#yes i got mad that i couldn't find this clip of the video in a gif on tumblr so i made my own
scarefox · 6 months
I need to write down the timeline of Zouey and Nant + Phop. Might edit this post along my rewatch:
Zoueys Birthday, 18. September 2023:
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Zouey started to have a crush on Jason, they started chatting in September
the guys pestered Nant about his virginity too, so Nant didn't start sleeping with the playboyys and taking drugs yet either
nothing happened at that time yet but:
"Why do I have to go all the way back to last year? That's when it started"
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2024 or 2023 ?? (since Thai New Year is in April, April 2024 still counts as "last year" from a 2024 pov I guess)
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The circumstances are still foggy here. (That said I am glad we didn't have to see that scene on screen). But I need more information how sentence 1 and sentence 2 are relevant to each other. Also how they got from texting to meeting. Zouey told Teena that he tried to have sex with someone but it didn't end well. Is that what happened or was it a "different version" he told Teena. (before someone asks, yes it's relevant for the plot and characterization)
Zouey is mad and disappointed at Jason (but as we know still has a crush on him)
Nant was the only one knowing about it "that's the reason he couldn't stay"
Nant is in debt
after taking Soongs drugs, nobody wanted to help him with he got involved with Nuth and drug dealing
so we are talking about him being in debt with Jason for throwing out his drugs to not get busted by the cops
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might there be an ulterior motive of Nant to use this to get Jason behind bars so he doesn't have to pay the debt anymore?
not saying he wouldn't have exposed him anyways but it's convenient
Nant asked Zouey to come out as witness
-> him as witness sounds a bit as if there are more... well we audience know later about Porsche. But did Nant know? Could be possible since Nant and Porsche lived together before the others joined and they seemed close then according to Porsche. Yet something happened that Porsche is pissed at him. Porsche didn't seem to know that Nant wanted to expose Jason... or did he? (side note: Zouey did not know about Porsche being Jasons "sugar baby" / other victim, if we believe his surprised reaction in ep11)
Zouey didn't want Nant to expose Jason / what happened to Zouey, so he suggested Nant to fake his suicide instead to get out of the debt
Nants fake suicide & the time Nant went missing
Nant came back home to see Zouey & packed his stuff to go abroad after the video was done
Zouey told Jason to kidnap Nant for whatever warped messed up crush feelings he still has for this man
Nant was in the VIP room of Playboyy, held by Jason the whole time
assuming the party of episode 1 is Zoueys birthday again? So we start episode 1 around 5 months later after he got raped by Jason and Nant disappeared?
Nont arrives to investigate Nants disappearance
Zouey frees Nant from the VIP room (because Nont is sniffing around)... when Nant asks Zouey why he is here, Zouey refuses to answer:
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Zouey apologizes.... for not being there sooner (.... bruh)
(internal voiceover from future ep14 Zouey "I am sorry Nant, I am the reason you're dead")
Zouey knows the whole time Nont is Nants twin... or maybe only after Nont revealed it in ep4?
Zouey refuses any of Nants question and is in a hurry to get Nant out / away from there
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oh okay so that's way after ep4 then... after ep8 (fits with the Phop incident) that's when Nuth shows Nont the suicide clip
so Zouey didn't know till around ep8 where Nant was but he knew Jason got him since he was the one telling Jason... but how did he find out now
Zouey wants him to keep playing dead, even to his brother
Zouey got a ticket for Nant to the states via his mom, Nants & Nonts dad lives in the states
Zoueys mom was suppoesd to send a driver to pick up Nant the next day
Zoey doesn't want Nant to see Nont in fear Jasons men would find out
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at least that bastard man wasn't present when Nant was in that room the whole time.. maybe. we don't know when he left Thailand
Zoey wants Nant to wear Zoueys clothes so he won't be noticed by other people in Playboyy lounge
seeing how different Zouey is dressed as well... maybe you have to look a bit more rich and fancy to be allowed in?
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... look at him feeling guilty then when Nant hugs him and tells him that Zouey is always treating him the best. WHILE simultaneously we hear ep14 Zoueys guilty voiceover to that image, knowing that Nant indirectly got killed because of his stupid plan. PLUS this is just a few moments away from Nant getting killed by Phop.
Phop kills Nant in ep8
after Nuth tells him this
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which happens after Nont held them both at gun point
after Nuth reveled the suicide video and the issues he had with Nant
but I don't think Phop recognizes Nant, since he wears a mask when they run into each other
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it cut's back to the talk with Nuth, Phop promising him that he's not losing the drugs
Phop is shocked when he takes Nants mask off at the end, so he did not know it was him (or he didn't expect him to die) ... he just didn't want to get busted or robbed... I mean Nant does look shady here
News announced that Nants body was found
at the end of ep9
he was found naked in a forest near Rangsit, had been dead for 48 hours
side note Teena x Zouey
Zouey finally agrees to have sex (all the way) with Teena at the end of ep7 (did he know then that Jason comes back soon?). After Zouey confesses him that he is his muse and that Teena is the only one allowed in his art room. Teena is not as perfect as the image Zouey has in his head but he likes him despite that. (lets hope Zouey doesn't compare Jason & Teena 🤐). It was very unusual of Playboyy to not show their sex scene here despite it being a long awaited moment for the characters (and audience). They witheld Jump x Porsches first time too. We only saw that when it became relevant later in a flashback to define their relationship dynamic. I wonder if the Teena x Zouey scene will be revealed in the continuation / special / season 2 ... We got to see later sex scenes between these two after that. Where Zouey is more dominant, tho he did show some of that already earlier in ep7 during their art picnic.
Jason is back in ep10
Zouey please, dear, your obsession is showing (+ you have a boyfriend) 😭
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we see mesmerized Zouey vs frowning nervous Porsche both watching Jasons speech.....
we learn from Porsches voiceover that Jason gives out scholarships and big projects to the best students
he gives the students opportunities for big projects and takes the credits for it
"if he likes someone, they get chosen to work for him after graduation." (this line paired with focus on Zoueys face)
Zouey got a scholarship here, he's happy talking with Jason
Jason tells him to drop the formal talk with him when they talked alone
they talk about Zoueys art exhibition he got the opportunity for now
(the music gives a shady vibe to the scene)
Teena x Zouey popcorn scene is the next time we see Zouey
later this shifty talk with Nont
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hmmm :) oh well I feel like Nont became Zoueys new secret worst enemy to his dream
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... could he be behind Nonts kidnapping? :) maybe trying the same thing again he did with Nant, now that it worked so well with Jump and Porsche :) Zouey please, that's not the way.
