#yes i know one of my teams has a double fire weakness. let me live (or faint i guess)
kafus · 1 year
file too big for tumblr so you get a youtube video but HIII I DID IT!! I BEAT THORTON!!! I GOT THE GOLD PRINT BABEY I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS TO HAPPEN TONIGHT!! months of on and off grinding and then 3 days straight of doing this nearly all my waking hours and losing so many streaks and I DID IT!!! this is one of the hardest things you can do in gen 4 ever i think i'm losing my mind. pthgss battle factory does NOT fuck around
some commentary below the cut if you're interested in my thoughts/strategy while doing this
when i saw whiscash i swapped into scizor because i thought it was safe and i wanted to preserve weavile's strength, speed, and fake out for later... and i did my calcs wrong. i've been hunched over calculators and spreadsheets for hours to have the best odds of winning this streak and somehow i was calculating doubles damage instead of singles so EQ was stronger than i expected. embarrassingly i didn't notice this until someone pointed it out to me after the fact LOL. i don't even know how i didn't catch it, of course EQ does more damage, it's STAB!! so that was actually a pretty damn dangerous switch! but he missed stone edge i am BLESSED stone edge more like stone MISS AHAHAHAFSDKFSDAL
anyway after whiscash was down i let entei take out my scizor because scizor is slow and was already on low HP, if i tried to preserve it it would probably just get outsped and die to a legendary or something later. and entei had two dangerous sets in particular it could possibly be so i really needed to scout its fire move. tbh when i saw entei my heart sank, i knew my team was really weak to fire and that it could be a problem but i just never found any good pokemon to swap while climbing round 7. i just hoped that garchomp resisting and having earthquake would suffice... but the entei had a shuca berry (halves a super effective ground hit) so outrage actually did more damage. if entei crit me at any point it would have been over but otherwise it would have been impossible to take out garchomp in two hits thankfully. and i had a persim berry if outrage ended in two turns and confused me. but didn't end up mattering!
my heart SANK when the focus band proc'd on latios (a 10% chance) but then i was like YES!! THIS IS WHAT WEAVILE HAS BEEN WAITING FOR!! THERE'S NO WAY IT PROCS TWO MORE TIMES IN A ROW RIGHT?! because weavile using fake out would give me a chance, and then if focus band proc'd again, the flinch from fake out would let me get a second turn and weavile outspeeds that latios SO it was pretty safe unless i got insanely unlucky. AND IT WORKED OUT!!!!
i dunno if i deserved this win because my round 6 (the round before this one) was INCREDIBLY lucky, like, i got the round 7 staraptor in my draft and it had choice band brave bird and just decimated EVERYTHING except a couple bronzongs which i had a strong vaporeon for, so... it was basically a freebie and then round 7 had some close calls but also i got garchomp from trading with the literal first trainer (who i almost lost to but shhh) and then all the stuff with scizor/whiscash... BUT. it's been long enough i'm TAKING IT
anyways POGGERS
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i'm probs gonna upload this battle video to the dns exploit server later but i gotta wait for my parents to go to bed so i'm not interrupting them using wifi by turning on the gen 4 compatible guest wifi lol
(btw if you want to do factory yourself please look up smogon's resources on it and use calcs and stuff i promise without it it will be a living nightmare 10x more than it already is)
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pixelcrimes · 6 years
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A couple doubles teams that I like using.
350 notes · View notes
Under A Storm - Bucky Barnes x mystery (f)reader Avenger
Summary: You’ve been in love with Bucky for awhile now, and so has he, what will happen when you reveal your true origins? Will he still love you?
Warning: got some good’ol angst, fluffy times with Bucky I don’t hate you I promise
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“I think I’m winning. Just putting that out there.” You quip, not even breaking a sweat as Bucky uses everything in his power to get your arm to budge, even just a little.
“I’m trying...just give me a moment..” Grumbles Bucky as he strains to keep his metal arm from reaching defeat at the end of the table.
For the entirety of the day the two of you have been wandering around the Avengers base with nothing better to do then annoy Tony in his lab, and harass Clint who’s recovering from a broken arm while everyone else is off somewhere in the Netherlands, probably freezing their asses off.
Luckily for you, Steve said this was your vacation week, while Bucky on the other hand was told to hang back while his abdominal scars heal up nice and pretty. And since you could care less about heading down south to some fancy and excessively hot beach all on your lonesome, you’ve decided to keep your friends company. Especially Bucky.
But if you’re being honest with yourself here, you mostly just stayed to spend time with Bucky. Ah yes, that beautifully handsome blue eyed bastard with the metal arm and incredibly good looks paired with an equally as stellar personality.
It’s almost like the universe said “I know you’ve had a hard time down there so here’s this literal angel for you, you’re welcome, lots of love now go and do nothing about it sucker.”
It’s not like you didn’t want to make a move, it’s just, you’re origins are so different from his. In fact, your ass isn’t even from earth! You’re not even an actual human being! Granted you look humanly enough, separate from the fact that you’ve got a beautiful pair of darkly colored curled horns, and eyes the color of fire embers that reflects light due to your nocturnal vision.
But other then those little oddities about yourself, you look pretty normal, even more so when wearing a hoodie and sunglasses. Which has become a staple of your usual street attire in general and even when on missions.
Even with all the mystery that still surrounds you and that you’ve kept hidden within yourself since you’ve met him, Bucky likes having you around anyway, and without a doubt you are his favorite person on the team.
Smiling adoringly, you chuckle while Bucky struggles to pin your arm to the table, while your arm holds his up with little effort due to your inhuman strength.
He’s trying really hard, putting all of his effort and sweat into winning this round, which would be the first if he does happen to win, which you already know won’t be happening today, nor the next week.
“Just give me a moment.” Mutters Bucky through clenched teeth as his metal arm adjusts and readjusts to use as much strength as physically possible by this special Wakandian tech.
Blowing air out of your lips, you casually rest your head against your knuckles on your free hand as you wait for him to finally crack, “Just tap out or I’ll pin you again. And I know how much you hate losing.”
“I’m not tapping out Y/N.” Says Bucky defensively as he focuses all his energy into moving your arm even just an itty bitty inch, something, anything.
“Fine then.” You reply before slamming his metal arm against the table with a loud clang that rings throughout the entire lounging area. He quickly gives you an annoyed look as your face turns into a bright grin.
“I hate you.” Grumbles Bucky as he leans back into the couch.
Snatching your water bottle from the side table, you take a swig before shrugging, “We don’t have room in this house for weak bitches. Barnes I’m sorry to say this but....you’ve gotta go.”
Bucky shakes his head in annoyance before the corners of his eyes begin to crinkle, followed by his beautiful smile and then that contagious laugh. “Y/N I couldn’t make it without you, please be kind.” He pleads jokingly as you set the bottle down.
“I’ll consider your words.” You muse with a dramatic hair flip as he reaches over to take the half empty bottle of water, drinking it all in one long chug that has you memorized for a good ten seconds.
Snapping out of your Bucky-being-unknowingly-hot-without-realizing-it trance, you quickly fake pout, “My water you ass!”
“I’m from Russia so it’s our water.”
“Shut up you just lived there.” You retort before giving him a double take, “And hey.”
“Ah, come on doll let’s go bother Clint again.” Suggests Bucky as he rises to his feet and walks around the table to pull you to yours as well. God all you wanna do is kiss that stupid face of his and shove him back down onto the couch and...
“Hey guys what’s up.” Chirps Clint as Bucky wanders into Tony’s lab, you following right after.
Nodding to him in acknowledgment, you casually shrug while looking around at the various contraptions and work-in-progresses, “Oh you know, the usual.”
“Here to lighten up the place? Things were getting pretty dull.” Confirms Clint just as Tony walks out of the bathroom.
“I heard that. And what? Are we not having fun? Are you not entertained?”
“I’m entertained all right.”
“Exactly.” Points Tony before shifting his attention over to Bucky, “Speaking of entertainment. I need you for a little something out back involving a knife and you throwing it at a couple things I’ve been testing out.”
“He’d love too.” You add with a beaming grin as Bucky turns to glare at you, noticing his agitation you quickly take a step forward and squeeze his shoulders, “Right?”
Pursing his lips together, Bucky turns his head to face an expectant Tony before glaring back down at you, “Sure.”
“Alright great! Just follow me and let’s blow this popsicle stand.” Claps the genius enthusiastically as he gathers a bag full of various materials, making certain to snatch a camera before making for the door. Oh, you’ve gotta watch that tape later.
Releasing your grip from Bucky’s broad shoulders, you hand him a small smile, “Hehe sorry.”
“You owe me you little asshole.” Jokes Bucky with an apprehensive smirk as he swiftly touches your chin affectionately before turning to jog out the door after Tony.
Smiling like a fool in love, you suppress a childish giggle as Clint loudly slurps down a smoothie, “You got it bad kid, you really do.”
Raising a brow at him, you walk over to the swivel chair he’s seated comfortably on and take the free spot on the table nearby, “I’m almost as old as the dinosaurs so don’t call me kid.” You sass, causing him to chuckle.
“Fair point. But still, you’ve got it bad Y/N.” Rolling your ember irises, you let out a huff of air as he grins knowingly, “Decide on telling him anytime soon or are we waiting for something tragic to happen first?”
“I’ll get around to it.” You mutter unenthusiastically as Clint takes another long pause to awkwardly suck down his weirdly colored smoothie.
“Sure. Okay, and I believe the earth is flat.” Snorts Clint, his words absolutely dripping in sarcasm.
Scoffing you throw a dirty cloth at him before letting your head fall into your hands, “It’s too fucking difficult Clint. I’m too goddamn weird.”
“What?” Laughs Clint in bewilderment, genuinely surprised that you would say such a thing considering he’s know you for years and finds that completely false, “I don’t believe that for a second.”
“No it’s true.” You mumble against your palms, “He doesn’t know about everything about me yet, I don’t wanna freak him out just as he’s starting to like me alright.”
“Ah, so he does like you.” Confirms Clint with a knowing nod, “I knew it.”
“Yeah me too.”
Nodding slowly once again, the archer stands and makes the less then 1 foot distance to reach you. Head still in your hands, he gently knocks a fist against one of your horns as you try your best to ignore his existence.
“Knock. Knock. Anyone home?” Asks your friend as he awaits in hope that he can talk some real sense into you about your strong feelings for Bucky. “Please, I know you’re in there Y/N, time to open up.”
Cracking a smile at his theatrics, you slowly release your head from your palms to greet him with an annoyed half glare, “By the way I am not waiting for something terrible to happen. I have my reasons okay.”
“Your reasons being...”
Biting your lip, you pull your legs up to sit cross legged on the table, “You don’t get it Clint, I’m me alright. I’m not from this planet, I’ve got horns, I can sense peoples emotions, and since my mother is Goddess of the Underworld I’m technically herald of bringing this earth to a bloody and violent end!” You shout as he keeps the most irritating of faces on, making your anger rise by the second.
“Isn’t it nice to talk about our feelings.” Replies Clint in the most soothing voice you’ve ever heard, if you weren’t so flustered right now you could probably have laughed.
“Fuck off Clint I’m in love and he doesn’t know that shit part about me.” You grumble with a frown, “Bucky doesn’t know anything.”
“Well...” Wonders Clint for a brief moment, “Maybe he should. I mean you said it yourself, he does have affections for you.”
“Oh I know he does, every time I’m around him he smells like what happiness and love smells like.”
“Which is?”
“Hard to describe in this world, but it’s the best smell in existence.” You admit with the smallest of smiles as you think about Bucky, “Clint why do I have to feel this way? Why does he have to love me? I’m destined for terrible things....or, well...I was, but still.”
Noticing how your eyes have suddenly glossed over, Clint holds your shoulder while giving you a reassuring smile, “Y/N, listen to me. You will never do anything like that, you’re too morally correct and are almost the embodiment of a kitten for that shit anyways. And I know Bucky will love you either way, because he’s Bucky and that man needs a wild woman like you in his life to keep things interesting. You’ll be fine, believe me.”
Shutting your eyes tight, you reveal the tiniest of smiles before looking at Clint, “Maybe you’re not just a pretty face after all. Thanks Clint I needed that.”
Taking a step back, be claps his hands together happily, “Why thank you. I’ve been watching a lot of Ted talks on our higher purpose and motivation recently and you gave me the perfect opportunity to test my insight.”
“Clint you’re ridiculous.” You laugh, “But still, I think it’s time to tell him. I just hope he’s okay after all is said and done because I don’t know what I’d do with myself if he walks away.” You worry.
“Well if he does I make the best margaritas...”
“Shut up.”
For the past half an hour your mind has been swimming with worries and thoughts about how Bucky may react when you tell him the full truth of your origins, and possible future that you’ve fought to keep away since you walked into this world.
He’s only a man, a full mortal, but you have grown to love him so much it hurts sometimes.
Your ember eyes watch as the trees sway back and forth with the moody wind who pushes and pulls them back. A storm is on the rise as giant puffy dark clouds appear in the far distance, causing the once sunny day to darken.
You slouch lazily in your comfy plush lounging chair, one that you easily dragged over to the nearest giant window to watch the clouds race by while you wait for Bucky to return. Getting lost in your drifting thoughts in the process.
“Guess we won’t be going for a walk today after all.” Interrupts Bucky from your jumbled mind, your head immediately turns to watch as he walks from the kitchen to your side by the window.
“Yeah, too bad. I’m not that mad though, I like listening to the thunderstorms.” You confirm with a casual shrug.
Bucky smiles down at you, head turning to watch as the wind rushes against the trees, “I guess there is a beauty in the chaos....but hey Y/N, you know what we could do now?”
Chuckling at his excited expression, you tilt your head up, giving him your full undivided attention, “I’m dying to know Buck.” You muse with a cute little smirk that unknowingly caused his heart to jump with happiness.
Breaking out into a shy smile, Bucky quickly runs his fingers through his less then shoulder length hair, “Uh, what do you say to a movie night? With me?” He asks cautiously, hoping you’ll say yes so he gets even the tiniest opportunity to maybe, possibly, cuddle you.
Your eyes shift back to the growing grey clouds as small water droplets flicker against the window, smiling to yourself, you swiftly stand and turn to face him, “That’s a compelling question...” You muse with a lopsided grin, your hand rising to touch the tip of your chin thoughtfully as he leans against the thick window with a bemused smirk, “And since you asked so nicely and look so very polite too, oh I guess it’d be a tragedy and lonesome night if I declined.” You laugh.
“It would be very lonely for sure.” Agrees Bucky, his face suddenly shifting to slight nervousness, “So uh....you in?”
Breaking out into a beaming grin, you playfully roll your eyes, “No shit I’m in.” You quip before walking past him and into the kitchen for a drink, Bucky following close behind.
He stops to lean his torso against the marble countertop as you fill up a glass of water, “Well I wasn’t completely sure, just checking.” He admits with a nervous chuckle. Bucky you are unbelievably adorable.
Finishing your drink, you roll your eyes as he hangs his head in slight embarrassment, “God Buck, it’s a good thing you’re pretty.” You jest, causing his cheeks to dust pink as he rises his head to meet your shimmering irises. You’re so beautiful, he thinks, incredibly glad that you can’t read minds like Wanda.
Little does he know you can sense emotions, smell them even if they’re strong enough; and if Bucky doesn’t just smell of love and absolute joy right. It’s the most adorable thing in the whole entire world, there’s no fucking way you’ll refrain from admitting your feelings tonight. It just wouldn’t be fair if you didn’t.
“Hey I’m trying here.” He protests half defensively, pushing himself off the counter as you walk around and head for the door. He’s at your side in a second, smile on and eyes trained on nothing but you.
Keeping your eyes forward, you bite your lip as he stares, suddenly his metal arm gives you a slight friendly nudge and now you have no choice but to look at his dumb face, “You think I’m pretty?” He wonders with a mischievous smirk.
“Yeah.” You mutter before pushing him to the side as he’s drifted comfortably close to you, “Pretty annoying.” You retort, doing your best to hold in your laughter as he takes offense and grips his chest dramatically.
“Y/N you monster.” Gasps Bucky, mouth a-gap as he watches you casually shrug.
“I am evil and cold blooded what can I say.” You muse back, a smug grin on your lips that Bucky would like nothing more then to kiss right now. Yet he refrains, not today, he needs to gather his courage first.
Turning the corner to the Avengers sleeping quarters, he quickly stops when he realizes none of you know which room to take, tugging at his sleeve you hand him a calming grin, “We’ll watch in mine. You’re bed is too hard anyways.”
“It is not.” He argues.
“It is too.”
“Well it is so shut up.”
Pushing him into his door, you raise a brow at him, “Just get the movie, I’ll be in my room waiting for your annoying ass.”
Shaking his head at your humorous sass, he quickly salutes you before opening up his door, “What are we thinking? Horror? Comedy? Adventure? All three?”
Taking a step forward, you lean in closer to Bucky; almost testing the waters, before lightly pushing him backwards by his strong chest, “Surprise me.” You quip, wiggling your brow once for emphasis. He breaks out into an adorable crooked grin as he watches you leave and close your own door right across from him.
After making record time changing into your comfortable movie watching sweatpants and some ten year old shirt from Nat that says SHIRT in red letters with the R in a dull grey. Yeah, its one of your favorites; you race to turn the tv on as rain pounds against the glass, one flash of lightening strikes in the distance as a knock sounds at your door. Bucky.
Bolting for the door so fast you almost trip on a stray hoodie, you quickly regain your cool before taking a breath and opening up the metal door. You’re immediately greeted with the smiling face of Bucky as he holds a movie and two beers.
Leaning nonchalantly against the door frame you meet him with the chillest guise you can muster, “So, you come here often?”
Bucky instantly chuckles at your amusing antics as a small blush creeps out over his stubbled cheeks, “Only when I’m invited.” He replies before holding up the movie, “Is this one good?” Hell yes, and you’re now in my room.
Snatching it out of his hand you pull him fully into the room by tugging on his red shirt without much warning, he practically stumbles in, quickly regaining his balance while you shut the door and practically swagger over to the bed. Bucky following close behind.
You gracefully jump onto the comfortable mattress and twist into a seated position before grabbing some kind of hand held scanner, Bucky awkwardly shuffling to the bedside as he then moves to find a spot against the headboard as you fumble around with the movie and whatever device is in your hand.
Raising a brow he watches in curiosity, “Uh, Y/N. What exactly is that?”
“A movie scanner made by Tony. I scan said film and boom it translates to the tv no problem. Technology right.”
He nods in understanding as you press some button and suddenly the movie is on the tv screen, set and ready to play, “Woah.” He mumbles, genuinely in awe of the advanced tech of today. And how fast you were able to do that, god you’re just the best, he thinks.
A second later he flinches back as you throw a pillow at his side, “Shit sorry.” You mutter almost shyly while crawling to his side, “Heads up.”
“Yeah thanks for the warning. I’ll sit on the floor next time until you give me the all clear.” Sasses Bucky as you sit, grabbing the pillow and smacking him on the side of his head while also pretending not to notice your little theatric as you turn towards the screen. Very nonchalant.
Bucky on the other hand is left with some disheveled hair and the dumbest smile on his handsome face while you press play and grab a beer from out of his right hand, “I’m gonna take this.” You add before gasping in excitement, “You wanna watch something?! I have a party trick! It’s a good one too, you wanna see!”
“Please.” Snickers Bucky as you turn to face him better. He watches in awe as you raise the bottle to your left horn and in one calculated motion, use the sharp tip to crack open the beer bottle. “Wow.”
“I know right!” You exclaim with excitement, “It took me a week to perfect it. I just kept breaking the bottles neck and then Steve would drink after cause he can’t get drunk so.....uh yeah, you want me to open yours too?”
“I’d be honored.”
After drinking both your beers and watching the movie progress in relative peace, with the occasional gust of wind against the glass and a crack of thunder and lightening here and there. All was going pretty well, Bucky was laying on his one side while you were laying on your stomach totally engrossed in the film until....
Crack! BOOM! Darkness.
“Dammit! They were getting to the best part!” You whine, shifting around to sit while dramatically yelling out your frustration as Bucky turns to lay on his back, suppressing bemused laughter while you curse the shit excuse for efficient electricity in this place.
“It’ll come back on soon.” He inquires, “Guess you’ll just have to talk to me now.”
Snapping your head over to him, you scoff, “Why do I feel like you planned this?”
“I thought you planned this? Considering.....well, I guess I don’t really know.” He says thoughtfully, pausing for a moment before he hums, “We could ask each other questions.”
Y/N this is the absolute perfect opportunity, take it you lovestruck idiot, “Uh, yeah sure....I like knowing things.” You internally cringe, wanting to smack your head for that one; and you thought you could go a full hour without embarrassing yourself. Nope.
Nevertheless, Bucky smiles in the darkness, “Alright uh, let me think.......hmm okay uh.....where are you from? Since I’ve never really asked about that before.”
Well, fuck. I guess he’s going for the big guns straight off the bat.
Biting your lip anxiously, you twist a piece of frayed fabric from your one strange little pillow as you gather your courage to finally tell him everything. This is it, no holding back, “Oh uh.....well......you know I’m not from earth, yes?”
“Yeah, I did know that. The horns.”
“Right, good.” You mutter, your voice wavering with nervousness so much that Bucky sits up and turns to properly look at you even if he can’t really see your face.
“Y/N, are you okay?” He worries, brows furrowing in concern.
Hastily you regain your once dampened composure, “Yes! Yes.....yeah, I’m good. Awesome. Great....”
“Is it because you had a bad childhood?” Quips Bucky, using your own inside joke against you to help lighten the mood and make you laugh.
Snorting in amusement you smack his arm, Bucky mentally rejoices when he hears the sweet song of your happiness coming back, and the light sting of your always powerful hand.
“I didn’t have a bad childhood Bucky.” You admit, voice suddenly somber and thoughtful, “I didn’t even have a childhood.” Already getting depressing Y/N, nice one.
You shrug, letting out an apprehensive sigh as you look from the window then back to Bucky again, while he tries to watch your every move in the blackness of the room, “Bucky....there’s some things in this world that are so incredibly hard to comprehend and fully understand....you’ve seen the power Wanda can create and the talent of the mind stone inside Visions head. Yes?”
He sits in deep thought at your intriguing words, trying to piece together where you may be going with this, “Of course. What does that have to do with you?”
“I wasn’t actually born like a normal being....rather, I was formed and created by my mothers will and raw power. I was molded by earth, thunder, magic, and chaos.....I am.....well..” You sigh, “I don’t really know.”
“Well that’s......neat.”
Cracking a small smile, you continue on, lest confuse him more, “My mother...which I assume you’re curious about by now. She’s essentially, goddess of the Underworld, keeper of beasts and master of chaos. Some type of divine something, who can really say when I’m not even sure.”
Bucky stays silent for longer then you would like, each extra second making you grow more nervous and regretful for revealing all this to him. Soon enough he answers, “So that means.....Y/N you’re technically a demigod?”
“I guess.”
He pauses for another moment before gently shaking your leg, “Y/N! That is the coolest thing anyone has ever said to me in my entire life.”
“What?” Is he serious?
“You’re a demigod! I’m sitting next to a demigod. Y/N I didn’t think you could be any more amazing then you already are.” Exclaims Bucky in awe as you cover your face in your hands, a flash of lightning illuminating your reaction.
Immediately he stiffens and feels maybe he shouldn’t have reacted that way, “oh, uh.....Y/N? Is that not a good thing?”
“No. Not really.” You mutter sadly.
Bucky frowns, “Please tell me why? Because I think you’re the best person alive and I don’t want you to be upset.”
Releasing your hands from your face, you let out a shaky breath, “It’s why I was created. Not out of love, or the want of a daughter.....she formed me so one day I will turn this world to ruin.”
“Why-I don’t understand?”
“She has made me live among the mortal before, in other realms, other planets very far away from here.....I learn about them, I see how they live, how they treat one another and if she sees that they are terrible and violent to each other through what I tell her....”
“Well, I imprison their world leaders, forcing them witness portals open to the Underworld...where beasts of all ugliness and terror wipe out most of the population.” You reveal, your voice breaking with every word, “I then kill all of them......and turn them to more beasts....hellhounds.....shadow creatures.”
You swallow hard as Bucky takes a moment to process the heavy imagery and story you’ve just told him. You can sense how conflicted he feels, he’s known you as the literal funniest and sweetest person ever; he’s come to fall in love with you even, how could you do such horrible things, “Did you enjoy it.” He asks, voice slightly colder then you would have liked, but you understand.
“It’s all I knew. It’s what she created me for, my only purpose. Her herald of death..I..I can’t say..”
“Did you?” He interrupts, sadness lacing his words now, the anger and disappointment only but a slight simmering in the back of his voice.
Your heart breaks in two, he feels hurt by this news of what you did to others, “I did.” You monster. He’ll never love you now.
The atmosphere is thick with emotional tension, if not for the sound of the raging storm outside, you’re certain you could hear a needle hit the carpet. His breaths are slow and heavy, you can tell he’s deeply conflicted with what to do now, yet he refrains from leaving your side.
“Why did you stop?” Asks Bucky, voice a soft whisper as a flash of lightning illuminates around your sides, ember eyes and two curled horns flashing for a brief moment and your heart sinks when he slightly flinches.
Hanging your head low, you nervously fumble with your hands, “Because I met someone....he reminds me of you actually, I guess I felt...” Biting your lip, you suck in a breath as a stray tear runs down the side of your cheek, “I fell in love....it was a long time ago, before this continent was discovered. He gave me humanity, empathy, and I saw what I was truly doing....I bared witness to the monster I truly was. So I ended it.”
You pause, nothing is said from either one of you for a long time until at last you break the tension, “I don’t deserve forgiveness from anyone. I hate my mother and my only friends are the people here. You don’t have to stay any longer then you want.”
“I want to stay.”
He takes another heavy sigh, “And this whole time I though I was the worst person on the team.” Muses Bucky to your great surprise and puzzlement.
“What? You’re not mad I don’t understand? Not even scared or disappointed...you’re just...uh...”
“I’m what? Y/N what wild thing are you about to tell me now? I cut it off with learning you’re a demigod who caused multiple apocalypse’s.”
Slowly sitting up a bit more, you fold your legs and fully face him as he tries to see you in the darkness, “I can kinda....uh....sense peoples emotions and umm....smell the scent if its strong enough.”
“Can you sense what I feel right now?” Asks Bucky, voice above a whisper though you hear it all the same.
Hugging your sides, you nod, “Yes.” He’s practically ecstatic, he feels relieved and grateful that you have trusted him enough to share something so deep and personal. He smells sweet, better then the most lovely of flowers or most delicious of fruits. He smells of love and hope, paired with a smile that could warm a frozen lake.
Reaching a hand out into the darkness, you quickly take his with yours as he brings his other one in to gently clasp your hands with his, “Don’t believe I would ever leave you Y/N....you mean more to me then anything else in this entire world and I’m honored to be someone so special to you. I hope this isn’t too soon or rushed but uh....I love you.”
The way you subconsciously tighten your grip on his hands is enough to indicate that his words have been well received, “I know Bucky.” You confirm with a small smile, “I love you too.” A second later his lips crash messily against the corner of your lips as he fails to completely find them in the darkness. oh, you idiot.
Smiling into the kiss, you pull him into a fierce hug as your lips move slowly and blissfully against one another, his hands quickly find their way around your waist as yours reach up into his long dark hair that you love so much. Moments after you and Bucky fall in a heap of tangled limbs onto the soft mattress, lips still feverously locked with one another. Soon he begins subconsciously smiling into the kiss which causes you to giggle with amusement for how absolutely adorable he’s being right now.
Confused to your cheerful laughter, Bucky breaks from the kiss to gently beck your cheek before resting his head against yours, “I wish I could see you right now.” Mumbles Bucky as he holds you flush against him.
Kissing his stubbly cheek, you quietly snicker, “I can see you.”
“Let me guess?” Humorously asserts Bucky as his fingers trail casually down and up your back, “You can see in the dark too......this whole time?”
“Do I look good?” He wonders.
“I’m gonna faint you’re so hot.”
And with that said does he pull you in for another heated embrace, tonight's defiantly going to go extremely well for you. Without a doubt.
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apocalypseornaw · 4 years
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For the enemies to lovers square on @girl-next-door-writes make me feel bingo
Inspired by the show revolution (sort of) y'all I'm nervous AF to post this cause it's reader x OC but i hope y'all like it
Word count: 10,247 it long
Warnings: Cursing, violence
The apocalypse, the end of the world. Everything as it was known coming to an end. No matter how you wanted to describe it that time was now. You never would’ve dreamed that the end of the world wouldn’t have been fire or ice. No the world ended a lot quieter than that. No dead rose, no monsters crawled out of hell. Electricity simply went away, all the power sources that ran everything went off grid. You watched as the world slowly plummeted into turmoil. You had your group, all of you would fight to the death for each other, you believed that somehow humanity could survive the problem was not every group believed as yours did.Good and evil, things that at one time had clearly been black and white were now washed in shades of grey.
You were on guard duty, walking the length of the walls that surrounded the compound you called home. A team had left a few days before and had yet to return. You were getting more anxious as the days drug on. You finally spotted movement towards the east and ran quietly along the wall so as to not bring any alert to anyone walking below. When you spotted the group missing some of its main members breach the treeline you felt the knot in the pit of your stomach double in size.  “OPEN THE GATES” you screamed quickly climbing down the ladder running the moment your boots hit the dirt to meet the horses as they came inside. “Where are they?” you asked Sam before he ever got the chance to dismount. Your eyes flicked across the group that were with him clocking the injuries on each person, Sam included. You’d grown up with the Winchesters brothers, all three of you practically being raised by Bobby They were the closest thing to family you had and Dean’s absence along with Charlie’s and Garth’s was glaringly obvious to anyone. 
“We were ambushed. They took them and left a message for Bobby” he explained coming to stand next to you before handing his horse off to someone else so they could see to it that the animals all of you had come to rely on was taken care of. “Which is?” you pushed but he glanced around at the growing crowd “Not here, come with me” you followed him through the compound not falling behind despite his height advantage on you. You had a feeling what fate had befallen your friends and the rage gnawing at you was growing larger every second that passed. 
When Sam grabbed your arm and pulled you into Bobby’s quarters he glanced up from cleaning a gun and smiled when he saw the two of you but his face quickly fell when he realized Dean was not in tow and that Sam had visible injuries. “What happened?” he asked and you cut your eyes at Sam silently echoing the same question. “Kaper’s men. They found out about the power core” “SON OF A BITCH” you growled kicking a chair across the floor. 
Josiah Kaper was about the furthest you could get from Bobby as a leader went. Where Bobby was trying to push for a way for humanity to somehow dig itself out from under the shit show that had developed in the world Josiah wanted nothing more than to find a way to benefit from it. 
He had three sons David the oldest who from your run-ins with him honestly didn’t want to be associated with his father’s name he’d even helped you out of a tight spot years back when everything started falling apart in the world. Then was the middle son Jonah who was ruthless and heartless. You had a scar running the length of your left arm from the only run-in you’d ever had with him. Had Dean not been so quick on the trigger you wouldn’t have walked away, a few members of your group hadn’t. Dante the youngest son who was closest to your age you’d never had any run-ins with but this attack was personal. Bobby wanted the power core to develop a better hospital system. You’d lost a few people simply for the fact that without any power source the doctors you had didn’t have the equipment they needed to perform some surgeries. Not to mention having to stay off the radar of the militia, didn’t want any of them getting it in their heads that your group had anything they may want.
Dean had figured out a few alternatives but even the best mind couldn’t solve everything on it’s own. Josiah on the other hand, you could only imagine what he wanted with the core. 
“Give me a team, we’ll get them back without having to deal with Josiah” You spoke without a second thought. Either of the three they’d taken would come for you so you owed it to them. “What’s your plan?” Bobby asked so you shrugged “They know I’m one of yours, same as Sam and Dean. Makes a bullseye on me so I play decoy while my team locates and releases Dean, Charlie and Garth” “And if they manage to get their hands on you too?” Sam questioned so you shot him a wink “Oh ye of little faith. Don’t worry Sammy they’ll never get close enough to lay a finger on me” Bobby stared you down for what felt like an eternity before nodding “Ok but sweetheart do me a favor?” “Yes sir?” you asked so he half smiled “Make it back in one piece”
"I'm coming with you" Sam spoke and you shook your head motioning to the visible marks on him "No you're gonna go to medical and get checked over. I'm going to go poke around and see if the ones I have in mind for this are up to it, I have no doubt they will be but I still give them the courtesy of asking" 
You knew Alicia and Max would be at the front of the line to volunteer to go as soon as word spread. They had long since been your best friends and considering Charlie was Alicia’s girlfriend there would have been no leaving the twins behind even if they hadn’t been on your top pick to go. 
Kevin and Claire were easy picks as well. Kevin, that damn kid you swore could blow up a mountain with some baking soda and vinegar. As fair as for Claire there hadn’t been a lock you met she couldn’t get through fast and easy.  Rounding out your band of misfits as Bobby so lovingly called you all was Benny. He was a big dude, a damn good fighter and not scared of a lot. 
“So what’s the plan?” Sam asked looking at the map you’d spread out across the table in his and Eileen’s quarters. “I know Kaper and I know Dean. If they’re managing to actually hold him, Garth and Charlie, it's gotta be here” you pointed to a building near the northern wall of Josiah’s compound. “The problem is where as we as a group try to steer clear of the militia, he supplies them with pretty much anything they want to look the other way on him pilfering anything he can from the old power sources that’s been uncovered where the rest of us are barely scraping” “So you’re looking at the possibility of heavy firepower” Eileen guessed and you nodded glancing up to make sure you were facing her as you spoke “That’s where I come in. I draw their fire so to speak here” you pointed to the end of the compound furthest from the building you suspected your people were being held in. “By yourself?” she questioned and you knew she didn’t like your plan anymore than Sam or Bobby had. “I’ll be fine Eileen. I promise. By the time they realize I’m there everyone else will be in position. Once they have our people I’ll draw them out further and chunk a few of Kevin’s presents out amongst their ranks just to stir some fun up”
“And if something happens to block your path back around to meet up with everyone else?” Sam asked so you shrugged nonchalantly “Well I can honestly say I will make em earn it and I fully expect the lot of you to give em hell in return” “You’re insane” Eileen reasoned and you smiled at her “That, my dear is part of my charm!”
Kaper’s compound wasn’t set up much differently than the one all of you lived in, the only difference being where when your compound was first established you went for the comfort of the many while it was clear Josiah went for the comfort of himself. His people had well enough living quarters but the building in the center was twice as plush as everyone else’s and while there were guards on their walls the same as yours he also had guards in front of his quarters.
The cement building against the northern corner of the wall was where they kept prisoners. There had been more than one scouting mission around Kaper’s compound to have a basic understanding of what was where. Luckily for your group there was a series of caves not far from the compound that could offer you shelter off the main road while you strategized one final time before actually putting your plan into action.  
