figure out what you needed with bread, but you hadn't eaten anything, so maybe you were just hungry?
"Ooh, yay," you did a little clap when he returned and handed you the slices. You stood from your spot on the bed directly in front of him.
"You were too afraid to tell me the truth about your near death experience, so you decided to be a drama queen and break up with me." You placed a slice of the bread on each side of his face, "What are you?" 
"For fucks sake," he rolled his eyes. "I'm not saying it."
"You know I've always wanted to do this and honestly, it is the least you could do. Now, what are you?"
Bucky stared at you for a moment before mumbling the answer under his breath.
"Aht! Aht! Louder for the people in the back. What are you?" You pressed the bread onto his face more. You were trying your hardest not to laugh.
"An idiot sandwich," he said before moving.
The damn broke and you flooded the room with laughter. Ever since you saw the old episode of Hell's Kitchen when Gordon Ramsey said that to a contestant, you’d bided your time until you had an opportunity to do it.
"It's not that funny," he rolled his eyes again.
"Yes, it is. You're just upset that I did it to you," you cackled.
He walked out of the room to stop the water in the tub and quickly came back to tell you the bath was ready. You thanked him and started getting undressed when you realized he was still in the room.
"Get out."
"I've seen you naked a million times."
"Well it won't be one million one. Go, go, go." You shooed him away.
He turned and left the room. You went to your tub and sank down into the perfectly tempered water. He still remembered exactly how you like it. You smiled to yourself.
After your bath, you applied your favorite body butter and put on a sports bra and shorts. They'd be your pajamas for the night. You could hear the TV playing downstairs. You shouldn't have been surprised. After what happened today Bucky couldn't be paid to leave you alone tonight.
You crawled into bed and tossed and turned for a while before calling out for Bucky. He appeared at the door within seconds and you never heard him coming.
"I don't think that I'll ever get used to you being able to be all stealth mode when you want to be," you said to him.
"What's wrong?" He came into the room.
"Can you get in bed with me? I can't sleep." You moved over and pulled the cover back.
"Are you sure?"
You patted the bed. The spot that was once his was ready and waiting for him. He kicked off his shoes and stripped down to his underwear. He never slept in his clothes, because of his unusually hot body temperature.
He slid into the bed beside you. You couldn't resist reaching up and pushing his hair out of his face. 
"I've been meaning to ask, how'd you get here so quickly earlier?"
"I was already on the way here."
"Really? But you knew Jordy was at my sister's, so why were you coming?"
"I don't know," he shrugged, "I just had a feeling and then I got your call. I could hear you telling him to leave and then that... that scream. I mean, I fell off of a train, but hearing you... I've never been so scared in my life." His voice shook a little.
You could see the tears in his eyes.
"Oh no, Buck, don't cry," you wiped the tears away just as they were about to fall. "Just like always, you were just in time. Swooped in like my dark knight."
You pushed a stubborn stray loc of hair from his face and kissed his forehead. Then his cheek. You looked down at his mouth and back up into his eyes. You knew that you shouldn't, but your emotions were getting the best of you.
"Thank you for saving me and staying with me tonight," you said before kissing his lips slowly and softly.
You kissed him again and again until your tongue invaded his mouth. Basking in the feel of such a familiar action. One you'd both been missing.
He pulled away and broke the kiss, but you weren't done, so you planted little kisses on his neck.
"We shouldn't do this, doll. You're on an emotional wave right now and you'll regret it." He tried to reason.
"Mmm hmm," you hummed just before biting his earlobe. You knew that drove him insane. You slowly raked your fingers down his chest. 
"I'm serious, It's been months and if we start this I won't be able to stop."
"You promise?" You asked and gripped his rock hard dick.
He flipped you on to your back and crashed his mouth into yours. He pressed his hips into you causing you to moan in his mouth. He pulled your bra over your head and threw it to the floor. Dipping his head to take a nipple into his mouth, he swirled his tongue around the erected bud.