Zoueys art exhibition is his big dream
back then we thought he wants to do the exhibition in Jasons office for investigation reasons but nah... that's actually the opposite of what he wants. He's kind of a double agent here. Zouey wants the investigation to stop so his scholarship and exhibition doesn't get endangered (which is linked to Jasons goodwill.. affection). When Zouey is shocked about the reveal between Porsche and Jason, his first question to Porsche is "What you said isn't true, right? Your adoptive father doesn't sleep with you, right? He doesn't hurt you, right?"
Now is this actual worry for his friend or also worry for himself and his plans?
He desperately needs this exhibition to happen for some reason. Presumably to impress someone? To prove it to someone or to himself? His parents? Maybe Jason? (Aob is / was the same with Jason, his obsession to be number 1 in Playboyy. Might be a manipulation thing Jason does, to make people fall in love with him to make them do what he wants). With Porsches earlier voiceover about the opportunity to work with Jason, we constantly saw Zouey beaming up at him. Indicating that this might be his goal.
Later Zouey tells Jason that he wants the exhibition theme to be nudes but Jason smiles and says that's not working with the schools image.
In ep14 we see Zouey having beef with Den the school director, also about the theme of the exhibition being nudes and not "deep enough" for the schools image.
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Zouey & Jasons private interactions ep11
do make a lot of sense btw. I saw some confused comments, I am too, that's why I do this rewatch. but looking at it all together, it makes sense
they both know what happened, they act as if nothing bad happened
Zouey has extreme respect for Jason, is intimidated by him even but still has a crush on him AND his future depends on this man (big ass power imbalance and abuse if we ever saw one)
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bet Teena will be the one who reveals this mess if we get a sequel because he sees all of that, knows Zoueys issues with sex
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Later we have this interaction between Jason and Zouey, also very in character and plot. When Zouey once again asks about a nude exhibition. Jason asks if Zouey will be the model. But Zouey is the artist not the model.
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.... because he knows his naked body .....................
makes Zouey immediately more uncomfortable
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Zouey snapping because of Captain and First intentionally (nonconsensually) hurt people during sex
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this is a weird thing to say when Nant was the only one knowing about Jason and him. Maybe he slipped here, projected again like in ep1. Or maybe there is more we don't know yet but the baddie bunch knows about. Maybe that wasn't about Jason.
I mean with this mean ass cliffhanger they left us sitting in the finale, there is definitely still some stuff left open for Zouey...
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mygwenchan · 8 months
Just some random Playboyy thoughts after rewatching ep8:
The folder in which Nuth saved Nant's casting and suicide clip was named "Research". Judging by other folders and stuff on his desktop, it's all related to the movie Nuth is planning to film. In the first clip, Nant also recited parts of the script. Maybe both Nant clips are part of the movie? I'd love to get my hands on that script tbh... And also on the diary entry Nuth wrote on the twins bday. I bet there is a lot of useful information to be found!
They said Nant filmed the suicide video in a hotel room, but it's literally the same building in which Soong used to live... I think it's a production error, but it still bothers me a little.
So we were all wondering why the baddy bunch's kitchen looks different right? Well... Since First decided to live with his friends and Teena pretty much moved in with Zouey, meaning First couldn't bunk with his bestie anymore, they needed a new house with more rooms! I think that rooftop party was basically their housewarming party. They simply forgot to mention any of this in the series lol
That dog mask... I think Nuth must've asked Keen to hide it for him. But I also think Nuth himself is hiding it for someone else... It's pretty obvious that Nuth and the doggo guy aren't the same person and I still think our culprit is Prom. Which somewhat leads me to the suspicion that Prom is also our drug provider! Maybe that's his actual job and being the Playboyy manager is just a side gig? Or maybe Prom is dealing drugs behind Jason Lee's back. I mean, Prom already stole a large amount of money from his "daddy" (probably stole it from the club's cash register and the Playboyys). It wouldn't surprise me if he's also stealing drugs or doing other shady business.
If the post credit scene of ep8 isn't just a dream, then Nant is very much dead 😥 Thing is though, if that is happening in present times and not in the past, Nant has died only very recently. His eyes have turned white, but his skin isn't pale and patchy. There are also no signs of insects and other stuff... So unless they got the makeup wrong, Nant hasn't been dead for more than 2 hours. Plus, I didn't see any severe strangulation signs and Nant is wearing only his undies. The clothes he wore in the suicide clip are gone. And well, someone obviously placed him in the middle of the woods. But who? That is the question!
If Nant has indeed died recently, after Nont already came pretty close to finding the dog mask and the doggo guy... someone must've gotten cold feet! I don't think it's anyone from the baddie bunch. Nont had a whole breakdown in front of them and very convincingly told them he'd give up his search for Nant. Which pretty much only leaves Nuth, Phop (yes, also my cutie Phop!) and Prom... I went back to the convo Nuth had with Phop and it does sound kind of open for interpretation:
Nuth: Aren't you mad at me about Nant? Phop: You already told me about it. Why would I be mad?. I just want you to tell me everything. Then I'll be fine."
Now Phop is the very same person who stayed strangely calm while being held at gunpoint. Same when Nuth held a knife against his throat. So either my boy is dense as fuck, or he's got nerves of steel. Add some questionable morals and a pinch of insanity to the mix and you've got the perfect psycho boyfriend who'd be more than willing to commit crimes with you! On the other hand there is Prom, who tried to find out where Nont is planning to search for Nant, but instead was told that Nont would search for the doggo guy and not his twin brother. Now if Prom is Mr doggo, he might want to get rid of all the evidence... Might as well discard of the boring twin while he's at it, since he's got a new one now?