You tied your horse Helios at the head of the cave then walked deeper in where Benny had built a low fire. He was crouched down looking at the map you’d gotten Alex to sketch out. “Tell me this plan one more time” You could feel the twins and Claire watching you when Benny spoke. Kevin was doing some final touches to his part of the plan so he was preoccupied. You squatted next to Benny and pointed towards the prisoner quarters. 
“That’s where they’ll have Dean, Charlie and Garth” he nodded so you then pointed towards the eastern gate that was closest to Josiah’s quarters “I’m going to get their attention here, draw the main guards out. I’ll use a few of Kev’s low grade toys so as to cause more chaos than actual loss of life, just enough to make everyone look at me. In the meantime all of you will head in over here” you pointed towards where the western and northern wall met “There’s a weak spot unless they’ve fixed it in the last month which I seriously doubt. Even if they did, Kev has a corrosive to make a hole big enough for all of you to slip in, find our people and get the hell out” “Promise me one thing though darling?” he asked so you tilted your head to look at him “Name it Lafitte”
“If something goes south where you’re concerned wait for me at the gate because the moment Dean finds out I agreed to let you do this I won’t be far behind”  You offered him a small smile “Oh come on now he won’t kill ya” he raised an eyebrow that was clearly a nonverbal way of disagreeing but Kevin walked over about that time and handed you a canvas bag “The pipe bombs won’t cause a lot of damage but if you get in a tight spot grab a few of the round ones and chunk em. They’ll take out anything within a ten foot blast zone” You thanked him then stood up and glanced around. Claire held your gaze for a moment while both twins gave you a sharp nod “I’m not one for rousing speeches so I’ll just say wish me luck and remember if all else fails give em hell and make em earn it” 
Claire rolled her eyes “Christ Y/N, Dean gives better pre-fight speeches than that!” you shrugged “And that is why I’m going to get him back” 
You stopped at the perimeter of the treeline that was your last bit of cover before the guards would spot you. You and Benny had agreed on a five minute mark to make sure they were in place. You pulled the old wind up pocket watch out of your jeans and glanced to see it had been exactly five minutes. Well now or never.
You clicked your tongue and Helios trotted forward. The guards spotted you the moment you left the cover of the trees and hollered “STOP THERE. WHAT’S YOUR BUSINESS?” you stopped but slid your hand into the canvas bag “I CAME TO DELIVER A MESSAGE” you lit the first pipe bomb and chunked it over the wall. It landed at the first guard’s feet causing him to topple backwards down to the dirt.
The guards and inhabitants of the compound went into a flurry of motion so you rode down the wall throwing just enough pipe bombs over to ensure every guard was paying attention to the “threat” at the eastern wall and not the rescue party at the northwestern wall. 
Once the gates opened and guards started pouring out, some on foot but most on horseback you lit one more pipe bomb and threw it in their general direction before hollering “CATCH ME IF YOU CAN ASSHOLES” then clicked your tongue again gently kicking Helios' sides as she took off at a gallop for the trees hearing the shouts of the guards following you. ‘Good keep all your eyes on me’ you thought to yourself as you leaned down closer to Helios to avoid limbs that were threatening to whip across your face as you rode deeper into the woods.
Benny and Claire had told you they didn’t need longer than eight minutes to get in, find your people and get out. Of course playing a game of solo mouse versus about twenty guards who were the cats was easier said than done.
Helios went around a tree and muscle memory alone was the only thing keeping you on her back. You fumbled for the watch again and saw six minutes had passed. Christ you still had two more minutes to keep them close enough that they would stay in pursuit but far enough that they couldn’t catch you. 
You were getting close to the lake that was nearby so you headed in that direction. You had two pipe bombs left in the bag and two of those round ones for a tight spot as Kevin had put it. When you got close to the water’s edge you slowed her enough to let the guards catch up slightly and muttered a prayer under your breath before throwing one of the round ones into the water’s edge then kicked her sides again. She tore out in a gallop and you could feel the water from the blast hit your back followed by a lot of cursing. From the sounds of it you hadn’t killed anyone but you’d discouraged their chase and hopefully disoriented them enough that by the time they got back to the compound the smoke would have cleared. 
Dark was falling and they’d never attempt to go after all of you once it fell completely. You had the advantage, your people were more used to the dark than Kaper’s because you only used the power sources you had sparingly. Your plan was to double back around to the caves where everyone was waiting for you. Benny was under strict orders that if you weren’t there within ten minutes of them arriving to knock Dean out if need be to make him leave you behind.
You didn’t expect to see a lone rider waiting not far from the lake. You thought your eyes were playing tricks on you when the large black horse first moved, thinking it was a trick of the light and a shadow. A horse that size shouldn’t move that quietly.
You clicked your tongue and tugged the reins in the opposite direction but when Helios pitched the other way the black horse simply gave chase. Shit who the hell was that? You could hear your heart beating in your ears. You had no choice but to lead whoever it was away from your people. There was no telling the shape everyone was in considering if they managed to keep those three contained they may have even gone to the extent of drugging them.  
You had to slow when you got into the thicket of the woods because in the lowering light you could barely see where you were going. You felt something hit your left shoulder hard a half second before you were falling from Helios trying to brace yourself against the shock of the fall. You grunted when you hit the dirt then rolled to be in more of a defensive posture. You could hear the other horse slow before the sound of boots hitting the dirt hard met your ears.
You clicked your tongue trying to get Helios to circle around but before you could get back onto her you heard someone say “I’ll be damned, a woman did all that?” you spun to face the voice and cursed when you saw the gun pointed loosely in your direction. He was a couple inches taller than you, nice athletic built and clearly a fighter. There was still enough light you could make out the bit of stubble gracing his jaw line and the way his eyes held you made you fight the urge to look away. There was something vaguely familiar about him.Hell had he not been pointing a gun at you and from Kaper’s group you would’ve called him attractive but at the moment he simply had a target on him for you to figure out how to get out of this spot with both of you still breathing. 
“And to think we’re called the weaker sex?” you replied with a defiant tilt of your head despite the fact that his gun was out and pointed and yours was still resting at your lower back. He chuckled slightly “You’re one of Singer’s. Y/N isn't it?” you smiled and held your arms out “How can you say that for certain that I'm not just simply a thief that happened along at an opportune time?” “Because I know for a fact that Dean Winchester along with two more of Singer’s group was in our grasp”
It suddenly hit you why the man across from you looked vaguely familiar “You’re Kaper's other son” he nodded slowly “Dante Kaper at your service sweetheart” You narrowed your eyes at him “Stow the sweetheart bullshit. I’ve got a scar from your brother and I was one of the lucky ones that day. I know the type of man you are” He nodded then motioned to his horse with the gun in his hand “Well in that case why don’t you hop on up there?”
“Kill me first, that’s the only way” He reached out to grab your arm and you let him because you knew getting close enough was your only chance of getting free. He pulled you back against his chest “I don’t want to hurt you but the same way that your people hate mine, you just blew up half our wall and knocked most of my guards on their ass” “Oh well” you muttered before throwing your elbow back as hard as you could at his midsection and was rewarded with the sound of his gun being dropped to the dirt as a grunt left him “Should’ve known it’d be a hand to hand thing”
You  spun around to face him and narrowly avoided his return blow. You swung on him but he caught your arm then swept your legs out from under you when you went down you managed to kick your leg out as soon as your back hit the dirt and it connected with his leg. “Son of a bitch” you groaned, pushing yourself to your feet. You started to make a run for it but Dante recovered faster than you would’ve hoped. He was on his feet and grabbing you before you could make it two steps. 
The moment he spun you around to face him you swung and connected a solid punch to his jaw. He staggered just a moment then kicked out and managed to connect with your stomach. You went with the blow letting your own momentum take you down. You were counting on his arrogance being his downfall and that proved to ring true when he came to stand over you “Guess you can’t hang with the men huh sweetheart?” “Don’t you wish” you replied, kicking out hard to catch him dead center in the crotch.  The moment he went down to his knees you took off running and whistled for Helios. She came running up so you hoisted yourself onto her back “Let’s go” she galloped away and you could barely hear the hollered curses from Dante as he faded from your sight.
When you got closer to the caves you checked the time that had passed and cursed under your breath. God if they had to knock Dean out to get him to leave you behind it was going to get really messy when he came to. 
You slowed Helios down to a trot and whistled the tune you and Benny always used when you were on the same team. After a few seconds you heard the whistle repeated so you urged her forward.
You hopped down at the head of the cave and saw the other horses tied up. You tied her next to Claire’s horse then walked into the cave entrance. The moment you came into view you were snatched into a hug from Charlie. “Y/N!” you couldn’t help but smile at seeing her mostly unscathed. There were clear signs of the fight when they’d been taken but beyond that it appeared as though Kaper hadn’t attempted to torture them. You’d gotten there before that point. 
Once she released you Garth was there slapping your hand in a high five “Now that’s what I call a rescue mission ma’am!” you winked at him but your smile quickly fell when Dean stepped away from the corner where he’d been talking with Benny. Your eyes skimmed across him clocking the cut over his eye, the bruising on the side of his face and just how bloodied his knuckles were “I call that insanity. What the hell were you thinking?” you grimaced slightly at his tone bracing yourself before saying “I call that pulling your ass out the fire, same as you’ve done for pretty much all of us” 
He studied you for a second before a grin split his face and he pulled you into a hug “Kid you are completely insane but damn I would’ve loved to see Kaper’s face when those pipe bombs started going off” you touched your stomach where you caught a boot from Dante and Dean tracked your movements with his eyes “What happened?” Benny who had been silent stepped up behind you and when he touched your left shoulder it was only then that you realized the branch that had knocked you off Helios had torn through your jacket and shirt. “I officially met Dante Kaper”
“Did you kick his ass?” Max asked and you shrugged “I’d have to say that meeting was fifty, fifty. I got away from him because he underestimated me and got kicked in the family jewels as a reward for it” Alicia covered her mouth as she laughed “In that case I’d say you won it” You glanced around eyeing the lot of them. Out the rescue team from the looks of it none of them had even been in a fight. Benny’s knuckles weren’t even bloodied. Kevin was a little windblown but that was because he’d been at the forefront of any explosions they’d set off. “All of us are in one piece and can make it home. I call that a win” 
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Ninety percent of the time you tried your best to abide by what few rules were in place. You as one of Bobby’s surrogate kids had to be on your best behaviour to show everyone else in your compound that all was treated equal but when a meeting was being held to arrange an escort to Denver for a supply run to the encampment there and you weren’t invited it more than pissed you off.
You stood in front of the meeting room door for several minutes trying to talk yourself out of what you were about to do. It didn’t work of course. You started to walk away then said screw it and shoved the door open. Bobby,Sam, Dean,Benny and Jody were sitting around a table marking the route off. “Took her longer than I thought it would” Benny admitted with a nod to Dean.
Jody raised an eyebrow at you “Y/N? Bobby said you weren’t feeling too well” you cut your eyes at Bobby who shook his head “Don’t even start kid. You know you can’t go on this run” “Why not? When have I suddenly become persona non grata?” “When you went a few rounds with a Kaper” Dean answered for Bobby.
You barked out a harsh laugh then drew the chair from next to Sam and sat down “Then I guess you nor Charlie nor Garth is going on this run either then? Because while they didn’t see the crew that busted you out they know you got out” 
Sam sighed and turned slightly in his chair to face you “Still turns back around to you Y/N. Since they in fact didn’t see the crew they probably assumed you set some sort of timer to bust the whole in the back wall before getting their attention on the front. Them taking the three of them goes against the agreement set forth by the militia so they can’t exactly report it but they more than likely have a grudge against the person who blew half their wall up and knocked most of their guards and one of Kaper’s sons flat on his ass”  You leaned forward on your elbows and glanced around the table.
Dean and Benny immediately shared a look from the expression on your face and Bobby closed his eyes with an exasperated sigh before you ever spoke “So you’re telling me that lil ol me gets the credit for pulling off a rescue mission, destroying their over the top wall that wasn’t even very functional to begin with and kicking Dante’s ass all on my own. Hmm sounds to me like I need to go along Kaper’s men may think twice about messing with the crew if they spot me with them”
“If we don’t let her go we all know either she’ll saddle Helios and follow us anyways or get into something worse” Dean finally said and Jody winked at you “Well you boys may need some backup” “Don’t encourage her!” Bobby groaned then waved a hand at you “Go grab your gear. Dean will round up everyone else” you stood up and winked at Jody before walking out.
You were riding behind Benny towards the back of the wagon. It would be left with the encampment so the trip back would be cut by a day. Everyone was talking to whoever was closest to them or just keeping an eye on the surrounding area. Once the supplies were handed off and inside walls the militia weren’t as prone to mess with them but out here in the open it was a more free game.
There was a reason why you, Alicia and Max had spent weeks mapping out the natural caves along any routes all of you took. If you couldn’t find an old building with a garage area for the cart you would park it inside of the cave then make camp outside of it where anyone looking to steal would have to go past whoever was on guard at the moment and everyone sleeping.
“Benny you got this for a minute?” you asked and he cut his eyes at you and nodded “Yeah I got this darling. Guess you’re gonna poke at Dean a lil bit?” you grinned and clicked your tongue so Helios headed in the direction you pointed her which was the head of your group where Dean was looking as stoic as ever while keeping an eye on his surroundings.
He barely acknowledged your presence but you knew that he knew you were there. “Are you really mad at me for getting you out?” you asked and he shook his head. 
You knew he wasn’t but you were going to make him say the words out loud. “I’m pissed off at you for putting yourself at risk like that. What if those guards would’ve caught up with you? Or what if Dante would’ve actually won that fight?”
“Then you would’ve come and got me. It would’ve gone a lot bloodier than my method but I have faith that worse case scenario you would’ve made Kaper regret the day he was born” Dean was quiet for a moment before finally looking at you “Y/N..dammit you’re in the same category as Sam. I can survive losing a lot. I don’t know if I can survive losing either of you. Before you say it I know you’re plenty capable. I’d rather have you at my back then most men I know but that doesn’t change the fact that if you would’ve gotten killed saving my ass..I would’ve slaughtered every man in that place” “What about the women on his guard?” you asked and he narrowed his eyes “Don’t be a smartass just say you see my point” 
“I see your point but that’s the same reason why I couldn’t leave you there. Dean you almost killed Jonah. If I hadn’t been bleeding that bad you would’ve. You’re a high value target for Josiah so I’m not gonna attempt to lie to you I’d do it all over again but I do honestly see why you got pissed at me so can we call truce now?” he nodded and held a hand out so you shook it with a laugh “Glad we got that settled now let me get back to my post before Benny starts talking to his horse again”
Your group was about two days away from the Denver encampment. You’d stopped to make camp for the night. There was an old housing development that got abandoned when the end happened so it was a bunch of half built houses that had been mainly reclaimed by nature. There was one at the end that only had a few finishing touches to the place so that was where you picked for the night. The cart was parked in the garage so everyone made beds around it. All of you had slept in worse places.
“Y/N you and Sam take first shift then wake me and Benny up for second shift” Dean announced so you nodded in agreement as you pulled your jacket onto your shoulders “Aye aye Cap” then nodded at Sam “C’mon Samuel” he shook his head with a laugh but followed you out the side door of the garage that led back outside.
The full moon was nearly bright enough you could read by it. You were on your third trip around the house keeping an eye on the perimeter. Every time you’d pass Sam one of you would tell the other some stupid joke or random fact to pass the time. There was only another hour left of your guard shift then you could take over Dean’s bed to catch a little sleep before finishing the last leg of this trip.
Once the cart was dropped off your group didn’t have to take the main road home and weren’t as high value of a target for the militia or the road bandits. Even in this day and age you had people that would rather steal then even attempt to provide for themselves in a halfway honest way.
It was a bit disappointing that the one thing you could still count on was that mankind could still be major douches regardless of the time. You were thinking of another weird fact to tell Sam considering your fact of what raccoons could fit inside of made him swear to sleep on his back from here on out every time he slept outside would make you laugh for a week.
A movement towards the woods a few houses down caught your eye. You weren’t quite sure what it was but actually hoped for bandits versus Militia or any of Kaper’s men. You knew Sam would be coming around the corner of the house in a minute and if you mentioned it to him he’d want to check it out with you but you couldn’t leave the house completely unguarded.
You whistled one sharp note and Sam whistled back before coming around the corner quickly “What’s wrong Y/N?” you nodded towards the treeline “I think I saw something. I’m gonna go check it out. Don’t leave guard post unless you hear me scream then feel free to tell on me to Dean and bring everyone running deal?” He followed your line of sight then looked back at you “You’ve got exactly two minutes” you grinned at him “I only need one Samuel” then headed towards the treeline being careful to make your footsteps as quiet as possible.
You reached for the knife at your side. You had your gun tucked at your lower back but if it turned more into a close quarters deal the knife would be a better option. The moment you stepped into the shadows of the trees you felt a hand grab you and you were slammed backwards into a tree. Before you even focus to try to see the assailant you had your knife at their throat.
You realized you were looking up into none other than Dante Kaper’s dark brown eyes “You know you’re something else Y/N” he grunted flinching slightly from the pressure you had on the blade. “Been called worse by better Dante” you replied putting as much venom as you could in your voice and he smiled despite the fact that you were nearly drawing blood “You need to move your people. The militia is headed this way. They’ll be through before daylight”
“How do I know this isn’t a trap to make us move so your people can attack us down the road?” you asked and his grip on your arms tightened slightly “If I wanted your people dead I could’ve shot you and Dean's brother then burned the garage to the ground besides I kind of like having someone around to give me a run for my money. Makes life a lot more interesting”
“And why do I tell Dean we need to move? Can’t exactly say a Kaper said so” you replied easing the pressure slightly on his throat. He glanced down at the blade then slowly released your arms “You’re a resourceful woman. I’m sure you’ll think of something” you stared at him for a few breaths before putting your knife back at your side “If this is a trap you better hope they kill me fast because I’ll make sure you regret it” he had the audacity to wink at you before saying “See? Now comments like that make me want to keep you alive just because that much fire deserves to be fed”
He disappeared into the woods and a few seconds later you heard his horse moving away and cursed yourself for not clocking that big of a beast. “You bastard” you whispered to the night then realized the two minutes had more than likely passed so you quickly breached the tree line again to be back in Sam’s line of sight before he could wake Dean up.
He ran to meet you halfway “What was it?” you shook your head “I don’t know but we need to move. We’re close to a few caverns we can make it to one and still rest a bit before hitting the road again” he stepped in front of you before you got your hand on the door leading into the garage “Woah Y/N if it was nothing why are you hell bent on moving?” you met his eyes and took a deep breath “You trust me right?” “Of course” he answered a quick reply built on years of both of you trusting the other’s instinct. You hated lying to him but something told you Dante was being honest and you didn’t want to chance the supplies that were desperately needed in the Denver encampment being confiscated. 
“Let’s get them up then” you finally added so he stepped to the side and simply followed you into the garage.
Surprisingly enough when you woke Dean to say you felt like your team needed to move he didn’t even attempt to question you. He simply gave out orders and the lot of you moved silently through the woods to the caverns you’d pointed out on the map.
Once everyone was settled back down at the cavern though you noticed that Dean and Benny both had pulled Sam to the side of the group and the three of them kept throwing glances in your direction. What were you supposed to tell them if they questioned you further? That you were taking an enemy at his word because why exactly? You weren’t even sure yourself why you’d believed Dante besides the fact that he was indeed telling the truth that had he wanted any of you dead it would’ve been simple enough to do.
You pushed the thought out of your head and curled up next to Helios for the night. By the time the sun was peeking out onto the ground your team was already on the road once again. 
“So successful drop off done now for the trip home” you said riding between Sam and Dean. Dean glanced over your head at Sam and nodded once. You watched as Sam fell off and matched his pace with Benny instead no doubt giving you and Dean room to talk or rather Dean room to question you.
You remained silent for a few moments before saying “Well get on with it” he cut his eyes at you then looked back ahead of him “Get on with what exactly Y/N?” you sighed running your fingers through Helios’ mane “Asking me why I moved us in the middle of the night” “And why exactly was that?” he questioned and you felt a knot in your stomach start to form. On one hand you didn’t want to lie to Dean about anything but on the other hand you’d done the one thing all of you had sworn to never do..you trusted a Kaper. Even as far as David Dean simply avoided.
You shrugged “I just had a bad feeling. Best case scenario we ride back through and nothing is touched meaning I overreacted to a bad feeling” “But if we ride back through and proof that the militia has been through is there I’ve got to explain why you’ve either suddenly grown psychic powers or why the little birdies flying around have decided to start conversing with you” 
You were stunned into silence simply because you’d never actually had Dean accuse you of anything. It was a strange feeling but you also became acutely defensive “What exactly are you accusing me of?” you asked and he turned fully to look at you trusting his horse to remain on the path he’d been pointed “Someone was in those woods last night when you went to check it out. You can lie to Sammy but you can’t lie to me. Who was it?” At your silence he cleared his throat then looked back at Sam who came up to join the two of you yet again “Sam you and Benny take lead. Me and Y/N are gonna fall to watch the rear and have a little chat since she’s apparently now being shy of groups”
You cut your eyes at Benny when he came up to take your spot at the head of the group “You good darling?” you nodded once then clicked your tongue to get Helios to follow Dean. 
Once the two of you were at the rear of your group with no possibility of anyone over hearing a conversation Dean got his horse close enough to Helios that had the two not been around each other for so many years they never would’ve willingly rode that close “Now talk to me.You know I’ve always backed you up but I need to know who told you we should move?” you sighed and refused to meet his eyes but answered “Dante” you barely looked in his direction but saw his jaw clenching and unclenching “Please don’t be mad at me Dean. I had my knife to his throat but he had a point. He could’ve fucking sniped me and Sam then barbequed the rest of you if he had wanted to!” 
“So? What are you trusting him now?” Dean’s voice was sharper than you’d ever heard it pointed at you. He reached across the space between the two of you and snatched your jacket off your left arm to show the thick jagged scar that started at your wrist and disappeared underneath the short sleeve of your shirt “His brother did this! I found you nearly dead. Sam held you in his arms the entire ride back to our doctors and you know what? I heard him pray Y/N! Who the hell he was praying to in all of this I don’t know but we thought we would lose you. We lost Jo, Ash and Rufus that day! A Kaper did that! Out of every possible enemy in this world the god damn Kapers have been a thorn in our side for longer than anything! You really think you can trust him? Even David is only passable because he got away from Josiah and we haven’t heard anything from him since. Dante went back to his daddy’s compound and probably reported that Bobby’s girl was stupid enough to trust him!”
You felt hot tears spring to your eyes at his words. You turned your head stubbornly so he wouldn’t see them and took a few deep breaths before replying “I don’t trust him Dean but I had to weigh the options and protecting all of you was the most important thing” your voice broke slightly as you shrugged your jacket back up on your arm. Dean reached as if to touch your shoulder but you flinched away from him “Not right now Dean. I know you just want to protect me but I just can’t right now”
“Chief, are we checking it out?” Benny called from the front nodding towards the path that would take you back out to where the housing complex was. Dean looked at you then announced “Everyone wait here for a few. C’mon Benny” you watched them ride off then locked eyes with Sam. The look on his face alone was enough to ask if you were ok. You gave a sharp nod.
Within a few moments Dean and Benny were rejoining your group. You didn’t look in Dean’s direction when he came back to ride at your side but he still offered “For what it counts the militia destroyed it and left their mark” “Why did he warn me?” you asked honestly shocked that Dante’s warning had rang true. “That’s the question isn’t it?”
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The moment Bobby heard that Dante had reached out to you and in fact actually told the truth about the militia coming through you knew that would be the end of you being allowed out on any day to day tasks. You had no idea why he’d even been in that area that night or how he’d located your group let alone why he’d want to actually protect your group. Hell you’d fought him the first time you met him then that knife had drawn a line of blood from his throat while he gave his warning. It was a predicament to say the least and and left you feeling like a fucking leper considering only Sam, Dean and Bobby knew so to everyone else they simply say you sticking close to the compound with no good reason as to why.
You were helping Donna and Jody in the armory trying to simply keep your head down until Bobby and the boys forgot about it and let you out again. “What exactly did you do?” Jody asked sliding more shells across to you since the three of you were currently making more bullets. You shrugged knowing that you very well couldn’t tell another soul that a Kaper had saved your necks. You absentmindedly scratched at the scar on your arm and Donna covered your hand with her own “You know that’s a bad nervous habit sweetie” you shot her a small smile “I think I’m just going a little stir crazy. Even just to take Helios out to stretch her legs I’ve got to take Benny or Max and Alicia with me” “Whatever happened those three will get over it soon enough kid. Just keep pushing they love ya” Jody added with a wink.
It went on for a while until you were on guard duty one day walking the length of the wall when Xavier, a rider for a nearby compound which happened to be where your hospital set up was, came riding up to the gate. “LET HIM IN!” you hollered climbing down the ladder to meet him.
When he saw you his eyes flicked around nervously “Y/N.. Dean or Sam around?” you shook your head “No but what’s going on Xavier?” he swallowed hard “They’re on the way to do a walk through of our compound. We don’t have the power core completely buried yet” “Shit.Dean,Benny  and Sam aren’t due back till dark” his eyes looked like they very well may pop out of his head “We have an hour tops” you knew that if you came out on the other side you’d never hear the end of it and that was the best case scenario. 
You nodded to his horse “How fast can it move with two riders?” “Fast enough” he replied. As you were swinging your leg up behind him you heard Max holler your name. Xavier glanced back at you but you simply shook your head “Ignore him. Let’s go” you rode out of the gate motioning for it to be closed behind you already planning in your head a dangerous route but if it came down to it you would do what was necessary to save the most amount of people.
Dean was seething with anger and underneath that was the fear. The fear of being too late this time. The fear he’d find you dead. Dammit why did you have to be so fucking selfless? When him and Sam had met up with Max on the trail back he knew something was wrong then when Max told him the last he’d seen of you was you riding off on the back of Xavier’s horse he knew the worst was yet to come.
He rode up to the gate of the compound that housed the hospital set up “OPEN THE FUCKING GATE!” He didn't slow down and rode directly up to the door before climbing off his horse and nearly took the door off the hinges as he stormed inside with Sam and Benny close behind. 
He spotted Micheal the doctor that was over the place “Where is she? What the fuck happened here?” The place was a mess but most of the equipment appeared to be whole. There was evidence a fight had happened and your presence or the lack thereof was a sore thumb along with the puddle of blood in the center of the room.  “Dean you got to know I tried to stop her! I told her to stand down but she refused. She was determined to draw their attention from the power core” the shorter man was clearly scared and for good reason. Benny knowing Dean how he did managed to catch him before he broke the good doctor’s nose “Dean brother we need to hear what happened before we kill him” 
Micheal looked at Sam who shrugged “They’re not gonna kill you” When Micheal almost looked relieved Sam quickly added “But we may make you wish you were dead cause you’re probably gonna have to put yourself back together if we find out you hid while they took Y/N” 
Benny let go of Dean and had a hand around Micheal’s throat in the blink of an eye “Now doc me and you ain’t never had an issue but that girl is like a sister to all three of you. What the hell happened here?” “Jonah was with them” Micheal breathed out and Dean felt his blood run cold.
They never planned this to be an inspection. Josiah and Jonah both knew the one way to get at Bobby, Dean and Sam was to go after Y/N. “Son of a bitch. They were probably watching when we left. He planned the walk through to draw her out knowing she’d never stand by”
Benny dropped Micheal unceremoniously to the floor. “Go over what happened and don’t leave a word out” 
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Everything hurt.You knew the moment you’d spotted that chestnut horse amongst the inspection crew that it had all been a lie. You’d been lured out and played directly into their hands. “I’LL KILL YOU” you growled diving at Xavier. You’d trusted him and he’d betrayed all of you. “Sorry Y/N they gave me a better offer than being an errand boy”
You had your hands around his throat when the door was kicked in and you heard a gun cock “Y/N let him go or I’ll kill them” you looked up to see a gun pointed towards Micheal the top doctor and Erika the top field medic. You slowly stood off of Xavier eyes never leaving Jonah’s masked face. “Good girl” he cooed then the moment Xavier was on his feet he put a bullet between his eyes. At your look he shrugged “He’s a rat. Don’t need any rats now do we?”
“Gonna take that mask off and let me see Dean’s handy work?” you taunted eyes flicking towards Micheal and Erika. “Are you going to be nice and come quietly or do my men need to beat you in compliance?” he replied so you squared your shoulders and planted your feet “If you plan on taking me you might as well throw your hat into the ring too darling cause this is gonna be one hell of a fight” 
You ended up coming back to consciousness in the newly reinforced cells of Kaper’s compound. You were certain you had a few broken ribs and the entire side of your face was slick with your own blood. You’d held true to your word. You’d given as much damage as you’d gotten and that was at an extreme disadvantage. The last thing you remembered was Jonah’s boot connecting with the side of your head hard. If you survived this you would make sure you were the last thing he ever saw and you had the comfort of knowing if you didn’t survive that Dean would be the last thing Jonah ever saw.
You had managed to push yourself into a seated position with your back against the wall when you heard boots coming in your direction. You were in pain and it would likely be a task to stand on your own but regardless you braced yourself for what would more than likely be another fight. 
When the footsteps stopped you looked up to see Jonah was standing at the door leading into the cell. He had his mask in his hand and the light from the torch on the wall flickered across the burns the corrosive had left behind on his face. “Damn you’re even uglier than you were before. At least the exterior completely matches the interior now” you grunted holding an arm around your hurting ribs as you forced yourself to stand up despite the pain radiating through you that moving caused.  “Keep talking you little bitch. Even now our group is already at your compound. Singer will be given seventy two hours to either deliver the power core or be delivered your corpse” “Bobby knows you’ll never keep your word. You’ll take the power core and kill me all for daddy dearest to make a play to be over the shambles that’s left of this country”
“But the thing about Bobby and the Winchester boys they don’t think with their heads a lot. They let their hearts do the thinking and you’re family. That whole group is insane enough to risk it all by coming after you. How many more will die this time for you to walk away?” “That wasn’t my fault. It was yours” you threw back and he smiled “And yet here you still stand having survived what? Seven years after them?” “You’re gonna kill me why not just finish me off now?” you asked and his smile turned sinister “Oh but why kill you quickly when I can make you beg for death?”
He pulled a key out of his pocket and slid it into the door when he stepped into the cell you took a deep breath before falling into a defensive posture. Whatever he had planned it wouldn’t go over easy on him.
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“There’s not even an option. We hand over the fucking power core” Dean spoke from where he stood at the edge of the room. “How do we know they won’t kill her anyway?” Benny asked and a silence fell over the room because everyone was thinking what Benny had just given voice to “Well what the hell do you suggest Benny? Let them kill her with no qualms?” Max’s voice was laced with anger. Anger at himself for not being able to stop you from leaving and anger at the situation in general.
“We’re already at the eighteen hour mark since they took her. We need to do something and do it now!” Alicia cut in but before another word could be spoken Claire came running into the room “DEAN, SAM” both brothers turned to look at the blonde who was out of breath “The front gate! We need you!”
Most of the residents of the compound had been temporarily relocated rather to other areas or the caverns to get the non combatants out of harm’s reach which made it easier for moving around. Erika had bought her supplies and came back to help as well.
When Dean and Sam made it to the front gate they saw that Erika, Alex and Eileen were all three crouched around but couldn’t make out what until they got close enough to see you cradled in Dante Kaper’s arms while the three women worked to triage your wounds.  
“What the hell?” Dean demanded and at his voice you opened your eyes weakly “Don’t hurt him Dean” then your head rolled over to the side. “She’s ok. She just passed out. Dante get her up and let’s get her inside”
Erika had kicked everyone out of the room besides Eileen and Alex to work so that left Dean and Sam alone with Dante in the hall outside the room you were in. “Is that her blood?” Dean asked, pointing to Dante’s shirt. The other man glanced down almost robotically “Not all. Some of it is Jonah’s” 
“Excuse me?” Sam asked to ensure he’d heard right. Dante raised his eyes and Dean saw a fire there that almost made him want to like him “I killed him to save her life. I wasn’t there when they took her but the moment I got back to the compound my father called me into his quarters to brag. I found Jonah in her cell he planned to do worse than torture her…” his eyes had found their way back to the door that held you on the other side “I killed him without a second thought. I took her out the back and bought her here where I know she’s safe then I’m gonna go back and kill my father and everyone loyal to him”
“Is she worth that to you?” Dean asked, needing the answer before he allowed himself to give a Kaper even a sliver of trust “Why wouldn’t she be?” Dante replied and Dean gave him a sharp nod “Ok then. Want some help?”
You came to again when Eileen was washing the blood off of your face. “Eileen?” you whispered but she saw your lips move and looked up to your eyes and smiled “Thank god. What do you remember?” “Jonah..a blade slicing through him...a horse ride..Dante’s coat being around me and telling Dean not to hurt him”
She nodded “Good no concussion then” you looked around slowly “Where is everyone” you signed a bit sloppy but she got the point. “Waiting for you to wake up” “How long have I been out?” you asked and she grimaced which told you it’d been a while “A week” 
Before you could have a complete freakout the door cracked open and Alicia poked her head in “You’re awake!” “It appears” you groaned trying to sit up before her and Eileen moved to help you. They shared a look then Eileen signed “I’m gonna go find the boys”
Once she walked out you looked over at Alicia who’d sat next to you “What happened while I was napping?” she laughed “Oh a revolution?” “Huh?” you questioned and she shrugged “Bobby can explain it better but just know our lives are going to be a lot more peaceful” “Where’s Dante?” you asked worry for him suddenly hitting you like a blow to the gut. “He’s fine honey. That’s one of the boys Eileen went to find”
You were sitting up with your feet curled under you nursing the glass of water Alicia had gotten you when the door opened again and Eileen walked in, trailed by Dean,Bobby,Sam,Benny and an unsure looking Dante.
Your crew all hugged you then you locked eyes with Dante and shared a small smile “You killed your brother for me” “He was an asshole anyways” he replied which caused a light laugh to spread across the room. “What happened while I was out?” you asked looking at Bobby who smiled “Long story short? Josiah is dead. David is back and over the civilians proven to not be under Josiah’s rule. The militia is being cleared out of dirty members as we speak and we have doubled the side of our hospital set up in the last three days”
You cut your eyes at Dante “What are you gonna do now?” Dean slung an arm around his shoulder and winked at you “Well Y/N not to put words in his mouth but I believe he was hoping to stick around and get to know you a bit better now that you’re not sworn enemies anymore” “If that’s good with you. If not I can always head home now that David is over it?” he offered and you smiled “I think I’d like you sticking around a bit”  His smile told you that was the answer he’d been hoping for.