He rubbed his finger lightly over your clit in a circular motion. The whisper of a touch was sending chills up your spine. Then he pressed down on your clit and rubbed his finger around your slick hole before slowly sticking it inside.
The tiny gasp that escaped your mouth made him smile. He pulled his finger out and ran it across your lips.
"Open," he instructed. You opened your mouth and sucked your juices from his finger. "That's my girl," he said before replacing his finger with his tongue.
He lowered himself in between your legs, pulled off your shorts and trailed kisses down your right thigh until he reached your mound.
"Hold them wide open for me," he placed your hands on your thighs.
You were already shaking. You knew you wouldn't be able to keep your legs open while he ate your pussy.
He flicked his tongue over your clit slow at first and then fast. He stuck his tongue in your core and then sucked your sensitive bud into his mouth.
"Yessss, baby," you arched your back and pushed your pussy into his face even more.
You let go of your legs, but he quickly replaced your hands with his own. You reached down and grabbed a fist full of his hair and lifted his head a little. He peered up at you with his lust blown eyes.
"Spit on it."
He did as he was told and swirled it around with his tongue. He sucked your clit into his mouth really hard and then let it go with a loud pop. You pushed your hips up for him to do it again. Over and over and over again, until he started fucking you with his tongue again.
"Fuck baby, fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm gonna cum!" You screamed and rubbed your clit furiously just before squirting all over his face.
He moved back just enough to watch. Your legs were shaking so hard the bed frame was moving.
You grabbed his chin to pull him back up to you and pushed his wet hair from his face and kissed him.
"I need you. I need you right now," you said as you pushed at his underwear.
Bucky kicked the shorts off, but he took his time before entering you. Your legs were spread and your juicy glistening pussy was ready and waiting for him. He stroked himself slowly as he admired all of you.
You rubbed your clit and then patted your pussy softly before using your fingers to spread the lips. He couldn't resist anymore after that. You were opening up for him and he wanted to give you what you were waiting for.
He slid into you leisurely. He wanted to feel every part of you in this moment. You dug your nails into his ass urging him to give you more. When he finally bottomed out he stilled. He tucked his face in the crook of your neck.
"I'm gonna cum right now if I move. Give me a moment." He breathed.
You tightened your pussy around his throbbing cock.
"Fuccckkkk, please, doll, don't!" He pleaded with you.
You locked your legs around him and squeezed some more. When he tried to pull out his body stiffened and his toes curled. He moaned loudly as he bit your shoulder and released himself inside of you.
You smiled and silently congratulated yourself on a job well done.
Bucky never pulled out. His dick was still very much hard and ready to go. He sat up and looked at you.
"Why not?" You smirked.
He pulled out and flipped you over on your stomach.
"You know what to do," he said and slapped your ass.
Your pussy trembled from excitement. You rested your face on your hands, raised yourself up on your knees just a little and arched your back.
He spread your ass cheeks apart and watched as you pushed his cum from your pussy. He used the tip of his dick to rub it around and then he entered you in one swift push.
He fucked you from behind. Quick, rough pumps in and out of your pussy. You gripped the sheets and screamed into the mattress when you felt another orgasm building.
"Don't you fucking dare," he growled.
"No, please, I can't. I can't!" You panted.
"What did I say?" He smacked your ass hard. That didn't help the situation. He knew the harder he hit you the closer it would push you to cumming.
He slapped your ass again.
"Damn it, Bucky!!"
"Next time," he smacked your ass once more, "when I say stop, you stop."
"I hate you so much," you clenched your eyes shut. You were literally on the verge of tears not being able to cum.
He pressed his chest to your back. "I love you too," he chuckled and kissed your neck.
He finally pulled out and gave you a break, but only for a moment. He repositioned you on your back and reentered your silk cavern. He'd completely switched his pace this time, so he could see you. He loved the way you'd bite your lip as he rolled his hips into you.