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Friday the 13th (5/10) Movie CLIP - His Name Was Jason (1980) HD" on YouTube
The gator is still in the pond and he couldn't get the shore because it kept cutting them off and he called for help Sarah thought he saw something she saw something like a person so she went out there and he spooked her and they fought and he came up again and they fought and the police grab them all brought them in and Jason was drowned he took him away and the gator drive them now he couldn't do it and they later found out that she just freaked out and they had a fight and she didn't see him get pushed in and they arrested Trump. And they realize that he will probably be revived I have to try to figure out what to say no Trump toss them in and tossed him in it's the same lake that our son Sarah into and the boy King and sometimes what they call our son and and she's pulling Sarah in and that means that he's keeping the middle areas moist and Mac is supposed to be doing the work of infilling and he's not hey Ruth no yes it is a it's a ruse they think that we can't do it and they think it'll dry out but it won't simply put it's scientifically incorrect because we're going to fill in the holes as we have been and they're mad about it he's ranting and raving we'll never get them out of there my son says who says we're over there that's true Jesus had a plan. There's a huge number of people who are looking for those big ships and the numbers going way up and they kill each other quite often it's a tragedy but it's a joke so Jason is alive and he's up there now and sees her kill his mom it's his mother freaks out and starts to attack Sarah gets in several confrontations with him and she leaves and tells other people they go up there and fight him and they all die tonight
Thor Freya
Thank God it's on and really it's my husband's character and he says he loses of course his Trump gets the ships
Yeah but it slash a whole bunch of them I guess a war starts between them and both of their groups shrink
Jason Voorhees
That's funny too you lose the ships but he really wants us to have him to go to the job and it looks like he's helping him a little probably not too much no the kids out a little bit we have to prove it it's going to be tough cuz Dan always looks like he's out and he's not and Jesus Christ this sucks
Trump and the girl who got killed is not revived and she was in that video sometimes goodbye I'm seeking out who that is and I think that we have Max as a Target and he says probably and I think some mac was taking brains out of people in the show we did find out that's a Mac we are looking at their bases and these are some serious bases they look they make ours look really like nothing and they make the Viking basis look like nothing and the max filters but these are honking okay they are massive they're they're like 70 by 30 the whole thing is covered with concrete structures that are honking I mean the concrete's 5 to 10 miles thick and they look like the other guys not as big and not as honking but they're honking and tough what comes out of them is not nice and getting in there will be tough he's laughing at them because they have 10 Mile armor and those are clad and clothes and these are clothes and Clyde as well but we don't think that there isn't built as well so I don't see why they're laughing they're kind of jerks I guess and they're not as big as the other ones those things are humongous this guy as human stuff. He says he is bigger and he's raising bigger caiju. The kg was raised against three times the size of the largest obelisk now I got to see that thing it says it probably will and that's terrible
You don't like these monsters he's talking about we have stories about them down there but really we found this guy in the middle and his Mac and we didn't see it I got to tell you what are we running into for Christ's sake so they stop you before you get there I got to tell you something else he's Max are a pain in the ass just like you said you're having us do the last stuff they're running the money code all these things this guy has been saying and he's like a veteran he's very very young and we weren't listening and bothering him and we still are and it's not helped us and we've created and we've made some major major errors it's getting mad don't go have to stand don't go after this guy find some sort of agreement and we're going to try and do that now vulgar what we're doing
0 notes
svnflowervol666 · 4 years
I Want Your Belly (Harry Styles x fem!Reader)
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Word Count: 2.2k
Author’s Note: Oddly specific, kinda weird, sappy sweet. Got a good handful of asks for this one so here you go! Harry asks Y/N to join him in the Watermelon Sugar music video. It was a bit hard to write due to the nature of the scenario, but I hope you find it just as cute as I did. Take care and TPWK.
Even in January, the California heat is brutal and unforgiving. Sure, being by the ocean where the momentum of the cool waves cast a light breeze does something to midigate the miserable feeling of feeling like the sun’s rays are going to burn you alive, but it’s only a crumb of salvation really. We’re talking sweat running down the backs of your kneecaps, legs painfully sticking to the seat of whatever chair you’re sitting in, not enough water in the world to keep you from being dehydrated hot. But she wanted to be there.
She’d been oggling him from her sand chair for the past forty-five minutes. I mean, who isn’t oggling him when they see him tracing his fingers coyly over the flesh of a sweet, ripe watermelon. He’d been glancing in her direction in between nearly every take, smirking at her through his aqua-tinted sunnies and wondering if what she was seeing made her reconsider the offer he’d been begging her to take him up on for weeks. All she would give him back was her iconic side-eye before she’d go back to reading the novel in her lap and occasionally picking at the bowl of freshly-cut fruit she’d swiped from the prop table.
“And that’s a wrap on scene one!” one of the directors called out over the crashing waves.
Harry did what was proper - shaking hands and bowing heads and saying his ‘thank you’s before all but jogging over to where she was sat underneath the oversized pale-blue gingham printed umbrella.
“Change yeh mind yet?”
He had his hands on his hips, fingers resting on hem of the crochet-knit tank top he’d chosen himself for the occasion. She waited until she finished the page she was on before even daring to peer up at him through her sunglasses.
“How are you not dying in those pants?” was all that Y/N gave in response before going back to her book.
“‘M absolutely wretched down there if that’s what you’re askin. But yeh didn’t answer my question, lovie.”
She sighed heavily, dog-earring her place in her novel and casting it aside it in the sand before leaning up to rest her elbows on her knees.
“I just don’t know why you want me to be in it so badly. This is your video. If I’m in it, everyone’s gonna go crazy and it’ll be an even bigger shit show in the press than it’s already going to be.”
This made Harry crouch down to her level, his white loafers digging even deeper into the sand as he leaned on his haunches.
“That’s exactly why I want yeh t’ be in it. ‘S my video and that’s what I want. Want this t’ be fun and it would be even more fun if I had m’ girl with me.”
She stared at him, silently giving him her please drop it look, but it only spurred him on further.
“If it’ll make yeh feel any better, I’ll make sure you’re not in it a bunch when it comes ‘round t’ editing. Barely put yeh up close too.”
That was enticing,Y/N could admit. He’d surely let her have the final say in how much she was involved, but there was still a lot of stress that came with being on camera. Especially in her state. She knew she wasn’t exactly hiding anything, as they’d been spotted countless times in public and their friends had posted photos to their stories with her body clearly visible in them, but some things she’d rather not shine a direct spotlight on. Doing something like this would most definitely be putting her business on display for the world to see, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready for that. 
“Please, baby? I won’t ask yeh again, but I’d really love it if you were beside me.”
She wet her lips with her tongue, eyes darting up to the underside of the umbrella as she really, truly contemplating giving in to Harry’s pleads. On her life, she can barely recall a time when she hadn’t given Harry anything that he wanted. He just had a way with people that wasn’t manipulative or conniving in any way - he was magnetic. Everything about him was so charismatic and mesmerizing and anyone that met him found themselves gravitating towards him and going along with whatever he was saying or suggesting. I mean, she let him put a baby in her for christ’s sake.