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Congrats on followers! Totally deserved 😍 This might be a bit of a weird prompt but I had a dream (yes that's how badly I'm missing 911s) that ended abruptly and I'm dying to see how it will end lol. ANYHOW: Owen trying to hide his pain until he can't (*insert something dramatic happening*) and discussion with TK follows. I know I've said this before but I'm so happy I discovered you 😭😭
Thank you so much! I love these prompts you send in! I hope you like it <3
Read on ao3 (1.7k)
Owen groans as he sits up, his whole body feels heavy, like his bones are made of concrete. He wants nothing more than to lay back down and sleep the day away, but he is a fire captain and he has duties. So with another groan, Owen forces himself out of bed. 
The second he’s standing on his feet, he nearly crumbles to the floor. A sharp, shooting pain, ignites through his fingers and toes and his legs shake, seemingly having a hard time supporting his weight. He grunts in pain, not wanting TK to hear him from his room across the hall. 
Owen sits back down on the edge of the bed, taking a slow breath through his nose, before reaching into his bedside drawer and downing some of the pills his doctor said could help with the side effects. He prays that they’ll start working quickly. 
He winces as he rises to his feet once more and starts his day. Everything takes him longer, getting dressed, doing his hair, it all takes nearly double the time it usually does. As it stands, Owen gets downstairs just as TK is shoving the last few things in his bag and yanking on his shoes.
“You ready to go?” TK asks. Owen nods. 
He doesn’t protest as TK takes his work bag as well as his own and heads out to the car. It’s days like today that Owen is glad that his son is a worrywart. TK jumps into the driver’s seat, he hasn’t let Owen drive since he found out, and starts the car. Owen plasters on a smile for his son, hiding the pain boiling under his skin, and shuts the car door. 
TK doesn’t need to know how much pain he’s in, it will only make TK more worried. He wants his son to see him power through and beat this cancer, not collapsing at every step because the chemo is kicking his ass. 
At the station, TK once again takes Owen’s bag and drops it in the locker room before bounding into the kitchen like a puppy. Owen watches him, wishing he had that much energy. As Owen walks into the station, he can’t help but wince at every step. Pain shoots up from his feet into his legs, and he has to keep from visibly showing any pain. TK can’t know. 
“You doing okay, cap?” Marjan asks, looking down at Owen from the top of one of the trucks. 
Owen smiles up at her, “All good, I think I just slept weird last night.”
“Judd made breakfast,” Marjan tells him, “or actually Grace made breakfast and Judd brought it in. You might want to go grab some before Mateo and TK eat all of it.” 
“Will do,” Owen says and walks away from Marjan’s prying eyes. He imagines himself lifting up a facade of himself, smiling and the perfect fire captain for his team. 
In the kitchen, Judd pushes a plate of food towards him and nods for him to sit with the rest of the team, “Thanks, cowboy,” Owen smiles and takes the plate. They eat, quietly chatting about their days, all of them too tired to have a real conversation, and with a twelve-hour shift in front of them, they’re all wanting to conserve energy. 
Unfortunately, just as breakfast finishes, the bell rings, eliciting a groan from everyone. “Up and at ‘em,” Owen encourages as they jog off to the trucks. 
“Three story house fire,” Owen informs the team, looking over his shoulder. “There are at least four people trapped inside, possibly more. Mateo, Paul, and TK, get the water, use the hydrant if you have to. Judd, Marjan, and I will head inside.” Everyone nods. “Listen, the building might be unstable so the second I call for an evac, you do it, got it?” He asks the question directly at Marjan who rolls her eyes but nods. 
Everyone jumps out of the truck when they get there, but Owen is forced to take it a little slower. Pain shoots through his fingers again as he pulls on his mask, but he shoves it down. There are people to save. 
He nods at Judd and Marjan and leads them into the building. 
Owen works on instinct as he searches the house with his team, pulling people out, getting them out of the smoke, and clearing rooms and floors. Finally, Judd radios that he and Marjan are helping the last victim out. 
“I’ll follow you guys out,” Owen tells them. He’s on the second floor now and the smoke is getting thick. But Owen picks up his feet and steps down the stairs. But with every step, the pain grows worse and worse in his feet. His legs shake, growing weaker and weaker from exertion. 
His heavy gear weighs him down even more, but by some miracle, Owen makes it to the ground floor. But the exits feel miles away. 
“Cap, you out yet?” Paul asks through the radio. 
Owen stumbles, catching himself against the wall, but then his legs fully give out, sending him collapsing to the floor. He tries to move his arm, but the pain only grows worse and worse with every movement. 
“Captain Strand, please respond.” It’s Judd now, his voice wavering. “Are you out of the building?” 
Owen blinks slowly, his body feels too heavy. He can’t do this. 
“Dad! Dad, please,” Owen can hear TK’s panicked voice in his radio and he struggles to his feet. His son needs him, he can’t abandon him. TK needs him to live. 
Owen finds strength deep inside of himself and forces himself to his feet. The image of TK is so present in his mind. Owen manages to take a few steps, leaning against the wall but he can’t move after that. The pain is too great. 
“TK…” Owen breathes softly. He wants to reach up and turn on his radio, he wants to tell TK how much he loves him. His son’s voice comes over the radio again, begging him to answer. Owen can’t find the strength to reach up to his mic. 
When TK was a baby, he used to stare up at Owen with such wide-eyed fascination and trust. He looked at his dad like he hung the stars in the sky. And at that young age, he probably did. Owen loves his son more than anything in the world, he has to fight to get back to him. 
Then out of the smoke in front of him, a tall figure emerges. They grab Owen around the waist and start running out of the building, hauling him along. Once they’re outside, Owen collapses to his knees as the paramedics surround him. As he is laid onto his back, he can see his son’s watery green eyes looking down at him with incredible pain. 
“I’m sorry,” Owen breathes. The last thing he sees before he passes out is TK covers his mouth as he sobs. 
Owen wakes up slowly. 
He feels someone holding his hand and around him he can hear the hum of voices, though he can’t make out what they’re saying. His body feels heavy, like he’s going to sink right through the bed. It’s nice, he decides, a break from the immense pain he has been in for days on end. But as much as he struggles to stay awake, he falls right back into the darkness.
When Owen wakes up again, he can hear voices this time. 
Judd sighs, “I know you’re worried, but your dad would want you to take care of yourself. Why don’t you come home with me and get some real food instead of this nasty hospital stuff. You can sleep in a real bed.”
“I can’t,” TK’s voice is so shaky it worries Owen. “I can’t leave him.”
“He would want you too,” Judd says wisely. “Come on.” Owen silently pleads with his son to go home with Judd. There is no one he trusts more to take care of his son than Judd. 
Owen lets out a breath of relief as TK’s chair scrapes back. Judd quietly mummers something to TK, too soft for Owen to hear and their footsteps walk out of the room. Owen allows himself to sink back down into sleep with the knowledge that someone is taking care of his son when he can’t.
The third time Owen wakes up, he actually opens his eyes. “Dad?” Owen blinks and finds TK looking down at him, eyes red. “Dad!” TK exclaims. Before he knows it, Owen has an armful of TK. Owen wraps his arms around his son as TK buries his head against his shoulder. 
“I’m okay,” Owen murmurs, kissing the top of TK’s head. He doesn’t know if it’s true, but if it will help TK calm down then it doesn’t matter. “I’m okay, TK.” 
“No you’re not,” TK says, his voice muffled against Owen. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were in pain?” TK demands, sitting up. “I could have helped you and this wouldn’t have happened.” TK yanks on his hair, “Side effects of chemotherapy are weakness, nausea, lack of concentration… Why didn’t I notice?”
“Hey,” Owen takes TK’s hands out of his hair to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself. “This is not your fault TK.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me what was going on?” TK looks at his dad with watery eyes. 
Owen smiles sadly and touches TK’s cheek, “I didn’t want you to worry any more than you already were. I wanted to push through and be strong for you.”
“I don’t need you to be strong,” TK shakes his head. “I need you to be alive.”
“No,” TK snaps. “You could have died. Do you realize that? I-I’m not ready to lose you.” 
Owen’s heart breaks in two. “Okay, come here,” Owen opens his arms and lefts TK fall back into them. Owen runs a hand up and down TK’s back, “I’m sorry, kid. You’re right, I should have told you.”
“I thought we promised that we wouldn’t keep things from each other.” 
“I know,” Owen sighs and runs a hand through TK’s hair, “I know. I’m sorry, I didn’t think it was as bad as it was. I thought I could push through. Listen to me, I promise that from now on I will tell you everything that’s going on with my chemo. But,” TK looks up at his dad, “you have to promise me to be honest when you’re scared, okay? I’m not the only one this cancer is affecting.” 
TK looks unhappy at the deal, but says, “Okay. I love you, dad.” 
Owen smiles and kisses the top of his son’s head again, “I love you too.”
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
You what would be hella? An angsty-ish fic with the ice prompt. Your work is so lovely and well-written, I cant wait to read what ever you next produce!
Thank you so much for that, I’m glad people are excited to read my stuff! Since you didn’t specify a pairing, I went with Sternclay. Angst ahoy (but with a happy ending), along with me playing fast and loose with arctic geography.
He’s one of the lucky ones. 
Joseph Stern, scientist aboard the HMS Erebus, is a fastidious man. He is also, unfortunately, prone to bouts of seasickness meaning his meals have been scant, even before the ships became locked in. 
But it also means he was not eating food tinned in cans laden with lead. And his experimental water system, with which he occupied himself on long days, meant he drank more filtered sea water and ice than he did from the stores tainted with the same blasted material. 
So when he and the remainder of the skeleton crew left the Erebus and her sister the Terror, his mind was much clearer than most. 
And that is why, when the bulk of them turned a direction that likely held only more ice, more death, carrying a writing desk while leading freshwater behind, he refused to follow, insisting their best hope of civilization laid the opposite way. 
They left him and his supplies, unwilling to listen to his case. And so he has walked, then trudged, then barely moved, across the ice.
When he hits water, cursed sea water, he contemplates stepping into it. But drowning would be worse than freezing, or so he’s heard. 
A head surfaces in a hole through the ice. A mans head. 
Stern blinks, confused. Then he laughs.
“Maybe I should take to the sea after all. You look well fed.”
The man frowns, “You look nearly dead.”
“I am.” He sits down, knees hugged to his chest for warmth. 
“I’m, uh, I’m sorry.” The man emerges from the ice, and in place of legs he has a spotted and strong tail, like that of the seals Stern used to watch from his cabin window. 
“Unless you control the weather, I don’t think you need to be.” In any other time, the sight of a legendary creature would send him into a frenzy of delight and curiosity. Now he simply stares. 
“Why are you here?”
“The Northwest Passage.”
“That’s, um, that’s a trade thing, right? Your kind wants to move the things you sell more easily across the waters.”
“You’re well read for a merman.”
“My home isn’t that isolated.” He shrugs.
Stern stares at the water, peeking through cracks in the ice, “So many dead. So many more will die, I’ve no doubt, and all for a quicker route for spices and gold.” He can’t even weep, his body won’t let him use the energy, but he shudders in distress. 
“Hey, hey it’s okay. “ The merman slides to him, cups his cheeks, strokes his beard, and his hands are warm, warm and real, and Stern presses against them, “I mean, it sounds fucking awful, but that, um, that doesn’t sound as comforting.”
“I don’t mind the comfort.” Stern rests his hands on the man’s chest, then his mind gets a moment of true clarity, “wait, your home. You said your home is not that isolated. Is it near?”
“Um, I can reach it in a few hours but” he points to his tail, “that’s the way I can. On foot it’ll take longer. And unless the humans I know have been really wrong about some stuff, I think if you try to swim with me you’ll die, like, right away.”
“I’ve walked lord knows how far. I can manage a little more, if you point the way.”
The merman looks torn, then takes Sterns hands, “I can do one better. I’ll be your guide. If you’re closed off from the water’s edge, look under the ice.”
He slides back the way he came, surfaces a few moments later to Sterns right. So Stern follows him, sometimes no more than shape to his right, other times a ghostly shadow swimming beneath and in front of him. When night falls and Stern manages a paltry fire and shelter with his supplies, Barclay, as the mer calls himself, promises to return at sunrise, and does so without fail for the next two days. 
As he trudges across the icy ground, the best moments are when his path allows Barclay to swim right beside him, head above water so they can converse. It’s worth the effort, the inhaling of cold air, to converse with another being. Better yet, Barclay is bright and friendly, curious about Stern’s research in a way none of his crewmates were. Barclay tells him stories of merfolk and sea monsters, even makes him laugh,  in return for Stern telling him about life in England and his research into undiscovered species. 
“They offered me the chance to study far off lands, discover creatures thought only to be legend. Silly thing to die for.”
“Doesn’t sound like you were the one who got the ships stuck. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to learn about the world.”
Stern’s rations have run out, and when he stumbles, Barclay doubles back, concerned. 
“I, I need, food, I’ll-”
“Wait right here.” Barclay disappears. Stern counts snowflakes, heartbeats, anything to distract from the pain in his belly. 
A fish hits the ice in front of him. Then it flops and wiggles across the slick surface, back into the water.
“Damn it.” He giggles, near hysterical. 
The fish lands again, head now gone. 
“Sorry, forgot humans aren’t great with live prey.” Barclay says sheepishly. 
Stern eats five more fish Barclay brings him, manages to get to his feet and continue on. 
Night falls, colder than the last few, and Barclay disappears with his usual promise to return.
“He’s not going to last the night, Barclay.”
Barclay turns, finds his friend Indrid in his human form at the door of his house on Amnesty Island. The seer gives him a sad smile. 
“No. No he can’t. I won’t let him.”
“Indrid” Barclay grabs his shoulders, “do you remember when you found Duck? How frightened he was, how he was certain you were death coming for him?”
“Yes.” Indrid says, pain flashing on his face. He’d found the human, left behind by his research expedition. Duck had volunteered to stay behind and freeze, in hopes of his team having enough rations to make the nearest town if they were a man short. Indrid found him, brought him back to Amnesty, cared for him. Fell in love with him and Duck, after a few weeks, returned the sentiment with gusto. 
“I can’t let that happen to Joseph. I can’t, Indrid, please, the last week, I, he’s unlike any guy I’ve ever met. I can’t let him suffer that way.”
Indrid’s face goes blank. Then he gives Barclay an unusually severe stare, “You have very little time, and you must follow my instructions to the letter.”
He’s going to die. It’s too cold, his body too weak. He is going to die alone, his family will never know what befell him, and he will never even get the chance to thank Barclay for his kindness, for making his last days bearable, at moments almost enjoyable. 
Lord have mercy on his soul. Let it be painless. 
All for nothing, for trade and money, is this end in the ice. 
Have mercy. 
He can’t see. His heart seems to slow. In the distance, something crunches on the snow. 
“So this is the fella you took my boat and my dogsled for?”
“Yes, Mama, I’m sorry.”
The woman’s voice has a laugh in it, “You always did have a big heart. Guess it was only a matter of time before you brought some hard-luck human in.”
“He’s not just any human.” A warm hand brushes Stern’s hair, “I’ve never felt this way about a human before. A few other mers maybe, when I was younger.”
“Uh, Mama? Indrid says we got a ship comin in soon and we might wanna buy more’n normal.”
Why in the lord’s blessed name is hearing a southern accent?
He tries to ask this question, gets a groan out instead.
“He’s awake!” Barclays’ voice gets closer, and when he manages to open his eyes he finds familiar, deep brown ones looking at him.
“Amnesty Island. My home.” He supports Stern’s head, helping him drink blessedly clean water.
“That’s...that’s not on any map I’ve seen.”
“And for damn good reason.” A woman with graying hair stands behind Barclay, “only those who need to know can find us, on account of the northern mers wanting some islands that were safe for them. Barclay decided you needed to know.”
“Thank you, Barclay. And thank you Mrs, um?”
“Cobb. But just call me Mama. Now, rest of you get, we need to haul supplies off that boat and Barclay needs some time with his fella.”
When the door of the small cabin closes, Stern reaches out, stroking Barclay’s coppery beard, “Why did you save me?”
“Because you’re a good guy. And, well, I care about you a lot. I like you even more. I couldn’t just leave you to die.”
This time, Stern weeps, with relief and exhaustion and the ghosts of his fear. Shivers even as tears dot his pillow. 
“Shhh, shhhhh it’s okay, I mean it this time. You still cold?”
Stern nods and Barclay tosses another blanket on top of him in bed. When the next wave of tears clear, the larger man is down to long underwear.
“May I?” He points to bed, and Stern weakly lifts the covers. Barclay climbs beneath them, wraps Stern in his arms, body flooding him with warmth and safety. 
“Been wanting to do this since that first day, but mer bodies aren’t great for keeping humans dry and warm. Kinda damp.”
“All-” Stern yawns, “all the same, I would like the chance to explore yours in more detail some day.”
“You got it.” Barclay hesitates, then kisses Stern’s temple, “but right now, time for you to rest. I’ll make you breakfast in the morning. Raw, decapitated fish aside, I’m a damn good cook. Any requests?”
“Eggs. Good lord I’ve missed eggs.”
“Think I can rustle something up. Heh, that tickles.” He chuckles when  Stern rubs his cheek against the exposed patch of dark-haired chest. 
“It won’t for long. I’ll be clean shaven as soon as I can hold a razor without shaking. You think I’m handsome now, just wait til you see me well fed and groomed.”
“Looking forward to it.” A kiss on the cheek, then snowflake-light on his lips, “ goodnight Joseph. You’re safe here, I’ll see to it. And I’ll be here when you wake up, I promise.”
“Just like old times.” Stern says, only half-joking.
Another, tender kiss, “Yep, just like old times.”
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linkspooky · 5 years
Icarus: The Fall of Hawks
The system also tells him to ignore people he can save if he thinks it will be more beneficial in the long run. But Ultimately, Hawks continues to put his trust in the people that are using him, because he sees no escape and no alternative.
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The icarus symbolism surrounding Hawks character is already a common fandom theory, but I decided to give a comprehensive take. The closest thing I could find to an original post on this theory was: this one. 
The winged hero Hawks draws many mythological allusions to the boy Icarus most famous for flying too close to the son causing his wax wings to fall apart. 
Son of Daedalus who dared to fly too near the sun on wings of feathers and wax. Daedalus had been imprisoned by King Minos of Crete within the walls of his own invention, the Labyrinth. But the great craftsman's genius would not suffer captivity. He made two pairs of wings by adhering feathers to a wooden frame with wax. Giving one pair to his son, he cautioned him that flying too near the sun would cause the wax to melt. But Icarus became ecstatic with the ability to fly and forgot his father's warning. The feathers came loose and Icarus plunged to his death in the sea.
The story is inextricably linked to Hawks’ character, foreshadowing that his two flaws, his admiration of Endeavor (the sun) and his habit of flying too fast will cause him to fall into villainry.
1. Hawks: Set Up by the Hero Commission to take the Fall
Foreshadowing occurs in a literary text when the author gives clues and hints about what is to come in the story. That in itself is pretty well known, but there’s more to it than just giving hints. It has a lot to do with the way stories are structured. Basically, stories are all composed of set up and pay off. 
Foreshadowing is not just for cheeky hints or setting up which characters might die, it’s a sign that the author as a whole has the story planned out. The reason that scenes in stories get an emotional reaction out of us as readers, is because authors set up these characters as somethnig for us to get invested in, build up those emotions, and then eventually pay them off on the expectations we have built up. 
Which is why when reading stories a general good strategy is analyzing What does the author want me to think? What are they trying to lead me to? Ideas are introduced, developed and get paid off more and more as the story progresses. A good story will continue building up these ideas with the intention of leading them somewhere, which makes them purposeful. This goes hand in hand with the concept of chekhov’s gun, that is every idea that the story spends time on will eventually become meaningful in some way.
'Chekhov's Gun' is a concept that describes how every element of a story should contribute to the whole. It comes from Anton Chekhov's famous book writing advice: 'If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired.
To wit: The reason why all this icarus symbolism is surrounding Hawks is not just because he’s a cool flashy character that’s popular, he’s actually one of the most important characters in the story right now tied to the flaws and exploitations of the hero system that Horikoshi has been setting up since chapter one in the manga with this line. People are not born equal, that’s the hard truth I learned at age four. 
Here’s a quick example of developing ideas in the story especially tied to Hawks. The first time we here Destro is when Gentle explains about him as one of the legendary villains he aspires to be like, the arc before Hawks is introduced as a character.
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The next arc after the school festvial arc, Destro’s book is shown as inspiring one person the same way it did Gentle while hawks is talking with Endeavor. 
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After the class A vs B arc, in the My Villain Academia arc not only do we learn that Destro has a son and followers that are still alive, but at the end of the arc Hawks is shown interacting with the liberation followers. Ideas are introduced, developed to give them more depth, and most importantly they always show up linked to Hawks. 
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Why does Hawks always up in association with Destro? Esepcially when hawks is not a quirk supremacist like the rest of the MLA. It’s because as a character, Hawks’ deepest desire is liberation, and yet it’s also the thing that he’s furthest from. The character with wings who can freely fly in the sky, is chained down with the most responsibility. 
There are two important pieces of foreshadowing in Hawks’ introduction chapter. First that he shows a dissatisfaction with the current hero system around him, and a tendency to see through others especially when they are putting on airs.
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The second is this shot in particular, the spotlight in the background like a sun in the center of the sky with Hawks ascending towards it and losing feathers the same way Icarus would.
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The other most important detail from this chapter is how Hawks is described. Not only did he make the top ten in his teens which makes him a young man like Icarus in the story, there’s also the oft repeated phrase with hawks - He goes too fast. Going too fast, flying too high, too quickly, these are all things that come come before Icarus’ fall. Special attention is drawn to how young he became a hero which we will get to later.
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In chapter 186 there is a piece of foreshadowing used mainly as a joke, that also ties in with the idea of liberation with Hawks character mentioned earlier. This is a point taken from the meta linked at earlier, but considering what we now know about Hawks’ character that he is a kid raised by the hero system who has to kowtow to the higher ups this internal dialogue could easily resemble Hawks.
They key difference being Hawks never lets himself admit to having these feelings, or acts on them. He is much more concerned with keeping up his carefree facade. 
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From as far back as I can remember, I’ve lived my life as a bootlicker. It’s been suffocating.
While the scene itself is a joke, the connection to Destro’s book and the idea of liberation are both themes that connect strongly to Hawks. Another connection is a similiar scene that took place in Vigilantes which directly references Icarus in the same context, a man getting naked as a part of his quirk. Vigilantes is the canon prequel of My Hero Academia and has several plotlines important to the main story, even Aizawa’s canon backstory so this is highly relevant.
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Once again this is set up as a gag but my flight is a forbidden one is an idea that could easily relate to Hawks. After all, Hawks has wings and yet cannot use them for himself, and cannot take flight on his own because he is under the thumb of the Hero Commission.
The way Hawks’ powers work is also important. He has feathers that give him wings that can fly, and yet because he is able to autonomously move his individual feathers we see him often giving up his feathers for other people and multitasking for several people at once. Quirks are often a metaphor for their users, Hawks has wings to fly, but his feathers don’t belong to him, the more he gives up for other people the more he loses his wings.
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When Hawks uses all of his feathers he is unable to fly anymore and starts to fall, the same way the wax melted and the feathers flew apart the only thing Icarus could do was plummet.
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Hawks feathers also become useless to his when they burn up. This, and the cover page featuring Endeavor burning his wings up not only sets up an eventual conflict with Endeavor, but one that Hawks’ quirk will most likely be weak to the flames.
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The scene with Dabi.  Hawks is introduced to us with the light backlighting him as he ascends towards it. Now, in the conclusion of this arc, the light in the background of the scene is where Dabi moves towards while Hawks himself covered in shadow walks away from light and descends into the dark foreground.
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There are also two more joking points of foreshadowing in this chapter, both setting up an eventual confrontation with Hawks and Endeavor. The first is Endeavor noticing the suspicious timing, and the second is Endeavor threatening to roast him which he has threatened at several times already. Even if it’s a joke it’s a serious threat, Endeavor has been characterized as someone incapable of handling his emotions and lashing out in violence several times in the past.
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Not only is Hawks set up to fall however, the hero commission sets him up to fall as well. A one man investigation into the League of Villains as a double agent. The hero commission outlines it for him, he will receive no back up, and nothing in return for his service. There is already a team set up by the commission to fight the league of vision, but they came to Hawks specifically for this reason. He works alone. He cannot say no to them. They knew before asking him he was already going to say yes.
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It’s a situation where the Hero’s commission has nothing to lose and everything to gain. Hawks will either fall or fly completely on his own. If the villains kill him, they lose a hero but that’s it. If Hawks messes up his mission and gets caught, the commission can pretend that he really did turn traitor and abandon him. Hawks is completely expendable to them, and yet any information he can grasp is valuable. At the same time, Hawks has everything to lose and nothing to gain. Being a hero is Hawks entire life. He literally has no name outside of his hero name. As stated above he could easily be abandoned by the hero commission if the mission fails, and yet at the same time the only thing Hawks gets out of this is the idea that some people will be saved by his actions. Even though he is specifically instructed not to do anything to save people in front of him if it would jeapordize the mission.
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While yes, Heroes working to save people and sacrificing themselves for the sake of others is a good thing, hawks always sacrifices himself all the time. Being a hero not only consumed his whole childhood, but also his life. This is not Hawks volunteering to do it on his own, this is him being given a mission he cannot refuse and going along with it.
The hero commission sets Hawks up to fall in their place. Hawks gives up his wings for them, and because of that he falls instead of flying. 
2. Flaw: His Trust in Endeavor and the System as a Whole
Hawks is a child that was taken in by the hero commission and abused by them. Hence the reason why he was such a young rising star is because he had no childhood to speak of. The only way his family could be uplifted out of poverty was if he followed the track they provided for him. He is treated like a prodigy, but really he spent all of his time as a hero, and was given no other option but to become a hero.
Which is why Hawks admiration of Endeavor is ironic, considering that Endeavor attempted to do the same thing to his own son. Not raise his son with love and care, but rather breed him, train him since he was a child, and raise him not as his own person but as a hero to be used for his father’s ambitions. Hawks,  Shouto, both of them were reduced to the powerful quirks they had and not treated as people. Which reflects the point that the Meta Liberation Army could have had if they were not quirk supremacists, that quirk society being dominated by strong, flashy quirks, and judging people by those quirks ends up limiting the path ways people can take in life.
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This contradiction makes sense when you take into account Hawks’ upbringing. Hawks has a complex reaction to his abuse. He genuinely does want to save other people as he works himself to the bone doing it, and yet he’s also aware the hero system is using him. Part of Hawks resents the hero system, and yet Hawks is also a product of that system who still reflects the ideas he was raised on whether he wanted to or not.
This is why Hawks comes off as being such a two-faced person. He’s in a lot of major ways, in denial about his own place in life. He acts casual and friendly, and yet he’s more burdened and more isolated than anyone else. He deflects almost everything other people throw his way with humor, isolating himself even further. He also contradicts himself quite a lot, he calls out Endeavor onstage and then in the next scene he says he was doing that for Endeavor’s sake. Both are probably true, Hawks resents the hero system, but he also has to have the appearance of a friendly, willing to help others hero, because that’s the only way he’s survived so far. He likes to keep himself aloof and unattached to others because that is literally the only freedom he can grasp yet.
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When Hawks says he never was a big fan of All Might, it’s most likely because Hawks sees himself in All Might. The idea of someone who as a hero is forced to save absolutely everyone and have the entire peace of the country resting on only their shoulders, only to be used until they break down is a nightmare to Hawks.
Not only does Hawks not want to be shouldered with the responsibility, not because he’s lazy, but because he knows how exploitative it is but he also does not see himself of ever being able to carry that much. The hero system that Hawks was raised on made him believe that a brute firepower quirk like Endeavor’s that is good for defeating villains is what will put people most at ease, not the constant saving of others, or interactions with people, or the creative use of his quirk that Hawks employed.
Not only is Hawks whole life defined by his quirk, but he is also taught that his quirk is not good enough. The only person who will put other people at ease, is a quirk like All Might’s. Only an extremely powerful quirk that’s suited best for fighting villains. 
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Hawks even says he does not want to take up the role of All Might, and it’s in part due to his feelings of ineriority, but also his want to escape his life and find some small freedom. Which is when Endeavor, the embodiment of the toxicity of hero society says that he hates guys like Hawks the most. Even though Hawks’ intentions here are pretty clear, instead of trying to step down and let Endeavor take the spotlight and support him from the shadows. Endeavor represents the individualism of hero society, but Hawks is trying to play support. He was raised by hero society, but also Hero Society actively condemns the kind of person that Hawks is.
Once again we see the contradictions in Hawks behavior. He is one of the most selfless heroes in the series as he continually lets himself be used, and yet Hawks pretends that he’s a coward who does not put himself on the line, or fight directly risking his own life.
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It’s not just putting on an act, Hawks is also taught to believe that if he stays back adn plays support, if he does not defeat the villain head on with a violent quirk that he is weaker.
Which is why despite representing the exact kind of opposite hero that Endeavor is, he turns out to be a fan of Endeavor. This is because Endeavor is everything Hawks was taught that he was should be, but not. Endeavor fights for number one, he has a powerful quirk, he has the highest villain defeat record. All the things which Endeavor values are the things the hero system values, whereas Hawks believes he’s selfish for wanting a little personal autonomy for himself.
Endeavor is able to be strong in a way that Hawks never will be, because Hawks is not nearly as selfish as Endeavor is. Of course he does not see the victims of Endeavor’s actions quite yet, so he would mistake that for Endeavor able to make his willpower a reality in a way that Hawks cannot and gave up trying to do. 
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It’s not just putting on an act, Hawks is also taught to believe that if he stays back adn plays support, if he does not defeat the villain head on with a violent quirk that he is weaker.
Which is why despite representing the exact kind of opposite hero that Endeavor is, he turns out to be a fan of Endeavor. This is because Endeavor is everything Hawks was taught that he was should be, but not. Endeavor fights for number one, he has a powerful quirk, he has the highest villain defeat record. All the things which Endeavor values are the things the hero system values, whereas Hawks believes he’s selfish for wanting a little personal autonomy for himself.
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It’s not just putting on an act, Hawks is also taught to believe that if he stays back adn plays support, if he does not defeat the villain head on with a violent quirk that he is weaker.
Which is why despite representing the exact kind of opposite hero that Endeavor is, he turns out to be a fan of Endeavor. This is because Endeavor is everything Hawks was taught that he was should be, but not. Endeavor fights for number one, he has a powerful quirk, he has the highest villain defeat record. All the things which Endeavor values are the things the hero system values, whereas Hawks believes he’s selfish for wanting a little personal autonomy for himself.
Hawks is a victim of the hero system, and even is able to see its flaws, but due to his own taught inferiority, and how much he lets himself be used for the sake of helping others he cannot see himself as a victim or change it from the inside in any meaningful way.
Not only that but he fails to see the important flaws in someone like Endeavor, and isntead chooses to still believe that the hero system is ultimately in the right because they are on the side of saving people. Icarus is a tale of self destruction. Hawks is selfless to a self destructive extent. He keeps letting himself be used by people who see him as nothing more than an asset to them, because he believes it to be for the greater good. However, the current system always utilizes people like Hawks, vulnerable, expendable, Hawks is always the one who has to sacrifice his own personal freedom even though he has given his entire life to the system.
The system also is not as interested in saving people as it is in numbers, look how it talks about giving their all to rescue a kidnapped boy as some kind of failure of priorities. As if it was wrong to immediately try to help a child.
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The system also tells him to ignore people he can save if he thinks it will be more beneficial in the long run. But Ultimately, Hawks continues to put his trust in the people that are using him, because he sees no escape and no alternative. 
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3. Flaw: The Man Who Flies too Fast Alone
Hawks always contradicts himself, despite the fact that he’s obviously much better as a support and rescue type hero, Hawks always fights alone. His biggest flaw is how much he always takes on himself, the fact that he flies too fast.
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Hawks is aware of the fact that he is used by the system. There are several signs that Hawks is actually a manipulative person. Not in the sense that he is a bad person who tries to use others, but rather he developed the ability to manuever and manipulate other people as a way to cope and find what little freedom an security he could. His personality is a big indicator because Hawks almost never shows his true face and is almost always deflecting. He makes it hard for others to get a read on him by being such a two-faced person, which grants them less control over him and him a little bit more freedom.
At the same time Hawks is shown repeatedly to have information then others expect him to have. Endeavor gets surprised when he mentions Shoto, and the Hero’s commisison gets surprised when he is already aware of the team investigating Kurogiri and yet he never reveals his source on either occasion.
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Instead once again he falls back on his common strategy of deflection to stop them from pressing on the issue. Hawks is someone who wants to rely on others more because he feels powerless on his own. Yet, at the same time Hawks has been taken advantage of so many times it’s impossible for him to trust others. Not only that, but Hawks has also been taught that he should be strong enough to do everything on his own, that is the individualism hero society promotes.
This is also how Hawks had to be in his early life. The only reason his family got money was because he was of use to the hero commission. He always had to be at the top of his class, always had to be useful, always had to finish on his own. Hawks always does things on its own because it’s a learned habit, he’s never had anybody else to rely on. Not only that but his way of living has always been unstable he might have been dropped back into poverty if he did not continually rise to meet the expectations of others.
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Which is where we are presented with yet another contradiction of Hawks character, he is always working all by himself, but he only ever works for the sake of others. His only selfish desire is some time off for goodness sake. He is blessed with tremendous talent but has never been able to use it for himself, because since childhood he has been put to work for the sake of other people.
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Hawks also says that he took Tokoyami on as an intern because he wanted information, which once again Hawks is constantly shown to be privvy to information he does not know and trying to collect more. This is because Hawks does not trust, because he cannot trust. He will be used by the other people around him. That is why he tries to seize as much information for himself as possible. Hawks being manipulative is just him trying to control what little he can, because if he does not do that then he ends up being the one who is controlled. The more knowledge he has, the more power he has.
People who feel helpless as a child due to circumstances entirely out of control will try to grasp for control in any way they can. That is why easygoing Hawks always does things on his own, because not having to rely on other people gives him more control. He can control himself, but not others. Easygoing Hawks is a bit of a control freak.
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This scene becomes interesting if analyzed from that level. Hawks says he has no interest in training the next generation, it makes sense somebody who was raised from childhood as a hero and nothing else would probably have no interest in raising other children as heroes. His last line becomes much darker as well.
Those who can fly, should! Why keep yourself grounded?
Hawks is someone who keeps himself grounded all the time, always giving up his own freedom for others, and yet we see freedom is the thing he yearns for the most. He is intoxicated with the idea of freedom, the same way Icarus became intoxicated once he gained his wings and looked at the sun.
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In his phonecall with Dabi we get a lot on Hawks’ internal monologue. First he admits to the fact that he plays happy-go-lucky idiot and lets people assume that they can use him, in order to control their perceptions of him. His way of manipulating others has always been to try to let them use him, instead of trying to make use of them because that is what Hawks has been taught. His value is that he is useful. He tries to navigate the system from the inside rather than breaking out. He keeps letting himself be used.