He started slow and then sped up little by little. You mewled beneath him as he stretched you with every stroke. He pushed your knees to your chest. He wanted you completely open to him.
"Bucky I —"
"It's okay, my love, go ahead." He rubbed your clit with his vibranium fingers. The light vibration you felt made your entire body tingle.
Your legs started shaking a little and then you felt the vibration intensity from his fingers increase. He fucked you harder and harder until your pussy erupted. You dug your nails into his right arm as you rode the wave of your orgasm.
Bucky's breaths were getting shorter and his moans were getting louder. He was about to cum. 
The bed shook with every movement, but you could hear that something was off.
"Bucky stop..."
"No, this is my pussy," he growled.
He was so close and he thought you didn't want him to cum inside of you, so he drove into you harder. He grabbed the headboard as he coated your walls with his essence.
"No, the bed is gonna — shit!" 
Before you could complete your sentence, the entire thing caved. When you opened your eyes he had you wrapped in arms.
You looked at each other and bust out laughing.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"I'm fine," you rolled off of him and stood to look at the damage the two of you had just caused.
"I can't believe you broke my bed," you said in disbelief.
He walked over to the fallen mattress and pointed at the big wet spot.
"You do that and you can't believe that I broke the bed?!"
"Bucky, how are we gonna explain this to Jordy? She'll be home in a few hours."
You changed the sheets and Bucky did his best to prop the bed frame and mattress back up. He considered leaving before your sister dropped Jordyn back home, but you both decided that she would be more excited to see him upon arrival.
When you heard the front door open, your energetic little girl was already screaming for her dad and jumping into his arms.
"Well hello to you too, Jordy." You said faking hurt that she'd completely ignored you.
"Oh sorry, hi mommy," she leaned over to kiss your forehead.
Your sister raised her eyebrow and before she could say anything you swept her away to tell her about what happened the night before. You heard Bucky tell Jordyn to take her things up to her room and then she yelled something about having a present for you.
Suddenly there was a loud crash and the three of you went running up the steps to see what happened.
"I didn't touch it! It fell on its own," she yelled and ran into her father's arms.
"Oh no, it's okay baby daddy's the one who broke the bed," Bucky said before he realized.
"How?" She asked. Her little face was completely scrunched in confusion.
You waited for his explanation since he was the one to blab.
"I uhh... Was jumping on it??"
"Oh... Be careful next time," she cautioned.
You shook your head and turned to go back downstairs. You all said your goodbyes to your sister and settled in to have lunch. Bucky couldn't keep his eyes off of you and his baby girl. He was a fool to ever think that being away from you was a good idea. He'd do his best to fix this and make everything right again.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Tap Out Job
leverage 2.02
Jack: Somebody drugged his water. It's an old boxing trick. He couldn't defend himself, and... He's still in the hospital.
that’s fucked
- - - - -
Eliot: It's not a cockfight. All right? Let me show you something, Hardison. Come here. Can I borrow you? (puts a gentle hand on Parker’s hip, guiding her to the open space behind the couch) All right. Square up. Remember what I showed you?
(Hardison and Parker square up)
Hardison: Are you...
Eliot: There's three phases to an MMA--to an MMA fight, okay? One, striking. (Parker punches Hardison in the face) Nice. Next is grappling, the takedown. (Parker grabs Hardison and throws him on the floor) Exactly. All right. The third one is jujitsu. Okay, try to isolate a joint. (Parker gets Hardison in a hold) That's good. That's a textbook armbar, Parker. Put some pressure on there.
Parker: Like this?
Eliot: There you go. Or you can go for a choke hold.
Hardison: She got to be choking me. (tries to get away)
Eliot: Remember that thing that I showed you?
Parker: Oh, yeah. The choke.
Eliot: Lock that in. All right. You don't have to hold the arm. See, that's a triangle choke. That's nasty. Puts pressure on his carotid artery, and the guy will submit by tap out.