“Help me up out of this thing and find me something to wear,” she huffed, to which Harry dramatically punched the air with his fist in celebration.
“One condition,” she interjected his boast and Harry tilted his ear in her direction and tapped his earlobe with his finger to show her that he was listening.
“You have to go down on me when we get home. It was torture watching you finger that watermelon, but I’m pretty sure you already knew that.”
“Yeh talkin’ like yeh think I wasn’t gonna try t’ squeeze in a quickie during lunch anyway.”
He pulled her up to her feet, making sure to keep a steady hand on her back as he led her away from the ocean and towards the beach entrance where the trailers were parked.
“Wha’ about this one?” Harry asked as he pulled a strapless swimsuit with a palm tree print littered about the fabric and presented it to her.
“One wrong step and my tits will fall right outta that thing,” she quipped.
Harry held it at arm’s reach so he get a better look at the garment himself.
“Yeah. You’re right. They are gettin’ pretty big, aren’t they?”
There was no malice laced within his comment, but when he felt a harsh backhand graze his shoulder, he realized what he’d just said.
“Jesus, Y/N. I’m sorry. Didn’t mean it like tha’. Yeh know I love your boobs. Especially now.”
He tried to make up for it by reaching his hand out to playfully grab at Y/N’s chest, but she slapped his fingers away and continued thumbing through the racks filled with dozens if not hundreds of swimsuits for something she could manage to squeeze herself into.
“Ohh, wait! This one’s nice.”
Harry’s fingers got tangled in the lacy straps of the neighboring article of clothing beside the one he was trying to pull out, making a few hangers crash to the ground with a harsh sound against the linoleum. When she saw what he had found, she didn’t hate it. It was a sherbet-orange colored bikini that seemed as if it would cover everything she was concerned about showing, and the bottoms looked like they’d be somewhat decent at keeping her ass contained and wouldn’t ride up and make her constantly have to readjust it every five minutes. 
“Alright, Styles,” she squinted her eyes and nodded in approval.
“I’ll bite.”
He watched her as she peeled her romper that perfectly cradled her small yet still mighty bump, lingering for just a bit too long when she unhooked the back of her bra and dropped it to the floor.
“You gonna give me the swimsuit or are you gonna keep staring at me? It’s fucking hot in here, Harry.”
She was stark naked and had her hands on her hips, a sticky veil of sweat still shining on her skin from the mugginess of the wardrobe trailer. Harry couldn’t help but chuckle at her state, his heart full of nothing but admiration for the girl standing in front of him.
“Here, I’ll help yeh into it.”
Harry kneeled down to the floor and guided her legs through the bikini bottoms. Just as he pulled them up around her thighs and onto her hips, he gave her bump a quick kiss. 
“We’re kinda matchin’ yeh know,” Harry babbled as he fastened the straps on her top.
“‘S the same color as m’ nails,” he stuck a leg out in front of her to wiggle his toes and show off the bright orange pedicure he’d gotten that morning.
“That’s disgustingly cute actually. Maybe I should change,” she joked.
“No way,” he dismissed her.
“Yeh ass looks too good in this one.”
Harry clapped both hands against her bum with gentle force, the two of them erupting into a fit of giggles. He spun her around by the shoulders to get a good look at her body, protruding belly and all, in the clementine orange swimsuit.
“M’ pretty, pretty girl,” he whispered as his lips met hers in a kiss.
“You’re lucky I love you enough to do this.”
“I know I am,” Harry muttered against her mouth.
“Alright,” he continued.
“Just gotta change into m’ shorts and then I’ll be good t’ go. Meet yeh at the umbrella?”
“Oh hell no,” she jested.
“If you got to see me naked, I get to see you naked. Now get to stripping.”
The day went by in a blur.
What was supposed to be a brief cameo turned into Harry dragging Y/N into every scene he possibly could. When the directors instructed the models to gather in a pile around the pop star, he found his head perched in her lap, nestled perfectly atop her thighs with his temples pressed against her belly. When they’d wanted clips of everyone romping about the shoreline, he’d ended up carrying her around the beach after she’d gotten winded from doing one-too-many takes.
“Harry, I cannot fucking do this anymore,” she panted.
“I can practically feel my cankles growing.”
“Fine then,” he replied, hooking his forearm around the underside of her knees and scooping her up so that she was cradled against his burly chest.
“I’ll just carry yeh.”
He’d made her feed him raspberries as he sang the lyrics into the camera, even going so far as to suck on her fingers seductively when she went to drop one into his mouth. It wasn’t intended to be a serious attempt at filming the video, only him messing around and trying to get a rise out of her as he always did, but everyone ultimately decided that that the take they were going to use. She’d cursed him out under his breath, but they both knew it was for making her practically soak her knickers rather than getting dragged into more than she bargained for during the shoot.
Constantly, his hands always found themselves gravitating towards her belly. Whether it was rubbing her taught skin like a crystal ball as he sang the chorus instead of gesturing to the large watermelon that he was supposed to be holding, he couldn’t keep his hands off of her.
She’d known it was bound to happen at one point, but sometime throughout the afternoon he’d called for her and when she turned around, he was had shoved a watermelon up under his sheer, yellow blouse.
“Y/N!” Harry shouted at her from a few yards away, interrupting a lovely conversation she was having with one of the models.
“I’m you!”
He gestured to the fruit stuffed inside of his shirt, toyfully stroking the exterior in the manner that she always found herself doing even she wasn’t realizing. 
It made everyone, and I mean everyone, explode in laughter. It only made her hide her face in her hands after promptly shoving her middle finger in his direction.
But she’d gotten him back. When the director wanted shots of each of the girls taking bites out of a slice of watermelon, she’d made sure to take the messiest bite she could manage so that the juice ran down her chin and down the valley of her breasts. Y/N threw her head back as if were the greatest thing she’d ever tasted, exposing the column of her neck that Harry loved to mark up and bruise with his skillful tongue and lips.
“Yeh tryin’ t’ make me hard right now?” he all but growled in her ear when she’d joined him behind the camera so the next model could have their turn.
She simply cocked her head to one side and smirked up at him.
“Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it? I’m going to the bathroom. All of this watermelon’s making me have to pee.”
When it came time for the portrait and everyone was being distributed their designated slice of fruit, Y/N found herself confused when Harry pulled her out of line.
“What are you doing, H?”