However, once again Hawks words to Dabi do not sound entirely like lies, or they could even be lies to himself. Being on this side of the equation helped me realize that we’d be better off without heroes and heroics. How much of that is a lie when Hawks was exploited into becoming a hero, when his deepest wish is to be allowed to be something else other than a hero for a little while?
It’s easy to see how Hawks got to the point where he seriously could consider Killing Best Jeanist. The people who are injured or taking time off are not useful to the system, they need to be sarcificed for the greater good. He was told by the same system to let people die if it would save more people in the long run, that he cannot be the hero he wants to be. That he has to dirty his own hands for the sake of everyone else. Hawks is constantly going against his own wishes to do what is right for other people. 
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Hawks says not to let a person’s resolve go to waste, because he believes that all of his determination, that all of his flying too fast is going to lead him somewhere. His determination is indeed a heroic quality, but it’s something that makes him keep sticking with the system rather than giving up on it. It’s something that makes him believe that he can overcome all of this on his own. However, no matter how hard Hawks works for the hero system, the only ones who have something to gain from it in the end is the hero system and not him. His hard work and determinations only guarantees he becomes more useful to them and will be used more.
In this light, Hawks’ belief that he can handle everything on his own is hubris, his determination to become such a good hero that he will get time off is a flaw. The only ersult is that Hawks is used more and more as a cog, and he grinds himself down further and further.
However, just like All Might could not save the entire country of japan all on his own shoulders forever, Hawks’ good boy act is also something that will not last him forever. The more he’s exploited the more he will break down. The ones to catch him when he falls is most likely not going to be the heroes system, because they are exploiting him and forcing him to work on his own because he is expendable that way. If he falls only he falls alone. Hopefully, when Hawks does fall, Dabi and the league will be there to catch him and sympathize with him in a way none of the heroes ever could.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 5 years
“Wet Sugar” [Part 21 of 30]
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Summary: Erik has doubts about what he has done...
Mature Audience. NSFW. 
"Gotta be careful, I know, I know You and me can't be nothing no more I've been lookin' for something from you I've been gettin' nothing at all You're such a fuckin' woman (woman) But deserves the fuckin' world, yeah…"
Lucky Daye—"Love You Too Much"
The saltwater in the pool soaked Erik's sunburned skin as he floated on his back. He would've preferred to swim at the cove, but going there was all her. Too much her.
That woman he tried to ignore became a specter before his eyes. He would catch glimpses of her around the compound, but she was like a rumor whispered in hushed tones. They were able to work around each other, but sometimes he caught her lingering above the gun range when he was there firing the new weapons with the other mercs. He acted like he didn't see her in the distance when she did that, or when he caught her slipping out of the kitchen when they all came to eat. He felt her eyes on him even when he couldn't directly see her.
He did the same, often hanging back after meals, sipping on dinner espresso and waiting to hear the side kitchen door open with her bounding in to help Leona clear away dishes and leftovers. Or he would stay out by the pool for a long time and catch the sound of leaves rustling as she snuck down to the cove using the secret path no one else knew about. She would sometimes cuss at Jerome while heading there and he would stifle a laugh while thinking about the first time he heard her talking to the iguana. The sound of her voice still thrilled him. It was the girlish softness of it mixed with the smart-ass personality behind it that still made him excited about her.
He dreamed about her. And Sydette.
Those night visions were often a replay of the earlier days of them alone at the compound. He'd wake up suddenly in the middle of the night clutching at his side hoping she was there. When he heard movement from Linda in the room next to his, he would pretend it was Sweet Pea sneaking out of her bed to crawl between him and Yani.
He knew from jump Yani despised Linda.
But that was to be expected because Linda tended to rub people the wrong way and of course...he had fucked the woman. Linda could be condescending to people that she felt were inferior to her. She treated a lot of the other mercs that way and they couldn't say shit because her skills were so tight and she proved it to be true time and time again. She never tried it with him. His game was tighter than hers and she respected that.
He never saw Yani act funky in front of Linda personally, but Linda often commented on how Leona was very nice to her, but Yani was just direct and spoke very little.
"She's efficient and like a damn ninja around here…but I can't get more than two words out of her when I ask her for stuff. It's like I'm bothering her own personal things. She acts like Klaue's house is her house. I had my feet on the coffee table and she walked past me with the laundry sucking her teeth."
Erik knew the reason why Yani was acting that way. It wasn't because of no feet on the furniture.
Klaue moved Linda into his house and her bedroom was next to Erik's. She was sleeping in Sweet Pea's old room. She was sleeping too close to him.
Yani wasn't the only one feeling irritated by new interactions.
He was feeling a way about her and Zachary.
Erik still lurked on her social media to see how she was doing. At first, it was to keep tabs on Sweet Pea from afar, and he could also see what Yani had to say about her classes. She was acing school like he knew she would, but it was the posts about her social life that had him uptight.
As expected, Zachary pounced on her, and Yani seemed open to the rekindling of some type of relationship because Erik saw pictures of them together at clubs and group gatherings. Yani had big smiles on her face when she posed with Zachary, and apparently, they took a trip to Jamaica together for a concert Kendall performed at. He saw pictures of them posing in front of a waterfall together in swimsuits holding hands while facing one another. Yani's eyes were closed and the grin on her face told him that they had either kissed before the picture was snapped, or they were about to kiss.
He couldn't even be all that mad on a certain level if he were honest with himself. He would've done the same thing. If he'd lost a bad bitch being stupid, he wouldn't waste time snatching her back up.
She looked happy in that picture. Zachary looked…enamored with her. Erik wondered if she was sleeping with him. Getting new dick to forget the old dick. Erik scoffed a bit while staring at them. Ain't no way Zachary could handle what Yani had. Fire pussy needed bomb ass dick. That was the only thing that kept Erik from going off seeing her with someone else that soon.
What nigga could compare to him with her?
He used to make that bitch's pussy jump when he called her on the phone. He could snap his fingers and have her pulling open her slit for him whenever he wanted it, had her cumming and crying and begging him not to stop until she couldn't hold onto him anymore. Made Yani sit anywhere he wanted—indoors or outdoors-with her legs wide open while he watched her slam a thick blue dildo in her pussy just to amuse him before he picked her up and stretched her walls out all night. He made her cum in her sleep with just the thought of him fucking her. She would lay in bed next to him having multiple orgasms that woke her ass up and made her beg him to fuck her wide awake. What could that civilian do for her?
She looked good though. Damn good. She had lost some weight from running around again, but shit was looking hella tight.
Thinking about her in that picture made Erik want to fuck.
He climbed out of the pool and took himself a long shower. Afterward, he drove himself to a barbershop in Havensight and had his locs cut off and his beard trimmed and groomed. He needed the change. His mother had done it often when she needed a fresh start. At least two times in his life with her he had witnessed his mother shaving off her hair. Shedding old energy to welcome the new.
He felt a few eyes on him in the shop. Maybe they recognized him from being with Yani.
Before meeting up with Linda and Klaue in the main house he shot off a few emails to his grandfather and his Uncle. He also loaded more money onto Yani's credit card. She didn't use it all that much anymore, probably because she didn't want him tracking her purchases, but more than likely not wanting to stay connected to him. No matter what happened between them, he wanted her to have some sort of back-up support if she ever needed it. If not for herself, then for Sydette at least.
Strolling into the main house, both Klaue and Linda gave him a double-take when they saw his hair.
On the viewscreen in the living room, Erik posted up a picture of the C.I.A. agent that he was tracking for Klaue. The man had a mousy face and the strait-laced look of one who believed in toppling other governments in service of making America great again. A weak-looking yes man by the name of Everett K. Ross.
"U.S. Air Force. Decent pilot. Currently the Deputy Task Force Commander of the Joint Counterterrorism Center. He reports to the Secretary of State. That good ole boy, Thaddeus Ross."
"He's taking nibbles from me. I've been dropping hints at wanting to sell vibranium," Klaue said, "the U.S. wants their hands on all they can find. But he's a bit skittish right now."
"No one likes to look like they're in bed with mercs and terrorists," Linda said.
"The U.S. fucks with them all. They must be under scrutiny," Erik said.
"Any sales aren't going to be done in the U.S. The Great Satan needs to come where I say," Klaue barked.
"Nowhere in Europe," Erik said.
"Definitely not Africa," Linda added.
"What a wimpy looking oaf," Klaue surmised.
"That's what makes him effective. A milquetoast-looking face can get away with anything anywhere," Erik concluded.
"Well, the moment you find me a chunk of the good stuff I'll set up the sale," Klaue said.
The three of them sat around drinking until dinner. There was to be no meal at the house that night. Klaue took everyone out to a restaurant on the Northside of the island. The food was exceptional and Erik didn't get into any arguments with Neal or Huntsman. Surprising. There were great bars to crawl around and when Shipley let them toke on some blended weed, Erik felt pretty mellow. He actually wanted to hang out a bit.
Klaue caught a cab back to the compound but the rest of their crew stuck together. Linda was really floating, acting like the Snow White to their ragtag team of six non-Dwarfs. Shipley was trying to run game down on her, but Linda wasn't interested. She put up a front of being all business. But not with him.
He kept it friendly between them. Even when she sunbathed topless on the porch of Klaue's house, he treated her like his colleague.
It wasn't easy at times.
When his sexual urges came on strong, he was tempted to seek her out in her bed, but he didn't want the headache of Neal or Shipley. They were both jockeying for some play and there was nothing worse than working with hard-up men and the tension that jealousy brought.
Linda would give him looks sometimes and he hoped that no one else caught on.
Some really hard-sounding island music caught their attention and they stumbled upon a boisterous club that excited Linda. Shipley got into the spirit and they were all sucked into the space ordering drinks and watching the spectacle of winding hot bodies and good sounds. Linda grabbed Shipley's hand and dragged him out among the crowd. The place was a lot bigger inside than it looked outside and there was an actual stage on one side with a D.J. spinning tunes with a massive sound system. No wonder they could hear it blocks away.
Erik found a honey with loose hips and he followed her out onto the floor. Neal sprang for drinks and by the time it turned midnight, Erik had a good sweat and copped a few feels on some Grade A ass that seemed to come from an endless supply throughout the space. He found another shorty that made his temperature rise, and he was getting her number when she and a few other women swarmed the stage. The music was thumping and there were a few eager men on stage where a solitary chair sat in front of them.
Erik bought himself some Henny and walked closer to the stage with Neal and Shipley in tow.
"What's happening?"
Huntsman eased up beside them, his voice loud over the music.
"I don't know," Erik said.
"I think they are about to…ah yeah…we about to see some rump-shaking," Neal said.
A man with a chiseled chest poking out of his half-unbuttoned shirt sat on the chair as an MC talked to the crowd.
"What's the point of this?" Huntsman said.
"Watch and see," Neal said.
Erik sipped on his drink.
The music got a little buck and several women, even the one Erik was trying to mess with climbed on stage and took turns dancing with frenzied athleticism on the lap of the man who sat in the chair.
"Man…I couldn't do it!" Neal squealed.
Linda found her way over to them. Her face was flushed from dancing and drinking.
"Poor guy!" she said.
"Be right back, gonna refresh my drink."
Erik left them and headed to the bar. He could see the different women trying to out-dance one another, and by the time his new drink finally got to him, a new dude was in the chair getting his junk pummeled.
"Shit," Erik whispered.
These women were not playing. He grinned when he saw Linda reach up to the MC and he helped her on stage to take her turn at grinding on a stranger. She stood out with her light gray booty shorts and half top. Kicking off her sandals, she made the man sit on the floor of the stage as she did the splits and pounded her groin on him. Her wild cascade of curls covered part of her face. The audience went into a frenzy and Erik could hear Shipley and Neal cheering her on.
"Did y'all dare her to get up there?" Erik asked when he returned to his entourage.
"Nope. She said they needed an expert up there," Shipley said.
The woman could move, and she played to the audience while she awaited her chance to dance on the next guy in the chair.
"This gyal is on fiyah!" the MC shouted.
Linda wiggled her hips fast, throwing her cheeks in a wild circle. She dropped down and grabbed her ankles letting the audience watch her cheeks move.
"She too much, man…too much!" Shipley shouted.
"Goodness gracious," Neal said.
Erik looked around the stage to see who he was talking about, but then he saw Twyla moving near the front.
"Twyla!" Erik shouted.
"You know her?" Neal asked.
Twyla looked his way. She saw who was calling her and she smiled.
"Big nigga. Where yuh hair go?"
Twyla's hand rubbed his head.
"God damn…she thicker than a pot of grits," Neal barked looking toward the stage again.
"That girl is small—" Shipley answered.
"Not that one…her. Oh my damn. That's…shit. That's Klaue's girl," Neal said.
Erik saw Yani staring at the stage. He recognized a couple of her friends with her that saw him fuck her in a club.
"Don't be scared to say hello," Twyla said.
Her eyes regarded Erik's face.
"Yuh can't hide back here."
"I'm not hiding—"
"Lookin' like yuh back at Juvay," Twyla teased.
One of Yani's friends jumped on stage and stood next to Linda.
"How is she?"
His eyes were sheepish looking at Twyla.
"She's as good as can be expected from a bad break up. Doing well in school—"
"A busy body. And you?"
Erik shrugged.
"Still hurts, yeah?" she said.
He didn't answer.
"I see it on your face. Hers too."
Twyla glanced back at her cousin.
"She say yuh leaving the island."
His eyes were focused on Yani.
"Big man…if there are things yuh still need to say to her, best tell her before yuh bounce. End it the right way with she, yeah?"
He decided to suck it up. Test the waters.
He sipped on his drink again as he walked over to her.
She turned to look at him and he realized it was a mistake. He should've kept his ass in the back and ignored her.
He got goosebumps hearing his name on her lips despite the coldness. Her eyes took in his new appearance and he couldn't tell if she liked it or not. Indifference settled around her toward him.
The crowd surged and she turned back to watch her friend on stage. He stood behind her and could only concur with Neal's words. Lil Mama was thick as fuck, and the tight black pants she wore did not hide a damn thing. His body yearned for hers. He stepped closer, close enough to feel her body heat. He wanted to kiss the back of her neck and trace his tongue around her tattoos again. Erik had to fight his own hands to keep them from circling her waist and pulling her back toward him. As far as she was concerned, he wasn't even there.
"She doin' too much."
He heard one of Yani's friends talk about Linda.
"She gwine break his dick if she keep that up!" Another one cackled.
Yani giggled and covered her mouth.
Erik's eyes swept back up to the stage. Linda was living it up in the spotlight, and she was getting plenty of rousing support from a lot of men and women.
The current man in the seat had a serious expression on his face, like all that ass pounding his dick from different women wasn't affecting him in any way. Stoneface.
"Go up there, Yani."
She shook her head as her friends cat-called her name.
The D.J. changed the song to a track that had been remixed to death over the years. But it revived the crowd and the women on stage. Linda received some more cheers when she had another turn at bat, and for the first time, Stoneface reacted a little bit. The audience laughed and the MC teased the man about losing his cool.
Yani and her friends walked away and Erik felt himself actually deflate a bit. Yani straight ignored his ass. He watched the lights of the club hit the bronze of her top with them titties sitting, her platinum fade lined up tight, and that ass just being totally disrespectful in public.
He felt absolutely proud to see her not giving a fuck about him.
Gulping down the last of his Henny, he saw the MC bend down to the crowd trying to catch Yani's attention. She stopped with the rest of her homegirls to listen to him. Her hands flew up waving him off, but her friends nudged her arm. She put a hand on her waist and said something to the MC, and Twyla sauntered over pushing her up toward the steps leading upstage.
She went up the steps and once the full lights hit her, Erik had to stop and take inventory of what he had once. That used to be his woman, but there was something different about her that was turning him on in a way that made him feel out of control.
Linda saw Yani approach the chair and the look on her face told Erik that she was in a bit of shock recognizing the woman who cleaned her room and cooked her food.
The MC let Linda and a couple of other women do their booty shakes again, but then Yani stepped over the man, spread her legs wide and did the slowest drop down onto his lap that put the audience in a tizzy. Unlike the other women who moved with hyped up energy, Yani slowed it all the way down until her cheeks were popping in a way that had the man's legs jerking.
Erik felt his jaw get tight when Yani turned her head to look back at everyone as she let each ass cheek bounce in syncopated rhythm. She rolled her hips and the MC, along with several other people on stage started laughing hard and slapping arms. The MC started jumping up and down and pointing.
"Lawd -a-mercy! She done made this nigga buss in his pants!"
Yani lifted up and stepped away from the man with his eyes glazed over and his left hand grabbing at his protruding erection. Eyes watched Yani sashay away, and even Linda gave a painful-looking laugh as her eyes watched Yani leave.
"She dangerous. That gyal dangerous!" The MC shouted.
Yani's friends laughed with her as the entered back into the fray of bodies swaying to the music. A few men tried to get Yani's attention, but she was focused on her friends.
A song they used to listen to at the house came on and Erik took long strides to get to her.
"Come dance with me," he said touching her hand.
She pulled back from him as if he stung her.
"I don't want to dance with you."
Her friends surrounded him and their eyes were ready to cut him in two.
"It's just a dance, cuz," Twyla said nudging her cousin's arm as she walked past heading to the floor herself along with other people. The lap dance show was over.
Yani shoved past him and her friends followed.
He headed back to the bar and ordered a couple of shots. Shipley joined him and they drank and talked, watching people dance on the floor. Erik tracked Yani's movement as she danced with different men.
"Can't believe that's the same chick at the compound," Shipley said.
"Yep," Erik answered.
They watched Neal approach Yani and she wasted no time sending him on his way. The way her friends swooped in to protect her, Neal had no chance of harassing her further.
"Whew, I gotta slow down," Linda said.
She plopped down on a stool next Erik and asked for water from the bartender. Twyla walked past him and gave him a look. Erik shrugged his shoulders at her and Twyla rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"Had no idea Yani was a regular Cinderella," Linda said.
"She fine," Shipley said.
Erik found that surprising since he never showed interest in women built like Yani before.
"Thought you didn't like thick bitches," Erik said.
Linda eyed Shipley with amusement.
"She could be the exception," Shipley said gulping down a shot of tequila with lime.
"He'll fight you for that," Neal said.
Erik watched Neal grab a beer from the bar.
"What?" Shipley said.
Erik felt his face harden.
"That's Killmonger's pussy."
"Shut the fuck up," Erik snarled.
"You're fucking the help?" Linda asked.
She tossed her head back and laughed at him.
Erik stepped off the stool he sat on and left the bar in a huff.
"Killmonger…hey….hold on…."
Linda followed him and tugged on his arm.
"Hey…we're just drinking and pulling your chain. Calm down."
She steered him to the dancefloor.
"Relax. Loosen up."
Linda swayed in front of him and tried moving his arms. His eyes darted about looking for Yani again, but he had lost track of her.
"How can you not dance to this?"
Linda moved around him, bumped her hip into his and he eventually gave in and danced a little.
"Oh, come on now. You're better than this. We fucked it up in Jo'burg. You remember that club with the roof that was caving in!"
Erik smiled. He remembered. The music was hot, fast, and so were the club patrons. That was a good night. Right before the raid…
"…fucking her?"
Erik missed what Linda said. The confusion in his eyes made her repeat the question.
"Is it true? You and Yani?"
"Nah. Neal had been bothering her and I put a stop to it."
"He is aggressive. Nasty piece of work."
His eyes flicked around. Searching still.
"You want to fuck her?"
His eyes glared at her like she was insane.
"It's just a question. She watches you all the time—"
"I barely have time to—"
"I'm just telling you…I think she has a thing for you. I hear her cleaning your room and she stays in there for a long time. You are a neat freak, so there's no reason for her to be in there so long."
Yani in his room lingering?
"I catch her watching you at the gun range…"
Erik dismissed Linda's words when he felt his cell vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out.
A text from Twyla.
Yani is alone in her apartment this weekend. Chez has Sydette. Roommate gone too. Chance to talk?
Erik stopped dancing.
Unger ran up and grabbed Linda's hand to dance.
"I'ma head back to the compound," he said.
Linda nodded her head.
"I'll catch a cab."
"I'll let the others know."
He watched her and Unger head further into the crowd on the floor.
Looking around his room, Erik tried to see what Yani would see.
A clean room. Sterile almost without her there anymore. Two boxes of condoms on the dresser. One empty and the other half used. She would probably think he had been with Linda. He hadn't. But he was seeing women outside the compound again. He couldn't help it. It kept his mind off of her.
But seeing her that night brought up all the things festering in his mind about her. Was she okay? Was Sydette fine? Did Yani hate him? How would she react if she saw him in public?
If Linda was able to glean Yani's feelings for him around the compound, maybe she still had a soft spot for him. Maybe he could…
It was stupid to think of going to her. Even with Twyla's encouragement. He hopped into his bed fully nude. No one was at the compound. The secret tracker he placed in Klaue's arm told him the man was on the other side of the island. Inside a hotel. Probably with a woman.
Staring up at the ceiling, his mind settled on Yani again. Seeing her wind her body on that man onstage made him groan as he felt on his dick.
He reached for his cell again and read Twyla's text two more times.
It wasn't worth it.
What could he say to her? I'm checking to see if you've been able to salvage your life after I blew it up?
But damn…
She was so beautiful on stage. Her whole demeanor was just…sexy…bold. She used to make him cum in his pants all the time. Maybe she did that because she knew he was there watching.
He slammed his fists on his bed.
He wasn't going to get any sleep. He would think about her all night.
He reached into his nightstand and pulled out some weed. He smoked a bit and felt his muscles ease up from the tension he carried in them after seeing her.
His name on her lips sounded so dead to him. There was no malice in her eyes, but they seemed clouded like she was really and truly over him.
That's what he wanted, right? He told her to focus on school and to forget him. But faced with it, faced with true indifference…he didn't want her to forget him.
Taking a long drag he thought of Linda and what she told him. She noticed Yani keeping her eyes on him. She had to still feel something. Lingering in his bedroom had to mean something. Too many good memories in the place. All the things they did to one another. All the time they slept together in a pile with Sydette between them.
Twyla was right. He had to have a final conversation with her that didn't come from a place of anger, but one of love. They still had to part, but he wanted it to be on better terms. He did have things he wanted to say to her. Secret things. Maybe even promise her something that he didn't think he had a right to.
Stubbing out the joint in an ashtray, Erik jumped out of bed and put on some loose sweatpants and shirt.
He borrowed one of Klaue's smaller cars, a blue Beemer with a moon roof.
He let air flow through from the roof of the car as he drove to Yani's place. Every few minutes he thought about turning around, but once he pulled into the parking lot of her small complex, he was fully committed to talking with her.
After a bit of deep breathing in the car, Erik walked up the stairs and tried to find the right words to say. Once he was in front of her door on the far end of the floor, he felt a bit calmer, less afraid. He debated about texting or calling her. It was too late. He was already there and high as fuck…
He pressed his ear to her door.
No…not talking.
"Yes, Baby!"
The seductive mewling in her voice raised his blood pressure.
She was fucking someone.
Erik removed his ear from the door. His hands pressed against the door frame and he closed his eyes. His body burned with rage. That little punk bitch.
He heard a loud male groan erupt from behind the door.
Erik clenched his fists.
The weed had him spinning scenarios. Bust the fucking door down and drag her off that nigga's dick. Or wait for Zachary to leave and pound on the door and…and do what?
Yell at her for getting dick when he had empty boxes of condoms in his room that she saw? Two days prior he was guts deep in some bitch with big ass titties making her holler out his name. Nutted all in that woman's face and didn't even think about Yani while he did it.
But that's your woman in there. Giving your pussy away.
Erik walked away from the apartment.
Back in the car, he pulled out his cell.
Call her. Break up their little party.
Fuming in the car, he sat there for a long time until he could think straight. The weed still had his mind spinning, but he was able to drive back to the compound and crawl into his bed. The sun was rising when he finally fell asleep.
"Hey, lazybones."
Erik blinked his eyes.
Linda looked down at him.
"You were out for a long time. Thought I'd check on you," she said.
Erik sat up.
He was still wearing his sweats.
"What time is it?"
"Shit," he said.
"Stay in bed. You looked worn out last night."
Erik leaned against the headboard.
"You want anything to eat?"
"Nah. I'm just gonna chill. I feel tired still."
She touched his forehead.
"Are you feeling sick?"
He shook his head and pulled off his sweatshirt and pants. Crawling under the covers he tucked himself into a ball.
"I'll be up in an hour or so."
"Okay. Call me if you need anything. I have to get some things in town. Klaue is still out."
He pretended to go to sleep and Linda left his side.
When she opened his bedroom door, Yani was using a soft bristle broom to sweep the floor in the hall.
"Don't bother him. He's sleeping in," Linda said.
Erik saw Yani's eyes sweep over Linda's short house dress, and then her eyes caught his on the bed before Linda shut the door.
"Bring him some of that soup around three," Linda said.
"Him sick?"
The lilt in Yani's voice had concern.
"No," Linda said.
"Does he need medicine?"
"No. Just bring him the soup to the kitchen like I asked and he'll be fine."
Erik stayed curled under the covers until he saw from his bedroom viewscreen that Yani had left the house. He jumped in the shower and cleaned up, shaved, and threw on some light cologne. He pulled on some beige loungers and hopped back on the bed.
Exactly in one hour, he saw Yani heading down to Klaue's main house with a covered tray. She entered the space and headed to the kitchen.
He hopped on the intercom.
"Can you bring that here, please? In my room?"
He watched Yani's face look perturbed as she stood in the kitchen. She knew he was watching her.
"Yuh not sick. Get it yourself."
She left the kitchen.
"Bring it here please."
He watched her calculate her next move. Unlike the time when they were together at the compound alone, Klaue had everything watched. If she refused to do her job, Klaue would see it. The bedrooms were pretty secure because Klaue did allow that privacy. He wanted her in his room.
"I have some laundry to be picked up too," he said.
He saw her lip pout and he smiled. Her cell phone rang.
"Yeah?" she answered.
Erik waited. A smile came across her face and she started to giggle into the phone. Flirty-like.
"Mi can't tonight…can't. I'm working…"
She hung up and put her cell in her back pocket. Her smile left her face when she picked up the food tray and carried it to his room. She kicked the door with her foot softly.
He opened it.
"Thanks," he said taking it from her hand.
She turned away.
"Wait, the laundry, my sheets—"
"You do your own cleaning, remember?"
Her eyes were petulant looking up at him.
"Yeah, but um…I'm not feeling great—"
"Linda said you were fine…can I go?"
She wasn't with the shits.
Her mind was on giggling over Zachary.
He walked slowly over to his bed and climbed in balancing the tray. She moved over to help him.
"Thanks," he said.
Her eyes took in the room and when they glanced at his dresser, he made sure the condoms were gone. She went to the hamper in his bathroom.
"There's nothing in here," she said, annoyed.
"I need these sheets changed," he said.
"I'll come back then, or you can have Linda change them for you—"
"Yani, wait a minute."
He lifted up too fast and the tray tilted. He spilled some soup on the covers.
"You did that on purpose," she said.
"No, I didn't."
"What do you want, man?"
He hated the sound of her voice at that moment. She didn't want to be around him.
"I miss you," he said.
"I don't think so."
"I do—"
"You got Linda and whoever else…"
Her eyes drifted toward the dresser.
"And you have Zachary."
Her eyes regarded him with suspicion.
"I heard you on your phone."
"You don't know who I was talking to."
"You're not with him?"
She left the room.
Erik jumped off the bed and ran after her.
"Hold up—"
"I don't have time for your shit—"
He grabbed her hand. She snatched it back.
"Clean up your own fucking mess!"
She stormed out of the house and he let her go.
"Whoa. That was…awkward."
Linda walked into the room, coming in through the back door.
"So…um…the help…" she said.
Erik stomped back to his room and slammed the door shut.
Chp 22 Here
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
AEW Revolution 2021 - Reaction & Review
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Before you say anything, yes I know about the finish.
But while work has prevented me from watching the show live I will still be running down the PPV as I said I would, the card is still stacked and people were mighty excited to see the wrestling so let’s get to it
Spoilers for AEW Revolution 2021, I have done my best to avoid spoilers myself but have not been able to fully escape it, I won’t let my post be the same for someone else
The Buy-In I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the Buy-In should not have 75% promos, especially since the promos are uploaded as the Countdown. It’s the same thing Tony you can fit an entire match in between it, or even recap the segments on the prior Dark - good promos from Miro, Archer and Big Swole in that show and the Butcher & Blade attacked Bear Country, all of which would have relevance to the PPV.
Britt Baker pre-match promo On the cusp of her tag match came out Dr. Britt Baker DMD who lambasted the company for booking ‘Reba’ to tag with her after she sustained an ‘injury’ at the hands of Nyla Rose. Baker acted like her ‘doctor’s note’ should’ve been enough and had Reba walk on stage with a crutch to sell her point. With her partner injured she has been allowed to pick a replacement. Thoughts would’ve obviously gone to one Thea Trinidad but that made the surprise so much better.
Dr Britt Baker (w/ Rebel ‘Reba’ Tanea) & Maki Itoh def. Riho & Thunder Rosa - Pinfall on Rosa by Baker after a Superkick + Crutch Shot Maki Itoh, who was unusually absent from the TJPW PPV - arrived to a loud pop from the crowd and Serpentico just completely losing his shit at ringside. The King of Simps sang her entrance as she usually does as she soaked in the atmosphere with pure joy on her face. The babyfaces quickly made their entrances after as the match was about to kick off. For a tag match it was more of a 2v2 than a tag bout, I mean that in there wasn’t a lot of team moves; whenever the heels felt threatened they would switch partners to regain momentum, but that did allow each woman to face off one another. There were some good interactions between each woman in the bout, Excalibur doing very well to inform the fans that Itoh had history with Riho and Rosa and that she had recently come out of a tag tournament final in TJPW where she and ‘Pink Striker’ Miyu Yamashita fell short to NEO Biishiki-Gun (a faction that involves the heel alter-ego of the Eliminator Tournament’s Mei Suruga). Between the match Rosa and Baker sold the animosity, trading middle fingers while the other was in the corner until they finally got to cross one another. The final stages proved to be entertaining when Itoh and Riho where legal, Rosa and Baker had both rushed the ring to fight when Riho sucker hit Baker on the apron, leading to a trade off in moves between all four women, Rosa got planted with a tornado DDT, but Itoh missed the Flying Kokeshi, Riho almost capitalized but her Shining Wizard was countered by Itoh’s magnificently fluid rolling half crab counter. Riho would make the ropes as both women tagged out after Itoh got Riho with a headbutt and Riho shook off Baker after Rosa broke up her pin from an air raid crash, liquid pinfalls and counters happened after that which was an easy highlight. Reba proved not to be as injured as let on when she jumped the apron but was accidentally socked by Baker after Rosa dodged and hit the DVD, Itoh broke the pin but got thrown out of the ring afterwards, the cameras missing Riho diving at Itoh on the outside. In the ring Baker - having wriggled out of a Fire Thunder Driver - staggered Rosa with a superkick and used the ref’s position to push Rosa towards him near the ropes where Reba cracked Rosa with the crutches as the ref dodged, the damage was enough for Baker to get the 3 count. After the match Riho ensured that Rosa wouldn’t get attacked afterwards as Reba limped on and out the ring, Baker and Itoh leaving the ramp with middle fingers to their opponents
It was a very fun match, camera work wasn’t the best at times but it was still really good. I didn’t expect Itoh and Baker’s twitter buddying to lead to them partnering up but that is the sneaky foreshadowing. The booking of this match should really be stated a bit more, Riho and Rosa are top caliber former champions on their brands, and Itoh and Baker hanged with them mostly to a stalemate. With 2 victories over Rosa though Baker should be on the up, and sadly we may see less of Rosa with NWA coming back (same will probably be said about Serena once her knee recovers until she drops the belt) so it was important that nobody came out looking weak. With Itoh’s US appearance too and the pop (and the resulting appearance on BTE) you can be sure that the Cutest in the World will be seen again.
Main Card Always gotta show my approval of using Brodie’s ‘you know what that means’ to start a show. JR sounded a little hoarse though today, hope he’s okay.
AEW World Tag Championship The Young Bucks def. The Inner Circle [Chris Jericho & MJF (w/ Wardlow)] - Pinfall on Jericho by Matt via Meltzer Driver Jericho came out with his usual Painmaker while MJF continues with his fashion atrocity of a white robe and blue tassels with the scarf print in the middle. The Bucks kept it simple with the black, yellow and pink - which Excalibur noted was designed by Matt’s daughter. The Bucks were definitely aggrieved, shoving the belts in the faces of their opponent before the bell, Jericho though played the mind games by snatching a title from Aubrey to hold it aloft. The bell rang and immediately it was brawling, Bucks pulling their patented dual suicide dive and stereo sharpshooters, interceptor spear and the hanging senton. MJF got some momentum by catching Nick before his apron moonsault as Jericho hit the triangle dropkick, Wardlow choking Nick on the outside while Aubrey was distracted and then hitting the double flapjack before stealing the Bucks’ poses. Matt roared in again but Wardlow again proved to shift momentum to his Inner Circle stablemates, this time pulling the ropes so Matt fell out. The Inner Circle kept things simple and grounded, antagonizing the Bucks whenever they could in hopes they will fall into a mistake, however their confidence left them more open to slipping up and falling into Nick’s hot tag, a lovely springboard destroyer hit two so the Bucks hit the Motor City Machine Guns’ move. MJF tagged Jericho but his Judas Effect was superkicked, Bucks tried Meltzer Driver but MJF grabbed Nick again and Jericho hit the tombstone, leaving Nick to flip with nobody home and leave him prone to the Walls of Jericho, Nick tagged Matt while in the hold but then Matt got locked in the Walls. MJF got 2 for a catch powerbomb but slowed it down by taunting Matt with multiple ‘Suck It!’s, Excalibur humorously begging Matt to just punch him ‘where he is pointing’, the provocation worked though as Matt went for a Meltzer Driver, allowing Jericho to catch Nick mid-flight with a Codebreaker and MJF to roll Matt up for 2. Wardlow distracted Aubrey as Jericho hit Matt’s legs with a bat leading to MJF hitting the Heatseeker, but they got 2 again! The Bucks countered with a baited corner kick and stereo crossbodies in and out of the ring, Wardlow got rocked by a dodged Judas Effect as Nick rolled Jericho for 2, Jericho tries a Lionsault but meets a low Superkick and then a BTE Trigger but MJF breaks the count, eating a Superkick Party (aka Death by Leg Slapping) for his troubles. Jericho gets a Double Superkick and then finished by a Meltzer Driver.
It was a hot opener for sure, the Bucks talking smack to Jericho afterwards. The Inner Circle were wily but relied too much on Wardlow and provoking the Bucks into making mistakes. I am actually surprised to see no Sammy Guevara even at ringside, besides Wardlow no Inner Circle members tried to interfere either, pretty clean affair.