Hardison (tapping the ground): Eliot, I'm tapping! I'm tapping!
Eliot: These fights are won by inches, I'm telling you.
Hardison: I can't breathe!
Eliot: All about leverage.
Sophie: Yeah, it looks really painful.
Hardison: It is painful!
Nate: No TV deal, you said, huh? Hardison, what are this guy's other interests, this Rucker guy?
Hardison: Seriously, you ask me a question right now...
Sophie: I'll take that. Yeah, rotary club, golf membership.
Nate: Golf, huh?
Hardison: Help me!
Sophie: Yeah. I mean, this guy's like a 1950s sitcom character. He plays a weekly game with the local businessmen. In fact, last year, he won the club championship.
Nate: Did he? Hmm.
Hardison: Let me go!
Nate: I guess it's...
Hardison: She's killing me!
Nate: …it's time to hit the links.
Hardison: I'm cool. Just let me go real quick.
eliot canonically teaches parker how to fight in his spare time and I LOVE THAT
fucking CHAOTIC OT3 + parker is having a great time while hardison is dying
ALSO can we just for a minute appreciate how when she puts him in a chokehold she was wrapping her legs around his neck, which basically had his head in her crotch area and !!! it wasn’t sexualized at al !!! literally A N Y other show would have sexualized it even just a little bit but not leverage. never leverage.
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I love it when they fuck with peoples gear (like with the baseballs or hockey pucks or in this instance the golf balls)
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parker playing with the golf club covers
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literally EVERY con has nate being an asshole (this one was one of the more annoying ones tho)
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hi I am but a simple bi and eliot in that grey hoodie was VERY attractive
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Room Service: Room service. Can I help you?
Sophie: Yeah, no, I can't eat this. I'm sorry?
Everything on my plate is yellow.
Room Service: It's chicken-fried steak.
Sophie: It's what? Chicken-fried steak?
Room Service: Yes.
Sophie: No, let me just tell you, all right. Meat should never be used as an adjective.
~ a little while late ~
Sophie: I'm starving.
Parker: I found these in the minibar. (throws her a bag)
Sophie: "Pork Rinds"? How do you peel a pig? (throws it back)
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Hardison: Got it. See, Online video websites, they track viewer hits by IP Address, so the trick is to just spoof a bunch of IPs, then write a script that lets you browse the video page via the proxy list and...
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Sophie: Well, this guy, he just--he give me the creeps.
Eliot: We've gone up against rougher dudes than this before.
Sophie: I know. But it's this whole treating people as commodities. This whole barbaric sport.
Eliot: Hey, don't lump these guys in with Rucker. All right, he's not what the sport's about.
Sophie: Eliot, this "sport" is about two guys beating the crap out of each other.
Eliot: MMA fighters act with more respect than any other athlete I've seen.
Sophie: Yeah, they're "Braveheart," I get it.
Eliot: No, you don't. These guys don't fight because they like hurting other people, all right. They fight to gain some sort of control over their opponents, over their environment, over their lives. Have you seen this town? Huh? The farms are drying up. The only stores are bail bondsmen and pawn shops, and there's nothing they can do about it. So, yeah, they get in the ring and try not to let it all suffocate them. (a beat, he smiles) And it's about two guys beating the crap out of each other. (she smiles back)
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eliot is wearing a green flannel in this one and it looks very nice and comfy
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Rucker: Well, bottom line is, you need good product. What event are you here to produce?
[Interior Van]
Hardison: On it. There's a tractor pull in grand island, a livestock show in council bluffs, white people doing other white things…
pls keep calling out white people pls we deserve it lmfao
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Director (in car looking at his phone): Come on! Come on! Give me something! Come on! Is this gonna take long?
Nate (through window): No. Two shakes. Are you in a hurry?
Director: Even half a bar... what? Yes. Hurry. Does anyone in this backwater hellhole know what that means?
Nate: You're a director, right? What was your name again?
Director: What? It's Laurence. Todd Laurence.