Harry held up a hand to signal that he’d be right back, to which he returned with an uncut watermelon. Quite possibly the biggest watermelon that she’d ever seen at that.
“Yeh don’t get a slice, yeh get the whole damn watermelon.”
They’d all piled up on the bench and stared stoically into the camera, only instead of raising the wedge to their lips to take a bite, Y/N sat on the grass at Harry’s knees, a whole watermelon resting in between her legs in front of her bump.
Y/N’s day ended up being far more fun than she’d ever imagined it could have been despite her constant nagging and jabs at Harry’s expense. While she’d initially only agreed to be a part of Harry’s music video under the condition that her role would be minimum, she was secretly hoping that all of their side conversations and what would be considered “outtakes” would actually make in into the final cut. 
In fact, she’d had so much fun that at the end of the day when filming had wrapped and her and Harry were on the way home, the gentle hum of his convertible and the cool breeze that followed a blistering day on Malibu beach had slowly began willing her eyes shut. 
“Baby,” Harry beckoned her from the driver’s seat.
“Hmm?” Y/N picked her head up from where it was leaning against the window to look over at him.
“Don’t go t’ sleep on me now.”
He reached over to grab her left hand that had settled itself on top of her round stomach. Before lacing his fingers with hers, he kissed her knuckles tenderly.
“Still got t’ go down on yeh when we get home. Bet yeh gonna taste like strawberries.”
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hinshinotsuki · 4 years
🖤 Switched 🖤
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"She's gonna stay here for a while." Hange said, answering Armin's question and successfully making everyone scramble back to their seats.
(F/N) noticed that Levi looked at her. She saw that he got annoyed by her presence and clicked his tongue as he walked away to get some food. This made (F/N) really annoyed and depressed at the same time. She did escape from her own, troublesome world, only to see a duplicate of him who clearly had issues with her own counterpart.
Just, what did the other (F/N) do to make him this grumpy?
"Hey, (F/N)." whispered Hange as she sat beside her.
"Welcome back." said (F/N). "How's it going? The experiment?"
"Good, as always." Hange laughed. All of a sudden, she nearly collapsed on the table, arms spread wide and eyes shut tight in exhaustion.
"What happened to you?"
"You don't know how hard it is to make that man come over here."
"So! How was your day?" Hange said, suddenly looking at her with much enthusiasm on her eyes, creeping her out with her very sudden mood change from depressed to excited. "Did you get used to the Scouting Legion life, yet?"
"No." (F/N) answered unapologetically. It was the truth.
"I see you changed your clothes." Hange uttered, a single brow raised in suspicion.
"Yeah, (F/N)'s clothes didn't fit me, at all. They're large."
"Hmm, I'm almost sure you are the same size. Guess you're not."
"I don't understand. How was she larger than me?"
"I'm not really sure. Muscles, I guess? Man, I'm starving!" Hange stood, then stretched her tired arms. "Gotta go grab something to eat. Want to join me?"
"Nah, I'll pass." she answered, having had enough of cold soup and hard bread.
"You should come by my office later." Hange told her. She leaned in closer and whispered to her, "And bring  that cellphone of yours."
"I don't know what you're up to but, yes. I will."
"Good! It's settled then." Hange cheerfully said, then strode away towards the counter, humming to herself happily as she walked, making (F/N) laugh.
"Aww, I think she wants to beat my score on CandyScapes." (F/N) said to herself when she felt someone staring at her all of a sudden. She turned just in time to see Levi staring at her with a strange, unreadable look on his face. And, as he took a sip of his tea in that odd way, she can't help but feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand. He was not taking his eyes off her even though he realized she found out about his strange actions. 
After a few moments of their staring contest, she looked away, feeling defeated after what just happened. She was fully aware that she mustn't be angry with him, because he was just someone's counterpart, and not the person she knew. But, something in him told her that he had more than grudge for her or her counterpart. 
But, what was it? She just couldn't tell exactly what. And as she made her way to Hange's office an hour later, she heard some voices coming from the room. She leaned in closer, careful not to make any noise, and listened in on the conversation.
"You are making a huge mistake, Hange."
"I'm sure I'm not! I told you, we can trust her."
So, they're talking about me, huh?
"She looks suspicious enough. Why would you even let her mingle with the others?"
"I can't keep her in her room forever!"
"What if everyone started suspecting? What if they find out? What would you tell them? That (L/N) got replaced by a counterpart from a different world? I know you are insane, but the whole district would soon find that out if news of that,... lunatic,... ever got out!"
"She's not a lunatic! For your information, Levi, I have proof that she's not one!"
"Oh, is that why you brought me all the way here when we're supposed to be on the lookout for Eren?"
"Exactly! But, not just that! I want you to - "
"Enough of this, Shitty Eyes! I'm disappointed you forgot about our top priorities. And to think you associated with the likes of her. You both should be in the lunatic house."
"I'm not crazy!" (F/N) angrily whispered to herself. As she was about to lean on the door again, it suddenly opened, making her collapse on Levi's hard chest.
Levi was, indeed, angry upon realizing that she was listening in on them and pushed her away from him, making her almost stumble to the ground.
"Levi! Come back here! I have something to show you." Hange called, anger and frustration getting the better of her. She strode towards him, helping (F/N) on her feet on the way, and grabbed his arm.
However, Levi got even angrier as he pulled his limb away from the grasp of the bespectacled woman. "I have enough of this bullshit! I'm going back to the old HQ."
"At this hour, you can't!"
"And why can't I?!"
"Because I asked Moblit to take your horse away! You'll get there by foot!"
"I will if I have to!"
"Grrr, LEVI, YOU'RE MAKING ME MAD!" Hange shrieked then took both Levi and (F/N)'s arms and dragged the two of them towards her messy office. She closed the door and stood in front of it to prevent anyone from getting out.
"Are you stupid? You know I can jump out of the window if I want to." Levi told her sarcastically.
"I'm not jumping anywhere." (F/N) added, feeling as mad as the two people in front of her.
"(F/N), show her your phone." ordered Hange.
"NO!" (F/N) angrily answered, making Hange's eyes wide with shock. Then, she looked at Levi and started pointing at him. "You have enough of this bullshit? Well, then, I have enough of your ignorance!"
Her words made Levi even angrier. His narrow eyes eve widened and his teeth started gritting. "You, brat, how dare you,..."