Casino Tag Team Royale Death Triangle [PAC and Rey Fénix] win the Royale to be No. 1 Contenders for the Tag Titles - Fénix last eliminating Jungle Boy After the Bucks came naming the next contender, starting with the Natural Nightmares and Dark Order’s Five and Dime - ironically it was the old guard vs the Nightmare Factory alums - a handshake between 5 and Dustin was not shared when QT clubbed 10 to kick off the match. Dark Order got some great offence but were blindsided by Dustin’s double bulldog Different to regular Casino Royales, entrants played to Royal Rumble rules of one team at a time, the first team to enter being Santana & Ortiz. Five got eliminated first by QT after hitting the ‘That’s Gotta Suck’ (a crossbody to the back of an opponent lying on the ropes) on Ortiz, 10 unable to avenge him as the Sydals came next, Matt hitting the Meteora rather than the Shooting Star attempt like last time. Uno and Grayson came next, Uno hitting that delicious twisting flatliner on Mike Sydal as Santana and Ortiz dumped Mike out of the ring. Santana also completely kicked the taste out of Grayson and 10 soon after with a percussive kick. The Gunn Club came next without Billy, huge amount of faith in Austin and Colten, during which Matt Sydal got thrown over by the Gunns and dumped out by Santana’s big boot, meaning the Sydals were the first team to be eliminated. Intrigue hit after the Pretty Picture (Avalon & Bononi) and the Varsity Blonds came into the match, Austin had dumped Avalon and dual Famassers to Bononi looked like it was gonna eliminate the big man but then QT eliminated the Gunns at once. Ire and confusion was seen on Dustin’s face as QT eliminated his fellow Nightmare Family members, and QT then eliminated himself! A shock break up for sure from one of the most consistent Midcard tag teams in AEW. Bear Country Hell Yeah though hossed their way in, Grayson was able to lift one but got eliminated, Jurassic Express came next as Baltimora’s Tarzan Boy echoed from the arena, JB countered Santana and Ortiz’ tag move to eliminate the latter and then baited Santana to rana him out, Luchasaurus eliminated Bononi and then Griff, assisting Marko to do a slippery rana which Uno sold by running into the ring post to eliminate himself. Butcher and Blade came in fresh to dump Pillman and 10 and end their nights, Jack Evans had also appeared out of nowhere to assist in eliminating 10 as Bear Country brawled with Butcher and Blade, Dustin tried to get involved and was dragged out of the ring apron by Allie. Private Party then came in with the clean black and gold, nearly eliminating JB had Marko not held him up. SCU completely beheaded PP, Bear Country then eliminating Luchasaurus to some boos before being dumped by Butcher just as Death Triangle came in. Lastly was Silver and Reynolds who came to a decent pop, nailing Daniels with a Spin Doctor to start and then Dark Destroyer and Elimination from Isaiah Kassidy, SCU then eliminated Butcher leaving 4 teams left. Fénix bodyscissored Daniels, JB launched Reynolds over the turnbuckle and Kazarian thrown by PAC. Silver, PAC, Fénix and JB was just sublime, Silver only taken out by Fénix’s rope walk pele kick to leave JB on his own. “Jungle Boy in the Death Triangle” was a hell of a call by Excalibur as he eliminated PAC by using his momentum against him. Fénix and JB was just high octane, JB catching Fénix with an anti-air superkick, clothesline and poison rana but as he went to throw Fénix he counters with the 619 rebound heel kick and clotheslined JB out of the ring.
That was a strong ass royale. I will not however forget that Top Flight and FTR were unusually absent from the match (not to mention the Good Brothers, I hoped it’d be Casino Rules with them as the Joker, and TH2). But a lot of good stuff here, surprising split by the Nightmares, Butcher/Blade vs Bear Country feels imminent, Santana and Ortiz as well as SCU were still strong, I feel for Jurassic Express though, they are always inches from the brass ring but never quite getting it, but Death Triangle probably needed it more. Making Fénix the last man was a good decision as well because he had been taking a lot of Ls, now with a trio vs the Bucks it can lead to some interesting concepts, and batshit crazy spots.
Paul Wight Interview Wight sprinkled some hinting at his mystery signing by saying ‘No-one’s gonna outwork him’ as we paused till the next match. DDP and Al Snow were also shown in attendance.
AEW Women’s World Championship Hikaru Shida def. Ryo Mizunami - Pinfall via Corkscrew Knee Strike The promo package used for this match has to get some shine as well because it really built why both women were so motivated to win.
Mizunami came out with the tournament trophy in hand to ensure her clout had not been forgotten, Shida may not have worn the power suit but the kimono and kasa still looked wonderful. A handshake started the match but Shida dodged the lariat attempt. Mizunami shoulder blocked Shida but the champion kipped up impressing Aniki and prompting her to ground her a second time. Mizunami and Shida traded corner chops as Mizunami wasted too much time showboating for the champion to hit the rana and then the ringside knee strike, the Chair launch was caught as Mizunami dumped Shida over the railing. Leg drop was almost countered by the Stretch Muffler but Aniki used her power to continue grounding Shida and wearing her down with submissions, Shida though would grasp momentum with driving her opponent into the corner with her knees and then a missile dropkick, a driven Shida crunched Aniki with a B-Driver on the ramp then a deadlift suplex back into the ring, the champion’s confidence was met with Mizunami’s powerful flurry of strikes, Shida hits a running knee but Mizunami gets back up, she hits the Tamashii but can’t make the cover.  The women return to the handshake strike trading, but Mizunami got the advantage and plants her with an Uranage and Spear, the Guillotine Legdrop gets a close 2 but the champion kicks out again, she rolls out of the Fisherman buster to hit a German but gets hit in the back of the head, Shida hits the Falcon Arrow and kips back up, the Tamashii is blocked but she keeps striking Mizunami, running knee to the back of the head, Falcon Arrow again but could not hook the leg, the next Tamashii countered with a lariat but the following lariat countered with a knee. Shida digs into some Latino Heat with the eye poke and roll up for two, she hits the Tamashii but Aniki rolls her up for an agonizing two. Looked like a botched DDT but Shida hits a third Tamashii and Mizunami kicks out again, Shida opts for a corkscrew knee strike and that gets the three.
Shida’s celebration is cut short by Nyla and Vickie attacking both, Shida prevents Aniki from being Beast Bombed but is then blindsided by Baker and Itoh, Itoh biting Mizunami’s fingers while Nyla and Baker squared off before reaching an understanding. Rosa darted in for the save as Itoh taunted Rosa with an Akanbe (pulling her eyelid down). In the ring Shida offered a hand to Aniki while her opponent bowed to her in respect. If anyone had doubts that Mizunami would be a bad choice for Revolution they were promptly eating their words about now. This was a proper physical women’s bout showing the best of Joshi Strong Style. Shida showed off some newer moves even resorting to a heel move to try and win (Yakuza Heel Shida is an option) and a different finish to the Tamashii while Mizunami continued to brightly shine with power and charisma. The post-match stuff does leave a lot of intrigue too. Baker and Nyla’s alliance of convenience can only go so far when both want the title, it hurts to see Itoh with the heels given how over she is but it made sense in the context that Mizunami eliminated her from the tournament - Itoh fights for Itoh, the heels are just convenience for now. The tournament playing this role shows how important it was for the women’s division too, Rosa and Baker temporarily stepping up to Nyla and Nyla wanting to waste Aniki makes it important. In addition, Big Swole - who noted that she is next due to her title shot before the tournament’s announcement being postponed due to COVID - tweeted a ‘not my business’ kinda tweet during this too, which is telling.
Double or Nothing 2021 is coming May 30th A small promo for Double or Nothing was shown announcing the date.
Pre-Match Segment with Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy Before their match with Kip and Miro, Alex Mahvez was going to interview the two men before Miro and Kip jumped both men. Miro telling the camera to ‘Play my music’ as he dragged Chuck to the ramp and ring as he taunted a bleeding Taylor to just say the word to make it stop. Mic in his mouth Chuck instead said ‘ring the damn bell’ and slapped Miro to kick off the bout.
Miro & Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford) def. Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy - Submission via Game Over by Miro on Chuck Taylor Miro wastes no time in this match, delivering the hurt to the partnerless Taylor before tagging out to Kip a few times as he taunted Taylor in and out of the ring. Taylor countered Sabian in time for Cassidy to appear on the ramp hurt, Miro slowly stalked the prone Cassidy only to have fallen for his possum as he kipped up and nailed an Orange Punch, tagging in to get a diving DDT for 2 on Kip, the back that was hurt before prevented a Beach Break to give Sabian the advantage while Miro recovered. Chuck is tagged in for a stomp/Beach Break combo, Miro breaks the count after Taylor was decked with a Piledriver. Miro gets involved as Bryce and Penelope argue, the deadly Orange Kicks humor Miro but his Pump Kick is dodged, Miro gets Orange in the gut before he can make a second Orange Punch but hits the Stundog Millionaire on the counter, Penelope stops Orange from running the ropes and provides distraction for Miro to push him, but he knocks Penelope right into the railing - it was a big sell - and takes out Orange but Taylor and Kip are legal. Miro drags Kip from his wife to tag himself in, nearly being beaten by the inside cradle before flooring Taylor with the Matchka kick and the Game Over for the win. Relief soaks the face of Miro as he feels a weight lifted, AEW’s weakest feud apparently over. Overall it was a nice way to finish it, Miro looked incredibly strong in the bout and teases of him discarding Kip were shown. OC was kept strong by the prior assault wearing him down and Taylor showed a lot of guts. It may do Chuck good to be written out for a bit, until Trent comes back at least.
Inner Circle Segment Not accepting that his interview time was taken, Mahvez found a new duo to interview. MJF and Jericho - flanked by Santana and Ortiz - were asked what’s next as Jericho went on a ‘we should’ve won’ tirade. Jericho and MJF hinted at a change as they promoted next week an ‘Inner Circle War Council’. It could indeed mean that someone else is being discarded from the Inner Circle, or someone’s coming in to take Sammy’s old spot.
Big Money Match ‘Hangman’ Adam Page def. ‘Big Money’ Matt Hardy - Pinfall via Buckshot Lariat I must first and foremost admit that I am loving this heel Matt Hardy. The ‘Corporate Leech’ has done really well at being a bane to AEW’s top babyface Cowboy and his Cult Buddies, he’s also driven Private Party to a new and better direction. Hangman’s funny name plates continued with ‘Decided on the Snapper 560Z’ as he came in 6-0 against Hardy’s 3-0 PPV record. Hangman controlled the early parts of the bout with his strength, Matt surviving with his veteran awareness to avoid the Buckshot but not enough to avoid Hangman’s axe handle from the railings. Hangman hurt his arm by having it slammed in the ring post as Hardy honed in on the hand; stretching, biting and crushing it between some steps. Commentary sold that the hand injured was Hangman’s favoured hand, the fact proven when Page’s punch damaged him as well, the Side Effect though was wonderfully countered with a cradle and then a DVD. Hardy evaded Hangman to catch him in a Twist of Fate on the outside, hoping for a Count Out win, Page rolls in at 9 as Hardy seizes control, yanking Hangman from the ropes with a turnbuckle elevated German Suplex. A big moonsault to the outside regains the advantage for Hangman as he follows up with a diving crossbody and sliding lariat, Hardy escapes the Deadeye to get a neckbreaker and then a powerbomb. Hangman counters the Twist of Fate into the Deadeye but Private Party (in ‘Civilian Clothes’) distract the ref to buy Matt time to recover, Hangman decides to take out both men on the sides, he goes for the Buckshot but lands into a Side Effect and Twist of Fate at 2. Shocked, Hardy motions for Private Party to get involved, but Dark Order swarm in to stop them, Hardy clubs Hangman on the apron but the Dark Order catch him and pull him back up for the Buckshot, that lands the 3 count. Hangman has his hand raised as Dark order applaud him, Hangman then walks in to hug the stable, toasting a beer given to him by Colt Cabana.
It was a good match, expected TH2 to also interfere but I guess they didn’t want the match to go on too long. The core purpose of the match was good: Hangman has turned a curve, he’s no longer being manipulated and he has friends in the Dark Order to support him. Where Hardy goes now he’s ‘Broke’ will be an interesting route, perhaps he will have to invest a little wiser or be met with people coming to collect checks he could no longer cash in.
Face of the Revolution Ladder Match Scorpio Sky def. Cody Rhodes (w/ Arn Anderson), Max Caster, Penta El 0M, Lance Archer (w/ Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts) and Ethan Page AEW went very tongue and cheek by making the prize be a literal Brass Ring, JR even making a joke about it as Sonic the Hedgehog memes hit the internet. Caster started with a rap to get the crowd involved, Archer came in and decked someone at ringside, Sky and Penta had normal entrances while Cody pyro’d it up as the camera panned to Jade Cargill and Red Velvet either side and Archer climbing the apron to stare Cody down. All Ego became All Elite as Ethan Page appeared with a decent pop with a huge smile on his face and a name plate that showed his veteran and championship experience.
The match kicked off all around with the main focus on Archer and Cody renewing their TNT rivalries, Archer was the first to throw a ladder into Scorpio Sky and Page, but ate a Superkick and Slingblade by Penta, Penta then got German Suplexed by Sky before Caster took him out. Caster calls for Jack Evans to bring the Boombox that won him his qualifier but Evans is intercepted by 10 and flattened with a spinebuster, 10 doesn’t collect the Boombox though as he leaves which he will use on Page and Cody - after the two took out Archer but then fought each other. Penta took out Caster and Cody by using the Ladder as a ramp for a senton but Archer then kicks him out, Page cutters and crushes Archer under the ladder, escaping Sky’s TKO to drop Sky on the ladder while Archer was sandwiched between it. Page tries to trap Archer under the ladder but Archer powers it to a slope allowing Penta to backstab Page, Penta then Destroyer’s Cody on a ladder laid on the ring and railing, the match selling Cody’s injured shoulder and take him away from the ring while Caster and Sky tussle to climb the ladder. Caster picks a taller ladder for the high ground but are met by Page and Archer. Sky is the last man on the ladder but Penta pulls him down, his showboating costs him though as Sky recovers, biting his head and pulling Penta down with a neckbreaker. Page and Caster then tussle at the top but Caster pulls Page down with a messy sunset bomb, Sky cracks Caster with a frog splash on the ladder but crosses Archer, Sky almost uses Archer’s launchpad to climb the ladder but is pulled down, he goes for the turnbuckle but is pushed down and sent through another ladder laid on the railing and apron. Penta comes into a hot streak in taking down the remaining four men, but All Ego rakes Penta’s eye to get him off the ladder. Cody then staggers back to the ramp, whipping his opponents with his weight belt with a wincing crack, hurting his arm to land a Cross Rhodes on Page. Cody looks to set up a ladder dive but meets a Suplex by Archer and a Claim to Fame Elbow Drop by Caster. Caster and Penta climb the tall ladder but Archer knocks the ladder down, chokeslamming everything that moves and dropping Caster on a ladder with a Black Out. As Archer makes the climb, Page attacks but Archer no sells it and shoves Page away, Page low blows Archer then hits the Razor’s Edge but then Jake the Snake comes in and hits him with a Short-Arm Clothesline to a big pop before Penta wipes the legend out. Cody kinda messes up the cutter on Penta, giving Penta time to use a Steel Chair on his arm, as he climbs though Sky uses the chair on Penta’s ankle. Sky and Cody climb and trade blows, Sky yanks the injured shoulder, talks smack to Cody before pushing his face off the ladder. With nobody to oppose, Sky grabs the Brass Ring to be the Face of the Revolution.
It may not be AEW’s best ladder match, but it was still highly entertaining. Ethan Page was a good surprise entrant and Cody really did play us with his John Cena threatening rally. Caster also impressed a lot given the circumstances and this darker more heelish Scorpio Sky will be interesting to see as he faces Darby Allin.
Hall of Fame-Worthy Signing is: Christian Cage WWE stole Ben Carter from AEW, so AEW stole Christian from WWE. His new mantra of ‘Out Work Everyone’ is made official as Christian came in, posed, signed a contract and left. It got a big pop from the fans and it was definitely Hall of Fame worthy. I’m not gonna let it upset me that I had hoped for Minoru Suzuki because there is still a Forbidden Door being opened, Christian still has it and we will have to wait and see how AEW use him.
Street Fight Sting & Darby Allin def. Team Tazz [Brian Cage & Ricky Starks] - Pinfall on Starks by Sting via a Scorpion Death Drop I will preface if you didn’t expect the Street Fight to be cinematic then you were pretty blind, Sting can take bumps but AEW are not going to throw caution into the wind with him. Tazz joined commentary to be grilled by JR and Tony as the match faded into an ‘Undisclosed Location’. There were some really nice Lucha Underground-esque transitions and filmwork as Cage and Starks travelled to a boiler room ring while Darby’s entrance was met with Sting-wearing hoodlums and both men travelling to the location - Darby skating onto Sting’s truck to enter at the same time. Cage quickly dominated from the start, dumping Darby and then wasting the ‘Hoodlums’ while Starks pressed Sting against the corner. Darby tried to fight back but Cage dragged Darby around. Sting regained control with a Stinger Splash and Snake Eyes but Darby was thrown through doors as Tazz talked up his boys noting how if Darby can’t compete he’ll have to relinquish his title. Starks and Sting eventually leave the ring and Sting goes straight for the bat, Starks goading the Icon to discard the bat but still gets clubbed and kicked into the brick wall, leaving Starks to search for Cage and Darby. Cage though is going upstairs, carrying Darby in a vertical suplex position while he goes up the stairs and dumping him on a trash can. Sting though arrives to work the numbers advantage, Starks then comes back though, hitting Sting with a pipe and an oil drum, String hurts Starks’ knee by opening a drawer on it and Starks is laid out by Cage’s accidental chair shot. Cage continues to fend off the duo for a bit before being hit by a Fire Extinguisher and a glass before slammed into the table, Starks then uses the 2x4 and focuses on Allin, Darby fights back though, climbing a beam to do a Coffin Drop. However, an Orange Masked man comes in and slams Allin against the beam: Powerhouse Hobbs reminding the duo that Team Tazz do have the numbers advantage as Hook also joins the fight. Sting and Cage both get up to tussle, Sting being driven against a beam as all of Team Tazz sans Starks deal with Darby, swinging him into a window frame before then aiming for Sting. Sting narrows the path to avoid the onslaught, Allin recovering to throw Sting his bat from the upper floors. The Icon goes to town, snapping the bat over Cage’s back and moving to a Shovel, Allin then does a massive elbow drop through Cage as Starks and Sting return to the ring. Starks almost gets the Stinger by baiting his Stinger Splash into an exposed turnbuckle, a spear hits two! Starks tries what looks like a prep for a buckle bomb but Sting rolls out at 2, Sting then hits the Scorpion Death Drop and that is 3. Sting stares down the camera as Tazz leaves commentary in a huff.
In terms of brutality it was a lovely street fight, the finale was a bit abrupt though. Hobbs and Hook kinda disappeared and it was a bit annoying that a ‘Street Fight’ ended in a ring. Props though to cinematography, Sting did not seem uncomfortable and there were some strong spots, Brian Cage looking excellent as well. Allin will look to Scorpio Sky to defend his title and hopefully Team Tazz can find a new target to get their momentum back.
AEW Dynamite Card As a result of the current matches on Revolution 3 matches were announced; Sky and Allin will face this Wednesday for the title, on top of that Matt Jackson will take on Rey Fénix in a build to their tag title match and Shida, Mizunami and Rosa will team to fight Baker, Itoh and Rebel - I guess we’ll be seeing Itoh-chan very soon huh? Nyla noticeably absent though - in six woman tag action, on top of that was the Inner Circle War Council.
AEW World Championship - Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch Kenny Omega (w/ Don Callis) def. Jon Moxley - Pinfall via One Winged Angel Okay. Here we go. The ‘Moxley Extermination Contraption’ looked as classic as an Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch could look as both men gingerly scouted the ring. Mox was wearing an unusually clean leather studded jacket which Excalibur clarified was a shout out to Onita. Omega’s entrance ditched the dancers (rip to Shida’s bestie) as his entrance video emphasized Kenny holding aloft the world title to get in Moxley’s head. Bryce Remsburg himself was dressed like he was in a COVID treatment camp with the visor, gloves and full body suit, well-prepared for the dangers surrounding him. Hindsight would bring a bad omen to Don Callis as he talked about how ‘carefully designed’ the ring was rigged with explosives and building up the 30 minute countdown, he at the very least got a good line with ‘Gentlemen it’s a good day to die here at Revolution’.
Kenny and Mox sought for the same tactic: push someone face first into the exploding barbed wire. Each men having inch close counters and escapes to avoid the barbed wire, Moxley brought the weapons left outside the ring and head to the ramp to punish Omega with the Barbed Wire Bat and Kendo Stick, Kenny however Blinded Moxley with powder and tossed Moxley into the explosive wire. For my money of what I’ve seen, the explosions were a little tame - though I can understand why for safety. Rattled and twitching, Moxley still kicked out at 2, forcing Kenny to punish him further with a Kendo Stick and trash can to focus on the knee. Kotaro Crusher on the trash can busted Moxley’s head open for 2 so Kenny tries a Figure Four, Moxley though grinds a barbed wire steel chair onto Kenny’s leg and hand, cutting Kenny’s hand open and breaking the hold. Kenny tries the Snap Dragon but Moxley evades, but gets thrown into one of the barbed wire boards on the turnbuckles. Excalibur continuing to be on fire with the quip of a ‘barbed wire halo’ as the bloodied face of Moxley displays and Bryce Remsburg enters perpetual cringe. Kenny is next to taste the explosives though as his Figure Four attempt is kicked away and launches him chest first into the ropes, a shotgun dropkick sends him back first into it for a second go, Moxley pulls out an Exploder, sets Kenny up for another Barbed Wire board, Kenny wriggles to set up the Snap Dragon but Moxley reverses into another pump handle exploder into the board. Moxley nearly blinded by his own blood calls for the Death Rider on the Wired Chair, but Omega sets up the One Winged Angel, Moxley German Suplexes him out and dumps Omega on the chair with a Sidewalk Slam, the wire sticking to Omega’s jeans. Moxley calls to his I Quit Match with Kingston and wraps some wire around his arm, he misses the Lariat and gets hit with one Snap Dragon Suplex, Kenny hits another but Moxley gets back up, V-Trigger blocks the second Barbed Wire Lariat attempt but not the third at the halfway mark.
Omega throws huge caution into the wind by escaping the Paradigm Shift and pushing Moxley and himself into the exploding ropes, his vision affected as he asks Remsburg for water to clean his eyes - it seems to be a worked one though or at least dust. Jabs are shared on the apron between the wired ropes and one of the ‘Triple Hell’ wired boards, Moxley gets advantage and hits the Paradigm Shift onto the boards, however, Omega merely bounced off of it while Moxley is firmly stuck inside the board. As Moxley painfully unhinges himself from the board he pulls out more wire - Kenny also wearing a crimson mask - as he batters Omega in the head. A noise alarms Moxley of time running out, he does the Cactus Piledriver for 2 twice, Omega hits the Low Blow and the Powerbomb for 2, Two V-Triggers on the corner and then the One Winged Angel, 1, 2,
Moxley kicked the rope to trigger the explosion, blinding Omega and breaking the count. Moxley has the barbed wire bat but the Good Brothers rush in, as Moxley wails on Gallows, Kenny is handed his own Barbed wire bat, he swings for Moxley and 
the bat itself is charged too! 1, 2, NO! The Good Borthers set up a regular chair, Omega drops him with the One Winged Angel and gets the three.
Omega celebrates but Don reminds them of the countdown, the trio handcuff Moxley’s hands as the hard cam continues to miss Omega’s smack talking. Kenny brutalizes a defenseless Moxley with the non-charged wire baseball bat as the 1 minute warning is issued. Kenny celebrates but Kingston rushes in - against the advice of the Butcher, Blade and Bunny. Kingston tries to break the cuffs but has no time, he tries to drag Moxley but has no time, he takes one last look at Moxley’s face and covers his body over his friend and rival and
Mostly just a limp pyro show. A heartbreaking technical error which was met with boos as the PPV goes from A+ to A-/B+ simply by this one moment. It hurts to look at, but I think the worst part is that Kingston - being the kayfabe professional he is - sold it. Had he simply got up and had Kenny come out with a ‘gotcha’ it could’ve been salvaged but alas, the PPV ends in a whimper.
The match itself was great though, brutal and bloody, the explosions were a bit small but as I said, I can understand why. The lack of the big explosive finish will be a huge damper on it even with AEW’s attempts to take it on the chin and try and salvage it, if I were TK though I probably would book the next Dynamite to still have the ring rigged - noting that only Kenny and Callis knew how to wire and unwire it, that way we can still have a Chekov’s gun and have it potentially blow at any time during the next Dynamite, we pass off Kingston’s selling with a promo from him saying he had accepted death to save his friend and passed out from it and we either have Kingston, Moxley or maybe even Callis get caught in the ring actually blowing, like have Kenny on the tron pull a killswitch or have Callis think he defused it only to do the opposite. Looking ahead though this does imply that Moxley won’t completely disappear from AEW just yet, he still has the IWGP US title to drop before he goes on paternity leave, he will certainly be sleeping on the couch until the baby comes though XD On top of that we’ve neatly set up Kenny’s next challenger in Kingston, who is not a bad shout at all given that he won Match and Feud of the Year for WON last year.
Conclusion Had the explosion gone off proper, this would be A+ for sure, but given how that was literally the last hurrah built up so much on a highly anticipated bout, I have to give it an A- as a PPV. All memes and criticism aside for that one singular moment the rest of the PPV was amazing. Maki Itoh got double the surprise presence as well as a BTE cameo and is booked for Dynamite to steamroll an amazing debut run, Brian Cage and Lance Archer looked like absolute beasts in spite of defeat (Moxley too), Death Triangle are back in a title picture, Jungle Boy continues to amaze, Shida puts on another banger, Hangman’s slow rise to potentially usurping Omega has begun, Sting entertained in a safe manner, Scorpio Sky returns in a big way, the Bucks retained in a fiery opener and Miro was on a tear essentially squashing Chuck Taylor to get back on track. Not to mention debuts for Christian Cage and Ethan Page (more Cages and Pages, what happens if Brian and Adam face Christian and Ethan? I'm still waiting for Kong vs Kong)
On top of that we give huge props to Excalibur and Tony for essentially carrying the commentary with their knowledge and timing while JR had some voice troubles and Tony Khan for promoting this PPV to be trending worldwide for literal days
My favourite match has to be narrowly the Main Event, it just pips the Women’s title match because of its sold brutality, and I’m not really counting the post-match stuff from it. Nobody wrestled poorly in the entire show as well so aside from one big technical blemish, it was a strong ass show and all the shortcomings it had can easily be bounced back from.
Needs a lil’ more TH2 though...
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precuredaily · 4 years
Precure Day 178
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 30 - “Milk’s Resolve and Everyone’s Power!” Date watched: 5 April 2020 Original air date: 2 September 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bzG8Kza Transformation Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/6k6SzS0 Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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when all their brooches glow you know you’re in trouble
You should know by now that episode 30 correlates to a fairy-driven powerup of sorts.
FWPC: Porun and the Rainbow Braces
Max Heart: Lulun and the Heartiel Brooch
Splash Star: Moop & Foop and the Crystal Communes
Well, this is no different. Sure, they technically already used Precure Five Explosion once, to defeat Girinma, but they didn’t fully understand their abilities at that time. In this episode, we get the first full combining sequence of the Symphony Set and Milk to create the giant saucer that they fly on.
The Plot
Nozomi and Milk are squabbling as usual, this time because Milk ate some chocolate that Nozomi bought for herself. Which is rude, by the way, don’t do that. Nuts has everyone sit down and try to work things out. While they’re there, the other girls ask Milk what being an apprentice caregiver entails, and she explains that she had to learn about the Palmier Kingdom’s politics, economics, culture, history, and everything else about the kingdom. After some potshots from Nozomi, Milk fires back by saying she doesn’t want to entrust the future of the Palmier Kingdom to someone with no dreams and therefore that Nozomi fails at being a Precure.
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Nozomi is stunned by this.
Over in Nightmare, Arachnea confronts Kawarino and demands a black mask like he gave to Girinma. He warns her about the side effects of losing her free will but she insists, and he gives her one, commenting on her impressive resolve. After she leaves he has a horrifyingly evil grin on his face, and Bunbee, who saw the whole thing, looks on with concern.
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The next day, at Natts House, the others explain to Coco that Nozomi went straight home from school and he confirms to them that Milk is still hiding in her room. Karen decides to go talk to her, and admits to Milk that Nozomi is able to allow people to be honest with themselves and inspire the best in them. She really admires Nozomi’s skills at bringing people together and is grateful to her for pulling her out of her loneliness. She goes on to explain that she herself has no dream for her future, and neither does Rin, and that she admires people like Urara and Komachi who have already figured out their dream, as well as Nozomi and Rin, who are living in the moment while they figure it out. She encourages Milk to be more honest with herself and make amends with Nozomi.
Meanwhile, Nozomi shuts herself in a room and takes off her Pinky Catch, thinking maybe she really does fail as a Precure.
On a rooftop overlooking Natts House, Arachnea is preparing for her attack when Bunbee shows up and asks her not to use the black mask. She ignores him and charges in with ferocity. When Rin, Urara, Komachi, and Karen realize Arachnea is outside, they confront her and transform. They try to fight her but she turns their attacks back on them, grabbing Rouge and Aqua as they try to charge her and throwing them into Lemonade and Mint, knocking them all over. She steals the Dream Collet from Nuts and brags about how simple this was. Milk latches onto her arm, like she did at Nightmare HQ in episode 24, but Arachnea just pulls her off and begins to lecture the Cures about their ineffectiveness against her. At that moment, Nozomi shows up, being alerted by the glow of her Pinky Catch. She quickly apologizes to Milk and then says that although she may be a failure as a Precure, she wants to keep fighting to make Coco, Nuts, and Milk’s dream come true and therefore she wants to continue being a Precure. In a powerful moment, she holds her Pinky Catch out in front of her, it turns back into a butterfly, and then it lands right back on her wrist, reaffirming her worth and her place in the team. She transforms and her mere presence is enough to reinvigorate her teammates, as they turn the tables on Arachnea and overpower her, proving they’re more than the sum of their parts as they recover the Dream Collet and pushing her into a corner.
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Left with no other options, Arachnea finally pulls out the black mask and puts it on, mutating into a giant, monstrous version of herself.
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Once again the tables turn in her favor and she throws the cures around, tossing them into buildings or the ground. The fairies stand between Arachnea and the fallen girls, who are too weak to move. Nozomi begs them to move but Milk gives a speech explaining how she trusts and is thankful for the girls’ hospitality and friendship, and that she loves Nozomi. She then says that Dream is a precious Precure to her and she wants to join her and the others. They stand up and their brooches start to glow as inspiring music starts to play. Milk latches onto Dream’s left arm and transforms into an armband, and then the glow from Dream’s brooch extends down her right arm and her Dream Torch appears. (note: when she summons it normally, it goes down her left arm) The others let the glow travel down their left arms but instead of summoning their weapons, instead they launch them into the air and they combine with the Dream Torch to form a larger baton. Dream places it on top of Milk as an armband, who infuses it with her power, and it shoots into the sky in giant size. From there, they perform Precure Five Explosion, flying straight into Arachnea and destroying her. The full sequence is below.
Back inside Natts House, Nozomi and Milk apologize to each other. Nozomi proposes they split a chocolate bar that Milk brought to make up for yesterday’s incident, and Milk agrees, but then she quickly snatches it back at the last minute and leads Nozomi in a chase around the store. For some reason, nobody calls her out on her rudeness and instead they laugh it off as we close out on a still frame of Nozomi chasing Milk.
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The Analysis
This is a fantastic episode, and despite similarities to previous Milk episodes, it actually does take her in a new direction. I had to go back and double-check. Her major character beats so far have been learning to adapt to this world, wanting to help out in battle, and now, actually wanting to be friends with all the girls (especially Nozomi). She does make progress at being sincere about her feelings.... although the ending shows she still has a lot of innate selfishness to overcome. She loves to torment Nozomi and it makes me sigh. But, she’s making progress. I gave crap to Porun and Lulun during their early days and I’m starting to think I was too hard on them relative to her, but, again, she’s getting better. When Milk is being sincere and earnest she’s nice to have around, and she forms an especially strong bond with Karen. We’ll see that explored in greater depth in a few episodes.
One aspect I think was CRUCIAL to both Milk’s development as a character and advancing the core theme of this show, which is dreams, is outright stating that several of the team actually do not have dreams they’re working towards right now. Really only Urara and Komachi know what they want to do. Milk says she can’t trust anyone who doesn’t have a dream to be a Precure, before Karen turns around and tells her that she herself has none, yet, and neither does Rin. Nozomi became a Precure to help Coco fulfill HIS dream, Rin joined to protect Nozomi, and Karen joined because she wanted to help. None of them have ambitions of their own, they’re still working that out, Not knowing what you want to do but doing your best at what you can do is a really important and powerful message for the audience, and it helps Milk resolve a conflict within herself about how much the girls fight for her wellbeing without having their own ambitions.
On the literal front, Milk turning into an armband for Dream is certainly an.... interesting way to incorporate her into the sequence. As far as alternate modes for fairies go so far, it beats the laptop computer that Porun turned into but it’s not as practical as the cell phones of yore, or the human forms that Coco and Nuts can take (but she’ll get there eventually). A toy of it exists so I assume this was Bandai’s idea first and the show’s staff had to figure out how to make it work in animation.
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To their credit, it looks a LOT better in the show than as a toy. It’s still kind of silly looking but at least it directly incorporates the mascot into the attack in some way rather than simply dispensing the powerup.
Alas, poor Arachnea. She wasn’t my favorite villain in the show, but of the remaining crew, she wouldn’t have been my first choice for elimination (that would be Gamao). It’s unfortunate to see her go, but it was time to change things up. I like that Arachnea went to Kawarino rather than being given the black mask due to poor performance. Not that her job performance has been any better than Girinma’s was but it’s just an interesting direction. Ever since Girinma’s defeat she’s acted overconfident, like she sees this as an opportunity and has a plan. She hasn’t really acted on that idea until now, but being a go-getter and asking for the mask is a welcome change. What’s really interesting to me is that she almost doesn’t even need it. During the fight she pretty much has the girls on the ropes and considering she had the Dream Collet in her hands she could have just left right then and there, but her pride demands she defeat the girls, and that’s when Nozomi arrives and turns the tables, forcing Arachnea to put on the black mask and go full monster.
Interestingly, despite Kawarino’s apparent indifference to Arachnea’s plight, Bunbee seems genuinely concerned for her. He’s an okay boss who looks out for his employees sometimes, and having seen what the black mask did to Girinma, who he considered an old friend, he doesn’t want Arachnea to suffer the same fate. She ignores his concern but it’s a rare moment of honor among villains, and a seed for Bunbee’s eventual pseudo-redemption at the end of GoGo.