Nate: Todd, well, listen, Mr. Laurence. See, I wrote a script...
Director: Huh?
Nate: Yeah. It's about a limo driver who solves mysteries till his wife leaves him for --
Director: For the love of god!
Nate: ...the best part: The feed store manager. Right? His wife…
Director: Yeah...?
Nate: Tramp...
Director: Hey, hee-haw, move the car! Okay
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parker in leather pants, a bright yellow ‘I heart Nebraska’ tshirt and weird hat, eating a corn dog? ,,,a look I guess
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Hardison (showing passes): So, I'm Todd Laurence? (girls flock to Hardison) Ladies, please, look. For the last time, I am not the tailback for the cornhuskers. Go! I don't even know what a cornhusker is.
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Rucker: And all you need is a product?
Sophie: Well, that's what they are: Products. You get the girls with Trianna, you get the boys with MMA. And there's always another fresh-faced princess ready to go through the singing/dancing mill in Florida. Occasionally, we let one be a lesbian, keeps the press on their toes
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Hardison: What? What? W-what was I supposed to do? It was cousin Jimmy.
Sophie: He's right. We couldn't have planned for that.
Hardison: Look, you know what I can do? I can re-task a satellite, I can get a level 3 NSA clearance, but I can't hack a hick
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Eliot: All right, it doesn't matter. What do we do now?
Parker: We can move the Howorth.
Eliot: We're not moving the Howorths. All right? This is their home. That means something to people here.
Sophie: Yeah, we can't babysit them forever.
Nate: We've taken out bigger players than this. You know, there's got to be some way, something we can...
Eliot: No, no! I take the dive.
Sophie: You sure?
Hardison: Give me some time, okay? I've found some funny business in Rucker's accounts. I can move some things.
Eliot: Forget the fact that we just got beat by Barney Fife, all right? This is the right move. Tactically it's the right move. You all know that. (walks away)
none of them want to see eliot hurt more than he needs to or see him go down like that and I cry
alec ‘give me five minutes I will do literally anything for eliot’ hardison
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Sophie: Hey. Listen, you-you don't have to do this, you know. Nate's gonna come up with something.
Eliot: I'm losing a fight, Sophie. I'm not diving on a grenade. I'll be all right.
Sophie: Yeah, I know. I'm not talking physically.
Eliot: I think my ego can handle it.
Sophie: Look, you told me that it's about control, about knowing that you're never gonna be the victim. And that's what keeps you going, right?
Eliot: You think I'm upset 'cause I got to let this guy kick my ass? I learned a long time ago, you can't control the violence. I can take the punishment. That's what I do. What I need to control is not out there. (touches his chest) It's here. Always.
(Sophie smiles and walks away)
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hardison holds eliots face before he fights I never noticed that before
+ eliot’s hair is curly when it’s wet/when he’s sweaty. this means he blowdries his hair on a regular basis. eliot, as a part of taking control of himself and his life after moreau took interest in self care and taking care of his hair in this essay I will-
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one thing I love about this is that eliot doesn’t have a six pack (see this commentary I made with a few lovely additions by my mutuals)
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Jack: Where's Rucker?
Hardison: Oh, the Iowa State Police just got a tip that a fugitive is headed into their jurisdiction. And I'm pretty sure crossing state lines with a bag full of cash won't look too good.
Parker: Especially when they find the little surprise in his trunk.
[Flashback, Pawn Shop]
Parker: I need guns. (dumping money on counter) $6,000 worth. And one of those.
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Doctor (examining Eliot): You took a hell of a pounding. We should get you a CT scan. You could have internal bleeding.
Jack: You let yourself get hammered like that on purpose? That's a hell of a lot of punishment to take.
Sophie: That's what he does.
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eliot held the rope up for parker to step under when they were getting out of the ring
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Sophie (to Parker): Pork rind? They're actually pretty good. (parker shakes her head and rubs her stomach) You sure?
sophie nO
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