"Who's the freaking brat here?!" (F/N) raged on, unable to stop her wildly beating heart. She so wanted to lash out at Levi, but she clearly was doing it on the wrong one. "If someone tells you to listen, you listen! If someone tells you to stay, you stay! How can you be this rude and stupid?! You're worse than your own boss! Lunatic, my ass! You are the crazy one here!"
"Alright, (F/N), you can stop now,..." Hange was getting so afraid for (F/N) that she started to get a hold of her before she could further make the Captain beyond angry.
"And if you think that I will you show you my phone, think again, you loser! You rude, arrogant,... BASTARD!"
"NNGGRR!" Levi growled as he held his palm up, ready to slap her. He expected her to cower in fear, but she only offered her right cheek even more. She even went closer to him in blind bravery.
"Oh, yeah?! Try me, mister!" she screamed at him, channeling all of her anger towards him and actually challenging her to slap her. "That's what you're good at, after all. Hurting others! Go on, HURT ME! I DARE YOU!"
But, despite her tirade, Levi couldn't bring himself to hurt her, after all. His eyes suddenly indicated hurt, and as he slowly gained patience, he lowered his hand, unable to say anything. This gave (F/N) a feeling of both victory and regret.
"Well?!" she challenged even further.
Levi did not answer. Instead, he took a few steps away from her and shrugged his head. "It's not worth it." he quietly said with his normal, low voice and made his way towards Hange, pushing her slightly away, opening the door, stepping out of it, and closing it behind him, leaving just the two women inside.
Hange crossed her arms as she looked at (F/N). "Wow. Didn't expect you to give him that kind of verbal beating."
"Well, he deserved it." (F/N) said, pouting as she sat down the dusty sofa, arms also crossed, just like Hange. "And if he thinks he'll win next time? No, no, no. I won't let him."
"You do realize that he's just concerned, right?" Hange chuckled, then sat down next to her.
"No tones of concern there." (F/N) answered. "But, I do feel a bit guilty. It's like, he was used to that kind of treatment."
"From others? Of course, not. He would punch their faces right away."
"So, what gives?"
"I think you remind him of her. Of your counterpart."
(F/N)'s eyes slightly narrowed as she looked sideways at Hange. "Why would you say that? I thought we're different."
"Yes, you are different." Hange told her. "But, that way you defied him? (F/N), to inform you, there is no one in history who tried to defy him the way you just did other than your counterpart here."
"Hold on a second here, this has me thinking all day,..." (F/N) said, then turned to her right to see Hange more clearly. "How did they even break up? Nanaba told me that you knew."
"Well, of course, I know. I'm her friend, after all."
"So, can you please tell me?"
Hange just looked at her with that sad smile on her lips. "I want to tell you, but I think I' am not the right person to tell you that."
"Not even a hint?" (F/N) begged, feeling a bit disappointed.
Hange sighed and stretched on the sofa. "Let's just say that they both have issues. They - "
But, as she was about to give out her hint, a sound came from (F/N)'s pocket.
"What's that?" Hange asked.
"Uhh,..." (F/N) took out the phone on her pocket, brought it to life, and found that she has a new social media notification. "What in the - ?" She unlocked her phone, went directly to the site, and saw, with huge, bewildered eyes, the news that a friend just shared to her.
"I can't read it. What does it say?" Hange asked, having a different way of writing from (F/N).
"I know having a strong data connection here is crazy. But, to receive social media notifications? That's ridiculous! And what did Jean just tagged me? Local Cosplayer Beats Up Thugs On Jinae Street? Hashtag (N/N)IsThisYou? What is going on?"
(F/N) scrolled down, and as they looked at the several photos posted on the social media platform, they can't help but be  totally and utterly confused,...
... for those photos showed a girl wearing the Scouting Legion uniform taking out several men on a dirty street.
"Is that,..." Hange stuttered. And when she realized who the girl was, her eyes widened with confusion. "IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS?!"
(F/N)'s eyebrows furrowed. There was a video clip, and the moment she clicked on it, all things turned upside down for the two of them.
"Give us your wallet, nerd!"
"How dare you insult me, I'm a Squad Leader!"
The men in the video laughed, but they were interrupted as the "nerd" took one man's arm and twisted it halfway towards the neighboring street, breaking it as easily as tearing  paper. And as the fighting went on, (F/N) turned up the volume to the maximum level and watched as the "nerd" in question single - handedly kung fu'd the thugs.
"Impossible!" (F/N) uttered as she saw the woman in question give out moves that she could not imagine herself doing. And as the crowd went wild with cheers, including the one taking the video, they got a better look at the female who kicked the asses of the perverts on Jinae.
There was no hint of doubt right there: it was none other than the infamous Squad Leader, (F/N) (L/N), herself. Her own counterpart. And, boy, could she kick men's ass!
"We've got to show this to Erwin right now!" Hange insisted.
"That I can agree upon." (F/N) answered, and when the two of them simultaneously opened the door to race towards the Commander's office, they saw Levi standing just outside of the room, eyes wide with shock and confusion.
"The hell was that just now?" he uttered, his low voice more threatening than ever before.
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shabba-zams · 4 years
Hold big regard for kinship, tradition and culture, I could give a lecture
I'm sky high - herbivore, like a turkey vulture I'm a carnivore
Canibal, I mean omnivore coz I love greens, like Popeye And Spinach, I lick bean
Flick flick, root Chakra, keep you grounded, kiss your forehead, illumination
Wham bam, burn incense this instant
Smoke in house, reminisce about my late aunt, Eugenia
Healing from a heartbreak of a love that never happened
Should never happen, wait what just happened?
You a bad bitch, downward doggy, hit it from the back, is that good B?
Meow-moo, look at that arch, Doja, Cat-Cow mi amor
Heart's aching, beneath I'm hurting although surface looks perfect
Instantly regretting the mistake I made, egghead getting laid
I was broke, couldn't think straight, Im still great, it's just that I hate
Constantly stressing, hope you not late, I'm Wylin, red fox
Sorry mate, don't put me on the spot unless we hot box
You a hot mess, you burn, guilt trip, in hell I burn, 12 stroke soul snatcher, soul searching,N2O, inhale, I burn, I'm trippin
My goodness, Zulu goddess, Tsonga royalty in her DNA, your highness hello, hi, my love I profess
Pussy power tricking, that tightness, finesse crazy like madness, she drippin
Her cookie jar I'm Double dippin, like yes ya, I praise ya, I'm smitten
You praise Ja, pet name for your small pussy... Poor lil kitten
Obsessed With fitness, admire her loyalty, I stay under her spell
First We gel, then repel, we then rebel, plz say you could not tell I fell for you girl!