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I love the genuine concern on his face.
The villains have actually had their hands on the Dream Collet several times in this series, and each time their arrogance results in it slipping through their grasp. This somewhat annoys me if I’m being honest, but on the other hand it shows how ill-managed Nightmare is. Even Kawarino himself has had it in his clutches but a couple of fairies are able to steal it back with a coordinated effort. There should be an administrative review about this, everyone is doing it and it really undercuts their company’s objective. However, it shows the resourcefulness and resilience of the girls and fairies to be able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, as we’ve seen them do over and over.
On the animation and art side of things, this episode is great. I love this shot of the spider shadow darkening the shop sign, even though Arachnea doesn’t turn into an actual spider.
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It’s a moment of ominous foreboding and it’s wonderful. Also, when she first makes her appearance in the fight, Arachnea’s eyes are glowing and she looks ready to kill. The fight is fluid and the action is well-choreographed, and has an important moment of mirroring before and after Nozomi’s arrival. Arachnea uses the same web attack on them both times, but before Nozmi shows up they get hit by it, while afterwards they effortlessly dodge it and run on the webs to knock the Dream Collet out of her hands. It’s the little things that make me smile.
Interestingly, I noticed a lot of Dutch angles in this episode.
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A tilted camera is a film trick designed to make the audience uneasy, and it’s used very well here. I don’t often notice camerawork but this stuck out at me.
Now, on the other hand, there is a small animation error that I feel compelled to point out. It takes place during the stock animation for Precure Five Explosion, specifically the point at which the four supporting components are flying in to attach to the Dream Torch. For a few frames, the Lemonade Castanet is incorrectly colored green like the Mint Leaf, instead of the proper yellow. As it gets closer to the camera, this is fixed.
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(These are subsequent frames, one right after the other.)
I’m surprised that this made it into the stock footage, and wasn’t fixed for the blu ray releases I’m using for my reviews. I’ll have to see if it gets fixed in future uses.
Of course there’s also some small moments of merchandise pushing in this episode. Aside from the obvious Symphony Set, the box to hold the Pinky Catch makes another appearance, and I had to point it out because it’s very detailed.
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None of these points detract from the episode in any meaningful way, I just feel obligated to document them. This episode is fantastic from start to finish, it reinforces the strong bond the characters have and Nozomi’s role on the team, builds on Karen and Milk’s relationship, and moves us into the next stage of the show. It’s a great cap to the first 2/3 of the show and I can’t wait for more.
Next time, on Precure Daily: Coco is getting love letters and Nozomi doesn’t know how to feel about this. Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0 Kettei!
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marinaaniseed · 5 years
No one would riot for less
Song: No one would riot for less from the album Cassadaga by Bright Eyes.
Summary: With Bucky away, it’s Steve’s turn to play.
Pairing: Female reader x Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Length: 1,500 words
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day! My apologies to @etherealwaifgoddess if this post is the death of you. Part 5 of Death on the stairs. Smut, poly relationship, Stucky, inexperienced Steve, bisexuals everywhere. See here for what this is all about.
Somehow, Steve didn’t get dragged out of bed for the urgent mission. It’s frustrating that Bucky was taken from you, just as things were starting to get good, but you’re grateful to have him keep you company.
Building Lego sets with Peter is fun, but sometimes you need a friend who isn’t stuck in school most of the week.
“So, I noticed Buck stayed over the other day,” Steve says one evening while you’re playing a card game.
“Yeah,” you say, laying the three of hearts.
“How was it?”
“Good, cosy. It was a shame he had to go back out on the mission,” you observe.
“No, I mean how was it?” Steve asks, cheeks turning cerise.
“Oh,” you laugh. “We just kissed. Don’t worry Steve, we’re not screwing without you. Bucky thought we should take things slowly. Can’t get my leg over when it’s stuck in plaster.”
Steve blushes harder at that. It’s not that he’s shy about sex, at least not with Buck, but it’s just a shock to hear a dame talk like that. They were much more demure in his time, he can’t imagine those words ever coming out of Peggy’s mouth, and she was pretty forward for her era.
“Do you think, maybe I could stay over tonight and do the same?” he asks.
“Is that your way of saying I’m better at cards than you and you want to quit?”
“No - I mean you are better at cards than me - but no,” Steve notes. “That just sounds nice, just being together and maybe kissing.”
“Sure, I’d like that,” you say. Steve lays down his hand and you gather up the cards, wrapping the worn elastic band around the deck to keep them together.
You’re still not weight-bearing, but you have crutches now and you shuffle into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Steve has already tucked himself in when you hobble back. His eyes go wide at the sight of you in your black chemise, the double of the one you were wearing the night you landed on his balcony.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t stare,” he says shyly, averting his gaze.
“You can look,” you tell him. “I mean, it’d be sexier without the cast, but I’m not going to tell you not to look if you’re enjoying the view.”
Propping your crutches against the wall, you climb into bed, cuddling up to Steve. His body’s like a wall of fire, solid and hot, the same as Bucky’s. It must be the serum because you’ve never met anyone else who’s as warm as these two, except when they had the flu.
He doesn’t do anything, except drape an arm around you, and you’re beginning to suspect that Bucky normally takes the lead when the two of them are together. Turning your face to his chest, you begin leaving soft kisses against his skin. Your move up to his collarbone, sucking a little there before kissing across his shoulder, and up to his neck, making him squirm.
“Anywhere else you’d like me to kiss?” you ask. If you’d asked Bucky that question, you’d put good money on him suggesting his cock, but you think Steve is likely to be a little less crude.
“Yeah, kiss my mouth,” he enthuses, sliding down so that his face is level with yours. His breath is hot against your face as he inches closer.
The rain is hammering hard against your window, mirroring your first kiss with Bucky.
For a man made of hard lines, hard muscle, kissing Steve is all softness. Soft lips, soft sighs, soft pressure. No hard and heavy kissing, he takes his time, soft hands roaming over the soft parts of your body, softly kneading, softly pressing you closer to him.
Pulling away, he rests his chin on your head, holding you close.
“Yeah, I can see why Buck didn’t come back that night,” he explains. “I’m sorry if you think I’m too gentle with you… I just worry, with my strength. I would never want to hurt you, even accidentally. With Buck, I can be a little… rougher? He can take it, but I’m scared… not that I think you’re weak or anything, not that just… sometimes I don’t know my own strength.”
“I understand, and I know what you’re saying is sweet, but honestly,” you say, trying to keep a straight face, “did you just admit that Captain America likes getting rough in the bedroom?”
You don’t have to look up to know that Steve’s blushing up a storm.
“I-I didn’t say that. But maybe Steve Rogers enjoys that,” he admits.
“That would be Steve Rogers who is also Captain America, yes?”
“Just… just don’t let that be common knowledge,” he squeaks out like he’s suddenly regressed to being that skinny kid in Brooklyn.
“You know I won’t. Now, how do you feel about something a little more than kissing?”
When he doesn’t respond, you take one of his hands, sliding it between your thighs. He makes a little noise of surprise, completely freezing.
“You’ve never done this before, have you?” you probe gently.
“No,” he admits, a little ashamed. “Has-has Buck done this?”
“With his vibranium hand, not the flesh one. When we were on the mission, he said it helped him learn how to use his metal fingers better. In hindsight, I don’t think he was being entirely truthful,” you explain.
“Yeah,” Steve agrees. Buck had lived long enough with a metal arm to know how to use it, surely the change to vibranium didn’t require that much adjustment? On the other hand, Steve wasn’t keen on Buck using his metal hand when they were in bed, so maybe he did need the practice.
“You can touch me if you like. Or you can move your hand away, whatever works best for you, I don’t mind,” you observe. “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
Tentatively Steve begins tracing with one finger. It’s a delicate area and he’s scared of hurting you. There’s a lot more going on down there than he was expecting, not that he really knows what he was expecting. Folds, wetness. It’s different from what he’s used to, but that doesn’t make it bad. He should probably research this some more before he even thinks about taking you to bed properly.
“Can you show me how to make you feel good?” he asks.
“Of course,” you smile at him. “Don’t be ashamed of asking, I wish more people would. You have no idea how many people don’t know what they’re doing. I’d say there are two places that you want to focus on.”
“Uh-huh,” Steve nods, letting you guide his hand.
“Firstly, there’s internally. I’d say start with one finger, but you can add more later, but I guess you’re familiar with that concept.”
He most certainly is, from Buck prepping him.
“You want to kinda curl it up like you’re making a come hither motion towards my belly button. Want to try?”
Cautiously, Steve slips his index finger inside you. It’s warm, wet, hugging his finger. He’s beginning to understand just how good this will feel on his cock, and he feels himself getting stiff. He moves his finger like you told him, stroking against your wall.
“Yeah, that’s good Steve,” you praise him. “You can vary the pressure and the speed to make it more or less intense.”
He ups the tempo and the pressure and can feel your body reacting to him, squeezing his finger. Dear God, did he wish that was his cock right now.
“You said there were two places?” he queries as you sigh with pleasure.
“Yes, that’s right. Let me move your thumb,” you explain, getting him where you want him, figuring it would be easier to show him than tell him how to find your clit.
“Just try rubbing there, little circles, side to side, up and down. Whatever feels most natural to you,” you say.
He moves the pad of his thumb in a slow circle, surprised when you start shaking next to him.
“That’s feels really fucking good, Steve.”
“And I can change the pressure or the speed to change the intensity?” he asks earnestly.
“You got it.”
He does that, trying to get his finger and his thumb to move at the same pace. Your shaking intensifies, breathing getting shallower, and Steve’s a little concerned you might break his finger, the way you’re gripping it.
Things were going well. Too well.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, Captain Rogers,” comes FRIDAY’s disembodied voice. It’s like an emergency brake has been applied to your body, and you stop short of your peak. Steve stills his digits, waiting for what’s next. “Sergeant Barnes has requested urgent back up in Cassadaga. Please report for duty.”
Steve scrambles out of bed and into his clothes, apologising all the while.
You hope Bucky’s ok, hope the team is ok, but goddamnit, FRIDAY really needs to stop interrupting your fun before you start a riot.
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abandoned-ficlets · 4 years
Broken Hearts Club
“You will not remember the red Paladin, you will be unable to form Voltron. Your resistance will crumble at my first attack.” 
“No!” Lance roars, but is cut off, choking on his own words as Hanith wraps a hand around his neck. It is tight like a vice, he can’t breath and the flowers don’t help. He can feel them choking him just as much as Hanith’s hand. “It will be a satisfying end to this war, to rot Voltron from the inside out.” Lance tries to speak, but his vision turns spotty, he can feel himself about to pass out from the lack of oxygen. Finally, she lets go. He drops to the floor on his knees, clutching at his neck, coughing up spit and blood and petals. He tries to find the words. “We,” he sucks in a breath. “We will destroy you. You won’t win, Hanith, no matter what you do.” She smiles cruelly. “We shall see, won’t we.”
In which the Galra use Hanahaki disease as a weapon against Voltron, because if Lance is cured of the disease, he can’t remember Keith. And if he can’t remember Keith, the team cannot form Voltron. And if they cannot form Voltron, the universe will fall.
No, no, no. This can’t be happening. Lance clutches at his head, trying to keep himself calm as the voices fire at him.
“You lied Lance?” Hunk’s voice crackles through the intercom. It is scared, small, and Lance feels like the scum of the universe for keeping something this big from him.
“I did. I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to worry.”
“What do you mean, you’re sorry?” Keith bites. “We are your teammates, and you didn’t feel like telling us that you’re dying? How could you?“
Lance purposefully doesn’t look at Keith’s video feed, not wanting to come face-to-face with Keith’s anger. His face is probably red, probably creased in every way with his emotion. And Lance just knows, knows, that he will still find Keith completely, unbelievably beautiful.
“Lance,” Hunk interrupts Keith, voice still shaky. “Are you actually dying? What is happening to you?”
Lance sucks in a deep breath to steady himself, finally deciding that he can’t keep this from them any longer. Blue purrs alongside him, urging him towards the bucket at his feet, and Lance listens. He bends down to pick up his collection of rose petals and when the cold metal is under his hands, he lets out a long exhale. He sits up and slowly, he pulls out a petal, holding it up so the others can see.
“A… flower?”
“Yes, a flower. I have been coughing these things up for a few months now. It’s so unbelievably painful.”
Lance looks at their faces, both confused and showing an impressive, zero, understanding. He chuckles, knowing how crazy he sounds, and he chances a glance at Keith’s feed. The other’s face is scrunched up in annoyance and the expression looks so adorable, that Lance can’t help the jolt in his chest that springs up. The pain sears through his throat, the feeling so dry, so painful, that Lance doesn’t even know if he’ll throw the petal up this time. But no, when he brings his hand back, there just sits his usual rose petal. The only notable thing (and it has become much less notable in the last week) is that the thing is stained red with blood.
“Jesus! What is that?”
“One of my petals,” Lance replies, voice hoarse and what little left of his energy slowly draining away. He gently cleans off the blood and then sticks the petal in with the rest of his collection. “I wasn’t lying about what I said, buddy.”
“Lance,” Keith says, impatient. “Explain.”
Lance sucks in a breath, hating how scratchy his throat feels after all his petals lately. He knows his voice sounds weak, but can’t do much to stop it. “It was an accident. Geita didn’t mean for it to go this far,” He sighs, puts the bucket down and nudges it under the dashboard with his foot. “She gave me this disease, Hanahaki. It makes unrequited love.. visible. She just wanted you guys to know that I was in pain, I guess.”
Without warning, Lance coughs up two more petals, thankfully these ones aren’t too painful, just sliding out of his throat without much fanfare. He drops them down into the bucket and ignores his teammates’ incredulous faces. When he continues, his voice is so hoarse, it registers at barely half its normal volume.
“Like I do with everything, I fucked it up. I didn’t tell you guys, and it got worse and worse. And this flower, this disease, it kind of blooms if the love keeps going unrequited. It’s stuck here,” he points to his chest, right at the hottest point of the fire in his chest. “And the stem goes up, lodged in my body. And whenever I think about the person, a petal falls, usually in a really painful way.”
“But why? I don’t understand.”
“There is this thing on their planet, like a cool thing. You have to say your feelings or else you get eaten.”
“Not cool,” Keith mutters.
Lance continues, ignoring the interruption. “So to keep people from dying, they invented this disease. It makes you share your feelings, and always it goes away because love is never unrequited on their planet. It makes them talk, and never does it get like this. Humans are just defective.”
“Can’t we just go in the cryopods? Won’t that fix it right away? Let’s go now-!” Hunk says, his voice has more energy, more hope. But Lance cuts him off.
“No,” Lance barks, and both boys jump in his video feed.  Lance feels proud for a second of his vocal strength but the volume makes his throat feel full of knives, so he tries to dial it down. “I can’t do that. If I heal in any way, I forget every memory I ever had with that person. I-I don’t want that. I would rather die loving them than live with a part of myself missing.”
“Lance, you have to,” Keith’s voice leaves no room for argument. “What you’re saying makes no sense. No person is worth dying for.”
If you only knew, Keith. “What a nice pet name, you’re so sweet to me,” Lance croaks, trying to joke, but neither of his friends smile.
“Who is it?” Keith asks, his voice hard.
“What?” Lance blinks, surprised. The tickle in his throat increases.
“Who is this scumbag that isn’t loving you back? Who are you willing to kill yourself for? I know they don’t deserve it but I want to know.”
“I don’t-“
“Who, Lance?”
Lance doesn’t say anything, and he avoids looking at Keith’s video feed, but Keith seems to come to some sort of conclusion without Lance’s input.
“It’s that woman, isn’t it? The one who gave you the disease. What a cruel, evil-“
“No,” Lance exclaims. “Not Geita, definitely not her. She is kind. She didn’t mean for this to happen. All she wanted to do was help.”
“Then, who goddamnit?”
“Buddy please,” Hunk begs. “Just tell us and we can fix it. We can talk to them.”
But you can’t, Lance wants to cry. His head is spinning, and he hugs himself to try and keep it together. He can’t say, he can’t. What is he supposed to do now? Keith is looking right at him. He’ll reject him right here and then Lance will probably die on the spot from the heartbreak. He can’t handle that, no way. He can’t-
“Lance, please,” Keith says, so softly. “We want to help you.” Keith’s voice breaks on the second word, and Lance’s eyes shoot up to the video feed to meet Keith’s gaze. He sees the unshed tears threatening in Keith’s eyes, sees the hurt and the betrayal, seeing all the compassion the love of his life holds for him, and Lance just can’t take it anymore.
In a moment, he buckles, he folds. He doesn’t want to fight against his feelings anymore. And if this is the thing that kills him, then so be it. Lance can think of worse ways to die, and Keith makes everything worth it.
With a flick, Lance blacks out Keith’s video feed, because saying what he is about to say and seeing Keith’s reaction to it sounds like more than Lance can stand, even in this moment.
“I can’t seem to get over you, Keithy-boy, no matter how hard I try.” Lance chuckles wetly. He can’t hold the tears back, and really he doesn’t want to.  “This flower is just extra proof of that.”
There is a pause. Lance can practically feel the cogs in Keith’s head spinning. “Lance.. what-?”
Lance runs his fingers along his bracelet. It is glowing now, emitting a pleasant, warm sensation on his wrist. He is so far gone that he doesn’t even question it. “I love you, Keith. I love you so much, and I’m sorry I never told you, but I’m not sorry for loving you. You’re worth it, and if I had the chance, I would do it all over again.”
Lance smiles, even though he knows Keith can’t see him. And then thinks to add, “and none of this is your fault. I made my choice, and I’m happy to die for you. You are worth that.”
He is met with absolute silence. It should be deafening, but instead it is peaceful. Lance thinks this should be a good conclusion. His throat is still burning, Blue’s dashboard is still registering his temperature to be way, way too high, and he feels nauseous, but it’s not an unbearable feeling. He didn’t die, not yet.
He cuts off video feed completely and directs Blue far, far away from the others. Maybe it’s cowardly, but Lance can’t quite bring himself to care. He flies far away, trying to kill some time before he has to turn back to the castle and face everyone. He can handle it now, he thinks, but also, he is nothing if not a procrastinator.
You should head back, Blue warns him gently. I can hear the others, they are very worried about you.
“I will, soon. I just want a few more moments of peace before the chaos..”
Blue hums, acquiescing because she loves him, despite all his faults. Lance thinks of Keith, of how he would have reacted to Lance’s words. Slowly, he starts to feel the creeping of panic crawl up his spine as reason comes back to him. What was he thinking?
Shit, he really told Keith he loved him, didn’t he? Oh god, he thinks, doubling over with the harsh resurgence of a cough. Oh god, he said it and Keith didn’t say it back. Shit, Shit, Shit. Keith knows and he doesn’t love Lance, he probably feels pity for him. Lance feels tears pull at the corners of his eyes, and he doesn’t know if they’re from his spasms or from his thoughts, but when he pulls back his hands, he can see a whole flower, stem and all, mangled and bloody, sitting in his hand.
Well, that’s new, is the only thought Lance has time to register before Blue’s entire dashboard lights up red with warning signals.
Lance! Blue shouts in his head, her voice panicked and loud. Watch out! It echoes in his head and he immediately whips around to look for the source of her warning. He doesn’t have time to register anything but a faint purple glow, mixed amongst the stars, before a large impact hits the right side of Blue. It knocks the ship hard, and he falls out of his seat, colliding his head against a sharp corner near the control panel base. His vision goes spotty, and he can hear Blue’s voice, though the words are jumbled.
No, she roars. The whole ship rumbles with the force of her anger. Or maybe that’s in his head, impossible to tell with all the fuzziness.
A second impact lands on the opposite side, and Lance feels his body flying into the side of the cockpit. There is a loud thud of the impact and then, Lance’s entire world goes black.
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clonetrooper1403 · 5 years
STAR WARS: DUEL OF THE FATES (Personal version)
I´m piss off!
 Some days ago I said that Rise of Skywalker was not as bad....but that was before to know they rip off this master piece!
 Seriously, the original script, written by  Colin Trevorrow was AWESOME! PERFECT! THE EPIC FINALE THIS TRYLOGY NEEDED!
 So I´m going to talk about it, adding a little lines of my own and my personal little headcanons, so this post will be long.
 Why? Because I can, because I want and because this is internet, so it means I can do whatever I want! If you want to be like me and accept this, you are welcome, if you are not happy and want to write toxic comments, screw you and close this post, I´m doing this for me, not you.
So, the movie start like this:
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 So, We see a First Order star destroyer being assault by the resistance. Blasters and bombs everywhere.
 Stormtrooper 1: Blast them!
 Stormtrooper 2: Sir! We are losing the third sector!
 ST 1: How many enemies?
 ST 2: Just one, sir!
 ST 1: Are you losing against one rebel?!
 ST 2: Is not just a rebel, sir! Is THE GIRL!!
 And then, BAM!
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 We see Rey with her new dark Outfit and her new blue double blade lightsaber, build with Luke´s broken sword and her old staff.
 The resistance steal the entire ship and, after a couple of scenes of First Order high ranks argueing we see Corusant, this time used by the Bad Guys as Capital city.
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 This time they use a gigant citadel-like ship as HQ meanwhile the old city is full of scavengers and poor people, trying of survive under the iron fist.
 We see the First order is executing in public a traitor pilot called Bisc Kova, the one who was the key for the rebels to steal the star destroyer.
 Then we see that the actual leader of Corusant is Hux, who is now Cancellor.
 After a meeting with other high ranks in the first order we see Hux´s private colection of lightsaber, he doesnt fight with or use them, is just a symbol of power.
 Somebody ask about Kylo Ren and Hux answer that is in a mission to increase his power.
Kylo is showed in Mustafar (like TROTS) but this time is chased by Luke´s force ghost who is trying to convince him to return to Leia But he refuse very angry, in fact, he try to attack Luke´s ghost with his crossguard red lightsaber only in order to be stopped by the ebar hand of the master with an eyebrow rise like “really n*gga?”.
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Then Kylo found a sith holocron with Palpatine´s message for Darth Vader, saying that if Luke kills him...Vader must take him and develop him to Tor Valum, One of his dark sith masters who teached a lot about dark force mambo-jambo during his years as ruler of the galaxy.
But then the holocron scan Kylo´s face and realize is not Vader, so it explodes, burning his face.
Then We see the resistance on planet Koralev with its new Star Destroyer, a funny scene where Rey use his force mind control on some troopers and an argue between Rey and Finn.
 Finn: You said you saw him again on your dream, right?
 Rey:  ...
 F: Stop thinking about him.
 R: I need to save him Finn, I saw it...Ben still can return to the light
 F: It´s too late for him, Rey
 R: Is never too late for change...you are the living proof.
 Then both are summoned in a meeting, the resistance has a plan.
 They want to use an old beacon under the Jedi temple on Corusant to send a message of hope and cheer them to rise in arms against the First Order
 After that Rey go to train in a cave with Luke´s Ghost, in there Rey tell him that she is not sure about being a Jedi...after all, Darkness consumes Light and Light extinguish Light...a no-end cycle of death and reborn.
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On Corusant again, we see Kylo melting a mandalorian armor and creating a new mask direct in his face, much more dark, sinistre and evil-like.
Kylo argues with Hux, telling him that titles, positions and destroying planeets are nothing against what he is going to get, showing that Hux Is just a puppet under Kylo´s fist and giving the redhead a last order: Find the resistance and destroy it...but leave the girl to me.
And before leave Corusant again, Kylo talks with Vader helmet in his room before smash it in hundreds of pieces.
 “Now I understand you...you let love make you weak”
Then the resistance start the plan: Finn, Rose, Leia, BB8, R2-D2 and C3-PO travel to corusant in order to prepare the beacon and start a riot
Rey, Poe and Chewbacca travels to a world in order to find someone who helps her with that force mambo-jambo she feels.
The first Order arrives to the resistace´s base but all are able to scape.
Finn´s team are able to arrive in corusant and activate the beacon atthe same time Leia record her message On Corusant in order to rise the fighting spirit, but Finn also prepare another message as a “surprise”
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But then Troopers discover them and force them to run in to the low levels of the planet-city, killing Leia in the process.
 Meanwhile, Kylo arrives to the sith planet (just like he arrives in to Exegol in TROTS) and meet Tor Valum.
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 The sith master begins Kylo trinning and force him to fight a Darth vader vision (Just like Luke inside Dagobah´s tree faces Vader) in an epic and violent duel between red lightsabers that Kylo loses.
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 Meanwhile, Rey, Poe and Chewie arrives the planet where Poe´s grandpa lives (with a very strong smugger vibre), a water world full of boat-like ships.
In there Poe´s grandpa take them to an alien seer who read Rey´s mind and make her some kind of “Stelar map” that can be use to find Kylo (In here it is showed that Rey and Poe are in a relationship, but I dont like that so...f*ck it)
 But then, SURPRISE! The Knights of Ren are there! They have been following Rey´s team all this time! A dinamic chase in the port that end with a hand to hand battle betwwen six dark warriors vs a jedi, a wookie and a guy with a blaster.
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On Corusant after seeing an emotional inspirational message from Leia to them from R2, Finn, Rose and the droids start a riot in the low levels and free plenty of prisioners.
 Heck, even 3PO kills a assasin droid using a blaster! saying “Oh dear! How uncivilized!”
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 After starting the fire, Finn and Rose have a talk.
 Finn: Well...that was a good start.
 Rose: Yes, but we cannot do much with a bunch of mad scavengers.
 F: Well, It will have to be enough. Is not like we can arm all these guys.
 Rioter 1: Actually...
 *Finn, Rose and plenty of Rioters in an elevator going to lower levels*
 Rioter 2: People forget Corusant was once the Imperial Capital City
 Rioter 3: And they left more that a few emotional scars in here.
 The rioters show them a hangar (now without guards) with hundreds of old imperial AT-STs that soon start to arm and paint in a more “Rebel” style that would make Sabine Wren really proud.
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In that moment 3PO and R2 see the surface of the planet, so sad and empty, seeing the first order HQ in the sky.
 C3-PO: “R2...Do you think we can win another war?”
 C3-PO: “You are right...at least they don´t have another Death Star...I´m tired of those kind of things”
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With Rey, Poe and Our Favourite Wookie. The girl decide to keep going alone because is something she needs to do, Poe refuse but in the end agree so the boys get back with the resistance and Rey goes to Planet Mortis when she meets Kylo ren, just after she faces a giant alien beast.
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 On Corusant the battle starts and thousand of AT-STs start to blast the stormtroopers, but here is Finn´s surprise. A massage to all the Stormtroopers! encorage them to fight back for what they know is right.
 Plenty of stormtroopers then start to shoot against their commanders and, without their helmets, join the rebels.
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 Hux, seeing all that chaos on the battlefield, order to the star destroyers in orbit to shoot against the rebels and the traitors, destroying the old city without care about civilian damage. But then another surprise.
 Hux: Here is Cancellor Hux! Open fire in the low levels and wipe out those rebels and traiotrs!
 Officer: We...We can´t do it, sir! We are under attack!
 H: What?! The rebel fleet can´t be enough to face ours!
 O: They are not just the rebels, sir!
 Then is showed in Orbit How all the ships that heard Leias message arrive (just like TROTS)
In there we can see Lando, (of course) the phantom, the Mantis, The Mandalorian´s ship, Hondo´s Ship...etc. But a first look to some familiar faces as Bossk, Dengar, Cad Bane, Embo, the gungans, the wookies, Jacen Syndulla, Sabine and Ezra (if he is found) etc. and Chewy and Poe with others in star fighters and X-wings.
 Meanwhile, on the surface the rebels face their final obstacle: gigant new walkers,, the final charge arrives, but one blaster hits R2! Without knowing about all the chaos who is surronding him, 3PO cry and show plenty of dark emotions before grab a blaster and star shooting Stormtroopers.
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With Kylo and Rey, they fought in a vicious and powerfull way. During this battle, Kylo confess her that it was him who killed his parent by Snoke´s orders  and, takinG adavantage of her rage, is able to blind her with his red lightsaber (just like Maul did with Kanan) but she is able to fight using the Force.
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On Corusant Again, the rebels start to enter in the HQ and the fleet is being destroyed by all the alliance ships. Hux is seeing everything from his office´s window at the same time he is receiving dozens of desesperate calls from officers and troopers asking for orders...but without answering them and with death calm, he takes one of the lightsaber of his colection (actually, Vader´s Lightsaber, don´t ask) and after kneel in front of his window, seeing all the chaos and explosions and watching several star destroyers falling apart from the orbit...he does seppuku.
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Kylo, after defeating Rey and ready for kill her is visited by Luke´s ghost again...and after denie him again, Leia and Han are showed as ghosts too (a talk kinda like TROTS) The redemption is done and Kylo use every energy he has and heals Rey, dying in the process. In here Kylo also says Rey´s family name: Solana, Rey Solana.
Rey becomes an avatar of light and shadows and faces Tor Valum, who was just another creation of Palpatin....a desesperate device to fool Vader in order to bring him a body able to posses (all this in not in the script but, screw it, i liked it seen palpatine again without the family relationship fanfiction thing) So Rey with all that “I´m every jedi” thing and after ACTUALLy seein force ghosts like Qui-gon, Obi Wan, Ahsoka, Mace Windu, Ki Adi Mundi, Aayla Secura, Luminaria etc. Strike pure-white forse lightnings in to Palpaties puppet, destroying him.
We have a happy celebration, Chewy recives his medal, Lando highfive hondo, cute ewoks, funny gungas, even Jar jar is in there, doing silly things and making people laugh. And Poe found Finn and both kiss.
Oh, and R2 is back! Chewy repaired him and 3PO laugh in front of him before start to argue again.
The final scene shows a farm with Rey in meditation and with a blindfold, lisening how a bunch of kids are traning with stiks the diferent combat forms. This is the new generation of jedi, jedi who will defend no light, no dakness but balance.
 And there it is, MY canon...if I do more fanart I´ll probably will do with this content...Do you like it? good, Do you hate it? sorry to hear that. Now is time to wait untill clone wars final season.
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Determined Alice Chapter 2
Sometimes, being an Alice left Meiko feeling invisible. Cinderellas were expected to be leaders and path makers, and Juliets were expected to be servants and slaves. Alices were . . . just there.
Meiko knew she couldn't complain too much, however. Having a cerulean butterfly tattooed on her left wrist instead of a blood rose meant she had the basic human rights most Juliets were denied. On the other hand, having that same cerulean butterfly tattoo instead of a silver crown meant Meiko would never have the opportunities available to her that were practically gift wrapped for a Cinderella.
News that had been circulating all over the media this past week didn't help. Some sources labelled this as the war between Cinderellas and Juliets. Nobody talked about the Alices. It seemed nobody cared. Alices were the middle class. As far as anyone who wasn't an Alice was concerned, they didn't fit anywhere in all of this.
Of course, such thinking was dead wrong. Alices had been in play long before anyone so much as heard about these so-called Thorns. Nobody suspected an Alice, leaving the Alices to come and go as they pleased.
Meiko's second cousin Teto, when spent the past year spying through the Cinderella Academy undetected by even the master of the school Opera Tonio himself, was a perfect example of this.
It was why Meiko didn't let the looks anyone gave her as she took her seat in the hovercraft get to her. Or at least that was what she told herself. She didn't want to admit that she was too impressed with the interior of the hovercraft to think about much else.
This was the kind of hovercraft seen in space war movies. Unlike most hovercrafts, which relied on autopilot to get its passengers to the destination coordinates punched in, this one was built for potential battle and thus driven by a pilot. Others would man additional aspects of the craft, such as communications and weapons. Back in the day, these were the types of hovercrafts the military utilized. Now only the secret service had these. The secret service, and anyone else who knew how and where to get their grubby hands on them.
Big Al and Rei, his hand-selected second-in-command, took their seats in the front. Rinto took over communications. Hio and Meiko sat in the weapons section although the weapons were deactivated for this mission, Hio preparing them just in case they needed to be used and Meiko gauging fuel efficiency.
Wanting to prove herself, Meiko ran through the checklist given to her in preparation for takeoff. When Hio tried to help, she growled at him to back off. The boy stared at her with his wide eyes.
"We're a team, Meiko," he whispered as to not be overheard by the others. "There's nothing wrong with letting me help you."
"As if I'm going to give you the chance to tell Big Al that you had to help me run through my own station," Meiko snarled. "I got this."
"Meiko, you've never done this before. Nobody is going to look down on you if you let me help you—"
"I got this!" Meiko snapped before turning away and running through everything twice more. It looked as if everything was properly set up. She didn't need Hio making her, the lone woman on the team, look as if she was the only one who didn't know what was going on.
"System check," Big Al announced as he started the engine. "Coordinates?"
Rei. "Check."
Rinto. "Check."
Hio. "Offline."
Meiko sounded proud as she announced, "Check."
"Are you sure?"
Gritting her teeth, Meiko had to keep from shouting, "How dare you question me and not the men!"
"Check," was what she said instead.
"Then we are ready to launch." Big Al flipped a few switches. "Everyone, buckle up. It's going to be a bumpy ascension."
Meiko buckled her seatbelt and leaned back in her chair. The flight to the Capital would take a couple of hours. Until then, it was only a matter of remaining calm and showing these men that she was just as capable as they.
For the most part, the flight was uneventful. Their fellow legion flew right beside them. The others laughed and joked as they hurled through the air at over three hundred miles an hour. Meiko kept to herself. Considering the guys didn't try talking to her or anything of the sort, keeping to herself wasn't that hard.
All the while, Big Al ignored the others as he focused on the flight ahead. Not having anywhere better to look, Meiko stared over his shoulder through the window. The cover of endless night should keep them well-hidden from those on the ground below.
As for other aircrafts, that's what prayer was for.
"I don't like this," Rei said after half an hour. "It's quiet. Too quiet. I feel like something should have happened by now. Even just a minor hiccup would be more reassuring than this stillness we've been experiencing since liftoff."
"Agreed," Big Al muttered, "but we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, Kagene."
I would be looking all the gift horses in the mouth. Meiko double checked her station. No change. That was more than fine. She wasn't entirely sure what to do if something needed to be fixed anyway.
The flight grew to be so boring, Meiko wished she had followed Hio's example and brought something with her. That beanpole had a book on him. Not a tablet. An actual book. As in a large-leather-bound-stack-of-paper-with-words-printed-with-ink-onto-the-pages book.
As rare as tablets were in Meiko's hometown, physical books were rarer. And this fool had the nerve to bring one with him on a potentially dangerous mission. Meiko tried not to stare, both at awe at such a device and at how stupid she thought Hio was.
She must have not restrained herself well enough though. Hio caught her staring and asked, "Do you want to look at it?"
Yes. "No," Meiko spat, committing herself to not looking at the boy for the rest of the flight.
That newfound commitment only lasted for ten minutes.
"Radar is picking up another craft," Rei announced. He audibly swallowed. "It's coming this way."
"Commercial?" Big Al questioned.