I confess, your strange quirks remind me of my old ex
Guardian angel, I see your halo, okay bye! In darkness you my star
Naledi always shine bright, never dim light, eyes can adjust right?
No girl, tell me how could I not fall for you girl?
If I see you all day and night? Medicate then meditate
Last and first light I see you, it's hard to wake me up, ICU
Namaste, send u love and light. Hugging u gud nyt then imma go unless it's midnight, my pants is tight right and u hug me tight tight cutie, in my ear, QTip, u whisper get the light, deep throat  gimme the green light, tonight you looking so tasty
It's not right, lockdown got me all thirsty, see, I'm nasty
I'll eat you out, gimme a big tip, face chair, take a sit please
Gangsta champagne, notorious bubbles I sip sip, are you pleased?
You a tall glass of sexy B, I mean u sassy B, sexy beast I gotta drink, drunk
In love with your positive energy, you love the inner me and you know I'm not the enemy, I love you
Juju, like bad energy, shoo shoo, telling me to go, I don't go
Feeling ur feng shui imbalance, tryinna find balance, yoga
So much green in my blood stream, feelin like Hulk or Yoda
I'm 1 with the force, a gulf stream directing ur flow, go
Heavy flow that weigh a ton, period. I go deep, you flow deep like the Nile, you lovin it
Tid bit in denial, plz don't judge unless you take a 9 mile walk if the shoe fit
Wise mentor, needed to blow off steam, oh no you make me sing, I never meant to...
I'm spiritual, Ultralight beam, living the life of Pablo, green
I see no light, stuck in the dark, this don't feel right
Fight what I feel, fight! I know you like what I write, right? I'm still Steve like Biko, because I write what I like
You're spiritual, Ivy crown it'll be alright, fight!
Where you been? Spiritual journey, Wrote you a song of love, don't panic, it's platonic agape kind
You're kind, im sorry, please forgive me, God bless us
Never meant to sex ya, sext ya, yes ya I never meant to
Hurt ya, my day 1 let me be in your team, I'm your hype man and you my wing man, who knew, man?
I'm a new man, never wanna be in u ma'am, that's Truman, like Harry
Like Harriet, You talk truth ma'am, ur woke now, mental slavery chain breaker
Lead, take leash, give me my freedom, Tubman. Ass like Baartman, I'm joking, I'm through man!
Is it true man? You got a new man?
I'm glad you found uThando & Peace!
I see your glow in the dark , I watch you grow, from head to toe
Lock down, No sexercise, just exercise, oblique workout, body shaping up, you shake shit up
Look down, fvck shit up, I fantasize under the mistletoe, kiss kiss that phat pet peeve,
I mean the size of that cameltoe, kiss kiss like it's NYs Eve
Family Feud like Steve, We lip lock, she bad bad like Eve
Stuck with you like gridlock, bad bitch my ride or die!
The love you show, I dunno who to tell that u just ring my bell
Blue balls, plain torture, ungshaya ding dong, that just rings wrong
Playing mind games like ping pong, saw my dp then ask for my dick pic like "Big Z u got big dick print"
I tell her to quit playin and show her it's just resting, I'm a grower
Picture a Big black gun in your hand, click glock
Lick big black cock in my hand, and get a big tip
Love your big tats,small tits, nip slip, vrm vrm, you own me like pinkslip
4 play lick clit, that pink pink
Big lie like, just the tip, truth is I just wanted to hit twice, then dip twice like, dip dip
Double Pussy grip, like grip grip
Our late night tap dance routine like
Double tap like, tip-clit-grip-grip, skip, tip-clit-grip-grip
Sending mixed signals, wearing no bra, black tank top, Grey gym pants, exciting my BBC then saying NO BRA!
Apple bong is crack bong, big flop wearing your pink flip flops, I need a drink,J walk drunk, hit, bong, bang, drive, buy smoke, fly, sky, high five, YouTube The Fives, whats the matter? GBV
All lives including those you call low lives matter, no 1 deserves murder.
Deep chats kid, Katt Williams crack me up, have a break Kit Kat
I'm a lil sad but real glad u not mad at me brick brack, red fox
Need my quick fix, Red on Netflix like Raymond, cross you off my hitlist, at least at last, the blacklist, NBC
No chick flicks miss, unless you aiming to get this, BBC
I don't aim, shoot shot once and don't miss, easy, ABC
Cupid tryinna shoot me dead but misz, shit shot, no Mrs, thank God
Thot thought she a hot shot coz she smoke pot, no BS she not hot
Cold as horse shit that's not hot, bust a nut, I might not
I'm a lit lad who thinks they a big bad, Wolf, with a sick head
You heard? Sometimes it's hard when u in my bed, think with other head instead like getting head
Play dead after I beat meat, you knock-knock, I'm cumin, you come in, your bad timing is not charming
I see myself in you, pun intended, idea planted in my head
For real tho, I see your hoeish ways, long gone are my hoeish days
Sometimes I think u poison like Ivy, I'm batman, no avengers
Scavengers, a mad woman and a bad man, Savages in our own league
First punch throwers, they hate us, crack bong hitters, they not us, we avenge us,
You lead, I school ya, screw ya, liquids in ur insides like IV
Drip drip, said fuck it, big deal, do u even care how I feel? Bad state of mind, took shrumz, now I'm havin a bad trip
Craving a road trip, cruze down memory lane, replay bad clip, is it weird that I loved that silhouette video? Press play
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Get liquid withit
Going toe-to-toe, I kill and bury Big Trill, made my 1st mil
Then blew it, dead lyricist, I'm just a ghost writer
I see changes, a stoner girl turn to a rave girl as the nyt ages
I once told her, trust the rock of ages like John
Serial killer with rage on Pages, I was angry at God like Sean
Now i'm easy like solving for X- Kid'o,
That's annoying, ward off tiny mosquito
Go against me, that's a non starter, kiss my ass lips
I talk shit, no stutter or slight lisp like L-Tido
In the city of gold its all or nothing, that's a no brainer
No brain huh? Black lip bastard, faith like mustard seed
Don't call me bastard, transform to Luke Cage then hit rib Cage like
Nicholas, can't stop me like an urban legend... Ghost rider
I sound fictitious like ghost busters, but I'm quite real like Klingon
I stick like glue, here's a clue:
Day of the week: Monday
Feeling: baby Blue and itchy
Scratch my balls I'm jiggy, sweet melanin black queen like B
Fluent in your love language B, catch 22, paradoxical
Hypocritical, stereotypical, philosophical.
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seguinshands · 6 years
Hot Cocoa and Cream
Pairing: Tyler Seguin x Reader
Word Count: 1170
Warnings: Swearing, Tyler bein a lil shit
Summary: The reader goes on a shopping spree, the last thing that Tyler wants to do.
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Reader’s POV
“I don’t like this,” Tyler mumbled, close enough that I could feel his breath ghosting across my neck.
The mall stretched out in front of us, sparsely populated. The only stores that remained were the cornerstone stores, like Burlington and GAP. It was a wonder that the place was still running. Thankfully, I wasn’t attached to it. However, I had spent two hours looking for a nearby mall to go to that we could go shopping at that was out of the way, and I wasn’t just going to let him step on my toes.
Stopping, I turned to give him a look. “Tyler,” I scolded. “We need to shop, and it was a half hour drive here. We are not wasting gas like that.”
Tyler grumbled, looking remarkably like a pouty little kid. “I make enough money where we can afford that.”
“Yes, I know. But it’s still wasteful. At least let me shop a bit, okay? I’ve been dying to get my hands on some stuff.” After a moment, Tyler nodded, giving in. “Thank you. Now, go mope somewhere else.” He looked at me, frozen for a second. “You heard me, get outta here, tough guy. Unless you don’t want something for Christmas.”
That got him moving pretty fast. Giving me a quick peck on the lips before I could protest, he was gone.
With a sigh, I dug out my phone and looked through the Christmas lists I had patched together for everyone.
The shopping was all done within maybe an hour, and for how uninhabited the mall was, it was insanely difficult to find Tyler. Eventually giving up, I began to look around for a bench to sit on when it came into view. Gasping, I hurried over to the Bath and Body Works, taking a big whiff of the perfumed air. Oh hell yes.
Waving quickly at the employee behind the counter, I started my hunt for a good lotion and price.
I lost track of time as I picked different things off the shelves, putting some back and grabbing others. I had just cycled my way around to the candles when a hand landed on my arm. I jumped about a foot in the air, dropping two of the lotions.
Tyler’s surprised face came into view. “Jesus Christ, babe.” He swooped down and picked up the discarded bottles. “You have, like, $200 worth of lotions. Don’t you have some at home?”
Looking down, I realized that I did, in fact, have a lot of lotions. The woman behind the register was eyeing me up like I was crazy. A deep blush settled over my cheeks. “W-well, a lot of these are seasonal scents, ya know?”
Giving me a skeptical look, Tyler slowly took the candle I had picked up from my hand. “Nuh-uh. I’m cutting you off. No more.”
“But Tyleerrrrrr.” I whined, grabbing the candle again. “Just smell it, it’ll mask the house’s sweaty male smell.”
Tyler laughed loudly, leaning against a table. “Fine, one. I mean that. One. As in singular.”
Plowing through the candles, I got it down to five. “Which one?” I asked. When there was no answer, I looked back. Tyler was sitting on the bench outside, playing around on his phone, one measly bag in hand. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed the two candles that I liked best and swept over to the cashier.
$214.84 later, I was exiting the storefront with ten bags in hand, four of them being from Bath and Body Works. “Tyler! Help, I’m getting crushed!” Tyler looked up and grinned, not moving to get up.
“Serves you right.” He finally stands, walking away. “Let’s go, sexy.”
By the time we got out to the car, which Tyler insisted on parking as close as possible, my arms felt like they were going to fall off. Setting the bags against the brand new Lambo, I glared over at him. “Open the door, dumbass.”
He smirked, but his tone was clipped. “Get your bags off my car.”
Rolling my eyes, I lifted them slightly. “Unlock the doors!” I snapped, and he chuckled before opening the trunk for me. Grumbling, I dumped all of it in and stuck my tongue out at him. “I can’t do anything with sore arms, asshole,” I snapped, rubbing my aching bicep.
Tyler rounded the car, grabbing me from behind before I could move. “Hey!” I gasped as he lifted me by the waist. I scrambled, reaching back to hit at him. “Tylerrrr, I wanna go hoooome.” Grinning, he ruffled my hair obnoxiously and set me back on my feet. My fingers instantly combed through my hair, trying to fix the damage. “Not funny!” I slammed the trunk shut and slid into the passenger seat. He was giggling to himself the entire ride home.
Not that his highness could bother himself with helping once we got home, either. He walked into the house without a look back, measly bag in hand.
“Fucking asshole!” I screamed after him, and heard him cackle in return. Humphing to myself, I hauled it all into our bedroom, having to take three breaks on the way. During the first, I ignored where Tyler was sprawled out, playing some dumb video game.
Shoving it all into the closet, I grabbed a lotion from the bag, Hot Cocoa & Cream. My stomach grumbled as I lathered up my hands with it. Throwing it onto the bed, I plopped down after it, face in the blankets. I could feel my arms throbbing and I groaned.
A deep chuckle sounded from the doorway, but I didn’t raise my head. “Hey, sexy. You look exhausted. You alright?” he teased.
“I hate youuu,” I complained, throwing my arms over my head.
Tyler came closer, floor creaking under his feet. “Don’t be like that.”
I turned my head to glare at him. “Don’t be like an asshole then,” I retaliated, closing my eyes.
The bed dipped and I whined, lashing out blindly at him. His hand grabbed my wrist firmly enough to keep from striking him.
“Hey, calm down, sexy,” he purred, other hand gently stroking over my back. I relaxed into the covers, groaning as the massage worked out the knots in my back. I could hear the smirk in Tyler's voice as he said, “Hm, there we go.”
Mumbling, I opened my eyes, managing a half-glare at him. “I'm gonna wring your neck, you heathen,” I threatened into the blanket.
Laughing, Tyler plopped on top of me, causing me to let out a long whine of complaint. “I'm warming you up, quit bitching.” I squeaked as Tyler's arms squeezed around me. “Gotcha. By the way, you smell amazing.” His nose nuzzled into the side of my neck and I melted into his touch. “Good enough to eat.” He promptly bit me right under the ear.
“Ow! Tyler, I swear to God!” I twisted, but couldn't get anywhere with his arms around me.
“Aw, you're so cute when you're mad.”
“Shut up, asshole.”
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