"Negative," Rei replied. "I studied all flight schedules the night before. This wasn't on the list. Besides, it's approaching far too quickly for its main purpose to be carrying citizens."
Big Al cursed. "Rinto, has the first legion picked up on the signal?"
"As a matter of fact, they just messaged me about it." Rinto adjusted the glasses on his nose. "Arls thinks we should contact them, tell them we're carrying supplies to the Capital."
"Just what I was thinking."
For a moment, Rinto typed on his keyboard. It must have been getting serious, for Rinto pulled a headset on and began speaking softly into the microphone. In a matter of seconds, his words were getting quicker and more urgent.
Pulling the microphone away, Rinto said, "Big Al, Arls's craft has been denied contact with this oncoming ship. Orders?"
"Try contacting it yourself."
Not even a minute later. "Connection denied."
Big Al swore again. "I don't think these guys are going to ask questions before they begin shooting. Kagene, how close are they?"
"Too close for comfort, sir."
"Looks like we're going to have to get our hands dirty for this one. Loid, Sakine, fire up the weapons. If our new friends are looking for a fight, then they are going to get one."
Finally, something to do. Meiko turned her attention towards her station and began flipping the necessary switches. Lights lit. Buttons blinked. Numbers flashed on display. Meiko gripped the lever to pull it down.
It didn't budge.
What the hell?
Meiko kept pulling, but the lever wasn't going anywhere.
Great. Not only was she the one person the others thought needed help to do her job, but she couldn't even pull the freaking lever down as well. She could already hear the men crackling at what a weak woman she was.
"Systems online, sir," Hio announced to the fleet.
"Efficiency?" Big Al questioned.
No matter how hard Meiko pulled the lever, it didn't move in the slightest. Father of many ugly and stupid children! "Anyone got any oil?"
Although he spoke at normal volume, there was still a lot of anger in Big Al's words as if he yelled at her. "You mean to tell me you didn't wiggle the lever before takeoff?"
Meiko furrowed her brows. Her words sounded dumber to her than they had to sound for everyone else. "I was supposed to?"
If there was one thing Big Al did as if it were an artform, it was swear. He further displayed that talent before snapping at Meiko, "These ships are at least a decade old, Sakine! We have to make sure nothing rusted into place before our lives depend on the functionality of those same levers. Didn't anyone tell you that?!"
Face burning hot, Meiko returned to the lever and tried to pull it. Nothing. That sucker was stuck good, all right.
"Arls is awaiting your command," Rinto supplied, a sweat breaking out on his forehead.
"Fire at will," Big Al replied. "As for us, we have a bit of a situation here."
"Let me help," Hio said, getting up and walking towards Meiko's station.
Meiko bared her teeth. "I got it!"
"No, you don't."
"Leave me alone, Loid!"
"Meiko, now isn't the time—"
"I said leave me alone!"
"Sweet mother of baby Jesus! Get out of my path!" Big Al bolted from the pilot's seat and stalked towards the section. After literally pushing Meiko and Hio out of the way, he wrapped his meaty hands around the lever and forced it down with a mighty grunt.
Then things began flashing that Meiko was sure weren't supposed to be flashing.
"You said our efficiency was in order!" he roared at Meiko.
Gritting her teeth, Meiko did not allow herself to cower. "According to the numbers, everything was exactly where it needed to be."
Big Al looked at the display before turning back to Meiko. "Yes, our takeoff and flight fuel is working splendidly, but did it ever occur to you to switch to the weapons tank to see how our energy beams were doing?"
"Your job was simple," Big Al growled. "Make sure everything was in order, and make sure there was an order for everything. How do you screw up this badly?!"
Snarling herself, Meiko spat, "How was I supposed to know all these rules about these crafts unless someone told me?"
"Ask someone to walk you through it. For the love of God, Sakine, didn't anyone offer to help?"
Meiko was more grateful than she cared to admit that Hio opted to keep his mouth shut. She had to have been set up. There was no other reason everyone but she, the woman, had a section that worked perfectly.
Before another word could be said, everyone cried out as the craft violently jerked to the side. It corrected itself after half a moment, but the ride was no longer as smooth. Nobody needed to be told what had just happened.
"Rei," Big Al began, "you're in charge until I get back. Hio, fire only if you know for sure you will hit a target. Sakine and I are going to the belly of the craft to see if we can load up the emergency guns."
Although she heard what Big Al said, Meiko still questioned, "What?"
"You heard me, Sakine." Big Al began walking, not even turning around to make sure she would follow. "It's your fault we're in this tight situation. Now I'm going to show you one of the ways you can fix your mistake."
Figuring it would be better to swallow her pride and at least try to correct her screw up, Meiko followed Big Al out of the control room and down to the generator. It was warmer down there than where they had come from, but Meiko didn't take off her coat even as Big Al did. She kept her arms crossed over her chest, eyes boring holes into the back of her superior's head.
Instead of reprimanding her further, as she expected him to, Big Al showed Meiko where the emergency generator for weapons was and how to activate it. "This will give Hio more resources for taking down anyone who's after us. However, these guns are not as powerful as the main source, so next time, make sure that's working before takeoff."
Meiko didn't respond. She only kept her arms tight across her chest. As if we both don't know you're going to talk to Mikuo to make sure there is no next time.
"Do you understand, Sakine?"
Trying not to growl, Meiko replied, "Yes, sir."
Before more could be said, the craft jerked again. This time Big Al and Meiko were both thrown to the ground. Meiko's head collided with one of the pipes, and she felt the vibration from her skull to her jaw down her chest. Ringing echoed in her ears for only a moment. She tasted blood where her teeth slammed down on her unsuspecting tongue.
Big Al pushed himself to his feet and simply ordered, "We need to get back now."
Then he did something strange. Leaning forward, Big Al offered his hand to help Meiko up.
Insulted, Meiko ignored his hand as she pushed herself to her feet. She wobbled for a moment, quickly pulling away from Big Al when he again reached out to wrap his hand around her arm. Although she wouldn't admit it, she was grateful Big Al waited till she regained her footing before he began stalking back to where the others were.
"Situation?" he barked as he and Meiko stepped inside.
Before anyone could answer, another shot from the attacking ship fired. Rei jerked the craft out of the way, but he didn't act fast enough. The side was hit, and fire and smoke began to rise.
"This is bad," Rei muttered, saying what was undoubtedly on everyone's mind.
Big Al opened his mouth to speak, but then he froze. Meiko looked in the direction his eyes were trained, and she froze too. She felt everyone else follow their example.
A missile whizzed past them, not coming close enough to touch the already damaged craft. Not that it mattered. Their craft wasn't the target.
Feeling to be trapped in slow motion, Meiko watched the missile hit the other legion, sending the main engine into a fiery explosion.
"We've been hit! WE'VE BEEN HIT!" cried the voice from Rinto's headset, which Meiko heard despite being over six feet away from Rinto. Then there was static. Then nothing.
They all watched the other hovercraft fall from the sky like a dead bird. Although they had already flown past the crash site by the time the other craft hit the ground, everyone still heard and felt the boom of their fellow comrades meeting the earth. It wasn't until Rei, the first to recover, yanked their craft out of the path of another oncoming missile, saving them by the skin of their teeth.
Everyone got to work. Big Al returned to his station and ordered Rinto to try hailing the other Fighter craft again. He continued letting Rei, whose reflexes were better than the older man's, pilot the craft. Hio shot at the enemy craft, but it was too big for his energy beams to do much damage.
Meiko, all the while, had nothing to do. Her job was to monitor everything. Monitor things that didn't seem to need it. There was nothing for her to do save sit and watch while the men took all the action. Hers was the most pointless job one could be assigned.
Watching as Hio tried to shoot their target out of the sky, Meiko got an idea. Something of that size would react no differently to a human stepping on a small, round rock. However, no matter the size, all crafts relied on electricity to get from point A to point B.
With that thought, Meiko jumped to her feet and bolted out of the control room, ignoring Big Al's shouting questions such as what the hell was she thinking.
If there was one thing Meiko did perfectly every time without fail, it was keep weapons hidden on her person. Daggers were strapped to her biceps and thighs, small knives were tucked into her sleeves just above the wrist, and there was even a switchblade hidden between her breasts. She could reach all of them and stab her unknowing opponent in a matter of seconds. Yet what she needed wasn't a blade. What she needed was an electro orb, which was conveniently tucked inside her inner coat pocket.
One other thing Meiko did right was check the weapons on board long before liftoff. Even though she had no plans to use any of them, since this mission did not require her to fight or defend herself or anything similar, she wanted to know where they were just in case. This was that just in case, and it took Meiko only a minute to retrieve the bazooka. Along with it she picked up and slung on a backpack. She didn't need it, but she wasn't dumb enough to break all the rules.
Feet planted firmly onto the floor, Meiko pushed the button to open the hovercraft. The large ramp began to descend while they still flew through the air, an enemy craft not far behind. The incoming wind whipped through Meiko's hair and coat, and she had to squint from the bitter cold air rushing into the craft and biting her skin and piercing her eyes.
With the door now open, Meiko got a clear view of the war craft right behind them. She saw the missiles launched their way. When another was fired and Rei swerved to avoid it, Meiko stumbled and desperately tried to regain her footing. Swearing, Meiko used her free hand to reach out and steady herself against the wall. She needed to act fast so she could close the door again without falling out of the hovercraft like an idiot.
Meiko slid the electro orb into the bazooka and aimed. It was as she was about to fire someone grabbed her shoulder and threw her onto the ground.
"What do you think you're doing, Sakine?!" Big Al roared as he stood over her. "You abandoned your station in a time of crisis! Do you have any idea what's in store for cowards who run away when their team is in danger?"
"I'm not running away!" Meiko argued as she pushed herself onto her knees. "I was going to take out the enemy craft until someone interrupted me."
"An electro orb is not going to work against something as big as that," Big Al sneered, and Meiko wondered how he knew she had an electro orb on her. "That thing is bound to have at least three generators; even if you kill the main power and two generators, odds are the thing will still be up, running, and coming at us with an even more aggressive approach now that you showed them what you can do. Firing that would only make things worse for us, not help us."
"You wouldn't be saying that if it was Rei or Hio here."
"Precisely, because neither of them would be as stupid as you to try to act on their own."
A retort was on Meiko's tongue, but it was lost when the enemy craft fired again and Rei swerved to avoid it. However, he didn't swerve enough, and the missile clipped the side of their craft. The force was enough to send the whole thing sideways as it violently jerked up and down from the blast.
There was no hope for Meiko to regain her footing as second time, and Big Al was even less balanced than she. Both were thrown into the air. Big Al flew out of the opening of the craft first, and Meiko, try as she might to hold on to the smooth floor, slid out to follow.
With no time to think, Meiko activated her parachute, grateful she decided to don a backpack after all. She was jerked yet again as it expanded and dramatically slowed her descent, but the journey downwards was otherwise smooth. An ache forming in her chest, Meiko watched as her craft flew away, the enemy craft not far behind.
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dccomicsimagines · 6 years
Sister Saved - Young Justice Imagine
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Requested by Anon -  A young justice kaldur imagine where when he's on a mission with the team and then he meets his dad and kaldur discovers that he has a little sister whose in her teens that he didn't know about sister gets captured by the team kaldur trys to get her on his side and some angst.
Author’s Note - Sorry, I changed it up a lot.
Black Manta stood proudly in front of his son. “I’m glad you chose to join me, Kaldur’ahm.” He gestured for Kaldur to follow him onto the ship. “We have much to do.”
Kaldur swallowed hard, slowly trailing behind his father. He still couldn’t believe he was doing this. The moment he walked onto this ship, he was going to be playing a dangerous role as a double agent. Telling himself it was for the good of the world, Kaldur kept his feet moving. One after the other. Black Manta didn’t seem to notice Kaldur’s struggle.
“You’ll have to prove yourself to me, but that will come later.” Black Manta opened a door to reveal a training room. “It’s time for you to meet your sister.” Kaldur’s jaw dropped open in shock.
In the middle of the room stood you with glowing atlantean tattoos on your arms. You growled, spinning around to shoot out a trio of water-made arrows straight into the hearts of the training dummies positioned in the corner. At the sight of Black Manta, you quickly stopped what you were doing to bow.
“Greetings Father. I see you have brought a guest,” you replied, keeping your head down.
Kaldur sputtered, turning to look at Black Manta who was watching him. “A sister?”
“Your half sister. (Y/N) is part atlantean as well.” Black Manta blinked. He focused on you. “Perform your swimming exercises. Fifty laps.” You kept your eyes down, running to follow his orders. Black Manta snorted. “She’s incompetent, but with training, she might be of use someday.” 
A rock formed in Kaldur’s throat as he clenched his hand into a fist. It made him sick to hear him talking about you in such a heartless way. “What am I to you then, Father?” he asked carefully.
Watching your ‘brother’ travel up through the ranks easily made your heart burn with rage. You stood in the back of the room as your father named your brother his second in command. Everything in you wanted to scream and demand why you were being treated this way. You were the one by your father’s side for years, but the moment Kaldur showed up, he was the golden child. 
“My heir,” Black Manta said, clapping a hand onto Kaldur’s shoulder. “Come my son. Let me show you to your room.” He led Kaldur out of the room. Kaldur swallowed hard, wondering what he had gotten himself into.
Once the clapping was loud enough, you slipped out of the room. Keeping a quick pace, you hoped to make it to your tiny room before your father discovered you had left your brother’s ceremony. 
“(Y/N),” Kaldur called behind you. You froze, tensing as you heard him jog to catch up to you. “I noticed you left.” 
“Yes, I did.” You kept your back to him. He would rat you out to Father and you’ll be punished again. 
Kaldur hummed. You could feel him studying you. “Would you like to join me in a swim?” 
“What?” You turned to give him a suspicious look, shocked when you didn’t see anything in his face except genuine kindness. 
“I was wondering if you would like to take a swim with me? I understand Father requires you for exercise, but I was hoping we could have a more relaxing swim?” Kaldur kept looking at you. You stared back at him for a long moment until you realized he was waiting for an answer. 
Months later, you were setting up the bomb in the basement of the Kroloteans’ base. The orders had came down the chain of command, leaving the responsibility to you. You weren’t sure how to feel about setting a bomb that might kill all the Kroloteans and superheroes alike, but you swallowed hard and did your job.
You felt the blood rush to your face. “I suppose I could join you.” He gestured for you to follow him as he walked away. You kept your distance, wondering if this was some kind of a test or trap. Pursing your lips, you decided to be ready for anything.
You froze when you heard someone sliding down the hole behind you and land. Knowing you were ordered to stay out of the fight by Kaldur, you ducked behind a corner to peek around. You frowned when you saw a man standing in the shadows.The man didn’t see you as someone else slid down the other tube behind him. It was Kaldur with his waterbearers out. You frowned, worried Kaldur was going to get jumped by the man in the shadows. 
“Kaldur?” the man in the shadows said, stepping into the light. Your eyes widened as you took in the blue bird on his chest. You recognized him as Nightwing from your files your father had you study. Kaldur tensed at his name, turning to face the man. However, Kaldur relaxed slightly, but kept his guard up. Nightwing didn’t react. You sensed something was between them, but it wasn’t what you expected from Kaldur’s supposed betrayal of the heroes’ trust. 
“Just you and me, old friend,” Kaldur sneered. He was acting, you spend enough time with him over the last few months to know when he was not being truthful. Part of you wanted to announce your presence, but you felt it was your duty to see how this played out. 
Another man slid down the tube a moment behind with a superman symbol on his t shirt. “No!” The man dropped into a fighting stance. You tensed at the sight. “It’s a regular reunion special.”
You chose that moment to appear, running to Kaldur’s side. Both Nightwing and the man with the superman symbol jumped slightly in surprise. You created a water spear from the nearby water, flipping it around before getting ready to attack.
However, you froze when Kaldur dropped his water bearers.  “Fine.” He nodded for you to do the same. You did reluctantly, an uneasy feeling in your stomach. “You can take us down or you can save everyone from this bomb.” Kaldur stepped aside to reveal the bomb you had set. 
The two heroes tensed at the sight. Your mouth twitched slightly as Kaldur continued talking. “I am told the yield is quite impressive.” Suddenly, the one with the superman symbol ran forward, knocking you out of the way and attempting to punch Kaldur. Kaldur quickly dodged him and knocked him to the floor with a shock to his neck. He met Nightwing’s eye. “You have two minutes.” 
You struggled to your feet. Your ribs aching from hit. Kaldur nodded at you and ran to dive into the nearby pool. You trailed behind him as quickly as you could with a passing glance at the heroes. Nightwing was staring at you before you did a sloppily dive into the water. 
Kaldur was waiting for you just under the water. He glanced you over before grabbing you and swimming toward the waiting ship. You tried to help him, but your ribs were on fire.
Once you were in the ship, Kaldur helped you to the medical bay. “Treat her,” he ordered the medic before he touched your cheek. “Let him look you over, I will return once we’re out of range.” Kaldur quickly left the room. The medic made you lay down on the bed before the ship shifted as it sped through the water. 
“How are you feeling?” Kaldur asked once you gave him permission to enter. You were in your bedroom, resting your broken ribs. 
You struggled to breathe when the ship rocked from the impact of the bomb. Part of you wondered if the heroes got out in time while the other part became suspicious of Kaldur. It was like he warned the heroes about the bomb. You bit your lip, debating whether you should mention it to your father. However, your heart warmed at how concerned Kaldur looked when he noticed you were injured. You bit back a scream when the medic pressed your ribs as you decided you would keep your suspicions to yourself for now. After all, if Kaldur cared about you, he couldn’t be up to something that would betray your father, could he?
“I’m okay,” you whispered, using a spell to make the water from the glass on your bedside flow like a river in the air. “It’s just hurts to breathe.” 
Kaldur sank down on the edge of the bed, watching you. “You have to be careful around Superboy.”
“Superboy?” You cocked your head. “So he was not Superman?” 
“No, Superman has a cape and looks older,” Kaldur explained. He blinked as you used your magic to guide the water back into the glass. “You do not know what Superman looks like?”
You shook your head, laying back against your pillows. “There wasn’t a picture in the files Father had me study. I never saw him growing up as we lived off the coast of Upolu. Once my mother died, Father took me in and I’ve been on one of his ships ever since.” You shivered. “Is Father upset with me?”
Kaldur swallowed hard. He pressed his lips together, deciding to keep what Black Manta had actually said to himself. It would break his heart to see you hurt by telling you your father’s words. “He is concerned and wishes for you to have a speedy recovery. However, he is satisfied with the outcome of the mission overall.” 
“Good,” you mumbled, looking down at your hands. You tried to hold back a yawn, but whined in pain when you couldn’t. 
“You should rest.” Kaldur laid a hand on your shoulder to push you to lay down. 
You bit your lip. “Will you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep?” You cursed yourself for showing weakness, but your stomach twisted at the thought of being alone. Despite everything, you were growing to care for Kaldur.
You eyed Lagoon Boy in the cell. He looked just like he did in the files you studied. You wondered if his magic was like what the file said, but he had the inhibitor collar on to prevent him from demonstrating.   
A smile pulled at Kaldur’s lips as he patted your arm. “I’ll stay.” Once your eyes were closed, he frowned slightly. Guilt tugged at his heart. He took your hand, making a promise to make sure no matter what happened during the course of his double agent mission, that you would be safe.
“Who are you?! How dare you go against our King!” Lagoon Boy snapped, grabbing the bars of his cell. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Orin is not my king.” You pressed your lips together. “Your mission failed. The satellite was destroyed.” 
“When I get out of here, I’ll hunt you down and you’ll spend the rest of your life in prison.” Lagoon Boy glared at you before Kaldur entered the room. 
“(Y/N), our father wishes to speak to you,” Kaldur said, gesturing for you to leave. You nodded, eyeing Lagoon Boy once more as you left. 
Your father was waiting in his private quarters for you. “(Y/N), it’s time for you to prove yourself to me.” Black Manta frowned. He towered over you. “The Light has instructed me to make a move on a United States’ submarine that is containing plans for a super weapon. I have decided you will strike the submarine.” 
“Me?” Your eyes widened in surprise.  “Father...” 
“Silence,” Black Manta snapped. “I have trained you for years. I need to know you are worth my time.” You shivered at how cold his voice sounded.
Swallowing hard, you nodded. “Yes, Father. I will compete the mission.” Black Manta handed you a flash drive. You stared at it like it was going to explode in your hand. 
You were just about to slide your helmet on when Kaldur appeared in the doorway of the airlock. “(Y/N), I have to speak to you.” 
Black Manta left the room, not giving you another glance. Your hand started to shake as you trapped the flash drive in your fist before quickly retreating from the room.
“Yes, Brother?” You gave him a surprised look, doing your best to hide your nervousness. 
Kaldur rested his hands on your shoulders, looking you straight in the eye. “Do not kill anyone on your mission. Do what you need to do and get out.” 
A frown pulled at your lips. You shivered at how intense his gaze was. “Father says lives don’t matter, only the mission.” 
He closed his eyes, sighing deeply. When he opened them, you were surprised to see a hint of desperation in his eyes. “To take a life leaves a mark on you. It is a burden of guilt you can not shake off. I do not want that for you, so I beg of you, (Y/N), do not kill anyone.” 
A knot formed in your throat, making it hard to swallow. “Is this because you killed your old teammate, Artemis?” 
Kaldur bit his lip. “Yes,” he said carefully after a long moment. You sensed there was something else behind his words, but you let it go. “Be safe.” He took a step back. Perhaps he knew he was revealing something he shouldn’t be. 
Flipping onto the submerging submarine, you quickly opened the hatch and jumped inside. You slipped into the shadows as the entrance sealed behind you. 
You nodded, tears burning your eyes as you put on your helmet and activated the airlock. Once the doors opened, you swam off. You felt Kaldur watching you go. Your heart heavy from the burden placed upon you. 
Skillfully, you moved through the ship, taking out crew members who got in your way. You didn’t kill any of them. Kaldur’s words echoed in your head, stopping you from making any killing blows. You always paused to make sure each one was still breathing. 
Once you reached the right terminal, you found the plans and copied the files onto the flash drive. You pulled out the flash drive before taking out the other flash drive to plant the file erasing virus. Your orders were to leave no trace, so you developed the virus on your own. 
The virus triggered an alarm. You swore under your breath as you felt a presence behind you. “Surrender, child,” Aquaman said coldly. He stood in the doorway behind you.
You turned to look at him, glad your helmet hid the surprise on your face. “How did you know I was here? You weren’t supposed to be on this submarine,” you demanded, using the water in a nearby water bottle to form a spear. You spun it around before dropping in a offense stance. 
Aquaman frowned as he readied himself to fight. “You activated a silent alarm once you entered the vessel. We knew someone would attempt to get the plans.” Suddenly, he rushed toward you, fist swinging. You dodged, spinning your spear and knocked Aquaman off his feet. In one quick move, you almost drove the spear into his body, but Kaldur’s words stopped you. You froze, giving Aquaman a chance to kick you hard enough to knock you into the wall. Your concentration dropped, the spear splashing into nothing in your hand.
“Stay down, girl,” Aquaman growled. You froze when you realized your helmet had been knocked off. You looked up at Aquaman in shock. Aquaman flinched. “Kaldur’ahm...you look like him. Why do you look like him?” Aquaman stepped toward you.
Your father was impressed with your mission and you were given a promotion of sorts. The other soldiers gave you the proper respect as they gave Kaldur and Black Manta. You were proud of yourself even though your stomach twisted at not knowing if you killed anyone from sinking the submarine.
“Get away!” You cast a spell your mother taught you, knocking Aquaman back against the far wall with a wave of water that burst through the hull. The hole was above your head as the water poured into the sub. The submarine began to sink as the entire vessel began to implode on itself. You quickly swam out of the submarine, zooming away while Aquaman was distracted trying to save the crew. 
You were given several solo missions after that. Kaldur kept his distance from you, and you felt it was because of the arrival of his new partner, Tigress. You sensed something odd between them, but you ignored it as you always did when it came to Kaldur.
Months passed as you went mission after mission. You made sure to follow Kaldur’s words and never take a life. However, you knew it was only a matter of time before you had to kill someone. Finally, you were called back and allowed to attend the Light’s meeting with the Reach. You walked down the hall of your father’s ship, searching for Kaldur. When you received the news he had been attacked by Miss Martian, you wanted to come back, but your father ordered you to continue your mission. You were told by your father that Kaldur had recovered, but you wanted to see him for yourself. 
“Brother,” you said happily when you found him standing outside the control room with Tigress. Kaldur smiled at you before whispering something to Tigress. Tigress studied you for a moment and walked away. 
“(Y/N), it is good to see you.” Kaldur laid a hand on your shoulder. Your heart warmed at the attention. “It has been some time.” He looked a little pained, but you ignored it. 
“I heard you were injured,” you said worriedly. You studied him before glancing over to see Tigress was still watching you from down the hall. 
Kaldur followed your gaze, frowning slightly. “Yes, but I have recovered.” He pursed his lips. “Come with me.” He pulled you down the hall and into his bedroom. 
You were confused. “What’s wrong?” An uneasiness grew in your stomach as you thought about all the times when something about Kaldur never seemed right. 
“(Y/N), you must listen to me,” Kaldur said calmly, placing both hands on your shoulders. He looked you straight in the eye. A shiver ran down your spine. “I need you to know that no matter what happens at the meeting that you will be safe with me.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “Okay,” you said slowly. “But I already know that.” 
Kaldur chuckled, letting his hands drop off your shoulders. “Yes, but I mean what I say. You will be fine if you stay with me.” 
You hummed, not understanding. “Okay, Brother.” 
Your heart was in your throat as you hid behind a rock. The fighting was happening all around you. Pressing your hands over your ears, you closed your eyes. Your breath came out in ragged gasps as you tried to understand what had happened.
He sighed in relief before leading you out the door. “Come along. We must be going.” You hesitated. Something felt off, but you pushed it away and followed him. 
Tigress was revealed to be the dead hero Artemis, and then Kaldur was shot. You could only stare at his body in shock before your attention had been captured by the video explaining how Kaldur had been playing you all the whole time. Everything you had observed made sense, but now that Kaldur was dead, you wondered if you should have brought your suspicions to your father anyway. 
While you were still comprehending everything, hell broke loose. You ducked behind the rock, lost and confused as the fighting started around you. Kaldur’s promise from earlier floated into your mind. You peeked over the rock to find an alive Kaldur and your father battling away while the heroes took out the Light’s and Reach’s soldiers. 
“No, no no,” you panted, closing your eyes as you slid back down behind the rock. Panic gripped your heart. You stayed as quiet as you could, hoping you weren’t found. You remember Kaldur said you would be safe if you stayed with him, but what did that mean? What would happen to you if your father lost this fight? The heroes wouldn’t accept you, would they?
You froze when you heard Kaldur cry out. Quickly, looking over at the edge of the rock to see Kaldur fall to the ground from one of Black Manta’s blast. 
“Stay down, my son, or I will kill you for this treachery,” Black Manta said coldly.
“You will not win, Father, even if you kill me,” Kaldur snapped before looking over at you. You flinched at being seen, but Kaldur met your eye. The love and reassurance in his gaze made you calm down in a way you found only Kaldur could do. As Black Manta’s helmet lit up to fire a killing blast, you cast a spell to cause the water to form a shield around Kaldur just in time to block the blast.
“(Y/N)!” Black Manta shouted when he saw your shield. He followed Kaldur’s gaze and fired a quick blast at you. You quickly rolled out of the way. “You useless brat! How dare you betray me?! You would be dead if it weren’t for me!” Your father fired another shot at you. You quickly formed another water shield around yourself. The blast knocked you to the ground. The impact shook you down to the bone. 
“Leave her alone,” Kaldur growled, getting to his feet. He turned his water bearers into a mace and slammed it into Black Manta’s chin. Black Manta fell to the ground, out cold. 
You stared at your father with shock. Your heart hurting from his words, but you couldn’t ignore the relief the sight granted you. Kaldur panted before putting his water bearers away. You realized the fighting around you had stopped and the heroes were standing around either watching you and Kaldur or talking to Tigress, relieved she was alive. 
Kaldur slowly walked over to you. He held out a hand to help you up. “Are you alright?”
You eyed the blood stain on his armor before taking his hand. Trying to speak, you croaked and had to clear your throat. “Maybe,” you whispered, stealing glances at the other heroes. “Am I going to prison now?” 
“What? No.” Kaldur shook his head, taken back. “(Y/N), I told you I would keep you safe. You will be fine.” Kaldur kept holding your hand. “Come on.” He pulled you over to the other heroes. You trembled with fear, but you felt safe, knowing Kaldur wouldn’t let anything happen to you.
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megabadbunny · 5 years
In Lovers’ Meeting (4/?)
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“Be careful!” Rose called after him.
He spun round at the door. “If you insist,” he said, offering a cheeky wink before he popped open the door and stepped out into the dark.
A rewrite; dedicated to the absolutely wonderful @davinasgirlfriend​​ . <3
* * *
- Chapter 4 -
Fluttering lids and lashes and fluorescent lights flickered overhead, on, off, on—
“—an emergency, please, open the doors!”
—light, dark—
Voices, some she knew, some she didn’t. The push and pull of a tide. An ocean full of life; bodies, packed together like fish. Murmuring.
“Move—out of the way!”
Scuffling and a whoosh sound, something out of Star Trek (or was it Star Wars?), a brisk breeze or an opening door, and her chest was so full that it ached, pounding like a lorry had hit her full-force, and she couldn’t breathe, and it hurt— 
“Mrs. Tyler?” asked a voice, briskly, and a light shone into Jackie’s eyes from far away, white-hot and bright, slicing through the darkness like a knife. “Mrs. Tyler, can you hear me?”
Mouth opened but nothing emerged except a weak, strained wheeze, like one of those old people with the emphysema and the breathing-machines, and was that her…?
“...patient appears to be suffering from pulmonary edema and acute hypoxia among other—”
“Oxygen, she needs oxygen, now!”
The world tilted on its axis and she was falling—no, she was flying—no, someone or something was lift-lift-lifting her up, and then she was lying down, something soft beneath her, and she blinked and there was something on her face, a nasty plastic thing that smelled of rubber and hospitals, but at least she could breathe again, even if blackness was bleeding back into the corners of her vision.
“Mum!” cried out Rose’s voice over the sounds of frantic beeping and someone muttering “No no no no Jackie, don’t you dare quit on me, don’t you dare—”
Jackie’s eyes rolled back and Rose shouting was the last thing she heard.
 For several long and agonizing moments it was far too quiet in the little grey room, the infirmary silent but for the sound of the heart monitor’s chipper little beep-beep beep-beeps. The Doctor listened to Jackie’s breaths and counted down the measures of her pulse and scrutinized her from head to toe as she lay on the cot, sure to hang back at a minimum safe distance while the attending physician checked up on Jackie’s vitals, pressing her stethoscope to Jackie’s sternum and stomach. After double- and triple-checking his observations, running numbers and scenarios in his head rapid-fire, the Doctor allowed himself to relax a little.
“How is she, doctor?” asked Rose, gripping the side of the cot hard enough to turn her knuckles white. 
“Eh, blood pressure’s a little lower than I’d like,” replied the Doctor. “Fever’s coming down thanks to the painkillers, antibiotics should help in the case of infection, but of course she’s still got the fluid in the lungs, sounds like a few microliters more than I’m comfortable with, might have to consider a nitrate treatment, maybe dobutamine if things get dicey, but she’s stable enough for the time-being, or appears to be, anyway.”
Rose and the physician both stared at him.
The Doctor scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably. “Right! Medical doctor, lowercase ‘d’. Of course. Got it. Carry on.”
“As he said, she’s stable for the moment,” the physician explained. “It’s a good thing you got her here when you did—a few minutes later, I’m not sure what I could have done.”
“Rubbish twenty-first century medicine,” laughed the Doctor. “One does what one can.”
The physician frowned at him, blinking uncertainly over her surgeon’s mask. “I’m sorry. Who are you?”
“Right! Didn’t exactly have time for introductions earlier, did we?” The Doctor gave a little wave. “I’m the Doctor. Nice to officially meet you. And you go by...?” 
“Sarah Saito, MBBS. Just call me Saito.” Saito peeled off a glove to shake the Doctor’s hand. “Now. The Doctor. Wouldn’t happen to be the same bloke that helped with the Cyberman outbreak a few years back?”
The Doctor beamed. “Indeed I would be! How’d you know?”
Saito gestured to Rose. “Agent Tyler’s mentioned you a time or a dozen. The Doctor would do this, the Doctor would say that—”
“Has anyone else made it to the infirmary so far?” Rose interrupted. “Anyone else presenting symptoms, I mean?”
“Yes, I’m treating another live patient with this condition.”
“How are they doing?” asked Rose.
Saito hesitated, glancing between Rose and the Doctor. Whatever the answer was, the Doctor knew it could be summarized as Not well.
“Let’s focus on our objectives here,” the Doctor said quickly. “Education, containment, prevention. What are we dealing with, where did it come from, how does it spread, how do we keep it from spreading further?”
Rose nodded. “And how do we cure Mum and anyone else who may be sick?”
“And that’s where education comes in. We learn what this thing is, we learn how to stop it.”
“What do we know about this thing so far?” Rose asked Saito.
“Not much,” Saito admitted. “We’ve got security looking into the situation, trying to suss out whether this is a natural outbreak or the byproduct of biological warfare, and the medical field team is upstairs collecting what samples they can. But the quarantine protocols seem to be interfering with our network connection; we haven’t received any reports or updates for a while now.”
“Probably a couple of reasons for that,” the Doctor muttered darkly.
“Point is, we’re in the dark down here until the connection is restored.”
Rose swore under her breath. “What can we do for Mum in the meantime?”
Saito hesitated once more, removing her glasses in a bid for time. Not a good sign, the Doctor knew.
“Agent Tyler,” said Saito, not unkindly. She tucked her glasses in her labcoat-pocket. “Your mother is very ill—”
“I know. What can we do for her?”
“Run some tests,” Saito replied. “Make her comfortable.”
Rose glared at her, then turned to the Doctor. “What can we do?” she asked.
In other circumstances, the Doctor might have felt inordinately pleased that Rose turned to him for help, but—well, no, there was no but, he was just as pleased as he would be any other time, he just had the good sense to hide it at that moment. “If we’re lucky, the antibiotics will take care of everything, just whoosh the whole nasty thing out of her system and usher her straight into healing, but I don’t particularly feel like banking on luck here, and I’d imagine you don’t either,” he replied. “We really need to figure out a way to reverse or at least halt the contagion’s sanguinary alterations.”
“You mentioned that earlier, that this thing was changing the victims’ blood.”
“Exactly. Deoxygenation is our major concern at the moment. The oxygen mask is helping to prevent oxygen-starvation, but ultimately, it’s a plaster, not a cure.” He considered. “Now, if we could devise a method of speeding up platelet production…”
Saito frowned. “What are you thinking?”
“Oxygen enrichment,” the Doctor murmured thoughtfully. “Replenishing the depleted supply, so to speak. Replacing the damaged cells with healthy ones. The problem is, even though the human body is constantly producing new platelets and plasma, it can only manufacture so much so quickly. But! There were some very promising rapid-platelet-production techniques introduced sometime between the twenty-first and twenty-third centuries—you’ve got access to a somatic 3D printer and hematopoietic printing material, right?”
“What about a transfusion?” asked Rose. “Like a blood transfusion. Would that help?”
“Could do, if you had a ready match.”
“I don’t know if that’s possible,” said Saito. “The blood bank is inaccessible due to quarantine—”
“I’m a match,” Rose replied.
“—and with a direct transfusion, there are too many factors to take into account—”
“How do you know?” asked the Doctor.
“—such as screening for potential disease—”
“Mum’s donated to me a couple times.”
“—which, as you mentioned, we haven’t exactly got the time for—”
Wide-eyed in alarm, the Doctor frowned. “Why?”
“—and I don’t know if I could, in good conscience, endorse or participate in such activity—”
“Occupational hazard. Look, it’s not relevant, all right?” Rose said impatiently. “Do you want my blood or not?”
“Are either of you even remotely listening to me?” asked Saito, exasperated.
“No,” Rose and the Doctor both replied.
Saito huffed. “Of course not. And are either of you licensed medical practitioners, by any chance?”
Fishing out the psychic paper, the Doctor presented it with a flick of the wrist. “Depends. What does this say?”
“It just says you know everything.”
“It’s not wrong,” said the Doctor, pocketing the paper with a grin.
“But you don’t know what this is, what we’re dealing with.”
“Yet,” the Doctor replied cheerfully. “I don’t know yet. But I intend to find out. Hence the aforementioned education. Weren’t you listening?”
Fishing around in his pockets, he found the sandwich generously gifted to him earlier. “You need to eat,” he said, tossing the sandwich Rose’s way.
Rose caught the sandwich, wrinkling her nose. “Did this come from Miranda? Is it safe?”
“It is; the sonic would have picked up on it, otherwise. And you need to eat something if you’re going to give blood.”
“I can’t even begin to list all the ways your proposal violates the Hippocratic Oath,” Saito protested.
“Hippocrates! Great man, decent gambler, still owe him twelve drachma,” said the Doctor, hands in pockets as he waltzed lazily over to the door. “Or is it Euros now? Did they convert in this universe as well? I’ll have to find out. Another opportunity for education!”
“Where are you going?” asked Saito. “You can’t leave the building while we’re under quarantine.”
“Oh don’t worry; I shan’t. Just popping out for a bit of R&R—that’s Research and Reconnaissance, by the way, not Rest and Recuperation, no rest for the wicked, after all—and I’ll be back before you know it. Oh, and you should probably call someone to take care of that little zombie problem up in the cafeteria.”
“Zombies?” Saito asked faintly. “Is that supposed to be some sort of joke?”
The Doctor flashed her a grin. “Nope!”
“Be careful!” Rose called after him.
He spun round at the door. “If you insist,” he said, offering a cheeky wink before he popped open the door and stepped out into the dark.
 Rose’s gaze lingered on the door all through her call with security, her brow furrowed in worry, like if she stared hard enough, the Doctor might waltz back in, smug but safe and sound.
“So,” said Saito, gathering supplies as Rose ended her call. “Still fancy him, then?”
Rose blushed. “Just shut up and take my blood.”
 For some unfathomable reason, for a brief time after she and the Doctor joined company, Donna was obsessed with those ghost-hunting programs, the ones where fellows with tape-recorders and slicked-back hair stroll around empty buildings late at night trying, desperately, to make something out of nothing. Amused to no end, the Doctor would look on and shake his head as Donna watched the programs with rapt attention, her eyes glued to the blokes wandering around onscreen with their green night-vision goggles, playing with tape recorders and radio signals and pulling random words out of the noise and jumping at every little shadow that crossed their path. The Doctor, pages deep in some dusty old tome or days deep into whatever half-constructed project lay strewn about him on the library settee and coffee table, would chuckle and insult the program under his breath, meeting Donna’s protests of Oi, we deal with this sort of thing all the time, don’t we? Who’s to say they’re not every bit as legitimate as we are? with an exaggerated eye-roll and an assertion that no, these programs do not include actually feature any ghosts, at best they’re an incorporeal wavelength lifeform, Donna, terribly common and not at all as exciting as television paints them out to be, and besides, ghosts have much better things to do than make funny noises on radio waves. Sometimes the Doctor would tease Donna dreadfully, trying to convince her with mock-sincerity that that tiny critter on Falbrath IX was actually a paranormal entity or those rattling pipes in that old mansion was actually definitely a ghost, Donna! Quick, let’s take the TARDIS back to 1996 and nab a tape-recorder!
Now, the Doctor suppressed a shudder. Creeping through the darkened halls, he couldn’t shake the feeling that someone lurked over his shoulder at that very moment, that the shadows painting the empty corridor were something more than inky darkness pooling in the dim starlight. He said a silent belated apology to Donna—if ever there was a haunted building, late-night UNIT headquarters would be it.
Soon the sounds of scuffling boots and plasticky crinkles and hushed voices in the stairwells informed the Doctor that UNIT had already dispatched a squadron of HAZMAT-suited agents in response to Rose’s call to take care of their little zombie problem, and blimey, that was fast. The Doctor opted to carry out his reconnaissance mission in a calmer area instead, popping open the door to one of UNIT’s communal office spaces with a furtive glance and a buzz of the sonic. He crept quietly through, cataloging everything around him, from the potted plants to the fluorescent lights flickering overhead, from the hardwood floor to the white-tiled cubicles stretching as far as the eye could see. Just your standard posh office workspace, even if a sense of foreboding lay over the place, settling in the walkways and the empty desks, thick like an autumn fog.
The Doctor picked the first computer that caught his eye and sat down, knocking something off the desk in the process. He plucked the something off the floor and chuckled. It was a Yoda bobble-head figurine, of all things. Hideously ugly and completely tasteless. He loved it.
“You and me, then?” he said. “Yoda and the Doctor. Seems fitting, somehow.”
Setting Yoda back on his rightful perch, the Doctor turned his attention back to the computer, aiming his sonic at the screen and cracking the passcode. He bypassed the firewalls to the secure server within moments, easy as rewiring a verteron resistance accelerator. So this sonic was every bit a magic wand as much as the last one, it would seem. Good to know.
(He refused to think of it as the different sonic or the other sonic; it looked and felt and acted the same as his old one, it was the same as his old one, even down to the funny little dent beneath the atomic accelerator. So it was might as well be the same, might’nt it? He wouldn’t even have known it wasn’t originally his, if Rose hadn’t told him. Though that notion opened up another can of worms entirely.)
“Think I’ll ever hear the rest of that story?” the Doctor asked bobble-head Yoda, whose head shook nonsensically in reply. Hardly a helpful response, but then again, Yoda did always have that annoying habit of speaking in opacities.
Fingers flying over the keyboard and eyes darting over the screen, the Doctor located and scanned over every report he could find, everything the medical team managed to upload before their unfortunate transition into zombie-hood. But so little time had lapsed since the beginning of the outbreak that UNIT hadn’t been able to run but a few tests, and what few tests they had managed to run had generated no concrete theories or results. (And of course, there was no mention of zombies or otherwise reanimated corpses to be found. If only the medical team had thought to document their experiences as they were undergoing them. Though the Doctor imagined the reports would probably just read something along the lines of “I was quite warm, and now I’m a zombie; I don’t care for it; mlaaaarggghhg brains.”) The only helpful tidbit the Doctor could filter from the mush was that one or two of the medical officers suggested the contagion could be extraterrestrial in origin, before they themselves contracted said contagion.
“And in their protective suits, no less,” said the Doctor, frowning. If the medical team had contracted the illness even in their suits, then what guarantee did they have that the security and containment team wouldn’t meet the same fate? But no, the Doctor thought; Rose would have told them everything they needed to know, and they would have responded accordingly, taking additional precautions—whatever additional precautions they could, anyway.
“I have to admit, this has me stymied,” said the Doctor. “A mystery contagion, no idea what it is or where it came from or who might have brought it here or why. Or how it reanimates the dead, for that matter. But they’re not technically zombies, not really, unless Sibelius Crow is hiding somewhere nearby and I just haven’t noticed. Which is highly doubtful, to say the least.”
Bobble-head Yoda did not reply, save to bobble his head unhelpfully when poked. The Doctor sighed in frustration. “The only thing in here that’s even halfway noteworthy is a report on the new paint job and some complaints of mold. These reports are literally as boring as watching paint dry, and just as useless.”
(Except the medical team had said something helpful, hadn’t they? Even if they hadn’t meant to, even if they’d been dead when they said it. Give it to us, they’d hissed at him back in the cafeteria, and they’d indicated that Jackie was what they were after. But why?
And if the medical team truly was dead then who was it, exactly, that had been talking to him?)
“I mean, extraterrestrial in origin hardly narrows things down, does it?” murmured the Doctor.
Yoda nodded sympathetically.
“My thoughts exactly,” the Doctor agreed.
Blinking past the blur that threatened to creep over the edges of his vision, the Doctor squinted at the computer screen for several moments before realizing, with no small amount of disgruntlement, that in this new human body he may actually need reading glasses. Well, wasn’t that just wizard. Donna’s faulty human DNA was clearly to blame.
He clicked through file after file after email after report until finally something interesting piqued his attention. He sat up in his chair, eyebrow arching in surprise.
“Now here’s something,” he murmured. “According to this report, none of the blood samples taken from the victims displayed any presence of antibodies. Strange in its own right; your body’s always got antibodies ready to fight off foreign contaminants, extraterrestrial origins or no. Bodies are sort of handy that way.”
He flashed Yoda a cheeky grin, wriggling the fingers of his good fightin’ hand. “Get it? Handy?”
Bobble-head Yoda did not respond.
“You’re right,” said the Doctor with mock-sternness. “This is no time for puns. Though I’m personally of the opinion that most times are good times for puns.
“So despite the unusually high temperatures of the victims at the time of death, we’re not actually looking at a fever here, because a fever is just the body’s way of fighting back, but whatever we’re dealing with completely dismantles the body’s ability to defend itself,” the Doctor continued, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “Ergo, it’s probably not a virus or disease of any sort. What it is is something that shuts down the body’s defense mechanisms, spreads alarmingly quickly, and appears to be immune to the usual precautions and even extra precautions. However—and this is worth noting,” he offered to Yoda, as an aside, “it only seems to affect certain people. Rose, for instance, hasn’t begun to suffer any ill effects, and presumably there are dozens of others in the building who are uninfected as well. Is it only a matter of time for them, have they simply managed to avoid contamination somehow, or is there some important physiological difference between the healthy and the infected?”
Bobble-head Yoda was, as usual, silent and withholding.
“Fat lot of help you are,” said the Doctor cheerfully. “But at least now we know our next step: finding the similarities between our various victims. Shall we?”
Easier said than done; a scan of each victim’s personnel file revealed far more differences than similarities. There was Miranda, a not-quite-middle-aged dinner lady, followed closely by the second victim, a more-than-middle-aged nighttime caretaker, and a third victim, an office worker who took ill and died immediately after stepping foot in the building. Then you had the medical team, not one of them alike, and the mysterious second victim in Saito’s care, receiving treatment along with Jackie. Strangely, according to the report, the young man fell ill after being bundled into sickbay with several others, but he appeared to be the only one affected. So far, no one else in sickbay had begun to exhibit any symptoms whatsoever. At least he was still alive, even if his condition was a little dicey; the other victims had all died within moments. The Doctor tried not to think of what that meant for Jackie.
He scowled. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t find a single factor to connect the dots between Jackie and the other victims, not age, not gender, not ethnicity, not vocation nor location nor general health or anything else, save that they all worked in this building, and they were all (presumably) human. Factor in the unusual symptoms, the highly irregular behavior re: antibodies, the likelihood of non-Earth origin, the reanimation of the bodies after death, and the absence of other markers indicating an infection related to viruses, diseases, or bacteria, and you had—
—a Doctor who was still completely stumped, and a Jackie who was running out of time.
“Rubbish,” the Doctor announced. “The medical team just overlooked something, that’s all. Not that I can blame them; I’m certain they were rather busy getting infected and turned into zombies and such. But if you want something done right…”
He pushed back from the desk, offering a brisk nod to bobble-head Yoda. “So long, then. But a word of advice, one supercentenarian to another: 900 years is no excuse to let yourself go.”
Jogging to the office doors, the Doctor quietly pushed them open, sticking his head out into the darkened hallway and glancing both ways. Of course, with the active quarantine in place, the hall was deserted, free of any over-enthusiastic UNIT agent that may attempt to apprehend and re-quarantine him, though something about the faulty fluorescent lights flickering queasily overhead made the Doctor uneasy. He couldn’t shake the feeling of something crawling up his spine, even as he busied himself locating the UNIT floor directory, scanning it for the location of their laboratory.
A click at the end of the hall caused his head to whip round, his gaze sharpening, scanning the area for the source of the noise. But nothing unusual greeted his senses, just walls and ceiling tiles and potted plants and that never-ending flicker overhead. He took a few steps forward and gave a good long look at the door at the end of the hallway anyway, just to be safe.
Nothing. Just a nagging little buzz-hum rattling around the back of his head, probably the cheap overhead lighting. UNIT really should replace it all.
Shrugging, the Doctor turned back to the directory, only to jump back in shock.
Miranda stood there.
 Rose tried very hard not to stare at the other patient behind the glass, averting her eyes as best she could while Saito wheeled in her mother into the observation room and arranged a more longterm setup. (“Technically a breach of protocol, bringing a patient in here for treatment,” Saito had explained moments before, “but this is the easiest way to keep an eye on everyone. That’s what comes of being the only physician on the graveyard shift, I suppose. Desperate times, desperate measures, and all that.”). But Rose’s curiosity got the better of her, and there she found herself. Staring.
The patient lay in the other room all alone, prone atop a hospital bed, staring up at the ceiling through glassy dark eyes; his skin had faded to a papery nigh-translucent white, and his fingernails and lips and eyes were stained utterly black, as if painted with ink. Between the oxygen mask strapped to his face and the tubes plugged in seemingly willy-nilly all over his body, the poor young man looked like a machine more than anything, like a cyborg or maybe Darth Vader peeled halfway out of his protective black shell. He was totally still, save for the stilted breaths that entered and left his body with a watery wheeze; Rose couldn’t help but think he already looked like a corpse. Rose kept glancing through the window at him as she shed her trusty leather jacket and Saito seated her and prepared her for the transfusion. She watched him while Saito prodded at her arm for veins and swabbed the inside of her elbow with an alcohol-soaked cotton ball. Even the bite of the needle in Rose’s skin wasn’t enough to tear her attention away.
White skin, watery wheeze, black-stained fingernails and lips and eyes; that poor fellow was knocking on Death’s door, and Death was about to answer.
“So, Agent Tyler,” said Saito, monitoring the transfusion tube as it pumped blood straight from Rose’s arm into her mother’s. “It’s been a while since you last visited medbay. How’ve you been—”
“You don’t need to do that,” Rose interrupted.
Saito shot a glance over her spectacles. “Do what?”
“Distract me, keep my mind off all this. I know it’s part of the routine, but you don’t need to worry about it with me.”
“Agent Tyler—”
“Not Agent. It’s just Rose, now.”
Saito hmphed. “Welp, that answers the question of how you’ve been doing, at least.”
“Yeah,” said Rose flatly. “Been a lot better.”
“Been a lot worse, too. I was actually just getting ready to commend you for going a whole three months without needing stitches or a cast.”
“That you know of,” replied Rose with a faint smile.
She quieted, looking over Jackie’s limp body, at the blank expressionlessness of her face, deceptively peaceful beneath the oxygen mask. “S’weird,” said Rose. “Usually I’m the one on the bed, and Mum’s the one fretting over me. Never knew how hard it was to be on this side of things.”
“Not a role reversal you particularly care for, hm?”
Sighing, Rose reached out with her free hand to push a stray hair out of Jackie’s face. “This is why I told her not to come after me,” she said quietly. “I knew something like this would happen. She’s supposed to be safe, at home, away from all this stuff.”
Her mouth twisted in unhappiness. “Why didn’t she just stay put, like I told her to? I told her.”
“Yes, because the Tyler women are notorious for following orders without question,” Saito replied drily.
The urge to fling a lob of sarcasm swelled like bile in her throat but Rose did not reply, focusing on her mum instead. For several moments all that could be heard in the room was the pulsing of the heartrate monitors. Rose imagined she could hear accusations hidden in their tones, a rising chorus of Your-fault Your-fault Your-fault echoing off the sterile white walls.
Something seemed to soften in Saito’s features as she watched her. “Chin up, Rose,” she said, her voice much gentler than usual. “How many times have you pulled something out of a nosedive at the last second? Besides, your Doctor bloke’s here, isn’t he? And didn’t you tell me a hundred times what a miracle-worker he is? Even if his methods are highly questionable,” she added, rolling her eyes. “But if anyone can help your mum, it’s the two of you. Right?”
Rose hesitated. I think like him, he’d said. Same memories, same thoughts, same everything, he’d told her. Part of her wanted to believe him; it would be so easy to surrender to everything her gut was screaming to be the truth, to believe he could fix everything, just like before.
(That was one hell of a bet to hedge her mother’s life on. Then again, what other option did she have?)
Rose swallowed hard. “Yeah,” she replied quietly.
 “What are you?” the Doctor asked.
Peering out from behind a ragged curtain of matted, oil-slicked hair, Miranda did not reply, or rather, her body did not; it watched the Doctor in silence, blinking just a fraction of a second too slowly, dark lids sliding over dull black eyes. Ichor dripped out of its mouth, trailing a path down, down, down its chin and throat and chest, staining Miranda’s work uniform and filling the air with the cloying stench of damp and rotted things. Its veins were far more pronounced, now, a horror-movie spiderweb of pitch-black lines inked into its face and the tissue-thin paper of its sternum. Its hands hung dull and heavy at its sides, darkness pooling in its fingertips.
Anger flared up in the Doctor’s chest, so burning-violent that his hands balled into fists and shook with the force of it. He fought to tamp it all down. He didn’t have time for that sort of nonsense. More importantly, Jackie didn’t have time. And besides, this wasn’t about him; this was about helping those infected, preventing the infection of anyone else. He could punish himself for his oversights and shortcomings later.
He could punish this thing later.
“The other bodies seemed to understand me. Do you?” he asked, louder this time. “What are you? And what are you doing here? And why?”
“You know who this body is,” Miranda’s body responded, its words slow and thick, its tongue weighing heavy in its mouth.
“I know who it was. Not so sure, now.”
Miranda’s body tilted its head, almost thoughtfully. “The Miranda. This is the Miranda.”
“Except that’s not true, is it? Not anymore.” When Miranda’s body fell silent again, the Doctor heaved a sigh in impatience. “Oh, come on, you know what I’m asking. No need to play coy, we’re all friends here. Well, not friends so much as some sort of invasive contaminant and the person most voted most likely to try and kill it dead, but, you know. Potato, tomato.”
“We need your help.”
“Oh, do we now?” asked the Doctor, eyebrow piqued. “My help, specifically?”
“Well, isn’t that something,” the Doctor murmured, studying what used-to-be-Miranda’s face, like maybe something in its ichor-darkened features would give its intentions away. “Curiouser and curiouser. Do you even know who I am?”
“Traveler,” Miranda’s body hissed. “Magic-maker. Time-bender. Death-bringer.”
“That last one’s a little melodramatic,” muttered the Doctor. “How do you know all of this?”
Miranda’s body shook its head. “Not important. We need help.”
“Well, why don’t you tell me what we are, and I’ll see what I can do.”
“Help us,” it hissed.
“Tell me what you are,” insisted the Doctor.
“Help us.”
“Tell me what you are.”
“Help first.”
“Nope!” said the Doctor cheerfully, and good grief, wouldn’t that horrible buzzing noise overhead ever cease? “You want my help, you answer my questions. That’s how it goes. No other way, no other choice. So one last time before I start to get testy: what are you?”
“Not what,” gritted out Miranda’s body. “Who.”
“Fine. Who are you?”
“We are us. Ourselves. Legion. No name. Can’t tell anything more. Not before help.”
“Oh, but you’ve already told me so much, just now,” said the Doctor, rocking back on his heels. “See, your use of we indicates the plural, moreover the persistent use of we in lieu of any other pronoun indicates a lack of sense of individual self, and that, coupled with your insistence that you’re a who, not a what, yet you’ve got no name—well, that sounds an awful lot like a hive mind, doesn’t it? And it’s clear you’re not local, not unless this Earth has got some very funny little quirks the other one hasn’t; an extraterrestrial hive mind, then. Oh, but what need has an extraterrestrial hive mind got for human bodies, hm? Human bodies, but not human brains. Make that a parasitic extraterrestrial hive mind. A parasitic extraterrestrial hive mind that, somehow and for some reason, has the capability to possess humans—” 
The lights flickered again overhead and the Doctor snapped his fingers in revelation. “Ah, not somehow—telepathy, that’s how!” he said excitedly, pointing to the lights above him. “That pesky flickering, that’s you lot, isn’t it? Interference with the electronics due to a low-level telepathic field. Explains that horrible intermittent buzzing sound, too—actually, anytime you’d like to knock that off would be fine by me, still got that post-regeneration extra-sensitivity and it feels a bit weird in the teeth. Although to be fair, the new teeth always feel a bit weird, so maybe that one’s on me.
“And that explains why you’d know certain things, doesn’t it? Like my identity, all that—your telepathy has granted you access to your victims’ memories. You probably know everything about me that Jackie does. And oh!” he shouted as realizations struck him, one after the other. “Oh, that explains why the protective suits don’t make a difference, as well! Telepathic possession isn’t like an infection or a virus or bacteria or disease, it’s not strictly physical, it doesn’t care if you’ve got antibodies or a protective suit. So you possess your victims, override their consciousness with yours via telepathy, and you mutate their bodies after, killing them in the process. That makes you a telepathic, infectious, fast-spreading, parasitic, zombie-generating extraterrestrial hive mind, with a nasty little side serving of murder.”
He glanced up at the Miranda-thing with a sharp grin, feeling very proud of himself. Certainly Rose couldn’t help but be impressed, if she saw him right now.
“How am I doing, so far?” he asked.
The corpse did not reply.
“So that brings us to the million-dollar question, which is: Why are you doing all of this?” the Doctor asked thoughtfully. “Why are you infecting humans, why are you killing them? Why are you changing their bodies on the molecular level? And why have you only targeted some of them, as opposed to others? Not that I’m complaining—broadly speaking, the fewer people you murder, the better—but why choose one human over another? Or have you even got a choice, or is it something else altogether? Just, why?”
“Wasting time,” rasped Miranda’s body.
“Whose time?”
“Yours,” it replied, its voice a snake slithering through the leaves. “Hers.”
“Now that sounds an awful lot like a threat,” replied the Doctor. He chuckled darkly. “Something you should know about me: I don’t take well to threats.”
“Not a threat. A promise,” hissed the corpse. “Help us, or she dies.”
 As soon as the transfusion was complete, the needle removed and the tube with it and everything swabbed and bandaged and clean, Rose grabbed her jacket and slipped it back on, wrapping it snugly round her frame. Warmth suffused her bones and she sighed in relief; she felt much better with the jacket on, shielding her like a protective shell. Not to mention, giving all that blood had made her terribly cold. And a little sleepy too. Or maybe that was just the overall lack of sleep.
“You feeling all right?” asked Saito, concerned. “You look a little pale.”
“M’fine,” Rose lied.
“If you’re feeling faint or anything, you should let me know.”
Rose pulled her jacket tighter. “Don’t worry about me. Worry about my mum.”
“Agent Tyler—I mean, Rose—”
“What should we be doing for her?” Rose asked.
Saito huffed impatiently behind her surgeon’s mask. “I will continue monitoring her and running tests. You don’t need to be doing anything right now, except having a bite to eat. And maybe a lie-down.”
“I don’t want—”
“Too bad. You gave blood; you need a snack. Doctor’s orders. Two doctors’ orders.”
Rose hmphed. “Fine,” she said, grudgingly reaching for her sandwich. “I’ll eat, and then you’ll tell me how I can help.”
“Eh, truth be told, there’s not much you can do, unless we hear something different from your bloke.”
“He’s not my bloke,” said Rose as she peeled back the clingfilm.
She could tell Saito was struggling not to roll her eyes. “Well, until Not-Your-Bloke gets back, help me keep an eye on your mum, and keep her company,” she replied, peeling off her gloves. “That’s basically all you can do.”
Saito started to stand up, but hesitated. “A word of advice, if I might?”
Rose nodded at her to proceed.
“I’d like to think we have a good shot at saving your mother,” Saito told her. “I’ll do absolutely everything I can to help her. Knowing your family, she may survive out of sheer stubbornness, much as anything. But in my experience, it’s generally wise to hope for the best, whilst preparing for the worst.”
Rose’s hands trembled around the sandwich, clenching squeakily in the clingfilm. She forced them still. “Are you saying I should start planning her funeral?”
“No. But if there’s anything you want to tell her, now would be the time. Doesn’t matter if she’s unconscious. Better to say something now than risk leaving it unsaid.” Pushing up from the stool, Saito laid a gentle hand on Rose’s shoulder. “Take it from someone who knows firsthand, Rose. Regret is a terrible thing.”
Swallowing, Rose nodded again. Saito gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze before she left the room, and now it was just Rose and her mother, and an atmosphere thick with uncertainty. Rose watched her mother as she slept, her eyes motionless beneath her eyelids, her mouth parted beneath the oxygen mask, her hands cold and still. She looked nowhere near as bad as the patient in the room beyond, but she was awfully pale, and the blackness in her fingernails had spread. Already, she looked like a ghost.
Your-fault, your-fault, your-fault chimed the heartrate monitors.
Rose clenched her eyes tight against the fear and guilt that threatened to overwhelm her. She couldn’t do that right now. She couldn’t give in. She had to be strong, for her mum. She had to help her fight. She had to help her win.
“Right,” she said, breathing out a shaky exhale. Rose set the sandwich down on the empty stool, scooting closer to her mother. She reached out and grabbed her mum’s hand, flinching when her mother did not respond. Worrying the inside of her cheek, Rose cast about for something to say. Anything. Anything at all.
(But her treacherous mind couldn’t conjure up any words, could only show her the last time she’d held the hand of a body on a cot, and the Doctor’s fingers were stiff and icy between hers, and it didn’t matter how stubborn he was, he was still—)
Rose tightened her grip around Jackie’s hand. She wouldn’t let that happen to her mother. The fact that Rose hadn’t got there in time to save the Doctor was irrelevant. She wouldn’t let her mother die. She wouldn’t. She wouldn’t.
She gathered her breath and her courage. “So,” Rose said, her voice trembling. “Mum. What do you want to talk about?”
 “Killing one of my friends is an excellent way to ensure you’ll never get my help in any capacity whatsoever,” said the Doctor with a brightness that belied the anger in his eyes. “Now, do you want to try another approach, or shall I levy some threats of my own?”
Miranda’s body blinked lazily, its lips falling open and closed, as if it were considering. “Help us and we will surrender your friend.”
“And she’ll be healthy? No more fluid in the lungs, no more burning up, no more risk of turning into whatever-the-hell-you-are?”
The corpse shook its head. “She will be restored.”
“Excellent!” said the Doctor, clapping his hands. “That’s a little more like it. Now, what can I do for you?”
“Home,” breathed Miranda’s body. “Help us go home.”
“All right. Where are you from?”
“Far away. Very far away.”
“Well, that’s helpful,” the Doctor said mildly. “You got yourselves here, why can’t you get yourselves back?”
“Can’t. Not without help.”
“Why not? What, did you run out of pocket change for the intergalactic Underground?”
“We fell,” said Miranda’s body, and if the Doctor didn’t know any better, he’d think its tone mournful. “There were holes in the world. In the earth and sky. The nothing came, and it ate all the stars.”
“That sounds an awful lot like the Reality Bomb,” the Doctor murmured.
“We saw it everywhere. Stars, gone. Worlds, gone. All of them, lost to the nothing. We fled, to outrun the hunger. To outrun its maw.”
The corpse’s tongue slithered out, running over its teeth, exploring the crannies and jagged edges of them as if, perhaps, considering them for the first time. Black fluid smeared around its mouth and the Doctor grimaced in disgust.
“It swallowed everything,” Miranda’s body whispered. “Nowhere left for us to go. We took refuge in the howling black. We thought we were safe in the dark. But the dark…”
Miranda’s body shuddered. “It eats, too.”
“So you fled to the Void?” asked the Doctor, half-impressed. “How’d you manage to survive that?”
The body twitched, a convulsion borne of memory and fear. “Didn’t,” it rasped. 
“Then how are you here?”
“Heard the song of the Vortex, sung by the magic box. Followed it.”
“Magic box,” the Doctor hummed. “I can only imagine you mean the TARDIS. So you did a bit of extradimensional hitchhiking, then.”
Miranda’s body nodded. “We clung to the box and followed our hope. Searching for safety. But it was too late. Just shadows, now. Desperate to live.”
“And the only way you could survive is by inhabiting the bodies of others,” said the Doctor, suddenly understanding.
“Yes,” whispered Miranda’s body. “An unfortunate necessity. Sins committed so we may survive. But we smelled it, now, the return of the stars overhead. The nothing is gone. So now, we can go home.”
It stepped forward, pleading. “We will claim no one else, if you take us home.”
 A small eternity had passed by, and still, Rose couldn’t think of anything to say. She squeezed her mother’s hand, wishing desperately that Jackie would squeeze back in response.
“I guess I should probably call Pete, yeah?” Rose said quietly, staring at the floor. “So he can come and talk to you too, so that he can—you know. Just in case—”
Her breath hitched in her throat. “Should he bring Tony, too?” she asked, forcing the words out even though they hurt. “I mean—no, he can’t. Neither of them can come, can they? Not with the contagion. Can’t risk them getting sick too, can we?”
Sighing, Rose leaned forward, propping herself up with her elbows on her knees. God, she was tired. Even just thinking was as exhausting as climbing a mountain.
“Video chat could work, though,” she continued. “That way, we can make sure they both get to see you before—you know, if anything—like Saito said, about the worst—just—”
Rose sniffed loudly in the empty room, but Jackie’s eyelids did not flutter, her mouth did not move. Her hand did not squeeze back.
“Just wake up, Mum,” said Rose, and her cheeks felt suspiciously wet all of a sudden; surprised, she reached up to thumb away first one tear, then another, and another and one more. Her vision grew blurry and the pressure in her sinuses grew unbearable and before she knew it, the dam had split and tears were trailing down her cheeks, one after the other, growing fat at the curve of her jaw and dropping onto her jacket with a plasticky splat. Rose bit her lip to hold back the tears, but it was a halfhearted gesture because as horrible as it was to cry, as much as it made her feel like a small and stupid child, god, it was just such a relief.
“Wake up, please,” she said again, sniffling, and tried not to think about what life would be like without her mother in it.
(Would it have felt the same, if she’d successfully stayed in the other universe, and all the paths had sealed shut behind her? Would the realization of Jackie’s loss have struck her like it did now, pounding at her chest until she curled in on herself, until she withered under the weight of it all as the truth fully struck her that she would never ever see her mother again?
Lips pursed shut, Rose inwardly shook herself. No. This was nothing like that. It wasn’t. It just wasn’t.)
“I’m so sorry, Mum,” Rose said thickly through her tears. “I didn’t want to leave you behind. I never wanted to hurt you. Never, ever. But I wanted to get back so badly, and I thought—I don’t know, I thought if I could just get back to the other universe, everything would work out all right in the end, somehow. You know? Like it would fill this hole inside me, the one that’s been growing ever since we first came over here. I wouldn’t feel empty anymore. I wouldn’t feel broken anymore.” 
Pain welled up in her at the thought of those first few months after Canary Wharf, fresh and bleating as the day it happened, so much worse than the throbbing in her damaged fingers, all of it so loud she could barely think past it. But Rose forced herself to continue. “It all just hurt so much, Mum,” Rose said, pleadingly. “Getting stranded here without the Doctor or the TARDIS—s’like, I’d had a purpose before, yeah? When I was with the Doctor, we’d travel all over, righting wrongs, fixing things. Helping people. But I didn’t feel like I could do that properly here. I didn’t—” 
She sniffled, loudly. “I didn’t feel like I could do it on my own. It was like someone had broken both my legs, and I couldn’t walk anymore. But working on the Cannon, working on getting back—not just to get to the Doctor, but to stop the stars from going out overhead, to help people again—it gave me something, Mum. I had meaning again, I didn’t feel so empty anymore. And then I worked so hard, for so long, that it was like everything about me, everything that makes me me, hinged on me succeeding, in getting back to him. Does that make sense?”
Rose swallowed. “I thought everything would turn out all right in the end, somehow. So I just tried not to think about it, yeah? How much I’d be giving up, to be with him again. You know?”
Silence was the reply.
“I should have told you all that upfront,” Rose murmured. “But I was just—I dunno. After Canary Wharf, after Will, after Plymouth—”
Memories of burnt ozone and a room full of screams sliced through her vision and Rose clenched her eyes to close them out. Her lips clamped shut, the words burning her like scalding-hot coffee in her mouth, even now.
“After all that, and everything else,” Rose tried again, her voice shaky, “I didn’t want to let anyone in. I thought it would be easier that way, if anything bad did happen. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, right? But the worst is here, Mum, and it’s not like anything I planned for. Nothing I did made any difference, and now everything’s gone wrong and you’re sick and I don’t know what to do and I’m not ready for any of it, I’m just not ready, I’m not—”
Her face crumpling so hard it hurt, Rose lapsed forward onto the hospital bed, surrendering to the gravity of her exhaustion and sorrow. Clenching Jackie’s hand tight, she sobbed into the mattress. “Please don’t go, Mum,” Rose half-wept, half-choked. Great heaving sobs wracked her shoulders and she cried even harder, gasping for air. “You can’t leave me. You can’t. Please, Mum. Please.”
Jackie did not respond.
Rose wept, and wept, and wept.
 Scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably, the Doctor paused to consider. Even amidst his anger and disgust, he felt a small swell of sympathy for the creatures. They’d done what they felt they must in order to survive. They’d clawed their way past impossibility, banding together in the face of certain death. Theirs were actions borne of complete and utter instinct, the desire to live overriding everything else, leaving only fear and desperation behind.
That didn’t change anything, though. Didn’t reopen the holes between universes; didn’t grant them a way to slip back through.
It didn’t change the fact that they were killers.
“Please, take us home,” said the corpse, reaching a ghostly hand toward the Doctor, palm up. Its veins were black and stark beneath moonlit flesh. A request writ in ink. A plea birthed in blood. “Please,” it rasped again. “Help us.”
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 
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